Earth's Magnetic Field Lesson Plan Template

Science Lesson Planning Template
Context Issues of the Lesson
Unit Title:
Interior of Earth
Big Idea:
Plate Tectonics
(tip: refer to HSCE
Topic/nature of
Earth’s magnetic field
Importance of Earth’s magnetic field
Effects of magnetic field on living things
Magnetic reversals relating to sea floor spreading
Magnetic polarity time scale
Magnetic symmetry on Earth
Skill and
Using and reading a magnetic compass
Understanding polarity of a bar magnet
Using the Internet to research a question relating to
magnetic field interaction
Implication CE’s
B1.1A – Generate new questions that can be investigated in
the laboratory or field
B1.1C – Conduct scientific investigations using appropriate
tools and techniques
B1.1D – Identify patterns in data and relate them to
theoretical models
B1.1 – Describe a reason for as given conclusion using
evidence from an investigation.
B1.2C – Develop an understanding of a scientific concept by
accessing information from multiple sources. Evaluate the
scientific accuracy and significance of the information.
B1.2D – Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review
process or discussion format.
B1.2j – Apply science principles to scientific data to
anticipate effects of technological design decisions.
Content CE’s
E3.2A – Describe where the magnetic field of the Earth is
E3.3A – Explain sea floor spreading that occurs on the
Earth’s surface.
3 class periods
Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s
Planning Stages Within the 5-E Inquiry Model
to convey the context of the lesson(s)/unit by conveying an important Key Question
to engage students in investigations that reveal their thinking to themselves and the teacher
to record the initial ideas of students
to engage their interest
Key Question: What is the magnetic field of Earth, and how does it effect Earth’s
Opening activity to surface student thinking: Students are asked to draw what they
imagine Earth’s magnetic field looks like on a photocopied globe. They are to do this alone.
Opening activity to engage student interest and/or clarify context of the investigations:
When all are finished, they are to share the drawing with their lab partner and re-draw a
revised model of the magnetic field based upon their discussion.
Questions for whole group discussion:
How is your drawing similar to the pattern of magnetism around Earth?
What difficulties did you have in drawing your field?
How did your original drawing and your group drawing differ from the lab results?
to test ideas and develop knowledge using explorations, investigations, experiments
to modify and record ideas as they change due to activities
to develop new questions and testable hypotheses
Activities (list)
Driving Question
Each group of lab partners are given the student
How would the Earth’s magnetic
worksheet, a bar magnet, and a magnetic compass.
field look if it could be drawn?
Using the bar magnet and a magnetic compass, the
students are to draw the magnetic field that is indicated
by the compass as they slowly move the compass down
the sides of the bar magnet. They will draw arrows to
indicate the pull of the magnet. Each group will have at
least 6 arrows down the long side of the magnet, and one
each at the ends of the magnet. This should mimic the
magnetic field of the Earth.
Student Communication Product: (written report, oral presentation, poster, etc.)
Hang student drawings around the room and give observation time for students.
Allow for group discussion/teacher clarification.
(consider showing “Models” of student products to help student identify characteristics of quality)
Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s
to answer the Key Question through student explanations
to provide students with relevant vocabulary, formal definitions and explanations of concepts
Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology)
 Read p. 476-477 in text which deals with the topic of magnetic field and reversals
 Show the NASA animation of Earth’s magnetic field
 Do group demonstration (using students as the magnetic field bars) to explain the
magnetic reversals on the ocean floor
Clarifying Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse:
 What patterns did you notice in the magnetic reversals?
 What is the magnetic polarity time scale and what does it measure?
 What is the importance of magnetic symmetry on the ocean floor?
 How did magnetic symmetry help scientists understand sea floor spreading?
Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral
presentation, poster, etc.)
Completion of worksheet on magnetic reversals—students are required to read the magnetic
polarity time scale (as a graph) and answer questions about its characteristics.
to extend students' conceptual understanding through application or practice in new settings
Activities: Students are asked to come up with one question to investigate regarding the
effect of Earth’s magnetic field on living things, especially human beings. Things like the
effect on electronics, biorhythms, etc. will be investigated. Students contribute questions,
teacher writes the questions on a sheet of butcher paper hung on the wall, and the students
copy all questions onto a sheet of note paper.
Content Media: (written material, video, teacher lecture, technology) Students (as
partners) will use the Internet to find the answer to the question they posed. Each partner
will also look up the other partner’s question on an alternate website to ensure accuracy.
Each student will come up to the wall and fill in the answer to the question they investigated
for all of the class to record on their own note sheets.
Extending/Application Questions for Whole/Small Group Discourse:
 Were there any other interesting facts that you found as you were doing your
 What surprised you about the facts you found to answer your question?
Student Communication Product (assessment): (unit test, written report, oral
presentation, poster, etc.)
 Butcher paper poster for all classes to read and discuss
Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s
for students to assess their understand of the learning objectives
for the teacher to assess student understanding of the learning objectives
Skill/Reasoning Learning Objectives
Using and reading a magnetic
Understanding polarity of a bar
Using the Internet to research a
question relating to science
Assessment Instrument
Lab worksheet data from the
magnetic field lab investigation
Data collected on posters relating to
the questions posed by students and
answered by students about the
effects of magnetism on living
Knowledge Learning Objectives
Importance of Earth’s magnetic field
Effects of magnetic field on living
Magnetic reversals relating to sea
floor spreading
Magnetic polarity time scale
Magnetic symmetry on Earth
Assessment Instrument
“Jeopardy”-style review (full class
in teams)
Section Quiz over information
Lesson Planning Template - - The 5 E’s