Uploaded by Jenee Peace

To Kill a Mockingbird Church One-Pager Assignment

First Purchase A.M.E Church
One Pager Assignment
Using the description provided in chapter 12, create a one pager that provides a “picture” of
what Calpurnia’s church looks like, on the inside.
One pager must include:
1. Pictures (at least 3 things that were mentioned in the text)
2. Textual references (quotes)
3. Personal Response: How was Scout’s description of the church different from her
church? What inferences can be made about the Maycomb and the time period based on
the description Scout provides?
5 pts
4 pts
3 pts
1 pt
-The information used is
accurate and demonstrates
good research (close
-Information is
Information is somewhat
accurate. Project does not
demonstrate much research
and/or details.
Information is not always
accurate and it does not
demonstrate much
research or examples.
-The information is
not accurate. Very
few or no details.
-Provided information for
some of the illustrations,
not all
-Did not provide much
-Student used multiple
quotes for information.
-Project does
demonstrate some
research and/or
-Did not provide
information or very
limited information.
-Did not address all
Illustrations were created
with effort (not hurried);
large enough to see; they do
a good job illustrating the
Personal Response
Response or Question and
Answer indicates a
thorough understanding of
the text;
Student makes relevant
connections with material
and provides personal
experiences with detail.
The project was neat, clear,
and shows a lot of
brainstorming and effort
went into it
Illustration were
created with “some”
effort; pictures
illustrate information
Illustrations were created
with little effort; picture
does not necessarily
illustrate information
Illustrations were created
hastily; they do not clearly
illustrate the information
No illustrations or
very few
Response or Question
and Answer indicates
an understanding of
the text
Response or Question and
Answer indicates a partial
understanding of the text;
information may be too
general or simplistic
Response or Question and
Answer indicates a very
limited understanding of
the text; response may
exhibit some flaws
Response or
Question and
Answer is
confused, and/or
Student makes some
connections and provides
personal experiences
Some or no personal
connections were provided.
The project lacks neatness
and looks like little effort
was put into it; the
information isn’t organized
well on the paper
The project is sloppy and
disorganized; it looks like it
was done on the “bus”
Student makes
relevant connections
and provides personal
The project is not as
neat as it could be,
but the information is
No connections or
The project is
extremely sloppy
and disorganized or
large sections are