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Career Choice Report: CASVE Cycle & Management

Maryam Ahmed
As my 5th semester is ending, my student advisor has emailed me a reminder about how I have to
pick a major for the upcoming semester. My family has also been asking me lately about what
subject I want to major in and it is causing me anxiety as I don’t know what I want to major in.
First, I asked myself “what do I need to do to solve the problem?”. After a lot of thought and
observation, my answer to the question was to first find out my interests, skills and values and my
occupational knowledge and then link them together to make a decision.
My interests include reading, travelling, watching movies, playing brain teasing games, helping
others, interacting with and communicating with others. When I think of a job, my core value is
job security and a work environment that is not only safe for me as a female, but also helps me to
constantly learn and grown and hence, become a better person who contributes for the well-being
of society. My skills include effectively managing people, verbal and non-verbal communication,
excellent presentation abilities, creating spreadsheets and charts, effective use of Photoshop and
MS office.
Other than that, the RIASEC Hexagon was also helpful for me to visualize what category and
environment that will allow me exercise my skills and abilities. I believe I fall equally into the
social and enterprising categories of Dr. John Holland’s Hexagon model. These two categories
summarize my interest in social relationships, managing and dealing with people, leadership,
speaking abilities and being influential.
After brainstorming and doing various occupational and employment surveys like ‘Career Cluster
Interest Survey’, ‘Strong Interest Inventory’ and various other informal online assessments, I
found out my matching career clusters are Business Management and Administration, Education
and Training, Finance, Human Services, Marketing and Sales, Hospitality and Tourism,
Information Technology, and Government and Public Administration.
These surveys helped me gain the knowledge needed to reduce the gap that had formed between
who I am and what I love to do and hence, as a result I narrowed down my potential majors to
Finance, Education and Training, and Business Management and Administration.
Before I start to prioritize my alternatives, first I have to weigh out their costs and benefits. As I
mentioned above, job security and a safe working environment is something that I value therefore,
I believe that if I major in finance, it will be bit of a hurdle for me as not only will a career in
finance have long working hours; which my parents aren’t too keen on, but finance is not
something that im specifically interested in.
On the other hand, helping others in their lives is something that I value which I believe I can do
through education and training. But I never wanted to be a teacher or a lecturer growing up and I
don’t envision doing that in the near future. However, I would like to impart my knowledge by
helping others either through different training sessions in the corporate world or through NGOs.
Managing and leading people and being an HR officer is something that im passionate about and
something that my parents like for me as well. Another thing is that I can help others by giving
them training that can improve their soft skills as well.
In lieu of the above mentioned reasons, I have decided to prioritize my alternatives as follows:
1. Business Management and Administration
2. Education and Training
3. Finance
Goal: To become an HR officer
1. Major in HR in university.
2. Complete relevant internships during university.
3. Follow guidelines to obtain certification.
4. Go to Bahria University Internship and Placement Office to find potential job leads and
resources for finding a job.
Abdullah Pir
I have to pick a major for the upcoming semester, on which I will base my future professional
I sat alone and thought about “what do I want to do or accomplish in my life and the means which
I can use to achieve it”. To answer my question, I needed to first find out my interests, skills and
values and my occupational knowledge and then link them together to make a decision.
My interests include reading, travelling, watching movies, playing brain teasing games, helping
others, interacting with and communicating with others. When I think of a job, my core values are
career growth and a stress free work environment where I can contribute to the well-being of
society. My skills include effectively managing people, verbal and non-verbal communication,
excellent presentation abilities, creating spreadsheets and charts, effective use of Photoshop and
MS office.
Other than that, the RIASEC Hexagon was also helpful for me to visualize what category and
environment that will allow me exercise my skills and abilities. I believe I fall equally into the
realistic, investigative and entrepreneurial categories of Dr. John Holland’s Hexagon model. These
three categories summarize my interest in social relationships, managing and dealing with people,
leadership, speaking abilities and being influential.
After brainstorming and doing various occupational and employment surveys like ‘Career Cluster
Interest Survey’, ‘Strong Interest Inventory’ and various other informal online assessments, I
found out my matching career clusters are Supply chain, Finance, Human Services, Marketing and
Sales, Hospitality and Tourism and lastly Information Technology.
These surveys helped me gain the knowledge needed to reduce the gap that had formed between
who I am and what I love to do and hence, as a result I narrowed down my potential majors to
Finance, Marketing and supply chain.
Before I start to prioritize my alternatives, first I have to weigh out their costs and benefits. As I
mentioned above, career growth and a stress free work environment where I can contribute to the
well-being of society something that I value therefore, I believe that if I major in finance, it will
be bit of a hurdle for me as not only will a career in finance have long working hours which will
be hectic and mentally draining.
On the other hand, career opportunities afforded to graduates are a massive draw. Every retail
organization has a supply chain, so this is an area where there are multiple opportunities for
employment. This field has good potential for growth and has high paying jobs.
In comparison to some jobs which are short-time and boring, marketing has always to offer
something you. Managing products, selling and buying them, and finding their true value makes
me excited. Your creativity will be at the highest level, and your brain will be more active in
solving complex tasks. Marketing provides opportunities to grow in the working process, to get
the better position or higher income.
In lieu of the above mentioned reasons, I have decided to prioritize my alternatives as follows:
1. Marketing
2. Supply chain
3. Finance
Goal: To become a Marketing Executive
Step 1: Complete an Undergraduate Degree Program
Step 2: Get an Entry-Level Position
Step 3: Advance to Marketing Executive through hard and creative work and get a master's
degree to boost advancement along the way
Step 4: Become Certified
Rahab Nadir
I am in the 5th semester at Bahria University Islamabad Campus enrolled in Bachelors of Business
Administration. It is high time that I decide as to what major I’ll be opting for as it will pave way
to the core field I will work in throughout my life. My family and friends keep asking me about as
to what I have decided and this increases my anxiety with every passing second as I am not really
sure as to what I’ll chose as a major. I know I can study anything I wish to study and excel, but the
thought of sticking to one particular field through my life and by which I will be defined frightens
Choosing a career is not an any easy task I often ask myself as to what do I do to solve the problem
and finalize a pathway for myself. After a lot of thought, observation and consideration, my answer
to the question was to first find out my interests, skills and values, aligning all these tools with my
occupational interests will help me reach a decision. Other than that, the RIASEC Hexagon was
also helpful for me to visualize what category and environment that will allow me exercise my
skills and abilities. I believe I fall equally into the social and enterprising categories of Dr. John
Holland’s Hexagon model. These two categories summarize my interest in social relationships,
managing and dealing with people, leadership, speaking abilities and being influential.
My interests include reading, travelling, watching movies, playing basketball, scrolling through
Buzz Feed, helping the needy and Blog Writing. When I think of a job, my core value is job
security and a work environment that is not only safe for me as a female, but also helps me to
constantly learn and grown and hence, become a better person who contributes for the well-being
of society. My skills include effectively managing people, excellent at verbal and non-verbal
communication, excellent presentation skills, expert in MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint &
Microsoft Visio. Working knowledge of Outlook, Lync - Skype for Business & Photoshop.
After a constructive brainstorming and thought provoking session of research and filling out
various occupational and employment surveys like “Strong Interest Inventory”, “Career Cluster
Interest Survey”, and various other informal online assessments, I found out my matching career
clusters are Business Management and Administration, Accounting, Government and Public
Administration, Finance, Supply Chain, Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism.
Online self-assessment tools were really helpful in getting me a clearer picture as to what career
suits me and helped me determine in which field I will excel. It has greatly helped me narrow down
my choices to Accounting, Supply Chain, Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism, Finance and
Business Management.
Now as I have narrowed down my career choices, I will weigh each one of them to see which
potential career best suits me. If we look at supply chain, although the field looks very promising
but logistics and inventory management is something I feel does not interests me to that extent and
the kind of personality I have, I believe this career choice will not be suitable for me.
Marketing is a really interesting subject but it requires a lot of creativity, although I have unique
ideas and I believe I am creative to a certain extent but the sales side doesn’t not interest me at all
therefore I believe this career pathway will be a bad option for me.
I believe Finance is the field I will greatly excel in. This field is directly proportional to my
personality. I am good with number, and have deep analytical ability. After a lot of thought I have
concluded that I will take finance as my major and become a financial advisor as I am good at
communication skills. Financial advisors are extroverts and I am one, therefore it is plus point for
me to achieve success.
Other than this, I also believe that I can opt business management as my career choice as well
because I am good at managing and leading people. Being an HR officer is something that intrigues
me to be in the front picture of things, solves other people’s issues and the ability of hiring and
firing people.
In lieu of the above mentioned reasons, I have decided to prioritize my alternatives as follows:
1. Finance
2. Business Management
3. Marketing
Goal: To become a Financial Advisor
1. Major in Finance in university.
2. Complete Internships in Finance Department of multinational Companies.
3. Follow guidelines to obtain relevant certifications.
4. Contacting the Internship and placement office at Bahria University to help me find
suitable job.
Mahnoor Sayed
As my 6th semester is fast approaching, I came to a realization that I would before long need to
pick a major and pick wisely as my whole professional career would depend on what major I
choose. Seeking assistance from my student advisor, my family and also some seniors, I will soon
be on the path to deciding my future.
Since this is for my career, and I’m much more likely to be happy and more disciplined if I choose
a field of interest that’s in line with what I would like to pursue as a dream job. Therefore I looked
towards my interests that lie in being outdoors, reading, listening to music, photography, watching
documentaries like conspiracy theories, solving problems, being around animals, joining public
causes and meeting new people.
When I think of a job, my core value is job growth, a work environment where I constantly learn
and hence, become a better person who contributes for the well-being of society and also helps
people reach their goals. My skills include effectively managing people, verbal and non-verbal
communication, excellent presentation abilities, creating spreadsheets and charts, effective use of
Photoshop and MS office.
On the other hand, the RIASEC Hexagon also helped me make good choices and decisions about
which occupations, careers, majors, or training programs that would best fit me.
Having done thorough analyzing and brainstorming and doing various occupational and
employment surveys like ‘Career Cluster Interest Survey’, and numerous other informal online
assessments, I found out my matching career clusters and the top results are:
1. Education and training,
2. Human services
3. Marketing, sales and service
These survey results assisted me with informal career exploration and thus helped me reduce the
gap between what I can do and what I like to do, as a result I narrowed down my potential majors
to Marketing and human recourse management.
Unlike majors in other business disciplines, bachelor’s degree programs in human resources will
offer me the valuable opportunity to specialize my studies in coursework directly related to the
essential skills needed to effectively manage a business’s human capital. As an HR major I can
develop my career in various areas of human resources by learning how to motivate employees,
enforce government regulations, handle labor negotiations, establish competitive employee
benefits, and developing training programs for maintaining a successful workplace with optimal
productivity. Overall, in my opinion, pursuing a bachelor’s degree related to human resource
management is a wise career move for me while seeking to develop the decision making,
interpersonal, leadership, communication, and organizational skills to help companies retain a
qualified workforce for ultimate success. Once I receive a bachelor’s degree in human resources,
I will develop my career abilities in preparation for entering a favorable job market and bringing
home a strong return on my tuition investment.
Goal: To become an HR officer
1. Complete my undergraduate degree
2. Get an entry level HR job position.
3. Through hard work and determination, advance to a high paying, high level HR position.
4. Continue to learn and grow.
Hajira Alam
As my 5th semester is ending, I figured out that it’s about time that I think about how I have to pick
a major for the upcoming semester. My family has also been asking me lately about what subject
I want to major in and it is causing me anxiety as I am not so sure about what career I want to
pursue in.
Initially, I asked myself "what do I have to do to take care of the issue?” After a great deal of
thought and perception, my response to the inquiry was to initially discover my interests, aptitudes
and values and my word related learning and afterward interface them together to settle on a
My interests incorporate reading, voyaging, watching films, playing fun mind games, helping other
people, associating with and speaking with others. When I think about an occupation, my basic
belief is professional stability and a workplace that is safe for me as a female, yet in addition
encourages me to continually learn and develop and consequently, improves me as an individual
who contributes for the prosperity of society. My aptitudes incorporate successfully overseeing
individuals, verbal and non-verbal correspondence, good presentation skills, making spreadsheets
and outlines, and MS office, observing human behavior and feelings.
Other than that, the RIASEC Hexagon was additionally useful for me to imagine what
classification and conditions that will permit me practice my aptitudes and capacities. I trust I fall
similarly into the social and ambitious classes of Dr. John Holland's Hexagon show. These two
classes abridge my enthusiasm for social connections, overseeing and managing individuals, and
authority, talking capacities and being compelling.
After brainstorming and doing various occupational and employment surveys like ‘Career Cluster
Interest Survey’, ‘Strong Interest Inventory’ and various other informal online assessments, I
found out my matching career clusters are Business Management and Administration, Education
and Training, Human Psychology, Finance, Human Services, Marketing and Sales, Hospitality
and Tourism, Information Technology, and Government and Public Administration.
These surveys helped me gain the knowledge needed to reduce the gap that had formed between
who I am and what I love to do and hence, as a result I narrowed down my potential majors to
Finance, Education and Training, and Business Management and Administration.
Before I start to prioritize my alternatives, first I have to weigh out their costs and benefits. As I
mentioned above, job security and a safe working environment is something that I value therefore,
I believe that if I major in Human Psychology, it will be bit of a hurdle for me as not only will a
career as a Psychologist have long working hours; but also the study of it may be not something
that I’m specifically interested in because of how dry it usually gets. And the fact that going to a
Psychologist for some reason isn’t considered “Normal” in our society.
Managing and leading people and being an HR officer is something that I’m passionate about and
something that my parents like for me as well. Another thing is that I can help others by giving
them training that can improve their soft skills as well.
On the other hand, helping others in their lives is something that I value which I believe I can do
through education and training. But I never wanted to be a teacher or a lecturer growing up and I
don’t envision doing that in the near future. However, I would like to impart my knowledge by
helping others either through different training session in the corporate world or through NGOs.
In lieu of the above mentioned reasons, I have decided to prioritize my alternatives as follows:
1. Business Management and Administration
2. Education and Training
3. Human Psychology I.e. Psychologist
Goal: To become an HR Personnel
1. Major in HR in university.
2. Complete relevant internships during university.
3. Follow guidelines to obtain certification.
4. Find potential job leads and resources for finding a job.