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Invasive Species Course Assessment - BC Parks

Course Assessment
Review / Test yourself:
This section is a self-assessment of the information contained in
the online course on invasive species. It serves as a review of the
course information and a way to check how much you have
1. What are the four main characteristics of invasive plants?
2. What are four of the major impacts that invasive species are
having across BC?
3. Name three pathways that invasive species could enter the
park system through.
Course Assessment
4. Activity: Select an invasive plant and research it through the
online TIPS sheets found on the ISCBC website:
Describe how each of the four main characteristics of invasive species
show up in the selected species, and allow it to spread and thrive.
Course Assessment
5. Name five invasive species of concern in your region.
6. Activity: Select one species of concern in your region, and
research it online through the Invasive Species online links.
Include the following in your report:
• Common and Scientific Name; Country of Origin;
• Potential method of entry into BC; current location(s),
• Main Impacts, Suggested Management Strategies
Course Assessment
7. Question: Select a park you are familiar with. List several of
the parks special features:
several key wildlife species
key natural features
main recreational activities
What are some impacts that invasive species might have on the
parks’ key features and wildlife?
(Refer to the BC Parks website for specific information if
Course Assessment
8. Question / Activity: Take a look at the most recent study on
the estimated economic impacts of some invasive fauna in BC.
Select one animal species that is of concern or potential concern
to your region of BC, and list the preliminary damage estimate
for that species.
9. Name the three ways that you can report an invasive species
and the main information to collect for that report.