\ w - "/_.- Roll No. ...................... \.:21:t"- Total No. of Questions : 06] ,-rl' [1btal No. of Pirgcs : 02 M. Pharmacy (Sem. _ 1.') (pharmaceutics) Dosage Forms Dcsign, Dcvclopmcut and proccss Valiclation SUB.IECT CODE :PI{CEU-Sl3 Paoe{ ID : [E021.t] lNo(. : pleasc n[ surrjc.t code .nd pip.r ID Time:03 Ilours Insllllclion to 1) 2) -o Ol) Ca oD Otfll] llaximum Marks : 80 ndidrrcs: Atterrpt any Fivc questions. All questions caly equal marks. a'; What is mcant by preformulation studies? Euruneratc the type of invcstigations-caried out dururg this phase. eive a br.ief account of.the approaches that can be applied for successfully formulating a BCS class . IV drug into an oral dosagc fomt. Q2) +- b) Wirat is the rnechanism ofgaseous sterilization? Discuss the validation of gascous sterilization process. a) Discuss thc significance ol partition coefficient with respect to physiological pI{ in ilfluencing oral drug absorption. Enumeiate the methods used for modilyihg the partilion coeflicient ofa drug. *, b) Whar are polymorphs and how this knowledge can bc applied to dosage form design? Cotmert on the methods used for detecting polynorpllsm of drrrg candidaics Q3) a) Give examplcs of different types of cyclodextrins and mention their applications in drug delivery. b) Give examples of biodegradable poly,rners ald distinguish them from bioerodable polymers. Mention their advantages and limitations. Briefly explain thc rnethods used for explaining the m ha4li.sm of drug release \aNcE5-\\ from thcsc polyrneric vehicles. R-300 PT,O. O4). "" a) "' b P5J '-' IQ OQandPQ between Meution the differenccs {illing process' validared lor a ascptic MentiolFeters ;;l; ) Exp Ia i n r hi x ot ro py "" I,:"[]T:X:X"JJ, ::,'ffi:'J ProPcnies with modilicr in matnx tablels' resPect #H rJ":'; Writc short notes on pH-independent drugrelec' criteria of polymers for release intra "i" of pollmers for sustained ,i"t'"n h) "' Rheological ton'id"'ution lomulation *u,"uti 'j"ttable a) 96) b) 'rlelines? Briefly comment on these guidelines sTnS-T'lf whar needed to be suttnxned' the tlpe c d"ra rhat is $erilization "n*"tuting protocol for validating filfation idation val the BrieflY describe process' *t III 2 R-300