Uploaded by Denise Scott

Historical Movie Trailer & Poster Project

Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
Test 3.1.1: First Trimester Movie Trailer
Movie Trailer
Movie trailers give a hint of the characters and conflicts that the viewer can expect in the
full movie. Trailers are highly polished pieces of advertising that attempt to present
even the worst movies in the most attractive light. With an emphasis on drama, conflict,
action and memorable or quotable lines of dialogue, trailers work hard to entice viewers
to go see the movie.
Good Trailers will:
1. Leave the viewer wanting more! Build the viewers’ curiosity!
2.Emphasize the strongest aspect of the movie: action, actors, dialogue, setting, etc.
3.Sell the Sizzle, not the steak!
a. Put the coolest shots, the best lines of dialog, the very best of everything in
the trailer.
b. Do not explain the plot. People in marketing always say,
“Sell the sizzle, not the steak”. The sizzle is the really cool stuff that makes
your movie look awesome. The steak is the plot.
4. Move quickly! Most shots in a trailer are under 5 seconds long. This rapid style
of editing gives the viewer a sense of rapid pace... of action even if the images
are of people sitting still.
Bad Trailers will:
1. Give away the entire plot(the steak)
2.Move too slowly (they make 3 minutes seem like an eternity)
3. Be poorly made(shaky camera, music doesn’t fit mood, terrible audio, awful
editing[distracting special transitions], have unreadable text)
4.Be unnecessarily confusing or make no sense at all
5.Plagiarize and use existing video footage
Parts of a Trailer
Plot summary
Most trailers have a three-act structure similar to a feature-length film. They start with a
beginning (act 1) that lays out the premise of the story. The middle (act 2) drives the
story further and usually ends with a dramatic climax. Act 3 usually features a strong
piece of "signature music" (either a recognizable song or a powerful, sweeping
orchestral piece). This last act often consists of a visual montage of powerful and
emotional moments of the film and may also contain a cast run if there are noteworthy
stars that could help sell the movie.
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
Voice-over narration is used to briefly set up the premise of the movie and provide
explanation when necessary ("In a world..."). Since the trailer is a highly condensed
format, voice-over is a useful tool to enhance the audience's understanding of the plot.
Music helps set the tone and mood of the trailer. Go to www.freeplaymusic.com
Cast, crew and studio information
A cast run is a list of the stars that appear in the movie. If the director or producer is well
known or has made other popular movies, they often warrant a mention as well.
Movie Trailer Websites
Your Task
Create a 2-4 minute trailer for a completely new film adaptation of one of the historical
topics from 1607-1877.
The key requirement is to creatively portray the 6-7 key elements of the event in history
that you have chosen.
Keep the characters, plot, setting or not as you choose, but your story MUST be
historically accurate and convey 6-7 key facts about the event.
Rubric Checklist
The written plot of the movie:
____ is 1-2 pages in length (typed, double spaced preferred)
____ includes the entire movie (beginning, middle, and end)
____ includes correctly formatted bibliography (works cited) page
____Plot deals with accurate historical detail about the topic chosen
____is serious in tone (remember we’re dealing with historical facts)
____ is due November 6, 2018
The Trailer:
____ includes equal participation of all members of the group
____ is 2-4 minutes in length
____ is serious in tone
____ the text (if used) is easy to read, spelled correctly, and grammatically correct
____ hints at, but does not reveal too much of the plot (leaves some mystery)
____ is school appropriate (violence is hinted at, but not explicit; no blood; will not
offend anyone)
____ is in a viewable format (best options: DVD, or post on YouTube
____ Bibliography of all graphics, music and sources used- in MLA format and in
alphabetical order by author (see OWL website for formatting and help)
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
Test 3.1.1: First Trimester Movie Poster
Movie Poster
A film poster is a poster used to promote and advertise a film.
Studios often print several posters that vary in size and
content for various domestic and international markets. They
normally contain an image with text. Today's posters often
feature photographs of the main actors. Prior to the 1990s,
illustrations instead of photos were far more common. The
text on film posters usually contains the film title in large
lettering and often the names of the main actors. It may also
include a tagline, the name of the director, names of
characters, the release date, etc.
Your Task
Create a 2-4 minute trailer for a completely new film
adaptation of one of the historical topics from 1607-1877.
The key requirement is to creatively portray the 6-7 key
elements of the event in history that you have chosen.
Keep the characters, plot, setting or not as you choose, but
your story MUST be historically accurate and convey 6-7 key
facts about the event.
Rubric Checklist
The Poster:
____ must contain original art to represent the main idea of the story
____ one main graphic but may choose to include more
____ Must be in full color. No Black and White or grayscale printing! No pencil!
____ includes equal participation of all members of the group
____ Title of story and author’s name must be clearly visible
____At least one “review” quote from a critic about the story. Must be made-up and is
intended to draw the viewer’s interest. No more than 2 sentences.
____ Include a “tagline” for the story. This should act as a “teaser”—make it short and
____ You must have a three-sentence summary of the story attached to your poster
(can be written on the back or typed and pasted)
____ Be creative and have fun with this!
 Submit a poster smaller than 8½x11 (standard printer paper) or larger than
22x28 (no trifold boards)
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
 Copy existing art for the movie. This is your original work!
 Use a tagline from an existing movie or book
 Leave white/blank space on your poster. It should be completely filled and neat
____ includes a 2-3 minute presentation
____ is serious in tone
____ the text is easy to read, spelled correctly, and grammatically correct
____ hints at, but does not reveal too much of the plot (leaves some mystery)
____ is school appropriate (violence is hinted at, but not explicit; no blood; will not
offend anyone)
____ is in FULL COLOR
_____ Bibliography of all graphics and sources used- in MLA format and in alphabetical
order by author (see OWL website for formatting and help)
____ Has all elements of the suggested template (this is a minimum requirement)
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
Has a complete and
accurately formatted
Shows poise and
knowledge of the
product and its content
Has a complete
bibliography but it is
not formatted correctly
Shows thorough
knowledge of the
product and its
content, but has
trouble with
presentation skills
Has a complete list of
websites but no
Shows uncertainty
about content and
product is not
confident in
Has no or incomplete
Does not present or
presentation shows
lack of understanding
of the content
product or both
Your Score
Max points 70
Name of Group Members:___________________
DUE DATE: 11/6/2018
assigned tasks.
Max Points 30
Your Total Score