Homicide Chart: intentional intent murder common law vol manslaughter 2nd Degree (FoR FM there it intent and extreme recklessness) Felony murder (1st Deg=in limited list. 2nd Deg=not in list) Felony Murder (Serne) recklessness invol manslaughter purpose murder knowledge extreme recklesness rebuttable presumption mpc manslaughter recklessness negligent homicide Gross Negligence §210.4 strict liability: (Stamp) as long as death takes place=MURDER Negligent Std (Stephen's Approach in Serne) if someone engage in intentional felony an negligent result of death=murder negligence mens rea extreme recklessness causing death awareness of risk of death limitation in the abstract 1st Degree inherently dangerous as committed killings by non felons (Canola) killings against felons prox cause agency theory intentional 1st Degree intent murder common law vol manslaughter 2nd Degree (FoR FM there it intent and extreme recklessness) Felony murder (1st Deg=in limited list. 2nd Deg=not in list) Felony Murder (Serne) recklessness negligence purpose murder knowledge extreme recklesness rebuttable presumption mpc manslaughter recklessness negligent homicide Gross Negligence §210.4 Limitations for Common Law FMR strict liability: as long as death takes place=MURDER Negligent Std (Stephen's Approach in Serne) if someone engage in intentional felony an negligent result of death=murder invol manslaughter mens rea extreme recklessness causing death awareness of risk of death limitation in the abstract as committed inherently dangerous prox cause foreseeability agency theory death caused by furtherance of felony killings by non felons (Canola) killings against felons If not in limited list for Felony Murder 1st degree (limited list), then engage in statutory interpretation (abstract and as-committed test). If it’s in the limited list, no use to do statutory limitation STRICT LIABILITY CRIMES: no mens rea required public welfare/regulatory offense not traditional offense Mens Rea common law silent statut: YES SL small penalities (If small=SL) reasonable care would be enough (if rsbl care is enough=SL) stigmitization (no stigma=SL) STRICT LIABILITY 2.05 MPC NO SL 2.02(4) 1.04(5) Morality Criminal Law collateral consequences are bad (ie. right to vote) Morality (mala in se) Criminal Law (malum prohibitum) SL: Some crimes are malum prohibutm (like driving on wrong side of road), that do not encroach into “morality” side. Those are crimes solely for social coordination/regulatory purposes. Not criminally moral Mistake of Facts mens rea Common Law moral wrong principle (Prince): negates any mens rea state/ broad conception morally wicked Lesser crime principle (Brett Dissent on Prince/broad conception) legally wicked What types of mens rea state required under crime: sometimes it is clear by court's reasoning sometimes it doesnt, then 2.02(3) everything but negligence so can use knowledge, purposeful, and recklessness full defense if it negates req mens rea 2.04 (1)(a)-(b) Broad Conception mistake of facts MPC Narrow conception proportionality: punishment fits the crime 2.04(2)