xx Abbreviations JV KTU LOBS LOA/ FOA LNG LP MCC MEROX MR MS MV NF NIT NSU OMCs OSBL OWS PCB PCP PGC PLEM PO PPG. PR PS PX RCC RDS RFD ROU ROW SCH. SCADA SRU s/s sws SPM/ SBM Joint Venture KL Kerosene Treating Unit LAD Lube Oil Base Stock LPG Letter of acceptance / Fax of LOI /FOI acceptance Liquefied Natural Gas LSTK Low pressure LT Motor Control Centre Mech. Mercaptan Oxidation MOV Material Requisition MMTPA Motor Spirit MTO Medium Voltage MW Non Ferrous NIO Notice Inviting Tender No. /Nos. Naphtha Splitter Unit OEM Oil Marketing Companies OHCU Outside Battery Limit OTPC Oily Water Sewer Parex Pollution Control Board PCC Permanent Cathodic Protection PEC Process Gas Compressor PIL Pipeline End Manifold PMC Purchase Order POL Piping PPT Purchase Requisition PROC. Purchase Specification PTA Paraxyiene RA Reinforced Cement Concrete RCP Residue Desulphurisation RE Ready for Drilling RFP Right of Use RFCC Right of Way Rx/Rg Schedule SDAU Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Sulphur Recovery Unit SIA Sub station / Structural Steel SWEC Sour Water Stripper TEG Single Point Mooring / Single Buoy TATOR-AY Mooring Kilo Litre Latest Allowable Date Liquefied Petroleum Gas Letter of Intent / Fax of Intent Lumpsum Turnkey Low Tension Mechanical Motor Operated Valve Million Metric tonnes per annum Material Take Off Mega Watt National Institute of Oceanography Numbers Original Equipment Manufacturer Once through Hydro-cracker Unit ONGC Tripura Power Captive Paraxvlene Extraction Unit Power Control Centre Project Evaluation Committee Public Interest Litigation Project Management Consultant Petrol, Oil & Lubricants Paradip Port Trust Procurement Purified Terephthalic Acid Risk Analvsis Rectifier Cathodic Protection Revised Budgeted Expenditure Readv for Production Resid Fluidised Catalytic Cracking Reactor / Regenerator Solvent Deasphalter Unit Secretariat of Industrial Approvals Stone & Webster Engineering Co. Thermo Electric Generator Trans Alkylation & Disproportionate Unit file://// (1 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx TGT TPI U/G UOP VBU WIP WLPA Tail Gas Treatment Third Party Inspection Under Ground Universal Oil Products Vis-Breaker Unit Water Injection Plant Wild Life Protection Act TPA TPH U&O UPS VDU VRDS WWTP Tonnes Per Annum Tonnes Per Hour Utilities & Offsites Uninterrupted Power Supply Vacuum Distillation Unit Vacuum Residue Desulphurisation Waste Water Treatment Plant Note For Supplementaries S.No Questions International oil and Domestic Retail Prices What has been the trend in the international prices of crude oil since March 2002? 1. 2 What has been the percentage increase in the international oil prices and domestic retail Prices of sensitive petroleum products since dismantling of APM? 3 What has been the revision of retail selling prices of sensitive petroleum products under various Governments since 1991? 4 (A) What have been the major revisions in the retail selling prices of petrol, diesel, PDS kerosene and domestic LPG at Delhi since 0.04.2002? (B) What has been the price of Indian basket of Crude oil on the dates of Major revisions in Retail Selling Price of Petroleum products? 5 (A) How many times the Ex-Storage basic prices of sensitive petroleum products have been reduced since 1st April 2002? 6 7 (B) How many times the Ex-Storage basic prices of PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG have been increased since 1st April 2002? What is the Retail Selling Price of sensitive petroleum products in metro cities in India? What is the share of taxes in retail selling price of Diesel, PDS Kerosene and Domestic "LPG at Delhi? 8 What has been the Dealers'/ Distributors' commission on sensitive petroleum products since 2004? RSP in other countries What are the changes in RSP of Petrol and Diesel in Asian countries since 2004? 10 How do the prices of Sensitive Petroleum Products (Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene and Domestic LPG) in India compare with neighboring countries? What is the % of Tax in RSP of Petrol and Diesel in neighboring countries? How does the taxation on Petrol and Diesel in India compare with other countries? Price fixation of sensitive petroleum products 12 13 14 15 (A) Why has the price of Petrol been made market driven? How many revisions have been done in petrol price since then? (B) Why has the price of Diesel not been made market driven? (A) Explain the important terminologies of Petroleum products pricing. (B) How are the prices of petrol and diesel fixed by oil companies? What has been the Government policy on pricing of PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG? What is rational and justification behind the whole method of fixation of Import Parity Price (IPP)? Under-Recoveries & Subsidy file://// (2 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx 16 What is the difference between under-recovery and loss indicated in "Profit and Loss" account? 17 How much subsidy on PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG has been provided to (A) consumers since 2002-03? 18 19 (B) What is the per unit and total under recoveries on Petrol and Diesel since 2004-05? How much fiscal subsidy has been provided by government on PDS Kerosene and Domestic LPG? What has been the under recoveries of the oil companies since 2003-04? What is the current position of underrecoveries? xx 20 A. What is the burden-sharing mechanism for sharing of under-recoveries? B. What has been the contribution of upstream oil companies in reducing underrecoveries in respect of sensitive petroleum products? Profitability & GRM 21 A. Is it correct that the public sector OMCs are making very high profits despite incurring huge under-recoveries? B. How have the OMCs borrowings been affected by under- recoveries? C. What is the Turnover and PAT (Profit after Tax) of the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) for the year 2010-11 ? 22 A. What have been the PAT of Upstream, Downstream oil companies and standalone refineries since 2004-05? B. What are the Gross Refining Margins (GRM) of PSU and Private refineries in India and how does it compare with Singapore? 23 What is the Crude Price Realized by Upstream Oil Companies (ONGC & OIL) since 2005-06? Taxation 24 25 What has been the contribution of petroleum sector to customs and excise duty collections? A. What has been the contribution of petroleum sector to Central and State Government Exchequers? B. Is the Govt, earning huge amounts as contribution to ex-chequer by the petroleum sector which is much more than the compensation provided by the Govt, to the OMCs? 26 A. What have been the changes in the customs and excise duty in the petroleum sector Since April 2002? What are the current rates of Custom and Excise duty on Major petroleum products? B. What are the current effective rates of Custom and Excise duty on Major petroleum products? file://// (3 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx 27 What have been the current effective & actual rates of VAT on major petroleum products? Steps taken by Govt. / Committee on Pricing and Deregulation 28 What steps have been taken by Government to safeguard the interests of the consumers? 29 What are the main recommendations of Expert Group headed by Dr. Kirit S. Parikh on pricing of sensitive petroleum products? What pricing decisions has the Government taken on these recommendations? 30 31 32 Import/ Export/ Production/ Consumption A. What is India's Dependence on imported oil? What % of crude processed in last five year is imported crude? B. From which region of the World, do we meet our maximum requirement of crude oil imports? What is India's Import & Export of POL products during the last 5 years? A. What is India's Production of Crude in the last 5 years? B. What is India's production of Natural Gas in the last 5 years? C. What is the length of Petroleum pipelines in India? 33 What is India's Production & Consumption of POL products during the last 5 years? xx file://// (4 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (5 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (6 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (7 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (8 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (9 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (10 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (11 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (12 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (13 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (14 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (15 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (16 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (17 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (18 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (19 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (20 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (21 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (22 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (23 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (24 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (25 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (26 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (27 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (28 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (29 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (30 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (31 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (32 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (33 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (34 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (35 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (36 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (37 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (38 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (39 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (40 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (41 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (42 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (43 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (44 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (45 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (46 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (47 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (48 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (49 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (50 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx xx file://// (51 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (52 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (53 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (54 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (55 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (56 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (57 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (58 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx file://// (59 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (60 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx xx xx file://// (61 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (62 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM xx file://// (63 of 63)5/1/2012 1:43:04 PM