JFK/M Postpartum Assessment Tool Nursing 122 Student: Patient’s Initials: Date: Age: PP Day: Breast/Bottle: Weight Gain: Childbirth Education: Present Obstetrical History G/P: Blood Type: Type of Delivery: Sex/Weight: G.A./Apgars: Type of Delivery: Complications: Past Obstetrical History History of previous pregnancies/complications: Cultural significant practices: Relevant Medical/Surgical History: Diagnostic/Lab Tests H/H: RBC: Urinalysis pH: Glucose: WBC: S.G.: Platelets: Blood: Ketones: Other relevant antepartum/postpartum diagnostic/lab tests: Rubella status: Immune Non immune Hepatitis status: Negative HBSAG + Rhogam needed: Yes Date: No Protein: Oxygenation: Vitals signs/Pain: Breath sounds: Fundus (level, character): Lochia (type, amount): Nutrition Diet: IV Fluids: Elimination Bladder Output/Foley: Bowel Function: Bowel sounds: Protection Perineum/Episiotomy/Laceration (ecchymosis, edema, hematoma): Abdominal Incision: Abdominal Distention: Ice Pack/Sitz Bath/ Peri Care: Endocrine Breasts (soft, engorged, etc.)/Nipples Interdependence/Self concept Emotional Status: Bonding Behaviors: Depression Scale Score: Nursing Interventions Educational Needs/Teaching: A. Self Care: B. Infant Care: C. Involution/Hemorrhage/Lochia changes: D. Breast Feeding/Bottle Feeding: E. Identified blocks to learning