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B.B. King Biography: King of the Blues


Biography of B.B King

A Blues Singer Aka “King of Blues”


Rhiannon Spell 7th

Riley B. King or better known as B.B King was on

September 16, 1925 in Itta Bena, Mississippi, and had died on May 14, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

King was a famous Blues singer because of this people refer to him as the King of Blues. He had many songs but some of his famous hits are Three

O'Clock Blues,How Blue Can You Get,The Thrill is

Gone, Sweet Little Angel, and Paying the Cost to be the Boss.

King was born September 16, 1925 in Itta Bena,

Mississippi.His parents split up when he was a small child, and though he lived for a few years with his mother in Mississippi , he was alone when he was nine because of his mother’s death. His father got him from a tenant farm a few years after that. Early on, King was forbidden to sing the blues among deeply religious southern black communities in the

1930s and 40s, it was thought of as "the Devil's

Music." He obediently sang gospel music in church and even performed professionally with groups like the Famous St. John Gospel Singers. King was married twice, first to Martha Lee Denton from

1946 to 1952 and then to Sue Carol Hall from 1958 to 1966. Both of his marriages failed because of the his career, which took him away for his family for his many performances, and He had 15 children.

King was born in Itta Bena but he considered

Indianola his home. For an while had lived in the

Mississippi hills. King left Mississippi for Memphis,

Tennessee.He lived in Las Vegas Nevada, until he died.

 http://www.biography.com/people/bb-king-


 http://www.pbs.org/theblues/songsartists/song sbioalpha.html
