See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The Tensile Test of Steel and Aluminum Laboratory Report Preprint · December 2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17473.86884 CITATIONS READS 0 4,932 1 author: Regina Widera University of Westminster 1 PUBLICATION 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Regina Widera on 20 April 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. The Tensile Test of Steel and Aluminum LABORATORY REPORT Regina K. Widera | 11 December 2017 Objectives The aim of this investigation is to obtain a tensile profile of four different samples of metals. The materials to be investigated are: • Low-carbon [0.1%] carbon steel • Medium-carbon [0.4%] steel • High-carbon [1.0%] steel • Aluminium alloy Figure 1 shows the photography of the test pieces: Figure 1 PAGE 1 For the steel specimens, the following material properties are going to be determined: • Yield stress value • Ultimate tensile stress value • Ductility parameters For the aluminium alloy specimen, the following material properties are going to be determined: • 0.2% proof stress value • Ultimate tensile stress value • Ductility parameters Procedure 1. The length and diameter of the specimen was measured using gauges. 2. It was ensured that all gauges were correctly zeroed. 3. The test pieces were assembled into grips and placed in machine. 4. Test specimen were tested until their failure. 5. Broken test specimen was removed from the machine. 6. Test specimen were reassembled and % elongation to fracture and % reduction in area were determined using gauges. PAGE 2 Observations As the force was exerted by the machine, the specimens, after initial resistance, slowly started to elongate. At the beginning all the specimen seemed to elongate and loose the diameter evenly, but as the force increased they started to neck and eventually broke in two pieces. Each specimen made different sound when breaking and broke at different time. 0.1% carbon steel took the longest time to break, 0.4% carbon steel broke quicker and 1.0% carbon steel broke the quickest out of the steel samples. Aluminium alloy showed even less resistance and needed less time to break than the 1.0% carbon steel sample. Figure 2 shows the specimen broken after the test: Figure 2 PAGE 3 Results Machine generated results table 1: Steel (% Carbon) Diameter [mm] Maximum Load [N] 1 0.1 4.85 7832 2 0.4 5.00 13325 3 1.0 5.03 17532 Table 1 Machine generated results table 2: 1 Sample Label Diameter [mm] Maximum Load [N] Aluminium Alloy 5.05 7568 Table 2 Figure 3 shows load-extension graph of 0.1%, 0.4% and 1.0% Plain Carbon Steel: Figure 3 PAGE 4 Figure 4 shows load-extension graph of aluminum alloy. Figure 4 Figure 5 shows proof load construct graphs of aluminium alloy: Figure 5 PAGE 5 Calculations YIELD STRESS CALCULATIONS OF STEEL SAMPLES 0.1% carbon steel Force at yield [N] Original crosssectional area of the sample = (π/4) ×Ø2 [mm2] Yield stress = Force / Area 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel 6486.48 7972.965 10135.125 18.4651625 19.625 19.8612065 6486.48 / 18.4651625 = 351.2820 7972.965 / 19.625 = 406.2657 10135.125 / 19.8612065 = 510.2975 [N/ mm2] ULTIMATE TENSILE STRESS OF STEEL SAMPLES CALCULATIONS 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel 7832 13325 17532 18.4651625 19.625 19.8612065 424.1500 678.9809 882.7258 Force at U [N] Cross sectional area [mm2] Ultimate tensile stress = Force at U / Area [N / mm2] PAGE 6 ALUMINIUM SAMPLE: 0.2% PROOF STRESS VALUE CALCULATION Gauge length of the aluminium sample 25.25mm Cross-sectional area of the aluminium sample Ø = 5.05 Area = (3.14/4) x 5.052 Area = 20.0194625 mm2 0.2% of the gauge length (25.25 x 0.2): 100 = 0.0505mm Offset distance calculation 35mm of the x axis represents 0.25mm extension. Offset: (0.0505 x 35): 0.25 = 7.07 mm Proof force Measurement of y-axis: 120mm = 7000N (1 x 7000): 120 = 58.3333 1 mm represents 58.3333N. Proof force calculation: 123.5 x 58.3333 = 7204.16255N Proof stress = proof force / cross-sectional areal 7204.16255N : 20.0194625 mm2 = 359.8579 N/mm2 ULTIMATE TENSILE STRESS OF THE ALUMINIUM SPECIMEN CALCULATION: Maximum Load [N] 7568 Diameter [mm] 5.05 Cross sectional area [mm2] 20.0194625 Ultimate tensile stress [N/mm2] 7568 : 20.0194625 ≈ 378.0321N/mm2 PAGE 7 Figure 6 shows proof load graph with 0.2% proof stress value: Figure 6 PAGE 8 Table 3: Result summary table: Yield stress value [N/ mm2] 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel 351.2820 406.2657 510.2975 0.2% proof stress value Aluminium alloy 359.8579 Stress [N/mm2] Ultimate tensile stress value [N / mm2] 424.1500 678.9809 882.7258 378.0321 Increase in length of the specimen after tensile test 35% 25% 21% 16% Reduction in diameter at the point of fracture 57% 50% 30% 40% Ductility Table 3 PAGE 9 Discussion Looking at the force-extension graph that was plotted after the tensile test of 0.1%, 0.4% and 1.0% plain carbon steel (fig.3) we can see clearly that carbon content affects mechanical properties of steel. STRENGTH With increasing carbon content, strength of the steel samples increased and the sample could withstand greater load before it broke (fig.7) HARDNESS With increasing carbon content, greater load was necessary to cause plastic deformation, and this means greater resistance to permanent deformation (fig.7) For example, 380 N/mm2 would be sufficient to permanently distort mild steel sample, while medium and high carbon steel under exactly the same force would manage to make full recovery, if the load was removed. 882.7258 678.9809 510.2975 424.15 351.282 0.1% CARBON STEEL 406.2657 0.4% CARBON STEEL Ultimate tensile stress value [N/mm²] 1.0% CARBON STEEL Yield stress value [N/mm²] Figure 7 PAGE 10 DUCTILITY Also, the greater carbon content, the smaller plastic deformation occurred before the sample broke. We can see that as carbon content increases, steel became less ductile (fig.8) 57% 50% 35% 30% 25% 21% LOW CARBON STEEL MIDIUM CARBON STEEL HIGH CARBON STEEL Increase in length of the specimen after tensile test Reduction in diameter of the specimen after tensile test Figure 8 TOUGHNESS Looking at the area under the load-extension curve (fig.3), we can estimate that the smaller carbon content, the greater toughness. The findings of this lab report do not seem to be different than published results. For example, Cather et al. (2001, p.205) Says that low carbon steels “have moderate strength”, medium carbon steels “have greater strength and hardness but less ductility”, PAGE 11 while high carbon steels have “the highest strength and hardness but the least ductility and toughness of the three groups”. The same was noted by Burdeking and Thackray (2012, p.307), who wrote “The addition of small amounts of carbon to iron increases the strength but reduce the ductility”. Mechanical properties of materials determine their use. Carther et al. (2001) notice that low carbon steel is good for use in bridges and buildings, medium is good for making rails, were greater resistance to wear is required, while high carbon steel is used for example to make cutting tools. Seward (2014, p.32) points out that low carbon steel is the most common type of style used in structures and is “very widely used in structural frames” Lyons (2010) give an example of the Wembley Stadium and comment that weldable structural steels “have a carbon content within the range 0.16-0.25%”. Gordon (1991), explaining Newton’s third law of motion, say that in order to withstand a force, the material has to balance it by exerting equal and opposite force. STEEL AND ALUMINIUM COMPARISON Comparing the steel samples to the aluminium sample, we can see that aluminium had smaller loadbearing ability even than the mild steel sample (relevant parts of table 3 are repeated here for Reader’s convenience): alloy 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel 378.0321 424.1500 678.9809 882.7258 Aluminium Sample Ultimate tensile stress value [N / mm2] PAGE 12 However, aluminium showed nearly the same resistance to plastic deformation as mild steel. Both samples required approximately the same force to be applied in order to cause plastic deformation: Aluminium alloy Yield stress value [N/ mm2] 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel 351.2820 406.2657 510.2975 0.2% proof stress value 359.8579 [N/mm2] In the result, aluminium sample broke very soon after reaching the yield stress value, requiring only 18.1742 N more to fracture, while mild steel could withstand over 72 N before it fractured. The same is true for the other two samples of steel: in comparison to aluminium, they also could withstand much more force after reaching the yield stress point and before breaking. Ductility assessment of aluminium alloy and comparing it to steel samples gave interesting results. Although high steel sample showed over 1.4 times bigger load-bearing ability than aluminium sample, increase in length of the two samples was not as different as the difference in strength: Sample Increase in length of the specimen after tensile test 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel Aluminium 35% 25% 21% 16% alloy PAGE 13 Although aluminium sample did not elongate much, it lost a lot (40%) in diameter: more than high steel, but less than medium and mild steel. Sample 0.1% carbon steel 0.4% carbon steel 1.0% carbon steel Aluminium alloy Reduction in diameter at the point of fracture 57% 50% 30% 40% It does not come as a surprise that Carther et al. (2001) points out low tensile strength of and high ductility of aluminium. Lyons (2010, p.186) says that Young’s modulus of elasticity of aluminium is “only one third that of steel”. Lyons (2010, p.188) gives the following examples of application of aluminium in construction: roofing, cladding, curtain-wall and structural glazing systems, flashings, rainwater goods, vapour barriers etc. PAGE 14 LIST OF REFERENCES: Biggs, W. D. (1993). Properties of steel. In: Blanc, A., McEvoy, M. and Plan, R. (eds) Architecture and Construction in Steel. London: E & FN Spon Burdekin, M. and Thackray, R. (2012). Applied metallurgy of steel. In: Davison, B. and Owens, W. (eds.) Steel Designers’ Manual. 7th ed. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Cambridge University Engineering Department (2003). Data Book. Available at: [Accessed: 07/12/2017]. Cather, H., Morris, R. D., Philip, M. and Rose, C. (2001). Design Engineering. Oxford: ButterworthHeinemann. Gordon, J. (1991). The new science of strong materials, or, Why you don’t fall through the floor. London: Penguin. Lyons, A. (2010) Materials for Architects and Builders. 4th ed. Oxford: Elsevier. Seward, D. (2014) Understanding Structures. Analysis, Materials, Design. 5th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Vernon, J. (1992) Testing of Materials. Basingstoke: Macmillan. PHOTOGRAPHS Title page: Htmlland (2010). Wembley Stadium arch close-up. Available at: Figure 1-2: Widera, R. (2017). Steel and aluminium specimens. Author’s private collection. PAGE 15 View publication stats