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Staff Performance Appraisal Systems: Models & Analysis

Staff Performance Appraisal
Corville B. Gillis
USI: 1002012
University of Guyana
Faculty of Education and Humanities
Department of Foundation and Education Management
Course: Administration & Supervision II (EAD 4202)
Lecturer: Mr Abraham Ogiowewo
Date: March 11, 2019
This assignment is based on staff performance appraisal and focuses on finding a system
that is objective, result-oriented, and adequately recognises the contributions of each staff taking
into account the tasks and functions of their job position. As the consultant in the scenario, it
will be my responsibility to critically analyse the various models of staff appraisal so as to arrive
at some appraisal models that will meet the expectation of the Ministry.
Staff Performance Appraisal
(Human Resource Management, n.d.) Defines performance appraisal firstly as a
systematic evaluation of an individual with respect to performance on the job and the
individual’s potential for development. While its second definition refers to it as a formal,
structured system of measuring, evaluating job related behaviours and outcomes to discover
reasons for performance and how to perform effectively in future so that employee, organization
and society all benefits.
Simply put performance appraisals are the assessment of individual’s performance in a
systematic way. It is a developmental tool used for all round development of the employee as
well as the organization. The performance is usually measured against factors like job
knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision,
dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility and health. These assessment should be
confined to past as well as potential performance. However, the second definition is more
focused on behaviours as a part of assessment because behaviours should not affect job results.
(Rajavelliah, 2013) The primary purpose of Performance Appraisal Systems are to
improve performance at all times in the future. It helps organizations to identify and categorize
employees based on how they work. This classification also helps organizations to motivate the
performers and provide proper training to under performers.
(Business Dictionary, n.d.) identifies the appraisal process as one whereby a manager or
consultant completes three main tasks, namely examining and evaluating an employee's work
behaviour by comparing it with preset standards, documenting the results of the comparison, and
using the results to provide feedback to the employee to show where improvements are needed
and why. Once these steps are followed performance appraisals can be employed to determine
who needs what training, and who will be promoted, demoted, retained, or fired.
Several models have been developed to measure the quantity and quality of performance
appraisals. Each of the models is effective for some purposes for some organizations only.
However, none should be dismissed or accepted as appropriate except as they relate to the
particular needs of the organization or an employee. (Human Resource Management, n.d.)
Broadly places all of the appraisal models into two different categories namely, Past Oriented
Models and Future Oriented Models.
One of the popular Past Oriented Models used frequently is the Rating Scale Model.
(Leonard, 2019) States that rating scales are common in business performance evaluations. It
takes all employees and rates them on a scale of excellence. The scale often ranges from one to
five or one to ten, rating each defined skill on its own scale. For example, an employee might
score a nine on customer service but receive a five on compliant paperwork. The benefit of this
system is it creates an even measuring tool for large groups of employees. Everyone is graded on
the same topics and the same scale. This is a fast and easy method of evaluation, making it costeffective to administer. However, a significant issue with the rating scale model occurs when
managers go through them so quickly they don't truly consider the employee's performance.
Some reviews may be more arbitrary than others, while some may be skewed by a bias if the
manager favors one employee over another.
Another Past Oriented Model used is the Check List. (Bean-Mellinger, 2018) Explains
that the checklist appraisal model also goes by similar names, such as the behavioral checklist or
checklist scale. The key word is "checklist" because the appraisal form is, literally, a checklist.
Instead of an essay or descriptions or rating employees against one another, the checklist
appraisal model consists of a series of statements, both positive and negative, that the evaluator
answers "yes" or "no," checks if the employee exhibits that behavior or leaves it unchecked if
they do not. This model includes statements about workplace habits in general, and about the
employee's specific job skills. The appropriate checklists are prepared in advance and approved
for each job title. This model helps to increase productivity as you are able to can see what
you've accomplished, which motivates you to keep on going. Additional, for tasks that don't
have a tangible product to show for your efforts, one can look at the checklist for proof.
However, a disadvantage of this model is that it does not allow explanations. Since it is a
checklist only. Sometimes answers are more complex than yes/no.
In order to address the short comings of the models identified in the two previous
paragraphs the first Future Oriented Model to be proposed for use is the ‘Management by
Objectives Model’. (Pawar, 2017) Explains that the management by objectives model of
performance appraisal is results-oriented. This model seeks to measure employee’s performance
by examining the extent to which predetermined work objectives have been met. Usually the
objectives are established jointly by the supervisor and subordinate. Once an objective is agreed,
the employee is usually expected to self-audit; that is, to identify the skills needed to achieve the
objective. Typically they do not rely on others to locate and specify their strengths and
weaknesses. They are expected to monitor their own development and progress. The
management by objectives model concentrates on actual outcomes. What makes the management
by objectives model efficient is the ability to set SMART Goals i.e. set goals that are Specific,
Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time-bound.
The second Future Oriented Model to be proposed is the ‘Work Standards Approach’
model. (Pawar, 2017) In this model, management establishes the goals openly and sets targets
against realistic output standards. These standards are incorporated into the organizational
performance appraisal system. Thus each employee has a clear understanding of their duties and
knows well what is expected of them. Performance appraisal and interview comments are related
to these duties. This makes the appraisal process objective and more accurate. It works best in
long-term situations which is recommended as it considers performances during that time.
However, it is difficult to compare individual ratings because standards for work may differ from
job to job and from employee to employee. It does not allow for reasonable deviations.
The final model from the list of Future Oriented Models to be proposed is the 360-Degree
Performance Appraisal model. (Leonard, 2019) States that the 360-degree performance model is
a comprehensive review of task ability, professionalism and leadership traits. It not only
considers the performance of tasks and the successful completion of goals but also interviews
everyone who works with or under the employee along with any applicable manager reviews.
The negative side of the 360-degree model is the time and energy it takes. Depending on how
large a company or department is, this performance appraisal model could take the time of many
people to conduct a 360-degree review for all employees. The time commitment is why this
particular model is often reserved for reviews of potential promotion and leadership candidates.
However, the benefit of the 360-degree model is the level of detailed information it provides
when it uses data from so many sources. It gives you an idea of the leadership potential and style
of an employee, the person's impact on overall team morale, and whether the employee is a
professional who gets the job done.
In concluding as it is customarily defined and used, performance appraisal focuses not on
behaviour but on outcomes of behaviour. A well-managed performance appraisal encourages
managers and employees to take a team approach when setting goals and objectives, and discuss
any work issues and concerns. It can also help to remind supervisors of the importance of
employee motivation, and communicating company goals and objectives to employees. Through
regular appraisals, employees gain insight to areas that need improvement or strengths they can
enhance. A good performance appraisal and meeting with the manager can also help a person
make career plans with the company or focus on opportunities for growth.
Bean-Mellinger, B. (2018, October 25). BIZFLUENT.COM. (Leaf Group Ltd) Retrieved March
9, 2019, from https://bizfluent.com/info-8649754-advantages-checklist-methodperformance-appraisals.html
Business Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2019, from
Human Resource Management. (n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2019, from Performance Appraisal
Methods: https://corehr.wordpress.com/performance-management/performanceappraisal-methods/
Leonard, K. (2019, March 4). (HEARST, Producer, & Hearst Newspapers, LLC) Retrieved
March 9, 2019, from Chron: https://smallbusiness.chron.com/pros-cons-performanceappraisal-methods-39497.html
Pawar, Y. (2017, August 9). (UPRAISE, Producer) Retrieved March 9, 2019, from
Rajavelliah, U. (2013, September 4). Synergita. Retrieved March 9, 2019, from