Uploaded by Abeera Malik

Biochemical Engineering Course Outline

Objectives of the Course:
To develop an understanding of design and construction of unit processes that
involve biological organisms or molecules.
Course Outline:
Introduction to biochemical engineering; Enzyme Classification; Enzyme reaction
kinetics (Single-substrate Reactions) and energy patterns in biological systems;
Enzyme Inhibition; Non-ideal Enzyme Kinetics, Isolation of enzymes and
immobilized enzyme technology; Applications of Enzyme Catalysis (Biocatalysis); Transport phenomenon in microbial system; Design and analysis of
biochemical reactors (fermentors); Anaerobic and aerobic metabolism
photosynthesis and bio synthesis; biochemical and microbiological applications.
Recommended Books:
1. Shuler, Michael L., and Fikret Kargi. Bioprocess Engineering: Basic
Concepts. 2nd Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 2001.
Blanch, Harvey W., and D. S. Clark, eds. Biochemical Engineering. New
York, NY: Marcel Dekker Incorporated, 1997.
Bailey, James E., and David F. Ollis. Biochemical Engineering
Fundamentals. 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1986.
Lovitt, R., and Jones, M. Biochemical reaction engineering, Coulson and
Richardson’s Chemical Engineering, Richardson, J.F., and Peacock, D.G
(Eds.), 3rd Edition, Vol-3, Pergamon Press, London. 1994.
Levenspiel, O. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3rd Edition 2006, John Wiley
& Sons.