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Toastmaster Guide: Education Session Script & Prep

1) For Education Session Part I (Prepared Speeches), confirm with the VP Ed if there are any changes to the speakers
and to the evaluators.
2) For Education Session Part II (Table Topics), confirm the Table Topics Master, and prepare a brief introduction for
3) For Education Session Part II (Evaluations), confirm who is the General Evaluator, and prepare a brief introduction for
1) The Chairperson will introduce you.
2) Briefly explain the 3 parts of the Education Session (Prepared Speeches, Table Topics, and Evaluations).
3) Explain the voting for each Session, and the evaluation forms for the Prepared Speeches only (some guests are a little
confused about who the evaluation forms are for, because it normally isn't clearly explained during the meeting).
4) At the end of the Education Session, you will return the control back to the Chairperson.
You will be introduced by the Chairperson.
“Thank you for that warm introduction. My name is … and I will be
the Toastmaster for this evening. My role is to preside over the
Education Session of this meeting.”
Proceed to explain the Education Session (3 parts). It's suggested that you mention who the Table Topics Master and GE
are at this point.
“Now let's begin with Part I of our Education Session, the Prepared
Speeches. When you become a member of Toastmasters, who will
receive a manual called the Competent Communicator manual...”
Briefly explain the Competent Communicator manual, and then mention that once completed, you have the opportunity to
continue with the Advanced Manuals.
“Tonight we have the please of hearing a (project #) speech, a (project #)
speech, and a (project #) speech. At the end of every speech, you can
fill out the evaluation form in front of you, to give to the speaker
during the break or at the end of the meeting. This is extremely
helpful for the speaker, in order to improve on his/her next speech.
Once all the speakers have spoken, you can vote for the Best
Speaker by filling out the ballot at the bottom of your sheet.
“Are we ready to begin?”
“Our first speech for this evening will be presented by __________,
but before I introduce him/her, I will like the speech evaluator to rise
and please explain the objectives for this speech.”
The speech evaluator will give the objectives for the speech, ending with the timing requirements. Once the evaluator sits
down, you can ask the Timer to stand up and give the timing requirements for the speech.
** TIP: Take a mental note of the timing requirements for all the prepared speeches. If more than one of them are the
same, mention it to the audience, and that way the Timer doesn't have to repeat the same information again. The same
can be done if 2 speakers are presenting the same project.**
“Our first speaker is (give your brief introduction). Presenting his/her (project #),
titled ________________, please help me welcome
Once the speaker is finished...
“What a (insert adjective here) speech. Mr/Mme Timer, can you please give
us a minute to fill out the evaluation form for ___________?”
After the minute...
“Our 2nd speech for this evening will be presented by __________,
but before I introduce him/her, I will like the speech evaluator to rise
and please explain the objectives for this speech.”
** IF NECESSARY, the speech evaluator will give the objectives for the speech, ending with the timing requirements.
Once the evaluator sits down, you can ask the Timer to stand up and give the timing requirements for the speech.
“Our 2nd speaker is ...”
Give a brief introduction of the 2nd speaker.
“Presenting his/her (project #), titled ________________, please help
me welcome _________________.”
Once the speaker is finished...
“What a __________________speech. Mr/Mme Timer, can you
please give us a minute to fill out the evaluation form for
After the minute...
“Our final speech for this evening will be presented by __________,
but before I introduce him/her, I will like the speech evaluator to rise
and please explain the objectives for this speech.”
** IF NECESSARY,The speech evaluator will give the objectives for the speech, ending with the timing requirements.
Once the evaluator sits down, you can ask the Timer to stand up and give the timing requirements for the speech.
“Our final speaker is ...
Give brief introduction of the speaker.
“Presenting his/her (project #), titled ________________, please
help me welcome _________________.”
Once the speaker is finished...
“What a _____________________ speech. Mr/Mme Timer, were
there any disqualifications for the Prepared Speeches?
Wait for the answer.
“Can you please give us 2 minutes to fill out both the evaluation
form for _____________, as well as to vote for the Best Speaker?
Our speakers tonight once again were ...”
After the 2 minutes...
“And that concludes the first part of the Education Session. We will
now take a 5 minute break. Please come back at __________ in
order to start the 2nd part of the Education Session, Table Topics.”
Bang the gavel.
Remind the Chairperson about the 50/50 Raffle.
“Welcome back everybody. Now we will begin the 2nd part of the
Education Session, the Table Topics Session. For that, I would like
to introduce the Table Topics Master for this evening. He/she is ...”
Give your brief introduction of the Table Topics Master.
“Please help me welcome ____________________”.
Lead the applause.
The Table Topics Master will return the control of the meeting back to you once his/her Session is finished.
“What a great Table Topics round (you can give your own brief personal comments or
“Now it's time for the final part of the Education Session, the
Evaluations. This is the learning portion of the meeting, where we
find out what we're doing well, and what we need to improve on.
Presiding over the Evaluations portion will be the General
Evaluator. He/she is ...”
Give your brief introduction of the General Evaluator.
“Ladies and gentleman, please help me welcome _____________.”
The General Evaluator will preside over the Evaluations portion.
He/she will return the control of the meeting back to you at the end of it.
“And that concludes the Education Session. I would now like to
return the control back to our Chairperson.”
Congratulations on a job well done!