Chapter6 200 Figure 6-1 shows a materials handling application in which hydraulic cylinders ur* or"i to drive the boom of a forklift truck operating on a rough terrain' On the rough ground around building constructiol, operating a forklif,t, truck with a high r*uJh r-equires a hig$r degree oi skill anci care. One of the most difficult operations in this setting involyes inserting loads horizontally onto scaffolds In this system, automatic levJling and insertioJof the fork is accomplished with comPuter-controlled electrohydrar]fcs. Pure horizontal motion of the fork is achieved by hydraulic cylinposiders coniinuously changing the boom angle and length.This is accomplished by to the on-board tion sensors located on tUe. boom. These sensors transmit signals computer that respond by s&nding commands to the servo valves for controlling the oil flow rate to the hydrauiic cylinders' A hydraulic shock absorber is a deyice that brings a moving load to a gentle rest through ti." ure of metered hydraulie fluid. Typically hydraulic shock absorbers use orificis to meter internal oil flow to accomplish a uniform gentle deceleration of the moving load.Two common applications of hydraulic shock absorbers are in moving cranes and automobile suspension systems. Figure 6-1.. Rough terrain forklift driver by hydraulic cyiinders. (Cowlesy Nationsl Fluid Power Associtrtion, Milwar*ee, Wisconsin. ) of l Chapter6 200 Figure 6-1 shows a materials handling application in which hydraulic cylinders ur* or"i to drive the boom of a forklift truck operating on a rough terrain' On the rough ground around building constructiol, operating a forklif,t, truck with a high r*uJh r-equires a hig$r degree oi skill anci care. One of the most difficult operations in this setting involyes inserting loads horizontally onto scaffolds In this system, automatic levJling and insertioJof the fork is accomplished with comPuter-controlled electrohydrar]fcs. Pure horizontal motion of the fork is achieved by hydraulic cylinposiders coniinuously changing the boom angle and length.This is accomplished by to the on-board tion sensors located on tUe. boom. These sensors transmit signals computer that respond by s&nding commands to the servo valves for controlling the oil flow rate to the hydrauiic cylinders' A hydraulic shock absorber is a deyice that brings a moving load to a gentle rest through ti." ure of metered hydraulie fluid. Typically hydraulic shock absorbers use orificis to meter internal oil flow to accomplish a uniform gentle deceleration of the moving load.Two common applications of hydraulic shock absorbers are in moving cranes and automobile suspension systems. Figure 6-1.. Rough terrain forklift driver by hydraulic cyiinders. (Cowlesy Nationsl Fluid Power Associtrtion, Milwar*ee, Wisconsin. ) of l Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning Devices 6,2 HYDBAULIG CYLIIUDEH 201 OPERATITEG FEATURES The simplest type of hydraulic cyiinder is the single-acting design, rvhich is shown schematically in Figure 6-Z{a).It consists of a piston.inside a cylindrical housing calied a barrel. Attached to one end of the piston is a rod, which exiends outside one end of the cylinder (rod end). At the other end (b1ank end) is a port for the entrance and exit of oil. A single-acting cylinder can exert a force in only the extending direction as fluid from the pump enters the blank end of the cylin(er. singleacting cylinders do Tot retract hydraulically. Retraction is accomplished by using gravity or by the inClusion of a iompression spring in the rod r'igure 6-z{b1 "no. shows the graphic symbol of a single-acting cylinder. A graphic symbol implies how a component operates without showing any of its construction details.In drawing hydraulic circuits (as done in Chapter 9) graphic symbols of all components are used. This facilitates circuit analysis and troubleshooting. The symbols, which are merely combinations of simple geometric figures such as circles, rectangles, and lines, make no attempt to show the internal configuration of a component. However, symbols must clearly show the function of each component. Figure 6-3 shows the design of a double-acting hydraulic cyiinder. Such a cylinder can be extended and retracted hydrauiically.Thus, an output force can be applied in trvo directions (extension and retraction). This particular cylinder has a woiking pressure rating of 2000 psi for its smallest bore size of 1{ in and 800 psi tbr its largest bore size of 8 in. The nomenclature of a double-acting cylinder is provided in Figure 6-3. In this design, the barrei is made of seamless steel tubing, honed to a fine finish on the inside. The piston, which is made of ductiie iron, contains U-cup packings tb seal against leakage between the piston and barrei. The ports are located in the end caps, which are secured to the barrel by tie rods. The tapered cushion plungers provide smooth deceleration at both ends of the stroke.Therefore, the piston cloes not bang into the EXTENSiON lL_ iii. l RETBACTION rltlitIi I111 t,t t i irlrBABREL LFR OM PUM P {a) SCHEMATIC DRAWTNG Figure l 6-2. Single-acting hydlaLrlic c1,)ii.idei (b) GfiAPHIC SYMBOL i .ri i zaz n<br sFp9 u>=< oa rDn):r l=i! x Y' z''i z<1,= ACrl r: o--1zu) UJ \, c omzo> :i'En(/) CT H=!ei rqli,i ix o p c aa\m tT fi"---{m >naa1 -=^ nr tn> PA a$ (J I u cl oo 5 I C € E m - m :a c) -l :l T 6.) --l lfl v< mu) nr 2o =< zm 2 z r .) aT. a Ia U mr o z m IrE --1 v () -o C =z ?@ ai --l -m m Io g -v --l _m +m - ql.)- plo >r Nfrm=e q5E Lma o :cj -:iH< m =i6 6rn- m m:"1.1 ,^M I V =- 5-ig o- (l I m o go :- ru _-r Ir m -! >C .)T x-u CO o : >tr ZC (,! ! CIJ ^l- >n FE gDZ i4 + G- ()'E CJ !{3 f< Ei 5P i(Y cl1 aq H= vz v C 6} o c o *11 .E s lfl 2 lf) E o z c {a c,i-t{ C}I -t -{ -f, 6s Oo J-. ; cD ,I z m o =- S6Z 6.2 (-T @ -l o o o@ .Tt IT m r c(t{ gF rE? <J >m m x, c) F =o =q @-z =g q 2. z6) 4) m-i 618 or+ m;D r) 5'o m-tm mzfr UAn D -.1. loird; o, z<aT OY ra m m *o z.Tl o -J 2l-l- 13 s{ Om -fr =-:m ZL 8E m Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning Devices 203 end caPS with excessive impact, which could damage the hydraulic cylinder after a given number of cycles.The graphic symbol for a clorible-acting cylinder is also shown in Figure 6-3. O. g ciu ITD EB lttlo uIlITI Iu Gs AIIT D TI,I EG HATuI GAt tI ]II KAG Es various types of cylinder mountings are in existence, as illustrated in Figure 6-4. This permits versatility in the anchoring of cylinders. The rod ends arJ usuaiiy threaded so that they can be attached directiy to the load, a clevis, a yoke, or some other mating deyice. Through'the use of various mechanical linkageg the applications of hydraulic cylinders are limited only by the ingenuity of the nriio po*"iiesigner.As illustrated in Figure 6-5, these linkages can trinsform a linear motion into e"ither an oscillating or rotary motion. In addition, linkages can also be employed to increase or decrease the effective Ieverage and stroke of a cyiinder. FOOT AND RECTANGULAR CENTERLI NE FLANGE MOUNI LUG MOUNTS TRUN-NION MOUNi INTERMEDIATE TRUNNION MOUNT SQUARE FLANGE MOUNT CLEVIS MOIJNJ FLUSH SIDE MOUNT EXTENDED TIE ROD Figure 6,4. Various cyJinder mountings. (Cotrtesy Ranrl Corp.. Troy', Michigan.) DOUBLE ROD END oJ' Sperry vickers, Sperrv lfrllllllltl 204 Chapter 6 ilffii{ ,ffiW rlill iii iill liili' Scroid-d$t lrf?r il Ihir4.ito!3,rrl' StdSrH;i! tilrurt rxru.?d ili i;i ';'l il $roiglrFlina rastion rruttipttrd e:l Sfaigltt p$rl r *otilot?al pamlkl motht ruil il rli j,ll ll ,' ,,1 Jfij:['"1':'x, 'Tifll;,ffi:]f T'q"r'"'prs'r ,tr$l$iHf Figure 6-5' Rex n o r d Typical mechanical linkages that can be combined with hydraulic cyiinders. {courtesy I n d us t r i es, Hy d r a u I ic Co m p oie nts D iv is rli,i ""4; l:t- ion, Arii"i, of W;re Much effort has been made by manufacturers of Irydrauric cyrinders to reduce eated as ;;*'rl; ; liisarieni :i::::::lr::;:;,,;;t.;;"#X1l"i;1;iiX',"**;'#J'Xilil;::l:l: hyclraulic cylinder has a direcr bearing on-its life universal alignment mountin-g accessory designed to reduce misalignment . -A problems is illustrated in Figure o-0. ey using one of thJse accessory components and a mating clevis at each end of the cylinder (s-ee Figure 6-6), the following benefits are obtained: 1. Freer range of mounting positions 2. Reduced cylinder binding and side loading 3. Allowance for universal swivel 4. F.educed bearing and tube wear 5. Elimination of piston btow-by caused by misalignment 295 Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning Devices alignment mounting accessory for fluid cylinders. (Courtesy Sheffer Corp., Cincinnati, Ohio.) Figure 6-6. Universal of + uin PISTGN PISTON DURING EXTENSION, THE ENTIBE PISTON aRFA rA^) WHTCH lS SHOWN SHADED lN rHr LovilLn VtEw, tS EXposED To.FLUID PRESSUBE. (a) EXTENSION STBOKE DUBING RETBACTION, ONLY THE ANNULAF ABEA-AROUND THE BOD (Ap-Art WHIGH lS SHoWN SHADED JN THE LOWER VIEW, IS EXPOSED TO FLUID PRESSURE. {b} BETRACTION STBOKE Figure 6-7. The effective areii of clouble-acting cylinrlers is grealer for the exterlsion stroke than it is for the rett'action stloke. 6.II CYLIIUDEB FOBGE, T'ELOCITY, A]UD POBUEA The output force (F) and piston velocity (u) of doubie-acting cylinders are not the sarne loi extension and retraction strokes. This is explained as foliolvs (in conjunction w'ith Figure 6-7): During the extension stlgke. fluid enters the blank end of the cylinder through the entire circular alea of ihe piston (A,,). However. durin-q the lilil, lilllr ti1, itl iri ;ii tli iii iii tii I! Chapter 6 206 ltli,i i iii it. 1i i'i retraction stroke, fluid enters the rod end through the smaller annular area between the rod and cylinder bore (A, - A),where A, equals the piston area and,4, equals the rod area. This difference'in flow-path cross-sectional area accounts for the difference in piston velocities Since Ao i! greater than (4, - A),the retraction velocity is greater than the extension velocity for the same input flow rate" Similarty, during the extension stroke, fluid pressure bears on the entire circular area of the piston.iHowever, during the retraction stroke, fluid pressure bears oniy on the smallei annular area between the piston rod and cylinder bore. This difference in area accounts for the difference in output forces. Since Ao is greater'than (Ao A,), the extensionrforce is greater than the retraction force for the same - operating pressure. : ' equations (6-1) through (6-4) a11ow for the calculation of the output force and velocity for the extension and retraction strokes of 100% efficient double-acting cylinders. Extension Stroke l,ii : p(pti) x ao(inz) (6-1) F,.,(N):p{Pu} xan(m') (6-1M) F",,(lb) lir,lil ili,,l i:, u-.(ft/s) u€r,(m/s) ' -"" : O,..(ftr/s) = A,(ft') : gr,(*'/s) ---: ^ A"(m-,1 16-2) . (6-2M) Retraction Stroke (6-3) (6-31vI) (6-4) (6-4M) The porver developed by a hydraulic c-vlincier equals the prodrrct of its force and velocriy during a given stroke. Using this relationship and Eqs' (6-1) and (6-2) for the extending stroke and Eqs. (6-3) ancl (6-4) for the retraction sit oke, we arrive ai the same result: Porver = p x Qi,,.ahus. rve conclude that the porver developed equals the product of pressure and cylinder input volume flow late for both the extension and retraction strokes- Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning Devices The horsepower developed by a hydraulic cylinder for either the extension or retraction stroke can be found using Eq. (6-5). Porver (HP) F(ib): 550 ur(ftls) x +9,,,(gpm) x p(psi) (6-s) 1-t14 Using metric unit5, the kW power developed for either the extension or retraction stroke can be found using Eq. (6-5M). Power : (tW; = uo(m/s) x r(kN) p(kPa) Q*(m'/s) x (6-5M) Note that the equating of the input hydraulic power and the output mechanical power in Eqs. (6-5) and (6-5M) assumes a 100% efficient hydrauiic cylinder. h, The piston velocity during the extending stroke c. The cylinder horsepower during the extending stroke d. The hydraulic pressure during the retraction stroke : : e. 'Ttr€ pistgn velocity duriiig.the'retiffion stroke f. The cylinder horsepower during the retrrietion,stroke ,;solution h. ' F".,(lb) 1000 1000 = rl5PS1 I')"-: Ae(1n1 : 1-;p: Tl4 ..,,.,, u.. {"14 Q-(ltr1s) 20/449 3 .t 4i 144 A,, (l ) x4',(tu) 12 Hp .: HPu-t d. P,,, - '-.,(n/s) 550 C,,,(gpm) x p"-(psi) - 0.02{8 2.05 x : 1000 550 x 20 318 lv74 1114 F,"r(ib) : ---'.---.--..: (A, A.)inr 0.0446 1*01] 3.14 - Qrl$Q\' 2.05 fr/s = 3.lZhp 3J2hp i000 2.355 :425osi Chapter 6 208 iidff 6.5 GYLIIUDER LOADS I}UE TO MOUING OF WEIGHTS The force a cylinder must produce equals the load the cylinder is required to overcome. In many cases the load is due to the weight of an object the cylinder is attempting to move. In the case of a vertical cylinder, the load simply equals the weight of the object because gravity acts in a dorvnward, vertical directionSometimes a cylinder is used to slide an obiect along a horizontal surface. In this case, the cylinder load is theoretically zero.This is because'thcre is no.conrponent of the object's u,eight acting along the axis of the cylinder (a horizontal direction). However. as the object slides across the horizontal surface, the cylinder must overcome the frictional force created between the object and the horizontal surface.This frictional force. rvhich equals the load acting on the cylinder, opposes the direction of motion of the moving object. If the cylinder is mounled in nejther a vertical nor horizontal direction, the cylinder load equals the component of the object's rveight acting along the axis of the cylinder. plus a frictionai force if the object is sliding along an inclined surface.Thus for an inclined cylinder- the load the cvlinder must oyercome is less than the weight of the object to be moved if the object is not sliding on an inclined surface. The cylinder loads described up to now are based on rnoving an object at a constant velocity. However. an object to be moved at a given velocity is initially at rest.Thns the object has to be accelerated from zero velocity up to a steadl, state (constant) velocitv as determined by the pump florv rate entering the cvlinder,This acceleration Hydraulic Cylinders and Cushioning Devices 209 represents an additional force (called an inertial force) that must be addeci to the rveight component and any frictionai force involved. Examples 6-2,6-3,and 6-4 illustrate how to determine loads acting on cylinders that are moving objects in any given direction, taking into account sliding friction and acceleration. Examplr ' 6-3 Find the cylinder force F requiled to lift rhe 6000-lb weight lv of Example 6-2 *rg u. d.irection rvhich is 30" from the horizontal- as shlown in Figure e-s1o). The weight is moved at constant velocity. Solution As shgwn in Figure 6-B(b).the cylinder lorce F,muqt equal the cd-moonent of the weighr acting along the centerlile of thL. c-vlinder. Thus, rve have a right triangle r.r"ith the.hypoi:ny:? !v and the sitle F iorming a 60'angle. Frim tngonometry we have sin 30. = F/W. Soivin-e for Fyields tr : triz sin 30' = 6000 1b X sin30. = "o\ 3) (a) Figure 6-8. inclinrrl cr..lirder liftins a loard iol- Exrr:toi: i: l 3000 lb Chapter 6 210 ,:Exat1ryr,u 6-4 The 6000-1b weight of Exampie 6-2 is to be lifted uprvard in a vertical directo cylinder force required tion: .'.'r Fin'dtiie ''l-::.'. :: : ' ::il: '_ r ' ght at a constant velocity city of 8 ftls tt/s a. Move the wei b; Accelerate the weight from zero veiocity to a velocity of Soluttioin . B , ft/s in 0.50 ., s ) a. For a constant velocity the cylinder lorce simply equals the weight of 6000lb. ,b,,rFrornNerwtori'S iaw of motion, the force required to accelerate a masb -' , fin,EqSals,the product of the mass m and its acceleration a. Noting that r,' .mass:equals ryeight divided by the acceleration of gravity g, we have , .,, . , ..::.j.::-i.ra:! a: 8fi/s-0ft/s :16ft|s" 0,50 s Thus, the force required to accelerate the weight is F.""., 6000 ib : _: x 32.2ftls: 16ft/s2 = 2980 lb The cylinder force dr1 required equals the sum of the weight and the acceleration force. 4yr : 6000 lb + 2980 lb : S9801b 6.6 SPEGIAL GYLIIUDER DESIGNS Fjgule 6-9 iijustrates a double-rocl cylincler in r+,hjch the ror-1 extends oi-rt ol the cylindet at both ends. For such a cvlincler-. the rvolds (.\itrirl autl rr-'lirtcl havc tto tltcaning Since the folce anci speed are the sarre for eiiher encl. this type of cylintler is Figure 6-9. Double-rod cr'lrrder-. (Courtesv of Alle nuit (oi 0.. ,\'lineolu. \itrr York.1 b,