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Wikipedia Credibility: Student vs. Teacher Perspectives

Kimberly Jordan
English 101
Mr. Eric Coleman
March 4 ,2019
“ Wikipedia as a Site of Knowledge production”, an Article written
by Donah Boyd, a Professor of New York University. Boyd bring to her readers attention
how students are referring to Wikipedia in many different ways. Although, Teachers
believe that Wikipedia it is a terrible website to use it and should always be avoided.
However, Students have been taught constantly that this is not an accurate source of
information yet they still use it. Boyd, Interview different students from around the
country on their intake about Wikipedia and is credibility and reliability.
Boyd, Found it humorous that teachers tell students not to use
Wikipedia. Her expert opinion seems to support the facts that adults do not know the
Internet as much as teens do. She believes that Wikipedia was perfectly acceptable
source of information, maybe not something to use in a paper, but for general research
purpose. Boyd, Express in her writing “ When people dismiss Wikipedia, they almost
always cite limited trust credibility. Even though analyses have shown that Wikipedia
content is just as credible as, if not more reliable than, more traditional sources like
Encyclopedia Britannica’’.
I believe that Donah Boyd’s, article has facts and credibility which
bring this issue to light, and shows how educators and students have always stereotype
Wikipedia, and whether or not it’s a logic source of information. Yes you can edit the
articles, but Its sure that there is some kind of moderation regarding is put on website.