Uploaded by Ana Chakhnashvili

1. History of Psychology


History of


Historical Roots

• Hippocrates – Dualism.

• Aristotle – Monism

• Descartes – Dualism – Cogito ergo sum.

• Locke – Monism – Tabula rasa.

• Nature-Nurture controversy


• When did the scientific study of psychology begin?

• Wilhelm Wundt – Structuralism – Studied sensory experiences through introspection.

• G. Stanley Hall – Laboratory in Hopkins

University – Founded APA.

• Titchener – Cornell University – analyzed consciousness into its basic elements.

• Margaret Floy Washburn – Titchener’s graduate, first woman with PhD in Psychology.


• William James – functions or purpose of behavior.

• James Cattell, John Dewey – mental testing, child development…

• Mary Whiton Calkins – Studied psychology under James at Harvard. First woman president of APA.

Approaches to Psychology

• Behavioral

▫ Important people

▫ Main concepts

• ABC of the behavior – Antecedent – Behavior –



• Important people;

▫ Freud

▫ Jung

▫ Horney

• Main concepts;

Humanistic approach

• Important people:

▫ Carl Rogers

▫ Abraham Maslow

Psychological approaches

• Biopsychology

• Evolutionary perspective

• Cognitive perspective

• Social-Cultural perspective

• Biopsychosocial perspective – Eclectic model

Domains of Psychology

• Clinical psychology

• Counseling psychology

• Developmental psychology

• Educational psychology

• Engineering psychology

• Forensic psychology

• Geropsychology

• Health psychology

Domain of Psychology

• Industrial/Organizational psychology

• Neuropsychology

• Psychometry

• Rehabilitation psychology

• School Psychology

• Social psychology

• Sport psychology
