Uploaded by Sheryl Lewis

Planetary Differentiation Project: Create a Planet Model


A PLaNeT is 


A project on planetary  diļ¬€erentiation 


Task: To create a planet with 4 layers, each  increasing in density from the outer layer to  the core.


1. You may work individually or with a partner. If you choose to work with a partner, you must let me know  who this is. 

2. Planets, like the real sort, must be solid spheres . ey may be put on a stick or another type of base for  display purposes. 


e layers of the sphere, as noted above and also like the real sort, must increase in density from the  outermost layer to the innermost layer (core = most dense). (Layers, like the real sort, do not need to be  uniform throughout. In other words, there may be areas where a layer is thicker than in another area. 

4. As you determine density, you must record your data in the table below: 


(***include the name of the  material that is used) 

What is the density? 

(ALL densities must be in g/cm g/mL) 

3 or 

How do you know? 

(Write at least one sentence. 

Explanations must be thorough.) 


1 (outside) 






4 (core)     


5. You must present your planet, including a short slideshow with the following: 

1. A name for your planet 

2. A picture of your planet 


3. e table above with layers, the densities, and how you determined these densities 


Due Friday, December 8th  
