English Power Question Bank: Exam Prep

Chapter Name
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Error Spotting
Cloze Test
Sentence Rearrangement/Jumbled Sentences
Fill In The Blanks
Sentence Fillers
Sentence Connectors
Sentence Correction
Reading Comprehension
Synonyms Antonyms
Word Usage
Vocabulary From The Hindu
Phrasal Verb
One Word Substitution
Mixed English Questions
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A Noun is the name of a person, place, thing, quality,
condition and action. There are five kinds of Noun –
(a) Proper Noun
(b) Common Noun
(c) Collective Noun
(d) Abstract Noun
(e) Material Noun.
A boy
Ram helps Sita.
Ram helps Sita.
Ram 's wife
Subject verb agreement in Number
Same form both in
singular & plural
Three hundred people/
Hundreds of people
Looks plural
Looks singular
depending upon
a) Three hundred people attended the function.
b) Hundreds of people attended the party.
In sentence a), ‘hundred’ is preceded by number
‘three’. So ‘hundred’ will take no plural form. Word
‘three hundred’ indicates plurality.
But in sentence b), ‘hundred’ is not preceded by any
number. So to indicate plurality, we will write
So, rule is that when words like hundred, dozen,
thousand, pair, score are not preceded by any
word denoting number then they take the
plural form, otherwise not.
a) Cola paid lakhs of rupees to Aamir Khan for
promoting their product.
b) I brought two dozen bananas.
Important rule Tell which sentence is correct
a) Since long no news has been heard.
b) Since long no news have been heard.
Sentence a is correct. Some nouns are always used
as singular though they look like plural nouns.
Other similar words are politics, mathematics,
physics, gallows, means, billiards, ethics, summons,
For example
a) Politics is not my cup of tea.
b) I received summons.
c) Sachin once again played a superb innings
NOTE to manage questions on number of noun, try
to make out sense of sentence whether singular or
plural which noun form is to be used.
Important rule Some nouns have the same form
both in singular as well as in plural.
For example
a) A deer was caught
b) Deer were caught.
Here, the singular and plural form of the noun Deer
is same. Like Deer there are other nouns that have
the same form in
Singular as well as plural form.
For example
sheep, apparatus, species, series, hundred, dozen,
hair etc
Important rule Nouns denoting large numbers are
used both in singular and plural form
For example
Important rule Tell which sentence is correct
a) The spectacles that you are wearing are really
b) The spectacles that you are wearing is really
Sentence a) is correct.
The reason being that some noun words are
always used in the plural form.
For example
trousers, arms, drawers, assets, scales, alms, thanks,
cards; ashes, riches, premises, scissors, credentials,
Important rule Tell which sentence is correct
a) The cattle was grazing in the field.
b) The cattle were grazing in the field
Sentence b) is correct .The reason being that some
nouns are always used as plurals though they
look like singular. Other nouns like this are public;
people, folk, mankind, poultry, sheep, police, gentry,
peasantry, bulk, majority, etc.
For example
a) The majority are with the leader. b) Police,
though late, have come. c) Public wants results.
Important rule Tell which sentence is correct.
a) This project will lead to lots of expenditures
b) This project will lead to lots of expenditure.
Sentence b) is correct. The reason is that some
nouns are always used as singular. Preceding
adjectives or the verb form indicates the
singularity or plurality.
Other nouns are expenditure, furniture,
information, machinery, issue, offspring, alphabet,
scenery, poetry.
For example
a) All the furniture was bought last year.
b) All the Information was given to him.
Important rule Meaning of some nouns in plural
form is very different from the meaning of nouns
in singular form. Hence, that form should be used
which will convey the right meaning.
For example
a) I opened the letter and read its contents.
b) Her mouth was fixed in a smile of pure content.
c) The conflict between good and evil is ages old.
d) We must produce goods at competitive prices.
e) Delhites breathe the most polluted air in the
f) She was just putting on airs when she came to
visit us/me.
g) We should renounce the use of force to settle our
h) Families of people who died as a result of
services in the forces should not be ignored.
i) I was very excited on my return to my home
j) Early returns in the ballot indicate majority for
Following are rules regarding apostrophe
Rules regarding apostrophe S (’s)
a) Singular noun ’s is added after the word.
b) Singular noun Only an apostrophe is added when
there are too many hissing sounds.
leg of the table, cover of the book.
g) But in nouns that denote time, distance or
weight, ’s is used.
For example
a stone’s throw, in a year’s time, the earth’s surface.
h) Some other common phrases where ’s is used
are to his heart’s content, at his wit’s end, out of
harm’s way. i) When a noun consists of several
words, the possessive sign is attached only to the
last word.
For example
a) The Queen’s of England reaction is important in
the Diana episode. (Incorrect)
b) The Queen of England’s reaction is important in
the Diana episode. (Correct) Do not be mistaken
that since it is the Queen’s reaction, the ’s should
come after queen. You might think that putting it
after England would make the reaction England’s
and not the Queen’s. This is shortsightedness. Do
not see Queen and England in isolation, Queen of
England is one whole unit and the apostrophe
should come at its end.
j) When two nouns are in apposition, the possessive
sign is put to the latter only.
For example
a) I am going to Stephen Hawking’s the scientist’s
country. (Incorrect) b) I am going to Stephen
Hawking the scientist’s country. (Correct)
k) When two or more nouns show joint possession,
the possessive sign is put to the latter only.
For example
Moses’ laws, for goodness’ sake, For justice’ sake.
c) Plural nouns ending in s like boys, cows only’ is
added after the word
d) Plural nouns not ending in s like men, children ’s
is added after the word.
e) ’S is added primarily after the living things and
personified objects.
For example
Governor’s bodyguard, horse’s head, Nature’s law,
Fortune’s favourite.
f) ’S is not used with inanimate or non-living things.
For example
For example
a) Amitabh and Ajitabh are Bachchanji’s sons. So
Bachchanji is Amitabh’s and Ajitabh’s father.
(Incoreect) b) Amitabh and Ajitabh are Bachchanji’s
sons. So Bachchanji is Amitabh and Ajitabh’s father.
(Correct) I) When two or more nouns show
separate possession, the possessive sign is put with
For example
. a) The audience listened to Javed and Vajpayee’s
poems. (Incorrect) b) The audience listened to
Javed’s and Vajpayee’s poems. (Correct)
A verb must agree with its subject in number and
person. Often due to “Error of Proximity” the verb
is made to agree in number with a noun near it
instead of with its proper subject.
For example
a) The quality of the mangoes were not good.
(Wrong since subject is quality, a singular and not
b) The quality of the mangoes was not good (Right).
c) His knowledge of Indian vernaculars are far
beyond the common. (Wrong)
d) His knowledge of Indian vernaculars is far
beyond the common. (Right)
Important Rule If two singular nouns express one
idea, the verb is in the singular.
For example
a) Bread and Butter are essential for one’s life.
b) Bread and Butter is essential for one’s life.
Important Rule Verb should be singular even
when some words are joined to a singular subject
by ‘with’, ‘as well as’ etc,
For example
a) The chairman, with the directors, is to be
b) Silver, as well as cotton, has fallen in prices.
Important Rule When a plural noun denotes some
specific quantity or amount considered as a
whole, the verb is generally singular.
a) Neither Rekha nor her fiends was present at the
party. (Incorrect)
b) Neither Rekha nor her friends were present at
the party. (Correct)
Important Rule Either, neither, each, everyone,
many a must be followed by a singular verb.
For example
a) Neither of the two men was very strong.
b) Every one of the prisons is full.
c) Many a man has done so.
d) He asked whether either of the applicants was
Important Rule Two nouns qualified by each or
every, even though connected by ‘and’ require a
singular verb.
For example
Every boy and every girl was given a packet of
Important Rule ‘None’ though singular commonly
takes a plural verb.
For example
None are so deaf as those who will not hear
For example
a) Five hours are too short a time to judge one’s
character. (Incorrect)
b) Five hours is too short a time to judge one’s
character. (Correct)
This is so because five hours is considered as one
Important Rule Two or more singular subjects
connected by ‘or’, ‘nor’ require singular verb.
For example
a) No nook or corner was left unexplored.
b) Our happiness or our sorrow is largely due to
our own actions.
Important Rule When the subjects joined by ‘or’,
‘nor’ are of different numbers, the verb must be
plural, and the plural must be placed next to the
For example
A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun
Now consider the following cases
Since a pronoun is used instead of a Noun, it must
be of the same number, gender and person as the
noun for which it stands.
For example
Those beggars are idle. They refuse to work for
their living.
Please consider the following two sentences.
a) After a few hearings the jury gave its verdict.
(Pronoun ‘its is used in place of noun 'jury').
b) The jury were divided in their opinions.
(Pronoun ‘their’ is used in place of noun ‘jury’
You must be wondering why different pronoun
'its' and ‘their’ is used in place of the same noun
The reason is when a pronoun stands for a
collective noun it must be in the singular number
and neutral gender. (Sentence a).
But when collective noun conveys the idea of
separate individuals comprising the whole, the
pronoun standing for it must be of the plural
number. In sentence b, it is clear that members of
the jury are not behaving as whole.
For example
a) The committee is reconsidering its decision.
b) The committee decided the matter without
leaving their seats.
Major categories - rules
1. Noun pronoun verb- Agreement in
person- number- gender throughout
2. Type of pronoun - for persons/things
3. Order of preference
4. Position - nearness
5. Case - subjective/objective/possessive
Noun-pronoun agreement in person, number,
A pronoun must agree with its Antecedent in
person, number and gender.
For example
a) All passengers must show their (not his)
b) I am not one of thosewho believe everything
they (not I) hear
Important Rule When two or more singular nouns
are joined by ‘and’, the pronoun used for them
must be plural.
For example
Rama and Hari work hard. Their teachers praise
But when two Singular nouns joined by ‘and’ refer
to the same person or thing, the pronoun should
be singular.
Important Rule When a plural and a singular noun
are joined by ‘or’ or ‘nor’, the pronoun must be in
the plural
For example
Either the manager or his assistants failed in their
Rules regarding personal pronouns
Rule 123 order of preference = 1>2>3
When a pronoun refers to more than one noun
or pronouns of different persons, it must be of
the first person plural in preference to the second
and of the second person plural in preference to the
For example
You and I, husband and wife, have to look after your
home. (Incorrect)
You and I, husband and wife, have to look after our
home. (Correct)
Case - subjective/objective/possessive
Important Rule The complement of the verb be,
when it is expressed by a pronoun, should be in the
nominative form.
For example
a) It was he (not him), b) It is I (not me) that gave
the prizes away. c) It might have been he (not him).
Tell which sentence is correct
a) The presents are for you and me.
b) The presents are for you and I.
Sentence a is correct. Pronoun has to agree with the
case. Here it is the objective case. So, ‘me’ should
be used instead of ‘I’.
For example
The Secretary and Treasurer is negligent of his
duty. Here the same person is acting as Secretary
and Treasurer. That’s why singular pronoun is
Important Rule When two singular nouns joined
by ‘and’ are preceded by ‘each’ or ‘every’, then the
pronoun must be singular
For example
Every soldier and every sailor was in his place.
Important Rule When two or more singular nouns
are joined by ‘or’, ‘either...or’, ‘neither...nor’, the
pronoun is generally singular.
For example
a) Neither Abdul nor Rehman has done his lessons.
b) Either Rama or Hari must help his friend.
For example
My uncle asked my brother and me to dinner.
Important Rule Tell which sentence is correct
a) He loves you more than I.
b) He loves you more than me.
Sentence a is correct ‘Than’ is a conjunction joining
clauses. And the case of the pronoun to be used may
be found by writing the clauses in full. So, in
a.) Two clauses joined by ‘than’ are ‘He loves you
more’ and ‘I love you’. Being a subjective case, ‘I’
should be used.
For example
a) He is taller than I (am).
b) He loves you more than (he loves) me.
Rules regarding relative pronouns
On combining each of the above pairs into one
a) This is the boy who works hard (Who in place of
b) This is the boy whose exercise is done well.
(whose in place of His)
c) This is the boy whom all praise. (Whom in place
of Him) The above sentences show when to use
who, whose and whom. Who is the subjective case,
Whose the possessive case and Whom the objective
a) I hold in high esteem everything and everybody
who reminds me of my failures. b) I hold in high
esteem everybody and everything, which reminds
me of my failures.
In referring to anybody, everybody, anyone, each
etc., the pronoun of the masculine or the feminine
gender is used according to the context.
For example
a) I shall be glad to help everyone of my boys in his
b) I shall be glad to help everyone of my girls in her
studies. c) I shall be glad to help everyone of my
students in his studies.
But when gender is not determined, the pronoun of
the masculine gender is used as in sentence c.
The pronoun one should be used throughout, if
used at all.
For example
Whose Persons/things
Which Things w/o life
Who, Which, Whom, That, Whose should be placed
as near to the antecedent as possible.
For example
I with my family reside in Delhi, which consists of
my wife and parents.
This sentence is wrong as which relates to ‘my’
So ‘which’ should be placed as near to family’ as
So, the correct sentence is
b) I with my family which, consists of my wife and
parents, reside in Delhi.
Who is used In the nominative cases and whom in
the objective cases.
a) One must use one’s best efforts if one wishes to
b) One should be careful about what one says.
(B) Plural is commonly used with none.
For example
a) None of his poems are well known.
b) None of these words are now current.
Anyone should be used when more than two
persons or things are spoken of.
For example
a) There is Mr. Dutt, who (not whom) they say is
the best painter in the town.
b) The Student, whom (not who) you thought so
highly of, has failed to win the first prize.
When the subject of a verb is a relative pronoun,
the verb should agree in number and person
with the antecedent of the relative.
For example
a) This is one of the most interesting novels that
have (not has) appeared this year. (Here,
antecedent of relative pronoun that is novels and
not one)
b) This is the only one of his poems that is (not
are) worth reading.
When ‘one’ is used as pronoun, its possessive form
‘one’s’ should follow instead of his, her etc.
For example
One must put one’s best efforts if one wishes to
With let objective case of the pronoun is used.
For example
let you and me do it.
If a pronoun has two antecedents, it should agree
with the nearer one.
For example
For example
She was taller than anyone of her five sisters.
Adjectives are the words that describe the
qualities of a noun or pronoun in a given sentence.
Consider the following
Tell which sentence is correct
a) Flowers are plucked freshly.
b) Flowers are plucked fresh.
Sentence b is correct as; adjective is correctly used
with a verb when some quality of the subject rather
than verb is to be expressed. Here, fresh describes
the word Flowers (a noun) and not plucked (a
Types of adjectives
Types of adjectives
Adjectives of quality
Adjectives of quantity
Adjectives of number
possessive adjectives
Distributive adjectives
Demonstrative adjectives
Interrogative adjectives
Good, bad, red, black
Some, any, little, few
Cardinal -one, two, three
Ordinal - first, second
My, our, your
Each, every, either
This, that ,those
What, which
From above table you can see that many words are
behave as pronoun as well as Adjectives depending
upon the context in which these words are used in a
Rules regarding demonstrative adjective
Rules regarding distributive adjectives
Rule Each is used when reference is made to the
individuals forming any group. Each is also used
when the number of the group is limited and
For example
a) I was in Shimla for five days and it rained each
day. Every is used when reference is made to total
group or when the number is indefinite.
For example
a) Every seat was taken. b) I go for a movie every
week. c) Leap year falls in every fourth year.
Rule Each, either, neither and every are always
followed by the singular noun.
For example
a) Each boy must take his turn. b) Every word of it
is false. c) Neither accusation is true.
Rules regarding adjectives of quantity
Some is used in affirmative sentences to express
quantity or degree.
For example
I shall buy some bananas. Any is used in the
negative or interrogative sentences to express
quantity or degree.
For example
a) I shall not buy any bananas. b) Have you bought
any bananas? But some is an exception to the above
rule. Some is used in interrogative sentences, which
are commands or requests.
For example
Will you please lend me some money?
Few is used for countable objects and little is used
for noncountable objects.
Little means not much. So use of the word little has
a negative meaning.
For example
Few men are free from faults.
A few means some. So use of ‘a few’ has a positive
For example
A few men are free from faults.
The few means not many, but all there are
For example
The few remarks that he made were very good.
Only uncountable nouns follow much, little, some,
enough, sufficient and whole.
For example
a) I ate some rice. b) There are not enough spoons.
Rules regarding interrogative adjectives
What is used in the general sense and which is used
in a selective sense.
For example
a) Which of you haven’t brought your book? b)
What manner of man is he?
Rules regarding degrees of comparison of
Comparative degree- When two objects are
compared with each other, the latter term of
comparison must exclude the former.
For example
a) Delhi is bigger than any other city in India.
Superlative degree
In a comparison by means of a superlative the latter
term should include the former.
a) There is little hope of his recovery. b) He has
little appreciation of hard work.
A little means some though not much. So, use of a
little has a positive meaning.
For example
a) There is a little hope of his recovery. b) He has a
little appreciation of hard work. The little means
not much but all there is.
For example
a) The little information he had was quite reliable.
b) The little knowledge of management he
possessed was not sufficient to stand him in good
Few mean not many. So use of the word few has a
negative meaning.
For example
For example
a) Delhi is the biggest of all cities in India.
b) Of all men he is the strongest. Kindly note the
difference in this and the previous rule.
Later and latest refer to time.
For example
a) He came later than I expected.
b) This is the latest news.
Latter and last refer to position.
For example
a) The last player could not bat as he was injured.
b) The latter chapters are very interesting. Latter is
used when there are two only, last when there are
more than two.
For example
a) Of Manohar, Syam and Joshi, the latter is a driver.
b) Of Manohor, Syam and Joshi, the last is a driver.
Elder and eldest are used only of persons (usually
members of the same family).
For example
a) My elder sister is doing MBA from IIM
b) My eldest brother is getting married today. Older
and oldest are used of both persons and things.
For example
a) This is the oldest building in the city.
b) Anthony is the oldest boy in the class.
Further means more distant or advanced whereas
farther is a variation of further and means at a
distance – both the words can be used to indicate
physical distance.
For example
a) No one discussed the topic further.
b) Calcutta is farther from the equator than
Rule The comparative degree is generally followed
by ‘than’, but comparative adjectives ending in 'is'
or 'are' are followed by the preposition ‘to’.
For example
a) Of two evils choose the lesser (not least). b)
Which is the better (not best) of the two?
Rule A very common form of error is exemplified in
the following sentence. a) The population of
London is greater than any town in India. b) The
population of London is greater than that of any
town in India. Sentence b is correct as the
comparison is between the population of London
and the population of any town in India.
Rule Double comparatives and superlatives should
be avoided.
For example
a) Seldom had the little town seen a more costlier
funeral. (Wrong)
b) Seldom had the little town seen a costlier
funeral. (Right)
Rule Preferable has the force of comparative and is
followed by to. Phrase ‘more preferable’ should not
be used.
For example
a) Coffee is more preferable to tea. (Wrong)
b) Coffee is preferable to tea. (Right)
Rule Less refers to quantity whereas fewer refer to
For example
For example
a) Akshay is inferior to Aamir in intelligence.
b) Aamir is superior to Akshay in intelligence.
c) He is junior to me.
d) Who was captain prior to Azhar?
Rule we can not compare perfection!
Adjectives such as square, round, perfect, eternal,
universal, unique do not admit of different degrees.
So they cannot be compared. Thus strictly speaking
we cannot say that a thing is more square more
round or more perfect. But sometimes we do make
exceptions to this rule.
a) No fewer than fifty miners were killed in the
b) We do not sell less than ten kg of tea.
Rule Certain adjectives do not really admit of
comparison because their meaning is already
superlative. Such words are unique, ideal, perfect,
complete, universal, entire, extreme, chief, full,
square, round. Therefore phrases like most unique,
more round, fullest, chiefest etc. are wrong.
Rule If there is a gradual increase it is generally
expressed with two comparatives and not with
For example
This is the most perfect specimen I have seen.
Rule When 'than' or 'as' is followed by the third
person pronoun, the verb is to be repeated.
For example
a) It grew hot and hot. (Incorrect) b) It grew hotter
and hotter. (Correct)
For example
Ram is not as clever as his brother is.
Rule When 'than' or 'as' is followed by first or
second person pronoun, the verb can be omitted.
For example
He is more intelligent than you.
Rule In comparing two things or classes of things
the comparative should be used.
1. Tense is the form taken by a verb to
indicate time and continuance or
completeness of action. The continuance
or completeness of action is denoted by
four subcategories.
a) Simple Tense It is used for habitual or
routine actions in the Present Tense, action
which is over in the Past Tense & action to
happen in the Future Tense.
b) Continuous Tense The action is incomplete
or continuous or going on.
c) Perfect Tense The action is complete,
finished or perfect with respect to a certain
point of time.
d) Perfect Continuous Tense The action is
going on continuously over a long period of
time and is yet to be finished.
2. The different tenses and the verb forms
used in each tense are given below
Name of Tenses
Present simple
Verb forms used
+ s/es
Present continuous
Is/am/are + verb +
Has/have + VIII
Has/have + been +
verb + ing
Present perfect
Present perfect
Past simple
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Future simple
Future continuous
Future perfect
Future perfect
Was/were+ verb +
had + VIII
had + been + verb +
Shall/will + verb
Shall/will + be + verb
+ ing
Shall/will + have + VIII
Shall/will + have
been + verb + ing
For example
He has just gone out.
The present perfect is never used with adverbs of
the past time. In such cases the past simple should
be used.
For example
I have seen a film last night☓
I saw a film last night. √
He has left for Hyderabad last week.☓
He left for Hyderabad last week. √
India has won the match last week
Important Rule The present perfect tense with
"For or Since" is used to express an action began at
some time in the past and is still continuing upto
the time of speaking or just finished.
For ..............................period of time (for 2 days / for
10 days / for a long time)
Since ..............................point of time. (Since 1996,
Since morning, since yesterday, since last week)
I know him since 1986☓
I have know him since 1986 √
Our teacher is sick for the last two days☓
Our teacher has been sick for the last two days. √
Present perfect continuous
action, which began at some time in the past and is
still continuing. With the present perfect
continuous tense an adverb or phrase that
expresses time is used.
More rules for verbs and Tenses
1. To express a habitual action.
For example
I get up every day at five o’clock.
2. To express general truths.
For example
Fortune favours the brave.
Important Rule If the subject is of the thirdperson,
singular number (He, She, It) add 'S' or 'es / ies' to
the first form of the verb to make it singular
She plays the violin every day.
He loves his parents
The dog barks at the people.
The bird flies in the Sky.
He does his duty.
Present continuous
For an action going on at the time of speaking.
For example
The boys are playing cricket in the ground.
Present perfect
To indicate the completed activities in the
immediate past.
For example
a) I have been reading this book since morning.
Important Rule The present perfect continuous
Tense" is also used for actions began in the past and
are still continuing.
I am reading this novel since morning.☓
I have been reading this novel since morning. √
They are going to English classes for the last one
They have been going to English classes for the last
one month. √
Past simple
To indicate an action completed in the past.
Generally, adverbs or adverb phrases of past time
are used in the past simple tense.
For example
a) The steamer sailed yesterday.
Past perfect
The past perfect tense is used when two actions
happened in the past. In this case it is necessary to
show which action happened earlier than the other.
Here past perfect is used for the action, which
happened earlier.
For example
a) When I reached the station the train had started.
Important Rule When the first action led to
thesecond action immediately The simple Past
Tense + Simple Past Tense are used.
When he opened the gate, they came in. √
Important Rule When the first action
completedbefore the second one started, the Past
Perfect Tense for the first finished action and the
Simple Past Tense for the Second are used.
The patient had died before the doctor arrived. √
More rules on verb & tenses
Important Rule When the verb in the
principalclause is in a past tense, the verbs in the
subordinate clauses are normally in the Past Tense.
He said that He will pass the examination.☓
He said that he would pass the examination. √
They told me that they have paid the fees.☓
They told me that they had paid the fees. √
Important Rule When the subordinate
clauseexpresses a universal truth the past tense in
the main clause may be followed by a Present
He said that the sun rose in the East.☓
He said that the sun rises in the East. √
He asked me who my best friend was. √
He asked me that How I got time to write all posts
in my Blog.☓
He asked me how I got time to write all posts in my
Blog. √
Important Rule No preposition is used after
theverb "told"
He told me that he passed the examination.☓
He told me that he had passed the examination. √
Important Rule The question forms in
directspeech should be changed to affirmative
sentences in indirect speech.
The receptionist asked me who do I want to meet in
the office.☓
The receptionist asked me whom I wanted to meet
in the office. √
Important Rule The verb "Suggest" purpose
inindirect speech should be followed by "that
clause" with the auxiliary verb "should"
He suggested me to go for a walk every morning.☓
He suggested to me that I should go for a walk
every morning. √
Important Rule In the absence of an indirectobject
after "suggest" a gerund form is used.
He suggested going for a walk every morning. √
Important Rule The Past Tense in the mainclause
may be followed by any tense after the conjunction
"Than" in the subordinate clause.
He worked faster than we do / did. √
Important Rule In Conditional Sentences,
toexpress improbability in the Present, the Simple
Past Tense in the if clause and the Present
Conditional Tense in the main clause are used.
If I am the Principal, I would Punish Him.☓
If I were the Principal, I would Punish Him. √
If he is rich, he would buy a car.☓
If he were rich, He would buy a car. √
Important Rule To express unfulfilled conditionin
the Past, we should express with "Past Perfect
Tense" in the if clause and Perfect Conditional
Tense in the Main Clause.
If you worked hard, you would have passed in the
If you had worked hard, you would have passed in
the examination. √
Important Rule No other conjunction should
beused as a connective word, in indirect speech
when the question indirect speech begins with
"Why (or) How" question words.
He asked me that who my best friend was.☓
Important Rule The verb "Tell" should be
usedwith an object.
He told that he had passed in the test.☓
He said that he had passed in the test (OR) √
He told me that he had passed in the Test. √
Conditionals Important!
main clause
will-future or
(Modal +
would +
would + have +
past participle
If it rains tomorrow,
we'll go to the cinema.
If I had a lot of money,
I would travel around
the world.
If I had gone to bed
early, I would have
caught the train.
What are Adverbs?
An adverb is a word that tells us more about a verb.
It "qualifies" or "modifies" a verb. Lets try to
understand this with a small example.
Adverb Example
Rinku sulakh walks gracefully (The word
'gracefully' is an adverb. It modifies the verb 'to
Shortcut rule
The adverbs 'too much' is usedwith nouns and
'much too' is used with adjectives.
Too much pain / Too much insincerity (Nouns)
Much too painful / much too careless (Adjectives)
His failure is too much painful for me ☓
His failure is much too painful for me √
His wife's rude behaviour gives him much too pain
His wife's rude behaviour gives him too much pain
Shortcut rule
Before the word 'Enough' anadjective under
positive form should be used.
He is more intelligent enough to follow you. ☓
He is intelligent enough to follow you. √
She is enough lucky to get the job. ☓
She lucky enough to get the job. √
Shortcut rule
The adverb quite ('quite meansperfectly/
completely) should not be used with the
adjective 'Handsome'.
He is quite handsome. ☓
He is very handsome. √
Shortcut rule
Late / Lately. The adverb 'late'indicates time
and lately means recently.
He was punished for coming lately. ☓
He was punished for coming late. √
No fewer than forty people were killed in accident.
Shortcut rule
The adverb (As) is not used aftercall and
He called me as a fool ☓
He called me a fool. √
I always consider him as my brother. ☓
I always consider him my brother. √
Shortcut rule
The derived adjectives such asinterested /
pleased / satisfied / delighted are used with
'much' but not 'very'.
I am very interested to play cricket. ☓
I am much interested to play cricket. √
Shortcut rule
The adverb 'very' is used withpositive
adjectives and 'much' with comparative
adjective forms.
He is very clever to understand it. √
He is much clever to understand it. ☓
Shortcut rule
10 'Very much' should be used
withcomparative forms.
It is very much better to stay here tonight. √
Shortcut rule
When we begin a sentence with
'seldom / never / hardly / rarely / scarcely /
barely / neither / never, the rule of inversion
should be applied (i.e.,) an auxiliary verb is
used before the subject.
Hardly he goes to school. ☓
Hardly does he go to school. √
Seldom I got to films. ☓
Seldom do I got to films. √
No sooner the school bell rings than all the boys go
to their class rooms. ☓
No sooner does the school bell ring, than all the
boys go to their class rooms.
After Only + adverbial expression.
Only by working hard, he got success. ☓
Only by working hard, did he get success. √
Not only but also
Not only she reads but also she writes. ☓
Not only does she read but also writes. √
Shortcut rule
The adverbial phrase 'No lessthan' should be
used with uncountable nouns whereas 'No
fewer than' is used with countable nouns.
There were no less than forty people who were
killed in the accident. ☓
Shortcut rule
The co-relative conjunctions areused in pairs.
Not only - but also Either - or Neither - nor Both
- and Though - yet Whether - or
Please see that the pair is properly used.
They will either do the work else return the
They will either do the work or return the money.√
Both kumar as well as Ravi must finish it. ☓
Both kumar and Ravi must finish it.√
Not only does he read but also writes.√
Though he is rich but he is economical. ☓
Though he is rich yet he is economical.√
Shortcut rule
After the adverbs "Hardly /
Scarcely", the conjunction 'when or before'
should be used.
Hardly had he left the place than the Bomb
Hardly had he left the place when the Bomb
Shortcut rule
After 'Rather / Other, thesubordinating
conjunction 'Than should be used.
He has no other object but to get a handsome job.
He has no other object than to get a handsome job.√
I would rather buy a scooter but not a cycle. ☓
I would rather buy a scooter than a cycle.√
Shortcut rule
After the subordinatingconjunction 'lest' the
auxiliary 'should' is used. Lest - for fear that / If
it is not so.
Work hard lest you fail. ☓
Work hard lest you should fail.√
Shortcut rule
The connecting word 'that' isused with the
adjective phrase 'the same/the only/superlative
This is the same book which I wanted. ☓
This is the same book that I wanted.√
Shortcut rule
The conjunction 'or' is used withnot / never.
I have never spoken to him nor written to him. ☓
I have never spoken to him or written to him.√
Shortcut rule
With the word 'such' theconnective 'that' may
be used.
There was such a noise what we could not hear
ourselves. ☓
There was such a noise that we could not hear
Shortcut rule
When 'since' is used as aconjunction should be
preceded by presentperfect tense and followed
by a verb in the past tense to denote point of
Many things have happened since I have left the
school. ☓
Many things have happened since I left the school.√
Shortcut rule
With the conjunction 'if' 'then'should not be
If you work for 8 hours a day, then you will get
through the examination. ☓
If you work for 8 hours a day, you will get through
the examination.√
Shortcut rule
When two objects are joined by'as
well/besides/along with /together with / in
addition to / except / including with, the verb
agrees with the first subject in number.
He as well as his students have gone there. ☓
He as well as his students has gone there.√
Shortcut rule
Across - On the opposite side of
My Cousin lives across the river.√
Across - From one side to another
The boy swam across the river √
Across - both sides
He threw the luggage across his shoulders √
Come Across - means meet accidentally /
When I was going to market, I came across an old
friend. √
I suddenly came across him ☓
I came across him. √
Shortcut rule
Until - Denotes Time Unless - Denotes Condition
You will not succeed until you work hard. ☓
You will not succeed unless you work hard.√
I want to stay here unless she speaks the truth. ☓
I want to stay here until she speaks the truth.√
You cannot do well until you prepare yourself. ☓
You cannot do well unless you prepare yourself.√
Shortcut rule
After the connective 'because' thewords ' so /
therefore / as' are not used.
Because he came late so he failed to see her. ☓
Because he came late, he fail to see her.√
Shortcut rule
The adverb 'Not' should not beused with the
connective 'Till/unless/lest/until' in that
Until he does not solve this problem, I will stay with
him. ☓
Until he solves this problem, I will stay with him.√
Unless they do not work sincere, they will not
succeed. ☓
Unless they work sincerely, they will not succeed.√
Shortcut rule
Used for two persons / things.
She is sitting between munni and sheela. √
Used with more than two persons / things
The principal distributed prizes among the
Amid or Amidst
Used for more than two persons / things (groups)
Amid his friends √
It was hard to hear amid all the cheering. √
Shortcut rule
During - denotes duration.
During the war, many people suffered hardship. √
We go to Darjeeling during summer every year. √
He suggested to her that she should eat less. √
Shortcut rule
From - is used with past / future tenses
I stayed there from Monday to Wednesday. √
I will start my preparation from Monday next. √
Shortcut rule
Shortcut rule
Of - denotes origin / cause
She comes of a rich family (origin) √
He died of Malaria (cause) but she died in an
accident. √
Off - denotes 'separation'
A button has come off. √
He is off duty today. √
Shortcut rule
After a preposition, a pronoununder objective
case should be used.
He depends on I. ☓
He depends on me. √
Shortcut rule
When two words are connectedby 'and / or' etc.,
the prepositions should be mentioned clearly to
be used with them.
He was surprised at as well as pleased with her
She is conscious and engaged in her work. ☓
She is conscious of and engaged in her work √
Since - Denotes point of time For - denotes
period of time.
They should be used with present tense or the
present perfect continuous tense / past perfect
tense / past perfect continuous tenses.
I know her since 2011. ☓
I have known her since 2011. √
He is working in the bank for the past 3 years. ☓
He has been working in the bank for the past 3
Shortcut rule
After the verb "Enter" the preposition "into"
should not be used except when it is used with
reference to agreement or conversation.
He entered into the premises without any
permission. ☓
He entered the premises without any permission. √
They entered a hot discussion. ☓
They entered into a hot discussion. √
Shortcut rule
Wait for – Await, Despite - inspite of
He is awaiting for the reply. ☓
He is awaiting the reply. √
Despite of his hard work, he failed in the
examination. ☓
Despite his hard work he failed in the examination.
This book comprises of 5 chapters. ☓
This book comprises of 5 chapters. √
This book consists of 5 chapters. √
Shortcut rule
No preposition should be used with the noun
'Home' except when it is followedby an
adjective in the possessive case, say go tohome /
arrive home / reach home / get home.
I went to his home / He went home. √
He decided to go to Krishna's home. √
Shortcut rule
After transitive verbs such as
tt ach/resemble/ridicule etc. no preposition is
used. The verbs directly take an object.
The poet describes about the beauty of nature.☓
The poet describes the beauty of nature. √
He ordered for two cups of tea. ☓
He ordered two cups of tea. √
Shortcut rule
After the verbs "Say / suggest /propose / speak /
explain / reply / complain /
talk / listen / write" the proposition "to" should
beused if any object is used.
He did not reply me. ☓
He did not reply to me. √
You never wrote me. ☓
You never wrote to me. √
He suggested her that she should eat less. ☓
Shortcut rule
Dispose of - Sell away.
He disposed off his scooter. ☓
He disposed of his scooter.
Important Rule For the interrogative
sentencesthat begin with auxiliary verbs, "if or
whether as a connective word in indirect speech.
He said to me, "Are you going there?"☓
He asked me if I was going there. √
He asked me that I was going there √ "Are they
ready or not?" she said to me.☓
She asked me whether they were ready. √
She asked me that they were ready or not. √
Definition of parallelism
The balance between two or more similar words,
phrases or clauses is called parallelism in grammar.
Parallelism is also called parallel structure or
parallel construction. Parallel construction
prevents awkwardness, promotes clarity and
improves writing style and readability.
Rules of parallelism
Parallelism is used to balance nouns with nouns,
prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases,
participles with participles, infinitives with
infinitives, clauses with clauses.
Parallelism is used with elements joined by
coordinating conjunctions.
My mother likes cooking and to read. (×)
My mother likes cooking and reading(√)
Parallelism is used with elements in lists or in a
This task can be done individually, in pairs, or can be
done in groups of four. (×)
This task can be done individually, in pairs, or in
groups of four. (√)
Parallelism is used with elements being
She is mad about watching TV more than to read a
book . (×)
She is mad about watching TV more than reading a
book. (√)
Parallelism is used with elements joined by a
linking verb or a form of be
To learn is understanding the world. (×)
To learn is to understand the world. (√)
Parallelism is used with elements joined bylinking
He enjoyed the music of spain and the sculpture of
France (N PHRASE)
That verb form is not active, but passive (Adj)
Taking the bus can be as costly as taking a plane (V
+ Ing)
He wanted to borrow a car or to rent one while his
car was being repaired. (Infin)
Eating in a restaurant is more fun than cooking at
Although he liked to eat good food, he did not like
to pay high prices for it. (Infin)
Previous year questions
Directions : In each questions read each sentence to find
out the whether there is any error in it. The error if any
will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that
part is the answer. Ignore the errors of punctuations if
You must either (1)/ be regular with your studies
(2)/ and study for longer period before the
examination (3) / No error (4)
(a)You must either
(b) be regular with your studies
(c) and study for longer period before the examination
(d)No error
The teacher not only wants his students to keep
quietbut alsoto do the task . (×)
The teacher wants his students not onlyto keep
quietbut alsoto do the task . (√)
He Likes music, art, and science.
He likes dancing, Swimming, and painting. (Verb +
Ing Form)
He is tall, cool, and handsome. (Adj)
They wanted to paint, the living room, to lay a new
carpet, and to buy a new sofa. (Infin)
Past Tense
The Romans conquered, colonized, and governed
much of the world.
Past Perfect Tense
He had finished the game, had taken a shower, and
had eaten lunch by the time I went to his house.
Note The auxiliary "had" may be omitted in the
second and the third verb phrases.
The structure joined by and, but, as, or then, or
although must have the same grammatical form.
The new taxation rates (1)/ announced by the
government (2)/ are bound to effect the export
sector (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The new taxation rates
(b) announced by the government
(c) are bound to effect the export sector
(d)No error
These days job opportunities are not as better (1)/
as they used to be (2)/ in the early 70s (3)/ No error
(a) These days job opportunities are not as better
(b) as they used to be
(c) in the early 70’s
(d)No error
When viewed with his point of view the (1) / entire
episode assumes (2)/ a different colour
altogether(3)/ No error (4)
(a) When viewed with his point of view the
(b) entire episode assumes
(c) a different colour altogether
(d)No error
Having finished at school (1)/Raghu thought/ of
going to Bombay in (2)/ search some job (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Having finished at school
(b) Raghu thought of going to Bombay in
(c) search some job
(d)No error
On many occasions (1)/ we did helped the poor (2)/
people by way of giving them food to eat and clothes
to put on (3)/ No error (4)
(a) On many occasions
(b) we did helped the poor
(c) people by way of giving them food to eat and clothes
to put on
(d)No error
When shall we (1)/ arrive (2)/ to our destination ?
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) When shall we
(b) arrive
(c) to our destination ?
(d)No error
Unless it is accepted to both the parties an(1)/
arbitrator would be of no (2) / use to settle this
dispute (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Unless it is accepted to both the parties an
(b) arbitrator would be of no
(c) use to settle this dispute
(d)No error
Although the manager was keen on getting the work
(1)/done through sudhir yesterday (2)he tries to
avoid it (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Although the manager was keen on getting the work
(b) Done through sudhir yesterday
(c) he tries to avoid it
(d)No error
Based on the newspaper reports (1)/ we can
conclude that (2)/ many accidents caused by
reckless driving (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Based on the newspaper reports
(b) we can conclude that
(c) many accidents caused by reckless driving
(d)No error
Females (1)/ are not appointed(2)/ in our college
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) Females
(b) are not appointed
(c) in our college
(d)No error
The various consequences off (1)/ the decision taken
by the (2)/ finance ministry was not foreseen by the
bureaucrats (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The various consequences off
(b) the decision taken by the
(c)finance ministry was not foreseen by the bureaucrats
(d)No error
I never considered him to be a person who would
(1)/ go back on his promise and (2)/ then do not
even apologise (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I never considered him to be a person who would
(b) go back on his promise and
(c) then do not even apologise
(d)No error
The officer (1)/ is angry on the clerk (2)/ for not
attending to the work (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The officer
(b) is angry on the clerk
(c) for not attending to the work
(d)No error
No sooner (1) / I had spoken (2) than he left (3)/ No
error (4)
(a)No sooner
(b) I had spoken
(c) than he left
(d)No error
Computer education (1)/ in universities and colleges
(2) leaves much to be desired (3)/ No error (4)
(a)Computer education
(b) in universities and colleges
(c) leaves much to be desired
(d)No error
You will be prosecuted (1)/ for bringing seeds
(2)/into Australia ((3)/ No error (4)
(a) You will be prosecuted
(b) for bringing seeds
(c) into Australia
(d)No error
You must either tell me (1)/ the whole story or at
least (2)/ the first half of it (3)/No error (4)
(a) You must either tell me
(b) the whole story or at least
(c) the first half of it
(d)No error
Our new neighbours (1)/ had been living in Arizona
(2)/since ten years before moving to their present
house (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Our new neighbours
(b) had been living in Arizona
(c) since ten years before moving to their present house
(d)No error
The patient (1)/ was accompanied (2)/with his
friend (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The patient
(b) was accompanied
(c) with his friend
(d)No error
(b) of Macbeth contain
(c) the sleepwalking scene
(d)No error
One of the terrorists (1)/ of the Kashmir valley (2) /
are shot dead(3)/ No error (4)
(a)One of the terrorists
(b) of the Kashmir valley
(c) are shot dead
(d)No error
Ten kilometres (1)/ is (2)/ a long distance to walk
(3)/No error (4)
(a) Ten kilometres
(b) is
(c) a long distance to walk
(d)No error
I saw him (1)/a couple of times(2)/ since May(3) /No
error (4)
(a) I saw him
(b) a couple of times
(c) since May
(d)No error
A city dweller finds it difficult (1) / to pass away the
time (2)/ in a village (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A city dweller finds it difficult
(b) to pass away the time
(c) in a village
(d)No error
Visitors (1)/ were not permitted(2)/ entering the
park (3) / after dark No error (4)
(a) Visitors
(b) were not permitted
(c) entering the park
(d)After dark No error
The fifth and final act (1)/ of Macbeth contain (2)/
the sleepwalking scene (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The fifth and final act
Tea(1)/which l am drinking (2)/ is hot (3)/No error
(a) Tea
(b) which i am drinking
(c) is hot
(d)No error
Although the police officer sympathised with poor
(1)/ he refused to (2) /take an action against the rich
man (3) /No error (4)
(a) Although the police officer sympathised with poor
(b) he refused to
(c) take an action against the rich man
(d)No error
We were looking forward (1)/ to hear hews (2)
/about the missing fishermen (3)/No error (4)
(a) We were looking forward
(b) to hear hews
(c) about the missing fishermen
(d)No error
The actress (1)/was shocked(2)/by the news of her
dog s death (3) /No error (4)
(a) The actress
(b) was shocked
(c) by the news of her dog s death
(d)No error
One of the questions (1)/ he asked me was (2)/ "Who
did you travel with (3) ?" /No error (4)
(a) One of the questions
(b) he asked me was
(c) "Who did you travel with
(d)No error
I know (1)/a doctor (2)/you are referring to (3)/No
error (4)
(a) I know
(b) a doctor
(c) you are referring to
(d)No error
33 The introduction of job-oriented courses (1)/in
the self-financing colleges (2)/ attract many
students (3)/ No error (4)
(a)33 The introduction of job-oriented courses
(b) in the self-financing colleges
(c) attract many students
(d)No error
(d)No Error
It is I (1) /who is to blame (2) /for this bad
situation(3) / No Error (4)
(a) It is I
(b) who is to blame
(c) for this bad situation
(d)No Error
Gown told me(1)/his name after(2)/he left (3)/ No
Error (4)
(a) Gown told me
(b) his name after
(c) he left
(d)No Error
John would have told(1)/you the truth (2)/ If you
had asked him (3)/ No Error (4)
(a) John would have told
(b) You the truth
(c) If you had asked him
(d)No Error
My sister (1) /has read (2)/pages after pages of the
Bible (3)/ No Error (4)
(a) My sister
(b) has read
(c) pages after pages of the Bible
(d)No Error
It is better (1)/to keep one s head in the face of
danger than(2)/losing one s courage (3) /No error
(a)It is better
(b) to keep one s head in the face of danger than
(c) losing one s courage
(d)No error
The short story (1)/should not exceed (2)/more
than two hundred words (3)/No error (4)
(a) The short story
(b) should not exceed
(c) more than two hundred words
(d)No error
To die with honour (1)/is better than (2) /live with
dishonour (3) / No Error (4)
(a) To die with honour
(b) is better than
(c) live with dishonour
Your success in the IAS examinations depends not
only on (1)/ what papers you have selected (2) /but
on how you have written them (3) No Error (4)
(a) Your success in the IAS examinations depends not
only on
(b) what papers you have selected
(c) but on how you have written them
(d)No Error
Heavy rain (1) /prevented us (2) / to go to the
cinema (3)/No Error (4)
(a) Heavy rain
(b) prevented us
(c) to go to the cinema
(d)No Error
If majority of the individuals in a State (1)/prosper
(2) /the State itself would prosper (3) /No Error (4)
(a) If majority of the individuals in a State
(c) the State itself would prosper
(d)No Error
If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations
(1)/they will be stopped ticketed (2)/and have to
pay a fine (3)/ No Error (4)
(a) If motorists do not observe the traffic regulations
(b) they will be stopped ticketed
(c) and have to pay a fine
(d)No Error
He asked (1)/supposing if he fails (2)/what he would
do (3)/ No Error (4)
(a) He asked
(b) supposing if he fails
(c) what he would do
(d)No Error
We had a lot of difficulty(1)/to find (2)/the house
(3)/ No Error (4)
(a) We had a lot of difficulty
(b) to find
(c) the house
(d)No Error
In Singapore(1)/my brother-in-law with his wife
(2)/were present at the function (3)/No Error (4)
(a) In Singapore
(b) my brother-in-law with his wife
(c) were present at the function
(d)No Error
Scarcely had (1)/I arrived than(2)/the train left (3)
/No Error (4)
(a) Scarcely had
(b) I arrived than
(c) the train left
(d)No Error
The reason why (1)/he was rejected (2)/was
because he was too young (3)/No Error (4)
(a) The reason why
(b) he was rejected
(c) was because he was too young
(d)No Error
Teachers of various schools (1) / met to discuss
about (2) /how to improve the standard of
English(3)/No Error (4)
(a) Teachers of various schools
(b) met to discuss about
(c) how to improve the standard of English
(d)No Error
Patience as well as perseverance (1)/are necessary
(2)/for success (3)/ No Error/(4)
(a) Patience as well as perseverance
(b) are necessary
(c) for success
(d)No Error
The passer-by told us (1)/where was the marriage
hall (2)/and even led us to it (3)/ No Error/(4)
(a) The passer-by told us
(b) where was the marriage hall
(c) and even led us to it
(d)No Error
The increase in consumption is directly
(1)/proportional to the increase (2)/in income
(3)/No Error (4)
(a) The increase in consumption is directly
(b) proportional to the increase
(c) in income
(d)No Error
His tradition-bound attitude (1)/ had to be a
constant source of dissatisfaction (2)/among the
younger members of the family(3)/No Error (4)
(a) His tradition-bound attitude
(b) had to be a constant source of dissatisfaction
(c) among the younger members of the family
(d)No Error
The two first to arrive (1)/were the lucky recipients
(2)/of a surprise gift (3)/No Error (4)
(a) The two first to arrive
(b) were the lucky recipients
(c) of a surprise gift
(d)No Error
Two hours have passed (1)/ since (2)/he had fallen
asleep(3)/No error (4)
(a) Two hours have passed
(b) since
(c) he had fallen asleep
(d)No error
Having broken down (1)/the driver sent the car (2)
/to the garage (3)/No error (4)
(a) Having broken down
(b) the driver sent the car
(c) to the garage
(d)No error
He is one of those writers (1)/ who has won acclaim
(2)/the world over (3)/No error (4)
(a) He is one of those writers
(b) who has won acclaim
(c) the world over
(d)No error
The mason will not (1)/do the work (2)/except give
the order(3)/No error (4)
(a) The mason will not
(b) do the work
(c) except give the order
(d)No error
When students are ill (1)/they find that they have a
lot of work(2)/to catch up with when they return
(3)/No error (4)
(a) When students are ill
(b) they find that they have a lot of work
(c) to catch up with when they return
(d)No error
I have(1)/seen her only once (2)/ but I m liking her a
lot (3)/No error (4)
(a)I have
(b) seen her only once
(c) but I m liking her a lot
(d)No error
I told him (1)/that we enjoyed very much (2)/at the
party (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I told him
(b) that we enjoyed very much
(c) at the party
(d)No error
John is working very hardly (1)/ as the examinations
(2)/are fast approaching (3)/No error (4)
(a) John is working very hardly
(b) as the examinations
(c) are fast approaching
(d)No error
He ate (1)/ nothing (2)/ since yesterday (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) He ate
(b) nothing
(c) since yesterday
(d)No error
Scarcely did I reach the airport (1)/nervous and
tense than the plane took off (2)/leaving me
stranded in an alien place (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Scarcely did I reach the airport
(b) nervous and tense than the plane took off
(c) leaving me stranded in an alien place
(d)No error
The power to (1)/distinguish between differences
(2)/is the basis of science and art (3)/No error (4)
(a) The power to
(b) distinguish between differences
(c) is the basis of science and art
(d)No error
An experimental vaccine (1)/has brought (2)/
glimmer of hope for the malarial researcher (3) / No
error (4)
(a) An experimental vaccine
(b) has brought
(c) glimmer of hope for the malarial researcher
(d)No error
After making me wait for two agonising hours
(1)/the great man called me in (2)/ and asked me
what do I want (3)/ No error (4)
(a) After making me wait for two agonising hours
(b) the great man called me in
(c) and asked me what do I want
(d)No error
The ebb and flow of the tides (1)/ are (2)/ now
understood (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The ebb and flow of the tides
(b) are
(c) now understood
(d)No error
The green paint on the wall (1)/ provides a suitable
contrast (2)/ with the yellow doors (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The green paint on the wall
(b) provides a suitable contrast
(c) with the yellow doors
(d)No error
Even today (1)/ It is incredulous to think (2)/ that
men have walked on the moon /(3) No error (4)
(a) Even today
(b) It is incredulous to think
(c) that men have walked on the moon
(d)No error
The firemen wore (1) / inflammable clothing (2)/ for
protection /(3)No error (4)
(a) The firemen wore
(b) inflammable clothing
(c) for protection
(d)No error
Beside food (1)/ the pilgrims carried (2)/ some
medicines /(3) No error (4)
(a) Beside food
(b) the pilgrims carried
(c) some medicines
(d)No error
(b) to write a forward
(c) to the book
(d)No error
I must complement you (1)/ on your good manners
(2) / and your impeccable behaviour (3)/ No error
(a) I must complement you
(b) on your good manners
(c) and your impeccable behaviour
(d)No error
The sweets (1)/ were shared (2)/ between the four
girls /(3) No error (4)
(a) The sweets
(b) were shared
(c) between the four girls
(d)No error
The long-distance train (1)/which met with an
accident (2)/ was carrying some army personal / (3)
No error (4)
(a) The long-distance train
(b) which met with an accident
(c) was carrying some army personal
(d)No error
Adults suffering chicken pox (1)/ can develop (2) /
all kinds of complications (3) No error (4)
(a) Adults suffering chicken pox
(b) can develop
(c) all kinds of complications
(d)No error
The well-known pianist (1)/ had to practice for
several hours a day(2)/ even after he rose to
fame(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The well-known pianist
(b) had to practice for several hours a day
(c) even after he rose to fame
(d)No error
The Prime Minister was asked (1)/ to write a
forward (2) / to the book (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Prime Minister was asked
The young men from Japan (1)/ found the assent of
the mountain(2)/ hard going (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The young men from Japan
(b) found the assent of the mountain
(c) hard going
(d)No error
If the worst (1)/comes to worst (2)/I will have to bid
good-bye to my studies and join my family business
(3) /No error (4)
(a) If the worst
(b) comes to worst
(c) I will have to bid good-bye to my studies and join my
family business
(d)No error
The interim report does not(1)/ analyse thoroughly
the principle causes (2)/of the disaster (3) / No
error (4)
(a) The interim report does not
(b) analyse thoroughly the principle causes
(c) of the disaster
(d)No error
The items I liked most (1)were the rosewood
carvings (2)/and the teak-wood furniture’s of Dutch
design (3)/No error (4)
(a) The items I liked most
(b)were the rosewood carvings
(c) and the teak-wood furniture’s of Dutch design
(d)No error
A part of the training (1)/they offered was (2)/real
good (3)/No error (4)
(a) A part of the training
(b) they offered was
(c) real good
(d)No error
The soil was moist as (1)/there was little rain
(2)/the day before(3)/No error (4)
(a) The soil was moist as
(b) there was little rain
(c) the day before
(d)No error
The manager wanted to know who had arrived
(1)/early that day (2)/the cashier or the accountant
(3)/No error (4)
(a) The manager wanted to know who had arrived
(b)early that day
(c) the cashier or the accountant
(d)No error
Though its gloss can (1)/fool few unwary customers
(2)/it wouldn’t t be difficult for the clever ones to
judge its real worth (3)/No error (4)
(a) Though its gloss can
(b) fool few unwary customers
(c) it wouldn’t be difficult for the clever ones to judge its
real worth
(d)No error
She pretends as if she has (1)/ never In her life
(2)/told a lie Isn’t it ? (3)/No error(4)
(a) She pretends as if she has
(b) never In her life
(c) told a lie Isn’t it ?
(d)No error
Knowledge of (1)/ at least two languages (2)/ are
required to pass the examination (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Knowledge of
(b) at least two languages
(c) are required to pass the examination
(d)No error
The members of the Opposition Party in the
Parliament (1)/ shout upon the minister (2)/ if he
makes a wrong statement (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The members of the Opposition Party in the
(b) shout upon the minister
(c) if he makes a wrong statement
(d)No error
They are a politically important family (1)/one of
his sisters Is a minister (2)/ and the other is married
with a minister (3)/No error (4)
(a) They are a politically important family
(b) one of his sisters Is a minister
(c) and the other is married with a minister
(d)No error
Supposing that the Information(1)/ proves to be
totally reliable (2)/should we still have to recast the
plans ? (3)/No error (4)
(a) Supposing that the Information
(b) proves to be totally reliable
(c) should we still have to recast the plans ?
(d)No error
Everyone of the films (1)/ you suggested (2)/ are not
worth seeing (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Everyone of the films
(b) you suggested
(c) are not worth seeing
(d)No error
The Secretary and the Principal of the college
(1)/are attending (2)/ the District Development
Council Meeting at the Collectorate (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Secretary and the Principal of the college
(b) are attending
(c) the District Development Council Meeting at the
(d)No error
No sooner had the hockey match started (1)/ when it
began (2)/ to rain (3)/ No error (4)
(a) No sooner had the hockey match started
(b) when it began
(c) to rain
(d)No error
The Secretariat (1)/ comprises of(2)/ many airconditioned rooms(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Secretariat
(b) comprises of
(c) many air-conditioned rooms
(d)No error
It is high time (1)/ he stood on his own (2)/ two legs
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) It is high time
(b) he stood on his own
(c) two legs
(d)No error
You should avoid (1)/ to travel (2)/ in the rush hour
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) You should avoid
(b) to travel
(c) in the rush hour
(d)No error
When the football team walked onto the field (1)/
the crowd burst Into applause (2)/ but some cheers
were heard too (3)/ No error (4)
(a) When the football team walked onto the field
(b) the crowd burst Into applause
(c) but some cheers were heard too
(d)No error
A lot of form-filling is just red tape (1)/ and
sometimes the forms are so complicated (2)/ that
people can t make head or tail from them(3)/No
error (4)
(a) A lot of form-filling is just red tape
(b) and sometimes the forms are so complicated
(c) that people can t make head or tail from them
(d)No error
You are required to explain (1)/ your conduct within
two days (2)/ of the receipt of this letter (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) You are required to explain
(b) your conduct within two days
(c) of the receipt of this letter
(d)No error
There is (1)/ only one of his novels (2)/ that are
interesting (3)/ No error (4)
(a) There is
(b) only one of his novels
(c) that are interesting
(d)No error
He denied (1)/ to have (2) / been there (3)/ No error
(a) He denied
(b) to have
(c) been there
(d)No error
A milk (1)/ can provide protein(2)/ for a
nutritionally balanced diet (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A milk
(b) can provide protein
(c) for a nutritionally balanced diet
(d)No error
now (1)/ am knowing (2)/ all the facts about him
(3)/ No error(4)
(a) I now
(b) am knowing
(c) all the facts about him
(d)No error
A hot and (1)/a cold spring (2)/ was found near each
other (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A hot and
(b) a cold spring
(c) was found near each other
(d)No error
All doubts are cleared (1)/ between (2)/ you and I(3)
No error (4)
(a) All doubts are cleared
(b) between
(c) you and
(d)No error
Either of the roads (1) / lead (2)/ to the park (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Either of the roads
(b) lead
(c) to the park
(d)No error
I went to the temple (1)/ with my parents my aunts
(2)/ and my cousins (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I went to the temple
(b) with my parents my aunts
(c) and my cousins
(d)No error
I have passed (1)/ the examination (2)/ two years
ago (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I have passed
(b) the examination
(c) two years ago
(d)No error
The earth moves (1)/ around the Sun (2)/is it not
it?(3)/ No error(4)
(a) The earth moves
(b) round the Sun
(c) Is it not?
(d)No error
One of my desires (1)/ are to become (2)/a doctor
(3)/ no error (4)
(a) One of my desires
(b) are to become
(c) a doctor
(d)no error
Banks were developed to keep people s money safe
(1)/ and to make it available (2)/when they need it
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) Banks were developed to keep people s money safe
(b) and to make it available
(c) when they need it
(d)No error
Based on the newspaper reports (1)/ we can
conclude that (2)/ many accidents caused by
reckless driving (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Based on the newspaper reports
(b) we can conclude that
(c) many accidents caused by reckless driving
(d)No error
He walked (1)/ till the (2)/ end of the street (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) He walked
(b) till the
(c) end of the street
(d)No error
Unless you do not give (1)/ the keys of the safe
(2)/you will be shot (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Unless you do not give
(b) the keys of the safe
(c) you will be shot
(d)No error
Of the billions of stars in the galaxy (1)/ how much
are (2) /suitable for life (3)/? No error (4)
(a)Of the billions of stars in the galaxy
(b) how much are
(c) suitable for life
(d)? No error
The strain of all (1)/ the difficulties and vexations
and anxieties(2)/ are more than he could
bear(3)/No error (4)
(a) The strain of all
(b) the difficulties and vexations and anxieties
(c) are more than he could bear
(d)No error
The value of the dollar (1)/ declines as the rate (2) /
of inflation raises (3) / No error (4)
(a)The value of the dollar
(b) declines as the rate
(c) of inflation raises
(d)No error
In the background they could hear John laughing and
joking loudly (1)/ John was the life and soul of any
party (2) / and he was cracking a joke every few
minutes (3)/ No error (4)
(a) In the background they could hear John laughing and
joking loudly
(b) John was the life and soul of any party
(c) and he was cracking a joke every few minutes
(d)No error
I was thinking (1)/ if I could do (2)/ anything to help
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) I was thinking
(b) if I could do
(c) anything to help
(d)No error
I meant nothing (1)/ less than (2)/ to compel you to
come (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I meant nothing
(b) less than
(c) to compel you to come
(d)No error
Females (1)/ are not appointed (2)/ in our college
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) Females
(b) are not appointed
(c) in our college
(d)No error
He has read four plays (1) / written by Shakespeare
(2)/ by the end of his vacation (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He has read four plays
(b) written by Shakespeare
(c) by the end of his vacation
(d)No error
I will send my servant (1)/ but I cannot insure (2)/
that he will reach there in time (3) / No error (4)
(a) I will send my servant
(b) but I cannot insure
(c) that he will reach there in time
(d)No error
The lawyer asked the complainant (1)/ to put his
sign (2)/ on the paper (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The lawyer asked the complainant
(b) to put his sign
(c) on the paper
(d)No error
When you have gone through the papers (1)/ kindly
return them(2)/ to us (3)/ No error (4)
(a) When you have gone through the papers
(b) kindly return them
(c) to us
(d)No error
You could be better off these days(1)/ and this
enables you (2)/ to have little more fun (3)/ No error
(a) You could be better off these days
(b) and this enables you
(c) to have little more fun
(d)No error
The officer (1)/ is angry on the clerk (2)/ for not
attending to the work (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The officer
(b) is angry on the clerk
(c) for not attending to the work
(d)No error
Being(1)/a rainy day(2)/I could not go out (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Being
(b) A rainy day
(c) I could not go out
(d)No error
He is(1)/capable to do this work (2)/ within the
stipulated period (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He is
(b) Capable to do this work
(c) within the stipulated period
(d)No error
In that wholesale shop (1)/ they do not sell (2)/
fewer than ten bags of rice (3)/ No error (4)
(a) In that wholesale shop
(b) they do not sell
(c) fewer than ten bags of rice
(d)No error
The period (1)/ between 1980 to 1990 (2)/ was very
significant in my life (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The period
(b) between I 980 to I 990
(c) was very significant in my life
(d)No error
He is not the fastest bowler (1)/ in the Indian team
(2)/ isn’t he(3)/ No error (4)
(a) He is not the fastest bowler
(b) in the Indian team
(c) Isn’t he
(d)No error
(c) in the whole wide world
(d)No error
I went into(1)/the bank and (2)/ withdrew some
money (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I went into
(b) The bank and
(c) withdrew some money
(d)No error
I found (1)/ the two first chapters of the book (2)/
particularly interesting (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I found
(b) the two first chapters of the book
(c) particularly interesting
(d)No error
Bacon the father of the English essay (1)/ had a
thirst (2)/ of knowledge (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Bacon the father of the English essay
(b) had a thirst
(c) of knowledge
(d)No error
The train had left (1)/ when he had reached (2) / the
station (3) / No error (4)
(a) The train had left
(b) when he had reached
(c) the station
(d)No error
She is confident (1)/ to win the gold medal (2)/ this
time (3)/ No error (4)
(a) She is confident
(b) to win the gold medal
(c) this time
(d)No error
The boy laid in the shelter (1)/ for a long time before
(2)/ somebody came to rescue him (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The boy laid in the shelter
(b) for a long time before
(c) somebody came to rescue him
(d)No error
Standing at (1)/ the top of the hill (2)/ the houses
below were hardly visible (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Standing at
(b) the top of the hill
(c) the houses below were hardly visible
(d)No error
Kambli is one of the players (1)/ who has been
selected (2)/ for the test match (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Kambli is one of the players
(b) who has been selected
(c) for the test match
(d)No error
He said (1)/ that he will never(2)/ repeat the
mistake (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He said
(b) that he will never
(c) repeat the mistake
(d)No error
I am able (1)/ to cope up with(2)/ all these
difficulties (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I am able
(b) to cope up with
(c) all these difficulties
(d)No error
I wish I am (1)/ the richest person (2)/ in the whole
wide world(3)/ No error (4)
(a) I wish I am
(b) the richest person
A moment delay (1)/ would have proved costly (2)/
in the situation (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A moment delay
(b) would have proved costly
(c) in the situation
(d)No error
Ram disappointed his mother(1)/ as he did not (2)/
write to her very often (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Ram disappointed his mother
(b) as he did not
(c) write to her very often
(d)No error
After you will return (1)/ from Chennai (2)/ I will
come and see you (3)/ No error (4)
(a) After you will return
(b) from Chennai
(c) I will come and see you
(d)No error
Scenes from the film (1)/ had to be censured (2)/
before it was released (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Scenes from the film
(b) had to be censured
(c) before it was released
(d)No error
When my sister was ill (1)/ I went to the hospital
(2)/ on alternative days (3)/ No error (4)
(a) When my sister was ill
(b) I went to the hospital
(c) on alternative days
(d)No error
The beautiful (1)/ surrounding of the place (2)/
enchanted me(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The beautiful
(b) surrounding of the place
(c) enchanted me
(d)No error
(a) I take great pleasure
(b) to welcome you
(c) to this institution
(d)No error
The whole country (1)/ was suffering by (2)/ a
financial crisis(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The whole country
(b) was suffering by
(c) a financial crisis
(d)No error
I do not know where could he have gone (1)/ so early
(2)/ in the morning (3)/No error (4)
(a) I do not know where could he have gone
(b) so early
(c) in the morning
(d)No error
I suggest that (1)/ he goes (2)/ to the doctor as soon
as he returns from the examination (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I suggest that
(b) he goes
(c) to the doctor as soon as he returns from the
(d)No error
No porter being available (1)/ he carried (2)/ all his
luggage himself (3)/ No error (4)
(a) No porter being available
(b) he carried
(c) all his luggage’s himself
(d)No error
He will not be able (1)/ to cope up with (2)/ the
pressure of work (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He will not be able
(b) to cope up with
(c) the pressure of work
(d)No error
Lasers are (1)/ indispensable tools (2)/ for the
delicate eyes surgery (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Lasers are
(b) indispensable tools
(c) for the delicate eyes surgery
(d)No error
I take great pleasure (1)/ to welcome you (2)/ to this
institution(3)/ No error (4)
The introduction of tea and coffee (1)/ and such
other beverages (2)/ have not been without some
effect (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The introduction of tea and coffee
(b) and such other beverages
(c) have not been without some effect
(d)No error
In spite of the roadblock (1)/ the guards allowed us
(2)/ enter the restricted area to search for our
friends (3)/ No error (4)
(a) In spite of the roadblock
(b) the guards allowed us
(c) enter the restricted area to search for our friends
(d)No error
The newer type of automatic machines (1)/ washes
(2)/ the clothes faster (3)/No error (4)
(a) The newer type of automatic machines
(b) washes
(c) the clothes faster
(d)No error
By the time (1)/ we got our tickets and entered the
cinema theatre (2)/ the show was already begun
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) By the time
(b) we got our tickets and entered the cinema theatre
(c) the show was already begun
(d)No error
Each of the students in the computer class (1)/ has to
type (2)/ their own research paper this sinister (3)/
No error (4)
(a) Each of the students in the computer class
(b) has to type
(c) their own research paper this semester
(d)No error
The fact of me (1)/ being a stranger (2)/ does not
excuse his conduct (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The fact of me
(b) being a stranger
(c) does not excuse his conduct
(d)No error
The sea looks (1)/ as if it has been (2)/ agitated by a
storm (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The sea looks
(b) as if it has been
(c) agitated by a storm
(d)No error
(b) of Kashmir
(c) is very charming
(d)No error
I would appreciate if readers(1)/ would write to me
(2)/ about how they meditate (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I would appreciate if readers
(b) would write to me
(c) about how they meditate
(d)No error
Neither of the two children (1)/ said their prayer
(2)/ before going to bed (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Neither of the two children
(b) said their prayer
(c) before going to bed
(d)No error
I sat down opposite him (1)/and produced (2) / the
packet of cigarettes (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I sat down opposite him
(b) and produced
(c) the packet of cigarettes
(d)No error
A variety of pleasant items in the shop (1) / attract
(2) / everybody (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A variety of pleasant items in the shop
(b) attract
(c) everybody
(d)No error
The table s legs (1)/ have been(2)/ elaborately
carved (3) / No error (4)
(a) The table s legs
(b) have been
(c) elaborately carved
(d)No error
The sceneries (1)/ of Kashmir (2)/ is very charming
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The sceneries
This happened (1)/ just exactly(2)/ five years ago
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) This happened
(b) just exactly
(c) five years ago
(d)No error
Ramesh smiled when he was remembering (1)/ his
hard early years (2)/ and his long road to success
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) Ramesh smiled when he was remembering
(b) his hard early years
(c) and his long road to success
(d)No error
Good heavens (1)/ How has she (2)/ grown (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Good heavens
(b) How has she
(c) grown
(d)No error
The doctor advised Mr Mrugan that (1)/ because of
his severe cramps (2)/ he should lay in the bed for a
few days(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The doctor advised Mr Murugan that
(b) because of his severe cramps
(c) he should lay in the bed for a few days
(d)No error
He is a university professor (1)/ but of his three sons
(2) / neither has any merit (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He is a university professor
(b) but of his three sons
(c) neither has any merit
(d)No error
After knowing truth (1)/ they took the right decision
(2)/ in the matter (3)/ No error (4)
(a) After knowing truth
(b) they took the right decision
(c) in the matter
(d)No error
It is time you(1)/decide on your next (2)/ course of
action (3)/ No error (4)
(a) It is time you
(b) Decide on your next
(c) course of action
(d)No error
Nine-tenths(1) of the pillar (2)/ have rotted
away(3)/No error (4)
(a) Nine-tenths
(b)of the pillar
(c) have rotted away
(d) No error
One major reason (1)/ for the popularity of
television is (2)/ that most people like to stay at
home (3)/No error (4)
(a) One major reason
(b) for the popularity of television is
(c) that most people like to stay at home
(d)No error
Our efforts are (1)/ aimed to bring about (2) / a
reconciliation (3)/No error (4)
(a) Our efforts are
(b) aimed to bring about
(c) a reconciliation
(d)No error
Three conditions (1)/critical for growing (2)/ plants
are soil temperature chemical balance or amount of
moisture (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Three conditions
(b) critical for growing
(c) plants are soil temperature chemical balance or
amount of moisture
(d)No error
He who has suffered the most(1)/ for the cause (2)/
let him speak (3)/ No error (4)
(a) He who has suffered the most
(b) for the cause
(c) let him speak
(d)No error
A cup of coffee (1)/ is an excellent complement (2)/
to smoked salmon (3)/ No error (4)
(a) A cup of coffee
(b) is an excellent complement
(c) to smoked salmon
(d)No error
Judge in him (1)/ prevailed upon the father (2)/ and
he sentenced his son to death (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Judge in him
(b) prevailed upon the father
(c) and he sentenced his son to death
(d)No error
If I had lots of money (1)/ I d give some to anybody
(2)/who asked for it (3)/No error(4)
(a) If I had lots of money
(b) I d give some to anybody
(c) who asked for it
(d)No error
The old man felled (1)/some of the trees in the
garden (2)/with hardly no effort at all(3)/ No error
(a) The old man felled
(b) some of the trees in the garden
(c) with hardly no effort at all
(d)No error
Until the world lasts (1)/the earth will go (2)/ round
the sun(3)/ No error(4)
(a) Until the world lasts
(b) the earth will go
(c) round the sun
(d)No error
I go to the temple (1)/as often as(2)/I find time(3)/
No error(4)
(a) I go to the temple
(b) as often as
(c) I find time
(d)No error
A few tiles on Skylab(1) were the only equipments
(2)/ that failed to perform well in outer space(3)/ No
error (4)
(a) A few tiles on Skylab
(b) were the only equipments
(c) that failed to perform well in outer space
(d) No error
I don’t (1)/ want to (2)/ loose it(3)/ No error (4)
(a) I don’t
(b) want to
(c) loose it
(d)No error
The teacher (1)/ has took (2) / the responsibility
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The teacher
(b) has took
(c) the responsibility
(d)No error
He walks (1)/ as if the earth (2)/ belongs to him (3)/
No error (4)
(a) He walks
(b) as if the earth
(c) belongs to him
(d)No error
The clerk was (1)/ not intimidated by (2)/ his boss s
bullying (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The clerk was
(b) not intimidated by
(c) his boss s bullying
(d)No error
This misogynist hates (1)/ all mother-in-laws (2)/
lady-doctors and house maids (3)/ No error (4)
(a) This misogynist hates
(b) all mother-in-laws
(c) lady-doctors and house maids
(d)No error
Do not (1)/get panicked (2)/ in emergencies (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Do not
(b) get panicked
(c) in emergencies
(d)No error
Sometimes (1)/ I get angry (2)/ on her (3)/ No error
(a) Sometimes
(b) I get angry
(c) on her
(d)No error
I use (1)/ to go out (2)/ to work earlier (3)/ No error
(a) I use
(b) to go out
(c) to work earlier
(d)No error
How to solve the problems (1)/ is the main concern
of the organizers (2)/ at the moment (3)/ No error
(a) How to solve the problems
(b) is the main concern of the organizers
(c) at the moment
(d)No error
We requested the watchman(1)/ to clean up the
basement(2)/ so that the children might have
enough space to play (3)/ No error (4)
(a) We requested the watchman
(b) to clean up the basement
(c) so that the children might have enough space to play
(d)No error
Last night I dream (1)/ I was a Sheikh on the 169th
floor (2)/ of Burj Khalifa (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Last night I dream
(b) I was a Sheikh on the I 69th floor
(c) of Burj Khalifa
(d)No error
(b) ghost stories
(c) especially on Halloween night
(d)No error
As soon as (1)/ the lion saw the deer (2)/ he began
to run after it (3)/ No error (4)
(a) As soon as
(b) the lion saw the deer
(c) he began to run after it
(d)No error
I(1) / have (2) / many works to do (3)/ No error(4)
(a) I
(b) have
(c) many works to do
(d)No error
The police asked us (1)/ about our movements (2)/
on a night of the crime (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The police asked us
(b) about our movements
(c) on a night of the crime
(d)No error
There are so many filth (1) / all around (2) / the
place (3) / No error (4)
(a) There are so many filth
(b) all around
(c) the place
(d)No error
Did he tell you(1)/why he hasn’t(2)/ come yesterday
? (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Did he tell you
(b) why he hasn’t
(c) come yesterday ?
(d)No error
A great many student (1)/ have been declared (2)/
successful(3)/ No error (4)
(a) A great many student
(b) have been declared
(c) successful
(d)No error
It was a pleasant (1) / four hours drive (2)/ from
Pune to Nasik (3)/ No error (4)
(a) It was a pleasant
(b) four hours drive
(c) from Pune to Nasik
(d)No error
We are going to launch (1)/ this three-crores project
(2)/ within the next few months (3)/ No error (4)
(a) We are going to launch
(b) this three-crores project
(c) within the next few months
(d)No error
A senior doctor (1)expressed concern(2) about
physician recommended the vaccine (3)No error(4)
(a)A senior doctor
(b)expressed concern
(c)about physician recommended the vaccine
(d)No error
I hope to go to shopping (1)/ this weekend (2) / if
the weather permits (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I hope to go to shopping
(b) this weekend
(c) if the weather permits
(d)No error
We have discussing (1) / all the known mechanisms
(2) / of physical growth (3)/No error (4)
(a) We have discussing
(b) all the known mechanisms
(c) of physical growth
(d)No error
The lawyer asked (1)/ if it was worth to take (2) /
the matter to court (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The lawyer asked
(b) if it was worth to take
(c) the matter to court
(d)No error
Children enjoy listening to (1) / ghost stories (2) /
especially on Halloween night (3) / No error (4)
(a) Children enjoy listening to
After a carefully investigation(1)/ we discovered
(2)/ that the house was infested with termites(3)/
No error (4)
(a) After a carefully investigation
(b) we discovered
(c) that the house was infested with termites
(d)No error
The future of food companies (1) / seems quite
secure (2) / owed to ever-growing demand (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) The future of food companies
(b) seems quite secure
(c) owed to ever-growing demand
(d)No error
The vaccine (1) / when hit the Indian market (2) / is
dogged by controversy (3) / No error (4)
(a) The vaccine
(b) when hit the Indian market
(c) is dogged by controversy
(d)No error
His son(1) / is working (2) / very hardly (3) / No
error (4)
(a) His son
(b) is working
(c) very hardly
(d)No error
"The Arabian Nights" (1) / are indeed (2) / an
interesting book(3)/ No error (4)
(a) "The Arabian Nights"
(b) are indeed
(c) an interesting book
(d)No error
He (1) / loved her (2) / despite of himself (3) / No
error (4)
(a) He
(b) loved her
(c) despite of himself
(d)No error
Of all the models (1) / Jessica is (2) / the more goodlooking one (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Of all the models
(b) Jessica is
(c) the more good-looking one
(d)No error
When I went there (1)/ Charles is playing (2) / a
game of chess(3) / No error (4)
(a) When I went there
(b) Charles is playing
(c) a game of chess
(d)No error
Do you know that it was I (1)/ who has done (2) /
this piece of beautiful work? (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Do you know that it was I
(b) who has done
(c) this piece of beautiful work?
(d)No error
The company has ordered(1) / some (2) / new
equipments(3) / No error (4)
(a) The company has ordered
(b) some
(c) new equipments
(d)No error
If you had told me(1) / I would have helped you (2) /
solve the problem (3)/ No error (4)
(a) If you had told me
(b) I would have helped you
(c) solve the problem
(d)No error
The way to increase the production of the food (1)/
is to bring more land (2)/ under cultivation (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) The way to increase the production of the food
(b) is to bring more land
(c) under cultivation
(d)No error
The girls watched intently (1)/ as the model applied
her makeup (2)/ with a practised hand (3)/ No error
(a) The girls watched intently
(b) as the model applied her makeup
(c) with a practised hand
(d)No error
If he is a millionaire (1)/ he would help (2)/ the
millennium project (3)/ No error (4)
(a) If he is a millionaire
(b) he would help
(c) the millennium project
(d)No error
The Prime Minister along with his Cabinet colleagues
(1)/ have been welcomed by the Chief Minister
(2)/at a formal ceremony (3)/No error (4)
(a) The Prime Minister along with his Cabinet colleagues
(b) have been welcomed by the Chief Minister
(c) at a formal ceremony
(d)No error
(a) He asked me
(b) when could I finish
(c) the work
(d)No error
Neither of them (1)/ is(2)/good (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Neither of them
(b) is
(c) good
(d)No error
The political candidate talked(1)/ as if she has
already been elected (2)/ to the presidency (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) The political candidate talked
(b) as if she has already been elected
(c) to the presidency
(d)No error
Due to me being a new comer(1)/ I was unable (2)/
to get a good house (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Due to me being a new comer
(b) I was unable
(c) to get a good house
(d)No error
You have been doing (1)/ your homework (2)/
regularly ? (3)/ No error (4)
(a) You have been doing
(b) your homework
(c) regularly ?
(d)No error
The circulation of The Statesman(1)/ is greater than
(2)/that of any newspaper (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The circulation of The Statesman
(b) is greater than
(c) that of any newspaper
(d)No error
The same procedure (1)/ also should used (2)/ for
the final assessment (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The same procedure
(b) also should used
(c) for the final assessment
(d)No error
In the garden (1)/ were the more beautiful flowers
(2)/ and silver bells (3) / No error (4)
(a) In the garden
(b) were the more beautiful flowers
(c) and silver bells
(d)No error
I must find out (1)/some means to balance (2)/ my
budget (3)/ No error (4)
(a) I must find out
(b) some means to balance
(c) my budget
(d)No error
The poet (1)/ describes about(2)/ the spring season
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The poet
(b) describes about
(c) the spring season
(d)No error
Thank you (1)/I am fine (2)/ completely (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) Thank you
(b) I am fine
(c) completely
(d)No error
They agreed(1)to repair the damage(2)freely of
charge(3)No error(4)
(a) They agreed
(b)to repair the damage
(c)freely of charge
(d)No error
He asked me (1)/ when could I finish (2)/ the work
(3)/ No error (4)
(1)When Damn heard the news that his father had
been hospitalised (2) he cancelled his trip(3)and
returned back to his village(4)No error
(a) When Damn heard the news that his father had been
(b) he cancelled his trip
(c)and returned back to his village
(d)No error
(1)The Governing Board(2)comprises of(3)several
distinguished personalities (4) No error
(a) The Governing Board
(b)comprises of
(c)several distinguished personalities
(d)No error
(1)My uncle does not spend(2)so much money on
that house(3)unless he thinks of moving in
soon(4)No error
(a) My uncle does not spend
(b)so much money on that house
(c)unless he thinks of moving in soon
(d)No error
(1)Neither my sister nor my brothers(2)are
interested(3)in moving to another house(4)No error
(a) Neither my sister nor my brothers
(b)are interested
(c)in moving to another house
(d)No error
(b) the students should have gone to the library
(c) instead of having wasted their time
(d)No error
He is (1)/ one of the tallest boy(2)/ in the class (3)/
No error (4)
(a) He is
(b) one of the tallest boy
(c) in the class
(d)No error
He was awarded (1)/ with a doctorate degree (2)/
for his new invention (3) / No error (4)
(a) He was awarded
(b) with a doctorate degree
(c) for his new invention
(d)No error
None of the diplomats at the conference (1)/was able
either to comprehend (2)/ or solve the problem
(3)/No error (4)
(a) None of the diplomats at the conference
(b) was able either to comprehend
(c) or solve the problem
(d)No error
We saw (1)/ sand sculptures (2)/in the beach (3)/
No error (4)
(a) We saw
(b) sand sculptures
(c) in the beach
(d)No error
Everybody in the office (1)/ has left early (2) /
haven t they ? (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Everybody in the office /
(b)has left early
(c) haven t they ?
(d)No error
The teacher told that (1)/ the students should have
gone to the library (2)/ instead of having wasted
their time (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The teacher told that
The whole block of flats (1)/ including two shops
(2)/ was destroyed in fire (3)/No error (4)
(a) The whole block of flats
(b) including two shops
(c) was destroyed in fire
(d)No error
They were having (1)/ a birthday party at home (2)/
next week (3)/No error (4)
(a) They were having
(b) a birthday party at home
(c) next week
(d)No error
The inaugural function (1)/ is temporarily
interrupted (2)/ as the lights suddenly went out
(3)/No error (4)
(a) The inaugural function
(b) is temporarily interrupted
(c) as the lights suddenly went out
(d)No error
He always practises (1)/ the justice and cares (2)/
for moral principles (3)/No error (4)
(a) He always practises
(b) the justice and cares
(c) for moral principles
(d)No error
His assistants have (1)/ and are still doing (2)/
excellent work for the organisation (3)/No error (4)
(a) His assistants have
(b) and are still doing
(c) excellent work for the organisation
(d)No error
Thanks to medical research(1)/ our lives have
become (2)/ healthier and long (3)/No error (4)
(a) Thanks to medical research
(b) our lives have become
(c) healthier and long
(d)No error
The first task is provided (1)/ sufficient arable land
(2)/ to the dispossessed farmers (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The first task is provided
(b) sufficient arable land
(c) to the dispossessed farmers
(d)No error
He thinks (1)/ himself (2) / as a great scholar (3)/ No
error (4)
(a) He thinks
(b) himself
(c) as a great scholar
(d)No error
Unless (1)/ you will study hard (2)/you cannot pass
(3)/No error(4)
(a) Unless
(b) you will study hard
(c) you cannot pass
(d)No error
I like (1)/ the poetries (2)/ of Byron and Shelley (3)/
No error (4)
(a) I like
(b) the poetries
(c) of Byron and Shelley
(d)No error
On last Sunday (1)/ I met my friend (2)/ accidentally
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) On last Sunday
(b) I met my friend
(c) accidentally
(d)No error
Paper should be (1)/ recycle(2)/ if possible (3)/No
error (4)
(a) Paper should be
(b) recycle
(c) if possible
(d)No error
No sooner did he see (1)/ the traffic policeman (2)/
he wore seat belt (3)/No error (4)
(a) No sooner did he see
(b) the traffic policeman
(c) he wore seat belt
(d)No error
The Principal and staff (1)/ are waiting for (2)/ the
chief guest(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Principal and staff
(b) are waiting for
(c) the chief guest
(d)No error
The Manager put forward (1)/ a number of
criterions/ (2) for the post (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Manager put forward
(b) a number of criterions
(c) for the post
(d)No error
The Railways have made (1)/ crossing the tracks (2)
/ a punished offence (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The Railways have made
(b) crossing the tracks
(c) a punished offence
(d)No error
A member shall be required (1)/ to pay interest at
such rate (2) / as is fixed by the committee (3) No
error (4)
(a) A member shall be required
(b) to pay interest at such rate
(c) as is fixed by the committee
(d)No error
(d)No error
Citizens cannot afford (1)/ to take the law (2)/ out of
their hands (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Citizens cannot afford
(b) to take the law
(c) out of their hands
(d)No error
Several guests noticed Mr Sharma(1)/collapsing in
his chair (2)/ and gasping for breath (3)/ No error
(a) Several guests noticed Mr Sharma
(b) collapsing in his chair
(c) and gasping for breath
(d)No error
The relatives of the deceased (1)/ threatened to
avenge (2)/ his death (3)/ No error (4)
(a) The relatives of the deceased
(b) threatened to avenge
(c) his death
(d)No error
I remember (1)/ meet him/ (2) five years ago (3)/
No error (4)
(a) I remember
(b) meet him
(c) five years ago
(d)No error
He asked (1) / that how long (2)/ I would be absent
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) He asked
(b) that how long
(c) I would be absent
(d)No error
This is our second reminder (1)/ and we are much
surprised (2)/ at receiving no answer from you (3)/
No error (4)
(a) This is our second reminder
(b) and we are much surprised
(c) at receiving no answer from you
(d)No error
You should (1)/ be always grateful (2) / to your
mentor (3) / No error (4)
(a) You should
(b) be always grateful
(c) to your mentor
(d)No error
He ate (1)/ nothing (2)/ since yesterday (3) No error
(a) He ate
(b) nothing
(c) since yesterday
(d)No error
She (1)/ is working here (2)/ since 1983/no error(4)
(a) She
(b) is working here
(c) since I 983
(d)no error
Madhuri Dixit is having (1)/ a large (2)/ fan
following (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Madhuri Dixit is having
(b) a large
(c) fan following
The furniture’s (1)/ had become(2)/ old and rusty
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) The furniture’s
(b) had become
(c) old and rusty
(d)No error
Most people (1)/ are afraid of (2)/swine flu these
days (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Most people
(b) are afraid of
(c) swine flu these days
(d)No error
I may not be able (1)/ to attend (2) / to the function
(3)/ No error(4)
(a) I may not be able
(b) to attend
(c) to the function
(d)No error
He is (1)/ residing here (2)/ since 1983 / No error
(a) He is
(b) residing here
(c) since I 983
(d)No error
At his return (1)/ we asked him(2)/ many questions
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) At his return
(b) we asked him
(c) many questions
(d)No error
The chief guest (1) / entered into(2)/ the room (3)/
No error (4)
(a) The chief guest
(b) entered into
(c) the room
(d)No error
She is (1)/ very angry (2)/ on him (3)/ No error (4)
(a) She is
(b) very angry
(c) on him
(d)No error
It was in 2006 (1) / that we first flew (2) / to the
United States(3)/ No error (4)
(a) It was in 2006
(b) that we first flew
(c) to the United States
(d)No error
The children s dog (1) / slept quietly (2) / in their
uncle s house (3) / No error (4)
(a) The children s dog
(b) slept quietly
(c) in their uncle s house
(d)No error
She is one of the (1)/ best mothers (2) / that has ever
lived (3)/ No error (4)
(a) She is one of the
(b) best mothers
(c) that has ever lived
(d)No error
John I and Hari (1)/ have finished (2)/ our studies
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) John I and Hari
(b) have finished
(c) our studies
(d)No error
When Anand reached the village(1)/ he found that
(2) / reports about him preceded him (3) / No error
(a) When Anand reached the village
(b) he found that
(c) reports about him preceded him
(d)No error
Our success or our failure (1) / largely depend (2) /
upon our actions (3) / No error (4)
(a) Our success or our failure
(b) largely depend
(c) upon our actions
(d)No error
The poor man (1) / poisoned him(2)/ and his own
children(3) / No error (4)
(a) The poor man
(b) poisoned him
(c) and his own children
(d)No error
Neither the mouse (1)/ nor the lion (2)/ were caught
(3)/ No error (4)
(a) Neither the mouse
(b) nor the lion
(c) were caught
(d)No error
After you will returns (1)/ from New Delhi (2)/ I will
meet you(3)/ No error (4)
(a) After you will returns
(b) from New Delhi
(c) I will meet you
(d)No error
When I was young (1)/ I used to collect stamps (2)/
as a hobby (3)/ No error (4)
(a) When I was young
(b) I used to collect stamps
(c) as a hobby
(d)No error
Pacific Ocean is (1) / the deepest ocean (2)/ in the
world (3)/ No error (4)
(a) Pacific Ocean is
(b) the deepest ocean
(c) in the world
(d)No error
You will come (1) / to my sister s wedding tomorrow
(2)/ isn’t it? (3)/No error (4)
(a) You will come
(b) to my sister s wedding tomorrow
(c) isn’t it?
(d)No error
I am (1) / yours (2)/ affectionate son(3)/ No error
(a) I am
(b) your s
(c) affectionate son
(d)No error
Beside Hindi (1) / she knew (2)/ Bengali well (3)/
No error (4)
(a) Beside Hindi
(b) she knew
(c) Bengali well
(d)No error
85 b
91 c
97 c
103 c
109 a
115 b
121 d
127 b
133 b
139 b
145 b
151 b
157 a
163 d
169 b
175 c
181 a
187 c
193 c
199 a
205 b
211 a
217 c
223 c
229 b
235 b
241 c
247 d
253 a
259 b
265 b
271 b
277 d
283 a
289 b
295 d
86 b
92 b
98 b
104 c
110 a
116 b
122 c
128 b
134 c
140 b
146 a
152 c
158 b
164 a
170 d
176 c
182 c
188 d
194 a
200 a
206 c
212 b
218 c
224 c
230 b
236 b
242 c
248 a
254 b
260 c
266 b
272 b
278 b
284 b
290 d
296 a
87 c
93 a
99 c
105 b
111 c
117 c
123 c
129 b
135 a
141 a
147 d
153 b
159 c
165 b
171 c
177 a
183 c
189 a
195 b
201 a
207 a
213 a
219 b
225 b
231 a
237 a
243 b
249 b
255 b
261 b
267 c
273 a
279 a
285 c
291 c
297 c
88 c
94 d
100 b
106 c
112 a
118 b
124 a
130 d
136 b
142 b
148 a
154 c
160 c
166 d
172 b
178 b
184 b
190 b
196 c
202 d
208 c
214 b
220 c
226 a
232 b
238 c
244 a
250 b
256 a
262 c
268 b
274 b
280 a
286 c
292 a
298 b
89 b
95 b
101 a
107 c
113 b
119 c
125 b
131 a
137 c
143 a
149 b
155 d
161 a
167 a
173 a
179 c
185 c
191 c
197 d
203 c
209 c
215 a
221 d
227 c
233 b
239 b
245 d
251 b
257 c
263 b
269 c
275 a
281 c
287 b
293 c
299 a
He walks (1) / as if the earth (2)/ belonged to him
(3) / No error (4)
(a) He walks
(b) as if the earth
(c) belonged to him
(d)No error
13 d
19 c
25 d
31 d
37 b
43 c
49 d
55 a
61 b
67 c
73 a
79 c
14 b
20 c
26 a
32 b
38 c
44 c
50 c
56 c
62 b
68 c
74 a
80 b
15 b
21 b
27 a
33 c
39 d
45 b
51 b
57 b
63 c
69 b
75 b
81 b
10 c
16 c
22 c
28 a
34 c
40 c
46 b
52 c
58 b
64 b
70 d
76 b
82 b
11 c
17 c
23 b
29 b
35 c
41 c
47 b
53 b
59 c
65 a
71 b
77 a
83 c
12 c
18 a
24 c
30 c
36 d
42 c
48 b
54 d
60 c
66 a
72 b
78 c
84 c
90 a
96 b
102 c
108 b
114 c
120 b
126 a
132 c
138 b
144 d
150 c
156 b
162 c
168 a
174 b
180 d
186 d
192 b
198 b
204 b
210 a
216 c
222 b
228 d
234 c
240 b
246 b
252 c
258 a
264 b
270 d
276 d
282 a
288 b
294 a
300 d
Daily Visit
D.1-150): Read the following sentences carefully and select the correct option. Each
sentence is split into four parts namely (a), (b), (c) and (d). Select the part which is
grammatically wrong. If all the parts of the sentence are grammatically correct then,
choose ‘No error’ (e) as the option.
1) A study conducted by the World Health Organisation country office for (a)/ India in
collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health across (b)/ seven
States in India show that banning gutka, (c)/ a form of chewing tobacco, helped users kick the
habit. (d)/ No error. (e)
2) Matchboxes, little auxiliaries to our lives that have endlessly (a)/ fascinated collectors and
chroniclers of pop art, have (b)/ fast replaced almost entirely by (c)/ gas lighters, electric stoves
and cigarette lighters. (d)/ No error. (e)
3) The rally, launched as part of social outreach programme (a)/ to connect children and youth
along both coasts of the country, (b)/ is initiative of the Southern Naval Command organised as
part (c)/ of celebrations to mark the platinum jubilee of INS Valsura. (d)/ No error. (e)
4) In a move that would benefit thousands of property buyers, (a)/ the State Registration
Department have (b)/ proposed to reduce the guideline value (c)/ for registration of sale deed
of properties in Tamil Nadu. (d)/ No error. (e)
5) Speak to reporters after the announcement, Raju Murugan, (a)/ director of Joker, said that
he hoped (b)/ the national award would open (c)/ up space for films with political content in
future. (d)/ No error. (e)
6) Another senior leader said that the idea was being strongly (a)/ pushed by several senior
leaders, (b)/ since they think it would give the party (c)/ the much-need visibility. (d)/ No error.
7) Citing the question asked in the SSLC social science exam (a)/ on who is the chairman of the
Planning Commission, he said this (b)/ government does not even know (c)/ that the
Commission was replaced on Niti Ayog in 2015. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
8) In 2017, the State was witness to a series of protests (a)/ by students, members of Tamil
organisations and others who (b)/ demand that jallikattu, the traditional adventure (c)/ sport of
taming the bull, be permitted unconditionally. (d)/ No error. (e)
9) Tuesday began on a celebratory note but ended with (a)/ sad for child rights activist and
Nobel Peace (b)/ prize winner, Kailash Satyarthi, who came to his ancestral (c)/ home here for
the first time after receiving the coveted prize. (d)/ No error. (e)
10) These receipts will not only certainly contain the names of those (a)/ attacked but also their
addresses, in which (b)/ case it is for the corporation authorities to explain (c)/ as to why they
sold cattle to out of State people,” the team said. (d)/ No error. (e)
11) The present method not only detects pregnancy (a)/ at an early stage, but also makes it
possible (b)/ for breeders to independent carry (c)/ out the process of detection. (d)/ No error.
12) The research states that “people working for bosses (a)/ who display psychopathic and
narcissistic tendencies” not only (b)/ feel depressed because of constant bullying but are (c)/
also likely to engage in counterproductive behaviour. (d)/ No error. (e)
13) The current flag-bearer of women’s cricket in India, Mithali Raj, (a)/ recalls her 214, the
then highest score in women’s Test history, (b)/ against England at Taunton in 2002: (c)/ Those
days, the set-up was very amateurish, and there were hardly any money involved. (d)/ No error.
14) Because the pieces emerged from the museum’s archives, (a)/ often with scant information
about the creators, (b)/ the exhibition has had to rely much in the voices of (c)/ those who
brought the pieces to Britain. (d)/ No error. (e)
15) Elliot hopes the exhibition—which will be on show (a)/ for over a year—will eventual help
reveal (b)/ the stories of the creators and (c)/ spark discussion and debate on these
communities. (d)/ No error. (e)
16) Eventually, through its characters, the film teases out the many (a)/ nuances of arranged
marriage: the contradictions (b)/ between the growing education, employment to financial
opportunities for women, (c)/ and the inescapable pressures of “settling down” into
matrimony. (d)/ No error. (e)
17) Initially conceptualised as a year-long project, (a)/ the documentary eventually took almost
four year to film, (b)/ and six to be completed, resulting in 90 sharp (c)/ minutes cut from 750
hours of footage. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
18) Chief Justice of India Jagdish Singh Khehar on Saturday said (a)/ political parties should be
held (b)/ accountable for the routinely unfulfilled (c)/ promises made in its election manifestos.
(d)/ No error. (e)
19) Though depression affects all demographic groups, (a)/ it is more common within
adolescents and (b)/ young adults, women of child bearing (c)/ age (particularly following
childbirth), and adults over the age of 60. (d)/ No error. (e)
20) An increase in educational enrolment among the (a)/ younger cohort, attainment of socioeconomic status, (b)/ and household composition large (c)/ contributed to the drop. (d)/ No
error. (e)
21) In his sharpest comments yet, the Dalai Lama compared (a)/ China’s actions in Tibet to the
regime of Cambodian dictator Pol Pot, (b)/ who was held responsible to the death (c)/ of more
than a million Cambodians in the 1970s. (d)/ No error. (e)
22) Despite that, some commentators say that the U.S.-China (a)/ agreement has shift the focus
to (b)/ developing countries, especially India, (c)/ which is the fourth largest emitter. (d)/ No
error. (e)
23) The exfoliation was carried at room temperature (a)/ but under vacuum and the electrical
conductance was (b)/ measured at the time of exfoliation before (c)/ the pristine nature of the
edge was affected. (d)/ No error. (e)
24) There is a simple bench on the Indian side of the border, (a)/ where bags are inspected, and
a (b)/ covered spot where the women (c)/ are frisk and question. (d)/ No error. (e)
25) Alongside such contemporary pieces, also on display is (a)/ over a 100 historic pieces
ranging from paintings (b)/ to photographs, metal and wooden artefacts (c)/ found in the
museum’s archives. (d)/ No error. (e)
26) “Focusing on minority communities was a (a)/ way to communicate other versions of India,
but (b)/ we know we have (c)/ just scratch the surface,” says Elliot. (d)/ No error. (e)
27) However, most are in the notified Mysore Elephant Reserve (MER), (a)/ made up of forests
from Bhadra in Chikkamagaluru to (b)/ Nagarahole-Bandipur BRT Wildlife Sanctuary belt,
besides Bannerghatta, (c)/ spread over an area of near 11,000 sq. km. (d)/ No error. (e)
28) The State government had approached the Centre for (a)/ waiver of farm loans but even if
we fail to get any support from (b)/ the Centre, we will ensure that farmers are (c)/ freed in
their mounting debts, said Capt. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
29) On buying the watch, customers will also get a (a)/ log book with all the flight details of its
journey (b)/ around the world, a great story to tell (c)/ people who compliment them on their
watch. (d)/ No error. (e)
30) As soon as I entered the house I spotted her father wearing a ‘Harvard’ sweatshirt in (a)/
the 35 degrees temperature as if he (b)/ is some nuclear scientist on Copenhagen (c)/ when
actually he is a dentist from Karaikudi. (d)/ No error. (e)
31) The desperate reliance on deep ground water and farming is (a)/ symptomatic of the
traumatic shift experienced (b)/ by the Banjaras since the British government criminalised
them, (c)/ like the Mahua tree itself, in this part of the country. (d)/ No error. (e)
32) Towards the centre of the pole, Hart acknowledges one of the most disturbing (a)/ aspect of
Canadian history, the system of residential (b)/ schools where children were forcibly sent,
separated from their (c)/ families, and where they suffered abuse, disease and death. (d)/ No
error. (e)
33) The overall BSE Small Cap Index valuation, though, (a)/ is still not very expensive compared
to historical averages – an indication (b)/ that earnings of a good number of companies (c)/ has
kept pace with the rally in their stock price. (d)/ No error. (e)
34) If you are spending, say, Rs.1 lakh per month and is (a)/ due to retire in five years, you may
be wondering as to whether (b)/ you would be able to generate the same level (c)/ of income
during your retirement to sustain your lifestyle. (d)/ No error. (e)
35) You choose your country, you choose your spouse, (a)/ you choose your profession, you
choose (b)/ your political masters, and you choose (c)/ where you want live and how. (d)/ No
error. (e)
36) The Times Higher Education BRICS and Emerging Economies Rankings 2015, which gives (a)/
new insights into the performance and contribution of universities (b)/ in BRICS and emerging
economies, demonstrates a stronger and sharp attention (c)/ to issues of quality and excellence
to be paid by India. (d)/ No error. (e)
37) The government has initiated the process to (a)/ decriminalise attempt to suicide, a move
that (b)/ will ensure that people who are drive to (c)/ kill themselves do not end up in jail if they
don’t succeed. (d)/ No error. (e)
38) Public health experts have cautioned that at a time when (a)/ there are seasonal short
showers, residents (b)/ have to careful about preventing the breeding of (c)/ mosquitoes in
their homes or compounds. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
39) A couple of years ago, the epidemic that swept through (a)/ Tamil Nadu was fuelled by a set
of circumstances that seemed unique: power cuts (b)/ had forced residents in rural areas to
store (c)/ water in large pots and cisterns at weeks. (d)/ No error. (e)
40) The sentence emerged after set of 19 pictographs from (a)/ a cave in Hampi were
deciphered using (b)/ root morphemes of Gondi language, considered (c)/ by many eminent
linguists as a proto Dravidian language. (d)/ No error. (e)
41) A film by a Pune based director on the daily struggles of four sisters (a)/ across the
backdrop of farmer suicides in (b)/ Vidarbha in Maharashtra has made it to the long list in (c)/
the “best picture” category of the 87th Academy Awards, popularly called the Oscars. (d)/ No
error. (e)
42) A specialist of the “agricultural documentary”, Ms. Bhosale has (a)/ created and directed
close to 50 films – all focus (b)/ on the pitfalls and triumphs of (c)/ men and women who work
the soil. (d)/ No error. (e)
43) In 1994 the Supreme Court not only decriminalised (a)/ the attempt to suicide but also (b)/
observed that the ‘right to life’ (c)/ include the ‘right to die.’ (d)/ No error. (e)
44) With digital media emerge as new and one of the most (a)/ powerful election battlegrounds
in the Lok Sabha 2014 (b)/ elections, the term ‘Election 2014’ topped (c)/ Google India’s
trending list for the year. (d)/ No error. (e)
45) Top-ranked South Africa plays its first Test in five (a)/months when it faces unfamiliar West
Indies (b)/ in the opening contest of its (c)/three-match series in Pretoria on Wednesday. (d)/
No error. (e)
46) Following the hostage related incident in Sydney on Monday, (a)/ the Board of Control for
Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to (b)/send its chief of anticorruption and security (c)/ Ravi
Savani to Australia to overseen the security arrangements for the Indian team. (d)/ No error. (e)
47) FGB, UAE’s largest bank by net profit, plan to expand its (a)/operations in India in line with
its global expansion (b)/strategy to support clients with cross border business (c)/and focusing
on key trade and finance flows. (d)/ No error. (e)
48) BlackBerry, which had to struggle against (a)/ aggressive competition over a year ago, is
now (b)/ refocusing itself by (c)/ targeting the professional consumer. (d)/ No error. (e)
49) The dearth of consumer friendly apps on a (a)/ BB device has been resolved with the (b)/
integration of Amazon App Store on the (c)/ recent launched Passport running the 10.3 update.
(d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
50) As sports management companies perform a raft (a)/ of functions, including public
relations, finance, sponsorships, training, laws (b)/ and ethics, it needs (c)/ professionals
qualified in these areas. (d)/ No error. (e)
51) It’s been over a month since several students (a)/ of G.B. Pant Engineering College on south
Delhi’s Okhla (b)/ have been spending the night (c)/ in their classrooms as a mark of protest.
(d)/ No error. (e)
52) A street food vendor was murdered on Sunday night (a)/ in Outer Delhi’s Mangolpuri after
he told (b)/ a group of drunken men that he would not be able (c)/ to serve them Gol gappas.
(d)/ No error. (e)
53) Following reports Noida Authority staff allegedly (a)/ not reaching office on time, UP Chief
Minister Yogi Adityanath (b)/ on Monday sought the employee details of (c)/ both Noida and
Greater Noida Authorities. (d)/ No error. (e)
54) A delegation led by the Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Manish Sisodia (a)/ also met with Delhi
State Election Commissioner and (b)/ gave him a memorandum, requesting an inquiry (c)/ with
the EVMs being brought from Rajasthan. (d)/ No error. (e)
55) A total of 2,537 candidates will contest elections (a)/ to the 272 wards in the three
municipal corporations (b)/ of the Capital on April 23, (c)/ said the Delhi State Election
Commission. (d)/ No error. (e)
56) Having been robbed cash and valuables (a)/ worth ₹4.10 lakh in Karol Bagh last week, a
Tanzanian family (b)/ which had come to India on a medical tour (c)/ are struggling to survive in
the Capital. (d)/ No error. (e)
57) The family approached the police and registered a complaint, (a)/ even as the Korean
embassy got in touch (b)/ on the victim’s family and asked the police (c)/ to expedite the
investigation. (d)/ No error. (e)
58) Mr. Gopal in his post said the “liberty to lead (a)/ a peaceful life has snatched from us” and
(b)/ that this was “harassment of the highest order” (c)/ and could not be taken lightly. (d)/ No
error. (e)
59) Sanjay and Ajay were arrested for allegedly failing (a)/ to complete the Gurugram project in
time and not having (b)/ valid permissions from competent authorities (c)/ before start the
project, the police said. (d)/ No error. (e)
60) The Bench said on Monday, “Though it is pleaded (a)/ by the government that an
Administrator has been appointed, (b)/ it appear that the same is nothing but an eye-wash and,
(c)/ in fact, Dr. Sharma himself has been controlling the affairs of the Akademi. (d)/ No error.
Daily Visit
61) The IOP Party on Monday released (a)/ its manifesto for the civic polls, in which it has
promised (b)/ constitution of a municipal development board (c)/ and regularisation of
contractual employees. (d)/ No error. (e)
62) Describing his photo as “degrading and (a)/ a move to defame him”, Mr. Gupta has
demanded (b)/ that the Commission take immediate (c)/ legal action against the BPS. (d)/ No
error. (e)
63) Delhi Congress president Ajay Maken said at an event (a)/ to inaugurate candidates’
election offices on Monday (b)/ that the city had seen “unprecedented” development when (c)/
the party was in power in the Capital since 15 years. (d)/ No error. (e)
64) Over this approval, he claimed, only 50% funds (a)/ were to be given by the Delhi
government, but (b)/ “due to negligence” of the Kejriwal government, (c)/ the expansion was
delayed. (d)/ No error. (e)
65) In an affidavit submitted to the State Election Commission (a)/ along with her nomination,
Ms. Kaushik disclosed that (b)/ she owned two buildings measuring 720 square feet and 553
square feet, (c)/ which are priced at ₹50 lakh and ₹32 lakh, respective. (d)/ No error. (e)
66) Liberalising the end use of airport land (a)/ and unlock its potential is undoubtedly (b)/ to
advance public interest and (c)/ for better management of the airport. (d)/ No error. (e)
67) While the policy extended the benefits to existing (a)/ and future airports of AAI, as well as
future airport (b)/ projects under Public Private Partnership (PPP), (c)/ it exclude the existing
airports. (d)/ No error. (e)
68) It’s been over a month since several student (a)/ of G.B. Pant Engineering College in south
Delhi’s Okhla (b)/ have been spending the night (c)/ in their classrooms as a mark of protest.
(d)/ No error. (e)
69) According to the RTI documents, (a)/ instead of building the college, a part of the land (b)/
had given to an institute — Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) — that (c)/
will come up on the public-private partnership model. (d)/ No error. (e)
70) Students, meanwhile, complained that (a)/ the classrooms in the college were not suitable
(b)/ for attending lectures since (c)/ they were hostel rooms and lack space. (d)/ No error. (e)
71) The Supreme Court was on Monday informed (a)/ that the process of arriving at a
settlement between (b)/ Union minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Parsvnath Developers
over (c)/ possession of a flat in Gurgaon was going. (d)/ No error. (e)
72) In a statement give to the police, Mr. Yadav said that (a)/ they were all sleeping inside the
house when the theft took place and (b)/ were informed of the incident around 2.30a.m. when
Daily Visit
Mr. Yadav’s (c)/ mother Murti woke up and saw that the buffaloes were missing. (d)/ No error.
73) Police said Raju himself had a criminal record (a)/ and he as well as one of the attackers (b)/
have several cases registered (c)/ with them at the madhura police station. (d)/ No error. (e)
74) Two persons working with a cash management (a)/ service provider alleged executed a
heist of ₹32.50 lakh by fleeing (b)/ with a cash van in outer Delhi’s Mianwali Nagar (c)/ on
March 30, police revealed on Monday. (d)/ No error. (e)
75) Upon checking the identity records of the gunman, (a)/ it was found out that he was a
resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Etah district (b)/ and his Arms license were issued (c)/ by the
authorities of the same region. (d)/ No error. (e)
76) “During the visit to U.P, the team was surprised (a)/ to know that all the addresses gave by
Jalim Singh to his company were fake,” (b)/ said the officer, adding that Rajeev had forged the
documents and (c)/ used the identity of Jalim Singh just to commit the robbery. (d)/ No error.
77) The victim, Ezaz Ahmed, who work for UNI, also accused (a)/ the police of being indifferent
to his ordeal (b)/ and sluggish in their approach when he first made (c)/ the call to the Police
Control Room. (d)/ No error. (e)
78) The driver and conductor admitted to (a)/ having “misbehaved”, but said that the argument
was (b)/ over the driver digress (c)/ from the designated route. (d)/ No error. (e)
79) A police team rushed all of the injured to (a)/ Kukreja hospital where Ram Singh was
declared brought dead (b)/ while Rahul Singh, Dilip and Anand Prasad were (c)/ discharged
after treatment. (d)/ No error. (e)
80) “The registration number of the car was not clear, (a)/ therefore, we have sent the footage
(b)/ to a forensic lab to get a clear picture (c)/ of the car registration number,” said Mr. Kumar.
(d)/ No error. (e)
81) “He stopped a scooter that was coming (a)/ his way and took the victim the hospital (b)/
where she was declared dead (c)/ on arrival,” said the official. (d)/ No error. (e)
82) The Enforcement Directorate had registered (a)/ a case against Chauhan after the CBI
registered preliminary enquiry (b)/ in June 2015 against Mr. Singh, his wife Pratibha Singh and
(c)/ Chuhan and other unknown persons. (d)/ No error. (e)
83) A Bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar (a)/ asked these defaulting
bodies to reply within two weeks (b)/ as to why they should not be asked to pay environment
compensation (c)/ of ₹5 lakh for failing properly manage and treat sewage. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
84) Mr. Adityanath also ordered that 73 employees (a)/ of the Noida Authority, who had not
been marking themselves (b)/ present on biometric machine, be marked (c)/ absent since the
corresponding days. (d)/ No error. (e)
85) Following Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s directions, the authority has (a)/ prepared a
roster of sick and delayed projects and started a crackdown (b)/ with developers who have
failed to finish their housing projects, (c)/ leading to problems for thousands of home buyers.
(d)/ No error. (e)
86) Their major civic woes include (a)/ poor drinking water supply, no sewage connection, (b)/
erratic electricity supply and poor construction (c)/ of the project between others. (d)/ No
error. (e)
87) Danish, a home buyer who attended the meeting, (a)/ said they are hassled not just
because of the delay (b)/ in completion of housing projects but also civic issues (c)/ faced by
those who have got the possess. (d)/ No error. (e)
88) The average level of noise pollution (a)/ generally exceeds permissible limits in seven Indian
cities, (b)/ which includes Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai, (c)/ Union Environment
Minister Anil Madhav Dave said in the Rajya Sabha on Monday. (d)/ No error. (e)
89) The noise standard for motor vehicles, air conditioners, (a)/ refrigerators, gensets and
certain types of construction equipment (b)/ are prescribed in the Schedules (c)/ of the
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Minister said. (d)/ No error. (e)
90) Over 15,000 trees were cut (a)/ in the Capital in the three last financial years (b)/ to
undertake development and construction activities, (c)/ said Union Environment Minister Anil
Madhav Dave on Monday. (d)/ No error. (e)
91) “Out of 10 sapling, five are planted and (a)/ maintained by the Department of Forests (b)/
and Wildlife, GNCTD, on degraded forest land, gaon sabha land (c)/ and others available with
the department,” the Minister said. (d)/ No error. (e)
92) Mr. Dave also pointed out that Section 10 of the Delhi (a)/ Preservation of Trees Act, 1994,
said that every person who is granted (b)/ permission beside this Act to fell any tree is bound
(c)/ to plant such number and kind of trees in the area. (d)/ No error. (e)
93) Flowing dresses with fitted jackets, haute tops (a)/ and short skirts with coats, silk brocade
skirts and tops (b)/ with appliqué detailing, and gossamer lace with lame (c)/ chiffons were the
highlight the collection. (d)/ No error. (e)
94) India has undergone lot of socio-political (a)/ changes since Emergency but freedom (b)/ of
speech keeps coming (c)/ under threat between time to time. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
95) A old man advises her about (a)/ the inevitability of the course of each one’s life that (b)/
continues through every birth and points (c)/ out that she is Puranjana reborn as a woman. (d)/
No error. (e)
96) Ramanuja dealt with conflicts of every (a)/ kind -intellectual, philosophical and
administrative – and (b)/ handled them in unique ways, that (c)/ proclaimed his leadership
qualities. (d)/ No error. (e)
97) Scriptures hail the renunciation of all that one (a)/ considers as one’s own and offer oneself
wholly (b)/ to the Lord as the highest spiritual attainment, the only (c)/ means by which a
jivatma can attain salvation. (d)/ No error. (e)
98) Women walk the dry landscape that resembles a charred (a)/ rice field in search of work, be
it the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural (b)/ Employment Guarantee Act’s promised 100 days of
work, (c)/ or indeed any other work that will feed its family. (d)/ No error. (e)
99) As you enter Talainayiru block (a)/ of Nagapattinam district, the backwaters spread out (b)/
enticing, apparently lush and fertile, (c)/ enveloping many villages in the block. (d)/ No error. (e)
100) Elgar, a replacement in the opening positions for the retired Smith, believes (a)/ the side is
at peace with the loss of their former captain and Jacques Kallis, (b)/ who retired from
international cricket last season, and is looking (c)/ forward to the years ahead along new
skipper Amla, who debuted in the role in Sri Lanka. (d)/ No error. (e)
101) The event bears close study, as it not only teaches us the (a)/ political tools that Gandhiji
perfected during his struggle for (b)/ the indigo farmers of Champaran, but also the
panchamrut (five nectars) that (c)/ we as Indians got as a result of the struggle. (d)/ No error.
102) A day after Hardik Patel held a huge rally in Patidar dominated Morbi (a)/ and Tankara in
Saurashtra region, he and 34 others were (b)/ booked by the police in Monday for holding the
road show and public rally (c)/ without police approval and for violating prohibitory orders. (d)/
No error. (e)
103) The Lok Sabha on Monday cleared amendments to the motor vehicles (a)/ law that will
substantial increase the penalty for traffic violations, (b)/ allow learner’s driving licences to be
issued online (c)/ and penalise contractors for faulty road designs. (d)/ No error. (e)
104) From a social practice cannot be held to be an integral part of a (a)/ faith and belief or an
“essential religious practice,” it has to satisfy (b)/ the overarching constitutional goal of gender
equality, (c)/ gender justice and dignity, the government submitted. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
105) At a programme organised by the Culture Ministry, he said the (a)/ country had paid
homage to Mahatma Gandhi though all these years and (b)/ that the time had come to turn a
passive homage to an (c)/ active one of adopting sanitation as a goal. (d)/ No error. (e)
106) It defined both India’s commitment to the Teesta water-sharing (a)/ agreement and the
Central government’s commitment to working (b)/ with the West Bengal government to
conclude the agreement (c)/ for which the framework was initial in 2011. (d)/ No error. (e)
107) Not only will these measures strengthen the bonds with Bangladesh, (a)/ with which India
shares its longest international border (b)/ as well as historical bonds, they will help India
connect to itself, (c)/ to the benefit especially of the northeastern States. (d)/ No error. (e)
108) Before we turn to this, however, it may be (a)/ useful to suggest some ways in which we
can quickly assuage at least partially (b)/ the hurt that our African students must feel, before
turning vigorous to building institutions that (c)/ ensure their security and encourage them to
feel part of the community in India. (d)/ No error. (e)
109) Despite the attempts by the government to bring international students (a)/ to India, the
experience of foreign students here (b)/ has not always been a happy one, this being
particularly so for those (c)/ from Africa, though there could be exception. (d)/ No error. (e)
110) State governments must be instructed by the Centre to see (a)/ that African students are
assured of their safety and all educational institutions (b)/ must with immediate effect doubleup the attention (c)/ they devote to their personal needs, which range from housing to food.
(d)/ No error. (e)
111) While these are laudable and ambitious objectives as they address (a)/major concerns of
mental health care, there (b)/ have been some critiques attention drawing to the lack of funds,
(c)/ trained personnel, and insufficient emphasis on community care. (d)/ No error. (e)
112) Besides proximity and enduring relationships between actors (a)/ and their directors, and
some nepotism that has stuck, the problem with (b)/ the National Awards is that there is always
the view that someone more deserving (c)/ was overlooked in the run up to the awards or in
the finale. (d)/ No error. (e)
113) The Rajya Sabha was adjourned twice on Monday as Congress (a)/ members rushed to the
well, alleging that the Enforcement Directorate and the CBI were being used (b) against the
Chief Ministers and former Chief Ministers of the Opposition, while (c)/ no action was took
against the Chief Ministers of the BJP. (d)/ No error. (e)
114) The Pakistan move to award the death sentence to Mr. Jadhav (a)/ has been received with
many disbelief by his former Naval (b)/ colleagues and intelligence circles, though most of them
were (c)/ confident that he would be back home. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
115) “I will continue to work on our government’s principles of development (a)/ and welfare
and will not allow anything to (b)/ shake the confidence place in me,” Mr. Modi said (c)/ at the
end of a marathon five-hour meeting. (d)/ No error. (e)
116) The Election Commission said on Monday that it was not bound (a)/ consult the Union
Home Ministry before holding any election, following (b)/ reports that it had ignored the
Ministry’s advice against holding by (c)/ elections in the Kashmir Valley consider the prevailing
security situation. (d)/ No error. (e)
117) The Indian Navy spokesperson was quote as saying: (a)/ “In a show of international
maritime cooperation against piracy, a boarding party (b)/ from the nearby Chinese Navy ship
went on board the merchant ship, (c)/ while an Indian naval helicopter provided air cover for
the operation. (d)/ No error. (e)
118) Note that it was sensitive about the dent the ban has caused (a)/ to the economy, the
Bench asked the car companies (b)/ to come up with possible alternatives to (c)/ curb the rising
air pollution in the city. (d)/ No error. (e)
119) Po’s role-reversal from a student to a teacher delightfully plays out (a)/ in set pieces that
involve a valley of Pandas training in Kung Fu while doing (b)/ that one thing they love doing;
example: a particular (c)/ panda disrupts the enemy by hug because that’s what he likes doing
the best. (d)/ No error. (e)
120) Delhi Police Commissioner Alok Verma’s first meeting (a)/ with journalists was little more
than a photo-op with (b)/ the police chief sidestepping almost all the issues (c)/ raised by the
scribes about access to him. (d)/ No error. (e)
121) On discussing about the complaints, Standing Committee chairperson Radhey Shyam
Sharma (a)/ ordered officials to “stop attending the meetings of the DDCs” and (b)/ “not to
allow any work by an MLA without (c)/ the nod of the head of the department”. (d)/ No error.
122) The initiative was launched in line with a detailed action plan (a)/submitted by the Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) government to the Supreme Court after (b)/ it demanded information(c)/ on
steps be taken to improve air quality and reduce air pollution in the Capital. (d)/ No error. (e)
123) Even as the recently declassified documents relating to the (a)/ disappearance of Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose do not take us any closer (b)/ to finding out whether he indeed survived
the August 18, 1945 air crash, (c)/ they throw many unverified documents that claim he
outlived the crash. (d)/ No error. (e)
124) A day before a total ban on the sale and consumption of (a)/ country-made liquor across
Bihar, vendors and outlets offered a huge discount to exhaust (b)/ their stocks while guzzlers
were seen returning back (c)/ to the shops to replenish their stocks at home. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
125) It further says that it is mandatory that athletes (a)/ must have achieved the qualification
standard in AFI-recognised meets (b)/ during 2015 or 2016; moreover, an AFI technical delegate
(c)/ must have present at the meet. (d)/ No error. (e)
126) Footwork is reaction to the ball but balance (a)/ actually starts earlier, from your stance,
(b)/ your set-up to seeing the ball; that is, how still (c)/ you are before the ball is being
released.” (d)/ No error. (e)
127)Digital influence refers to the role that (a)/ the digital medium plays in influencing (b)/
purchases, irrespective of if the (c)/ purchase is made online or offline. (d)/ No error. (e)
128) Vettel and Raikkonen made the most of slow start by (a)/ the two Mercedes men in
Melbourne to take control of the race and lead (b)/ for more than half the distance before they
were reeled in —(c)/ partly due to tyre strategy decisions — and overhauled .(d)/ No error. (e)
129) Towards the end his gentle gestures and silence indicate (a)/ the resolution of the conflict
in a subtle manner – there is nothing (b)/superfluous in his portrait only intense concentration
to bringing to the fore the calm that (c)/ is achieved with reconciliation and to come to terms
with the changing times. (d)/ No error. (e)
130) Around the years, I have gotten to know the British (a)/ filmmaker Stephen Hopkins, and I
am keenly looking forward to watching his “Race”, (b)/ a fictionalised version of Owens at the
Berlin Olympics, (c)/ made with the cooperation of the Jesse Owens Foundation as well as the
Owens family. (d)/ No error. (e)
131) It was Y.G Doraiswamy, an art connoisseur from Chennai, (a)/ who saw his performance
and suggested that he should move (b) to Chennai to perform Odissi and teach there to local
Bharatanatyam dancers, (c)/ interested of learning Odissi, as the dance form was gaining
popularity. (d)/ No error. (e)
132) Steelmakers in Britain pay some of the highest energy costs (a)/ and green taxes in the
world, but the government maintains that the (b)/ fundamental problem facing the industry is
the collapse in the (c)/ price of steel, caused on overcapacity in China. (d)/ No error. (e)
133) Just when everyone were wondering whether (a)/ the Saradha probe was being soft
pedalled, the Enforcement Directorate (b)/ filed its first charge sheet, four days before (c)/
West Bengal goes to the polls. (d)/ No error. (e)
134) Even in those case, judges wilfully ignored (a)/ the mandatory sentencing provisions of at
least one year (b)/ of imprisonment, preferring instead a “simple imprisonment (c)/ till the
rising of the court”. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
135) Besides that, a financial loss to the tune of hundreds of crores (a)/ was incurred by people
whose homes and business establishments were (b)/ damaged in the arson that followed the
agitation leaving (c)/ the State paralysed for near two weeks. (d)/ No error. (e)
136) C.S. Santosh is also the face of Indian adventure on the international stage (a)/ with
participation in the Dakar Rally — considered the graveyard of champions (b)/ in more ways
than one and official the toughest off- (c)/ road rally in the world — and the World Cross
Country Championship. (d)/ No error. (e)
137) Applicant companies should submit a common application form SPICe (INC 32) on MCA
portal, (a)/ and once the data of incorporation are sent to CBDT by (b)/ MCA, the PAN and TAN
are issued immediately (c)/ without any further intervention of the applicant. (d)/ No error. (e)
138) With three runways operating simultaneously, it is easier (a)/ to manage IGIA’s heavy
traffic even during peak hours, but with two only (b)/ runways available, we can’t have (c)/
simultaneous and independent arrivals and departures,” said a senior air traffic control official.
(d)/ No error. (e)
139) When confronted with the view that the stretch (a)/ looked more or less the same after
cleaning, (b)/ a senior government official said that a more visible (c)/ impact would came after
regular maintenance. (d)/ No error. (e)
140) The programme will include “a weekly three-hour course (a)/ on the presidential campaign
taught in real time (b)/ and the participants will be on the campaign trail, going from (c)/ town
to town, attending events, and live with American families.” (d)/ No error. (e)
141) “I really would not have believed that one can plan a (a)/ giant flyover on the narrowest of
spaces like this, (b)/ unless I come here,” said an engineer of the (c)/ Kolkata Municipal
Corporation while photograph the area. (d)/ No error. (e)
142) The scheme was formulated under directions of the Supreme Court (a)/ which had acted
in a PIL filed by activist and lawyer MC Mehta (b)/ who had demanded shifting of industries
operating in residential (c)/ and non-conforming areas to the outskirts for curbing pollution.
(d)/ No error. (e)
143) When broken down point by point, it is quite apparent (a)/ that either there was no
ground for invoking Article 356 within the parameters (b)/ laid down by the Supreme Court or
that a situation (c)/ warranting Central intervention had not yet arise. (d)/ No error. (e)
144) In the judgment that uphold the validity of the Tenth Schedule (a)/ (the anti-defection
law), a dissenting judge had pointed out that the (b)/ Speaker’s “tenure being dependent on
the will of majority therein, (c)/ likelihood of suspicion of bias could not be ruled out.” (d)/ No
error. (e)
Daily Visit
145) The announcement that India’s Tata Steel is abandoning western countries (a)/ have
hammered home the threat to developed countries’ steel industries (b)/ from a glut caused by
over-capacity in China, which has led to a (c)/ collapse in the global price of commodity steel
used mainly in construction. (d)/ No error. (e)
146) On August 19 last year, when the purported video was filmed, (a)/ he was on duty, but due
to inadequate sleep and not having taken medicines, (b)/ he experienced memory loss and
drowsiness, resulting in a (c)/ situation in which he could not even change his uniform, Salem
had said. (d)/ No error. (e)
147) “They were also directed to ensure that break-down teams were (a)/ always ready to keep
the fleet on track and that buses plied on (b)/ the extreme left side of roads; there would be
disciplinary action along depot (c)/ managers if any of these conditions were found not being
met,” the official added. (d)/ No error. (e)
148) “If farmers are confident that they would get assured returns (a)/ on their produce it will
motivate them to go for pulses farming, (b)/ resulting in better production, less dependence in
imports and (c)/ most importantly will bring price stabilisation,” he said. (d)/ No error. (e)
149) Rubber deposited on the surface from tyres of landing aircraft (a)/ would be thorough
scraped and the usual touchdown point, (b)/ which bears the maximum load of landing aircraft,
(c)/ would be overhauled to reduce chances of damage. (d)/ No error. (e)
150) But Mr. Modi did raise the possibility of individuals within (a)/ the state structure getting
friendly with a terrorist, (b)/ lead up to a nuclear terrorism incident, without (c)/ naming any
particularly country, said Mr. Gill. (d)/ No error. (e)
Daily Visit
Answer keys with Explanations
c) Replace ‘show’ with ‘shows’
b) Replace ‘have’ with ‘have been’
c) Add ‘an’ before ‘Initiative’
b) Replace ‘have’ with ‘has’
a) Replace ‘speak’ with ‘speaking’
d) Replace ‘need’ with ‘needed’
d) Replace ‘on’ with ‘buy’
c) Replace ‘demand’ with ‘demanded’
b) Replace ‘sad’ with ‘sadness’
10. a) Place ‘certainly contain’ after ‘will’
11. c) Replace ‘Independent’ with ‘Independently’
12. e) No Error
13. d) Replace ‘were’ with ‘was’
14. c) Replace ‘in’ with ‘on’
15. b) Replace ‘eventual’ with ‘eventually’
16. c) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’
17. b) Replace ‘year’ with ‘years’
18. d) Replace ‘its’ with ‘their’
19. b) Replace ‘within’ with ‘among’
20. c) Replace ‘large’ with ‘largely’
21. c) Replace ‘to’ with ‘for’
22. b) Replace ‘shift’ with ‘shifted’
23. a) Add ‘out’ after ‘carried’
24. d) Replace ‘frisk and question’ with ‘frisked and questioned’
25. a) Replace ‘is’ with ‘are’
26. d) Replace ‘scratch’ with ‘scratched’
Daily Visit
27. d) Replace ‘near’ with ‘nearly’
28. d) Replace ‘in’ with ‘of’
29. b) Replace ‘its’ with ‘their’
30. c) Replace ‘on’ with ‘in’
31. e) No error
32. b) Replace ‘aspect’ with ‘aspects’
33. d) Replace ‘has’ with ‘have’
34. a) Replace ‘is’ with ‘are’
35. d) Add ‘to’ after ‘want’
36. c) Replace ‘sharp’ by ‘sharper’
37. c) Replace ‘drive’ by ‘driven’
38. c) Add ‘be’ after ‘to’
39. d) Replace ‘at’ with ‘over’
40. a) Add ‘a’ before ‘set’
41. b) Replace ‘across’ with ‘against’
42. b) Replace ‘focus’ with ‘focussing’
43. d) Replace ‘include’ with ‘includes’
44. a) Replace ‘emerge’ with ‘emerging’
45. b) Add ‘an’ after ‘faces’
46. d) Replace ‘overseen’ with ‘oversee’
47. a) Replace ‘plan’ with ‘plans’
48. e) No Error
49. d) Replace ‘recent’ with ‘recently’
50. c) Replace ‘it needs’ by ‘they need’
51. b) Replace ‘on’ by ‘in’
52. e) No Error
53. a) Place ‘of’ after ‘reports’
54. d) Replace ‘with’ with ‘into’
Daily Visit
55. e) No error
56. a) Place ‘of’ after ‘robbed’
57. c) Replace ‘on’ with ‘with’
58. b) Place ‘been’ after ‘has’
59. d) Replace ‘start’ with ‘starting’
60. c) Replace ‘appear’ by ‘appears’
61. e) No Error
62. e) No error
63. d) Replace ‘since’ with ‘for’
64. a) Replace ‘Over’ with ‘under’
65. d) Replace ‘respective’ with ‘respectively’
66. b) Replace ‘unlock’ with ‘unlocking’
67. d) Replace ‘exclude’ with ‘excluded’
68. a) Replace ‘student’ with ‘students’
69. c) Add ‘been’ after ‘had’
70. d) Replace ‘lack’ with ‘lacked’
71. d) Add ‘on’ after ‘going’
72. a) Replace ‘give’ with ‘given’
73. d) Replace ‘with’ by ‘against’
74. b) Replace ‘alleged’ with ‘allegedly’
75. c) Replace ‘were’ with ‘was’
76. b) Replace ‘gave’ with ‘given’
77. a) Replace ‘work’ with ‘works’
78. c) Replace ‘disgress’ with ‘disgressing’
79. e) No Error
80. e) No Error
81. b) Add ‘to’ after ‘victim’
82. b) Place ‘a’ after ‘registered’
Daily Visit
83. d) Place ‘to’ after ‘failing’
84. d) Replace ‘since’ with ‘for’
85. c) Replace ‘with’ by ‘on’
86. d) Replace ‘between’ with ‘among’
87. d) Replace ‘possess’ with ‘possession’
88. c) Replace ‘includes’ with ‘include’
89. c) Replace ‘are’ with ‘is’
90. b) Interchange ‘three last’ to ‘last three’
91. a) Replace ‘sapling’ with ‘saplings’
92. c) Replace ‘beside’ with ‘under’
93. d) Place ‘of’ after ‘highlight’
94. d) Replace ‘between’ with ‘from’
95. a) Add ‘an’ before ‘old’
96. e) No Error
97. b) Replace ‘offer’ with ‘offering’
98. d) Replace ‘its’ with ‘their’
99. c) Replace ‘enticing’ with ‘enticingly’
100. d) Replace ‘along’ with ‘under’
101. a) Interchange ‘not only’ and ‘teaches us’
102. c) Replace ‘in’ with ‘on’
103. b) Replace ‘substantial’ with ‘substantially’
104. a) Replace ‘from’ with ‘since’
105. b) RePlace ‘though’ with ‘through’
106. d) Replace ‘initial’ with ‘initialled’
107. e)No error
108. c) Replace ‘vigorous’ with ‘vigorously’
109. d) Replace ‘exception’ with ‘exceptions’
110. e) No Error
Daily Visit
111. c) Interchange ‘attention drawing’ to ‘drawing attention’
112. e) No Error
113. d) Replace ‘took’ with ‘taken’
114. b) Replace ‘many’ with ‘much’
115. c) Replace ‘place’ with ‘placed’
116. d) Replace ‘consider’ with ‘considering’
117. a) Replace ‘quote’ with ‘quoted’
118. a) Replace ‘note’ with ‘noting’
119. d) Replace ‘hug’ by ‘hugging’
120. e) No error
121. a) Remove ‘about’ after ‘discussing’
122. d) Replace ‘be’ with ‘being’
123. d) Add ‘up’ after ‘throw’
124. c) Remove ‘back’ after ‘returning’
125. d) Add ‘been’ after ‘have’
126. e) No Error
127. c) Replace ‘if’ by ‘whether’
128. a)Replace ‘start’ with ‘starts’
129. c) Replace ‘bringing’ with ‘bring’
130. a) Replace ‘around’ with ‘over’
131. d) Replace ‘of’ with ‘in’
132. d) Replace ‘on’ with ‘by’
133. a) Replace ‘were’ with ‘was’
134. a) Replace ‘case’ with ‘cases’
135. d) Replace ‘near’ with ‘nearly’
136. c) Replace ‘official’ with ‘officially’
137. b) Replace ‘are’ with ‘is’
138. b) Interchange ‘two only’ to ‘only two’
Daily Visit
139. d) Replace ‘came’ with ‘come’
140. d) Replace ‘live’ with ‘living’
141. d) Replace ‘photograph’ with ‘photographing’
142. b) Replace ‘in’ with ‘upon’
143. d) Replace ‘arise’ with ‘arisen’
144. a) Replace ‘uphold’ with ‘upheld’
145. b) Replace ‘have’ with ‘has’
146. e) No error
147. c) Replace ‘along’ by ‘against’
148. c) Replace ‘less’ with ‘lesser’
149. b) Replace ‘thorough’ with ‘thoroughly’
150. c) Replace ‘lead’ with ‘leading’
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A Cloze reading test is an exercise where the candidates
are provided with a passage which has certain words
missing from it. Candidates must have a strong command
over English language, along with a flair for grammar and
a good vocabulary to solve questions based on cloze test.
More importantly, it is important to understand the flow
and context of the passage.
Read Thoroughly
Read the passage provided very thoroughly to form an
idea about the topic. Read slowly and gain an
understanding of the text. Once the theme of the text is
somewhat clear, your job becomes easier. You can then go
on to think of the appropriate words that suit the
situation being described and proceed to filling in the
Link the Sentences Together
Remember that it is a passage with sentences that are
connected to each other. Do not make the mistake of
treating each sentence like an individual one and filling in
the blanks accordingly. Try to come up with logical
connections that link up the sentences together and your
job will automatically become easier.
The Type of Word to Fill in
Now look at the blanks carefully and assess the kind of
words you have to fill in. Which part of speech would it be?
Would it be a noun, a pronoun, a verb, a preposition, a
conjunction or an article? For exampleA noun– I forgot to carry my ____ to school. I therefore had
to share with my friend.
The logical answer here would be a book or tiffin.
An article– He ate ____ papaya and threw ___ seeds away.
Articles are usually the easiest to answer. Fill in ‘a’ and ‘an’
where talking about general facts and ‘the’ when using it
before something specific. Here, the answer is ‘the’ or ‘his’
in the first case and ‘the’ or ‘its’ in the second.
A verb– _____ for half an hour left me breathless. The idea
of being breathless connotes something strenuous like
‘exercising’ or ‘running’.In this way, think of the
appropriate word to fill in.
Eliminate Options
We can easily identify most unfit/illogical words i n answer
options. We should quickly eliminate these words. Only
after that we should try to most fit word. Elimination will
enhance accuracy and hence score.
Go with Frequently Used Words
Sometimes, you may not be able to decide between two
words. In this case, if you see a word in the options that is
frequently used with the words around the blank, then
pick that option. For example-Can I have a ____ word with
A. swift
B. quick
C. prompt
You can see that the three options nearly mean the same
thing. How do you decide which one fits the blank?
Sometimes in English, some words are used more
frequently with some others. Like ‘bad habit’, ‘hardly ever’,
‘happy ending’, ‘take a seat’, ‘make room’ etc. In the same
way, the words ‘quick’ and ‘word’ are used together
frequently. So ‘quick’ should be your answer in this case.
Check Tone OF passage
The passage is usually written in a certain tone; sometimes
narrative, sometimes critical, sometimes humorous. Pick
words that fit in with the tone of the passage. For example
Jonah ____ down the stairs, bumping along like a quarter in
a tumbling dryer.
A. tumbled
B. fell
C. dropped
Clearly, you can use either ‘tumbled’ or ‘fell’ in this blank.
But the rest of the sentence is written in a humorous vein.
So we try to maintain the tone of the sentence. This is best
accomplished by the use of the word ‘tumbled’ as it brings
to mind images of people falling funnily.
Practice More
In the end, there is no substitute for hard work and
practice. Try to complete three to four passages each day
while preparing and get an insight into your problem
areas. Work on them and go deliver your best
STEP 1: Read the statement carefully and first, try to fill
the missing word without looking at the options. Guess it!
Predict it!
STEP 2: Choose the word from the options that best
replaces the word that you had thought of initially. OR try
to find most fit word from the options.
STEP 3: if you are unable to find the fit word go for
elimination. Eliminate most unfit/illogical words from the
answer options. Once you eliminated 2-3 words it will be
easy to target answer from remaining words. Elimination
will enhance
your score.
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STEP 4: Read the sentence again by replacing the blank
with the option that you have chosen if time permits.
NOTE: You must ensure that the word you have inserted in
the blank enables you to read the sentence smoothly and
STEP5 Even if you fail in above process then try it!
Observe the Sentences before/after – In a passage mostly
all the sentences are logically related to each other try to
form linkage with preceding sentences
NOTE Apply grammar rules (grammar
prepositions, noun, pronoun, adj, verb etc)
Preposition following a noun, adjective or verb. (Example:
look at images)
a prepositional phrase. (Example: in spite of )
an adverb. ( Example: they vacated the house two years
a connector. (Example: it is raining, therefore ground is
a conjunction. (Example: Although he i s seven, he can
speak eight languages)
a auxiliary verb , an article , a pronoun , either subject or
object. (Example : it is easier to know)
a comparative or superlative involved ? (Example: she’s
taller than me)
Go with Frequently Used Words– Sometimes, you may
not be able to decide between two words. In this case, if
you see a word in the options that is frequently used with
the words around the blank, then pick that option.
Previous year questions
Directions: In the following passage t here are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. These numbers are
printed below the passage and against each, five words
are suggested,
one of which fits the blank
appropriately Find out the appropriate word in each
Actually every day we all are engaged in this business of
reading people. We do it (___1___). We want to figure others
out. So we (___2___) make guesses about what others think,
value, want and feel and we do so based on our (___ 3___)
beliefs and understandings about human nature. We do so
because if we can figure out (___4___) and intentions of
others the possibility of them (___ 5___) or hurting us,
(___6___) and this will help us to (___7___) a lot of
unnecessary pain and trouble. We also make second
guesses about what they will do in future, how they will
(___8___) if we make this or that response. We do all this
second guessing based upon our (___9___) of what we
believe about the persons inner nature (___ 10___) his or
her roles and, manners. We mind read their fill (___ 11___)
their motives. Also everyday we mis -guess and misread.
Why ? Because of the complexity, (___ 12___), and
multidimensional functioning of people. After all how well
do you read your own thoughts, aims, values, motives,
beliefs etc. ? How well do you know your own s tructuring
process your own thinking and (___13___) styles.
(a) vehemently
(b) practically
(d) incessantly
(e) virtually
(a) ably
(b) constantly
(d) largely
(e) positively
(a) futuristic
(b) proactive
(d) decorative
(e) assumptive
(a) manifestations
(c) motives
(a) tricking
(b) blaming
(a) lessens
(e) laments
(a) approach
(b) direct
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(e) prepare
(a) solve
(b) apply
(d) approach
(e) respond
(a) projection
(b) exhibition
(d) prediction
(e) attribution
(a) organizing
(b) underneath
(d) proposing
(e) outside
(a) cunning
(b) visible
(d) obvious
(e) proposed
(a) abnormality
(b) angularity
(d)lay redness
(e) contribution
(a) proposing
(b) developing
(c) upbringing
(d) lamenting
(e) emoting
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
After ten years of (___14___) inflation, prices have spiked
7.5% in the third week of July. This looks scary after all,
Indians had got used1 to prices crawling up by 2% in the
last two years, and a 10year average inflation rate of about
5%but you shouldn’t worry. This burst of inflation is the
result of three factors that have come together
unexpectedly, are unlikely to (___15___) for long and are
unlikely to (___16___) up together again A (___17___) rise in
global oil prices, a monsoon that arrived late and a spike in
global metal prices. North Sea crude has crossed $ 42 per
barrel, driven up by low petroleum (___18___) and soaring
demand In the US as war production heats up. Oil markets
are also spooked by the (___19___) of Russian oil supplies
falling on the back of the Yukos -Sibneft probe. There’s little
that the government can do to (___20___) users from
soaring oil prices indeed, it shouldn’t, if it wants to
(___21___) efficiency. Higher transport costs have pushed
up rates of vegetables and fruits farm produce could also
get affected by rains that arrived too late for kharif sowing.
China is (___22___) up steel and other metals from all over
the world to (___23___) a construction boom ahead of the
2008 Olympics, making metal prices soar all over the
world, and sparking inflation in India.
(b) moderate
(c) retarding
(d) vehement
(e) dull
(a) obstinate
(b) constitute
(c) persist
(d) repeat
(e) normalize
(a) go
(b) scramble
(c) mount
(d) yield
(e) crop
(a) sustained
(b) suspicious
(c) horrific
(d) erratic
(e) favourable
(a) lists (b)
trades (c)
(d) inventories
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(e) details
(a) prospect
(c) view
(e) deposit
(a) support
(c) propel
(e) Insulate
(a) position
(c) process
(e) form
(a) hurrying
(c) pairing
(e) throwing
(a) keep
(c) feed
(d) grow
(e) fight
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Though much theory has (___24___) little is really known
about the power that lies at the (___25___) of scientific
discoveries. It is true that great scientists and discoverers
(___26___) discovery by employing all the (___ 27___) of
personality and by fusing feelings, reasons and (___ 28___)
But, what is the (___29___) synthesis that joins and
(___30___) these complex parts into scientific invention? A
famous scientist of yesteryears had developed one of the
(___31___) and still generally (___32___) answers to this
question. Imaginative (___33___) he concludes, is a complex
process in which the conscious and the unconscious
thinking processes jointly operate.
(b) amassed
(d) especially
(b) heart
(d) link
(b) treat
(d) construct
(c) exposure (d)
(b) invention
(d) outcomes
(b) miraculous
(d) reasoned
(a)ravage (b)
(d) deciphers
(a)most attractive
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(d) best
(b) crucial
(d) criticised
(b) talent
(d) discoveries
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Most of us are (___34___) of open conflict and avoid it if we
can. And there is a (___35___) to expressing and working
through conflict. If the working through involves harsh
words and name-calling people feel deeply hurt and
relationships can be (___36___). Sometimes permanently.
Some group members may be afraid that if they
really(___37___)their anger, they may go out of control and
become violent, or they may do this. These fears can be
very (___38___)and based on experience. So why take the
risk? Why not avoid conflict at all costs ? Conflict is rather
like disease (___39___) is best, that means attuning to areas
where (___40___) may occur before they become an issue. If
you have, not (___41___) a conflict happening, your next
choice is to treat it early, or hope that it goes away. If it
goes away over time fine. If it (___42___). then you will still
have to handle (treat) it and it is likely to be more
(a) scared
(b) careful
(c) reckless
(d) aware
(e) worried
(a) challenge
(b) measure
(c) principle
(d) chance
(e) risk
(a) established
(d) rebuilt
(e) involved
(a) sublimate
(b) express
(c) minimize
(d) regulate
(e) control
(a) baseless
(b) imaginary
(e) national
(a) cure
(b) diagnosis
(e) medicine
(a) harmony
(b) discomfiture
(e) statement
(a) expressed
(b) ignored
(c) induced
(d) seen
(a) doesn’t
(b) wont
(c) don’t
(d) not
(a) credible
(b) serious
(c) fraudulent
(d) urgent
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Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Mobile banking (M banking) involves the use of a mobile
phone or any other mobile device to (___ 44___) financial
transaction linked to a client’s account. M banking is new
in most countries and most mobile payment models even
in developed countries, to date operate on a (___ 45___)
scale. A mobile network offers a (___ 46___) available
technology platform onto which other services can be
provided at low cost with effective results. For example, M
banking services which use (___47___) such as SMS can be
carried at a cost of less than one US cent per message. The
low cost of using existing infrastructure makes such
services more (___48___) to use by customers with lower
purchasing power and opens up access to services which
did not reach them earlier due to (___49___) cost of service
delivery. Although M banking is one aspect in the wider
(___50___) of e banking there are reasons to single it out for
focus especially because there are reasons to single it out
for focus especially because there are a lot more people
with mobile phones than bank accounts in India. M
banking could provide a (___51___) solution to bring more
unbanked people to the financial mainstream. Without
traditional credit .individuals are (___52___) to exploitation
by abusive lenders offering very high interest rates on
short term loans .Also of considerable importance are
public safety implications for the unbanked they are often
victims of crime because many operate on a cash only
basis and end up carrying significant amounts of cash on
their (___53___) or store cash in their homes.
(a) disburse
(b) undertake
(c) subscribe
(d) lure amass
(a) full
(d) limited
(e) rapid
(a) readily
(b) tangible
(d) securely
(e) unique
(a) process (b)
(d) connection
(e) channels
(a) valuable
(b) answerable
(d) exposed
(e) responsible,
(a) waning
(b) stable
(e) high
(a) archive
(b) domain
(d) component
(a) law abiding
(b) tried
(d) cost effective
(e) stopgap
(a) inclined (b)
(d) surrendered
(e) pressured
(a) person
(b) own
(d) purses
(e) self
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
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number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
In the (___54___) of India’s economic boom, Indian
Professional Service Firms (PSFs) from management
consultancies and investment banks to advertising
agencies and law firms are (___55___) to attract the best
and the brightest talent But to be truly successful they
have to do more than that. Like PSFs around the world
they need to (___56___) their professionals rather than see
them walk out of the door in (___57___) of opportunities. To
achieve that, companies often rely on the (___58___) of
sprawling campuses and luxurious facilities. But none of
this gets to the (___59___) of the problem, which is when
young professionals join PSFs they have expectations
which go far (___60___) the nature of facilities. (___61___) on
to do creative, thought provoking work, they often find
themselves engaged in doing (___62___) activities. They feel
underutilized, which is a formula for (___ 63___) in the long
(a) depth
(b) stage
(d) present
(e) knowledge
(a) opposing
(b) rivalling
(d) competing
(e) obsessed
(a) transition
(b) retain
(d) substitute
(e) restrain
(a) obtaining
(b) pursuing
(d) direction
(a) allure
(e) allusion
(a) solution
(b) key
(d) precedence
(e) occurrence
(a) ahead
(e) sighted
(a) Deciding
(b) Catching
(d) Focussing
(e) Signing
(a) pivotal
(b) productive
(d) mundane
(e) allied
(a) failure
(b) motivation
(d) innovation
(e) potential
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fi ts the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Without doubt there is one thing (___64___) to all of us we
have all played a game at some time in our lives, Most of us
play to relax or have fun, but for many, playing a game or a
sport is a way to (___65___) poverty behind. In fact, in many
African countries, playing a sport professionally can
(___66___) the lives of a persons entire family. For example,
in the small town of Bekoji, in Ethiopia (___ 67___) than a
hundred boys and girl s can be seen running at dawn
everyday. Each of these youth is (___68___) and serious and
their coach is (___69___) that one of them will be a world
champion. This seems like an Idle (___ 70___) but It is
virtually a guarantee in this small community (___ 71___)
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mainly farmers. Many of the fastest male and female
distance runners in the world hail from this small town. A
small hand painted sign which greets visitors outside
Bekoji (___72___) Welcome to the Village of Athletes.
Children here start running at (___73___) great distances to
fetch water and firewood of to reach school. At the
Olympics, runners from this small town are likely to win
more medals than those from developed countries. It will
give their families a way out of poverty.
(e) similar
65. (a)leave
(e) reduce
(e) transform
(e) over
(e) playful
(e) privilege
(a) precaution
(b) boast
(c) suspicion
(d) risk
(e) worship
(c). that
(e) consisting
(e) reads
(e) following
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Mankind has seen rapid (___74___) in the last 150 years
because Of the mass manufacturing techniques (___ 75___)
in western nations and later taken to new levels of
efficiency by Japan. Mass production and production for
the masses became the bases of new business strategies.
Large scale consumption by all with the social benefit of
(___76___) poverty became the dominant economic
strategy. The advent of electricity and its large-scale
application to lighting, heating and operating machines
added a fresh dimension to manufacturing. By the 1950s
came (___77___) in electronics and transistor devices to be
followed by innovations in microelectronics, computers
and various forms of sensors all of which (___ 78___) altered
the manufacturing scene. It is now no longer necessary to
make prototypes In a factory or a laboratory to study a
new product. Many new products can be (___ 79___) on
computers and their behaviour simulated on them. By
choosing an optimum design through such simulations,
computer programmes can directly (___80___) the
manufacturing processes. These processes are generally
called Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer
Assisted Manufacturing (CAM). These capabilities are
leading to newer forms of (___81___) by customers. Each
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customer can be offered several special options.
Customized product design or (___82___) manufacturing
are other popular techniques currently in (___ 83___) in
many developed countries.
(a) havoc
(e) designated
(e) mastering
(a) additions (b)
(a) designed (b)
(a) uses
(b) demands
(c) advertisements
(e) goods
(a) visible (b)
(d) overt
(a) view
(e) order
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Recently the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) (___84___) separate reports on poverty. The World
Bank Report (___85___) its benchmark of extreme poverty
by 25 cents from $1 per person per day to $ 1.25 per
person a day. The ADB announced an even (___ 86___)
benchmark of $ 1.35 per person a day. These new
benchmarks are (___87___) on surveys in the world’s
poorest countries. Experts often like to (___ 88___) that
poverty has declined because of economic growth in India
and China. This is wrong and (___89___). In the past twenty
five years the poverty rate in India has (___90___) by less
than one percentage point a year. (___91___) we use a
poverty line of $1 per person per day or $1.25 per person
per day makes little (___92___). The number of poor in
India is large. The purpose of these statistics is not to
dispute them but to (___93___) whether the benefits of
economic growth are being shared with the poor.
(a) declared
(b) released
(c)print (d)
issue (e)
(a) heightened
(b) announced
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(d) maintained
(e) notified
(a) better
(b) significant
(d) higher
(e) lower
(a) based
(e) gathered
(a) realise
(e) criticise
(a) adverse
(b) opposing
(d) rejected
(e) misleading
(a) deplete
(b) plunge
(d) weaken
(e) fell
(a)(?) Unless
(b) Despite
(d) Whether
(e) Regardless
(a) difference
(b) effect
(d) question
(e) option
(a) acknowledge
(b) suggest
(d) inspire
(e) study
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Decades ago, China (___94___) the concept of barefoot
doctors. They were community healthcare workers who
successfully (___95___) the health of Chinas villages.
Following this example, many African, Asian and Latin
American countries have started (___96___) programmes.
The largest of such community health efforts is India’s
National Rural Health Mission, in (___ 97___) over three
years, the programme has mobilized over fifty thousand
new community health workers, each (___ 98___) as Asha.
This is short for Accredited Social Health Activist and
translated into Hindi is the word (___99___) hope. Today
technology companies and foundations are also joining the
(___100___) to support community health workers. Mobile
phone companies , are (___101___) these workers with
phones and support systems to obtain up to date medical
information, call ambulances etc., In the (___ 102___) years,
community health workers can thus help (___ 103___) the
spread of many devastating but curable diseases.
(a) gives
(d) originates
(e) enlightened
(a) improved
(b) entrusted
(d) cured
(e) dealt
(a) deplete
(b) plunge
(c) imitated
(d) similar
(e) naming
(a) course
(b) less
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(c) approximate
(d) period
(e) just
(a)(11 referred
(b) known
(c) perceived
(d) regarded
(e) called
(a) denotes
(d) explains
(e) means
(a) business
(c) scope
(e) purpose
(a) provided
(b) buying
(d) supplied
(a) coming
(b) next
(c) past
(d) few
(e) previous
(a) overlook
(b) curb
(c) protect
(d) enrich
(e) neglect
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The U.S. is in the (___104___) of a cleanup of toxic financial
waste that will (___105___) taxpayers hundreds of billions
of dollars at the very least. The primary manufacturers of
these hazardous products (___106___) multimillion dollar
paychecks for their efforts. So why shouldn’t they
(___107___) to pay for their mop-up ? This is, after all, what
the U.S. Congress (___108___) in 1980 for (___109___) of
actual toxic waste. Under the Superfund law (___ 110___)
that year, polluters(___111___) for the messes they make.
Environmental lawyer E. Michael Thomas sees no
(___112___) lawmakers couldn’t demand the same of
financial polluters and (___113___) them to ante up some of
the bank bailout money.
(a) range
(c) midst
(e) debate
(a) benefit
(b) cost (c)
(e) save
(c) dwindled
(d) spent
(e) pocketed
(a) hesitate
(b) come
(c) defy
(d) have
(e) admit
(a) decreed
(a) consumers
(b) advocates
(c) exponents
(d) producers
(e) users
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(a) revoked
(b) forced
(c) squashed
(d) abandoned
(e) enacted
(a) regain
(b) claim
(c) pay
(d) demand
(e) consider
(a) practice
(c) compensation
(d) issue
(e) wonder
(a) force
(b) plead
(c) appeal
(d) dupe
(e) follow
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Employee misconduct, (___114___) of leave, tardiness,
abuse of lunch hours or coffee breaks, (___ 115___) to
the agency’s
or any
other(___116___)of the employee employer relationship
are examples of problems for which disciplinary actions
may be(___117___). Such actions (___118___) from
admonishments, warnings and oral or written reprimands
(___119___) (___120___). reduction in grade or pay, or
removal. Many agencies have formalized (___ 121___) in
tables of penalties or guidelines (___122___) (___123___)
(a) submission
(b) cancellation
(c) demand
(d) application
(e) abuse
(a) displeasure
(b) failure
(c) reluctance
(d) anxiety
(e) hesitation
(a) variation
(b) instance
(c) form
(d) breach
(e) conduct
(a) root
(c) range
(d) deviate
(e) emerge
119. (a)
(c) with
(e) for
(a) punishment
(b) memos
(c) indiscipline
(d) suspensions
(e) curtailment
121. (a)
(c) abundant
(d) which
(e) only
(a) with
(c) for
(e) about
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(a) harsh
(b) decent
(c) quick
(d) responsible
(e) corrective
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
On October 2, 1983 the Grameen Bank Project (___124___)
the Grameen Bank, We invited the Finance Minister to be
the Chief Guest at our (___125___) ceremony. But when the
Ministry came to (___126___) that the ceremony would take
place in a remote district, they said it would not be an
(___127___) place to launch a Bank and that the ceremony
should be (___128___) in Dhaka so that all the top
Government Officials could (___129___). We stood firm and
(___130___) to them that we did not work in urban areas so
it made no (___131___) to have the ceremony in a city
(___132___) we had no borrowers. We had the ceremony in
a big open field with the Finance Minister present as Chief
Guest. For all of us who had worked so hard to (___ 133___)
this it was a dream come true.
(a) became
(b) reorganised
(c) merged
(d) named
(e) converted
(a) Induction
(b) opening
(d) dedicated
(e) Inaugurate
(a) acquaint
(b) reveal
(d) aware
(e) inform
(a) obvious
(b) excellent
(d) inauspicious
(e) appropriate
(a) held
(b) invited
(d) done
(e) shifted
(a) entertain
(b) present
(d) attend
(e) involve
(a) refused
(b) apologised
(c) told
(d) explained
(e) denied
(a) point
(b) difference
(c) sense
(d) difficulty
(e) meaning
(a) which
(b) where
(c) while
(d) that
(e) however
(a) perform
(b) obey
(c) achieve
(d) discover
(e) built
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Twenty years (___134___) now, nearly 60% of the world’s
population will live In urban areas. The impact of
urbanization might not all be positive on India as urban
expansion is happening at a much (___135___) rate than
infrastructure expansion. Sustainability issues need to be
(___136___) so that economic development is not at the
(___137___) of public health. Some urban services that
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ought to be in (138) in a city like water, electricity,
transport etc. need special consideration. TERI has put
together a detailed report that (139) sustainability in the
in Indian
cities.(___140___) public transport is a major reason for the
proliferation of private vehicles on the road. Respiratory
illness in children living in urban areas is on the
(___141___) with more cases of Asthma being (___ 142___)
because of pollution, The future of cities of Indian dreams
depends on (___143___) we can build better citi es today.
134. (a)
(e) on
(a) faster
(e) quick
(a) speculated
(b) believed
(e) understand
(a) payment
(b) rate
(e) expense
(a) abundance
(b) large
(e) location
(a) bring
(b) emphasizes
(e) requests
(a) Good
(b) Competent
(e) Sufficient
(a) multiplication
(c) rise
(e) grow
(a) produced
(b) develop
(d) resulted
(a) if
(b) whether
(d) Provided
(e) weather
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Today It Is (___144___) recognized that the 21st century
will be driven by knowledge. To (___145___) the challenges
of this century, India needs to usher in a knowledge
revolution that (___146___) to bring about systemic
changes in education. While our economy has made
significant strides, the education system has not kept
(___147___) with the aspirations of the youth. The vast
disparity in country today is a result of skewed
(___148___)to knowledge. To address this we need a
substantial expansion in educational opportunities, with a
special (___149___)on inclusion of the underprivileged. At
the bottom of the pyramid, steps must be taken to
(___150___) access to quality education. While the
government has taken steps to ensure education to all,
where it lacks in its efforts is the quality perspective. Being
a spirally upward drive, education cannot be (___151___) to
improve at the higher level lest it improves at the very
grass root level. The top of the pyramid, i.e. higher
education is also uneven. Students struggle to compete in
the exams which (___152___) a sound knowledge of
English. While candidates are expected to travel several
kilometers to reach school to obtain any education, the
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from vernacular media through State
sponsored exams and proudly affirm them as unbiased.
(a) thickly
(b) widely
(c) ample
(d) parity
(e) considered
(a) adhere to
(b) gather
(c) cover
(d) contact
(e) meet
(a) sought
(b) wanted
(c) seeks
(d) attempt
(e) determined
(a) adequate
(b) sufficient
(c) influence
(d) pace
(e) ahead
(a) access
(b) approaching
(c) rights
(d) infiltration
(e) excess
(a) aspiration
(b) intensity
(c) important
(d) place
(e) emphasis
(a) enjoy
(b) help
(c) provide
(d) diminish
(e) deepen
(a) awaited
(b) judged y
(c) thought
(d) expected
(e) said
(a) demand
(b) has
(c) consume
(d) expects
(e) wants
(a) discourages
(b) disobey
(c) contest
(d) assume
(e) reject
Directions: in the following passage there are blan ks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Since (___154___) times, people have (___155___) that
human activity could affect the environment. The
discovery of past ice ages shows that Earth’s climate is in
constant (___156___) and that (___157___) history, scientists
have (___158___) for the cause of these changes. Though
scientists discovered the greenhouse effect in the late 19th
century, the theory of global warming wasn’t (___ 159___)
as a scientifically proven fact until 1992 when the United
Nations held a Conference on Environment and
Development Today, global warming is a (___ 160___)
accepted reality and (___161___) about its effects range
from the hysteria to the acceptance. Newspapers chronicle
the slowly changing climate and the actions that have
(___162___) that change. From developing nations to
industrial countries, global climate affects (___ 163___).
(a) long
(b) great
(c) urgent
(d) ancient
(e) stone age
(a) believed
(b) succeeded
(c) wished
(d) lost
(e) wanted ,
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) hot
(b) flux
(c) fight
(d) changes
(e) reality .
(a) with
(b) for
(c) to
(d) throughout
(e) as
(a) contribute
(b) talked
(c) resigned
(d) visited
(e) searched
(a) accepted
(b) false
(c) real
(d) greeted
(e) expected
(a) rarely
(b) widely
(c) wrongly
(d) leisurely
(e) faithfully
(a) principles
(b) various
(a) meaning
(b) worked
(c) affected
(d) cause
163. (a)each
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
As the temperature (___164___) during the summer season,
many households turn to air conditioners to keep them
cool. Air conditioners which were once regarded as a
residential luxury have now become a (___ 165___).
Enjoying a cooler atmosphere during hot Weather is not
the only benefit of using the air conditioner. A household, a
vehicle, or a building becomes cleaner and safer for
breathing as air conditioning also (___166___) the growth
and spread of harmful microorganisms. However, along
with the benefits, some disadvantages are also (___ 167___)
with it. One of the most controversial topics attached to
the subject of air conditioning deals with some of the
materials that are used to produce the cooling effect
Fluorocarbons. These refrigerants (___168___) to global
warming and are (___169___) as one of the main ways in
which air-conditioning (___170___) the environment.
Fluorocarbon refrigerants also add to the problems
concerning ozone layer depletion.
While air conditioning
provides a 1 temporary relief and makes heat wave more
bearable, many questions have been (___ 171___) on how
much the world will pay in the long run in terms of the
environmental damage that it has caused. Today, scientists
are (___172___) on making more environmental friendly
products, but for now, individuals are (___ 173___) to part
with their instant cool during the thick of summer.
(a) decreases
(b) rises
(c) deviates
(d) fluctuates
(a) irreplaceable
(c) Certainty,
(d) necessity
(e) redundancy
(a) prevents
(b) escapes
(d) removes
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(c) associated
(d) influenced
(e) created
(a) result
(b) determine
(c) affect
(d) outcome
(e) contribute
(a) attended
(b) presumed
(c) regarded
(d) valued
(e) responsible
(a) helps
(b) impacts
(c) decline
(d) disintegrates
(e) improves M
(a) thought
(b) explained
(c) expected
(d) interrogated
(e) raised
(a) trying
(b) expected
(c) developing
(d) working
(e) inventing
(a) disabled
(c) unwanted
(d) aware
(e) reluctant
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The world’s climate has always changed and species have
evolved accordingly to survive it. The surprising fact about
the (___174___) between evolution and global wanning
(___175___) that, it is not linear. (___176___) temperatures
alone are not (___177___) of evolution. Evolution is also the
(___178___) of seasonal changes. As the environment
(___179___) those species which don’t adapt (___180___) to
exist. But the sheer (___181___) of manmade climate
change today is (___182___). Bad things are happen i mg
and by one (___183___) global warming could threaten up
to one third of the world’s species if left unchecked. In fact
a lot of the species which will be able to survive are the
ones we consider pests like insects and weeds.
(a) difference
(b) similarity
(c) argument
(d) relationship
(e) alliance
(a) being
(c) mainly
(e) is
(a) However
(c) Rising
(e) Inclining
(a) means (b)
triggers (c)
responses (d)
(e) stimulus
(a) result
(b) precursor
(c) resistance
(d) cause
(e) provocation
(a) conserves
(b) stifles
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(c) predicts
(d) changes
(e) emerges
(a) continue
(b) halt
(c) cease
(d) terminate
(e) discontinue
(a) luck
(b) value
(c) collapse
(d) pace
(e) attention
(a) threatened
(b) pursued
(c) unprecedented
(d) record
(e) debated
(a) forecast
(b) chance
(c) pattern
(d) occasion
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbere d. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Clement Atlee became the Prime Minister of England after
the Second World War. Winston Churchill who had
successfully (___184___) England and the allies to victory
over Hitler was now rejected by the English people at the
hustings. Labour Party was (___185___) to power and Atlee
became the Prime Minister. One of his memorable tasks
was that he was (___186___) in granting India its freedom.
Atlee was born in a well to do (___187___) but he always
had (___188___) for the poor and the downtrodden. He is
known for keeping (___189___) and cooperation among his
cabinet colleagues. Not that there were no differences of
opinion (___190___) his cabinet members, but Atlee, by his
(___191___) nature and positive approach, always managed
to keep them together and had control over them
(___192___) being sympathetic to the cause of India, and
granting India freedom, he (___193___) many a constructive
activity for his country too, like nationalization of some
industries, and starting national health scheme.
(a) isolated
(b) established
(d) marginalized
(a) averse
(b) close
(c) swept
(d) used
(e) immune
(a) interested
(b) instrumental
(c) eager
(d) reluctant
(e) particular
(a) class
(b) origin
(c) country
(d) family
(e) community
(a) concern
(b) reverence
(c) apathy
(d) jobs
(e) indifference
(a) assistance
(b) conviction
(c) harmony
(d) faith
(e) conflict
(a) among
(b) within
(c) between
(d) from
(e) with
(a) withdrawing
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(b) gentle
(c) stubborn
(d) aggressive
(e) docile
(a) although
(b) without
(c) he
(d) beside
(e) after
(a) demonstrated
(b) imitated
(c) bypassed
(d) observation
(e) did
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Seed quality is an (___194___) aspect of crop production.
For ages, farmers have traditionally been selecting and
(___195___) good quality seed, since it was in their interest
to do so. They knew and understood the importance of
quality seed in production. However, with the advent of
green revolution technology, based. (___196___) on the high
yielding dwarf varieties of wheat and rice, mainstream
thinking changed. Agricultural scientists, for reasons that
remain (___197___). began to doubt, the ability of farmers
to maintain seed quality (___198___). Aided by the World
Bank, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a National
Seeds Project in 1967. Under the project , spread Into
three phases, seed processing plants were (___199___) up
In nine suites. Six states were covered under phase three.
All that the huge processing plants were (___200___) to do
was to provide certified seeds of food crops, mainly self pollinating
to farmers.
In mid1980s, the
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the
Philippines concluded a study which (___ 201___) that there
was hardly any difference In the crop yields from
transplanted rice and from the crop sown by broadcasted
seeds. One would wonder why, in the first instance, were
the farmers, asked to (___202___) over to transplanting
paddy? The answer Is simple — probably, to help the
mechanical industries grow. Since rice, Is the staple food In
Asia, tractor sales could only grow if there was a way to
move the machine in the rice fields. No wonder, the sales
of tractors, puddlers, reapers and other associated
(___203___) soared in the rice growing areas.
(a) Irrational
(b) main
(c) brilliant
(d) important
(e) empathetic
(a) maintaining
(b) trusting
(c) selling
(d) processing
(e) creating
(a) necessarily
(b) exceptionally
(c) primarily
(d) regularly
(a) unexplained
(b) doubt
(c) some
(d) true
(e) sad
(a) himself
(b) sometimes
(c) proper (d)
improve (e)
(a) established
(b) created
(c) set
(d) wound
(e) thought
(a) tried
(b) mattered
(c) meaning
(d) supposed
(e) expect
(a) renounced
(b) showed
(c) passed
(d) negated
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(e) directed
(a) shift
(b) make
(c) turn
(d) mull
(e) switch
(a) sell
(b) equipments
(c) people
(d) techniques
(e) creatures
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The world’s climate has always changed and species have
evolved accordingly to survive it The surprising fact about
the (___204___) between evolution and global warming
(___205___) that it is not liner. (___206___) temperatures
alone are not (___207___) of evolution. Evolution is also the
(___208___) of seasonal changes. As the environment
(___209___) those species which don’t adapt (___210___) to
exist. But the sheer (___211___) of manmade climate
change today is (___212___). Bad things are happening and
by one (___213___) global wanning could threaten up to
one third of the world’s species if left unchecked. In fact a
lot of the species which will be able to survive are the, ones
we consider pests like in, sects and weeds.
(a) difference
(b) similarity
(c) argument
(d) relationship
(e) alliance
(a) being
(b) seems
(c) mainly
(d) besides
(e) is
(a) However
(b) Mounted
(c) Rising
(d) Elevating
(e) Inclining
(a) means (b)
triggers (c)
responses (d)
(e) stimulus
(a) results
(b) precursor
(c) resistance
(d) cause
(e) provocation ,
(a) conserves
(c) predicts
(e) emerges
(a) continue
(b) halt
(d) terminate
(a) luck
(c) collapse
(e) attention
(a) threatened
(c) unprecedented
(e) debated
(a) forecast
(b) chance
(d) occasion
(e) imagination
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
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blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The world is going (___214___) a deep recession. At such a
time, one thing we need in abundance is jobs for the
semiskilled and unskilled. This is the only way in which
equal (___215___) of wealth can take place. The healthcare
industry is (___216___) poised to occupy this position. the
IT industry hires people from the upper middle strata and
rich families, usually engineers, (___217___) the healthcare
industry hires nurses, to the tune of eighty percent of the
jobs created, from the lower economic strata. Global
healthcare is a $ 4.5 trillion industry, (___218___) only to
the agroindustry. Even then healthcare (___219___) only
eight percent of world’s population. Policymakers should
(___220___) at healthcare industry as not only an industry
which addresses pain but also as one which can
(___221___) the economy. The last century was driven by
machines that addressed human toil and it is strongly
(___222___) that this century will be driven by healthcare.
This, however, will only happen if policymakers make a
conscious effort to (___223___) the right policies in place
(b) against
(d) across
(e) on
(a) earning
(b) share
(c) venture
(d) delivery
(e) distribution
(a) commonly
(b) ideally
(d) preferably
(a) whereas
(b) unlike
(c) besides
(d) although
(e) despite
(a) affords
(e) provides
(a) look (b)
(a)affect (b)
(e) estimate
(a) thought
(d) believed
(e) supposed
(a) derive
(b) frame
(d) consider
(e) put
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Prior to independence the healthcare sector in India was in
a (___224___) with a large number of deaths and rampant
spread of infectious diseases. After independence the
Government of India laid (___225___) on primary
healthcare and India has put in sustained efforts to better
the healthcare system (___226___) the country. The
government initiative was not enough to meet the
demands of a growing population be it in primary,
secondary or tertiary healthcare. Alternate sources of
finance were critical for the sustainability of the health
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sector Till about ___20___ years ago, private sector
ventures in the healthcare sector (___227___) of only solo
practitioners, small hospitals and nursing homes. The
quality of service provided was excellent especially ih the
run by
charitable trusts and religious
foundations. In 1980s realizing that the government on its
Own would not be able to (___228___) for health care, the
government allowed the entry of private sector to reduce
the (___229___) between supply and demand for
healthcare. The establishment of the private sector has
resulted in the, (___230___) of opportunities in terms of
medical equipment, information technology in health
services, BPO, tele medicine and medical tourism. Large
companies and (___231___) individuals have now started
five star hospitals which dominate the space for the high
end market. The private sector has made (___ 232___)
progress, but on the flip side it is also responsible for
increasing (___233___) in the healthcare sector. The private
sector should be more socially relevant and effort must be
made to make private sector accessible to the weaker
sections of society.
(a) shambles
(b) failure
(c) demand
(d) prosperity
(e) ruined
(a) bricks
(b) emphasize
(c) request
(d) stress
(e) important
(a) through
(b) across
(c) sharing
(d) with
(e) on
(b) comprise
(c) consisted
(d) is
(e) contained
(a) cater
(b) provide
(c) manage
(d) survive
(e) give
(b) position
(c) distance
(d) length
(e) thought
(a) reduction
(b) sea
(c) cropping
(d) disabling
(e) emergence
(b) destitute
(c) bigger
(d) affluent
(e) much
(a) slowly
(b) improve
(c) many
(d) improvised
(e) tremendous
(a) speed
(b) pace
(c) inequality
(d) uniformity
(e) seriousness
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropr iate word in
each case.
Hundreds of plants and animals are (___234___) every day
due to deforestation and urbanization what might happen
if this continues in the future? The last mass extinction of
plant and animal species occurred 65 million years ago
with the Dinosaurs In all, five mass extinctions have
occurred and scientists (___235___) earth is in sixth mass
extinction. The world as it is now is threatened, including
people, who are responsible for earths (___ 236___).
Pesticides contaminating water overharvesting of animals
and plants air pollution illegal fishing and the clearing of
land are direct results of urbanization and deforestation.
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People have (___237___) and damaged almost half a earths
land, at a very unsustainable rate, Global warming is
having a serious impact as well. A six degree Celsius
increase in global temperature killed 95% of all species on
Earth ___251___ million years ago. An increase of six degree
Celsius is forecast this century if a change is not made to
(___238___) the damage done to earth. Humans will be one
of the 95% of species lost. Noticeable, changes of global
warming include migration (___239___) and the change in
season timings. Migrating birds are migrating earlier,
which in turn is causing them to hatch eggs and (___ 240___)
young earlier than they did at the beginning of this
century. While this Is just the tip of the iceberg many other
(___241___) regarding the extinction of plant and animal
species need addressing. It is more important now than
ever before to pull our heads out of the sand and make
changes for the (___242___) of the earth. Future
generations are (___243___). as they are a species as well.
(a) killing
(b) alive
(c) born
(d) left
(e) lost
(a) speak
(b) told
(c) estimation
(e) consider
(a) shape
(b) development
(e) expansion
(a) altered
(b) created
(c) produced
(d) made
(a) void
(b) dissipate
(c) augment
(d) reverse
(e) increase
(a) delay
(b) birds
(c) slowdown
(d) hasten
(e) acceleration
(a) spare
(b) bear
(c) destroy
(d) amend
(e) generation
(a) animals
(b) difficulty
(d) humans
(e) problem
(a) extinction
(c) wealth
(e) demand
(a) endangered
(c) evaluated
(e) compared
(b) to
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
What Indian politicians and bureaucrats share with their
scientist, engineer and carpenter counterparts is their
acceptance of mediocrity and lack of skill . The greatest
moral failure of Indian institutions is the tolerance of
incompetence. (___244___) criminal ity or corruption. The
tolerance of incompetence in (___245___) is a result of a
low cultural value attached to the creation and (___ 246___)
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of institutions. Institution building is hard work it requires
a combination of vision, commitment and performance.
Any institution involves a contract between those who
(___247___) to the institution and those who support it. The
support can take the form of money or votes but that
support must be (___248___) continuously. In a properly
functioning institutional system, the Institutional contract
(___249___) the institution members and their supporters
takes the form you give me support and I will give you
results. Competence Is the channel that sustains the flow of
trust from supporters to institutions and back. If doctors
don’t cure will they not lose our trust ? While blaming
individual politicians and babus for their corrupt ways, let
us also examine the system that accepts mediocrity and
even lets it (___250___).What we are seeing in India is a
case of contract failure. The contractor who bribes an
official and then builds a leaky stadium is not just being
(___251___). He is sustaining a collusive system that
subverts, rules regulating mutual cooperation between
government institutions, market players and society as a
whole. In the case of endemic contract failure everyone
(___252___). Including the contractor, for once the public
loses its trust in institutions even businessmen will
(___253___) out on opportunities to make money. The
moral status of institutions is central to continued
development and prosperity.
(a) turn
(d) partly
(a) destruction
(b) justification
(c) sustenance
(d) excess
(e) marginalization
(a) belong
(b) work
(c) help
(e) trust
(a) returned
(b) earned
(c) needed
(d) discouraged
(e) asked
(a) suggests
(b) akin
(c) twosome
(d) centered
(e) between
(a) question
(b) bolder
(c) thrive
(d) out
(e) kill
(a) variant
(b) trivial
(c) immature
(d) corrupt
(e) generous
(a) succeeds
(b) suffers
(c) proliferates
(d) responsible
(e) encompasses
(a) storm
(b) venture
(c) lose
(d) get
(e) walk
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
People are as much attuned to fairness as they are to
individual selfish interest. Therefore, any institution
regulating human behaviour will have to (___ 254___) that
collective interest, and fairness are all within tolerable
limits. These tradeoffs are as (___255___) for larger
institutions, including the largest of them all, i.e the state
as they are for the Smallest ones like the family.
(___256___) as parents should not repeatedly favour O ne
child over another, the state cannot repeatedly favour one
community or class over another. The (___ 257___) of
fairness is ingrained in our psyches. ,Since human beings
often grab what they can, we need institutions, to ensure
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fair (___258___). Of the institutions the state is the most
important, since it is (___259___) to ensure that basic
human needs are ensured with minimal standards of
fairness. A state (___260___) of or uninterested in ensuring
equity In security, education, food, health and shelter is a
state whose legitimacy will be questioned. Further, the
legitimacy of the state is dependent on its being as close to
a neutral umpire as possible. When the state (___ 261___)
partisan, its legitimacy can be questioned. When the state
sheds the umpires clothes and becomes one of the players,
the rules of fair play are so badly (___262___) that we can
only call such an event intolerable (___263___).
(a) demand
(b) ensure
(c) consider
(d) regulate
(e) encompass
(a) important
(b) Juvenile
(e) part
(a) Presently
(b) Same
(c) So
(a) opinion
(b) judgement
(c) end
(e) conclusion
(a) people
(b) dissipations
(c) outcomes ,
(d) affects
(e) discouragements
(a) stimulated
(b) calculated
(c) considered
(d) hastened
(e) designed
(a) qualified
(b) riddled (c)
powerful (d)
incapable (e)
(a) appears
(b) allow
(c) become
(d)(4f recommends
(e) visualizes
(a) twist
(c) mended
(d) broken
(e) abated
(a) truth
(c) injustice
(d) murder
(e) fortune
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The world is witnessing food price turbulence again. A bad
drought in Russia, rising demand in the US and developing
countries, and Pakistan’s blighted crop prospects after its
floods are keeping prices of commodities such as cereals,
sugar, oil and meat high. The Food and Agriculture
Organizations monthly food price (___ 264___) is heading
north. India is not (___265___) from this problem even at
the best of times. For the week that ended on ___ 11___
September, food prices (as (___266___) by the Wholesale
Price Index) rose by 15.86%.Given the robust demand for
foodstuffs, a time of price volatility calls for a careful look
at the design issues surrounding food supply management.
At times, even huge food stocks are not able to (___ 267___)
rising food prices. The fault lies in how food is released to
traders by government agencies such as the Food
Corporation of India (FCI). This problem is apart from FCIs
high carrying cost of food grains. But this is not the
problem at (___268___).For example, under the open
market sales scheme (OMSS) a fixed quantity of grain,
usually in multiples of ___10___ metric tons, is sold to
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traders, flour mills and other buyers when supplies are
(___269___) or there is price volatility. But a combination of
price rigidity, terms of sale and the quantity sold under
OMSS defeat its purpose. One reason for this is the large
volume in the hands of very few individual buyers. This
(___270___) to perverse economic incentives. Often, the
grain sold under this scheme winds up back with food
(___271___) agencies because of price differentials (the
price at which it is sold and the prevailing market price).
This has been observed many times in states as diverse as
Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. If the number of buyers is
(___272___) and the quantity sold to each buyer reduced, or
the price fixed but the amount of grain that can be bought
kept flexible, these problems can be (___ 273___).This
makes for a sensible menu of options. But it needs careful
implementation. And if, for some reason, changes are
required to suit (___274___) conditions in different states,
the economic logic behind these ideas should not be lost
(___275___) of
(a) index
(b) state
(c) scheme
(d) rate
(e) value
(a) affected
(b) above
(c) immune
(d) away
(e) separate
(a) developed
(b) Increased
(c) reported
(d) measured
(e) handled
(a) arrest
(b) identify
(c) find
(d) slow
(e) stop
(a) this
(b) juncture
(c) all
(d) best
(e) hand
269. (a)
nil (b)
(c) plenty
(d) enough
(a) rises
(b) leads
(c) gives
(d) is
(e) Jumps
(a) hoarding
(b) storing
(c) supply
(d) producing
(e) procurement
(a) controlled
(b) promoted
(c) constant
(d) increased
(e) decreased
(a) neglected
(b) solve
(c) overcome
(d) indicated
(e) highlighted
(b) local
(c) all
(d) similar
(e) bad
(a) weight
(b) look
(c) value
(d) sight
(e) significant
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
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blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
When sound (___276___) the world of cinema, mime made
a gracious exit. (___277___) then, it stood proudly as a
performing art in itself, independent and (___ 278___)in
style, approach, treatment and performance not matched
however, by(___279___)acceptance. During the silent era,
actors in silent films had to (___280___) totally on mime as
the only way of (___281___) their emotions, expressions,
incidents, events and interactions between and among
characters. German Expressionist cinema, the acting of
classic performers like Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and
Buster Keaton used mime they had (___282___) as part of
their theatrical (___283___) in their films with great effect.
A French mime artist once said, Mime is the poetry of
silence. But once talking (___284___) entered the scenario,
mime was (___285___) ever used in films, even though a
character introduced as a mime artist.
(a) entered
(b) came
(c) saw
(d) became
(e) featured
(a) for
(b) So
(c) Since
(d) By
(e)(5J Until
(a) single
(b) fair
(c) dependent
(d) unique
(e) treacherous
(a) drama
(b) conclusion
(c) opinion
(d) judgement
(e) popular
(a) portray
(b) act (c)
rely (d)
depict (e)
(a) mentioning
(b) designing
(c) stimulating
(d) expressing
(e) considering
(a) worked
(b) learnt
(c) qualified
(d) bought
(e) invested
(a) experience
(b) showings
(c) vision
(d) distance
(e) story
(a) toys
(b) worlds
(c) films
(d) people
(e) mimes
(a) and
(b) hardly
(c) then
(d) thus
(e) for
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
One big (___286___) between the investments in fossil fuels
and those in wind power, solar cells, and geothermal
energy is that the latter will supply energy in (___ 287___).
These wells will never run dry. If the money spent on oil in
one year were (___288___) in wind turbines, the electricity
generated would be enough to (___289___) one fifth of the
world’s needs. Investments In infrastructure for the new
energy economy, which would eventually have to be made
when fossil fuels reserves (___290___) will obviously be
huge. These include the transmission lines that (___ 291___)
wind farms with electricity consumers, and the pipelines
that link hydrogen supply sources with end-users. To a
substantial degree, the infrastructure for the (___ 292___)
energy sources the transmission lines for electricity from
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coal and the pipelines for natural gas can be used in the
new energy economy as well. The local pipeline
distribution network in various cities for natural gas can
easily be (___293___) to hydrogen distribution s ystem. For
developing countries, the new energy sources (___ 294___)
to reduce dependence on imported oil, freeing up capital
for investment in domestic energy sources. (___ 295___)
very few countries have their own oil fields, most have
wind and solar energy. In terms of economic expansion
and job generation, these new energy technologies are a
(a) argument
(b) change
(d) issue
(e) difference
(a) infinity
(b) perpetuity
(c) extension
(d) reality
(e) renewabllity
(a) dissipated
(b) applied
(c) drawn
(d) invested
(e) given
(a) involve
(b) meet
(c) attract
(d) complete
(e) cater
(a) deplete
(b) expand
(c) terminate
(d) sustain
(e) cease
(a) provide
(b) include
(c) connect
(d) support
(e) links
(a) existing
(b) new
(d) old
(e) renewable
(a) supplied
(b) dispersed
(c) provided
(d) converted
(e) used
(d) expects
(e) created
(a) Despite
(b) As
(c)Owing to
(d) Unless
(e) Although
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Information technology, and the hardware and software
(___296___) with the IT industry, are an (___297___) part of
nearly (___298___) major global industry. IT industry has
become one of the most robust industries in the world. IT,
more than any other industry of economic (___299___) has
an Increased productivity, particularly in the developed
world, and therefore is a key driver of global economic
growth. Economies of scale and (___300___) demand from
both consumers and enterprises? (___300___) this rapidly
growing sector. The Information Technology Association
of America (ITAA) explains information technology as
(___302___) all possible aspects of information systems
based on computers. Both software development and the,
hardware involved in the IT industry include everything
from computer systems, to the, design, implementation,
study and development of IT and management systems.
(___303___) to its easy accessibility and the wide range of
IT products available, the demand for IT services has
increased (___304___) over the years. The IT sector has
emerged as a major global (___305___) of both growth and
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(b) amalgamation
(d) vision
(e) regulated
(a) integral
(b) fundamental
(d) vital
(e) eager
(a) most
(b) all
(e) some
(e) facet
(d) unquenchable
(e) unreasonable
(b) thwart
(d) fuelling
(e) characterize
(a) making
(b) qualifying
(b) Since
(d) In order
(e) Complementing
(a) regularly
(b) substantially
(d) exponential
(e) savagely
(b) meltdown
(d) source
(e) economy
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
With the announcement that he would donate Rs. 8,846
crore of his equity in the company to the philanthropic
trust he controls, the founder and chairman of infotech
giant Wipro Ltd Azim Premji has set the (___306___) very
high for other mega rich businessmen of the country. The
___28___th richest man in the world, and India’s third
richest, could not have made a better and more sound
(___307___) choice than this. His Azim Premji Foundation is
already working in the rural areas of the country to
improve the quality of education and is not in the process
of setting up a university for the poor. This (___ 308___) will
be a welcome addition to the kitty of a sector that Has the
capability to transform India but is badly handicapped due
to the lack of adequate funding. Other IT majors Infosys,
MindTree, TCS and HCL also support programmes that
support social equity. At a time when India’s economic
footprint on the global stage Is rising, the (___ 309___)
between the different strata of society has also been
increasing This is riot a positive development and the
underprivileged sectors need to be equipped with life
skills so that they. A very basic requirement of this life
skills development is to educate them and m ake them
employable. The fact that most of the heads of these IT
majors are (___310___) first-generation entrepreneurs
(___311___) that education, more than anything else, is a
great leveler. At the same time, the improved economic
conditions will also pus h, up people into the middleclass
bracket and make India a much more attractive market.
According to Forbes, which keeps a tab oil the (___ 312___)
of the rich and famous, India has ___69___ billionaires. Yet
how many consider (___313___) as a priority when it comes
to spending ? In dusliy reports indicate that Indians spend
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about Rs. 30,000 crore a year on charitable (___314___)
and this includes the money spent by companies on their
corporate social responsibility programmes. This Is not
(___315___) and Indians, especially the corporate czars,
have much more ability to give. In a foreword to Corporate
Social Responsibility in India, MS Swaminathan correctly
Just as good ecology is good business, good
philanthropy will also be good business in the (___ 316___)
term. Should the country institutionalize CSR interventions
to deal (___317___) malnutrition, education, health,
employment and poverty ? The government would
welcome a helping hand, wouldn’t it ?
(a) expectations
(c) status
(e) task
(a) investment
(b) profit
(d) significant
(e)basic ,
(e) endowment
(e) gap
(e) promoting
(e) steps
(e) life
(a) philanthropy
(b) donations
(c) philosophy
(d) spirituality
(e) helping
(a) types
(b) causes
(c) trusts
(d) donations
(e) costs
(a) enough
(b) expected
(c) correct
(d) less
(e) required
(a) financial
(b) social
(c) long
(d) final
(e) short
(a) against
(b) with
(c) in
(d) of
(e) off
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
(RTE) Act, 2009, which came (___318___) effect in April
this year, is meant to transform the education sector and
take India closer to the goal of universal schooling But with
admissions to the new academic session just (___ 319___)
the comer, it is fast becoming clear that (___320___) well-
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intentioned ideas into (___321___) will take some doing.
For a start, the guidelines for admissions under the RTE
prohibit schools from conducting any sort of student
profiling. The stress on a random yet justi fiable admission
process means that schools will have to resort to
something as quirky as a lottery system. However, leaving
admission to a good school to pure (___ 322___) will only
incentivise manipulations, defeating the very essence of
RTE. The main problem facing the education sector is that
of a resource crunch. The provisions for ensuring universal
access to education are all very well, (___323___) we have
the infrastructure in place first. Brick and mortar schools
need to precede open admission and not the (___324___)
way around. In that sense, legislators assessment of
ground realities is (___325___) target when they endorse
the closure of tens of thousands of lowcost private schools
for not meeting the minimum standards of land plot,
building specifications and—
CLOZETEST playground
area as laid out in the RTE Act. Instead of bearing down
(___326___) on private schools for falling to conform to
abstract bureaucratic criteria, efforts to bring sibout
universal education should focus on upgrading and
expanding the existing government school infrastructure
to accommodate all . Only then can we ensure the much
needed supplydemand (___327___) in the education sector.
(a) with
(b) for
(c) on
(d) into
(e) in
(a) around
(b) near
(c) into
(d) about
(e) reaching
(a) forming
(b) translating
(c) having
(d) taking
(e) framing
(a) affect
(b) ideas (c)
practice (d)
concept (e)
(a) benefit
(b) merit
(c) chance
(d) basis
(e) method
(a) Unless
(b) until
(c) executed
(d) provided
(e) exercised
(a) other
(b) any
(c) two
(d) differ
(e) after
(a) on
(b) of
(c) often
(d) taken
(e) off
(a) soft
(b) more
(c) less
(d) only
(e) hard
(a) need
(b) equilibrium
(c) expectation
(d) attempt
(e) aspects
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The (___328___) of India as an economic superpower Is not
reflected in the (___329___) of life enjoyed by its 1.2 billion
citizens according to the Human Development Index which
(___330___) India very low among ___182___ countries. In
our performance oriented world, measurement issues
have taken on (___331___) importance as what we measure
affects what we do. In fact the French President has
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established an international
commission on the
Measurement of Economic Performance and Social
Progress owing to his (___332___) and that of others with
the current state of statistical information about the
economy and society. The big question concerns
(___333___) Gross Domestic Product, (GDP) provides a
good measure of living standards. In many cases GDP
statistics seem to (___334___) that the economy is doing far
better than most citizens feel it is. Moreover the focus on
GDP creates conflicts while political leaders are told to
maximise it, citizens also demand that (___335___) be paid
to enhancing security, reducing air, water and noise
pollution all of which actually (___ 336___) GDP growth.
Statistics are (___337___) to summarise what is going on in
our complex society, it is therefore obvious that we can’t
reduce everything to a single number GDP.
328. (a)tribute
(e) title
(e) Joy
(e) ranked v
(e) considerably
(e) Compliance
(e) Whether
(e) refer
(e) expense
(e) shrunk
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbe red. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
It is noteworthy that the prime ministers working group
set up to suggest longterm solutions to (___ 338___) the
graying demand for affordable food has acknowledged the
use of biotechnology as integral to a second Green
Revolution. Although Indian agriculture serves as a good
example of incorpo rating hybrid varieties of highyielding
crops, the attitude towards geneticall y modified or
transgenic food has been sceptical. Bt cotton is the only
(___339___) crop currently approved for (___340___) in
India. Bt brinjal is under moratorium for commercial
release. In a country where ___65___ per cent of
agricultural land is still (___341___) on the monsoon, there
needs to be far greater investment in biotechnology driven
solutions tp. in, crease yields True, there are valid health
and environment (___342___) regarding the adoption of GM
crops. It is for this reason that adequate (___343___) need S
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to be in place to ensure consumer i safety. But an
(___344___) rejection of genetically modified food would be
(___345___) i to the country’s food security. ,Given the huge
deficit between demand and production, there is an urgent
need to adopt a (___346___) approach to agriculture. Brazil
serves as a good example. Over the last 40 years the South
American nation has scripted an agricultural revolution in
the dry plains of the country by providing basic inputs on a
large scale and vigorously adopting GM crops. There is no
rea son why India can’t (___347___) this. Storage and
delivery is the other side of the problem that can be
significantly mitigated by policy decisions that allow for
greater FDI in retail. Scientific innovations combined with
a farsighted farm to fork agriculture strategy are the
answer to India’s growing food needs.
(a) meet (b)
suggest (c)
complete (d)
(e) recommend
(a) proved
(b) invented
(c) high yielding
(d) genetic
(e) organic
(a) research
(b) hybrid
(c) release
(d) launch
(e) cultivation
(a) tilled
(b) dependent
(c) depends
(d) independent
(e) available1 1
(a) concerns
(b) protests
(c) factors
(d) yields
(e) areas
(a) Warnings
(b) features
(c) safeguards
(d) research
(e) alerts
(a) accurate
(b) hasty
(c) absurd
(d) outright
(e) honest i
(a) risk
(b) beneficial
(c) attestation
(d) acrimonious
(e) detrimental
(a) thoughtful
(b) middle
(c) holistic
(d) hybrid
(e) balance
(a) replicate
(b) test
(c) overcome
(d) condemn
(e) simulate
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The economics of owning and running a Ration Shop, the
familiar name for the outlets in our Public Distribution
System (PDS), are such that under normal business terms,
the shop owner could never make a profit. Yet, (___348___)
The government announces that new permits for ration
shops will be given out, there is frenzy in the market to
grab one of these. (___349___) ? The answer is obvious the
business is not for the honest and if one knows the
(___350___), there is a fortune to be made. What are these
tricks of the trade? Getting fake names into the user 1 list
is the most obvious option the State seems to be
(___351___) a losing battle against this practice, judging by
the endless efforts to weed out bogus registrations. The
next is to get the right customers on the list, not just more
customers. These are people who are registered but who
do not have any interest in (___352___) on their
entitlements. In a system where caste and income
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certificates are for sale, it is not (___353___) to produce
these documents for mutual benefit. Receipts are duly
made in their names, and the, rations thus drawn are
(___354___) off into the open market. The sale price of an
item like rice makes clear the (___355___) economics it
costs ? , 8 in a ration shop while in the latter it is ? 30 or
above. There are also customers who would rather
exchange their entitlements for hard cash at the ,
beginning of the month. As the degradation progresses, the
shop keeper, in (___356___) with the official machinery,
manages to withhold effectively the entitlements from
even the genuine beneficiaries, and diverts them to the
open market. The targeted group is usually not in a
position to (___357___) itself to get1 its due. And thus one
has all (___358___) of a good PDS business.
(a) whenever
(b) quickly
(c) just
(d) as soon
(e) time
(a) What
(b) When
(c) Where
(d) Why
(e) How
(a) lying
(b) people
(c) sprouting
(d) hard work
(e) ropes
(a) attempt
(b) waging
(c) winning
(d) expecting
(e) trying
(a) harping
(b) discussing
(c) realizing
(d) drawing
(e) giving ,.
(a) easy
(b) must
(c) difficult
(d) simple
(e) enough
(a) sell
(b) borrowed
(c) donated
(d) bought
(e) siphoned
(a) understood
(b) poor
(c) underlying
(d) mechanical
(e) unclear
(a) meeting
(b) collusion
(c) flow
(d) show
(e) linej
(a) ask
(b) voiced
(c) assert
(d) deliver
(e) willful
(a) things
(b) ingredients
(c) dictate
(d) component
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Can an experiment conceived, carried out, and reported in
kids speak with pencil coloured figures and handwritten
tables by school children aged 8 to 10 years get published
in a highly rated international journal following a peer
reviewing process? Twenty seven schoolchildren from a
Primary School In U.K. have proved this is (___ 359___) — if
a simple but novel scientific question raised is (___ 360___)
in a scientific way. Their paper wits published in the Royal
Society’s Biology Letters journal. Thei r (___361___) was
that bumblebees can use a combination of colour and
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spatial relationships in deciding which colour of flower to
forage from. Considering that our understanding of how
bees perceive coloured patterns and scenes is inadequate,
this inspiring outcome has shown that schoolchildren
guided by gifted teachers can think and (___ 362___) out
experiments like any hardwired scientist. For these, kids,
doing science changed their (___363___) of the Subject.
Science also became cool and fun. This refres hing
approach turns the spotlight on the best methods of
teaching science. The (___364___) learning system adopted
by most schools in India, even classroom study combined
with some laboratory work with predefined outcomes,
does very little to (___365___) curiosity and interest in
science. Is that one of the (___366___) why out of the box
thinking that produces path breaking science rarefy comes
out of Indian laboratories? The children at the U.K. school
had their gifted teacher to guide them. Scientists fro m
India’s space and atomic energy departments and in some
other places where serious science is done can take a
(___367___) out of the schools book and (___ 368___) the
way in engaging with school pupils and getting them to do
real science.
(a) done
(b) unlikely
(c) potential
(d) promising
(e) possible
(a) questioned
(b) said
(c) retorted
(d) answered
(e) address
(a) question
(b) finding
(c) methodology
(d) result
(e) studies
(a) wage
(b) create
(c) execute
(d) carry
(e) attempt
(a) option
(b) lives
(c) visual
(d) demands
(e) perception
(a) revolutionary
(b) radical
(c) rote
(d) adequate
(e) bore
(a) stimulate
(b) simulate
(c) make
(d) peek
(e) judge
(a) cause
(b) root
(c) reasons
(d) issues
(e) sources
(a) thread
(b) leaf
(c) example
(d) look
(e) pages
(a) lead
(b) start
(c) deliver
(d) paved
(e) ahead
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered . against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Depending upon how humanity chooses to use it,
technology can enhance or (___369___) any aspect of life.
The realm of interpersonal communication generally feels
this impact first. Many times throughout history, humanity
has changed its modes of communication as society itself
has (___370___). As people began to spread out
geographically, verbal communication turned to writing to
make It more (___371___). Then, people invented ways of
carrying both conversation and written communication
between their communities to keep in (___372___) with one
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another as travel became simpler. With the advent of the
telephone, people began to wonder if picking up the
receiver to call one another would eventually (___ 373___)
out other forms of communication. So far. as families and
friends have moved away from one another, the telephone,
even its cellular form, has allowed humanity to (___ 374___)
the necessary links among its members. Naturally, now
that computers, instant and text messaging, and other
forms of communication have found their way into the
world, people not familiar with these technologies wonder
what they will do to the human race. Etiquette experts and
those raised on writing formal letters often (___ 375___)
that email and text message lingo will replace the language
of pen and paper. This will not (___ 376___), and both
methods of communication can survive to enhance
humans enjoyment of one another’s company if the next
generation learns how to (___377___) both. Each form of
communication can survive with its own rules as people
learn which situations in life (___378___) for which level of
formality and which of the people they s pend time with
can connect better with which type of language.
(a) depressed
(b) finish
(c) problem
(d) hinder
(e) featured
(a) evolved
(b) destroyed
(c) pledged
(d) extinguished
(e) waited
(a) expensive
(b) subjective
(c) easier
(d) loud
(e) portable
(a) lines
(c) distance
(d) touch
(e) check
(a) pushed
(b) cancel
(c) shells
(d) try
(e) turn
(a) maintain
(b) teleport
(c) cut
(d) curb
(e) regulation
(a) dominate
(b) elate
(c) worry
(d) says
(e) mentioning
(a) agree
(b) happen
(c) occurred
(d) exist
(e) possible
(a) forms
(b) prove
(c) accomplish
(d) study
(e) example
(a) correlates
(b) same
(d) stands
(e) call
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
As the country embarks on planning (___ 379___) the 12th
Plan (2012-17) period, a key question mark (___380___)
hangs over the process is on the energy requirements.
Growth is energy hungry, and the aspirations of growing at
910% will (___381___) huge demands on the energy
resources of the country. In thi s energy Jigsaw, renewable
energy will (___382___) like never before in the 12th Plan
and (___383___).By the rule of the thumb, India will
(___384___) about 100 gigawatts (Gw) 100,000 megawatts
of capacity addition in the next five years. Encouraging
trends on energy efficiency and sustained (___ 385___) by
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some parts of the government the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency in particular needs to be complimented for this
have led to substantially lesser energy intensity of
economic growth. However, even the tempered demand
numbers are (___388___) to be below 80 Gw. As against this
need the coal supply from domestic sources is unlikely to
support more than 25 Gw equivalent capacity. Imported
coal can add some more, but at a much (___ 387___) cost.
Gasbased electricity generation is unlikely to contribute
anything substantial in view of the unprecedented gas
supply challenges. Nuclear will be (___ 388___) in the
foreseeable future. Between imported coal, gas, large
hydro and nuclear, ho more than 1520Gw equivalent can
be (___389___) to be added in the five year time
block.(___390___) (___391___) this, capacity addition in the
renewable energy based power generation has touched
about 3Gw a year. In the coming five years, the overall
capacity addition in the electricity gri d (___392___)
renewable energy is likely to range between 20Gw and
25Gw. Additionally, over and above the grid based
capacity, off grid electric places and (___ 393___) lives
where grid based electricity supply has miserably failed.
(a) against
(b) for
(c) onwards
(e) on
(a) that
(b) Inside
(c) always
(d) who
(e) where
(a) forward
(b) subject
(c) place
(d) demand
(e) replace
(a) pass
(b) publish
(c) feature
(d) find,
(e) light
(a) likewise
(b) publicity
(c) next
(d) after
(e) earlier
(a) waste
(b)require (c)
(e) consumed
(a) structures
(c) projections
(e) developmental
(a) sure
(c) unexpected
(e) likely
(a) nominal
(c) higher
(e) expected
(a) failure1
(c) dangerous
(e) marginal
(a) certain
(c) remarked
(e) sure
(a) When
(c) However
(e) As
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) for
(c) is
(e) against
(a) through
(c) versus
(e) capacity
(a) lightening
(c) touching
(e) generating
(___394___) over the world, rights related to i nformation
technology that are already legally recognised are daily
being violated, (___395___) In the name of economic
advancement, political stability or for personal greed and
Interests. Violations of these rights have (___ 396___) new
problems in human social systems, such as the digital
divide, cybercrime, digital security and privacy concerns,
all of which have (___397___) peoples lives either directly
or indirectly. It is important that countries come up with
the guidelines for action to (___398___) the incidences of
malicious attacks on the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of electronic data and systems, computer
related crimes, content related offenses and violations of
intellectual property rights. (___399___). threats to critical
infrastructure and national Interests arising from the use
of the internet for criminal and terrorist activities are of
growing (___400___). The harm incurred to businesses,
governments and individuals in those countries in which
the internet Is used (___401___), is gaining in (___402___)
and importance, while in other countries cyber crime
communication technology for government services,
health care, trade, and banking. As users start losing
(___403___) in online transactions and business, the
opportunity costs may become substantial
(a) Entire
(b) Lot
(c) Great
(d) All
(e) Much
(a) scarcely
(b) whether
(c) and
(d) for
(e) hardly
(a) created
(b) bent
(c) pressured
(d) risen
(e) stopped r
(a) distanced
(b) affected
(c) exaggerated
(d) advanced
(e) cropped
(a) engage
(b) conflict
(c) war
(d) combat
(e) struggle
(a) But
(b) More
(c) Addition
(d) Beside
(e) Further
(a) concern
(b) nature
(c) pattern
(d) important
(e) matter
(a) really
(b) figuratively
(c) widely
(d) never
(e) tandem
(a) fear
(b) days
(c) positivity
(d) width
(e) scope
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) tracks (b)
measure (c)
confidence (d)
(e) grip
(___404___) over the world, rights related to information
technology that are already legally recognised are daily
being violated, (___405___) in the name of economic
advancement, political stability or for personal greed and
interests. Violations of these rights have (___ 406___) new
problems in human social systems, such as the digital
divide, cybercrime, digital security and privacy concerns,
all of which have (___407___) people’s lives either directly
or indirectly. It is important that countries come up with
the guidelines for action to (___408___) the incidences of
malicious attacks on the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of electronic data and systems, computer
related crimes, content related offenses and violations of
intellectual property rights, (___409___) threats to critical
infrastructure and national interests arising from the use
of the internet for criminal and terrorist activities are of
growing (___410___). The harm incurred to businesses,
governments and individuals in those countries in which
the internet is used (___411___) is gaining in (___412___)
and importance, while in other countries cyber crime
communication technology for government services,
health care, trade, and banking. As users start losing
(___413___) in online transactions and business, the
opportunity costs may become substantial.
(a) Entire
(b) Lot
(c) Great
(d) All
(e) Much) CLOZE TEST J
(a) scarcely
(b) whether
(c) and
(d) for
(e) hardly
(a) created
(b) bent
(c) pressured
(d) risen
(e) stopped
(a) distanced
(b) affected
(c) exaggerated
(d) advanced
(e) cropped
(a) engage
(b) conflict
(c) war
(d) combat
(e) struggle
(a) But
(b) More
(c) Addition
(d) Beside
(e) Further
(b) nature
(c) pattern
(d) important
(e) matter
(a) really
(b) figuratively
(c) widely
(d) never
(e) tandem
(a) fear
(b) days
(c) positivity
(d) width
(e) scope
(a) tracks (b)
measure (c)
confidence (d)
(e) grip
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
I wanted to (___414___) myself a sweater. When I asked my
mother for some wool, she directed me to the old cloth bag
under the stairs. This was the bag (___415___) which my
mother had over the years (___416___) all the remains from
sweaters, scarves, cardigans and gl oves that she had
knitted for herself (___417___) the family. When I opened
the bag 1 screamed What a mess I All the wool had tangled
itself into a huge knot. I said to my mother, It’s hopeless.
All the wool is so badly mixed. (___ 418___) can I even
detangle it, let alone knit a sweater from It. She smiled and
said Its easier (___419___) you think. All you have to do is
look for the easiest knot and undo that. (___ 420___) that is
done, the next knot will be easier. Just keep on doing this,
until all the wool is unravelled. I (___421___) as my —
mother had told me to, and sooner than I had thought, the
wool started to loosen and different colours (___ 422___) to
emerge. Very soon, instead of one huge untidy bunch of
wool I had several neat balls in (___423___) of me.
(a) own
(b) does
(c) have,
(d) prepared
(e) knit
(a) from
(b) on
(c) to
(d) for
(e) in
(a) put
(b) keep
(c) managed
(d) instilled
(e) hide
(a) and
(b) with
(c) apart
(d) aside
(e) beside
(a) How
(b) What
(c) Where
(d) Why
(e) Which
(a) that
(b) than
(c) more
(d) those
(e) also
(a) With
(b) Along
(c) Where
(d) Then
(e) Once
(a) try
(b) follow
(c) decided
(d) did
(e) listened
(e) starts
(e) awe
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
A mobile phone is no (___424___) a simple device to make
calls. It has (___425___) the hub for all your activities from
emailing and browsing to paying bills and transferring
money. Banks may have been the first to (___426___) their
feet into this technological pool, but telecom companies
have (___427___) to catch up. The RBIs step to remove the
50,000 cap that it had (___428___) earlier on daily much
needed (___429___) to mobile banking. Mobile banking
(___430___) you to conduct financial transactions on your
phone just as you would at a bank branch or through Net
banking. Banks are now evolving this facility as they
launch innovative products. For (___431___). A Bank’s cash
to mobile service (___432___) customers to transfer money
to anybody, including those who do not have a bank
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account. A bank customer can download the banks
application on his phone and then put in the phone
number of the person to whom he wants to send the
money, along with the transaction amount. The bank will
send a message to the remitter and the beneficiary along
with different PINs to each. The remitter will have to
message his PIN to the beneficiary, who can then use both
PINs and his mobile number to withdraw cash from the
respective Bank ATM. The service is (___ 433___) but
operator charges will apply. Also, the sender will need a
Java enabled handset.
(a) longer
(b) much
(c) anymore
(d) doubt
(e) sooner
(a) become
(b) been
(c) changed
(d) made
(e) transformed
(a) dip
(b) stand
(c) wash
(d) touch
(e) pick
(a) try
(b) not
(c) begun
(d) made
(e) soon
(a) sanctioned
(b) festered
(c) imposed
(d) cooked
(e) built
(a) breaking
(b) fact
(c) pushed
(d) drop
(e) boost
(a) forces
(b) places
(c) remits
(d) allows
(e) makes
(a) examples
(b) instance
(c) together
(d) now
(e) today
(a) permit
(b) suggests
(c) facilitated
(d) attempts
(e) enables
(a) expensive
(b) there
(c) costly
(d) free
(e) inaccessible
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Greenhouse gases are only (___434___) of the story when it
comes to global warming. Changes to one part of the
climate system can (___435___) additional changes to the
way the planet absorbs or reflects energy. These
secondary changes are (___436___) climate feedbacks and
they could more than double the amount Of warming
caused by carbon dioxide alone. The primary feedbacks
are (___437___) to snow and ice, water vapour, clouds, and
the carbon cycle. Perhaps the most well (___ 438___)
feedback comes from melting s now and ice in the Northern
(___439___) a growing percentage of Arctic sea ice,
exposing dark ocean water during the (___440___) sunlight
of summer. Snow cover on land is also (___ 441___) in many
areas. In the (___442___) of snow and ice, these areas go
from having bright, sunlight reflecting surfaces that cool
the planet to having dark, sunlight absorbing surfaces that
(___443___) more energy into the Earth system and cause
more wanning.
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(a) whole
(b) part
(c) material
(d) issue
(e) most
(a) raise
(b) brings
(c) refer
(d) stop
(e) cause
(a) sensed
(b) called
(c) nothing
(d) but
(e) term
(a) due
(b) results (c)
reason (d)(41
those (e)(5J
because Q438.
(b) known
(c) ruled
(d) bestowed
(e) said
(a) mastering
(b) sending
(c) melting
(d)(4J calming
(e) increasing
(a) makeshift
(b) ceasing
(c) troubled
(d) perpetual
(e) absenti
(a) decreasing
(a) progress
(b) reduced
(c) existence
(d) midst
(e) absence
(a) repel
(b) waft
(c) monitor
(d) bring
(e) access
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. agai nst each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Twenty years (___444___) now, nearly 60% of the world’s
population will live in urban areas. The impact of
urbanization might not all be positive on India as urban
expansion is happening at a much (___ 445___) rate than
infrastructure expansion. Sustainability issues need to be
(___446___) so that economic development is not at the
(___447___) of public health. Some urban services that
ought to be in (___448___) in a city like water, electricity,
transport etc. need special consideration. TERI has put
together a detailed report that (___449___) Sustain ability
in the provision of basic urban services in Indian
cities.(___450___) public transport is a major reason fpr the
proliferation of private vehicles on the road. Respiratory
illness in children living in urban areas is on the
(___451___) with, more cases of Asthma being (___ 452___)
because of pollution. The future of cities of Indian dreams
depends on (___453___) we can build better cities today.
444. (a)
(c) from
(e) on
(a) faster
(c) changed
(e) quick
(a) speculated
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(b)believed (c)
(e) understand
(a) payment
(b) rate
(c) costs
(d) charge
(e) expense
(a) abundance
(b) large
(c) functional
(d) vicinity
(e) location
(a) bring
(b) emphasizes
(c) speculates
(d) postulates
(e) requests
(a) Good
(b) Competent
(c) Absence
(d) Inadequate
(e) Sufficient
(a) multiplication
(b) expansion
(c) rise
(d) inflation
(e) grow
(a) produced
(b) develop
(c) composed
(d) resulted
(e) reported
(a) if
(b) whether
(c) unless
(d) provided
(e) weather
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Indian culture is rich and (___454___) and as a result
unique in its very own way. Our manners, way of
communicating with one another, etc are one of the
important components of our culture. Even though we
have accepted modem means of living, improved our
lifestyle, our values and beliefs still remain unchanged. A
person Can change his way of clothing, way of eating and
living but the rich values in a person always (___ 455___)
unchanged because they are deeply rooted within Our
hearts, mind, body and soul which we rec eive from our
culture. Indian culture (___456___) guests as god and serves
them and takes care of them as if they are a part and parcel
of the family itself. Even though we don’t have anything to
eat, the guests are never left hungry and are always looked
after by the members of the family. Elders and the respect
for elders is a major component in Indian culture. Elders
are the (___457___) force for any family and hence the love
and respect for elders comes from (___458___) and is not
artificial. An (___459___) takes blessings from his elders by
touching their feet. Elders drill and pass on the Indian
culture within us as we grow. Respect one another is
another lesson that is taught from the books of Indian
culture. All people are alike and respecting one another is
ones duty. In foreign countries the relation (___ 460___) the
boss and the employee is like a (___461___) and slave and is
purely monetary whereas in Indian culture the relation
between the boss and the employee is more like homely
relations unlike foreign countries. Helpful nature is
another (___462___) feature in our Indian culture. Right
from our early days of childhood we are taught to help one
another (___463___) help and distress. If not monetary then
at least in kind or nonmonetary ways. Indi an culture tells
us to multiply and distribute joy and happiness and share
sadness and pain. It tells us that by all this we can develop
cooperation and better living amongst ourselves and
subsequently make this world a better place to live in.
Even though India is a country of various religions and
caste our culture tells us just one thing phir bhi dil hai
(a) diverse (b)
averse (c)poor
(a) remains
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(b) remain
(c) remaining
(d) reverent
(e) reformed
(a) ill-treat
(b) deals in
(c) treats
(d) treated
(e) behave
(b) driven
(e) driving
(a) within
(a) Individual
(b) illiterate
(c) enriched
(d) elder
(a) among
(b) with
(c) between
(d) of
(e) in
(a) master
(b) zamindar
(e) employer
(a) stricken
(b) striking
(c) negative
(d) damnable
(e) horrifying
(a) for need
(b) needful
(c) in need of
(d) for want of
(e) required
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
With the U.S. military tied down on two fronts and the rest
of the world growing (___464___) to American power, the
challenges for Rice are as (___465___) as they have been for
any Secretary of State in the past three decades. After six
years of tussling with others on Bush’s national security
team, Rice has seen off her rivals and (___466___) as the
principal spokesperson for Bush’s foreign policy. Her
reward has been to (___467___) responsibility for selling a
failed policy in Iraq and framing a legacy for Bush at a time
when (___468___) in the world are in the mood to help her.
Bush is severely (___469___) and has very little credibility
or support at home or abroad, says Leslie Gelb, former
president of the Council on Foreign Relations. That is
(___470___) true for his Secretary of State. So they are
basically flailing around. That’s a grim assessment, since
the (___471___) to international order are bigger today
than at any other time since the end of the cold war. The
most immediate source of (___472___) emanates from Iraq,
where the country’s civil war risks(___ 473___) a region
wide conflict.
(a) resistant
(b) subservient
(c) immune
(d) cordial
(e) indifference
(a) obvious
(b) trivial
(c) superfluous
(d) daunting
(e) rewarding
(a) renamed
(b) emerged
(c) appointed
(d) visited
(e) entrusted
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) shirk
(b) avoid
(c) transfer
(d) inherit
(e) visualize
(a) people
(b) few
(c) diplomats
(d) autocrats
(e) most
(a) Intensified
(a) not
(c) remotely
(a) admirations
(b) threats
(d) demands
(e) accolades
(a) defusing
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The (___474___) of losing your job is getting smaller and
smaller. As economy has improved and employers have
(___475___) confidence, companies have been steadily
shedding fewer workers. The trend means greater job
security and suggests a critical turning point in the
economic recovery. It (___476___) the hope that workers
pay will finally accelerate after grinding through a sluggish
recovery for the past half decade. When the economy,
(___477___) into recession at the end of 2007, employers
cut deeply into their staffs. And then during the recovery,
they hired only (___478___). Instead, they sought to
maximize the productivity of their existing employees . But
in recent months, the picture has (___479___). Employers
have added 200,000plus jobs for five straight months, and
the unemployment rate has reached 6.1 percent, the
lowest since 2008. Now, the steadily declining level of
layoffs suggests that employ ers may have to hire even
more (___480___) and raise pay if they want to expand their
businesses. The shortage of laid off workers searching for
jobs means that more companies may need to pay more to
(___481___) talent. Other data confirm that across the
economy, job cuts have reached unusually low levels. Total
layoffs in May dropped below prerecession levels. Still,
while layoffs have fallen 7.5 percent this year, actual hiring
has increased just 3 percent. Thats a big reason the job
market might not seem as healthy as the series of strong
monthly net job gains might suggest. Even so, more people
with Jobs means more people with paychecks, which tends
to (___482___) consumer spending and growth. After a
sharp (___483___) in the economy ill the first three months
of the year, most economists expect growth to exceed a 3
percent annual pace in the second half of 2014.
(a) risk
(b) dangerous
(c) risky
(d) prosperity
(e) aspect
(a) regain (b)
regained (c)been
regained (d)been
(e) lost
(a) raised
(b) rose
(c) raises
(d) diminishes
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) sink
(c) float
(e) floated
(a) hesitating
(b) peacefully
(a) brightened
(b) shining
(d) brightening
(a) aggressively
(c) faithful
(a) subtract
(b) attract
(d) detract
(e) demean
(a) strong
(b) weak
(c) weakening
(d) boosting
(e) boost
(a) contraction
(b) contract
(c) contracting
(d) expand
(e) expanding
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
There is already an extensive empirical literature often
using growth accounts that (___484___) these and other
aspects of India’s economic growth. Many of the studies
(___485___) one or more of the following topics. First, a
number of analysts (___486___) focused on characterizing
Indias economic performance at the most aggregate level.
While there is agreement that growth did indeed improve
during the past quarter century, researchers have reached
varying conclusions on some issues such as the timing and
precise magnitude of this acceleration, and the relative
importance of changes in domestic policy There are
ongoing discussions over the extent to which the current
growth can be maintained and various means by
(___487___) it might be increased. Second, analysts have
examined the behavior of particular output sectors. A
number of authors
have studied productivity
manufacturing reaching a wide range of conflicting
conclusions. However, as expl ained in detail by Goldar and
Mitra (2002), differences in the findings can be (___488___)
to a variety of measurement issues, such as the use of singe
versus double deflation to construct estimates of real
growth1 in manufacturing value added. Goldar (2004)
provides a careful recent update showing that TFP growth
in manufacturing (___489___) to have slowed in the post
reform period raising additional puzzles discussed below.
employment within individual indus tries, our analysis
focuses (___491___) on the broader industrial sector. The 3
studies that focus on India’s services sector (many of
which discuss the issue of sustainability), and those that
discuss agriculture, are discussed in the body of the paper.
Given the large body of prior research, many of the results
to be discussed below (___492___) already well known to
those in the field. Nonetheless, this paper seeks to make a
contribution to drat literature in a variety of ways. In
particular, the growth accounting framework, combined
with our emphasis on data issues, pulls together concerns
that have typically been treated separately, and in some
cases, raise, implications that do not appear to have been
(___493___) recognized. Our updated growth accounts
incorporate recent data revisions, some of which are quite
large. They also provide new estimates for the
contributions to overall growth of labor productivity
growth within the major economic sectors Versus the
gains from real location of labor and capital among the
factors. Furthermore, we have examined a variety of
additional data in our analysis of the role of capital
accumulation providing estimates of the returns to
schooling for human capital, and reporting on trends in
sectoral saving and investment, for physical capital. Thus,
this paper is comprised of four remaining sections. The
next section details the construction of growth accounts
for India, with considerable attention paid to the quality of
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(e) augur
(e) evoIve
(a) has (b) will
(c)should have
(e) had
(a) which
(b) that
(c) if
(d) whether
(a) devote
(b) attributes
(c) attributed
(d) decided
(e) developed
(e) forecast
(a)due to
(c) for want of
(d) than
(e) that
(e) elementary
(e) are
(a) consistent
(b) consistently
(c) haphazardly
(d) irregular
(e) turbulentfy
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Economic development of country is (___ 494___) to their
industrial growth. In a developing country like India, Small
—Scale Industries play a significant role In economic
development of the country. They are a (___ 495___)
segment of Indian economy in terms of their contribution
employment and creation of an entrepreneurial base.
These industries by and large represent a stage in
from traditional
to modem
technology. Small industry plays a very important role in
widening the base of entrepreneur ship. The development
of small industries (___497___) an easy and effective means
of achieving broad based ownership of industry, the
diffusion of enterprise and initiative in the industrial field.
Given their importance, the Government policy framework
right from the First plan has (___498___) the need for the
development of SSI sector keeping In view its (___499___)
importance in the overall economic development of India.
Accordingly, the policy support from the Government
towards Small Scale Industries has tended to be
(___500___) and favourable to the development of small
entrepreneurial class. Government accords the (___501___)
preference to development of SSI by framing and
policies and promotional
schemes. The most important promotional policy of the
Government for the SSIs is fiscal (___503___) in the form of
tax concessions and exemptions of direct or indirect taxes
leviable on production or profits.
(b) relating
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(e) assimilated
(a) mean
(e) insignificant
(b) tansferring
(d) transitional
(a) offer
(c) differ
(a) highlighting
(b) highlighted
(c) heighten
(d) demeaning
(e) demeaned
(a) strategy
(b) less
(c) complex
(d) strategic
(e) meagre
(a) conducive
(b) congruence
(c) unsuitable
(d) unfit
(e) unfair1
(a) high
(c) highest
(d) measurable
(e) lowest
(a) unsuitable
(b) suitably
(c) suitable
(d) strategy
(e) unmatched
(a) incentives
(b) imperatives
(c) needs
(d) improvement
(e) help
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits t he
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Visual experiences can (___504___) children, teenagers and
even adults learn and absorb more due to its highly
stimulating and (___505___) engaging impact. It is for this
reason that we are seeing an increase in schools across the
globe (___506___) content provider programmes into their
class curriculum to (___507___) lessons through video.
Visual excursions and school collaborations are (___ 508___)
by advances in high definition video, high fidelity audio
and content sharing, allowing students to experience a
richer and more stimulating learning experience. Schools
that have previously transported students to excursions in
(___509___) now face increased transportation costs,
higher insurance premiums, attendance costs for the
families and strict duty of care policies for students while
(___510___) school property. Virtual excursions (___ 511___)
students to improve their presentation, research, learning
and speaking skills while they engage i n a live learning
session. Students also now have the ability to meet peers
from many cultures, speak to subjectmatter (___ 512___)
like scientists or authors practise a foreign language with
students from another country, and learn about global
issues from the (___513___) of their own classrooms.
(a) help
(b) aiding
(c) prescribe
(d) feature
(e) present
(a) plus
(b) lonely
(d) many
(e) deeply
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) incorporating
(c) following
(e) leaving
(a) make
(b) demand
(d) vision
(a) dissolved
(b) enhanced
(c) measured
(d) failed
(e) blasted
(a) deed
(b) total
(c) parent
(d) person
(e) lieu
(a) involving
(b) saving
(c) away
(d) off
(e) vacating
(a) let
(b) enable
(c) present
(d) pressure
(e) collect
(a) clauses
(b) dictionaries
(c) books
(d) experts
(e) partners
(b) availability
(c) safety
(d) comfortable
(e) gap
Directions: in the following passage t here are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Agriculture is a (___514___) sector of our economy and
credit plays an important role in increasing agriculture
production. Availability and access to adequate timely and
low cost credit from institutional sources is of great
(___515___) especially to small and marginal farmers. Along
with other inputs, credit is essential for establishing
sustainable and (___516___) farming systems. Most farmers
are small producers engaged in agricultural activities in
areas of widely (___517___) potential. Experience has
shown that easy access to financial services at affordable
cost (___518___) affects productivity, asset formation and
income and food security of the rural poor. The major
concern of the Government therefore, is to bring all the
farmer households within the banking (___ 519___) and
promote complete financial inclusion, The Government has
initiated several policy measures to improve the
accessibility of farmers to institutional sources of credit,
The (___520___) of these policies has been progressive
institutionalisation for providing timely and adequate
credit support to all farmers in order to (___521___) them
to adopt modem technology and improved agricultural
practices for increasing agricultural production and
The policy (___522___) emphasis on
(___523___) credit flow at the ground level.
(e) highest
(e) choice
(a) isolated
(b) apportioned
(c) abject
(d) continuous
(e) profitable
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) justified
(b) true
(c) most
(d) varying
(e) catering
(a) not
(b) seriously
(c) must
(d) positively
(e) patiently
(a) loans
(b) fold
(c) premises
(d) area
(e) branch
(a) truth
(b) aim
(c) goals
(d) founder
(e) course
(a) make
(b) supply
(c) enable
(d) reach
(e) focus
(a) gives
(b) keeps
(c) set
(d) always
(e) lays
(a) augmenting
(b) sending
(c) submitting
(d) receiving
(e) limiting
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been num bered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Although John Wisdom’s writings in philosophy show
clearly the influence of Wittgenstein, they nevertheless
also display a ___1___ originality. Despite the ___2___ and
difficult of his style, a careful reading of Wisdom is seldom
___3___ He is unique kind of genius in philosophy. This
essay is an excellent example of Wisdoms repeated
attempts to ___4___ the ultimate bases of philosophical
perplexity. A great deal of the time Wisdom is interested in
finding out why metaphysicians feel S to utter such strange
sentences (e.g, Time is unreal, There are no material
things, etc). According to Wisdom such sentences are both
false (and perhaps meaningless) and yet ___ 7___. Even
more than Wittgenstein, Wisdom has stressed the
therapeutic conception of philosophy, a view that comes
out, clearly in this essay where he emphasises the analogy
between philosophical and neurotic distress ___8___ them
with other kinds of problems. The reader who is interested
in gaining a fuller ___9___ with Wisdoms thought is referred
to his famous article Gods in philosophy and Psycho
analysis. Other minds in Wisdoms most ___ 10___ discussion
of a single topic and in many his finest work.
(a) concise
(b) virtual
(c) marked
(d) limited
(e) relative
(a) individuality
(b) novelty
(c) originality
(d) complexity
(e) creativity
(a) unprofitable
(b) useful
(c) advantageous
(d) unreliable
(e) durable
(a) jettison
(b) delimit
(c) augment
(d) fortify
(e) explore
(a) admirably
(b) primarily
(c) advertantly
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(d) reluctantly
(e) happily
(a) depressed
(b) confined
(c) alluded
(d) compelled
(e) adapted
(a) Illuminating
(b) damaging
(c) confusing
(d) critical
(e) unreliable
(a) compelling
(b) associating
(c) contrasting
(d) describing
(e) advocating
(a) comparison
(b) analysis
(c) agreement
(d) elaboration
(e) acquaintance
(a) projected
(b) sustained
(c) prolonged
(d) prolific
(e) attributed
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
A friend in need is a friend indeed. A man who stands
___11___ his friend in ___12___ is a true friend. Selfless love
is the base of true friendship. True friends share each
others Joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. They do not fall
___13___ in adversity. They have full confidence in each
other. They never ___14___ each other. ___15___ makes
friends, adversity tiles them. A selfless friend is a ___ 16___ a
selfish friend is a curse. The first is an angel and the second
is a devil. One makes your career while the other ___ 17___
it. True friendship means great self sacrifice on the part of
both. A true friend ___18___ pleasure and convenience. He
goes out of his way and faces difficulties in his way with
joy and even with pride. Joy and sorrow, success and
failure, good fortune and misfortune, are equally ___ 19___
by a pair of true friends. They ___20___ the burden of life
equally for they feel that they sail in the same boat and that
they have to sink and swim together.
(a) to
(b) with
(c) for
(d) by
(e) of
(a) adversity
(b) commotion
(c) change
(d) happiness
(e) growth
(a) by
(b) to
(c) ofT
(d) with
(e) through
(a) postulate
(b) commit
(c) danger
(d) deplete
(e) betray
(a) Wealth
(b) Prosperity
(c) Man
(d) Providence
(e) Wellbeing
(b) force
(c) blessing
(d) calamity
(e) message
(a) throws
(b) develops
(c) constructs
(d) mars
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(e) lacks
(a) foregoes
(b) mitigates
(c) evolves
(d) appraises
(e) prospers
(a) built
(b) pleased
(c) admired
(d) advocated
(e) shared
(a) expect
(b) shoulder
(c) dislike ,
(d) propose
(e) project
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against eac h
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The Government seems to be in right earnest to ensure
more ___21___ in governance. The Prime Ministers
announcement that his Government is ___22___ drafting
legislation to ___23___ the citizens right to information is
indeed welcome. Though the talk on the right to
Information is not new, we may ___ 24___ the Bill to be
brought early this time. The previous Government had set
up a high level committee to ___25___ a draft bill. But
nothing has been heard about the batter since. ___25___ the
committee did quit some work. The issue, however, has
come to such a pause that a solution cannot be ___ 27___
further. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, a foreign Judge
once said, while ___28___ the unwarranted secrecy in an
administrative system. When those is authority know that
people have the right to ask questions and the Government
is under the ___29___ to provide them with answers
___30___ of authority, or of public finances, for personal or
party ends Is less likely to happen.
(a) strictness
(b) rudeness
(c) leniency
(d) economy
(e) transparency
(a) personally
(b) busy
(d) reluctantly
(e) absolutely
(a) presumption
(c) curb
(e) establish
(a) expect
(b) wait
(a) level
(b) regard
(c) prepare
(d) enact
(e) unearth
(a) even
(b) as
(c) because
(d) until
(e) though
(a) found
(b) expect
(c) delayed
(d) looked
(e) longed
(a) nurturing
(b) criticising
(c) demanding
(d) appreciating
(e) upholding
(a) pretention
(b) substance
(c) property
(d) affect
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(e) obligation
(a) misuse
(b) governance
(c) dishonour
(d) curbing
(e) breach
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The tea plant, a native of Southern China, was known
___31___ very early times to Chinese botany and medicine.
It is ___32___ to in the classics ___33___ the various names of
Tou, Tseh, Chung. Kha and Ming and was ___ 34___ praised
for possessing the viruses of ___35___ fatigue, delighting the
soul, strengthening the will and repairing the eyesight. It
was not only administered as an internal dose, but often
___35___ externally in the form of paste to ___ 37___
rheumatic pains. The Tao ists claimed it ___38___ mi
important ___39___ of the elixir of immortality. The
Buddhists used it extensively to prevent drowsiness
during ___40___ long hours of meditation.
31. (a)
to (b)
after (c)
(d) beyond
(e) behind
(a) taken
(b) resorted
(c) awarded
(d) alluded,
(e) introduced
(a) under
(b) between
(c) among
(d) besides
(e) like
(a) rarely
(b) loosely
(c) under
(d) severely
(e) highly
(a) absorbing
(b) relieving
(c) avoiding
(d) resolving
(e) recognising
(a) Inserted
(b) developed
(c) conceived
(d) controlled
(e) applied
(a) recuperate
(b) alleviate
(c) conceal
(d) Indicate
(e) slow
38. (a)
to (b)
(c) although
(d) as
(e) hardly
(a) ingredient
(b) aspect (c)
offshoot (d)
outcome (e)
(a) that
(c) their
(d) our
(e) remote
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
In these days ,of economic liberalisation, globalisation etc.
materialistic values have assumed ___41___ importance,
Money, physical comforts and luxuries are the most sought
after aspects .There has been ___42___ competition. Such
competition ___43___ undue stress. The stress leads to
___44___ of health of the people. Indian culture has ___ 45___
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its striking uniqueness, as against the Western culture, in
the fact that there is a ___46___ place for spiritualism in our
value system in all walks of life. The spirituality is a very
___47___ force which helps us in maintaining our physical
and mental health. It gives us ___48___ to cope with the
stress. Westerners have now ___49___ the importance of
spirituality and, therefore, they have started ___50___ us in
the matter of spirituality.
(a) usual
(b) little
(c) tangible
(d) least
(e) greater
(a) critical
(b) unhealthy
(c) unequalled
(d) no
(e) absolute
(a) releases
(b) deserves
(c) generates
(d) demonstrates
(e) suppresses
(a) neglect
(b) illness
(c) generation
(d) deterioratibn
(e) encroachment
(a) maintained
(b) illustrated
(c) marginalized
(d) bestowed
(e) forsaken
(c) formal
(d) clean
(e) distinct
(b) dedicated
(c) vital
(d) common
(e) dynamic
(a) strength
(b) tips
(c) clearance
(d) sermons
(e) ideals
(a) informed
(b) narrated
(c) intensified
(d) realised
(e) invented
(a) encouraging
(b) imitating
(c) blaming
(d) preaching
(e) assuming
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The first proposal I submitted for my dissertation at UCLA
was to write a theory of personality. My chairman, a kindly
man, smiled ___51___ and told me that perhaps this was a
bit ambitious for a young graduate student.___52___ I
accepted his verdict and changed my topic, but not my
desire. It ___53___ later, when I had a chance to begin to
___54___ a theory in my research on group dynamics for the
Navy during the Korean War. As I ___55___ the reasons for
the persistence of my interest in overarching theory, I had
an ___56___ memory. When I was around eight years old, I
was a ___57___ baseball fan, as was my father. My hero was
Lou Gohrig. I would approach my father in an attempt to
prove to him how good Gohrig really was He hit ___363___,
had ___49___ home runs, batted in ___165___ runs. He’s
terrific I My father’s response caught me off guard Yes, but
he cant field. I wasn’t prepared for that. From then on, my
way of ___58___ with my father’s responses was to make
sure I knew everything about any topic I wanted to talk to
him about. Partly as a ___59___. I became a honest, I had to
make sure I had ___60___ for everything.
(a) usually
(b) profusely,
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(c) benignly r
(d) abruptly f
(e) decidedly
(a) Indolently
(b) Skillfully
(c) Enchanted
(d) Constrained
(e) Chagrined
(a) lamented
(b) resurfaced
(c) appreciated
(d) provided
(e) projected
(a) inject (b)
involve (c)
exhibit , (d)
formulate (e)
(a) pondered
(b) evaluated
(c) developed
(d) perfected
(e) appreciated
(a) interesting
(b) obvious
(c) engulfing
(d) esteemed
(e) evolving
(a) precarious
(b) haunting
(c) deliberate
(d) pervasive
(a) patience
(b) alliance
(c) influence
(d) coping
(e) questioning
(a) custom
(b) capacity
(d) preference
(e) posterity
(a) consideration
(c) longing
(e) established
Directions: in the following passage there are bl anks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Lately, the media seems to have gone berserk in (___ 61___)
everything that pertains to the New Economy . Behind the
great bulk of the articles on the subject are two (___ 62___)
assumption. First, that the New Economy businesses are
likely to push Old Economy industries all the way into
oblivion. Second, that (___63___) about the New Economy is
far superior to that of the Old Economy. Both those
emphatic assumptions could be (___64___) flawed. Physical
products—the cornerstone of the Old Economy —are
hardly likely to (___65___) out in importance even in the
age of the Internet, After all, the consumption of physical
goods is hardly going down. In everything—from steel
automobiles (___66___) Is only going up. But above and
beyond all this, the New Economy also needs Old Economy
products to survive. You can sell goods on the Internet,
ater all, only if (___67___) is producing those goods. Besides
which, people still want all those Old Economy goods. As
far as the second point is concerned, the one big weakness
about the new Economy is that it is (___68___) more volatile
than the Old Economy. The rate of evolution of products —
the crux of the Old Economy —will (___69___) always be
slower than the rate of the growth and proliferation on
new ideas on any given subject. And hence, the Old
Economy (based on products) will always be relatively
more (___70___) than the New Economy (based largely on
(a) listening
(b) advocate
(c) ignoring
(d) adopting
(e) viewing
(a) bold
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(b) emphasizing
(c) underlying
(d) overriding
(e) overlapping
(a) glitter
(b) everything
(c) each thing
(d) proceed
(e) highlight
(a) thinking
(b) deliberately
(c) casually
(d) carelessly
(e) seriously
(a) lose
(b) charm
(c) iron
(d) stand
(e) bear
(b) movement
(c) consumption
(d) cost
(e) production
(a) mass
(b) someone
(c) none
(d) person
(e) marketing
(a) obviously
(b) reportedly
(c) naturally
(d) intrinsically
(e) abysmally
(a) subjectively
(b) deliberately
(c) have
(d) accordingly
(e) necessarily
(a) stable
(b) dogmatic
(c) fragile
(d) volatile
(e) specific
(___71___) Stringent antipollution laws, mass awareness
levels in India about the need to (___72___) the
environment are low. Which is (___73___) many people
Insist that mere laws won’t do what we (___74___) need are
environment conscious citizens. It is in this context that
the University’s (___75___) to introduce environment
studies as a compulsory paper at the undergraduate level
(___76___) significance. There was some (___77___) initially
about who would teach the paper be CLOZETEST —cause
financial (___78___) make It impossible for colleges to
(___79___) approval for new teaching posts. In fact, in
August 1999, the University Grants Commission (UGC)
imposed a ban on the creation of new teaching posts in
colleges. (___80___) with this problem, authorities at the
university have decided that serving teachers belonging to
various disciplines will teach the paper.
(a) Despite
(b) Having
(c) Enacting
(d) Although
(e) Adopting
(a) contaminate
(b) clean
(c) filter
(d) protect
(e) pollute
(a) resulting
(b) why
(c) obvious
(d) because
(e) as
(a) seldom
(b) don’t (c)
hardly (d)
actually (e)
(a) inability
(b) deferral
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(c) decision
(d) reluctance
(e) failure
(a) extracts
(b) trivalency
(c) expects
(d) assumes
(e) loses
(e) priority
(b) constraints
(c) apathy
(d) soundness
(e) independence
(a) receive
(b) establish
(c) emphasize
(d) expect
(e) sanction
(a) Down
(b) Familiarity
(c) Faced
(d) convinced
(e) solution
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested , one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
In an upper class drawing room in Mumbai, a dozen or so
(___81___) the city’s intelligentsia is (___82___) on the dregs
of what was a livewire party an hour ago. Poets , editors,
writers, filmmakers, all card-carrying members of the rich
and powerful, not at this late hour, on their I their ninth
drink are (___83___) in what Indians are best known to do
media bashing, armchair criticism and name-calling.
Inevitably the talk turns to Tehelka, and its managing
director and editor-in-chief, Tarun Tejpal, and the party
quickly degenerates into an orgy of guilt and shame and
that peculiar habit of the Indian intelligentsia passing the
buck, with every one present attacking hi s neighbour for
not supporting Tejpal more. It is a trait Tejpal is (___ 84___)
with and has been telling me about in the weeks preceding
this interview. Often at parties when someone (___ 85___)
me great job, cany on what you are doing, and showers
with me staggering praise, staggering love, staggering
(___86___) I just smile and let it pass as I dont want to score
a brownie point and say, and what about you boss, what
will you do ?This lightly tossed sentence with the slightest
hint of a dark chuckle is the only time I have seen Tejpal
allow for bitterness, though I have been (___87___) him for
weeks for sings of it. Because, for a man who has been the
victim of the most (___88___) government witch hunts in
recent years, Tejpal is astonishingly devoid of (__ _89___)
You expect him to rage, to spew fire, to heap scorn and
anger at his enemies, and instead, what you encounter, is a
man in whose eyes you see only compassion and a weary
understanding of the nature of the beast. The abiding irony
in all this is that unlike his armchair supporters in the
middle class, who rave and rant on his behalf, but do
nothing else, Tejpal displays forbearance. The fact that I
am essentially a literary animal and that my entire
sensibility has been shaped by literature has helped. I’m
not a black and white person. Im a (___ 90___) who
understands the greys, he says to me at a coffee shop, over
(b) in
(d) off
(b) feeds
(d) feeding
(b) lending
(d) indulging
(b) familiar
(d) free
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(a) bold
(b) said
(c) ask
(d) say
(e) tells
(a) delight
(b) contempt
(c) worship
(d) affection
(e) admiration
(a) lure
(b) teasing
(c) baiting
(d) harassing
(e) matching
(a) gentle
(b) good
(c) virtuous
(d) vicious
(e) wicked
(a) forbearance
(b) anger
(c) wrath
(d) forgiveness
(e) gale
(a) boy
(b) guy
(c) youth
(d) human being
(e) fellow
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Many kinds of insects are (___91___) and larger animals
learn to (___92___) eating them. It is in the (___93___) of
these insects to show a (___94___) flag of some kind. The
typical wasp, for example, ___195___) a conspicuous colour
pattern of black and yellow (___96___) on its body. This is
(___97___) distinctive that it is easy for a (___ 98___) animal
to remember it. After a few unfortunate experiences is
quickly learns to (___99___) insects bearing this pattern.
Other, unrelated, poisonous insect species may also carry a
similar pattern. They become members of what has been
called awarding club. The important point for us, in the
present (___100___) is that some harmless species of
insects have taken (___101___) of this system by developing
colour patterns similar to those of the poisonous members
of the warning club. Certain innocuous flies, for instance,
(___102___) black and yellow bands on their bodies that
mimic the colour patterns of the wasps. By becoming
(___103___) members of the warning club they reap the
benefits without having to (___104___) any real poison. The
killers dare not attack them, even though they would, in
reality, make a (___105___) meal.
(a) flying
(b) conspicuous
(c) vulnerable
(d) big
(e) pbtsonous
(a) desist
(b) adjust
(c) prefer
(d) avoid
(e) nurture
(a) habit
(b) interest
(c) goodwill
(d) welfare
(e) help
(a) dangerous
(b) ambiguous
(c) warning
(d) coloured
(e) safety
(a) reveal
(b) paints
(c) flashes
(d) carried
(e) loaded
(a) bands
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(b) pieces
(c) paint
(d) colours
(e) clothes
(a) bold
(b) love
(d) abstain
(e) avoid
(b) premise
(d) day
(e) view
(b) yield
(d) ride
(e) advantage
(d) wear
(e) bears
(a) unregistered
(b) fake
(c) honorary
(d) sycophant
(e) original
(b) Inject
(d) earn
(e) load,
(a) troublesome
(b) delicious
(c) indigestible
(d) hazardous
(e) cheap
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Most of us are (___106___) of open Conflict and avoid it if
we can. And there is a (___107___) to expressing and
working through conflict. If the working through involves
harsh words and name-calling people feel deeply hurt mid
relationships Can be (___108___). Sometimes permanently.
Sony group members may be afraid that if they really
(___109___) their anger, they may go. out Of control and
become violent or they may do this. These fears can be
very (___110___) and based on experience. So why take the
risk ? Why not avoid conflict at all costs ? Conflict is rather
like disease (___111___) is best. That means attending to
areas where (___112___) may occur before they become an
issue. If you have not (___113___) a conflict happening, your
next choice is to treat it early, or hope that it goes away. If
it goes away over time fine. If it (___114___), then you will
still have to handle (treat) it and it i s likely to be more
(a) scared
(b) carefull
(c) reckless
(d) aware
(e) worried
(a) challenge
(b) measure
(c) principle
(d) chance
(e) risk
(a) established
(b) maligned
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(c) damaged
(d) rebuilt
(e) involved
(a) sublimate
(b) express
(c) minimize
(d) regulate
(e) control
(a) baseless
(b) imaginary
(e) national
(e) medicine
(a) harmony
(b) discomfiture
(e) statement
(a) expressed
(b) ignored
(c) induced
(d) seen
(a) doesn’t
(b) wont
(c) dont
(d) not
(a) credible
(b) serious
(c) fraudulent
(d) urgent
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Economic growth figures for the first quarter of this
financial year seem to support the claim that the worst
may be over for the Indian economy. The gradual revival is
also an indication that the governments economic stimulus
package is (___116___). What could, however, upset the
positive outlook is the drought which (___ 117___) large
parts of the country and its impact on overall growth. Even
though the monsoon had picked up (___ 118___) the rains
received were grossly (___119___). There are clear
(___120___) that farm output, particularly cereals, will fall
drastically. Insufficient rain is bound to shoot up the
(___121___) of agricultural commodities and that would
impact the economy as g whole. The drought would also
(___122___) a drastic reduction in rural employment and
consumption besides inflation In the prices of food articles.
Food prices have been (___123___) since the past few
months, and lower agricultural production, is likely to
(___124___) the situation. The government has said that
food grain from the buffer stocks will be used to keep
prices (___125___). Subsidised food grain is necessary in
these times, but its effectiveness will depend a lot on the
distribution system.
(a) impractical
(b) ambiguous
(c) failing (d)
working (e)
(a) strike
(b) affected
(c) exposed
(d) revered
(e) altered
(a) unseasonably
(a) Inadequate
(b) enough
(d) ample
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(e) atrocious
(a) contradictions
(c) reasons
(e) indications
(a) production
(b) requirement
(c) prices
(d) yield
(a) trigger
(b) lead
(d) contribute
(e) dampen
(a) improving
(b) balanced
(c) stable
(d) increasing
(e) decreasing
(a) aggravate
(b) amend
(c) smoothen
(d) improve
(e) challenge
(a) unprofitable
(b) futile
(c) maximum
(d) growing
(e) down
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
There is a considerable amount of research about the
factors that make a company innovate. So is it possible to
create an environment (___126___) to innovation ? This is a
particularly pertinent (___127___) for India today. Massive
problems in health, education etc. (___128___) be solved
using a conventional approach but (___129___) creative and
innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and
(___130___). There are several factors in India’s (___131___).
Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large,
young population (___132___). While these (___133___)
innovation policy interventions certain additional steps
are also required. These include (___134___) investment in
research and development by (___135___) the government
and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from
the academic world etc. To fulfil its promise of being
prosperous and to be at the forefront, India must be
(a) stimuli
(b) conducive
(c) incentive
(d) facilitated
(e) impetus
(a) objective
(b) controversy
(c) doubt
(d) question
(e) inference
(a) cannot
(b) possibly
(c) should1
(d) never
(e) must
(a) necessary
(b) apply
(c) need
(d) consider
(e) requires
(a) quantity
(b) advantages
(c) increase
(d) chaos
(e) growth
(a) challenges
(b) praises
(c) favour
(d) leverage
(e) esteem
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) blessed
(b) enjoys
(c) endows
(d) prevails
(e) occurs
(a) aid
(b) jeopardise
(c) promotes
(d) endure
(e) cater
(a) acute
(b) utilising
(c) restricting
(d) inspiring
(a) both
(b) besides
(c) combining
(d) participating
(e) also
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Around the world, forests are being (___136___) at a rate of
about thirteen million hectares a year and deforestation
accounts for an estimated 17%,
20% of all global
emissions. In addition, forests and other terrestrial carbon
sinks play a (___137___) role in preventing runaway climate
change, soaking up a full 2.6 Gt of atmospheric carbon
every year. The destruction of forests, therefore, not only
emits carbon a staggering 1.6 Gt a year, which severely
(___138___) forests capacity to absorb emissions from
other sources but also drastically (___139___) the amount
of forested land available to act as a carbon sink in the
future. However, the effects of deforestation extend
beyond carbon. Rainforests (___140___) a wide variety of
ecosystems services, from regulati ng rainfall to purifying
ground water and keeping fertile soil from (___ 141___)
deforestation in one area can seriously damage food
production and (___142___) to clean water in an entire
region. The value of global ecosystem services has been
estimated at ___33___ trillion USD each year (almost half of
global GDP), but these services have been taken for
granted without a mechanism to make the market reflect
their value. Rainforests are also a home and (___ 143___) of
income for a huge number of people in Africa, Asia, and
South America. (___144___) this, economic pressures
frequently drive both local communities and national
governments in the developing world to (___ 145___) these
forests in ways that are unsustainable, clearcutting vast
areas for fuel, timber, mining, or agricultural land.
(a) ended
(b) destroyed
(c) extinct
(d) killed
(e) wasted
(a) tough
(b) important
(c) vital
(d) biggest
(e) effective
(a) affect
(b) diminish
(c) increases
(d) alternates
(e) impairs
(a) plagues
(b) develops
(c) reduces
(d) shortens
(e) influences
(a) sell
(e) earns
(a) transforming
(c) erupting
(e) eroding
(a) handiness
(b) excess
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(d) access ,
(a) beginning
(b) source
(c) ways
(d) reference
(e) measure
(a) Despite
(b) Also
(c) Inspite
(d) Apart
(e) Beside
(a) exploit
(b) encompass
(c) nurture
(d) work
(e) Improve,
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
There is a considerable amount of research about the
factors that make a company innovate. So is it possible to
create an environment (___148___) to innovation ? This is a
particularly pertinent 1147) for India today. Massive
problems In health, education etc. 1148) be solved using a
approach but (___149___) creative and
innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and
(___150___). There are several factors in India’s (___151___).
Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large,
young population (___152___). While these (___153___)
innovation policy interventions certain additional steps
are also required. These include (___154___) investment In
research and development by (___155___) the government
and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from
the academic world etc. To fulfill Its promise of being
prosperous and to be at the forefront, India must be
(e) impetus
(e) inference
(e) must
(a) necessary
(b) apply
(e) requires
(e) growth
(a) challenges
(b) praises
(d) leverage
(e) esteem
(a) blessed
(b) enjoys
(d) prevails
(e) occurs
(a) aid
(d) endure
(e) cater
(a) acute
(b) utilising
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(d) inspiring
(e) increased
(a) both
(b) besides
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The fact that the majority of south Asia’s population of
about 1.5 billion (___156___) in villages points towards the
need for marketers to develop a good understanding of
rural markets and the rural marketing phenomenon. For
our purpose, we define rural marketing (___ 157___) any
marketing activity in which one dominant participant is
from a rural area. This implies that rural marketing
comprises marketing of inputs to rural markets as well as
marketing of outputs from rural markets to (___158___)
geographical areas. It Is not only the size of the population
that makes rural markets in South Asia very (___ 159___) for
marketers in India. Rural markets (___160___) for a similar
proportion for consumer durable products too. Banking
system, limited availability of credit facilities, and
are additional
development of rural areas by addressing issues such as
poverty, unequal growth, and poor infrastructure. This has
led to (___164___) improvements in rural literacy levels in
the last few years, in all the South Asian countries. In
addition, investments by governments in improving farm
opportunities in rural areas have made rural markets in
South Asia more (___165___) and prosperous.
(a) Believes
(b) Resides
(d) Focuses
(e) Amalgamates
(e) While
(e) Many
159. (a)Valid
(e) Prime
(a) Responded
(c) Accounted
(e) Seized
(a) Attractions
(b) Obstacles
(d) Pitfalls
(a) Pragmatic
(b) Scientific,
(d) Innovative
(e) Practical
(a) Fund
(c) Attention
(d) Primacy
(e) Resources
(a) Appreciable
(a) Appropriate
(b) Relevant
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(c) Vibrant
(d) Challenging
(e) Dynamic
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
India with its 600 universities and 35,000 colleges is the
third (___166___) education system in the world. But 68
per cent of these universities and 73 per cent of colleges
are (___167___) to be medium or low quality by Indian
standard itself. With a severe shortage of quality higher
education institutions, India faces the challenge of
educating nearly 30 per cent of its 1,1 billion people.
Certainly, India requires many more institutions of higher
(___168___) since nearly 100 million students are going to
the higher education market in the next 10 years. In such a
scenario improving the standards
of (___169___)
universities and establishing quality institutions should be
our priority. Steps should be (___170___) to reduce the
disconnect between higher education institutions and
industry requirements. The possibilities of private sector
contributions in higher education should be fully exploited.
The practice of big business houses and philanthropists
promoting quality universities in the west could be
(___171___) in India. But before initiating such private
sector participation in higher education the government
should ensure that there are proper checks and controls
on the activities of such entities. Also It is our recent
experience that the mushrooming of substandard schools
and (___172___) universities (___173___) resulted in the
deterioration of educational standards in India. Upgrading
the higher education sector especially in terms of patents
filed and cutting edge research output is essential in
ranking. Our sustainable
economic development depends on Human resources. A
quality higher education base is essential (___174___) reap
full benefits of our demographic dividend. In its mission to
redress inefficiencies in higher education, the strategies of
the 12th plan focus on technical education, distance
learning, quality research, infrastructure, faculty and
curriculum content. Wholehearted, coordinated efforts of
the government departments and the private sector are
needed to (___175___) the plans educational goals.
(a) largest
(b) large
(c) larger
(d) bigger
(e) affluent
(a) founded
(b) found
(c) finding
(d) being found
(e) been founded
(a) learn
(b) learning
(c) played
(d) paid
(e) paying
(a) existing
(b) existed
(c) perished
(d) excellent
(e) exciting
(a) take
(b) took
(c) taken
(d) stopped
(e) forwarded
(a) repeated
(b) replicated
(c) copying
(d) repeating
(e) replicating
(a) deemed
(b) deeming
(c) dreaming
(d) dreamt
(e) deemful
(a) have
(b) has
(c) has been
(d) have been
(e) would be
174. (a)
for (b)
in (c)
with (d)
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(e) by
(a) realise (b)
realising (c)
understand (d)
achieving (e)
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Women (___176___) up half the world’s population and yet
represent a staggering 70% of the world’s poor. We live in
a world iri which women living in poverty face gross
(___177___) and injustice from birth to death. From poor
education to poor nutrition to (___ 178___) and low pay
employment, the sequence of discrimination that a woman
may suffer during her entire life is unacceptable but all too
common. Millennium Development Goal 3 is to promote
gender equality and empower women. This MDG is critical
for (___179___) poverty and improving prospects for
women. But how can women break gender based
stereotypes to minimise discrimination and (___ 180___)
gender based violence when they are trapped In societies
with sociocultural practices which routinely discriminate
them from having equal opportunities in education, health
and livelihood? These women are invisible and the
(___181___) in their way prevent them from accessing the
most basic human rights and needs. The outlook is bleak.
Women make up 70% of the world’s working hours and
(___182___) only 10% of the world’s income and half of
what men earn. This leads to greater poverty, slower
economic growth and a (___183___) standard of living. In
developing countries, millions of women also die each year
as a result of gender based (___184___) . This deep rooted
gender discrimination creates a bleak outlook for women
in developing countries. For millions of girls living in
poverty, it is often those clos est to them who work against
the child’s interests and their Immediate environment ig
often (___185___) and sometimes, downright harmful.
Parents arrange marriages when you are a child.
Neighbours say, if you are a girl, you must limit your
activities to your home. Friends say, it is OK not to go to
(a) made
(d)has made
(e) complete
(a) equality
(e) justice
(a) vulnerable
(b) weakness
(a) tackle
(a) increase
(e) influencing
(a) obstacles
(e) encouragements
(a) earns
(e)(51 spends
(a) slow
(e) lower
(a) violence
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(e) violation
(a) functional
(b) natural
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Generally a disaster (___186___) in significant loss in social,
psychological, and economic aspects. It not only
(___187___) to structural damages, but also leaves families
tom apart, children orphaned, livelihoods destroyed, and
communities traumatized Non-structural factors such as
lack of responsiveness of government officials and
Ineffective leadership are mainly (___188___) for any
disaster mismanagement. India is (___189___) to a variety
of natural and manmade disasters. Strong and effective
emergency management has been a felt (___190___) In all
comers of the world. Effective policies play a vital role in
mitigating the impact of disasters and (___ 191___) likely
losses of life and property .Economic resources are
important for any disaster management, (___192___) it has
been recognized that economic resources did not
necessarily translate into greater investment in the
domain, as there is no (___193___) of issues that demanded
management has (___194___) acquired importance in the
agenda of governance, unless there is a major natural or
manmade disaster. The major shortcomings observed in
Indian disaster management, along with their probable
solutions, are discussed (___195___) an important basis.
(e) sends
187. (a)leads
(b)leading, J3)led
(c)has led
(d) will lead
(a) response
(b) responding
(d) liable
(e) careful
(e) voluble
(a) reduce
(e) increasing
(e) Yet
(e) seldom
(e) with
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Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The traditional method of managing credit risk is
(___196___) diversification. Although (___197___) credit risk
through diversification is effective, institutions are often
constrained by (___198___) of diversification (___190___) on
account of limited area of (___200___). During the last few
years, managing credit risk through selling assets by way
or securitisation has (___201___) in popularity. The market
for securitized assets has grown (___202___) in the last few
years and Is expected to grow further in the (___ 203___)
years. This mode or credit risk mitigation is most
(___204___) to loans with standardized payment schedules
and similar credit risk characteristics such as housing
loans, auto loans, credit card receivables, etc. Further,
shedding loans through securitization might (___ 205___)
client relationship. In this context, credit derivatives
provide a new technique for managing credit risk.
(e) through
(a) watching
(c) taking
(e) seeing
(e) want
(a) luck
(a) place
(c) operations
(e) work
(e) profited
(a) gigantic
(a) desired
(e) bum
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Changing an organizations culture is one of the most
because an
organizations culture (___206___) interlocking set of goals,
processes, values communications
attitudes and assumptions. These elements (___ 207___)
together as a mutually reinforcing system and combine to
prevent any (___208___) to change it. That is why single fix
challenges, such as the introduction of teams. Of lean, or
agile, or scrum or knowledge management or some new
process, may (___209___) to make progress for a while, but
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(___210___) the interlocking elements of the organisational
culture (___211___) over and the change is Inexorably
drawn (___212___) into the existing organisational culture.
Changing a culture Is large scale undertaking and
eventually all of the organisational focus for changing
minds will need to be put in play. However, the (___ 213___)
in which they are deployed has a Critical (___214___) on the
(___215___) of success.
(a) Less
(b) embraces
(c) comprises
(d) makes
(e) composes
(a) amalgamate
(b) conjoin
(c) fit
(d) stands
(e) attach
(a) attempt
(b) energy
(c) ways
(d) power
(e) tries
(a) Look
(b) appear
(c) perform
(d) suspect
(e) seek
(a) especially
(b) presently
(c) likely
(d) eventually
(e) lately
(a) Bounce
(b) throw
(c) seize
(d) jump
(e) take
(a) forth
(b) ahead
(c) gain
(d) set
(e) back
(a) order
(b) succession
(c) Idea
(d) step
(e) label
(a) affect
(b) impact
(c) control
(d) jolt
(e) shake
(a) change
(b) odd
(c) risk
(d) likelihood
(e) option
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered . against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Studies ___1___ the impact of computer models to support
policymaking processes in organizations have ___ 2___ that
client involvement in the model building process is often a
___3___ for effective model building. One important reason
is that the process of model building is frequently more
important than the resulting model. Model building itself Is
largely a £ process about the problem. Most ___5___ about
the characteristics of an ill structured problem are gained
during the ___6___ process of designing a computer model,
rather than after the model is finished. Another important
reason is that most Information in an organis ation ___7___
In the mental models of organisation members. To support
policy making in organisation Jt is this knowledge which
needs to be ___8___ and represented In the model. An
important topic in client oriented or ___9___ model building
thus becomes the ___10___ of relevant knowledge
contained in the mental models of participants.
(a) evaluating
(b) focussing
(d) advocating
(e) directing
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(a) devised
(e) indicated
(a) support
(e) blueprint
(a) valuable
(b) durable
(d) learning
(e) critical
(a) thinking
(b) insights
(d) appreciation
(e) opinions
(a) elongated
(a) resides
(b) follows
(c) settles
(d) lays
(e) committed
(a) extended
(b) bisected
(c) subjected
(d) captured
(e) attributed
(a) revolving
(b) interactive
(d) accentuated
(e) formative
(a) demarcation
(c) proliferation
(e) elicitation
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
With the U.S. military tied down on two fronts and the rest
of the world growing (___11___) to American power, the
challenges for Rice are as (___12___) as they have been for
any Secretary of State in the past three decades. After six
years of tussling with others on Bush’s national security
team, Rice has seen off her rivals and (___ 13___) as the
principal spokesperson for Bush’s foreign (___ 14___). Her
reward has been to (___15___) responsibility for selling a
failed policy in Iraq and (___16___) a legacy for Bush at a
time when (___17___) in the world are in the mood to help
her. Bush is severely (___18___) and has very little
(___19___) or support at home or abroad, says Leslie Gelb,
former president of the Council on Foreign Relations. That
is (___20___) true for his Secretary of State. So they are
basically flailing around.
11. (a)resistant
(a) obvious
(a) aid
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(a) shirk (b)
(d) visualize
(e) inherit
(a) focusing
(d) salvage
(e) demolishing
(a) people
(d) autocrats
(e) most
(a) intensified
(c) weakened
(d) protected
(e) supported
(a) credibility
(b) difficulty
(d) power
(e) enthusiasm
(a) not
(b) uniformly
(e) also
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against
each five words are suggested, one of which fills the blanks
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each
case.(RBI GradeB Officer Exam. 2008) Sport may be a
(___21___) pursuit for many yet it does define life in all its
(___22___). The (___23___) of sport lies in enjoying the
(___24___) of the sportsman who weaves (___ 25___)
patterns on the field to leave the watcher spellbound.
Great (___26___) does not always make a great sportsman.
What makes a great sportsman is when that talent
(___27___) itself in times of im He has to prove time and
again that when (___29___) of the team is at (___30___) he Is
the one to be relied upon.
(a) expensive
(b) regular
(d) significant
(e) meaningless
(a) hues
(b) possibility
(d) contrast
(e) quest
(a) demand
(b) improvement
(d) beauty
(e) accomplishment
(b) nature
(d) industry
(e) cunning
(b) sensible
(d) daring
(e) intricate
(a) resources
(b) practice
(d) contribution
(e) decision
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) possesses
(b) contributes
(d) expresses
(e) retains
(a) uncertainly
(c) calamity
(e) encounter
(a) dominance
(b) endeavour
(d) winning
(a) vicinity
(b) imbalance
(d), decline
(e) dishonour
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The barter system for getting goods and serv ices (___31___)
back many Centuries. In most cultures the barter system
was used before money was (___32___). People who had
specific items of services would (___ 33___) these with
others for the things they needed. Good negotiation was
the (___34___) to making good trades. While the barter
system (___35___) based on basic needs, today the barter
system continues to thrive. The barter system transcends
the monetary system. The barter system is making a
(___36___) today. What makes the barter system even
better today than ever before is that it can now be done
globally. In the past bartering was simply done with those
that were located nearby. Today the barter system can be
used In a much more (___37___) way than ever before yet it
carries with it the same bas ic motivation the need for
something that you dont have and the excess of something
that someone else wants. The barter system is enjoying
(___38___) interest today. Bartering allows you to get the
things you need without having to (___ 39___) additional
money. Instead you can use the things you no longer need
or want to get the things you do heed. There are swap
markets and online auctions that (___40___) you to sell or
—I trade your items or to purchase items that you want.
Negotiation takes place jUst li ke it did hundreds of years
(a) discovered
(b) dates
(d) started
(e) initiated
(a) bought
(b) imagined
(d) emerged
(e) invented
(a) buy
(d) give
(e) return
(a) important
(b) essential,
(c) result
(d) key
(e) intention
(a) originated
(b) stood
(d) created
(e) produced
(a) issue
(b) comeback
(d) recall
(e) fading
(a) primitive
(b) appreciated
(d), sophisticated
(e) better
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(a) diminishing
(c) perishing
(e) renewed
(a) expend
(b) exchanging
(d) consume
(a) insist
(b) force
(d) lure
(e) constraint
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The continuing economic crisis has put central banks and
governments the world over into (___41___) waters. For the
industrialized West, the question seems to be a choice
between economic stimulus and jobs, in the hope of
creating a softer landing, or a swift shock at the hands of
the free markets, in the hope of getting through the
(___42___) more quickly. In emerging markets, the question
is how to deal with being the focal point for investors
looking to maximise returns. Specifically, for the Federal
Reserve in the United States, that means (___ 43___)
hundreds of billions of dollars into the markets
Treasury bills to increase liquidity. In Europe the concern
is that monetary union may be at risk due to the strains
posed by eurozone countries that are (___ 44___) in
(___45___). In Asia, on the other hand, economies are
surging, but the prospect of hot money flowing into the
region could potentially spell (___46___) due to overheat
ingFears that the Feds second, round of quantitative easing
may lead to a faster pace of (___47___) may be (___48___).
US unemployment remains persistently high at around 10
per cent, while Inflation remains astoundingly low at 1 per
cent or less, the slowest on record. That’s despite the Feds
earlier injection of $ 1.7 trillion into the financial system to
avert an economic depression in the wake of the global
financial crisis. In contrast to the Feds quantitative easing,
the European Central Bank has reduced liquidity in the
European banking system by some 350 billion euros
during the past five months. This reflects the central banks
(___49___) in the improved stability of the banking system
and easier (___50___) to capital.
41. (a)tested
(a) downturn
(b) spectrum
(c) options
(d) hope
(e) drama
(a) sucking
(b) pumping
(c) forming
(d) blocking
(e) promoting
(a) mired
(b) safe
(c) above
(d) unhappy
(e) out
(a) market
(b) trouble
(c) debt
(d) surplus
(e) manner
(a) positive
(b) negative
(c) trouble
(d) growth
(e) process
(a) cost
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(e) simple
(a) weakness
(b) strength
(d) contract
(e) confidence
50. (a)denial
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Marine life (___51___) along the coast and in the ocean
results from harmful fishing practices such as trawling or
dynamite fishing poor land practices in agricultural,
(___52___) development and forestry sectors and the
human activities such as mining and anchoring. Destroyed
habitats include sea grasses, marshes, corals and man,
groves all of which are important nurseries for fish and
critical for buffering coasts from storm damage. Damaging
habitat can lead to increased (___53___) and sedimentation,
increased impact from storms, fewer (___ 54___) grounds
and fewer places for animals and plants to live. Destructive
landbased sedimentation,
dredging, marine
recreation, typhoons and storms, poor agricultural
practices, and coastal dev elopment and land (___55___)
Increasingly (___56___) and devastate productive marine
habitats. One major ecological impact derives from
increased sediment loads in coastal waters from activities
such as logging. Sedimentation, which produces turbidity
and limits the (___57___) of sunlight (___58___) primary and
secondary producers thus altering food web dynamics. The
smothering of coral reefs by sediment also (___ 59___) fish
and produces ecosystem changes. Chemicals in sediments,
such as DDT or heavy metals , may bio accumulate in
marine life as well. Oil spilling is also major problem for
the destruction of the (___60___) life.
(a) destruction
(a) coast
(b) coastal
(d) bank
(a) Igneous
(b) deposit
(d) metamorphic
(e) deposition
(a) nursing
(b) hospitability
(e) helpfi
(a) reclamation
(a) add
(b) impair
(d) destructive
(a) penetrate
(b) filter
(e) penetration
(a) effects
(b) affects
(a) Increases
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(b) negates
(d) produces
(a) coasted
(b) ocean
(d) land
(e) forest
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The rise of Asian manufacturers in the 1990s hit African
firms hard many were wiped out. Northern Nigeria, which
once had a (___61___) garments industry, was unable to
(___62___) with low cost imports. South Africa has similar
problems its manufacturing failed to grow last year
(___63___) the continental boom. This is partly the
(___64___) of governments. Buoyed by commodity income,
they have neglected industry’s needs, (___65___) for roads
and electricity. But that, too, iay at last be changing.
Wolfgang Fengit a World Bank economist, says, Aira is now
in a good position to industrialise with the right mix of
urbanisation, an emerging middle class and strong
services. For this to happen, he adds, the continent will
need to scale up its infrastructure (___67___) and improve
the business climate and many (African countries have
started to (___68___) these challenges in recent years.
Kenya is not about to become (___69___) next South Korea.
African countries are likely to follow a more diverse path,
benefiting from the growth of countless small and medium
sized businesses, as well as some big ones. For the next
decade or so, services will still generate more jobs and
wealth in Africa than manufacturing, which is fine. India
has (___70___) for more than two decades ori the back of
services, while steadily building a manufacturing sector
from a very low base. Do not bet against Africa doing the
(a) thriving
(b) flourish
(c) detractive
(d) dooming
(e) repulsive
(a) competed
(b) compete
(c) complete
(d) surrender
(e) commensurate v
(a) inspite
(b) additional
(c) in addition
(d) despite
(e) despite of
(a) fact
(b) quality
(c) fault
(d) default
(e) fiction
(a) specific
(b) especially
(c) particular
(d) partially
(e) generally
(a) favourable
(b) favourably
(c) ferocious
(d) special
(e) contrast
(a) expenditures
(e) developing
(a) tackle
(b) tackling
(c) decrease
(d) increase
(e) improve
69. (a)
a (b)
an (c)
(d) such
(e) for
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) boomed
(b) booming
(c) boom
(d) expand
(e) plummeted
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
In these days of economic liberalisation, globalisati on, etc.
materialistic values have assumed 1) importance, Money,
physical comforts and luxuries are the most sought after
aspects. There has been (___2___) competition. Such
competition (___3___) undue stress. The stress leads to
(___4___) of health of the people. Indian culture has
(___51___ its striking uniqueness, as against the Western
culture, iri the fact that there is a (___6___) place for
spiritualism in our value system in all walks of life. The
spirituality is a very (___7___) force which helps us In
maintaining our physical and mental health. It gives us
(___8___) to cope With the stress. Westerners have now
(___9___) the importance of spirituality and, therefore, they
have started (___10___) us in the matter of spirituality.
(a) usual
(b) little
(c) tangible
(d) least
(e) greater
(a) critical
(b) unhealthy
(c) unequalled
(d) no
(e) absolute
(a) releases
(b) deserves
(c) generates
(d) demonstrates
(e) suppresses
(a) neglect
(b) illness
(c) generation
(d) deterioration
(e) encroachment
(a) maintained
(b) illustrated
(c) marginalized
(d) bestowed
(e) forsaken
(a) vast
(b) brief
(c) formal
(d) clean
(e) distinct
(b) dedicated
(c) vital
(d) common
(e) dynamic
(a) strength
(b) tips
(c) clearance
(d) sermons
(e) idealsj
(a) informed
(b) narrated
(d) realised
(e) invented
(a) encouraging
(c) blaming
(e) assuming
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
If we examine the opportunities for education of girls or
women in the less developed countries we usually find a
(___11___) picture. In some countries the ratio ( ___ 12___)
boys to girls in secondary schools Is (___ 13___) then seven
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of(___15___)where boys from a village may (___ 16___)
while they attend high school (___17___) there are no such
facilities for girls.
(a) dismal
(b) hazy
(c) bright
(d) dull
(e) None of these
(a) from
(b) of
(c) in
(d) for
(e) None of these
(a) lesser
(b) smaller
(c) better
(d) more
(e) None of these
(a) no
(b) more
(c) most
(d) very
(e) None of these
(a) school
(b) hotel
(c) office
(d) hostel
(e) None of these
(a) eat
(b) remain
(c) study
(d) live
(e) None of these
(a) moreover
(b) and
(c) however
(d) even
(e) None of these
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Studies (___18___) the impact of computer models to
support policymaking processes in organizations have
(___19___) that client involvement in the model building
process is often a (___20___) for effective model building.
One important reason is that the process of model building
is frequently more important than the resulting model.
Model building itself is largely a (___21___) process about
the problem. Most (___22___) about the characteristics of
an ill structured problem are gained during the (___23___)
process of designing a computer model, rather than after
the model is finished. Another important reason is that
most information in an organisation (___ 24___) in the
mental models of organisation members. To support policy
making in organisation it is this knowledge which needs to
be (___25___) and represented in the model. An important
topic in client oriented or (___26___) model building thus
becomes the (___27___) of relevant knowledge contained in
the mental models of participants.
(a) evaluating
(b) focussing
(d) advocating
(e) indicated
20. (a)support
(d) material
(e) blueprint
(a) valuable
(b) durable
(c) tedious
(d) learning
(e) critical
(a) thinking
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(b) insights
(c) planning
(d), appreciation
(e) opinions
(a) elongated
(b) concentrated
(c) iterative
(d) evolving
(e) consumate
(a) resides
(b) follows
(c) settles
(d) lays
(e) committed
(a) extended
(b) bisected
(c) subjected
(d) captured
(e) attributed
(a) revolving
(b) interactive
(c) dogmatic
(d) accentuated
(e) formative
(a) demarcation
(b) formation
(d) association
(e) elicitation
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appr opriate word in
each case.
There once was a time when people thought of the
environment, they thought of its beauty. But now as the
natural beauty of the earth (___28___) many people around
the world have (___29___) up to the realities of Just how
fragile our earth actually is. Central to this issue is
pollution, which involves the production of (___ 30___)
substances into the air, land, and water. Although pollution
has been occurring (___31___) the earth’s history, the rate
by which the human species have (___32___) to the amount
of pollution that has entered our environment over the
(___33___) so many years far (___34___) the earths inherent
ability to heal itself .Along with pollution, mass
deforestation has Eilso (___35___) a growing problem to the
health of our environment. The (___ 36___) of forests
without sufficient reforestation has gradually worn down
desertification, and soil nutrient loss. This loss has reached
to a point that we are now (___37___) a world in the near
future without trees, which would ultimately mean a world
without people.
(a) disappears
(b) demolishes
(c) stops
(d) remains
(e) destroys
(a) backed
(b) built
(c) broken
(d) realized
(e) woken
(a) adverse
(b) evil
(c) insecure
(d) harmful
(e) worse
(a) never
(b) throughout
(c) always
(d) everywhere
(e) forever
(a) evolved (b)
prompted (c)
contributed (d)
imparted (e)
(a) recent
(b) ancient
(c) departed
(d) coming
(e) past
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) exceeds
(b) outnumbers
(c) continues
(d) matches
(e) expands
(a) answered
(b) comprise
(c) posed
(d) resulted
(e) solved
(e) cutting
(e) wishing
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Barcelona is not one of the most beautiful cities in the
world it is a busy, noisy, moneymaking city. All the same,
on a warm spring morning (___38___) are some fine places
to spend a (___39___) hour or two. The Rambles, a tree
lined avenue as broad (___40___) as beautiful as any Paris
boulevard, is magical (___41___) that time of the day,
presenting a colourful symphony (___ 42___) flowers,
sunlight and people. Andrews was (___43___) an
international conference in Barcelona. (___ 44___) was the
first time he had (___45___) to the city. Like most people he
had (___46___) as lot about the Rambles and was (___ 47___)
to go there.
(a) there
(b) their
(c) those
(d) where
(e) None of these
(b) first
(c) quiet
(d) one
(e) None of these
(a) but
(b) and
(c) or
(d) so
(e) None of these
(a) to
(b) for
(c) on
(d) at
(e) None of these
42. (a)
to (b) of
(c) with
(d) among
(e) None of these
(a) attending
(b) visiting
(c) reading
(d) participating
(e) None of these
(b) When
(c) It
(d) Which
(e) None of these
(a) visited
(b) been
(c) come
(d) gone
(e) None of these
(a) listened
(b) seen
(c) looked
(d) heard
(e) None of these
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) eager
(b) wishing
(c) prepared
(d) busy
(e) None of these
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
The insurance industry is (___48___) myriad challenges
arising from intense competition, rising regulatory
compliance and growing payouts (___49___) to fraud and
natural disasters. It is (___50___) that competitive
pressures will make offshoring of information technology
(IT) and business processes, a growing imperative in the
insurance industry(___51___) to mainstream banking and
financial services, where the early adoption of automation
and IT helped facilitate outsourcing, first in IT services and
later in BPO, the insurance industry has lagged (___ 52___).
This is one reason why insurance companies have been
more conservative in their attitude to business process
outsourcing, a11 (___53___) to off shoring. With expected
cost savings of 30% to 40%, and other (___54___) such as
focusing on core competencies and (___ 55___) to skilled
labour, it is (___56___) that the insurance off shoring
industry is (___57___) for significant growth in the next
three to four years.
(a) looking
(b) pressing
(c) watching
(d) facing
(e) focusing
(a) reason
(b) due
(c) owed
(d) lent
(e) made
(a) featured
(b) proof
(c) wanted
(d) thought
(e) expected
(a) Compared
(b) Similar
(c) Unlike
(d) Balanced
(e) Alike
(a) in
(b) back
(c) up
(d) behind
(e) slow
(a) especially,
(b) important
(c) precise
(d) main
(e) regularly
(a) benefit
(b) advantages
(c) measures
(d) losses
(e) detriments
(a) excess
(b) open
(c) availability
(d) gain ,
(e) access
(a) deem
(b) timed
(c) believed
(d) idea
(e) doubted of
(a) available
(d) gear
(e) concentrated
(___58___) her monumental reputation the Mona Lisa was a
(___59___) thirty-one inches by twenty one inches, smaller
even than the poster of her sold in the Louvre Gift shop.
She hung on the north west wall of the Salle des Etats
(___60___) a two inch thick pane of protective plexiglas.
Painted on a popular wood panel her (___61___) mist filled
atmosphere was attributed to Da Vincis mastery of the
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sfumato style, in which forms appear to (___ 62___) in to one
(a) Despite
(b)Unlikely to
(c)Even with
(d)None of the above
(e) like with
(a) Only
(d)None of the above
(e) few
(a) In
(d)None of the above
(e) of
(a) Ethereal
(d)None of the above
(e) picture
(a) Get duplicated
(d)None of the above
(e) formed
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Its earlier days, a handicraftsman, the typical labourer,
received a certain (___63___) from the work he did, His
efforts were mostly to his own (___64___). He saw the fruits
of his own work in— the (___65___) object he produced.
Moreover, the (___66___) of this object (___67___)
demanded his adaptability or inventive nes s to overcome
the (___68___) which arose. In a real sense one can speak of
his (___69___). Today all is (___70___). A standardised job is
done in a standardized (___71___) and a standardised job
for a standardised (___72___).
(e) None of these
(a) betterment
(d) profit
(e) None of these
(a) complete
(b) full
(d) whole
(e) None of these
(a) discovering
(d) attempting
(e) None of these
(a) often
(b) generally
(d) invariably
(e) None of these
(a) riddles
(b) obstructions
(d) difficulties
(e) None of these
(a) trade
(b) work
(d) attempt
(e) None of these
(a) disappeared
(d) reversed
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(e) None of these
(a) mode
(b) manner
(d) style
(e) None of these
(a) pay
(e) None of these
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Recently the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) released separate reports on poverty. The World
Bank Report (___73___) Its benchmark of extreme poverty
by 25 cents from $1 per person per day to $ 1.25per
person a day. The ADB announced an even higher
benchmark of $1,35per person a day. These new
benchmarks are (___74___) on surveys in the world’s
poorest Countries. Experts often like to (___ 75___) that
poverty has declined because of economic growth in India
and China. This is wrong and misleading. In the past
twenty-five years the poverty rate in India has (___76___)
by less than one percentage point a year. Whether we use a
poverty line of $1 per person per day or $1.25 per person
per day makes little (___77___). The number of poor In
India is large. The purpose of these statistics is not to
dispute them but to study whether the benefits of
economic growth are being shared with the poor.
(a) heightened
(b) announced
(c) raised
(d) maintained
(e) notified
(a) based
(b) collected
(c) inferred
(d) derived
(e) gathered
(a) realise
(b) claim
(c) discover
(d) recommend
(e) criticise
(a) deplete
(b) plunge
(c) declined
(d) weaken
(e) fell
(a) difference
(b) effect
(c) contrast
(d) question
(e) option
Directions: in the following passage there a re blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
Without doubt there is one thing (___78___) to all of us we
have all played a game at some time in our lives. Most of us
play to relax or have fun, but for many, playing a game or a
sport is a way to (___79___) poverty behind. In fact, In many
African countries, playing a sport professionally can
(___80___) the lives of a person’s entire family. For example,
in the small town of Bekoji, in Ethiopia (___ 81___) than a
hundred boys and girls can be seen running at dawn
everyday. Each of these youth is (___82___) and serious and
their coach is (___83___) that one of them will be a world
champion. This seems like an idle (___ 84___) but it is
virtually a guarantee in this small community (___ 85___)
mainly farmers. Many of the fastest male and female
distance runners in the world hail from this small town. A
small hand painted sign which greets visitors outside
Bekoji (___86___) Welcome to the Village of Athletes.
Children here start running at an early age, (___87___) great
distances to fetch water and firewood or to reach school.
At the Olympics, runners from this small town are likely to
win more medals than those from developed countries. It
will give their families a way out of poverty.
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79. (a)leave
(a) performed
(a) confident
(b) convince
(d) intended
(a) precaution
(d) risk
(a) for
(d) comprising
(e) consisting
(b) warn
(d) notices
(e) reads
(a) competing
(b) covering
(d) measuring
(e) following
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
According to a report on 1991, there were about 5.4
billion people in the world. From 1990 to 1991, the
population increased by ___95___ million and now has
continued to grow at that rate. This may (___ 88___) to be
new danger, but if one were to think of it as a pond
doubling its amount of lily pads for ___ 40___ days, they
would see it (___89___). It will start out with one lily pad,
the next day it will have two and on the ___39___th day it
will be (___90___) filled. The Earth’s population is doubling
every ___40___ years. We don’t want to wait until the
___79___th year to (___91___) Our problem or else
humankind will not have enough time to change the
inevitable (___92___) that come with overpopulation. An
expert on the subject believes the impact on the
environment is equal to the population multiplied by the
affluence, which means the amount of energy and food
supply the population (___93___). Therefore, with a larger
population, there is a (___94___) impact on the Earths
water, air and land. A common problem, that people thi nk
is associated with overpopulation is associated (___ 95___)
out of space to live, but there are also many other
environmental predicaments that it (___96___) More people
use more cars, need more water (___97___). Therefore,
population control is necessary on an international level in
order to protect our environment.
(a) Appear
(b) seems
(c) apparent
(d) figure
(e) believed
(a) Accusingly
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) Completely
(d) little
(e) not
(e) pick
(a) Obstacles
(b) high
(a) Assembles
(c) enhanced
(d) alternate
(a) going
(b) be
(c) Running
(d) not
(e) travelling
(a) Results
(a) Table
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
There are experts who believe that population control is
not needed such as in Singapore. The government in
Singapore decided that it would be (___98___) for the
country to grow in population so that they are able to help
their economy. Many less developed countries (___ 99___)
population growth because they want their economy to
grow The experts who believe that it is better, for us to let
the population increase or decrease on its own also think
that overpopulation will (___100___) become a , problem.
Justification for this argument is that humans will adjust
themselves to the (___101___) population because they are
a species that are able to think, make decisions, and find
solutions when they (___102___) a problem Advocates for
this argument think that there is no need to (___ 103___)
about environmental problems because there is or will be
technology to fix the problems. As for with the (___ 104___)
amount of resources, they believe that there would be
more people to think of new ways to make it easier or
faster to get newer and more food and energy resources.
Even during this time period, scientists are (___ 105___) to
discover a new way for people to live elsewhere such as
under the sea. Many people believe that overpopulation
will cause and (___106___) caused many environmental
problems, but they don’t think telling families how many
children they are allowed to have Is the way to control the
population. However there has not been any other
(___107___) suggestion on how to lower population growth,
so limiting families to two children is the only solution.
(a) better
(b)bad (c)worse
(a) demote
(a) over
(b) ever
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(d) often
(e) never
(a) growth
(e) grown
(a) encounter
(b) encountered
(d) faces
(e) challenges
(a) worried
(e) please
(a) limit
(b) unlimited
(d) limited
(e) limiting
105. (a) try
(e) think
(a) have
(d)will be
(e) has been
(a) plausible
Directions: in the following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbere d. against each
number, five words are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. find out the appropriate word in
each case.
There are experts who believe that population control is
not needed such as in Singapore. The government in
Singapore decided that it would be better for the country
to grow population so that they are (___108___) to help
their economy. Many less developed countries (___ 109___)
population growth because they want their economy to
grow. The experts who believe that it is better for us to let
the population to increase or decrease on its own also
think that over population will never (___ 110___) a
problem. (___111___) for this thinking is that humans will
adjust to the growing population because they are a
species that are able to think, make decisions and find
solutions when they(___112___)a problem. Advocates of
this(___113___)think that there is no need to worry about
environmental problems because there is or will be
technology to fix the problems. As for the (___ 114___)
amount of resources, they believe that there would be
more people to think, of new Ways to make it easier or
faster to get newer and more food and energy resources.
Many people believe that overpopulation will cause and
has caused many environmental problems, but they don’t
think (___115___) families how many children they are
allowed to have is the (___116___) to control the
population, However, there has not been any other
(___117___) suggestion on how to lower population growth,
so limiting families to two children is the only solution.
The worry about population started when it was noticed
that many of the earth’s resources and environment were
being hurt.
(a) able
(b) made
(c) tried
(d) successful
(e) catering
(a) farther
(b) promote
(c) witness
(d) subject
(e) demote
(a) lead
(b) become
(d) provide
(e) have
GovernmentAdda.com & sanctumenglish.in
(a) knowledge
(c) projecting
(a) allow
(b) generalise
(d) find
(e) suffer
(a) purpose
(b) mentality
(c) perception
(e) always
(a) less
(b) more
(c) fewer
(d) smaller
1 d2 b
16 e
30 b
44 a
58 c
72 e
86 d
114 e
128 a
142 e
156 d
170 b
184 e
198 e
212 e
226 b
240 b
254 b
268 e
282 b
296 c
310 d
324 a
17 c
31 d
45 d
59 a
73 b
87 a
101 e
115 b
129 d
143 b
157 d
171 e
185 c
199 c
213 a
227 c
241 c
255 a
269 b
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Sentence Rearrangement/Jumbled
Sentences Tricks & Tips
For instance:
Paragraph jumble or jumbled paragraph is one of the
most important question types in Bank entrance exams.
Para jumbles test your understanding of thought flow. In
simple words they test are you able to identify a
coherently formed paragraphs.
Paragraph jumbles come in different flavors.
5 sentence
6 sentence
Since there are 5 questions linked to a single paragraph
jumble, solving it is important. These questions can be
solved by following specific strategies. So let us
understand the strategies and solve some questions.
How We Should Not Solve a Paragraph Jumble
Since there is time constraint we should NEVER read
the sentences again and again without identifying the
connections between the sentences. Test setters generally
pickup sentences from newspaper articles, books or
magazines and hence each sentence has a link to another.
Hence it is absolutely necessary to identify the links
between sentences.
Since B mentions that Anette saw a figure. So that
makes B the first statement. Now read A. It says that HE
was carrying his jacket. So that makes BA a mandatory
pair. Next is D as she has recognized the figure. And in
C the name of the figure is mentioned.
2. Chronology/ Time reference
Many a times there is a logical/ time bound event chain
present in the paragraph jumble. It could be a series of
events, steps etc. We can identify the beginning /start of
the event and then find the next event and so on.
For instance:
How We Should we solve the Paragraph jumble
The proven technique or strategy to solve is to identify
the links between the sentences and arrive at a coherent
paragraphs. To identify the links we need to identify the
keywords. One effective way is to identify
So let us understand what all mandatory pairs are there
and how we can identify them.
1. Pronoun:
Generally the paragraph jumble will mention a noun first
and then use pronouns to point at it. So we need to
simply identify those sentence pair that does that
He was carrying his jacket and walked with his
head thrown back.
As Anette neared the lamp she saw a figure
walking slowly.
For a while Michael walked on and she followed
twenty paces behind.
With a mixture of terror and triumph of
recognition she slackened her pace.
Four days later, Oracle announced its own bid
for PeopleSoft, and invited the firm‘s board to a
Furious that his own plans had been endangered,
PeopleSoft‘s boss, Craig Conway, called
Oracle‘s offer ―diabolical‖, and its boss, Larry
Ellison, a ―sociopath‖.
In early June, PeopleSoft said that it would buy
J.D. Edwards, a smaller rival.
Moreover, said Mr. Conway, ―he could imagine
no price nor combination of price and other
conditions to recommend accepting the offer.‖
On June 12th, PeopleSoft turned Oracle down.
First sentence is C as it shows the first event in EARLY
JUNE, when PeopleSoft announced its plan. Next
sentence is A as FOUR DAYS LATER, ORACLE
announced ITS OWN plan. B shows that the plan made
PeopleSoft boss unhappy. He said something and in next
sentence D added by saying MOREOVER. Then on 12th
JUNE PeopleSoft turned down the offer.
Another example
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Then two astronomers—the German, Johannes
Kepler, and the Italian, Galileo Galilei—started
publicly to support the Copernican theory,
despite the fact that the orbits it predicted did not
quite match the ones observed.
His idea was that the sun was stationary at the
centre and that the earth and the planets move in
circular orbits around the sun.
A simple model was proposed in 1514 by a
Polish priest, Nicholas Copernicus.
Nearly a century passed before this idea was
taken seriously.
C is the obvious start as it introduces the idea that in
1514, a simple model was suggested. B then explains the
idea proposed by Nicholas Copernicus. Then in D
―nearly a century passed‖ indicates the time link. A uses
―then‖ and thus follows D.
English Quiz : Spotting Error Questions with Detail
comparison to QWERTY] keyboard was built. D says
that YET [despite the faster keyboard designed by
Dvorak] the DVORAK keyboard has not been adopted
4. Obvious Openers
Sometimes you may find that a sentence has no previous
link and introduces the idea of the paragraph jumble.
Such sentence can introduce a concept, be a definition,
describe an event, state an observation. In short, it will
be the Obvious opener of the paragraph.
A good way to find such sentence would be to look at
the first letter of the option and read only that sentence
to gauge whether the sentence is an obvious opener or
For instance
Since then, intelligence tests have been mostly used to
separate dull children in school from average or bright
3. Parts of Speech
Parts of speech such as conjunctions, adjectives and
pronouns can also be used to identify the links between
For instance
To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most
likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite sides.
This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that
was the idea.
A different layout, which had been patented by August
Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.
The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes
in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to solve a
mechanical problem of early typewriters.
Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted,
even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs) the
anti-jamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct
for years.
When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly,
the type bars often jammed.
C mentions a problem that the qwerty keyboard aimed to
solve. E explains the problem in details. A mentions that
to avoid THIS [i.e. Type bars often jammed]. Qwerty
provided a SLOW but sure way. B tells that a faster [in
so that special education can be provided to the
In other words, intelligence tests give us a norm
for each age.
Intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient,
and tests are developed to indicate what an
average child of a certain age can do: what a 5year-old can answer, but a 4-year-old cannot, for
Binet developed the first set of such tests in the
early 1900s to find out which children in school
needed special attention.
Intelligence can be measured by tests.
Now according to the options, we have 3 sentences that
can be obvious opener. As you can see D says SUCH
tests. That means either it should define what tests or a
statement prior to it should define the tests as we use
SUCH when we have mentioned before hand something
about the word. Since D does not mention that, some
other statement should and hence D cannot be obvious
openers. C looks attractive as an obvious opener as it
says the intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient
and tests are developed. Now for one moment let us
consider this option. Then what about E, which also
introduces the idea that intelligence can be measured by
tests. Since it does not have a word such as THUS,
HENCE it cannot be conclusion it can be only at the
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start of the paragraph or not in the paragraph at all. That
means E is START of the idea. Hence E is the obvious
But this snippet of synthetic RNA -- one of the
master molecules in the nuclei of all cells -proved unusually talented.
The molecule was not alive, at least not in any
conventional sense.
5. Using conjunctions to find links
There are certain words – firstly, secondly, then,
however, consequently, on the other hand, etc. – which
show how the idea given in the paragraph jumble flows
from start to finish. We can identify these words and
then look for the sentence that comes before or after
these sentences.
Some commonly used linking words we can use are :
Cause and Effect: Words or phrases explicitly indicating
that one thing causes another or logically determines
For example: accordingly, in order to, because, so...that,
consequently, therefore, given, thus, hence, when...then,
Continuing Idea Words: These words or phrases support
a given sentence, idea or example. Sentences containing
these words will generally not be the opening sentence.
These sentences will follow immediately the sentence
For example: furthermore, additionally, also, and,
indeed, besides, as well, too, likewise, moreover
Contrast words: We can also look for words that indicate
a contrast between two ideas or statement,
For example: Nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary,
notwithstanding, even though, instead of, despite, in
spite of, while, in contrast, although, however
Explanation: A cannot be the start point as it uses ―it‖.
Since ―it‖ is a pronoun, it should point at something.
Since A does not tell what ―it‖ is, A should come after a
sentence that defines what ―it‖ refers to. Same is the case
with B. C, D and E use a contrasting word and thus have
to be placed after another sentence. That leaves F as the
start. F states that the molecule was not alive. C then
continues it by contrasting it by stating that ―yet its
behavior was lifelike‖. Now it is clear that we are talking
about molecule and thus A will come after A. A states
that scientists thought that the molecule had spoiled their
experiment. E will come after it as it states ―but‖ and
states that the molecule was talented. B comes after E by
describing the talent i.e. making its copies. In D it is
written that ―then‖, which means after the action
described in E, copies made copies.
Be The Master Of Paragraph Jumbles
The most effective way to solve paragraph jumbles is to
be mechanical in finding links or mandatory pairs. You
will find that finding links will give you greater accuracy
than any other strategy. And remember PRACTICE at
least 100 questions to ace paragraph jumbles.
For Instance
When it appeared last April at the Scripps
Research Institute in La Jolla, California,
scientists thought it had spoiled their
Within an hour of its formation, it had
commandeered the organic material in a
thimble-size test tube and started to make copies
of itself.
Yet its behavior was astonishingly lifelike.
Then the copies made copies.
Follow the general to specific rule, this means
that you should move from an introductory
sentence to one that gives the details. Try to find
sentence which introduces a topic or person or
idea. This will be the opening sentence.
You could also try to find the closing sentence;
this sentence will generally be a concluding
statement. It will not introduce a new idea but
conclude what has already been mentioned.
The next trick which is really helpful in solving
Para jumbles is to make mandatory
pairs.Mandatory pairs are sentences which will
necessarily come together. The key to solving
Para-jumble questions is identification of these
connected pairs of statements.
For mandatory pair identification, be on the lookout for:
1. Nouns and pronouns reference: Nouns or subjects
mentioned in a statement can be replaced by a pronoun
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in the next statement. Be always on the lookout for such
2. Subject matching: two statements based on the subject
form a pair
3. Time sequences: in general, if a given set of
statements contains reference to time based events, make
sure maintain a particular order that is past-presentfuture or vice-versa.
Transition words such as: as also, as well as,
besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise,
moreover, similarly, consequently, hence, for
one thing, above all, aside from, besides, in
other words, instead, likewise, on one hand, on
the other hand, rather, meanwhile, next, then,
soon, in conclusion, after all, all in all, to sum
Some More Tricks & Tips
Why are PJ(Para Jumbled) questions important?
Para-jumbles are significant because they have been
regularly appearing in the CAT and other MBA entrance
tests. There is a good chance of three para-jumble
questions appearing in the 20 questions of the Verbal
Ability (VA) section. Which means that if you cracked
the para-jumbles correctly --- 20% of your VA score
stands secured (assuming that you will attempt 15-odd
questions in the this section).
Secondly and more importantly --- PJs are one of those
questions of the CAT in which you can improve your
skills dramatically within a short span of time. Engineers
have a special fondness for PJs as they appeal to the
need for symmetry in their souls and let's face it --- it is
probably one of the few areas of CAT VA where the
scope of ambiguity is limited!
Types of PJ questions
Para-jumbles broadly fall in three categories. In each
category, the jumbled sentences are coded with an
alphabet (usually A, B, C and D).
1. 4/5 sentences are given in a random order and you
have to unjumble all of them. Toughest of the lot!
2. The opening sentence + 4/5 sentences are given and
you have to rearrange the group of 4/5 sentences, having
been given prior knowledge of the thought that starts off
the flow of the discussion.
3. 4/5 sentences + the closing sentence is given and you
need to correctly sequence 4/5 sentences so that they
flow into the last sentence.
4. Opening sentence + 4/5 Sentences + Closing Sentence
are given. Easiest of the lot. You know where the story
starts and where it ends. You only have to figure out the
screenplay in between!
The smartest approach
a) The best approach to solving PJ questions is the 'free
fall' one. That is, develop a high reading speed and scan
all 4-5 sentences. Try to get a feel of what the passage is
b) At this point you need to decide whether this
particular paragraph is one which you are comfortable
with or not.
c) If you decide to go ahead, then scan the answer
options. Are they of any help?
If , for example the options are,
Then you know for sure that this paragraph has to start
either with B or C. A quick look at B and C will tell you
which one looks like a better opening sentence and
already your choices will be halved.
Similarly, with options,
then we know that it has to end with either B or A. So
browse sentences A and B and see if any one of them
look like a concluding sentence.
There might be other indicators to keep an eye out for.
For example if three of the five options start with A and
the other two with C/B/D there is a good probability that
A is the starting sentence.
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If, say, a link CB occurs in more than 2 options then it is
something worth paying attention to.
chronological order making it easy for you to identify
the sequence. Example,
PJ strategies to save time and increase accuracy
A: Alexander Bain, Scottish clockmaker, patented the
electric clock.
Strategy 1: Once upon a time long ago... / ...and they
lived happily after: Identify the opening/closing sentence
using what we discussed above. Either the tone of the
paragraph or the option elimination method.
Strategy 2: Where's the interlock dude? Identify links
between two sentences and try to see if that link exists in
multiple answer options (a sure way to know that you
are on the right track). A combination of 1 and 2 will
take you home most of the time.
Place your magnifying glass on the following,
Strategy 2a: Make it 'personal'. Look out for personal
pronouns (he, she, it, him, her, you, they). Personal
pronouns always refer to a person, place or thing.
Therefore, if a sentence has a personal pronoun without
mentioning the person, place or object it is referring to,
mark it in your head and scan the paragraph for the
original person, place or object that it refers to.
For example if you go back to the opening jumbled
paragraph of this article, the third sentence starts with 'it'.
We now need to figure out what 'it' refers to and the
sentence containing the original 'it' will come before this
Strategy 2b: Look for 'Poriborton' (Change, in Mamata
Banerjee's tongue). Certain words called 'transition
words' help the author to shift from one thought flow to
another. In other words, they usher in change. Some
transition words that appear regularly are --- hence,
besides, simultaneously, in conclusion, etc. While you
practice PJs whenever you come across a transition word
--- note it down. Make a list!
Strategy 2c: Demonstrate! Look for demonstrative
pronouns --- this, that, these, those, etc. Again, if you
look at our opening paragraph, the first line starts with
'for this' --- now we know that we need to figure out
what 'this' refers to and the sentence containing the
original 'this' will come before this sentence.
Strategy 3: Main samay hoon! Sometimes the events
mentioned in the paragraph can be arranged in a
B: The next development in accuracy occurred after
1656 with the invention of the pendulum clock.
C: Clocks have played an important role in man's
D: Spring-driven clocks appeared during the 15th
century, although they are often erroneously credited to
Nuremberg watchmaker Peter Henlen around 1511.
It is quite obvious by studying the chronology what the
sequence should be.
Strategy 4: The Chota Rajan Approach. Sometimes you
will find that for some terms in the paragraph both the
full form and the abbreviation have been used. For
Example IMF --- International Monetary Fund, Charles
Dickens --- Dickens, Dr Manmohan Singh --- Dr Singh.
In these cases where both the full form as well as the
abbreviation is present in different sentences, then the
sentence containing the full form will obviously come
before the sentence containing the abbreviation.
Strategy 5: What an Idea Sirji! If there are two
sentences, one containing an idea and another giving
examples of the same idea then the sentence containing
the idea should come before the sentence containing the
examples. But they need not necessarily be exactly side
by side. Example,
A: Russia possesses the largest stockpiles of weapons of
mass destruction in the world.
B: 489 missiles carrying up to 1,788 warheads and 12
submarines carrying up to 609 warheads form a looming
A will come before B in this case, even though there
might be sentences in between.
Strategy 6: An article of faith. It is highly unlikely that
the definite article 'the' will be part of an opening
sentence. If 'a/an' and 'the' both are used for the same
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noun then the sentence containing 'the' will come after
the sentence containing a/an.
The truth: They really aren‘t! We hope these tips will
help you believe it.
Tips for beginners
Myth2: “Oh, options are the only saving grace!”
Focus on improving your reading skills. Also try to
improve your cognitive ability. For example --- Go to a
random website article. Go immediately to the second
paragraph and after reading it try to guess what the
author could have possibly said in the previous
paragraph and the next paragraph. This will help you
with a couple of other types of questions as well which
we shall discuss in later articles.
The truth: Para Jumbles can very well be solved without
Tips for the 99 percentilers
Each Para Jumble can make use of one or more of these
tips for solving. Do note that these tips should be applied
depending on the unique Para Jumble question posed to
you. Some problems can be solved by taking articles as a
cue, while some may need pronouns as a guide.
Whenever you solve para-jumbles the accuracy and
speed is a function of how quickly you can become
comfortable with the topic. So from today for every PJ
you solve, plug a sentence from the PJ into Google
which will throw up the source of that PJ or similar
articles. Read up that article fully. This will broaden the
base of your reading.
To-do practice activity for all of you
Team up with another friend. Both of you select
passages from newspaper editorials, magazines, etc.
Paste them to Microsoft Word. Break them up into
sentences. Jumble up the sentences. Exchange and solve.
Handy Tips for Solving Para jumbles
Paragraph jumbles, or as they are fondly called, para
jumbles, are sets of connected statements in some
random order, which when unjumbled, create a
meaningful paragraph. There aren‘t any straight-forward
approaches to solving Para Jumbles. With as many
approaches as you can possibly think of, each Para
jumble has a unique solution.
There are many myths on Para Jumbles that make them
Myth1: Para jumbles are the most difficult questions in
the English section.
Myth3: “You don‟t need to be good in vocabulary for
Para Jumbles.”
The truth: Sorry, vocabulary can actually help go a long
way in solving the Para Jumble.
Here are a few tips to successfully solve Para Jumbles:
1. Look for the sentence that clearly introduces
a person, place, committee, or concept in the
Para Jumble. That will most likely be the
opening sentence.
Here is an example:
1. He was looking forward to opening up the
presents in the solitude of his room.
2. Sanjay‘s birthday was celebrated with a big
3. But the guests insisted he open them up right
4. Several people arrived at his home bearing gifts,
both big and small.
Introductory Line: Clearly the first line must be
statement B. This is because the whole passage talks
about gifts and guests and what happens at birthdays.
So the first sentence must necessarily introduce the
person whose birthday it is. He is referred to by his
name in this sentence whereas the remaining sentences
refer to him as ‘he’. This is another indication that
sentence B is the opening line.
2. Always spot the central theme of each Para
Jumble. The flow of the story/dialog goes a
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long way in piecing together the paragraph in
the correct order.
3. Follow the activities:
At times, the Para Jumble will have sentences talking
about activities. In such cases by just analyzing which
activity happens when, the question can be solved very
easily. Take this case for example:
1. He accumulates some capital and goes into a
business venture with his sons.
2. In order to increase his salary he works through
the night.
3. They open a shop to create men‟s garments.
4. Later he takes the garments and sells it on New
York streets.
5. He takes garments from the sweatshop to finish
at home with the help of his wife and older
children at night.
6. A Russian tailor artisan comes to America, takes
to the needle trade, works in sweatshop for
small salary.
Central theme: The struggle of a tailor and his steps to
Finding the opening sentence here is cakewalk. Sentence
F clearly specifies the person and his work, so it‘s the
opening statement.
Therefore, the logical order is F-E-B-D-A-C.
If the sentences are too lengthy, do not spend a lot of
time reading every detail of it. Be vigilant and quick
in spotting ‘special words’ like connectives, articles,
pronouns and adjectives.
4. Connectives:
There will be sentences having ‗connectives‘
like although, though, if, until, since, but, after,
alternatively, besides, then, yet, because, consequently,
notwithstanding, and, when, meanwhile, so, however,
for, whoever, whatever, whenever, nevertheless,
therefore, furthermore, whereas, moreover etc.
These sentences are almost never the opening ones. They
always refer to people or events mentioned in previous
For example:
1. Friendly wash by many other smaller brands
have challenged the giants by offering prices
which attracted the value-conscious Indian
2. In fact unbranded players are offering packs
which are twice the size of a branded product
with similar or better quality at cheaper prices.
Central theme: The tough competition given to FMCG
companies by smaller brands
Here the connective ‗in fact‘ clearly indicates that
sentence B should follow A.
Now a sequence unfolds.
Hence the correct order is A-B.
A man works in a shop to earn his daily bread. He then
goes home and works again with his family‘s help. He
then starts working through the night to earn more. Only
after having worked day and night does his work get
ready for sale.
The sequence just shown should give you hints for part
of the answer. After F, the order is E-B-D.
Sentence C speaks of a shop that the man opens. So he
has to arrange for the capital first. Hence A will come
before C.
5. Articles:
Even articles can help to some extent in these questions.
‗The‘ is a definite article, whereas ‗a‘ and ‗an‘ are
indefinite articles. ‗The‘ is used to denote something or
someone specific or when the person or thing for which
the article has been used has already been introduced.
‗A‘ or ‗an‘ are used while introducing something for the
first time and also for stating general facts. Like, ‗A hitand-run case usually has a ten year jail term as
punishment in India.‘
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For example:
The complete answer is thus B-C-A.
1. A boy and his friend played all day in the
garden near our house.
2. The next day, I didn‟t see the boy in the garden,
though his friend was there.
However, in case of pronouns in the first person like ‗I‘,
taking cues from them can get baffling. Such Para
Jumbles have to be solved using other approaches.
For example:
Central theme: Boy playing in the garden
In the second sentence, ‗the‘ has been used along with
‗boy‘ because he has already been introduced to the
reader in another sentence. Also here we are talking
specifically about ‗that‘ boy. Hence, the correct order is
1. A. I am a student preparing for the SBI PO
2. B. I request you to provide some helpful tips to
solve the logical reasoning questions.
Central theme: An SBI PO aspirant and his request
Here, pronouns can be of no help. It is best to think of it
this way: only after introducing yourself can you talk
about your need for some helpful tips.
6. Pronouns:
Pronouns like he, she, they, it, them, their, him, her etc.
are used when the person being talked about has already
been introduced. Some Para Jumbles can be tackled by
taking pronouns as a guide.
For example:
1. They gathered together the death certificates
from residents of the town, going back to as
many years as they could.
2. Wolf decided to investigate.
3. He enlisted the support of his students and
colleagues from Oklahoma.
Central theme: An act of investigation
Since the sentence B clearly states the person, Wolf, it is
undoubtedly the opening sentence.
Next comes sentence C where pronoun ‗he‘ refers to
It would make no sense if sentence C came before B.
Only after Wolf has been introduced, should we use ‗he‘
to refer to Wolf.
After Wolf has enlisted the support of his friends, we
can refer to them as ‗they‘. So sentence A is the final one
in the passage. Clearly sentence A cannot be used before
this because the only one introduced in the first sentence
is Wolf and the group of people has only been
introduced in the second sentence. So we can refer to the
group as ‗they‘ only after this second introduction.
Hence, the order is A-B.
7. Adjectives:
Adjectives like ‗simpler‘, ‗better‘, ‗cleverer‘ etc are
comparative. Hence they always hold a relation to other
things. Such adjectives can also be of good help in
solving Para Jumbles.
For example:
1. The solution that you had put up was good.
2. Riya had posted her solution that I found to
be better.
Central theme: Solutions posted by two people
Here, of course, sentence B has to come after A due to
the comparative adjective ‗better‘.
Below are a few confusing Para Jumbles specially
crafted keeping in mind the tips discussed.
Para Jumble 1:
1. Post offices and Public sector banks could
supplement micro-credit institutions in this
2. They are trusted institutions, and have already
built up credit and savings channels for the poor.
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3. In a recent paper, Wouter Van Ginneken of the
International Labor Organization has argued that
micro-finance institutions could play an
important role in providing social security.
4. To overcome this weakness, Ginneken suggests
that micro-credit organizations should outsource
the insurance part of their business.
5. But one problem is that most micro-credit
institutions are small and lack expertise in the
insurance business.
Central theme: Micro-finance institutions, how they
benefit people, problems faced by them and solution to
their problems.
Sentence C should be the opening sentence because it
clearly mentions the name of the person, Wouter Van
Ginneken and his argument.
It is essential to note that the Para Jumble is about the
institutions, not Ginneken.
Hence sentence B with pronoun ‗they‘ referring to the
institutions should come after C. They go on to give
more information about micro-finance institutions.
Sentences A and D talk about some solutions.
So sentence E which poses the problem should come
before them.
Between A and D, statement D will clearly come first,
because it is a suggestion for solving the problem and
the method of solving it is in sentence A.
Therefore the order is C-B-E-D-A.
Para Jumble 2:
1. The former Act imposed severe restrictions on
the freedom of the press and the latter forbade
the possession of arms by Indians.
2. Many measures of the government provoked
widespread agitation.
3. The British government consistently followed a
policy of repression after 1857.
4. Two of these were the Vernacular Press Act of
1878 and the Arms Act of 1897.
Central theme: The repressive policy of the British
Sentence C specifies the people (i.e. the British
government) and their policy most clearly.
Hence it is the opening one.
Sentence B should follow C as it talks about the
measures adopted in the policy.
Sentence D should follow B as „these‟ in D refers to the
measures taken by the government which are Draconian
Sentence A again talks about the Acts and uses the
words „former‟ and „latter‟. These words refer to the
Acts mentioned in D.
Therefore, logically, A will come after D.
The logical arrangement of the above Para Jumble is CB-D-A.
Para Jumble 3:
1. Here I would like to echo the words of former
President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, ―A
nation‘s progress depends about how its people
2. We have to act with conviction to realize our
3. We Indians have to think as a nation and dream
to transform our country into a super power.
4. It is very unfortunate that economically
resurgent India still remains home to the world‘s
largest population of poor, hungry and illiterate
5. Besides these, rapidly increasing population,
rampant corruption, exploitation of women,
child labour, communalism are some of the
issues which need to be worked upon.
6. Tragically, hunger remains India‘s biggest
lingering problem with an estimated 7000
Indians dying of hunger every single day.
7. Along with chronic hunger, deep poverty and
high illiteracy also continue to blight the lives of
millions of our people.
Central theme: Problems faced by Indians
Locating the opening sentence here is a bit tricky. But on
close inspection of some special words, sentence D
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seems most apt for the opening sentence. That is because
of the following:
Sentence A has ‗here‘ implying ‗in this situation‘.
Sentences B and C can‘t be the opening sentence as we
don‘t give solutions before discussing problems.
Sentence E has the connective ‗besides these‘.
Sentences F and G give detailed views on hunger and
illiteracy as problems in India.
Sentence D hence should be the opening sentence.
Notice how the process of elimination has been used to
spot the opening sentence.
Sentences F and G should follow next. G after F as it has
the connective ‗along with chronic hunger‘.
Sentence E again with a connective ‗besides these‘
implying besides hunger, poverty and illiteracy should
come after G.
Sentence A with ‗here‘ meaning ‗in this situation of
problems…‘ should follow E. Also Dr. Kalam‘s quote
tells that India‘s progress depends on how its people
Therefore, Sentence C gives the response to A that we
have to think as a nation.
Sentence B, the only one left, is the concluding one.
3. The functions assigned to the Commission, as
per the Act, are wide and varied covering almost
all facts of issues relating to safeguarding
women‘s rights and promotion.
4. The National Commission for Women was set
up on 31st January, 1992 in pursuance of the
National Commission for Women Act 1990.
5. Towards the end of speedy justice to women, the
Commission is organizing Parivarik Mahila Lok
Adalats offering counseling in family disputes
and conducting training programmes for creating
legal awareness among women.
6. They also suggest remedial action to safeguard
the interest of women to the appropriate
7. To carry out these functions the Commission has
a Chairman, five members and a Member
Secretary, all nominated by the Central
Central theme: The Commission, its functions,
members and their procedures for securing speedy
justice to women.
Sentence D is undoubtedly the opening sentence here as
it clearly mentions the name of the Commission being
talked about.
Sentence C will come next because it talks about the
functions performed by the Commission, according to
the Women Act 1990.
Now this question can get a little tricky. One might feel
that as C talks about the functions, sentence F, again
talking about functions should follow C. But that‘s
where the catch of the question is!
Therefore, the correct order is D-F-G-E-A-C-B
Up next is a Para Jumble that was asked in SBI PO
2014. Try applying the tips discussed above to solve it!
Going by the tips discussed until now, we have to look
for ‗special words‘. Sentence G has the words ‗these
functions‘ and a phrase ‗to carry out‘. Clearly, they are
linked to sentence C. hence, G will come after C.
Para Jumble 4 (SBI PO 2014):
1. It is obvious from the above that the
Commission has accorded the highest priority to
securing speedy justice to women.
2. These members continue to pursue their
mandated activities, namely review of
legislation, intervention in specific individual
complaints of atrocities and denial of rights.
Now since G has introduced us to the members,
naturally B will come next as it has the word ‗these‘ to
refer to members.
The sentences left are A, E and F. Sentence F seems
most apt to follow due to the pronoun ‗they‘ referring
again to the members.
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Well now it‘s pretty obvious that E will follow F; A
being the concluding sentence. This is because sentence
E introduces the issue of speedy justice for women. And
sentence A talks about how it is obvious ‗from the
above‘ that speedy justice for women is a priority for the
for now, for the time being, in time, later on, meanwhile,
next, then, soon, the meantime, later, while, earlier,
simultaneously, afterward, in conclusion, with this in
mind, after all,
So the complete order is D-C-G-B-F-E-A
Personal pronouns are (he, she, it, him, her, they, you,
your etc.)
(3). Personal Pronouns
What are Para jumbles?
Remember that personal pronouns always refer to a
person, place or thing etc.
Para jumbles are jumbled paragraphs. Basically, you are
given a paragraph - but the sentences are not in the right
order. It's up to you to untie this knot and rearrange the
sentences so that they logically make sense.
Therefore, if a sentence contains a personal pronoun
without mentioning the person, place or object it is
referring to, the person, place or object must have come
in the previous sentence.
The approaches for Jumbled Paragraph: -
(4). Demonstrative Pronouns
(1). Establish Link Between Two Sentences and Then
Examine the Options Suppose you establish the link
'BA'. The given options are:
The demonstrative pronouns are "this," "that," "these,"
and "those." "This" and "that" are used to refer to
singular nouns or noun phrases and "these" and "those"
are used to refer to plural nouns and noun phrases.
(a) DABC
Whenever a sentence contains a demonstrative pronoun
without mentioning the noun or the noun phrase, it
means that the previous sentence must be mentioning
that noun or noun phrase.
(b) ACDB
(c) CBAD
Finding that noun or noun phrase helps us connect two
(d) DBAC.
Now you are left with option (c) and (d) to examine.
(5). Acronym Approach
(2). Transition Words
Full form vs. short form:
Transition words make the shift from one idea to another
very smooth. They organize and connect the sentences
In PJ we encounter full and short names sometimes
acronyms of some term or institution.
List of transition words- again, as well as, besides,
Example-World Trade Organization - WTO
furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, similarly,
consequently, hence, otherwise, subsequently, therefore,
thus, as a rule, generally, for instance, for example, for
one thing, above all, aside from, barring, besides, in
other words, in short, instead, likewise, on one hand, on
the other hand, rather, similarly, yet, but, however, still,
nevertheless, first of all, to begin with, at the same time,
Dr. Manmohan Singh - Dr. Singh
Karl Marx - Marx
President George W. Bush - President bush or the
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The rule is that if both full form, as well as short form, is
present in different sentences, then the sentence
containing full form will come before the sentence
containing the short form.
Furthermore, Additionally, Also, And, Too, as well,
besides, indeed, likewise, moreover
(6). Articles Approach
Look for function words or phrases (conjunctions,
sentence adverbs, etc.) that explicitly indicate a contrast
between one idea and another.
Articles can be divided into two categories 1. Definite (the) and
2. Indefinite (a and an).
(c) Contrast Signals
Albeit, Nevertheless, Although, Nonetheless, But,
Notwithstanding, Despite, on the contrary
When the author uses 'a / an' - he wants to make a
general statement - wants to introduce the noun followed
by a/an for the first time but when he uses 'the' he wants
to refer back to some previously discussed noun. It
means having 'the' is very unlikely in the opening
If 'a/an' and 'the' both are used for the same noun, then
the sentence containing 'the' will come after the sentence
containing a/an.
(7) Signal/Indicating Word List
Writers use transitions to link their ideas logically.
These transitions or signal words are clues that can help
you figure out what the sentence actually means and its
(a) Cause and Effect Signals
Look for words or phrases explicitly indicating that one
thing causes another or logically determines another.
Accordingly, in order to, because, so...that,
consequently, therefore, given, thus
even though, on the other hand, however, rather than, In
contrast, Still, In spite of, While, Instead of, yet
Tips and Tricks for Para jumbled Sentences
What are Parajumbled Sentences ?
Parajumbles are jumbled sentences of some paragraph.
Basically, you are given a paragraph – but the sentences
are not in the right order. It‘s up to you to understand the
crux and rearrange the sentences so that they logically
make sense. Usually, instructions for this type of
questions will read ―Choose the most logical order of
sentences from among the given choices to construct a
coherent paragraph‖. Given below would be 5 or 6
perplexing sentences which you would need to sort and
arrange. Sounds difficult ? It is not.
With the help of the following hints and rules, you
people can easily have a command over the
apparently time consuming portion of the English
hence. when...then, if...then
(b) Support Signal Words
Look for the words or phrases supporting a given
These words containing sentences will not be the
opening sentence. These sentences will follow
immediately the sentence supported.
Change the direction WORDS Approach :
These words organize and connect the sentences
logically.If found in a sentence, can often give
you a clue about the sentence that will come
before/after that particular sentence. Given
below are some commonly used these kind of
also, again, as well as, besides, furthermore, in
addition, likewise, moreover, similarly,
consequently, hence, otherwise, subsequently,
therefore, thus, as a rule, generally, for instance,
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Ex-World Trade Organization – WTO
Dr. Manmohan Singh – Dr. Singh
Karl Marx – Marx
President George W. Bush – President bush or
the president
The rule is that if both full form as well as short
form is present in different sentences, then the
sentence containing full form will come before
the sentence containing short form. Approach
for example, for one thing, above all, aside
from, barring, besides, in other words, in short,
instead, likewise, on one hand, on the other
hand, rather, similarly, yet, but, however, still,
nevertheless, first of all, to begin with, at the
same time, for now, for the time being, in time,
later on, meanwhile, next, then, soon, the
meantime, later, while, earlier, simultaneously,
afterward, in conclusion, with this in mind, after
all, all in all to sum-up.
Personal pronouns are he, she, it, him, her, they,
you, your etc. Remember that personal pronouns
always refer to a person, place or thing
etc. Therefore, if a sentence contains a personal
pronoun without mentioning the person, place or
object it is referring to, the person, place or
object must have come in the previous
sentence. Often, this is a good lead to identify a
The demonstrative pronouns are ―this,‖ ―that,‖
―these,‖ and ―those.‖ ―This‖ and ―that‖ are used
to refer to singular nouns or noun phrases and
―these‖ and ―those‖ are used to refer to plural
nouns and noun phrases. Whenever a sentence
contains a demonstrative pronoun without
mentioning the noun or the noun phrase, it
means that the previous sentence must be
mentioning that noun or noun phrase. Finding
that noun or noun phrase helps us connect two
Sometimes using logic to decide the order of
sentences can yield high dividends. In the
previous example, we had used logic to
determine that sentence A would come before
any other sentence referring Hofman. Keep your
eyes open for clues such as these.
Abbreviations Approach
Full form vs. short form: Here,we encounter full
and short names, sometimes abbreviations of
some term or institution.
Chronology Words Approach :
Either dates or time sequence indicating words:
Be aware of the time indication either by giving
years – or by using time indicating words.
Arrange the sentences using their proper time
sequence. Here are a few time sequence
indicating words -Before after later when
Hypothesis or Theory Approach
If any sentence is working as an example – place
it after the sentence for which it is working as an
example, not necessarily just after – because one
has to explain the idea, it is hypothesis/ theory. It
should not be before the idea that it explains.
Articles Approach :
Articles can be divided into two categories –
1. Definite (the) and
2. Indefinite (a and an).
When the author uses ‗a / an‘ – he wants to
make a general statement – wants to introduce
the noun followed by a/an for the first time but
when he uses ‗the‘ he wants to refer back to
some previously discussed noun. It means
having ‗the‘ is very unlikely in the opening
sentence. If ‗a/an‘ and ‗the‘ both are used for the
same noun then the sentence containing ‗the‘
will come after the sentence containing a/an.
Key Words Approach:
Some words will be repeated in two consecutive
In most of the cases we repeat some important
words of one sentence in the sentence that
Hence if you are seeing any important (not like
he, she, that, is, are type) then chances are that
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these two sentences will be consecutive.
Remember it gives you an idea that which
sentences can be consecutive for example 23 or
32 but for exact order you have to look for some
other clue or meaning.
Structure Approach:
Link sentences logically i.e.
Link the sentences logically i.e. see what is the
role played by a specific sentence
and then search for some proper sentence that
should come before or the one which will
Indicating Words Approach:
Take care of words that indicate something
helpful to decide sequence.
Some words indicates some specific nature of
sentences that will come before or that will
Look for the words like
think what they are indicating.
Cause and Effect Approach:
Look for words or phrases explicitly indicating
that one thing causes another or logically
determines another.
in order to
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200 Practice Problems On Sentence
Directions: In each of the following questions each
passage consists of six sentences. The first and the
sixth sentences are given in the beginning. The
middle four sentences in each have been removed and
jumbled up. These are labeled P,Q,R and S. You are
required to find out the proper order of the four
1. S1. One of the criticisms often made against the
production of biofuel is that it requires the use of
enormous areas of agricultural land, thereby
reducing the available space needed to grow food.
S6. The idea has actually been around for some
time. In the United States, research began in earnest
in the 1970s under President Jimmy Carter.
P. Algae are abundant, grow in water (there are
both fresh- and salt-water varieties), fast-growing
and contain high concentrations of oil.
Q. At the same time, their cultivation on a large
scale would help remove CO2 from the atmosphere
and provide a source of oxygen.
R. Put this way, the cultivation of algae for biofuel
production sounds like an attractive idea.
S. But this problem could be solved by using some
form of algae as the source of biofuel instead of
crops like soya, sugar cane or palm
The proper sequence should be:
Option B
Explanation : The starting sentence says that
production of biofuel from crops pose a problem
because of scarcity of agricultural land so clearly S
follows it as it provides the solution in the form of
algae and P explains about Algae further and Q
gives the benefits it gives . And the last sentence S6
discusses some ―idea ― and the word idea is given
in R also so RS6 forms as pair too; giving us SPQR
the correct sequence.
2. S1. In the 1860s, a Belgian businessman called
George Nagelmackers had a brilliant idea.
Nagelmackers had visited the United States where
he had admired the American long-distance trains.
S6. employing the best craftsmen, designers and
artists to produce his luxurious carriages.
P. And he planned to make them even more
Q. In 1876, he founded La Compagnie
Internationale des Wagons-Lits (literally, the
International Sleeping Car Company)
R. They were more comfortable than European
trains and they were equipped with sleeping cars
and restaurants
S. Nagelmackers decided to introduce similar
facilities on European trains
The proper sequence should be:
Option C
Explanation: The starting sentence desribes the
person‘s visit to US where visited in the trains . The
word ―They were more comfortable than
―European‖ trains in R is obviously used for the
trains described in S1 so it will follow the first
sentence ; S and P describe further; his will to
make more luxurious trains in Europe and Q is the
connecting with S6 that he founded a company
employing best employess. So RSPQ is the correct
3. S1. The world food system has shown itself to be
incapable of getting enough healthy food to
S6. Clearly demand for food is going to increase
dramatically and this will put the food system under
considerable strain.
P. And unless something is done, the situation is
bound to get worse in the years ahead.
Q. Around 9 million people suffer chronic hunger
while a billion others consume too much, creating
further health problems linked to obesity.
R. That is an awful lot of mouths to feed.
S. It‘s said that by 2050, the world‘s population is
likely to have risen from the current 7 billion to
around 9 billion.
The proper sequence should be:
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Option D
Explanation : The starting sentence tells deficiency
of present world system. Q explains it further and P
tells ; if not done something now this situation may
be worsened .It is followed by S that projects the
population of future and it connects with R.
4. S1. There‘s nothing new in the idea that
adolescence is a difficult period for everyone – the
adolescents themselves, of course, as well as for
their parents
S6. This new knowledge, it is hoped, will help all
of us deal better with the difficult and often painful
years of transition from childhood to adulthood.
P. Quite simply, the two generations live worlds
apart. Now, psychologists are beginning to
understand the biological basis for this eternal
Q. Teenagers‘ brains really are different from those
of their parents and a fully adult brain may not
develop until well after the teenage years.
R. For their part, adolescents can‘t understand what
their parents are worried about; they find their
tastes and responsible concerns boring and outdated
S. From an adult point of view, adolescents are
difficult, rebellious, irresponsible, often selfish and
self absorbed, prone to dangerous behaviour that
risks their health, their life and their possibility of
future happiness.
The proper sequence should be:
Option D
Explanation : S and R make a pair here and
follows the starting sentence .P gives a conclusion
of the three previous statements and Q tells
the biological reason for this conflict between the
generations which connects with S6 .
5. S1. In his preface to the 1843 edition of ―A
Christmas Carol‖ Charles Dickens expressed the
hope that his ―Ghostly little book‖ would pleasantly
haunt its readers and that it should not put his
readers out of humour with themselves, each other,
or with the author of the book.
S6. And in book form, there are numerous
adaptations for children.
P. The book sums up for many people what
Christmas is all about and it is often said that the
Carol, along with Dickens‘s other Christmas books,
defines the very idea of the true Christmas spirit.
Q. The secret of its everlasting appeal is its bold
simplicity and vivid imagery.
R. Few would doubt that Dickens wholeheartedly
succeeded in this aim.
S. A striking testimony to its overwhelming
popularity is the fact that over 200 film versions
have been made, including the celebrated Muppet
version starring Michael Caine as Scrooge.
The proper sequence should be:
Option B
Explanation : The first sentence ; the aim of
Charles dickens‘ to haunt the readers is talked
about and R acknowledges this aim to be successful
so it is the second sentence S6 is saying bout the
book form of this edition so it is preceded by the
sentence S which talks about film version of the
same . so we are left with P and Q ; and from the
use of pronouns we can infer that P is to be
followed by Q; thus giving the correct sequence to
be RPQS.
6. S1. A new word has entered the English language
in the last year: plasticarian: in other words,
someone who attempts to live a plastic-free life.
S6. whose dislike of the stuff began after he had
spent so much time in the laboratory studying it.
P. Despite this weird connotation, the term is
rapidly catching on and more and more people are
eagerly looking for ways of eliminating plastic
from their lives.
Q. The term is a strange one, as it sounds a bit like
―vegetarian‖, suggesting that a plasticarian is
someone who eats only plastic.
R. This means buying no products made of plastic
or covered in plastic packaging, and making use of
as little plastic as possible in the home.
S. The term was apparently coined by Thomas
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Smith, a chemistry PhD student at Manchester
The proper sequence should be:
Option C
Explanation : The sentence that can follow S1 is R
and S6 should be precede by S ; remaining are P
and Q ; QP is the correct pair. RQPS is the correct
7. S1. Women have often encountered obstacles when
attempting to start their own businesses
S6. They are just as capable as men at founding,
running and growing a new business.
P. Some women have found difficulties overseeing
the work of male subordinates or dealing with male
Q. Then there is the issue of family duties, with
women expected play the major role in taking care
of children and managing the home.
R. Banks have been more reluctant to offer
financing to women planning to launch a new
S. Fortunately, however, the situation is changing,
and today more and more women are proving to the
world that
The proper sequence should be:
Option A
Explanation : First sentence talking about business
issues so R is the next sentence followed by P‘ and
Q then S6 is a positive statement so the previous
one should be S.
8. S1. Back in 1985, journalist, filmmaker and dolphin
expert Hardy Jones was filming dolphins near the
Bahamas when an unwanted visitor appeared upon
the scene: a hammerhead shark.
S6. The four young dolphins harassed the shark,
working as a unit, diving and turning in unison like
a squadron of fighter planes flying precision man
oeuvres until the hammerhead gave up and swam
out to sea.
P. Then, to his complete surprise, something
remarkable happened. ―Suddenly the undersea
world came alive with high-pitched whistles and
intense sonar bursts.
Q. Two juvenile dolphins… appeared over my left
shoulder. I flinched as I felt the wash they created
streaking through the water straight for the
R. What‘s more, it was heading straight for Jones,
intent on attack. Jones thrust his camera in front of
him as a means of protection while he considered
his options.
S. In an instant, two buddies joined them, bolting in
from the right,‖ writes Jones in his blog.
The proper sequence should be:
Option B
Explanation : The sentence1 tells about an incident
that happened during the expert‘s shooting in the
sea R follows it correctly; and P connect with it so
RP is the pair. Q and S are left now; but the word ―
them‖ in S signifies previously talked two things
(dolphins) so it has to be Q so the correct sequence
is RPQS.
9. S1.Introverted people are often seen as socially
inept and their talents are so easily overlooked.
S6. Few people find it pleasant to be seen as misfit.
P. But as modern society tends to place a high value
on extroversion (life is a performance!), the
chances are that you‘ll suffer at some stage for it.
Q. Introverts are a minority in this extroverted
world, much in the way that left-handed people find
that a lot of things are designed with right-handed
people in mind.
R. As computer scientist, blogger and introvert
Mark Dykeman writes: Simply put, introverts face
the daily challenge of feeling like square pegs being
shoved into round holes.
S. If you‘re an introvert, you probably didn‘t
choose it; it‘s just your nature.
The proper sequence should be:
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a) As this trend continued across various school boards
100% cut-offs stopped raising eyebrows. Now cut-offs
even soar ‗beyond‘ 100%.
Option C
Explanation :The word ―You‖ in S and P makes
them a pair ; and the conjunction But signifies S is
the first part and P will follow it ; R tells that the
writer writes about the problems of introverts and Q
complements this saying giving the correct SPRQ.
10. S1. In the mid-1970s, Bangladeshi economist
Mohammed Yuru believed he had hit upon an
ingenious way of reducing poverty.
S6. As a result, all the profit from the sale of their
baskets was paid back to the money lender and the
cycle of poverty continued.
P. who would lend sums of money at exorbitant
rates of interest – sometimes as much as 120%.
Q. Being very poor people, it was impossible to get
a loan from a bank, so they often had recourse to
loan sharks
R. After visiting poor villages in his native country
he realized that if people could get a small loan to
start a small business, they could make enough
money to pay back the debt and eventually
S. He noticed, for example, that basket weavers in
one village he visited sometimes couldn‘t afford to
buy the bamboo they needed to make the wares
they would later sell.
The proper sequence should be:
Option C
Explanation : R and S connect with each other and
so does P and Q . The sequence will be RSQP.
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
b) So when CBSE gave as many as 16 extra marks in the
class XII maths exam in 2016, students with 77 may
have ended up getting 93 marks. This is not only unjust
to the truly distinguished students but it can hurt more
average students as well, by giving them a false sense of
academic worth.
c) This policy means that upon complaints that a
question paper is too difficult, the board recommends
extra marks for examinees.
d) In 2011, a Delhi University college sparked a major
outcry when it set a 100% cut-off for a course.
e) What promises welcome relief from this
unsustainably feverish trend is CBSE and other school
boards‘ effort to end the marks moderation policy, which
has inflated board exam results without corresponding
gain in learning.
f) But the university vice-chancellor explained this in the
context of how the number of Central Board of
Secondary Education class XII students with more than
95% marks had risen dramatically over the previous
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the SECOND sentence?
A) e
B) a
C) b
D) f
E) c
Option D
Explanation: The correct sequence is: dfaecb.
The introduction sentence is d) as all other sentence
starts with words like but, as, this. Now the next
sentence can be a) or f) but on reading a) we get an
idea that a) will follow f) as a) explains f) . So we
have (dfa). Both c) and e) talks about policy, means
they are connected, and b) and c) are also connect
by the way of extra marks. So arrange them in
correct sequence as e) c) and b)
we have dfaecb
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2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIRST sentence?
A) a
B) c
C) e
D) d
E) b
Option D
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the LAST (SIXTH) sentence?
A) a
B) e
C) b
D) c
E) d
Option C
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIFTH sentence?
A) b
B) f
C) e
D) c
E) a
b) The Reserve Bank of India‘s (RBI) decision to
expand the strength and operational scope of the
oversight committee for restructuring bank debt is
welcome but not adequate.
c) This is not what is ideal. The banks should not be
burdened with the job of resolving bad loans.
d) The solution is to create a competitive market for
stressed assets, with multiple so-called vulture funds in
the fray along with the ARCs now in play.
e) The committee proposes, under the current thinking,
to give its nod to defaulting debtors who are taken up for
resolution under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code.
f) The ARCs should decide how to restructure the
companies underlying the assets they purchase. The
difficulty in selling bad loans to an ARC is fixing the
haircut that the bank should take.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIRST sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) e
E) f
Option B
Explanation: The correct Sequence is: becafd
Option D
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the THIRD sentence?
A) e
B) b
C) a
D) c
E) f
Option C
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the LAST (SIXTH) sentence?
A) c
B) d
C) f
D) a
E) e
Option B
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow.
a) That should be the job of an asset reconstruction
company (ARC). Banks should be free to sell off their
bad loans to ARCs for a consideration, get recapitalised
and move on to resume stalled lending.
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIFTH sentence?
A) e
B) c
C) f
D) b
E) a
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Option C
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FOURTH sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option A
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the THIRD sentence?
A) a
B) c
C) b
D) d
E) e
Option B
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
(1) Long-term damage to the highly productive
mangroves on the Indian side occurred during the
colonial era, when forests were cut to facilitate
(2) The Sundarbans present a stark example of what loss
of ecology can do to a landscape and its people.
(3) Fresh evidence of loss of forest cover in the Indian
Sundarbans, which represent a third of the largest
contiguous mangrove ecosystem in the world, is a
reminder that an accelerated effort is necessary to
preserve them.
(4) There is also a unique population of tigers that live
here, adapted to move easily across the land-sea
(5) As a recent Jadavpur University study has pointed
out, climate change appears to be an emerging threat to
the entire 10,000 sq km area that also straddles
Bangladesh towards the east, and sustains millions of
people with food, water and forest products.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5
Option D
Point 2 is the starting sentence which tells about
what tells that what does present condition of
Sundarbans represents. Then in (3) talked about
Indian Sunderbans, then in (1) about this damage
on Indian side. then (5) – it says that also straddles
Bangladesh – because of the word also here the
Bangladesh side will follow the India side (in
sentences here). and lastly sentence (4) So, the
correct sequence is: 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5
Option E
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5
Option C
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Last sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5
Option B
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5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5
Option A
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Last sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 5
Option A
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
(1) Since a diversified diet that meets all nutritional
requirements is difficult to provide, fortification of food
is relied upon by many countries to prevent malnutrition.
(2) The World Health Organisation estimates that
deficiency of key micronutrients such as iron, vitamin A
and iodine together affects a third of the world‘s
population; in general, insufficient consumption of
vitamins and minerals remains problematic.
(3) Viewed against the nutrition challenge India faces,
processed foods with standards-based fortification can
help advance overall health goals, starting with maternal
(4) It is imperative, for a start, to make iron-fortified
food widely available, since iron deficiency contributes
to 20% of maternal deaths and is associated with nearly
half of all maternal deaths.
(5) The shadow of malnutrition extends to the children
that women with anaemia give birth to.
(6) They often have low birth weight, are pre-term, and
suffer from poor development and lower cognitive
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 5
Option D
The correct sequence is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the First sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 5
Option A
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
Option C
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 3
Option B
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Mercifully no shots were fired.
2) By seizing the drone, it has made clear that two can
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play at being annoying.
3) The object was then taken to the Chinese ship, which
sailed off with it. Point deftly made.
4) After remonstrations by the Americans, China agreed
to give the drone back ―in an appropriate manner‖.
5) On December 15th, less than 500 metres away from
an American navy ship, a Chinese one deployed a
smaller boat to grab an underwater American drone.
6) The incident occurred in the South China Sea, in
which China says the Americans have no business
snooping around.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 5
D) 3
E) 1
The correct order is 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
The correct order is 5, 3, 6, 2, 1, 4
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Grant of permanent commission would allow women
to rise in rank along with the men, and gain pay parity.
2) Following the latest ruling, women who qualify for
permanent commission will be able to work until the age
of 54, as their male counterparts do.
3) Until now, women could qualify only for the Navy‘s
Short Service Commission with a tenure of up to 14
years; this made them ineligible for pension and often
unable to find other work they were qualified for.
4) It took the Delhi High Court to set right last week a
largely inexplicable instance of official gender
5) The High Court rightly ruled that it could not support
any provision that would restrain the professional
advancement of women.
6) It ruled that the Indian Navy must grant permanent
commission to women as well, as the Army and the Air
Force had to do following a 2010 order by a different
bench of the same court.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
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E) 5
The correct order is 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
E) 1
The correct order is 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 6
The correct order is 4, 6, 3, 2, 5, 1
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
a) The vault is on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen
and contains almost a million packets of seeds, each a
variety of an important food crop.
b) It was designed as an impregnable deep-freeze to
protect the world‘s most precious seeds from any global
disaster and ensure humanity‘s food supply forever.
c) When it was opened in 2008, the deep permafrost
through which the vault was sunk was expected to
provide ―failsafe‖ protection against ―the challenge of
natural or man-made disasters‖.
d) But the Global Seed Vault, buried in a mountain deep
inside the Arctic circle, has been breached after global
warming produced extraordinary temperatures over the
winter, sending meltwater gushing into the entrance
e) But soaring temperatures in the Arctic at the end of
the world‘s hottest ever recorded year led to melting and
heavy rain, when light snow should have been falling.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the SECOND sentence?
A) d
B) c
C) a
D) b
E) e
Option A
Explanation: Correct Sequence is: bdace
After reading all the sentence we get an idea that
the passage is centered around Global Seed Vault.
To find the starting sentence we need a statement
that completely introduces Global Seed Vault.
Sentence d) along with b) i.e first b) then d) fulfills
this condition. Then a) further describes the Global
Seed Vault. Followed by c) and e)
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIFTH (LAST) sentence?
A) a
B) e
C) b
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d) It doesn‘t seem right that the diversity of the
electorate‘s views is simplified into a simple decision.
But that‘s the way it works.
D) d
E) c
Option B
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIRST sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option B
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the THIRD sentence?
A) b
B) e
C) c
D) a
E) d
Option D
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FOURTH sentence?
A) e
B) d
C) c
D) b
E) a
Option C
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow.
a) Every nerve cell in our brain acts on ‗inputs‘, or
information, from thousands of other nerve cells. Each
one integrates these ‗inputs‘ into a single goal – whether
to fire or not to fire.
b) As the election draws nearer many us feel dread at
how a complex array of issues facing our country gets
squeezed into a winner takes all, first past the post
voting process.
c) Once it does and the impulse is transmitted, all the
richness and complexity of the other cell inputs is lost.
e) There‘s no grey area or halfway house: a nerve cell
either fires an action potential or it doesn‘t.
f) And, strangely enough, this is exactly how the brain
works, too. Neurones either fire or they don‘t; each
nerve cell returns a single result despite the infinite
number of thoughts and decisions that lead up to it.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIRST sentence?
A) a
B) d
C) b
D) c
E) f
Option C
Explanation: Correct sequence is: bdfaec
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the SIXTH(LAST) sentence?
A) a
B) d
C) b
D) c
E) e
Option D
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the FIFTH sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option E
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the THIRD sentence?
A) b
B) c
C) d
D) e
E) f
Option E
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10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the SECOND sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) f
Option D
Direction: In each of the following questions few
statements are given. You have to arrange them and
choose the correct arrangement from the given
1. a) Now a distinguished observer of the universe and
a proponent of underlying laws that govern it,
Stephen Hawking has pointed out in a BBC
programme that human beings need to colonise a
planet soon and they must start in the next 100
years if the species is to be kept alive.
b) Science fiction has traditionally used its
imagination to show earthlings in a struggle with
beings from another planet.
c) Only recently in movies has the tide been turned
towards making an attempt to colonise other
planets, mainly Mars.
d) This is because humanity is in danger of
extinction because of climate change,
overpopulation, chemical and nuclear wars.
A) bcda
B) bdac
C) cadb
D) bcad
E) cabd
Option D
Explanation: Correct Order: bcad.
sentences a) c) and d) starts with words that cannot
be used as an introductory line. Option B) is hence
the introduction line. Followed by c) giving an
example of the same. d) explains a) and hence
follows it. So order is bcad
2. (a) This particular worldwide security threat, which
hasn‘t yet run its course, was dismantled by a UK
security expert who activated an address that the
―kill switch‖ in the ransomware was compelled to
search for.
(b) ranging from the UK National Health Service to
a French carmaker with an alliance plant in
Chennai, the German railways, the Andhra Pradesh
police and entire Russian systems.
(c) A massive cyberattack brought computers to a
halt on Friday and Saturday, the malware affecting
over one lakh computers and systems in nearly 150
nations worldwide,
(d) Such ransomware attacks are commonplace,
with an estimated 600 million attacks likely
recorded in 2016 alone.
A) cbda
B) cdba
C) cadb
D) adbc
E) abdc
Option A
Explanation: Correct Order: cbda
c) is the starting sentence as it introduces the
passage. Followed by b) then d) tells about various
such incidence that have occurred in past, and then
a) highlights this particular threat.
3. a) This sector employs 42.5 lakh Indians directly,
and has created over twice as many jobs indirectly
in other fields.
b) Automation would then replace entry-level jobs,
denying jobs to college-leavers, and lead to the
retrenchment of mid-level professionals who
couldn‘t remain relevant via constant reskilling.
c) The landscape of the $150-billion IT sector, one
of India‘s largest job-providers, is changing fast,
owing to technological advances in automation and
d) But it is gradually moving away from the linear
growth model, with rise in revenue matching net
employee addition, to a non-linear one where
income growth is independent of additional hiring.
A) cdba
B) abdc
C) badc
D) cadb
E) dcba
Option D
Explanation: Correct order: cadb
4. a) All jobs that don‘t require exceptional thought
processes and those that could be accomplished by
analysing data with a simple algorithm could be
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b) A study by Oxford University suggested that 100
professions or occupations are at risk of being
eliminated by automation in the future.
c) It is a matter of concern as with growing
population, the demand for jobs is also on rise.
d) People whose jobs require them to come up with
solutions on a case- by-case basis can rest assured
that their jobs will not be replaced.
A) abdc
B) badc
C) dcab
D) dcba
E) cdab
Option B
Explanation: Correct order: badc
5. a) India‘s IT sector must make the Digital India
programme its pivot for India-focused
opportunities, whose solutions could be profitably
deployed in a large number of developing
b) With around 16 lakh graduates entering the job
market every year amid slow job creation due to
global protectionism and automation threats, the
urgent issue for the Indian government is to
redesign its job creation strategy.
c) As former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan once
said, it‘s time for the government and Indian
industry to focus on ―Make for India‖, rather than
the export-driven ―Make in India‖.
d) The focus on the export-led model alone may not
A) dbca
B) bdac
C) acdb
D) cadb
E) cdab
Option B
Explanation: Correct Order is: bdac
6. c) In the United States, the world‘s most advanced
nation, there has been a strange issue that is being
discussed. It is being written about in books, and
there are talks on it (which one can access on
YouTube), but there is yet no action on it, though
this is expected soon.
b) The issue is that of artificial intelligence
becoming smarter than man.
d) To us in India this does not seem like something
to think about much. Computers are to us devices
that we have control over. Our laptop or mobile
phone is to us a tool and our servant. It is not our
a) However in America, some of the smartest
people working on technology are thinking about
and discussing what will happen when artificial
intelligence, meaning computer programs,
overtakes man in the ability to think.
A) bcad
B) adcb
C) badc
D) cbda
E) bacd
Option D
Explanation: The correct order is: cbda
7. a) The incident involving a Jet Airways expat pilot
who allegedly not only harassed a woman
passenger but also apparently assaulted her and let
loose racist abuse at Indians in general, and a
physically challenged passenger in particular, is
b) But when such a nasty trait is publicly displayed
by a foreigner working in India for an Indian
airline, it shows how acute the problem of racism is
in our country. The airline expressed regret and derostered the pilot, but only belatedly after cricketer
Harbhajan Singh tweeted on it.
c) But it‘s clear a fuller remedy is needed: this
problem simply can‘t be tolerated where the
customer and the staff interact face to face.
d) Racism of all kinds may be inherent in a variety
of people.
A) abdc
B) dcab
C) adbc
D) cadb
E) dbca
Option C
Explanation: Correct Order is: adbc
Direction (8-10): Rearrange the given sentence to
form a meaningful passage and answer the questions
that follow.
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a) Why are fewer Americans paying for the sports
leader? One big reason is that fewer people are
subscribing to pay-television overall—a phenomenon
known as ―cord-cutting‖.
b) This has turned off customers and potential
customers. Sports fans can get highlights free on social
media; non-sports fans can get their fix from Netflix and
c) For much of this century ESPN, the television sports
network, has been Disney‘s cash machine, collecting
billions more dollars from American subscribers each
year than the company gets from its blockbuster ―Star
Wars‖, Marvel and Pixar films combined.
d) As the bundle of channels offered to homes has grown
fatter, it has also become more expensive—the typical
pay-TV bill in America has nearly doubled in a decade
to more than $100 a month.
e) But for the past six years, fewer and fewer people
have been paying for ESPN: the network‘s subscribers
base has declined from a peak of 100m households in
2011 to less than 88m now.
f) ESPN is by far the most expensive channel in the
bundle—the network gets paid $7.86 per subscriber,
according to Kagan, a research firm, while no other basic
cable channel commands even $2 per subscriber.
8. Which of the following is the third sentence after
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option A
Explanation: The correct sequence is: ceadbf
9. Which of the following is the fifth sentence after
A) f
B) b
C) a
D) c
E) e
Option B
10. Which of the following is the second sentence after
A) f
B) e
C) d
D) a
E) c
Option B
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
(a) If the vaccine does indeed prove to be ready for
large-scale use, it will be a milestone in the fight against
(b) Beginning next year, the World Health Organisation
will begin pilot tests of the injectable malaria vaccine
RTS,S (or Mosquirix) on 750,000 children aged 5-17
months in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi.
(c) Any decision on wider use will be taken based on the
results of the pilot tests in the three countries.
(d) Although the number of cases globally and in the
African region came down by 21% between 2010 and
2015, in 2015 itself the number of deaths worldwide on
account of the disease was as high as 429,000.
(e) The vaccine has been successfully put through a
Phase III trial, in which the drug is tested for safety and
(f) According to WHO estimates, Africa accounted for
92% of these deaths, and 90% of the 212 million new
cases that year.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) a
B) f
C) e
D) c
E) b
Option C
Explanation: sequence is: becadf => sentence (e)
is the second
On taking a glance at the passage, it is clear that the
passage is about malaria vaccine. No other sentence
other than b), provides complete information on
anything and are dependent sentences which cannot
be used as a starting sentence. Sentence b)
completely introduces malaria vaccine and hence
acts as the introduction.
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According to b) from next year WHO will pilot test
malaria vaccine. Sentence a), c) and e) are also
related to vaccine, so check among these sentences
for the next sentence. Sentence c) is eliminated as it
will follow sentence e) as e) talks about trail phase
and c) talks about what will happen after e) has
taken place. Now both a) and e) are eligible for
2nd position. a) says that if the vaccine does prove
to be ready for large scale use… it means this will
happen when it has been after the pilot test, So a)
will not be the second sentence rather it will follow
c) as c) is about pilot test. So second sentence is e)
So we have now: beca
From d) and f), d) will come first as f) is dependent
on d).. f) says Africa accounted for 92% of these
deaths… Which death? The death mentioned in d)
So sequence is: becadf
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) b
B) e
C) d
D) a
E) f
Option D
Explanation: sentence (a)
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) b
B) a
C) d
D) f
E) e
Option A
Explanation: sentence (b)
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the last(sixth) sentence?
A) a
B) f
C) d
D) e
E) c
Option B
Explanation: sentence (f)
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option D
Explanation: sentence (d)
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
(a) For instance, the Supreme Court‘s recent order
banning the sale of liquor near highways could adversely
affect the tourism sector and result in the loss of a great
many jobs.
(b) A lack of economic analysis while passing
judgement has the potential to create an adverse impact
on employment, growth of infrastructure, hospitality,
tourism, real estate and other economically relevant
sectors, revenue of state and Central governments, and
balance sheets of banks and financial institutions,
without having the desired positive impact on social
(c) The higher judiciary is increasingly dealing with
issues which have large-scale economic and commercial
(d) Alcohol consumption is not a social ill but
irresponsible drinking is.
(e) These include allocation of natural resources such as
spectrum, coal blocks, allowing mining of sand and
sandstone, use of the Aadhaar card to access essential
services, data privacy and security and waiver of farm
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) b
B) d
C) a
D) c
E) e
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Option D
Explanation: Sequence is: cebad
Sentence c) and b) qualify for the position of first
sentence as rest of the sentence are dependent
sentences. However c) acts as an introduction
sentence and tells that higher judiciary is dealing
with economic issues, followed by e). Then comes
b) which states what will happen when a judge who
has to pass a verdict is inefficient of doing
economic analysis. Option a) follows b) as it gives
an example. Last is d)
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option B
Explanation: sentence (b)
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option A
Explanation: sentence (a)
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option E
Explanation: sentence (e)
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the last(fifth) sentence?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option D
Explanation: sentence (d)
Direction: In each of the following questions few
statements are given. You have to arrange them and
choose the correct arrangement from the given
1. a) But as people begin immersing themselves in
new realities, a growing number of worrisome
reports have surfaced.
b) Tech evangelists predicted that 2016 would be
―the year of virtual reality.‖
c) One is that VR systems can make some users
d) And in some ways they were right. Several
virtual reality headsets finally hit the commercial
market, and millions of people bought one.
A) bacd
B) cbda
C) bdac
D) badc
E) bdca
Option C
Explanation: Tech evangelists predicted that 2016
would be ―the year of virtual reality.‖ And in some
ways they were right. Several virtual reality
headsets finally hit the commercial market, and
millions of people bought one. But as people begin
immersing themselves in new realities, a growing
number of worrisome reports have surfaced. One is
that VR systems can make some users sick.
2. a) This advance may be more symbolic than
practical right now, but merely showing a working
example of atomic data storage, orders of
magnitude smaller than state of the art techniques,
is practically science fiction.
b) The fundamental components of computers are
becoming small enough that they are pressing
against the boundaries of the familiar world of
Newtonian physics.
c) But IBM has outdone them all by reading and
writing data to a single atom.
d) And nowhere is the scale and precision of
operation on better display than in hard disk drives,
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where a trillion bits may fit in a square inch.
A) abcd
B) abdc
C) bacd
D) bdca
E) cbad
Option D
Explanation: The fundamental components of
computers are becoming small enough that they are
pressing against the boundaries of the familiar
world of Newtonian physics. And nowhere is the
scale and precision of operation on better display
than in hard disk drives, where a trillion bits may fit
in a square inch. But IBM has outdone them all by
reading and writing data to a single atom. This
advance may be more symbolic than practical right
now, but merely showing a working example of
atomic data storage, orders of magnitude smaller
than state of the art techniques, is practically
science fiction.
3. a) You can probably think of a few: coolness under
pressure, a problem-solving mentality, and the
ability to work in a team setting.
b) Essentially, hopefuls must have a bachelor‘s
degree in science, be physically fit, and stand
between 58.5 and 76 inches tall.
c) What NASA doesn‘t mention, however, are the
d) NASA‘s requirements for becoming an astronaut
are stringent, but not overly daunting.
A) bdac
B) cbad
C) dbca
D) dacb
E) bdca
Option C
Explanation: NASA‘s requirements for becoming
an astronaut are stringent, but not overly daunting.
Essentially, hopefuls must have a bachelor‘s degree
in science, be physically fit, and stand between 58.5
and 76 inches tall. What NASA doesn‘t mention,
however, are the intangibles. You can probably
think of a few: coolness under pressure, a problemsolving mentality, and the ability to work in a team
4. a)Quarks only separate in extreme conditions.
b) Some conditions are : immediately after the Big
Bang or in the center of stars or during high-energy
particle collisions generated in particle colliders.
c) Much of the matter in the universe is made up of
tiny particles called quarks.
d) Normally it‘s impossible to see a quark on its
own because they are always bound tightly together
in groups.
A) cdab
B) cabd
C) dcba
D) dabc
E) acdb
Option A
Explanation: Much of the matter in the universe is
made up of tiny particles called quarks. Normally
it‘s impossible to see a quark on its own because
they are always bound tightly together in groups.
Quarks only separate in extreme conditions. Some
conditions are : immediately after the Big Bang or
in the center of stars or during high-energy particle
collisions generated in particle colliders.
5. a) At the dawn of personal computing he imagined
the creative mind overlapping symbiotically with
the intelligent machine to co-create designs.
b) This vision of the future architect was imagined
by engineer and inventor Douglas Engelbart during
his research into emerging computer systems at
Stanford in 1962.
c) This dual mode of production, he envisaged,
would hold the potential to generate new realities
which could not be realized by either entity
operating alone.
A) bca
B) bac
C) abc
D) acb
E) cba
Option B
Explanation: This vision of the future architect
was imagined by engineer and inventor Douglas
Engelbart during his research into emerging
computer systems at Stanford in 1962. At the dawn
of personal computing he imagined the creative
mind overlapping symbiotically with the intelligent
machine to co-create designs. This dual mode of
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production, he envisaged, would hold the potential
to generate new realities which could not be
realized by either entity operating alone.
6. a) Now, if all goes well, the American space agency
is poised to take one of the first steps toward
overcoming those challenges.
b) Although the project is still speculative, NASA
and other International Space Station (ISS) partners
have begun making plans for a cis-lunar
―spaceport‖ designed to provide a stepping-stone to
the Red Planet.
c) NASA‘s goal of sending humans to Mars by the
2030s faces many challenges.
A) cba
B) bca
C) cab
D) bac
E) acb
Option C
Explanation: Although the project is still
speculative, NASA and other International Space
Station (ISS) partners have begun making plans for
a cis-lunar ―spaceport‖ designed to provide a
stepping-stone to the Red Planet. Now, if all goes
well, the American space agency is poised to take
one of the first steps toward overcoming those
challenges. NASA‘s goal of sending humans to
Mars by the 2030s faces many challenges.
7. a) So, you leave home in search of a better life.
b) Imagine that you are a farmer.
c) Your crops are withering as weather patterns
become more volatile, your well water is too salty
to drink, and rice is too expensive to buy at the
d) Millions of people in vulnerable communities
around the world do not have to imagine such a
A) badc
B) bcda
C) abdc
D) bcad
E) acdb
Option D
Explanation: Imagine that you are a farmer. Your
crops are withering as weather patterns become
more volatile, your well water is too salty to drink,
and rice is too expensive to buy at the market.
So, you leave home in search of a better
life.Millions of people in vulnerable communities
around the world do not have to imagine such a
8. a) But, every so often, a freak occurrence forces a
reappraisal of what we think we know.
b) Investors, like astronomers or anthropologists,
rely on intellectual models to make sense of a
complicated universe, guide immediate choices,
and set priorities for further inquiry.
c) Or it could be a political upheaval, like the Brexit
referendum in the United Kingdom or the election
of Donald Trump as President of the United States.
d) It could be a black hole.
A) bdca
B) badc
C) abdc
D) cdba
E) cbad
Option B
Explanation: Investors, like astronomers or
anthropologists, rely on intellectual models to make
sense of a complicated universe, guide immediate
choices, and set priorities for further inquiry. But,
every so often, a freak occurrence forces a
reappraisal of what we think we know. It could be a
black hole. Or it could be a political upheaval, like
the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom or
the election of Donald Trump as President of the
United States.
9. a) Many live in overcrowded and unsafe camps,
often lacking basic necessities, as they wait for
some country to grant them asylum.
b) That is 21.3 million people who have been
driven from their countries by fear of violence or
oppression based on race, religion, nationality,
politics, or identity.
c) Today, there are 21.3 million refugees
d) But even asylum is inadequate to enable refugees
to rebuild their lives.
A) cabd
B) acbd
C) abdc
D) cdba
E) cbad
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Option E
Explanation: Today, there are 21.3 million
refugees worldwide. That is 21.3 million people
who have been driven from their countries by fear
of violence or oppression based on race, religion,
nationality, politics, or identity. Many live in
overcrowded and unsafe camps, often lacking basic
necessities, as they wait for some country to grant
them asylum. But even asylum is inadequate to
enable refugees to rebuild their lives.
10. a) Nearly every major society has been shaped by
famine; one estimate suggests that China suffered
drought or flood-induced starvation in at least one
province almost every year from 108 BC to 1911.
b) More cereals were produced annually in the last
quarter of the twentieth century than in any
preceding period, and more grain will be harvested
this year than at any time in history.
c) Yet the struggle against hunger is a battle that
humanity could finally win.
d) Hunger has wracked humanity since time
A) adbc
B) dacb
C) abdc
D) dbca
E) cdab
Option B
Explanation: Hunger has wracked humanity since
time immemorial. Nearly every major society has
been shaped by famine; one estimate suggests that
China suffered drought or flood-induced starvation
in at least one province almost every year from 108
BC to 1911. Yet the struggle against hunger is a
battle that humanity could finally win. More cereals
were produced annually in the last quarter of the
twentieth century than in any preceding period, and
more grain will be harvested this year than at any
time in history.
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
A. The switch-over would reduce the weight of the
vehicle as it can do away with nearly two tonnes of
propellants and carry heavier satellites.
B. This is the first time a satellite weighing over 3.1
tonnes has been launched from India to reach the
geostationary orbit about 36,000 km from Earth.
C. The Mk-III can launch satellites weighing up to four
tonnes, which almost doubles India‘s current launch
D. This can be done by switching over to electric
propulsion for orbit rising and to keep the satellite in the
right position and orientation in the orbit through its
lifetime (that is, station keeping).
E. The Indian Space Research Organization has crossed
a significant milestone with the successful
developmental flight of the country‘s heaviest
Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, the GSLV
F. With communication satellites becoming heavier (up
to six tonnes), the capability for larger payloads is vital.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) D
B) A
C) B
D) C
E) F
Option C
Clearly E is the starting sentence. It talks about
significant milestone. Next in B talked about first time
in India about this launch in E point. Next C point
talks about weight and F further talks about heavier
satellites. Now clearly A follows B. So in last – BA.
So, ehe correct sequence is: EBCFDA
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) F
B) D
C) B
D) E
E) A
Option A
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) F
B) C
C) A
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D) E
E) D
Option D
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Last sentence?
A) F
B) A
C) D
D) E
E) B
on direct taxes, which fell within the budgeted target of
5.6 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), it said.
F. During 2016-17, India generated additional tax
revenues as unreported cash identified both through the
amnesty scheme and demonetization were brought under
the tax net.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) E
B) A
C) D
D) E
E) B
Option B
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Third sentence?
A) E
B) F
C) B
D) A
E) C
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
A. On November 8, Indian government had pulled out
old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes from circulation
with immediate effect, which accounted to almost 86 per
cent of cash in circulation.
B. Successful demonetization will help in raising
revenues on sustained basis as more and more people
will come under the tax net, says a World Bank report.
C. Gross tax revenue, including states‘ share, surpassed
budgeted target (of 10.8 per cent) at 11.3 per cent, which
was mostly due to higher-than-expected excise
collections on petroleum products.
D.‖Going forward revenues may increase permanently if
demonetization is successful in raising the amount of
income reported to tax authorities,‖ World Bank said in
a chapter titled ‗India‘s Great Currency Exchange‘ in its
latest ‗India Development Update‘.
E. Even though, demonetization had only a neutral effect
Option A
B is starting sentence which talks about what is
being said in World Bank‘s report. Now this
statement of World Bank is justifies by point F
which tells that – additional tax revenues in 201617 were brought under the tax net. Point C further
talks about tax revenues. Then E talks about –
budgeted target. The correct sequence is: BFCEDA
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the Last sentence?
A) B
B) A
C) F
D) E
E) D
Option B
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the First sentence?
A) E
B) C
C) D
D) E
E) B
Option E
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9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) E
B) B
C) A
D) C
E) D
Option D
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) F
B) E
C) A
D) B
E) D
Option A
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) The idea that downloading music free of cost is illegal
got pushed aside and stored away in some corner of our
minds, if it was even there in the first place.
2) Since nobody knew any better, nobody minded.
3) For the longest time, we were required to purchase
music in the form of tapes or cassettes.
4) We are now in the 17th year of this century and have
already moved on from using old cassettes and reached a
point where they can be passed off as vintage
5) How then, after years and years of piracy, has the
market evolved to introduce us to platforms that actually
convince us to turn towards paid music downloads?
6) It was only a matter of time that technology entered,
touched and conquered the beautiful world of music.
7) With a smartphone in hand and internet waves all
over the place, it has never been so easy to listen to
8) However, that was until we were introduced to the
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 7
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
Option D
7th is the starting point.
Point no 4 tells about that today in 17th year of this
century, we have moved on from cassettes and have
reached a point…. Next that – not much time has
passed that we entered technology.
Next – what used to be before? We were required
to purchase… and since nobody knew about any
better thing than cassettes, nobody had any
objection purchasing… And this was only untill
we were introduced to internet.
Now about – that downloading music free of cost
has now stored in our minds. And then a question
about piracy that after this piracy can the paid
platforms convince us for paid music downloads?
So the order is 7, 4, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 5
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 8
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option B
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 2
E) 7
Option D
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 8
C) 6
D) 4
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E) 2
Option B
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the last sentence?
A) 1
B) 8
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) The new study shows human plasma can aid older
mice‘s memory and learning. Experts said it could have
a similar beneficial effect in humans.
2) The findings could lead to new treatments for ageassociated declines in mental ability.
3) A protein found in umbilical cord blood may help
reverse mental ageing.
4) An earlier study showed that direct infusion of young
mice‘s plasma benefited old mice.
5) The researchers identified a protein, abundant in
human cord blood but decreasingly so with advancing
age, that had the same effect when injected into the
6) Human umbilical cord blood can rejuvenate learning
and memory in older mice, according to a new study.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
Option E
The paragraph is about reversing mental ageing
So point 3 is the first sentence.
Next told about the study. Point no 6 tells –
according to a new study…. Next the researchers
found protein… Now what could these findings
lead to…
Now what earlier study showed about mice.. What
new study shows about mice… At last that this can
be helpful for humans too.
So the correct order is 3, 6, 5, 2, 4, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 5
E) 2
Option D
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
Option B
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 1
Option A
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
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meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But despite last year‘s damage compounded by new
cases dotted across 800 reefs in a 1,500km stretch, not a
single reef tourism operator has been forced to seek out
new ground to take visitors.
2) And that was not because of bleaching but Cyclone
Debbie further south, which damaged that other hub of
reef tourism, the Whitsundays after it escaped the
3) In the dark clouds gathering over the future of the
Great Barrier Reef, there has been a small silver lining
for the people who make their living showcasing the
natural wonder.
4) When the reef was rocked by an unprecedented
second mass bleaching event in the space of a year, the
coral hardest-hit by heat stress lay mostly in the touristheavy latitudes between Cairns and Townsville.
5) The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, which
licenses operators to visit designated reef sites,
confirmed it has received one request to change a permit.
6) By an accident of geography, the tourist operators
say, the most wondrous sites for public viewing, which
tend to fall on the edge of the continental shelf near
cooler, deeper waters, are the ones also spared the worst
damage from bleaching.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
point number 5 which tells that the authority
which licenses operators have
received request….Next point no 2 that this
request is not because of bleaching but… last is
point 6
So the order is 3, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option A
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 2
E) 1
Option D
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
Option C
Option D
Point No 5th can be the starting sentence. But it says
it has received a request to change a permit. Which
permit?? Not given in point 5. So it cannot be the
starting sentence. Pont no 6 has also a little
possibility of the starting sentence. But there is no
sentence which can logically follow it. So starting
sentence is point no 3 which tells about Great
Barrier Reef. Now point 4 tells about – the
reef (means some specific reef) so it will follow
point 3 (here the reef is point to the Great Barrier
Reef). In point 4 – hardest-hit by heat stress. So it
follows point 1 which tells despite this
damage, reef tourism operators….. Next comes
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
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meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) The authors of this study found that over the past 420
million years, the slow heating of the sun and slow
decline of the greenhouse effect have roughly offset each
other, leading to a fairly stable long-term global climate.
2) A new study published in Nature Communications
looks at changes in solar activity and carbon dioxide
levels over the past 420 million years.
3) The authors found that on our current path, by midcentury humans will be causing the fastest climate
change in approximately 50 million years, and if we
burn all available fossil fuels, we‘ll cause the fastest
change in the entire 420 million year record.
4) A stronger greenhouse effect due to higher carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere may be one
5) Over time, solar output has grown stronger, and
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have fallen due to an
effect known as ―weathering‖ of rocks and an increase in
plant life.
6) The study relates to a scientific conundrum known as
the ―faint young sun paradox‖ – that early in Earth‘s
history, solar output was 70% less intense than it is
today, and yet the planet was warm enough to have a
liquid ocean.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
Option E
Clearly point no 2 is the starting sentence which
tells that what the new study published says. The
study tells about changes over the past 420 million
years. Now the authors of this study found that
what will happen in the mid-century and if we burn
all available fossil fuels – this will cause a fastest
change and break records of those 420 million
years (point no 3). Now more points – that what the
study tells. Point 6 tells that what was used to be
earlier (that early in Earth‘s history….). Why it was
says? – Tells point no 4 that one explanation is…
Next point no 5 tells that what has happened to
solar output now (Over time, solar output has
grown stronger). Now point 1 because it tells – that
now there is a fairly stable long-term global
climate. After point 5 – the slow heating of the sun
and slow decline of the greenhouse effect have
roughly offset each other, leading to
So the correct order is 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 2
Option C
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
Option C
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 1
Option B
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
Option D
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
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meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But they are also increasingly capable of
accomplishing activities that include cognitive
capabilities once considered too difficult to automate
successfully, such as making tacit judgments, sensing
emotion, or even driving.
2) The automation of activities can enable businesses to
improve performance by reducing errors and improving
quality and speed, and in some cases achieving
outcomes that go beyond human capabilities.
3) Robots and computers can not only perform a range
of routine physical activities better and more cheaply
than humans.
4) Recent developments in robotics, artificial
intelligence and machine learning have put us on the
cusp of a new automation age.
5) Automation will change the daily work activities of
everyone, from miners and landscapers to commercial
bankers, fashion designers, welders and CEOs.
6) At a time of lack lustre productivity growth, this
would give a needed boost to economic growth and
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
The correct order is 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 4
D) 3
E) 1
The correct order is 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 5
D) 4
E) 3
The correct order is 4, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) It has only increased in visibility in other Muslim
communities over recent decades because of the spread
of Wahhabism.
2) According to Moroccan news, burqa producers and
retailers have been issued written warnings by the
country‘s interior ministry to cease making and selling
the Islamic full veil.
3) Predictably, the decision has elicited mixed reactions
in the Muslim-majority kingdom with some calling the
move highhanded and others welcoming it on the ground
that the burqa is alien to Moroccan culture.
4) In a big development, the North African nation of
Morocco has reportedly banned the import,
manufacturing and marketing of the burqa.
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5) However, the reported Moroccan burqa ban needs to
be seen in the right context.
6) They have been further instructed to get rid of their
burqa stock or convert it within 48 hours.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
E) 1
The correct order is 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 6
The correct order is 4, 2, 6, 3, 5, 1
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But climate scientists looking at the data and facts
agree the planet is warming.
2) While many view the effects of global warming to be
more substantial and more rapidly occurring than others
do, the scientific consensus on climatic changes related
to global warming is that the average temperature of the
Earth has risen between 0.4 and 0.8 °C over the past 100
3) There is great debate among many people, and
sometimes in the news, on whether global warming is
real (some call it a hoax).
4) Changes resulting from global warming may include
rising sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps,
as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of
storms and other severe weather events.
5) Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual
increase in the average temperature of the Earth‘s
atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to
be permanently changing the Earth‘s climate.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
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C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Other galaxies may be older and bigger, but as Earth‘s
cosmic address, the Milky Way has long fascinated
2) Its core hosts a supermassive black hole — a giant
gravitational field so strong that nothing, not even light,
can escape — and its multiple ―arms‖ that spiral from
the center hold hundreds of billions of stars, one of
which is our own sun.
3) What you‘re seeing is a portion of the Milky Way, our
home galaxy, which measures 100,000 light-years in
4) The Milky Way is estimated to be 13.2 billion years
old, and is one of many billions of galaxies in the known
5) If you look upward on a clear night from Earth‘s
darkest regions, you‘ll probably glimpse a broad stripe
of stars, cloaked in clouds of dust and gas, arcing across
the sky.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
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9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 2, 4, 1
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But it would be unfair to blame the government for
one thing: women being molested in public places.
2) Every street in every Indian city, every bus, every
coach of every train, every corridor in every building,
cannot have policemen or plainclothesmen guarding it
round the clock — for that, a quarter of the country‘s
population will need to be in the police force.
3) If you catch a cold, if roads are bad, if your flight gets
delayed — you can always safely blame the government.
4) It is a different matter that, of late, blaming the
government is often seen as an anti-national act.
5) In a healthy democracy, the government is usually the
whipping boy for aggrieved citizens.
6) The government, at the most, can take precautionary
measures, but such measures are bound be limited.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 5
D) 3
E) 1
The correct order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 1
D) 4
E) 3
The correct order is 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
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meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Mining and quarrying is estimated to shrink 1.8 per
cent this year after expanding 7.4 per cent a year earlier.
2) That India‘s economic momentum has slowed down
is now beyond doubt.
3) While GDP growth is now pegged at 7.1 per cent,
compared with a 7.6 per cent pace in 2015-16, GVA is
forecast to expand at 7 per cent this year, easing from the
7.2 per cent posted 12 months earlier.
4) And as the Chief Statistician emphasised, these
projections were based solely on data from the first
seven months through October and do not factor in the
impact from the withdrawal of high-value banknotes and
the consequent cash crunch.
5) A closer look at the sectoral GVA projections throws
into relief the areas of concern.
6) Advance GDP estimates and gross value added
(GVA) for the current fiscal year from the Central
Statistics Office clearly reveal the extent of the
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
D) 4
E) 1
The correct order is 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
The correct order is 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 6
The correct order is 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your sequencing,
answer the questions that follow
The correct order is 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
The correct order is 2, 6, 3, 4, 5, 1
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
1) Researchers studied responses from 341 college
students who use Facebook.
2) At least 76 per cent reported using Facebook in class,
while 40 per cent reported using it while driving.
3) The study suggested that individuals could begin to
limit their problematic social media use by, for example,
turning off social media notifications on their phone.
4) It found that the impulsive act of checking Facebook
while driving, in a work meeting, or at other times that
could lead to negative consequences, has been linked to
a deficiency in the balance between two systems in the
5) They analysed problematic Facebook use data to track
their academic performance — in this case using grade
point average — for both semesters and cumulatively.
6) Whenever there is an imbalance between two
cognitive-behavioral systems in the human brain, there is
a higher rate of problematic use of social networking
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sites (SNS), says a new study published in Journal of
Management Information Systems.
7) Experts found that problematic use of Facebook
negatively affected students‘ academic performance,
with the higher the problematic use, the lower the GPA.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
Option D
Points 6 and 1 can doth be the starting sentence.
But in point 6 – its tells about a new study. And in
that study, researchers would have studies
responses, so 6 becomes the starting sentence. Next
point can be 4th or 7th. But 7th tells about what the
study suggested, which should be somewhere at last
(second last or last point). First, what is found from
those studies should be told. So 4th point will come
here. (As it says ―it found‖ – it – is here study).
Now in other sentences, Facebook is talked of. So
for its starting point no. 1 is best that researches
studied responses….
next They (Researchers) analysed students
So now point 2 which tells about those students that
how many use FB. Now by these reports
(percentages given in point 2), Experts found – use
of Facebook negatively affected students‘ (point 7).
And last what this study suggest students to do.
So the order is 6, 4, 1, 5, 2, 7, 3
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option A
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 2
E) 1
Option D
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the seventh sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
Option B
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your sequencing,
answer the questions that follow
1) The reality of today is that there is a growing
incidence of mental health issues in our society.
2) The risk of becoming depressed is increased by
poverty, unemployment, life events such as the death of
a loved one or a relationship break-up, physical illness
and problems caused by alcohol and drug use.
3) Depression can be effectively prevented and treated
by either counselling or anti-depressant medication.
4) According to World Health Organisation (WHO)
―Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
5) Depression is a common mental disorder that affects
people of all ages, from all walks of life.
6) That is why the theme for this year‘s World Health
Day campaign is depression.
7) Mental health is as important for our well-being as is
physical health.
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1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
Option D
Points 4 and 5 both can be the first sentence. But
see, 6th point says – That is why….. depression. So
it can be inferred that the paragraph first tells about
what health is and then about what depression is.
So 4th is the starting sentence. Next 7th point tells
about two kinds of health – mental and physical.
Next 1st tells about the reality of mental health, and
then the 6th point. 6th point tells – theme is
depression. Now what depression is – Next 5th
point (what depression is)
Next 2nd – that how risk of depression is
increasing… Last 3rd point – how depression can
be prevented.
So the correct order is 4, 7, 1, 6, 5, 2, 3
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 2
Option A
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 7
D) 4
E) 2
Option C
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 1
Option C
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
Option C
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) With rising greenhouse gases, their impact can only
2) The scientific consensus is that heatwaves will grow
stronger and expand their geographical spread in the
south, influenced by the sea surface temperature in the
Indian and Pacific Oceans.
3) It is encouraging that the National Disaster
Management Authority is guiding States, in partnership
with the India Meteorological Department, to evolve
heat action plan protocols.
4) Torrid summers, when the mercury soars 4°C to 6°C
above the average and produces heatwaves in several
States between April and June, may become more
frequent in coming years.
5) Not only will there be more hot days, the spells of
heat stress sweeping across much of India are likely to
grow longer.
6) Though the number of people dying due to heat stress
last year was half of the previous year‘s toll of 2,040, the
need to evolve detailed action plans at the level of States,
districts and cities is now critical.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
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C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
D) 5
E) 1
Option C
Option A
The points tell about what happens in summer, or
what will happen in coming years. So 4th point
becomes the starting sentence. Points 4 and 5 are
related. In 4th told about temperature rising. In 5th
Not only will there be more hot days…. Now in
5th, there was – the spells of heat stress, so it can be
seen that 6 will follow 5. But see after 6th sentence
3 follows. 6 says – the need to evolve detailed
action plans… is critical. And 3 says – It is
encouraging that the National Disaster Management
Authority is guiding States.
But 3rd is the closing sentence
Points 2 and 1 are related. 1 says their impact.
Whose impact?? Heatwaves, which is in point 2
So the correct order is 4, 5, 2, 1, 6, 3
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 2
Option E
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
Option B
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) So consume a variety of seasonal fruits and
vegetables. Whatever is coloured and not pulpy, is likely
to be good for you.
2) The American Heart Association recommends eating
eight or more fruit and vegetable servings every day.
3) The more your daily plate is filled with colourful
fruits and vegetables, the more heart healthy you are
likely to be.
4) Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables helps you
control your weight as well as blood pressure.
5) Not just quantity, the variety also matters.
6) Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals,
fibre and are low on fat and calories.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
Option B
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 4
Option C
3 is the starting sentence. 3 says – the more heart
healthy you are likely to be. Why healthy??
Because they contain vitamins, minerals, fibre
(point 6). What will eating them do? control your
weight as well as blood pressure (point 4)
In point 2, told about quantity (8 or more fruit ….).
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In point 5, Not just quantity, the variety also
So point 5 follows point 2
In point 5 talked about variety and point 1
recommends about variety of seasonal fruits and
vegetables to be consumed
So the correct order is 3, 6, 4, 2, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 4
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option A
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
E) 1
Option B
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
Option A
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 6
Option D
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But has security of these devices evolved with them?
2) It led to the driver losing control of the moving
vehicle, which was eventually parked safely.
3) Everything from pacemakers, baby monitors, fitness
trackers, consumer drones, smart homes and networked
medical devices have either already been hacked or
demonstrated to be vulnerable.
4) The ‗Internet Of Things‘ (IoT) has been the topic of
discussion for over two years now, and major
corporations are already taking steps in developing
technology for it.
5) In a connected world, where alarm clocks can
measure the depth of sleep, beds can gauge the health of
your heart, and lamps automatically adjust to your
moods, everything is linked to the Internet.
6) In 2015, a group of hackers demonstrated how a Jeep
Cherokee can be hacked while on the move, just by
using a phone network.
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 6
D) 2
E) 1
Option A
The correct order is 5, 4, 1, 6, 2, 3
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 6
D) 3
E) 5
Option A
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3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 4
E) 2
Option E
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 6
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
E) 1
Option D
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 3
livable planet for humans, with stark results.
4) Of nine worldwide processes that underpin life on
Earth, four have exceeded ―safe‖ levels – human-driven
climate change, loss of biosphere integrity, land system
change and the high level of phosphorus and nitrogen
flowing into the oceans due to fertiliser use.
5) They found that the changes of the last 60 years are
unprecedented in the previous 10,000 years, a period in
which the world has had a relatively stable climate and
human civilisation has advanced significantly.
6) Humans are ―eating away at our own life support
systems‖ at a rate unseen in the past 10,000 years by
degrading land and freshwater systems and releasing
vast amounts of agricultural chemicals, new research has
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 3
B) 2
C) 6
D) 4
E) 5
Option A
The correct order is 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 6
C) 3
D) 2
E) 5
Option C
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Carbon dioxide levels, at 395.5 parts per million, are
at historic highs, while loss of biosphere integrity is
resulting in species becoming extinct at a rate more than
100 times faster than the previous norm.
2) Researchers spent five years identifying these core
components of a planet suitable for human life, using the
long-term average state of each measure to provide a
baseline for the analysis.
3) Two major new studies by an international team of
researchers have pinpointed the key factors that ensure a
Option B
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 3
D) 4
E) 1
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to India. Even when Sehwag returned to the field, he had
not fully recovered from his crippling shoulder injury.
Option B
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the sixth sentence?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 4
E) 2
1. Which of the following will be the first statement
after rearrangement?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option B
Explanation: The correct sequence is: bdaecf
Option A
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 3
D) 2
E) 6
Option C
Direction (1-5): Rearrange the following sentences in
the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph
then answer the following questions .
(a) There are of course many reasons the pundits have
attributed to India‘s below par performance.
(b) Monday at the Oval, India suffered its worst seriesdefeat in England since 1959 after it lost the fourth and
final Test by eight runs.
(c) Zaheer Khan‘s presence was key to the Indian
bowling offensive as he could have reverse swung the
old ball with ease and picked up some crucial wickets on
the way.
(d) Being the ODI world champion and the number one
test team as well, few, if none, had expected that India
would surrender so easily to the English team without
even putting up a semblance of a fight.
(e) Chief among them was the absence of pace spearhead
Zaheer Khan who was injured during the first test match
itself and had to return home.
(f) Additionally, Virendra Sehwag‘s absence from the
first and second Test Match also served as a body blow
2. Which of the following will be the last statement
after rearrangement?
A) c
B) a
C) b
D) f
E) e
Option D
3. Which of the following will be the third statement
after rearrangement?
A) c
B) a
C) d
D) b
E) e
Option B
4. Which of the following will be the fourth statement
after rearrangement?
A) d
B) e
C) a
D) c
E) b
Option B
5. Which of the following will be the second
statement after rearrangement?
A) b
B) e
C) c
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D) a
E) d
Option E
Direction (6-10): Rearrange the following sentences
in the proper sequence to form a meaningful
paragraph then answer the following questions .
(a) But they are no less relevant for the health of the
economy than elections to higher levels of government.
(b) Municipal elections do not have the cachet of state or
Parliament elections.
(c) For these reasons, the Aam Aadmi Party‘s decision in
the municipal polls in Delhi to promise scrapping
property tax is a major concern.
(d) For, municipal politics determines the health of our
cities, where the bulk of modern, organised economic
activity takes place.
(e) AAP would be welladvised to rethink the move and
not start a disease in the national capital that could infect
other municipalities in the neighbourhood, spread further
afield and become a nationwide epidemic that drains
vitality out of India‘s cities and hobbles economic
(f) If you kill cities or make them anaemic, there would
be a disproportionately large impact on profits, jobs, new
business formation and the quality of life.
6. Which of the following will be the first statement
after rearrangement?
A) a
B) b
C) c
D) d
E) e
Option B
Explanation: Correct Sequence is: badfce
7. Which of the following will be the third statement
after rearrangement?
A) b
B) e
C) a
D) c
E) d
Option E
8. Which of the following will be the fifth statement
after rearrangement?
A) c
B) e
C) b
D) d
E) a
Option A
9. Which of the following will be the last statement
after rearrangement?
A) a
B) d
C) b
D) e
E) f
Option D
10. Which of the following will be the fourth statement
after rearrangement?
A) d
B) b
C) c
D) e
E) f
Option E
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) But even then, judging a building on environmental
criteria is a fraught exercise.
2) But they are vague, do not take into account local
conditions, and there are no mechanisms to ensure that
structures that claim to be environmentally friendly
adhere to the green building yardsticks.
3) The green court has specified that the audit will keep
to the ―bare minimum‖ and it does not expect green
building standards from the premises it will be
4) The country does have certification programmes for
green buildings.
5) The National Green Tribunal ordered an
environmental audit of all government buildings in
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Delhi, including offices and hospitals, to control
1. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
2. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
3. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
4. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 5, 3, 1, 4, 2
Directions: The following five sentences have to be
arranged in the proper sequence, so as to form a
meaningful paragraph. On the basis of your
sequencing, answer the questions that follow
1) Under K.P. Oli, Nepal moved closer to China in an
attempt to balance its dependence on India.
2) When the constitution was finally passed in 2015,
their demands for a separate province and equal
citizenship rights were not met.
3) The protests and embargo that followed led to
widespread resentment against India, which is perceived
as supporting Madhesi aspirations and interfering in
Nepal‘s affairs.
4) Madhesis — Nepalis of Indian origin inhabiting the
Terai region — occupy less than 20 per cent of Nepal‘s
landmass but form nearly 50 per cent of its population.
5) They had hoped that a federal polity under a new
constitution would have allowed them greater political
representation and parity with the hill population.
6. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the second sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
7. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the third sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
5. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
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The correct order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
8. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fifth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
9. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the first sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
10. After the rearrangement of sentences, what will be
the fourth sentence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
The correct order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
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How to Solve Para Jumbles / Sentence Rearrangement Questions -―GovernmentAdda.com‖
This handout Contains “PARA JUMBLES RULES” & 120 Practice Questions
Para Jumbles Rules
1. Acronym Approach: Full form vs short form
2. TSA - Time Sequence Approach: Either dates or time sequence indicating
3. EA - Examples Approach: Examples after an hypothesis or theory
4. AA - Articles Approach: Definite and indefinite articles
5. NPDA Approach – Noun, Pronoun, and Demonstrative Adjective: Limited
to not just noun and pronoun. Link the sentences.
6. OCS - Opening Closing Sentence: Supported or free, general or need
previous explanation.
7. KWA - Key Words Approach: (helpful for 6 sentences) Words repeated in
two consecutive sentences.
8. SA- Structure Approach: Link sentences logically
9. IWA - Indicating Words Approach: Take care of words that indicate
something helpful to decide sequence.
10. Ask Questions about TERMS appearing.
Detailed Explanation of all the rules :
RULE 1.ACRONYM APPROACH : Acronym Rule is that if both full form as well as
short form is present in different sentences, then the sentence containing full form will
come before the sentence containing short form.
RULE 2.TIME SEQUENCE APPROACH (TSA) : Be aware of the indication of time or
time sequence of events either by giving years - or by using time indicating words.
Arrange the sentences using their proper time sequence.
working as an example - place it after (not necessarily just after - because one has to
explain the idea) its hypothesis/ theory. It should not be before the idea that it explains.
RULE 4: ARTICLES : Articles can be divided into two categories - definite (the) and
indefinite (a and an). when the author uses 'a / an' - he want to make a general
statement - want to introduce the noun followed by a/an for the first time but when he
uses 'the' he want to refer back to some previously discussed noun. It means having
'the' is very unlikely in the opening sentence. If 'a/an' and 'the' both are used for the
same noun then the sentence containing 'the' will come after the sentence containing
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Pronoun - whenever will come - will come in the immediate sentence containing
respective noun. i. e. a sequence can be like this.......
or like
.............. no pronoun
i.e. the pronoun sequence will continue till it is halted by a break (i.e. a sentence
containing no pronoun) then if necessary it will start with a new noun again. We can't
write pronoun after a break. It is not a correct form of writing.
A sentence may be supported or free, a general statement or need previous
OCS is particularly useful in 4 sentence parajumbles (where opening sentence is not
Let's see the characteristics of an opening sentence It will introduce an idea first hand.
In most of the cases it will use indefinite article a/an. i.e. if both definite and indefinite
articles are used for the same noun then the sentence containing noun with indefinite
article a/an will come first (may be opening sentence).
The sentence can stand alone .
It will not have pronouns (exception: if respective noun is not mentioned anywhere).
It will not have contrast words / or words indicating continuation / or words like hence ,
therefore, so,
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Key Words Approach KWA (helpful for 6 sentences) Some words will get repeated in
two consecutive sentences.
In most of the cases we repeat some important words of one sentence in the sentence
that follows.
Hence if you are seeing any important (not like he, she, that, is, are type) words getting
repeated then chances are that these two sentences will be consecutive. Remember it
gives you an idea that which sentences can be consecutive but for CA or AC you have
to look for some other clue or meaning.
Structure Approach tells us to link sentences logically i.e. see what is the role played by
a specific sentence and then search for some proper sentence that should come before
or the one which will follow. Some roles that a sentence plays are Premise
Some words indicates some specific nature of sentences that will come before or that
will follow .
Look for the words like :
and think what they are indicating .
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Some General implementable Derivation about Para jumbles or
Sentence Rearrangement concluded from the rules :
1). If a sentence starts with a ‘name’ of a person, company...., then that
sentence may be the 1st sentence in the paragraph to be formed.
2). If an article namely ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ is present at the starting of a sentence.
Then the chances of that sentence to be the 1st in the arrangement is more.
3). If all the articles (a, an, the) are present as the starting words of different
sentences then they are arranged as follows
a) The sentence starting with ‘A’ comes first
b) The sentences starting with ‘An’ and ‘The’ will follow the sentence starting
‘A’ according to their content
4). The sentences starting with the words ‘That’, ‘These’, ‘Thus’ and ‘Those’ ,
then those sentences will not come 1st in the paragraph.
5). If a sentence starts with pronouns other than ‘I’ and ‘You’, then that
will not be the 1st sentence of the paragraph.
6). Try to find out the topic addressed by the paragraph. This can be done by
looking for the words that are repeated often in the given sentences.
7). If a particular word is repeated in more than one sentence then the
can be placed one by one in the paragraph.
8). If there are 3-sentences starting with the
words ‘But’, ‘So’ and ‘Now’ respectively. Then those 3-sentences will be
in the following order
a) sentence starting with ‘But’
b) sentence starting with ‘So’
c) sentence starting with ‘Now’.
9). If the given set of sentences consists of simple, compound and complex
sentences they are arranged in the following order
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(a)*simple sentence – a sentence that consists of basic elements like a
subject, a
verb and a completed thought. For example,
Rajeev waited for the train.
(b)*compound sentence – a sentence that consists of 2-independent clauses
connected to one another with a conjunction. For example,
Rajeev waited for the bus, but the train was late.
(c)*complex sentence – a sentence that consists of an independent clause
and one
or more dependent clauses connected to it. For example,
Rajeev realized that the train was late while he waited at the station.
Or, While he waited at the station, Rajeev realized that the train was late.
10) Try to find transitions words and linking words as it sometimes help to put
sentences in an order in sentence arrangement questions. They help the
reader to
flow more smoothly from one point to the next leads or follows the sentences
containing transition word.
Some of the most important transition words to observe in sentence
are:- also, again, not only....but also, neither....or, either....or, as well as,
besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover, similarly, consequently, hence,
example, yet, but, ............
11) Look for short forms and abbreviations in the sentences. This trick is very
useful in paragraphs in which both short form or abbreviations and full name
The sentences containing full form will obviously come before the sentences
containing the abbreviation.
12). If a sentence starts with the words Hence, Finally or Therefore then that
sentencecomes last in the arrangement.
13) Events mentioned in the paragraph can be arranged in the chronological
order making it easy for you to identify the sequence and arrange them.
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A. That begins with bringing in data and analytics-based insights about what
really matters to customers and how best to deliver it to them
B. To not only stay in the game but capture new sources of value, incumbents
will need to reinvent their customer experience
C. Some companies fail to capture the full benefits of their improvement efforts
because they concentrate on optimising individual touch points rather than
tackling the customer experience as customers actually experience it a complete
journey that cuts across multiple functions and channels
D. Digital is reshaping customer experience in almost every sector
E. disrupting the ways that companies and customers interact and setting a
high bar for simplicity, personalisation and interactivity
F. Digital-first attackers are entering markets with radically new offers,
A. The idea needs to be nipped in the bud. Instead of more bank finance for
long-gestation projects, what we need is a thriving corporate bond market,
arm‘s-length financing and multiple vetting
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake
in these new financial institutions
C. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of
wholesale banks that provide long-term finance for infrastructure and greenfield
D. Also, the licences are to be available ‗on tap‘, so as to boost supply of
loanable funds
E. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale
and long-term finance banks be the same as those for a ‗universal banking
F. with a minimum capital requirement of Rs 1,000 crore
A. Over the decades, North Korea‘s ruling Kim family has itself used the threat
of force against South Korea and Japan as an effective bargaining chip.
B. Amid escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula, North Korea has warned
of a nuclear attack on the US at any sign of American aggression.
C. It has conducted five nuclear tests so far, and could conduct a sixth in the
face of recent US military moves.
D. This comes on the heels of Washington‘s recent decision to send a naval
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carrier strike group to the region and US strikes against a Syrian airbase for
purported use of chemical weapons.
E. That the US has already begun deploying the THAAD anti-missile defence
system in South Korea shows that Washington is preparing for all possible
F. That said, such American show of force is unlikely to move Pyongyang. On
the contrary, it is likely to harden Pyongyang‘s resolve to pursue its nuclear
G. It appears that Washington wants to keep all its options open to get
Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear programme.
A. Instead of more bank finance for long-gestation projects, what we need is a
thriving corporate bond market, arm‘s-length financing and multiple vetting.
B. which means that large industrial houses cannot take more than 10% stake
in these new financial institutions.
C. Also, the licences are to be available ‗on tap‘, so as to boost supply of
loanable funds.
D. The idea needs to be nipped in the bud.
E. A Reserve Bank of India discussion paper has called for the setting up of
wholesale banks that provide long-term finance for infrastructure and greenfield
projects, with a minimum capital requirement of Rs 1,000 crore.
F. The paper has proposed that the eligibility criteria for promoters of wholesale
and long-term finance banks be the same as those for a ‗universal banking
A. Most of the 40 amendments proposed have nothing to do with Article 110(1)
of the Constitution, defining a Money Bill: related to changes in taxation,
spending of taxpayer money, changes in Central or state accounting, etc.
B. Many of these amendments are ridiculous. The merging of tribunals is devoid
of rationale.
C. The government‘s move to tag substantive amendments, many of the 40
relating to diverse aspects of regulation and representation, on to the Finance
Bill is an unwelcome blow to the heart of Indian democracy.
D. The government‘s claim that these diverse amendments can be lumped
together as a Money Bill, outside the scrutiny of the Rajya Sabha, where the BJP
is in a minority, holds no water.
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E. By incorporating these amendments, which include subjects as diverse as the
mandatory necessity of Aadhaar numbers for income-tax returns, removing
transparency in political donations and government meddling in the process of
appointing appellate tribunals, the Bill seeks to bypass broader parliamentary
scrutiny and debate.
A. State-owned LIC is widely invested in many listed companies and should
acquire the capability to take a view on business strategy, performance or
approach to risks in an investee company.
B. Ditto for all other insurers.
C. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has done well
to ask all insurers to publicly disclose their voting policies in companies where
they hold stakes.
D. The need is for LIC to play an active role to understand how businesses are
run and enter into a dialogue with the board for better oversight.
E. The directive, part of IRDAI‘s guidelines on a stewardship code, will help raise
corporate governance and returns.
F. It is also in sync with the principles adopted by institutional investors such as
mutual funds, pensions funds and foreign portfolio investors,This is welcome.
A. A similar stand has been taken for tighter emission norms for power plants as
B. It is welcome that the government did not back down on the decision to
switch over to tougher emission norms codified as Bharat Stage IV (BS-IV) for
C. This changeover was announced years ago and industry had plenty of time to
switch production lines and be compliant by the deadline.
D. This is all to the good.
E. When the time comes for the automobile industry to switch over to BS-VI, on
April 1, 2020, industry will know that the goalpost would not shift and will be
ready with compliant vehicles probably ahead of schedule.
F. If it thought it could game the system and blackmail the government with
tales of inventory build-up that would be a dead loss, it thought wrong.
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A. It would make sense to deploy advances in imaging technology, ranging from
holography to virtual/augmented reality at or near sites that are difficult to
reach or too fragile to be exposed to the prying eyes and phone cameras of
visiting hordes.
B. That governments, central and state, are moving away from that model is
welcome news.
C. The breathtaking rock-cut temples at Ajanta and Ellora, world heritage sites
in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra, are a ready candidate for such
D. For long, governments have succumbed to threatened shocks to the system,
such as a spurt in unemployment and opted to let implementation slide.
E. Tourism can not just earn foreign exchange from visitors from abroad but
also educate India‘s own people about the richness and diversity of its cultural
heritage, creating the sensibility of tolerance and accommodation a prosperous
India calls for.
F. For too long, the Indian approach has been to frame laws and observe them
more in the breach than otherwise.
A. And yet, as disagreeable as the outcomes may have been so far, we must
continue to focus on the Arab Spring uprisings, in order to uncover their root
B. Like any landmark event, they have posed new and difficult questions.
C. But waning interest in the Arab uprisings reflects a deeper shift: hope for
new, more representative political systems has given way to despair, as
expectant revolutions have morphed into counter-revolution, civil war, failed
states, and intensifying religious extremism.
D. The sixth anniversary of the Arab Spring uprisings this year came and went
largely unnoticed.
E. And one of the most important is why economists failed to anticipate the
F. Unlike in previous years, there was no torrent of commentary about the
tumultuous events that shook the Arab world and seemed to promise a
transformation of its politics, Of course, novelty wears off over time.
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A. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have
started to replace taxi drivers.
B. The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the
European Parliament prepared by MEP MadyDelvaux from the Committee on
Legal Affairs.
C. AndDoordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving
vehicles, is replacing restaurant delivery people.
D. The public reaction to Delvaux‘s proposal has been overwhelmingly negative,
with the notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it.
E. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand, In just the past year, we
have seen the proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo
Dot (Alexa), which replace some aspects of household help.
F. Emphasizing how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that
there might be a ―need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the
extent and proportion of the contribution of robotics and AI to the economic
results of a company for the purpose of taxation and social security
A. Likewise, the Delphi and nuTonomy driverless taxi services in Singapore have
started to replace taxi drivers.
B. The idea of a tax on robots was raised last May in a draft report to the
European Parliament prepared by MEP MadyDelvaux from the Committee on
Legal Affairs.
C. AndDoordash, which uses Starship Technologies miniature self-driving
vehicles, is replacing restaurant delivery people.
D. The public reaction to Delvaux‘s proposal has been overwhelmingly negative,
with the notable exception of Bill Gates, who endorsed it.
E. But we should not dismiss the idea out of hand, In just the past year, we
have seen the proliferation of devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo
Dot (Alexa), which replace some aspects of household help.
F. Emphasizing how robots could boost inequality, the report proposed that
there might be a ―need to introduce corporate reporting requirements on the
extent and proportion of the contribution of robotics and AI to the economic
results of a company for the purpose of taxation and social security
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A. Almost 20 years ago, a pathbreaking infrastructure project that connected
India like never before took off.
B. This not just connects major cities but reaches the entire country, every nook
and corner, and touches every single person within. Enter the goods and
services tax (GST).
C. This month, the blueprints of an expressway just as important, if not more,
may finally become a reality.
D. In more ways than one, the Golden Quadrilateral highway network has
contributed in a major way to our economy through increased trade, mobility
and accessibility.
E. The new highway goes beyond the Golden Quadrilateral.
A. With today‘s greater computing power and storage, deep learning is now a
practical possibility, and a deep-learning application gained worldwide attention
in 2016 by beating the world champion in Go.
B. Commercial enterprises and governments alike hope to adapt the technology
to find useful patterns in ―Big Data‖ of all kinds.
C. To ponder the future of AI is thus to acknowledge that the future is AI.
D. Artificial intelligence already plays a major role in human economies and
societies, and it will play an even bigger role in the coming years.
E. This will be partly owing to advances in ―deep learning,‖ which uses
multilayer neural networks that were first theorized in the 1980s.
A. Leading the charge are antagonistic forces – from populist political parties to
separatist groups to terrorist organizations – whose actions tend to focus more
on what they oppose than on what they support.
B. Nowadays, globalization‘s opponents seem increasingly to be drowning out
its defenders.
C. Every aspect of globalization – free trade, free movement of capital, and
international migration – is under attack.
D. If they get their way, the post-World War II international order – which
aimed, often successfully, to advance peace and prosperity through exchange
and connection – could well collapse.
E. At first glance, the outlook appears grim.
F. Can globalization be saved?
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A. Leading the charge are antagonistic forces – from populist political parties to
separatist groups to terrorist organizations – whose actions tend to focus more
on what they oppose than on what they support.
B. Nowadays, globalization‘s opponents seem increasingly to be drowning out
its defenders.
C. Every aspect of globalization – free trade, free movement of capital, and
international migration – is under attack.
D. If they get their way, the post-World War II international order – which
aimed, often successfully, to advance peace and prosperity through exchange
and connection – could well collapse.
E. At first glance, the outlook appears grim.
F. Can globalization be saved?
A. It‘s being said that America doesn‘t produce enough STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) graduates of its own and will need to rely on
Indian talent, President Donald Trump‘s disinclination to admit foreigners
B. If we have the talent, why can‘t we have the institutions, thereby benefiting
India rather than America?
C. Isro may be one such institution but India needs many, many others.
D. Heavy-handed regulation of India‘s educational institutions has also stifled
creativity and innovation.
E. But why does Indian talent need to be married to American institutions to
F. In that sense, as MukeshAmbani has suggested, Trump may be a blessing in
disguise if he prompts India to rethink its fundamentals, and start producing
and innovating instead of just feeding talent to foreign shores.
A. It‘s being said that America doesn‘t produce enough STEM (science,
technology, engineering, math) graduates of its own and will need to rely on
Indian talent, President Donald Trump‘s disinclination to admit foreigners
B. If we have the talent, why can‘t we have the institutions, thereby benefiting
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India rather than America?
C. Isro may be one such institution but India needs many, many others.
D. Heavy-handed regulation of India‘s educational institutions has also stifled
creativity and innovation.
E. But why does Indian talent need to be married to American institutions to
F. In that sense, as MukeshAmbani has suggested, Trump may be a blessing in
disguise if he prompts India to rethink its fundamentals, and start producing
and innovating instead of just feeding talent to foreign shores.
A. It will also be transformational for the environment, since pollution from
large new coal-based power plants can be avoided.
B. Yet, performance has not matched intent and the target of installing 12 GW
solar capacity in 2016-17 is far from attainable, since it fell short by almost 10
GW as of December.
C. The levellised tariff — factoring in a small annual increase for a given period
of time — for the 750 MW Rewa project over a 25-year period is ₹3.29, which is
less than half the rate at which some State governments signed contracts in
recent years.
D. The progress of this clean source of energy must be deepened with policy
incentives, for several reasons. Arguably, the most important is the need to
connect millions of people without access to electricity.
E. There is everything to gain by accelerating the pace of growth that
essentially began in 2010, with the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
F. A rapid scaling-up of solar capacity is vital also to meet the national goal of
installing 100 gigawatts by 2022, a target that is being internationally
monitored as part of the country‘s pledges under the Paris Agreement on
climate change.
G. In another barrier-breaking development, the auctioned price of solar
photovoltaic (SPV) power per kilowatt hour has dropped below ₹3 to ₹2.97
in Madhya Pradesh, providing a clear pointer to the future course of renewable
A. But, while teamwork is critical to success, so is recognition of the distinct
roles and responsibilities of governments in the industrialized and developing
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B. The global cooperation that has emerged lately is certainly welcome.
C. Last November, while much of the world was trying to unpack Donald
Trump‘s election as US president, the United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP 22) was held in Marrakesh, Morocco.
D. It was an important step forward, but the issue remains far more complex –
and politically charged – than most would care to admit.
E. Participants from all over the world, including 38 heads of state and
government, came together to create a plan for implementing the 2015 Paris
climate agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below two
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
A. But it makes sense to think of it as a prudent and affordable insurance policy.
B. This should make us think about smart, alternative solutions.
C. But one such alternative, geoengineering, is a solution that many people
refuse to entertain.
D. Geoengineering means deliberately manipulating the Earth‘s climate.
E. Even climate activists increasingly recognize that the lofty rhetoric of the
global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, concluded in Paris just
over a year ago, will not be matched by its promises‘ actual impact on
F. It seems like something from science fiction.
A. But it makes sense to think of it as a prudent and affordable insurance policy.
B. This should make us think about smart, alternative solutions.
C. But one such alternative, geoengineering, is a solution that many people
refuse to entertain.
D. Geoengineering means deliberately manipulating the Earth‘s climate.
E. Even climate activists increasingly recognize that the lofty rhetoric of the
global agreement to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, concluded in Paris just
over a year ago, will not be matched by its promises‘ actual impact on
F. It seems like something from science fiction.
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A. To understand these limitations, we have to first understand the nature and
mechanism of logic
B. European enlightenment exposed certain flaws in blind faith and ushered in
an era of rationality,
and logic became the dominant paradigm
C. Since ages, we have been witness to an incessant face off between faith and
D. Oriental metaphysical thoughts like the Advaita Vedanta are expounded on
as rational a ground as metaphysics could ever be
E. But at a certain point, they have to forsake logic due to its inherent
limitations and enter a realm where tools of logic are no longer applicable and
things have to be taken on faith.
A. Despite the increased funding, poor learning outcomes mark the education
system, irrespective of the school‘s ownership.
B. Improving learning outcomes will require looking beyond funding to the
central component of an effective education system: the teacher.
C. Expenditure on education as share of GDP has fluctuated between 3.55 per
cent and 4 per cent, falling short of the 6 per cent of GDP promised by
successive governments.
D. Assessments by private/non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and
government agencies find at least a third of students failing to meet the
required minimum learning levels in mathematics and reading comprehension.
E. Nonetheless, over the last decade, education has accounted for nearly 50 per
cent of total social services spending.
A. opening up the possibility of introducing the new,
B. A more realistic view would be to set the launch date of the new tax three
months after the final state and central GST laws are passed and the rules
C. Companies need time to prepare their accounting systems in order to draw
up an invoice that fully conforms to the requirements of the new tax on launch
D. It is indeed welcome that the Centre and the states have reached agreement
on the vexed issue of dual control of administering the goods and services tax
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E. paradigm-shifting tax regime on July 1 this year.
A. A National Human Rights Commission report points to an increase in the
frequency of mining-related accidents in recent years.
B. Isn‘t Indian infrastructure crumbling all around us?
C. Then the recent mine collapse at the Lalmatia open-cast coalfields owned by
ECL in Jharkhand came on the back of a year where there was a mining fatality
every 10 days.
D. with the horrific derailments of the Patna-Indore Express and the SealdahAjmer Express taking place near Kanpur within a month of each other.
E. Meanwhile the safety record of Indian Railways seems to be worsening
instead of improving,
F. Until just a year ago technical delays used to be a rarity on the Delhi metro
but now they seem to have become a daily affair.
A. It was suggested that he was exaggerating the problems with the food – that
the dal, for example,
B. When Border Security Force constable Tej Bahadur Yadav posted videos on
social media alleging sub-standard food being served to the jawans on the Line
of Control,
C. had settled at the bottom of the container he showed, making it seem even
more watery than it might have been.
D. the almost immediate reaction of the Armed Forces command was to attempt
to discredit him.
E. Yadav was said to be an alcoholic who had been jailed in the past for showing
insubordination towards his superiors.
F. Even without waiting for the promised investigation into the incident,
A. Of course, the post-Brexit forecasts may not be entirely wrong, but only if we
look at the long-term impact of the Brexit vote.
B. But now that British Prime Minister Theresa May has implied that she prefers
a ―hard‖ Brexit, a gloomy long-term prognosis is probably correct.
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C. Is the economics profession ―in crisis‖? Many policymakers, such as Andy
Haldane, the Bank of England‘s chief economist, believe that it is.
D. More recently, they misjudged the immediate impact that the United
Kingdom‘s Brexit vote would have on its economy.
E. True, some economists expected the UK economy to collapse during the postreferendum panic, whereas economic activity proved to be rather resilient, with
GDP growth reaching some 2.1% in 2016.
F. Indeed, a decade ago, economists failed to see a massive storm on the
horizon, until it culminated in the most destructive global financial crisis in
nearly 80 years.
A. Skewed representation reflecting a bygone era, whether on the United
Nations Security Council or the International Monetary Fund‘s Board,
undermines global institutions‘ legitimacy and ability to respond to new
B. This has spurred a shift toward informal mechanisms like the G-20 and new,
untested institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
C. The annushorribilis of 2016 is behind us now.
D. For years, the liberal order has been under strain. Perhaps most obvious,
there has been a lack of progress in the development of institutions and legal
E. In short, we have been trying to fit the round pegs of twenty-first-century
global power into the square holes of post-World War II institutions.
F. Unfortunately, those symptoms are now accelerating the system‘s decline.
G. But its low points – the United Kingdom‘s vote to leave the European Union,
the election of Donald Trump as US president, the ongoing atrocities in Syria –
were merely symptoms of a process of dissolution of the liberal rules-based
global system that began long before.
A. Skewed representation reflecting a bygone era, whether on the United
Nations Security Council or the International Monetary Fund‘s Board,
undermines global institutions‘ legitimacy and ability to respond to new
B. This has spurred a shift toward informal mechanisms like the G-20 and new,
untested institutions like the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
C. The annushorribilis of 2016 is behind us now.
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D. For years, the liberal order has been under strain. Perhaps most obvious,
there has been a lack of progress in the development of institutions and legal
E. In short, we have been trying to fit the round pegs of twenty-first-century
global power into the square holes of post-World War II institutions.
F. Unfortunately, those symptoms are now accelerating the system‘s decline.
G. But its low points – the United Kingdom‘s vote to leave the European Union,
the election of Donald Trump as US president, the ongoing atrocities in Syria –
were merely symptoms of a process of dissolution of the liberal rules-based
global system that began long before.
A. that a good majority of sports-lovers in the country have found refuge in
nihilism and come to believe that nothing will change in the state of affairs.
B. very soon you realise it is nothing more than chimerical and it might be
foolish and useless to bravely make your way through the haze.
C. The best thing that has happened to sports in India in a long, long time —
longer perhaps than many of us have existed on this planet — is the laudably
idealistic yet remarkably pragmatic intervention of the Supreme Court into Wild
West territory — the landscape of cricket administration.
D. When you think that something has been transformed for the better,
E. So much of what the well-meaning lay people have expected of the men who
control sports has been trampled under mercilessly and maliciously,
Some Practice Questions :
A)Moreover, salaries in public sector enterprises are not as competitive as those offered by private or
foreign corporate.
B)This trend should be a wake-up call for stakeholders to examine why employee are seeking better
opportunities with private companies in India and abroad.
C)Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) have been experiencing severe challenges in attracting, motivating
and retaining their key staff.
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D)Having identified these as the reasons why employees leave PSEs, it is important to empower
stakeholders to find ways to remedy the situation.
E)One reason is that young employees lured away by private firms are more willing to undertake
professional risks.
F)Employees in specialist roles especially have become increasingly difficult to retain.
A)Ironically, the same parents who are considered to be ignorant are thought to be very enlightened in
choosing private schools over state-run ones.
B)This is all the more reason why we should include them during the planning and implementation of the
C)This is apparent at every stage from policymaking to implementation as critical decisions are made
without the participation of the stakeholders,an attitude that can only be described as either arrogance or
D)Inreality,every parent decides which school is a good one, based on his/her own set of
values,perceptions and aspirations.
E)The root cause of most of the ills that plague our education system is the enormous distance that
separates the power centres within the system and the schools where the action takes place.
F)It is often said in defense of such an approach that poor parents are too ignorant to be the partners in a
meaningful dialogue.
(A) The government would do well to accept a cap as well as the two other changes the Congress wants:
do away with the 1% Tax on inter-state sales and resolve tax disputes among the states or between the
Centre and the states through a mechanism that excludes parties to the dispute.
(B) This is less than half the current incidence of cascading indirect taxes on goods.
(C) A panel chaired by chief economic advisor Arivind Subramanian has reportedly recommended a
goods and services tax (GST) rate of 18%.
(D) And it is redundant as the centre stands ready to compensate the states for any revenue loss during the
(E) The rate is also the cap that the congress wants prescribed in the GST law.
(F) Continuing with a tax on inter-state sales on which the buyer cannot claim an input tax credit is
against the logic of GST.
(A) For the balance of power and for the staggered development of the world, it is very important to stop
the phenomena of brain-drain.
(B) For this purpose, development nations should help developing countries with necessary money and
(C) Ultimately, this will also ensure that each and every nation will have the ability to introduce itself as a
development nation.
(D) This will help a particular country use all skilled citizens for development and proliferation.
(E) This will ensure that each and every individual on this planet can have a good standard of living.
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(F) But to build these skilled workers at their native places, it is also important to provide them enough
work opportunities and living facilities.
A. Mines in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Australia are the obvious choice.
B. So, companies are rapidly tying up affordable long-term coal supply.
C. Coal is the cheapest fuel for power plants and steel factories, and also their single-big-gest recurring
D. It‘s almost a truism now that if we want more electricity and build more cities and infrastructure, the
country needs to shop overseas for quality coal.
E. Demand is growing 10% each year.
Ans : DCEBA.
A. India‘s demand for calories from fat has long outstripped supply from our oilseed fields.
B. As our energy needs spiral, these countries will become as critical for our growth as West Asia for
crude oil.
C. We are increasingly reliant on Malaysia and Indonesia for palm oil, which today sells in four out of
every 10 bottles.
D. Coal is one kind of energy, cooking oil or fat another.
E. The biggest market for palm oil is south India.
Ans : DACEB.
A. The hyena-like animal, Palaeonictis wingi, evolved from the size of a bear to the size of a coyote
during a 2,00,000 – year period.
B. Extinct carnivorous mammals shrank in size during a global warming event that occurred 55 million
years ago, according to a new University of Florida study.
C. Following this global warming event, Earth‘s temperature cooled and the animal evolved to a larger
D. Earth‘s average temperature in this period increased about 15 degrees Fahrenheit.
E. The study describes a new species that evolved to half the size of its ancestors during this period of
global warming.
Ans : BEADC.
A. She opted for Akshay Kumar instead of SRK for the lead role.
B. Now Sallu is Farah‘s close buddy.
C. Now priorities have changed and Farah Khan thinks SRK with whom she worked in ―Main Hoon Na‖
and ―Om Shanti Om‖ won‘t be suitable for her new flick, ―Tees Maar Khan.‖
D. Gone are the days when Farah Khan and Shahrukh Khan used to be think buddies.
E. The story doesn‘t end here, Farah Khan is now friend with the man whom King Khan dislikes the
Ans : DCAEB.
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A. She had certainly touched a chord.
B. That was greeted by much hooting, clapping and thumbs up sings by other ladies.
C. At one point a spirited lady declared dramatically, ―What I really need in my life is a wife!‖
D. ―Our‖ designated area was the smoke and alcohol free zone and ―our‖ conversation was restricted to
children, cooking, and maids.
E. We were at an Independence Day dinner at which two predictable camps had formed without anybody
trying-women on one side, men on the other.
A. We have converted it into something pretty anti-social.
B. But even here, we get it all wrong.
C. Our Touchy-Feely selves are pretty hard to restrain as anybody who has ever traveled by public
transport in India will confirm.
D. Indians are total ―rascalams‖ when it comes to taking advantage of gullible foreigners.
E. What is comparatively new to us in the big cities, involves the art of social kissing-we see on foreign
television and in the movies… and increasingly on local entertainment channels.
F. A social kiss is just that-social.
(A) At the same time, allowing restaurant drivers to take leftovers home in a ‗doggy bag‘ is a common
phenomenon in the US, but the practice is frowned upon in some EU countries.
(B) An approach to train waste-minimising habits is through cooking classes, for example, the local
authority of Brussels trained 1900 people in 2009 on how to minimise waste.
(C) Caterers can minimise waste by anticipating demand, informed by reservations and customer
feedback surveys.
(D) There are similar education opportunities in the hospitality industry as well.
(E) Societal efforts are needed to banish this embarrassment.
(F) The European Parliament has recommended that this practical training be incorporated in school
(A) ―Anything that you touch will turn into gold‖ - The king was delighted with his good future.
(B) Even though he was very rich he always craved for more and more.
(C) Everything he touched turned into gold. He turned trees, grass, tables, chairs, flowers, and vases into
(D) One day, he called his court magician and commanded, ―Find me a spell that can get me more
treasures than I already have‖.
(E) King Midas was a very greedy king.
(F) The magician said. ―Your majesty, I can give you a power that no one else in this world has‖.
A. He did whatever work was assigned to him and soon the lion became so fond of him that he promised
to give him a cart full of almonds as pension when he (the squirrel) retired.
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B. Once a squirrel joined the service of the king of the forest, the lion.
C. The squirrel had waited so long for this day but when he saw the almonds, he was seized with sadness
as he realised that they were of no use to him now when he had lost all his teeth.
D. However, he envied other squirrels in the forest because of their carefree life which he could not enjoy
as he had to be by the king‘s side all the time.
E. He consoled himself with the thought that at the end of this career, he would receive a cart full of
almonds, a food that only a few squirrels got to taste in their lifetime.
F. Finally, the day came when it was time for him to retire and so promised the king gave a grand banquet
in his honour and presented him with a cart full of almonds.
A. Is the international scholarly pecking order about to be overturned?
B. They have been unsurpassed since World War II in the sheer volume and excellence of the scholarship
and innovation that they generate.
C. They are building new universities, improving existing ones, competing hard for the best students, and
recruiting US-trained PhDs to return home to work in university and industry labs.
D. For decades, research universities in the United States have been universally acknowledged as the
world‘s leaders in science and engineering.
E. But there are growing signs that the rest of the world is gaining ground fast.
1. There is no question that the academic enterprise has become increasingly global, particularly in the
A. Half of the world‘s top physicists no longer work in their native countries.
B. Nearly three million students now study outside their home countries – a 57% increase in the last
C. Tsinghua and Peking universities together recently surpassed Berkeley as the top sources of students
who go on to earn American PhDs.
D. Foreign students now dominate many US doctoral programs, accounting for 64% of PhDs in computer
science, for example.
E. Faculty are on the move, too.
7. And major institutions such as New York University and the University of Nottingham are creating
branch campuses in the Middle East and Asia.
Ans : 1BDCEA7.
1. The expansion of knowledge is not a zero-sum game.
A. Indeed, the economic benefits of a global academic culture are significant.
B. On the contrary, it enhances what America knows and can accomplish.
C. More PhD production and burgeoning research in China, for instance, doesn‘t take away from
America‘s store of learning.
D. Chinese research may well provide the building blocks for innovation by US entrepreneurs – or those
from other countries.
E. Because knowledge is a public good, intellectual gains by one country often benefit others.
7. Just as free trade benefits both consumers and the most efficient producers, global academic
competition has enormously positive consequences for individuals, universities, and countries.
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Ans : 1CBEDA7.
1. Two weeks back, a Himalayan desert town, Leh was ravaged by a fatal cloudburst – but scientists insist
that there isn‘t sufficient evidence to confirm that it occurred as a result of global warming.
A. According to New Scientist, climate scientist Jayaraman Srinivasan of the Indian Institute of Science
in Bangalore said that the number of extreme events such as cloudbursts would increase with rising global
B. On 6th August, however, the cloudburst that attacked Leh, led to flash floods and mudslides, washing
away houses that weren‘t built to withstand such rainfall.
C. Heavy rainfall is common elsewhere in the Himalayas, but not in Ladakh.
D. Instead, it‘s a rain shadow area, making it a cold, high-altitude desert and receives a meagre average of
15 millimeters of rain during August.
E. More than 150 people have died and hundreds more are missing.
6. But added that there is not enough evidence to pin the Leh cloudburst on global warming.
Ans : CDBEA.
A. One powerful force is the use of language to tell stories.
B. But there is no Darwinian payoff to sacrificing our resources to anonymous strangers, particularly
those in faraway lands.
C. These can motivate us to think of distant people as if they were friends and family.
D. There is an adaptive logic to being kind to those with whom we continually interact; we scratch their
backs, they scratch ours.
E. The explanation for our expanded morality comes from intelligence, imagination, and culture.
Ans : DBEAC.
A. Indeed, one recent study found that spending money on others is more rewarding than spending it on
B. It feels good to be good.
C. The paradoxical finding here is that one great trick to being happy is to forget about being happy and
instead try to increase the happiness of others.
D. The effects of our kindness are not zero-sum.
E. Those who receive charity have their lives improved, but those who provide it also benefit.
F. It‘s not just short-term pleasure: those who donate wealth and time to others tend to be a lot happier in
their entire lives than those who do not.
A. The United States, as the most powerful member of the international system, tends to prefer ad hoc
approaches to global governance.
B. With its vast resources and alliances, ad hoc solutions allow the US to advance its interests effectively
without the entanglements of more enduring rules, customs, and structures.
C. Europeans prefer a more systematic reliance on the rule of law, and also on what has come to be
known as the global public-goods paradigm.
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D. Adherents of this view point first and foremost to the existence of certain vital global public goods,
climate being the most obvious example.
E. By definition, public goods mean a collective-action problem.
F. The global public-goods paradigm also implies some commensurability, if not uniformity, in the way
we respond to various global collective-action challen
A. A slight move of the steering wheel in the wrong direction would wreak havoc, but we
cruise carefree, because we have reasonable expectations about the behavior of other drivers.
B. That framework has to be based on global civics, a system of conscious responsibilities that we are
ready to take on-and corresponding rights that we are ready to claim-after due deliberation.
C. In an increasingly interdependent world, we need a corresponding global framework to put our minds
at relative ease.
D. Every day millions of people drive at high speeds encased in a ton of metal, and they do so extremely
close to others who are doing the same thing.
E. Our expectations of other drivers, which serve to mitigate the theoretical risks of driving, can exist
because people adhere to a framework of laws, habits and conventions about how to operate automobiles.
Ans : DAECB.
A. On a worldwide scale, nuclear energy is thus only a small component of the global energy mix, and its
share, contrary to widespread belief, is not on the rise.
B. Yet that renaissance never seems to come.
C. In July 2010, there was a total of 439 nuclear power plants with a net installed capacity of 373.038
GW(e), about 1.2 GW(e) more than at the beginning of 2006.
D. Nuclear fission‘s contribution to total electric energy has decreased from about 18% more than ten
years ago to about 14% in 2008.
E. Repeatedly in recent years there have been calls for a revival of civilian nuclear power.
F. Indeed, of the more than 200 countries in the world, only 30 use nuclear power.
A. Wind whips off the North Sea, blasting the shelters made of tarps, tents, plastic sheeting and scrap
lumber in this sprawling, ramshackle end of the line.
B. The roads in the camp are muddy; the portable toilets are filthy.
C. On the outskirts of the northern French town of Calais, a massive, makeshift refugee camp called ―The
Jungle‖ grows daily, swelling with asylum-seekers fleeing war in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Sudan and
D. Their countries of origin are a map of the targets of U.S. bombing campaigns.
E. More than 6,000 people in this, France‘s largest refugee camp, hope for a chance to make the last,
dangerous leg of their journey through the nearby channel tunnel to England.
Ans : CDEAB .
A. Accessing either type of train involves significant risk, and accidental deaths occur almost weekly
when people leap onto moving trains or stumble under vehicle tires.
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B. Most who arrive here have endured arduous journeys of thousands of miles, hoping to cross to the
United Kingdom.
C. A few days before we visited the camp, a Sudanese man named Joseph was killed when he was run
over by a car on the highway.
D. Camp residents were protesting that the police had not stopped the driver, holding signs reading ―We
are Humans, Not Dogs‖ and ―Do survivors of war not have the right to live in peace?‖
E. The channel tunnel offers asylum-seekers a way to make it to the U.K. without risking a dangerous
crossing of the English Channel, by stowing away on either a high-speed passenger train or a freight train.
Ans : BEACD .
A. The Senate panel was called ―Going Dark: Encryption, Technology, and the Balance between Public
Safety and Privacy.‖
B. FBI Director James Comey appeared before a Senate Committee on Wednesday, July 8, along with
U.S Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates.
C. ―Going Dark‖ is a term used when people encrypt their communications.
D. A joint statement from the duo, delivered by Yates, acknowledged ―citizens have the right to
communicate with one another in private without unauthorised government surveillance – not simply
because the Constitution demands it, but because the free flow of information is vital to a thriving
E. As the meeting convened, the frailty of our networks was on display for the world: The New York
Stock Exchange was shut down for half a day, supposedly due to a computer ―glitch‖; United Airlines
grounded flights when it lost access to its computer systems; and The Wall Street Journal website was
down due to ―technical difficulties.‖
Ans : BEACD .
A. An unusually complex magnetic eruption on the Sun has flung a large cloud of electrically charged
particles towards our planet, scientists have warned.
B. The explosion was aimed directly towards racing 93 million miles across space.
C. Several satellites, including NASAs new Solar Dynamics Observatory, recorded a small solar flare
erupting above sunspot 1092, the size of the Earth.
D. The Earth could be hit by a ―solar tsunami‖ anytime now.
E. The satellites also recorded a large filament of cool gas stretching across the Sun‘s northern
hemisphere also exploded into space.
Ans : DACEB.
1. Take the belief that there are currently at least one thousands kangaroos alive in Australia. That belief
is true, although it need not have been.
A. the claim that any contingent truth could instead have been false is not the fallibilist claim, because
fallibilism is not a thesis about truths in themselves.
B. So, the belief is only contingently true.
C. But even if we were to accept that all truths are only contingently true, we would not be committed to
D. By definition, any contingent truth could have failed to be true.
E. It could have been false – in that the world need not have been such as to make it true.
F. The recognition that contingent truths exist is not what underlies fallibilism.
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8. Instead, it is about our attempts in themselves to accept or believe truths. It concerns a kind of
fundamental limitation first and foremost upon our powers of rational thought and representation.
Ans : 1EBDCFA8.
1. Most of us are certain that we have free will, though what exactly this amounts to is much less certain.
A. Minimally, to say that an agent has free will is to say that the agent has the capacity to choose his or
her course of action.
B. According to David Hume, the question of the nature of free will is ―the most contentious question of
C. Let us then understand free will as the capacity unique to persons that allows them to control their
D. If this is correct, then figuring out what free will is will be no small task indeed.
E. But animals seem to satisfy this criterion, and we typically think that only persons, and not animals,
have free will.
7. It is controversial whether this minimal understanding of what is means to have a free will actually
requires an agent to have a specific faculty of will.
Ans : BDAEC.
(A) Man‘s mind is complex and a crucial entity and its capabilities are far-reaching in respect of its power
to dictate and shape each one‘s lot in samsara.
(B) While one learns to accept the inevitability of ageing and death that affect the body, hunger and thirst
that pertain to one‘s prana are perceived as natural demands that are to be met.
(C) Old age and death, hunger and thirst, sorrow and delusion — are the basic challenges of human life.
(D) The very purpose of human life is lost and defeated by failing to hold the mind in check.
(E) To lead the mind in the right direction is a tall order, for it is the source of endless desires.
Ans : CBAED.
(A) ―We start early, at 4.30a.m. or 5 a.m. The roads are wide and fairly empty at that time. Yet, a few
precautions are necessary,‖ says runner Babitha Xavier.
(B) One of the best ways to discover a city is on foot.
(C) Secunderabad Runners, an offshoot of Hyderabad Runners group, has many runners settled in
(D) Some of the runners provide commentaries on heritage sites as well.
(E) Runners explore different routes that pass through historical churches, temples and hills dotting
Ans : BCEDA.
(A) How you feel should define how you look and not the other way round. It always helps to analyse
your own strengths and weaknesses, and once you are aware of your positives, work towards enhancing
(B) Thus, not deriving your self-worth from what others think of you goes a long way in making you feel
secure and happy.
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(C) Granted, majority of people struggle with body image issues. Mostly women, who are burdened with
pressures -- culturally and socially -- to look a certain way.
(D) Most of these ideas are fed to them, from the glamour world - films and models.
(E) It‘s more socially acceptable for women to speak up about their physical insecurities, but men take
longer to open up because of fear of being considered vain.
(F) It‘s not just women who battle body image issues. Men face them too, and it affects them as much as
it does the fairer sex.
1. The need to identify a suitable mate is such a strong biological urge that the animal kingdom has
spawned a bewildering array of courtship rituals.
A. Humans also use dance as part of courtship but is has been difficult for scientists to pin down exactly
what it is about a dance that appeals to members of the opposite sex.
B. Such competitive displays depend on the speed, strength and size of an animal, which is why they
convey a measure of reproductive fitness.
C. Scorpions and sandhill cranes, for instance, dance to impress.
D. Hippo males fling their faeces, and humpback whales sing and leap above the ocean surface.
E. Dancing is popular among animals for similar reasons.
6. This is because factors such as facial attractiveness, height and even social status tend to confound any
attempt to judge the relative merits of a person‘s gyrations.
Ans : DBECA.
A. Carbon fibre is an expensive alternative to making things in steel or aluminium, but besides being
extremely strong it is also very light.
B. When his Formula 1 can be cartwheeled in a spectacular 306 kph crash at the recent Valencia Grand
Prix, what helped him to escape unscathed was the immensely strong carbon-fibre ―tub‖ that racing
drivers now sit in.
C. But if work by Germany‘s BMW proves successful, it could also become the material of choice to
mass-produce electric cars.
D. It is found in high-performance parts, like aircraft wings, bits of supercars and the frames of pricey
mountain bikes.
E. Mark Webber has a lot to thank tiny strands of carbon for.
Ans : EBADC.
1. Arguments for legalising prostitution depend on the strength of two arguments: that prostitution is a
choice for those in it and that the harms of prostitution are decreased if it is legalised. There is little
evidence that either of these arguments is true.
A. They usually have options for escape.
B. For most, prostitution is not a freely-made choice because the conditions that would permit genuine
choice are not present: physical safety, equal power with buyers, and real alternatives.
C. But zombie theories about prostitution never seem to die no matter how many facts we beat them down
D. The few who do choose prostitution are privileged by class or race or education.
E. Only a tiny percentage all women in prostitution are there because they choose it.
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6. Most women in prostitution do not have viable alternatives. They are coerced into prostitution by sex
inequality, race/ethnic inequality, and economic inequality.
Ans : CEBDA.
(A) Kofi Amero didn‘t like giving charity, and he was quite annoyed Abaro asked for something.
(B) One sunny day, after Kofi Amero had taken his breakfast, he was relaxing, when all of a sudden he
caught sight of Abaro dressed in the most tattered and shabby clothing.
(C) When he had eaten every last bite, and licked his fingers in the process, he straightened himself and
before Amero‘s astonished eyes changed into an angel of god.
(D) Kofi Amero was a very strict man, but he wasn‘t fair, no, he was nasty and selfish.
(E) But he had some uncooked kokoyam lying around under the window, so he took a small dry piece and
threw it at the beggar.
(F) He was a little surprised when the man addressed him and asked for some food.
(A) Phoenix started sharing out all the scraps of food she had stored up all over the forest. Now every
single bird, large and small, wanted to be her friend. Thanks to phoenix all the birds had something to eat
every day.
(B) One day a great storm hit the Amazon forest, and what phoenix had been worrying about all these
years came to pass. Leaves and whole branches were blown off the trees and carried far away by the
powerful wind.
(C) The phoenix was a real worrier. She was always telling the other birds to be careful and to prepare for
a time that food might not be so plentiful.
(D) Birds didn‘t forget their new friend, phoenix. To show their gratitude every bird in the whole forest
selected its most beautiful and colourful feather and presented it to phoenix. When they were finished
phoenix had been transformed into the most fantastic and multi colourful creature in the forest.
(E) In the Amazon forest all birds ignored Phoenix; some even started calling her nasty names. They
carried on with their usual wasteful habits.
(F) As most of the birds had colourful plumage, phoenix was quite ordinary to look at. Some might say a
little ugly, even.
(A) ―Mr. Vulture, I wonder if you are planning to attend the wedding next week?‖
(B) Mr. Tortoise really wanted to attend the wedding, he loved parties, but he had no idea how to get
there. While he was mulling over this problem, a vulture landed near him, looking for scraps of food left
behind by other animals.
(C) Once upon a time there was a wedding in the sky. The bride and groom invited all the animals in the
whole land.
(D) Vulture came round to where tortoise lived, and collected him. Tortoise clung onto vulture‘s back,
and they arrived at the wedding in the sky without any mishaps.
(E) Then the tortoise asked if Mr. Vulture would consider giving him a lift. Vulture shook his head, ―That
might be a bit difficult‖, he said.
Ans : CBAED.
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(A) ―Hello, my dear, I see you may need a little more help, and can you pay me my fees?‖ said a voice.
(B) The girl gave him a shiny emerald ring and the wheel went whhirrwhhirr, and the dwarf hummed, ,
the bobbins went whizzz and the night went faster than any shooting star in the sky. When he had
finished, the dwarf bowed before the girl, then disappeared as fast he had come.
(C) The king‘s obsession was fairly well known throughout his kingdom, and one day a miller, who had a
very beautiful daughter, thought he could take advantage of this. He told the king about his daughter,
claiming that she could spin straw into gold.
(D) In a kingdom far to the east, all the citizens were very wealthy and the whole land was covered in
fields of wheat, which grew abundantly and apparently effortlessly. This way, some of this kingdom‘s
citizens were just as wealthy as the king.
(E) The rich kingdom's king wasn't happy and he had been looking at the straw, as it was brought from
the fields, and the colour of the straw reminded him very much of the colour of gold. So he began to think
of ways to turn the straw into gold, and this became an obsession.
(F) But of course the poor girl had no idea how to turn straw into gold; she was not even very good at
using a spinning wheel. She started to cry, when she was asked to do so, locked in a room.
(A) They calculated they would have more success against him. So it came to pass that they raised a great
army and invaded Britain.
(B) My father had fought many battles with invading Danes and Saxons, and had always successfully
defended his realm, but these foreign invaders rejoiced greatly after his death, when they heard that
Constantius the Monk, as people referred to him, had been crowned king.
(C) My name is Uther Pendragon, and I was the third and youngest son of a great king, Constans.
(D) Once upon was a time, long before the inhabitants of Britain wrote down their histories for us all to
read, that country was inhabited not just by people like you and me, but wizards, ghouls, monsters,
dragons, tricksters, and worse, demons.
(E) During this time some of my father‘s most loyal friends took my brother Aurelius and myself out of
the country, and across to sea to Brittanny, or Little Britain as it was then commonly known, in a country
which you now know as France.
(F) Along with the sons of The great Constans, I fought a gruesome battle which lasted a fortnight and
successfully caught hold of our ancestors' reign.
(A) He spent the whole night moving the tree inch by inch and at last was rewarded with all the gold.
(B) One day a hurricane blew through the town; after it had passed the place looked even worse than
before, but the worst thing was that an enormous tree had been blown over and thrown right across the
main road leading to the market place.
(C) Lazy Town's Chief made his servants dig a hole under the tree and he hid some gold there. A weak
lad the other night thought of elder's discomfort as the tree block the main road.
(D) There was a town where all the people were exceedingly lazy.
(E) Lazy Town's inhabitants didn‘t like to do any kind of work at all! They didn‘t clean up their yards,
they didn‘t keep their streets clean, and they couldn‘t be bothered to weed their vegetable patches.
(F) The chief heard about the tree blocking the road. He asked; ―Why don‘t some of these people get
together and move it?‖ But days went by and nobody did anything about it and the tree remained where it
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Sentence Rearrangement / Para Jumbles Set 2
Directions for questions 1 to 50: A number of sentences are given below, which, when properly
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the
four given choices to construct a coherentparagraph.
A. Realists believe that there is an objective reality “out there” independent ofourselves.
B. This reality exists solely by virtue of how the world is and it is in principle discoverable
by application of the methods ofscience.
C. They believe in the possibility of determining whether or not a theory is indeed really true
or false.
D. Ithinkitisfairtosaythatthisisthepositiontowhichmostworkingscientistssubscribe.
A. In emission trading, the government fixes the total amount of population that is acceptable
to maintain a desired level ofquality.
B. Economists argue this approach makes air pollution control more cost‐effective than the
current practice of fixing air pollution standards and expecting all companies to pollute
below thesestandards.
C. USA uses emission trading to control airpollution.
D. Itthendistributesemissionpermitstoallcompaniesintheregion,whichadduptotheoverall
acceptable level ofemission.
A. There is a strong manufacturing base for a variety ofproducts.
B. India has come a long way on the technologyfront.
C. But the technology adopted has been largely of foreignorigin.
D. There are, however, areas such as atomic energy, space, agriculture and defence
where significant strides have been made in evolving relevant technologies within
A. The individual companies vary in size, from the corner grocery to the industrialgiant.
B. Policies and management methods within firms range from formal, well‐planned
organization and controls to slipshod day‐to‐dayoperations.
C. Various industries offer a wide array of products or services through millions of firms
largely independent of eachother.
D. Variation in the form of ownership contributes to diversity in capital investment,
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volume of business, and financialstructure.
What does the state do in a country where tax morality is verylow?
It tries to spy upon thetaxpayers.
It investigates income sources and spendingpatterns.
Exactly what the tax authority tries to do now even ifinconsistently.
It could also encourage people to denounce to the tax authorities any
conspicuously prosperous neighbours why may be suspected of net paying their
6. The ultimate solution would be an OrwellianSystem.
1. The fragile Yugoslav State has uncertainfuture.
A. Thustherewillsurelybechaosanduncertainlyifthepeoplefailtosettletheirdifferences.
B. Sharp ideological differences already exist in thecountry.
C. Ethnic, regional, linguistic and material disparities areprofound.
D. Thecountrywillalsolosetheexcellentreputationitenjoyedintheinternationalarena.
6. Atworst,itwilloncemorebecomevulnerabletointernationalconspiracyandintrigue.
A. Secret persons shall strike with weapons, fire orpoison.
B. Clans mutually supporting each other shall be made to strike at the weakpoints.
C. He shall destroy their caravans, herds, forests and troopreinforcements.
D. The conqueror shall cause enemy kingdom to be destroyed by neighboring kings, jungle
tribes, pretenders or unjustly treatedprinces.
A. All levels of demand, whether individual, aggregate, local, national or international are
subject to change.
B. At the same time science and technology add new dimensions to products, their uses, and
the methods used to marketthem.
C. Aggregate demand fluctuates with changes in the level of business activity, GNP and
national income.
D. The demand of individuals tends to vary with changing needs or risingincome.
1. India’sexperienceofindustrializationischaracteristicofthedifficultiesfacedbyanewly‐
independent developingcountry.
A. In 1947 India was undoubtedly as underdeveloped country with one of the lowest per
capita incomes in theworld.
B. Indian industrialization was the result of a conscious deliberate policy of growth by
an indigenous politicalelite.
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C. Today India ranks fifth in the international community of nations if measured in terms
of purchasingpower.
D. Even today, however, the benefits of Indian industrialization since independence have
not reached themasses.
6. In India has been a limited success; one more example of growth withoutdevelopment.
1. The New Economic Policy comprises the various policy measures and changes introduced
since July1991.
A. There is a common thread running through all thesemeasures.
B. The objective is simple – to improve the efficiency of thesystem.
C. The regulator mechanism involving multitude of controls has fragmented the capacity
and reduced competition even in the privatesector.
D. The thrust of the new policy is towards creating a more competitive environment as a
means to improving the productivity and efficiency of theeconomy.
6. This is to be achieved by removing the barriers and restriction on the entry and growth
of firms.
1. It is significant that one of the most common objections to competition is that it isblind.
A. This is important because in a system of free enterprise based on private property chances
are not equal and is indeed a strong case for reducing that inequality ofopportunity.
B. Rather it is a choice between a system where it is the will of a few persons that decides
who is to get what and one where it depends at least partly on the ability and the
enterprise of the peopleconcerned.
C. Although competition and justice may have little else in common, it is as
much a commendation of competition as of justice that is no respecter of
D. The choice today is not between a system in which everybody will get what he
deserves according to some universal standard and one where individual shares are
determined by chance orgoodwill.
6. The fact that opportunities open to the poor in a competitive society are much more
restricted than those open to the rich, does not make it less true that in such a society the
poor are more free than a person commanding much greater material comfort in s different
type ofsociety.
1. The necessity for regional integration in South Asia is underlined by the very history of the
last 45 years since the liquidation of the British Empire in this part of theworld.
A. After the partition of the Indian Subcontinent, Pakistan was formed in that very which
the imperial powers had always marked out as the potential base for operations
against the Russian power in CentralAsia.
B. Because of the disunity and ill‐will among the South Asian neighbors, particular India and
Pakistan, the great powers from outside the area could meddle into their affairs and
thereby keep neighborsapart.
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C. It needs to be added that it was the bountiful supply of sophisticated arms that
emboldened Pakistan to go for war like bellicosity towardsIndia.
D. As a part of the cold war strategy of the U.S , Pakistan was sucked into Washington’ s
military alliance spreading over theyears.
6. Internally too, it was the massive induction of American arms into Pakistan which
empowered the military junta of that country to stuff out the civilian government and
destroy democracy inPakistan.
1. Commercial energy consumption shows an increasing trend and poses a major challenge
for thefuture.
A. The demand for petroleum during 1996‐97 and 2006‐07 is anticipated to 81 million tons
and 125 million tonsrespectively.
B. According to the projections of the 14thpower Survey Committee Report, theelectricity
generation requirements from utilities will be about 415 billion units by 1996‐97 and
824 billion units by 2006‐07.
C. The production of coal should reach 303 million tons by 1996‐97 to achieve plan targets
and 460 million tons by2006‐07.
D. The demand for petroleum products has already outstripped indigenousproduction.
6. Electricity is going to play a major role in the development of infrastructural facilities.
1. The success of any unit in a competitive environment depends on prudent
management sources.
A. In this context it would have been more appropriate if the concept of accelerated
depreciation together with additional incentives towards capital allowances for recouping a
portion of the cost of replacements out of the current generations had beenaccepted.
B. Added to this are the negligible retention of profits because of inadequate capital
allowances are artificial disallowances of genuineoutflows.
C. One significant cause for poor generation of surpluses is the high cost of capital and
its servicingcost.
D. The lack of a mechanism in India tax laws for quick recovery of capital costs has received
its dueattention.
6. While this may apparently look costly from the point of view of the exchequer, cost to
the government and the community in the losses suffered through poor viability will be
1. Count Rumford is perhaps best known for his observations on the nature ofheat.
A. Heundertookseveralexperimentsinordertotestthetheoriesoftheoriginoffrictionalheat
B. According to the colorists, the heat was produced by the ‘’ caloric’’ squeezed out of the
chips in the process of separating them from the larger pieces ofmetal.
C. Lavoisier had introduced the term ‘’caloric’’ for the weightless substance heat, and
had included it among the chemical elements along with carbon, nitrogen
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D. In the ammunitions factory in Munich, Rumford noticed that a considerable degree of
heat developed in a brass gun while it was beingbored.
6. Rumford could not believe that the amount of heat generated could have come from the
small amount of dustcreated.
1. The death of cinema has been predictedannually.
A. It hasn’thappened.
B. It was said that the television would kill it off‐and indeed audiences plummeted,
reaching a low in1984.
C. Film has enjoyed a renaissance, and audiences are nor roughly double of what they
were a decadeago.
D. Then the home computer became the projected nemesis followed bysatellite television.
6. Why? probably because even in the most atomized of societies, we human beings feel
the need to share out fantasies and ourexcitement.
A. That Hollywood is a man’s world is certainly true but it is not the wholetruth.
B. EvenRenaissancefilmactressJodieFosterwhohoststhiscompendiumofmoviehistory,
confess surprise atthis.
C. She says that she had no idea that women were so active in the industry eventhose days.
D. During the silent era, for example, female script writers outnumbered males 10 to1.
1. Visual recognition involves storing and retrieving ofmemories.
A. Psychologists of the Gastaltschool maintain that objects are recognized as a whole in a
parallel procedure.
B. Neural activity, triggered by the eye, forms an image in the brain’s memory system
that constitutes an internal representation on the viewedobject.
C. Controversy surrounds the question of whether recognition is a single one‐step procedure
or a serial step‐by‐stepone.
D. When an object is encountered again, it is matched with its internal recognition and
thereby recognized.
6. Theinternalrepresentationismatchedwiththeretinalimageinsingleoperation.
1. The history of mammals dates back at least to Triassictime.
A. Miocene and Pliocene time was marked by culmination of several groups and
continued approach towards moderncharacters.
B. Development was retarded, however until the sudden acceleration of evolutional change
that occurred in the oldestPaleocene.
C. In the Oligocene Epoch, there was further improvement, with appearance of some new
lines and extinction oftheories.
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D. This led in Eocene time to increase in average size, larger mental capacity, and
special adaptations for different modes oflife.
6. The peak of the career of mammals in variety and average large size was attained in
this epoch.
A. but a masterpieceis
B. untaughtgenius
C. a laborious career than the lucky flukeof
D. more likely to come as the culminating pointof
A. he can only renew himself if hissoul
B. he renews himselfand
C. the writer can only be fertileif
D. is constantly enriched by freshexperience
A. There was the hope that in another existence a greater happiness would rewardone
B. Previous existence, and the effort to do better would be less difficult toowhen
C. It would be less difficult to bear the evils of one’s own lifeif
D. One could think that they were but the necessary outcome of one’s errors ina
A. What interests you is the way in which you have a created the illusion
B. They are angry with you, for itwas
C. the public is easily disillusioned andthen
D. the illusion they loved, they do not understandthat
A. To have settled one’’ s affairs is a very good preparation to leading the rest one’s life
without concern for thefuture.
B. When I have finished this book I shall know where Istand.
C. One does not die immediately after one has made one’s will, one make’ s one ‘s will
as a precaution.
D. I can afford then to do what I choose with the years that remain tome.
A. ItissaidthatIndiahasalwaysbeeninahurrytoconformtothewesternthoughtespeciallythe
B. Even the smaller countries have the guts to take a firm contrarian stand if they feel the
policies happen to compromise their country’ sinterest.
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C. It’ one thing to sprout theories on liberalization, and entirely another to barter the interests
of the nation in itsname.
D. Inthiscasetoo,whilealargenumberofcountriesareyettoratifytheGATT,Indiahasnotonly ratified
the treaty, but is also preparing to amend the patentsAct.
A. But instead you are faced with another huge crag and the weary trailcontinues.
B. No, the path winds on and another mountain bars yourway.
C. When for days you have been going through a mountain pass a moment comes when you
are sure that after winding around the great mass of rock in front of you, you will come
upon the plain.
D. Surely after this you will see theplain.
A. During one exhibition, however, some air became mixed with the hydrogen, and in the
words of the shaken performer: ‘’The explosion was so dreadful that I imagined all my
teeth had been blownout’’
B. An entertainer would finished his acts by blowing the hydrogen he had inhaled
towards a lighted candle: as the hydrogen caught fire, flames would shootmenacingly
from his lips.
C. A paper bag filled with hydrogen amazed guests by zooming off intospace.
D. When people learned about its unique lighter‐than‐air property, they began to use it in
all sorts of parlourstunts.
A. It is exciting andvarious.
B. I am a writer as I might have been a doctor or alawyer.
C. The writer is free to work in what hebelieves.
D. It is so pleasant a profession that it is not surprising if a vast number of persons adopt it
who have no qualifications forit.
1. It is often said that good actors can get out of a play more than the author has put intoit.
A. A good actor, bringing to a part his own talent, often gives it a value that the layman on
reading the play had not seen it, but at the utmost he can do no more than reach the ideal
that the author has seen in his mind’seye.
B. I all my plays, I have been fortunate enough to have some of the parts acted as I wanted;
but in none have I had all the parts soacted.
C. That is nottrue.
D. He has to be an actor of address to do this; for the most part the author has to be
satisfied with an approximation of the performance hevisualized.
6. This is so obviously inevitable for the actor who is suited to a certain role may well be
engaged and you have to put up with the second or third best because there is no help
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1. I can think of no serious prose play that has survived the generation that gave itbirth.
A. They are museumpieces.
B. They are revived now and then because a famous part tempts a leading actor or a manager
in want of a stop gap thinks he will put on a play on which he has no loyalties topay
C. A few comedies have haphazardly travelled down a couple of centuries orso.
D. The audience laugh at their wit with politeness and at their farce withembarrassment.
6. They are not held nor taken out ofthemselves.
1. The wind had savageallies.
A. If it had not been for my closely fitted helmet, the explosions might have
shatteredmy eardrums.
B. Thefirstclapofthundercameasadeafeningexplosionthatliterallyshookmyteeth.
C. I did not hear the thunder I actually felt it – an almost unbearable physicalexperience.
D. I saw lightning all around me in every shapeimaginable.
6. It was raining so torrentially that I thought I would drown in midair.
1. All human beings are aware of the existence of a power greater than that of the mortals –
the name given to such a power by individuals is an outcome of birth, education
A. Logically, therefore such a power should be remembered in good timesalso.
B. Their other philanthropic contributions include the construction and maintenance of
religious places such as temples orgurudwaras.
C. Industrial organizations also contribute to the veneration of this power by
participating in activities such as religious ceremonies and festivities organized by
D. This power provides an anchor in times of adversity, difficulty andtrouble.
6. The top management/ managers should participate in all such events, irrespective of
their personalchoice..
1. A thorough knowledge of the path or course to be followed is essential for achievingsuccess.
A. Seniors must show the path clearly by laying down the precise expectations of
the management in terms of job description, key result areas and
B. They should also ‘light the path’ by personalexample.
C. Advice tendered or help offered must be objectively evaluated for its effectiveness
in achieving the desiredgoal.
D. A display of arrogance and a false sense of ‘self‐worth’ in order to belittle those who come
up to help, provedysfunctional.
6. The individuality of each employee must berespected.
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1. Currency movements can have a dramatic impact on equity returns for foreigninvestors.
A. This is not surprising as many developing economies try to peg their exchange rates to the
US dollars or to a basket ofcurrencies.
B. Many developing economies manage to keep exchange rate volatility lower than that in
the industrialeconomies.
C. India has also gone in for the full float on the current account and abolished the
managed exchangerate.
D. Dramatic exceptions are Argentina, Brazil andNigeria.
6. Another emerging market specific risk is liquidityrisk.
1. Total forgiveness for a mistake generates a sense of complacency towards target
achievement among theemployees.
A. In such a situation, the work ethos gets distorted and individuals get a feeling that they can
get away with anylapse.
B. The feeling that they develop is whether I produce results or not, the management
willnot punish me or does not have the guts to punishme.
C. Also, excess laxity damages management credibility because for a long time
themanagement has maintained that dysfunctional behavior will result in punishment and
when something goes wrong, it fails to take specific punitiveaction.
D. The severity of the punishment may be reduced by modifying it but some action must be
taken against the guilty so as to serve as a remainder for all others in theorganization.
1. But the vessel kept goingaway.
A. He looked anxiouslyaround.
B. There was nothing to see but the water and emptysky.
C. He could now barely see her funnel and masts when heaved up on a highwave.
D. He did not know forwhat.
6. A breaking wave slapped him in the face chokinghim.
1. Managers must lead by example they should not be averse to giving a hand in manual
work; if required.
A. They should also update their competence to guide their subordinates; this would be
possible only if they keep in regular touch with new processes, machines, instruments,
gauges, systems andgadgets.
B. Work must be allocated to different groups and team members inclear, specific terms.
C. Too much of wall‐building is determental to the exercise of the ‘personal charisma’ of
the leader whose presence should not be felt only through notices, circulars or memos,
but by being seenphysically.
D. Simple, clean living among one’s people should be insistedupon.
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6. This would mean the maintaining of an updated organization chart; laying down job
performance to meet organizationalgoals.
1. The top management should perceive the true worth of people and only then makefriends.
A. Such ‘true friends’ are very few and veryrare.
B. Factors such as affluence, riches, outward sophistication and conceptual abilities are
not prerequisites for genuinefriendship.
C. Such people must be respected and kept close to theheart.
D. Business realities call for developing a large circle of acquaintances and contacts; however,
all of them will be motivated by their own self‐interest and it would be wrong to treat
them as genuinefriends.
6. There is always a need for real friends to whom one can turn for balanced, unselfish
advice, more so when one is caught in adilemma.
1. Managers, especially the successful ones, should guard against ascribing to themselves
qualities and attributes which they may not have, or may have in a measure much less
than what they think they have!
A. External appearances can bedeceptive.
B. Toinitiateactionwithoutbeinginpossessionoffullfactscanleadtodisastrousresults.
C. Also one should develop confidents who can be used as sounding boards in order to
check one’s own thinking against that of theothers.
D. It is also useful to be receptive to feedback about oneself so that a real understanding of
the ‘self’exists.
6. A false perception can be like wearing colouredglassers – all facts get fainted by colour of
the glass and the mind interprets them wrongly to fit into theperception.
1. Conflicting demands for resources are always voiced by different functions/ departments in
an organization.
A. Everymanagerexaminesthetaskentrustedtohimandevaluatestheresourcesrequired.
B. Availability of resources in full measure makes task achievement easy because it reduces
the effort needed to somewhatmake‐do.
C. A safety cushion is built into demand for resources to offset the adverse impact of any
cut imposed by theseniors.
D. This aspect needs to be understood as areality.
6. Dynamic, energetic, growth‐oriented and wise managements are always confronted with
the inadequacy of resources with respect to one of the four Ms( men, machine, money
and materials) and the two Ts (time andtechnology).
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1. Despite the passage of time, a large number of conflicts continue to remain alive, because
the wronged parties, in reality or in imagination, wish to take revenge upon each other,
thus creating a viciouscircle.
A. At times, managers are called upon to take ruthless decisions in the long‐term interests of
the organization.
B. People hurt others, at times knowingly, to teach them a lesson and at other times
because they lack correct understanding of other person’sstand.
C. The delegation of any power to any person is neverabsolute.
D. Everyruthlessdecisionwillbeacceptedeasilyifthesituationatthemomentofcommitting the
act is objectively analyzed, shared openly and discussedrationally.
6. Power is misused; its effects can last only for a while, since employees are bound to
confront it someday.
1. Managers need to differentiate among those who commit an error once, those who
are repetitively errant but can be corrected, and those who are basicallywicked.
A. The persons in this category will resort to sweet‐talk and make all sorts of promises on
being caught, but, at the first opportunity will revert to their badways.
B. Managers must take ruthless action against the basically wicked and ensure their
separation from the organization at theearliest.
C. The first category needs to be corrected softly and duly counseled; the second category
should be dealt with firmly and duly counseled till they realize the danger of persisting with
their errantbehavior.
D. It is the last category of whom the managers must be mostwary.
6. The punishment must be fair and based on the philosophy of giving all the
possible opportunities and help prior to taking ruthlessaction.
A. Where there is division, there must be conflict not only division between man and woman
but also division on the basis of race, religion andlanguage.
B. We said the present condition of racial division, linguistic divisions has brought out so
many wars.
C. Also we went into the question as to why does this conflict between man and manexist.
D. May we continue with what we were discussing lastevening?
A. No other document gives us so intimate a sense of the tone and temper of the first
generation poets.
B. Part of the interest of the journal is coursehistorical.
C. And the clues to Wordsworth’s creative processes which the journal are of
decisive significance.
D. No even in their own letters do Wordsworth and Coleridge stand so present before us
Sentence Rearrangement/Para /Jumbles 200+ Questions by “GovernmentAdda.com” Page 40
How to Solve Para Jumbles / Sentence Rearrangement Questions -―GovernmentAdda.com‖
than they do through the references in thejournal.
A. These high plans died, slowly but definitely, and were replaced by the dream of a huge
work onphilosophy.
B. In doing whatever little he could of the new plan, the poet managed to write speculations
on theology, and politicaltheory.
C. The poet’s huge ambitions included writing a philosophic epic on the originof the evil.
D. However, not much was done in this regard either with only fragments beingwritten.
A. We can never leave off wondering how that which has ever been should cease tobe.
B. As we advance in life, we acquire a keener sense of the value oftime.
C. Nothing else, indeed, seems to be of any consequence; and we become misers in thissense.
D. We try arrest its few last tottering steps, and to make it linger on the brink of thegrave.
A. There is no complete knowledge aboutanything.
B. Our thinking is the outcome of knowledge, and knowledge is alwayslimited.
C. Knowledge always goes hand withignorance.
D. Therefore, our thinking which is born out of knowledge, is always limited under
all circumstances.
A. Still, Sophie might need an open heart surgery later in life and now be more prone
to respiratoryinfections.
B. But with the news that infant daughter Sophie has a hole in her heart, he appears
quite vulnerable.
C. Whiletheconditionsoundsbaditisnotlifethreateningandfrequentlycorrectsitself.
D. SylvesterStallonehasmademillionsandbuiltathrivingcareeroutoflookinginvincible.
A. However, the severed head could not grow back if fire could be applied instantly to
the amputatedpart.
B. To get rid of this monstrosity was truly a Herculean task for as soon as one head was cut
off two new ones replacedit.
C. Herculesaccomplishedthislabourwiththeaidofanassistantwhocauterizedthenecksasfast as
Hercules cut off theheads!
D. One of the twelve labours of Hercules was the killing of hydra, a water monster with
nine heads.
Sentence Rearrangement/Para /Jumbles 200+ Questions by “GovernmentAdda.com” Page 41
How to Solve Para Jumbles / Sentence Rearrangement Questions -―GovernmentAdda.com‖
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1. 1
36. 2
Sentence Rearrangement/Para /Jumbles 200+ Questions by “GovernmentAdda.com” Page 42
Daily Visit :
200+ Fill In The
Blanks Questions
With Solution
Daily Visit :
Directions: In each of the following
questions four statements with a blank in
each are given. You have to choose a word
from the given option that can fill all the
blanks. Mark that option as your answer.
1. i. He was met by a __ of noisy, angry
ii. The British feel no compunction about
ushering the gentry into the coach and
packing the __ off to debtor‘s prison.
iii. We arrived at the grounds after
following a __ of butterflies.
iv. Tourists __ to the picturesque village.
A) hearth
B) gentry
C) cream
D) rabble
E) society
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Option D
Explanation: i- a disorderly crowd
ii-ordinary people
iii-a large group of butterflies
iv- present in large number
2. i. You and all the others like you are __.
ii. Some calls were vitriolic, accusing us
of publishing pornography and __.
iii. Stagnant pools of __ are scattered all
over this area.
iv. The windows were thick with __.
A) celibacy
B) filth
C) fastidious
D) cohorent
E) dirty
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Option B
Explanation:i- corrupted
ii- obscene and offensive language or
printed material.
iii- mire
iv- dirt ingrained on the surface of
3. i. The building has been lovingly __.
ii. The effort to __ him to office isn‘t
iii. The government __ confidence in the
housing market.
iv. The steering box was recently __.
A) cured
B) disrupted
C) moved
D) restored
E) desolate
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Option D
Explanation: i- repair or renovate; iireturn to a former condition; iii- bring
back or re-establish; iv- take apart
4. i. The debate has become __by
conflicting ideological perspectives.
ii. None of this should __ the skill and
perseverance of the workers.
iii. Grey clouds __ the sun.
iv. His origins and parentage are __.
A) obscured
B) cloaked
C) brightened
D) lambent
E) amplified
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Option A
Explanation: i- make unclear and
difficult to understand; ii- keep from
being known; iii- keep from being seen;
iv- uncertain
5. i. A good __walk is good for health.
ii. She adopted a __, businesslike tone.
iii. The sea was shimmering and heaving
beneath the __ breeze.
iv. The archers played a ___ part in the
Daily Visit :
A) animated
B) laggard
C) indolent
D) brisk
E) lethargic
E) spurn
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Option C
Explanation: contempt; ii- consider to be
unworthy of one‘s consideration; iiirefuse to do (something) from feelings of
pride or superiority;
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Option D
Explanation: i active and energetic; iishowing a wish to deal with things
quickly; iii- cold but pleasantly
invigorating; iv- settling an issue
6. i. Firemen were soaking everything to __
the blaze.
ii. Hope is __ little by little.
iii. A look which would have __ any
iv. Rights of common pasture were __.
A) kindled
B) quench
C) extinguished
D) erected
E) made
8. i. They described the outbreak of
violence in the area as an __.
ii. Color __ lead to misunderstanding.
iii. The experience might have been no
more than a temporary __ of an
exhausted mind.
iv. Shelley‘s angry retort was an __from
her normally quiet demeanor.
A) delusion
B) oddity
C) ordinary
D) connote
E) aberration
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Option E
Explanation: I- anamoly ; ii- disorder;
iii- vagary; iv- not typical
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Option C
Explanation: I- cause to cease to burn;
ii- destroy; iii- subdue or reduce
(someone) to silence; iv- render (a right
or obligation) void.
7. i. Her upper lip curled in __.
ii. He __ his patients as an inferior rabble.
iii. She remained standing, pointedly __
his invitation to sit down.
iv. I asked her to be my wife, and was __
in no uncertain terms.
A) scrutinize
B) approve
C) disdain
D) ignore
9. i. A proposal to __temporarily the right to
ii. We believe the board __ its
responsibilities to its shareholders.
iii. You cannot __ anyone‘s right to free
iv. Our city needs to __ outdated laws.
A) void
B) ratify
C) abrogate
D) allow
E) authorize
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Daily Visit :
Option C
Explanation: i- repeal or do away with ;
ii- evade (a responsibility or duty) ; iii- ;
iv10. i. His theory __ a rotatory movement for
ii. The chapter was then allowed to
postulate the bishop of Bath.
iii. Perhaps the __ of Babylonian
influence on Greek astronomy is
iv. The best economists in the world are
working to __ an idea that will revive
international finances.
A) guess
B) obviate
C) postulate
D) calculate
E) posit
we __ still marshal our resources to __
this imaginary injustice.
A) shall, adulterate
B) can, ruin
C) could, emend
D) should, rectify
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: rectify = put right; correct.
3. The burning of crop __, which has been
identified as the villain-in-chief of the
current crisis, has __ a large number of
northern cities.
A) chaff, loose
B) shuck, fiexed
C) stubble, impacted
D) debris, bumped
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option C
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. It is shameful and horrifying and totally
__ and completely __ that gender
activists have failed to address this
gaping inequality.
A) sticky, intolerable
B) problematic, unacceptable
C) tight, adequate
D) convenient, dandy
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: unacceptable = not
satisfactory or allowable
2. We still hear about the ―wage gap‖
almost daily, and even though it‘s a myth,
Explanation: stubble = the cut stalks of
cereal plants left sticking out of the
ground after the grain is harvested;
impacted = strongly affected by
4. Facebook has said that the initiative,
which could be __ to other countries
based on the response, is really aimed at
protecting users by ensuring that nude
photos and other __ images of them don‘t
get posted on Facebook, Instagram and
other platforms without their consent.
A) circumscribe, foe
B) extended, intimate
C) diminished, formal
D) abridged, extrinsic
E) None of these None of these
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Option B
Daily Visit :
5. While India has never __ that the Indian
Ocean is ―India‘s Ocean‖ China has __
the bulk of the South China Sea is
―China‘s Sea‖ and even extended its
claim to Indonesia‘s shores.
A) adopted, adopted
B) affirmed, affirmed
C) claimed, claimed
D) avowed, avowed
E) None of these
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Option C
6. While China has a legitimate interest in
ensuring the security of its frontiers, what
has __ the entire maritime neighbourhood
has been Beijing‘s readiness to deploy its
navy coercively to enforce its __ claims
across the South China Sea.
A) fair, imperialist
B) nonchalant, bossy
C) agitated, colonialist
D) shaken, expansionist
E) None of these
Option B
Explanation: burdensome = difficult to
carry out or fulfil; taxing.
8. Unfortunately within the Indian
government there is __ global commodity
market commercial intelligence available
so as to be able to take __ decisions on
tariff changes.
A) troubling, naive
B) few, oblivious
C) small, enlightened
D) little, informed
E) None of these
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Option D
9. Any __ with trade policy without taking
into account international sensitivities
and trade relations can potentially lead to
a __ and retaliatory action.
A) fiddling, bounce
B) tinkering, backlash
C) botching, rebuff
D) dallying, reflex
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: expansionist = relating to
or characteristic of a policy of territorial
or economic expansion.
7. Since 2013, the world has had five __
years of large production of oilseeds
resulting in a __ inventory.
A) direct, gentle
B) straight, burdensome
C) candid, smooth
D) levelled, fluffy
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option B
Explanation: backlash = a strong
negative reaction by a large number of
people, especially to a social or political
10. Despite the fact that India is a __
economy and not an export-oriented one,
farm exports are not __.
A) constructing, strong
B) abstaining, concrete
C) consuming, insubstantial
D) substantial, fanciful
E) None of these
Daily Visit :
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Option C
Explanation: insubstantial = lacking
strength and solidity.
Option B
Explanation: mild = not severe,
serious, or harsh.
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. __of sorts, Lord Robert Clive would __a
gun in one hand, and a sword in the other.
A) certainty, blaze
B) conjectural, flash
C) empirical, spark
D) strength, flicker
E) None of these
4. On the US side, movement — even __—
on a totalisation agreement would be a
welcome __ for temporary Indian
workers and Indian companies from
paying an annual social security payment.
A) abrupt, distress
B) incremental, relief
C) decrescent, anguish
D) acute, pang
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option B
Explanation: conjectural = speculative;
flash = shine in a bright but brief, sudden,
or intermittent way.
2. Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay
walked into India, as if __ into a__.
A) measuring, limber
B) regulating, ambulance
C) pacing, palanquin
D) trotting, barrow
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: palanquin = a covered
litter for one passenger,
3. I fully believe that a __ penal code is
better than a severe penal code, the worst
of all systems was surely that of having a
__ code for the Brahmins
A) strong, strong
B) mild, mild
C) moderate, moderate
D) sarcastic, sarcastic
E) None of these
Option B
Explanation: incremental = relating to or
denoting an increase or addition,
especially one of a series on a fixed scale;
relief = a feeling of reassurance and
relaxation following release from anxiety
or distress.
5. When PM Modi announced his __ for
―Startup India‖ in early 2016, the buzz __
throughout Silicon Valley.
A) vision, dull
B) vision, reverberated
C) vision, quiet
D) vision, reflected
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: reverberated =
6. A recent report predicts __ shifts in the
global economic __ by 2050 — six of the
seven largest economies will be emerging
economies led by China and India.
A) exciting, ruckus
B) modest, group
C) monotonous, organize
Daily Visit :
D) dramatic, order
E) None of these
A) excusing, acquittal
B) scolding, sovereignty
C) castigating, captivity
D) exonerating, license
E) None of these
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Option D
7. In an extremely warm speech, Tillerson
highlighted a number of points of __
between the two erstwhile ―__
A) difference, allied
B) isolation, conciliated
C) convergence, estranged
D) dissent, chummy
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: convergence = the process
or state of converging.;
8. While designating India and the US as
―the two __ of stability‖, Tillerson was
quite __ on the implications of China‘s
A) bookmarks, delusive
B) bookends, forthright
C) bounds, insincere
D) sets, subtle
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: bookends = be positioned
at the end or on either side of
(something); forthright = (of a person or
their manner or speech) direct and
After __ Pakistan for harbouring
terrorists in his August speech, Trump
recently praised Pakistan for the help it
provided in securing the release of an
American woman and her family from
the Haqqani network‘s__.
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Option C
Explanation: castigating = reprimand
(someone) severely; captivity = the
condition of being imprisoned or
10. The __ aspect of US policy on South
Asia has involved maintaining a balance
between India and Pakistan and this has
been so even in a period of __ bilateral
progress over the last two decades.
A) unstated, significant
B) untold, weighty
C) unspoken, notable
D) tacit, critical
E) None of these
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Option A
Directions : In each of the questions given
below a sentence is given with one blank.
Below each sentence FOUR words are given
out of which two can fit the sentence. Five
options are given with various
combinations of these words. You have to
choose the combination with the correct set
of words which can fit in the given sentence.
1. The theory of the objective correlative as
it relates to literature was largely
developed __the writings of the poet and
literary critic T.S. Eliot.
A. Across
B. With
C. Through
D. Among
A) Both B and D
B) Both D and A
Daily Visit :
C) Both A and B
D) Both A and C
E) None of these
A) Both A and B
B) Both B and C
C) Both B and D
D) Both D and C
E) None of these
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Option D
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2. Formalist followers __ translated the
fabula/syuzhet to the concept of
A. Eventually
B. Totally
C. Casually
D. Finally
A) Both B and A
B) Both A and D
C) Both C and B
D) Both D and B
E) None of these
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Option B
5. Soon we were driving __ a narrow road.
A. Along
B. Across
C. Since
D. Amid
A) Both A and C
B) Both B and D
C) Both D and C
D) Both A and B
E) None of these
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Option B
Option D
3. The recording machinery was kept __
A. Through
B. Along
C. Behind
D. Beyond
A) Both C and D
B) Both C and A
C) Both D and B
D) Both A and C
E) None of these
6. Revolutionary and incendiary, The
Second Sex is one of the earliest __ to
confront human history from a feminist
A. Efforts
B. Certainties
C. Attempts
D. Causalities
A) Both A and B
B) Both B and C
C) Both A and C
D) Both D and C
E) None of these
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Option A
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4. History is not an __ ―fact,‖ but a
reflection of certain attitudes,
preconceptions, and injustices.
A. Aaptable
B. Immutable
C. Entrenched
D. Flexible
Option C
7. You look __you‘re angry.
A. Similar to
B. As if
C. Likely as
D. As though
Daily Visit :
A) Both A and D
B) Both C and D
C) Both B and D
D) Both A and B
E) None of these
B. Conceal
C. Contradict
D. Debunk
A) Both A and C
B) Both C and D
C) Both B and C
D) Both C and B
E) None of these
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Option C
8. Plot refers to the sequence of events
inside a story which __ other events
through the principle of cause and effect.
A. Cause
B. Affect
C. Isolate
D. Perturb
A) Both A and B
B) Both C and D
C) Both B and D
D) Both B and C
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option B
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. The habit is so __ in its working that even
the government arms __ to be aware of
A) casual, die
B) extrinsic, rise
C) ingrained, appear
D) blithe, emerge
E) None of these
Option C
He pointed to a spot __ the concealing
A. Beyond
B. Beneath
C. Against
D. Past
A) Both A and B
B) Both B and C
C) Both C and D
D) Both A and D
E) None of these
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Option C
2. Marxist literary criticism is a __ term __
literary criticism based on socialist and
dialectic theories.
A) lewd, portraying
B) loose, describing
C) confined, astonishing
D) stressed, confusing
E) None of these
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Option B
Option D
10. De Beauvoir hopes to __ the persistent
myth of the ―eternal feminine‖ by
showing that it arose from male
discomfort with the fact of his own birth.
A. Establish
3. The Aadhaar Card, Form AS 26 and the
network of taxpayers online, the email,
the __ banking transactions, have all
given the I-T department weapons they
can __ to use without resort to search and
Daily Visit :
A) voluntary, fancy
B) elective, designate
C) dispensable, spurn
D) obligatory, choose
E) None of these
D) deject, interets
E) None of these
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Option A
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Option D
4. The first task of deconstruction would be
to find and __ these oppositions inside a
text or a corpus of texts; but the final
objective of deconstruction is not to __
all oppositions, because it is assumed
they are structurally necessary to produce
A) permit, fail
B) invert, loose
C) overturn, surpass
D) abide, transcend
E) None of these
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Option C
5. Household investment has remained a __,
rather than private corporate investment,
as is commonly__.
A) dilatory, desired
B) laggard, believed
C) flirt, supposed
D) quirk, deserted
E) None of these
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Option B
6. Marxism aims to __ the concept of work
through creating a classless society built
on control and __ of the means of
A) revolutionize, ownership
B) alter, clientele
C) metamorphose, disclaim
7. There is no __the fact that the present
income tax law __radical re-adaptation.
A) foreseen, calls
B) rejecting, requests
C) disavowing, obviates
D) gainsaying, requires
E) None of these
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Option D
8. The event __a change in belief
__socialist ideals in government and
A) terminated, roughly
B) ended, nearby
C) drove, gone
D) instigated, around
E) None of these None of these
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Option D
The thought behind Marxist Criticism is
that works of literature are mere products
of history that can be __by looking at the
social and material conditions in which
they were__.
A) appraised, made
B) analyzed, constructed
C) neglected, fabricated
D) raw, arranged
E) None of these
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Option B
Daily Visit :
10. Every search of the residential and
business __of the taxpayer involves an
__of his privacy.
A) data, foray
B) space, inroad
C) premises, invasion
D) argument, intrusion
E) None of these
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Option C
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
D) meekest, prince
E) None of these
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Option B
4. Although Manson was __ of first-degree
murder in 1971, he escaped capital
punishment after California __ the death
penalty a year later.
A) exonerated, correct
B) released, bearable
C) convicted, outlawed
D) reproachable, seemly
E) None of these
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1. The __ succession from mother to son is
related to the very __ of the Congress.
A) inexorable, fatuity
B) certain, inanity
C) inevitable, nature
D) fatal, exteriority
E) None of these
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Option C
2. The real challenge for Mr. Gandhi is not
winning the Congress leadership, but
positioning himself as a __ in the way of
the Modi__.
A) pulp, colossus
B) squishy, artic
C) stagger, lorry
D) rock, juggernaut
E) None of these
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Option D
3. What he projected as a stand in keeping
with public opinion came across as an
__act by a __ against a Prime Minister
beholden to him for staying in power.
A) servile, liege
B) arrogant, dynast
C) lowly, diva
Option C
5. Rather than the liberal counterculture
movement of the 1960s, his __
philosophy bears a disturbing
resemblance in some respects with the
far-right or alt-right brand of neo-fascism
that has __ in certain pockets of U.S.
politics recently.
A) dogmatic, musahroomed
B) biased, declined
C) obstinate, dwindled
D) bigoted, mushroomed
E) None of these
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Option D
6. He too spoke of ―race war‖ and __ up altright materials online, indulging in the
very same __ race-ramblings that Manson
A) wrapped, trivial
B) batted, nonchalant
C) lapped, apocalyptic
D) licked, insignificant
E) None of these
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Option C
Daily Visit :
7. The legacy of Manson should serve, if
anything, as a __ reminder to liberal
America that the pillars on which their __
democracy was built must never be taken
for granted.
A) mordant, empiricist
B) piquant, mechanist
C) acute, mixed
D) poignant, pluralist
E) None of these
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Option D
8. Our nation must confront the __ facts of
its history rather than glorious versions of
an __ past.
A) desirable, grand
B) beneficial, magnificient
C) difficult, regal
D) inconvenient, imperial
E) None of these
A) despoliation, reputed
B) looting, notorious
C) plunder, creditable
D) rifling, famous
E) None of these
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Option B
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. The draft Bill has __ modified the earlier
Bill and suggested various measures to
fortify the use of uncontaminated DNA
samples for investigation __ and for
identifying missing persons.
A) mainly, objectives
B) significantly, targets
C) substantially, purposes
D) abstractly, motives
E) None of these
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Option D
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9. It‘s an __ and uniquely British
perspective, which achieves the
seemingly impossible – casting Britain‘s
empire as a great moral achievement, and
its collapse as an act of casual __, without
any hint at the irreconcilability of the
A) ingenious, generosity
B) fatuous, frugality
C) idiotic, atrocity
D) dense, cupidity
E) None of these
Option C
2. The salient features of the
recommendations __ the constitution of a
statutory body called the DNA __ board
and a DNA data bank.
A) include, profiling
B) bar, ignore
C) keep, alineate
D) debar, propel
E) None of these
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Option A
Option A
10. There are the centuries of statesanctioned criminal activity: the
remarkable __ by supposed heroes such
as Francis Drake, one of the most __
pirates in history, and Robert Clive, who
pillaged Bengal to great personal gain.
3. The data bank will primarily store DNA
profiles received from the __ laboratories
and maintain certain __ for various
categories of data such as crime scene
A) exploded, records
Daily Visit :
B) counterfeit, catalouge
C) confidential, concord
D) accredited, indices
E) None of these
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Option D
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Option D
4. The DNA profiles __ be shared with and
by foreign governments or government
organisations or agencies only for the
purposes __ in the Act.
A) will, general
B) shall, enumerated
C) will, specific
D) shall, broad
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
5. With India‘s economic growth __ in the
last couple of years, the government has
been casting about for ways to __ the
A) resolute, arouse
B) alacrity, excite
C) faltering, galvanise
D) certitude, stimulate
E) None of these
View Answer
7. To understand the __ of bank
recapitalisation, we need a little __ on
bank capital.
A) significance, primer
B) moment, defuse
C) triviality, codicil
D) levity, separate
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
8. Some observers __ the __ in credit
growth to poor demand.
A) diminish, pace
B) abrogate, prompt
C) absolve, punctual
D) ascribe, deceleration
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
9. There have certainly been cases of __ and
poor __ of credit.
A) delinquency, castigate
B) malfeasance, appraisal
C) misconduct, criticize
D) fault, babble
E) None of these
Option C
6. The government seems to have realised
that a simpler, more effective remedy is
at hand: __ public sector banks (PSBs)
and __ the flow of credit.
A) recapitalising, attrition
B) recapitalising, attenuating
C) recapitalising, alarming
D) recapitalising, enhancing
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
10. Following the global financial crisis of
2007, sectors to which PSBs were __
came to be __ in ways that could not have
been entirely foreseen.
A) sheltered, clashed
B) compensated, crashed
C) gaurded, adverted
Daily Visit :
D) exposed, impacted
E) None of these
B) emphasize
C) repuidate
D) retract
E) None of these
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Option D
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Direction (1-10): In each of the following
questions three statements with a blank in
each are given. You have to choose a word
from the given option that can fill all the
blanks. Mark that option as your answer.
1. a) I stopped and listened, __-ing my ears
for any sound.
b) __ the custard into a bowl.
c) The usual type of chair puts an
enormous __ on the spine.
A) breed
B) pressure
C) stress
D) strain
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
2. a) It is hard for logic to __ over emotion.
b) She was __-ed upon to give an account
of her work.
c) Evil cannot __; we must defeat it.
A) endure
B) over-power
C) prevail
D) forfeit
E) None of these
Option D
4. a) Success will become ever more __.
b) The __ thought he had had moments
c) The truth can be __, even feared.
A) subtle
B) elusive
C) obscure
D) entice
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
5. a) The doctor recorded her blood pressure
on a __.
b) Cook __-ed the coasts and waters of
New Zealand.
c) The record will probably __ at about
No. 74.
A) chart
B) paper
C) list
D) map
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
View Answer
Option C
3. a) She __-ed her hand as if she‘d been
b) The sea otter can __ the claws on its
front feet.
c) He __-ed his allegations.
A) provide
6. a) The plaster started to __.
b) The easiest way to __ blue cheese.
c) Sprinkle the __ over the rhubarb.
A) rot
B) erupt
C) break
D) crumble
E) None of these
Daily Visit :
Option D
View Answer
Option D
7. a) The __-ing of antibodies to cell
b) Business agreements are intended to
be legally __-ing.
c) Mix the flour with the coconut and
enough egg white to __ them.
A) mature
B) solidify
C) mix
D) bind
E) None of these
10. a) The countryside was __-ed in snow.
b) A __ ban on tobacco advertising.
c) I slept on the ground covered by my
A) sweep
B) shadow
C) blanket
D) quilt
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
View Answer
Option D
8. a) She __-ed scorn on her return to the
b) They failed to __ a full-scale invasion.
c) Stephen was eagerly __-ing the break
from the routine of business.
A) assume
B) await
C) anticipate
D) abrupt
E) None of these
1. There is no denying that there is a great
deal of __attached to speaking __sexual
A) honour, about
B) brand, over
C) stigma, about
D) bathe, about
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option C
9. a) A __ attempt to defuse the situation.
b) Don‘t be too __ in criticizing a
c) The patient man shows much good
sense, but the __man displays folly at its
A) blatant
B) tricky
C) quick
D) hasty
E) None of these
Option C
Explanation: stigma = a mark of
disgrace associated with a particular
circumstance, quality, or person.
2. The risk of patients who need medical
attention, such as those with dengue
haemorrhagic fever, __for this drug
instead of rushing to a hospital should not
A) favouring, overlook
B) opting, underestimated
C) assigning, misjudged
D) authorizing, overdated
E) None of these
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Daily Visit :
View Answer
Option B
3. At a time when modern medicine is
advancing towards greater transparency
and __in clinical evidence, the
government‘s claims on nilavembu aren‘t
__anyone in the scientific community.
A) authority, duping
B) rigidity, tricking
C) productiveness, frauding
D) replicability, fooling
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: replicability = Property of
an activity, process, or test result that
allows it to be duplicated at another
location or time.
4. A __of the country is __annoyed with the
actions of the government.
A) ghetto, extremely
B) region, deeply
C) place, adjacently
D) line, severly
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: drastic = likely to have a
strong or far-reaching effect; radical and
extreme. grievances = a real or imagined
cause for complaint, especially unfair
6. The sheer __of Internet shutdowns makes
it clear that it is being used as a routine
card in the ever-expanding ―law and
order‖ __of the state.
A) localized, toolkit
B) presence, toolkit
C) abyss, toolkit
D) ubiquity, toolkit
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: ubiquity = the fact of
appearing everywhere or of being very
7. A key flaw in the Gujarat High Court‘s
decision, however, was its failure to
understand that the __of the CrPC cannot
directly be __into the online world.
A) scarcities, inverted
B) abyss, transformed
C) provisions, transposed
D) victuals, forwarded
E) None of these
Option B
5. If the government wishes to keep law and
order, then it must find other, less __ways
of doing so, such as increasing security,
perhaps a curfew, or even winning the
trust of the people and addressing their__.
A) frivolous, injuries
B) drastic, grievances
C) genial, beeves
D)indulgent, insults
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option C
Explanation: provisions = the action of
providing or supplying something for
use; transposed = cause (two or more
things) to exchange places.
8. There was no __or democratic debate
when the rules were__.
A) ubiquity, framed
B) explicity, framed
C) transparency, framed
D) reliability, framed
Daily Visit :
E) None of these
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
View Answer
Option C
The __that the government must have
the ability to control the Internet in order
to preserve law and order is an
__attractive one.
A) truth, automatically
B) baloney, evenly
C) estimation, analytically
D) notion, intuitively
E) None of these
1. A specialist psychiatrist could diagnose
the condition early and educate the
family on what to__. Medications that
slow down the speed of dementia __be
A) require, can
B) expect, could
C) envisage, may
D) think, might
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option D
Explanation: notion = a conception of or
belief about something; intuitively =
without conscious reasoning;
10. There may very well be improvements
when it comes to the first benefit. But it
is unlikely that __payments will not be__.
A) disciplinary, clarity
B) reparatory, beauty
C) compensatory, distortionary
D) correctional, compensatory
E) None of these
Option B
Explanation: could – unfulfilled desire
2. The speech area in the brain weakens and
reduces the patient‘s ability to understand
words and respond. __communication
problems could __in his screaming or
aggressive body language.
A) reasonable, solution
B) attendant, arise
C) Consequent, result
D) crazy, outgrowth
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: compensatory = (of a
payment) intended to recompense
someone who has experienced loss,
suffering, or injury; distortionary= any
departure from the ideal of perfect
competition that therefore interferes with
economic agents maximizing social
welfare when they maximize their own
3. Uncle Vivek suffers from Alzheimer‘s
disease, the most common type of
dementia __ the elderly. The population
of those aged 60 and above in India has
__from 5.6% in 1961 to 8.6% in 2011
A) thrilling, rose
B) exciting, ascended
C) defending, uplifted
D) affecting, risen
E) None of these
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Daily Visit :
Option D
A) delay, operate
B) support, flourish
C) dwell, control
D) stay, wield
E) None of these
4. It‘s a terrifying disease and its __can be
bewildering for family members. But the
signs are__.
A) offensiveness, cognizable
B) attack, placable
C) demise, detactable
D) onset, recognisable
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
5. An announcement by the government that
the India-Afghanistan-Iran trilateral
arrangement to __the obstacles is on__
was well-timed.
A) thwart, exceed
B) circumvent, track
C) endure, surpass
D) beat, trail
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
6. The commitment that the Chabahar port
development project will be completed
next year should __business on both sides
about a __trade route from South Asia to
Central Asia.
A) reassure, sustainable
B) inspirit, sufferable
C) soothe, tenable
D) brace, sturdy
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option D
8. When a person decides to buy a flat, it
__his or her __about the future.
A) apes, cynicism
B) conjectures, gloom
C) reflects, optimism
D) emulates, idealism
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Not to overstate this, but there is an __of
psychology that keeps the economy__.
A) substance, noising
B) element, chugging
C) item, pinging
D) component, inflating
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
10. Despite many attempts at discrediting the
__of Keynesian remedies, to this day
policy-makers continue to repose __in
A) competence, trust
B) efficacy, faith
C) usefulness, fidelity
D) capacity, loyalty
E) None of these
Option A
7. The healthy opposition should __within
the country and should not __weapons
against the government.
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Option B
Daily Visit :
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
E) None of these
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1. We need to apply the __ of social
business to solve __ of inequality and
A) factual, problems
B) strength, problems
C) potential, problems
D) existent, problems
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: potential = having or
showing the capacity to develop into
something in the future;
2. As he travelled across the world, Yunus
found that low-income people in the
world‘s richest nations were __from the
same problems the poor __in poorer
A) woe, eluded
B) suffering , faced
C) torture, mugged
D) refusing, visaged
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: suffering = the state of
undergoing pain, distress, or hardship;
faced= confront and deal with or accept.
3. For too long, we‘ve __the __of poverty,
unemployment, and environmental
destruction, as if these are natural
A) tolerated , persistence
B) verboten, cessasion
C) vetoed, apathy
D) prohibited, termination
Option A
Explanation: tolerated= allow the
existence, occurrence, or practice of
(something that one dislikes or disagrees
with) without interference;
persistence=the fact of continuing in an
opinion or course of action in spite of
difficulty or opposition.
4. Social business offers __that are available
neither to profit-maximising companies
nor to traditional__.
A) advantages , avarice
B) advantages , malices
C) advantages , charities
D) advantages , animosities
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: advantage = a condition or
circumstance that puts one in a
favourable or superior position.
5. A social business owner who __a product
or service that helps the poor or benefits
society in some other way may be able to
attract a __market by using social
networking and other online tools to
spread the word.
A) plans, narrow
B) devises , wide
C) fabricates, bare
D) concocts, slight
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: devises= plan or invent (a
complex procedure, system, or
Daily Visit :
mechanism) by careful thought;
6. Humankind as a whole is living in a time
of __prosperity, __in part by revolutions
in knowledge.
A) thin, consolidated
B) unparalleled, fuelled
C) inferior, forwarded
D) ordinary, corroboratorted
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: unparallel= exceptional;
fuelled= sustain or inflame (an intense
7. Since the June 2008 __in global food
prices, prices have continued to__,
reaching another record high in 2011.
A) peak , fluctuate
B) nadir, flutter
C) tumble, vibrate
D) plunge, undulate
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: peak = reach a highest
point, either of a specified value or at a
specified time; fluctuate= rise and fall
irregularly in number or amount.
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: evolution = the gradual
development of something.; dilemma= a
situation in which a difficult choice has to
be made between two or more
alternatives, especially ones that are
equally undesirable.
India‘s decision to expand security __to
Kabul has a nuanced geopolitical__.
A) constipation, rumour
B) inhibition, agonized
C) assistance, message
D) liability, flout
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
10. The decision to enhance security training
comes coupled with an India-Afghanistan
trade fair __by USAID, that will __
Afghanistan‘s Chief Executive Abdullah
Abdullah and other ministers to Delhi
this week.
A) mentored, obnoxious
B) opposed, dismal
C) opposed, desirable
D) sponsored , welcome
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
8. We need to consider how the __of the
world economy and, in particular, of the
system whereby food is produced and
distributed has led us to today‘s__.
A) collapse, dilemma
B) abbreviation, dilemma
C) advance, dilemma
D) evolution, dilemma
E) None of these
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. The GST was India‘s second __with
destiny and introduced with the great
hope that it would help India achieve
A) date, boldness
B) division, commoness
C) tryst, greatness
Daily Visit :
D) interview, conciousnes
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
2. The existing electronic system is
__inadequate and in case of an issue with
the system it will be disastrous if every
movement of goods requires __to a portal
for generation of an e-way bill.
A) blithely, egress
B) woefully, access
C) genially, exclusion
D) gladly, ejection
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
3. One cannot wish away the large
unorganised sector and it is not practical
to __them into becoming __taxcompliant by digitisation.
A) truncheon, instantly
B) bludgeon, instantly
C) coerce, instantly
D) weapon, instantly
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
5. It is dangerous to __with the hope that
things will __settle down.
A) proceed, eventually
B) pause, currently
C) ache, immediately
D)abjure, instantly
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
6. A __to hold referendums, from Kurdistan
to Catalonia, highlights the importance
for __in such votes
A) crawl, accord
B) dawdle, coarseness
C) rush, nuance
D) loiter, blatancy
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
7. A referendum is, no doubt, a powerful
tool to __participation and __public
opinion in a democracy.
A) enhance, elapse
B) alleviate, estimate
C) diminish, divulge
D) deepen, reflect
E) None of these
View Answer
4. It is better that the states are given
__jurisdiction to deal with assessees upto
a turnover of Rs 10 crore or even Rs 25
crore so that the Centre can only deal
with __with higher revenue.
A) pooled, judges
B) partial, estimates
C) communal, values
D) exclusive, assessees
E) None of these
Option D
8. The question of legitimacy of
referendums is important and it is
__provided if the Centre __this
mechanism on such issues.
A) necessarily, refiutes
B) automatically, concedes
C) mechanically, bickers
D) purposely, avows
E) None of these
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Option D
View Answer
Option B
Daily Visit :
While the recognition of ―nationalities‖
such as the Catalonian one in Spain has
__moved the country away from the
centralised and unitary nation-state under
Franco, there have been demands for a
truer federalisation and greater
devolution of power, especially in
A) lastly, initially
B) consciously, archaically
C) erratically, broadly
D) decisively, lately
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
10. In sum, the issues at __in Iraqi Kurdistan
and Catalonia in Spain are __different.
A) stake, vastly
B) post , extremely
C) design, insignificantly
D) guard, compactly
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. The Supreme Court __a very good
judgment by the Delhi High Court, which
had __down Section 377.
A) upended, put
B) overturned, struck
C) capsized, threw
D) canceled, slowed
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: overturned= tip
(something) over so that it is on its side
or upside down.; struck= To cause to fall
by a blow.
2. In view of the __privacy judgment of the
court, it is clear that what you drink and
eat and whom you __with cannot be the
concern of the state.
A) concurrent, divide
B) dissonant, foe
C) jarring, avoide
D) unanimous, consort
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: unanimous= (of two or
more people) fully in agreement.;
consort= habitually associate with
(someone), typically with the disapproval
of others.
3. But it is also a fact that all __ are not put
behind bars. You see people __ Prime
Minister Narendra Modi, the Prime
Minister‘s Office, the government.
A) dissenters, criticising
B) fenders, nipticking
C) heretics, essaying
D) humans, knocking
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: dissent= the holding or
expression of opinions at variance with
those commonly or officially held.;
criticizing= indicate the faults of
(someone or something) in a
disapproving way.
4. There is __ that if they dare say anything
against the government or against the
established order, they may be __ or put
behind bars.
A) discharge, degage
B) serenity, complimentary
C) apprehension, incarcerated
D) assurance, broad
E) None of these
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Daily Visit :
Option C
Explanation: apprehension= anxiety or
fear that something bad or unpleasant
will happen.; incarcerated= imprison or
5. We have __ criticism of the government
in __, virulent terms.
A) denied, frivolous
B) participated, amorphous
C) witnessed, trenchant
D) rebelled, cute
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: witnessed= see (an event,
typically a crime or accident) happen.;
trenchant= vigorous or incisive in
expression or style.
6. __ are there in the abuse of law by law
__, and very often, this section (sedition)
is put to action because of
overcautiousness or out of ignorance.
A) perils, enforcers
B) disasters, stimulators
C) disagreements, stimulants
D) risks, charmers
E) None of these
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Option A
Explanation: perils= serious and
immediate danger. ; enforcers= (in sport)
a strong, aggressive, or intimidating
player whose role is to protect teammates
or dominate an area of the field of play.
7. It is possible that Aadhaar can be
misused, but the possibility of __ cannot
be the __ for arguing that the law is not
A) cherish, ground
B) employ, ground
C) misuse, ground
D) protect, ground
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: misuse= use (something)
in the wrong way or for the wrong
8. Much will be written about the __ as far
as jobs, wages and national sovereignty
that the current American __ on trade
deals brings to the fore.
A) civility, enlist
B) carnage, onslaught
C) courtesy, decease
D) clemency, dribble
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: carnage = the killing of a
large number of people.; onslaught= a
fierce or destructive attack.
For years now, while patent protection is
getting stronger in all sectors in a large
number of countries, the conditions for its
__ are becoming greatly __.
A) grant, relaxed
B) disavow, relaxed
C) demand, relaxed
D) avarice, relaxed
E) None of these
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Option A
Explanation: grant= agree to give or
allow (something requested) to.; relaxed=
free from tension and anxiety.
10. A superstar firm today is not necessarily
one with the greatest technological __ or
the largest research and development
labs, but surely is one that has a large IP
portfolio, engages in extensive litigation
on __ issues, and thrives on licensing
A) collapse, cloudy
B) glitch, subtle
Daily Visit :
assessment of something or
someone again or in a different
way., behest= a person’s orders or
C) breakthroughs, patent
D) failing, vague
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: breakthrough= make or
force a way through (a barrier); patent =
patent is an exclusive right granted for an
Directions: Pick out the most
appropriate pair of words to
complete the given sentences.
1. The grand __of modern Indian
history has come to be __by the
triumvirate of Gandhi, Nehru and
A) description, reigned
B) saga, directed
C) narrative, dominated
D) record, managed
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: narrative = a spoken
or written account of connected
events; dominated = have power
and influence over.
2. Fortunately, the constant __of
history is taking place, not at the
__of some government agency but
by common people.
A) inspection, regulation
B) appraisal, caveat
C) reappraisal, behest
D) recap, act
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: reappraisal= an
3. Generations that lived under British
rule had had a more __and
sympathetic view of the times
though people __for its end.
A) poised, struggled
B) equanimous, fought
C) placid, campaigned
D) serene, conflicted
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: equanimous= calm
and composed.
4. Anchored in constitutional
scholarship, history and
international law, the celebrated
privacy judgment attests to the __of
our __ liberalism.
A) give, dignitarian
B) fortitude, dignitarian
C) resilience, dignitarian
D) bounce, dignitarian
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: resilience= the
capacity to recover quickly from
difficulties; dignitaries= a person
considered to be important because
of high rank or office.
5. A less noticed but __feature of the
privacy ruling is a disclaimer of
judicial power to introduce new
constitutional rights in the exercise
of the court’s judicial
Daily Visit :
A) great, review
B) significant, review
C) material, review
D) crucial, review
E) None of these
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: adjudication= a
formal judgement on a disputed
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: significant=
sufficiently great or important to be
worthy of attention; review= a
formal assessment of something
with the intention of instituting
change if necessary.
6. The historic verdict which affirms
that the idea of human dignity
includes the right to be let alone, the
equality of human beings and the
freedom to will is a __oration on
human dignity and a __of the
nation’s liberal conscience.
A) gorgeous, amnesty
B) high, excuse
C) sublime, vindication
D) great, defense
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: sublime= of very
great excellence or beauty.;
vindication= the action of clearing
someone of blame or suspicion.
7. In India, however, the current
trends would indicate that state
seems to take an increasingly
__stand on fundamental rights
issues in legal__.
A) stoic, ealuation
B) listless, ruling
C) apathetic, adjudication
D) phlegmatic, settlement
8. It is quite __that adults are able to
think freely and the state is __to
protect and preserve their capacity
to do so.
A) crucial, bound
B) major, vault
C) basic, skip
D) grave, jump
E) None of these
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Option A
Explanation: crucial= decisive or
critical, especially in the success or
failure of something;
9. Referring to Doklam and the BRI,
columnist Samir Saran has pointed
out that “These events make it clear
that we must __the romantic notion
that ideological __is possible within
A) drop, junction
B) fall, flux
C) shed, convergence
D) cote, conflux
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: shed= a simple
roofed structure used for garden
storage, to shelter animals, or as a
workshop; converge= the process or
state of converging.
Daily Visit :
10. Prime Minister Narendra Modi
__to a more compassionate policy
on Kashmir when he said that the
war __separatism would be won
“neither by abuse nor bullets but by
embracing all Kashmiris”
A) indicated, from
B) gestured, against
C) flagged, despite
D) dismissed, toward
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: gestured= direct
(someone) somewhere by means of
a gesture; against= in opposition to
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. With heavy rains causing __ in Chennai,
HDFC has decided to __ off any penalty
on its home loan customers impacted by
the rains for any delay in EMI payments
for last month.
A) catastrophe, see
B) calamity, lay
C) flood, put
D) havoc, waive
E) disorder, take
View Answer
Option D
2. The Himachal Pradesh High Court has
dismissed a __ of petitions filed against
setting up of mobile towers on health
grounds saying there is no __ to suggest
that emissions from mobile towers
A) group, significance
B) clutch, evidence
C) set, witness
D) bunch, contradiction
E) number, mark
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Option B
3. California was one of the first states to __
such a system in the 1980s after the first
alarms were __ about deteriorating air
quality in Los Angeles.
A) implement, raised
B) apply, rang
C) launch, constructed
D) start, sounded
E) begin, tuned
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Option A
4. The debate on whether India should __
bilateral cricket ties with Pakistan has
gathered __ again.
A) continue, discussion
B) abrogate, significance
C) resume, steam
D) vitiate, energy
E) schedule, potency
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Option C
5. Technological developments are taking
place in two opposite directions: the user
end is becoming increasingly simpler , __
the skills and equipment making that __
are becoming complex.
A) while, possible
B) albiet, hypothetical
C) when, available
D) as, unlikely
E) despite, advisable
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Daily Visit :
Option A
6. Whether it is urban transport, where __
time information and control are critical
to success or high-speed train systems,
where sensitive control and equiipment
__ is a fundamental need.
A) in, counselling
B) certain, scanning
C) actual, negligence
D) no, ignorance
E) real, monitoring
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Option E
7. The mineral-rich economy has done __
well over the past few decades in __ coal
and mineral ores to China and India.
A) immensly, selling
B) truly, giving
C) extremely, exporting
D) actually, demanding
E) drastically, taking
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Option C
8. __ modernisation means access to new
ideas and influences as well as social and
economic __.
A) Cascading, freedom
B) Immense, freedom
C) Enduring, freedom
D) Persisted, freedom
E) continued, freedom
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Option E
The city govt. Was of the view that some
schools were __ and that closing these
would save money, which could be __.
A) small, reinstate
B) besiged, restore
C) undersized , reinvested
D) enclosed, revamp
E) None of these
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Option C
10. Although people usually come with a
clear idea __the basic features in a car
within a __their decision prior to
A) about, stipulated
B) on, stipulated
C) over, stipulated
D) for, stipulated
E) of, stipulated
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Option A
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. To shore up a bad argument, it is always
a good idea to threaten ___but
___consequences for traditional
A) nebulous, nasty
B) indeterminate, terrible
C) dim, severe
D) vague, dire
E) faint, awful
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Option D
2. From the time of John Stuart Mill,
Western democracies have ___with the
question of women‘s sexual___, without
which equality is an empty shell.
A) embraced, sovereignty
B) grappled, autonomy
C) completed, autocracy
D) grabbed, democracy
E) wrestled, liberty
Daily Visit :
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Option B
3. The J.S. Verma committee had
recommended the ___registration of all
marriages before a magistrate,
irrespective of the personal laws under
which they were___.
A) essential, fulfiled
B) inevitable, completed
C) mandatory ,solemnised
D) needed, dearth
E) involuntary, swayed
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Option C
4. But where the Government is going
___slow is in recapitalising public sector
banks whose net worth is severely___.
A) obviously, lowered
B) conspicuously ,eroded
C) clearly, shrunk
D) distinctly, curtailed
E) markedly, dropped
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Option B
5. Mergers are being___ as the way to have
only big strong banks which will then
have enough depth in their balance sheets
to take care of future provisioning needs
and also keep lending ___to achieve
rapid economic growth.
A) allured, huge
B) puffed, massive
C) blustered, large
D) touted, big
E) amplified, great
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Option D
6. Once the top managers chosen by the
Banks Board Bureau settle down and
start ___the managerial culture,
professionalism can emerge in an ___of
improved governance.
A) developing, medium
B) modifying, status
C) adhering, condition
D) emasculating, setting
E) changing, ambience
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Option E
7. ___the Nepal connection by completing
its projects there and ___carefully on the
Madhesi issue
A) strenthening, lumbering
B) Cement, treading
C) fasten, hiking
D) jain, ambling
E) stick, marching
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Option B
8. With China ___around in its backyard,
India ___out the red carpet for Nepalese
prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba
during his recent five-day state visit to
the country.
A) marauding, rolled
B) prowling, rolled
C) creeping, rolled
D) roaming, rolled
E) loitering, rolled
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Option B
9. As New Delhi tries to gently ‗___‘
Kathmandu into accommodating the
aspirations of the Madhesis, who __onethird of Nepal‘s population.
A) thrust, consist
B) punch, comprise
C) nudge, comprise
D) goad, consist
E) nag, comprise
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Daily Visit :
Option C
10. Seeking to have greater economic
integration with Nepal, India will also
need to deliver on its ___ of ___
completion of two on-going cross-border
rail connectivity projects.
A) reliance, prompt
B) trust, expeditious
C) security, fast
D) pledge, nimble
E) assurance, swift
3. Aspirational India has a desire to work
and live in air-conditioned spaces, reduce
the ___of home work by using electrical
appliances, entertain itself by ___the best
theatre system, commute in comfort in
non-polluting transport and so on.
A) adjust, developing
B) drudgery, deploying
C) cruelity, mastering
D) burly, overcoming
E) complicated, employing
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View Answer
Option E
Option B
Directions(1-5): Pick out the most
appropriate pair of words to complete the
given sentences.
1. Life had come to a standstill in the
Ganga-Brahmaputra floodplains where
large ___of land were ___under floods.
A) domains, staggering
B) districts, lurching
C) tracts, reeling
D) lots, rolling
E) fields, swaying
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Option D
Option C
2. Many have___ that we should return to
a___ way of living and consume less
A) ciphered, canning
B) assumed, tight
C) approximated, abstemious
D) thought, spare
E) opined, frugal
View Answer
Option E
4. The share of electricity generated by
nuclear power must be ___up as soon as
possible and large investments must be
made in research and development in
electricity storage technologies to ___full
benefit from VRE sources.
A) clambered, gain
B) bearded, extract
C) crawled, procure
D) ramped, derive
E) graded, glean
5. To put Koushal in the same frame as this
decision is to acknowledge the ___of
what it meant to ___the criminalisation of
millions of LGBT persons in India.
A) frivolity, uphold
B) strength, uphold
C) gravity ,uphold
D) gaiety,uphold
E) levity, uphold
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Option C
Directions (6-10): Which of the phrases A,
B, C, and D given below each statement
Daily Visit :
should replace the phrase printed in bold in
the sentence to make it grammatically
correct? If the sentence is correct as it is
given, mark E as the answer
6. Justice Chandrachud then takes on one of
the more casually dismissive
statements made for Koushal , where
Justice G.S. Singhvi referred to the ―socalled rights‖ of LGBT persons.
A) made about
B) made to
C) made in
D) made over
E) No Correction required
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Option D
9. The missile coupled with the worrying
shift in missile testing patterns under Kim
Jong-un — launches which
are conducted all over the country and
not just at the conventional test site in
Wonsan — indicates that North Korea is
possibly preparing all its missile units for
nuclear war.
A) that were
B) that are
C) are being
D) are now being
E) No Correction required
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Option C
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7. Even as the court does not make a
holding on the constitutional validity of
the section, it does find that sexual
orientation is an essential attribute of
A) Even if
B) Even
C) Despite
D) However
E) No Correction Required
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Option D
10. The maiden run of the Lucknow Metro
has been flagged-off by Union Home
Minister Rajnath Singh and U.P. CM
Yogi Adityanath on September 5.
A) set off
B) inaugrated
C) flagged up
D) flagged
E) No Correction required
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Option E
Option E
8. Finally, a recognition that privacy
is linked with autonomy and the
navigation of space should allow us to
think about the ways in which public
spaces can be made safer for people who
bear physical markers of gender
A) linking with
B) linked for
C) linking to
D) linked to
E) No Correction required
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. We‘re late. The film ___ have already
started by the time we ___ the cinema
A) shall, arrive
B) would, reach
C) will, get to
D) should, approach
E) may, go
Daily Visit :
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View Answer
Option B
Option C
2. The fire spread through the building ___
but everybody was ___ escape.
A) fast, enable to
B) instant, managed to
C) quick, able
D) immediately, safe
E) quickly, able to
6. Cellular phone service has ___ in a new
___ of communication.
A) resulted, area
B) ushered, phase
C) grown, field
D) developed, type
E) started, sector
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Option E
Option B
3. I am thinking ___ a house; ___ you
think that‘s a good idea?
A) buying , what
B) of buying, do
C) taking, what
D) for, will
E) of, do
7. The recent naxal attacks could not ___
the Railway Minister ___ announcing
new superfast trains.
A) prevent, from
B) keep, away
C) stop, by
D) restrict, to
E) discourage, for
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View Answer
Option B
4. I am tired. I‘d rather ___ out this evening
, if you don‘t ___.
A) go, feel
B) not, accompany
C) not be, worry
D) never go, annoy
E) not go, mind
Option A
8. Retirement can either be a ___ to age or
an ___ for an adventure.
A) defeat, alternative
B) surrender, opportunity
C) setback, option
D) agreement, start
E) loss, beginning
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Option E
5. I must ___ now. I promised not __ late.
A) leave, being
B) reach, of being
C) go, to be
D) do it, for being
E) get in, of been
Option B
9. I am sorry that I have been ___ to find a
suitable ___ for you.
A) able, job
B) fail, work
C) unable, vacancy
D) successful, place
Daily Visit :
E) not able, employment
B) obscure, orbited
C) dupe, voyage
D) illustrate, trajectory
E) rebut, trach
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Option C
10. ____ my knowledge Mr Awas has a
prejudice ___ foreigners.
A) in, for
B) as to, words
C) for, at
D) within, against
E) with, against
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Option A
Directions: Pick out the most appropriate
pair of words to complete the given
1. Noteworthy is the___ in the demand for
industrial robots, at an annual rate of 9%
since 2011, making the upgradation of
human skills ___upon corporations and
governments alike.
A) dispatch, beseeching
B) expedition, beg
C) acceleration, imperative
D) deferral, conjure
E) Hinderance, mendicant
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Option C
acceleration= increase in speed/rate;
imperative = of vital importance
Expedition = promptness; dispatch = deal
2. The growth in international migration by
as much as 50% since 1990 and the rise
of xenophobia in many parts of the world
___the dangers from the lopsided ___of
the current phase of globalisation.
A) cloud, lam
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Option D
illustrate = explains with example;
trajectory = path followed by an object
3. On Tuesday, the constitutional vision,
under siege for much of India‘s journey
as a democratic republic, came within a
___of ___at the hands of the Supreme
A) barber, destruction
B) whisker, destruction
C) editor, destruction
D) floffer, destruction
E) fisker, destruction
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Option B
whisker = very small amount; destruction
= breaking up
4. Had the Chief Justice managed to ___one
other judge to sign on to his judgment,
we would have found ourselves living
under a Constitution that sanctions the
complete ___of the individual to the
claims of her religious community.
A) arouse, plunge
B) manage, inundation
C) prohibit, dive
D) stifle, settling
E) persuade, submergence
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Option E
Daily Visit :
persuade = induce to do something
through reasoning or argument;
submergence = to sink or plunge under
water or beneath the surface of any
enveloping medium.
5. By holding that the 1937 Act ___all
Muslim personal law, Justice Nariman
___the need for reconsidering this
longstanding position, even as he doubted
its correctness in a brief, illuminating
A) enciphered, precluded
B) redacted, demanded
C) codified, obviated
D) systemized, asked
E) scripted, involved
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Option C
codified = arrange into a systematic
order; obviate = remove a need or
6. Not only did the ___opinion privilege
community claims over individual
constitutional rights, it also ___the
freedom of religion with personal law,
thereby advancing a position where
religion could become the arbiter of
individuals‘ civil status and civil rights.
A) protesting, related
B) according, unionized
C) acceding, combined
D) accommodative, fluxed
E) dissenting, conflated
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Option E
dissenting = hold or express opinions that
are at variance with those commonly
held; conflated = combine into one
7. I believe it is important to try to ___the
logic of the minute from other
perspectives as well, without thereby
excusing its ___power claims and the
cunning of British imperial politics.
A) fasten, egregious
B) contract, egregious
C) snarl, egregious
D) unravel, egregious
E) puzzle, egregious
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Option D
unravel = investigate and explain;
egregious = outstandingly bad
8. Nepal-India relations have been ___for
decades, but the two Modi visits did not
help ___them.
A) glassy, fix
B) propionate, correct
C) justified, mend
D) adhered, restore
E) uneven, repair
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Option E
9. The government must cease to be a
___litigant, and ___power should be
made use to reduce the grievance of the
future litigant.
A) necessary, immense
B) compulsive, executive
C) important, terrific
D) logical,terrible
E) ideal, amazing
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Daily Visit :
Option B
D) statements, with
E) declarations, of
10. NLP had a lot of laudable ___ and there
was nothing to disagree___.
A) commitments, to
B) comments, for
C) assertions, off
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Option D
statements = clear expression of sth;
Daily Visit:
200+ Sentence
Fillers Questions
With Solution
Daily Visit:
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. The disappearance is bad enough but to replace it with fake news, and/or flaky analysis,___.
i. Is shameful
ii. is deplorable
iii. Is atrocious
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii and ii
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Explanation: deplorable = deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.
syn:disgraceful, shameful, dishonourable, disreputable, discreditable, unworthy, shabby,
inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable, terrible
2. An ill-informed remedy can ___ a patient‘s illness, not make her get well.
i. only aggravate
ii. merely appease
iii. only mitigate
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii and i
E) All are Correct
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Option A
Explanation: aggravate = make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more
3. ____ — let alone close — examination, the IFPRI hunger index is not a hunger index at all; it is
an index about child mortality, and stunting, and wasting, and undernourishment of children.
i. on a cursory
ii. on a hurry
iii. on a straw
A) only iii and i
B) only ii and i
C) only ii
D) only i
E) All are Correct
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Daily Visit:
Option B
Explanation: cursory = hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
syn: perfunctory, desultory, casual, superficial, token, uninterested, half-hearted, inattentive,
unthinking, offhand, mechanical, automatic, routine
4. ___ , and detailed research, has shown that too many calories — obesity — is a major problem
in the US, not under-nutrition.
i. informal induction
ii. random experimentalism
iii. casual empiricism
A) only iii and ii
B) only iii and i
C) only ii
D) only i
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Explanation: empiricism = the theory that all knowledge is based on experience derived from
the senses. Stimulated by the rise of experimental science
5. The committee was formed in June — in the backdrop of ___ in some of India‘s storied
corporate houses and firms with promoters or founders and professional managers ranged
against each other in a battle for control, raising uncomfortable issues relating to transparency
and accountability and the role of independent directors.
i. public skirmishes
ii. public encounters
iii. public tussles
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii and ii
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Explanation: skirmishes = an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially
between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.
syn: fight, battle, clash, conflict, encounter, confrontation, engagement, fray, contest, combat,
tussle, scrimmage, fracas, affray, melee; archaicrencounter
6. Under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan has attempted ___ its asset managers to be more
forceful and to publicly disclose the voting records for each investee company through a
Stewardship Code and Corporate Governance Code.
i. to dissuade
ii. to fix
iii. to nudge
A) only ii
Daily Visit:
B) only iii
C) only i
D) only iii and ii
E) All are Correct
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Option B
Explanation: nudge= prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract
7. The U.S. concluded that Iran had recovered from the Stuxnet ___ and was barely months away
from producing enough highly enriched uranium to produce a nuclear device.
i. disaster
ii. fiasco
iii. debacle
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only ii and i
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Explanation: debacle = a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.
syn: fiasco, failure, catastrophe, disaster, disintegration, mess, wreck, ruin;
8. U.S. sanctions relief was ___ because of a multiplicity of sanctions (relating to nuclear and
missile activities, human rights violations and terrorism) which also had extra-territorial
i. more convoluted
ii. more simple
iii. more tangled
A) Only ii
B) Only iii
C) Only iii and i
D) Only ii and iii
E) All are Correct
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Option C
Explanation: convoluted = (especially of an argument, story, or sentence)
extremely complex and difficult to follow.
syn : complicated, complex, involved, intricate, elaborate, impenetrable, serpentine,
labyrinthine, tortuous, tangled, Byzantine, Daedalian,
The scheme would imply ___ of the JCPOA, something that would attract a veto by both
Russia and China were it to be taken up in the UNSC.
i. an inappropriate adjustment
Daily Visit:
ii. an implicit renegotiation
iii. an indirect realignation
A) Only iii
B) Only i
C) Only iii and i
D) only ii and iii
E) All are Correct
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Option D
Explanation: renegotiation = negotiation of something again in order to change
the original agreed terms.
10. Relations between Mr. Trump and Senator Corker have deteriorated with Mr. Trump blaming
Mr. Corker for ___and Mr. Corker comparing the White House to an adult day care centre.
i. the terrible allocation
ii. the horrendous deal
iii. the subjugation aprobation
A) only
B) only
C) only i and ii
D) only
E) All are Correct
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Option C
Explanation: horrendous = extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or terrible.
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. For the brick workers‘ union I was researching, __ out of the bureaucracy had become their
bread and butter.
i. enticing favours
ii. coaxing benefits
iii. cajoling gains
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only i & iii
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Explanation: coaxing = persuade (someone) gradually or gently to do something.
Daily Visit:
2. Even if the Dalits take__ , it is under a less stringent section of the law that permits bail.
i. enlightenment of the abnegation
ii. realization of the violation
iii. cognisance of the offence
A) only i & ii
B) only iii
C) only ii & iii
D) only iii & i
E) All are Correct
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Option C
Explanation: cognizance = knowledge or awareness.
3. __ on health, needs intensive research, on how air pollution affects not just the lungs, but
different organs of the body.
i. Gauging its precise impact
ii. estimating its scrupulous influence
iii. appraising its actual hokum
A) only ii
B) only i
C) only ii & i
D) only iii & i
E) All are Correct
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Option C
4. As the urgency for putting in place effective solutions gathers momentum, it is __ options in the
local context, particularly since resources are always limited.
i. unfussy to need
ii. critical to prioritise
iii. trivial to triage
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & ii
E) All are Correct
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Option B
5. The climate question presents __ for India‘s development paradigm.
i. a leapfrog era
ii. a capriole epoch
Daily Visit:
iii. a bound date
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & ii
E) All are Correct
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Option E
6. The record in this sphere will naturally be evaluated against India‘s Paris Agreement pledge to
use a __ for clean production and levies on fuel to maintain a balance.
i. blend of dampers
ii. combination of incentives
iii. association of checks
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & i
E) All are Correct
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Option B
7. aad Hariri‘s shock resignation as Lebanon‘s Prime Minister has not just __ into another spell of
political instability but also reignited regional tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
i. dashed the country
ii. plunged the country
iii. emersed the country
A) only iii & ii
B) only ii
C) only ii & i
D) only i & iii
E) All are Correct
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Option C
Explanation: plunge = fall suddenly and uncontrollably.
8. His continued absence has __ that he was forced by the Saudis to resign and is being held in
Riyadh against his will at a time when the kingdom is turning up the heat on Hezbollah and Iran.
i. stimulated venture
ii. instigated prediction
iii. triggered speculation
Daily Visit:
A) only i
B) only iii
C) only ii
D) only i & iii
E) All are Correct
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Option E
Lebanon‘s leaders, who will recall the horrors of the 1975-1990 civil war, should forge at least
a __ and ask regional powers to stay out of the country‘s domestic politics.
i. Similarity of harmony
ii. semblance of unity
iii. Resemblance of oneness
A) only ii & iii
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & i
E) All are Correct
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Option E
10. The Chief Justice, as the head of the judiciary, determines the roster is __ in public significance
to the critical role of the Chief Justice as the embodiment of moral authority of the entire judicial
i. a platitude that pales
ii. an inanity that faints
iii. A profoundness that blanches
A) only ii
B) only ii & i
C) only i
D) only iii & i
E) All are Correct
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Option B
Explanation: platitude = a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has
been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful; pales = become pale in one‘s face from
shock or fear.
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
Daily Visit:
1. The recently-concluded 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was a/an
_______political theatre which showcased President Xi Jinping‘s primacy, his vision and his
status as the helmsman of the party and the nation.
i. evidently improvised
ii. intricately choreographed
iii. labyrinthinely mimed
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only i & ii
D) Only ii & iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: intrcate = very complicated or detailed.
2. Mr. Xi has become the only leader after Mao to have his ___ ideological contribution written
into the party charter while in office.
i. anonymous
ii. unidentified
iii. eponymous
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Only ii & iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Explanation: eponymous= (of a person) giving their name to something.
3. In his speech, Mr. Xi spoke of China as a ―strong country‖ or ―great power‖ as many as 30
times, ____ about the country‘s great power ambitions.
i. jettisoning the earlier coyness
ii. disposing the subsequent assurance
iii. chucking the previous modesty
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only ii and iii
D) Only i and iii
E) All are correct
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Daily Visit:
Option D
4. By broadening banking services to unbanked and/or underbanked people, bank managers can
not only take early advantage of _____potential of customers and create a ‗lock-in‘ effect but
also aid an inclusive development agenda while allocating resources into more productive areas.
i. endeavoring the untouched
ii. exploiting the untapped
iii. maneuvering the pristine
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only ii and iii
D) Only i and iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
5. The government ___ the criticism made in Parliament when the law was being debated.
i. haughtily rejected
ii. proudly incorporated
iii. uppishly disclaimed
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only ii and iii
D) Only i a nd iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: haughtily = done in a proud or boastful manner
6. Now, students at the International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIIT-H) are
______in the wake of Apple‘s campus placement drive, as per a report in TOI.
i. awfully jubilant
ii. extremely elated
iii. highly blissful
A) only i
B) Only i and iii
C) Only ii and iii
D) Only i and iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
Daily Visit:
7. Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani _____after government assigns commando for protection.
i. unleashes taunt
ii. fetters taunt
iii. confines commendation
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only i and ii
D) Only ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option A
8. Since the launch of the programme by the prime minister in October 2014, there has been an
______ in the construction of toilets, with five crore built in three years.
i. stggerring spurt
ii. overwhelming spurt
iii. astonishing acceleration
A) Only i
B) Only ii and iii
C) Only ii
D) Only i and iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
A video clip of the public reception given to Mr. Ravi drew some___.
i. stingy remarks
ii. uncharitable comments
iii. altruism silences
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only i and ii
D) Only i and iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
10. In recent years, Supreme Court has grappled with the disturbing phenomenon of
i. getting into the optional ruckus
ii. entering the electoral fray
iii. entering the voting brawl
Daily Visit:
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C)Only i and ii
D) only ii nad iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India‘s proposal to raise the cap on the __ held by a
mobile operator is a well thought out move, given the massive increase in data usage.
I. amount of progression
ii. quantum of spectrum
iii. proportion of series
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only i & iii
E) All are correct
View Answer
Option E
2. The average data usage per subscriber per month is __ from 6 GB to 11 GB in the next few
I. expected to shoot up
ii. to dwindle
iii. anticipated to rise
A) only ii
B) only ii & iii
C) only i & iii
D) only i
E) All are correct
View Answer
Option C
3. Any limitations due to spectrum cap may also __ in future auctions.
I. stimulating the coercing force
ii. muffle the commanding severity
iii. dampen the bidding intensity
Daily Visit:
A) only ii
B) only ii & iii
C) only iii & i
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option B
4. For a country that is home to 19 per cent of the world‘s children, that is a __ statistic.
I. unwitting and crushing
ii. befuddling and amazing
iii. sobering and heart-breaking
A) only i & iii
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only ii & iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
5. The __ crimes against children demonstrates that our collective approach to child safety in
schools remains ad hoc, laissez-faire and poorly monitored, highlighting the lack of both soft
and hard preventive infrastructure.
I. deluge of ruthless
ii. spate of brutal
iii. trickle of benevolent
A) only iii
B) only i & ii
C) only ii & iii
D) only ii
E) All are correct
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Option B
6. Whenever there is __ of violence against children, NGOs, parents, school associations and
representatives of the Government get locked into defensive or confrontational positions.
I. a horrendous occurence
ii. a gruesome incidence
iii. a macabre prevalence
A) only i
B) only i & iii
C) only ii & iii
Daily Visit:
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
7. Protecting children is a common shared responsibility; it cannot be done in __ by either the
school or parents or government.
I. seclusion
ii. insulation
iii. isolation
A) only ii
B) only i
C) only iii
D) only ii & iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
8. The new pink note in that sense is a __ of the new thought around money.
I. befitting expression
ii. befitting concealment
iii. becoming locution
A) only i
B) only ii & iii
C) only i & iii
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
9. Rightly so, it borrows the pink colour from Maa Lakshmi‘s lotus but it does so through a
readjustment of__.
I. complexion and intensity
ii. hue and saturation
iii. colour and chroma
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only ii & iii
D) only i & iii
E) All are correct
Daily Visit:
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Option E
10. The __ with ‗demonetisation‘ is an indicator that the new note needs to evaporate before it
plants itself firmly anywhere.
I. farewell inevident
ii. achievement synchronous
iii. arrival coinciding
A) only i & ii
B) Only ii
C) only ii & iii
D) Only iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. The last time India fought a major battle was the Kargil conflict in 1999 in which the Navy
played a silent role while the Army and Air Force__ intruders from Indian soil.
i. discordant to dislodge
ii. collaborated to evict
iii. colluded to banish
A) only iii
B) only ii & iii
C) only ii
D) only iii & i
E) All are correct
View Answer
Option B
2. . In a conflict situation, what would unfold are short and __ which call for agility and swift
action by the three services in unison.
I. tardy frays
ii. swift skirmishes
iii. sluggish scuffles
A) only i
B) only Ii
C) only iii
D) only ii & iii
E) All are correct
Daily Visit:
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Option B
3. While the Council‘s keenness to address __, many issues remain to be sorted out — rules,
fitment, and compliance headaches.
I. anomalies is laudable
ii. aberances is exemplary
iii. experiences is worthy
A) only ii & i
B) only iii & i
C) only ii & iii
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option A
4. The present climate of mistrust must be __ by addressing grievances and conducting advocacy
I. halted
ii. stopped
iii. nipped in the bud
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only ii & i
E) All are correct
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Option E
5. The Ministry of External Affairs now has a States division, which keeps in touch with the States
to assist them in building bridges with the countries in which they have a special interest on
account of proximity or the __from that State.
I. aspect of diaspora
ii. presence of diaspora
iii. mien of diaspora
A) only ii & i
B) only iii & ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & i
E) All are correct
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Daily Visit:
Option E
6. The now infamous __ in Indian real estate, marked by a great deal of unsold inventories, was
also predicated on false hopes of adequate demand for housing.
I. furnishing satiate
ii. hoard plethora
iii. supply glut
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii&i
E) All are correct
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Option C
7. As a concept, social rental housing needs __ even though rental housing for commercial
purposes is well entrenched in metropolises, where millions of educated internal migrants,
students, etc.
I. greater stimulus
ii. greater impetus
iii. major thrust
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii & ii
D) only ii &i
E) All are correct
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Option E
8. There is now the awful possibility that the killer may be able to use failures in the investigation
to__ .
I. scrutinize fairness
ii. elude integrity
iii. evade justice
A) only iii & i
B) only ii
C) only ii & iii
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Daily Visit:
olice with only rudimentary training in modern investigation, using beatings and threats as their
main truth-seeking tools, have a long record of securing wrongful convictions, as well as letting
the guilty walk free, sometimes wearing the__.
I. aura of agony
ii. halo of martyrdom
iii. nimbus of torment
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) only iii & ii
E) All are correct
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Option E
10. Men like Rafiuddin play a __in their safe arrival in Bangladesh.
I. trivial character
ii. critical role
iii. crucial job
A) only ii
B) only iii & i
C) only ii & iii
D) only iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. Pakistan‘s interlocutors are not always clear with the Americans on what they want. They__
I. used to do certainties
ii. very easily accept what the Americans are saying
iii. depend on America
A) only i
B) only ii & iii
C) only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option B
Daily Visit:
2. The Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (‗Saubhagya‘) launched in September, which_
I. claims to ensure electrification of all willing households
ii. expects the poor to pay the bills without providing any subsidy
iii. is too ambitious a project
A) only i
B) only ii & i
C) only ii & iii
D) Only iii & i
E) None of these
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Option D
3. Anglo-Saxon literature, encompasses the surviving literature written in Old English in AngloSaxon England, _____ in England c. 450, after the withdrawal of the Romans, and ―ending soon
after the Norman Conquest‖ in 1066.
I. is also told in such later Scandinavian works
ii. in the period after the settlement of the Saxons and other Germanic tribes
iii. in all there are about 400 surviving manuscripts from the period
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option B
4. After the Norman conquest of England in 1066, the written form of the Anglo-Saxon language
became less common.__________, French became the standard language of courts, parliament,
and polite society.
I. Under the influence of the new aristocracy
ii. Under the implications of the new establishment
iii. Under the purgation of the new trash
A) only ii & i
B) only ii
C) only ii
D) only i
E) None of these
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Option A
5. The study of world history, as distinct from national history, has existed in many world cultures.
However, early forms of world history, ______
Daily Visit:
I. were not truly global
ii. provoking the transfer of Heaven‘s mandate to a new ruler
iii. were limited to only the regions known by the historian
A) only ii
B) only ii & iii
C) only iii & i
D) only ii & i
E) None of these
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Option C
6. In recent years, the relationship between African and world history has shifted rapidly from one
of antipathy to one of engagement and synthesis. Reynolds (2007) surveys the relationship
between African and world histories, with an emphasis on the tension between ___ emphasis on
connections and exchange across regional boundaries.
I. the beginning of globalization
ii. the area studies paradigm
iii. the growing world-history
A) only iii
B) only iii & i
C) only ii & i
D) only ii & iii
E) None of these
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Option D
7. Even as early as the Prehistoric period, the roots of modern globalization could be found.
Territorial expansion by our ancestors to all five continents was___.
I. a wide range that stretched from India
ii. an increased capital and labor mobility coupled with decreased transport costs
iii. a critical component in establishing globalization.
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option C
8. The inhabitant of London could order by telephone, sipping his morning tea, the various
products of the whole earth, and reasonably expect their early delivery upon his doorstep.
Militarism and imperialism of racial and cultural rivalries________. What an extraordinary
Daily Visit:
episode in the economic progress of man was that age which came to an end in August 1914.
I. were produced for the merchandise trade grew
ii. were little more than the amusements of his daily newspaper
iii. were just Portfolio investment, but no trade-related
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option B
A century later there was a domestic safety net in most emerging countries so that banking
panics were changed into situations where the debts of an insolvent banking system were taken
over by the government. The recovery from banking crisis is another key difference. It has ___.
I. tended to begin earlier in the recent period
ii. occurred under the fixed exchange rates
iii. not the typical crisis episode a hundred years ago
A) only ii & i
B) only ii
C) only iii & i
D) only iii
E) None of these
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Option C
10. The flows information were an important downside in 19th century. Prior to the Transatlantic
cable and the Radiotelephone, it____ to go from one place to another. So this means that it was
very difficult to analyze the information.
I. used to take very long for information
ii. distinguish good and bad credits
iii. played a very important role
A) only i
B) only ii
C) only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option A
Daily Visit:
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is followed by
three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a
meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. What truly sets apart India‘s higher judiciary is the ____to select its very own: through that cosy
cabal of a clique that we call the ―collegium‖.
i. Favourable freedom
ii. Enviable freedom
iii. Desirable liberty
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) None of these
E) All are correct
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Option E
Explanation: enviable = arousing or likely to arouse envy.
2. This is a freedom ____ from a rather tortuous reading of the Constitution some decades ago
when the Supreme Court decided that the collegium would predominate over judicial
appointments, to the near exclusion of all other stakeholders.
I. Pushed out
ii. Ferreted out
iii. Given out
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) None of these
E) All are correct
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Option B
Explanation: ferreted out= to fetch sth out
3. All of this forces us to ask that _________question: how do we judge our judges? For this, we
must have some measurable metric of merit, and a transparent one at that.
I. Perpetually puzzling
ii. Eternally enigmatic
iii. Temporarily puzzling
A) Both I nad ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both I and iii
D) Only i
E) All are correct
Daily Visit:
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Option A
4. Given that the collegium has operated in a____________ for more than two decades now, this is
nothing short of revolutionary.
I. Mask of privacy
ii. shroud of secrecy
iii. Cloak of confidentiality
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both I and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: shroud = a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a
dead person is wrapped for burial.
5. Given the ____of some decisions, it is well-nigh impossible to locate the ―ratio‖ of a decision
(legal terminology for the operative part of a judgment).
I. volubility
ii. verbosity
iii. brevity
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both I and ii
D) Both I and iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Explanation: verbosity = the fact or quality of using more words than needed;
6. Grossly____________, industrial policy has been anathema to market-led growth strategies.
I. misunderstood and maligned
ii. Misinterpreted and defamed
iii. Confounded and libelled
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both I and ii
E) All are correct
Daily Visit:
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Option E
7. Arguably, the huge increase in import dependence and the low level of FDI into the
manufacturing sector can both be linked to the market failures associated with non-strategic
trade and investment liberalisation, _________both domestic and foreign producers‘ incentives
to undertake production locally.
I. which have negated
ii. That has nullified
iii. Which have neutralized
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both I and ii
D) Both I and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: negated = nullify; neutralized
8. This has been ___signing free trade agreements (FTAs) on the basis of an argument that
participation in FTAs will enable Indian firms to become part of global value chains (GVCs)
and improve their export capabilities.
I. Compounded by
ii. exacerbated by
iii. Inflamed by
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both I and iii
E) All are correct
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Option E
Explanation: exacerbated = make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling)
9. To ensure this, financing mechanisms must be designed in ways that ______to avoid rentseeking behaviour and inefficiency.
I. Proceed political interventions
ii. preclude political leverage
iii. Impede political complications
A) Only i
B) Both I and ii
C) Only ii
Daily Visit:
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option C
Explanation: preclude = prevent from happening; make impossible.
10. If there is _____a system as serving much more than efficiency, to include affordability and
equity as well, the response will be different.
I. A persuasion to preceed
ii. An impulse to conceptualize
iii. An urge to visualise
A) Only I
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: visualize = form a mental image of; imagine.
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is followed by
three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a
meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. The problems relate____________ norms with a view to easing the burden of paperwork and
stretched cash flows imposed on smaller businesses and exporters.
i. To admit and cooperate
ii. To coverage and compliance
iii. To be provocative and annoying
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both iii and i
E) All are correct
View Answer
Option B
2. While putting off the e-way bill provisions dealing with movement of goods that were making
businesses and transporters nervous, the Council is instead considering_______.
i. An astonishing induction
ii. A lurching installation
iii. A staggered introduction
A) Only i
Daily Visit:
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) None of these
E) All are correct
View Answer
Option E
3. Lastly, though some of the latest rate revisions may be based on________, it is important to
resist giving the impression that some tweaks, even if they are warranted, are based on the
Assembly election schedules.
i. Absolute economic implications
ii. Impeccable economic rationale
iii. Flawed economic implications
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) None of These
E) All are correct
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Option B
Explanation: impeccable= innocent
4. The problems in the Indian economy right now are as much about corporate governance as they
are about ___________the business cycle.
i. The simplicities of
ii. The peculiarities of
iii. The vagaries of
A) Only ii
B) Only i
C) Both ii and i
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: vagary = an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in
someone’s behaviour.
5. It was the demons of the last season that _________in captaincy from Dhoni to Australian star
Steven Smith ahead of the IPL auctions.
i. Dissuade a provocation
ii. instigated a change
iii. provoked a modification
A) Only i
B) Both ii and i
C) Both iii and i
Daily Visit:
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
6. Once a CC comes in, demand ________from monetary conditions as long as CC is accepted by
both the parties.
i. Is unhinged
ii. Is deranged
iii. Is busy
A) Only i
B) Both ii and i
C) Both iii and ii
D) Both i and iii
E) All are correct
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Option B
Explanation: unhinged = mentally unbalanced
7. The telecom industry is _____transition from a largely voice-based business — where
penetration levels are already around 70 per cent — to one based on high-speed data and
internet services.
i. At the termination of
ii. at the cusp of
iii. On the verge of
A) Only i
B) Onlyii
C) Both I and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
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Option D
Explanation: cusp = initiation
8. The absence of a rational spectrum trading regime also__________. The Centre levies a charge
on usage of spectrum on top of the upfront payment for acquisition of the airwaves through
i. Behave like a bizzare
ii. Acts as a dampener
iii. Acts as a revolutionary spirit
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both I and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) All are correct
Daily Visit:
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Option B
Explanation: dampener = a thing that has a restraining or subduing effect.
While these are indeed valid factors, one wishes the RBI had also given greater weight to
_____impulses in the economy.
i. The sagging growth
ii. The declining magnification
iii. The extensive downturn
A) Both ii and i
B) Both iii and i
C) Both ii and iii
D) All of these
E) All are correct
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Option A
Explanation: sagging = sinking, declining
10. Polls _____or expensive, but any attempt at reforms must be weighed against whether they
strengthen or erode democratic rights.
i. May be unwieldy
ii. may be cumbersome
iii. may be complicated
A) Only i
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both I and ii
D) None of these
E) All are correct
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Option E
Explanation: cumbersome = large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use;
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is followed by
three options and you have to determine which option can be used in place of blank to make it a
meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
The domestic markets will likely _________ by earnings of IT bellwether Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS) as well as the key inflation and IIP data.
i.) To be steered
ii.) To be controlled
iii.) To be canalized
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both i and iii
D) All of these
Daily Visit:
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: steered = guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft), for
example by turning a wheel or operating a rudder; Synonym: canalize
2. According to the RBI survey, respondents‘ pessimism on the price level _________ in the
recent period.
i.) Has also more noticeable
ii.) Has also accentuated
iii.) Has also played down
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) Both i and iii
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Option C
Explanation: accentuated= make more noticeable or prominent.
3. Political __________ has erupted after former Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha targetted the
PM Narendra Modi government over the alleged economic slowdown
i.) Slugfest
ii.) Lambasting
iii.) Disputes
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) All except ii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option D
4. The Indian Constitution is built on the words, ideas and struggles of those who led entire
movements for _________ of caste, with the figure of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar calling into memory
the countless others who marched with him and before him.
i.) The destruction
ii.) The obliteration
iii.) The annihilation
A) Both i and iii
Daily Visit:
B) Both ii and iii
C) All except ii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: annihilation= complete destruction or obliteration.
5. Prof. Ilaiah has previously written about __________ granted to Brahmins by the Hindu caste
i.) The special right and exemption
ii.) The privileges and impunities
iii.) The prestige and enlightenment
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) Both ii and iii
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Option E
6. There must be a clear debate on what ails our social systems and how we might reckon with our
past; how might we rise above __________ that make us complicit in histories of oppression
perpetrated by dominant castes and classes before our time.
i.) parochial assertions
ii.) Limited edition
iii.) Narrow-minded proclamations
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both i and iii
D) Only i
E) Only ii
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Option C
Explanation: parochial assertions = narrow-minded declarations; having a limited or narrow
outlook or scope.
7. The appeal on behalf of a caste association to a constitutional court that Prof. Ilaiah must be
arrested or an FIR registered for engaging in social critique cannot stand constitutional
Daily Visit:
i.) Observation
ii.) Scrutiny
iii.) Foresee
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) Both i and iii
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Option D
Explanation: scrutiny= critical observation or examination.
8. In 2013, significant amendments were made to the rape law provisions in the Indian Penal Code,
1860 (IPC), including the introduction of the definition of consent in rape cases __________ of
i) For the desire
ii) At the command
iii) at the behest
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) All of these
D) Only i
E) Only iii
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Option B
Explanation: behest = a person‘s orders or command; desire is also a synonym but not
appropriate with the context.
9. When read with the requirement of ―unequivocal voluntary agreement‖, it mandates that sexual
acts are not performed in __________ of the woman‘s desire.
i.) Sensitive disregard
ii.) Cruel disregard
iii.) Callous disregard
A) Only i
B) All except ii
C) All except iii
D) Only iii
E) Both ii and iii
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Daily Visit:
Option E
Explanation: callous = showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others.
10. A high-level Indian delegation is visiting the US __________ with America‘s food processing
sector to bring the best practices of the world into India‘s food value chain.
i.) To forge partnership
ii.) In developing relationship
iii.) To collaborate
A) Both i and ii
B) Both i and iii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Only i
E) Only ii
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Option B
Explanation: collaborate = work jointly on an activity or project; synonym: partnership
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
Last week the British government concluded a consultation on whether measures against caste
discrimination should be included in equality law, to ensure__
i. there is ―appropriate and proportionate legal protection‖ against unlawful discrimination
ii. legislation to outlaw the practice and undertake programmes of education.
iii. Britain‘s legislation on equality into a single act of Parliament
A) All except ii
B) Only ii
C) Only i
D) Only iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
2. For too long, we‘ve tolerated the persistence of poverty, unemployment, and environmental
destruction, as if these are…..
i. recognised and supported
ii. failures of our economic system
iii. natural calamities completely out of human control
A) Only i
B) Both i and iii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both ii and iii
Daily Visit:
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: public cannot support poverty , unemployment etc. hence A is discarded.
3. Social business offers advantages that are available neither to profit-maximising companies nor
to traditional charities. The freedom from profit pressures and from the demands of profitseeking investors helps make ………
i. revenues
ii. social businesses viable
iii. it free from the need to constantly attract new streams of donor funding to stay afloat
A) Only i
B) Both ii and iii
C) Only ii
D) Only iii
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: freedom from profit can make any business viable; if busines is free from profit
pressures it might not generate revenues; Hence i is discarded.
4. When Rama and Lakshmana go to meet Sugreeva, Hanuman ………
i. sees Ram and falls at His feet
ii. goes to meet them in order to find out who they are
iii. assumes the form of a sanyasi
A) Both i and ii
B) Both iii and ii
C) All of these
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
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Option C
5. The Puranic story of why Lord Krishna appeared on this earth says that the earth prayed to
i. to dispel the darkness
ii. to rid the world of the darkness of ignorance
iii. for relief from the many wicked men who inhabited the earth
A) All of these
B) Only i
Daily Visit:
C) Only ii
D) Only iii
E) None of these
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Option D
6. When Lord Mahavishnu appeared before King Prthu and asked him what boon he craved for,
Prthu said that he sought nothing, for pleasures of this world do not last. Moreover, to ask a
boon related to life on this earth would ……..
i. be like walking into a trap
ii. stressed like anything
iii. keep one imprisoned in samsara
A) Only i
B) Both i and iii
C) Only ii
D) Both i and ii
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: As Purthu has already displeased the pleasures of world , so i and iii are apt
according to given statement.
7. Since his match-winning hundred at the Sydney Cricket Ground 20 months ago, Manish Pandey
has struggled to live up to expectations. He endured …….
i. competition for middle-order spots
ii. a difficult five-match series at home against New Zealand
iii. lot of games and win a lot of games for India
A) All of these
B) Only i
C) Only ii
D) Only iii
E) None of these
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Option C
8. President Donald Trump‘s policy announcement on Afghanistan has clearly set the stage for
diverse moves on the geopolitical chessboard. India‘s plans to expand its security assistance to
Afghanistan by…..
i. training police officers in India as part of a UNDP project
Daily Visit:
ii. sending out a loud geopolitical signal
iii. impacting on the security situation in Afghanistan
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Only ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) None of these
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Option B
9. In the weeks leading up to the release of Simran, all of Kangana Ranaut‘s promotional
interviews made social media buzz. However, the furore was the result of unfavourable reasons:
every interview………..
i. mentioned her soured past relationships with Aditya Pancholi and Hrithik Roshan
ii. said little about the upcoming film during these interviews, people were polarised
iii. is sharing writing credits for Simran‘s screenplay
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Only ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) None of these
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Option B
10. The nature of the abstract self which resides in the heart of the entire creation and all beings in it
and its relation ………
i. is pointed out by Swami Paramartananda in a discourse
ii. is different from the body with which it is falsely identified
iii. with the individual being is discussed and debated in the Upanishads
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) All of these
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
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Option D
Directions: In each of the following questions a passage is given in which there is a
blank. Choose the most logical and appropriate option from the five options given
that can be filled in the blank.
Daily Visit:
1. Over the past month, from Cox‘s Bazar, in the south-east of Bangladesh, smoke can be seen
billowing into the grey sky across the country‘s border. Villages, home to the Rohingya
community, in the fractious state of Rakhine in western Myanmar, _______________. Nurul
Islam, a 30-year-old farmer, had fled to Bangladesh by boat.A) are not signatory to the accord
on refugees.
B) were being made not merely to forcibly displace the Rohingya .
C) are being mercilessly, horrifically burnt down.
D) are at the centre of a humanitarian catastrophe.
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: b- Villages cannot be displaced; d- is not apt.
2. The recent tragedies involving the death of two schoolchildren in Gurugram have evoked the
usual responses — demonstrations in protest, the institution of a ―probe‖, the suspension of the
principal, a flurry of debates in the media and so on. But the fact is that these tragedies
___________that has gone horribly wrong.
A) that none of the buildings had any fire escapes
B) are only the symptoms of an entire educational system
C) are set up by property dealers
D) have adviced that the promoter of the school was a very good friend of his
E) None of these
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Option B
3. India‘s goods and services tax regime is nearing the end of its first full quarter since roll-out this
July._____________, with just 70% of eligible taxpayers bringing in Rs. 95,000 crore. At this
rate, the total tally could well surge close to Rs. 1.2 lakh crore. This would be significantly
higher than the Rs. 91,000 crore indirect tax target for the Centre and the States on an overall
A) GST Council has already changed the announced tax rates on over 100 products
B) The government opted for a July 1 launch for GST
C) Revenue collections from the first month appear robust
D) The group must act not only expeditiously
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: ―JUST 70%‖ taxpayers brought 95‘000 crore= this statement shows that the
profit must be on expectations. hence C is correct.
4. Several studies suggest that tigers do well in remote and dense forest. But tigers also need new
forest to colonise,___________. Natural history has viewed the tiger to be the epitome of the
Daily Visit:
‗wild‘ animal — doing well in areas with less human disturbance, taking down large prey,
keeping a distance from people, and being fiercely territorial of space.
A) dispersing from their natal areas as they reach adulthood
B) habitat is a bad word in the lexicon of planning and development
C) hard disregard for conservation outside protected areas
D) can suffer from genetic depression
E) None of these
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Option A
5. Ranthambore in Rajasthan is arguably India‘s most well-known tiger reserve,______________.
It has a fierce conservation ethic, a success story with few parallels. It is estimated that there are
over 60 tigers in this relatively small tiger reserve.
A) connectivity between them is getting cut off
B) aglow with bold tigers posing for the camera
C) had inputs from laboratories at the Wildlife Institute of India
D) securing healthy tiger numbers are not enough for tiger health
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: A- ‗preceding statement doesn‘t tell us what ―them‖ is referring to‘; D- nothing
is told about tiger health. Hence B is correct
6. The main reason for the crash in international oil prices not being passed on to consumers has,
of course, been the Centre simultaneously hiking the specific excise duty on both petrol (from
Rs 9.48 to Rs 21.48/litre) and diesel (from Rs 3.56 to Rs 17.33/litre). By doing this,__________.
A) it has essentially pocketed much of the gains from benign global prices.
B) it has switched to a regime of dynamic daily fuel price revision.
C) has to derive the benefits of low prices.
D) it could do two things to partly assuage consumer feelings.
E) None of these
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Option A
Explanation: As govt. was in loss due to surmounted subsidizes. So it needs to pocket enough
money to bear the losses. Hence, A is correct.
7. A symbol of post-war Japanese industrial rejuvenation, the Shinkansen has a well-earned
reputation for reliability. Since it was launched in 1964, the train has not had a single accident
and_________. The carbon footprint of a passenger travelling by a HSR train is about the fifth
of an air traveler.
A) has been dogged by a plethora of problems
B) could generate a new class of passengers as well
Daily Visit:
C) its average delay is less than a minute
D) should not lose sight of the other problems
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: The para is talking about the reputation. So, option C is apt.
8. A longstanding proposition in economics, under the label of ―industrial policy‖, emphasises the
importance of the government choosing special sectors to focus on and incentivise. The
expectation is that__________________.Industrial policy has had its share of demurrers,
arguing that the state should not get into picking winners and losers.
A) other sector where the prospect is big is a global hub for higher education
B) the English could not take away their language
C) this will create enough spillovers to drive up overall growth.
D) India took major steps in nurturing higher education and scientific temperament
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: Nothing is talked about higher education, The English. And incentives of govt.
obviously relates with the growth. Option C is correct.
An industry study of 2016 examined the extent to which public investment, intellectual
property rights and drug pricing policies in 56 countries actively contribute to or detract from
innovation in global life-sciences. Not surprisingly, India ranked among the lowest (in the
bottom five)_______________, lack of data protection for biologics, low investment in R&D
and price regulations, all of which contribute to reduced revenue and therefore reduced future
investment in biopharmaceuticals.
A) due to New medicines, devices, diagnostics, patient aids and monitoring tools
B) due to weak intellectual property protection
C) due to use of determining rankings
D) due to rising incomes and better health infrastructure
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation:b- Intellectual property; parallel structures.
10. Demonetization, whatever its actual purpose, was an administrative disaster. Had adequate
preparations been made _________and quickly re-monetize the economy, we would not have
seen the cash rationing, the endless queues, the chaos and the hardship that followed.
Unfortunately, the disruptive impact has also been concentrated in a few employment-intensive
segments of the economy
A) to build up supplies of new notes before demonetization
Daily Visit:
B) to impact the demonetization on employment
C) to goods already produced before the tax was rolled out
D) to that account would have been modest
E) None of these
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Option A
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have to determine which option can be used in
place of blank to make it a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. Credit rating agencies may be in for a tough ride as the Securities and Exchange Board of India
i. continues to tighten the screws on them
ii. has released a consultation paper seeking feedback
iii. may not have any substantial impact on the quality of credit rating
A)Only i
B)Both i and ii
C)Both ii and iii
D)Only iii
E)None of these
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Option B
2. An economist is a practitioner in the social science discipline of economics. An economist is
one who……………………..
i. has attained a Ph.D. in economics, teaches economic science
ii. believe their profession
iii. are awarded in economics.
A) All of these
B) None of these
C) All except i
D) Only i
E) Both i and iii
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Option D
3. The much touted launch of the bullet train is a matter of pride. Still,
i. the project will generate employment
ii. there are many more pressing issues to consider
iii. the objective of growth will not be achieved
A) Only i
Daily Visit:
B)Only ii
C)Only iii
D)All of these
E)None of these
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Option D
4. For a country which is a major global player in the global pharmaceuticals sector and whose
prowess in generic formulations is feared by the world‘s pharmaceuticals behemoths, it may
come as a surprise to many that India…………..
i. doesn‘t have a full-fledged ministry for pharmaceuticals.
ii. has a ministry for practically every letter of the alphabet.
iii. has its own ministry
A)only i
B)Both i nad ii
C)Both ii and iii
D)Only ii
E)None of these
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Option B
5. Treatment of panic attacks should be directed at the underlying cause. In those with frequent
i. begin during puberty or early adulthood.
ii. counselling or medications may be used.
iii. produce similar symptoms including hyperthyroidism.
A) Only i
B)Only ii
C)Only iii
D)None of these
E)All of these
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Option B
6. Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the west, following the success of Swami
Vivekananda in the late 19th and early 20th century. In the 1980s, yoga became popular
i. a system of physical exercise across the Western world.
ii. others suggesting yoga may reduce risk factors.
iii. describing yoga-practices is unclear
A)Only i
Daily Visit:
B)Only ii
C)Only iii
D)Both i and ii
E)Both ii and iii
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Option A
7. Public relations is the process of providing information to the public in order to present a
specific view of a product or organization. Public relations differs from advertising in
i. involves looking at how news is produced
ii. public relations professionals only have control until the message is related to media
iii. it is less obtrusive, and aimed at providing a more comprehensive opinion to a large
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both i and iii
D) Only i
E) Only ii
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Option B
8. Communism and all other similar isms bear no relationship whatever to the United Order. They
are merely……………….
i. the most beneficial elements of left anarchism
ii. the clumsy counterfeits which Satan always devises of the Gospel plan
iii. founded by Alpheus Cutler and headquartered in Independence, Missouri.
A) Only i
B)Only ii
C)Only iii
D)None of these
E)All of these
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Option B
9. Liberal feminism seeks social reform through policy change and is epitomized by the Equal
Rights Amendment. Liberal feminists…………………..
i. believe all people should be considered equal under the law
ii. want to change society by using the established institutions of power, like our federal
iii. believes many of those institutions themselves are inherently sexist.
Daily Visit:
A)Only i
B)Both i and ii
C)Both ii and iii
D)Both i and iii
E)None of these
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Option B
Explanation:Option iii is believed by radical feminist
10. On the occasion, Abe said the Indo-Japan partnership is special, strategic and global. A strong
India is in………………
i. Japan‘s interest and a strong Japan is in India‘s interest,
ii. the beautiful scenery of India through the windows of the bullet train
iii. project between Ahmedabad and Mumbai
A)Both i and ii
B)All of these
C)None of these
D)Both ii and iii
E)Only i
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Option E
Directions: In each question a sentence is given followed by a blank. Each blank is
followed by three options and you have determine which option can be used in place
of blank to give a meaningful sentence and mark it as your answer.
1. The unprecedented outbreak of violence and arson that followed the conviction by a CBI court
of the Dera Sacha Sauda‘s maverick chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh leads to….
i.death of 30 people
ii.imposition of curfew
iii. Injury of 250 people
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) All of these
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Option E
As the statement says that ‗there is unprecedented violence and arson‖ hence death, injury and
curfew is an obvious issue.
Daily Visit:
2. After an anonymous letter was sent by a Dera ‗sadhvi‘ in 2002 to Prime Minister AB Vajpayee,
the district court in Sirsa tried but ….
i. to get evidence against the accused
ii. the Haryana CM fiddled while Panchkula burned.
iii. failed as the terrorised victims refused to speak out.
A) Only i
B) only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) Both i and iii
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Option A
As the statement ends with ―but‖ so it must follow a contradictory statement.
3. Not having a consensus is welcome but having a hidden agenda will lead to ……
i. data availability and methodological robustness.
ii. decisions that will weaken institutions and the policy framework.
iii. long term implications for growth.
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Only ii
E) None of these
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Option C
4. People often wonder if machines can take over the stock markets with algorithmic trading why
not accounting? But then, these algorithms….
i. run on standardised data sets of stock prices, interest rates, unemployment rates etc.
ii. run on equations built on historical data and linked to variables available in homogeneous
iii. dominate the auditing profession.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Only iii
E) All of these
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Daily Visit:
Option E
5. But over-enthusiastic taxpayers end up submitting the forms without doing a cross-check
because they are not sure when the portal will go kaput. If there is anything that accountants
have learned from the first GST filing, it is ………
i. to ensure that the ‗submit‘ button is clicked only after a comprehensive audit of everything
ii. to the amount in the liability ledger to avoid penalty
iii. to cough up an additional amount of ₹22.27 lakhs in tax.
A) Only ii
B) All except i
C) Both ii and iii
D) Only iii
E) None of these
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Option B
6. In modern cricket, mystery spinners need to be able to…
i. beat both the batsmen and the coaches armed with their computers
ii. to develop ‗mystery‘ deliveries
iii. to get back to the roots of their craft
A) Only i
B) All except iii
C) Both i and ii
D) All except ii
E) None of these
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Option D
7. The reason why jobs are top of mind for those who are running the government…
i.is not hard to fathom
ii. chided india incorporations
iii. is the lack of market strategy
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) both ii and iii
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Daily Visit:
Option D
Explanation: ―job concern‖ is not related with ―market strategy‖
8. Whatever critical paradigm we use to discuss and analyze it, literature is important to us
i. it speaks to us
ii. it is universal
iii. it affects us on a deeply personal level
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option D
9. Online stores typically enable shoppers to use ―search‖ features to find specific models, brands
or items. Online customers must have ….
i. access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to complete a transaction
ii. to the customer; for digital products, such as digital audio files of songs or software
iii. to enable businesses to buy from another businesses
A) All except i
B) Both i and ii
C) All except ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) None of these
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Option E
Explanation: Only i is the right answer
10. Cosmetics are substances or products used to enhance or alter the appearance or fragrance of the
body. Many cosmetics are…
i.designed for use of applying to the face and hair
ii. generally mixtures of chemical compounds
iii. applied to the face to enhance its appearance
A) only i
B) only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) All of these
Daily Visit:
E) None of these
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Option D
Directions: In each of the following questions a passage is given in which there is a
blank. Choose the most logical and appropriate option from the five options given
that can be filled in the blank.
1. The small, 20-basis point increase in Indian households‘ allocation to financial savings has been
widely celebrated in the last two years as a structural shift. Such celebration, however, may have
been premature going by the findings of an expert committee on household finances
commissioned by the RBI. The committee, chaired by Tarun Ramadorai, unearths deep-rooted
cultural and structural causes for ………and sit on unproductive physical assets. The findings
call for a reboot in the current policy approach towards savings and investment products.
A) very few Indians are investing towards retirement,
B) why Indian households across the spectrum avoid financial products
C) these recommendations are eminently sensible, their implementation is unlikely to prove
D) why Indians find financial products daunting
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: A- retirement plans are not discussed
C- Committee is finding some causes and is not keen on giving recommendations
D- Passage does not talk about ―INDIANS‖ it specifies ―Indian households‘ allocation‖
2. Rail mishaps are not an uncommon occurrence in India, but rarely does one see heads roll at the
very top. After the August 19 mishap when the Puri-Haridwar Utkal Express derailed near
Muzaffarnagar and killed over 20 people, the Railway Board chairman and member
(engineering) were sent packing. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has offered to resign, but the
Prime Minister has asked him to wait rather than reject his offer outright — ………….
A) a moot point whether replacing Prabhu will improve matters
B) an indication that the latter is not pleased with the functioning of the railways
C) a persistent shortage of loco pilots, with nearly 19,000 vacancies
D) a shift to LHB coaches that do not pile up on top of each other in the event of derailment
should be expedited
E) None of these
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Option B
Explanation: Since sentence is talking about The Supremo‘s decision so B suits best.
Daily Visit:
3. It isn‘t often that we‘re given the privilege of watching history unfold before our eyes. But the
privacy judgement handed down by a nine-judge bench of the Supreme Court is ……….. And
it‘s safe to say that the learned judges have in five separate judgments come down on the side of
the angels by unanimously declaring that privacy is a fundamental right protected by Article 21
and Part III of the Constitution. To make their position crystal clear, the judges also did a
considerable amount of judicial cleaning up and specifically overruled earlier judgments
like MP Sharma and Kharak Singh to the extent they held that privacy was not a fundamental
A) that privacy was a concept foreign to India and one enjoyed only by the more affluent classes
B) that the poor need no civil and political rights and are concerned only with economic wellbeing
C) that privacy is a concept that cannot be defined
D) one that will be scrutinised and interpreted for decades.
E) None of these
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Option D
Explanation: A– The sentence “declaring that privacy is a fundamental right‖ discards option
B – Right of privacy is under limelght. Nothing has been said about the poor.
4. The Supreme Court has once again stepped in where successive legislatures have failed to tread.
On critical counts of ensuring relief to the individual concerned while also protecting a woman‘s
right and legitimacy as an equal citizen, the apex court‘s judgment holding instant and
irrevocable talaq unconstitutional has rightfully been hailed as historic. Although the Court had,
in Shamim Ara versus State of UP, already invalidated triple talaq in 2002, the majority
judgment in the latest case takes a significant step forward by underlining ……….under Article
25 (freedom of religion) of the Constitution. The triumvirate of judges who prevailed over Chief
Justice JS Khehar and Justice S Abdul Naseer asserted that since the 1937 Sharia Application
Act mentions the word talaq, it was no longer a personal law to escape the scope of the
fundamental rights
A) which had also been challenged through the PIL
B) that the legislature missed the opportunity to address
C) that this utterly unjust practice is not protected
D) unearths deep-rooted cultural and structural causes
E) None of these
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Option C
Since article 25 says about freedom of religion and the apex court‘s earlier verdict of holding
irrevocable talaq ―unconstitutional‖, makes option C valid.
Daily Visit:
5. More than ten days after over 70 children having died at the Baba Raghav Das Memorial
Hospital in Gorakhpur, it is still not clear what caused the colossal loss of lives. The paucity of
oxygen cylinders, which led to 30 children dying on August 10 and 11 according to official
reports, seems to have been the immediate factor. The run-up of events leading to this situation
needs to be established by an independent inquiry and the guilty punished. This points to a
systems failure in the hospital, which is incidentally a major healthcare provider for about 15
districts in Uttar Pradesh, besides people from neighbouring Nepal. In the last one week, the
supposed role of Japanese encephalitis has come into the picture, even as it became evident
A) that there are only 25 medical colleges, public and private
B) that children were succumbing to a range of ailments.
C) that over-reliance on the private sector can be misplaced
D) healthcare requires attention in terms of funds and quality of personnel
E) None of these
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Option B
Passage talks about ―cause of colossal loss of life‖ hence, D cannot be fitted in.
6. Bitcoin, the world‘s most popular virtual currency that was first mined in 2008, can no longer be
ignored as just another passing geek fad. The market capitalisation of bitcoins currently stands at
$67 billion and daily traded volumes crossed $2 billion last week. The RBI has so far adopted a
conservative approach in dealing with virtual currencies, cautioning investors about the risks in
2013 and recently releasing a statement saying that …….. and that anyone dealing in these
currencies are doing so at their own risk.
A) bitcoin transaction is recorded and verified in open ledgers called block-chains
B) the sharp increase in recent months is a case in point
C) the bitcoin exchanges in the country are operating without the central bank‘s permission the
bitcoin exchanges in the country are operating without the central bank‘s permission
D) the purview of SEBI with the stock market regulator framing rules for registering exchanges
E) None of these
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Option C
7. There‘s an air of resignation overhanging the highly charged world of American politics and
we‘re not just talking about the steady exodus from the White House. President Donald Trump‘s
legions of enemies concede that despite his wild statements and unpredictable actions, he‘s got
over three years to go and he‘s also still able to strike an unexpected chord with many US
voters. Last week, when Trump refused to condemn neo-Nazis outright and also lost his key
right-hand man Steve Bannon, ……… — not for the first time — that it was Trump‘s worst
week yet.
A) that hands down weighty judgments has put Trump on its cover
Daily Visit:
B) his enemies collectively clutched their heads and declared
C) where we‘re facing the Chinese, there‘s a growing sense that we may be on our own
D) we may have to proceed all the more carefully in the days ahead
E) None of these
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Option B
8. For long, Indian investors have believed that widely held institutionally-owned companies are
better governed and less vulnerable to pulls and pushes from promoters than family-owned
businesses. But this has been conclusively disproved by the unsavoury turn of events at Infosys,
once the poster-child for corporate governance. On Friday, Infosys‘ CEO Vishal Sikka tendered
his resignation, stating that ―baseless personal attacks‖ and a ―continuous drumbeat of
distractions‖ ………..
A) has countered these allegations and demonstrated that it followed due processes
B) had the necessary approvals from shareholders and the board
C) have had complaints with Infosys‘ management
D) had made it difficult for him to focus on his job
E) None of these
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Option D
9. After shrinking to an eight-year low in FY17, India‘s bullion import bill is showing signs of
bloating again. Latest data from the commerce ministry indicate that gold imports in the first
four months of this fiscal, at $13.35 billion, doubled in value from the year-ago period. This
contributed to a threefold expansion in the merchandise trade deficit to $34 billion. Given that
A) imports on this count have begun to normalise
B) gold imports spiked in July as some sections of trade exploited a tariff loophole
C) gold imports have been a wild card factor in trade imbalances
D) the Centre should urgently consider measures such as a safeguard duty
E) None of these
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Option C
Explanation: D- is an incomplete sentence hence discarded.
10. Unlike most other industries, automakers were an ecstatic lot last month when the GST was
rolled out. Strangely enough, the new tariff structures put in place by the GST Council ended up
lowering the effective tax rates on large cars and SUVs, from 50-55 per cent to 43 per cent. This
was on account of the Council fixing the cess component on these vehicles at 15 per cent, on a
28-per cent basic GST. This ran counter to the popular view, reiterated by the Courts, that car
Daily Visit:
buyers must be actively dis-incentivised from acquiring large diesel-guzzling vehicles. But it
turns out that this celebration was premature. …… last week, the GST Council has pegged the
cess for large cars and SUVs at 25 per cent, taking their effective GST rate to 53 per cent.
A) clearing up stocks
B) repricing of the carried forward inventory
C) pinning its hopes on Make in India
D) Tweaking the cess component again
E) None of these
Spoiler title
Option D
Directions: In each of the following questions a passage is given in which there is a
blank. Choose the most logical and appropriate option from the five options given
that can be filled in the blank.
1. Critically, the traditional notion of data being merely sensitive personal information is now
being challenged as companies are also ______whilst booking cab rides using an app. Even the
Government‘s drive to digitise India on the back of initiatives such as JAM (Jan Dhan-AadhaarMobile) and the increased focus on digital payments is fuelled by data. As dependence on data
continues to grow, so does the vulnerability of data subjects. Hence, any debate on data privacy
must recognise the need for a comprehensive data privacy law, which not only contributes to
and complements the constitutional right to privacy but also enables data subjects to harness the
benevolence of technological advances.
A) imperative to bring government agencies within the ambit of the new framework.
B) would enable the law to keep pace with rapid changes in technology
C) exploiting real-time data generated from daily activities such as one‘s route preference
D) is detrimental to data subjects
E) None of these
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Option C
Companies have no hold over govt. Agencies, so option i is discarded.
2. Finance is the glue that holds all pieces of our life together. Ideal financial societies are those
which provide safe and convenient ways of managing these simple monetary affairs. This
philosophy is known as financial inclusion. It is providing financial tools to people — tools they
can afford, are safe and properly regulated, _______
A) nations with the lowest access to digital payments.
B) that people can access conveniently from institutions that treat them with respect.
C) that only 33 per cent of all beneficiaries were ready to use their Rupay cards.
D) they had been using the products regularly.
E) None of these
Daily Visit:
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Option B
3. The case of Akhila/Hadiya is becoming curiouser by the day. Entrusted with adjudicating
whether her conversion to Islam and marriage to a Muslim man were voluntary acts, the
Supreme Court has ______ into whether Hindu women in parts of Kerala are being radicalised.
Inexplicably, the court has sought inputs from the National Investigation Agency (NIA), tasked
with tackling terrorism, to probe the circumstances of the 24-year-old‘s conversion and marriage
even before it heard her out. The question before the court was the correctness of the Kerala
High Court‘s decision to annul her marriage.
A) in the course of hearings on a plea
B) to safeguard its independence and credibility
C) lent the unfortunate impression
D) embarked on a roving inquiry
E) None of these
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Option D
As the court has sought inputs from the National Investigation Agency (NIA), so option A is
discarded. And option D is correct
4. Mr. Modi extolled the job-creating impact of the MUDRA loan scheme. In contrast, MUDRA‘s
CEO is on record saying that it cannot be verified that the agency has created large numbers of
jobs. Another misguided Union minister recently gloated about ―job creation‖ under
MGNREGS — not realising that it is a social protection scheme that people turn to when they
have _______ .
A) paralysed the informal manufacturing sector which lives on the edge
B) dropped steeply from 11% in March 2016 to 4% in March 2017.
C) real activity since the first quarter of 2016-17
D) no alternative employment and not exactly a reason for cheer
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
passage is depicting the notion that Mudra scheme is helpful & people will turn to the
MUDRA scheme when they are in a contradictory situation. Hence D should be the answer.
5. The concept of nationalism can be traced from the prithvi sukt of the Atharva Veda which
proclaims ―the earth is our mother and we are her sons (mata bhoomi putroham prithivyah).‖
That is the reason humanitarian concern is embedded in India‘s cultural nationalism and
Daily Visit:
―otherness‖ is largely missing from its narratives. That is the reason_________. Ansari misses
the spirit and message of the constituent assembly debate on secularism which is no different
than the RSS‘s perspective on secularism and nationalism.
A) illiberal form of nationalism‖ which promotes ―intolerance and an arrogant patriotism‖
B) defines nationalism as political and considers constitutionalism the guarantee for its
C) cultural nationalism becomes a cradle for extremes and is classically accommodative
D) humanitarian concern is embedded in India‘s cultural nationalism and ―otherness‖ is largely
missing from its narratives
E) None of these
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Option C
As the passage is essentially concerned with India and its national and cultural values and
nowhere ‗humanitarian ‗ is discussed. So option C is correct.
Direction: In each questions below, a Theme has been given followed by three
passage. You have to determine which passage is based on the given theme and
mark it as your option. More than one passage can be based on the given theme that
is highlighted in bold.
6. Indian villages :: our strength or our weakness?
i. The gdp of India consists of agriculture industry and services sector where in the first 2 sectors
rural population contribute the most. The Rural population is engaged in agriculture which feeds
all of us. Rural India maintains India‘s ecology. But due to govt negligence towards rural
population, it could not reveal its true potential. If given proper education infrastructure and
healthcare facilities these rural population can catapult into the robust workforce for prime
minister‘s make in India initiative.
ii. They are the base of Indian Culture. They are not useless but the only thing is that they are
used less. Low literacy rate does not mean that the villagers are illiterate but the only thing is
that they are not given chance to show their talent otherwise they also have a key role in the
progress of the nation. If India has to develop they must develop and their lost culture need to
explore as much as we can. So, let us lend a helping hand in the development of these which
will ultimately lead to the development of our nation.
iii. Farmers are very important for us. I am so glad about our farmers they provide many things
for us. In winters there is very cool atmosphere although they keep doing farming which offer us
so many things. I proud of my farmers.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Daily Visit:
Option A
Option i, Clearly defines that indian economy depends on agricultural sector which gets its share
from villages; But in option ii nothing about ―they‘ is mentioned and in option iii, farmers not
necessarily constitutes villages.
7. Borderless World: A Threat?
i. If there is no mutual understanding between countries or the two countries are enemy of each
other. But at the same time if the countries go along with each other well and there are no
serious disputes between country than borderless world is a great idea.
ii. Borders are made to divide the region and controlled by government for eg India is a country
which is divided into states like MP, Delhi, Punjab etc, These states are further divided into
cities which are further divided into towns, tehsils, Villages and are governed by president, PM,
CM, Mayor, Head of panchayat. Have you ever thought why we need such divisions. Only
because managing a huge no. Of population all over the world is not possible. There will be the
number of crimes. Who will handle all such problems.
iii. A borderless world means a unified governing body. One body controlling and assimilating
such absolute power will corrupt absolutely, interest of minorities might be ignored, income
disparity will increase and the world will be in a state of chaos and general lawlessness. We
don‘t want that do we?
A) Only i
B) Both i and iii
C) Both ii and iii
D) All except iii
E) None of these.
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Option A
Option ii and iii are ambiguous as they aren‘t concluding any specific idea. And option i clearly
states that we need borders
8. Women are better at Multi-Tasking
i. I do not feel that women are inherently any better at multitasking than men are. I believe that
each individual has a different skill set. There are both men and women who are great at
multitasking. Likewise, there are both men and women who work better when given a single
job. However, society has evolved in a manner so as to demand that women fulfill a number of
roles society demands that woman handle both domestic and professional spheres without
getting ruffled and so women try, and succeed at multitasking.
ii. My cousin she is an engineer though she works for office from her home only then too she
has no time to attend her child and spouse. Because all time in front of laptop attending
meetings, seminars etc till 2 a.m. Makes women irritated which also result into conflicts
between husband and wife.
iii. Mary Kom who excelled in sports even though she is mother of 2 children, she nurtured
them along with practice and spent time for her husband. Chanda Kochar ceo of ICICI was good
Daily Visit:
at office and looking their family members.
A) All except ii
B) Only i
C) Only ii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option B
Option ii is detailing about a professional working from home and about his laziness and option
iii is merely citing examples of two celebrities without elaborating the theme. Hence, discarded.
9. Is Love Precious or Poisonous?
i. Only the trust decide that the relationship is precious are poisonous. Love is a kind of feeling.
All human need it. All are slave for love. But making it as a poison or precious is based on our
behaviour. Remember one thing love is sweet poison. But don‘t forget it is poison. Too much of
anything is good for nothing.
ii. I have more positive belief about love. Love is strong magical intangible feeling comprises of
care, understanding, trust, respect and zero expectations. It exists everywhere and eternal. It
doesn‘t want gifts, it just requires time, compromisation, understanding. Our reason of
happiness is love.
iii. Love makes one‘s life beautiful with various colours. Life without love is like a body
without soul. In one‘s life, a man comes across various types of love. As the proverb is
―everyone is unique‖ in the same way love is unique to everyone. Everyone get this precious
love according to their age.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these.
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Option D
10. Up the Down Staircase
i. I think everyone falls once in their life. It is the very aspect of life. Without falling you can‘t
get back up and that is the recipe to become a successful person. The road may seem
cumbersome and hard to come by but you need to keep moving up the ladder no matter how
many times you fall down.
ii. A staircase without stairs doesn‘t signify sense to us in similar way a success without failure
does not feels you good. Its only our failure step that ultimately help us to achieve us success.
And one more thing these failure and success these are the state of mind, I want to ask simple
question after getting a success does we stop achieving things, does we stop competing with
Daily Visit:
others if so then this is also our failure.
iii. It‘s very difficult to climb up but higher person get respect in each and every field at point of
failure person think about their mistakes to overcome these mistakes he can achieve great
A) All except i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both i and iii
E) All of these
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Option E
The theme is a contradiction in itself. It actually means two faces of same coin. Hence all are
Directions: In each of the following questions a passage is given in which there is a
blank. Choose the most logical and appropriate option from the five options given
that can be filled in the blank.
1. The (Fifty-Second Amendment) Act, 1985introduced the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution.
The ostensible reason for the introduction of the Tenth Schedule was to curb the so-called
―aaya-ram-gaya-ram‖ practices of Indian legislators. The inspiration for this moniker is said to
be Gaya Lal, a Haryana MLA who changed parties thrice in the space of one fortnight in 1967
while retaining his seat as an MLA. Defections thereafter reached such epidemic proportions
that…………… distracting from any semblance of good governance.
A) to make an impartial adjudication was a partisan one
B) the latest manifestation of the underlying problem is highlighted.
C) the stability of some state governments was always in question,
D) to votes on the budget and confidence/no-confidence motions.
E) None of these
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Option C
2. Spread over 10 acres of green, it is one of the biggest government hospitals in the heart of the
city and a city doctor had just managed to convince the powers that be of the need to integrate
mental health services within a general hospital setting. He wanted to take the stigma away from
seeking care of mental health and drug abuse, both ever increasing in a city coping with conflict
and human rights abuse…………………………………..
A) the lime-coloured building got a new additional wing in white
B) Gateway drugs, in common medical parlance, are substances that supposedly lead the user
on to more dangerous drugs.
C) The percentage of men in the corresponding age group with the same information was just
Daily Visit:
D) For close to two years, doctors at SMHS have been treating a girl for Tramadol addiction,
another painkiller.
E) None of these
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Option A
3. It was not the nature of the reports that was distressing. It was more the way the regime was
reacting to it. It was a kind of repeat of its response to the farmers complaining about the long
drought in Tamil Nadu. Watching the protest and its drama, one sensed the regime did not
care………………… The peasant as victim was dismissed as a futile clown, a failed trickster.
A) Information has not graduated to storytelling Information has not graduated to storytelling
B) the protest was dismissed as a colourful
C) The protest retreat into the realm of jokes, of slapstick or concentration camp humour.
D) I read sadly about farmers‘ protests across India
E) None of these
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Option B
4. The Korean crisis has worsened since President Donald Trump took office early this year. North
Korea test-fired a number of missiles in defiance of international pressure, while the United
States issued repeated warnings. Mr. Trump had put pressure on Beijing to rein Pyongyang in,
and even praised it for its efforts. But the pressure does not seem to be working, with North
Korea continuing with its nuclear missile programme………………………. He was arrested in
Pyongyang in January 2016 while visiting as part of a tour group and later sentenced to 15 years
of hard labour for the ―hostile act‖ of trying to steal a propaganda poster.
A) Otto Warmbier, the 22-year-old American student who was imprisoned and later released
B) China is not completely on board or it is simply reluctant to use its leverage over North
C) this may not seem like the ideal time to advocate diplomacy.
D) this was the backdrop to the release of warmbier
E) None of these
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Option D
5. Building a forward-looking trade agenda: India‘s trade posture has been evolving rapidly since
1991 and further accelerated since PM Modi came to office. The government has cast a wide net
on liberalisation to increase FDI inflows. Overall, the message is clear: India is open for
business. Although……………………………., these issues are ripe for negotiation at the
bilateral dialogues such as the Trade Policy Forum and the US-India Strategic and Commercial
Daily Visit:
A) some protectionist measures remain in india
B) the countries could establish a high-level Economic Opportunities Group to identify and
address barriers to trade
C) the Trump administration is keen on bilateral treaties instead of multilateral trade deals
D) defence equipment sales to India could help reduce the US-India trade deficit
E) None of these
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Option A
6. President Trump is meeting Prime Minister Modi more than five months after taking office,
after summits with the leaders of not just Asia‘s two other major powers, China and Japan, but
also diplomatic engagements in West Asia and Europe. India, it is clear, occupies only a
peripheral place in the Trump world view, such as it is. …………………………….that
followed the joint statement of President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Modi in 2016, have
been taken off the table by President Trump‘s decision to walk out of the Paris Agreements.
A) The US‘s clean energy finance commitments have been publicly mocked by the new
B) climate and clean energy issues, placed upfront in the India-US joint statement
C) Though Modi and Trump may find common ground on terrorism, there is devil in the detail
D) India has done well, by any measure, in building its relationship with the US.
E) None of these
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Option B
7. Opposition by major political parties against the Bharatiya Janata Party‘s plans to establish its
total dominance of the electoral landscape is still quite feeble. …………………………….More
importantly, the economy is in distress. There is hardly any job creation for the 12 million
people who enter the workforce annually. This would surely be a source of disquiet for the
middle classes who form the core support base of Prime Minister Narendra Modi
A) Farmer protests have broken out in several States; Dalits are a disenchanted lot and have
taken to active protests
B) combination of coercive and non-coercive means is being used to silence criticism
C) but public protests have surfaced to challenge its social and political agenda and the attempt
to impose an exclusionary Hindu identity
D) Even supporters have begun to complain that despite the government loudly trumpeting its
E) None of these
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Daily Visit:
Option C
8. It is true that violence is no occasional guest in Kashmir. Yet, even by its terrible standards, the
lynching of police officer Mohammad Ayub Pandit in Srinagar‘s Jama Masjid is a horrific new
low. The deputy superintendent of police, who was on security duty at the mosque on the
packed special night of Shab-e-Qadr prayers, was stoned and beaten to death, and his clothes
torn off his body. He died on the spot. ………………………………
A) the targeting of policemen by militants is almost personal
B) hundreds of Kashmiris still line up to join the police force
C) it has been a difficult year for policemen in Jammu & Kashmir
D) two people have been arrested so far
E) None of these
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Option D
9. This is not for the first time that the political establishment in West Bengal has fallen short of
coming to grips with the forces stirring up unrest in the Darjeeling hills where the quick-fix
patches it had put in place are peeling off, …………………….The hill-plain divide that
transcends geography has been exacerbated by the posturing of the powers that be on both sides;
never has there been an attempt at addressing, let alone reconciling, the idiomatic differences
underlying the political vocabulary of the two regions
A) only to reveal the suppurating sores that had never really healed
B) single miscalculation on the part of those in power
C) as is the case in every venture of political gamesmanship
D) It would, indeed, be politically naive not to be able to see through Banerjee‘s sudden volte
E) None of these
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Option A
10. It is important to realise that there is a thin line between logic and irrationality and between faith
and science. If we believe (and we have the right to continue to believe), in the existence of
Ganesh, we are following a faith……………………………. but we are also putting a question
mark on our faith in him. Faith does not require the reasoning of science and hence we should
always keep the two at a safe distance.
A) The use of science to prove faith is not exclusive to one religion
B) The government should ensure that scientific discourse is not derailed even at the cost of
electoral and political gains
C) the moment we try and explain him through science, we are not only misusing science
D) Promoting science over faith is necessary as the presence of a scientific culture helps in the
Daily Visit:
scrutiny of facts
E) None of these
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Option C
Daily Visit:
200+ Sentence
Questions With
Daily Visit:
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. The constitutional right to privacy is no
longer in any dispute and stands on firm
ground. Its breadth is established over the
entire chapter of fundamental rights.
i. The constitutional right being
ii.As the constitutional right to privacy
iii. In view of the constitutional right to
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both iii and i
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
1. The constitutional right being established
over the entire chapter of fundamental
rights, is no longer in any dispute and
stands on firm ground.
2. As the constitutional right to privacy is
established over the entire chapter of
fundamental rights so it is no longer in any
dispute and stands on firm ground
2. There was a lot of confusion on the
taxability of exports.The clarifying
notifications only added to the confusion .
i. In view of confusion …..
ii. There was a lot of confusion on the
taxability of exports and the clarifying
notifications only added to the confusion
iii. Being a lot of confusion ….
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) Both ii and iii
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Option B
1. There was a lot of confusion on the
taxability of exports and the clarifying
notifications only added to the confusion
3. The confusion of course emerges from a
well-known theory in neoclassical
international finance called the ‗uncovered
interest rate parity‘ (UIP). The UIP aims to
predict the spot exchange rate of a small
open economy with a fully-floating
i. Since it emerges from a well………..
ii. UIP aims to predict the spot………..
iii. Aiming to predict the……..
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option D
1. Since it emerges from a well-known
theory in neoclassical international finance
UIP aims to predict the spot exchange rate
of a small open economy.
UIP aims to predict the spot exchange rate
of a small open economy after emerging
from a well-known theory in neoclassical
international finance.
Aiming to predict the spot exchange rate of
a small open economy UIP emerges from a
well-known theory in neoclassical
international finance.
4. Much has changed in the last three decades
in China. It is now an economic
powerhouse with a GDP five times that of
India and defence spending six times
i. In view of an economic power
Daily Visit:
ii. Being an economic power house……….
iii.As China is now an ……….
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
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Option E
1. Research shouldn‘t be about getting
published in global journals because it
addresses our needs in a collective fashion.
2. As researches address our needs in a
collective fashion so they shouldn‘t be
aboutt getting published in global journals.
View Answer
Option E
5. The timing of the new rule is also odd.
Aviation consultancy CAPA has noted it
will impact expansion, forward planning
and increase costs of several airlines.
i. As the timing of the………
ii. Noting its impact on ………
iii. In view of timing of ………
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) Both ii and iii
7. Adverse climate change is also a risk to
sustainability. It leads to drop in yield and
lower quality produce, and increases
incidence of attacks by pests and insects.
i. Being a risk to sustainability,
ii. Leading to drop in yield and
iii.In view of risk to …………..
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both iii and i
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option A
As the timing of the new rule is also odd so
it will impact expansion, forward planning
and increase costs of several airlines.
6. Research shouldn‘t be about getting
published in global journals. It‘s about
addressing our needs in a collective
i. Research shouldn‘t…………….
ii.Addressing our needs ………
iii. As researches address………
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and ii
E) Both i and iii
Option B
1. Leading to drop in yield and increases
incidence of attacks by pests and insects,
adverse climate change is a risk to
2. Being a risk to sustainability, adverse
climate change lead to drop in yield and
increases incidence of attacks by pests and
8. The judge is going to take back the charge
of the institution. The institution needs to
define a strategy that specifies the domain
in which it will operate.
i.As the institution needs to ……
ii. Although the judge is going to
iii. Nevertheless the institution……..
A) only i
B) Only ii
Daily Visit:
C) Only iii
D) None of these
E) all of these
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Option B
Although the judge is going to take back
the charge of the institution yet the
institution needs to define a strategy that
specifies the domain in which it will
9. The Modi government‘s obsession with
repackaging is back with the introduction
of ‗swachta dooths‘ in ministries. These
swachta dooths have been assigned tasks
such as organising files and maintaining
i.After the swachta dooths
ii. The Modi government introduced
iii. the Modi govt. Nevertheless obsessed
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and iii
E) Both i and ii
View Answer
Option E
1. The Modi government introduced
‗swachta dooths‘ in ministries and they
have been assigned tasks
2. After the swachta dooths have been
assigned tasks, the Modi government‘s
obsession with repackaging is back
10. The threshold limit for the applicability of
TDS on receipt of commission was moved
up to ₹15,000 as against ₹5,000 earlier.
The TDS rate for the same was slashed by
half to 5 per cent.
i. The threshold limit for the
ii.Although the threshold limit for
iii.Because the threshold limit for
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
1. The threshold limit for the applicability
of TDS on receipt of commission was
moved up to ₹15,000 after the TDS rate
for the same was slashed by half to 5 per
Direction (1-5): In each question below four
statements are given. These four statements
are connected in the four options given below
in each question. You have to determine in
which option the four statements have been
most appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. the court’s verdict will have a bearing on
other issues; the issues are the
criminalisation of homosexuality; the
court is aware; the criminalisation of the
abortion rights of women
A) Because the issues are the
criminalisation of homosexuality and the
criminalisation of the abortion rights of
women that‘s why the court‘s verdict will
have a bearing on other issues
B) The court having been aware that the
verdict will have a bearing on other issues
and the criminalisation of homosexuality
and the criminalisation of the abortion
rights of women are the issues.
C) As the court is aware of its verdict so
the bearing of verdict on other issues like
the criminalisation of homosexuality and
the abortion rights of women.
Daily Visit:
D) The court is aware that its verdict will
have a bearing on other issues such as the
criminalisation of homosexuality and the
abortion rights of women.
E) None of these.
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Option D
A- “bearing on OTHER issues” nothing
about other issues are mentioned
B and C are incorrectly connected, hence
doesnot convey a precise meaning.
2. the right to privacy inheres; appear to be
“amorphous”; almost all the rights and
freedoms; guaranteed by the
A) Being appeared such ―amorphous‖, the
right to privacy inheres in almost all the
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the
B) the right to privacy may appear to be
―amorphous‖, but it inheres in almost all
the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the
C) The right to privacy, as it appears
―amorphous‖, is inheres in almost all the
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the
D) As the rights and freedoms guaranteed
by the Constitution appears to be
―amorphous‖ and inheres these.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
A- “such” is incorrect;
C- “is” does not precede V1(+s/es);
D – sentence structure is incorrect.
3. the practices do not violate fundamental
rights; deprive any section of the
followers of any faith of; rights
enshrined in the Constitution.; Courts
and legislative bodies can be watchful to
A) As the Constitution do not violate
fundamental rights and deprive any section
of the followers of any faith of rights so
Courts and legislative bodies can be
watchful to ensure
B) To ensure the practices not to be
voilated, courts and legislative bodies
needed to be watchful, any section of the
followers of any faith of rights enshrined in
the Constitution.
C) Courts and legislative bodies can be
watchful to ensure that the practices do not
violate fundamental rights and deprive any
section of the followers of any faith of
rights enshrined in the Constitution.
D) Courts and legislative bodies needed to
be watchful for the ensurance of the
practices that do not violate fundamental
rights and deprive any section of the
followers of any faith of rights enshrined in
the Constitution.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option C
4. a state occupied pride ; place on
industrial map of india; a state is
starving for new investment; agrarian
distress has been forgotten;
A) In view starvation of new investment
and the pride of place which was on
industrial map of India, Agrarian distress
has been forgotten.
B) Agrarian distress has been forgotten and
a State which once occupied pride of place
on the industrial map of India is now
starving for new investment.
C) Because the Agrarian distress hass been
forgotten, a State, being proud for its ,
place on indian map is starving for new
D) To forget Agrarian distress, a State
which once occupied pride of place on the
industrial map of India is now starving for
new investment
E) None of these.
Daily Visit:
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View Answer
Option B
5. devote all its energy; to get its house in
order; to running the government
effectively; the unified party would do
A) to get its house in order the unified party
would do well to running the government
effectively devote all its energy.
B) the unified party would do well to
running the government effectively and to
get its house in order devote all its energy
C) to running the government effectively
and to get its house in order, the unified
party would do well devote all its energy.
D) the unified party would do well to get its
house in order and devote all its energy to
running the government effectively.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option D
Direction (6-10): In each of the following
questions four statements with a blank in
each are given. You have to choose a word
from the given option that can fill all the
blanks. Mark that option as your answer.
6. i. She radiated ___ that even humans could
ii. There is no such thing as a device that
functions without ___.
iii. You must ___a remote with batteries
before you can use it to control the
functions of your television.
iv. I want to ___this clock with a potato for
my science fair, and it turns out that it is
easier to do than I expected.
A) debility
B) failure
C) power
D) lethargy
E) atrophy
Option C
power = the ability or capacity to do or
act in a particular way; leverage;
atrophy = waste
lethargy = inactivity
debility = weakness
7. i. Our government believes it can use
military force to overthrow the brutal ___
that is terrorizing the small nation.
ii. During the dictator‘s ___, he killed
thousands of people who rebelled against
his rule.
iii. The football player‘s nutritional ___
requires him to eat several large servings of
proteins each day.
iv. Under the country‘s military___,
criminal offenders were punished harshly
and swiftly.
A) discord
B) regime
C) entropy
D) sway
E) execute
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Option B
regime = a govt. Especially an
authoritarian one; dominion;
sway = oscillate
execute = accomplish
entropy = disorder
discord = conflict
8. i. The ___young man was not sure which
fork to use during the appetizer portion of
the meal.
ii. The uncultured young woman made
several ___ mistakes during the formal
iii. Not expecting the comedian‘s ___
jokes, I left the venue when he made a
number of indecent remarks.
iv. The soldiers‘ ___ dialogue put the
Daily Visit:
waitress in an uncomfortable position.
A) fluffy
B) polished
C) good
D) coarse
E) sophisticated
B) drain
C) enfeeble
D) dispirit
E) fortify
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View Answer
Option D
rough or harsh in texture; bristly;
9. i. If you put one more book on that wobbly
bookshelf,‖ the mother told her husband,
―it will ___ to the floor.‖
ii. When the children stacked their crackers
one on top of the other, it eventually would
___ over for them to rebuild it.
iii. Placing the bowling ball onto the flimsy
table caused it to ___ over onto the floor
iv. At first, the blocks in the Jenga game
only began to lean until a small wind made
the block tower ___down.
A) accurate
B) drop
C) topple
D) straighten
E) buttress
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: topple = overbalance or
cause to overbalance and fall; tumble;
keel; plunge
buttress= prop
10. i. Adding vitamins to a food is a common
way to ___ it and make it healthier.
ii. Modern clothing often uses nylon to ___
cotton and make it tougher.
iii. The stone wall was the first step, but
they needed more to properly ___ the city.
iv. With the enemy approaching, they
worked to ___their defenses.
A) cripple
Option E
fortify = provide(a place) with defensive
works as protection against attack;
secure; protect; etc
enfeeble = weaken
dispirit = dishearten
Direction (1-10): In each question below four
statements are given. These four statements
are connected in the four options given below
in each question. You have to determine in
which option the four statements have been
most appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. he heard his elders‘ stories of valour; the
elders exhibited valour in the wars of
resistance; he also dreamed of making his
contribution to the freedom struggle.
A) as his elders exhibited valour in the
wars of resistance which he heard, he also
dreamed of making his contribution to the
freedom struggle
B) because he also dreamed of making his
contribution to the freedom struggle so he
heard his elders‘ stories of valour during
the wars of resistance
C) hearing his elders‘ stories of valour
during the wars of resistance, he also
dreamed of making his contribution to the
freedom struggle
D) he heard his elders‘ stories of valour
during the wars of resistance yet he also
dreamed of making his contribution to the
freedom struggle
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation :- A- “which he heard” is
Daily Visit:
grammatically incorrect
B – “also” shows that something
previously hs happened. The connect
“so” is inapt.
D- yet shows “contradiction”. Hence
2. it received generally negative reviews from
critics; it has amassed a strong fan
following; it has grossed a total of $539
million; it has a combined budget of $212
A) it received generally negative reviews
from critics nevertheless it has amassed a
strong fan following as well as it has
grossed a total of $539 million yet it has a
combined budget of $212 million.
B) despite receiving generally negative
reviews from critics, the five films have
amassed a strong fan following and have
grossed a total of $539 million, against a
combined budget of $212 million
C) although it has a combined budget of
$212 million yet it has grossed a total of
$539 million and it has amassed a strong
fan following instead of receiving generally
negative reviews from critics
D) it not only has amassed a strong fan
following but also received generally
negative reviews from critics despite
grossing a total of $539 million over a
budget of $212 million
E) None of these
father to railway sell tea at the Vadnagar
station as a result he ran a tea stall with his
brother near a bus terminus.
D) as a child, Modi helped his father sell
tea at the Vadnagar railway station, and
later ran a tea stall with his brother near a
bus terminus.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
4. he obtained his doctorate in economics; he
ontained it from oxford; he worked for the
U.N. during 1966-69
A) as he obtained his doctorate in
economics from Oxford, he worked for the
U.N. during 1966-69.
B) after obtaining his doctorate in
economics from Oxford, he worked for the
United Nations during 1966–69.
C) being obtained his doctorate in
economics from Oxford, he worked for the
United Nations during 1966–69.
D) because he worked for the United
Nations during 1966–69, he obtained his
doctorate in economics from Oxford.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
View Answer
Option B
3. Modi was a child; Modi helped his father
sell tea at the Vadnagar railway station;
Modi later ran a tea stall with his brother
near a bus terminus
A) Modi was a child when he helped his
father sell tea at the Vadnagar railway
station provided that later he ran a tea stall
with his brother near a bus terminus
B) Being a child, Modi helped his father
to railway sell tea at the Vadnagar station
as a result he ran a tea stall with his brother
near a bus terminus
C) When Modi was a child, he helped his
5. He was sad; he was tired; he was very
hungry when a wizard appeared; wizard
offered him food; he laid down some
A) as he laid don some conditions the
wizard offered him food because he was
sad and tired nad hungry
B) he was sad and tired along with being
very hungry when a wizard appeared and
offered him food however he laid down
some conditions.
C) On the condition that he is sad, tired nad
hungry the wizard laiad down some
conditions and offered him food.
Daily Visit:
D) He was sad and ttired nad hungry so the
wizard laid down some conditions in
addition to offering him food.
E) None of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
View Answer
Option B
6. I left the party; I was bored; it was quite
A) On the condition that it was late , I left
the party and bored.
B) While leaving the party I was bored and
C) I left the party because I was bored,
moreover it was quite late.
D) I left the party as it was late and boring.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
7. Harry is intelligent; he is lazy; he must
wake up; he will regret it.
A) Harry, being intelligent and lazy, wakes
up and regret it.
B) Harry is intelligent however he is lazy
so he must wake up or he will regret it.
C) Harry is intelligent and lazy and he must
wake up else he will regret it.
D) despite being intelligent and lazy, harry
must wake up early to not to regret it.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
8. This book is short; this book is interesting;
this book arrived late.
A) as the book arrived late, it is interesting
and short.
B) despite arriving late this book is short
yet interesting.
C) instead of arriving late and interesting,
the book is short.
D) as the book arrived late though it is
short and interesting.
9. he held the post as the Advisor to Prime
Minister of India on Economic Affairs; he
was a doctorate in economics from Oxford
A) provided that he was a doctorate in
economics from Oxford so he held the post
as the Advisor to Prime Minister of India
on Economic Affairs
B) although he held the post as the Advisor
to Prime Minister of India on Economic
Affairs, yet he was a doctorate in
economics from Oxford
C) due to the fact that he held the post as
the Advisor to Prime Minister of India on
Economic Affairs because he was a
doctorate in economics from Oxford.
D) provided that he held the post as the
Advisor to Prime Minister of India on
Economic Affairs because he was a
doctorate in economics from Oxford.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
10. Rajiv was made a general secretary of the
Congress party; it was a part of his political
grooming; he had given significant
responsibility in organising the 1982 Asian
A) after being made a general secretary of
the Congress party which was a part of his
political grooming and given significant
responsibility in organising the 1982 Asian
B) although Rajiv was made a general
secretary of the Congress party, he had
given significant responsibility in
organising the 1982 Asian Games so that
being a part of his political grooming.
C) despite given significant responsibility
in organising the 1982 Asian Games which
was a part of his political grooming, Rajiv
Daily Visit:
was made a general secretary of the
Congress party
D) as part of his political grooming, Rajiv
was made a general secretary of the
Congress party and given significant
responsibility in organising the 1982 Asian
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. The very mention of bullet train often
elicits images of exorbitantly expensive
infrastructure projects. Bullet trains which
basically means trains running on dedicated
lines at 250 km/h or higher has almost
everywhere been initially dubbed as elitist.
i. Initially being dubbed…..
ii. As the bullet trains ……
iii. In the view ……
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) All except iii
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Initially being dubbed as elitists, the
mention of bullet trains, running on
dedicated lines at 250km/h, elicits images
of exorbitantly expensive infrastructure
As the bullet trains which runs on dedicated
lines at 250 km/h dubbed as elitist, often
elicits images of exorbitantly expensive
infrastructure projects
2. We all know that the Chinese never do
anything by halves. They decided to
construct the world‘s largest floating solar
power unit and were clear it would be
bigger than anything else in the world.
i. Chinese, who are never ………….
ii. After chinese decided to ………..
iii. As we all known that Chinese………
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option Explanation:
As we all known that Chinese never do
anything by halves, so they have decided to
construct world‘s biggest floating solar
power unit
Chinese, who are never known to do
anything by halves, are constructing
world‘s largest floating solar power unit
3. The ECB realized that the financial
stability system is under threat. It provided
ample liquidity, under the leadership of
Jean Claud, to avaoid cascading market
i. Due to the threat….
ii. Realizing the threat….
iii. Because the ECB financial stability
A) Both i and iii
B) Both ii and iii
C) All except i
D) Only ii
E) Only iii
View Answer
Option D
Realizing the threat to systemic financial
stability, the ECB under the leadership of
Jean-Claude provided ample liquidity to
avoid cascading market failures.
Daily Visit:
4. The Chinese are going global for various
reasons. They‘re determined not to be left
behind when a new wave of technological
breakthroughs take place.
i. As chinese are …..
ii. It is determined that….
iii. Since chinese are……
A) Only i
B) Both i and iii
C) Only ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
As chinese are going global for various
reasons so they are determined not to be
left behind when a new wave of
technological breakthroughs take place.
Since chinese are going global for various
reasons, they are determined not to be left
behind when a new wave of technological
breakthroughs take place.
5. The Swachh Bharat Mission is a highprofile national programme. It has put up
millions of individual house latrines in
rural areas.
i. As The Swachh Bharat Mission is………
ii. Being a high-profile national………….
iii. The Swachh Bharat Mission has
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i and iii
E) All of these
View Answer
Option E
As The Swachh Bharat Mission is a highprofile national programme so it has put up
millions of individual house latrines in
rural areas.
Being a high-profile national programme
the Swachh Bharat Mission has put up
millions of individual house latrines in
rural areas.
The Swachh Bharat Mission has put up
millions of individual house latrines in
rural areas after becoming a high-profile
national programme
6. What Dhoklam standoff aims to gain out of
this crisis has been subject to much
speculation. It hopes to peel Bhutan away
from India‘s orbit.
i. It is speculated that……..
ii. Being the subject of speculation ……..
iii. In accordance to……..
A) All except ii
B) All except iii
C) Only i
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
It is speculated that Dhoklam standoff aim
is to peel Bhutan away from India‘s Orbit.
Being the subject of speculation, Dhoklam
standoff aims to peel Bhutan away from
India‘s orbit.
7. Both the Central government and many
state governments have appointed advisers
and consultants on an ad-hoc basis. Some
of them, recruited into the Finance
Ministry, and more recently into public
enterprises, have distinguished themselves.
i. After the recruitment into……..
ii. Being appointed as ……….
iii. In view of distinguishing……
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of the above
E) None of these
View Answer
Daily Visit:
Option E
View Answer
8. The quiet railway station in the heart of
Karmatar draws its name from one of the
country‘s greatest social reformers. Today
hardly anyone seems to be aware of the
connection of this place to Ishwar Chandra
i. Having drawn its name from one of
ii. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
iii. In view of its connection ……….
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both i and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar railway station,
being quiet railway station in the heart of
Karmatar, hardly have connection with
Having drawn its name from one of the
country‘s greatest social reformers, Ishwar
Chandra Vidyasagar railway station hardly
have connection with anyone.
9. The Niti Aayog released the draft National
Energy Policy. It invited comments from
the public to help strengthen its
perspectives on some of the complex
i. The Niti Aayog invited comments from
ii. The Niti Aayog released the
iii. Being invited ………………
A) Only i
B) Both i and iii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Both i and ii
E) All of these
Option D
The Niti Aayog released the draft National
Energy Policy and it invited comments
from the public to help strengthen its
perspectives on some of the complex
The Niti Aayog invited comments from the
public to help strengthen its perspectives on
some of the complex issues after it released
the draft National Energy Policy.
10. A nation‘s energy policy can have a huge
bearing on society and health. It is thus
important to ensure that policies are
compatible with public health goals.
i. Although it has a bearing………
ii. Because it has a huge bearing………..
iii. Having a bearing on society………
A) All except i
B) Both i and ii
C) All of these
D) None of these
E) Only ii
View Answer
Option A
Because it has a huge bearing on society
and health, A nation‘s energy policy
ensures to be compatible with public health
Having a bearing on society and health, A
nation‘s energy policy ensures to be
compatible with public health goals.
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. Bangladesh has to provide shelter;
Bangladesh finds itself in a situation;
Bangldesh is as desperate as the people
were; the people were desperate 46 years
Daily Visit:
A) Bangladesh finds itself in a situation
where it has to provide shelter to a people
as desperate as once they were 46 years
B) Bangladesh finds itself in a situation
where it is desperate to provide shelter to a
people who were desperate 46 years ago.
C) Bangladesh was desperate as it finds
itself in a situation where it has to provide
the desperate people the shelter, 46 years
D) Bangladesh is in a situtation, for the
people who were desparate 46 years ago, to
provide shelter to the people.
E) None of these
3. The two months were troubling; Japan
was the only country to openly support
India; India was in trouble for the two
months; japan articulated its support
A) the two months were troubling for Japan
as it wsa the only country which articulated
its open support to India .
B) Japan was the only country that openly
articulated its support for India during the
two troubled months.
C) Japan articulated its open support to
India which was in trouble for two months,
and was the only country
D) Jpan was the only country to articulated
its open support to India which was in
trouble for two months.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: B= people were not
desperate, the govt. was
2. There is a demonstration of growing
disconnection; the idea of
demonetization and GST rollout; the
idea is considered to be ill-informed;
disconnection between policy tools and
A) there is a growing demonstration of
disconnection between policy and
objectives regarding the disconnection
about the idea of demonetization and GST
B) the ill-informed idea of demonetization
and the GST rollout is considered to be a
demonstration of growing disconnection
between policy tools and objectives.
C) the idea of demonetization and GST
rollout which is considered to be illinformed which is a demonstration of
growing disconnection between
policy tools and objectives .
D) the ill-informed idea of demonetization
and the GST rollout demonstrate the
growing disconnect between policy tools
and objectives.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
4. The Myanmar military callous is putting
people at enormous risk; the people live
at highly trafficked paths around the
border; The military callous is using
indiscriminate and deadly weapons;
A) the Myanmar military‘s callous is
putting people at enormous risk who are
living at highly trafficked paths around the
border, by using indiscriminate and deadly
B) the Myanmar military‘s callous use of
indiscriminate and deadly weapons at
highly trafficked paths around the border is
putting the lives of ordinary people at
enormous risk.
C) the people live at highly trafficked paths
around the border are at enormous risk
because the Myanmar military‘s callous is
using indiscriminate and deadly weapons
D) The Myanmar military callous is putting
people at enormous risk and the people live
at highly trafficked paths around the border
because the military callous is using
indiscriminate and deadly weapons
E) None of these
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View Answer
Option B
Option D
Daily Visit:
5. The govt. has launched an innovative
scheme; the scheme support patients
with TB; the Chattisgarh govt. has been
amongst the first; the scheme provides
nutrition support to patients
A) the govt. of Chattisgarh has been
amongst the first that launched a scheme
which is innovative and supports patients
with TB by providing them nutrition.
B) the government of Chhattisgarh has
been amongst the first to launch an
innovative scheme to provide nutrition
support to patients with TB.
C)the government of Chattisgarh has been
amongst the first to launch an innovative
scheme that supports patients with TB and
provide nutrition support too the patients.
D) the government of Chattisgarh has been
amongst the first to launch an innovative
Scheme that provide nutrition support to
patients with TB
E) None of theese
View Answer
Option B
Direction: In each questions below, a Theme
has been given followed by three passage.
You have to determine which passage is
based on the given theme and mark it as your
option. More than one passage can be based
or not based on the given theme that is
highlighted in bold.
1. “Time is money.”
i. Time should be used in doing productive
works. A person make use of his time by
working hard to earn money. On the
contrary, if the time is wasted, then it is
equivalent to losing money.
ii. Like money, too, time, once lost, is gone
forever. Hence, one should exercise due
care while spending time. We should
always try to make the best use of
time.‗Time and tide wait for no man‘, says
the proverb. If you use your stock of time
rightly, it will hear your rich interest but if
you waste this invaluable capital, it will
make you poor indeed.
iii. ‗Take time by the forelock‘ so as to reap
the fullest benefit out of it. Lost time is
gone forever and can never be recovered. It
is on our own to use or to waste, and
another cannot use it, neither can it he
accumulated – ‗Time flies‘.
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
2. Is crime a big problem in your
i. Crime is a problem in my city, Hong
Kong though is not as serious compared to
most western cities. Though movies
whether HK or Hollywood would like to
portray Hong Kong as a crime ridden city
filled with Triad thugs and drug smuggling,
the city in reality is very safe especially for
ii. Hong Kong crime problems are mostly
petty crimes like theft, vandalism. It‘s
serious crimes are organized crime (triads),
drug smuggling/substance abuse, illegal
immigration, prostitution and illegal
gambling. There are some cases of murder
in the city but not as big or serious
compared to the west.
iii. ―Don‘t worry about the world coming to
an end today. It‘s already tomorrow in
A) Both i and ii
B) Both ii and iii
C) Both i and iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
3. Can you be too young to be in love?
i. I don‘t think Love has anything to do
with age. Here, I am only stressing about
―Love‖, do not confuse it with other
emotions such as Lust. People may argue
that teenage relationships are simply based
Daily Visit:
on the physical aspects of the partner.
However, I do know people who have
sincerely loved each other for a decade
before getting married to each other.
ii. There is no ―older‖ way to fall in love,
it‘s just a matter of wisdom in knowing
how to guard your heart and mind and soul.
iii. I believe love is any age. Kids start to
get interested(for serious, not joking
around) generally around the age of 14.
That is when sexual arousal usually comes
to the surface. They experiment, have
crushes sometimes, figure out who they
like (sexuality((but can occur to the
realization when they were very little like 3
or 4 possibly, or older like 20))), have
feelings and tough times. But love is love.
Any age, you can have feelings for
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
4. “Problems don’t matter. Solutions do.”
i. Problems are the part and parcel of our
daily lives. Everybody‘s got ‘em. No one‘s
are truly unique compared to anyone else‘s.
But, without fail, every day, we hear
friends tell us about those same exact
things they were complaining about 3 years
ii. When an issue comes up, we may not
want it to exist but it does provide us with
―now‖ meaning. A ―problem‖ means
―solving.‖ There‘s stuff to figure out. We
think about it, day in and day out. We‘re
engrossed in the problem. The problem
gives us meaning. The problem makes us
feel ―here and now.‖ The problem makes
us feel alive.
iii. A family member you love shares a
freshly invented dilemma that makes you
want to say, ―So, this is the new thing we‘ll
discuss for, what, the next week or two?‖ A
colleague discusses a ―daunting‖ obstacle
like the desperate need to lose exactly 3
pounds, or the urgent requirement to
completely gut and redesign their kitchen.
A) Only i
B) Both i and ii
C) Both ii and iii
D) Only ii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
5. The future of Virtual Games.
i. Virtual reality has been the talk of the
gaming community, especially since the
announcement of the steep $600 price for
the Oculus Rift. Last week, supposedly the
price of the PlayStation VR leaked on three
Swiss retailer websites claiming about a
$435-$544 price range, which obviously
isn‘t much better than the $600 price point.
So with all of the hype spreading around,
here are some predictions for the future of
virtual reality gaming.
ii. Virtual reality is widely associated with
gaming, but some believe it could evolve
into the next computing platform, affect all
of our senses, and grow into a multibilliondollar industry — if consumers are willing
to adopt it.
iii. Photos are richer than text; video, much
richer than photos. But that‘s not the end,
right? I mean, it‘s like this indefinite
continuum of getting closer and closer to
being able to capture what a person‘s
natural experience and thought is, and just
being able to immediately capture that and
design it however you want and share it
with whomever you want.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Both i and ii
D) Both ii and iii
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Directions: In each question below statements
are given. These statements are connected in
Daily Visit:
the four options given below in each question.
You have to determine in which option the
statements given have been most
appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. in relation to developments in Myanmar
; in stark evidence ; on the common
institutional framework was ; the
assertion of the democratic will;
A) The assertion of the democratic will in
relation to developments in Myanmar on
the common institutional framework was in
stark evidence
B) The assertion of the democratic will
was in stark evidence in relation to
developments in Myanmar on the common
institutional framework
C) The assertion of the democratic will on
the common institutional framework was in
stark evidence in relation to developments
in Myanmar
D) On the common institutional framework
the assertion of the democratic will was in
stark evidence in relation to developments
in Myanmar
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
In C , we are considering the framework
Whereas in D we are making it a basis to
decide the development
Framing of sentence D is incorrect as the
phrase ―on the common institutional
framework‘ itself is not signifying a proper
meaning. There should be phrase like on
the basis of, or on the grounds
2. the recent incident; Chandigarh is a
reminder that; a woman being pursued
at night by men in a car; neither law nor
public odium is a sufficient deterrent to
such crimes
A) The recent incident of a woman being
pursued at night by men in a car in
Chandigarh is a reminder that neither law
nor public odium is a sufficient deterrent to
such crimes
B) Chandigarh is a reminder that a woman
being pursued at night by men in a car in
neither law nor public odium is a sufficient
deterrent to such crimes in the recent
C) The recent incident of Chandigarh is a
reminder that a woman being pursued at
night by men in a car in that neither law nor
public odium is a sufficient deterrent to
such crimes
D) Neither law nor public odium is a
sufficient deterrent to such crimes the
recent incident of a woman being pursued
at night by men in a car in Chandigarh is a
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
B) Starting – Chandigarh is a reminder –
does not make sense
In C), it does not tell the reminder of
In D), ―such crimes‖ are not defined in the
3. to extraordinary lengths to eliminate
references; to the architect of democratic
India, we expect the head of state;
though the government under Prime
Minister Narendra Modi has gone; to
stand above partisan party politics
A) To stand above partisan party politics
though the government under Prime
Minister Narendra Modi has gone to the
architect of democratic India, we expect the
head of state
B) Though the government under Prime
Minister Narendra Modi has gone to stand
above partisan party politics to the architect
of democratic India, we expect the head of
state to extraordinary lengths to eliminate
C) Though the government under Prime
Minister Narendra Modi has gone to
Daily Visit:
extraordinary lengths to stand above
partisan party politics to eliminate
references to the architect of democratic
India, we expect the head of state
D) Though the government under Prime
Minister Narendra Modi has gone to
extraordinary lengths to eliminate
references to the architect of democratic
India, we expect the head of state to stand
above partisan party politics
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D Explanation:
B) we expect the head of state to
extraordinary lengths – is
4. a previous Prime Minister from the
annals of history; the belittling of Pandit
Nehru is odd, because; is not validated
by writing out
A) a previous Prime Minister from the
annals of history is not validated by writing
out the belittling of Pandit Nehru is odd,
because the standing of the current Prime
Minister from the annals of history
B) the belittling of Pandit Nehru is odd,
because the standing of the current Prime
Minister is not validated by writing out a
previous Prime Minister from the annals of
C) a previous Prime Minister from the
annals of history the belittling of Pandit
Nehru is odd, because the standing of the
current Prime Minister is not validated by
writing out
D) the belittling of Pandit Nehru is odd,
because a previous Prime Minister from the
annals of history the standing of the current
Prime Minister is not validated by writing
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
5. by the market; his conviction that
poverty and inequality in India cannot
be tackled; remembered by many for his
contribution to the institutionalisation of
democracy; Nehru continues to
A) his conviction that poverty and
inequality in India cannot be tackled Nehru
continues to be remembered by many for
his contribution to the institutionalisation of
democracy, establishing institutions of
excellence by the market
B) Nehru continues to be remembered by
many for his contribution to the
institutionalisation of democracy, his
conviction that poverty and inequality in
India cannot be tackled by the market, and
establishing institutions of excellence
C) Nehru continues to be remembered by
many for his contribution to the
institutionalisation of democracy, by the
market, establishing institutions of
excellence, and his conviction that poverty
and inequality in India cannot be tackled
D) Nehru continues to be remembered by
many for his contribution to the
institutionalisation of democracy,
establishing institutions of excellence, and
his conviction that poverty and inequality
in India cannot be tackled by the market
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
6. the country’s powerful armed forces ;
Pakistan know that it is not the prime
minister; observers of civil-military
relations in Pakistan; dictate policy
towards key regional and global actors,
including India, China and the US
A) Pakistan know that it is not the prime
minister, but the country‘s powerful armed
forces observers of civil-military relations
in, that dictate policy towards key regional
and global actors, including India, China
and the US
B) observers of civil-military relations in
Pakistan know that it is not the prime
Daily Visit:
minister but the country‘s powerful armed
forces, that dictate policy towards key
regional and global actors, including India,
China and the US
C) the country‘s powerful armed forces
observers of civil-military relations in
Pakistan know that it is not the prime
minister,that dictate policy towards key
regional and global actors, including India,
China and the US
D) Pakistan know that it is not the prime
minister,the country‘s powerful armed
forces, that dictate policy towards key
regional and global actors, including India,
China and the US observers of civilmilitary relations
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
7. was aided immensely by the pragmatism
in Beijing, especially that of Deng
Xiaoping, whose emphasis; was on
creating a peaceful external
environment; the slow but definitive
normalisation of relations; for the
economic modernisation of China
A) The slow but definitive normalisation of
relations was aided immensely by the
pragmatism in Beijing, especially that of
Deng Xiaoping, whose emphasis was on
creating a peaceful external environment
for the economic modernisation of China
B) For the economic modernisation of
China the slow but definitive normalisation
of relations was aided immensely by the
pragmatism in Beijing, especially that of
Deng Xiaoping, whose emphasis was on
creating a peaceful external environment
C) The slow but definitive normalisation of
relations was on creating a peaceful
external environment ,was aided
immensely by the pragmatism in Beijing,
especially that of Deng Xiaoping, whose
emphasis for the economic modernisation
of China
D) The slow but definitive normalisation of
relations was on creating a peaceful
external environment for the economic
modernisation of China ,was aided
immensely by the pragmatism in Beijing,
especially that of Deng Xiaoping, whose
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
8. the core of the issue; to ensure that
minority institutions are not
discriminated against; is whether this
clause is meant as ; an antidiscriminatory and protective clause;
A) to ensure that minority institutions are
not discriminated against the core of the
issue is whether this clause is meant as an
anti-discriminatory and protective clause
B) the core of the issue is whether this
clause is to ensure that minority institutions
are not discriminated against meant as an
anti-discriminatory and protective clause
C) the core of the issue is whether this
clause is meant as an anti-discriminatory
and protective clause, to ensure that
minority institutions are not discriminated
D) whether this clause is meant as an antidiscriminatory and protective clause, to
ensure that minority institutions are not
discriminated against the core of the issue
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
9. withdraw all its troops from an area; based
on historical treaties; Beijing has time and
again; to avoid conflict all India needs to
A) Based on historical treaties Beijing has
time and again sent the message that to
avoid conflict all India needs to do is
withdraw all its troops from an area
Daily Visit:
B) To avoid conflict all India needs to do
is withdraw all its troops from an area that
based on historical treaties Beijing has time
and again sent the message
C) Beijing has time and again sent the
message that to avoid conflict all India
needs to do is withdraw all its troops from
an area that based on historical treaties
D) Beijing has time and again withdraw all
its troops from an area sent the message
that to avoid conflict all India needs to do is
based on historical treaties
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
In A), the sentence is not complete- There
is need of closing words after – from an
In B), sentence does not make any sense
here- on historical treaties || Beijing has
time and again
In D) first ‗withdrew‘ should be there
instead of ‗withdraw‘ and also after area,
sentence does not make sense
10. in the backdrop are two large issues in
education ; over minority educational
institutions cannot be fully understood; the
stakes in the debate; we recognize;
A) the stakes in the debate over minority
educational institutions cannot be fully
understood unless we recognise that in the
backdrop are two large issues in education
B) the stakes in the debate we recognise in
the backdrop are two large issues in
education over minority educational
institutions cannot be fully understood
C) we recognise the stakes in the debate
over minority educational institutions
cannot be fully understood unless that in
the backdrop are two large issues in
D) the stakes in the debate over minority
educational institutions cannot be fully
understood in the backdrop are two large
issues in education we recognise
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Stake here means financial or other
In B), it says – the stakes are two larger
issue, – is incorrect
in C) – unless || that in the backdrop –
incorrect here
D), sentence does not make sense
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. The ruling congress is the principal
opposition of Hindu nationalist party. It is
becoming the target of regional, linguistic
and casteist groups that are resisting
homogeneous Hindu religious identity.
i. while the ruling …….
ii. Since the ruling…..
iii. Because of the ruling
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of the above
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option A
while the ruling Congress remains its
principal opposition, the Hindu nationalist
party is becoming the target of regional,
linguistic and casteist groups that are
resisting homogenous Hindu religious
2. In India majority of the population does not
always understand what privacy means.
Modern Indian languages do not seem to
Daily Visit:
have an exact word which captures the
meaning of privacy.
i. In view of……..
ii. Since modern Indian….
iii. While a majority….
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) Both i & ii
E) Both ii & iii
i. It is doubtful …..
ii. Due to the bill…….
iii. Being tabled in……..
A) Both i & ii
B) Only i
C) Both i & iii
D) All except i
E) None of these
View Answer
View Answer
Option B
Since modern Indian languages do not have
an exact meaning of privacy so a majority
of the population finds it difficult to
comprehend it‘s meaning
3. India was just one of 43 countries to
present report on the implementation of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at
the UN this year. It was the most
anticipated report among all.
i. Although India was ….
ii. Being implemented ….
iii. In view of …
A) All of these
B) All except iii
C) Both i & ii
D) Only i
E) Only ii
View Answer
Option D
Although India was just one of 43
countries to present report on the
implementation of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) this year, it
was the most anticipated report
4. The bill, the Data (Privacy and Protection)
Bill, 2017, is already on the table. Activists
are still dubious over it‘s impasse among
the legislators this time.
Option B
It is doubtful if the bill the Data (Privacy
and Protection) finds a through legislators
because it is already tabled.
5. Charlie Gard was born with an extremely
rare mitochondrial DNA disorder. He has
been in a hospital for months.
i. Being born with…………………..
ii. To keep a check…………….
iii. Since he has been…….
A) Only ii
B) Only ii
C) Both i & iii
D) Only i
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option D
Being born with extremely rare
mitochondrial DNA disorder, Charlie Gard
has been hospitalised for months.
6. The Centre promotes Sovereign Gold
Bonds. The Centre shouldn‘t ignore the
risks from Sovereign Gold Bonds.
i. The Centre shouldn‘t………….
ii. In view of……………….
iii. Since The…………………
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
Daily Visit:
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
The Centre shouldn‘t ignore the risks from
Sovereign Gold Bonds as it tries to promote
In view of promoting Sovereign Gold
Bonds, The Centre shouldn‘t ignore the
Since The Centre promotes Sovereign Gold
Bonds so it shouldn‘t ignore the risks
7. The Supreme Court banned Pakistan‘s
Nawaz Sharif from sitting in the National
Assembly over corruption allegations. He
couldn‘t continue as prime minister.
i. In view of….
ii. After the Supreme Court….
iii. Being banned…
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option E
8. China is rapidly building up its cloudcomputing capacity. Chinese academics
surpass their American peers.
i. To surpass….
ii. By building the……….
iii. Since chinese academics…
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
By building the cloud computing capacity
rapidly it is very likely that Chinese
academics surpass their American peers.
9. The 17 journalists were the core of the
editorial staff ofCumhuriyet, Turkey‘s
oldest newspaper. The trail of the 17
journalists began on July 24th.
i. The 17 journalists whose…………
ii. Although the 17 journalists were……….
iii. In view of the trail …
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All of these
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option A
The 17 journalists whose trial began on
July 24th were the core of the editorial staff
ofCumhuriyet, Turkey‘s oldest newspaper .
10. The American writer Selig Harrison
published India: The Most Dangerous
Decades. He feared ―the collapse of the
Indian state into regional components‖
ruled by communists.
i. The American writer Selig Harrison
ii. Being feared with….
iii. Fearing the collapse………
A) All except i
B) Both i & iii
C) Only iii
D) Only i
E) Both ii & iii
View Answer
Option D
The American writer Selig Harrison
published India: The Most Dangerous
Daily Visit:
Decades after fearing collapse of the Indian
state into regional components
Directions: In each question below statements
are given. These statements are connected in
the four options given below in each question.
You have to determine in which option the
statements given have been most
appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
C) A party which has already received
notification about a possible criminal
proceeding can also propose to settle
through the consent mechanism
D) A possible criminal proceeding can also
propose to settle through the consent
mechanism, a party which has already
received notification about
E) None of these.
View Answer
1. the financial crisis upset many a; crony
capitalism for this pile of NPAs; a
bonafide business plan; it would be
incorrect to entirely blame
A) It would be incorrect to entirely blame
the financial crisis upset many a crony
capitalism for this pile of NPAs; bonafide
business plan
B) It would be incorrect to entirely blame
crony capitalism for this pile of NPAs; a
bonafide business plan the financial crisis
upset many
C) It would be incorrect to entirely blame
crony capitalism for this pile of NPAs; the
financial crisis upset many a bonafide
business plan
D)The financial crisis upset many a
bonafide business plan, it would be
incorrect to entirely blame crony capitalism
for this pile of NPAs
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option C
2. a possible criminal proceeding; the
consent mechanism; a party which has
already received notification about; can
also propose to settle through
A) A party which has already received
notification about the consent mechanism a
possible criminal proceeding can also
propose to settle through
B) A party which has already received
notification about can also propose to settle
through the consent mechanism a possible
criminal proceeding
Option C
3. innocents have also undergone undue
hassles; provides a closure might not be
that bad; considering the number of
innocents; due to our snail-paced judicial
system, a quick and effective route
A) Considering the number of innocents
due to our snail-paced judicial system, a
quick and effective route who have also
undergone undue hassles that provides a
closure might not be that bad
B) Considering the number of innocents
who have also undergone undue hassles, a
quick and effective route that provides a
closure might not be that bad due to our
snail-paced judicial system
C) Considering the number of innocents a
quick and effective route who have also
undergone undue hassles due to our snailpaced judicial system, that provides a
closure might not be that bad
D) Considering the number of innocents
who have also undergone undue hassles
due to our snail-paced judicial system, a
quick and effective route that provides a
closure might not be that bad
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option D
4. hosting the Games will translate into
athletic and sporting; the expectation
that spending hundreds of billions of
Daily Visit:
dollars; prowess is more than a little
naïve; on a vanity project such as
A) The expectation that spending hundreds
of billions of dollars on a vanity project
such as hosting the Games will translate
into athletic and sporting prowess is more
than a little naïve
B) The expectation that spending hundreds
of billions of dollars hosting the Games
will translate into athletic and sporting on a
vanity project such as prowess is more than
a little naïve
C) The expectation that spending hundreds
of billions of dollars on a vanity project
such as prowess is more than a little naïve
hosting the Games will translate into
athletic and sporting
D) Hosting the Games will translate into
athletic and sporting prowess is more than a
little naïve, the expectation that spending
hundreds of billions of dollars on a vanity
project such as
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option A
5. SCS as is revealed by secret documents
operates; virtually every popular method
of communication; wiretapping from an
embassy is unlawful in nearly every
country; operates its own sophisticated
listening devices with which it can
A) SCS as is revealed by secret documents
operates wiretapping from an embassy is
unlawful in nearly every country, its own
sophisticated listening devices with which
it can intercept virtually every popular
method of communication
B) SCS as is revealed by secret documents
operates its own sophisticated listening
devices wiretapping from an embassy is
unlawful in nearly every country, with
which it can intercept virtually every
popular method of communication
C) Wiretapping from an embassy is
unlawful in nearly every country, with
which it can intercept virtually every
popular method of communication SCS as
is revealed by secret documents operates its
own sophisticated listening devices
D) Wiretapping from an embassy is
unlawful in nearly every country, SCS as is
revealed by secret documents operates its
own sophisticated listening devices with
which it can intercept virtually every
popular method of communication
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
6. when we together make children’s;
disruptive and collaborative innovation
in primary education; sustainable
learning happen; possible only when we
all join hands
A) Disruptive and collaborative innovation
in primary education is when we together
make children‘s sustainable learning
happen possible only when we all join
B) Disruptive and collaborative innovation
in primary education is possible only when
we all join hands, when we together make
children‘s sustainable learning happen
C) when we together make children‘s
sustainable learning happen disruptive and
collaborative innovation in primary
education is possible only when we all join
D) when we together make children‘s
disruptive and collaborative innovation in
primary education is possible only when
we all join hands, sustainable learning
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
7. to roll out the red carpet; freeload on
public assets; and ensure that private
Daily Visit:
companies are able to; no effort has been
A) Freeload on public assets no effort has
been spared to roll out the red carpet and
ensure that private companies are able to
B) To roll out the red carpet and ensure that
private companies are able to freeload on
public assets, no effort has been spared
C) No effort has been spared to roll out the
red carpet and ensure that private
companies are able to freeload on public
D) No effort has been spared and ensure
that private companies are able to to roll
out the red carpet freeload on public assets
E) None of these.
View Answer
View Answer
Option C
Option C
8. achieving its universal education goals ;
UNESCO report of September 2016 that
says; we are not fazed by a; India will be
half a century late in
A) We are not fazed by a UNESCO report
of September 2016 that says India will be
half a century late in achieving its universal
education goals
B) We are not fazed by a UNESCO report
of September 2016 that says in achieving
its universal education goals India will be
half a century late
C) UNESCO report of September 2016 that
says we are not fazed by a India will be
half a century late in achieving its universal
education goals
D) Achieving its universal education goals
we are not fazed by a UNESCO report of
September 2016 that says India will be half
a century late in
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option A
9. a lame-duck Assembly; till it’s dissolved;
it’s an optically obtuse decision from;
Assembly that’s merely marking
A) It‘s an optically obtuse decision from
assembly that‘s merely marking a lameduck time till it‘s dissolved
B) A lame-duck Assembly that‘s merely
marking time till it‘s dissolved, it‘s an
optically obtuse decision from
C) It‘s an optically obtuse decision from a
lame-duck Assembly that‘s merely marking
time till it‘s dissolved
D) It‘s an optically obtuse decision from till
it‘s dissolved a lame-duck Assembly that‘s
merely marking time
E) None of these.
10. find virtue in private enterprise and view
public; government’s singular resistance
to follow; services as inherently
inefficient; such a path is linked to its
ideological moorings
A) Such a path is linked to its ideological
moorings, which find virtue in private
enterprise and view public services as
inherently inefficient government‘s
singular resistance to follow
B) Government‘s singular resistance to
follow such a path is linked to its
ideological moorings, which find virtue in
private enterprise and view public services
as inherently inefficient
C) Government‘s singular resistance to
follow services as inherently inefficient
such a path is linked to its ideological
moorings, which find virtue in private
enterprise and view public
D) Government‘s singular resistance to
follow, which find virtue in private
enterprise and view public services as
inherently inefficient, such a path is linked
to its ideological moorings
E) None of these.
Daily Visit:
View Answer
Option B
Directions: In each question below statements
are given. These statements are connected in
the four options given below in each question.
You have to determine in which option the
statements given have been most
appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. That sage was possessive of the bag; the
bag must surely contain a lot of treasure;
he became sure; one day, a swindler came
across the sage
A) One day, the holy man was possessive
of the bag which must surely contain a lot
of treasure, a swindler came across him
B) One day, the sage became sure that a
swindler came across him, the sage was
possessive of a bag which must
surely contain a lot of treasure
C) One day, a swindler came across the
sage, and he became sure that the bag this
holy man was so possessive of, must surely
contain a lot of treasure.
D) A swindler came across the sage, and he
became sure that the bag this holy man was
so possessive of, one day must surely
contain a lot of treasure
E) None of these
D) The merchant employed many
carpenters and masons to build a temple in
his garden, he was there
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
3. Fleeting moments of togetherness; forged
out of; long term goals allows only ;
immediate self-interest ; an alliance; for; as
opposed to shared
A) As opposed to shared, an alliance
forged out of for long term goals allows
only immediate self-interest and fleeting
moments of togetherness
B) As opposed to immediate self-interest
and fleeting moments of togetherness, an
alliance forged out of for long term goals
allows only as opposed to shared ones.
C) An alliance forged out of immediate
self-interest as opposed to shared, longterm goals allows only for fleeting
moments of togetherness.
D) An alliance of immediate self-interest as
opposed to shared, long-term goals allows
only forged out of fleeting moments of
E) None of these
View Answer
View Answer
Option C
Option C
2. Once a merchant; he has a garden; there; he
wants to build temple; was; he employed
many carpenters and masons
A) Once a merchant who employed many
carpenters and masons to build a temple in
his garden.
B) There was once a merchant who
employed many carpenters and masons to
build a temple in his garden.
C) Once a merchant was there who
employed many carpenters and masons to
build a temple in his garden.
4. The issue of corruption; as chief minister;
against the RJD; enhance his popularity;
while a tough stand; there‘s no certainty;
on; he will survive; might
A) While a tough stand on the issue of
corruption might enhance his popularity,
there is no certainty that he will survive as
Chief Minister against the RJD.
B) There is no certainty that he will survive
as Chief Minister, While a tough stand
against the RJD on the issue of corruption
might enhance his popularity
C) While a tough stand against the RJD
Daily Visit:
might enhance his popularity, there is no
certainty that he will survive as Chief
Minister on the issue of corruption.
D) While a tough stand against the RJD on
the issue of corruption might enhance his
popularity, there is no certainty that he will
survive as Chief Minister.
E) None of these.
relations between linguistic communities
cannot be expected, Indians across the
country, to get sorted out somehow.
D) Somehow at a time of large movements
of Indians across the country, relations
between linguistic communities cannot be
expected to get sorted out
E) None of these
View Answer
View Answer
Option D
Option B
5. seen in Bangalore; Independence needs
careful study; in the initial years after; the
Kannada-Tamil rivalry
A) The Kannada-Tamil rivalry in the
initial years after seen in Bangalore
Independence needs careful study.
B) Rivalry seen in Bangalore in the initial
years after ,The Kannada-Tamil needs
careful study.
C) The Kannada-Tamil rivalry seen in
Bangalore in the initial years after
Independence needs careful study.
D) The Kannada-Tamil rivalry needs
careful study ,seen in Bangalore in the
initial years after Independence.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option C
6. to get sorted out somehow; at a time of
large movements; relations between
linguistic communities; indians across the
country; cannot be expected
A) Of Indians across the country, relations
between linguistic communities cannot be
expected to get sorted out somehow, At a
time of large movements
B) At a time of large movements of Indians
across the country, relations between
linguistic communities cannot be expected
to get sorted out somehow.
C) At a time of large movements of
7. Rigour and intensity; Ram‘s remarkable
career; that has shaped; that rigour; it is
A) It is rigour and that intensity that has
shaped Ram‘s remarkable career.
B) It is that rigour and intensity that has
shaped Ram‘s remarkable career.
C) It is that rigour and that intensity that
has shaped Ram‘s remarkable career.
D) It is that rigour and intensity Ram‘s
remarkable career that has shaped.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
8. 12,500 people have been infected; of which
600 have died; so far this year; with the
influenza(H1N1) virus
A) So far this year, 12,500 people have
been infected with the influenza A (H1N1)
virus, of which 600 have died.
B) 12,500 people have been infected with
the influenza A (H1N1) virus, of which 600
have died, so far this year
C) So far this year, 12,500 people have
been the influenza A (H1N1) virus infected
with, of which 600 have died.
D) So far this year, 12,500 people have
been infected of which 600 have died, with
the influenza A (H1N1) virus.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Daily Visit:
Option A
9. Easy and wide availability; expected to
reduced mortality; timely diagnosis; of the
drug; are
A) Timely diagnosis and easy and wide
availability are the drug of expected to
reduce mortality.
B) Timely diagnosis and easy and wide
availability are expected to reduce
mortality of the drug.
C) ) Timely diagnosis wide availability of
the drug and easy and are expected to
reduce mortality
D) Timely diagnosis and easy and wide
availability of the drug are expected to
reduce mortality.
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option D
which option the statements given have been
most appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. your body is an act of imagination; having
something you can neither see; as well as
biology; nor hear, growing inside;
a. Having something you can neither see,
nor feel, nor hear, growing inside your
body is an act of imagination as well as
b. Having something can you neither see,
nor feel, nor hear, growing inside your
body is an act of imagination as well as
c. When you can neither see something ,
nor feel or hear it, growing inside your
body is an act of imagination as well as
d. None of these
View Answer
10. During the peak of summer; H1N1 has
become a seasonal flu; in India; since the
2009 pandemic; in India; even
A) Since the 2009, H1N1 pandemic has
become a seasonal flu virus strain in India
even during the peak of summer.
B) H1N1 has become a seasonal flu virus
strain in India even during the peak of
summer, since the 2009 pandemic
C) Since the 2009 pandemic, H1N1 has
become a seasonal flu virus strain in India
even during the peak of summer.
D) Since the 2009 pandemic, H1N1 has
become a seasonal flu even during the peak
of summer virus strain in India
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option C
Option A
2. a play called The Widow of Walting Street;
for many years; early collection of his
work; William Shakespeare wrote a play;
for many years it was believed
a. For many years, William shakespeare
wrote a play called The Widow of Walting
Street it includes in his early collection
b. For many years it was believed that
William Shakespeare wrote a play called
The Widow of Watling Street; it was
included in early collections of his work.
c. A play called Widow of the Walting
Street was included in the early collection
of William Shakespeare‘s Play which was
believed for many years.
d. None of these
View Answer
Directions: In each question below three
statements are given. These three statements
are connected in the four options given below
in each question. You have to determine in
Option B
Daily Visit:
3. air the series with the typical delay; the
series to channels around the world; the
network sold; following standard practice
a. Following standard practice, the network
sold the series which it was airing with
typical delay to channels around the world .
b. Following standard practice, the network
sold the series to channels around the world
that would air the series with the typical
c. Following standard practice, the series
were sold to the channel which it would air
with typical delay.
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option B
4. katherine is strong willed; bianca is the
epitome of feminine grace; apassive and
obedient; opposed to katherine; is pitched
as ideal wife
a. A passive and obedient Bianca is the
epitome of feminine grace and is pitched as
the ideal wife; as opposed to Katherina who
is strong willed.
b. Bianca is the epitome os femnine grace,
a passive and obedient ideal wife; as
opposed to katherine who is strong willed.
c. Bianca is passive and obedient, is
epitome of feminine grace and is pitched as
the ideal wife is opposing to Katherine.
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option A
5. they make no mention of the root causes ;
because they are novel ; Macron‘s
statements make the blood boil ; ; of the
challenges of which the president speaks.
a. Macron‘s were novel and their staement
makes the blood boil because they donot
metion the root root cause of the challenges
of which the president speaks.
b. Macron‘s statements make the blood boil
not because they are novel but because they
make no mention of the root causes of the
challenges of which the president speaks.
c. Macron‘s statements make the blood boil
not because they are novel but because no
mention of the root causes of the challenges
of which the president speaks.
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option B
6. a pint of foaming helicobacter broth;
marshall delibrately downed; he had grown
helicobacter broth in his lab; to prove their
a. To prove his hunch, Marshall
deliberately downed a pint of foaming
helicobacter broth that he‘d grown in his
lab .
b. Marshall delibrately downed a pint of
foaming helibacter broth which he had
grown in his lab to prove his hunch.
c. To prove his hunch, marshall delibrately
downed a pint of helibacter broth that was
grown in his lab.
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option A
7. the potential of his device; the electrical
activity of a normal heartbeat; when he
realised; Geartbatch immediately saw; the
pulses were recaptulating
a. After seeing the potential of the device,
Great batch realised the pulses were
recaptulating the electrical activity of a
nomal heart beat.
b. Realising the pulses were recapitulating
the electrical activity of a normal heartbeat,
Greatbatch immediately saw the potential
of his device.
c. Realising the pulses has been
recapitulating the electrical activity of a
normal heartbeat, Greatbatch immediately
Daily Visit:
see the potential of his device
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option B
8. they were occasionaly invited; to the
airwaves, their participation; was kept to a
minimum; by and large, no good on T.V.
a. While they were occasionally invited on
to the airwaves, their participation was kept
to a minimum because they were, by and
large, no good on TV.
b. While they were occasionally invited on
the airwaves was kept to a minimum
because they were, by and large, no good
on TV.
c. While their occasionally invited on the
airwaves was kept to a minimum because
they were, by and large, no good on TV
d. None of these
View Answer
Option A
9. the Spaniard speaks no English; Face and
Subtle believe; Face and Subtle insulted the
a. Face and Subtle insulted Spaniard
because he does not speak English
b. Spaniard didnot speak English so Face
and Subtle insulted him.
c. Face and Subtle believe that the Spaniard
speaks no English and they insult him.
d. None of these
View Answer
Option C
10. Dapper is their first customer; Dapper
wishes Subtle to use his supposed
necromatic skiils; Dapper wishes to
summon a ―familiar‖ or spirit; Dapper
wants to be helped in gambling.
a. Their first customer is Dapper, who
wishes Subtle to use his supposed
necromantic skills to summon a ―familiar‖
or spirit to help in his gambling ambitions
b. Their first customer is a Dapper wishes
Subtle to use necromantic skills to summon
a ―familiar‖ or spirit to help in his
gambling ambitions
c. Dapper, who wishes Subtle to use his
supposed necromantic skills to summon a
―familiar‖ or spirit to help in his gambling
ambitions, is their first customer
d. None of these.
View Answer
Option A
Directions: In each question below four
statements are given. These four statements
are connected in the four options given below
in each question. You have to determine in
which option the four statements have been
most appropriately expressed giving the full
meaning of the statements and mark it as
your answer.
1. The ground is soft and marshy; There are
many frogs ;Snakes about there; They are
enemies of mankind.
A) The ground on which there are many
frogs and snakes which are enemies of
mankind is soft and marshy.
B) The ground is soft and marshy with
many frogs and snakes, the enemies of
C) The snakes and frogs are enemies of
mankind are on ground that is soft and
D) The ground which contains frogs and
snakes is soft and marshy , these are
enemies of mankind.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Option B
B is correct. Rest are not grammatically
Daily Visit:
grammatically correct too.
2. The man had great strength ;It was about a
man ; He was a famous warrior; He told a
story ;
A) The man told a story about a man that
had great strength and he was a famous
B) A story was told by a man about a
famous warrior who has great strength.
C) The man who had great strength told a
story about a famous warrior.
D) He told a story about a man who was a
famous warrior having great strength .
E) None is correct.
4. The corn ripened ;The farmer was filled
with joy; The sun shone on the corn ; It did
this in a short time .
A) The corn was ripened in the sun in a
short time since the farmer was joyous.
B) The farmer filled himself with joy as the
corn ripened in short time when sun shone
over him.
C) The farmer was filled with joy as he
ripened his corn in short time and sun
shone on the corn.
D) The corn having ripened in the sun in a
short time, the farmer was filled with joy.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Option D
D is correct. In A- that is incorrect
In B – has should be replaced by had
C is not correct in terms of meaning.
3. He found my purse; He took nothing out of
it ; He deserves my thanks ; He returned it
to me
A) He deserves my thanks for he found my
purse but took nothing out of it and returns
it to me.
B) Having found my purse and having
returned it to me without taking anything
out of it, he deserves my thanks.
C) He found my purse but took nothing out
of it and also returned it to me so he should
thank me for this.
D) having found my purse and having
returned it to me by taking anything of it ,
he deserves my thanks.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Option B
Only B is consistent in terms of tense usage
according to the statements given and
View Answer
Option D
C is false in terms of meaning . A is
ambiguous , B is also false by meaning.
5. Krishna had the necessary capital; They
combined resources; Rama had a wide
knowledge of the business;They entered
into partnership.
A) Rama with a wide knowledge of the
business and Krishna with the necessary
capital, combined resources to enter into
B) Rama having wide knowledge of the
business and krishna with necessary capital
, combines their resources so as to enter
into partners.
C) Rama with a large knowledge of
business and Krishna with big capital ,
combined there resources to enter into
D) combining their wide knowledge of the
business and necessary capital , Rama and
Krishna entered into a partnership.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Daily Visit:
Option A
C grammatically incorrect. B is also
6. I hear rumours about Laxman; He is a good
cricketer. He is a good football player; He
is not a steady worker; He is an old pupil of
A) I hear about Laxman for he is a good
cricketer and a good football player but not
a steady worker ;also he is an old pupil of
B) Laxman who is a good cricketer and a
good football player and not a steady
worker ; he is a former pupil of mine.
C) I hear rumours about Laxman; a good
cricketer and a good football player but he
is not a steady worker as he is an old pupil
of mine.
D) I hear rumours about Laxman, an old
pupil of mine, a good cricketer and a good
football player but not a steady worker.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Option B
A not consistent in terms of tense used in
statements , C is not clear as meaning is
ambiguous , D is also wrong in the last
8. He opened his letters; He read them
carefully; He dictated answers to them; He
sent for his clerk.
A) He opened the letters ,read them
carefully dictated answers to them and sent
for his clerk.
B) Having opened and having read them
carefully, he sent for his clerk to dictate
answers to him.
C) He sent for his clerk the letters and
dictated him to open to letters and read
D) Having opened and having read them
carefully, he sent for his clerk to dictate
answers to them.
E) None is correct.
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View Answer
Option D
C is not correct in terms of meaning. A and
B also wrong.
7. He paid all the debts; This was a very
honest proceeding;It was very creditable to
him.; the debts related to his late father.
A) He paid all the debts of his late father ,
it is a very honest proceeding and
creditable to him.
B) His payment of all his late father‘s
debts, a very honest proceeding, was very
creditable to him.
C) His debts payment of all his late fathers
, a very honest proceeding, was very
creditable to him.
D) His payment of all his late father‘s
debts, a very honest proceeding, it was very
creditable .
E) None is correct.
Option D
D is correct only.
9. There was a man hiding in my garden; He
was a Pathan; He was armed with a gun;
My notice was drawn to him.
A) My notice was drawn to a man , he was
a pathan and armed with a gun too and
hides in my garden .
B) A man with a gun was hiding in my
garden , being a pathan my notice was
drawn to him.
C) My notice was drawn to a Pathan,
hiding in my garden and armed with a gun.
D) There was a man hiding in my garden
since he was a pathan and armed with a gun
, my notice was drawn to him.
E) None is correct.
Daily Visit:
C) a) and c)
D) b) and c)
View Answer
Option C
A does not give the clear meaning of the
sentences ; B say my notice was drawn to
him for he was a pathan but the sentences
do not mean like this so it is also wrong; D
also unclear.
10. Their father had a large sum of money; He
divided it equally; between them by his
will; Her daughters were eagerly sought in
A) The father having divided a large sum
of money equally between his daughters,
they were eagerly sought in marriage.
B) The father having divided a large sum
of money equally between his daughters,
were eagerly sought in marriage.
C) The girls‘ father had a large sum of
money so he divided them equally between
them by his will and they were eagerly
sought in marriage
D) The father divided a large sum of
money equally between his daughters, so
all were eagerly sought in marriage.
E) None is correct.
View Answer
Option A
All statements except A are unclear and do
not give the accurate meaning.
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. A crow stole a piece of cheese. She flew to
her nest to enjoy the nice meal.
a) Immediately ____________
b) Because of ____________
c) Having_____________
A) both a) and b)
B) all of these.
View Answer
Option C
Having stolen a piece of cheese, a crow
flew to her nest to enjoy the nice meal.
Immediately after stealing a piece of cheese
, a crow flew to her nest to enjoy the nice
2. He was weary of the failure. He emigrated
to Africa.
a) Weary __________.
b) Africa ______________.
c) Failure ______________.
A) a) only
B) b) only
C) c) only
D) none of the three .
View Answer
Option A
Weary of his failure, he emigrated to
3. A passenger alighted from the train. He fell
over a bag on the platform.
a) In spite of ___________.
b) As long as ___________.
c) Just because __________.
A) a) only
B) None of these.
C) c) only
D) b) and c)
View Answer
Option B
4. Some of the greatest rivers in the world
flow from the Himalayas and the Tibetan
plateau. These rivers are essential to
millions of people.
Daily Visit:
a) The rivers ___________.
b) Himalayas ___________.
c) Essential ____________.
A) a) and c)
B) a) only
C) c) only
D) a) and b )
A) a) and b)
B) c) only
C) None of the three.
D) b) and c)
View Answer
Option C
View Answer
Option A
The rivers which are some of the greatest
rivers in the world flow from the
Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau are
essential to millions of people.
Essential to millions of people , some of the
greatest rivers in the world flow from the
Himalayas and the Tibetan plateau.
7. He gave up his situation. He was not
satisfied with his salary.
a) Unsatisfied ___________.
b) Not having ______________.
c) gave up ______________.
A) all the three.
B) a) and b)
C) b) and c)
D) a) only
View Answer
5. Processed food is now much better than it
was when I was a child. Then it didn‘t have
much taste and it had a strange texture.
a) Processed ______________.
b) Much taste_______________.
c) Far better ______________.
A) b) only
B) c) only
C) None of these.
D) a) only
View Answer
Option D
Processed food that didn‘t have much taste
and also had strange texture when I was a
child has much better taste nowadays.
6. Last year, a police undercover operation
against environmental activists went badly
wrong. The undercover policeman who was
working on the operation gave important
information to the police
a) because ________________.
b) just because_____________.
c) last year , the undercover policeman
Option B
Unsatisfied with his salary , he gave up the
Not having been satisfied with his salary he
gave up his situation.
8. Ethical shoppers are not only interested in
price and quality when they buy products.
They also want to know about the ethical
standards of the companies that produce
those products
a) Not only ___________.
b) To know ____________.
c) Unless they know
A) all the three.
B) b) and c)
C) a) and b)
D) a) only
View Answer
Option D
Not only interested to know about price and
quality of the products they buy , ethical
shoppers also want to know about the
Daily Visit:
ethical standards of the companies that
produce those products.
9. Most parents want their children to go to
the best schools and universities. They
know that this is the best way for their
children to have a successful and happy
a) Knowing that their _____________.
b) being best way ______________.
c) Knowing___________________.
A) a) and c)
B) c) only
C) a) and b)
D) none of these.
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: Knowing this to be the best
way for their children to have a successful
and happy life , most parents want their
children to go to the best schools and
10. A lot of people don‘t like wind farms
because they are unattractive. They make
the countryside look horrible
a) look horrible__________.
b) Unattractive__________.
c) Don‘t like ____________.
A) a) and b)
B) all the three.
C) b) and c)
D) none of the three.
View Answer
Option D
Directions (1-10): Select the phrase/connector
from the given three options which can be
used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to
form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. We must finish this exercise. There are still
three sentences.
(i) Yet to finish….
(ii) We have…..
(iii) By finishing…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of the above
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: (ii) We have still three
sentences of this exercise to finish.
2. He was occupied with important matters.
He had no leisure to see visitors.
(i) Being occupied……
(ii) He had
(iii) To see…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) All
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: (i) Being occupied with
important matters, he had no leisure to see
(ii) He had no leisure to see visitors as he
was occupied with important matters
3. She wants to marry a foreigner. Her friend
is opposed to this.
(i) Wanting to…..
(ii) Her friend…..
(iii) Marrying her…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
Daily Visit:
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of the above
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: (ii) Her friend is opposed to
her marrying a foreigner.
4. His father was dead. He had to support his
widowed mother.
(i) His father…..
(ii) Supported by…..
(iii) Being dead…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
E) None of the above
View Answer
Explanation: (i) His father being dead, he
had to support his widowed mother.
5. The river is deep and swift. I am afraid to
dive into it.
(i) I am afraid…..
(ii) The river……
(iii) Being afraid
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
E) Both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
Option E
Explanation: (i) I am afraid to dive into
the river as it is deep and swift.
(ii) The river is deep and swift, so I am
afraid ti dive into it.
6. The two friends quarreled. I want to know
the reason.
(i) Knowing….
(ii) After quarreling…..
(iii) I want….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: (iii) I want to know why the
two friends quarreled.
7. I have seen this man somewhere before. I
cannot remember the place.
(i) Seeing this man…..
(ii) I cannot…..
(iii) Not able to….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: (ii) I cannot remember where
I have seen this man before.
8. He distrusts his own sons. It is difficult to
understand the reason.
(i) Distrusting his….
(ii) It is difficult….
(iii) Being difficult….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: (ii) It is difficult to
understand why he distrusts his own sons.
9. He has many plans for earning money
quickly. All of them have failed.
(i) Many of his…..
(ii) Earning money…..
(iii) All his plans…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
Daily Visit:
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All of these
Option B
Explanation: From (ii): A dog who had
never seen a tiger before met him.
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: (iii) All his plans which he
has for earning money quickly have failed.
10. The fireman came out of the house. The
roof collapsed that very moment.
(i) Coming out…..
(ii) As soon as…..
(iii) Collapsed after…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of the above
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: (ii) As soon as the fireman
came out of the house, the roof collapsed.
Directions (1-10): Select the phrase/connector
from the given three options which can be
used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to
form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. A dog once met a tiger. The dog had never
seen a tiger before.
(i) Never Seeing…
(ii) A dog………
(iii) Meeting a….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) All
View Answer
2. He is short-sighted. Otherwise he is fit for
the post.
(i) Being fit….
(ii) Other than…..
(iii) Except that…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii): Exceot that he is
short- sighted he is fit for the post.
3. The game was lost. It was the consequence
of his carelessness.
(i) The consequence…..
(ii) The game…..
(iii) Being careless…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) Both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
Option E
Explanation: From (i): The consequence
of his carelessness was that the game was
(ii) The game was lost as a consequence of
his carelessness.
4. He fled somewhere. His pursuers could not
follow him.
(i) He fled…..
(ii) Not following…..
(iii) Fleeing somewhere….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
Daily Visit:
E) None of the above
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i): He fled where his
pursuers could not follow him.
5. He was not there. I spoke to his brother for
that reason.
(i) Speaking to…..
(ii) As he was…..
(iii) The reason in……
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
E) All of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii): As he was not
there, I spoke to his brother.
6. I must know all the facts. I cannot help you
(i) Before I……
(ii) Knowing all….
(iii) I cannot…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
E) Both (i) and (iii)
View Answer
Option E
Explanation: From (i) Before I can help
you, I must know all the facts.
(iii) I cannot help you unless I know all the
7. We were nearing some waterfall. It was
evident from the distant roar of water.
(i) It was evident……..
(ii) As nearing…..
(iii) As we neared…..
A) Only (i)
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i): It was evident from
the distant roar of water that we were
nearing some waterfall.
8. Manish made an egg stand on its end. I will
show you his method.
(i) Standing on….
(ii) I will show….
(iii) Making an…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii): I will show you
how Manish made an egg stand on its end.
9. The theft was committed last night. The
man has been caught.
(i) Committed last…..
(ii) The man…..
(iii) Being committed….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) All
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) The man who
committed the theft last night has been
10. The time was six o‘clock. The accident
happened then.
(i) Happening…..
Daily Visit:
(ii) Happened at…..
(iii) The time….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All
C) Only (c)
D) All (a) , (b) and (c).
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Receiving no answer, I knocked on the
door second time.
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii) The time when the
accident happened was six o‘clock.
Directions: Select the phrase/connector from
the given three options which can be used in
the beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. I did not hear his answer. It was spoken
(a) Being spoken___________.
(b) Being not heard___________.
(c) Quietly spoken__________.
A) Only (a) and (c)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (c)
D) All of these.
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
(a) Being spoken quietly , i could not hear
his answer.
(c) Quietly spoken , his answer was not
heard by me .
2. I received no answer. I knocked on the door
a second time.
(a) Because i
(b) Receiving no answer_____________.
(c) A second time knock
A) Only (a)
B) Only (b)
3. Don‘t give me a hard time. We‘ve been
close friends for so long.
(a) Although_____________________.
(b) Since________________________.
(c) Because ________________________.
A) Only (a)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (b) and (c)
D) All (a) , (b) and (c).
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option C
(b) Since we have been close friends for so
long u should not give me a hard time.
(c) Because we have been close friends for
a long time , don‘t give me a hard time.
4. What we‘ve accomplished is a milestone.
Let‘s raise our glasses for a toast.
(a) As we have
(b) Because we have
(c) Since we have
A) Only (a)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (b) and (c)
D) Only (a) and (c)
E) All (a) , (b) and (c)
View Answer
Option E
Daily Visit:
(a) As we have accomplished a milestone
let‘s raise our glasses for a toast.
(b) Because what we have accomplished is
a milestone we should raise our glasses to a
(c) Since we have accomplished a
milestone let‘s raise our glasses for a toast.
5. Your face has scars on it. Your face looks
(a) Although______________________.
(b) Because of _____________________.
(c) In spite of______________________.
A) Only (a)(B) Only (a) and (b)
C) Only (b)
D) Only (a) and (c)
E) All (a) , (b) and (c)
View Answer
Option D
(a) Although you have scar on your face, it
looks friendly
(c) In spite of having scar your face looks
6. The book fell to the floor. It opened to a
page I had never read before.
(a) Since _____________________.
(b) As soon as_________________.
(c) Being_____________________.
A) Only(a)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (c)
D) All (a), (b) and (c)
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
As soon as the book fell to the floor, it
opened to a page I had never read before.
7. Thomas‘ friends seemed so strange. They
were hanging up every time they called.
(a) Seems
(b) Hanging up
(c) Having strange
A) Only(a)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (c)
D) All (a), (b) and (c)
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option B
Hanging up every time they were called,
Thomas‘ friends seemed too strange.
8. They made plans to go. They ended up not
being able to make it.
(a) Because _________________.
(b) Just because______________.
(c) As soon as _______________.
A) Only (a)
B) Only (c)
C) Only (a) and (b)
D) Only ( b) and (c)
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option E
9. A book can be a lot of fun to read. A book
can be boring.
(a) Lot of fun____________________.
(b) Boring _______________________.
(c) Being a book __________________.
A) Only (a)
B) Only (b) and (c)
C) Only ( b)
D) Only ( a) and (b)
E) None of these.
View Answer
Option A
Lot of fun to read, a book can be boring
Daily Visit:
10. We don‘t believe the way you do. Our
culture is very different from yours.
(a) As our __________________________.
(b) Because we don‘t _________________.
(c) Being
A) Only (a)
B) Only (b)
C) Only (a) and (c)
D) Only (c)
E) All (a), (b) and (c)
View Answer
Option C
(a)As our culture is different from yours,
we don‘t think the way you do.
(c)Being our culture different from yours,
we don‘t believe the way you do.
Directions (1-10): Select the phrase/connector
from the given three options which can be
used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to
form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. Mr. Yogi was elected as the Chief Minister.
He is a well-known Sanskrit Scholar.
(i) Being elected as………
(ii) Mr. Yogi a well………
(iii) Being a well-known…………
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) All
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) Mr. Yogi, a wellknown Sanskrit Scholar was elected as the
Chief Minister
2. The Gitanjali is the most famous work of
Tagore. It is a collection of short poems.
(i) Tagore‘s most famous………
(ii) The Gitanjali…….
(iii) Being a collection of……………
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) (i) and (ii)
E) All
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: From (i) Tagore‘s most
famous work is the Gitanjali, is a collection
of short poems
From (ii) The Gitanjali, a collection of
short poems, is the most famous work of
3. He must confess his fault. He may thus
escape punishment.
(i) Confess his fault……..
(ii) escaping punishment……….
(iii) He may escape………
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Only (i) and (ii)
E) None
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii) He may escape
punishment by confessing his fault.
4. He has a good record. It is impossible to
suspect such a man.
(i) It is impossible…………
(ii) to suspect a man………
(iii) A good record………..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: From (i) It is impossible to
Daily Visit:
suspect a man with such a good
From (ii) – To suspect a man who has such
a good record is impossible
5. Even a bird will defend its young ones. It
then shows great courage.
(i) Shows great courage………..
(ii) Even a young……….
(iii) Even a bird………
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All
E) None
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii) Even a bird shows
great courage in defending its young ones.
6. There was a want of provisions. The
garrison could hold out no longer.
(i) For a want…………
(ii) Wanting of provisions………
(iii) Hold out no longer……….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) None
E) Only (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i) For a want of
provisions the garrison could hold out no
7. He is free from disease. At least he appears
to be so.
(i) Appearing to be……
(ii) At least in appearance………
(iii) free from disease……….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Only (i) and (ii)
E) Only (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) At least in
appearance he is free from disease.
8. It was a very hot day. I could not do my
work satisfactorily.
(i) It being a very……
(ii) Not able to do……….
(iii) Unable to do………..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) None
E) All
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: (i) It being a very hot day, I
could not do my work satisfactorily.
9. The information is of no use to us. It has
come too late.
(i) As the information………
(ii) No use to us………..
(iii) The information has………..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) (i) and (iii)
E) All
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: From (i) As the information
has come too late, it is of no use to us.
From (iii) The information has come too
late to be of any use to us.
10. You did not invest all your savings in one
concern. You were Prudent.
(i) You were prudent………….
(ii) With the prudent……….
(iii) In one concern………..
A) Only (i)
Daily Visit:
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Only (i) and (ii)
E) None
Option A
Explanation: From (i) Seeing the
uselessness of violence they changed their
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i): You were prudent
not to invest all your savings in one
Directions (1-10): Select the phrase/connector
from the given three options which can be
used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to
form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. He was unwilling to go any further. He
returned home.
(i) Returning home….
(ii) Unwilling to go…..
(iii) To go any further…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) Unwilling to go
any further, he returned home.
2. They saw the uselessness of violence. They
changed their policy.
(i) Seeing the uselessness….
(ii) Changing their policy….
(iii) See the uselessness…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of these
View Answer
3. He lost a large sum of money. He gave up
(i) Giving up speculation…..
(ii) Large sum of….
(iii) Loosing a large….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii) Loosing a large
sum of money, he gave up speculation
4. The hunter took up his gun. He went out to
shoot the lion.
(i) Taking up his…..
(ii) Took his gun….
(iii) Shooting the lion…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i) Taking up his gun,
the hunter went out to shoot the lion
5. A crow stole a piece of cheese. She flew to
her nest to enjoy the tasty meal.
(i) Flying to steal…..
(ii) Stealing a piece…..
(iii) Enjoying the tasty……
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All
E) None of these
Daily Visit:
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) Stealing a piece of
cheese, a crow flew to her nest to enjoy the
tasty meal.
6. My sister was charmed with the silk. She
bought ten yards.
(i) Buying ten yards….
(ii) After charming….
(iii) Charmed with the……
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All
E) None of these
View Answer
Option C
Explanation: From (iii) Charmed with the
silk my sister bought ten yards.
7. The letter was badly written. I had great
difficulty in making out its content.
(i) The letter having…..
(ii) Having great difficulty…..
(iii) Making out the content…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option D
Explanation: From (i) The letter having
been badly written, I had great difficult in
making out its content.
From (iii) Making out the content of the
letter was difficult for me as it was badly
8. I was walking along the street one day. I
saw a dead snake.
(i) Walking along…..
(ii) Walking with…..
(iii) Seeing a dead…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option A
Explanation: From (i) Walking along the
street one day, I saw a dead snake.
9. Neeraj lost the favour of his master. He was
dismissed from his high offices.
(i) Lost the….
(ii) Having lost….
(iii) Dismissed from his…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) Having lost the
favour of his master, Neeraj was dismissed
from his high offices.
10. He was occupied with important matters.
He had no leisure to see visitors.
(i) No leisure to see…..
(ii) Being occupied…..
(iii) Occupying important matters….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of these
View Answer
Option B
Explanation: From (ii) Being occupied
with important matters he had no leisure to
see visitors.
Directions (1-5): Select the phrase/connector
from the given three options which can be
Daily Visit:
used in the beginning (to start the sentence) to
form a single sentence from the two sentences
given below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
1. Madurai junction remained isolated from
the national railway network for four days.
It came alive on Monday evening after all
train services from the city in south and
north directions were operated in regular
(i) After remaining isolated from…..
(ii) Coming alive on Monday Madurai
(iii) All train services from the city in……
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All
View Answer
E) None
View Answer
Option C
In the first attack on security forces in the
northeast by militants this year, two jawans
were killed.
3. Two people succumbed to injuries after
being gored by bulls in Jallikattu. This
comes a day after Tamil Nadu Governor
promulgated an Ordinance for Jallikattu.
(i) Coming a day after…..
(ii) A day after Tamil Nadu …….
(iii) Injured by bulls…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All
E) None
Option D
After remaining isolated from the national
railway network for four days, Madurai
junction came alive on Monday evening
after all train services from the city in south
and north directions were operated in
regular route.
All train services from the city in south and
north direction were operated in regular
route in Madurai junction as it came alive
on Monday evening after remaining
isolated from the national railway network
for four days.
2. Two jawans of the Assam Rifles were
killed by militants. This is the first attack
on security forces in the northeast by
militants this year.
(i) Killing by militants……
(ii) Assam rifles security forces…..
(iii) In the first attack on security…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
A day after Tamil Nadu Governor
promulgated an Ordinance for Jallikattu,
two people succumbed to injury after being
gorged by bulls.
4. The UK government is set to announce a
£170 million project to set up a special
maths and technology institutes. It is a part
of post-Brexit plan.
(i) A special maths and technology……
(ii) Announcement of a £170 million
(iii) As a part of post-Brexit…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Daily Visit:
Option C
Option A
As a part of post-Brexit plan, the UK
government is set to announce a £170
million project to set up a special maths
and technology institutes.
This hotel has the vest rooms in town
however, its staff are quite rude.
However is used to introduce a statement
which is in contradiction to the previously
said statement.
5. The new banks are offering higher rates on
savings deposits than those of commercial
banks. Their lending rates would also be
higher than those of commercial banks.
(i) While the new banks are offering…..
(ii) Higher rates on savings deposits…..
(iii) The lower interest rates of commercial
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None
7. Statement :
1. Sachin Tendulkar made a century.
2. He was not well.
(i) Even though
(ii) However
(iii) Although
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All
View Answer
View Answer
Option D
Option A
While the new banks are offering higher
rates on savings deposits, their lending
rates would also be higher than those of
commercial banks.
Directions (6-10): Select the connectors which
can connect the two sentences given in each of
the following question.
6. Statement :
1. This hotel has the best rooms in town.
2. Its staff are quite rude.
(i) However
(ii) Even though
(iii) Apart
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All three
E) None
View Answer
Even though/Although – used for despite/in
spite of.
Even though Sachin Tendulkar was not
well, he made a century OR Sachin
Tendulkar made a century Even though he
was not well. (Notice that when Even
though is used in the first statement then
the second statement must begin with a
comma(,) however there is no need of
comma when even though is used in second
Alhough Sachin Tendulkar was not well, he
made a century OR Sachin Tendulkar made
a century Although he was not well.
8. Statement :
1. Cricketers‘ salary has risen substantially.
2. Ground staffs‘ pay has actually fallen.
(i) Whereas
(ii) On the one hand…… On the other hand
(iii) Despite
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
Daily Visit:
E) All
View Answer
Option D
Whereas – used for comparing two things,
people, situations etc and showing that
there is an important difference between
Cricketers‘ salary has risen substantially
whereas ground staffs‘ pay has actually
On the one hand Cricketers‘ salary has
risen substantially on the other hand ground
staffs‘ pay has actually fallen.
10. Statement :
1. This food is very tasty.
2. That food is quite tasteless.
(i) While
(ii) Whereas
(iii) yet
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Both (i) and (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option D
This food is very tasty whereas that food is
quite tasteless.
This food is very tasty while that food is
quite tasteless.
9. Statement :
1. He is clever.
2. He is handsome.
(i) Moreover
(ii) Therefore
(iii) Furthermore
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All
Select the phrase/connector from the given
three options which can be used in the
beginning (to start the sentence) to form a
single sentence from the two sentences given
below, implying the same meaning as
expressed in the statement sentences.
View Answer
Option D
Moreover and Furthermore – besides/in
addition to – both are Conjunctive Adverbs.
When conjunctive adverb connects two
independent clauses in one sentence, it is
preceded by a semicolon and followed by a
Example : He is clever; moreover, he is
handsome AND He is clever ;furthermore,
he is handsome.
If a conjunctive adverb is used in any other
position in a sentence, it is set off by
Example : Moreover, it has been obserbed
that boiling the water kills the germ.
1. Consumers turned cautious following the
Centre‘s demonetisation move. There was a
slowdown in Fast moving consumer goods.
(i) Fast moving consumer goods companies
(ii) Lately the consumers turned…..
(iii) Due to Centre‘s demonetization…..
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (iii)
(C) Only (ii)
(D) Both (i) and (iii)
(E) All
View Answer
Option D
Fast moving consumer goods companies
witnessed a slowdown as Consumers
turned cautious following the Centre‘s
demonetisation move.
Due to Centre‘s demonetization move there
was a slowdown in Fast moving consumer
Daily Visit:
goods as the consumers turned cautious.
2. Payments banks and small finance banks
have differentiated nature of business. RBI
had issued a separate operating guidelines
for them.
(i) In view of differentiated nature…….
(ii) Since RBI has issued……
(iii) Operating guidelines has been
(A) Only (i)
(B) Only (iii)
(C) Both (i) and (ii)
(D) Both (i) and (iii)
(E) Only (ii)
reached new heights.
4. Dhoni has led his team in most number of
matches as a captain. Ricky Ponting is
second in the list.
(i) No other captain has led his
(ii) Apart from Ricky Ponting………….
(iii) Being a captain Dhoni………
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (ii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
E) All
View Answer
View Answer
Option A
In view of differentiated nature of business
of payment banks and small finance banks
RBI had issued a separate operating
guidelines for them.
3. Government introduced inking and stopped
over-the-counter exchange of invalid
denomination notes within a fortnight.
Otherwise money laundering would have
reached new heights.
(i) Even though the government
(ii) Even though the money laundering
have reached……
(iii) Had the Government not
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Both (i) and (ii)
D) Only (iii)
E) All
View Answer
Option D
Had the Government not introduced inking
and stopped over-the-counter exchange of
invalid denomination notes within a
fortnight money laundering would have
Option D
No other captain has led his team in more
international matches than Dhoni with
Ricky Ponting being the second in the list
Being a captain Dhoni has led his team in
most number of matches while Ricky
Ponting is second in the list.
5. Lenskart plans to set up 8-10 satellite
manufacturing units in the country. It will
bring down the time of delivery of
(i) By setting up…..
(ii) To bring down the……
(iii) Delivery of spectacles…..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) All
E) Both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
Option E
By setting up 8-10 satellite manufacturing
hubs in the country, Lenskart will bring
down the time of delivery of spectacles.
To bring down the time of delivery of
spectacles Lenskart plans to set up 8-10
satellite manufacturing units in the country.
Daily Visit:
6. Rajeev will contribute immensely in
accelerating our growth journey . He has a
vast experience across a range of
developing markets.
(i) With his contribution……
(ii) With his vast experience across…….
(iii) Accelerating our growth journey……..
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (i) and (iii)
View Answer
Option B
With his vast experience across a range of
developing markets, Rajeev will contribute
immensely in accelerating our growth
7. The government and RBI are focusing on
rural areas. It is to ensure that the cash
problem is resolved in the rural area.
(i) The government‘s and RBI‘s focus on
rural areas………
(ii) To ensure that the …….
(iii) While the rural area……
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option D
The government‘s and RBI‘s focus on rural
areas is to ensure that the cash problem is
resolved there.
To ensure that the cash problem is resolved
in the rural area the government and RBI
are focusing on them.
8. The government may hike deduction limit
on interest paid on home loans. It aims to
boost demand in the housing sector.
(i) Aiming to boost……..
(ii) Deduction limit aims to………
(iii) Demand in housing sector……….
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) None of them
View Answer
Option A
Aiming to boost demand in the housing
sector, the government may hike deduction
limit for interest paid on home loans.
9. Poultry exports to Saudi Arabia contribute
less than 1% of India‘s Poultry industry.
The Impact of Saudi Arabia‘s ban may not
be significant.
(i) With poultry exports
(ii) Poultry export may not be
(iii) Saudi Arabia‘s banning on poultry
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) None
E) All
View Answer
Option A
With poultry exports contributing to less
than 1% of India‘s Poultry industry, the
Impact of Saudi Arabia‘s ban may not be
10. Hero MotorCorp reported a 34 per cent
drop in two wheeler sales. As a result the
stock of the company was down by 1.4 per
(i) By bringing down the stock by……….
(ii) The Hero MotorCorp stock was
(iii) Since the stock…………
A) Only (i)
Daily Visit:
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
E) All
Option B
It is difficult to drive for it is foggy outside
View Answer
Option B
The Hero MotorCorp stock was down 1.4
per cent, after the company reported a 34
per cent drop in two-wheeler sale.
Select the connectors which can connect the
two sentences given in each of the following
1. Statement:
1. He is kind
2. She is cruel.
(i) whereas
(ii) but
(iii) while
A) only (i)
B) only (ii)
C) only (iii)
D) All
View Answer
Option D
He is kind whereas she is cruel.
He is kind but she is cruel.
He is kind while she is cruel.
2. Statement:
1. It is difficult to drive.
2.It is foggy outside.
(i) but
(ii) for
(iii) even though
A) only (i)
B) only (ii)
C) only (iii)
D) both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
3. Statement:
1. It is cold outside
2. I will wear a jacket.
(i) so
(ii) for
(iii) however
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
Option A
It is cold outside so I will wear a jacket.
4. Statement:
1. We can travel by bus.
2. We can travel by car
(i) as well as
(ii) yet
(iii) Either – or
A) only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
View Answer
Option D
We can travel by bus as well as by car.
Either we can travel by bus or by car.
5. Statement:
1. She was fined.
2. She was sent to police custody.
(i) and
(ii) yet
(iii) since
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
Daily Visit:
View Answer
Option A
She was fined and sent to police custody
6. Statement:
1. We were in the same party.
2. We did not talk
(i) Even though -yet
(ii) Either or
(iii) because
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (ii)
View Answer
Option D
View Answer
Option A
Even though we were in the same party, yet
we did not talk.
7. Statement:
1. He likes her.
2. She hates him.
(i) but
(ii) because
(iii) since
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
(iii) whereas
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
9. Statement:
1. My phone was ringing.
2. I was driving.
(i) if
(ii) but
(iii) while
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (ii) and (iii)
View Answer
Option C
10. Statement:
1. The teacher was loud.
2. The teacher was unclear.
(i) but
(ii) that
(iii) else
A) Only (i)
B) Only (ii)
C) Only (iii)
D) Both (i) and (iii)
Option A
8. Statement:
1. The dog is larger.
2. The fox is smaller.
(i) as
(ii) while
View Answer
Option A
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1000 Sentence
Correction Questions
With Solution
Note : Answers are given in
blue color mentioning the
correct option in ( ) bracket.
Visit Daily
1. A “calendar stick” carved centuries ago by the Winnebago tribe may provide the first
evidence that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year
calendars basing them on systematic astronomical observation.
(A) that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year calendars
basing them
(B) of the North American Indians who have developed advanced full-year
calendars and based them
(C) of the development of advanced full-year calendars by North American Indians,
basing them
(D) of the North American Indians and their development of advanced full-year
calendars based(E)
(E) that the North American Indians developed advanced full-year calendars based
2. A 1972 agreement between Canada and the United States reduced the amount of
phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump into the Great Lakes.
(A) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allowed to dump
(B) reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(C) reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allowed to dump
(D) reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allowed to
(E) reduces the amount of phosphates allowed for dumping by municipalities
3. A collection of 38 poems by Phillis Wheatley, a slave, was published in the 1770’s,
the first book by a Black woman and it was only the second published by an
American woman.
(A) it was only the second published by an American woman
(B) it was only the second that an American woman published
(C) the second one only published by an American woman
(D) the second one only that an American woman published(E)
(E) only the second published by an American woman
4. A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment, a consequence of sitting too
close to large jet engines for long periods of time.
(A) a consequence of sitting too close to large jet engines for long periods of time
(B) a consequence from sitting for long periods of time too near to large jet engines
(C) a consequence which resulted from sitting too close to large jet engines for long
periods of time
(D) damaged from sitting too near to large jet engines for long periods of time
(E) damaged because they sat too close to large jet engines for long periods of time
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5. A controversial figure throughout most of his public life, the Black leader Marcus
Garvey advocated that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him,
symbolized the possibility of freedom.
(A) that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him, symbolized the
possibility of freedom
(B) that some Blacks return to the African land symbolizing the possibility of
freedom to him
(C) that some Blacks return to Africa which was the land which symbolized the
possibility of freedom to him
(D) some Black’s returning to Africa which was the land that to him symbolized the
possibility of freedom(A)
(E) some Black’s return to the land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him,
6. A fire in an enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation that preheats the
fuel, making ignition much easier and flames spreading more quickly.
(A) flames spreading
(B) flame spreads
(C) flames are caused to spread
(D) causing flames to spread(D)
(E) causing spreading of the flames
7. A firm that specializes in the analysis of handwriting claims from a one-page writing
sample that it can assess more than three hundred personality traits, including
enthusiasm, imagination, and ambition.
(A) from a one-page writing sample that it can assess
(B) from a one-page writing sample it has the ability of assessing
(C) the ability, from a one-page writing sample, of assessing
(D) to be able, from a one-page writing sample, to assess(D)
(E) being able to assess, from a one-page writing sample,
8. A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the
Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, believed to be the largest flying creature
the world has ever seen.
(A) believed to be
(B) and that is believed to be
(C) and it is believed to have been
(D) which was, it is believed,(C)
(E) which is believed to be
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9. A Labor Department study states that the numbers of women employed outside the
home grew by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and
accounted for more than sixty-two percent of the total growth in the civilian work
(A) numbers of women employed outside the home grew by more than a thirty-five
percent increase
(B) numbers of women employed outside the home grew more than thirty-five
(C) numbers of women employed outside the home were raised by more than thirtyfive percent
(D) number of women employed outside the home increased by more than thirtyfive percent(D)
(E) number of women employed outside the home was raised by more than a thirtyfive percent increase
10. A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost new
construction dollars by several billion dollars, making the construction industry’s
economic health much more robust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five
years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than
five years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it
was five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than five
years ago(C)
(E) in making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than it
as five years ago
11. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the
first Black students at Yale Law School.
(A) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn were published,
(B) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year of publication as The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
(C) A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year that The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn was published,
(D) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year as he published The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn that(C)
(E) Mark Twain wrote a letter in the same year of publication as The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn that
12. A little under a million years ago, the briny waters of the Baltic Sea began flooding
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into the cold North Atlantic: geologists are still debating whether the flood was
gradual or created a cataclysm.
(A) whether the flood was gradual or created a cataclysm
(B) if the flood was gradual or created a cataclysm
(C) about whether the flood was gradual or cataclysmic
(D) whether the flood was gradual or cataclysmic(D)
(E) whether the flood was gradual or it created a cataclysm
13. A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as
unsafe at present but that they will, or could, be made sufficiently safe in the future.
(A) that they will, or could,
(B) that they would, or could,
(C) they will be or could
(D) think that they will be or could(D)
(E) think the power stations would or could
14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head, lasts for hours or days, and may
recur as infrequently as once every other month or often, as daily.
(A) as infrequently as once every other month or often, as
(B) as infrequently as once every other month or as often as
(C) infrequently, as often as once every other month, or often, like
(D) infrequently, like once every other month, or often, like(B)
(E) infrequently, like once every other month, or as often as
15. A new phenomena, which is visible at Managua’s major intersections, are waves of
vendors and beggars, which include many children and mob cars at the stoplights.
(A) A new phenomena, which is visible at Managua’s major intersections, are waves
of vendors and beggars, which include many children and
(B) Visible at Managua’s major intersections are waves of vendors and beggars with
many children, new phenomena that
(C) A new phenomenon visible at Managua’s major intersections is waves of
vendors and beggars, many of them children, who
(D) Phenomenally new waves of vendors, beggars, and many children are visible at
Managua’s major intersections, which(C)
(E) A wave of vendors and beggars, many of whom are children, are visible at
Managua’s major intersections, where they are a new phenomenon and
16. A number of linguists contend that all of the thousands of languages spoken by the
world’s five billion people can be traced back to a common root language.
(A) that all of the thousands of languages spoken by the world’s five billion people
can be traced
(B) that the world’s five billion people speak thousands of languages of which all
can be traced
(C) the world’s five billion people speak thousands of languages which are all
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(D) all of the thousands of languages spoken by the world’s five billion people to be
(E) the ability to trace all of the thousands of languages that are spoken by the
world’s five billion people
17. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice will find it difficult to prove damage if
there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.
(A) if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify
(B) unless there will be another doctor to testify
(C) without another doctor’s testimony
(D) should there be no testimony from some other doctor(C)
(E) lacking another doctor to testify
18. A peculiar feature of the embryonic mammalian circulatory system is that in the area
of the heart the cells adhere to one another, beating in unison and adopting
specialized orientations exclusive of one another.
(A) beating in unison and adopting
(B) they beat in unison while adopting
(C) beat in unison, and adopt
(D) beating in unison yet adopting(D)
(E) even though they beat in unison and adopt
19. A President entering the final two years of a second term is likely to be at a severe
disadvantage and is often unable to carry out a legislative program.
(A) likely to be at a severe disadvantage and is often unable to
(B) likely severely disadvantaged and often unable to
(C) liable to be severely disadvantaged and cannot often
(D) liable that he or she is at a severe disadvantage and cannot often(A)
(E) at a severe disadvantage, often likely to be unable that he or she can
20. A prolific architect who worked from the turn of the century until the late 1950’s,
Julia Morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in California, perhaps most notably
William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon.
(A) Julia Morgan designed nearly 800 buildings in California, perhaps most notably
William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon
(B) perhaps the most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by
Julia Morgan was William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San
(C) of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by Julia Morgan, perhaps the
most notable was William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon
(D) nearly 800 buildings in California were designed by Julia Morgan, of which
William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon is perhaps the
most notable(A)
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(E) William Randolph Hearst’s monumental estate at San Simeon is perhaps the
most notable of the nearly 800 buildings in California designed by Julia
21. A proposal has been made to trim the horns from rhinoceroses to discourage
poachers; the question is whether tourists will continue to visit game parks and see
rhinoceroses after their horns are trimmed.
(A) whether tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after
their horns are
(B) whether tourists will continue to visit game parks to see one once their horns are
(C) whether tourists will continue to visit game parks to see rhinoceroses once the
animals’ horns have been
(D) if tourists will continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses once the
animals’ horns are(C)
(E) if tourists will continue to visit game parks to see one after the animals’ horns
have been
22. A recent national study of the public schools shows that there are now one
microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many than there were four
years ago.
(A) there are now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as
many than there were
(B) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many
than there were
(C) there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils, four times as many
as there were
(D) every thirty-two pupils now have one microcomputer, four times as many than
there were(C)
(E) every thirty-two pupils now has one microcomputer, four times as many as
23. A recent New York Times editorial criticized the city’s election board for, first of all,
failing to replace outmoded voting machines prone to breakdowns, and secondarily,
for their failure to investigate allegations of corruption involving board members.
(A) secondarily, for their failure to
(B) secondly, for their failure to
(C) secondly, that they failed and did not
(D) second, that they failed to(E)
(E) second, for failing to
24. A recent study has found that within the past few years, many doctors had elected
early retirement rather than face the threats of lawsuits and the rising costs of
malpractice insurance.
(A) had elected early retirement rather than face
(B) had elected early retirement instead of facing
(C) have elected retiring early instead of facing
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(D) have elected to retire early rather than facing(E)
(E) have elected to retire early rather than face
25. A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided new evidence supporting the
theory of global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact that contributed to the
extinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 65 million years ago.
(A) supporting the theory of global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact that
(B) supporting the theory that global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact
(C) that supports the theory of global forest fires that were ignited by a meteorite
impact and that
(D) in support of the theory that global forest fires were ignited by a meteorite
impact and that(B)
(E) of support for the theory of a meteorite impact that ignited global forest fires and
26. A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval
Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it
(A) A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval
Office that
(B) So secret was a recording system installation and operation in the Kennedy Oval
(C) It was so secret that a recording system was installed and operated in the
Kennedy Oval Office
(D) A recording system that was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy
Oval Office(A)
(E) Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording
system that
27. A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded
that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are
exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.
(A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are
exposed comes
(B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are exposed to
(C) much of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans are
exposed to comes
(D) many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are
exposed to come(E)
(E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are
exposed come
28. A representative of the Women’s Bureau of the United States Department of Labor
contends that employers who offer benefits which permit that employees can balance
home and work responsibilities better, realizing gains in attendance, recruiting, and
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(A) which permit that employees can balance home and work responsibilities better,
(B) which permit employees balancing home and work responsibilities better will
(C) that permit employees to balance the responsibilities of home and work better
will realize
(D) that permit employees a better balance between the responsibilities of home and
work, thus realizing(C)
(E) such that employees are permitted a balance between home and work
responsibilities, and they will realize
29. A shy, religious-minded publisher who had married a duke’s daughter, Harold
Macmillan’s rise to the position of Prime Minister in 1957 surprised many, though
Churchill had since the 1930s been extolling Macmillan’s courage.
(A) Harold Macmillan’s rise to the position of Prime Minister in 1957 surprised
(B) Harold Macmillan’s rise in 1957 to the position of Prime Minister surprised
(C) Harold Macmillan’s becoming Prime Minister in 1957 surprised many
(D) Harold Macmillan surprised many by rising to the position of Prime Minister in
(E) the position of Prime Minister attained by Harold Macmillan in 1957 surprised
30. A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is
considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, though it is virtually
unavailable outside Yokohama.
(A) A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is
considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, though it is
virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.
(B) Considered to be a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, genmai-cha is a
special green tea that contains brown rice, virtually unavailable outside
(C) A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is
considered a gourmet delicacy by most Japanese, though it is virtually
unavailable outside Yokohama.
(D) Most Japanese consider genmai-cha, a special green tea which contains brown
rice, as a delicacy virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.(C)
(E) Though virtually unavailable outside Yokohama, most Japanese consider
genmai-cha, a special green tea that contains brown rice, a gourmet delicacy.
31. A star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after it
passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass.
(A) A star will compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole after
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it passes through a red giant stage, depending on mass.
(B) After passing through a red giant stage, depending on its mass, a star will
compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.
(C) After passing through a red giant stage, a star’s mass will determine if it
compresses itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.
(D) Mass determines whether a star, after passing through the red giant stage, will
compress itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.(D)
(E) The mass of a star, after passing through the red giant stage, will determine
whether it compresses itself into a white dwarf, a neutron star, or a black hole.
32. A study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture showed that if calves
exercise and associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain
weight quicker than do those raised in confinement.
(A) associated with other calves, they will require less medication and gain weight
quicker than do
(B) associated with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight
quicker than
(C) associate with other calves, they required less medication and will gain weight
quicker than do
(D) associate with other calves, they have required less medication and will gain
weight more quickly than do(E)
(E) associate with other calves, they require less medication and gain weight more
quickly than
33. A substance derived from the Madagascar periwinkle, which has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, is cultivated in China as part of
a program to integrate traditional herbal medicine into a contemporary system of
health care.
(A) A substance derived from the Madagascar periwinkle, which has proved useful
in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients,
(B) A derivative, which has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young
leukemia patients, of the Madagascar periwinkle,
(C) A Madagascar periwinkle derivative, which has proved useful in decreasing
mortality among young leukemia patients,
(D) The Madagascar periwinkle has a derivative which has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients, that(E)
(E) The Madagascar periwinkle, a derivative of which has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients,
34. A wildlife expert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern
Minnesota would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is
more numerous than one wolf for every 39 square miles.
(A) would fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is more
numerous than
(B) would fail provided the density of the timber wolf population in that region is
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more than
(C) should fail if the timber wolf density in that region was greater than
(D) will fail if the density of the timber wolf population in that region is greater
(E) will fail if the timber wolf density in that region were more numerous than
35. According to a panel of health officials, there has been a great deal of confusion in
the medical profession about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious
health risks or a condition more related to appearance than to health.
(A) about whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a
condition more related to appearance than to
(B) with respect to obesity being a biological disorder posing serious health risks or
if it is related more to appearance than
(C) over whether or not obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or
it is a condition more related to appearance than to
(D) about obesity and if it is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a
condition related to appearance more than to(A)
(E) concerning whether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or
it is a condition related to appearance more than
36. According to a recent poll, owning and living in a freestanding house on its own land
is still a goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations.
(A) like that of earlier generations
(B) as that for earlier generations
(C) just as earlier generations did
(D) as have earlier generations(E)
(E) as it was of earlier generations
37. According to a recent study by Rutgers University, the number of women in state
legislatures has grown in every election since 1968.
(A) the number of women in state legislatures has grown
(B) the number of women who are in state legislatures have grown
(C) there has been growth in the number of women in state legislatures
(D) a growing number of women have been in state legislatures(A)
(E) women have been growing in number in state legislatures
38. According to a recent study, the elderly in the United States are four times more
likely to give regular financial aid to their children as to receive it from them.
(A) the elderly in the United States are four times more likely to give regular
financial aid to their children as
(B) the elderly in the United States are four times as likely to give regular financial
aid to their children as it is for them
(C) the elderly in the United States are four times more likely to give regular
financial aid to their children than
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(D) it is four times more likely for the elderly in the United States to give regular
financial aid to their children than they are(C)
(E) it is four times as likely that the elderly in the United States will give their
children regular financial aid as they are
39. According to a ruling by the state supreme court, the owner of polluted land is liable
for the cleanup of the property even if the owner did not have the responsibility that
pollution occurred before the title changed hands.
(A) the owner did not have the responsibility that pollution
(B) the owner is not responsible for pollution that
(C) it was not the owner’s responsibility that pollution would have
(D) the responsibility of the owner is not that pollution(B)
(E) the responsibility was not the owner’s that pollution would have
40. According to a study by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching,
companies in the United States are providing job training and general education for
nearly eight million people, about equivalent to the enrollment of the nation’s fouryear colleges and universities.
(A) equivalent to the enrollment of
(B) the equivalent of those enrolled in
(C) equal to those who are enrolled in
(D) as many as the enrollment of(E)
(E) as many as are enrolled in
41. According to a study published by Dr. Myrna Weissman, only one percent of
Americans born before 1905 had suffered major depression by the age of seventyfive; of those born since 1955, six percent had become depressed by age twenty-four.
(A) only one percent of Americans born before 1905 had suffered major depression
by the age of seventy-five; of those born since 1955, six percent had become
depressed by age twenty-four
(B) only one percent of Americans born before 1905 suffer major depression by the
age of seventy-five; if they are born since 1955, six percent become depressed
by age twenty-four
(C) of Americans born before 1905, only one percent of them have suffered major
depression by age seventy-five, but six percent of those born since 1955 do by
the age of twenty-four
(D) major depression is suffered by the age of seventy-five by only one percent of
Americans born before 1905, and by age twenty-four by the six percent born
since 1955(A)
(E) Americans born before 1905 suffer major depression by the age of seventy-five
only one percent of the time, but six percent of those born since 1955 did so by
age twenty-four
42. According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the Association
of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearly four times more likely
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than are other graduates in planning to practice in socioeconomically deprived areas.
(A) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates in
planning to practice
(B) minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates who
plan on practicing
(C) minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan on
(D) it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other
graduates will plan to practice(C)
(E) it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to
plan to practice
43. According to Booker T. Whatley’s recent analysis, planting the same crops as are
planted on large farms will lead to economic disaster for the small farmer, who
should plan a succession of high-value crops that will provide a year-round cash
(A) planting the same crops as are planted on large farms will lead to economic
disaster for the small farmer, who
(B) it will lead to economic disaster for the small farmer to plant the same crops as
on the large farms; they
(C) economic disaster will result from planting the same crops as large farms to the
small farmer, who
(D) economic disaster for the small farmer will result from planting the same crops
as on the large farms; they(A)
(E) the small farmer planting the same crops as are planted on large farms will lead
to economic disaster; they
44. According to Henry David Thoreau, the reason a majority is allowed to rule is not
that it is more likely to be right, but because it is stronger.
(A) the reason a majority is allowed to rule is not that it is more likely to be right,
but because it is stronger
(B) a majority is allowed to rule not because it is more likely to be right, but because
it is stronger
(C) the reason for majority rule is not because they are more likely to be right, they
are stronger
(D) the majority is allowed to rule because of its strength, not because it is more
likely to be right(B)
(E) the reason why the majority rules is that it is strong, not because it is likely to be
45. According to his own account, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue
of Liberty, modeled the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his
(A) modeled the face of the statue like his mother’s and the body like his wife’s
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(B) modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that of
his wife
(C) modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like his wife
(D) made the face of the statue after his mother and the body after his wife(B)
(E) made the face of the statue look like his mother and the body look like his wife
46. According to Interstudy, a nonprofit organization that studies health maintenance
organizations (HMO’s), they estimate that, in comparison to last year, when only 36
percent of the nation’s 607 HMO’s was profitable, this year 73 percent will be.
(A) they estimate that, in comparison to last year, when only 36 percent of the
nation’s 607 HMO’s was profitable, this year 73 percent will be
(B) compared to only 36 percent of the nation’s 607 HMO’s being profitable last
year, they estimate 73 percent would be this year
(C) only 36 percent of the nation’s 607 HMO’s were profitable last year; it estimates
that this year 73 percent will be
(D) it estimates 73 percent of the nation’s 607 HMO’s would be profitable this year;
last year that was only 36 percent(C)
(E) only 36 percent of the nation’s 607 HMO’s last year were profitable, whereas
they estimate it this year to be 73 percent
47. According to scientists at the University of California, the pattern of changes that
have occurred in human DNA over the millennia indicate the possibility that
everyone alive today might be descended from a single female ancestor who lived in
Africa sometime between 140,000 and 280,000 years ago.
(A) indicate the possibility that everyone alive today might be descended from a
single female ancestor who
(B) indicate that everyone alive today might possibly be a descendant of a single
female ancestor who had
(C) may indicate that everyone alive today has descended from a single female
ancestor who had
(D) indicates that everyone alive today may be a descendant of a single female
ancestor who(D)
(E) indicates that everyone alive today might be a descendant from a single female
ancestor who
48. According to some analysts, whatever its merits, the proposal to tax away all capital
gains on short-term investments would, if enacted, have a disastrous effect on Wall
Street trading and employment.
(A) its merits, the proposal to tax
(B) its merits may be, the proposal of taxing
(C) its merits as a proposal, taxing
(D) the proposal’s merits, to tax(A)
(E) the proposal’s merits are, taxing
49. According to some economists, Japan is in danger of plunging into a depression that,
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with double-digit unemployment, could severely strain a society that regards lifetime
employment as a virtual right of citizenship.
(A) that, with double-digit unemployment, could severely strain
(B) that, because of double-digit unemployment, could be a severe strain for
(C) with double-digit unemployment, and it could severely strain
(D) with double-digit unemployment and could be a severe strain(A)
(E) with double-digit unemployment and could severely strain
50. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment so that it was the
lowest in two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is
(A) so that it was the lowest in two years
(B) so that it was the lowest two-year rate
(C) to what would be the lowest in two years
(D) to a two-year low level(E)
(E) to the lowest level in two years
51. According to surveys by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, about 20 percent of
young adults used cocaine in 1979, doubling those reported in the 1977 survey.
(A) doubling those reported in the 1977 survey
(B) to double the number the 1977 survey reported
(C) twice those the 1977 survey reported
(D) twice as much as those reported in the 1977 survey(E)
(E) twice the number reported in the 1977 survey
52. According to the Better Business Bureau, if you fail to advertise the highest price in
a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lowest, it
violates the New York Consumer Protection Law.
(A) if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or
product as prominently as that of the lowest, it
(B) if one fails to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or
product as prominently as the lowest price, it
(C) failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or product
as prominently as the lowest
(D) failure to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a
service or product as the lowest(C)
(E) failing to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a
service or products as that of the lowest
53. According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in the
United States, which has already been approaching 19 pounds a year, will achieve 30
pounds a year by the twenty-first century.
(A) According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in
the United States, which has already been approaching 19 pounds a year, will
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achieve 30 pounds a year by the twenty-first century.
(B) Already approaching 19 pounds a year in the United States, the National Pasta
Association predicts that per-capita consumption of pasta will reach 30 pounds
a year by the twenty-first century.
(C) The National Pasta association predicts by the twenty-first century that percapita consumption of pasta in the United States, which is already approaching
19 pounds a year, will reach 30 pounds a year.
(D) By the twenty-first century, the National Pasta Association predicts that percapita consumption of pasta in the United States, having already approached 19
pounds a year, will reach 30 pounds a year.(E)
(E) According to the National Pasta Association, per-capita consumption of pasta in
the United States is already approaching 19 pounds a year and will reach 30
pounds a year by the twenty-first century.
54. According to the professor’s philosophy, the antidote to envy is one’s own work,
always one’s own work: not thinking about it, not assessing it, but simply doing it.
(A) one’s own work, always one’s own work: not thinking about it, not assessing it,
but simply doing it
(B) always work; because you don’t think about it or assess it, you just do it
(C) always one’s own work: not thinking about or assessing it, but simply to do it
(D) not to think or assess, but doing one’s own work(A)
(E) neither to think about one’s own work nor to assess it, it is always simply doing
55. According to United States Air Force officials, a cannon shooting dead chickens at
airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate what kind of damage can result when
jets fly into a flock of large birds.
(A) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate
(B) shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a demonstration
(C) shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful as demonstrating
(D) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate(E)
(E) that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating
56. Acid rain and snow result from the chemical reactions between industrial emissions
of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides with atmospheric water vapor to produce
highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids.
(A) with atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
(B) with atmospheric water vapor producing highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
(C) and atmospheric water vapor which has produced highly corrosive sulfuric and
nitric acids
(D) and atmospheric water vapor which have produced sulfuric and nitric acids
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which are highly corrosive(E)
(E) and atmospheric water vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
57. Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad employees are
now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.
(A) Added to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the railroad
employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.
(B) Added to the increase in hourly wages which had been requested last July, the
employees of the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement
(C) The railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement
benefits added to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July.
(D) In addition to the increase in hourly wages that were requested last July, the
railroad employees are now seeking an expanded program of retirement
(E) In addition to the increase in hourly wages requested last July, the employees of
the railroad are now seeking an expanded program of retirement benefits.
58. Adult survivors of child abuse traditionally have had little or no chance that they
could get their symptoms recognized and treated.
(A) that they could get their symptoms recognized and treated
(B) to recognize and treat their symptoms
(C) of getting their symptoms recognized and treated
(D) of recognizing and treating symptoms(C)
(E) of getting his or her symptoms recognized and treated
59. Affording strategic proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar, Morocco was also of interest
to the French throughout the first half of the twentieth century because they assumed
that if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure.
(A) if they did not hold it, their grip on Algeria was always insecure
(B) without it their grip on Algeria would never be secure
(C) their grip on Algeria was not ever secure if they did not hold it
(D) without that, they could never be secure about their grip on Algeria(B)
(E) never would their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it
60. After a few weeks’ experience, apprentice jewelers can usually begin to discriminate,
though not with absolute certainty, genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds.
(A) genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds
(B) genuine diamonds apart from imitations
(C) between genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds
(D) among genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds(C)
(E) whether diamonds are imitation or genuine
61. After crude oil, natural gas is the United States second biggest fuel source and
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supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America.
(A) After crude oil, natural gas is the United States second biggest fuel source and
supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America.
(B) Natural gas, after crude oil the United States second biggest fuel source,
supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America.
(C) Being supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America, natural gas,
the United States second biggest fuel source after crude oil.
(D) Natural gas, the United States’ second biggest fuel source after crude oil, is
supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America.(D)
(E) Natural gas is supplied almost exclusively from reserves in North America,
being the United States’ second biggest fuel source after crude oil.
62. After gradual declension down to about 39 hours in 1970, the workweek in the
United States has steadily increased to the point that the average worker now puts in
an estimated 164 extra hours of paid labor a year.
(A) After gradual declension down
(B) Following a gradual declension down
(C) After gradual declining down
(D) After gradually declining(D)
(E) Following gradually declining
63. After July, anyone disposing of or servicing refrigerators must capture the
chlorofluorocarbons in the refrigerant chemicals.
(A) anyone disposing of or servicing
(B) those who dispose or service
(C) anyone disposing of or who services
(D) the disposal or repair of(A)
(E) someone who disposes or repairs
64. After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of Hispaniola
(now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached for a sheet of paper,
crumpled it, and said, “It looks like that—beyond the mountains, more mountains.”
(A) After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of
Hispaniola (now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached
(B) On being asked to describe the new discovery of the island of Hispaniola (now
Haiti) by Queen Isabella, Admiral Columbus, reaching
(C) Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the newly discovered island
of Hispaniola (now Haiti), then he reached
(D) When asked by Queen Isabella to describe the newly discovered island of
Hispaniola (now Haiti), Admiral Columbus reached(D)
(E) After Queen Isabella had asked Admiral Columbus to describe the discovery of
the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), he had reached
65. After suffering $2 billion in losses and 25,000 layoffs, the nation’s semiconductor
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industry, which makes chips that run everything from computers and spy satellites to
dishwashers, appears to have made a long-awaited recovery.
(A) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears to have
(B) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears having
(C) computers, spy satellites, and dishwashers, appears that it has
(D) computers and spy satellites to dishwashers, appears that it has(A)
(E) computers and spy satellites as well as dishwashers, appears to have
66. After the Arab conquest of Egypt in A.D. 640, Arabic became the dominant language
of the Egyptians, replacing older languages and writing systems.
(A) became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages
(B) became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing languages that were
(C) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced older languages
(D) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced languages that
were older(A)
(E) becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians, having replaced languages
that were older
67. After the Civil War, contemporaries of Harriet Tubman’s maintained that she has all
of the qualities of a great leader, coolness in the face of danger, an excellent sense of
strategy, and an ability to plan in minute detail.
(A) Tubman’s maintained that she has
(B) Tubman’s maintain that she had
(C) Tubman’s have maintained that she had
(D) Tubman maintained that she had(D)
(E) Tubman had maintained that she has
68. After the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved for
children, but as late as the nineteenth century about one child in three died before
reaching the age of six.
(A) After the Colonial period’s 50 percent mortality rate, life expectancy improved
for children, but
(B) Even though children’s life expectancy, which improved over the Colonial
period’s 50 percent mortality rate,
(C) Although life expectancy for children improved after the Colonial period, during
which the mortality rate was 50 percent,
(D) While there was an improvement in life expectancy for children after the 50
percent mortality rate of the Colonial period, still(C)
(E) Despite children’s life expectancy improvement from the Colonial period’s 50
percent mortality rate,
69. After the Vietnam war Bettye Granther, a U.S. Army nurse, continued her efforts on
behalf of injured Vietnamese children, providing medical care, helping to reunite
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estranged families, and the establishment of a fund for the children’s future
(A) the establishment of a fund for the children’s future education
(B) the establishing of a fund for the future education of children
(C) establishing a fund for the children’s future education
(D) establishing a fund for the childrens’ future education(C)
(E) the establishment of a fund for the childrens’ future education
70. After this year’s record-shattering January performance in Madison Square Garden,
the ensemble were touted as the country’s best new group in decades; no critic or
reviewer had anything but praise for the young musicians.
(A) the ensemble were touted as the country’s
(B) the ensemble was touted as the country’s
(C) the country touted the ensemble like the
(D) touting the ensemble as the country’s(B)
(E) they were touting the ensemble as the country’s
71. Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fixed size at maturity, and the
variations in life spans among different species are far greater as that among
individuals from the same species: a fruit fly is ancient at 40 days, a mouse at 3
years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some tortoises at 150.
(A) among different species are far greater as that among individuals from
(B) among different species are far greater than that among individuals from
(C) among different species are far greater than those among individuals of
(D) between different species are far more than that between individuals of(C)
(E) between different species are greater by far than is that between individuals from
72. Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home, they featured the preparation of
great quantities of ceremonial food, the wearing of many layers of colorful clothing
adorned with silver, and the recounting of traditional tribal jokes and stories.
(A) Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home, they featured
(B) Festivals were held in Aho, a Kiowa matriarch’s home, which featured
(C) Aho, who was a Kiowa matriarch in her home, held festivals featuring
(D) In her home, Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals that featured(D)
(E) Aho, a Kiowa matriarch, held festivals in her home that featured
73. Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special fund,
with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its oil
(A) fund, with the intention to sustain the state’s economy after the exhaustion of its
oil reserves
(B) fund, the intention of which is to sustain the state’s economy after they have
exhausted their oil reserves
(C) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are exhausted
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(D) fund intended to sustain the state’s economy after exhausting its oil
(E) fund that they intend to sustain the state’s economy after oil reserves are
74. All-terrain vehicles have allowed vacationers to reach many previously inaccessible
areas, but they have also been blamed for causing hundreds of deaths, injury to
thousands, and seriously damaging the nation’s recreational areas.
(A) deaths, injury to thousands, and seriously damaging
(B) deaths and injuring thousands, and serious damage to
(C) deaths, thousands who are injured, as well as seriously damaging
(D) deaths and thousands of injuries, as well as doing serious damage to(D)
(E) deaths, thousands are injured, and they do serious damage to
75. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales
figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing
slowly, is not nearing a recession.
(A) like it is indicative that
(B) as if to indicate
(C) to indicate that
(D) indicative of(C)
(E) like an indication of
76. Although all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow
were not carried live, Soviet audiences have seen a great deal of coverage.
(A) all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were
not carried live
(B) all the Communist party conference’s Moscow proceedings were not carried live
(C) all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have not been carried
(D) not all the Communist party conference Moscow proceedings have been carried
(E) not all the proceedings of the Communist party conference held in Moscow were
carried live
77. Although aspirin irritates the stomach, it can be avoided if the aspirin tablet is given
a coating that will not dissolve until the tablet reaches the intestine.
(A) Although aspirin irritates the stomach, it
(B) The irritation of the stomach caused by aspirin
(C) The fact that aspirin causes irritation of the stomach
(D) Aspirin causes stomach irritation, although it(B)
(E) Aspirin irritates the stomach, which
78. Although dozens of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local history or
various ethnic groups, there are many one-of-a-kind museums from Manhattan to the
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Bronx that are open for exploration on summer weekends.
(A) Although dozens of New York’s small museums are either devoted to local
history or various ethnic groups, there are
(B) Although dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or
various ethnic groups,
(C) Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various
ethnic groups, but there are
(D) Dozens of New York’s small museums are devoted to local history or various
ethnic groups, and there are also(D)
(E) Devoted to local history or various ethnic groups, dozens of New York’s small
museums and also
79. Although early soap operas were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they had
moved to the daytime hours of the 1930’s when the evening schedule became
crowded with comedians and variety shows.
(A) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they had moved to the daytime
hours of the 1930’s
(B) were first aired on evening radio in the 1920’s, they were moved to the daytime
hours in the 1930’s
(C) were aired first on evening radio in the 1920’s, moving to the daytime hours in
the 1930’s
(D) were aired first in the evening on 1920’s radio, they moved to the daytime hours
of the 1930’s(B)
(E) aired on evening radio first in the 1920’s, they were moved to the 1930’s in the
daytime hours
80. Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling
mournfully on the tops of distant hills, in reality these gregarious creatures live in
stable groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.
(A) films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals howling
mournfully on the tops of distant hills
(B) in films about the American West coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals that
howl mournfully on the tops of distant hills
(C) coyotes are depicted as solitary animals howling mournfully on the tops of
distant hills in films about the American West
(D) films about the American West depict coyotes as if they were solitary,
mournfully howling animals on the tops of distant hills(A)
(E) films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully
howling animals on the tops of distant hills
81. Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to
respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way human
beings breathe.
(A) similar to the way human beings breathe
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(B) similarly to human beings who are breathing
(C) just like the breathing of human beings
(D) as human beings when breathing(E)
(E) just as human beings do when they breathe
82. Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is
extremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.
(A) Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is
extremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.
(B) Although he is as gifted, if not more gifted, than many of his colleagues, he is
extremely modest and with his poetry remaining unpublished.
(C) Although he is as gifted as, if not more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is
extremely modest and will not publish his poetry.
(D) Despite his being gifted, if not more gifted than his colleagues, he is extremely
modest and will not publish his poetry.(C)
(E) Being a gifted as, or more gifted than, many of his colleagues, he is extremely
modest and his poetry is unpublished.
83. Although it claims to delve into political issues, television can be superficial such as
when each of the three major networks broadcast exactly the same statement from a
political candidate.
(A) superficial such as when each of the three major networks
(B) superficial, as can sometimes occur if all of the three major networks
(C) superficial if the three major networks all
(D) superficial whenever each of the three major networks(E)
(E) superficial, as when the three major networks each
84. Although it was expected that workers under forty would show hostility to the plan,
the research report indicates that both younger and the older people approve of
governmental appropriations for Social Security.
(A) younger and the older people
(B) younger people and the older
(C) the younger and the older people
(D) younger and older people(D)
(E) people who are younger and those who are older
85. Although it was once funded entirely by the government, the Victoria and Albert
Museum was one of the first of Britain’s national museums seeking support from
corporations and private donors and to increase income by increasing attendance.
(A) one of the first of Britain’s national museums seeking support from
(B) one of Britain’s first national museums seeking support of
(C) among Britain’s first national museums to seek support of
(D) among the first of Britain’s national museums to seek support from(D)
(E) among Britain’s first national museums that have sought the support of
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86. Although just inside the orbit of Jupiter, amateur astronomers with good telescopes
should be able to see the comet within the next few weeks.
(A) Although just inside the orbit of
(B) Although it is just inside the orbit of
(C) Just inside the orbit of
(D) Orbiting just inside(B)
(E) Having orbited just inside
87. Although many art patrons can readily differentiate a good debenture from an
undesirable one, they are much less expert in distinguishing good paintings and poor
ones, authentic art and fakes.
(A) much less expert in distinguishing good paintings and poor ones, authentic art
(B) far less expert in distinguishing good paintings from poor ones, authentic art
(C) much less expert when it comes to distinguishing good paintings and poor ones,
authentic art from
(D) far less expert in distinguishing good paintings and poor ones, authentic art
(E) far less the expert when it comes to distinguishing between good painting, poor
ones, authentic art, and
88. Although many Whites, noting the presence of some Blacks in the middle class,
think that the time for enforcing civil rights measures is past, Blacks generally are
aware that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of a
radical discrepancy as ever.
(A) that the figures for average income and unemployment show as wide of
(B) that average-income and unemployment figures show as wide
(C) that the average-income and unemployment figures are showing as wide of
(D) of average-income and unemployment figures that show as wide of(B)
(E) of figures for average income and unemployment showing as wide
89. Although Ms. Bakara had previously emphasized that she could not speak for other
Black people, she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed
that many minority people, likely most, would agree with her.
(A) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority
people, likely most, would agree
(B) speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority people,
likely most, would have agreed
(C) so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority
people, even most, would likely agree
(D) do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority
people, if not most, would agree(D)
(E) do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people, and
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even most, would likely agree
90. Although Napoleon’s army entered Russia with far more supplies than they had in
their previous campaigns, it had provisions for only twenty-four days.
(A) they had in their previous campaigns
(B) their previous campaigns had had
(C) they had for any previous campaign
(D) in their previous campaigns(E)
(E) for any previous campaign
91. Although one link in the chain was demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so
to require the recall of the automobile.
(A) demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require
(B) demonstrated as weak, but it was not sufficiently so that it required
(C) demonstrably weak, but not sufficiently so to require
(D) demonstrably weak, it was not so weak as to require(D)
(E) demonstrably weak, it was not weak enough that it required
92. Although partially destroyed, the archaeologists were able to infer from what
remained of the inscription that the priest Zonainos was buried in the crypt.
(A) Although partially destroyed, the archaeologists were able to infer
(B) Although partially destroyed, the archaeologists had inferred
(C) Although it had been partially destroyed, the archaeologists were able to infer
(D) Partially destroyed though it had been, the archaeologists had been able to
(E) Destroyed partially, the archaeologists were able to infer
93. Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal, it is so debilitating that it has become an
economic drain on many developing countries.
(A) it is so debilitating that it has become an economic
(B) it is of such debilitation, it has become an economical
(C) so debilitating is it as to become an economic
(D) such is its debilitation, it becomes an economical(A)
(E) there is so much debilitation that it has become an economical
94. Although she had signed a pledge of abstinence while being an adolescent, Frances
Willard was 35 years old before she chose to become a temperance activist.
(A) while being an adolescent
(B) while in adolescence
(C) at the time of her being adolescent
(D) as being in adolescence(E)
(E) as an adolescent
95. Although some officials noted that using machines for farming in China costs more
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than traditional hand cultivation, the mechanization of farming in the village of Long
Bow doubled the corn yield while the previous year’s costs were cut in half.
(A) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield
while the previous year’s costs were cut in half
(B) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield
while cutting costs to half those of the previous year
(C) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield as
cost were cut to half of the previous year’s
(D) farming mechanization in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield as it
cut in half the previous year’s costs(B)
(E) farming mechanization in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield while
costs were cut to half that of the previous year
96. Although the bite of brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh
wounds, posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly
vulnerable to its poison.
(A) brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing
the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to
(B) brown recluse spiders are rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds and pose
the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to
(C) the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds, posing
the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to
(D) the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, it causes chronic flesh wounds and poses
the greatest danger to infants and the elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to
(E) the brown recluse spider is rarely fatal, they cause chronic flesh wounds, posing
the greatest danger to the infant and elderly, who are particularly vulnerable to
97. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly
financing of existing imbalances, it is unlikely that its effect on their size is
significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal adjustment.
(A) it is unlikely that its effect on their size is significant
(B) it is unlikely that the size of their effect would be significant
(C) affecting their sizes are not likely to be significant
(D) the significance of their effect on its size is unlikely(E)
(E) its effect on their size is not likely to be significant
98. Although the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, control of them is necessary
only in the South.
(A) the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, control of them is
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(B) widely distributed, measures to control the lesser cornstalk borer are
(C) widely distributed, lesser cornstalk borer control is
(D) the lesser cornstalk borer is widely distributed, measures to control it are(D)
(E) it is widely distributed, control of the lesser cornstalk borer is
99. Although the manager agreed to a more flexible work schedule, he said that it must
be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what
everyone is assigned to do.
(A) he said that it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and
labor will know what everyone is
(B) he said it had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and
labor knows what everyone is
(C) he said that they would have to post the assignments on the bulletin board so that
management and labor knew what everyone was
(D) he said that the schedule would have to be posted on the bulletin board so that
both management and labor would know what everyone was(A)
(E) saying that the schedule had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both
management and labor would know what everyone had been
100.Although the phenomenon of withdrawal has always been the crucial physiological
Leng for distinguishing addictive from nonaddictive drugs, it has become
increasingly evident that not all regular heroin users experience withdrawal
(A) addictive from
(B) addictive and
(C) addictive or
(D) between addictive or(A)
(E) among addictive or
101.Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be
excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication
has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn
from “a fair cross section of the community.”
(A) has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be
(B) was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
(C) was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries to be
(D) is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be(A)
(E) will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
102.Although the term “psychopath” is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal,
in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the
pangs of conscience.
(A) it is someone who is
(B) it is a person
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(C) they are people who are
(D) it refers to someone who is(D)
(E) it is in reference to people
103.American productivity is declining in relation to Europe’s; the energy expended per
unit of production in the United States is as much as twice that expended in West
(A) as much as twice that expended in West Germany
(B) as much as twice that of West Germany’s expenditure
(C) up to two times of West Germany’s expenditure
(D) up to two times what West Germans expended(A)
(E) up to double the West German expenditure
104.Among the cossacks, vegetable farming was once so despised that it was forbidden
on pain of death.
(A) so despised that it was
(B) so despised to be
(C) so despised it had been
(D) despised enough that it was(A)
(E) despised enough as to be
105.Among the emotions on display in the negotiating room were anger for repeatedly
raising the issue over and over again and preventing the raw wounds from earlier
battles from ever beginning to heal.
(A) were anger for repeatedly raising the issue over and over again and preventing
the raw wounds from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal
(B) was anger for repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the raw wounds from
earlier battles from ever beginning to heal
(C) were anger over repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the raw wounds
from earlier battles to begin healing
(D) was anger about the issue, which was raised over and over, and preventing the
wounds from earlier battles, still raw, to begin healing(B)
(E) were anger about the issue, which was raised repeatedly, and preventing the raw
wounds from earlier battles to begin to heal
106.Among the objects found in the excavated temple were small terra-cotta effigies left
by supplicants who were either asking the goddess Bona Dea’s aid in healing
physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help.
(A) in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help
(B) in healing physical and mental ills and to thank her for helping
(C) in healing physical and mental ills, and thanking her for helping
(D) to heal physical and mental ills or to thank her for such help(A)
(E) to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help
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107.Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three
decades were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial
development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce
from Florida and California.
(A) basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida
and California
(B) basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Florida
and California
(C) basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from
Florida and California
(D) a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Florida
and California(D)
(E) a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and
California as its base
108.An array of tax incentives has led to a boom in the construction of new office
buildings; so abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that investors
regularly scour the country for areas in which to build.
(A) so abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that
(B) capital has been so abundant for commercial real estate, so that
(C) the abundance of capital for commercial real estate has been such,
(D) such has the abundance of capital been for commercial real estate that(A)
(E) such has been an abundance of capital for commercial real estate,
109.An artistic presence of the first order, one frequently ranked with Picasso, Stravinsky,
and James Joyce, Martha Graham was acclaimed as a great dancer long before her
innovative masterworks made her the most honored of American choreographers.
(A) Martha Graham was acclaimed as
(B) Martha Graham was acclaimed to be
(C) Martha Graham’s acclaim is as
(D) Martha Graham’s acclaim to be(A)
(E) Martha Graham’s acclaim was in being
110.An attempt to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago,
has been unsuccessful despite efforts by many important groups, including the
National Organization for Women.
(A) to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago,
(B) begun almost two decades ago, for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment
(C) begun for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment almost two decades ago
(D) at ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment, begun almost two decades ago,(A)
(E) that has begun almost two decades ago to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment
111.An inventory equal to 90 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses
carry, and then only as a way to anticipate higher prices or ensure against shortages.
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(A) as much as even
(B) so much as even
(C) even so much as
(D) even as much that(A)
(E) even so much that
112.An unusually strong cyclist can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set a new
distance record for human-powered aircraft in MIT’s diaphanous construction of
graphite fiber and plastic.
(A) can, it is hoped, provide enough power to set
(B) it is hoped, can provide enough power that will set
(C) hopefully can provide enough power, this will set
(D) is hopeful to set(A)
(E) hopes setting
113.Analysts blamed May’s sluggish retail sales on unexciting merchandise as well as the
weather, colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed sales of
barbecue grills and lawn furniture.
(A) colder and wetter than was usual in some regions, which slowed
(B) which was colder and wetter than usual in some regions, slowing
(C) since it was colder and wetter than usually in some regions, which slowed
(D) being colder and wetter than usually in some regions, slowing(B)
(E) having been colder and wetter than was usual in some regions and slowed
114.Ancient Romans found it therapeutic to bathe in cold milk, in strawberries that had
been crushed, or in bathtubs filled with black caviar.
(A) to bathe in cold milk, in strawberries that had been crushed, or in bathtubs filled
with black caviar
(B) that they bathe in cold milk, in strawberries that had been crushed, or in caviar
that was black
(C) to bathe in cold milk, crushed strawberries, or black caviar
(D) that they bathe in cold milk, crushed strawberries, or black caviar(C)
(E) to bathe in milk , strawberries, or caviar
115.Any medical test will sometimes fail to detect a condition when it is present and
indicate that there is one when it is not.
(A) a condition when it is present and indicate that there is one
(B) when a condition is present and indicate that there is one
(C) a condition when it is present and indicate that it is present
(D) when a condition is present and indicate its presence(C)
(E) the presence of a condition when it is there and indicate its presence
116.Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates
from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from being stolen by invaders.
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(A) to keep from
(B) to keep it from
(C) to avoid
(D) in order that it would avoid(B)
(E) in order to keep from
117.Architects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya
without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.
(A) huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the
wheel or animal transport
(B) without the benefits of animal transport or the wheel, huge palace and temple
clusters were built by the Maya
(C) the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal
transport or the wheel
(D) there were built, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge
palace and temple clusters by the Maya(C)
(E) were the Maya who, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, built
huge palace and temple clusters
118.Art museums do not usually think of their collections as capital or consider the
interest income that would be generated if a portion of the capital would have been
invested in another form.
(A) be generated if a portion of the capital would have been
(B) have been generated if a portion of the capital would have been
(C) be generated if a portion of the capital were
(D) be generated if a portion of the capital was(C)
(E) be generated if a portion of the capital had been
119.Artificial intelligence emerged during the late 1950’s as an academic discipline based
on the assumption that computers are able to be programmed to think like people.
(A) are able to be programmed to think like people
(B) were able to be programmed to think as people
(C) can be programmed to think as people can
(D) could be programmed to think like people(D)
(E) are capable of being programmed to think like people do
120.As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of
vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such
(A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of
vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with
such vision.
(B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of
vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult.
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(C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of
vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult.
(D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of
vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be
deemed legally blind.(D)
(E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of
vision, which would be deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about
121.As a result of medical advances, many people that might at one time have died as
children of such infections as diphtheria, pneumonia, or rheumatic fever now live
well into old age.
(A) that might at one time have died as children
(B) who might once have died in childhood
(C) that as children might once have died
(D) who in childhood might have at one time died(B)
(E) who, when they were children, might at one time have died
122.As a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate, less people will enter the labor
force in the 1980’s than did in the 1960’s and 1970’s, a twenty year period during
which people born after the war swelled the ranks of workers.
(A) less people will enter the labor force in the 1980’s than
(B) less people will be entering the labor force in the 1980’s as
(C) fewer people will enter the labor force in the 1980’s as
(D) fewer people will be entering the labor force in the 1980’s as(E)
(E) fewer people will enter the labor force in the 1980’s than
123.As a result of the ground-breaking work of Barbara McClintock, many scientists now
believe that all of the information encoded in 50,000 to 100,000 of the different
genes found in a human cell are contained in merely three percent of the cell’s DNA.
(A) 50,000 to 100,000 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained in
(B) 50,000 to 100,000 of the human cell’s different genes are contained in a mere
(C) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in human cells are contained in
(D) 50,000 to 100,000 of human cell’s different genes is contained in merely(E)
(E) the 50,000 to 100,000 different genes found in a human cell is contained in a
124.As business grows more complex, students majoring in specialized areas like those
of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly successful in the job
(A) majoring in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been
becoming increasingly
(B) who major in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are becoming
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more and more
(C) who majored in specialized areas such as those of finance and marketing are
being increasingly
(D) who major in specialized areas like those of finance and marketing have been
becoming more and more(B)
(E) having majored in such specialized areas as finance and marketing are being
125.As contrasted with the honeybee, the yellow jacket can sting repeatedly without
dying and carries a potent venom that can cause intense pain.
(A) As contrasted with the honeybee
(B) In contrast to the honeybee’s
(C) Unlike the sting of the honeybee
(D) Unlike that of the honeybee(E)
(E) Unlike the honeybee
126.As envisioned by researchers, commercial farming of lobsters will enable fisheries to
sell the shellfish year-round, taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize its
sizes and colors, and to predict sales volume in advance.
(A) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardize
(B) taking advantage of off-season demand, to standardize
(C) taking advantage of off-season demand, standardizing
(D) take advantage of off-season demand, standardizing(B)
(E) take advantage of off-season demand, to standardize
127.As Hurricane Hugo approached the Atlantic coast, it increased dramatically in
strength, becoming the tenth most intense hurricane to hit the United States mainland
in the twentieth century and most intense since Camille in 1969.
(A) most intense since Camille in 1969
(B) most intense after Camille in 1969
(C) the most intense since Camille in 1969
(D) the most intense after 1969, which had Camille(C)
(E) since 1969 and Camille, the most intense
128.As it becomes more frequent to have spouses who both work outside the home,
companies are beginning to help in finding new employment for the spouses of
transferred employees.
(A) it becomes more frequent to have spouses who both work outside the home
(B) it becomes more frequent to have couples both working outside the home
(C) it becomes more common that both husband and wife should be working outside
the home
(D) it becomes more common for both husband and wife to work outside the
(E) couples in which both of the spouses working outside the home become more
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129.As litigation grows more complex, the need that experts explain technical issues
becomes more apparent.
(A) that experts explain technical issues becomes
(B) for experts to explain technical issues became
(C) for experts to explain technical issues becomes
(D) that technical issues be explained by experts became(C)
(E) that there be explanations of technical issues by experts has become
130.As many as 300 of the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may actually be the
works of his students or other admirers.
(A) the 720 paintings attributed to Rembrandt may
(B) the 720 paintings attributed to be Rembrandt’s might
(C) the 720 paintings that were attributed to be by Rembrandt may
(D) the 720 Rembrandt paintings that were once attributed to him might(A)
(E) Rembrandt’s paintings, although 720 were once attributed to him, may
131.As measured by the Commerce Department, corporate profits peaked in the fourth
quarter of 1988 and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to
pass on higher costs.
(A) and have slipped since then, as many companies have been unable to pass on
higher costs
(B) and have slipped since then, the reason being because many companies have
been unable to pass on higher costs
(C) and slipped since then, many companies being unable to pass on higher costs
(D) but, many companies unable to pass on higher costs, they have slipped since
(E) yet are slipping since then, because many companies were unable to pass on
higher costs
132.As more and more people invest their money in savings certificates or money-market
funds in order to earn higher interest, they are abandoning traditional low-interest
investment havens such as passbook accounts and life insurance policies.
(A) As more and more people invest their money
(B) While people have more and more been investing their money
(C) As money is more and more invested by people
(D) More and more, when investors put their money(A)
(E) While, more and more, investors have been putting their money
133.As part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live with their disabilities
were helped to practice falling during the 1950s, so that they could learn to fall
without being hurt.
(A) As part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live with their
disabilities were helped to practice falling during the 1950s
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(B) As part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live during the 1950s
with their disabilities were helped to practice falling
(C) Young polio victims learning to live during the 1950s with their disabilities were
helped to practice falling as part of their therapy
(D) Young polio victims learning to live with their disabilities were helped to
practice falling during the 1950s as part of their therapy(E)
(E) During the 1950s, as part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live
with their disabilities were helped to practice falling
134.As rare as something becomes, be it a baseball card or a musical recording or a
postage stamp, the more avidly it is sought by collectors.
(A) As rare as something becomes, be it
(B) As rare as something becomes, whether it is
(C) As something becomes rarer and rarer, like
(D) The rarer something becomes, like(E)
(E) The rarer something becomes, whether it is
135.As recently as 1950, tuberculosis was never curable unless sequestered in
sanitariums; today, the drug Isoniazid has made such treatment obsolete.
(A) unless sequestered
(B) without sequestering
(C) without being sequestered
(D) unless it was sequestered(E)
(E) unless patients were sequestered
136.As researchers continue to probe the highly expressive vocal and postural language
of wolves, their close resemblance to dogs has become ever more striking.
(A) their close resemblance to dogs has become
(B) the closeness of their resemblance to dogs has become
(C) the close resemblance between them and dogs has become
(D) the close resemblance between wolves and dogs becomes(D)
(E) the close resemblance of wolves with dogs becomes
137.As Russell Banks suggests, it is a lack of grand ideas that have only left writers with
semiotics, hermeneutics, and deconstruction.
(A) As Russell Banks suggests, it is a lack of grand ideas that have only left writers
(B) Writers, Russell Banks suggests, who lack of grand ideas and leave only
(C) Russell Banks suggests that a lack of grand ideas has left writers with only
(D) It is Russell Banks’ suggestion that a lack of grand ideas have left writers only
(E) It is only a lack of grand ideas, Russell Banks suggests, which leave writers with
138.As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6 percent
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in late February, many analysts conclude that evidence of a recovering automotive
market remains slight.
(A) As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America were declining 13.6
percent in late February, many analysts conclude
(B) Since sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6 percent
in late February, and many analysts conclude
(C) With sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6 percent
in late February, with many analysts concluding
(D) Because sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined 13.6
percent in late February, many analysts concluded(D)
(E) Because of sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining 13.6
percent in late February, therefore, many analysts concluded
139.As the etched lines on computer memory chips have become thinner and the chips’
circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronic devices they
drive have vastly increased.
(A) the chips’ circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronic
devices they drive have
(B) the chips’ circuits more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic
devices they drive has
(C) the chips’ circuits are more complex, both the power of the chips and the
electronic devices they drive has
(D) their circuits are more complex, the power of both the chips and the electronic
devices they drive have(B)
(E) their circuits more complex, both the power of the chips and the electronic
devices they drive have
140.As the housing affordability gap widens, middle-income families are especially hardhit, and these families can no longer qualify to buy homes, and rising rental rates
force them to use far more than the standard 25 percent of their incomes for housing,
leaving them with no equity or tax write-offs to offset the expenditures.
(A) and these families can no longer qualify to buy homes, and
(B) since these families can no longer afford to buy homes, furthermore
(C) for these families can no longer afford to buy homes, yet
(D) and these families can no longer afford to buy homes; however,(C)
(E) and these families can no longer afford to buy homes, for
141.As the price of gasoline rises, which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal
grain attractive, the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.
(A) which makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive
(B) which makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain attractive
(C) which makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute
(D) making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain(E)
(E) making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute
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142.As U.S. nuclear attack submarines prowl their familiar haunts deep within the oceans
of the world these days, they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from
the tasks for which they were built and for which their crews were trained over the
last forty years.
(A) they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from the tasks for which
they were built
(B) the missions they increasingly engage in are far different than the tasks they
were built for
(C) they engage increasingly in missions that differ significantly from the tasks they
were built for
(D) the missions they engage in are increasingly different than the tasks for which
they were built(A)
(E) they increasingly engage in missions far different than the tasks for which they
were built
143.As virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports are, New York’s were built for an age
of propellers, before jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of
(A) As virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports are
(B) As with virtually all of the nation’s 50 busiest airports
(C) Like virtually all of the nation’s 50 busiest airports
(D) Like the cities where virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports are(C)
(E) Like other cities where virtually all the nation’s 50 busiest airports are
144.As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic
particles known as the solar wind.
(A) As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(B) Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(C) Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming
(D) The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous
(E) The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous
145.Astronomers at the Palomar Observatory have discovered a distant supernova
explosion, one that they believe is a type previously unknown to science.
(A) that they believe is
(B) that they believe it to be
(C) they believe that it is of
(D) they believe that is(E)
(E) they believe to be of
146.Astronomers studying the newly discovered star say that it provides clues about our
galaxy’s origin, that it may supply data about how fast our galaxy is expanding, and
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moreover it is perhaps the most distant star in the entire Milky Way.
(A) about how fast our galaxy is expanding, and moreover it is perhaps
(B) regarding the speed our galaxy expands at; moreover, they think it may be
(C) about how fast our galaxy expands and perhaps be
(D) on the galaxy’s expansion rate and perhaps(E)
(E) about how fast our galaxy is expanding, and that it is perhaps
147.At a recent session, the French government has decided that Paris needs a second,
larger opera house to complement the famous Paris Opera.
(A) has decided that Paris needs
(B) decided that Paris needs
(C) has decided that Paris will need
(D) decided that Paris has a need of(B)
(E) has decided that Paris needed
148.At a time when it was unusual to do it, Dorothy Sterling wrote about such major
figures of Black history as Harriet Tubman and W. E. B. Du Bois.
(A) it was unusual to do it
(B) it was unusual to do so
(C) doing that was unusual
(D) that was an unusual thing to be doing(B)
(E) it was not usual to do
149.At ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant, but in the stratosphere it shields the
Earth from the most biologically harmful radiation emitted by the Sun, radiation in
the ultraviolet band of the spectrum.
(A) in the stratosphere
(B) in the stratosphere, in which
(C) it is in the stratosphere in which
(D) in the stratosphere where(A)
(E) it is in the stratosphere and
150.At Shiprock, New Mexico, a perennially powerful girls’ high school basketball team
has become a path to college for some and a source of pride for a community where
the household incomes of 49 percent of them are below the poverty level.
(A) where the household incomes of 49 percent of them are
(B) where they have 49 percent of the household incomes
(C) where 49 percent of the household incomes are
(D) which has 49 percent of the household incomes(C)
(E) in which 49 percent of them have household incomes
151.At the beginning of the year, the city allocated $150 million to cover the increase in
wages that it expected to approve as a result of negotiations with the municipal labor
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(A) increase in wages that it expected to approve as a result of negotiations
(B) increased wages it expected to approve from negotiations
(C) increasing wages expected to be approved as a result of negotiating
(D) negotiated increases in wages it expected to approve(A)
(E) increases expected to be approved in wages from negotiating
152.At the invitation of Kwame Nkrumah, W. E. B. Du Bois settled in Gharla and
became the editor of the Encyclopedia Africana.
(A) At the invitation of
(B) When he was invited by
(C) An invitation coming from
(D) An invitation that came from(A)
(E) After having an invitation by
153.At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of
Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of land, to what
had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards.
(A) land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the
(B) land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards
(C) land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership
(D) land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the
(E) land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the
154.Automation has undermined the traditional position of labor as much by robbing
workers of the special Skills that were once their most important strength than by the
elimination of jobs.
(A) than by the elimination of jobs
(B) rather than by the elimination of a job
(C) than by eliminating jobs
(D) as by the elimination of a job(E)
(E) as by eliminating jobs
155.Aviation officials have not only failed to determine the cause of the crash, but they
have also ignored demands by the pilots union that the investigation should be
(A) crash, but they have also ignored demands by the pilots union that the
investigation should be expedited
(B) crash but also ignored demands by the pilots union that the investigation be
(C) crash but have ignored demands for expediting the investigation by the pilots’
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(D) crash, but they are also ignoring the pilots’ union’s demands to expedite the
(E) crash: the demands by the pilots’ union that the investigation should be
expedited have also been ignored
156.Balding is much more common among White males than males of other races.
(A) than
(B) than among
(C) than is so of
(D) compared to(B)
(E) in comparison with
157.Balzac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoning;
furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother Samuel Johnson, the great writer and
lexicographer, who was reported to have drunk twenty-five cups of tea at one sitting.
(A) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to bother
(B) however, caffeine did not seem to bother
(C) however, caffeine did not seem to have bothered
(D) furthermore, caffeine did not seem to have bothered(B)
(E) in addition, caffeine did not seem to bother
158.Bankers require that the financial information presented to them by mortgage
applicants be complete and follow a prescribed format.
(A) be complete and follow a prescribed format
(B) is complete and it follows a prescribed format
(C) be complete and a prescribed format is followed
(D) to be complete and a prescribed format be following(A)
(E) be completed, and it followed a prescribed format
159.Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture
of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C.,
worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”
(A) Based on accounts of various ancient writers
(B) Basing it on various ancient writers’ accounts
(C) With accounts of various ancient writers used for a basis
(D) By the accounts of various ancient writers they used(E)
(E) Using accounts of various ancient writers
160.Based on pinto beans and corn tortillas, the Pima Indians have a diet that derives 70
percent of its protein from vegetable sources and only 30 percent from animal foods,
the reverse of the typical North American diet.
(A) Pima Indians have a diet that derives
(B) Pima Indians in their diet derive
(C) diet of the Pima Indians derives
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(D) diets of the Pima Indians have derived(C)
(E) diet of the Pima Indians, deriving
161.Based on the growth rates of large modern reptiles such as the Galapagos tortoise and
examinations of fossils of juvenile dinosaurs, scientists estimate that the largest
dinosaurs probably lived to be between 100 and 200 years old.
(A) Based on the growth rates of large modern reptiles such as
(B) On the basis of growth rates of large modern reptiles such as
(C) Based on the growth rates of large modern reptiles like
(D) On the basis of growth rates of large modern reptiles, like those of(B)
(E) Based on such growth rates as those of large modern reptiles like
162.Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her
narratives, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.
(A) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her
(B) In her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, Beatrix
(C) In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives,
Beatrix Potter
(D) Carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter, in her book
(E) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her
narratives and
163.Because Halley’s comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-six-year interval
between passing close to Earth, it may veer onto a collision course with a planet
sometime in the distant future.
(A) between passing
(B) of passing
(C) between its passes
(D) of its passes(C)
(E) as it passes
164.Because natural gas is composed mostly of methane, a simple hydrocarbon, vehicles
powered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or
diesel fuel.
(A) less of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel
(B) fewer of certain pollutants than burning gasoline or diesel fuel do
(C) less of certain pollutants than gasoline or diesel fuel
(D) fewer of certain pollutants than does burning gasoline or diesel fuel(E)
(E) less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel
165.Because of the business community’s uncertainty about the President’s position in
regard to the issue of the budget deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates has
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(A) in regard to the issue of the budget deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates
(B) on the deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates has
(C) regarding the budgetary deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates have
(D) on the deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rates have(B)
(E) regarding the deficit, an unanticipated rise in interest rats have
166.Because of the enormous research and development expenditures required to survive
in the electronics industry, an industry marked by rapid innovation and volatile
demand, such firms tend to be very large.
(A) to survive
(B) of firms to survive
(C) for surviving
(D) for survival(B)
(E) for firms’ survival
167.Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash, many
municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
(A) Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash,
many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
(B) Because paper of all kinds is the biggest single component in municipal trash,
many municipalities tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal is reduced.
(C) Because paper of all kinds are the biggest single components in municipal trash,
many municipalities have tried to recycle to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
(D) All kinds of paper are the biggest single components of municipal trash, and so
many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash
(E) All kinds of paper is the biggest single component of municipal trash, so many
municipalities have tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal could be
168.Because the Earth’s crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit shock
waves, an earthquake of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times
greater in the eastern United States than it does in the West.
(A) of a given magnitude typically devastates an area 100 times greater in the
eastern United States than it does in the West
(B) of a given magnitude will typically devastate 100 times the area if it occurs in
the eastern United States instead of the West
(C) will typically devastate 100 times the area in the eastern United States than one
of the comparable magnitude occurring in the West
(D) in the eastern United States will typically devastate an area 100 times greater
than will a quake of comparable magnitude occurring in the West(D)
(E) that occurs in the eastern United States will typically devastate 100 times more
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area than if it occurred with comparable magnitude in the West
169.Because the enemy’s new ship is the quietest and it is therefore the most elusive
submarine, it is being increasingly viewed by the military as a threat to security.
(A) and it is therefore the most elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed
(B) it is therefore the most elusive of submarines, and it has increased the view
(C) and therefore the most elusive submarine, it is being increasingly viewed
(D) and therefore it is the most elusive of submarines, there is an increasing
(E) therefore being the most elusive of submarines, it is increasingly viewed
170.Because the financial review covered only the last few fiscal years, and therefore the
investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible earlier overpayments.
(A) and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible
(B) so therefore the investigators were not capable of determining the possible
extent of
(C) therefore the investigators were unable to determine the possible extent of
(D) the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of(E)
(E) the investigators were unable to determine the extent of possible
171.Because young children do not organize their attention or perceptions systematically,
like adults, they may notice and remember details that their elders ignore.
(A) like adults
(B) unlike an adult
(C) as adults
(D) as adults do(D)
(E) as an adult
172.Before the Civil War, Harriet Tubman, herself an escaped slave, returned again and
again to Maryland to guide other slaves along the Underground Railroad to freedom.
(A) herself an escaped slave, returned again and again to Maryland to guide
(B) being an escaped slave herself, returned again and again to Maryland so as to
(C) an escaped slave herself, returned again and again to Maryland for guiding
(D) herself as an escaped slave, returned again and again to Maryland so as to be the
guide of(A)
(E) who had been herself as an escaped slave, returned again and again to Maryland
for the guiding of
173.Being a United States citizen since 1988 and born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati
Mukherjee has lived in England and Canada, and first came to the United States in
1961 to study at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
(A) Being a United States citizen since 1988 and born in Calcutta in 1940, author
Bharati Mukherjee has
(B) Having been a United States citizen since 1988, she was born in Calcutta in
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1940; author Bharati Mukherjee
(C) Born in Calcutta in 1940, author Bharati Mukherjee became a United States
citizen in 1988; she has
(D) Being born in Calcutta in 1940 and having been a United States citizen since
1988, author Bharati Mukherjee(C)
(E) Having been born in Calcutta in 1940 and being a United States citizen since
1988, author Bharati Mukherjee
174.Believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, elephants emit lowfrequency sounds that may be used as a secret language to communicate with other
members of the herd.
(A) Believed to originate from a small area on their foreheads, elephants emit lowfrequency sounds that may be used
(B) Elephants emit low-frequency sounds that are believed to originate from a small
area on their foreheads, and they may use this
(C) Elephants emit low-frequency sounds, believed to originate from a small area on
their foreheads, that they may use
(D) Originating, it is believed, from a small area on their foreheads; elephants emit
low-frequency sounds they may use(C)
(E) Originating, it is believed, from a small area on their foreheads, low-frequency
sounds are emitted by elephants that may be used
175.Besides yielding such psychological rewards as relief from stress, deep relaxation, if
practiced regularly, can strengthen the immune system and produce a host of other
physiological benefits.
(A) deep relaxation, if practiced regularly, can strengthen the immune system
(B) one can strengthen the immune system through deep relaxation, if it is practiced
(C) the immune system can be strengthened as a result of deep relaxation if
practiced regularly
(D) when deep relaxation is practiced regularly, the immune system can be
(E) when practiced regularly, the results of deep relaxation can be to strengthen the
immune system
176.Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends
on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it
can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.
(A) if it can broaden its membership and leave
(B) whether it can broaden its membership and leave
(C) whether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave
(D) its ability for broadening its membership and leaving(B)
(E) the ability for it to broaden its membership and leave
177.Bihar is India’s poorest state, with an annual per capita income of $111, lower than in
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the most impoverished countries of the world.
(A) lower than in
(B) lower than that of
(C) and lower than that of
(D) which is lower than in(B)
(E) which is lower than it is in
178.Bill Walton continued on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and
over again, always hoping to return back to his position as a regular starter in the
game he loved.
(A) on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again,
always hoping to return back
(B) playing, in spite of recurrent injuries, always hoping to return
(C) playing, though injured over and over, and he was always hoping to return back
(D) on playing, even with injuries that recurred, and always hoped to return(B)
(E) to play, despite recurring injuries, hoping that the return
179.Biologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual
genes both when to become active and when to remain quiescent in the earliest
phases of an embryo’s development.
(A) tell individual genes both when to become active and when to remain
(B) tell individual genes both at which time they should become active or should
(C) tells individual genes both when to become active or remain
(D) tells individual genes both when to become active or when to remain(A)
(E) will tell an individual gene both about when it should become active and remain
180.Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repertory, views on musical collaboration,
and vocal style were influential on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an
inspiration to many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose
music differed significantly from his own.
(A) were influential on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to
many musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music
differed significantly from
(B) influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians,
including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly
(C) was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, was also inspirational to many
musicians, that included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music was
different significantly in comparison to
(D) was influential to generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians,
who included Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, the music of whom differed
significantly when compared to(B)
(E) were an influence on generations of bluegrass artists, was also an inspiration to
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many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music was
significantly different from that of
181.Bob Wilber became Sidney Bechet’s student and protégé when he was nineteen and,
for a few years in the 1940’s, came as close to being a carbon copy of the jazz
virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come.
(A) as anyone has ever come
(B) as anyone ever had been
(C) as anyone ever had done
(D) that anyone ever did(A)
(E) that anyone ever came
182.Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after
the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during
a period of wage and price controls.
(A) Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price
increase during a period of wage and price controls.
(B) What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy
shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the
government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls.
(C) That which brought the ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy
shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned
price increase during a period of wage and price controls.
(D) What has brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy
shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the
government sanctioned during a period of wages and price controls.(B)
(E) To bring the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the Second World War, there was a special price increase during a period
of wages and price controls that government sanctioned.
183.Bufo marinus toads, fierce predators that will eat frogs, lizards, and even small birds,
are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930’s in an
attempt to control pests in the state’s vast sugarcane fields.
(A) are native to South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930’s
in an attempt to control
(B) are native in South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930’s
as attempts to control
(C) are natives of South America but were introduced into Florida during the 1930’s
in an attempt at controlling
(D) had been native to South America but were introduced to Florida during the
1930’s as an attempt at controlling(A)
(E) had been natives of South America but were introduced to Florida during the
1930’s as attempts at controlling
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184.Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of
resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone.
(A) on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone
(B) on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone
(C) solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided
(D) while the duplication of facilities should be avoided(E)
(E) if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided
185.By 1914, ten of the western states had granted women the right to vote, but only one
in the East.
(A) only one in the East
(B) only one eastern state
(C) in the East there was only one state
(D) in the East only one state did(E)
(E) only one in the East had
186.By a vote of 9 to 0, the Supreme Court awarded the Central Intelligence Agency
broad discretionary powers enabling it to withhold from the public the identities of
its sources of intelligence information.
(A) enabling it to withhold from the public
(B) for it to withhold from the public
(C) for withholding disclosure to the public of
(D) that enable them to withhold from public disclosure(A)
(E) that they can withhold public disclosure of
187.By analyzing the advanced olfactory apparatus of Pleistocene chordates,
paleozoologists have discovered a link between the brain’s regions of scent
discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage, a link that could prove
invaluable in the treatment of amnesia victims.
(A) paleozoologists have discovered a link between the brain’s regions of scent
discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage
(B) a link between the brain’s regions of scent discrimination and its regions of longterm memory storage has been discovered by paleozoologists
(C) there is a link that paleozoologists have discovered between the brain’s regions
of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage
(D) the discovery of a link between the brain’s regions of scent discrimination and
its regions of long-term memory storage was made by paleozoologists(A)
(E) the brain’s regions of scent discrimination and long-term memory storage have a
link that was discovered by paleozoologists
188.By installing special electric pumps, farmers’ houses could be heated by the warmth
from cows’ milk, according to one agricultural engineer.
(A) farmers’ houses could be heated by the warmth from cows’ milk, according to
one agricultural engineer
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(B) the warmth from cows’ milk could be used by farmers to heat their houses,
according to one agricultural engineer
(C) one agricultural engineer reports that farmers could use the warmth from cows’
milk to heat their houses
(D) farmers, according to one agricultural engineer, could use the warmth from
cows’ milk to heat their houses(D)
(E) one agricultural engineer reports that farmers’ houses could be heated by the
warmth from cows’ milk
189.By offering lower prices and a menu of personal communications options, such as
caller identification and voice mail, the new telecommunications company has not
only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced them to offer
competitive prices.
(A) has not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced
(B) has not only captured customers from other phone companies, but it also forced
(C) has not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced
these companies
(D) not only has captured customers from other phone companies but also these
companies have been forced(C)
(E) not only captured customers from other phone companies, but it also has forced
190.By showing that South Africa does not have a free market and is in fact a kind of
collectivist welfare state for Whites only, Sowell argues that American conservatives
have no valid ideological grounds to be in sympathy with the Pretoria regime.
(A) to be in sympathy with
(B) to sympathize with
(C) for sympathizing with
(D) that they should sympathize with(C)
(E) that they should have sympathy for
191.By studying the primitive visual systems of single-cell aquatic organisms,
biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity between algae and cows, a
similarity that indicates the common evolutionary origin of plants and animals: both
algae and cows produce a light-sensitive protein called rhodopsin.
(A) biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity between algae and cows
(B) a striking similarity between algae and cows has been discovered by
(C) there is a striking similarity that biophysicists have discovered between algae
and cows
(D) the discovery of a striking similarity between algae and cows was made by
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(E) algae and cows have a striking similarity that was discovered by biophysicists
192.By the mid-seventeenth century, Amsterdam had built a new town hall so large that
only St. Peter’s in Rome, the Escorial in Spain, and the Palazza Ducale in Venice
could rival it for scale or magnificence.
(A) could rival it for
(B) were the rivals of it in their
(C) were its rival as to
(D) could be its rivals in their(A)
(E) were rivaling its
193.Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great
anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the
(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of
(B) makes his letters as a group one to rival
(C) makes his letters a group rivaling
(D) make his letters as a group the rival of(D)
(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of
194.Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the four thousand Acadians
who migrated there in 1755; their language is basically seventeenth-century French
to which has been added English, Spanish and Italian words.
(A) to which has been added English, Spanish and Italian words
(B) added to which is English, Spanish, and Italian words
(C) to which English, Spanish, and Italian words have been added
(D) with English, Spanish, and Italian words having been added to it(C)
(E) and, in addition, English, Spanish, and Italian words are added
195.California’s child-support payments are as high or higher than other states.
(A) as high or higher than other states
(B) at least as high as any states
(C) as high as, or higher than, those of any other state
(D) higher than any state’s, or just as high(C)
(E) higher, or as high as, other states
196.Camille Claudet worked continuously through the 1880’s and early 1890’s with the
sculptor Auguste Rodin; since there are very few signed works of hers, the
inescapable conclusion seems to be one of Claudet conceiving and executing part of
Rodin’s enormous production of that period.
(A) inescapable conclusion seems to be one of Claudet conceiving and executing
part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period
(B) conclusion of Claudet conceiving and executing part of Rodin’s enormous
production of that period seems inescapable
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(C) conclusion seems inescapable that part of Rodin’s enormous production of that
period was conceived and executed by Claudet
(D) conclusion of part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period having been
conceived and executed by Claudet seems inescapable(C)
(E) seemingly inescapable conclusion is that Claudet would have conceived and
executed part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period
197.Camus broke with Sartre in a bitter dispute over the nature of Stalinism.
(A) in a bitter dispute over
(B) over bitterly disputing
(C) after there was a bitter dispute over
(D) after having bitterly disputed about(A)
(E) over a bitter dispute about
198.Canadian scientists have calculated that one human being should be struck every
nine years by a meteorite, while each year sixteen buildings can be expected to
sustain damage from such objects.
(A) one human being should be struck every nine years by a meteorite
(B) a human being should be struck by a meteorite once in every nine years
(C) a meteorite will strike one human being once in every nine years
(D) every nine years a human being will be struck by a meteorite(D)
(E) every nine years a human being should be struck by a meteorite
199.Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’ fuel
efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five percent of car
fuel by underinflation.
(A) Car owners who inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles’
fuel efficiency, since the increase in car-road friction can waste up to five
percent of car fuel by underinflation.
(B) Because the underinflation of tires can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by
increasing car-road friction, car owners can substantially boost their vehicles’
fuel efficiency by properly inflating the tires.
(C) Their vehicles’ fuel efficiency is substantially boosted by car owners through the
proper inflation of tires that, when underinflated, can waste up to five percent
of car fuel by an increase in car-road friction.
(D) The proper inflation of tires by car owners, due to the fact that underinflation
can waste up to five percent of a car’s fuel by the increase of car-road friction,
can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.(B)
(E) Because up to five percent of a car’s fuel are wasted through the increases in carroad friction when the tires are underinflated, car owners properly inflating tires
can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.
200.Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are nearly 2,000
years as old as any of their supposed Mediterranean predecessors.
(A) as old as any of their supposed
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(B) older than any of their supposed
(C) as old as their supposed
(D) older than any of their supposedly(B)
(E) as old as their supposedly
201.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin between one to four minutes after a
cardiac arrest in order to be a success.
(A) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin between one to four minutes after a
cardiac arrest in order to be a success.
(B) Between one and four minutes after a cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary
resuscitation should begin to be successful.
(C) Successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be begun from one to four
minutes after a cardiac arrest occurs.
(D) If it is to be successful, a cardiac arrest should be treated with cardiopulmonary
resuscitation one to four minutes afterward.(E)
(E) To be successful, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin within one to four
minutes after a cardiac arrest.
202.Carnivorous mammals can endure what would otherwise be lethal levels of body
heat because they have a heat-exchange network which kept the brain from getting
too hot.
(A) which kept
(B) that keeps
(C) which has kept
(D) that has been keeping(B)
(E) having kept
203.Carpenters, dentists, sewing machine operators, needlepointers, piano players, and
indeed anyone who works with their hands for long hours can get carpal tunnel
(A) anyone who works
(B) anyone working
(C) workers
(D) those for whom work is(E)
(E) any people who work
204.Cartographers have long struggled with the problem of having the spherical Earth to
draw on a flat sheet of paper.
(A) having the spherical Earth to draw on a flat sheet of paper
(B) having a flat sheet of paper on which to draw the spherical Earth
(C) how can one draw the spherical Earth on a flat sheet of paper
(D) how they could use a flat sheet of paper to draw the spherical Earth(E)
(E) how to draw the spherical Earth on a flat sheet of paper
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205.Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place; one
reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of pesticidedegrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in
soils that are free of such chemicals.
(A) Certain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place;
one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of
pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide
use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.
(B) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason that certain pesticides can
become ineffective is suggested by the finding that there are much larger
populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils with a relatively long
history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.
(C) If used repeatedly in the same place, one reason certain pesticides can become
ineffective is suggested by the finding that much larger populations of
pesticide-degrading microbes are found in soils with a relatively long history of
pesticide use than those that are free of such chemicals.
(D) The finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading
microbes in soils with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils that
are free of such chemicals is suggestive of one reason, if used repeatedly in the
same place, certain pesticides can become ineffective.(A)
(E) The finding of much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils
with a relatively long history of pesticide use than in those that are free of such
chemicals suggests one reason certain pesticides can become ineffective if used
repeatedly in the same place.
206.Charles Lindbergh, for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very reluctant to
have any extra weight on his plane, he therefore refused to carry even a pound of
mail, despite being offered $1,000 to do so.
(A) Charles Lindbergh, for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight, was very
reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he therefore
(B) When Charles Lindbergh was attempting his solo transatlantic flight, being very
reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane, he
(C) Since he was very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he was
attempting his solo transatlantic flight, so Charles Lindbergh
(D) Being very reluctant to carry any extra weight on his plane when he attempted
his solo transatlantic flight was the reason that Charles Lindbergh(E)
(E) Very reluctant to have any extra weight on his plane when he attempted his solo
transatlantic flight, Charles Lindbergh
207.Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urban
apartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses
including communal eating and social facilities.
(A) including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including
communal eating and social facilities
(B) that included child-care facilities, and for clustered suburban houses to include
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communal eating and social facilities
(C) with child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses to include
communal eating and social facilities
(D) that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with
communal eating and social facilities(D)
(E) to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal
eating and social facilities included
208.Chicago, where industrial growth in the nineteenth century was more rapid than any
other American city, was plagued by labor troubles like the Pullman Strikes of 1894.
(A) where industrial growth in the nineteenth century was more rapid than any other
American city
(B) which had industrial growth in the nineteenth century more rapid than that of
other American cities
(C) which had growth industrially more rapid than any other American city in the
nineteenth century
(D) whose industrial growth in the nineteenth century was more rapid than any other
American city(E)
(E) whose industrial growth in the nineteenth century was more rapid than that of
any other American city
209.Child prodigies are marked not so much by their skills but instead by the fact that
these skills are fully developed at a very early age.
(A) but instead
(B) rather than
(C) than
(D) as(D)
(E) so much as
210.Chinese, the most ancient of living writing systems, consists of tens of thousands of
ideographic characters, each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its
own square frame.
(A) each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its
(B) all the characters a miniature calligraphic composition inside their
(C) all the characters a miniature calligraphic composition inside its
(D) every character a miniature calligraphic composition inside their(A)
(E) each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside their
211.Chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral salts
present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil drilling.
(A) Chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral
salts present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil drilling.
(B) The reason offshore oil drilling presents a considerably environmental risk is
because of chronic low-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud
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and mineral salts.
(C) A considerable risk to the environment is presented during offshore oil drilling,
where low-level leaks are chronic and the routine discharge of mud and mineral
(D) Offshore oil drilling presents a considerable risk to the environment due to the
fact of chronic low-level leaks, and mud and mineral salts are routinely
(E) Chronic low-level leaking, along with the routine discharge of drilling mud and
mineral salts, are what make offshore oil drilling environmentally risky.
212.Citing evidence that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased
more than seven percent in the last 30 years, many scientists have expressed a fear of
destroying forests and continued use of fossil fuels will cause an irreversible shift in
Earth’s climatic pattern.
(A) many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued use of
(B) many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continued
use of
(C) many scientists have expressed a fear that destruction of forests and continually
(D) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destroying forests and
continually using(B)
(E) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destruction of forests and
continual using of
213.Clark and Florence Wallace, a husband-and-wife medical team, worked steadily and
efficiently through the night, but sipping their coffee the next morning, she noticed
that he seemed disoriented.
(A) sipping their coffee the next morning, she noticed that he seemed disoriented
(B) sipping their coffee the next morning, he seemed to be disoriented, she noticed
(C) as they sipped their coffee the next morning, she noticed that he seemed
(D) as they were sipping their coffee the next morning, he seemed, she noticed,
(E) he seemed disoriented, she noticed, sipping their coffee the next morning
214.Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary
fluctuations in the weather.
(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable
(B) so gradual they can be indistinguishable
(C) so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished
(D) gradual enough not to be distinguishable(A)
(E) gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them
215.Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the
Quechans were singularly uninterested in the accumulation of material wealth or in
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the crafting of elaborate pottery and basketry.
(A) Comparing the Quechans with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the
(B) When you compare the Quechans to other Native Americans of the Southwest,
(C) When other Native Americans of the Southwest are compared to the Quechans,
(D) Comparison to other Native Americans of the Southwest shows that the
(E) Compared with other Native Americans of the Southwest, the Quechans
216.Computers are becoming faster, more powerful, and more reliable, and so too are
modems, they are the devices to allow two or more computers to share information
over regular telephone lines.
(A) so too are modems, they are the devices to allow
(B) so too are modems, the devices that allow
(C) so too modems, the devices allowing
(D) also modems, they are the devices that allow(B)
(E) also modems, which are the devices to allow
217.Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities, Tennessee adopted a child-passenger
protection law requiring the parents of children under four years of age to be
restrained in a child safety seat.
(A) the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child safety
(B) the restraint of parents of children under four years of age in a child safety seat
(C) that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat
(D) that children be restrained under four years of age in a child safety seat by their
(E) children to be restrained under four years of age by their parents in a child safety
218.Confused by the many strata and substrata of ancient civilizations overlying one
another, Schliemann’s excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, the ancient Troy, were
temporarily called to a halt.
(A) Schliemann’s excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, the ancient Troy, were
temporarily called to a halt
(B) Schliemann’s excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, the ancient Troy,
temporarily halted
(C) Schliemann temporarily halted his excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, the
ancient Troy
(D) excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, the ancient Troy, were temporarily halted
by Schliemann(C)
(E) excavations of the fabled city of Ilium, and of the ancient Troy, were temporarily
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halted by Schliemann
219.Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid
leave so as to care for sick or newborn children.
(A) provide workers with unpaid leave so as to
(B) to provide workers with unpaid leave so as to
(C) provide workers with unpaid leave in order that they
(D) to provide workers with unpaid leave so that they can(D)
(E) provide workers with unpaid leave and
220.Constance Horner, chief of the United States government’s personnel agency, has
recommended that the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
application for a job be grounds for not hiring an applicant.
(A) the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application for
a job be grounds for not hiring an applicant
(B) any dangerous or illegal drug, if used in the five years prior to applying for a
job, should be grounds not to hire the applicant
(C) an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
application for a job be grounds not to hire them
(D) an applicant’s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
applying for a job are grounds that they not be hired(A)
(E) for five years prior to applying for a job, an applicant’s use of any dangerous or
illegal drug be grounds for not hiring them
221.Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be hazardous
substances, but many of them can be harmful to health, especially if they are used
(A) Consumers may not think of household cleaning products to be
(B) Consumers may not think of household cleaning products being
(C) A consumer may not think of their household cleaning products being
(D) A consumer may not think of household cleaning products as(D)
(E) Household cleaning products may not be thought of, by consumers, as
222.Contrary to earlier conjectures, it may be that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide
as a result of burning fossil fuels would cool the globe by reducing the amount of
solar energy absorbed by snow.
(A) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide as a result of burning
(B) increased atmospheric carbon dioxide resulting from the combustion of
(C) increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of
(D) carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that increase from burning(B)
(E) atmospheric carbon dioxide that increased from burning
223.Contrary to popular belief, victors in the ancient Greek Olympic Games received
cash prizes in addition to their laurel wreaths.
(A) Contrary to
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(B) In contrast with
(C) Opposite of
(D) Unlike(A)
(E) In spite of
224.Contrary to popular opinion, the movement toward a service economy is leading
neither to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of income, or
displacing the physical production of goods.
(A) leading neither to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of
income, or
(B) leading neither to lower standards of living nor a more unequal distribution of
income, or
(C) not leading to either lower standards of living nor to more of an unequal
distribution of income, and neither is it
(D) not leading to lower standards of living, more of an unequal distribution of
income, and it is not(E)
(E) not leading to lower standards of living or to a more unequal distribution of
income, nor is it
225.Convinced at last of the soundness of her advice, the villagers tried crop rotation,
built crude sanitary facilities, and even the use of goat’s milk for the making of
(A) the use of goat’s milk for the making of cheese
(B) used goat’s milk to make cheese
(C) the use of goat’s milk in cheese making
(D) making cheese from goat’s milk(B)
(E) goat’s milk to make cheese
226.Cooperative apartment houses have the peculiar distinction of being dwellings that
must also operate as businesses.
(A) of being dwellings that must also operate as businesses
(B) of dwellings that must also operate like business
(C) that they are dwellings that must operate like business
(D) that, as dwellings, they must also operate like businesses(A)
(E) to be a dwelling that must also operate as a business
227.Coronary angiography, a sophisticated method for diagnosing coronary disease
involving the introduction of a dye into the arteries of the heart, is now administered
selectively, because it uses x-rays to observe cardiac function.
(A) for diagnosing coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of the heart, is now administered selectively, because it uses
(B) for diagnosing coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of heart, is now administered selectively, because of using
(C) for diagnosing coronary disease, involves the introduction of dye into the
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arteries of the heart and is now administered selectively, because it uses
(D) to diagnose coronary disease that involves the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of the heart, is now administered selectively, because it uses(C)
(E) to diagnose coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the arteries
of the heart, which is now administered selectively, uses
228.Corporations will soon be required to report to the government whether they have the
necessary reserves to pay the pension benefits earned by their employees and that the
information be published in annual reports to shareholders.
(A) earned by their employees and that the information be published
(B) that their employees earned and that the information be published
(C) that was earned by their employees with the information being published
(D) earned by their employees, information that must also be published(D)
(E) earned by their employees and published the information
229.Crises in international diplomacy do not always result from malice; for nations, like
individuals, can find themselves locked into difficult positions, unable to back down.
(A) do not always result from malice; for nations, like individuals, can find
(B) do not always results from malice; nations, just as individuals, finding
(C) do not always results from malice; nations, such as individuals, can find
(D) aren’t always the results of malice; nations in the same way that individuals can
(E) aren’t resulting always from malice; just like individuals who can find
230.Critics of the trend toward privately operated prisons consider corrections facilities to
be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if profits should be
made from incarceration.
(A) to be an integral part of the criminal justice system and question if
(B) as an integral part of the criminal justice system and they question if
(C) as being an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether
(D) an integral part of the criminal justice system and question whether(D)
(E) are an integral part of the criminal justice system, and they question whether
231.Cut-paper design, a popular pastime of Colonial women, became an art form in the
hands of Abigail Lefferts Lloyd, a Revolutionary War heroine.
(A) design, a popular pastime of colonial women, became an art form in the hands
(B) design, a popular Colonial women’s pastime, and it became an art form in the
hands of
(C) design was a popular pastime for Colonial women, then it became an art form in
the hands of
(D) design is a popular pastime of Colonial women that has become an art form
(E) design, the popular Colonial pastime, became an art form for
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232.Dance fans knew Tamara Geva as a soloist in several Ballanchine works, a dancer
who introduced his choreography to the United States, and as a star in Broadway
(A) a dancer who introduced
(B) as a dancer which introduced
(C) the dancer to introduce
(D) who introduced(E)
(E) as the dancer who introduced
233.Darwin was not the first to advance a theory of evolution; his tremendous originality
lay in the fact that he proposed the idea of natural selection as the means by which
evolution worked.
(A) lay in the fact that he proposed the idea
(B) lay in the fact of his proposing the idea
(C) laid in the fact of his proposing the idea
(D) laid in his proposal(E)
(E) lay in his proposal
234.Declining values for farm equipment and land, the collateral against which farmers
borrow to get through the harvest season, is going to force many lenders to tighten or
deny credit this spring.
(A) the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season, is
(B) which farmers use as collateral to borrow against to get through the harvest
season, is
(C) the collateral which is borrowed against by farmers to get through the harvest
season, is
(D) which farmers use as collateral to borrow against to get through the harvest
season, are(E)
(E) the collateral against which farmers borrow to get through the harvest season,
235.Defense attorneys have occasionally argued that their clients’ misconduct stemmed
from a reaction to something ingested, but in attributing criminal or delinquent
behavior to some food allergy, the perpetrators are in effect told that they are not
responsible for their actions.
(A) in attributing criminal or delinquent behavior to some food allergy
(B) if criminal or delinquent behavior is attributed to an allergy to some food
(C) in attributing behavior that is criminal or delinquent to an allergy to some food
(D) if some food allergy is attributed as the cause of criminal or delinquent
(E) in attributing a food allergy as the cause of criminal or delinquent behavior
236.Degler does more than merely summarizing existing research; he constructs a
coherent picture of two centuries of studies dealing with the changing roles of
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(A) Degler does more than merely summarizing
(B) Degler’s study is more than a mere summarizing of
(C) Degler has done more than a mere summarizing of
(D) Degler’s study has done more than summarize merely(E)
(E) Degler does more than merely summarize
237.Delighted by the reported earnings for the first quarter of the fiscal year, it was
decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise.
(A) it was decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise
(B) the decision of the company manager was to give her staff a raise
(C) the company manager decided to give her staff a raise
(D) the staff was given a raise by the company manager(C)
(E) a raise was given to the staff by the company manager
238.Dental caries and gingivitis can be exacerbated not only by the foods patients eat but
also by when the patients eat them.
(A) not only by the foods patients eat but also by when the patients eat them
(B) by not only the foods patients eat but also by when the patients eat them
(C) not only by the foods patients eat but also by time when the foods are eaten
(D) by not only the foods that are eaten by patients but also by the times the foods
are eaten(E)
(E) not only by what patients eat but also by when they eat it
239.Despite its attractiveness, investing abroad can still pose big risks, ranging from the
potential for political instability in some countries to the shortage of regulations to
protect investors and a serious lack of information about investments in others.
(A) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of
information about investments in others
(B) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and in others a serious lack of
information about investments
(C) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of
information about investments in others
(D) and the shortage of regulations to protect investors to a serious lack of
information about investments in others(A)
(E) to the shortage of regulations to protect investors in others and a serious lack of
information about investments
240.Despite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse hardening of
the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could help
reverse blockage of coronary arteries, the blood vessels that feed the heart.
(A) Despite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse hardening
of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could
(B) Despite no foods having been proved to reverse hardening of the arteries when
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consumed, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can
(C) Although the consumption of no particular foods have been proved to reverse
hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that to refrain from eating certain
foods could
(D) Although not proved that the consumption of any foods reverse hardening of the
arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can(E)
(E) Although it has not been proved that the consumption of any particular food will
reverse hardening of the arteries, studies indicate that refraining from eating
certain foods can
241.Despite protests from some waste-disposal companies, state health officials have
ordered the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that
the results be published.
(A) the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches to be measured and that the
results be
(B) that seawater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of bacteria,
with the results being
(C) the measure of levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches and the results
to be
(D) seawater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria, with their
(E) that the levels of bacteria in seawater at popular beaches be measured and the
242.Despite the recent election of a woman to the office of prime minister, the status of
women in Pakistan is little changed from how it was in the last century.
(A) is little changed from how it was
(B) is a little change from how it was
(C) has changed little
(D) has changed little from how it has been(C)
(E) is little changed from the way it was
243.Developing nations in various parts of the world have amassed $700 billion in debts;
at stake, should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is the solvency of
some of the world’s largest multinational banks.
(A) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, is
(B) should a significant number of these debts be repudiated, are
(C) should they repudiate a significant number of these debts, are
(D) if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts, would be(A)
(E) if a significant number of these debts will be repudiated, is
244.Dirt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century, but financially
strained townships point out that dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved
(A) dirt roads cost twice as much as maintaining paved roads
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(B) dirt roads cost twice as much to maintain as paved roads do
(C) maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as paved roads do
(D) maintaining dirt roads costs twice as much as it does for paved roads(B)
(E) to maintain dirt roads costs twice as much as for paved roads
245.Discrimination in wages paid in occupations that are predominantly male over the
predominantly female have given rise to substantial differentials between the wage of
housepainters and secretaries and between the wages of parking-lot attendants and
library assistants.
(A) paid in occupations that are predominantly male over the predominantly female
(B) paid in occupations that are predominantly make over those that are
predominantly female have
(C) that favors predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female have
(D) that favors predominantly male occupations over those that are predominantly
female has(E)
(E) paid in predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female has
246.Displays of the aurora borealis, or “northern lights,” can heat the atmosphere over the
arctic enough to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce electric currents
that can cause blackouts in some areas and corrosion in north-south pipelines.
(A) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce
(B) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected, induce
(C) that it affects the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induces
(D) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected and induces(E)
(E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles and induce
247.Distinguished architecture requires the expenditure of large sums of money, even if it
is by no means certain that the expenditure of large sums of money produce
distinguished architecture.
(A) even if it is by no means certain that the expenditure of large sums of money
(B) even if it is by no means certain that the expenditure of large sums of money
will produce
(C) even though there is no certainty that the expenditure of money in large sums
(D) even though it is by no means certain that the expenditure of large sums of
money produces(D)
(E) though there is no certainty as to the expenditure of money in large sums
248.Doctors generally agree that such factors as cigarette smoking, eating rich foods high
in fats, and alcohol consumption not only do damage by themselves but also
aggravate genetic predispositions toward certain diseases.
(A) not only do damage by themselves but also aggravate
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(B) do damage by themselves but also are aggravating to
(C) are damaging by themselves but also are aggravating
(D) not only do damage by themselves, they are also aggravating to(A)
(E) are doing damage by themselves, and they are also aggravating
249.Doctors still know little about how the Listeria bacterium is spread and why the
disease it causes, listeriosis, afflicts some people in a contaminated area though it
spares many others.
(A) though it spares
(B) where it spares
(C) despite sparing
(D) when sparing(E)
(E) while sparing
250.Domestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into research
to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road.
(A) into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the
(B) into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road than
at present
(C) for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even than
presently on the road
(D) in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present on
the road(D)
(E) in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than
presently on the road
251.Downzoning, zoning that typically results in the reduction of housing density, allows
for more open space in areas where little water or services exist.
(A) little water or services exist
(B) little water or services exists
(C) few services and little water exists
(D) there is little water or services available(E)
(E) there are few services and little available water
252.Dr. Hakuta’s research among Hispanic children in the United States indicates that the
more the children use both Spanish and English, their intellectual advantage is
greater in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic.
(A) their intellectual advantage is greater in skills underlying reading ability and
nonverbal logic
(B) their intellectual advantage is the greater in skills underlaying reading ability and
nonverbal logic
(C) the greater their intellectual advantage in skills underlying reading ability and
nonverbal logic
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(D) in skills that underlay reading ability and nonverbal logic, their intellectual
advantage is the greater(C)
(E) in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic, the greater intellectual
advantage is theirs
253.Dr. Hegsted argues that just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the
few who might actually contract polio, mass dietary change is needed to protect the
significant number who are susceptible to the life-threatening effects of press eating
(A) just as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the few who might
actually contract polio
(B) like polio vaccine, which is given to every person to protect the few who might
contract polio
(C) similar to polio vaccine which is given to every person in order to protect the
few who might actually contract polio
(D) while, to protect the few who might actually contract polio, polio vaccine is
given to every person(A)
(E) similar to the giving of polio vaccine to every person in order to protect the few
who might contract polio actually
254.Dr. Sayre’s lecture recounted several little-known episodes in the relations between
nations that illustrates what is wrong with alliances and treaties that do not have
popular support.
(A) relations between nations that illustrates
(B) relation of one nation with another that illustrates
(C) relations between nations that illustrate
(D) relation of one nation with another and illustrate(B)
(E) relations of nations that illustrates
255.Dr. Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for discovering how the body can constantly
change its genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each
specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.
(A) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at
(B) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically to
(C) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, all specifically targeted at
(D) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies, all of them targeted specifically
(E) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically at
256.During an era when interracial tensions in the United States have run high, Rosa
Parks became a quiet, unassuming symbol of the continued struggle for human
(A) have run high
(B) ran high
(C) had run highly
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(D) run high(B)
(E) were running highly
257.During an ice age, the buildup of ice at the poles and the drop in water levels near the
equator speed up the Earth’s rotation, like a spinning figure skater whose speed
increases when her arms are drawn in.
(A) like a spinning figure skater whose speed increases when her arms are drawn in
(B) like the increased speed of a figure skater when her arms are drawn in
(C) like a figure skater who increases speed while spinning with her arms drawn in
(D) just as a spinning figure skater who increases speed by drawing in her
(E) just as a spinning figure skater increases speed by drawing in her arms
258.During her lecture the speaker used map to clarify directional terms, for not everyone
in attendance was knowledgeable that winds are designated by the direction from
which they come.
(A) or not everyone in attendance was knowledgeable
(B) for everyone in attendance did not know
(C) with everyone in attendance not knowing
(D) with everyone attending not knowledgeable(E)
(E) for not everyone attending knew
259.During Roosevelt’s years in office Black Americans began voting for Democrats
rather than Republicans in national elections, but Black support for Democrats at the
state and local levels developed only after when civil rights legislation was supported
by Harry Truman.
(A) developed only after when civil rights legislation was supported by Harry
(B) developed only after when Harry Truman supported civil rights legislation
(C) developed only after Harry Truman’s support of civil rights legislation
(D) develops only at the time after the supporting of civil rights legislation by Harry
(E) developed only after there being Harry Truman’s support of civil rights
260.During the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is
estimated to have left Mexico and added to the strain on the country’s debt-ridden
(A) During the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is
estimated to have left Mexico and added
(B) During the 1980’s it is estimated that approximately $50 billion in private
investment capital left Mexico and added
(C) It is estimated that there was approximately $50 billion in private investment
capital that left Mexico during the 1980’s and added
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(D) It is estimated that during the 1980’s approximately $50 billion in private
investment capital left Mexico, adding(D)
(E) Approximately $50 billion in private investment capital is estimated as having
left Mexico during the 1980’s, adding
261.During the 1980s it became clear that soliciting private funds was far more efficient
for environmentalists who sought financial aid than to go to state or federal agencies.
(A) that soliciting private funds was far more efficient for environmentalists who
sought financial aid
(B) that for environmentalists who sought financial aid, it was far more efficient to
solicit private funds
(C) that for environmentalists seeking financial aid, private organizations were far
more efficient to go to
(D) for environmentalists seeking financial aid, going to private organizations was
far more efficie