DEFINITION OF LAND Syauqi Mardia bin Baharudin 1162161 TLB6 l KLB2 1. Learning Objectives To understand the legal concept of land To differentiate between fixtures and chattels To understand the exceptions to the general rule 2. Definition of Land Oxford Dictionary: The solid part of the earth’s surface, as distinguished from the sea or water or from the air. Section 5 Of National Land Code 3. Fixture “Chattel which are so affixed to land or to a building on land as to become in fact part of the building or land.” “quic quid plantatur solo, solo cedit”: (whatever is attached to the land becomes part of the land) 4. test-Whether an item is a fixture or chattel? the degree of annexation test (Holland V Hodgson Lrcp 328) the purpose of annexation test (Socfin Co Ltd V Chairman Klang Town Council (1964) MLJ 325) Both must be applied together 5. What if there is a conflict between the result of applying the Degree test and result after applying Purpose test? A: A conflict would reflect the ability of the presumption under the degree test to be rebutted by applying the Purpose test. The result of the purpose test will prevail. Local Case: Goh Chong Hin v Consolidated 6. Exceptions Custom (Kiah bte Hanapiah v Som bte Hanapiah (1953) MLJ 82) Charger& Chargee (Wiggins Teape (M) Sdn. Bhd V. Bahagia Trading Sdn. Bhd & Ors (1980) 2 MLJ 86) Common Law Exceptions (BBMB Kewangan Bhd V Kueh Teck Swee [2001] 1 MLJ 176)