muscle. If your specimen is a male, make an incision around the genitalia, leaving the skin intact. If your specimen is a Gmale, the mammary glands will appear as longitudinal, glandular miisses along the ventral side of the abdomen and thor-ax. They shouicl be removed with the Embalmed cats purchased from biological supply houses are excellent specimens for dissecting and leatning basic mammalian anatomy. Before the muscles and viscera of a cat can be studied, the specimen\ skin has to be rernoved according to the following suggested guidelines. skirr. 1. 2. . 3. Place the cat on a dissecting tray dorsal side up. Using a sharp scalpel, make a short, shallow incision through the skin across the nape of the neck.With your scissors, conrinue a dorsal midline incision forward over the skull and down the back to about two inches onto the tail. Sever the tail rvith bone shears or a saw and discard. Make a shallow incision around the neck and down each 4. foreleg to the paws. Continue a circular incision aroi-rncl each wrist. Beginning at the base of the tail, make incisions down each of the hind legs to the ankles. Make a circular cut around each ankle. Carefully remove the skin, using your fingers or a blrrnt probe to separate the skin from underlying connective 5 10 11. 13 12 \ 14 lcaving rhe origin and iuscrrion intacr. At the end of the laboratory period, wrap your specimen in nruslin cloth and store it in a tight, heavy-duty plastic your specimen flom tinle to time with a preservative solution (usually 2%-3% phen<ll). Caution needs to be taken rvhen usirrg a phenol wetting solution as it is caustic and poisonous if misused or used in a concentrated form. bag. W'et tissue.'\X/here it is necessary to use a scalpel, keep the cutting edge directed toward the skin away from the 9 After the specirnen is skinned, remove the excess iat and connective tissue to expose the underlying muscles. Make certain that the rnuscies are separated along their natural boundaries. If a transection of a muscle is necessary isolate the muscle from its attached connective tissue and make a clean crrt across the belly of the muscle, 15 16 1.7 m ill .a t 1. l€-* {s E. { 18 ') lr |l j 3 19 b. L- 4 I I 5 20 I I 21 22 L 7 8 .*l "iln I f ) I 6 l9.l The car skeleron. Mandibie 6. Carpal bones 2. I-Iyoid bone 7. Meracarpal bones 3. Humerus 8. Phalanges 4. Ulna 9. Skull 5. Radius 10. Atlas 23 24 25 d 26 27 L; 28 Figure 1. 11. Axis 72. CewicaL vertebra 13. Scapula 14. Sternum 15. Rib 16. 17. 18. 19. Thoracic vertebra Lumbar r.,ertebra Patella Iliurn 20. Ischium 21. Pubis 22. Catdal vertebra 23. Femur 24. Tibra, 25. Fibula 26. Tarsal bones 27. Metatarsal bones 28. Phalanges A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 170 7 1 2 I 7 3 B 5 3 10 / 4 9 I 11 / 1.2 13 14 10 4 6 15 7 ) 16 8 11 Figure 19.3 A lateral view of a cat skull. bone bone 3. Squarnosal suturc 4. Temporal bone 5. Nuchal crest 6. External acoustic meatus 7. Mastoid process 8. Tympanic bulla 9. Nasal bone 1. Frontal 2. Parietal 1,2 13 6 Figure 19.2 A dorsal view of a cat skull. Premaxilla 2. Nasal bone 3. Frontal bone 4. Sagittai sutur-e 5. Coronal suture 6. Nuchal crest 7. Maxilla 10. Prernaxilla bone 11. Maxilla 72. Zygonatic (malaf bone 13. Coronoid process of mandible 14. Zygomatic arch 15. Mandible 16. Condyiar process of mandible 8. Zygonratic 1. (ma.lar) bone 9. Orbit 10. 11. 12. 13. Zygomadc arch Temporal bone Parietal bone Interparietai bone 678 5 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 \ 4 - J 2 1 Figure 1 9.4 A laterai view of the superficial muscles of the 1. l,ateral heacl oltriceps brachii m. 2. Acromiodeltoid m. m. (clavodeltiod) 4. Sternornastoid m. 5. Clavotrapezius m. 3. Clavobrachialis 6. Acromiotrapezius m. 7. Spinodeltoid m. 8. Long head of triceps brachii rn. 9. Pectoralis minor nr10. Xiphihumeralis m. 11. Spinotrapezius rn. cat. 12 Latissimus dorsi rn. 13 External abdominai oblique m. 14 Lurnbodorsai fascia 15 Sar:torius m. 16 Tensor flsciae latae m. 17 Gluteus medius m. 18. Gluteus maximus lE 19. Caudofemoralis m. 20. Biceps femoris m. Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection \o Lr) 17L f'- 'l fy v- t- k r n \ ffi \ F trhj- / t I x nHO E-o E .-=UH e 5&,; tdGro - a d o o c F 0 y u i:* O oNl? -o E.= 3 6 < ; f,l F"-o .o r! i''o ? c5f,Ei 6 4a -ild = r',>9.2 O H.q C H - 5FU<J w-a) ci o\ .d + .9) r -: <.i i ! r.ts E E= H L A ,! d ca o C{ cO I -aaH E 5 ! 9.X X ! ?!jg.X=-tt =JdO - E*. rr- :ffi , ll .= *€ E E 3H ) }EI ix!o3i!2:x ! *d = .=vL O. {t .4, (EF-cOC !* ! u ) a((,El ul, = O€<) O o. o o - 5- ! Ed i g F u At - ^:= - F o-Y! d -o-trt'13'7, rt r= u :.d;!6=d- rn.!J.:o ! X d:r: Y.= tr !6 G<-i.EPl*= a+ F :9 0: o o g ! I i E ^!: 1 5i!<iJrd(, .9 u- -; *(\l rn \o Ir- e.i co "r ri .rj 172 A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory \o I*- cO # I ; .2/'l , L-:"irP .9 -cbo ;?aH E.: ,!_c o ! + = h -PPUPP =d-uou -v O u -ia He ft ft o. o. ooo\3 9r'!H u .:- flSr.*i b.-- l, O -))Y . !HF u Q* a < Ep BE il I b5 H o OiFSb >.56',J> 5 .9r* llca) -Gl o.l LO at ffi d I t)u F si x3 ^. .Elllc (! o c.) / o -o U.; \ t"-* K e 6 iu O >-5i..: a *r i: 0 O\' !-c e9,aca9yo o ! H <,il l\! o. Eo \\ o i,+ ;>Z .gl t! -j 6i .i =t tr) !? Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection a- I @ n J L73 j - 6)d c - d ,, ,F ,. -q o 9 *.9 ';==: ?.= H ! = I -f.,,.T i;^EtsF duPU6a F ! O dH+ v d L o! I \ a ig9ooo E!aaDue d \ {, f L, -Y^. o. ooo' O-c\ -il o g _o L o- (,) o>o a .2 ! /.F n :.2! ? o : F-:e 4_a a <E !-E3.oPi 'it q;'e q e oE F 1 -1 L-- ! !, i i::9!--tre jjI d 3 :Y.9 ;.oU9UFY*UA F-c I o i g I O E ; E€ q 9 E..1 5 - ti cq o. t:.; ar tq z -i c.i ".; + ri .o r.. .g,E U-d ------ard tn o.l aa o\ I I o -f :'*. -o ol Oi I W 'M .a ,:| i J,1 7 a tr <i o.fe i i! i=3ii*.9:P= F i = -o JUd<ca ui>^oo t--ooo'oiii E ad k d) 'c 5 o J + o d j i- ts .: U+n a,j ! -Y > tr h !2a:. 't -> I I I I ! I LO a-. ! e !a U - ! O E."O .9t .: ..i .o + r; 6 - = -di o-;-tr-Y;.3 J -i rJ i-l o..Y.DdO! i 7.=; X i o. a i:E-o !-d-o I I E9; o EI in c.!: x ts P> E-! <ij'JiU 5 l! t74 A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory LN aC C.l A .! : E n tra ( F^,^: trJJ O;EEEgN; () -!,Ll ! o nw 6 F U U J a.Al * i* X; t o o I : O.: o ! ri ! u c(i * g a: :: H 6,ii o I t I 7 .idd:dIa.,* E a,, < - !l v ffF: & 9,!,*, tso'ciot.., =i-ro (* ^d B; o: > \ ^.y != ! I : i E:E ;bEEi Bdad=J r tr o --;5 L C = 6 < E ! E U g-3= q c{ " d-! E E m d-Elj L: -= o'e!E:tsiE F-Ya-=dae .-*^2tndaa o q.:€? F E I Sdtifd;#'jiii# 1 Cr) + tr) \Otr- + ,ri <, r- cd ot C) @ ,.i ".i r- \c tr) o:l .9); u- b 5 o d ! -o Oa !.;l n-U c H () 09(/F ! A d .d d ts 'X ' ^ : 4.'d ! L 'o: g i ?;c4 E e'H;= ! o ! o = a : d l --'t i = ^ ;6 dobir P+')t;.8 cd r o X X !i Q E 0.6 -c El .Y El -o rJ -c C/] r-l oi o lod -i oi I r"( a- t'-4 .\ # i, ca i;;4 ar=.. n a;i .=trP 3-.6 - 5 = A.=fi' h Y. < := + E" .-e ;i t E d i i i=.a =! ;"8 N d H E H; H E o f frE q E EI Ai pHei s E8 5U<u:SqlcQrrj-!u- o .9; .i "" -r ,ri ,c; F- ;f# t or ?E.* : I0i f t / 6l \- Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection 775 6 7 1 2 3 tt ', ? o ta 5 10 11 { k Figure I 9.13 A lareral view of the trunk. rn. 1. Internal abdominal oblique 2. tnsor fascia latae 3. Caudofemoris m. 4. Vastus lateralis 8. Spinodeltoid m. 5. Sartorius m. 6. External abdominal oblique m. (cut and reflected) 7. Latissirnus dorsi rn. m. 9. Transverse abdominis m. 10. Serratus anterior m. 11. Long head of triceps btachii m. 7 ! 7 I 1 8 2 9 3 l 4 10 9 7 4 I 10 -\ J 6 11 11 5 t2 Fq 6 ;,1 ll, 13 Figure 19.14 A 1. Sartorius I m. lrrtera.l view of the superficial thigh. 2. Gl-rteus medius m. 3. Clluteus maximus m. 4. Car:doGmoralis m. 5. Car"rdal m. 6. Semitendinosus m. 7. Internal abdon-rinal oblique m. 8. External abdominal oblique m. 9. Tensor fascia latae (cut) 10. Vastus lateraiis rn. 11. Biceps femoris m. Figure 19.15 A medial view of dre thigl-r and 1. Sartorius m. (cut) 2. Vastus la.teralis m. 3. Rectus femoris rrr. 4. Vastus medialis m. 5. Flexor digitorurn longus m. 6. Tibialis anterior m. 7. Rectus abdonrinus nr. leg. 8. Adductor longus m. 9. Adductor fbrnoris m. 10. Sernimembranosus m 11. Gracilis m. (cut) 12. Gastrocnemius m. 13. Tendo calcaneus (Achilles tendon) A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory L76 Glccs O r.rJ !(n \ o !a I' d"E - -o*.9 u li g Fqf!do=q >c ! s! u.9; eO-a{c)+Lr:\Ct'o-reid d f -x il !.,i .2'nu I / i! =cg.e9_E:;5 FJiJTrU;FJoi \ F 'S Je Ut9: o --: i \ 'UL.5 +. Ytr rrGU_!du9u ts: lvlir-c L o *v '.-O= d.lf O! =: =t un?E - r i \ -Y:o! ! Y"F ,, I .-:: >,=:aA L:: r.E E.E ro c 5 -: -j -t .rj € r.9 IL ".i \o t-- c.l + ;n . a F A - o ce o .i ci ! - 3: E L = tr x .+ X d C .= (Y o c r ', ;,i.,,11 cc o' cc c.) j;ii:' .!-a $E.EFU!-+E €><Fca=#ii j',rtli : c',=t H+ 9o,o;ni *t+ B o F o s; d F..:Hja) 0i=tr Aataa,z^--4 ;'E ilE, 3af,.^ E6 E i F€ iJ LYHOC:'iu= 5 d ,,I u X .O H E E Or = a!;:id!r -uu;.:.=.2Yjl O:: HFFF ^ 3 F 5UOO#,6,-5sF .Y'* t! ot Ll) \D F- u r Es;=F=tqayE 3|-;k:vJJ7.Z:4 GI r P @ o.t rl + n -, F- co Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection C- j oo .s .q .C 2O o o o 5(n ) 5cn) L,Y C o t: o o co E G) o o o _c 9)> 9g: ?iho E o '= oj o On o 'c 177 o o o .o I ntr c) E o o e > / ,.o o:) oc >E 'En o'= -o: co L> -.Y oo o: ;p il (.) ?^ &. av o J g o C d a o o o o 6 G u & It On o F >= 6 Lg o Or ,ji:9 !>C.\ln F =o.woo !+'x u< o (-);iX n o g -69 Y -Of.9! 6 E9.E og 6 E-Ol .!: > <: .9E o;i OY oO Io o OO- o ooX oyo ciL .o E :) J D o, >o f V7 U -c .a u ci Eg Eg oz= >-.9 -!2(J xy <6 .o oo5o- oy .Y-n > _ +J v of -5 9 . o .8 b E:E :6 ! c :o +o !O .o o- ;.q9x5-6 L L: + U o Y l,Y () o ^r J1O-\))qQ o E E 66.Ys € 6()E9 Ec 359: E.q I P o) O L 6 9 9E oo o xu :>oE L!L'=n V Y @@: o 1) o .E o o o J (.) o o L o E o h o E 0) ! d o o (.) o il -+ o <-u 6 o d O d) o o ! o k ';q O E izc o :E 6 i o o C I 0) x uJ .oo bp oo dF .o H a f, o f. o O o -c F oo oc 'o.q tgetocicl6.; 3*h6.oEboc : Eo o - Eo#F €t E.g .Y Erl o !2 o> xo -c i EE a6 o P: -o E .a -c o cA OO 'tro E o-rS> oo ) 'ot o)q - o = oo r? UU .E o c o o E o\ o o E o I D U, IL A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 178 c\i* o e'l ri .+ \o Ln * l'- e 5 ai;t O I t -" aG /') h!.J l-i i,'1 !y e; a " Z 2 - - !.t.= = L-)eo*!!d = i.. E i j: f = Cl t-c a.j .9 .- o F ! t a c-s n 'Iqi9:Ln;:i5P il L.X .:.c ! #'A J ,Q erlrl(ro-e..J- I i -r I t c.i c.i =t E-,'- ,c *2 r- oc \ in" ':l "l [. 6 ' g>4 'n d -d d)LJd d d .d :0 ij ? - -E> o.a u !o6 t u .= F 5oo= L L- L- * ; O :T NlEH; oJ !v -:J ! e- eS_ u ; 6F;-.3 i L=-!-vi F :;s ii bf,-c o H { E= I E 3 (r{ --!uil 56SdA3C5;E r,<tc\9F-aCO. \ c.l .Yr.-Gt lL \t "i- >4 oyg =cc0) : Ei.e o 90 - 3 i- - 6 U Fo I Y o O hTJ .ll C g o U+ ;> =9;9 ;6 E E ; 18 TE € P o E o o E o C 0 E E (r) E f o ,E E c o o (, o J co o fr"13! .c a) t-, o lv Irt f,;; i -o 5 ES E (o.E < 0- E o C o c >: t O o.u l !- !u.: o ) o- 5 L (J C) c O9CC '7r)OO 0) o > oY c '6 JN\ANI U J.- J O 'c C C) o J f o E -c. o > =u x 0) o o o- 0) J I *i q s 0 4J O "3 0 9 o (l a (,) H o rt 6 -] al, 6 + sU F o o N o 6 c o o tl- 'ro o I c > c > o+ s6 .o6 =! v ? L+ c o O o ;- ol) I ll rr = ;9 ; !r( vr(r v.9)g f u. 0) O .e (-) ao o o I .c o 9 o o N o C O) E f .E o _c '^- o o C o .E o a) o l 0 c o .C .s) u. :, gl 4 o o E l oil l; I CE Ox <q U C E o o oE of .g Cf,r UO o ! C (.) o o E o f q .a v li o -C (-) -c= li u o s)0 M.E :oo s ({ o" 01 I U' t& Jnit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection \o F- o o\d @ D'-J ,tr- I o! > ,,M I I H I rI I I 1 79 I lr ) .{+ L& il c A ::d trI * 5 H d d ar# a --E , E5 q ijEE *9,:: i E k: €r!'iUYEqA - --j{t-rG}- I .,o Oe lF-cOo.r E h-. 'o? =r -u _t O:U du+ L< 6 C n i fn>u!! J - (\l. -. X hP sr:o r C 6: c9H:-9;^ o E o x.:r: F+iid_- 5FO<dJ> * .9 -i ".i ..r <- 'ri d L. +[o GI n el T O uHI* i ,! c:ts'? oi12P 7/ 3:-d 3= >= ./ II ftmF I I #; I I I O U !-..1 ! 6 ooJc.i c.; +r; o O di-'- tp ,al o u ! 9I -L u! ) ',=o."! -OQul Y l-c- -* E hcxio!u50 u.l C( r-.1 CQ < El '-!- C>. f -! Y cS t O r'= I .: ; 5 diio- |. ! co\a!i- ,* ! ., =iU- (e cE:r k, i a-ii I (!. G U 6J! G9---!--9 F!dAn\ddv I d E !J > E E = o n.v.#,YI.Y.Y* \ r-,^/../^/r1^/^/ lL+*HvBPH .9, c\] f ra .c F c-.t ca + tr) \o I-- co A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 180 ro \o t-- *Oil Ol ol O ol co CN .a<lr)\O c.n N ol l-- c\ C.l ;: i. - -! I Y =P>ir=If. !* H -sY i; I;JE t q b l-= E E " * 9 g E X E HE j EE!;E i 5"H IU!! ig?i; H":'E 13 v,t7..l 5'3 924,LI i:u €F:gthaC('J<FtL -) B 7 / -t! I I t TB a i-I - r,=rri.cjr(\$C..1 (\ h:.i--ni " h -olNN YF.Ui f d -:'; s 5L3> s = .i >-(r : X a; .: ": -V L _Frid 3 > --'-_'u >.= .d-c-od :I iz.?>;=iF7==;E;=Edd5Efr-3i Fe E Et i E 9s,# a \ \ N.1+n\OF"-oC Hd+eFrd {,C.E*- -/ "-rl ! \_ E ---* aii'iof.o E : i Gg.ji:.:>d O a-V 6 "^ P3 'l+ 4 io q _ c i.i9 k *p -Eq'egd xq:iE3: q .c kc ! r!9i E frs ! gi D-ll-'l&a\J .P)*oi ltc! r. CO \c 6 l-- @ o, o O C. ."i >"LAVrul +; 6F.-dc. at CI a d o op. aH o$? 5E U^1 fad ! o t: ; s^-, .a .^ :J e -q U H LE dA ^5qP_U! 9:J ! - d .= .d ! r.'=,P g'd* d a o fr*?.FltrlFr< d I ! v L. a @OsO*N(., : *++* d d '5 o *x '=L EO bE o.H 'r .o otr dA r<tr ro q.(\t E.: E:: o i-j deE*3:-:2H -E i - 5l si"4 o.,i; '"i !Y .O o -u ,Y 5 FU)EltsF("1,& ':: .9' * c'.t ..r + t/) \3 r-. uo.t 6 \c Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter i9 - Cat C 5 Dissection 181 GI UV 9F-c o F.F --[ d *l "f U ./ I -f E E'b g i F rlL!.r(JJcr cd oi o -; Gi c"; e3d- o 1 d qN (J \ II "t I ,#' ! fr ! O g d o c{ 'io_ I ! o. ; (zH .= o: L!UO !-C != nl I,i? Y i 9.S! , rJ"ttr)6a9. o c,) t C..l cQ u- n c.I \o + u) I a- I co t-.- 'l : eS,,* '"lr - >d E!! i.!#9F"i , L .; / HO -. U o >u= 1 !.U= I f u . -oa) c! tucl N5€I!" t{.? o.? ii .i ..'i E:l: >:: o e: u:l; L , , \ - H rA !./rtFlr\J(, .9t oi ,.i + IL -; \. 6l .1) <. ro L - JLJEl 49 o. .tr \Ot'-cOO\O ^ a { ,/ ffin .i \ i = ?')o d f1 ffia J *+ _aq I / .t' !ts 9F \o ! ..: I-- A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 182 c 3.\ o.l l]1 cO , U c) .o h k >-- .,,,,,',*..'.' ll 1...-.#F:+*:;.t c, -d t1_! Y: d r'!'a,a ; d+ O UYi UYJ(ji -Y ! l)v.JY=e^u /lEHEd3* ct ; o.\O*a\('/-f te*#d C o >. ! .d ,U!JL PE9X-u u >! i- jr X o I g a! ={ : F c^L Ai 9* $l - - {:.-. 3 o H.*:U f 55rid Jtd.<u:) .9-<.i d+ -idn-od ' L n ci) |h F- 'o r) eOl \o ei F- uud Od >d , .) U 9 (i l-v. " d d X 9 v *- O T1 '.A +uvtJ* ()v!!L! f,.a73".9x1' ; .Y u :l ! o 4 -o , tr P I, .: U tr tr ';.'1 ii o q o E.Y ! 9. .J iu<j'rri;v) o 0 4J* (n !!^ s:^ ^U!ii oli u C)iNrO+rJ1\CI-.. se-*Fd** c r I '+ o o !_ .d o e d 'nc o Cd A!= Ea,A.4 Or I. c! H 6C t3 XaX ra .o l-- ; -c FoiUa! -LFO r - E; d O uE O mJx x= O 'F^f^.;t:i!u-c > o-l i a C(>;LiFr.laaal) c,)," q\i u-o .r c.i + r;6 (. Y E '7;1. O\ l *Cn ,.! ,:'" Q,o g EiSrEE r-- od oi Unit - 7 Vertebrate Dissections Chapter 19 - Cat Dissection 183 n C{ \ ffi-d s O t I "qi "s;, h--_- * ! FSiT v F.O O o 7'! 3 != -oiJ) =:r?t* .u-i ,t r ;D\-- o F ? x*9 r \ a 6c5 au)v,Ji\Jgt--.1 E cr o.dJoi i+3+e- c"; +r; ! d o ho o ! oo \I $rz (qu 'd j G -! PE =o.9 6- ! !^5 ! i P f 9IE E€ - tr > tr ij i5 5v)o)))u> .9.-; 6i .. + ; .c F IL r) GI -l- tn :: od F, ) oi ra -i- \c ra C N 5 t-- !r<f an N N e -i .;v tr v-Ft-i^ 7?;?a:4 I E .a u. !1a! Jfr -vIi u - i, v > J a u o a ! u >-c'J Y \: - ; !UL?EE -6Y>*ta t?e=?3:1 =i\=r *Y ryn I L,!L - > - ffi 8!rF a J^/^/.J ",: "1a'! =!ilirJ(rJ r/) \c d ci.+ t'- 0o o\ o + N (! c\ +F-+s-€Fc{l cici o l[;8. tr o -t{* -hLe uc.A EH Y !!?L j!.la q, E ' : E fO :; qY-.J ! a ;i 6 c?:.=EEi! d=^:--L! i a, s u D F;l;-oq-tr-troEi.9.q I at E -, F 'y d s6 g p F !p *E =;:f 56VU<ddO)ddd o, .Y' - Ol .', <t r, \O I-- cc, C}' O ++lL \t rO \5 tr- c\ C A Photographic Atlas for the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory 184 ortery ond vein Abdominol porlion of the oorto kid lnferior veno covo Ureters \ Urinory blodder Spermotic ortery Spermotic vein Ductus deferens Prostote Crus penis Urethro glond portion of ond vein the oorto lnferior vend covo Right kidney Ovorion ortery Ovorion vein Ureter Fimbriqe Uterine tube Urinory blodder Ovorion ligoment Body of uterus Urethro Spermotic cord Anol glond rethrol Abdorninol Renol ortery Rectum Vogino Clitoris (cut) Testis Penis Urogenitol orifice Scrolum ns penis Anus Figure 19.33A diagram of the urogenital system of a male cat. Anus Figure 19.34A diagrarn of the urogenital system of a fernale cat. a t --J \ T 2 2 3 L r Figure l9.35The abdor:rinal caviry of a Figure 19.36 The abdominal caviry of a pregnant cat. 1. Greaterr orllentulTl pregnant cat. 1. Uterine wa1l (cut) 2. Amniotic sac enclosing fetus 2. Right horn of uterus 3. Fetus \ z