Training Transfer: Job Satisfaction & Self-Efficacy

Problem Statement:
Human resource developers are mainly concerned about the important process
of transfer of training. (Brown et al., 2011; Tian et al., 2016) Transfer of training
process is implied on the workplace and it starts when the training is completed
after some time. (Chauhan et al., 2016; Zumrah and Byole, 2015; Nikandrou et
al., 2009; Zumrah, 2015). Transfer training process generally means how well you
have grabbed the concepts that you were being taught and how well you be
able to apply them on the workplace. The concepts which have been grabbed
can be shared and generalized. (Blume et al., 2010). Whereas generalization
refers to the process of obtaining the specific skills and abilities that are being
taught at the trainings. (Zumrah and Byole, 2015; Blume et al., 2010). To gain an
edge over your competitors it is necessary that your organization is indulging
knowledge based culture and it is only possible if transfer of training is efficiently
done. According to a research, 66% employees use the acquired knowledge
readily and this percentage decreases with the passage of time approximately
44% after six months 34% in one year. This is a tough challenge for the
organizations as they have to bring the best of the employees by utilizing the
trainings. These percentages are very important concern for the organizations as
they spend a lot of their budget of these training programs. As we give a
detailed look at the literature, it tells us that training is considered to be a
function of trainee’s characteristics and work environment. Some of the trainee
characteristics may include self-efficacy, worker’s personality and organizational
commitment and the factors that are environmentally influenced are co worker
support, management support, learning culture, job design.
These environmentally related factors and characteristics of trainee are very
well explained but there is still a need to make clear vision or prediction about
transfer of training through these factors. As we look through the role of
environment, the most important considering factor is provision support at the
workplace. Previous studies showed that supervisor, peer and management
support can somehow influence transfer of training. Perceived organization
support has never been clearly a part of previous researches in order to predict
transfer of training. Self-efficacy, Job satisfaction and perceived organization
support are the motivation predictors that leads to transfer of training process.
Moreover, these things creates a need of examining these variables in
nonwestern culture. Previously, it has not been clearly shown that how selfefficacy helps in explaining relationship between perceived organizational
support and job satisfaction on order to promote transfer of training.
This Study paves way for to understand the mediating role of job satisfaction
between perceived organizational support and transfer of training, on the other
hand self-efficacy acts as a mediating variable between job satisfaction and
perceived organizational support.
Research Model:
Perceived Organizational
Job Satisfaction
Transfer of Training