Systems & Control Letters 4 (1984) 317-324 September North-Holland The Lanczos-Arnoldi controllability D.L. BOLEY algorithm and * Computer Science Deparrment, Uniuersiiy of Minnesota, Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA G.H. GOLUB Deporrmenr CA 94305, 207 ** Cornpurer USA Science. Stanford Unioersily, Stanford, Received 31 January 1984 Revised 14 May 1984 We present methods for computing the controllable space of a Linear Dynamic System. The methods are based on orthogonaIizing Krylov sequences and can use much less storage than other methods with little or no loss of numerical stability. Keywords: Controllability. Numerical methods, Lannos algorithm, Large scale system. Linear systems, 1. Introduction A classical problem in linear control theory is to compute the controllable space of a linear system k=Ax+Bu, (1) A’ (n X n), B (n X p) are matrices and x, u are vectors of states, inputs respectively [5]. The most popular method at present to compute this space is the so-called Staircase algorithm [l-4]. This method essentially consists of applying a series of orthogonal similarity transformations to (1) to move to a new basis in which the controllawhere ble states may be read off by inspection. By using orthogonal transformations, it is clear that this scheme is backward stable in the sense that the system that is computed is similar to one very close to the original system. Unfortunately, this does not imply that the method is forward stable in the sense that if we perturb the system (and therefore also the controllable space) slightly, the result may be a large change in the dimension of the computed controllable space [3]. In addition the bound on the size of the perturbation needed to reduce the size of the controllable space, which one may obtain from the Staircase algorithm, may be very rough [3]. For large systems, most present methods need enough storage to store at least the matrix A, which could be potentially very large. In this paper, we propose two schemesto compute the controllable space, based on the Lanczos algorithm [6,7,14,15] which can obtain mathematically equivalent results with much lessstorage. 2. Mathematical background Given a linear dynamical system (l), the problem we are addressing is to compute the controllable subspace S, of (1). It is well known that SCmay be characterized we summarize in various equivalent ways, which in: Theorem 1 [8,1,9]. The spacesdefined by thefollowing four characterizations are the same (where the quantities are defined with respect to equation (1)): SC= the controllable subspaceof (1). l The work of this author was partially supported by the Centre for Mathematical Analysis at the Australian National University during the author’s visit there. It was also supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant ECS-8204468. ** The work of this author was in part supported by NSF grant MCS-78-11985. 0167-6911/84/$3.00 0 1984. Elsevier Science Publishers 1984 (2) SC= smallest invariant subspaceof A containing SC = the vectors (columns) colsp( M,) with M, E [B, AB, A’B,. . . ,A*-‘B] matrix). B.V. (North-Holland) of B. (3) (4) (controllability 317 Volume 4. Number 6 SYSTEMS & CONTROL LE-ITERS SC = ( x: there exists an input u( t ), 0 I t I t,, such that starting with x = 0 at t = 0, one, can reach the state x, at time t = t,. Proof. Omitted-see umns Q = [q,, q2,. . . ,qk] equation: (5) the above references. 0 In the sequel we will use formulation (3) (4) thereby reducing this problem to one in linear algebra. Our schemes will be expressed in this context. We make several remarks regarding methods for Theorem 1. It is well known among researchers in the numerical aspects of this problem that computing S, using (4) directly can lead to instability in that the computed matrix M, may have a rank that is numerically indeterminant, depending more on the choice of zero tolerance rather than the parameters in the problem [3]! A better scheme is to apply a seriesof orthogonal change of basesto convert the system to one where the space S, may be read by inspection. This schemeis the Staircase algorithm, described in detail in [10.2,4]. Though this schemehas been used very successfully, it has been found to suffer from certain difficulties. In order to carry out the algorithm, it is necessary to store the matrix A as a full matrix, even if it is large and sparse, so that for large problems, a large amount of storage may be required. In addition it has been found in practice that the estimates one may obtain from this algorithm of the sensitivity of the results to perturbations in the coefficients can be very pessimistic and of little use [3]. We will describe several schemes which attempt to avoid one or both of these difficulties. 3. Method I-Arnoldi We first describe the general procedure, then show how it applies to computing S,. The method was originally proposed [14] to solve the matrix eigenvalue problem, but has been found to be of use in many different areas (cf. [16]). We first describe the simple case in which we start with a single vector, corresponding to a single-input system: i=Ax+bu. Simple description: We start with the matrix A and a vector q, with 1jq,112 = 1. Aim: fill in the upper Hessenbergmatrix H and orthonormal col318 September 1984 satisfying the following AQ=QH, (6a) QTAQ = H. (6b) In brief we accomplish this by using alternatively equations (6b) and (6a) to fill in Q column by column, H element by element. The resulting procedure is given in Appendix A. Mathematically, the effect of the algorithm ARNOLDI-1 is the same as computing the Krylov sequenceql, Aq,, A’q,, . . . and orthogonalizing each vector against the previous ones (using e.g. Gram-Schmidt). We express this in the following theorem. Remark. 2. Zf the z,, . . . , z,$-I in ARNOLDI-1 are all nonzero then the spaces Theorem 42~~.-4,1 = colsp[q,, Aq,, A’q,,. , . ,A”%] colsP[q,, (7) have dimension s, where q,, q2,. . . are the vectors from ARNOLD&~. Proof. By induction on s and equation (6). See [6], chapter 6, sec. 26-31. Based on the remark above we may write the procedure as given in Appendix B. When using this procedure ARNOLDI-2, it has been found that numerically one losesorthogonality in the q,, . . . ,qk. Simon [13] has done a detailed study of the problem and proposed several solutions. We have adapted the simplest one: namely to do complete reorthogonalization: 4.1. Orthogonalize zk against q,, . . . ,qk; It is clear from (4) and Theorem 2 that to use the Arnoldi procedure to compute S,, we should initialize q, = b/]]6]]2. The only question remaining is when to stop. In this regard we note that if we were to use (4) to obtain S,, we would compute Akq,, k=l,2 ,..., and continue until at some step k, the entry Akq, contributes no new dimension to colsp[q ,,..., A”-‘q,]. In exactly the same way we continue algorithm Volume 4, Number 6 SYSTEMS & CONTROL until qk + , contributes no extra dimension, i.e. qk + , = zk = 0. By the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem this is guaranteed to occur for some LETTERS September 1984 ARNOLDI-1,2 4. Multiple k<n. For the multiple-input case, we may generalize the procedure using To be precise, we examine the situation when we first encounter zk = 0. Since AQ=QH, (94 QTAQ (9b) zk L (413 H, H Q=[Q,IQ,l=[q,,...~qklQ~l be a square orthogonal matrix. Then we have AQ,= Q,H, AQ=A[Q,IQ,l for some H = [ 1 I 1 =[Q,lQ,l r ; [1 z H 2, E, for i=2,...,k. The columns Q, are obtained by orthonormalizing the columns B. The algorithm that results will be a close extension of the algorithm ARNOLDI-1,2, where we use blocks Q,,. . . ,Qk, W,, Z, in place of the single vectors q,,. . . ,qk, w,, z,; except lines 7, 8 (ARNOLDI-l), line 5 (ARNOLDI-2) need someattention, especially if Z, fails to have full column rank. The Gram-Schmidt reduction in line 4 (ARNOLDI2) is carried out separately for each column of Wk. For lines 7, 8 (ARNOLDI-I), hne 5 (ARNOLDI-2) we discusstwo cases: Case Z: Z, has full column rank. We can write 2 (84 2 QTAQ=, Q= [Q,, Q,v...,Q,l (no. of Q, ) Q (no. of Q, _ , ) where H is upper Hessenberg. So we have found an orthonormal basis )?...?qk) for SC. (4 We have the following close relationship with the Staircase algorithm: Let = [Q,HIQHI where H is block upper Hessenbergand is a set of orthonormal columns with [ 1 H o 2 and = H, 42v...>qk)* ]]zk]] = 0 when dim S, = k. This implies II~+,.~ = 0 and hence QTAQ= inputs (8b) 2 where H is upper Hessenberg. This is exactly the result obtained using the Staircase algorithm, so all the estimates obtained from the Staircase algorithm also apply here. However, we note from the appendix for ARNOLDI-1,2, that the matrix A is used only to form the matrix-vector product in line 3, so in the case A is large sparse or has special structure, we may save considerable storage by storing A in some collapsed form. We will discuss this in more detail for the block generalizations of this algorithm below. ‘k = Qk+lHk+,.k where H is upper triangular, Qk + , is a matrix of orthonormal columns with the same shape as Z,. The matrices Qk+,, Hk+,.k can be computed using the QR decomposition (see e.g. [12]), or using modified Gram-Schmidt reduction (as we have done). Case ZZ: Z, has not full column rank. We write Z,E= [Q,+,vQ][ fk+,., where Hk+,,k is square, [Qk+,, Q] has the same shape as Z, and has orthonormal columns. The matrix E is a permutation matrix which serves to order the columns of Z, so that the first (rank( Z,)) columns are linearly independent. A decomposition of (10) is always possible for using, for example, a QR decomposition with 319 Volume 4, Number pivoting (cf. [I7]). If we relax the condition and allow E to be any orthogonal matrix, we can even compute it with the Singular Value Decomposition (S.V.D.) [17]. However, to conserve storage, we apply modified Gram-Schmidt reduction to each column in Z, in turn, and delete those columns that are reduced to zero. In addition we discard the coefficients H, accumulating only the vectors forming the basis for S,. By using this simple scheme to reorder the columns, we do sacrifice the robustnesspresent in using QR with pivoting or the S.V.D. [17]. However, since we obtain Z, by using a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of W, against Q 1,“” Qk without any reordering, there is little loss of stability by continuing to use GramSchmidt to orthogonalize Z,. This was what we actually observed in our numerical experiments. If at some point all the columns are deleted, we have Z, = 0 and the procedure terminates. This condition is analogous to the stopping criterion zk = 0 used in ARNOLDI-I,2. We note that, just as in the single-input case, colsp[Q,,..., Qk]=colsp[Q,,AQ,,...,A”-‘Q,]. Hence if Z, = 0 for the value of k such that Z, # 0,. . . ,Z, # 0 then, in a manner similar to the single-input case, ~01s~[Q,,...,Q,] Table 1 Storage requirements for two methods (m = no. of nonzeros in A; n = order of A = no. of rows in L?; p = no. of COhmns in B; II~ = dimension of SC) Skircase A* PI2 B I’ “P Accumulated Householders BLOCK-ARNOLDI b II’ Total 2n’+ A m Vectors Q W, and Z, ’ Total “P np nn, m + “II, + np a Full matrix needed to apply transformation. h Full matrix needed to recover basis. ’ Same space can be used for W, and Z,. and the Staircase algorithm is the use of Gram-Schmidt instead of Householder reflections. Since the cost is comparable, the main saving is in the storage requirements. We present in Table 1 a summary of the storage requirements for the two methods. Remarks. If A is very sparse, then m is small, and we can save almost 0( n* ) space. If the system model is much larger than its minimal realization, as can happen when there are many variables, nc will be small and we can save another O(n*) space. =s,. The detailed procedure for the multiple-input case (BLOCK-ARNOLDI) can be found in Appendix C. The effect of lines 9-17 of BLOCK-ARNOLDI is: If no rank deficiency found then just do normal Gram-Schmidt. If a rank deficiency is found, manifested by a zero column, then delete that column, replacing it with a later column (line 14), and reduce the number of columns by 1 (line 15). In our implementation we again used complete reorthogonalization, i.e. we repeated steps 4.1&8. If nc -K n this will not be a great expense. We also discarded the coefficient H, keeping only the information in Q needed to for the basis for S,. If H is needed, it can easily be computed using (9b). We remark that if we use BLOCK-ARNOLDI on a single-input system, that is p = 1, then the procedure reduces to ARNOLD1-2, with the stopping criterion included and the coefficients H discarded. The main difference between BLOCK-ARNOLDI 320 September1984 SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS 6 5. Nonsymmetric Lanczos This is another variation on the Lanczos algorithm proposed by Lanczos [7]. An outline of the basis procedure is in 161,p. 391. We sketch the procedure and then show how it may be applied to computing S, for a single-input case as in Section 3 above. Starting with two vectors q,, Q,, chosen so that q$, = 1, the procedure can be thought of as biorthogonalizing the two Krylov sequences {4,* 4, A2q, ,... }, (91, dj,, AZTij1,“. } to obtain Q = [q,, 42 9.. . I and Q= [G,, Q*,... 1. The biorthogonalization condition implies that qTijj=O if i#j. In the sequel, we will assumeqi, ei are scaled so Volume 4, Number 6 SYSTEMS&CONTROLLElTERS that qT4, = 1, i = 1, 2,. . . , and p’Q NON-SYM-LANCZOS thus = I. (11) The matrices Q, Q are generated according to the relations satisfy COlSP[q,, Aq,,...,Ak-‘q,], colsp[&, . . . ,&] = COlS&, ATi ,,.. .,( AT)k-l&]. Both spaceshave dimension k. AQ=QH, @A = HQT M AT& COlSP[!7,,...,q,]= September1984 (124 &jT, (12b) where the coefficients H are computed to satisfy the biorthogonalization conditions. From (12a) we find an H which is upper Hessenberg, and from (12b) a lower Hessenberg, hence H is tridiagonal (nonsymmetric): H= (13) Proof. Similar to the proof of Theorem 2. q So we have here a stopping criterion analogous to that for ARNOLD&& namely: 11.1. IF z, small, THEN STOP. In order to apply this procedure to the problem of computing SC, we set q, = b and 4, a random vector, and then scale them so that qT$, = 1. 6. Numerical experiments The procedure is therefore ([6], p. 391) the algorithm NON-SYM-LANCZOS given in Appendix D. Remarks on NON- SYM-LANCZOS: To achieve numerical stability we must re-biorthogonalize zk, zk analogously to the re-orthogonalization in BLOCK-ARNOLDI. This is accomplished with a step of the form: 15.1. zk = zk - qk(&$k) - ’ ’ ’ - ql(&); 15.2. ik = ik - (i,(q;ik) - . . ’ - ‘j&k); Failure conditions: since this procedure does not generate sequences of orthogonal vectors, it can be subject to failure conditions unrelated to the original problem on which the method is applied. When any of these conditions arise we must restart the procedure with different vectors ql, tjl ([6], p. 389). The conditions are ik is small in line 12, (14a) or zz?, is small in lines 16-17. (14b) It is not well understood when these conditions occur or how to avoid them. If these conditions do not occur, then we can show: Theorem3. Ifz, f 0,..., Zk-, # 0 and(14) doesnot occur for i,, . . . , ik _, , then the vectors generated by We ran two series of problems, one with increasing sizes with single inputs, and one with multiple inputs. The results shown for these sets were typical of all the problems we ran. For each problem we started in canonical form and applied progressively worse conditioned transformations to it. Remarks on Table 2: It was found, as illustrated by the table, that the Amoldi method is as stable as the Staircase method. Since it has comparable cost and much smaller storage requirements, the Amoldi method is seento be of particular use to large problems. For example for a large circuit, the matrix will be large and sparse,but the number of the controllable modes will be relatively small. The NON -SYM- LANCZOS method failed much more often, especially on large problems. It is of course expected that this method be less stable, since it does not use orthogonal transformation. However, motivated by a theorem of Parlett et al. [l], Main Theorem, we computed the minimum residual obtained before termination: residual = , <ye, IlZill~ where k has the final value at termination It was found that, unlike the corresponding quantity for BLOCK-ARNOLDI and Staircase WI, this quantity provided a consistent flag of trouble. 321 Volume 4, Number SYSTEMS 6 & CONTROL Table 2 Experimental results. In Case A, TOL=lO-s, conditioning” TOL = lo-‘. conditioning tried 10 ‘, 103, 106, and no. of inputs of A); aF denotes dimension of S,; NA means not applicable) Case A Case B a b ’ d conditioning for which -method 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. worked 11. Maximum Staircase BLOCK-ARNOLDI NON-SYM-LANCZOS NON-SYM-LANCZOS 4 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 2 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 1E4b lE4h 1E4h 1E4b 1E4b lE4b lE4b lE3’ 1E4b lE4b 1E4b lE4b lE4’ 1E4h 1E4b 1E4b 1E3c lE4’ 1E3 lE3 1E3 lE2 1E2 1E2 d 8E+2 6E+l 6E+1 2E-4 lE-4 4E-4 IE-4 ZE-3 3E-4 11 11 a 4 lE3 1E6b lE3 lE6b BEGIN k= 1; REPEATEDLY d d NA NA applied. the close connection DO BEGIN END END B: ARNOLDI-2 BEGIN 1. k=l; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REPEATEDLY Do BEGIN wk = Aq,; ORTHOGONAL~ZE NORMALIZE zk k=k+l END END between the two. ditioning = 103. In the cases where the residual was large, the correct n, had been obtained, and in cases where it was small, an incorrect nC had been obtained. This example serves to show a typical outcome. k=k+l 0. 322 NA NA wk= Aq,; ((save this matrix-vector product for future use)) FOR i=l,...,k DO h,, = qTwk; ((use equation(6b))) zk = wk- qkhkk - . . . - q,h,,; ((use equation (6a))) Reorthogonalization:repeat steps4-6. hk+,.k = llz,ll2; ((normalize to obtain next vector qk+,)) qk+i = Zkihk+,.k; Appendix residual “c A: ARNOLDI-1 6a. 7. 8. 9. 10. Smallest n When it is small, it indicates that a small perturbation to the original problem is likely to change nn,, hence the computed value of nC should not be trusted. In the last column we give an example of these quantities, computed with TOL = 10d4; con- 1984 in Case B, tried 10’. IO’, lo*, 10’. 104, and no. of inputs=]; = 4 (TOL denotes zero tolerance used: n denotes size of system (order By ‘conditioning’ we mean the condition number of the random similarity transformation Highest conditioning tried for this case. Both Staircase and BLOCK-ARNOLDI failed in the same way at the same place, illustrating Never worked. NON-SYM-LANCZOS failed most often due to conditions (14). Appendix September LETTERS wk againstq,, . . . ,qkr to obtain zk: coefficients go into h ,k+...,hkk; to obtain qk+ ,; scalingfactor goesinto h, + ,.k; Volume 4, Number 6 Appendix C: BLOCK- ((start 0. BEGIN 1. k=l; REPEATEDLY 4. FORj= BEGIN ((denote l,...,S W,=[o ,,..., u,],e.g. W,=[o ,,..., u,,])) DO replaCeS 0,; SET z,=[O,,...,q]; ((t holds approximation j = 1; I = S; WHILE j Ii DO IF U, # to rank( Z,))) BEGIN 0nTHocoNALtzE 9 against 0,. . , y- ,, replacing ((no loss of rank)) 0 THEN 0,; BEGIN NORMALIZE 0,; j=j+l END BEGIN ((rank deficient}) = u,; ((replace deleted column with last column)) I = I - 1 (( reduce estimate of rank by 1)) ELSE U, END ENDIF END; STOP; ((done)) Qk+, =[u ,,..., u,]; ((now IF f = 0 THEN SET 7’s are orthonormal)) k=k+l END END D: ((start 17. 18. 19. columns of B)) O, against ah columns [Q,, . . , Qa 1, result Repeat this step fo; reorthogonalization. Appendix 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. September 1984 LETTERS ORTHONORMAL~ZE 5. 6. 0. 1. DO W,=AQk; 4.1. & CONTROL ARNOLDI with matrix A and Q, = orthonormahzed 2. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. SYSTEMS NON - SYM- LANCZOS with matrix A and two vectors q,, 6, with q$j, = 1 and q, = b/llbI12)) BEGIN k= 1; REPEATEDLY DO BEGIN ak = tj;r;qqk ; IF k = 1 THEN tk = Aqk ik = Ap, BEGIN - akqk; - akdk END ELSE BEGIN /fk = $-- ,Aqk; Pk = q:- ,&,i zk=Aqk-akqk-b$~k-l: ik = ATcjk - akdk - fikik--l END ENDIF; RE-BIORTHOGONALIZE qk+, = zk/,& ((see remarks)) scale vectors so that inner product = 1)) Zk. (( i,; END END 323 Volume 4, Number 6 SYSTEMS & CONTROL References [I] [2] [3] (41 15) [6] [7] [8] 191 324 P. Van Dooren, A. Emani-Naeini and L. Silverman, Stable extraction of the Kronecker structure of pencils, Proc. 17th IEEE Co$ Decision and Control (Jan. 1979) pp. 521-524. D. Boley. Computing the controllability-observability decomposition of a linear time-invariant dynamic system. a numerical approach, PhD Thesis, Standford Computer Science Report STAN-CS-81-860 (June 1981). D.L. Boley, A perturbation result for linear control problems, Univ. of Minn. 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