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Geography Quiz
Tectonic Hazards Content Quiz
1. What is a natural hazard?
2. Name the 3 types of natural hazard.
3. Give 2 reasons why some areas of the world are at high risk of natural hazards.
4. Give two reasons why people live in high-risk areas.
5. Why are some areas of the world at high risk from natural hazards?
6. Name 2 differences between oceanic and continental crust.
7. Where are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes found?
8. Why do plates move?
9. Explain why earthquakes occur at conservative plate margins.
10. Explain why volcanoes form at destructive plate margins.
11. What type of volcanoes form at constructive plate margins? Why?
12. Explain why ocean trenches occur at destructive plate margins.
13. Name two differences between a shield and a composite volcano.
14. What were the 2 earthquake named examples we studied?
15. Work out the difference in death tolls between these 2 earthquakes.
16. What is the main primary effect in an earthquake?
17. What were the main secondary effects to the Nepal earthquake?
18. Why was Nepal’s tourism industry impacted by the earthquake?
19. What were the key primary and secondary effects in the Central Italy earthquake?
20. Give 4 reasons why response is less good in LICs.
21. What are the 3 P’s?
22. Which of the 3 P’s doesn’t help to reduce the effects of an earthquake?
23. Why could it be argued protection is more significant than preparation?
24. Name the building in San Francisco, with many earthquake proof features.
Atmospheric Hazards Content Quiz
Name 3 of the wind cells found in the Earth’s atmospheric circulation system.
Why is there low pressure at the equator?
Why does it rain lots at the equator?
Why is it dry at around 30° latitude?
Why does it rain more at the equator than at mid latitude (55°) areas?
Give 3 different names for tropical storms.
Why do tropical storms form over tropical waters?
What does low wind shear mean?
Name 4 countries Hurricane Irma hit.
Name the 2 biggest hazards in a tropical storm.
What % of buildings were destroyed in Barbuda?
How many people died in total during Hurricane Irma?
What do the 3Ps stand for?
How are tropical storms around the USA forecasted?
How do hurricane straps work?
Why was evacuation in Florida more effective than in Barbuda?
If evacuation in Florida was effective, why did people still die?
Why are storm shutters not always effective?
How is climate change impacting tropical storms?
Name 3 extreme weather events in the UK.
How much rainfall fell in areas of the River Ouse’s drainage basin in Nov/Dec 2015?
Why is surface runoff key to flooding?
Why was there so much surface runoff in the River Ouse’s drainage basin in Dec 2015?
What does steep relief mean?
Give 3 specific effects about the flooding in York, 2015.
What is the difference between ‘Top Down’ and ‘Bottom Up’ management strategies?
Name 3 things the Environment Agency do to try to reduce the impact of flooding.
Why does the Environment Agency dredge when there is little research to suggest it is effective?
How much has been spent on improving the Foss Barrier pumping station in York?
How has the Kings Arms pub in York reduced the impact of flooding?
What is a glacial?
What is an interglacial?
How long are glacial / interglacial cycles?
What is proxy data?
How do ice cores allow us to record climate from 500,000 years ago?
How do tree rings help us to record climate over the last few thousand years?
Why are orbital changes not responsible for current global warming?
Why is solar output not responsible for current global warming?
Name 2 greenhouse gases.
Name 2 sources of greenhouse gases.
How do greenhouses gases cause global warming?
Give 2 causes of sea level rise.
How will global warming impact the Maldives?
Give one climate change mitigation strategy. How does it work?
Give one climate change adaptation strategy. How does it work?
The Living World Content Quiz
1. What is an ecosystem?
2. What small scale ecosystem did we study?
3. What are the biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem?
4. What is a producer/consumer/decomposer?
5. How does the nutrient nitrogen enter an ecosystem?
6. Give 2 natural and 2 human changes to an ecosystem.
7. How can fertilisers change a pond ecosystem?
8. Name 3 large scale (global) ecosystems.
9. Name 2 characteristics of a desert ecosystem.
10. Name 2 characteristics of deciduous/coniferous forest ecosystems.
11. Where do you find tropical rainforest ecosystems?
12. What are the characteristics of a tropical rainforest’s climate?
13. What is the largest store of nutrients in a tropical rainforest? Why?
14. Why is litter a small store of nutrients in tropical rainforests?
15. What is the name given to rainwater washing away nutrients in the soil?
16. Which rainforest layer blocks out the sunlight?
17. Name 2 plant adaptations and explain how they overcame the lack of sunlight.
18. Name 3 ways an animal has adapted to rainforest conditions.
19. Give 2 social, 2 environmental & 2 economic reasons rainforests are important.
20. Name 4 causes of deforestation. Which is the biggest?
21. Give 2 social, 2 environmental & 2 economic impacts of deforestation.
22. Explain the negative impacts of Grota Rica.
23. Give 2 economic benefits of deforestation.
24. Give 2 ways of managing rainforests sustainably.
25. Explain how debt reduction by HICs can help to reduce rainforest deforestation.
26. How can ecotourism lead to sustainable management.
27. Suggest why selective logging and replanting can be ineffective.
28. What is the difference between polar and tundra environments?
29. What is permafrost?
30. Give 3 ways an animal adapts to cold environments.
31. Give 3 ways a plant adapts to cold environments.
32. Give 2 examples of interdependence in cold environments.
33. What example are we using for our cold environment example?
34. Name 3 industries that can make money from cold environments.
35. Give 3 challenges to economic development in cold environments.
36. What is a wilderness area?
37. Name 3 strategies used to sustainably manage development in cold environments.
38. Explain how the International Whaling Convention can lead to sustainable management.
39. Why have Google data centres led to sustainable management?
40. How has the oil pipeline been sustainably managed?
Physical Landscapes in the UK Content Quiz
1. What does relief mean?
2. How do you spot steep relief on an OS map?
3. Name 3 upland areas in the UK.
4. Give 1 reason for our highland areas.
5. Name 2 lowland areas in the UK.
6. Give 2 reasons for our lowland areas.
7. What is the longest river in the UK?
8. Why does the Lake District contain ribbon lakes?
Coastal Landscapes in the UK Content Quiz
1. Give 3 factors that determine the energy of waves.
2. Name the 2 types of wave.
3. Give 3 differences between the 2 types of wave.
4. Name 3 erosion processes. What do they do?
5. Name 2 examples of physical (mechanical) weathering. What do they do?
6. Name 2 examples of chemical weathering. What do they do?
7. Give 4 examples of mass movement. What are their causes and characteristics?
8. Name 3 erosional landforms.
9. How do headlands and bays form?
10. On what type of coastline do you find headlands and bays?
11. How does a wave cut platform form?
12. How do stacks form?
13. Name the location of a stack on the Holderness Coast.
14. Name 4 depositional landforms.
15. Where do you find pebble/sandy beaches?
16. What is needed for a beach to form?
17. How does a beach change between summer and winter?
18. Name 4 types of sand dune.
19. What is a dune slack?
20. Give 2 characteristic changes across a sand dune transect.
21. How does a spit form?
22. Name a spit on the Holderness Coast.
23. What is the difference between a spit and bar?
24. What is ‘hold the line’ coastal management?
25. What is the difference between hard and soft engineering?
26. How do groynes protect the coastline?
27. Give 3 costs and 3 benefits of sea walls / rock armour / groynes.
28. Give 3 costs and 3 benefits of beach nourishment / dune regeneration.
29. Give the location of a managed retreat management scheme.
30. What are the costs and benefits of managed retreat?
31. Give one conflict caused by the managed retreat scheme.
River Landscapes in the UK Content Quiz
1. What is the river channel made up of?
2. What is the difference between erosion in the upper and middle courses of a river?
3. How does transportation of sediment change along a river’s long profile?
4. Name 3 features found in the upper course of a river.
5. Name 2 features found in the middle course of a river.
6. Name 2 features found in the lower course of a river.
7. Draw a v-shaped valley using a blue line for the river and contour lines.
8. Why are river valleys V-shaped?
9. Why do rapid form?
10. Where do you find gorges?
11. Why do steps (waterfalls) begin to form in rivers?
12. Why do plunge pools deepen?
13. What is the Thalweg?
14. What forces the Thalweg to move to one side of the river channel?
15. What is discharge and how does it change along a river’s long profile?
16. What is the main river process in the lower course?
17. Why is mud deposited in estuaries?
18. How wide is a grid square on an OS map?
19. Why does sediment become finer downstream?
20. What % more rainfall fell than on average in Pately Bridge in Nov/Dec 2015?
21. Why is the surface runoff in the Pennines?
22. Why was there surface runoff across the River Ouse’s drainage basin in December 2015?
23. What term is used for a river that responds to a rainfall event with a short lag time?
24. Give 2 reasons why the lag time can be short.
25. Give 2 reasons why the lag time can be long.
26. Give 2 advantages of dams and reservoirs.
27. Give 2 problems with the Jubilee flood relief channel.
28. Which is the best flood management strategy? Give 3 reasons why.
Geography Quiz
Urban issues and challenges: Mumbai (NEE) Content Quiz
1. What is urbanisation?
2. Where is the rate of urbanisation currently fastest? Why?
3. Where is the rate of urbanisation currently slowest? Why?
4. What is a megacity?
5. In what type of country are megacities growing most quickly? Why?
6. What is rural to urban migration?
7. Give 4 push factors.
8. Give 4 pull factors.
9. Give 2 reasons why Mumbai is nationally important.
10. Give 2 reasons why Mumbai is internationally important.
11. How bad is air quality in Mumbai?
12. What is the main squatter settlement in Mumbai called?
13. Why are squatter settlements in Mumbai increasing in size?
14. What is the population density the squatter settlement?
15. How many people contract cholera?
16. Why is cholera a problem?
17. How big are most of the houses in the slum?
18. How many people live in the houses?
19. What risks are posed by the houses?
20. What is the informal sector?
21. Give 2 challenges and 2 opportunities of the informal sector.
22. Give 2 challenges and 2 opportunities of waste management.
23. Why is the rate of lead poisoning high in the slum?
24. Why is it crazy that there is an estate agents in the slum?
25. What is the ‘Slum Rehabiliation Authority’ proposing to do?
26. Why will this probably not work?
27. What is an NGO?
28. Give the name of an NGO aiming to improve conditions in the slum.
29. What are they proposing to do?
30. Are there any limitations of the NGO’s urban planning scheme?
Urban Issues and Challenges: London (UK) Content Quiz
1. Why is population growth in urban areas around London, higher than in the rest of the UK?
2. Why did London’s population fall between 1940 and the mid 1990s?
3. Why has London’s population increased rapidly since 1993?
4. Why is there a higher than average number of 20-40 years olds in London?
5. Why is there a lower than average number of elderly people in London?
6. What is meant by London being culturally diverse?
7. Give 2 opportunities of London’s cultural diversity.
8. Give 5 recreation and entertainment examples for London.
9. Why is London nationally economically important?
10. Name 5 different forms of transport in London.
11. Why do a higher than average % of people use public transport in London?
12. Give 3 ways London is increasing the amount of green space in the city.
13. What is social deprivation?
14. Why is there an inequality in social deprivation around London?
15. Give 2 economic, 2 social and 2 environmental impact of social deprivation.
16. What is urban sprawl?
17. Give 2 reasons why urban sprawl is occurring.
18. Name 2 ways that urban sprawl can be managed.
19. Why is there a lack of housing in London?
20. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of brownfield sites.
21. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of greenfield sites.
22. Name 2 examples of air pollutants in London.
23. Name 2 sources of these air pollutants.
24. Give 2 social impacts of air pollution.
25. Give 1 social and 1 economic impact of traffic congestion.
26. Name the urban regeneration scheme we studied.
27. Give 1 economic benefit of the regeneration scheme.
28. Suggest why the above economic benefit may not be accurate.
29. Give 1 social benefit of the regeneration scheme.
30. Suggest why the above social benefit may not be accurate.
31. How many wetland plants were placed in the Olympic Park?
32. How much carbon dioxide was produced by the Olympics?
33. Why is an onsite biomass power plant a sustainable energy solution for East Village?
34. Why is it important the properties in East Village are energy efficient?
35. How has East Village managed to reduce their water consumption? By how much?
36. What are the benefits of the flats having a green roof?
37. What is Curitiba’s transport system called?
38. How much is a single fare? Why is this effective?
39. How do passengers pay to use the system? Why is this effective?
40. What % of people use the bus system? Why is this important?
41. How can the system be improved?
The Changing Economic World: Economic development Content Quiz
1. What is development?
2. Why is the Brandt Line poor at mapping development?
3. What is the definition of an HIC / NEE / LIC?
4. Name 1 economic and 5 social development indicators.
5. How does birth rate help to measure a country’s development?
6. How does death rate help to measure a country’s development?
7. Which development indicator is best at measuring development? Why?
8. What are the limitations of GNI as a development indicator?
9. What is the key limitation of death rate as a development indicator?
10. What are the units of birth/death/infant mortality rates?
11. What happens to a country’s birth & death rates in stages 2 & 3 of the Demographic Transition Model?
12. Name 3 physical causes of uneven development.
13. Name 3 economic causes of uneven development.
14. Suggest why the volatile prices of raw materials can lead to uneven development.
15. Why has past colonialism led to uneven development?
16. Explain how civil war can lead to uneven development.
17. What % of the world’s population owns 40% of the world’s wealth?
18. 7/10 people in HICs live past 70. What is the proportion in LICs?
19. How does uneven development impact on health?
20. What is the difference between an economic migrant and a forced migrant (refugee)?
21. How can microfinance reduce the development gap?
22. How can fair trade reduce the development gap? What are the limitations?
23. What is intermediate technology? Why can it lead to sustainable development?
24. What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? How can it help development?
25. What is debt relief? How can it reduce the development gap?
26. What is the difference between top down and bottom up aid?
27. What is the difference between short and long term aid?
28. How has China (an NEE) rapidly developed?
29. How can tourism improve quality of life in Jamaica?
30. Why might tourism not improve quality of life?
The Changing Economic World: Nigeria, an NEE
1. Give 3 reasons why Nigeria is globally important.
2. Give 3 reasons why Nigeria is nationally important.
3. Give 2 political, social and cultural facts about Nigeria.
4. How does the environment and climate in Nigeria change from north to south?
5. Why is there conflict in the north of Nigeria?
6. What is Nigeria’s most important industry?
7. How has Nigeria’s economic (industrial) structure changed over the last 50 years?
8. How can oil and manufacturing lead to development in Nigeria?
9. Give 4 advantages of Shell (TNC) in Nigeria.
10. Give 4 disadvantages of Shell (TNC) in Nigeria.
11. What is the problem with tied aid?
12. Why can debt relief make international aid futile?
13. Why has small scale ‘bottom up’ aid often been more successful that large scale ‘top down’?
14. Why has rapid urbanisation occurred in Nigerian cities?
15. Why has urban growth led to environmental problems?
16. Give 3 pieces of evidence that Nigeria is developing.
17. Why has quality of life not improved for all people in Nigeria?
18. Give two consequences of uneven development within Nigeria.
The Changing Economic World: Changing UK economy
1. What are the key sectors of the UK’s industrial structure?
2. Give 2 examples of primary industry.
3. Give a key term to describe secondary industries.
4. Give a key term to describe tertiary industries.
5. Why has primary industry in the UK decreased since 1850?
6. What period did secondary industry peak in the UK?
7. What is the dominant industry in the UK now?
8. What is deindustrialisation?
9. Why has globalisation played a role in the UK deindustrialising?
10. Why has government privatising industries (e.g. Steel) led to de-industrialisation?
11. What is a post-industrial economy?
12. Give 4 ways the improvement of ICT has helped the UK economy to develop.
13. Why is economic growth highest in areas around London?
14. Give 3 reasons why the edge of Cambridge is a hub for Business and Science parks?
15. Give 3 ways that a modern industry you studied impacts the environment.
16. Give 3 ways these impacts can be sustainably managed.
17. What is movement of people from urban to rural areas called?
18. Give 3 reasons why the population in some rural areas is increasing.
19. Give 3 problems this is creating.
20. Give 3 reasons why the population in other rural areas is shrinking.
21. Give 3 problems this is creating.
22. Name 3 key transport schemes going on in the UK.
23. Give 2 reasons why some people are against the expansion of airports like Heathrow.
24. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of HS2.
25. Why is there a north-south divide in the UK?
26. How can Enterprise Zones (LEPs) reduce the North-South divide?
27. How can government incentives reduce the North-South divide?
28. Give 2 ways in which the UK is linked to the rest of the world by transport.
29. Give 2 TV programmes the UK exports to the rest of the world.
30. What positive cultural imports have entered the UK?
31. What % of the UK’s population is connected to the internet?
32. How is internet traffic transmitted around the world?
33. What is the G8 / NATO / UN?
34. Name 2 groups of countries that the UK currently has strong trading links with.
35. Name 4 benefits of leaving the European Union.
36. Name 4 problems caused by leaving the European Union.
Resource Management in the UK
1. What does undernourishment mean?
2. What is the difference between physical and economic water scarcity?
3. What is the difference between energy consumption and supply?
4. Why is there a demand for high value/exotic foods in the UK?
5. Give 3 reasons why the UK imports around 50% of its food.
6. Give 4 costs of the UK importing foods from LICs such as Kenya.
7. What is a carbon footprint?
8. Why do some foods (like avocados) have a particularly high carbon footprint?
9. Why do UK tomatoes have a higher carbon footprint than Spanish ones?
10. Give 2 reasons why organic food has become more popular in the UK.
11. Give 3 ways the UK can reduce its reliance on foreign imports.
12. Give 2 benefits and 2 problems of agribusiness.
13. Give 4 reasons why energy consumption in the UK has recently fallen.
14. What dominates the UK’s energy mix?
15. Give 2 reasons why.
16. Why shouldn’t we rely on foreign imports of coal?
17. How can we reduce carbon emissions from our fossil fuel power stations?
18. Name 3 renewable energy sources.
19. Give 2 reasons why production using renewables is increasing.
20. Give 2 reasons why it isn’t increasing more.
21. Give 1 reason why nuclear is not a large part of the UK’s energy mix.
22. How can the UK produce energy more sustainably?
Resource Management: Water
1. What is water scarcity?
2. What is the difference between water surplus and deficit?
3. Give 3 reasons why the UK’s water demand is increasing.
4. Outline the areas of water surplus and deficit in the UK.
5. Name 1 water management scheme in the UK.
6. Give 4 reasons for poor water supply.
7. Give 3 reasons water consumption rapidly increases in NEEs.
8. Give 3 reasons why there is a water deficit in Las Vegas.
9. Give 2 social impacts of water insecurity.
10. Give 2 economic impacts of water insecurity.
11. Give 1 example of conflict over water.
12. Name 3 large scale water management strategies.
13. Give 3 advantages and 3 problems with dams and reservoirs.
14. Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of desalinisation.
15. Name our case study large scale water management strategy.
16. Give 3 social reasons why more water is needed in the north of China.
17. Give 2 economic reasons why more water is needed in the north of China.
18. Give 5 reasons why the scheme may well not work.
19. What is a sustainable water supply?
20. What is water conservation?
21. How does vertical farming reduce water waste?
22. How does precision farming reduce water waste?
23. Give 3 ways to reduce domestic water consumption.
24. How much water is wasted in the UK through pipe leaks?
25. What is an aquifer?
26. What does over abstraction do to the water table?
27. What is grey water?
28. Name a small scale sustainable water scheme.
29. How does the scheme work?
30. Give 3 advantages of the scheme.
31. Give 3 problems of the scheme.