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Personnel Management
*Human Resource
RPTS 209
Eight Areas of Operations
Facility Management
(Building/Grounds Maintenance and
Custodial Services)
Information Services
Fiscal Management
(Finances and Budgeting)
Risk Management
(Computers & Technology)
(Health & Safety of Visitors and
Personnel Management
Sales Management
(Human Resources)
(Marketing and Customer Relations)
Program Services
Planning & Development
(Delivery of Leisure Services)
(Facility & Event Planning
“You balance the role of leader, coach,
cheerleader and score-keeper, all in the midst
of constant changes and shifting priorities.”
In today’s economic environment, the
manager’s job is especially challenging. You
must help staff deal with constant changes,
budget cuts, staff reductions and wage
You do this in addition to the normal
responsibilities of performance management,
delegation, team development, and coaching
and conflict resolution.
The Importance of
Personnel Management
Personnel are a MAJOR factor in
determining the quality of
experience a visitor receives.
 “You can dream, create, design and
build the most wonderful place in
the world…but it takes people to
make the dream a reality.”
• Walt Disney
At a minimum, personnel training
should accomplish the following:
 Train employees to be friendly and
Give employees basic knowledge of
facility features and programs
Introduce employees to the visitor and his
problems and needs
Train employees to be alert to situations
where they can help visitors
Make employees aware of the image
projected both by themselves and the
A sound personnel administrative
program is vital in:
Obtaining and retaining intelligent
and capable workers
 Utilizing employee’s efforts
 Maintaining a willingness to work to
attain your organization’s purposes
and objectives
Human Resource Functions
Additional Functions
 Leadership
 Hiring
 Recruiting  Instructional
 Selecting
 Counseling
 Training
 Supervising
 Crisis confrontation
 Evaluating
and intervention
 Motivating
The Goal of Hiring:
The goal of filling a vacant position
is not to fill the position, it is to fill
the position with the right person.
 Hiring the right person helps to keep
your turnover rate low.
The turnover rate at Walt Disney World has been
averaged about 24% among service employees,
compared to 200% for companies such as
Burger King and McDonald’s.
The Job Description
Thorough and accurate job
descriptions must be prepared for
each position in your organization,
from front-line personnel to middlelevel managers to top-level
What to Include In a Job
 Listing of responsibilities and
 Required knowledge and skills
 Minimum acceptable education level,
certification requirements and
previous experience
 Physical or medical standards.
Recruiting Employees
Types of:
• Internal
• External
Goal of
increase the ratio
of employee
applications to
those actually
How to recruit
 Promote from within
 Use staff to recruit
 Use armed services
 Use construction
 Farming/agriculture
 Apprenticeship training
 Universities & technical
 Internet
Selecting and Hiring
 Interview
• Phone
• In Person
Reference & Background
 Medical Exam
 Negotiations
 Appointment and Probation
Equal Employment
An important aspect of the screening and
selection process involves the need to
comply with EEO regulations for moral
and legal reasons.
Avoiding any form of discrimination based
on religion, sex, national origin, race,
age, disability or genetic information is
Out of work, out of luck
Thorough orientation
Introduction to the agency and its personnel
and program practices.
Tour of facilities
Exposure to its various divisions and functions
Introduction to personnel
Outline of responsibilities and procedures
Overview of organizational climate/environment
On-site training/Apprenticeship
“Scrimmage games” – Mock work
Personnel Policy Manual –
Major Categories of Policies
Hours of Week
Compensation and
related benefits
Absences and
Travel and vehicle
use In-service
Rules of conduct
Relations between
 Full-time
 Seasonal
 Salaried
 Exempt
 Non-Exempt
Recruitment and
Evaluation and
Assignment and
Disciplinary actions
Separation and
Hours of Week:
Full-time salaried
 Full-time hourly
Work schedules
Compensation & Benefits
Pay periods and
time reports
Credit Union
In-Service Training
 Conference Attendance
 Staff Meetings and Conferences
Rules of conduct
Dress and appearance
 Employee cooperation
 Reporting for duty
Relations between employeesdepartment-community
Employee-administrator relations
Employee-community relations
Solicitation of funds
Management of funds
Publicity releases
Employee-patron relations
Accidents to patrons
Employee Manuals
A good employee manual will not
just include personnel policies but
will also serve as a reference with
the details of more complicated or
less frequently performed tasks.
 It will present a numbered sequence
of operations, in order, for each of
these tasks.
Disciplinary Action
Manuals should clearly specify the
required behavior. In addition, both
informal and formal disciplinary
actions should be included.
Disciplinary Action
Reprimands – either verbal or formal,
which are entered in the service record.
Suspensions – or temporary separations
without pay, for specified periods
Demotions – involving placing the
employee on a lower job classification at
a lower rate of pay
Dismissals, which are discharges or
separations for cause.
Role as a coach: Pass along your
experience and knowledge.
 Role as a counselor: Employing
encouragement, criticism and a
range or techniques to deal with
possible problems in the work
environment, interpersonal
difficulties, or other emotional or
social issues that may occur.
Guidelines for Effective
Listen patiently - without interrupting
Refrain from criticizing or offering hasty
Never argue with employees while
counseling them
Give them your undivided attention while
they are talking
Look beyond the mere words of what they
are saying
Guidelines for Effective
If the problem is minor, simply
helping the employee unburden
him/herself may lead to a solution.
 If the problem is more severe, you
should recommend a counselor or
trained professional in that subject.
Employee Motivation
Reinforcement techniques:
Positive reinforcers – add something good to
the employee’s life
Negative reinforcers – remove something
unpleasant, such as a distasteful task or
schedule, from the employee’s life
Punishers or deterrents – adds something
unpleasant or removes something good.
Reinforcement techniques are considered
to be far superior in producing lasting
behavioral changes.
It is essential that supervisors
regularly rate employees on criteria
such as personality traits, degree of
responsibility, enthusiasm, initiative,
human relations skills, appearance,
specific job related skills and overall
level of performance.
Evaluations should be both formal and
Formal evaluations should be done
regularly. They should be nonthreatening
and part of a two-way process in which
both parties come to a mutual agreement
about the goals that need to be set.
Peer evaluations – help to guard against
bias and error
Motivation for volunteering – desire to
serve/contribute to the community, in a
program involving family members, in an
activity in which they once starred or for
prevocational value.
It is important that these motivations are
recognized and that volunteers are given
the fullest opportunity to meet their
needs satisfactorily.
Recruitment of volunteers – Should be
systematic and professional.
The selection of volunteers is important to
weed out those who are unstable, have
unrealistic expectations or lack the
potential for making a real contribution.
Orientation and training are as vital for
volunteers as for paid staff.
Supervision is also vital. If volunteers are
given meaningful assignments that
challenge their capabilities, their
involvement will be more consistent than
if given trivial jobs to perform.
Recognition of volunteers, through simple
verbal appreciation, in reports and
publicity, at special occasions, or through
tangible expressions of appreciation help
to make volunteers feel like an integral
part of the organization.
Special Maintenance
Employee Issues
 Occupational
Safety and
Health Act
 Maintenance related
safety problems
Occupational Safety and
Health Act:
OSHA (1970): The employer has the
general duty to furnish employment
and a place of employment free
from recognized hazards that are
known, or likely, to cause death or
serious physical harm.
Occupational Safety and
Health Act:
The safety and health standards
promulgated by the Secretary of Labor
are designed to protect working people
from occupational injury and illness.
Since 1973, the year CA’s OSHA program
began, fatalities dropped 8.75%,
amputations are down 40%, explosiverelated injuries 28% and construction
injuries 30% in CA.
Special Employee Safety
Temporary and seasonal employees
 Language barriers to safety
 Workers in isolated locations
 Vehicles and traffic hazards
 Tools and equipment
 Protective equipment
 Rubbish removal
Other Management
Dealing with employee unions
 Terrorism or threats to personnel
 Sexual Harassment
 Political Correctness
 How to manage people you
previously worked with or who are
How to set your priorities when you
are busy putting out fires
 How to delegate work when you
know your employees are already
 How to deal with problem employees
so other employees don’t feel
How to motivate with little or no
raises possible
 How to help employees feel
ownership for results
 How to manage volunteers instead
of paid employees
 How to manage experienced
employees when you are new
Knowing when to be involved and
when to let employees work out
their own issues
 How to help diverse members of a
team work together and value their
 How to development commitment in
spite of constant changes
Case Problem:
Taken from the 1998 WDW College Program Manual
An incident occurred in the Main Street
break area involving two employees.
According to written statements provided
by an employee who witnessed the
incident Fred Smith was verbally insulting
John James, who finally struck Fred with
a closed fist. Fred retaliated and struck
John several times before they were
physically separated.
Case Problem:
Taken from the 1998 WDW College Program Manual
Now assume the following facts were
discovered through investigation:
Fred Smith is a white male, age 24.
John James is a black male, age 45.
The verbal insults contained racially-based
John James had made previous complaints to
management regarding prior incidents in
which Fred Smith had made similar racial
Case Problem Solutions:
Taken from the 1998 WDW College Program Manual
Based on the first case problem and
barring any other mitigating factors, such
as a perfect record, both employees
would be fired in accordance with
company policy regarding fighting.
Based on the additional information and
under current Company policy, Fred
Smith would be terminated and John
James would receive a written warning in
his personnel file.
How do you handle this?
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