Uploaded by Julia Gołębiewska

Nasser and the Language of the People: An Analysis

“In domestic politics, Nasser knew the language of the people.” To
what extent is this statement valid?
During his regime, Nasser tried to keep the state under control using as little force as
possible. He tried to rely mostly on his charisma, media, and propaganda in general. He tried
to keep “Egypt for Egyptians” as his legitimate goal, as much as staying in power himself. In
his rule, he had an altruistic aim focused on nationalism and self-determination of Egypt.
Therefore his actions tried not to be, directly, against civilians, as long as it was only possible
to correspond it with the selfish goal of staying in power. And for that, he did know
“language” he had to use to make people follow him.
We can argue however that he did forget it sometimes. He had to turn to violence
when he couldn’t make any use of speeches and propaganda. One of the cases was when he
forced Jews out of Egypt during 1956–57 Exodus. As an effect of nationalisation of Egypt
Jews and other members of the Mutamassirun community (foreigners) was forced out of the
country, and at least one thousand was imprisoned. This, especially the fact that some
citizens were imprisoned, suggest that Nasser could not in any other way justify his action.
efore his use of “language of the people” may be considered limited.
However, we mustn’t forget that charismatic character as well as his background.
Nasser did come from a simple, humble and poor family. This fact made him much more
attractive to the public, and he knew what his people wanted to hear and the way to speak
to them. Very likely, this granted him the support of the people just after the coup and later
during his regime. One of the examples of when he used the language of the people was the
Liberation rally, during which he gave people the rights they longed for.
During his regime, he often used his charisma to influence people. We can say that
he always knew the right way and words to say. His speeches are a perfect example of
dictatorial propaganda of one person. He used his on oratorial abilities to influence the
public and begin his cult of personality.
Lastly I believe that in domestic policies Nasser did know the language of his people
and in most of the cases he did know how to use it to his advantage.