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How to Read with Your Child: A Parent's Guide

Don’t open the book yet!
Look at the front cover together – read the title, look at the picture.
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What do you think the book will be about?
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Who/what can you see in the picture?
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What type of book do you think this is?
Look at the back cover too! Read the blurb text together.
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What does the blurb tell us?
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Was your prediction correct? Have you changed your mind?
Children are easily distracted and find it difficult to focus. We need to ask them
lots of questions to keep them engaged!
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How do you think this character feels?
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Why? (always ask why to encourage deeper thinking!)
Don’t turn the page yet!
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What do you think will happen next? Why?
Children often need picture clues to help them understand the words in the story.
Look at the pictures together and ask questions.
Use different voices when the characters are speaking. Children need this to help
them understand who is speaking, and how they are speaking. It’s really fun too!
Find new words and enjoy finding their meaning together. A Junior Dictionary is
great – it is easier for children to understand. You can also use Google Translate
app to hear the word, and even practice pronouncing it using the voice button!
Don’t put the book down yet! Talk about it together to reflect.
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Which characters did you like/dislike? Why?
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What was your favourite part of the story? Why?
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How did the book make you feel? Why?
Did you learn any new words from the book? Try to remember them together.
You could even write them down in a notebook if you want.
What’s next? Would you like to read another book from the same author?
Which book would you like to read next? (You can read the same book again if
you like!)