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Designer Babies: IVF & Genetic Diagnosis Worksheet

Designer Babies
● Answer the following questions before watching the video:
1. What sort of characteristics would a parent choose to have in a
baby? Why do you think this?
2. Some people are against any form of reproductive technology
like IVF. What do you believe IVF is?
Watch the designer babies video and then answer the following
1. What exactly is a test tube baby?
2. Why were some people worried about this?
3. IVF has lead to a technique called “Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis.” In
your own words, what is the benefit of this?
4. Dr Steinberg has taken this work to a level that some are worried about.
What can Dr Steinberg offer now to future parents?
Extended research 5. How common is IVF treatment in Australia?
6. Some people are choosing to go straight to IVF to have a baby. Think of at
least 3 reasons why people would do this?
7. There has been much debate on whether single women should be allowed to
access IVF to have a baby. What is your position on this - explain your answer.