Ridiculous Invention Project Your invention (displayed) must make life happier, better and more fun! It can be silly but not offensive. Keep it moral and legal! This is an oral presentation and not a reading activity! You can use different types of software to organize your ideas however this remains an oral presentation: no reading! You can use images, statistics, graphs, quotes or all other elements that would help you make your case. You are allowed to note your ideas on a cue card. 1 2 3 4 Vocabulary Vocabulary needs development Vocabulary is somewhat simple for grade level Vocabulary is generally well developed for grade level Takes risks to extend vocabulary and make it more precise Content Presentation is unclear and does not reflect the purpose of the assignment Attempts presentation but purpose is somewhat unclear Communicates through presentation and it reflects the purpose Presentation shows deep understanding of subject and purpose Speaks inappropriately in volume, tone , pace or timing Attempts to use appropriate volume and tone Appropriate volume, tone and pacing is used Ability to engage audience with exceptional speaking ability using volume, tone and pacing X3 Speaking Ability (Volume, tone and pacing) for effect