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M1 Computer ethics

Computer Ethics
Module I
Computer Ethics
Ethics – is the field of study that is concerned
with questions of value, i.e, judgements about
what human behavior is “good” or “bad” in any
given situation.
Computer Ethics
Computer Ethics – Ethical judgements are no
different in the area of computing from those in
any other as computers raise problems of privacy,
ownership, theft and power.
Computer Ethics
Unethical acts
 Copying
any resource material from a book or
online materials without the permission of the
 Accessing
someone’s personal information on a
computer system.
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Intellectual property
Internet Etiquette or netiquette
Day-to-day Ethics
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Intellectual Property – refers to creations of the
intellect: inventions, literary and artistic works,
symbols, names, designs used in commerce are
part of it.
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Categories of intellectual property
Industrial property – which includes trademarks,
industrial designs, commercial names,
designations, geographical indications and etc.
Copyright – which includes literary and artistic
works such as novels poems and plays, films,
musical works, drawings, paintings, photographs,
sculptures, and architectural designs.
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Only the authorized owner can :
 Reproduce
 Prepare
derivative works based upon it
 Distribute
 Perform
 Display
copies of it
the work publicly
the work publicly
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Internet etiquette or “netiquette” – is the code of
acceptable behaviors users should follow while on
the internet.
Real people exist
behind the computers
Protect your privacy
Avoid spamming
3 Major areas of computer ethics
Day-to-day ethics – modified forms of ethics told us
by our grandparents/parents.
Don’t open a letter of others.
Don’t copy a home work of others.
Don’t listen to any conversation of others secretly.
Software Piracy
Creation of computer viruses