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7.1 Star Stuff

Name: _____________________________________
SWBAT explain how Helium was formed in the first moments of the Universe’s creation
UNIT 7.1 Star Stuff
When will the sun burn out? Why will this happen?
Criteria for Completion
Criteria for Success
Use all of your time
Annotate your questions
Use “since” or “because” for question 1
Use correct punctuation for PUSH
1) What was your favorite part of Mardi Gras/Mardi Gras Break?
2) What is the best thing you ate and/or did during break?
3) What is one thing and/or person that you are thankful for?
4) When you hear the phrase “star stuff”, what do you think of? Why?
PUSH: Unscramble the following sentences
 at good to be have back although a was it it nice to break feels school
sun were the of a the elements furnace of all forged in
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
LAUNCH: The Most Astounding Fact
“It’s not that we are better than the universe. We are part of the universe. We’re in the universe, and the universe is in us.”
What are you observing?
What are your questions?
1) What is the most astounding fact?
2) How did this video make you feel?
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
EXPLORE: The Big Bang Theory
Criteria for Completion
Criteria for Success
Use all of your time
Annotate paragraphs and time line
Use a subordinating conjunction for all answers
Think about the average human lifespan
Scientists who study the origin of the universe believe the universe began as an infinitely dense, hot fireball.
They call this single point that contained all the matter in the universe a singularity. Time began at the moment
this fireball exploded, stretching space as it expanded quickly. Space into which the fireball exploded did not
exist separately, but was a part of the fireball at the beginning.
The universe, at first no bigger than the
size of a proton, expanded within a
microsecond to the size of a basketball.
Gravity came into being, and subatomic
particles flooded the universe, slamming
into one another, forming protons and
Three minutes after the big bang, the
temperature of the universe had cooled
to 500,000,000°F (277,777,760°C).
Protons and neutrons began to combine
to form the nuclei of the simple chemical
elements hydrogen, helium, and lithium.
Five hundred thousand years later,
atoms formed. Some 300 million more
years passed before the universe
expanded. About 9 billion years after the
big bang, the sun was formed.
1) What fact(s) stand(s) out as surprising or amazing to you?
2) How long had the universe existed before intelligent life developed on earth? How does that make you
PUSH: How would you explain the big bang to a little sibling/cousin at home?
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
EXPLORE: The Sun and Nucleosynthesis
Criteria for Completion
Criteria for Success
Use all of your time
Annotate paragraphs and time line
Use a subordinating conjunction for all answers
Think about being made of “star stuff”
The Solar System is the empire of the Sun. Our
Sun contains more than 99.8% of the total mass of
the Solar System. Today, the mixture of elements
in the Sun is 74% hydrogen, and 24% helium by
mass. Everything else amounts to less than 2%.
The chemical makeup of the Sun changes slowly
over time as the Sun converts hydrogen to helium
in its core. This conversion has been going on for
about 4.5 billion years, and it will continue for
another 4.5 billion years.
Most elements on Earth are combined into compounds. This is not true in the Sun. Most elements in the Sun
exist in their pure forms, and no compounds exist at all. The reason is that are both extremely high
temperatures and extraordinary pressure in the interior of the Sun.
Since the sun’s temperature is so great, it’s too hot for chemical bonds to exist, so chemical reactions do not
occur. However, at this temperature protons are not hot enough to slam together with sufficient force to touch
and undergo nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactions occur in the Sun, and they are the source of the Sun’s output
of energy. These nuclear reactions produce new elements. We call this process nucleosynthesis.
CFU: Which two elements make up most of the mass in our solar system?
CFU: Which of the following best explains whether or not water, H2O, exists on the sun?
a) Water is present on the sun because both hydrogen and oxygen are present in significant quantities
b) Water is present on the sun because it keeps the sun from overheating
c) Water is not present on the sun because on 0.0774% of the sun is oxygen
d) Water is not present on the sun because the sun is too hot for chemical bonds to exist
The early universe contained
essentially just hydrogen and
helium. Through nucleosynthesis,
the production of atoms more
complex than hydrogen in the
stars, the Sun and other stars
convert hydrogen into helium in
nuclear reactions. Since it’s highly
unlikely that three particles will
combine simultaneously, the
reactions in the sun fuse hydrogen
to helium in a sequence called the
proton-proton chain. There are
three steps, and each step only
involves two particles.
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
Over the next 4.5 billion years the Sun will slowly convert
the hydrogen at its core into helium. Energy production
will slow down, and the Sun’s core will get hotter and
denser as gravity compresses it. When the core
temperature reaches 100 million K, a new series of
nuclear reactions will begin that combine helium into
carbon and oxygen.
As the helium in the core is gradually converted to oxygen and carbon, the core is again compressed and
heated by gravity. At higher temperatures helium is fused with oxygen and carbon to make even heavier
elements such as sodium and magnesium.
Eventually the core temperature gets hot enough to fuse iron. Iron is the most tightly bound of all nuclei. That
means any nuclear reactions involving iron uses energy rather than release energy. Once the core fuses to
iron, the Sun will become unstable, expanding into a red giant. Larger stars can explode as supernovas. A
supernova is such a powerful explosion that it can outshine the entire galaxy containing it for a short time,
releasing as much energy in the initial explosion as our Sun will generate during its entire 9 billion year lifetime.
1. Stop & Draw: Model how helium is formed during nucleosynthesis
2. Stop & Jot: When elements undergo nucleosynthesis, what changes? What stays the same?
3. When the temperature of the sun’s core reaches 100 million K, what will happen?
4. What will happen once the Sun’s core fuses to iron?
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ____________
Period: ____________
SWBAT explain how Helium was formed in the first moments of the Universe’s creation
7.1 Exit Ticket
Criteria for Completion
Criteria for Success
Use all of your time
Annotate questions
Use “since” or “because” for explanations
Label the components of your model
Early finishers; get started on homework
Think about being made of “star stuff”
1) Draw a model to show how helium is formed during nucleosynthesis
What? So What? Now What?
2) WHAT: What do Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson mean when they say we are made of star stuff?
3) SO WHAT: Why was this lesson important? or How does this lesson relate to you?
4) NOW WHAT: What do you need still to learn in order to answer our big cycle question? What additional
questions do you have?
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”
Name: _____________________________________
Date: ____________
Period: ____________
SWBAT explain how Helium was formed in the first moments of the Universe’s creation
7.1 HW
1. Where did all the matter in the universe come from?
2. When after the big bang did subatomic particles (such as protons and neutrons) form? When did simple
chemical elements form?
3. Describe the big bang theory in your own words.
4. What percent of the solar system’s mass is the sun?
5. Which two elements is the Sun mostly made up of?
6. If your little sibling/cousin asked, “what does it mean to be made of ‘star stuff’?”, what would you say?
I hated every minute of training, but I said, “Don't quit. Suffer now,
and live the rest of your life as a champion”