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MacEwan University International Document Requirements

Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
International Educational Document Requirements by Country ( 2019/2020 )
1. After applying, your past middle/senior secondary (high school) and higher education (post-secondary) academic records
are required to assess your application. Please check the country where your education was completed for specifics.
If you completed Advanced Placement courses and sat those exams, order the transcript (use institution code 5976) to be
sent directly to our office from: collegeboard.org
If you completed International Baccalaureate courses and sat those exams, order the transcript (use institution
code 001763) to be sent directly to our office from: ibo.org
2. Unsealed documents in your possession are considered original. They are unofficial, including transcripts (mark
statements, relevé des notes and the like). Transcripts are academic records of the courses taken, credits/hours completed,
and grades earned. Original documents include graduation credentials (diploma) or other qualifications like a degree
earned in post-secondary (higher education).
3. Using your myMacEwan Gmail, please scan—in colour—both sides of original documents (even if one side is blank) to
admissions@macewan.ca with your name and MacEwan ID number as well as the program and semester you applied to on
Apply Alberta. Admissions prefers pdf versions.
You gained access to your myMacEwan Gmail in a letter of acknowledgment when we have received your application and it
is your official communication channel with the university. Monitor it, your Student Center, and your To Do List at least
weekly during the admissions process.
4. If your scanned documents contain enough detail, we will complete an initial evaluation with these unofficial documents
while you order official transcripts. We may be able to extend a conditional offer with these unofficial documents. If your
institution/educational authority issues your documents directly to you, the institution/educational authority must seal
the envelope and stamp/sign-over the back flap of the envelope for us to consider them official. Do NOT open sealed
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
5. Translations: MacEwan University is an English medium of instruction institution. For all academic records including
transcripts (examination results, mark records, relevé des notes, and the like) and qualifications/credentials not issued in
English we require a certified English language translation. Translations must:
• be completed by a certified translator (please include information about your translator),
• be complete, literal, word-for-word, and
• be laid out in the same format as the original document.
Please scan your translation(s) in colour (both sides, even if one is blank) to admissions@macewan.ca
6. Transcripts are considered official only when sent directly from the issuing authority or institution(s) to the Office of the
University Registrar (exceptions are rare). If you deliver them to us, they must still be in the envelope sealed by the
sender—do NOT open sealed envelopes to avoid having to order them again. Mail, courier, or drop them off at the front
counter of the Office of the University Registrar. Official transcripts from authorities or institutions become the property of
the Office of the University Registrar of MacEwan University, including when they are submitted directly by you.
7. If we need to examine your original documents (those in your possession), we will contact you.
Note: Admissions reserves the right to request further documentation and will do so through your myMacEwan Gmail.
8. Mailing or Courier Addresses can be found MacEwan.ca/Admissions in the Contact Information tab.
9. Your To Do List in your Student Center will show the item(s) required until we have received all official documents
(transcripts or statements of marks for example, colour copies of credential(s) and translation(s)). Please read your emails
from admissions@macewan.ca carefully in your myMacEwan Gmail and submit your documentation promptly.
If your country does not appear on our list, email us at: admissions@macewan.ca
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
High School / Senior Secondary
Advanced-Level See British Pattern
Post-Secondary / Higher Education
Not applicable for this level of education
Arrange to have your Doreyeh Aali issued in English
by the Ministry of Education sent directly from the
Ministry of Education in the Islamic Republic of
Afghanistan to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(Bachelor’s, Master’s) to our office
Konkur Registration Document with ID number (2009 and on only)
Arrange to have your transcript(s) issued in English by each institution
attended for all programs of study sent directly from institution(s) to
our office
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your
Deftese Pjekurie (Graduation Certificate) indicating all
exams taken and grades obtained for all years of
study and arrange to have your institution(s) send an
official copy directly to our office
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your credential(s) (Diplome,
Deshmi, Specializimi, and/or Diplome Doktorate) to our office
Arrange to have your certificate e notave / liste e notave / list notash /
vertetim (academic transcripts) indicating all courses taken and grades
earned for all programs sent directly from each institution attend to our
For completed programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in
English is required. For incomplete, in-progress, or pre-Bologna study,
your academic transcript sent directly to our office from the
institution(s) attended is required
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your diploma (Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation,
or any other secondary school diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcript of your final examination
results) showing all subjects taken and grades
obtained sent directly by the lycée attended or Le
Ministère de l'Education Nationale to our office (see
French Pattern in this listing)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(Diplôme de Licence, Magistère) to our office
Arrange to have your relevé de notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken, credits earned, and grades obtained for all programs
attended sent directly by each institution attended to our office
Arrange to have your Certificate of General
Secondary Education indicating all courses taken and
grades obtained (Batxillerat) sent directly to our
office by the institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (Diplomatura, Licenciatura, and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended for all programs sent directly by each institution to our office
and for completed programs, a European Diploma Supplement in
English issued by your institution and sent directly to our office
For incomplete, in-progress, or pre-Bologna study, your academic
transcript sent directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Antigua and
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your graduation document (Certificado de Curso
Médio, Certificado de curso Pre-Universitario or
Técnico) to our office
Arrange to have your Histórico Escolar (academic
transcripts) sent directly from the institution(s)
attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (Titulo Profissional, Bacharel or Licenciado, and/or Grau de
Arrange to have a Histórico Escolar (academic transcript) for all
programs attended sent directly from each institution to our office
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript sent directly to our office from
each institution attended
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(Teacher’s Certificate, Certificate of Registration issued by the Nursing
Council, Associate, or Doctor of Medicine) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) that list all subjects taken,
credits awarded, and grades earned for all years of program(s) sent
directly by each institution attended to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate (your Bachiller,
Técnico Medio, or Perito) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (your Técnico, Tecnólogo, Licenciado, Título Profesional,
Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended and sent directly from
the institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour copy /email image of your
Mijnakarg Krtoutian Attestat (certificate of
completion of secondary education) indicating all
subjects taken and grades obtained and arrange to
have your institution(s) send an official copy directly
to our office
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your credential(s) to our office
(Bakalavi Diplom, Magistrosi Diplom, Diplom Specialista, Kandidat Nauk,
Doktor Nauk)
Arrange to have your vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma / arkhivnaya
spravka / appendix to diploma (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution(s) attended, indicating all courses taken and grades earned
If you completed a specialized secondary school/post- and sent directly to our office by each institution attended
secondary school program, submit a full colour copy /
email image of your certificate or diploma
For completed programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in
English is required
Arrange to have your Vypiska / prilozhenie k diplomu
/ arkhivnaya spravka / appendix to diploma sent
For incomplete, in-progress, or pre-Bologna study, your academic
directly to our office by the institution(s) attended
transcript sent directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
Arrange to have your graduation certificate
indicating all final examination results (courses
taken, and grades obtained) sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office (one of: Diploma
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Diploma
Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Diploma Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended sent directly by the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
AdvancedSee British Pattern
Subsidiary Level
For completed programs: Arrange to have an official
document issued by the appropriate state
department of education that lists all final
examination results (may be called: senior secondary
school leaving certificate or Year 12 certificate) sent
directly to our office
For incomplete programs: Arrange to have your
official document issued by the institution(s)
attended listing all subjects taken and grades earned
for each year sent directly from the institution(s) to
our office
Not applicable to this level of education
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your certificate(s) to our office
(Accredited VET Qualifications, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have your official transcript issued by each institution
attended listing all subjects for all years of study sent directly to our
office from the institution(s). If your institutions use the My eQuals
service, follow your institution’s directions on how to give
admissions@macewan.ca access
Note: For academic work completed at an RTO no longer in operation,
contact the Australian Skills Quality Authority and follow their
instructions on how to get official results sent directly to our office from
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have a graduation certificate indicating all
exams taken and grades obtained (one of:
Reifeprüfungszeugnis, Abschlusszeugnis, Jahres- und
Abschlussprüfungszeugnis) sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(Reife-und Diplomprüfungszeugnis, Abschlusszeugnis, Bachelor, Master,
Magister, Diplom, Doktor and examination certificate(s) to our office
For vocational and professional programs, have the institution(s)
attended send your academic record (Jahreszeugnisse,
Abschlusszeugnisse, or Stundentafeln) directly to our office
For degree programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement issued in
English containing a complete record of all courses taken, credits
earned, and individual grades obtained in each course for all programs
sent directly to our office
For partially completely programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcripts listing all courses, credits and individual grades
sent directly from all institutions attended to our office
Arrange to have your Atestat (Graduation
Certificate/Diploma) indicating all exams taken and
grades sent directly from the institution(s) attended
to our office
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your credential(s) (Diploma of
Specialist, Bakalavr, Magistr, and/or Elmler Namizedi Diplom (Ph.D.)) to
our office
Arrange to have your Diploma Elave or Akademicheskaya Sravka
For specialized secondary/post-secondary education, (academic transcript) for all programs of study and, for completed
submit a full colour copy / email image of your
programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in English (if your
Certificate or Diploma and arrange to have your
institution(s) issue them) sent directly from each institution attended
official Diploma Elave or Akademicheskaya Sravka
directly to our office
(academic transcript) sent directly to our office from
the institution(s) attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your external examination results for Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary
to our office (Diploma in Teaching, Associate, Bachelors, Master’s)
Education sent directly by the Bahamas Ministry of
Education and Culture to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcripts sent directly to our office
from each institution attended
Arrange to have your examination results for the
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your credential(s)
Secondary School General Certificate issued in English issued in English to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
by the Ministry of Education-Examination Directorate Doctoral)
sent directly to our office from that Ministry
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit full colour (both sides) copy / email images of
1) Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and 2)
Intermediate Examination Certificate (IC)/Higher
Secondary Certificate (HSC) issued by the Board of
Intermediate and Secondary Education to our office
Arrange to submit you Mark Sheet / Result Card
issued by the Board of Intermediate and Secondary
Education for both grade 10 and 12 to our office. The
Mark Sheet/Result Cards are to be sent directly from
the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
to our office after verification by appropriate Board
For programs completed under the State Board of
Technical Education, submit you Mark Sheet / Result
Card issued by the appropriate Board. The Mark
Sheet/Result Cards are to be sent directly from the
Board after verification
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
For vocational / professional programs, submit a full colour (both sides)
copy / email image of your final or provisional certificate or diploma
For degree programs, submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email
image of your final or provisional degree certificate(s) to our office
(Bachelor’s, Master’s, Master of Philosophy, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your Mark Sheet / Result Card verified by the
institution responsible for conducting examinations indicating all
subjects taken and grades/credits for each course:
o Elective subjects taken
o Subsidiary subjects taken
o Individual grades obtained for each year of study
For vocational/professional programs, college-issued Mark
Sheet/Result Card will not be accepted
At the university level, Mark Sheet/Result Card must be issued by the
university and list all the above. College-issued Mark Sheet(s)/Result
Card(s) will not be accepted
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (Certificate of Registration issued by the Nursing Council for
Barbados, Teacher’s Certificate issued by the University of the West
Indies, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) for all programs from each
institution attended sent directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Atestat ab agulnai siaredniai
adukatsii (Certificate of General Secondary Education)
indicating all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
From specialized secondary institutions/postsecondaries (Uchilishcha, Technikumi, or colleges)
arrange to have your Atestat ab agulnai siarednia
adukatsii (Certificate of Secondary Education)
indicating all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your credential(s) to our office
(Diplom Bakalavra, Diplom Magistra, Diplom Specialista, Diplom
Kandidat Navuk, and/or Diploma Doktor Navuk)
Arrange to have your vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma / arkhivnaya
spravka / akademichnaya davedka (academic transcripts) indicating all
courses taken and grades earned for each year and, for completed
programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in English if issued
by our institution(s) sent directly to our office from each institution
For partially completely programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcripts listing all courses, credits and individual grades
sent directly from all institutions attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma to our
office (your Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire
Superiéur / Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair
Arrange to have the institution(s) attended send your
academic transcript(s) directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(Bachelor’s, Master’s, Graduat / Gegradueerde, Licencié / Licentiaat,
and/or Doctoral) to our office
For completed programs, ask your institution to send the Diploma
Supplement issued in English containing all courses taken, credits/hours
completed, and individual grades earned directly to our office
For partial or pre-Bologna programs, arrange to have each institution
send academic transcript(s) that lists all courses taken, credits
earned/hours completed, and individual grades earned directly to our
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of all diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) to our office (Teacher’s Certificate issued by the
Joint Board of Teacher Education, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) sent directly to our office by
each institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your diploma or graduation certificate issued by
the institution attended to our office (your Diplôme
du Baccalauréat, Attestation or any secondary school
Arrange to have the Ministère de l'Enseignement
Supérieur send your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained
directly our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or certificate(s) to our office (Brevet de Technician Supérieur, Certificat
d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement Secondaire (CAPES),
Diplôme de Licence, and/or Diplôme de Maîtrise)
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes (final examination
results/academic transcript) showing all subjects taken and exam results
for all programs of study sent directly from each institution attended to
our office
For the Brevet, have the Direction des Examens et Concours, Ministère
de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique send your
Relevé de notes de l’Examen Final directly to our office
Arrange to have your external examination results for Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma or
the Bermuda Secondary School Certificate sent
degree credential(s) (like an Associate Degree) to our office
directly from the Bermuda Ministry of Education (go
to: gov.bm/ministry/education) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) sent directly to our office
from each institution attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Bosnia and
Arrange to have the Ministry of Education send your
Graduation Certificate or diploma directly to our
office (Indian School Certificate or Grade X
Examination) (go to: education.gov.bt)
Arrange to have your institution(s) send your Mark
Sheets (academic transcript(s)) directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s),
diploma(s), and/or degree certificate(s) (final or provisional for diploma,
Bachelor’s, and/or or Certificate) to our office
Arrange to have your Mark Sheets (academic transcripts) sent directly to
our office from each institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(your Bachiller)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office from
institution(s) for all years of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree(s) or
other certificate(s) (Tècnico Superior, Titulo Profesional, Licenciado,
Maestria, and/or Doctorado) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) sent directly to our office from each institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your Graduation Certificate (your Certificat
d’Enseignement Secondaire Superiéur/Getuigschrift
van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript sent
directly to our office from all institutions attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree(s) or
diploma certificate(s) (Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja, Magistar, and/or
Doktor) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended for all programs sent directly to our office by the institution(s).
Do not submit student books—these are NOT considered academic
For completed programs, please arrange to have a European Diploma
Supplement issued in English sent directly to our office (if your
institution(s) issue one)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education
sent directly to our office from the Ministry of
Education and Skills Development (go to: gov.bw and
look for the ministry in the Ministry and Authorities
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or degree certificate(s) issued by the proper awarding authority (for
nursing, the Certificate of Registration issued by the Ministry of Health,
or your Diploma, Higher Diploma, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral) to our office
Arrange to have your institution(s) send academic transcript(s) directly
to our office showing all subjects taken, credits earned, and final grades
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your Certificado de 2° Grau, Certificado de 2° Grau
(Técnico), Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio
or Certificado de Conclusão do Ensino Médio
(Técnico) (certificate of secondary school completion
/ diploma) to our office (if issued)
Arrange to have Histórico Escolar / Certificado de
Conclusão do Ensino Médio (academic transcripts)
issued by the institution(s) attended sent directly to
our office showing all subjects taken and grades
earned for all years of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) (Título Profissional, Bacharel or Licenciado, and/or
Doutorado) to our office
Arrange to have your Histórico Escolar (academic transcript) for all
programs and from all institutions sent directly to our office by the
institution(s) attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Order your documents from the agency through
Not applicable at this level of education
British Pattern which you completed the course(s) to be sent directly
(O-, A/S- and A- to our office. We are aware that some applicants may
not complete A-Levels and will present A/S-Levels.
The agencies are:
For non-United Kingdom based senior secondary:
Cambridge Assessment International Education
(cambridgeinternational.org) [formerly Cambridge
International Examinations (CIE)]
Pearson (qualifications.pearson.com) [formerly
For United Kingdom based senior secondary:
Assessment and Qualification Alliance (AQA)
City and Guilds of London Institute
Cambridge Assessment International Education
(cambridgeinternational.org) [formerly Cambridge
International Examinations (CIE)]
Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and
Assessment (CCEA) (ccea.org.uk)
Edexcel (qualifcations.pearson.com)
[NOTE: Name change to Pearson]
Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR)
Pearson (qualifications.pearson.com) [formerly
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) (sqa.org.uk)
Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
British Virgin
Arrange to have your final examination results sent
directly from either Cambridge Assessment
International Education (cambridgeinternational.org)
or from Pearson Edexcel (qualifications.pearson.com)
to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree
certificate(s) to our office (Associate Degree)
Arrange to have an academic transcript sent directly by each institution
to our office
Arrange to have examination results for the Brunei
Cambridge General Certificate of Education OrdinaryLevel and /or Brunei Cambridge General Certificate of
Education Advanced-Level examinations sent directly
by the appropriate examination body to our office (go
to: moe.gov.bn)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) issued in English to our office (Bachelor’s,
Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly by the institution(s) to our office
Arrange to have an official copy of your Diploma za
Sredno Obrazovanie (graduation certificate)
indicating all exams taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office from institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour copy / email image of all graduation certificate(s) /
diploma(s) (Diploma za Sredno Obrzovanie, Spetsialist, Bakalavar,
Magistar, Diploma za Visshe Obrazovanie, Kandidat na Naukite, and/or
Doktor) to our office
For completed degree and diploma programs (Bakalavar, Magistar,
Diploma za Visshe Obrazovanie, Kandidat na Naukite, and/or Doktor),
arrange to have Diploma Supplement issued in English sent directly to
our office from each institution attended. It should contain a complete
record of all courses taken and individual grades earned for each year of
study. If incomplete, have your institution(s) send a transcript directly to
our office
For other programs, have the Akademichna Spravka (academic
transcript) sent directly to our office from each institution attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Burkina Faso
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your diploma or graduation certificate to our office
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other
secondary school diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results) showing all subjects
taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office
by the Université de Ouagadougou
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your original
diploma(s) and/or degree certificate(s) to our office (Brevet de
Technicien Supérieur, Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Générales,
Diplôme de Licence, and/or Diplôme de Maîtrise)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes/Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript) showing all subjects
taken and exam results for all programs of study sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office (or from Université Polytechnique
de Bobo-Dioulasso for your Brevet)
Arrange to have your Basic Education Standard X
Examination (Matriculation) examination results
sent directly from the Ministry of Education to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your final or
provisional degree certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma,
Bachelor’s, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your Mark Sheets (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended for all programs of study and all years
attended sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
If you did not complete secondary school, please
arrange to have the results of your Basic Education
Standard VII and/or your Mark Sheets (academic
transcripts) sent directly by the institution you
attended to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your diploma or graduation certificate issued by
the institution attended to our office (Diplôme
d’Humanités Générales, Attestation or any
secondary school diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results) showing all subjects
taken and grades obtained, sent directly by the
Ministère de l’Education Nationale of the Republic of
Burundi to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or degree certificate(s) to our office (Candidature, Diplôme de Licence,
and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken and exam results for all programs of study sent directly
by each institution attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended to our office (Certificate of Upper
Secondary Education)
Arrange to have your examination results (academic
transcripts) issued by the institution attended sent
directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s),
graduation certificate(s) or degree certificate(s) to our office (Diplôme
universitaire de Technologie (DUT), Diplome d’Etude Juridiques
Professionelles (DEJP), Professional Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Doctoral, Licence, Diploma, and/or Baccalaureate)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by the institution(s)
attended sent directly to our office from each institution listing all
courses taken, credits awarded, and grades earned
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your diploma issued by the institution attended
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation (French
system), General Certificate of Education (English
system), or other secondary school diploma) to our
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcripts)
issued by the institution attended (the lycée) or
Ministère de l’Education Nationale, or your final GCE
results issued by the Cameroon General Certificate
of Education Board sent directly to our office (see
French Pattern if you cannot obtain this from the
Ministère in Cameroon)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree(s),
diploma(s) or certificate(s) to our office (for nursing: Diplôme d’Etat
d’Infirmer or State Registered Nurse registration certificate; for
teaching: Certificat d'Aptitude Pédagogique d'Instituteurs, Certificat
d'Aptitude Pédagogique d'Instituteur de l'Enseignement Technique
(CAPIET), Certificat d'Aptitude Pédagogique d'Instituteurs de
l'Enseignement Maternel et Primaire; for technical/professional
programs: Brevet de Technicien Supérieur, Higher National Diploma; for
higher education: Diplôme de Licence and/or Diplôme de Maîtrise)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken, credits awarded and exam results for all programs of
study sent directly to our office from each institution attended
For technical/professional programs: ask for the academic transcript to
be sent directly from Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur to our
For teaching programs: Your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts)
must be sent to our office directly from Ministère de l'Education
Cape Verde
Arrange to have your Graduation Certificate
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
indicating all subjects taken and grades obtained sent or degree certificate(s) to our office (Bacharel, Licenciado, Mestrado,
directly from institution(s) attended to our office
and/or Doutor)
Arrange to have an Histórico Escolar (academic transcript) for all
programs of study sent directly from each institution attended to our
office that lists all subjects taken, credits earned, and grades awarded
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Cayman Islands
Central African
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) (Associate and/or Bachelor’s) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended for all programs of study sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your diploma or graduation certificate issued by the
institution attended (Diplôme du Baccalauréat,
Attestation, or other secondary school diploma) to
our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by the Ministère de l'Education
Nationale. You may need to go to the French Pattern
listing to arrange this, depending upon when you
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) (Diplôme de Licence and/or Maîtrise) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken, credits awarded, and examination results for all
programs of study for each year attended sent directly from each
institution to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your diploma or graduation certificate issued by the
institution attended (Diplôme du Baccalauréat,
Attestation or other secondary diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by the Université de Ndjamena
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or degree certificate(s) to our office (Diplôme, Diplôme de Licence,
Maîtrise, and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcript) showing all
subjects taken, credits earned and exam results for each year and all
programs of study sent directly to our office from each institution
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma to our
office (Licencia de Educación Media, Técnico Medio)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) indicating all
subjects taken and grades earned sent directly by
the institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of all diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) (Técnico Universitario, Licenciado, Título
Profesional, Postítulo, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution sent directly to our office by the
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your Certificate of Graduation from middle /senior
secondary school
Arrange to have your academic transcript indicating
all subjects taken and all grades awarded for all 3
years of high school sent directly from the high
school attended. Please arrange to have a bilingual
version sent if possible
Arrange to have your unified examination graduation
examination marks (Hui Kao) issued in letter grades
(if written). If your province did not offer these
exams please let us know by emailing that
information to admissions@macewan.ca You can
also advise us if you completed another type of high
school program in China. Advise us if you completed a
stream (Humanities or Science) or a credit program.
For non-degree programs, submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email
image of your Certificate of Graduation (Zhuanke)
Arrange to have an official transcript (bilingual if possible) sent directly
from each institution attended that lists all subjects taken, credits/hours
and grades earned for each academic term/year. It must be sent directly
by each institution to our office sealed by the sending institution(s)
Do not send in your APT, NCEE, or Gao Kao results
For degree programs, if you were awarded the degree, submit a full
colour (both sides) copy / email image of your Degree Certificate only
(Bachelor’s, Benke, Master’s, and/or Doctoral). If you were not awarded
the degree, please submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your Certificate of Graduation to our office
Arrange to have each institution directly send an official transcript that
lists all subjects, credits/hours and grades earned for all years to our
office. If your institution(s) issues transcripts in English as well as
Chinese, please ensure you have them send an English version along
with the original Chinese version directly to our office. It must be sent
directly by each institution to our office sealed by the sending
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended to our office (Bachiller,
Bachillerato or Técnico (Medio))
Arrange to have your Certifcado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) that lists all
subjects taken for each year and the grades earned
sent directly from the institution(s) attended to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your diploma or graduation certificate issued by
the institution attended to our office (Diplôme d’Etat
Republic of the) d’Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long or Diplôme de
Fin d’Etudes Secondaires)
Arrange to have full colour copy / email of your
Relevé de Notes/Examen d’Etat (State Examination
Results) sent directly to our office from the
institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Título de Técnico Superior,
Tecnólogo, Profesional, Licenciado, Maestro, Magister, and/or Doctor)
Arrange to have your Certifcado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) that list all subjects taken for each year and the grades
earned sent directly from each institution attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or degree certificate(s) to our office (Diplôme de Graduat and/or
Diplôme de Licence)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office from each
institution attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
diploma or graduation certificate to our office
(Republic of the) (Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other
(also known as: secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by the Ministère de
l'Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire, chargé de
Costa Rica
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma (your
Bachiller en Educación Media, Técnico Medio,
Diploma de Conclusión de Estudios de Educación
Diversificada) to our office
Arrange to have Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones
(academic transcripts) for each year of study listing
all courses and grades earned issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your diploma(s) or
degree certificate(s) (Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise, and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office from each
institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your certificate(s),
diploma(s) or degree(s) to our office (Técnico, Diplomado, Bachiller,
Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended for all programs and sent
directly from the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Côte d’Ivoire
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your diploma or graduation certificate (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office from the Direction des Examen
et Concours, Ministère de l'Education Nationale
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree(s)
(Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office by each
institution attended
Arrange to have a copy of your graduation certificate
indicating all exams taken and grades obtained (your
Svjedodžba o maturi) sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
and degree certificate(s) to our office (Svjedodžba preddiplomskog
struènog studija, Diploma specijalistièkog diplomskog struènog studija,
Svjedodžba preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija, Diploma diplomaskog
studija, Diploma poslijediplomskog specijalistièkog studija, and/or
Doktor znanosti)
Arrange to have academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from the institution(s)
Do NOT submit your index student books
For completed programs, please arrange to have a European Diploma
Supplement in English sent directly to our office from your institution(s)
(if the institution(s) issue them)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 24 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Bachiller or Certificado de Técnico)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) issued by the
institution(s) attended, verified and sent directly to
our office from either:
• Bufete de Servicios Especializado (BES)
(go to: onbc.cu/bes) or
• Consultoria Juridica to our office (go to: cji.co.cu)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Título Profesional or
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by the institution(s) attended, verified and sent
directly to our office from either:
• Bufete de Servicios Especializado (BES) (go to: onbc.cu/bes) or
• Consultoria Juridica to our office (go to: cji.co.cu)
Arrange to have your graduation certificate / diploma Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
(Apolytirion) indicating all exams taken and grades
or degree certificate(s) to our office (Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s,
obtained for all years sent directly by the
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
institution(s) attended to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits earned, and individual grades for all programs of study to be sent
directly by the institution(s) attended (if issued). If no Diploma
Supplement is available, arrange to have academic transcripts indicating
all courses taken and grades obtained sent directly from the
institution(s) to our office
Likewise, for partially completed programs or pre-Bologna study,
arrange to have your academic transcript(s) indicating all courses taken
and grades obtained sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Czech Republic
Arrange to have your Vysvedceni o Maturitni Zkousce Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of diploma(s) and
(Maturity Certificate) indicating all exams taken and degree certificate(s) to our office (Bakalar, Magistr, Titul Inzenyr, and/or
grades earned for all years sent directly by your
institution(s) to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits awarded, and individual grades earned for all programs of study
sent directly by each institution attended
For partially completed programs and pre-Bologna programs, arrange to
have academic transcripts indicating all courses taken and grades
earned sent directly from each institution
Arrange to have your graduation certificate
indicating all exams taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by the institution(s) attended
(may be called one of: Studentereksamensbevis,
Højere Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk
Eksamen, Højere Handelseksamen, Svendebrev,
Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma(s)
or degree certificate(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Eksamensvevis, Candidatus, Licentiatus, and/or PhD-Graden)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits earned, and individual grades earned for all programs of study to
be sent directly by each institution attended to our office
For partially completed programs or pre-Bologna programs, arrange to
have academic transcript(s) indicating all courses taken, credits
awarded, and grades earned sent directly from each institution to our
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 26 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation, or other secondary school
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have the Ministère de l'Education
Nationale send your Relevé de Notes de l'Examen
Final (your final examination results/academic
transcript) directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate (Diplôme du Licence) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes (academic transcript) sent directly
from each institution attended to our office
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s),
diploma(s), or degree(s) (Associate Degree, Certificate of Registration
(for nursing and teaching), Associate, or Bachelor’s) to our office
Arrange to have academic transcripts for each program of study sent
directly from each institution attended to our office listing all courses
taken, credits earned, and grades earned for each year of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Bachiller) to
our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly by the
institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) to our office (Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título Profesional,
Licenciado, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended and sent directly from
all institutions to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 27 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
El Salvador
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduate certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Bachiller)
to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution(s) attended to be sent directly to our
Send a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate/diploma issued in English
(General Secondary Education Certificate, Technical
Secondary Education Certificate)
For completed study, ask the Ministry of Education or
your Regional Governorate to send your Examination
Results issued in English directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Técnico, Tecnólogo, Titulo Profesional,
and/or Doctorado) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas/Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended and sent directly from
all institutions to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Bachiller or
Maestro) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título Profesional,
Licenciado, Maestría, and/or Doctorado) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended and sent directly to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office from the institution(s)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 28 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Título de
Bachiller) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Título Profesional) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly to our
office listing all subjects taken, credits awarded, and grades earned
Arrange to have your examination results for the
Secondary Education Certificate issued in English by
the Ministry of Education sent directly by the
Ministry of Education to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English (Diploma, Bachelor’s, and/or
Master’s) to our office
Arrange to have your Academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office. It
must list all subjects taken, credits awarded, and grades earned
NB: If you have not completed secondary school, or
did not sit the Secondary Education Certificate
examinations upon completion of secondary school,
please contact the school(s) you attended and ask
them to send a copy of your secondary school
transcript(s) directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 29 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your graduation certificate indicating
all exams taken and grades obtained (possible names:
Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus, Tunnistus põhihariduse
baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta,
Tunnistus keskhariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse
omandamise kohta) sent directly by the institution(s)
attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Bakalaureusekraad,
Rakenduskôrgharisdusôppe diplom Bakalaureusekraad, Diplom
Magistrikraad, and/or Doktorikraad) to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits awarded, and individual grades earned for all programs of study
sent directly to our office by the institution(s) attended
For partially completed/pre-Bologna programs, arrange to have
academic transcript(s) indicating all courses taken and grades obtained
sent directly from the institution(s)
Arrange to have your year 12 graduation certificate
indicating all exams taken and grades obtained
(Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate/School Leaving
Certificate Examination) issued in English sent
directly by the Ministry of Education’s National
Organization for Examinations (go to:
Arrange to have your higher education entrance
examination results (Ethiopia Higher Education
Entrance Examination (EHEEE), for example) sent
directly to our office (if written) from the Ministry of
Education’s National Organization for Examinations
(go to: app.neaea.gov.et)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) issued in English (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Doctoral) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended and sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 30 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your examination results for the Fiji
School Leaving Certificate or Fiji Seventh Form
Examination Certificate sent directly to our office by
the Ministry of Education
For incomplete/course-in-progress applicants, ask
your institution(s) to send your academic transcript
directly to our office
Arrange to have your secondary school leaving
certificate indicating all subjects taken and grades
obtained sent directly to our office by the
institution(s) attended (Ammatillinen
perustutkintotodistus / Betyg över yrkesinriktad
grundexamen, Lukion päättötodistus / Avgangsbetyg
fran gymnasiet, Ylioppilastutkintotidistus /
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s)
or diploma(s) (Certificate of Registration (for nursing), Teacher’s
Certificate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcripts from each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Lisensiaatti / Licentiat, Maisteri / Magister,
Proviisori / Provisor, and or Tohtori / Doktor) to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits awarded, and individual grades earned for all years/all programs
of study to be sent directly to our office by each institution attended
For partially completed programs and pre-Bologna programs, arrange to
have academic transcript(s) indicating all courses taken and grades
obtained sent directly to our office from each institution
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your official graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Brevet d'Etudes Professionnelle, Certificat
d'Aptitude Professionnelle) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final
(final examination results) showing all subjects taken and
grades obtained (academic transcripts) for all years sent
directly to our office by the Ministère de l’Education
Nationale/ Académie Régionale or by the lycée you
You may have a photocopy of the document certified by
the French government, either by a local municipality or a
French Embassy/Consulate. The certified photocopy must
be sealed by the issuer in an envelope and returned to
you to forward to our office (do NOT open that envelope)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma or degree
certificate(s) to our office (professional programs: Diplôme de Comptabilité et
de Gestion, Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion, Diplôme
d'Expertise Comptable, Certificat d'Aptitude au Professorat de l'Enseignement
du Second Degré (CAPES); for the Brevet, engineering and business: Diplômes
/Attestations de Réussite; for higher education: Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme
de Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
Arrange to have your:
• Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final (professional and Brevet programs)
• Relevé de Notes for each year of the Classes Préparatoires, BTS, DUT
(engineering and business)
• Relevé de Notes Annuels (universities)
sent directly to our office from the proper institution/authority. For
professional and Brevet programs, this academic transcript is issued by the
Ministère de l’Education Nationale/Académie Régionale and must show all
subjects taken, credits awarded, and final examination results obtained for
each year of study
For engineering, business and all other university programs, arrange to have
your transcript sent directly to our office from each institution attended
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement issued in
English containing a complete record of all courses taken, credits/hours
completed, and individual grades earned for all sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office
For partially completed programs and pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits earned, and grades
obtained sent directly to our office from each institution attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
French Pattern
Send a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of Not applicable to this level of education
your graduation certificate/diploma (your Diplôme du
Baccalauréat) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de L’Examen
Final (final examination results/academic transcript)
sent directly to our office from France’s Ministère de
l’Education Nationale/Académie Régionale
(go to: education.gouv.fr/cid3/les-rectorats-servicesdepartementaux-education-nationale.html)
From a French Embassy/Consulate
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes de L’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) indicating all subjects
taken and final examination results earned sent
directly by the Ministère de l’Education Nationale/
Académie Régionale to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplômes or Attestations de
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes Annuels (academic transcripts)
indicating all subjects taken, credits earned, and final examination
results issued by each institution attended sent directly to our office
from institution(s)
Do not send a dossier étudiant as it cannot be used for admissions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de L’Examen
Final (academic transcript) indicating all subjects
taken and exam results sent directly to our office by
the Université Omar Bongo
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence or
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcript) indicating
all subjects taken, credits earned, and final grade results issued by each
institution attended to be sent directly to our office by the institution(s)
Contact the West African Examinations Council in
Gambia (WAEC) and arrange to have WAEC Gambia
send all final examination results for all exams written
directly to our office (go to: waecgambia.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) (Higher National Diploma, Associate,
Bachelor’s, and/or Certificate of Registration issued by the Nursing and
Midwives Council) to our office
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office (it will list all
subjects taken, credits awarded, and grades earned for each year of
Note: this is not a duplicate certificate, it is a report
of your final examination results for all courses and
all sittings of exams
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have an official copy of your graduation
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
certificate (Sashualo Skolis Atestati) indicating all
diploma(s) (Diploma of Specialist, Bakalavris Diplomi, Magistris Diplomi,
exams taken and grades obtained sent directly to our and/or Metsnierebata Kandidatis Diplomi (Ph.D.)) to our office
office from institution(s) attended
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) (Prilozhenie k Diplomu or
If you attended a specialized secondary school / post- Aaarchivo Tsnoba) sent directly to our office from each institution
secondary, please submit a full colour copy / email
image of you your certificate / diploma
Arrange to have your Prilozhenie k Dipolmu or
Aaarchiv Tsnoba (academic transcript) sent directly to
our office from each institution attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your graduation certificate / diploma
issued by your secondary school that lists all exams
taken and grades awarded for all years (example
document names: Zeugnis der Allgemeinen
Hochschulreife, Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife,
Abschlusszeugnis der Realschule, Abschlusszeugnis
der Hauptschule) sent directly to our office from
institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your final examination
certificate or degree certificate(s) to our office (for vocational programs:
Prüfungszeugnis, Abschlusszeugnis, or Abschlussprüfungszeugnis; for state-examined
programs: Zeugnis der Ärztlichen Prüfung, Erste und Zweite Staatsprüfung für das
Lehramt, Erste und Zweite Juristische Prüfung, and Zeugnis der wissenschaftlichen und
künstlerischen Staatsprüfung)
Arrange to have your final examination certificate(s) (academic transcripts) (like the
Prüfungszeugnis, Abschlusszeugnis, Abschlussprüfungszeugnis, Jahreszeugnisee or
Leistungsnachweise) sent directly from the awarding institution(s)/authority to our
office (except for university state-examined qualifications: arrange to have your
intermediate examination certificate(s) (Erster, Zweiter und Dritter Abschnitt
(Medizin), Naturwissenschaftliche Vorprüfung (Zahnmedizin)) sent directly to our
office from the appropriate examination authority)
Arrange to have your academic transcript (leistungsnachweise) sent directly to our
office by the institution attended. It should list all courses taken, credits/hours
completed, and all final grades awarded
For completed degree programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement issued in
English containing a complete record of all subjects taken, all credits/hours and
individual grades obtained sent directly to our office from your
institution(s)/educational authorities
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree certificate(s)
(Magister, Diplom, Diplom (FH), Bachelor, Master, and/or Doktor) to our office
Arrange to have intermediate and final examination certificates (Vordiplom,
Zwischenprüfungszeugnis, Diplomprüfungszeugnis, Hauptprüfungszeugnis) AND
academic transcripts (leistungsnachweise) sent directly to our office from the awarding
institution that lists all subjects taken (Proseminare, Seminare, Übungen and
Vorlesungen), credits/hours completed (Semesterwochenstunden), and all grades
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Contact the West African Examinations Council
(WAEC) in Ghana and arrange to have WAEC Ghana
send all final examination results for all exams written
directly to our office (go to: waecgh.org)
Note: this is not a duplicate certificate, it is a report
of your final examination results for all courses and
all sittings of exams
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s)
to our office (Professional or Advanced Certificates or Diplomas,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral, and/or Postgraduate Certificates) or all
diploma(s) issued by the appropriate awarding authority (Certificate of
Registration issued by the Nursing and Midwives Council of Ghana,
Teacher’s Certificate ‘A’ or qualifications earned at a polytechnic)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended showing all subjects completed, credits awarded, and all
grades earned for all years of study. Transcript(s) must be sent directly
to our office from all institutions attended
Arrange for your school to send a copy of your School Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
Leaving Certificate (Apolytirio Lykeiou) directly to our certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Ptychio (TEI), Ptychio (AEI),
office. It must list all exams taken and grades earned Metaptychiako Díploma Exidíkefsis, and/or Didaktoriko)
for all years
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have a Diploma Supplement issued
in English containing a complete record of all courses taken, credits
awarded, and individual grades obtained sent directly to our office from
each issuing institution
For partially completed programs and pre-Bologna study, arrange to
have academic transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits earned,
and grades obtained sent directly to our office from each institution
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 37 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have diploma(s) or graduation certificates
indicating all subjects taken and grades obtained for
each year of study (Studentereksamensbevis, Højere
Forberedelseksamensbevis, Højere Teknisk Eksamen,
Højere Handelseksamen, Svendebrev,
Uddanelsebevis, Afgangsbevis) sent directly by the
institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor, Master,
Eksamensbevis, Candidatus, Licentiatus, and/or Ph.D.-Graden)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) indicating all courses taken,
credits earned, and grades obtained sent directly from each institution
attended to our office
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written) to
be sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations
Council (CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your
certificate(s)/diploma(s)/degree(s) to our office (Associate Degree,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral and/or Certificate of Registration in
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final
(academic transcripts) issued by either the Académie
Régionale (Ministère de l’Education National) or the
lycée you attended sent directly to our office from
the Académie or the lycée
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s), degree certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme
de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
For completed programs, arrange to have academic transcript(s) (Relevé
de Notes Annuels) that list all subjects taken, credits awarded, and
grades earned for each year of study sent directly to our office from the
For completed programs, a European Diploma Supplement in English if
issued by your institution(s) sent directly to our office (if issued)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 38 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Bachiller,
Maestra, Perito, or Técnico) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office by
the institution(s)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Tecnólogo, Título
Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly by the
institution to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other
secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcript) showing all subjects taken
and grades obtained sent directly to our office by the
Ministère de l’Education Nationale
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise,
and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended showing all subjects and grades awarded and
sent directly from all institutions attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by
the institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions. They must list all subjects
taken, grades earned, and credits acquired
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 39 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Certificate of Registration
issued by the Nursing Council of Guyana, Trained Teacher’s Certificate
issued by the Ministry of Education, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
If available, submit a full colour (both sides) copy /
email image of your diploma to our office (Certificat
de Fin d’Etudes, Secondaires Classiques, Première /
Deuxième Partie, Diplôme d’Etudes Secondaires
Première / Deuxième Partie)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (final examination results / academic transcript)
showing all subjects taken and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by the Ministère de l’Education
Nationale et del la Formation Professionnelle
(MENFP) (go to: menfp.gouv.ht)
Where possible/available, submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email
image of your degree(s), diploma(s) or certificate(s) to our office
(Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended which shows all courses taken, credits earned,
and exam results sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 40 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Holy See
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your secondary school leaving certificate or diploma
to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) sent
directly by the institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) to our office (Baccalaureatus, Magistero, Licentia, Master,
Postgraduate Diploma, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcripts issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office. For completed
programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in English is also
required and should be sent directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your
graduation certificate / diploma to our office
(Bachiller, Maestra, Perito, or Técnico)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcript) issued by each
institution attended sent directly from the
institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico Universitario, Bachiller
Universitario, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, and/or
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly from the
institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 41 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
If you graduated before 2012:
Hong Kong
Arrange to have your examination results for the
Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination
(HKCEE), Hong Kong Advanced Supplementary Level
Administrative Examination (HKASLE) and/or Hong Kong Advanced
Region of China) Level Examination (HKALE) sent directly from the
Hong Kong Examinations Authority to our office (go
to: hkeaa.edu.hk)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Technician Diploma, Higher
Diploma, Teacher Certificate, Certificate of Registration for nursing,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, Postgraduate Diploma, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
If you graduated from 2012 and on:
Arrange to have your examination results for the
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE)
sent directly from the Hong Kong Examination
Authority to our office (go to: hkeaa.edu.hk)
Arrange to have your Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (maturity Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate) indicating all exams taken and grades for certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Oklevel, Foiskolai Oklevel,
all years obtained sent directly to our office from the Egyetemy Oklevel, and/or Doktor)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions attended to our office
Please do not send the Leckekonyv (student record book) as they cannot
be used in the admissions process
For completed programs, a European Diploma Supplement issued in
English is also required and should be sent directly from institution(s)
attended to our office (if issued)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 42 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your secondary school leaving
certificate indicating all subjects taken and grades
obtained for all years (your Stúdentspróf) sent
directly to our office from the institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma / Certificate,
Baccalaureatus, Candidatus, Postgraduate Diploma, Meistarapróf,
and/or Doktorspróf)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and individual grades obtained sent directly to
our office from the institution(s) attended
For partially completed programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits/hours
completed, and grades obtained sent directly from the institution(s) to
our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 43 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your official Examination
Certificate/Marks Statements for both grade/class 10
and grade/class 12 sent directly to our office from
• State Board
• All India Board
• Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
• Council of the Indian School Certificate
Examination (CISCE)
*NOTE: We are aware that not all organizations keep
records in the same fashion or for the same amount
of time and will advise you appropriately
Attestations / notarizations will only be accepted from the
Boards above
University Education:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your final or provisional degree
certificate(s) to our office (Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate Diploma, Doctorate) issued
by the degree-granting institution
Arrange to have your statement of marks (academic transcript) for each year of each
credential issued by the degree-awarding institution(s)* sent directly to our office. It
should list all subjects or papers, marks earned, credits awarded, and contain the passpercentage and a grading scale
Technical/Professional Education:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your final or provisional
diploma(s) / certificate to our office (Diploma in Engineering awarded by a State Board
of Technical Education (or any 10+3 diploma awarded) or Certificate of Membership
(as an Accountant, for example))
Arrange to have your State Board/examining body send your Annual Statements of
Marks (academic transcript(s)) * for all years directly to our office that lists all subjects
and marks earned for all years of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your Certificate of General
Nursing and Midwifery issued by the appropriate Nursing Board/Council to our office
indicating you are registered and permitted to practice as a nurse and midwife
Arrange to submit all annual Statement of Marks (academic transcript(s)) * issued by
the Nursing Board / Council that lists all examinations taken and marks earned for all
years of study. These must come directly to our office from the appropriate officer at
the Nursing Board/Council
*Attestations / notarizations will only be accepted from the issuing
institution/authority listed above
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 44 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your graduation certificate/diploma
(Ijazah) indicating all exams taken and grades
achieved certified by your school and then placed in
an envelope and sealed by your school (Surat Tanda
Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menengah Atas, Surat Tanda
Tamat Belajar Sekolah Menengah Umum) which you
then send directly to our office (do NOT open the
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma
certificate(s), diploma(s), or degree(s) to our office (Diploma, Sarjana,
Magister, and/or Dokter)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
indicating all subjects taken, credits earned, and grades obtained sent
directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate/diploma and your PreUniversity Certificate to our office. We will accept a
letter issued in English by the Ministry of Education
stating you completed your high school studies
Arrange to have your academic transcript sent
directly by the Ministry of Education to our office
(must be received sealed from the Ministry)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your final or
provisional degree certificate(s) (Kardani, Karshenasi, Karshenasi
Arshad, and/or Doctorate)
Arranged to have your academic transcript(s) showing all subjects taken,
credits/hours completed (if transcripted), and all grades earned for all
years of attendance issued by the institution(s) attended in envelopes
sealed by the institution(s) (with institutional stamps on the sealed flap
of all envelopes) sent directly by you in these envelopes (do NOT open
the envelope(s)). If your institution can send a transcript directly to our
office, please request this service instead
Arrange to have the Ministry of Education issue an
official copy of your Graduation Certificate / Diploma
Certificate in English that lists all final examinations
completed and grades earned. Have the Ministry
send this (sealed by the Ministry) directly to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (diploma,
Higher Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution showing all subjects completed, credits/hours completed,
and grades earned for all years of study and sent directly to our office
from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 45 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your external/final examination
results for the Leaving Certificate examination sent
directly by the State Examination Commission to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Postgraduate Diploma, and/or Doctorate)
For completed degrees, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement issued
in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed (if transcripted), and grades earned sent
directly to our office by each institution attended
For partially completed program(s) or pre-Bologna study, arrange to
have academic transcript(s) sent directly to our office from each
institution attended
For nursing, please submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your registration certificate (Certificate of Registration issued by An
Bord Altranais)
Arrange to have an official transcript sent directly to our office from
each institution attended
If you are a certified member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
/ Institute of Accounting Technicians, submit a full colour (both sides)
copy / email image of your membership certificate to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript from each institution attended
sent directly from the institution(s) attended to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 46 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have examination results for the Teudat
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
Bagrut (Matriculation Certificate) issued in English by certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Associate,
the institution attended and sent directly by the
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctorate)
institution to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from all institutions attended to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduate certificate or diploma to our office
(Diploma di Maturita or Diploma di Perito)
Arrange to have your Pagelle Scholastiche (academic
transcript) for all years attended issued by the
institution(s) sent directly to our office. It must list all
subjects taken and grades earned for each year of
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Laurea, Diploma di Specialista,
Master Universitario, and/or Dottorato)
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Professional Certificate or
Diploma, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Postgraduate Diploma,
Doctoral, Certificate of Registration issued by the Nursing Council of
Jamaica, and/or Diploma in Teaching issued by the Joint Board of
Arrange to have your academic transcript issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed (if applicable), and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by institution(s) attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 47 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued in
English by the institution to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in
English by the institution(s) attended sent directly to
our office, listing all subjects taken and grades earned
for all years
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English (Associate, Bachelor’s,
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office listing
all courses attempted, credits/hours per course and grades earned for
all years of study
Arrange to have your examination results for the
General Secondary Education Certificate issued by
the Ministry of Education, Department of
Examinations sent directly to our office (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Associate,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctorate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 48 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Attestat o srednem obrazovanii Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
(Certificate of Secondary Education) indicating all
diploma(s) to our office (Bakalavr, Magistr, Diplom Specialista, Kandidat
exams taken and grades obtained sent directly to our Nauk, and/or Doktor Nauk)
office from the institution(s) attended
Arrange to have your vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma / akademicheskaya
From specialized secondary institutions/postspravka (academic transcripts) issued by each institution attended
secondaries (Uchilishcha, Technikumi, or colleges)
indicating all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and grades
submit a full colour copy / email image (both sides) of obtained, sent directly to our office
your certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office
For completed programs, please arrange to have a European Diploma
For these specialized secondary/post-secondaries,
Supplement issued in English (if available) sent directly from your
arrange to have your academic transcript (vypiska,
institution(s) to our office
prilozhene k diplomu, or akademicheskaya spravka)
sent directly from the educational institution(s)
For incomplete or pre-Bologna study, or for institutions that do not issue
attended to our office
Diploma supplements, arrange to have an official transcript sent directly
to our office
Arrange to have your final examination results for
the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE),
Primary Teachers’ Certificate or any other certificate
results sent directly to our office by the Kenya
National Examinations Council (KNEC) (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral; for nursing, Certification of Registration issued by the
Nursing Council of Kenya; for education, Diploma in Education issued by
the Ministry of Education; or any polytechnic credential)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 49 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Korea (South)
Arrange to have your Certificate of Graduation
(인문계 고등학교 졸업장) issued in English and sent
directly to our office from your high school
Arrange to have your academic transcript issued in
English by the institution attended sent directly to
our office by the school showing all 3 of years and all
classes (including the names of language(s) other
than Korean studied) and grades earned
Arrange to have your graduation certificate(s) issued in English
(Diploma, Associate, Bachelor, Master, and/or Doctoral) sent directly
from the institution(s) attended to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Secondary
School Leaving Certificate or your Diplomë për
kryerjen e shkollës së mesme të lartë-Gjimnazit) to
our office
Arrange to have your Dëftesë (academic transcript)
sent directly to our office from the institution(s)
attended listing all subjects taken and grades earned
for all years of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplomë Bachelor, Diplomë
Master, and/or Diplomë Doktoratë)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) (Pasqyrë e notave) issued by
each institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Arrange to have your examination results for the
General Secondary Education Certificate issued in
English by the Ministry of Education sent directly by
the Ministry of Education to our office (it must list all
final examination results)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Diploma,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctorate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from institution(s). If an English
version is available, arrange for that to be sent
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 50 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Attestat o srednem obrazovanii
(Certificate of Secondary Education) indicating all
exams taken and grades obtained sent directly to our
office from institution(s) attended
For any specialized secondary programs (Uchilischi,
Technikumi and colleges), submit a full colour (both
sides) copy / email image of your
certificate(s)/diploma(s) to our office
Arrange to have an official transcript (the
Vypiska/prilozhenie k diplomu/akademicheskaya
spravka) for each institution attended sent directly to
our office
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
diploma(s) to our office (for your Bakalavr, Magistr, Diplom Specialista,
Kandidat Nauk, and/or Doktor Nauk)
Arrange to have an official transcript (the Vypiska/prilozhenie k
diplomu/akademicheskaya spravka) for each institution attended sent
directly to our office from the institution(s)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Upper Secondary School Diploma)
Arrange to have your academic transcript issued by
the institution attended sent directly to our office by
the institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 51 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Certificate of General
Secondary Education indicating all exams taken and
grades obtained (the Atestâts par Vispârçjo Vidçjo
Izglîtîbu) sent directly to our office by the institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploms par vidçjo profesionâlo
izglîtîbu, Diploms par pirmâ lîmena augstâko profesionâlo izglîtîbu,
Bakalaura diploms, Ärsta diploms, Augstâkâs profesionâlâs izglîtîbas
diploms, Zobârsta diploms Maìistra diploms, and/or Doktora diploms)
Arrange to have the Diploma Supplement issued in English containing a
complete record of all courses taken, credits/hours completed (if
transcripted), and grades obtained sent directly to our office each
institution attended
If you did not complete the program or if it was pre-Bologna, contact
each institution attended and arrange to have a complete transcript that
lists all courses, credits/hours, and grades earned for all years and have
it sent directly to our office by the institution(s)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Baccalaurèat or General Secondary Education
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de L’Examen
Final/final examination results indicating all subjects
taken and grades earned sent directly by the Ministry
of National Education to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Licence, Maîtrise, Bachelor’s,
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 52 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your final examination results for the Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate sent directly certificate(s) to our office (Diploma, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
to our office by Cambridge International
and/or Doctoral)
Examinations (go to: cambridgeinternational.org)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office. It must list all
subjects taken and grades earned for each year of study
Contact the West African Examination Council
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
(WAEC) in Liberia and arrange to have all final
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, and/or
examination results sent directly from Liberia’s WAEC Master’s)
to our office (go to: liberiawaec.org)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
Note: this is not a duplicate certificate, it is a report
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
of your final examination results for all courses and
all sittings of exams
Arrange to have your final examination results
issued in English by the Ministry of Education sent
directly to our office (General Secondary School
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Bachelor’s,
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 53 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your school leaving certificate with
all exams taken and grades obtained (your
Berufsmaturitätszeugnis or Maturazeugnis) sent
directly by the institution to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed (if transcripted), and grades obtained sent
directly to our office by each institution attended
For incomplete programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have your
academic transcript(s) issued by each institution attended sent directly
from institution(s) to our office
Arrange to have your Graduation Certificate listing all
exams taken and grades earned (your Brandos
Atestatas, for example) sent directly by the
institution attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Aukštojo Mokslo Diplomas,
Bachelor, Bakalauro Diplomas, Master, Magistro Diplomas, and/or
Daktaro Diplomas)
For completed programs, arrange to have your institution(s) issue the
Diploma Supplement in English containing a complete record of all
courses taken, credits/hours completed, and grades obtained and have
them send it directly to our office if they issue them
For incomplete programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcript(s) issued by each institution attended sent directly
from all institutions to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 54 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme de
Fin d'Etudes Secondaires) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Tecnicien Supérieur
(BTS), Diplôme d'Université, Diplôme de premier Cycle universitaire,
Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie (DUT), Bachelor, Certificat
d'Etudes Pédagogiques, Diplôme d'Educateur Gradué Licence, Diplôme
d'Ingénieur Industriel Maîtrise, Master, Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures
Spécialisées, and/or Doctorat)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and grades obtained sent directly to our office
by each institution attended
For technical secondary education, submit a full
colour (both sides) copy / email image of your
graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme de Fin
d'Etudes secondaires tehcniques Diplôme de
Technicien) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the For incomplete or pre-Bologna programs, arrange to have academic
institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
transcript(s) issued by each institution attended sent directly from
institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued in
English (Senior Secondary School Certificate) to our
Region of China) Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in
English by the institution(s) attended sent directly to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 55 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have an official copy of your Graduation
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
Certificate issued by the institution attended (your
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Specijalizacija,
Diploma za Polozhena Drzhavna Matura) sent directly Magister, and/or Doktor na Nauki)
to our office by the institution
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office (do not send student books)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and grades obtained sent directly by
institution(s) attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation, or other secondary school
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcript) showing all subjects taken
and grades obtained sent directly to our office from
the Ministère de l'Education Nationale
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise,
and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) listing all
subjects taken and exam results achieved for all years attended issued
by the institution(s) and sent directly to our office
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
Malawi School Certificate of Education sent directly
to our office by the Malawi National Examinations
Board (go to: maneb.edu.mw)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctorate; for teaching, your Teacher’s Certificate issued by the
Ministry of Education; for nursing, your Certificate of Registration issued
by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Malawi)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 56 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange for all official examination results issued by
the appropriate examining body (Sijil Pelajaran
Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia
(STPM), or Unified Examination Certificate (UEC)) to
be sent directly to our office from the examining
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Doctorate; for nursing, your Certificate of Registration; for teaching,
your Teacher’s Certificate)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Final examination results for the International
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
General Certificate of Secondary Education and GCE certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Certificate or Diploma)
A-Levels sent directly to our office by the appropriate
examination board (see list under British Pattern)
Arrange to have your academic transcript issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation, or other
secondary school diploma)
Arrange to have your final examination results
(Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final) (academic
transcript) listing all subjects taken and all grades
achieved sent directly to our office by Ministère de
l’Education Nationale
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence or Maîtrise)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcript) issued by
each institution attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 57 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your final examination results issued
in English for the Secondary Education Examination
Certificate or the Matriculation Examination
Certificate sent directly to our office by the University
of Malta Matriculation and Secondary Education
Board (go to: um.edu.mt/matsec)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) issued in English to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
For completed programs, arrange to have the European Diploma
Supplement issued in English containing a complete record of all courses
taken, credits/hours completed, and grades earned sent directly to our
office by institution(s) attended (if they issue them)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate/diploma to our office
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat Général, Attestation or
other secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) showing all subjects
taken and grades earned for each year of study sent
directly to our office from France’s Académie
Régionale (Ministère de l’Education Nationale) or the
lycée attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplômes or Attestations de
Réussite, Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de Maîtrise, Diplôme de Docteur,
Diplôme de l’Ecole, and/or Diplôme or Certificat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes Annuels (academic transcript)
issued by each institution attended, showing all subjects, credits/hours
completed, and grades sent directly to our office from all institutions
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and grades obtained for all years to be sent
directly to our office by institution(s) attended
For incomplete programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to your
academic transcript(s) issued by each institution attended and sent
directly by the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 58 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma (Diplôme
du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary
diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) listing all subjects taken
and all grades achieved sent directly to our office by
Ministère de l’Education Nationale
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence or Maîtrise)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcript(s)) issued by
each institution attended and sent directly from institution(s) to our
Arrange to have your external examination results
for the International General Certificate of
Secondary Education (IGSCE) and/or General
Certificate of Education (GCE) A-Level sent directly
to our office by the Cambridge Assessment
International Education
(go to: cambridgeinternational.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Bachillerato/ Técnico (Medio)) (if issued)
Arrange to have your Certificado de estudios /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) listing all
subjects for each year and grades obtained issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office
by the institution (do NOT open sealed documents)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Título de Técnico Superior,
Tecnólogo, Profesional, Licenciado, Maestro/ Magister, and/or Doctor)
Arrange to have your Certificado de estudios / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) listing all subjects for each year and grades obtained issued
by each institution attended sent directly to our office from all
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 59 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution attended sent directly by the institution to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate or Certificate)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
Have your Graduation Certificate (Diploma de
Bacalaureat) including all exams taken and grades
obtained sent directly to our office from the
institution attended
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
diploma(s) to our office (Diploma de Studii Superiorare de Scurta
Durata, Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Inginer, Diploma de Magistru,
and/or Titlul de Doctor)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) or your Diploma
Supplement (for complete programs) issued by the institution(s)
attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your diploma to our office (Diplôme du Baccalauréat
Général, Attestation or other secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcript) showing all subjects taken
and grades achieved sent directly to our office by the
Le Ministère de l'Education Nationale or France's
Ministry - Académie de Nice
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur
Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
For the Brevet, arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen Final
(academic transcript) showing all subjects taken and grades achieved
sent directly to our office by the Le Ministère de l'Education Nationale
or France's Ministry - Académie de Nice
For all other programs, arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly from
institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 60 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your School Leaving Certificate
showing all exams taken and grades achieved sent
directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
For any specialized secondary/post-secondary
education, follow the above step as well
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
diploma(s) to our office (Bakalavr, Master, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office
Arrange to have your Graduation Certificate (Diploma Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
o Polozenom Maturskom Ispitu) indicating all exams certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma o Zavrshenom Visem
taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office or Visokom Obrazovanju, Spetsialist, Magistar, and/or Doktor)
by the institution attended
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken and
grades obtained sent directly to our office by institution(s) attended
For incomplete programs, arrange to have your academic transcript(s)
issued by the institution(s) attended sent directly by the institution(s) to
our office
NB: Do not send student books as they are not useful for admissions
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) in English to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 61 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your diploma to our office (Diplôme du
Baccalauréat, Attestation or other secondary school
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcript) showing all subjects taken
and grades obtained sent directly to our office by the
lycée attended or Le Ministère de l'Education
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence, Diplôme de
Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme du Premier/Deuxième Cycle)
Arrange to have Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) showing all
subjects taken and exam results for all programs of study sent directly
from each institution attended to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma(s) (Certificado
de Habilitações) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution(s) attended sent directly by the
institution(s) to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bacharelato, Licenciatura,
and/or Mestrado)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
International General Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE) and/or A-Levels OR your Namibia
Senior Secondary Certificate (Ordinary or Higher
Level) sent directly from the Directorate of National
Examinations and Assessment (DNEA) (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma or
degree certificate(s) to our office (National Diploma, Bachelor’s,
Master’s, Doctorate, and/or Higher Doctorate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your final examination results for the Not applicable for this country
Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate sent directly to
our office by the South Pacific Board for Educational
Arrange for your final examination results for both
grades 10 and 12 (Secondary Education Board
Certificate and Higher Secondary Education Board
Certificate or any year 10 and year 12 certificate
issued) to be sent directly to our office from the
National Examinations Board (go to: neb.gov.np)
For technical or vocational education, submit full
colour (both sides) copy / email image(s) of your
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued by the institution(s)
attended to our office and have the Council for
Technical Education and Vocational Training send
your Mark Sheets (academic transcripts) directly to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your final or
provisional degree certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Proficiency
Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Have your Mark Sheets (academic transcripts) sent directly to our office
from each institution attended. If you have Mark Sheets attested, it
must be done by a Controller of Examinations or Registrar’s Office at the
institution(s) attended and sealed into an envelope by them. Do NOT
open sealed envelopes
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit your Graduation Certificate indicating all
exams taken and grades achieved (Diploma Hoger
Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Diploma
Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) issued
by the institution attended and sent directly to our
office from that institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor, Master, Getuigschrift
Hoger Beroepsonderwijs, and/or Doctoraalexamen)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and grades earned for all years of study to be
sent directly by each institution attended to our office
For incomplete programs or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have
academic transcript(s) issued by each institution attended sent directly
by the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Caribbean Pattern:
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency
Examination (CAPE) results (if written) sent directly by
the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) to our office
(go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Teacher’s Certificate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly from all institutions to our office
Dutch System:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office (Hoger
Algemeen Vorortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO), Voorbereidend
Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) Diploma)
Arrange to have your examination results for the HAVO or
VWO sent directly to our office from the Department of
Education. If required, contact the Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science in the Netherlands (go to:
rijksoverheid.nl/ministeries/ ministerie-van-onderwijscultuur-en-wetenschap)
New Zealand
Arrange to have your final examination results
(Universities Entrance, Bursaries and Scholarships
Examination or National Certificate) sent directly to
our office by the New Zealand Qualifications
Authority (go to: nzqa.govt.nz)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Diploma,
National Diploma, and other accredited TVET credentials; Certificate of
Registration (nursing); Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions. If your
institution(s) uses “My eQuals” online system, please email
admissions@macewan.ca for further directions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma to our
office (Bachiller, Maestro, Técnico Medio)
Arrange to have your Certificado de estudios / notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) listing all
subjects for each year and grades earned issued by
the institution(s) attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Título Profesional,
Licenciado, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de estudios / notas / Calificaciones
(academic transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly
to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other
secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) listing all subjects and
final grades sent directly to our office from Service
des Examens du Baccalauréat, Université Abdou
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (for nursing: Diplôme d’Etat de
Sage-Femme; Brevet de Technicien Supérieur, Diplôme de Licence,
Maîtrise, and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcript(s) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
For Brevet, please have the Relevé de Notes de L’Examen Final
(academic transcript(s)) issued by Ministère de l'Enseignement
Secondaire et Supérieur, et de la Recherche Scientifique sent directly to
our office by the Ministry
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Contact the West African Examinations Council
(WAEC) in Nigeria and arrange to have all final
examination results for all exams sent directly from
WAEC Nigeria to our office (go to: waecnigeria.org)
If you sat exams with the National Examinations
Council (NECO), contact NECO and arrange to have
all final examination results sent directly to our
office (go to: mynecoexams.com)
If you wrote both WAEC and NECO exams, arrange
to have all results from both WAEC and NECO sent
directly to our office
Note: these are not duplicate certificate(s)—we
require your final examination results for all courses
and all sittings of exams
Arrange to have your Graduation Certificate listing all
exams taken and grades achieved (Vitnemål
Videregående Opplaering, Vitnemål fra den
Videregående Skolen, Vitnemål fra Tekniske Skole,
Fagbrev) sent directly to our office by the institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of original
graduation certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (National Diploma,
Higher National Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral and/or PostGraduate Certificates; for nursing, Registration Certificate issued by
Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria; for teaching, Nigeria
Certificate of Education; certificate/diploma for professional programs
like the Fellowship for the National Postgraduate Medical College or
Certificate of Call to the Bar or Chartered Accountant)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended showing all subjects completed, credits/hours completed, and
all grades / marks obtained sent directly to our office by institution(s)
If you completed a professional program (medicine/law/accounting)
have the appropriate examination authority send a transcript directly to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor, Master,
Hogskolekandidat Candidatus, Magister Artium, Licentiatus, and/or
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English containing a complete record of all courses taken,
credits/hours completed, and grades obtained sent directly by each
institution attended to our office. If study was incomplete/pre-Bologna,
arrange to have your academic transcript(s) sent directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Ordinary Level
Find this in the British Pattern listing
Arrange to have your examination results for the
Secondary School Leaving Certificate issued in
English by the Ministry of Education sent directly to
our office from the Ministry
If you are still in secondary or did not complete
secondary school or did not sit for the Secondary
School Leaving Certificate examinations upon
completion of secondary school, please contact the
school(s) you attended and ask them to send a copy
of your secondary school transcript(s) directly to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Bachelor’s,
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended showing all subjects completed, credits/hours
completed, and all grades / marks obtained sent directly to our office by
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Have your Certificates of Examination from both
grades 10 and 12 and Mark Sheet/Result Card issued
by your State Board of Intermediate and Secondary
Education attested by the appropriate Board and sent
sealed by the Board directly to our office
Go to fbise.edu.pk for a list of recognized Boards
University/Institutes of Technology:
Arrange to have Higher Education Commission (HEC) attest a copy of your
degree certificate(s) (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Masters of Philosophy, and/or
Doctoral) and send it directly to our office
Have your Mark Sheet(s)/Result Card(s) attested by HEC sent directly to our
office (go to: hec.gov.pk/). If electives are not listed, provide a syllabus in
English for assessment
Request for all HEC-attested documents to be placed in an official HEC-sealed
envelope and have the envelope returned to you to forward to our office (do
NOT open that envelope)
HEC must confirm the attestation on their website for our office to accept the
Professional Education:
For non-university programs for accountants, professionals in finance or
management, arrange to have your degree-awarding institution send your
academic record directly to our office stamped and verified by Controller of
Examination and/or Registrar’s office. NOTE: College-issued Mark
Sheet(s)/Result Card(s) are not accepted to finalize document requirements. If
electives are not listed, provide a syllabus in English for assessment
State Boards of Technical Education:
Have your State Board issue an attested copy of your Certificate of
Examination issued by the Board (Diploma in Engineering, Technology or other
certificates), stamped and sealed by the Controller of Examinations. You must
have the Board attest them first and either the Board mails/couriers them to
us in envelopes sealed by the Board or you deliver them to us still sealed
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 69 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Papua New
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended to our office
Arrange to have your Examination Results issued in
English (academic transcript) (your General
Secondary Education Certificate) issued by the
Ministry of Education and Higher Education sent
directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma (Bachiller,
Maestro, Perito) to our office
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by each
institution attended sent directly to our office by the
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Tecnólogo, Bachiller
Universitario, Título Profesional, Licenciado, Maestría, and/or
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly to our
office by the institution(s)
Arrange to have your final examination results for the Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
Higher School Certificate sent directly to our office by certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
the Ministry of Education listing all final examination and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended showing all subjects completed, credits/hours completed, and
all grades / marks obtained sent directly to our office by institution(s)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 70 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma to our
office (Bachiller, Técnico)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by each
institution attended sent directly to our office by the
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Licenciado, Título
Profesional, Magister, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly to our
office by the institution(s)
Arrange to have your Certificado Oficial de Educación
Secundaria (Official Certificate of Secondary
Education) sent directly to our office by the
institution attended listing all subjects taken and
grades earned for all years of study
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Título de Técnico Superior,
Tecnólogo, Profesional, Licenciado, Maestro/ Magister, and/or Doctor)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) issued by each institution attended sent directly to our
office by the institution(s)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or high school diploma
to our office (like the Katibayan or Katunayan)
If you completed high school before 2018, arrange to
have your high school transcript (grades 7 to 10) and
your official college or university transcript(s) sent
directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
Arrange to have all academic transcripts from each institution attended
sent directly to our office. NOTE: If your most recent institution
attended lists all your higher education completed, arrange to have your
transcript sent directly from only that institution directly to our office
If you completed high school in 2018 or later, arrange
to have your grades 7 to 10 transcript and your grade
11 and 12 transcript(s) sent directly to our office from
the institution(s) attended
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 71 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have an official copy of your graduation
certificate listing all exams taken and grades earned
sent directly to our office by the Okregowa Komisja
Egzaminacyjna (District Examinations Commission)
(includes your świadectwo dojrzalości, świadectwo
ukończenia) (go to: oke.krakow.pl/inf)
Higher Education:
Arrange to submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your
graduation certificate(s)/degree certificate(s) to our office (Tytuł
inżyniera, Tytuł licencjata, Tytuł magistra, Tytuł lekarza, and/or Tytuł
doktor nauk)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
If they provide this directly to you, it must remain
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
sealed in the envelope they sent it to you in (do NOT grades achieved for all courses in all years of study sent directly to our
open sealed documents) and must be sent directly to office from the institution(s) attended
our office by you
For incomplete or pre-Bologna study, arrange to have each institution
you attended send an academic transcript directly to our office (to be
sent from all institutions attended)
Vocational/Medical/Teacher Training/Other Post-Secondary:
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) sent directly to our office
by the Okregowa Komisja Egzaminacyjna (District Examinations
Commission) (go to: oke.krakow.pl/inf)
If they provide this directly to you, it must remain sealed in the
envelope they sent it to you in (do NOT open sealed documents) and
must be sent directly to our office by you
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 72 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have an official copy of your graduation
certificate showing all exams taken and grades
earned (Diploma de Ensino Secundário) sent directly
to our office from the institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bacharel, Licenciado, Mestre,
Doutor, Diploma, and/or Técnico)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
For completed programs, arrange to have the European Diploma
Supplement issued in English sent directly to our office
Puerto Rico
All accredited institutions in this country are
recognized by the U.S.A.’s Middle States Association
of Colleges and Schools. Arrange to have transcripts
sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
All accredited institutions in this country are recognized by the U.S.A.’s
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Arrange to have
transcripts sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
Arrange to have your Examination Results for the
General Secondary Education Certificate issued in
English by the Ministry of Education sent directly to
our office by the Ministry of Education
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Diploma,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
If you have not completed secondary school, or did
not sit for the General Secondary Education
Certificate examinations upon completion of
secondary school, please contact the school you
attended and ask them to send a copy of your
secondary school transcript directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 73 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your graduation certificate (diplomă Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
de Bacalaureat) and your academic transcript (Foaie diploma(s) to our office (Diplomă de Licență, Diplomă de Inginer,
Matricolă) listing all exams taken and grades achieved Diplomă de Master, and/or Diplomă de Doctor)
sent directly to our office from the school attended
For completed programs, have the Diploma Supplement issued in
English containing a complete record of all courses and individual grades
sent directly from each institution attended to our office
Higher Vocational Programs/Post-Secondary/Colleges:
Arrange to have your graduation certificate (Diplomă/Certificat de
Absolvire a Şcolii Postliceale de Specialitate) and your academic
transcript (Foaie Matricolă) listing all exams taken and grades achieved
sent directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
Russia (and
former USSR)
Arrange to have your Certificate of Secondary
(Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem
Obrazovanii including Prilozhenie or Tabel) including
your Mark Sheet sent directly to our office from
institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
diploma(s) to our office (Diplom o Srednem Professionalnom
Obrazovanii, Diplom o Nepolnom Vysshem Obrazovanii, Diplom
Bakalavra, Diplom Magistra, Diplom Specialista, Diplom Kandidata Nauk,
and/or Diplom Doktora Nauk)
Arrange to have your Akademicheskaya Spravka or Prilozhenie k
Diplomu (academic transcript(s)) issued by each institution attended
sent directly to our office by the institution(s)
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 74 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Saint Kitts and
Saint Lucia
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Advanced General Certificate of Secondary
Education, Professional Certificate of Secondary
Education, Rwanda Examination Board Advanced
Levels, Diplôme d’Humanités Générales or Diplôme
de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes/final
examination results (academic transcripts) issued by
the institution attended sent directly to our office by
the Ministry of Elementary and Secondary Education
or appropriate examination authority
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplomas, Bachelor’s, Diplôme
de Licence, Master's, Diplôme de Maîtrise, and/or Doctoral/Diplôme de
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes/academic transcript(s) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) (if written) sent
directly to our office from the Caribbean
Examinations Council (CXC) (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate Degree, Certificate of
Registration in Nursing, and/or Bachelor’s)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate Degree, Diploma in
General Nursing, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have cademic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions listing all
subjects taken, and credits/grades earned for each year of study
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 75 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Saint Pierre
Saint Vincent
and the
Sao Tome and
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduate certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution attended sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from institution(s)
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (Teacher’s Certificate issued by the University of the West
Indies, Certificate in Nursing issued by the General Nursing Council of St.
Vincent and the Grenadines)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution attended sent directly to our office listing
all subjects taken and grades earned for each year of
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 76 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Saudi Arabia
Arrange to have your examination results issued in
English by the appropriate regional office of the
Ministry of Education (for your: General Secondary
Education Certificate (GSEC), Secondary Commercial
/ Agricultural / Industrial Institute Diploma) sent
directly to our office by the appropriate regional
office of the Ministry of Education or the Technical
and Vocational Training Corporation
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Associate’s,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral). This includes any credentials
awarded from the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation
Arrange to have academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(e.g. Diplôme du Baccalauréat, Attestation or other
secondary diploma)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final / final examination results (academic
transcripts) showing all subjects and final grades sent
directly to our office by the Office du Baccalaureat,
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s),
diploma(s), or degree(s) to our office (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur,
Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires Génerales (DEUG), Diplôme de Licence,
Diplôme de Maîtrise, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes/academic transcript(s) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
For the Brevet, arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de L’Examen Final
(academic transcripts) issued by the Ministre de l'Enseignement
Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle sent directly to our office
from the ministry
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 77 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Have an official copy of your Graduation Certificate
(Diploma o Stechenom Srednem Obrazovaniu)
indicating all exams taken and grades awarded sent
directly to our office by the institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma o Zavrshenom Visem
or Visokom Obrazovanju, Spetsialist, Magistar, and/or Doktor)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades achieved for each program sent directly to our office from the
institution(s) attended
For partially completed programs or pre-Bologna study, order your
academic transcripts indicating all courses taken and grades achieved
be sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
IGCSE, O-, A/S-, and A-Levels or any other secondary
school leaving examination sent directly to our office
by the appropriate examination board (Seychelles
Ministry of Education or Cambridge International
Examinations, depending when you attended)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s)
or diploma(s) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
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Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Sierra Leone
Contact the West African Examination Council
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
(WAEC) for Sierra Leone and arrange to have all final to our office (Diploma, Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
examination results for all exams written sent directly
to our office (go to: waecsierra-leone.org)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Note: this is not a duplicate certificate, it is a report
of your final examination results for all courses and
For vocational/professional education, submit a full colour (both sides)
all sittings of exams
copy /email image of your credential(s) issued by the appropriate
awarding authority to our office (Certificate of Registration issued by the
Nursing Board of the Ministry of Health or Teacher’s Diploma issued by
the University of Sierra Leone)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have Official Examination Results
(Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of
Education, Ordinary Level or Singapore-Cambridge
General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level)
sent directly to our office by the Singapore
Examinations and Assessment Board (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Postgraduate Diploma, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 79 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Vysvedcenie o Maturitnej
Skuske (Maturity Certificate) indicating all exams
taken and grades obtained sent directly to our office
by the institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bakalar, Magister, Titul Inzinier,
Titul Magister, and/or Doctor)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits earned, and grades
achieved for each year sent directly to our office from the institution(s)
For partially completed or pre-Bologna programs, order your academic
transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades achieved be sent directly from all institutions to our office
Arrange to have your Graduation Certificate (Matura) Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your diploma
listing all subjects taken and grades earned sent
and/or degrees to our office (Diploma višje strokovne šole, Diploma o
directly to our office by the institution attended
pridobljeni visoki strokovni izobrazbi, Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni
izobrazbi, Specializacija, Magisterij, and/or Doktorat)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades achieved for each year sent directly to our office from the
institution(s) attended
For partially completed or pre-Bologna programs, order your academic
transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits and grades achieved be
sent directly from the institution(s) to our office
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 80 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
Solomon Islands your graduation certificate or diploma issued in
English by the institution attended to our office
(Solomon Islands School Certificate, Pacific Senior
Secondary Certificate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution attended sent directly to our office by the
institution listing all subjects taken for each year and
grades earned
South Africa
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral) to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Due to circumstances in this country, evaluation is
Due to circumstances in this country, evaluation is performed in a
performed in a different manner. Applicants with this different manner. Applicants with this educational background should
educational background should email
email admissions@macewan.ca after applying for guidance
admissions@macewan.ca after applying for guidance
Otherwise, send a pdf of any available educational documents from this
Otherwise, send a pdf of any available educational
level of education to our office
documents from this level of education to our office
Arrange to have your final examination results (your
Senior Certificate, Further Education and Training
Certificate) sent directly to our office by UMALUSI:
Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further
Education and Training (go to: umalusi.org.za)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (National Technical Certificates,
University Diploma, Teaching Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange for your external examination results for National Technical
Certificates to be sent directly to our office from the Department of
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 81 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Sri Lanka
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your Certificate or Diploma to our office (Titulo de
Bachiller, Técnico)
Arrange to have your Certificación Académica
(academic transcript) issued by the institution
attended sent directly to our office by the institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Título de Técnico Superior,
Técnico, Licenciado, Título Profesional, Magister, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificación Académica (academic transcript)
issued by each institution attended sent directly to our office by the
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
General Certificate of Education, Ordinary-Level
and/or Advanced-Level to be sent directly to our
office by the Department of Examinations
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree or
other credential certificate(s) issued in English to our office (Certificate
of Membership (Engineers, Accountants), Trained Teacher’s Certificate,
Certificate of Registration (nursing), Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions. If you
completed your teaching certification, arrange to have your external
examination results sent directly to our office from the Department of
Arrange to have your Examination Results issued in
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
English listing all exams taken and grades obtained
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Diploma,
sent directly to our office by the Sudan Examinations Bachelor’s, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Committee of the Ministry of Education
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 82 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have you Graduation Certificate indicating
all exams taken and grades earned (Diploma Hoger
Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs, Diploma
Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs) sent
directly to our office from your school
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Doctoraalexamen, Bachelor’s,
Master’s, Doctoral; for diplomas—issued by the proper awarding
authority: Diploma in Nursing and/or Teacher’s Certificate)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
Swaziland General Certificate of Education (SGCSE)
and the International General Certificate of
Secondary Education (IGCSE) sent directly to our
office by the Examination Council of Swaziland (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree
certificate(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have your graduation certificate or
diploma issued in English, indicating all exams taken
for all subjects and grades earned (Avgångbetyg från
Gymnasiet, Slutbetyg från Gymnasiet,
Teknikerexamen, Slutbetyg från Grundskolan) sent
directly to our office from the institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor, Master,
Högskoleexamen, Kandidatexamen, Magisterexamen, Licentiatexamen,
Lärarexamen, and/or Doktorsexamen)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades earned sent directly to our office from each institution attended
For partially completed or pre-Bologna programs, order your academic
transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades achieved to be sent directly from all institutions attended to our
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 83 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your graduation certificate listing all
exams taken and final grades earned
(Maturitätszeugnis/Certificat de Maturité/Attestato
di Maturita) sent directly to our office by the
institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Licence,
Diplom, and/or Doctoral) and for state-examined professional
qualifications, final examination certificate (Eidgenössisches Diplom,
Diplôme Federale)
For completed programs, arrange to have the Diploma Supplement
issued in English listing all courses taken, credits earned, and grades
achieved sent directly to our office from the institution(s) attended. For
state examined professional qualifications, arrange to have a final
examination certificate sent directly to our office
For partially completed or pre-Bologna programs, order your academic
transcripts indicating all courses taken, credits/hours completed, and
grades achieved to be sent directly from all institutions attended to our
For professional programs, please submit a full colour (both sides) copy
/ email image of your final examination certificate (Fähigkeitszeugnis,
Certificat de Capacité, or Attesto di Capacità) to our office. Arrange to
have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution attended sent
directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 84 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
If available, please have the General Secondary
Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Dirassati alThanawiya al-Aamma) sent directly to our office by
the Ministry of Education. Otherwise, send a full
colour image by email of all available documents
from this level of education to our office
If available, submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of all
diplomas, certificates or degree certificates to our office (Graduate
Certificate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
If available, arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each
institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions.
Otherwise, send a full colour image of all available documents from this
level of education to our office. We will advise further based on the
institutions attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued in
English by the institution attended to our office
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued in
English by the institution attended sent directly to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s)
or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s,
Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office by all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 85 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Attestat o srednem obrazovanii Provide a full colour copy / email image your degree certificate(s) or
(Certificate of Secondary Education) sent directly to diploma(s) (Bakalavr, Magistr, Diplom Specialista, Kandidat Nauk, and/or
our office from the institution(s) attended
Doktor Nauk) to our office
For specialized secondary and post-secondary
Arrange to have your Vypiska/ prilozhenie k diploma / arkhivnaya
institutions (including Uchilischi, Technikumi and
spravka (academic transcript(s)) sent directly to our office from each
Colleges), send a full colour copy / email image of
institution attended
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
Arrange to have your Vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma
/ arkhivnaya spravka (academic transcript) sent
directly to our office from the institution(s) attended
Arrange to have your final examination results for the
Certificate of Secondary Education and the Advanced
Certificate of Secondary Education (if written) sent
directly to our office by the National Examinations
Council of Tanzania (NECTA) (go to: necta.go.tz)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Teacher’s Certificate,
Technician’s Certificate, Certificate of Registration for nursing, Diploma,
Bachelor’s, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office by all institutions
Arrange to have your academic transcript issued in
English by the institution attended and sent directly
to our office from the institution
Submit your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each institution
attended and sent directly to our office by all institutions
Have your examination results issued by and sent
from the Ministry of Education directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate to our office
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office by all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 86 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended (Diplôme du Baccalauréat,
Attestation, General Certificate of Education or other
secondary diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) sent directly to our office
by the institution you attended or the Office du
Baccalauréat, Université de Lomé
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diplôme de Licence, Maîtrise,
and/or Doctorat)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have your external examination results for
the School Certificate, Senior Secondary Certificate,
or Form 7 Certificate sent directly to our office by the
Ministry of Education or the South Pacific Board for
Educational Assessment (as appropriate)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Certificate of Registration for
nursing, Diploma in Education, or Bachelor’s)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
If you did not complete this level of education, have
your school send a transcript directly to our office
Trinidad and
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) (if written) sent
directly to our office from the Caribbean
Examinations Council (CXC) (go to: cxc.org)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral); or from the appropriate awarding authority, submit
your certificate/diploma (Certificate of Registration issued by the
Nursing Council of Trinidad and Tobago, Teacher’s Diploma issued by
the Board of Teacher Training)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 87 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma issued by the
institution attended (Diplôme du Baccalauréat,
Attestation or other secondary diploma) to our office
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes de l’Examen
Final (academic transcripts) sent directly to our office
by the lycée attended or from the Ministère de
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Certificat d'Aptitude au
Professorat de l'Enseignement Secondaire, Diplôme de Licence,
Diplôme de Maîtrise, Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies, Diplôme
d’Etudes Supérieures, and/or Diplôme de Docteur)
Arrange to have your Relevé de Notes (academic transcripts) issued by
each institution attended sent directly to our office from all institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate to our office (Lise
Diplomasi, Meslek Lise Diplomasi)
Arrange to have an academic transcript issued by the
institution attended listing all subjects taken and
grades earned for all years of study sent directly to
our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your certificate(s),
diploma(s) or degree certificate(s) to our office (Uzmanlik Belgesi, Lisans
Diplomasi, Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi, and/or Doktora Diplomasi)
Arrange to have academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended listing all subjects taken, credits/hours completed, and grades
earned for each year sent directly to our office from all institutions
For completed programs, arrange to have an European Diploma
Supplement issued in English sent directly from each institution
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 88 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Attestat o srednem obrazovanii
(Certificate of Secondary Education) indicating all
exams taken and grades obtained for each year of
study sent directly to our office from the institution
For specialized secondary and for post-secondary
institutions (including Uchilischi, Technikumi and
Colleges), submit a full colour (both sides) copy /
email image of your graduation certificate or diploma
Arrange to have your Vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma
/ arkhivnaya spravka (academic transcript(s)) issued
by each institution attended sent directly to our
Arrange to have final examination results for the
Turks and Caicos Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education
Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination (CAPE) results (if written)
sent directly by the Caribbean Examinations Council
(CXC) to our office (go to: cxc.org)
Arrange to have your final examination results for
both the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and
the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
(UACE) (if written) sent directly to our office by the
Uganda National Examinations Board (go to:
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s), diploma(s) or certificate(s) to our office (Bakalavr, Magistr,
Diplom Specialista, Kandidat Nauk, and/or Doktor Nauk)
Arrange to have your Vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma / arkhivnaya
spravka (academic transcript(s)) issued by each institution attended sent
directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) (Associate) to our office
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your credential(s)
to our office (Certificate of Registration issued by the Nurses, Midwives
and Nursing Assistants Council or your Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 89 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your Certificate of Secondary
Education (Atestat pro povnu zagalnu seredniu
osvitu, Dyplom kvalifikovanogo robitnika) issued by
institution attended and sent directly to our office
from that institution
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your graduation credential(s)
to our office (Dyplom Molodshogo Specialista, Bakalavr, Magistr,
Dyplom Specialista, Dyplom Kandidata Nauk, and/or Dyplom Doktora
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) (dodatok do dyploma,
akademichna dovidka, arkhivna dovidka, vytyag, vypiska) issued by each
institution attended sent directly to our office
For completed programs, please submit a European Diploma
Supplement issued in English. For incomplete or pre-Bologna study, have
your institution(s) send your academic transcript(s) directly to our office
United Arab
Arrange to have your examination results for the
General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihiyya
or Thanawiyya Al-A’ama) issued in English by the
Ministry of Education sent directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly from all institutions attended to our
office listing all subjects taken and grades earned for each year of study
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 90 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have external examination results for the
United Kingdom GCSE and/or GCE O-Levels and GCE A/S- and/or ALevels sent directly to our office from the appropriate
examining body (see British Pattern listing above)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bachelor’s, Master’s,
Postgraduate Diploma, and/or Doctoral; Certificate of Registration
issued by the Nursing and Midwifery Council)
NB: This includes BTEC Certificates and Diplomas, SQA Higher National
Certificates and Diplomas and ACCA Membership
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s)/Higher Education
Achievement Report (HEAR) issued by each institution attended and
sent directly from all institution(s). These must show all courses
attempted and all final grades awarded for all years, and for nursing,
must include all completed theoretical and clinical training for each year
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image
of your graduation certificate or diploma to our
office (Bachiller)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) sent directly by
the institution(s) attended, listing all subjects taken
and grades earned for each year of study
Arrange to have your senior high school transcript
United States of showing all 4 years of coursework, grades earned,
and the school grading scale sent directly to our
office from the institution(s) attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Licenciado, Título
Profesional, Magister, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcripts) sent directly by the institution(s) attended, listing all
subjects taken and grades earned for each year of study
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 91 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your certificate of completed
Submit a full colour copy / email image of your degree certificate(s) or
secondary education indicating all exams taken and
diploma(s) to our office (Bakalavr, Magistr, Diplom Specialista, Kandidat
grades achieved (Shahodatnoma) sent directly to our Nauk, Doktor Nauk, Fanlari Nomzodi, and/or Fanlari Doktori)
office from the school attended
Arrange to have your vypiska / prilozhenie k diploma / arkhivnaya
spravka/ appendix to diploma (academic transcript(s)) listing all courses
taken and grades awarded for each year of study sent directly to our
office from each institution attended
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of
your graduation certificate or diploma to our office
(Bachiller, Técnico Medio)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas /
Calificaciones (academic transcripts) issued by the
institution attended sent directly to our office from
the institution
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Técnico, Técnico Superior,
Licenciado, Título Profesional, Maestría, and/or Doctorado)
Arrange to have your Certificado de Notas / Calificaciones (academic
transcript(s)) issued by each institution attended sent directly to our
office from all institutions
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of
your graduation certificate (provisional or final) to
our office (if you have completed high school)
Submit a full colour pdf of your Hoc Ba (academic
transcript) listing all courses for all 3 years and final
grades for all courses. NOTE: If you took one or more
second language, please make sure the name of each
language is listed in each year it was studied
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy /email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Bang Tien Si, Bang Thac Si, Bang
Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc, Bang Tot Nghiep Cao Dang)
Arrange to have an academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions. It must list all
classes, all credits awarded, all final marks awarded for each course, and
all years of study and include a grade-scale explaining the marking
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 92 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have the Ministry of Education send your
Western Samoa final examination results (your School Certificate,
Senior Secondary Certificate) directly to our office
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your graduation
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
Arrange to have your examination results for the
General Secondary Education Certificate issued in
English by the Ministry of Education sent directly to
our office from the Ministry of Education
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) issued in English to our office (Diploma,
Bachelor’s, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s, and/or Doctoral)
Arrange to have academic transcripts issued in English by each
institution attended sent directly to our office listing all subjects taken
and credits/grades earned for each year of study
Arrange to have your external examination results for
the School Certificate sent directly to our office from
Examinations Council of Zambia (go to: examscouncil.org.zm)
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or license(s)/certificate(s) to our office (Bachelor’s,
Master’s, or Doctoral; Certificate of Registration for nursing, Secondary
Teacher’s Diploma awarded by University of Zambia, Accounting
Technician’s Certificate, Accounting Technician’s Diploma)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 93 of 94
Office of the University Registrar
 Student Success is OUR Business 
Arrange to have your external examination results for
the GCE O-Level and/or GCE A-Level examinations
sent directly from the Zimbabwe Schools
Examinations Council (go to: zimsec.co.zw) to our
Submit a full colour (both sides) copy / email image of your degree
certificate(s) or diploma(s) to our office (Diploma, Bachelor’s, Master’s,
or Doctoral; Diploma in Nursing issued by the Health Professions
Authority of Zimbabwe; Diploma in Education awarded by the University
of Zimbabwe)
Arrange to have your academic transcript(s) issued by each institution
attended sent directly to our office from all institutions
International Education Documents - Requirements by Country (2019/2020)
Page 94 of 94