ABSTRACT: In today’s world where technology plays a major part in the success of even every field and its enhancing and getting stronger day by day. In early ages, we have single core CPU and then multicore processors and now we have GPU which are built for graphics purpose works in parallelism. GPU has given our PCs, more explicitly the gaming consoles the wide range of handling mind-boggling and constant 3D illustrations that were viewed as for all intents and purposes difficult to accomplish only a couple of years back. In this report, we will increase our knowledge about the GPU, what actually GPU is and what they do and how they do and they have become so essential. INTRODUCTION: We are living in a world that requires 3D simulation as real as possible in computer graphics. The 3D world needs a huge amount of computing power because of the bulk of information which is required for it. The normal CPU can’t do all that by its self so GPU introduced which is responsible for the computer graphics. GPUs are widely used nowadays and have lots of applications like a game console, personal PCs, mobile phones, and workstations. The modern GPUs are doing great as the efficiency increased due to their parallel structure for algorithms which are used to process the bulk of data. The term GPU is introduced around 1980 and become popular in 1999 by Nvidia and become the worlds first GPU. The main objective of a GPU, be that as it may, is to empower a representation of a 3D world as sensibly as would be practical. So, these GPUs are intended to give extra computational power that is altered explicitly to play out these 3D actions. GPUs turned out to be more mainstream as the interest for realistic applications expanded. In the end, they wound up an improvement as well as a need for ideal execution of a PC. Particular rationale chips currently permit video executions and quick graphics. Numerous calculations outside the field of picture rendering and preparing are quickened by information parallel handling, from general flag handling or material science recreation to computational back or computational science. According to its name GPU, it is not purely used for tasks that are only related to graphics. Due to its high computing power, it is also capable to do complex resource intensive. Today’s technologies machine learning and Artificial intelligence have become reality with GPU computing processing power. The practical reason for a GPU at that point, is to give a different devoted illustrations asset, including a designs processor and memory, to calm some of the weight off of the primary framework assets, to be specific the Central Processing Unit, Primary Memory, and the System Bus, which would somehow or another get soaked with graphical activities and I/O tasks. The conceptual objective of a GPU, be that as it may, is to empower a portrayal of a 3D world as sensibly as could be allowed. So, these GPUs are intended to give extra computational power that is redone explicitly to play out these 3D graphics. The following sections will elaborate the need and importance of GPUs, its functionality, its components, and methodology, we discuss its architecture and how the information process through it and how it is so beneficial for 3D graphics. METHODOLOGY: In this paper, we worked on quantitative and qualitative research methods to understand the purpose and functionality of GPU the components that are used in it to make it programmable and types of GPU. And for the deep understanding of its working. The questioner was created and distributed among peoples and the scientific persons that are involved in this technology to make the better understanding of GPU. As complementary method, we conduct some interview of the technical person who is working on it to know the importance of it today’s world. TECHNICAL SECTION: Components of GPU: Now let us have a look at the components that are used in GPU: Graphics Processors: We can say that it’s a brain of the GPU card, it has different configurations like graphics co-processors, all the chores related to graphic are handled by graphics co-processors. They are mostly found on highend video cards. Another configuration is graphics accelerator, in this graphics card’s chip reduce graphics command from the CPU. Frame Buffer: The memory on the card is controlled by this chip, it sends information to digital to analog converter. Its rarely used now because it does not process the image data. Memory: The main two kinds of memory that really live on the GPU chip are shared memory and registers. Global, local, Constant, and Texture memory all part of a chip which all are cached. Graphics BIOS: A tiny ROM chip on graphics cards which have all the basic information and tell the other components how to process by keeping relation with each other. The diagnostic tests and the input-output tests on memory are also be performed by Bios to check the proper functionality. Display Connectors: Standard connectors are used by graphics cards, connectors which have video graphics array with 15 pins are mostly used by graphics cards. GPUs Comparison: Below we can see the performance comparison of all the cards. There is listed the profile of individual cards. There is notably a performance gap between the GTX 1080 and Titan XP there is a huge price gap between them but they are very close. Video Trends: We are living in the world of HD videos where 2/3 part of the world’s data traffic is video. Graphics and videos both consume a noteworthy amount of memory bandwidth as the graph shown below. Forms of GPU: Personnel computers pose two main forms of GPU • • Integrated graphics card Dedicated graphics cards Dedicated Graphics Card: These could be defined as the GPU that belongs to the most powerful class having a typical interface integrated with a motherboard as a means of expansion slot, this is done by PCI Express or Accelerated Graphics Port. Integrated Graphics Card: Integrated graphics use most of the part of computers RAM instead of using memory pf dedicated graphics. These can be implemented on motherboards as well as on the CPU. Modern IGPs has the capability of managing 2D and 3D graphics. Usage specific GPU: Different GPUs are designed for specific tasks some of them could be specified as 2D or 3D real-time graphics. Different uses: Gaming, cloud workstation, workstation, automated /driverless car, cloud gaming, Artificial intelligence cloud. Working of GPU: In early ages when scientist performs scientific computing with GPUs, they had to map codes in the matrix operations in order to manipulate it. This method is too large and complicated but now the programming languages introduced which mark the GPU’s straight. A program consists of two parts one part run on the CPU which is a host and the kernel runs on GPU. As the diagram shows the CPU part done the data gathering and set parameters where the actual computation part done by the kernel CONCLUSION: From all the knowledge we can say that this is not an ordinary piece of hardware, it is an exotic product which plays a major role in the latest technologies and artificial intelligence. GPU plays a fatal role as today’s world depends on the 3D modeling gaming console and many more applications. By observing the work which is now done on GPU we can come to a conclusion we can come with the more powerful GPUs in the future. REFERENCES: https://computer.howstuffworks.com/graphics-card1.htm https://nyu-cds.github.io/python-gpu/01-introduction/ https://www.lms.ac.uk/sites/lms.ac.uk/files/files/reports/GPU-KT-report-screen.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_processing_unit https://www.techopedia.com/definition/24862/graphics-processing-unit-gpu