is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one leams to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it composed. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its are triangles, circles and other geometric figures without which is humanly impossible to understand a word of it; without these one wanders nbout in a dark labyrinth. GeI-neo Gnr-rnr - words of Galileo are just as true today as when he wrote them in the lTth century. serious student of physics must first learn the language of mathematics. This is a more task for today's student than it was for Galileo. The characters include integrals, goups, tensors, and other concepts unheard of in Galileo's time. A physics major also faced with a list of physics courses that may include not only the mechanics that studied, but also electromagnetic theory, quantum mechanics, and relativity. With push to include more physics in the undergraduate major, there is even less time to study We usually attempt to remedy this by putting a lot of mathematics instruction physics the classes, introducing the mathematical tools as they are needed. graduate A beginning student usually needs to gather together tools that have been accrued and develop a deeper understanding of their use. She or he also needs to review reinforce material learned in undergraduate mathematics classes and become more in using mathematical tools. That is the purpose of this book. A student who has the material in this book should be prepared for graduate classes in mechanics, mechanics, or electricity and magnetism. The text is an outgrowth of a course at San Francisco State University that is taken by in their final year of a physics BS or, even more commonly, by incoming graduate These students have taken the usual undergraduate courses in mathematics: calcuvector calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. They have also already taken courses in mechanics and electricity and magnetism. While these students have some of the material in the first few chapters of this book, they are rarely comfortable, and accurate using these tools. At San Francisco State, incoming graduate stuwho already have a degree in physics take a placement test, which shows that most them cannot perform vector calculations correctly, especially when asked to abandon ian components! Thus, the early chapters include some basic material as a review vtl vilt PREFACE and for completeness. At the same time, this material can now be approached in a more sophisticated manner. There are many books that discuss the mathematics that graduate students in physics need to know. Some of them are extensive reference works in two volumes. Every student needs one of these books, but not as a textbook. Most textbooks cover too much material for a one-semester course, and most of them are too mathematical in their approach for today's students, who usually do not have an extensive undergraduate preparation in mathematics. The goal of this book is to offer a one-semester course umed at physics students-a book that provides students with the tools that they need and shows them how to use those tools in physics problems. Because these students have some experience in physics, I draw on that knowledge in examples and exercises. The book is organized as follows. The eight chapters cover the basic material that I have taught every year. Then five optional topics provide additional material, from which instructors may select to round out the semester or which students may read on their own. Some of the chapters include material normally covered somewhere in the undergraduate curriculum, but pushed to more depth and/or breadth. Instructors may wish to skip some of this material or assign it as required reading. Chapter 1 (on vectors and matrices) and Chapter 3 (Differential Equations) fall into this class. Some chapters cover material not normally explored in detail until the graduate program. Chapter 6 (on generalized functions) and Chapter 7 (Fourier Transforms) are in this category. The optional topics are at a more advanced level than the material in the chapters. Within each chapter, the material becomes progressively more difficult. Instructors who want a lower-level presentation can simply omit the final sections of each chapter and the optional topics. Instructors with more wellprepared students may want to use the early sections of each chapter as assigned reading and concentrate on the more difficult material in the later sections. Material introduced in one chapter is reinforced in later chapters. Thus, Chapter 2 (Complex Variables) uses material on vectors (Chapter 1); the discussion of inverse transforms (Chapters 5 and 7) makes extensive use of contour integration (Chapter 2); and Chapter 7 (Fourier Transforms) uses material on delta functions (Chapter 6). Material on special functions (Chapter 8) draws on series solutions of differential equations (Chapter 3) and prior experience with Fourier series (Chapter 4) and Fourier transforms (Chapter 7). After a tool such as the Fourier transform has been introduced, I immediately give examples of how that tool is used in the solution of physics problems. Even though there is no single chapter labeled "Partial differential equations," many techniques and examples involving the solution of PDEs are presented throughout the text. Mathematical proofs are kept to a minimum in the text, but many have been placed in the appendices. Students who plan a career in theoretical work will need to study the proofs in more detail at some time. My goal here is to show students how to use the mathematics to get results (see, for example, the sections on using contour integration in Chapter 2). Similarly, many of the examples are applications in physics. I debated whether to include numerical methods in this text. I finally decided to omit computer applications almost entirely. (There is a brief discussion of numerical solution of differential equations in Chapter 3 and some discussion of computer methods in solving matrix equations in Chapter l.) Of course, in the 21st century every physics student needs competence in using a computer, and many of the problems suggest using a computer for PREFACE IX graphics or numerical answers. But the student also needs to understand what the computer is doing, and why. And that same student still needs to have the basic mathematical tools and to understand why and how they work. The computer material belongs in a different course, and in a different book. A Student Solutions Manual, containing solutions to about 25 percent of the problems in the book, is available for sale to students. A box around the problem number in the text indicates a problem solved inthe Student Solutions Manual. An Instructor's Solutions Manual, containing solutions to all of the problems, is available to instructors. For further information about either of these ancillaries, instructors should contact their Cengage Learning sales representative. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The material has been extensively class tested-with a favorable response-at San Francisco University, and I thank the many graduate students who have taken this class and have shaped my vision of what this book should be. I am also grateful to my colleagues at SFSU who read the numerous drafts of the text. Special thanks go to Dr. John Burke (Physics and Astronomy Department) and Dr. David Ellis (Department of Mathematics). My department chair, Dr. James Lockhart, also provided useful criticism of the manuscript and supported my efforts. I would also like to thank the following reviewers for their helpful comments on various drafts of the manuscript: State Albert Altman, U niv e r s ity of M as s achu s ett s, Low e ll Giles Auchmtty, University of Houston Thomas Beatty, Florida Gulf Coast University Paul L. DeVries, Miami University Nevin Daniel Gibson, Denison University Porter W. Johnson, Illinois Institute of Technology David Kastor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Igor Ko goutio uk, M inne s o t a S tat e U niv e rs ity -M ankat o Daniel P. Lathrop, University of Maryland Romulo Ochoa, The College of New Jersey Daniel Phillips, Ohio University George R. Plitnik, Frostburg State Universiry Asok K. Ray, University of Texas at Arlington John F. Reading, Texas A&M University Peter S. Riseborough, Temple University Sergei Shandarin, University of Kansas Charles Stanton, CSU San Bemardino Krzysztof Szalewicz, University of Delaware Robert L.Zimmerman, University of Oregon his love and suPPort' Contents Preface 1 vii Describing the Universe I 1.1 A Universal Language 1.2 Scalar and Vector Fields 17 1.3 Curvilinear Coordinates 28 1 '1.4 The Helmholtz Theorem 1.5 Vector Spaces 37 1.6 Matrices 41 Problems 2 37 65 Complex Variables 75 2.1 AllAbout Numbers 75 2.2 Functions of Complex Variables 89 2.3 Complex Series 101 2.4 Complex Numbers and Laplace's Equation 112 2.5 Poles and Zeros 117 2.6 The Residue Theorem 122 2.7 Using the Residue Theorem 127 2.8 Conformal Mapping 150 2.9 The Gamma Function 156 Problems 3 160 Differential Equations 169 3.1 Some Definitions 169 3.2 Common Differential Equations Arising in Physics 170 3.3 Solution of Linear, Ordinary Differential Equations 174 3.4 NumericalMethods 197 3.5 Partial Differential Equations: Separation of Variables 208 Problems 4 Fourier 4.1 211 Series Fourier's 219 Theorem 219 XI xll CONTENTS 4.2 4.9 Finding the Coefficients 22o Fourier Sine and Cosine Series 227 4'4UseofFourierSeriestoSolveDifferentialEquations234 4.5 Convergence of Fourier Problems Laplace Series 24o 243 T[ansforms 251 5.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform 251 5.2 Some Basic Properties of the Transform 253 5.3 Use of the Laplace Transform to solve a Differential 5.4 Some Additional UsefulTricks 261 5.5 Convolution 265 5.6 The General lnversion Procedure 269 5.7 Some More PhYsics 273 Problems Equation 279 Generalized Functions in Physics 287 6.1 The Delta Function 287 6.2 Developing a Theory of Distributions 6.3 Properties of Distributions 307 6.4 Sequences and Series 310 6.5 Distributions in N Dimensions 313 305 6'6DescribingPhysicalQuantitiesUsingDeltaFunctions315 6.7 The Green's Function Problems 318 317 Fourier Tbansforms 323 7,1 Definition of the FourierTransform 323 7.2 Some ExamPles 325 7.3 Properties of the Fourier Transform 329 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Causality Problems Sturm-Liouville 8.1 8.2 334 Use of FourierTransforms in the Solution of Partial Differential Equations 336 Fourier Transforms and Power Spectra 341 Sine and Cosine Transforms 343 351 TheorY The Sturm-Liouville 3s7 Problem 357 Use of Sturm-Liouville Theory in Physics 363 E.3ProblemswithSphericalsymmetry:SphericalHarmonics36T 8'4ProblemswithCylindricalsymmetry:BesselFunctions39T CONTENTS XIII 8.5 Spherical Bessel Functions 419 8.6 The ClassicalOrthogonal Polynomials 425 Problems 428 Topics 439 Tensors 439 . Optional A A.1 Cartesian Tensors 439 A.2 lnner and Outer Products 444 A.3 Pseudo-tensors and Cross Products A.4 GeneralTensor Calculus 447 A.5 The Metric Tensor 451 A.6 Contraction 452 A.7 Basis Vectors and Basis Forms 453 A.8 Derivatives 455 Problems B Group B.1 445 460 Theory 465 Definition of a Group 465 Examples of Groups 466 8.2 8.3 Classes 470 8.4 Subgroups 471 8.5 Cyclic Groups 472 8.6 Factor Groups and Direct Product Groups 8.7 lsomorphism 473 8.8 Representations 474 8.9 Generators of Groups 484 8.10 Lie Algebras Problems C Green's 487 490 Functions 495 C.1 Division-of-Region Method 496 C.2 Expansion in Eigenfunctions 499 C.3 Transform Methods 503 C.4 Extension to N Dimensions 504 C.5 lnhomogeneous Boundary Conditions 510 C.6 Green's Theorem 512 C.7 The Green's Function for Poisson's Equation in a Bounded Region 514 Problems D Approximate Evaluation of D.1 D.2 Integrals The Method of Steepest Descent 531 The Method of Stationary Phase 535 Problems L-_ 526 537 s31 472 CONTENTS E Calculus of Variations 541 E.1 lntegral Principles in Physics 541 E.2 The Euler Equation 544 E.3 Variation Subject to Constraints 548 E.4 Extension to Functions of More Than One Variable Problems 551 552 Appendices I ll lll lV V sss Transformation Properties of the Vector Cross Product 555 Proof of the Helmholtz Theorem 556 Proof by lnduction: The Cauchy Formula 559 The Mean Value Theorem for lntegrals 560 The Gibbs Phenomenon 562 The Laplace Transform and Convolution 565 vl Proof That Vl ri@): (-1)m(1 - *zynffiPrfu) Vlll Proof of the Relation [f, oJ^(kdJ^(k'p) lX The Error Function 571 X Xl : 1 ;6(k - k) 56e Classification of Partial Differential Equations 574 TheTangent Function:A Detailed lnvestigation of Series Expansions Bibliography Index dp 568 s8s Mathematics for Physicists i t i t CHAPTER 1 Describing the Universe 1.1. A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE The wonder of physics is that its laws are universal. So far as we can tell, the same laws describe the behavior of things everywhere in the universe. We need a language for these laws that is equally universal; that language is mathematics. The laws of physics are written using mathematical terms that are independent of the reference frame that we use; that is, the laws shouldbe independentof the coordinate systemthatwe choose, and also of any uniform motion of the reference frame. Ensuring that all physical laws obey the velocity rule was Einstein's inspiration for the theory of special relativity. Here, we'll begin by considering the first constraint-that the physical laws be stated in a form that is independent of the coordinate system used. 1 1.1.1. Common Coordinate Systems Coordinate systems are used to describe the position and orientation ofobjects in space. The three coordinate systems in most common use are the Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems. Cartesian Coordinates The Cartesian coordinate system is the familiar x, ), z system (Figure 1.1a). The coordinate axes are mutually perpendicular and are generally chosen to be right-handed. That is, ifyou pick a point to be the origin and then choose the orientation of two of the axes, the third axis is determined by the right-handed convention. I L-_ See Optional Topic A for more on the mathematics of special relativity. CHAPTEF 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE a point is described by its perpendicular distances from three mutually orthogonal planes, as shown here' FIGURE 1.1a. Cartesian coordinates: the position of The distance ds between two neighboring points with coordinates y I dy, z + dz is given by Pythagoras'theorem (Figure 1'1b): ds2:dx2+dy2+dz2 I, y, z and x I dx, (1.1) using the FIGURE 1..1b. The distance between two neighboring points (the line element) is found PYthagorean theorem. system' The absence of cross terms like dx dy is characteristic of an orthogonal coordinate give We'll perpendicular' mutually are axes the because The Cartesian system is orthogonal 1'3'1' in Section a more careful definition of orthogonality Cylindrical Coordinates Thecylindricalcoordinatesarep,thedistancefromthez-axis; Q,ananglemeasuredcoun(Figure 1.2a). terclockwise from a reference line (usually the positive x-axis); and z 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE FIGURE 1.2a. Cylindrical coordinates: the position of a point is described by its perpendicular distance p from one coordinate axis, its perpendicular distance z from a plane perpendicular to that axis, and an angle. To obtain tbe an- gle reference line {, we drop a perpendicular from : 0, draw a line from the origin to the foot of the perpendicular, and measure the angle @ between that line and a reference line in the plane. Traditionally angles are measured counterclockwise from the reference line. P to the plane z Zp ........-...-'....-y x-pcosQ, y-psinQ (r.2) p: \F+ y', Q:tan-ryx (1.3) and, conversely, This is an orthogonal coordinate system because the unit vectors p (pointing outward from the e-axis, parallel to the x-y plane), $ (perpendicular to p, pointing in the direction in which { increases), andh are mutually perpendicular. Most of the coordinate systems commonly used in physics are orthogonal coordinate systems. The distance ds between two neighboring points with coordinates p , Q , z afi p -f dp , Q * dQ, z* dz may be found by recognizing that the distance along an arc of a circle with radius p and angle dQ is p dQ (Figure 1.2b). Then, from Pythagoras'theorem, h2 : dp2 + p2 dOz + dz2 (1.4) FIGURE 1.2b. The distance between two neighboring points is found using the Pythagorean theorem. The distance corresponding to the coordinate difference dQ is p dQ. CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE Spherical Coordinates the origin; g' the angle a point P arc r,the distance from an angle measured counterusually the positive z-axis); and @' 1'3a)' (Figure Hne (fositive x-axis) FIGURE1.3a. polar axis drical coordinates'The polar angle 0 to is measured from the polar (z) axis the Position vector of the Point' reference line x ln terms of Cartesian coordinates' 0 and : : CoS tZ '-' r r sin0 sind, Q:tarr-rl- z: r cos0 (1.s) (1.6) of radius r sin 0 dQ' the poinl P moves around a circle When we increase the angle Q by and so *"o"gtt a distance r s1n0 dQ (Figure 1'3b)' (1.7) d'2 : dr2 + 12 doz + 12 sin2 e dO2 FIGUREl.3b.ThedistancebetweentwoneighboringpointsisfoundusingthePythagoreantheorem. differences d0 and d'Q are r d0 and co'ordinate The distances conesponding to the r sin9 dQ' 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGT 1.1.2. Representing Physical Laws2 Physical laws are represented by equations containing mathematical quantities that are independent of the reference frame or coordinate choice we use to describe them. We can write each physical law in a coordinate-independent way. For example, we may write Newton's second law without reference to specific coordinates: i : ^d.: di dt ( 1.8) The quantities appearing in this equation are scalars, vectors, and differential operators. No coordinates appear explicitly in the equation. (In special relativity theory, we also demand independence of inertial reference frame, and the time / becomes a fourth coordinate. Then we have to write Newton's second law somewhat differently. For now we are considering only coordinate independence and three spatial coordinates.) Scalars Scalars are mathematical quantities represented by a single number that is independent of the coordinate system used. Examples are mass of a particle, electric charge of a particle, and distance between two points. The quantity m in equation (1.8) is a scalan Vectors Vectors are geometrical objects (arrows) with magnitude and direction. Thus, equation (1.8) is a relation between two arrows F and d. These two vectors must have the same direction, and their magnitudes are related by the scalar ru. Vectors are added geometrically by placing them head to tail. The sum has its tail at the tail of the first vector in the sum, and its head at the head of the last vector in the sum. Some problems can be solved by using the vector representation (1.8). But often we find it easier to set up a coordinate system and work with the individual components of the equation. In any particular coordinate system, a vector is represented by three numbersthe three components of the vector. The vector may be written i : (ur, uy , ur) or, using index notation, ut, where i : 1,2,3 represents the -r, y, or z component of the vector. In this representation, we regard the vector i as the sum of three vectors, each parallel to one of the coordinate axes. The magnitude of each of these vectors is given by the magnitude of the corresponding component, while the sign of the component indicates the direction (in the direction of increasing or decreasing the coordinate). When we change the coordinate system, these three numbers (ur,uy, and u.) change. But they must change in a specific way in order for equation (1.8) to remain true. In order to see how the components change, let's restrict attention to Cartesian coordinate 2In this section it is assumed that the reader has had some previous experience with matrices. Readers who have not should read Sections L6.1-1.6.3 now. L CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE systems.3 The two ways to change the coordinates and still maintain a rectangular system are to (a) move the origin and (b) rotate the axes. Change of origin affects the position vector but does not affect vectors like and d. Thr s, the important changes are rotations of the i i coordinate axes. Suppose that the system of coordinates xt , J' , z/ is obtained from the original system x, y, zby rotating counterclockwise about the z-axis through an angle 0. Futher, suppose that a vector i has components (ur, uy, uz) in the original coordinate system. Let's find the components in the new system. The x- and y-components may be constructed geometrically by projecting the vector onto the x-y plane and dropping perpendiculars from the end of the projected vector to the coordinate axes, as shown in Figure 1.4. Thus, Ur,:OAIAB : -1D. * (uu cos d : fa(r cosd' _ u, tand) sinO sin2 o) * u, sin d :urcos9*ursind FIGURE 1,4. Rotation of coordinate (1.e) axes. Here the prime axes are obtained from the unprime axes about the z-axis. OC is the projection by rotating counterclockwise through an angle of the vector onto the x-y Plane. I i Similarly, ur' : BC (uy - u, tan0) cos0 --uxsing*urcos0 (1.10) 3In any coordinate system we need three numbers to completely describe a vector, but in a non-Cartesian system the description is more complicated. See, for example, Problem 10 and Optional Topic A. 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE uz' Each new component is a linear are : uz combination of the old components. The two representations related by a set of nine numbers Arj: 3 ,!:DAijuj ( i-l where : cos Aij : 0, At2 : sin9, Azt : - sin?, A22 : cos9, Azz : I O.We may write these relations using matrix multiplicationa: :(-r:i'"ifiJ;""13):( ,g il? lX,, ) ,,2, i' :,Ai (1. l3) (1.14) the rotation matrix that describes the coordinate transformation. This matrix allows us to the components of any vector in the new coordinate system. 1,2,3. Similarly, the components We write the vector components 4s ui, ffix .A are the numbers A;7, where i labels the rows and labels the columns5 : i : j Atz Ars Azz Azz x:1 of the \ (1.1s) ) Section 1.6.1. To perform the matrix multiplication, take the dot product of the nth row of the matrix with vector expressed in the original components to obtain the nth new component. is the most commonly used convention for labeling the matrix components. CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE This matrix has several nice properties: as a vector, is orthogonal to every other 1. It is orthogonal; that is, each row, considered row: t A;iApi I 1.i1'+;1,: :lip (1.16) j The same is true of the columns: ty (1.17) T In these expressions, 6;7. is the Kronecker delta, which equals 1 if I : k and zero otherwise. 2. The determinant6 of the matrix is *1. 3. Because of properties (1) and (2),the inverseT of matrix.A equals its transpose: / cos? A_,_n':(;"0 - sind cos0 0 0 ( 1.18) 01 Matrices that share the properties (1) and (3) but with determinant - I represent a transformation from a right-handed coordinate system to a left-handed system; that is, they represent a combination of a rotation and a reflection. The matrix multiplication may also be written using index notation, as in equation (1.11). !. Whenever a commonly used shorthand calledthe summation convention, we drop the an index is repeated once, we understand that we are to sum over that index. That is, In 3 u'i: Aijuj means u'r:lli1u1 j:r The index I in this expression is not summed; it is called a free index, and it must appear once on each side of the equation. When using the summation convention, it is important to remember that, in any one term, an index may not be wittenmore thantwice. For example, A j ju j, with j repeated three times, is meaningless. The identity matrix has components ':(i:l) 6See Section 1.6.2. TSee Section 1.6.3. (1.19) 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGI and is written in index form as E;7. Multiplication by the identity matrix leaves a vector unchanged. In index notation, multiplication by the Kronecker delta 6;; simply replaces the index label I with l: 8;iu1 : (1.20) 1t; We may express the matrix ^A in terms of the angles between the old and new axes. Let 04 be the angle between the lth new axis and the 7th original axis. Then Aij : cosoij For the example above (rotation through 0 about the z-axis), 0n : gn r 12 * 0, 022 : 0, and 0n : 0. The angles 9zj : n 12 fot j : -- (r.2t) e,0n : rl2 l, ). 0, Invariance of Vector Equations Now let's look at Newton's law again. In the first coordinate system, we may write each component of the equation as Fi : (1.22) mai Each of the vectors may now be transformed to the new system. The new components are F! : AijFj (r.23) and a'i: Aiiai of these relations to obtain tion (1.23) on the left by the matrix .A-1: We may invert each (A-1)*i Fi Then use the results : F; in terms of F/. First multiply (1.24) equa- (A-1)p;A;; F; : Ar and that A-1.4 is the unit matrix: (Ar)rifi : (A-r)7.;A;1F1 :3p1F1 that,A-l and so A;pF{ : lp (t.2s) Equation (1.25) is the inverse of relation (1.23) and transforms the components in the primed system to the original system. We can use this relation to transform both vectors in equation (1.22): AliFl h-- : mAiiati 10 cHAprER 1 DEScRIBING THE UNIvERSE A1i(F1'-ma',):O Multiply on the left bY A: Ap;A1i(F! -ma',):O Use equation (1.16): Sri@i - ma',) :0 Then use property (1.20): Fi, - ma|r: O if it is true in the original system. (1.23) is a necessary consequence of the law transformation the that see we Thus, of coorgeometrical nature of vectors and the fact that vector relations are independent a vector' of dinate rotations. The transformation law (i.23) becomes part of the definition So the equation is true in the primed system by a set A vector in three-dimensional space is represented in Cartesian coordinates (1.23) when to equation according transform that (its components) of three numbers the coordinate axes are rotated. BA I,AB and then ComPare t the new Example about the it with th order)' z-axis (that is, the same rotations but performed in the reverse : 033' )zt Using rule (1.2I), we have for the first rotation 0n : 0 1ij : r l2'Thtts' A_ (ril) rder in which the matrices the center: (B'N)kj : Bkt Placement of the indices' matrix multiPlication' we repeated indices next to each other A i i Bp; : Bp; Ai i = (lEA)1;' : z' all other 1.1 A UNIVERSAL For the second rotation about the new x-axis, 0zz 9ij : : n /2.5o /t u:lB O LANGUAGE : 0t,0i2 : n, all other o o\ -? I) The two successive rotations are represented by the matrix product: u^:/l o o\/ o I o\ /o I o\ \o -? lJ(-; s ?J:l? s;J A unit vector along the x-axis with components (1,0,0) in the original system has the following components in the rotated system: (rii)(i):(l) That is, it lies along the new z"-axis. Similarly, the y-axis has become the x"-axis, and the z-axis has become the y//-axis (Figure 1.5). FIGURE 1.5. The set of rotations in'the first part of Example 1.1. Doing the rotations in the opposite order, we get *:(-; ii)(s L-- ?;):(l li) 11 12 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNGTHE UNIvERSE This set of rotations sends .r to -y't , y to -2" , and z to x" (Figure 1.6). v x' FIGURE 1.6. In the second part of Example 1. 1, the same rotations performed in the opposite order give a different result. However, two rotations about the same axis do commute. Thus, if we rotate about the z-axis through an angle 01 and then again about the z-axis through dz, the result is a rotation through 0t ]B.A: -f 02. cos91 sin91 sin cos 91 ( 00 ( I r ( sin(02 * 9r) cos(dz * dr) 0 d1 cos 02 sin01 cos0z cos0r t) i) * sinOz - sin02sin91 cos9r 0 ? \ ) _AB Multiplying Vectors Product with a scalar A vector may be multiplied by a scalar. The result is another vector. The product md in Newton's second law is an example of this kind of multiplication. The new vector has the same direction as the original vector, but its magnitude is changed. The ith component of the new vector equals the i th component of the original vector multiplied by the scalar. Scalar product of two vectors Two vectors may be multiplied together to give either scalar or a vector.9 9St i.tly speaking, this product is a pseudo-vector, as discussed below. a 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE 1 3 The scalar or dot producl oftwo vectors is (r.26) uucos9 where u ardu arethe magnitudes of the two vectors between them. i I and fr, respectively, and is the angle Equivalently, we may write the product in terms of the Cartesian vector components: v a: (1.27) uiui where, as usual, the repeated index means that we sum over the index i. That is, v. u : s-3 Lr,r, : Dlttl I u2u2 I utul i:1 To show that this product is a scalar, let's start with the product in the prime frame and transform to the unprime frame: l)tpt; : AiiuiA;pu1, Notice that we needed to be careful not to write the index -/ more than twice, so in transforming fr we called the summed index k. Now AijAit : ,+!,Ait : A jrr Ai*:6 jr and so i.d: Since the product ulu.t;: A;1A;puiu1,: Sjrvjuk: t)kuk: is the same in the two coordinate ?'d systems, it is a scalar. This demonstration actually shows that the product is the same in any two coordinate systems, since the transformation represented by the matrix .A is an arbitrary rotation. The dot product is also commutative: : i.i The magnitude of a vector i may be written in terms of the dot product of i with itself: u:lil :Jii Examples of dot products in phy-sics include the definition of work (dW : F ' aO' ttte definitionofelectricflux(dO:fr,-ab,andtheexpressionsP:F'i:t'riforpower. t-- 14 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE or cross prodzct of two vectors is another vector crossproduct or fuo vectors The vector whose magnitude is given bY l? x il : (1.28) uu sin9 Thedirectionoftheproductisgivenbytheright-handrule,asshowninFigurel.Ta. products. curl the flngers of the right hand from FIGURE 1.7a. The right-hand rule for cross towarJfr and the thumb gives the direction i i x i' Its comPonents are given bY (ixi)r:u2tt3-u3u2 (?xi)z:u3ttr-utu3 and (ixfi)l:utuT-uzur using the Levi-Civita symbol e;;1: We may express the result in index form by t-i if i, j, k = an even Permutation of 1,2,3 it i, j, k= an odd Permutation of t, 2, 3 if any two of i, j, k are equal (r.29) sequence of numbers ijk --> kij -> (To get an even pennutation' you may rotate the --> ikj, obtained by jki, but you may not interchange two of them. The pirmutation iik Then interchanging j and k'is an odd permutation') (i x fr); : Eijku juk (1.30) 1.1 A UNIVERSAL LANGUAGI 15 Strictly speaking, the result is not a true vector. It transforms as a vector under coordinate rotations but does not transform properly under reflections. (To see what this means, notice that your right hand looks like a right hand however you turn it, but in a mirror it looks like a left hand, as shown in Figure 1.7b.) The cross product is called a pseudo-vector. (See Appendix I and Optional Topic A for the transformation law.) FIGURE 1.7b. When viewed in a minor, the right hand becomes a left hand. represents the parallelogram formed by the vectors i and fr. The product equals the area of the parallelogram, and the direction is magnitude of the cross parallelogram. Examples of the cross product in physics include plane of the normal to the (t : i t Fl, angularrnot"nturn of a panicle (i : i x p)' and the Biot-Savart torque law for magnetic field (dB : /rgj x idV l4trr). The cross product i xi vectors We may form a triple scalar product of three vectors by taking the dot product of a third vector fr with the cross product fr x i. It is sometimes written Prodacts of three with square brackets as td, n, fr'l : (fr x i) 'fr': fr. (i x fr) : (fr' x i) .i (1.31) why these three products are equal, note that each is the volume ofthe parallelepiped with edges given by the three vectors fr, i, and fr lFigure 1.8). We may also derive the result algebraically: To see tfr,n,*l : fr ' (i x fr) : eijkuit)jwk : ekijuiujwk: (fr x i)' * tt.32) similarly for the third relation For example, a particle in circular motion is acted on by a force F. The particle's angular velocity is 6, and its linear velocity is i : 6 x i, where the vector i is the position vector of the particle with respect to the center of the circle. The power delivered by the force F is and p L-_ : F.i :F' (dr x i) : dr' (i " F; :,;. t CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE of the parallelepiped with the three vectors FIGURE 1,8. The triple scalar product equals the volume along its edges. of dot products: The tripte vector producl may be expressed in terms (i x i) x fr: e;;7.(i x i)itt': eiikeihutumwk (1.33) To evaluate expression (1'33), we may use a nifty relation: e iti€ itm : 6P13;a - 5*^3it (1.34) index 7 in the same position in To write relation (1.34) correctly, we first put the repeated Then we pair up matching both Levi-Civita symbols by a sequ"nc" oi "u"n permutations. gives the positive term 6u3i^. Then we pair indices in order (ft with I and i witt, -). This negative term' up the nonrepeated indices the other way to get the all 3a possible combinations of check to have don't (1.34). We equation Let,s verify k,i,l,andmseparate|ybecausewecanusethepropertiesoftheeand6symbolstoshow. if First note that the e symbol is zero that the relation is true for certain groups of values. : i ot I : m' all three terms in the sum on any two of its indices equal each oih"t, to \f k : i or I : m,bothterms on the right-hand side are the left-hand side are zero. Bot if k identicalandtheirdifferenceiszero.Therelationistrueinthiscase. Iftheindicesk,i'I,andruincludeallthevaluesl,2,and3,bothsidesalsovanish'side k : I, i : 2, I : 2' and m : 3' Then on the left-hand Suppose, for example, that we have eizeiZZ:0 : t323 :0' A quick check shows that in this since e;rz : 0 unless i :3,but then ei23 on the right-hand side is also zero. So we term case one of the I(ronecker deltas in each all cases except k -- I' i : m ot k : m' zero-in have verified the relation-both sides are : The first of these possibilities (k : I, i : rn) gives i l. e jki€jrm:l elmeltm: *I J 1.2 SCALARANDVECTOR FIELDS 17 Note. In the middle term, we use the summation sign and do not use the summation convention; that is, we do not sum over I and m. Ontheright-handsideof equation(1.34),thefirstcombinationof the second is zero. The other possibility is e jki€ jtm k : s) : m, i : l, which eimteitm 6sis 1x 1: l,while leads to : -1 J This time it is the second set of deltas on the right-hand side that equals 1, so the right-hand side is also -1, as required, and relation (1.34) is proved. Returning to the triple cross product (1.33), we have (il x i) x fr: : : (i x i) x fr eijk€ jtmutl)muk eikieilmulDmuk (5u6i- ukuiwk - 6p-6i1)u1uaw11 uiukwk : ntd.m) - fr(n. n,) (1.3s) This result is sometimes known as the "bac-cab rule": dxdxi;:6ta O-itd.6l right, always start with the middte vector (i or 6 in the examples above) times the dot product of the other two vectors. The second term has the other vector To be sure you get the signs inside the original parentheses (fr or i) times a dot product. For example, the torque exerted by the magnetic force on a charged particle is t: i xF : i,. q(i x E) : qli( - iff ' tll Tensors Some physical laws cannot be represented using only vectors and scalars-they require an object that is represented by more than three numbers. These objects are called tensors (see Optional Topic A). 1.2. SCALAR ANDVECTOR FIELDS in space. For example, a weather map shows the air temperature in different cities. In principle, we could measure the Some physical quantities are associated with points temperature at each point in space. Since temperature is a scalar quantity, the values of 18 cHAPTEB 1 DEScRIBING THE UNIvERSE can represent the field visually by draw- we shall make that assumption in most cases, the derivatives are also continuous, and what follows, except when explicitly noted otherwise' we have a vector field' when a vector quantity is associated with each point in space, magnetic field' m another' For example' the wind speed is ity vector' E a 1.2.1. The Gradient one vector field we can derive from a scalar field coordinates, the gradient operator is written o(i) is the gradient io. tn Cartesian /a a a\ u' ar) v- = (a'' - /ao vo= (a" The change in o ao (1.36) dy when we move through an arbitrary displacement 4O ao ao . - -dx * no, aY4r: a, 4i : (dx, dy, d'z) is (t.37) : o. Thus, the gradient vector is perpendiculartant@ateachpoint.Inorderto-obtainthemaximum changed@|d3|,dsmustbeparalleltoVo.Thus'thedirection in which <D changes most rapidly at that point (Figof V<D at a o is obtained by moving perpendicular to the lines of ure 1.g). Th If d3 is tangent to the constant-(D contour, dQ constant (D. Thed,irectionalderivativeofOinadirectiondescribedbyaunitvectoriisi'iO' 1.2 SCAI-AR AND VECTOR FIELDS 19 FIGURE 1.9. Contours of constant @. In this diagram, @ is increasing inward. The gradient of a scalar field at a point is the steepest slope of the scalar field at that point. VO, indicated by the arrows, is perpendicular to the constant-@ contours. 1.2.2. Properties of Vector Fields The Divergence In Cartesian coordinates, the divergence of a vector field is i .t: aux 0z 0y *9!u 0x *U" (1.38) In index notation, it is V .t: 9a dxi (1.3e) The divergence is a scalar that indicates how much the vectors spread apart, or diverge, from each other around a point. The electric field due to a positive point charge is a good visual example of a vector field with positive divergence at the position of the charge. A vector field whose divergence is zero is called solenoidal. The Curl In Cartesian coordinates, the curl of a vector field fr is given by Du" 0u, 0r, au" \ i x n: (Yu -Yt. \ ay 0z' 0z 0x' Ar- Ay) L- (1.40) 20 cHAprER 1 DESoRIBING THE UNIvERSE In index notation, it is given by (ixil)i:€ijk# (1.41) The curl, like all cross products, is a pseudo-vector. The curl is nonzero at a point when the vectors circulate around, or curl around, the point. The magnetic field due to a long straight wire is a good visual example of a vector field with nonzero curl at the location of the wire. A vector field whose curl is zero is called irrotational. 1.2.3. IntegralProperties of Vector Fields Line Integrals and Circulation A line integral of the form t: ir.dl (1.42) occurs frequently in physics.l0 The integral is the sum of the contributions il ' dl for each differentiai displacementll di ulong the path from A to B. For example, the work done by a force F between A and B is pB- W(A --> B): I Jt F 'dl In general, the result depends on the path taken between A and B (Figure 1.10). FIGURE 1.10. Tlvo different paths between points A and B. Going from A to B along path returning to A along path 2, we form a closed curve C. 10See, II for example, Lea and Burke, Section 7.1.4. In Cartesian coordinates, di has components (dx, dy, dz). 1 and 1.2 SCALAR AND VECTOB However, when the path between i : iO A arrd I^ FIELDS 21 for some scalar field O, the integral (1.42) is independent of B: u ,r: : ,". l"^ dx * * uy dy u, dz) /Aa * ao * ao \ (*" Jo ,o' Eo') rB : ft ot: Jn o(B) - o(A) (1.43) When the integral is independent of path, the integral around the closed loop A --> B --> A is zero: f-18-1A $n at: JA.pathl 1 ir.dt+ JB.path2 I n.dt J 18-pB - It. t i.dl- /t. patz n.dl:o J parn J : The integral around the closed loop C A --> B --> A is called the circulation of the vector field d around the curve C. Thus, we have this result: When a vector field fr is the gradient of a scalar field O in a region R, the circulation ofil around any curve C in R is zero. i Conversely, if the circulation of fr around every crrrye C is zero, then is the gradient of some scalar field O, and O may be determined (up to a constant) by equation (1.43). The language that we use to describe vector fields comes from fluid theory, because fluid velocity was one of the first vector fields studied. Water flowing out the drain in a sink usually swirls around the drain. This is an example of a vector field with nonzero circulation around any curve that surrounds the drain. Flux The flux of a vector field i through a surface S is o,: JsI i.fiidA where ff at any point on the surface is a unit vector normal to the surface at that point. For fluids, with d equal to the fluid velocity, the flux describes the rate at which fluid flows through the surface. Although flux is a scalar, it has a sign that is associated with the direction of the vector field d. Flux is positive if the field i points generally in the direction of ff and negative if fr points generally opposite ff. \- 22 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVEBSE The Divergence Theorem The divergence theoreml2 relates the flux through a closed surface S to the divergence of the vector field in the enclosed volume. When integrating over a closed surface, it is conventional to choose the normal vector ff to point outward' Then du o oo: l,i.itav (r.44) To prove this theorem, we cut the volume V up into a very large number of tiny cubes (Figure 1.11). FIGURE 1.11. Tlvo neighboring cubes inside volume V. On touching sides, the normals outward from the two cubes are opposite each other. The volume integral is the sum of the integrals over all the cubes. Notice that the normal vectors on touching sides of two neighboring cubes are exactly opposite each other, and so the contributions to the surface integrals f, n ' ff dA for the two cubes from these two sides exactly cancel. Thus, the sum of the surface integrals for all the cubes reduces to the integral over those surfaces that have no touching neighbors-that is, over the original closed surface. So if we can prove the result for one cube (Figure l.l2),we will have proved it for an arbitrary volume. I' differential cube with sides of length dx, dy, and' dz, respectively. The normals to each side are in the directions +f,, * i, and * 2. FIGURE 1.12. Integrating over a 12This theorem is also called Gauss' theorem. 23 1.2 SCALAR AND VECTOR FIELDS The volume integral on the right-hand side of equation (1.44) is To evaluate the surface sides at x and at x * o. o' o' (1.4s) integral on the left-hand side of ( I .44), we first consider the pair of dx. For the side at x, ff : -i I O OdA: ls where z, .W.ff) v idv : (Y l,u**u"oo* i (x) is the r-component of and -ux(x\dy dz evaluated at x, while for the side at x * dx, ff : *i and /o o dA:ux(x-tdxldydz Js Using the definition of the partial derivative 0u, f 3 x , we find that the sum of the two terms is [u,(x * dx) - u"(x)ldy dz : !a* dx a, a, y + dy arrd z, z + dz. Thus, the left-hand side of equation (I.44) also equals the right-hand side of (1.45), and the theorem We get similar contributions from the pairs of sides at y, is proved. To understand the meaning of the theorem, think of the electric field due to a positive point charge. If we surround the charge with a volume V , then the electric field is outward at each point of the surface S, and so the flux through the surface is positive. Similarly, the divergence of the electric field is positive at the position of the charge, as required by the theorem. 1.2. Compute the divergence of the vector field i : ki, where i is the position vector and k is a constant. Find the flux of i through a cube of side a centered at the origin and show that it equals / V i dV over the volume of the cube. The divergence is Exampte i .i: kV .('l + yi + zi: :1, ( !. \d"r * !, dy : ,o *3.) dz / Since the divergence is a constant, we can immediately compute the volume integral as 3k times the volume, or 3kaj The flux is . 6 kk*-r yj + zit .ffr a e Jsurface of cube On each face of the cube, the normal is atx: Ai, *i, or *2, so the flux through the face a12is t *!;t t;dA:klaz-oot 2 2 Jh."2 24 cHAprER 1 DESoRIBING THE UNIvERSE while at x : -a/2 we have l,^""0 (-1)i (-*) at : kla2 : + The result is the same for each of the six faces, so the total flux is 3ka3 and equals the volume integral of the divergence. Stokes'Theorem Stokes'theorem relates the line integral of a vector field il around a closed curve C to the curl of the vector field. First we define a surface that spans the curve C to be any surface whose edge is the curve C. Think of blowing bubbles, using the curve C as the wire. Dip the wire in the soap solution. If curve C lies in a plane, you will get a planar film of soap solution attached to the wire (the curve C) at its edges. This is the simplest surface that spans C. Now as you blow the bubble, the surface expands but remains attached to the curve C attheedges. You obtain a sequence of surfaces, each of which spans the curve C. Stokes' theorem applies to all such surfaces. We define the normal to the surface using a right-hand rule. Curl your fingers in the direction of di and the thumb gives the direction of fi (Figure 1.13). Then t'; ai: l,ru xi'y n ae (1.46) FIGURE1.13. DefinitionofthenormalvectorusedinStokes'theorem.Curlthefingersofyourright hand in the direction ofdi, and your thumb points in the direction offi' To prove Stokes' theorem, we use a method similar to the one that we used for the divergence theorem. Divide the surface up into a mesh of little rectangles. The surface integral is just the sum of the integrals over all the rectangles. Summing the line integrals over all the rectangles, again we note that the contributions fr'dl from touching sides cancel, since the vectors di have opposite directions. Thus, the sum of the line integrals over all the rectangles reduces to the integral over the curve C, as shown in Figure 1.14. I.2 SCALAR AND VECTOB FIELDS FIGURE 1.14. The surface divided into differential rectangles. Let's look at one of the rectangles that is in a single plane, and choose that plane to be the.r-y plane (Figure 1.15). D(x,y + dy) I C(x dx,y + dy) oz B(x + dx,y) A(x, y) FIGURE 1.f5. A single differential rectangle. We choose x- and y-axes parallel to the sides of this rectangle. The integral on the right-hand side of equation (1.46) is f_ 9J!\ a, a, I-/differentialrecrangle tvxi.l .ffdA:(Vxdl .zdxdy:(Y' av) \ 3x while on the left we have t/J AB+BC+CD+DA il - dl : ux(x, y)dx - : -l ur(x * dx, y)dy u,(x, y * dy)dx luy(x -f dx, y) 0u,, dv - Ex'0y 'dx - - 0u- - ur(x, t)dl ur(x, y)ldy 'dv - lu*(x, y * dy) - u*(x, y)ldx dx which equals the right-hand side. Thus, the theorem is proved. For the special case of a curve lying entirely in the x-y plane, Stokes' theorem reduces to f u, a* r u, dy : I,(* - Y) o. o, 26 cHAprER 1 DEScRTBTNG THE Since any functions f (x , uNtvERsE y) and g (x , y) may replace the x- and y-components of fr in this proof f ,r o.*sdy): l,(#-K)0,0, (1.47) In this form, the theorem is known as Green's theorem. Example 1.3. Find the circulation of the vector field i : x2y3 (i *-i) around a squareofside ainthex-yplane,centeredattheorigin.Alsocompute/(ixi;.fiaa over the surface ofthe square, and show that the result is equal to the circulation. We compute the circulation by calculating the line integral around each of the four sides of the square, starting at x : a 12. We have ": I:;,(;)'" We obtain the same result for the side at o': x : (;)' 'i1,"'-,,:o -a12. At y - a/2, ,,: I"-r'' (;)' * o" : (;)' +,::,' : - (;)' ? (;)' : -? (;)' whileaty:-a12, ,o: a/2 lr"(_;), *2 d* rat.3 2 r : : _ (;), *!T _",,: - (;)' ; (;)' -? (;)' Thus, the circulation is : f a ai:o-?(|)' *r-'r(;)' -tG)' Now we calculate the curl. The normal to the square is in the 2 direction, so we only need the z-component: 1i x i;. :* -W - 2*y3 -3r'y' 1.2 SCALAR AND VECTOR FIELDS 27 Then the surface integral is I (u "t) naa : I::,11,,1"" - : l:;,(+ =, Now if curl i : a' - *"')1"'j.,,0. 1",(-* (;)') " 4 : -, (;)' as we obtained z'2v2) av 3 (;)' from the circulation. 0 everywhere on S, then thusl3 we can express i : id $"n' ai: 0 for any curve C lyingin S, and on S. Thus, ixi:o=+fi:id Similarly, it is easy to showl4 from the expression for curl that i:id+ixi:o Notice that the divergence theorem and Stokes'theorem relate a locally defined property ofthe vector field (divergence or curl) to a globally defined property (flux or circulation). "Local" means that the property is defined at each point of the space, while "global" means the property is defined over a region of the space (on a surface for the flux or around complete curve for the circulation). Numerous variants of these theorems exist, and they are all proved in a similar fashion. example,l5 I,u'o': frontdA Repeated Operations with V can define additional properties ofvector fields using second derivatives. For example, have already observed that curl(gradO):Vx(VO)=0 Section 1.2.3. Problem 19. Problem 30. Problem 31 gives an additional variant (1.48) 28 cHAprERl DEScRIBINGTHEUNIvERSE Similarly, we can show that div(curlil;:V'(Vxil):0 for any vector field i. (1.49) Let's evaluate the expression in Cartesian coordinates: *w-H.*(v-H.*(*-T) E2u, 02ur: a*ay- ur*-- A2uy + A2uv 02u, + azar' ayaz- U'u," ozoY :O -oxoz' terms cancel in Since the order in which we take the partial derivatives is irrelevant, the parrs. The second derivatives (1.48) and (1.49) are identically zero, but many others are not' The combination div(grado) : i . tiol - v2o :# -#.# (l.s0) appears frequently in physics, as does the combination curl(curlfr):Vx(ixfr) We can evaluate this product using the bac-cab rule, being careful that each i operates on everything to its right: ix(ixi; (1.s 1) This expression effectively d'efines the quantity V2fr. In Cartesian coordinates, the scalar operator V2, the lnplacian operator, is given by ^a2a2a2 v--a?*i7*rt The same is not and the same expression holds whether V2 operates on a scalar or a vector. true in other coordinate systems, as we shall see below' 1.3. CURVILINEAR COORDINATES is When solving a physics problem, we always want to choose a coordinate system that satela orbit of the well suited to the geometry of the problem. Thus, when studying lite about the Earth, we would probably choose spherical coordinates with the origin at 1.3 CURVILINEAR COORDINATES 29 the center of the Earth. When studying the magnetic effects of a long current-carrying wire, we would choose cylindrical coordinates with the z-axis along the wire. And for studying the electric field due to a conducting disk, the best coordinates are spheroidal coordinates. l6 1.3.1. UnitVectors u , and u. The unit vector ff at any point indicates the direction in which z increases while u and w are held fixed. The vectors t and fr are defined similarly. We almost always luse an orthogonal coordinate system, in which ff, i, and fr form a right-handed orthogonal set-that is, the triple scalar product In general, we may call the three curvilinear coordin ates u , [fi, i' ff1 : 11 We can relate these vectors to the Cartesian unit vectors i, i, and 2 geometrically, using diagrams such as Figure 1.16, or we can find their components analytically. To see how, first write the new coordinates u, u, and u in terms of x, y and z and, conversely, express x, y, and z as functions of u, u, and w : x : x (u, u, w), y : y (u, u, w), and z : z(u, u, w). Let point P be described by the position vector i and have coordinates uo, u0, and u.'s. A neighboring point Q has coordinates zs * du, uo, and ru6. Then the vector from P to Q is in the direction of ff: di:dx?+dyy+aziq.dutr (1.s2) 0z^ ^ 0x^ 0y^+-z uo(-x 0u 0u" 0u and thus FIGURE 1.16. Unit vectors in cylindrical coordinates. As the coordinate @ changes, so do the directions of p and S.^We may express these vectors in Cartesian components: 0 : *cosd f isind, $ : -isin@ * $cos@. The third unit vector in this system is 2, the same as in Cartesian coordinates. Note that the three vectors are mutually perpendicular. l6See Chapter L-_ 2, Problem 13, for a definition of these coordinates. 30 oHAPTER 1 DESoRIBING THE UNIvERSE Since ff is a unit vector, the ux: l-, y-, and z-components of fi are 0x h1 0u Jo*ta. T aylou)2 + (Ezlou)2 0y : "y- :-- l0z 0z/0u Jruta8i (1.s3) 1ov l0u h1 0u - uz: l0x l0u rWtor)2 + (ozlou)z h1 0u (1.54) (1.s5) where the constant of proportionality in equation (1'52) is ht: Similarly, we can find i and (#)'. (#)' . (#)' (1.s6) fr: ^ I (0* 0y Az\ ': h, \ar' ar' ar/ h2: (#)'. (#)'. (#)' (1.s7) (1.s8) and ^ I /0x tn: /r, \a, (1.s9) where h3: (x)'. (#*)' . (u*)' (1.60) 1.3 CURVILINEAR COORDINATES 31 In a general non-Cartesian coordinate system, the directions of the unit vectors change with position. This means that we have to be very careful when taking derivatives or integrals of vectors expressed in curvilinear components. 1.3.2. Metric Coefficients The distance between two may be expressed in terms we may neighboring points described by the position vectors i andi * di of differential changes in the coordin ates u , u, and u.r. In general, write di : h and so du tt + h2 du i -f ht dw itr for an orthogonal system dsz : di . di : yl au2 + tfi av2 + nl awz (1.61) (compare with equations 1.1,1.4, and 1.7). The coefficients h; are called metric coefficients. They relate the length of a geometrical line segment to the differential coordinate element and can usually be obtained from geometry (for example, Figure l.2b), or they can be calculated using equations (1.56), (1.58), and (1.60). We can see that such coefficients are dimensional grounds. For example, in cylindrical coordinates, the coordinate differential d@ is just a number and does not have the dimension of length. The correspondinEhz : p (compare equations 1.4 and 1.61) does have the required dimension of length. Let's check the expressionfor h2 using equation (1.58). First, from equations (1.2) we necessary on @ is an angle, and so the have Ex a0 and z is independent -p sin @; Y: o"orr ,r:m of@, so :@:o as obtained from the geometry in Section 1. 1.1. 1.3.3. Div, Grad, and Curl in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems Gradient The differential change in a scalar field O over a displacement di is (Section I.2.1, eqaa- tion 1.37) de : i o . di : i o . (h du i + hz du i * fu dw fi) 32 CHAPTER .I DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE But we can also derive the differential from the fact that O is a function of u, u, and w, using the rules of calculus: 4q : ao -f ao ao ,du * *dw -du Comparing these two expressions, we find that the gradient is tao. lao^ lao^ VO---riI--yI--w h2 0u ht 0u Again we see that the y'ls hj (1.62) 0w are needed on dimensional grounds' Divergence In curvilinear coordinates, the divergenc e is definedby the divergence theorem ( I .44). Thus, the divergence of a vector field f at a point P is fv.r:,lryrvI fst-fidA where the point P is inside the volume V. We begin by evaluating the integral on the righthand side. We can choose our volume V to be a curved "cube" with sides of length du, dv, and dw and each face lying along a coordinate surface (Figure I .17 a). Then the normals to the faces are *fi, ti, and *fr. From the pair of faces at u, u + du we get a contribution - fufu, where u, w) h2h3 du dw + f"(u I du, u, w) hzhz du dw fu is the u-component of the vector i. FIGURE l.l7a. A differential volume used to calculate V . f in coordinates u, u, and u.r. The faces ofthe volume lie along surfaces of constant u, u, arrd rl, respectively, and the edges have lengths hy du, h2 du, and h3 dw. 33 1.3 CURVILINEAR COORDINATES We get similar contributions from the other two pairs of faces. Dividing by the volume hft2h3 du du dw and using the definition of each partial derivative, we have v .i: lim I- fu(u, u, w) h2h3 I fufu I du, u, w) hzhzl hft2h3 du du+O I la(h2h3f,), oththtf,t, ;v'r-hthrkl ;a, - a, - * two similar terms oth1h2f,1l a, (1.63) I Notice that the fts appear inside the derivatives, since they may be functions of the coordinates il, u, and u and so differ on opposite faces ofthe "cube." In cylindrical coordinates (Figure l.l7b), with h1 : I, hz - p,andhz:1, we obtain ;, ;_ t la(ofil ,|fo , a(pil1 _1}(pfp) ,10f6 ,0f2 pl, Ep aQ 0z ) p 0p pA0 0z (1.64) Notice that the result is dimensionally correct. FIGURE 1.17b. A differential volume in cylindrical coordinates. 1.4. Compute the divergence of the position vector, i . i, itr cylindrical coordinates, and compare with the result in Cartesian coordinates (Example 1.2). In cylindrical coordinates, the position vectorlT is i : p0 * zi. Thus, from equation (1.64), the divergence is Exampte : , v .i . I I II tfrir ly : la?'zt dz: !po. a 1 :z p dp + pdQ +y p dz p Ap +y !a(e,i is the same result that we obtained in Example 1.2. lTThere is no @-component. Do you see why? See Problem 10. i I t E I II : t- 34 cHAprER 1 DESoRIBING THE UNIvERSE Curl In curvilinear coordinates, the curl of a vector i at a point P is defined via Stokes'theo- rem (1.46): 6.i 'dl tV x f) .ff: Iim '" A+0 , A where A is the area of a surface S spanning the curve C, the point P lies on S, and i is the normal to that surface. Again we begin by evaluating the integral. We may choose a curve that lies in a constant , ,rrrfu"" (Figure 1.18). Then the normal is fi : 0, and we will obtain the a-component of the curl. u,w I alda,wldw dw .P u a,w * du,w FIGURE 1.18. Calculating the curl using a "rectangle" surrounding point P. The line integral is fxh2 dul. * f*hz dwlu+au - frhz dulu+a. - f*h3 dwl, aa dw : -;(f,hz)du dw + *(f,h)du while the arcais dA : hzhz du dw, and so the il-component of the curl is 1i x ir n: hlft,t,r,, - fi<t,r,tf The other two components may be derived similarly: a . l" I ta vxf : nrrln(f-hiar(f,h))n+ .#1ft,t.r,,- fr,r,',,f* I h,h, t l#,rt,r,) - *rr,r,r] (1.6s) 1.3 CURVILINEAR COOROINATES We may also express this result using a determinant: httr hzl Vxf: aaa hft2h3 hsfi (l.66) 0u 0u 0w hf" hzfu htf, When using this expression, take care to keep the terms in the correct order. The operators in the second row operate on the functions in the bottom row, including the metric coefficients ft;. In cylindrical coordinates, we obtain i " i : il# - fr,,r,lu. l* - #16 * i 1ft,,n, - #1, (t.67) : (;# - *) ,. (* - #)o . i lh*o, - *e!"lu Example 1.5. The magnetic field in a region of space is given by the function fr: Bo@la3)(o-p)20,0 < p < a,andB:0forp > a.Findthecurrent density in the region. From Maxwell's equations, - lj:-VxB Po Since fr has only a @-component, we have i,. n : (-#)o+ ror0 - Bo#lh@,"- j: "o po * )1ft<,'alu r,)], l(a i pa' lrru - d2 -zp2 - D] L 2Bo : ffir" - dtu - 2p)i p z-directionforal2<p<a understand this result. While al Notice that the curl is in the L-- al2but (Figure ockwise 36 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvERSE gri aiis positive when di runs clockwise around a small curve C ataf2 < p < a because the vectors get shorter as p increases in this region. , !\ )a r/ts , It , t/ / / tl \ /j' I /t \ , pla a i\ t\ t 1, \ t /t /r t/ I \\ lt I I J --t./ i in Example 1.5. The curl is in the positive z-direction ngar t!rc negative origin but is in the z-direction for p > a /2.Note that the integrat fg ' ai ls positive when di istaken cloclaMse around a small closed curve C placed at p > a /2, FIGURE 1.19. The vector field since the length of the vectors i i is decreasing as we go away from tbe origin in this reglon. The Laplacian With O a scalar function, the expressionl8 for V2O may be derived from the above expressions for gradient and divergence: v2o: V2O: l8To evaluate 1 i.tior: u (*#u* la t^ hthzhz Ldu V2i, with i i u,ryu. *#, ff#) .*(TT). a, (T#)l a vector a function, you must use equation (1.51) at the end of Section 1.2.4. (1.68) 37 1.5 VECTOR SPACES In cylindrical coordinates, this is " V-o a/lao\ * a/ao\l : llalao\ ; lu, \'a )* a (; uo ) u\'e )) ralao\ ra2o l^-lI--I- PoP\"aP)' P2aO2' a2o (1.69) az2 This operator occurs frequently in physics, and we shall need to refer to result (1.68). 1.4. THE HELMHOLTZ THEOREM Any vector field i may be expressed as the sum of two terms: F:d+i fr: io for some scalar field O and i:Vx.4, for some vector field A. tne proof of this theoremle may be found in Appendix IL Then V.i:f.i:v2o and i"F:i*fixii Inparticular, andif V x F : i : i, 0, then we may choose O = constant and express F : i " 0, then we may choose A : 0 and express F : VO, as we showed in if i . Section 1.2.3. 1.5. VECTOR SPACES 1.5.1. Properties of Vector Spaces In physics we regard vectors both as geometrical objects (anows) and also as algebraic objects (an ordered set of numbers: the components of the vector). It is important to have both descriptions, since each description proves most useful in certain classes ofproblems. - Here we shall discuss aspects of the algebraic theory of vector spaces. l l9See also Morse and Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physlcs, Section 1.5. 38 cHAprER 1 DEScRTBTNG THE UNTvERSE The number of components of a vector equals the dimension of the vector space. In most applications in this book, we shall be concerned with three-dimensional vector spaces, corresponding to the three dimensions ofphysical space. Infinite-dimensional vector spaces importance-in quantum mechanics, for example-but we shall not discuss these here. spaces We shall also restrict attention, for the most part, to spaces in which the vectors purely real.2o are A vector space consists ofa set ofobjects (the vectors) with the following properties2l: are also of 1. The sum oftwo vectors is another vector in the space: d+6:i 2. Addition is commutative: d+6:B+d 3. Addition is associative: G+6)+i:a+6+i) 4. There is a zero vector, d, which has the property that d+d:d:d+d 5. Each vector d has a corresponding negative vector -d with the property that d+(-a):d 6. Vectors can be multiplied by scalars. The result is another vector: td :6 This product is also associative: k(cd) : (kc)d 7. Multiplication by scalars satisfies two distributive laws: (k * c)d: kd + cd and c(d+6):cd+ci 8. Multiplication by the scalar unity 20See Optional Topic B leaves a vector unchanged: for additional material. 21The first five properties establish the vectors as elements of a group; see Optional Topic C. 39 1.5 VECTOR SPACES 1.5.2. Basis Vectors Properties (1) and (6) together imply that the sum f,,0, i:1 In particular, we can make this sum equal to the zero vector by appropriate choice If the only possible choice of values that makes the sum equal to zero : is ci 0 for every number c;, then the set of vectors i;, i : 1 to n, is said to be linearly independent. But if there is a set of numbers, at least two of which are not zero, such that is a vector. of the numbers c;. f ,,i,:i i:l ofvectors i; is linearly dependent. In each vector space, there is some number N with the following property: there then the set somevectorsi; suchthatDLr cii; :0onlyif eachc; :0,butif will be weaddonemorevector, c;i1 - 0 with more than any vector, then we can find a set of constants such that tllt one of the ci nonzero. The number N is the dimension of the vector space. The original N vectors are linearly independent and are said to span the space. They may be chosen as basis vectors i; for the space. Then any vector in the space may be written as a linear combination of the basis vectors: N f:!u;i; t:l The numbers ui the components of the vector i. Thus, we may write the vector algebraically as an ordered set ofnumbers, the components u;. In physics applications, we define an additional operation called the inner product22 of two vectors with respect to the basis23: N d*6:D",U,:6*d (1.70) i:l Ifthe resulting value is zero, the two vectors are said to be orthogonal. The inner product of two basis vectors is N i76 *i; : I6;1d;; :6;p t:1 and so the basis vectors are orthogonal by definition. inner product may be defined in many different ways. This version is most useful for our purposes here inner product becomes a more important and useful concept when it is independent ofthe basis chosen. This to be the case when the operation that changes the basis is orthogonal, See Section 1.6.5 and Problem 50. 40 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvERSE It is most convenient to have the inner product defined by equation (1.70) correspond to the dot product defined in Section 1 . 1.2 (equation I .26). We can do this if we choose a set of basis vectors that are mutually orthogonal in the geometrical sense of being at right angles. From any initial choice ofbasis vectors, we can construct a set such that the inner product with respect to this basis is the geometrical dot product. Suppose we have one set of basis vectors i; that are not mutually orthogonal; that is, ii.6i 4o + j. Then we can use a procedure called Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to set f;. First we normalize each vector by dividing by the square root orthogonal an create product itself: with its dot of for some i ei: Then 6;'6;:1 These vectors are called unit vectors. Now we start with the vector iz:62 - ir : 6t and define (62'ir)Gr so that (Gz .or) - Gz.6r)(6r .6r) : o and iz .iz : : - Gz. Gr)Grl . 16z - (62 ' 6r)Grl 62. 6z - Gz' 6)2 : | - (62. 6,)2 16z Then we normalize to get f2: l=-" We may continue in this manner to construct each succeeding f;: i-r i:oi-I,n.6)i*: i, :-L k:t The vectors i; /t, t are both unit vectors and mutually orthogonal; they are called an ortho- normal set. With orthonormal basis vectors, the inner product defined by process (1.70) is identical to the geometrical dot product defined in Section I.l.2.In what follows, we shall assume 1.6 MATRICES that the basis vectors are and the 41 orthonormal, and we shall not distinguish between the dot product inner product. In representing a vector algebraically by its components, we write the set of numbers as an array, either in a column such as /o, d: I a2 \o, called a column vector, or in a row such as i: (at, az, az) called a row vector.24 Clearly both represent the same vector. We may now write properties (1)-(8) of vectors in terms of the vector components in an orthogonal basis. For example, 1. Two vectors are added by adding the corresponding components: ci:ai*bi 4. The components ofthe zero vector are all zeros. 5. The components of B : -d are the negatives of the components of d: bi 6. The components of f, To : ci are bi : : -ai cai. work efficiently with vectors written in terms of components, we shall need to develop additional mathematical tools-the mathematics of matrices. some 1.6. MATRICES 1.6.1. Basic Properties ofproperties that defines a vector space includes several procedures for creating one vector from another-for example, multiplication by a scalar. If the procedure is linear, each component of the new vector i is a linear combination of the components of the original vectol5 il: The list N vi:lait<ut< k:t 24sri.t1y speaking, ifthe column vectoris a, therow vectoris its transpose, ar. See Section 1.6.1. 25In this section we shall not use the summation convention introduced in Section l I.2. When summing over an .index, we shall show the sum explicitly. 42 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE Thus, any linear operation that maps one vector in the space to another may be expressed as an affay A of N x N numbers called a square matrix, whose elements are the set of numbers ai1r.The simple operation of multiplying the components of a vector by a number c is represented by the array ^:(:;l) .TT 4tr - where II is the unit matrix ': (i :?) This example illustrates the rule: To multiply a matrix by a number c, multiply each element of the matrix by c. The elements of the unit matrix may be represented by the Kronecker delta, d;y, whose components arezerofor i 17 and I when i : ,/. The usual convention26 for writing matrices with indices, as in a;p, is that the first index (here l) labels the row while the second (here k) represents the column. Thus, a21 is the element in the second row and the first column: / ott aD orr \ I@a22anl oy ajz ott \ / An important example of a linear transformation is a rotation of the basis vectors (compare with Section 1.1.2). Other examples are the angular momentum of a rigid body, L : lRri, where the operator IR is represented by a matrix containing the moments of inertia of the body and <i is the angular velocity vector. A symmetric matrix is invariant under reflection about the diagonal that runs from upper left to lower right; that is, aii : a;i. An antisymmetric matrix has the property that ai; : -a;y. Thus, an antisymmetric matrix has zeros along the diagonal. Two matrices are equal only if all of the corresponding elements are equal: .A : lE if and only if a;i : bi j for each i and j. The elements of the sum of two matrices are the sums of the corresponding elements: if C : ,A + ts, then c;i : aij * bij. When two transformations are applied one after the other, we can describe the result with matrix multiplication. If i : A* and il : lEi, then i: B(,Afr) : (lEA)fr The operations in a matrix product are performed in order, right to left. ts.A means first do A, then do lE. 26Any convention may be used, provided that you make it really clear. 1.6 i: MATRICES 43 Let's investigate how to perform this matrix multiplication. The components of the vector Afr are u;:l N j:r a;;wi Similarly, un:f b1,;u; :f E Thus, the elements of the product b1,;a;iwi: C : ( E *rr,",,)., :f ,0,r, lB.A are computed as N '*i:lbrrioii i:l The element ctj_ is the inner product27 of the row vector bp; /ati\ column vector 4rl - I or', | . fnir row and column intersect " \"t"i / indices kj : (b6,bxz,brz) and the at the position labeled by the (Figure 1.20). /bn bn brs\ ( ^l ,,: ) btz atz , \ / ,tt ,):{t' ";; a32 1/ Gi \c:r ct2 cl3 \ c22 El ca2 q3 / FIGURE 1.20. Matrix multiplication: C : lE,A. Element c;; is the dot product of the i th row of IB with the jth column of A,. This row and column intersect at the position of element c;y. In this diagram, i :2 and j :3. Matrix multiplication is not, in general, commutative; that is, B^N + AB. /r 2 3\ /o l l\ LetA:f I 0 I landB:l 2 I o \o t2) \r 3t) products .AIB and Examplel.6. lB.A,. ?\/g l;\ ^u:/r3 z/\ r r 3 t) \o x2l3xI x2*IxI x2l2xl x 1*2x 1*3x3 1x *2x0*3x 1x1*0x 1*1x3 1x .l0x0*1x 0x1*1x l]-2x3 0x *1x0*2x 1 I , s sense iplied. only if the row and column have the same length. Matrices that do not 44 CHAPTEH 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE On the other hand, ]8.4,: (iii)(i i) :( I l3\ i : z) Clearly these products are not the same. The transpose .Ar of a matrix A with elements a;7 is formed by interchanging rows for columns. The components of the transpose are (Ar ),, : a j i. Inthe event that the elements matrix are complex numbers, we can form the complex conjugate A* of the matrix A by taking the complex conjugate28 of each element. The matrix formed by performing both of these operations (complex conjugation and transposition) is called the hermitian conjugate or adjoint matrix, A,t. A matrix is described as hermitian if it equals its adjoint: .A, : .At. The trace of a matrix is the sum of the elements on the diagonal: of a Tr(A):an+azzl"'*aNN The trace is a linear operation: Tr (.4, For a product, we find Tr(A,JE): ttIJ * lB) : Tr (A) + Tr (B). a;ibii: tt biiaij:Tr(lEA) lr This result is true even when the matrix product is nol commutative: .AlE + BA. 1.6.2. Determinants A very important and useful property of a square matrix is its determinant. The determinant of a 2 x 2 matix is a number formed by multiplying along the diagonals and subtracting: otl an\ : orru, \-.'./ A)) I a"t ( \ A)t ar2a21 The products a\pzz and a12a2r are called elementary products. In an N x N determinant, each elementary product is a product of N elements, with no two being in the same row or the same column. We attach a sign to each product of the form atja2k. . .dNm according to whetherthe set tj,k, ...,ml is an even (*) or odd (-) permutation29 of 11,2,..., N\. The determinant of an N x N matrix is the sum of all the signed elementary products. For 28See Chapter 2, Section 2. l. 29To determine whether a permutation is even or odd, count the number of interchanges of two numbers that must be performed to execute the permutation. An even permutation needs an even number of interchanges, and an odd one needs an odd number. 45 1.6 MATRICES a3 x 3 determinant, this result may be written using the Levi-Civita symbol (Section L 1.2, equation 1.29): 3 A- t rj t ijkali a2j (1.71) a3k 'k:1 The determinant of a 3 x 3 matrix .4, may also be formed as follows. Take any row of the matrix-say, the top row. For each element a;i in that row, take the determinant of the 2 x 2 matix o;; obtained by removing the row and column that contain the chosen element (Figure 1.21). Then the determinant is det (A) : : The quantity an at2 ct2t 422 a3t 432 att(azza33 (-l)t+i det - aI3 : !{-t)t+i 423 433 a;1det (a;) J ana32) - ap(a21ay - ana3t) * an(azpzz - azzaz) (o;;) -- A;1 is called the cofactor of the element a;;. ('"?dan\ ( ozr : ( Z::) ",, \i:', i:: i:: ) "'' FIGURE 1.21. Determining the elements of the submatrix cv;y whose signed determinant (- t;i+; A;; - det (a;; ) is the cofactor of the element a;; . This figure shows how to find a12. Eliminate the row and column that contain the chosen element. The remaining suhmatrix is a;7. We can now write a rule for finding the determinant of any matrix: The determinant of a matrix A is the sum of the elements of any row or column of the matrix, each multiplied by its cofactor: det (A) : lAl : Do,iAti :Do,iA,i 0.72) lt Starting with the rule for a 2 x 2 determinant, we may use equation (1.72) to compute thedeterminantofa3x3matrix,thena4x4matrix,andsoon.ThisiscalledtheLaplace development. These properties of determinants now follow30: . If an N x N matrix is multiplied by a constant c, its determinant is multiplied cN. 30See Problems 37 through 39 and4l. by 46 a a CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE A matrix and its transpose have the same determinant. If two rows or two columns of a maffix are identical, its determinant is zero. The determinant proves very useful in understanding the properties of matrix products. We will need the following theorem3l: Product theorem for determinants. The determinant of the matrix C : AIE is rfte product of the determinants of A andB. Proof (for3x3matrices). MatrixChaselementsci; is thus (equation 1.71) - D*aitbtj,andthedeterminant 3 det(C) : i, D eijkcric2jcak j,k:r 3 : D t,toDor*u^,Dornb,,\azrbpn i,j,k:lmnP : tt \o1^o2,o3r( m n p f, ,,10u^,u4uro\ \,, j.k:l / if ffi,fl, p are an even permutation of 1,2,3, then the term in parentheses equals det (JE), whereas if m,n, p aire al odd permutation of 1,2,3, then we get its negative. If any two of m, n, p are equal, the term is zero, since it equals the determinant of a matrix with two equal rows. Thus, we may write det (C) as Now det (C) : det (AlE) : t arma2na3pem,rp det (lB) : det (A) det (lB) (r.73) m,n,p as asserted. A matrix with determinant zero is said to be slngular Such matrices have some interesting properties. For example, if such a matrix is multiplied by any other matrix, the determinant of the resulting matrix is also zero. This fact allows us to understand why it is possible for two matrices, each nonzero, to have a product that equals the zero matrix32: ,AIE : 0 does not imply A:0 or IB :0 As a consequence, in the mathematics of matrices, the square root of zero exists and is not necessarily zero. 31 For additional proofs of this theorem, see, for example, Halmos, Section 53 or Tircker, p. 92. 42 and 43. 32See Problems 47 1.6 MATRICES 1.6.3. The Inverse of a Matrix : If the product of two matrices is the unit matrix, .A1B ll, then lB is the inverse of .A, lE : .A.- I . From the rule for computing the determinant of a matrix product (1.73), we conclude that the determinant of A-l is l/det (A). Thus, the inverse exists only if the determinant of the matrix is not zero (the matrix is nonsingular). Using the basic rule for matrix multiplication, we have N \aiibir:64 j:r This relation is actually N x N equations for the elements b1r.T\e solution may be found by a process of successive elimination,33 with the result that the inverse matrix equals the transpose of the matrix of cofactors of the elements of .4., divided by the determinant of .A: u,r:K (1.74) Let's check this result. The product of a matrix and its inverse must be the identity matrix. The product has elements (AlE)4 :D,,,ff :\a4bi* l l flrst diagonal element is D1ar1A11 tAt = lAl 1 tAt we used equation (1.72) for the determinant with 2 and 3. The off-diagonal elements are of the form i : 1. The result is the same for t ot;ff A't; (1.7s) j numerator is the determinant of a matrix with two identical rows (here the first and rows) and so is zero. Example See L.7. Find the inverse of the matrix below for an example of how to do this. (i:!) 48 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvEFSE The determinant of the matrix is D : 2, so the inverse exists. The cofactors are At : 2, A12 : -4, An : 0, A2t : O, Azz :2, AZZ : 0, AZt : 0, AzZ: 0, and Azl : L Thus, the inverse is :(i: l):(-i :r) We can check the result by multiplying the original matrix and the inverse we have found: (a: lX i: i):(il l) as required. A matrix whose transpose equals its inverse is called orthogonal.34 A matrix whose adjoint equals its inverse is called unitary. Computer mathematics packages such as Mathematica and Maple have matrix inversion routines. Even spreadsheets can invert matrices. Formula (1.75) for the elements of the inverse matrix is not usually the best computational tool.35 Procedures such as GaussJordan inversion are more efficient. To see how these methods work, first we note that we may devise a set of matrices, called elementary matrices, whose effect is to perform simplifying operations on a matrix. For example, a matrix with a 1 in each row and in each column and zeros elsewhere permutes the entries in the matrix: (r s; : X ;ii :,: z,) Qli Multiplication by this matrix has moved row 2 to row 2.We can also add a multiple of one row to another: ( ; ; ? X ;ii xa: i:): 1, row 1 z1: ii) to row 3, and row 3 to row (",,7,':',, "-7,?"' "^"t",?',,) Multiplication by this matrix subtracts two times row 1 from row 2. By putting the number x on the diagonal of the elementary matrix, we can multiply a row by any number x: (: : ; ? X ;ii zi: z,) ftii' .iai) xa: 34You should convince yourself that this definition is equivalent to the one given in Section 1.1.2. 35see Press et a1., Chapter 2. 1.6 MATRICES 49 We can thus perform any of these operations on a matrix .A until we get the unit matrix. Then the product of the elementary matrices that we used must be the inverse of .4.: EnBn-r. . . ts:EzErA : ll * ErBr-t' .' lE:lEzlEr : A,-l We may evaluate this product of elementary matrices as a single matrix by applying the same operations to the unit matrix: IE,IE,-r .. .lDrlEzErll : .A-l[ : A-l Once we have established this result, we do not actually need to compute the elementary matrices; we can simply perform the operations on the matrix rows. The allowed operations are 1. Interchange two rows. 2. Multiply a row by any number. 3. Subtract a (positive or negative) number times one row from another row. /z 3 4\ 32I { I 2 3/ \0 First we check that the determinant is not zero, and thus that an inverse exists: Example 1.8. Invert the matrix /z 3 4\ a"tl I 3 zl:s \o 2 3) Next we perform simplifying operations. 1. Subtract row 2 from row 2. Subtract row I from row 1: (; i) /r 0 2\ 2: {o \o ) \) 3. Subtract 213 times row 2 from row 3: (: :i) CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE Subtract 213 times row 3 from row 1: (r;l) (r:l) 5. Divide rows 2 and 3 by 3: Now we perform the exact same operations on the unit matrix. 1. Subtract row 2 from row l: (i:i) 2. Subtract row I from row 2: / r-t o l-r 2 o \o o r 3. Subtract 2/3 times row 2 from row 3: / t l-r -1 2 \ 3-t t) 4. Subtract 2/3 times row 3 from row l: / 5_L _2\ i ?-t l_? \ 5. Divide rows 2 and 3 by 3: / t_t I t) " _2\ ', I \-i1-l +) f '+ Those 9s in the denominator are reassuring, since 9 result by multiplying: as required. : det (,N). Finally, we check our ei r)ti;i):(i,?) 1.6 MATRICES 51 1.6.4. Matrices and Linear Equations A set of N equations in N unknowns may be written in the language of matrices. The equations atxt+anx2+ ...lawxN aztxtlazzxzl "'*azNxN aNtxt + aNzxz* ':' + oyy*n1 : bt bz 6n1 may be written as .N*:6 where the vector i contains the unknowns .rr as its components and the vector f, contains the multiplying both sides by the inverse matrix .A,- I : constants b; . The solution may be found by (1.76) where A.1i is the cofactor of element aii. Ttrc numerator is the determinant of the maffix formed by removing the ith column of .N and replacing it with the vector 6. Result (1.76) is called Cramer's rule. It provides a formal solution to the equations, but it is rarely the best computational procedure. In the Gaussian elimination method,36 we use the first equation to eliminate 11 from all of the remaining equations. Then we use the second equation to eliminate x2 from all the equations below it, and so on. The final equation is then solved for x1y, and we then substitute back up the sequence of equations to find all the unknowns. This algorithm is easily programmed and is well suited to the characteristics of modern computers. The homogeneous set of equations Ai:0 a nontrivial solution for the vector are i if and only if the determinant of .A, is zero. One ion of the set of equations is that the row vectors with components a1i, a2i, each perpendicular to the vector i. Thus, all three vectors must lie in the plane to i. This means that the triple scalar product3T of the three vectors must be or, equivalently, that the determinant lAl 0. : Change of Basis Tfansformations elements of a matrix that represents a linear operator in a vector space depend on the vectors chosen for the space. If we change the basis vectors, then the elements of the for example, Golub and van Loan, Chapter 4, Section 1.1.2. Compare equation (1.32) with equation (1.71). 52 cHAprER 1 DEScRTBTNG THE UNTvERSE matrix change, even though the operator is unchanged. The new basis vectors are linear combinations ofthe old ones, so the operation ofchanging the basis is also represented by a matrix. Let's call this matrix C. Thus, if a vector has components .{r in the original basis, its components in the new basis will be x',, where ,';:l N j:r r;1*1 0.77) Now suppose an operator represented by A maps the vector * to a new vector ]: N ti:lai1x1 j=r In the new basis, the operator is represented by .A/ with components at,, and N y',:\a'i1x'1 J:I Thus, / "t-\-k:t rt , :\-L k:l N :\-Lxj j:r or, in matrix notation,38 i' : Now the components )c j CAi are related to the components xl by the inverse of C, x; : Di(C-t)1^xl,so i' : cAC-li' :.A,'i' Thus, ,A': C.A,C-l (1.78) 38In this notation, i and i' represent the same vector, but the corresponding sets of components are expressed with respect to different bases. 53 1.6 MATRICES Equation (1.78) describes a similarity transformation. It is sometimes written in terms of the matrix 'lf : C-l: .A.': T-1.47 (r.19) The elements of the matrices C and lf are the components of the new basis vectors in the original system. If a vector i with components x; is to be the first basis vector in the new system, then its prime components are x\ : I, x'i : O if i I l. Thus, rr:tt;ixt,-1;, l ri Thus, the column vector is the first column of the matrix r, of the 7th basis vector form the jth column of 'lf : C-l. 11. Similarly, the components We often want to find the basis that makes the matrix .A corresponding to a given operator simple as possible. The simplest matrix is one with nonzero elements along the diagonal and all other elements zero. Then if 61, the components of are simple multiples of as i: yi : /: Lixi.In particular, for f basis vector 6; that has only one nonzero component, A'6i ),;6;. This relationship among vectors must remain true in any basis, so there exist N vectors such that,Ai; l.iii. These N vectors are the eigenvectors of the matrix A, and the constants ).; are the corresponding eigenvalues. The matrix.A/ has the (suitably normalized) are chosen as the values ),; along the diagonal when the vectors the components of - a : i; i; basis vectors. To diagonalize the matrix, we must solve the equation (.4-).ll)i:0 where ll is the unit matrix. This equation has a nontrivial solution for the vector det (.4 - lll) : g i only if9 (1.80) This equation is called the characteristic equation. If the matrix is a2 x 2 matix, the characteristic equation is a quadratic equation; if the matrix is a 3 x 3 matrix, the characteristic equation is a cubic; and so on. Thus, there are at most N real distinct eigenvalues. There may be fewer than N if the eigenvalues are not distinct or if the roots are complex. The eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix are real. Let's see why. If l. is an eigenvalue, then there exists a vector * such that A*: ).i both sides and take the complex conjugate4o: i.A,* : iA :.1,*i See Section 1.6.4. that we are working with vector spaces in which all the vectors are real. 54 cHAprER 1 DEScRTBTNG THE UNTvERSE (The process of transposing does not change the right-hand side, except that the column vector becomes a row vector.) Now take the inner product with i in both equations: iAi : ),*'i: ).*i'i Thus, (), i .i Since cannot be zero unless i : - 0, : ),*)i .* l : o ).+ and the eigenvalues are real. If if two eigenvalues are distinct, then the corresponding eigenvectors are orthogonal. For Ai1 : '11frt and A*2:7'1' then *1A*2 : )'z*t'*'z i2.Ai1 : and .l'riz 'ir Transposing the latter relation and subtracting from the former, we have 0 : (),2 Since the two eigenvalues are not equal, Example 1.9. - ).r) i1 .*z ir . iz : O and the eigenvectors are orthogonal. . (/t 2\ i - Diagonalize the matrix o)' I The characteristic equation is Il-r-,r. 2 -'- - l:0 I | 2 -)'l -i.(3-r,)-4:0 L2 -?,). - 4:o So the eigenvalues are ,_3*JqT6_3+5_ : ^: 2 1A 2 --r'- 1.6 MATRICES The diagonalized matrix is thus , /-' n) A:( o 4/ We have solved the problem, but we can learn more from this example. The two eigenvalues are real and distinct, so the eigenvectors are orthogonal. Their components are found from the equation 2xy-)"x2:Q Inserting the values of .],, we have 2x1 So, with - -x2 or xr :2x2 xt: -1, *t : (-1,2) and, with xz: ll, *.2 : (2,1) These vectors may be normalized to provide unit vectors as a basis. Let's verify the relation ,\* i,i for these two vectors: : (1 3)(-i):(-\o):(_; ):-'(-; ) ()3)( ? ): ('|', ): ( I ): ^(?) required. We diagonalize the matrix by changing to a new basis with an operator (matrix) C. Then ,\' : C.NC-I (equation 1.78), and the elements on the diagonal of .A/ are the eigenvalues of .4. The eigenvectors of .4, are the new basis vectors. Then from equation (I.77), the components of the kth eigenvector are related by as ,,{k) _ \-1c-t),ir$t,: --r ,, !{c-r)i j3j*: (c-r);r J Thus, the elements in the ftth column of C-l equal the components of the kth eigenvector. If the matrix is orthogonal, then these are the elements of the ftth row of C. Here, the matrix that effects the transformation is orthogonal and has elements ':+(-" ?) 55 56 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvERSE Let's verify that this does the job: cAC_ :+(_" ?)() 3)+c: :i(-j ?)(-i t) ?) o\ -(-r 4) 0 \ which is the matrix A/. In this example, C turns out to be orthogonal. In fact, since the diagonal matrix A/ is symmetric and an orthogonal transformation maps a symmetric matrix to another symmetric matrix,4l any symmetric matrix ^A is diagonalized by an orthogonal transformation. If a matrix has two or more equal eigenvalues, then we cannot prove that the eigenvectors are orthogonal, but they may be. Example 1.10. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of tr,..utri* ( 3 2-)" 0 -1 -1 0 2-). 0 3-), 0 l:s- Thus, the eigenvalues are I : 1 and tr Next we seek the eigenvectors. : t5),.+7)"2-1.3:-(),-1)()'-3)2 3, the latter being a repeated root' (ii sX,):^(l) ('-:ti,) :^(l First we take the case of i. : 1: 2x-z:x+x:z 3y:y*/:0 -xl2z:z+z:x Thus, this vector 41See Problem 48. i1 -; ) \-t o 2) First we find the eigenvalues: 0- S has components (x, 0, x) for any x. ) 16 MATRICES 57 Then, with.l. : 3, we have 2x-z:3xlx:-z 3Y :3Y t Y is arbitrary -xl2z:3zlz:-x Thus, these eigenvectors have components (x, y,-x) for any values of y and x. Notice first that each of these vectors is orthogonal to i1. Second, we can find two such vectors that are orthogonal to each other: (x,y, -x)' (r,u, -u) : xu I yu I xu : O : 2xu -l yu Thus, with x,u,and y chosen, we simply pick u : -2xuf y. We can always this, provided that y is not zero. For example, we might pick i3 : (1, -2, -l). Let's check that i2 is an eigenvector: /zo l-li as i)(_i required. You should check that ):( i2 : (1, 1, -1) do and :,(_i) i) i3 is also an eigenvector. If two matricas commute, then if their eigenvalues are all distinct, they have the same eigenvectors. For example, suppose that AIE lE,A and.Ai l,*. Then : lB.A,i : : lB),i: ).lBi But BAi: AlEi AiBi: l.lEi Thus, Thus, iEi is also an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue ).. If the eigenvectors of ,A are distinct, then IB* must be a constant times i, and thus is also an eigenvector of IB. i Congruent Tbansformations A set of linear equations results when we consider small oscillations of a physical system about its equilibrium. We can often analyze such a system most efficiently using Lagrangian mechanics. The Lagrangian of a system contains a kinetic energy term42 K which is quadratic in the velocities and a potential energy term V which, in the case of 42In Lagrangian mechanics, the symbol the transformation matrix, we'l1 use ? is often used for kinetic K for the kinetic energy. energy. But since we have already used lf for 58 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE small displacements from equilibrium, may be expanded in a Taylor series with no linear term. (This is the equilibrium condition.) Thus, the potential energy term is a quadratic function of the coordinates. Each of these quadratic forms may be expressed in terms of matrices: r-dxT*dx: v:xrvx dt dt where the vector xr on the left is a row vector and the vector x on the right is a column vector. Furthermore, both matrices are symmetric. The motion of the system looks simplest when we choose our coordinates to correspond to the normal modes of the system. But we don't usually know what those modes are until we have solved the problem. The normal modes of the system can be described by vectors x(N). Thus, to simplify the system, we need to change our basis to make these vectors our basis Yectors. Let's see what happens to a quadratic form when we change the basis. The energy is a scalar under coordinate transformations, so : x'zVx/: xrVx:V V/ Butx:'lfx',so x'zv'x' : (Tx')?Vllx' : x'z'llz\y'Tx' and thus V': Tzv1f (1.8 1) This transformation is almost a similarity transformation (equation 1.79), but here the transpose of 1f appears instead of the inverse. It is called a congruent transformation. 1l-1 and the two transformations are identical. transformation is orthogonal, 'lfz If the : Example 1.11. A system has two identical pendulums connected by a spring. Each pendulum has a point object of mass rn on the end of a stiff but massless rod of length l.Eachpendulum is attached to a pivot on the roof. The two pivots are a distance ss apart. The two point objects are connected by a massless spring with spring constant k and relaxed length s6. Find the possible motions of this system. This system is most easily analyzed using Lagrangian methods.43 In equilibrium, both rods hang straight down, and the spring exerts no horizontal force. Figure 1.22 shows the system when displaced from equilibrium. The kinetic energy is K_ 43See Optional Topic E. :-rle)'.(#)') 1.6 MATRICES FIGURE 1.22. A system of coupled pendulums (Example l I l). The two objects are connected by a spring. The system has both gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy. To compute the gravitational potential energy, we put the reference level at the level of the two pivots. Then Vs : -mgl(cos 0t * cos 92) The length of the spring in Figure 1.22 is a complicated function of the angles, but we can obtain a much simpler expression if the two angles 01 and 02 remun small. (This is the small oscillation approximation.) Then with d1 ( I and 0z 11 l, the two objects are separated by a distance so * {(02 - dr) and the elastic potential energy is l" V,:U**P2-0)2 Now applying the same constraint (0 < l) to the expression for the gravitational potential energy, we obtain the total potential energy: v I : -mB(I,/ - 70?- 7e"2\+ rke@z - o)2 ^ ) : -2ms( +)telgt-t mg) + )ulWt * ^s) - kr?uzlt Then the Lagrangian is L:K-V- :-el(#)'.(#)'l *2mgl -)telo,t-t *d - )te:l.*t I mil + kt20z0r 60 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE and Lagrange's equations are d aL dtnF,d2o, oL _n ^ mt"---J -t(ktI*g)il*kt20z:0 (l.82) dzg, - t (kt * ^g) 0z * klzil :0 (1.83) dtz ^ ml."---J dtz These coupled linear equations show that the motion of one pendulum influences the motion of the other. We shall now formulate this problem in the language of matrices. Note that both the kinetic and potential energies may be expressed as products of a matrix and a vector containing the velocities or the coordinates of the two pendulums. | ^ / dor do'>' y:)mtzt=:,=)(I 2 \dt'dt. / det \ ?)t l;, (1.84) I \ dt / and V -t mg) + : -2mgl * * )telO,t )tel<*t : -2mgl I )^t2re,", ( mg) - * *ox :,i r) kt20z0r t;; I (1.8s) Here the coupling is indicated by the off-diagonal terms in the matrix. Notice that we have divided the symmetric termin9fi2 into two equal parts, making the off-diagonal terms equal and the matrix symmetrical. To find the normal modes of the system, we should change the basis to obtain a diagonal matrix, indicating that the oscillations in the new coordinates are uncoupled. Since the potential energy matrix is symmetric, we know it can be diagonalized by an orthogonal transformation. A transformation of the type V:lfrVlf must also be applied to the matrix in the expression for kinetic energy, but since that is the unit matrix, it remains unchanged if the transformation is orthogonal: K' :'lfrllr : lfr1f :'lf-l'll: ll 1.6 MATRICES The characteristic equation rs kp -+-ml _L m -0 /k e l-+:-t (. \rn :Q __r k m and so the eigenvalues are I *rL x:1, lLm The eigenvectors are given by rk c (;*7 _.L\ Ir \-; o !,lG):^(":) ;-v/ ( ",,):iG:) In the first mode, \t tr): ,v/ Ltt,-gz):o or m iG) ot:oz In this mode, the two pendulums oscillate in phase, and the distance between them stays fixed. The spring does not affect the system. To find the other mode, we use the second eigenvalue: (!:,: :l; . i;,,) : r' .,*) (z:) k --m (0t -10) : Q 61 62 cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvERSE Here 91 : -02,the two pendulums are 180' out of phase, and the spring is alternately stretched and compressed. We want to find a solution in which the system oscillates, so each angular displacement may be written in the form xi : Ai cos(ait I Qi) : -co! xi , and equations 1.82 and 1.83 take the following form: Even mode: For 02 - 0y, Then d2 x; I dt2 -,?or -(h*X)"+Ler:o -1302 +Loz:o -(L+9)e' (/ m \,fl The equations are identical, as expected, and the solution forthe angular frequency is 0)e: This is the oscillation frequency for a single pendulum oflength Odd mode: For the second mode,02 : -01, -azot I, as expected' * 9) o, Le, :o - (! \m t./ - m This mode has a higher frequency because the spring provides an additional restoring force. If we initially displace the two pendulums by unequal amounts 0s and 9s, then we must decompose the displacements into two parts, one corresponding to each normal mode: 91 (o) o2(o) : to : : ,u : ti# to * ;tu to;lu to ;to The first term is the even mode, and the second is the odd mode. Thus, the system evolves as o1e) : (r+) "o, | f,, . (r+) "." l rL3,, 1.6 MATRICES E /eL!!\ro,f;" *t, oz(t):(eo+et\ 2 \ )cos1/7t-l-z / u m t We close by showing how the Lagrangian may be written in the new coordinates. Let and 4 + @t i- o).Then : | {il - o) L : )^ P ^h : lf**)' -)tfO + ,.lr)2(rrt * -t mg) 70,, ;,r,,)'l *,^,, - )tfO - ,h)2(t t-t ^g) + trz1q + D@ - th) : mt2lr*l' . (#)' *,x - o'x - r', (,*;)l The absence of cross terms nates. In matrix language, L:m(2(# Qlt shows that the motion is decoupled in these coordi- /do \ \dt / #)G Dll;l * m(z1q.r, (t,*o * fll X) : *t2(Q,,r, (X -r,, ,* *oX _ .t2mgt ,,) (rr) * r*rn The eigenvalues ,1. of the potential energy matrix are in fact the squares of the frequencies of the normal modes. The transformation matrix has the components of the normalized eigenvectors as its columns, "-z\r _l) rf - | (l 64 and cHAprER 1 DEScRtBtNG THE UNIvERSE it is orthogonal. Thus, the transformed potential energy matrix is kgk V':1f ?\ --l11 mLm I -l )( kk mm -+ g .( g I 11 :( 1 -l )( 2kl*gm ;)(1 _l) mL 2k[. * Sm m(. ) 0\ (: 2k(+ sm m(. / tI and it is diagonal, as expected. The diagonal elements are the eigenvalues of the matrix. The Lagrangian contains two matrices, and we have succeeded in making them both diagonal simultaneously. The question then arises: Can we always do this? We can if both matrices are rcal symmetric matrices and at least one of them is positive definite. A matrix is positive definite if x?.Ax r0 (1.86) for an arbitrary vector x. In the example above, one of our maffices was the unit matrix, and the eigenvalues were found from the equation det (V - lll) :0 More generally, the equation for the eigenvalues in a Lagrangian oscillation problem is det (V where K is the kinetic - i.K) : 0 (1.87) energy matrix. This matrix is always positive definite, and both matrices are symmetric, so simultaneous diagonalization is possible in this case. (See Problem 53.) The resulting eigenvalues are called generalized eigerwalues. The eigenvectors are solutions of the matrix equation Vx:,i,Kx The transformation in this case need not be, and usually is not, orthogonal. PROBLEMS 65 1.6.6. Matrices and Quantum Mechanics One very important application of matrices in physics is in quantum mechanics. The state of a system is represented by a vector in a finite or infinite-dimensional vector space. Any physically measurable property of the system may be obtained by allowing a matrix to operate on the state. The matrix represents the physical operator. The eigenvalues of the matrix represent the possible values of the physical measurement. The fact that matrices do not commute, in general, leads to some interesting physical consequences, such as the uncertainty principle. PROBLEMS : fl i , I I | Circular motion. Answer this question without using Cartesian components. A particle it moving around a circle with angular velocity <ir. Wrlte its velocity vector i as a vector product of 6 and the position vector i with respect to the center of the circle. Justify yout expression using geometrical arguments. Differentiate your relation for i, and hence derive the angular form of Newton's second law (equation 1.8). (i : 1d) from the standard form the vector i : (1, 2,2) and perpendicular to cts. Determine the transformation matrix .A ordinate system with x'-axis along fr and yt- : (-20, g, 12),zurd fr : (0, -4,3) are mutu- ne the transformation matrix that transforms stem to a system with x'-axis along il, y/-axis ansformation to find components of the vectors I, -2) in the prime system. Discuss the result lectric and magnetic fields i and i. Show that r\u, )" "u n locity i : io * e6, where 6 is a unit vector 1) and fl : Bo(I, -2,1), set up a {o(1,-t, g E x B and y'-axis along E. Determine the etermine the components of i(r) and i(r) in e a criterion for "short time." y <i. Using cylindrical coordinates with z-axis of the velocity vector i at an arbitrary-point in cylindrical coordinates to evaluate V x i. 66 CHAPTEB 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE conservation of mass in a fixed volume V, use the divergence theorem to derive the continuity equation for fluid flow: 6. Starting from 0p At 7. +i.(pi):o where p is the fluid density and i its velocity. Find the matrix that represents the transformation obtained by (a) rotating about the xaxis by 45o counterclockwise and then (b) rotating about the y'-axis by 30' clockwise. What are the components of a unit vector along the original z-axis in the new (doubleprime) system? [8] ooes the matrix / cosl sind 0 \ I sin0 -cosd 0 o t) \o 9. I represent a rotation of the coordinate axes? If not, what transformation does it represent? Draw a diagram showing the old and new coordinate axes, and comment. Represent the following transformation using matrices: (a) a rotation about the z-axis through an angle z/3, followed by (b) a reflection in the line through the origin and in the x-y plane, at an angle 2n 13 to the original x-axis, where both angles are measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis. Express your answer as a single matrix. You should be able to recognize the matrix either as a rotation about the z-axis through an angle a or as a reflection in a line through the origin at an angle cv to the -r-axis' Decide whether this transformation is a reflection or a rotation, and give the value of a' (Note: For the pulposes of this problem, reflection in a line in the .r-y plane leaves the z-axis unchanged.) 10. Solve this problem without using Cartesian components. Using polar coordinates, write the components of the position vectors of two points in a plane: P1, with coordinates 11 and 01, and P2, with coordin ales 12 and 02. (That is, write each vector in the form i : uri + uo0.) What are the coordinates 13 and 93 of the point P3 whose position vector is iz:il +iz? Hint: Startby drawing the position vectors. 11. A skew (nonorthogonal) coordinate system in a plane has x'-axis along the x-axis and y'-axis at an angle g to the x-axis, where 0 < ft 12. (a) Write the transformation matrix that transforms vector components from the Carte- x-y system to the skew system' (b) Write an expression for the distance between two neighboring points in the skew sian system. Comment on the differences between your expression and the standard Cartesian exPression. (c) Write the equation for a circle of radius a, with center at the origin, in the skew system. PROBLEMS 67 E2l Prove the Jacobi identity: dx 1.3. $ ri)+6 x @ x d)+i x (d " B1 :o Evaluate the vector product (dxilx(ixd) rn terms of triple scalar products. What is the result if all four vectors lie in a single glane? What is the result if a, b, and i are mutually perpendicular? What is the result if b:d? 14. Evaluate the product (d x 6) . G x dl in terms of dot products of d, 6, i, and d. 15. Use the vector cross product to express the area of a triangle in three different ways. Hence prove the sine rule (see figure): sino_sinf_sinlz ABC C PROBLEM E6.lUse the dot product fd 15 - 6l . td - il to prove the cosine rule for a triangle: ,2 : o2 +bz -2ab cosy 17. A tetrahedron has its apex at the origin and its edges defined by the vectors d, f,, and i, each of which has its tail at the origin (see the figure on the next page). Defining the normal to each face to be outward from the interior of the tetrahedron, determine the total vector area4 ofthe four faces ofthe tetrahedron. Find the volume ofthe tetrahedron. 4A vector area is represented by a vector l- cross product as in Section 1.1.2, 68 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBINGTHE UNIVERSE o PROBLEM t7 18. A sphere ofunit radius is centered at the origin. Points U, V, and W on the surface of the sphere have position vectors i, i, and fr. Show that points P and Q on the sphere, located on a diameter perpendicular to the plane containing the points U, V, and W, have position vectors given by i:* frxi+ixfr+*xd li, i, fr'l where I is the angle between the vectors i and i. cos 0 L9. Show that ix(io):o for any scalar field O. [zO.l rma an expression for 21. Prove the identity ira.[t : i x G x t) (d. in terms of derivatives of d and 6. i)6+ 6. V)a+d x (i " B) +6 x (i Hint: Start with the last two terms on the right-hand side. 22. Compfie i (a ,. 6) in t"r-, of curl d and curl 6. 23. Obtain an expression for i x (di), and hence show that i @f,tne x (Oi il x d) : O. equation of motion for a fluid may be written , (#+ 6 vrt) :-ip+pd where i is the fluid velocity at a point, p its density, and P the pressure. The acceleration due to gravity is E. Use the result of Problem 21 to show that for fluid flow that is incompressible (p : constant) and steady (0 I 0t = 0), Bernoulli's law holds: f + \Ou2 + pCh: constant along a streamline 69 PROBLEMS Hint: Express the statement "constant along a streamline" as a directional derivative being equal to zero. Under what conditions is P throughout the fluid? * lOr2 + pgh equalto an absolute constant, the same 25. Evaluate the integral $" at JC where (a) C is the unit circle in the x-y plane and centered at the origin and il:x2y* -*y25, (b) C is a semicircle of radius a in the x-y plane with the flat side along the x-axis, the center ofthe circle at the origin, and i: xy23 + y*2j, (c) C is a 3-4-5 right-angled triangle with the sides of length 3 and 4 along the ),-axes, respectively, and and i^ :.x-x + xyy u @ x- C is a semicircle of radius a inlhex-y plane with the flat side along the r-axis, the center ofthe circle at the origin, and i: (2x - y3)i - (3y2 + "')y 26, Evaluate the integral Ir.aA "/s where (a) S is a sphere ofradius 2 centered on the origin and i: x3i +3yz2y -f3y2zi (b) S is a hemisphere of radius 1, with the center of the sphere at the origin, the flat side in the x-y plane, and i: x2yz(! -12) Show that the vector i:xi-fyy-2zi 70 cHAprER 1 DESCRTBTNG THE has zero divergence function @ such that uNrvEFsE (it is solenoidal) and zero curl (it is inotational). Find a scalar i: and a vector i. Vd such that i:VxA [2&l Strow that the vector n:i 12 has zero divergence (it is solenoidal) and zero curl (it is irrotational) for a scalar function @ such that i: rI 0. Find Vd and a vector d. such that i:ixi 29. A surface S is bounded by a curve C. The solid angle subtended by the surface S at a point P, where P is in the vicinity of but not on the curve, is given by [4+ a: ""_ J, R, Here * i' - dal is an element of area of the loop projected perpendicular to the vector f,. : chosen origin O, and *', * is the position vector of the point P with respect to some is a vector that labels an arbitrary point on the surface or the curve. Now let the curve rigidly displaced by a small amount d3. Express the resulting change in solid angle dQ as an integral around the curve. Hence, show that be Vo:-i *{oi JcR 30. Prove the theorems (a) l,u, o, : f,ar dA (b) it dv IrU " : fla ' i,t oo 71 PROBLEMS 31. Prove @ f-f- 6adt:/frxYedA lc Js (b) f r/(fixvlxidA:$dtxi Js Jc 32. Derive the expressions for gradient, divergence, curl, and the Laplacian coordinates. in spherical 33. In polar coordinates in a plane, the unit vectors i and 6 are functions ofposition. Draw a diagram showing the vectors i at two neighboring points with angular coordinates I and 0 * d0.Use your diagram to find the difference Ai and hence find the derivative ai I ae. @ fne vector operator I L_ -FxV i appears in physics as the angular momentum operator. (Here position vector.) Prove the identity ifi' fl : i+ i(i . d) + I : J= and i is the ;(i x i) for an arbitrary vector d. 35. Can you express the vector d : (1, 2,3) as a linear combination of the v_ectors d1 : (1, 1, 1), i2 : (1, 0, -l), and i3 : Q,1,0)? Can you express the vector b : (1,3,2) as a linear combination of the vectors il1 , iz , and d: ? Explain your answers geometrically. 36. Show that an antisymmetric 3 x 3 matrix has only three independent elements. How many independent elements does a symmetric 3 x 3 matrix have? Extend these results toanNxNmatrix. 37. Show that if any two rows of a matrix are equal, its determinant is zero. b&lP.ove that a matrix with one row of zeros has a determinant equal to zero. Also show that if an N x N matrix is multiplied by a constant c, its determinant is multiplied by rN. 39. Prove that a matrix and its transpose have the same determinant. i 40. Prove that the trace of a matrix is invariant under change of basis-that is, CAC-I) : Tr (A) is invariant under change of basis-that is, determinant of a real symmetric matrix equals 72 CHAPTER 1 DESCRIBING THE UNIVERSE the product of two matrices is zero, it is not necessary that either one be zero. In particular, show that a2 x 2 matrix whose square is zero may be written in terms of two parameters a and b, and find the general form of the matrix. Verify that its determinant @Jlt 1S ZerO. 43. If the product of the matrix ,\ : f: \c Or\ and another nonzero matrix lB is zero, find d) the elements of B. You may find it necessary to impose some conditions on matrix ,4. so, state what they are. If 44. Diagonalize the matrix (iii) 45. Show that a real symmetric matrix with one or more eigenvalues equal to zero has no inverse (it is singular). i46. Diagonalize the orthogonal? ( ? ) -O ^uti* \3! 4/ find the eigenvectors. Are the eigenvectors If not, why not? 47. What condition must be imposed on the matrix ,A in order that.AlB : AC with B If B:(l s) and + C? a:(; l) find a matrix ,A such that.AlE : AC. 48. Showthatif .AisarealsymmetricmatrixandCisorthogonal,then.A'/: C.AC-I isalso symmetric. ,A,lE : IEA if both A and lB are diagonal matrices. that the inner product is invariant with respect to change ofbasis under orthogonal Prove [50.l 49. Show that transformations. 51. A quadratic expression of the form cv x2 + 2frxy I yy2 : 1 represents a curve in the x-y plane. (a) Write this expression in matrix form. (b) Diagonalize the matrix, and hence identify the form of the curve and find its symmetry axes. Determine how the shape of the curve depends on the values of a, p, and y. Draw the curve in the case u : I :2,y :3. 52. Two small objects, each of mass m, are joined by a spring of relaxed Tength l.Identical springs hold each mass to a wall. The walls are separated by a distance 31. Write the Lagrangian for the system, and find the normal modes and the oscillation frequency for each mode. a jointed pendulum system. Two point objects, each of mass linked by stiff but massless rods, each of length l. The upper rod is attached to a pivot. The system is in equilibrium when both rods hang vertically below the pivot. The figure shows the system when displaced from equilibrium. 53. Find the normal modes of tn, are PROBLEMS 73 Write the Lagrangian for the system in matrix form. Simultaneously diagonalize the kinetic energy and potential energy matrices, and find the generalized eigenvalues. Determine the eigenvectors. Find the matrix that effects the transformation, and verify that both matrices are diagonalized. PROBLEM 53 CHAPTER 2 Complex Variables 2.1. ALL ABOUT NUMBERS Numbers are classified emotionally! The Greeks liked integers and rationals (a rational number is the ratio of two integers). Integers: 1.2,3.4,... Rationals: l3to7 2' 4' 436" " But they did not like irrationals (irrationals are numbers that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers). Yet irrationals show up in lots of common circumstances, like the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Irrationals: e, rr, 4,]rr-2, .. . In spite of the name, there is nothing wrong with these numbers, as we all know, and we have no trouble computing with them. What happens when we try to solve the following quadratic equation? f(z):22+z+5=:g z It doesn't factor, so we use the formula: 1,J4 :_r= :.: -r+/T-to2 2 This result does not exist in the list of numbers written above. We can see this geoqnetrically by plotting the function f (z) z2 + z + {figo." 2.1) andnoticing that the function does : t not cross the z-axis. The solution to the dilemma is to add a dimension to our number system. We define the quantiryl^/J : i so that the solution to the equation is I --: -1* 2-ti:x*iy i lEngineers often use the notation j = nE1. 75 ' L 76 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES f(x) -2 FIGURE2.l. -1 0 (x): Thecurve f 12+r+512doesnotintersectthe.r-axis,sotheequation has no real solutions. f (x):O We now need two real numbers, x and y, to describe the complex number z. The number y multiplying the i is called the imaginary part,2 while.x is the real part. Now the original expression becomes a function of the two real numbers x and y: z2+z+ Since i2 5 5 t :(x*iy)2+x-liy1: , : x2 -l2ixy I i'y' +x I iy 5 I , : -1, this expression becomes f(z) : fi(x, y) r ifz@, !) : x2 - y2 +*+ 5 t -t iy(2x * t) To plot this expression we would have to plot the two functions -fi : and f2 - y(2x + 1). To obtain solutions of /(z) : 0, we require thar *2 - y2 + x + ] f1 and f2 be zero simultaneously. By allowing the extra dimension, we find that both figures intersect the plane f : 0 at two common points x : -+, y : ++.. By allowing ourselves to use complex numbers with both real and imaginary parts, we are able to solve an enormous number of equations that do not have real solutions, notjust quadratics of the type we considered here. Complex numbers satisfy all the usual algebraic rules, so long as we remember that i2 : -1. Then, for example, Addition: u,,',i 2**' : l' l,',1',,i ;] l',1 : ;, 5+t 2The name is unfortunate; these numbers are not "imaginary" in the normal sense of the word. In fact, they prove extraordinarily useful in solving problems in the rea.l world of physics. 77 2.1 ALLABOUTNUMBERS Subtraction: (a'fib) - (c * id): + si) - (3 - 4i) : (2 (a (2- c) + i(b 3) + (s - d) + 4)i : -l +9i Multiplication: : ac * i(bc 'f ad) + izaa : ac - bd -f i(bc t ad) (2+5i) x (3 - 4i):26*7i (a * ib) x (c * id) (2.1) Division is trickier if we want to write the result in the standard x * iy form. As a preamble, noticefromequation (2.1)that,ifwetakea - c,theimaginarypartoftheproductiszerofor d: -b.Thus, theproductof anumberz : a *ib with its complex conjugate z* : a -ib is purely real. The complex conjugate z* of any complex number z is formed by changing the sign of its imaginary part. The product of a complex number and its complex conjugate is purely real and nonnegatrve: zz* : (a:i ib)(a - ib) : a2 + (2.2) b2 We can make use of this result when dividing two complex numbers. We multiply the top and bottom of the ratio by the complex conjugate of the denominator: 1!:#i: (T.*)(=#) xtxz I yryz + i(y1x2 *l+fi - xrx2l yty2 . .(ytxz - x1y2) *]+f, " xtYz) *]+fi So we may write the result of the division in the standard form: (z+si) _ (2+si) (3 - 4t) (3 - (3 4i1 G +4i) + : _!25*T, :,l!+T,i 2s (3') + 4'z) 4i) 2.1.1. The Argand Diagram The Argand diagram (or complex plane) is a diagram in which we plot complex numbers as points with x and y coordinates equal to the real and imaginary parts of the number, L- 78 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES respectively (Figure 2.2). Since we may equally well describe a point in the plane using polar coordinates (r, 0), we can express the number as z:x+iy:r(cos9*isin0) (2.3) where r : J*4 y'is the length of the line from the origin to P and is called the amplitude (or absolute value) of z: r : lzl. The angle measured counterclockwise from the x-axis, 0 : tan-r(ylx),is called the argument (or phase) of z:0 : arg (z). As x -+ 0, y/x --> -|ooforpositivey,and9 -+ -n/2asx -+ 0. < 2r or --> +TTl2.Similarly,fornegativey,0 By convention, we choose a range of -t <0 <n. 2r for the angle 0. Usual choices are 0 < 0 v' Im (z) -r, Re (z) 01/2 FIGURE 2.2. The Argand diagram allows is described by Cartesian usf plot complex numbers as points in a plane. The point or polar (z : ,"ie) coordinates. Q,L / x + iy) There is a nifty way to express z in terms of the polar coordinates 0z ae - r(- sind * i cos0) : r and 0 . Notice that i7 We can integrate this differential equation to get z - g(r)eio at 0 : 0 and compare with the original expression (2.3) in terms and sin 9, we see that we should take g(r) : r. Thus, If we evaluate this result of cos I z: rei9 (2.4) 2.1 ALLABOUT NUMBEHS 79 which is the polarform for z. In this form, multiplication and division are really easy: : ZIZ2 r1r2si(0t*02) and zl _ rt ^i(ot_oz) z2 12 Comparing relations (2.4) and (2.3), we see that we may write eio:cos1 f isin0 a (2.s) relation called Euler's formula. Changing the sign of the angle, we find e-io : cosd i sin0 - Then, adding the two relations, we have cos 0 eiq + e-iq -- (2.6) 2 and subtracting, we have sin0: eiq _ e-iq (2.7) 2i These expressions are similar to the definitions of the hyperbolic functions; coshx : 'x + e-x and 22 sinhx : e' - e-' t Thus, we have the relation cosh : cosd (l0) (2.8) and, conver'bely, cos : (l9) cosh d (2.9) Similarly, sinh (i 9) : I sinp (2.10) I sinhO (2.1t) and sin (i 0) : 80 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES a complex number is not necessarily a real number between - 1 and I . When using complex numbers, we must recognize that functions may behave differently than they do when we work with numbers that are purely real. Using these relations, we note that the cosine of Example 2.1. sin (2i * Evaluate sin(2i n /4) : ,i -l r /4). (2i -fn I 4) _ 2i e-2(cosn f4 : i (2i+n I 4) "- * rt (, sinh 2 * ; I sin ir l4) - e2(cosn l4 - i sinn /4) 2i cosh 2) :2.6603 + 2.5646i Notice that both the real part and the absolute value of this number are greater than 1. Algebraic operations on complex numbers can be regarded as geometric operations in the complex plane (Figure 2.3, a,b, c). For example, Addition of complex numbers <----> Vector addition (Figure 2.3a) Im (z) Re (z) 012 FIGURE 2.3a. Addition of complex numbers is equivalent to addition of position vectors in the Plane. Here zZ: zt I zZ. Using this diagram, it is straightforward to prove the inequalities lzr -f zzl and lzt-zzl ' < lzrl * lzzl (2.t2) llzrl -lzzll (2.r3) 2.1 ALLABOUTNUMBERS 81 Complex conjugate <---+ Reflection in the real axis (Figure 2.3b) Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.3b. The complex conjugate is formed by reflection in the real axis. Multiplication of two numbers <----+ Magnification plus rotation For example, in Figure 2.3c we show the product zt x z2 - 2"ir 14 t 3"in 16 - 6"i5tt lr2 Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.3c. Multiplication is equivalent to magnification plus rotation. Here multiplication by 3ein /6 implies magnification times 3 and rotation through art angle r /6. 82 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES 2.1.2. Roots Since e2oi : cos (2n) * i sin (2n) : l, we can add2n to the argument of any complex number without changing its value. That is, z: reio : rri(o+2n1 Now let's see what happens when we take the nth root of this number: _ (reiolt/" _ rl/nri9/n zr/n This is the primary root. Now add2tt to the aryument of z and take the root again: zrln - ,tl" e*p(ito +Znlln) _ ,1 In ,i0 /n ,2ri In This root is distinct from the primary root. We can continue to add 2n (n - l) times before we repeat a root. Thus, there are n distinct nth roots of any nonzero number. They are given by ,1/n <' :-' rl/noi(0*2nm)/n w eJ4) r :rt/nl"o"(t *'"^) *,r,n (t *'"^\1, n n L \ / Example 2.2. Find the cube roots of First write 1 : lexp \ m : l: l/3 eo 1t/3r2ti/3 o <m <n (2.t5) 1. (2rim), m:0,1,2 Then the roots are exp (2n i m I 3), with m m:0: /J : 0, 7, and 2. -,7 : cos(2r/3)*isin (2n13) | .Jj : --+r22 and m:2: l/3"4ti/3 : cos(4r13)* j sin @n/3): -)-,f Tbking m > 2 does not give any new roots-we simply repeat the values we have already found. The roots fall at the vertices of an equilateral triangle in the complex plane (Figure 2.4). 2.1 ALLABOUTNUMBERS 83 Im (z) Z2 I 0.5 -0 Zl 0. -t Re (z) 05 -0.5. I -1 FIGURE 2.4. The cube roots of unity lie at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. One vertex lies on the real axis at the point z : l. The nth roots of a number always fall at the vertices of a symmetrical n-sided figure the complex plane. For example, the fifth roots fall at the vertices of a pentagon. in 2.1.3. Complex Functions Mappings A complex function u(z) takes the numb er z : x *iy and generates a new complex number l.D -- u * iu. Since a plane is needed to plot a single qrmber, complex functions cannot be represented in a single two- or three-dimensional dialram. We would need 2 x 2 : 4 dimensions. Thus, instead, we use two diagrams, and we think of a complex function as a mapping of the complex plane onto another copy of itself. Example 2.3. Describe the mapping W:In terms of the coordinates w .r , I z y or r, 0 , we have :u +i, : -] . :'r].i!. :l : x+ty x'+y' r "-,t peiQ We can map out in the u.,-plane the image of a curye in the z-plane. For example, the unit circle in the z-plane (r : l) mapsto a circle (p : 1) in the u.r-plane, but traversed in the opposite sense (Q : -0). The inside of the circle (r < 1) in the z-plane maps to the outside of the circle (p > l) in the u.r-plane, and vice versa (Figure 2.5). This function gives us the complete u-plane from the complete z-plane, one to one. 84 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEXVARIABLES FIGURE2.5. Thefunction(mapping) u: l/zmapstheinteriorof thecircle lel : l totheexterior of the circle u I : 1. Traveling around the unit circle in the z-plane counterclockwise corresponds to traveling around the unit circle in the u.,-plane clockwise. I Multivalued Functions and Branch Cuts Some functions don't work that way. The log function exhibits some of the possible curious behaviors: w : lnz :ln (reie) : lnr * i0 : u I iu If we take all possible points in the z-plane with 0 < 0 < 2n, we get only one strip of the ur-plane,0<u<2n.Thisisthefirstbranch,orprincipalbranch,ofthefunction'Toget the whole w-plane,we have to go around the z-plane more than once; that is, we have to add l2rn to the argument of z. (We can imagine the plane as a pad of paper containing many I increases also. (We move to the next sheet in the pad and to a new branch of the function.) The positive x-axis forms the branch cut of the cornplex plane for this function. As we cross the positive r-axis, we move from one sheet to the next, or to a new copy of the plane. The branch cut-here, the positive x-axis-acts as a ramp that allows us to move from one sheet to the next. With the log function, we have to go around infinitely many times to generate the whole ra-plane. Thus, this funption has infinitely many branches. (Our pad of paper has infinitely many sheeti.) With n : 0, we getthe principal sheets, each labeled by the integer n.) Every time we cross the positive.r-axis, by 2n, and thus u increases by 2t branch of the function. If we choose to define 0 such that -r < e < z, then the branch cut lies along the negative x-axis at 0 : n. Thus, we can phoose the position ofthe branch cut by choosing the range of values for 0. The choice tha[ we make affects the value of f (z) . For example, consider the point zo that lies on the negative imaginary axis at a distance lzol : 2 from the origin (Figure 2.6, a,b). With the branch cut along the positive real axis, and hence 0 < 0 < 2n, zohas argument 0 :3n 12, and so for the principal branch ln z0 lbranch cut on positive real axis: ln 2 * 3n ,. t However, with the branch cut along the negative real axis, and hence -n < 0 < 1r, zohas 2.1 ALLABOUTNUMBERS FIGURE 2.6a. Branch cut on the positive FIGURE x-axis. The poirit z6 (x : 0, | : -2) has argtmett3tr f 2. argument 0 : -r 85 2.6b. Branch cut on the negative -x-axis. The point zg has argu- mert -n /2. 12, and so for the principal branch ln zo luranctr cut on negative real axis: ,r h 2 - -t 2 Since the two values are different, so are the two functions. The cube root function has three branches, since adding more multiples of 2n to the argument simply reproduces the same roots that we already found with n : O, 1,2. For both these functions, the branch cut ends at the origin, which is the branch point for each function. Think of the branch cut as a tadpole with a fixed head (the branch point) and a movable tail (the branch cut). 2.1.4. An Example from Physics To demonstrate the use of complex variables in physics, let's look at an electromagnetic wave. The general expression for a plane wave may be written in the form y : yocos (f. *. - at i Q) *uu"; f , the wave vector, gives the direction of propagation and also the wavelength, ,1. : 2r /k| o is the angular frequency; and the wave speed is u : @lk. The phase constant, /, is the wave phase at i : 0, / : 0. For an electromagnetic wave, the electric wave amplitude is a vector: where y6 is the amplitude of the i: We can with d i - c,.tt -f Q) simplify the expression by choosing our r-axis along kx - cot + d', we can write : E where frocos (R' : : io :io"iQ Eo Re (exp Re io "iQ (ilkx e*p - (ilkx f. Then, using equation (2.5) ot -t QD) - @tl) : Re io is the complex amplitude of the wave. exp (ilkx - \ cotl) (2.16) 86 oHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES This mathematical description makes it easier to investigate the propagation of a wave. Let's start with Maxwell's equations: Y .D: pf (2.17) i.f,:o (2.18) ai VxE (2.19) At VxH:itt-aD u where D : eE is the electric displacement, the magnetic induction (2.20) i :- pfr, and H is the magnetic field. Now assume a solution of theform(2.16) forbothE andB, and substitute into the equations. For waves in a region where the free charge and current densities are pf : 0 and j/ : 0, Maxwell's equations take the following form: Gauss' law (equation 2.17): zero, ikeE* - ikB" - O Gauss'law for B (equation 2.18): Q : O;both i and B are perpendicular to the direction of propagation. further by choosing our y-axis along the direction of E. Then from Now let's simplify (equation 2.19) we get Faraday's law Thus, E, : 0 and Bx aEy 0x ikE, _ _aBz - iaB, 0t (2.21) while from Ampere's law (equation 2.20) we get (2.22) - -iaeEy -ikBJ LL Combining equations (2.21) and (2.22), we get kEy:r\ Since we want a solution with E, f /aue \ Er) * 0, we must have a1 -:kJw whichis the wavephase speed. Inavacuum, relation (2.23)becomesl^lf k (2.23) : l/J1t'om = c' 87 2.1 ALLABOUTNUMBERS Now let's see what happens if we allow the wave to propagate through a conducting medium with conductivity o, but e and p, real. There will be a current given by j: "i, which must be included in Ampere's law. Equation (2.22)becomes -ikBJ u : o Et. - nr9- irotE,.* B. - -i29! -tK Now when we combine this equation wirh (2.21), we get kEr-iif"-iae)p.E, Again we may cancel the factor En to get a relation between k2 : irott(o a and k: - iae): ialto I ro2p,e (2.24) We expect the frequency to be a real number,3 but then the squarg of the wave number is complex! This means that k itself must be complex, so let's write it as k:rc*iy (2.2s) Before proceeding, we should ask whether this idea makes sense. If we put our expression for k back into equation (2.16), we find E : : Re Eo exp (t[(r * iy)x - Re i, exp (i[rcx ' - io cos (rx ot I - rot]) rlrtD exp (-yx) (2.26) Q)e-Y' thus, the rlave amplitude decreases exponentially as the wave propagates. The wave energy is converted to kinetic energy of electrons as the electric field drives an oscillating current in the conducting medium. OK; let's solve for this complex k. With k2 : rc2 - y2 +2ircy equation (2.24) becomes *2 - y2 -f 2ircy : iap,o I a2 pte Equating real and imaginary parts, we get two equations for rc and o: '2-Y2:'2 l"' (2.27) 3Thi, ir th" usual convention, but it is sometimes useful to make the opposite assumption, choosing k rcal complex. and a 88 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES and 2rcy - olto (2.28) Then, from equation (2.28), (Dl.LO r- (2.2e) 2r Substituting this into equation (2.27) gives *4-r21,e*2-(T)':o We can solve this quadratic in rc2 to get *r:t!9(r+ 2\ Since r is real by definition, 12 must be positive, so we take the *' :"{t (, * .\ * sign: (*)' (2.30) which reduces to our previous result (2.23) when o -+ 0, as required. Now let's solve for y. We substitute our solution (2.30) for r into equation (2.29): '2r @l.Lo 2er+\n+@lr$ Now in the limit of low conductivity (o << ra.€), these results become which is only slightly different from the result for a nonconducting medium, and p ^._o , -ty; which is small and directly proportional to o, as we might expect. In the limit of high conductivity (o )) oe), we get atJ@ T- A Y* 'l-: (pl.Ld 2 (2.3r) 89 2.2 FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES and @polz FO Y: opo 2*: 2 Urw:Y ,. :* Now what does this all mean? According to equation (2.26), when the conductivity is low, the amplitude decreases slowly (y {1 rc), but when the conductivity is high, y : rc and the wave travels only a short distance into the medium, as shown inFigure 2.7 . Ey Es 08 06 04 02 -02 FIGURE 2.7. The magnitude of the electric field vector decreases rapidly with distance inside conducting medium. Here we show (the high conductivity limit). E, as a function of .x at a fixed time t , with K : a y 2.2. FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES We have already discussed the notion of a complex function as a rnapping of the complex plane onto itself. It is now time to explore some properties of these mappings. 2.2.1. Continuity A real function f (x) is continuous at x : a if, for any positive e. we can choose 6 such that whenever lhl < 6, then also a positive lf@+h)-f(a)l<e / (x) is close to / (a) whenever x is close to a (for example, see Stewart, Section 2.5). We can extend this definition to complex functions simply by replacing x with z and interpreting the absolute value as the absolute value of a complex number. Then a function is continuous If f (z + ft) is close to f (z) in the mapped plane. or, loosely speaking, 90 oHAPTER Example 2 ooMPLEX vARIABLES 2.4. Showthatthefunction f (z) : l/z: (l/r)e-id iscontinuousexcept at the origin. Leth : n + i6.Then, for z I 0, I f(z+n): f@+iy+n+i6): x *rt * t(y +6) x*n-i(y-1l) (x -t D2 + (y *6)2 Thus, neglecting squares of the small quantities 4 and 6, we have f(z+ h1 i'= x -f n - i(Y -f 6) - -'=- fQ) - '(x-lD2+(y*6)2 x2+v2 (rl+,d)(-r -iy)2 (*2 + y2 * (x2 +2xr1 2xr7 12yD@2 + y2) h(x - iy)2 + y2 +2y6)(x2 + y2) -+0 asft-+0 Thus, the function is continuous. But the function is not defined at the origin, where x : ! :0, and so / cannotbe continuous there. But look at the cube root function (Section 2.1.2)wirh branch cut along the positive real axis (0 . I < 2n).If we consider only the first, or principal, branch, the function is not continuous. Let zo : reis and the neighboring point zr - vsi(2r'6') (Figure 2.8a). Then : fr(zo) : wt : h(z) : wo but rr/3 exp (i6/3) rt/3 exp (ilZn - 6]/3) FIGURE 2.8a. The principal branch ofthe cube root function is not continuous across the branch cut, here chosen to be along the positive x-axis. The two points zg and z1 are very close together, but on opposite sides of the branch cut' The point ur1 is not close to u.,s (Figure 2.8b). However, there are two more branches of this function: fz(z) : rrl3 exp (i I2r + el fi) 2.2 FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 91 and fzk) : ,i't p (i Vn + el F) " : f2(zt) : rr/3 expfi( n - S)/31 and w3 : ftk) : : rr/3expti(6n -6)/31 rr/3exp(-is/3) in the ur-plane also (Figure 2.8c). Then we Let's plot the points w2 that /3(21) lies close to fi(zd. That is, the function is continuous if we are willing to switch from one branch to another. Points that are on opposite sides of the branch cut are not close for a single branch of the function. We have to change from one branch to another see as we cross the branch cut. : fi(e6) and ul : ft(zt) are not close FIGURE 2.8b. The points u;6 FIGURE2.8c. Thepoint u3 to u;6. - -fl(zr) is close together. Functions with More Than One Branch Point r The function f (z) : .tnT? has two branch points, at z : *:i. Thus, there are also two branch cuts, one starting at each ofthe branch points. We can understand the behavior of -f i). Let's first choose each branch cut this function if we factor it as f (z) : ^re= Dk to run from its branch point upward along the imaginary axis (Figure 2.9a).Then, in polar coordinates with origin at the point z : i, we write Z-i:preiLt, With origin at the point z wrtn|>Qr 3tr 2 : -i, : pz"ih, f2 , Qz, '- -34 2 Then, for points on the right side of the imaginary axis above z : Qz: n12, pr: y - 1, and p2: y * l, so Zl-i f (z) : J npre@r+D with i , we have @1 : J0 - D(y + t)"in/2 - i 17= : n 12, 92 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES FIGURE 2.9a. Here we have chosen both branch cuts to run upward. We describe distances pr and p2 from the points @2, as shown here. I and -i For points on the left side of the imaginary axis above z : a point z by its and the conesponding angles i, Qt @1 and : -3n /2 and Qz : -hu /2, SO - lxy + D r-i3tr/2 : i{y' - | and the function is continuoo, u".orl the imaginary axis. Below z : -i, there no branch cuts and the function is continuous. However, for points between -i and *i, we have f(z) :/y On the right: tT f k): t/ ptr-'"12Pzsi'r/2 _y2 - JPtn: On the left: f (z): J;i-E7rer;t ;It : Je Te _ i0 + i"-i" _ _u[ _ yz The function is not continuous across the imaginary axis. This choice for the two branch cuts is equivalent to having a single branch cut that runs from one point to the other (Figure 2.9b). i to run upward while that from On the other hand, if we choose the branch cut from z > (Figure > then r 2.9c), runs downward z 12 < Qz < 3n 12. l2but 12 Qr : -i Above z : : -3r j, we have -r On the right: f (z) : J;A;n;;;n - "io JTn : i /2 y2_ On the left: .f (z) : J;i=tf;/r;O;n - ,-itt /2 4Qy pz : -i \f y2 - and the function is discontinuous. A similar situation holds below there are no branch cuts and the function is continuous. -i. 1 Between i and -i, 93 2.2 FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES FIGURE 2.9b. The situation in Figure 2.9a is equivalent to having a single branch cut that runs from one FIGURE 2.9c, Here we have chosen one branch cut to run upward and the other to run downward. branch point to the other. 2.2.2. Di|erentiabi I ity A real function f (x) is differentiable f(a*h\- "'f(al lim"' h+0 hi at x : a if, for h > 0, existsandequals lim ' i:0 (for example, see Stewart, Section 2.8). Thus, the function differentiable everywhere, while the function f f(a)- f(a-h) h f(x) : x2 (Figure 2.10a) ifx<0 ifx>0 |. -.r Q;: {' f(x) 25 20 l5 10 5 FIGURE 2.10a. 24 The function f (x) : x2 is differentiable. ls 94 cHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES (Figure 2.10b) is not differentiable at x : 0 because -h lim_- h+0 h lim h-->o -l : -l while -/(o-r) : i:ohh-ohn-o l.m /(o) tin] o-,(-fr) : lim I : I The two limits are not equal, and thus the derivative does not exist. f(x) FIGURE 2.10b. This function has an abrupt change of slope at the origin: limr-;g1 df /dx but limr-6- df /dx : *1. The function is not differentiable at the origin. : -l Now with complex functions, we need to let one point approach the other not just along the real axis, in either direction, but along any line in the complex plane (Figure 2.ll).ln particular, we must get the same limit for the derivative if we approach z from a neighboring point along either the real or the imaginary axisa: .. .f(z+dz)-f(z)l rrrrr dz-0 That is, with ---------- /(z) lim : u(x .. f(z+dz)-f(dl rrrrr ----l laz:ax dz-O dZ clz laz:idy u(x, y) + iu(x, y), * dx, y) + iu(x * dx, y) - u(x, y) - dv) u(x' v) iu(x, y) dx dx--+O : lim dy-->o u(x, y I dy) + iu(x, !* idv 4This condition tums out to be not only necessary but also sufficient. - - iu(x, v) 95 2.2 FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES FIGURE 2.11. For a function to be differentiable at z, we must get the same the point z along any line in the complex plane. limit when we approach Taking the limits, we obtain 0u u+i Du l/0u u: Eu\ : 0u Du *' ;(u, u) -' ur* u, Equating real and imaginary parts, we get the Cauchy-Riemann relations: 0u 0x 0u 0y (2.32) and 0u 6x 0u 0y (2.33) These relations must be satisfied by any function that is differentiable.s We may now write the derivative as df 0u .0u 0u .0u dz 0x "ax- ay '0y (2.34) Conversely, if the Cauchy-Riemann conditions are satisfied and the partial derivatives are continuous, then the function is differentiable. Consider a small displacement 6z : 6x*i 5y. Then ur:(#.,#)u,*(X+tfi)at 5See Problem 17 for an alternative statement ofthe differentiability condition. 96 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES Applying equations (2.32) and (2.33), we find ur: (y.,#) (dx*i uD: (#+tfr)u and thus d.f -i: ,. 3f : (0, +i.0u\ ol!,* [* u ) for any 62. Example 2.5' Show that the function First note that z2 of the function are - (x * iy)z : f (z) : *2 + zixy z2 is differentiable' y2, so the real and imaginary parts - u(x, Y) : x2 - Y2 and u(x, y) - 2xy Then 0u^Eu Ex Dy and 0u 0u - -1r' -0y- 0x so the Cauchy-Riemann relations are satisfied and the partial derivatives are continuous. The derivative is df 3u .0u I(0u .0u\ ;:i*';:;(ur*'u) :2(x * iy) :22 which is exactly the expression we might expect. In fact, complex derivatives obey all the usual rules of real derivatives, such as the product rule. As is the case with real functions, complex functions that "blow up" are not differentiable, and functions that are not continuous are not differentiable. Thus, functions that have branch cuts are not differentiable at the cut. However, it is possible for a complex function to be continuous everywhere but differentiable nowhere. The function f (z) : 7* : r - ly is one such function. With 0u l0x -- -0u l0y : 1, the Cauchy-Riemann conditions are never satisfied. lI 2.2 FUNoToNS oF coMpLEX vARTABLES 97 r 2.2.3. Analyticity A function / that is differentiable tt I : a andwithin aneighborhood6of z: a is said to be analytic vt 7 : 6. Thus, a function analytic at a satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann relations within a small but finite region around z : a. The requirement that the function be differentiable within a neighborhood ofa guarantees the existence ofhigher-order derivatives as well. A function that is analytic in the whole complex plane (except perhaps at infinity) is called an entire function. Analyticity is a powerful constraint on a function, as we shall see. 2.2.4. lntegrals Since a complex function integral /(z) represents a mapping of the z-plane onto the u-plane, any fz2 I Jzt f(oa, is an integralT along a path that must be specified between the points 7y and zz. Expanding the integrand, we find lr',' f {r) o, : f,'r' @ * iu)(dx * i dy) Defining the vectors d, with components (u, write the integral as l,',' f k)or: f,',' : f,'r' -u), i u and ai+ i dx i, - u dy * i(u dy -f u dx) with components (u, z), we may l,','I ai (2.3s) The Cauchy Theorem Next we shall proves an extremely powerful theorem about integrals of analytic functions. Consider the integral from 41 to z2 alonlgpath C1 and returning from zz to zr along path C2 (Figure 2.12).The combined path forms a closed curve C in the complex plane, and result (2.35) applied to this path gives f"rrtor: i frt ai 6Aneighborhoodofz:aisasmallregioninthecomplexplanethatcontainsthepointz:astrictlywithin example, the circle defined by lz - al < e for any e > it-for TSee Section 1.2.3 for information on path integrals. SThe proof presented here has the advantage of being relatively straightforward, but it requires continuity of the partial derivatives. An altemative proof due to Goursat that does not require the use of Green's theorem (see, for example, Jeffreys and Jeffreys, Section I L052) requires only that /(3) be differentiable and C have finite length. 98 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES Im (z) Re (z) f <O dzis apathintegral in the complex plane. Here the two paths C1 and C2 canbe combined to form a closed curve C from 31 to z2 and returning FIGURE 2.12. The integral Ili to {1. Then we may use Green's theorem (equation I .47) to write each integral over C as a double integral over the surface S spanning C: t', Now if .f (z) dz : l,(# - x) dx dv,' l,(# - #) o. no the function is analytic everywhere on S, then both integrands are zero, by the Cauchy-Riemann relations, and so we find If f (z) is analytic in and on C, then $ rrr;dz:o Jc" a (2.36) result known as the Cauchy theorem. Cauchy's theorem applies to curves defined in a simply connected region. A curve in simply connected region can be shrunk continuously to a point while remaining inside the region. If the region has a hole in it (Figure 2.I3) and the curve surrounds the hole, then the region is not simply connected and the theorem does not hold. We will see regions like this in the following sections, and we will also find some ways to get around the restrictions. An importantcorollary to Cauchy's theorem is thatthe integral of a function /(z) between two points zr and 72 is path independent if the function / is analytic everywhere in the region containing the paths of interest. This is important because it means you can often use a path that hugely simplifies the integration. a 2.2 FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX VARIABLES 99 FIGURE 2.13. This white region has a hole (shaded circle), and so it is not simply connected. As the curve C shrinks, it surrounds the hole and can never shrink to a point. 2.2.5. The Cauchy Formula Careful application of the Cauchy theorem leads to many interesting results. For example, consider the integralg I:Q t'l JcZ_a -dz where C is aclosed curve in the complexplane. The function f (z) : l/(z - a) is analytic except at the single point z - a. Thus, by the Cauchy theorem, the integral is zero if the curve C does not enclose the point z : a. If the curve includes z : e, we consider the integral I ,':fo _dz z-a where the curye C' : C + Br * f f 82 (Figure 2.14).The segments 81 and 82 are very close together. Note that this new curve C/ does not enclose the point z : e, and thus the function / is analytic everywhere in and on C'. Thus, I' is zero by the Cauchy theorem. Since the function / is analytic everywhere except at z - a, it is continuous along 81 and 82 and so the contributions to the integral I' along .B1 and 82 cancel. (The integrands are equal, but the path is traversed in opposite directions. Equivalently, the upper limit of the 9The symbol $a as used here means an integral counterclockwise around the closed path C. When you traverse such a curve, the interior of the curve is always to your left. 100 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES Im (z) : a from its interior. (When as to exclude the point z you travel counterclockwise around the curve, the interior, shown shaded, is on your FIGURE 2.14. Thecurve C/ is constructed so left.) first integral is the lower limit of the second, and vice versa.) | d, I or+6 o:{ ' - Jc+Br*riB2Z-adr:$ - Ic'z-a' or.:f Jf.clockwiseZ-d J6z-a and so ftfl fr, - "o': ./r,.ro.r.* rr", - od' The integral around f is taken clockwise, the reverse of the usual direction. We may change the direction if we also change the sign in front ofthe integral: flfl frr-"d':frr-ooNowlo on f, z : a I peiq,so d7 f\f2'l ipeiq de andthen l' ' - 'o': Jo fuo''' i ag t2n :, I do :Zri Jo lORemember: Addition ofcomplex numbers is equivalent to addition ofvectors in tbe complex plane (Figure 2.3). 2.3 COMPLEX SERIES 101 Thus, we obtain the first Cauchy formula: I | ,__ lZni Icz-o"\ o if z:alieswithinC We can easily modify the proof to show that for any function $ fk, or:[ t'rlll\ar: Jcz-' / that is analytic in and on C, *+#aYi\ide fo'" (2.37) otherwise if z:arieswitbinc otherwise [o Then we 7et p --> 0, to obtain ( 6 !''')^ar: 1 Jc1- if r2n ta) [ 0 " Jo d0 :2tif (a) if z : a lies within c e3B) otherwise We may extend this result to obtain the general Cauchy formula: t'rj- "9r": ffi f('-r'{ztl,-o ir z: a lies within c (2.3e) The proof of this more general result is in Appendix III. This result verifies the claim made in Section 2.2.3 that analytic functions possess derivatives of all orders. Example2.6. Evaluate the integral / J circle lzl:l 'ot'O, Zt around the circle of unit radius centered at the origin. The function f (z) : cos e is analytic within and on the circle lzl Cauchy formula with n : 3, we have cosz -f I ./.n.,. ,.,:, a' : 7. Using the d2 : ;2tri fu t'1.:o : zi (- cos zl':o) : -ti ""t I 2.3. COMPLEX SERIES 2.3.1. Real Sequences and Series-A Review Sequences A sequence of numbers an is an ordered set with a rule for computing lhe nth element in the set. The number a, is the nth number in the sequence and can often be written as a function of n. Some examples are l-- 102 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARTABLES for which en : n, 2;rd s2 : {1, -1, 1, -1,...} for which a, : (-I)n-r unbounded if, for any real number M > 0, there is at least one member of the sequence dn such thatlarl > M.The sequence ,Sr above is unbounded, since we need only take M - N, any integer, and infinitely mar'y an are greater than N, no matter how large N is. Conversely, if we can choose an M such that all members of the sequence S satisfy larl < M, then the sequence is bounded. Sequence 52 is bounded-we could take M :2. A sequence S is corwergent if therc is a number s such that, given any positive number r, we can choose anm so that for every n > m A sequence S is lan-sl<e in which case the limit of the sequence is s. We write n\on - t or, more loosely, an-->s ast -+@ Neither of the sequences .tl or 52 is convergent, but the sequence s, r ,;, r : (t,r,t t.r 4, t ) j converges to zero. (Take m to be any integer greater than 1/e.) A sequence that is bounded but not convergent-for example, sequence oscillate finitely. Another example is S2-is said to s*: {1* t-,,'} L,? ) Other sequences may be unbounded and not convergent-for example, sequence 51 above, but also series such as 55 : {/ncos (zn)} which is oscillating but unbounded (infinitely oscillating). Further properties of sequences can be found in texts on calculus (for example, see Stewart, Chapter 11) or on real analysis. Series A series is formed by summing the terms of a sequence. Using sequence 51, we form the series i': i, n:1 n:1 e.4o) 2.3 COMPLEX SERIES 103 A second sequence is formed from the partial sums of the series: ,+^:io, n:l lfthis sequence ofpartial sums is coryergent, then we say that the series is convergent. One requirement for convergence is for the successive terrns to approach zero;that is, a, -+ 0. Conversely, the series diverges if n\o" 7 o This includes the case in which the limit does not exist at all. Clearly, series (2.40) is not convergent, since limr-- a, does not exist. But what about the following series? $t Ln (2.41) n:l : Iln do approach zero, but not very fast. Here the answer is not so clear. The terms dn It is possible for a series to diverge even though an -+ O. We'l1 need to /esl this series for convergence (see below). If the series in which each an is replaced by its absolute value, it',t n:I is said to be absolutely convergent. Series that converge, but not absolutely, are said to be conditionally convergent. These series do not have a well-defined sum, since by rearranging the terms we can achieve any sum that we want (for example, see Stewart, p.736;Arfken and Weber, Section 5.4). Thus, also converges, then the series they must be used with caution. In contrast, an absolutely convergent series has a welldefined sum. In addition, absolutely convergent series may be multiplied together to form a double sum that converges to the product of the original two sums. There are numerous tests for convergence of a series. A number are listed in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, Section 0.22. (See also Stewart, Section 71.2.) They include the following. The root test. If ]\lo*l'tk andq < 1, the series converges absolutely, fails. The ratio test. but : q if4 > l, the series diverges. Ifq : test If r.,, lon*tl:o' r-ol ar I 1,11e 104 cHAPTEB 2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES andq<l,theseriesconvergesabsolutely,butifq>l,theseriesdiverges.If4:1,fl[s test fails, unless the ratio remains greater than 1 as the limit is approached, in which case the series also diverges. Theintegraltest. If ap: f (k), where /(-r) isdefinedforx > q > l, thentheseries converges or diverges according to whether the integral r@ I Jq fGsax converges or diverges. The comparison test. Iflanl < bn and ! b, converges, then ! a, converges absolutely. The alternating series test. If the series is altemating (that is, successive terms in the series alternate in sign), then the series converges provided thatlalrlll . la*l and la7. | -+ 0. i 1. Oru.rr"r. Let's apply the integral test. Since oo : tii'i! aefined for k > l, we look at Example2.7. Show that the series (2.41), : lnrlf l,* )0, which diverges. Thus, the series also diverges. If the series elements an are notjust numbers but functions of some variable, say x, then convergence of the series may depend on the value of .r chosen. For any particular value of -r, we can apply any of the tests listed above. The result determines the pointwise convergence ofthe series at that value ofx. For example, the series r" converges if lxl < I but diverges otherwise. A particularly valuable series is one that converges independent of the value of x and converges equally well for all x. Such series are said to be unifurmly convergent. is uniformly convergent to / (x) in an interval 1 if, for any arbitrarily small positive number €, we can find a number N such that A sequence f"(x) lfo@)-f@)l.e for all p > N, where N is independent of x in 1. If the uniformly convergent sequence f"(x) is the sequence of partial sums of a series f,(x) : Dk:ou*(x), then that series is uniformly convergent in 1. One of the major advantages of uniformly convergent series is that they may be integrated and differentiated term by term, provided that the individual terms are continuous (for integration) or differentiable (for differentiation). 2.3 COMPLEX Tests for uniform convergence include theWeierstrass SERIES 105 M test: If there is a sequence of numbers M, suchthat lu"(x)l < M, for all x in the interval la,bf and the series D|rM" converges, then the series uniformly and absolutely in the intewal [a, b]. f[, ur(x) converges Uniform convergence and absolute convergence are independent properties of a series. Thus, the most useful series are those that converge both uniformly and absolutely. 2.3.2. Complex Series A complex sequence is a sequence of complex numbers and thus is actually two sequences of real numbers: Zn:xrliYn f The sequence zn converges if and only both the sequences x, and ),,? converge. Similarly, the complex series Drn:D*,*i\t" if and only if both real series I x, and I y, converge. We can define absolute convergence for a complex series as we did for a real series: A series converges absolutely if the series of absolute values converges. But for complex series, we are now talking about convergence of athird seies, converges f l.,l:f x]+fi which is different from the previous two. Thus, absolute convergence is a more powerful constraint for complex series than for real series. If a series converges absolutely for z in a range lz - zol < R, then R is called the radius of convergence for the series. Let's look at an important example of a complex series: the geometric series oo fon .L' n:0 The patial sums are Sxr(a) Now if lzl < : * "' *zN 1 _zN*l _1-zN+l_ I-z l-z l-z I * z -f 12 + z3 1, then t-N+1 I r-rN+l ll - z I 11 lt l-lzl - zl *0 asN--+rc (2.42) 106 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES and so oo \-,n /-' I - n:o I-z iflzl <1 (2.43) The geometric series is uniformly convergent for lzl < r arrd r (here 1) is the radius of convergence for the series. r < 1. The limiting magnitude of 2.3.3. TheTaylor Series Suppose that a function z : f (z) is analytic in a region R: lz - al < p, centered on the point f (z) as a series in powers of (z - a): a. Then we may express -f(d : f h) * k - a) f' (at * tJ t"(o) + "' This series is uniformly convergent within the circle lz *" ;i'' Hl,:"* (2.44) - al < p, where p is the radius of convergence. To prove this result, we'll use the Cauchy formula (equation 2.38) and the geometric series (2.43). First we construct a closed curve f that surrounds both the points z and a (Figure 2.15). Then we may wite f (z) as an integral around the curve f : Next we write where lz.-al I 1.4.1 l€-olsincezisinsideI-,andthusclosertoathanf,foranyfonf.(Wearefreetoconstruct f to make sure this is true.) Thus, we can use the geometric series (2.43) to expand the second fraction: +:(+) ('.=.(=)'. t \$/.-aV :f :\s-")k\€- ") ) 2.3 COMPLEX SERIES 1O7 Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.15. The curve f for evaluating the coefficients in the Taylor series. within the region R and encloses the point I : o,. The geometric series is uniformly convergent on respect to f f is entirely enclosed , so we may integrate term by term with f: r(z):+in:o e-ayn Ae*rru 27tt (2.4s) - Then we may use the Cauchy formula (equation 2.39) to express the integral in terms of derivatives of /: a^f f(z):i(z-d" nt dzn lr=o (2.46) I - as we set out to prove. Now suppose there exists some other series for / about the same point a: f (z):Dr,e - o)' n--0 What can we say about the coefficients times. Then !clz :i nr,(z n=l - c, in this series? Let's differentiate the series la ayn-l @ t2c u .I : )4^ n(, - l)cnk dz' a)n-2 n:z o: I^ dz'n : mtc^ + i n:m+I nfn - 1).. . (n - m * t)cnk - a)n-m 108 oHAPTER2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES Evaluating tt 7 : 6, we have dn "f | I dz^ lr:o So if - ml.c. any such series exists, its coefficients are given by equation (2.44). Example 2.8. Find the Taylor series about the origin for the exponential function f (z) : ez : ex-fiy : ete'J : er cos y I iex stny : 0) is This function is analytic everywhere: 3u: ,, cos), : A* and "^ Eu Ay 3u r. 0u A*:'-'smY:-ay The derivatives are d'f _ dzn ", for every n, and so the Taylor series about the origin (a -z2zn e.:t*r+;+...+1t This series is exactly what we might expect, since e" has the same form when x is real. 2.3.4. The Laurent Series Suppose that the function / is analytic in an annular region R centered ort I : ai pt < lz - al < p2. Then we may still expand / in a series of powers of (z - a), but the series will include negative as well as positive powers. This series is called a Laurent series. To find the coefficients formally, we apply the same techniques that we used for the Taylor series. As before, we construct a curve f that surrounds the point z and lies entirely within the region R. This time the curve cannot also surround a, but we can distort it to form a composite curve having four parfs (Figure 2.16): 1. The original curve f with two snips in it just inside the inner border of the annulus at lz , 2. A circular curve C1 - al 3. A circular cuwe C2just inside the outer border of the annulus at lz - al 4. A set of cross cuts linking f to C1 and f to C2 : : pt p2 t - e 6 2 3 COMPLEX SERIES 109 Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.16. A curve for finding the Laurent series lies within the annulus but excludes the point 2.. C : C1 -l CZ I | - cross cuts. Now we proceed as before, writing / as an integral around the curve f : t f f(€)dE I(z):fifrq_, But, when we traverse our composite curve as shown in the diagram, the integrand is analytic everywhere inside and on the constructed composite curve, and thus the integral is zero by the Cauchy theor m. f,#o' : t'r,*ou * -{..",*0,',,"#.ou * +$ {(€)-os :o Jcrosscuts t'r,.c,ockwise *ot I - ( The sum ofthe integrals along the cross cuts is zero, since the function is analytic within R, and hence continuous at the cross cuts. We can use a minus sign to change the direction ofthe clockwise integrals to the usual counterclockwise sense. Thus, { lLot: JcrE-z $ {'€' oE - Jcrt-: $ !"' oe Jr€-z Now we proceed as we did with the Taylor series. For f on Cz, lz - al < l€ - al, and so we expand the denominator as we did before, obtaining the same result (equation2.45 but not equation 2.46).However, for f on C1, lz - al . l€ - al, so we have to expand as follows: I t-z -1 (z-a) 1 -1 s/6-oY (,-Lg\ - z-qk\r-') \ z-o) 110 cHAPTER2 coMPLEXVARTABLES and thus -t t IIc, €f@dt-$ -a)' d€ z fr,f(€)(€ 7:ok-o)'*a which gives a series in negative powers of z $ - Pou:_i Q-o;n $ JLt 5 . p a. Writing Jcr ,:_, Here we cannot easily express the coefficents of (z could for the Taylor series. Putting together the two parts, we get - - (n'f l), we get - f (€) (€ - a)p in terms of derivatives, r(z):*A*ou: f o-e-t dE as we c,(z-a)n where ,,: * t'r4*rtt ror -oo <n <@ (2.47) Once we have the result, we can evaluate the integrals over a cornmon circle C centered on a and lying within the annulus, since the integrands in equation(2.47) are analytic everywhere in the annulus. This expression (2.41) for cn amply demonstrates the existence of the Laurent series, but it is not generally very useful for finding a particular Laurent series. We can resort to a set of "tricks" that work better. The next example illustrates the geometric series method. . : t ,o, the function ^f+it;,t*" cannot rhe function is not analytic at the r*o oo,ni, . : ;;;;:-1. draw a circular region centered at z : 1 within which the function is analytic. So, there is no Thylor series for this function about the point z : L However, there are two annuli centered atz: l:0 . lz - ll . 2,with the point z: -l outside the annulus and z - 1 inside an infinitesimal hole in the center, and2 < lz - 1l < oo, Example 2.9. Find a series about the point with both points in the inner hole. Thus, we can find two Laurent series centered at 1: oneintheregion0 . lz In the inner region, we have z: - ll <2andasecondfor lz - Il > 2(Figtxe2.l7). t/ 1 (z-1)(z+l) tl -t\.J-r+t) I \ 2.3 ooMPLEX sERTES 111 Im (z) 2 Re (z) 4 FIGURE2.17. ThefunctioninExarnple2.9isnotanalyticatz:*l.ThereisaLaurentseriesvalid in each of the annuli 0 < lz - ll < 2 and lz - ll > 2. Now we can expand the second fraction using the geometric series. In the inner annulus, lz z - Il < 2, so 11loo + t - z - t +, -, (,. \z/ and thus we have : +J :n(-"'(?) *::l* :n'-"'(=)'] :1S 1-'in*r (t-1\' \ z ) 4'/'t't / 'n:-1 which is a Laurent series with only one negative power: (z - g-t . However, in the outer annulus, lz - 1l > 2, so we expand the fraction the other way: ;-:;;041 :*i'-'r(=)' and +.:il-!-i,-D'=nnl z2-t zlr-l f,:o \4-,, I :- li 2? -J-!(z-l)'+r a series with infinitely many negative powers of z e.4B) - I and no positive powers. 112 CHAPTER 2 ooMPLEX vARTABLES 2.4. COMPLEX NUMBERS AND LAPLACE'S EQUATION 2.4.1. The Equations of lncompressible Fluid Flow i(i), giving the velocity of each fluid element, a vector field and a scalar field p (i), giving the density at each point. Since the mass within a volume can change only by flow of fluid into or out of the element,ll we have A fluid may be described by dff ; J,'dv:- Jron'n'ae where the minus sign arises because the unit vector ff normal to S points out of the volume V. Now if we apply this relation to a fixed volume V, we can then apply the divergence theoreml2 and rearrange to get l,e+n rpi)) dv:o Then since this relation must hold for any fixed volume V, we may conclude that 3o (2.4e) ;*r'(pi):o which is known as the continuity equation. Liquids have the property that their density remains almost constant under a very wide range of applied pressure; they are incompressible. (Gases can also behave incompressibly under some circumstances.) For incompressible fluids, equation (2.49) simplifies considerably, since the time and space derivatives of the density are identically zeroi i.i:o (2.50) Certain classes of fluid flow are also irrotational, ixi:O (2.51) which means that there are no swirling motions in the flow (no turbulence). 2.4.2. The Velocity Potential A vector field that satisfies equation (2.51) may be described function @, since for any such function Vx(V@):Q In our fluid flow problem, the function @ as the gradient of a scalar i is called the velocity potential. It is usual to introduce a minus sign, so that i: 1 1 See Chapter 1, Problem 6. 12See Chapter 1, Section 1.2.3 u"i -f ury : -fi6 l (2.s2) 2,4 COMPLEX NUMBERS AND LAPLACE'S EOUATION 113 Then we can put this result into equation (2.50) to get Y'O :0 which is Laplace's equation. In this respect, the solutions to irrotational, incompressible fluid flow problems will resemble the solutions to problems in electrostatics, since the governing differential equation is the same. 2.4.3. Analytic Functions as Solutions of Laplace's Equation An analytic function w(z) and2.33): : * u iu satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann relations (equations 2.32 0u 0u Ex 0y 0u 0y anl 0u 0x Differentiating again, we have 02u02uA/02\ a*r: a*ay: O (-O/ and thus 02u 02u ffi+#:y2u:o (2.s3) That is, u satisfies Laplace's equation in two dimensions. Such functions are said to be harmonic. Similarly, we can show that u is also harmonic. Thus, the real part or the imaginary part of any analytic function will be the solution of an incompressible, irrotational fluid flow problem in two dimensions. Let's define an analytic, complex velocity potential function a:Q*ilr The fluid velocity is given by equation (2.52).In particular, if we use the real part as our solution for the real velocity potential, then the velocity components are a0 a0 U*: anq ,y: 0X Ay: al' A* and so we can form the complex number . :Ux*iry-Then /a0 .a,/\ (,r-,*)/, .:-(#.,y):-# @ of O 114 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES Thus, the velocity components are found from the real and imaginary parts of the derivative of O; that is, ux: / da\ -*'(a/ and uy / da\ : t- (*/ (2.s4) Now any physics problem is described mathematically by one or more differential equations plus a set of boundary conditions. For example, fluid cannot flow across a nonporous boundary, such as a solid wall. On such a boundary we have the boundary condition ( Thus, to solve such a problem we need only find an analytic function Q : Q * i ry' whose real part satisfies the boundary condition (2.55).The real part @ then satisfies both Laplace's equation and the boundary conditions, and the problem is solved. If the real part of @ is the velocity potential, what is the imaginary part? Note that 3 : = V6'V{t AlL+ A0 ArL : 0y Dy 0x 0x -- A0 --L---:- u!(_y\ *ua:o a'\ oy) oyox (2.s6) Thus, surfaces of constant ry' are perpendicular to surfaces of constant d. Ghis is the same relation as that between equipotential surfaces and electric field lines in electrostatics.) The constant ry' surfaces are thus the streamlines of the flow, and from equation (2.55), a solid boundary surface must be a surface of constant ry'. 2.4.4. Steady lrrotational Flow Around an lnfinitely Long Cylinder Suppose that fluid flows from a great distance with velocity i : Voi toward an infinitely long solid cylinder of radius a (Figure 2.18). We want to find the flow velocity around the cylinder. To solve this problem, we will use cylindrical coordinates with origin on the cylinder axis. It is a two-dimensional problem with the boundary conditions i -+ V6i as r -+ oo (2.57) and since the flow has to be al,ong the surface of the cylinder, streamlines follow the surface a. constant on the circle r at r a and : : { : Y0 FIGURE 2.18. Fluid flows toward the cylinder (radius a) from infinity with velocity i : Voi. 2.4 COMPLEX NUMBERS AND LAPLACE'S EQUATION 115 First we reformulate the problem in terms of complex functions. The solution for @ is the real part of a complex function Q Q * I ry' that is analytic everywhere outside the cylinder and that satisfies the two boundary conditions. Since O is analytic everywhere outside the cylinder (that is, in the region r > a), it can be written as a Laurent seriesl3 centered at the : origin: *oo : (2.58) n\'n'" The real part of this function satisfies the differential equation for our problem. Now we also need to satisfy the boundary conditions. At infinity, we have ,,: -# - vo:-* (f ) Thus, as lzl -+ oo, Q : -Voz. The coefficients cn, and n2 uy :0 2, of the positive powers in equation (2.58) are all zero, and the coefficient of z must be c1 : - Vo. The other coefficients cn, n 1 0, are not yet determined, since all the negative powers of z go to zero at infinity. The second boundary condition is f - constant on r : a, and we may choose that constant to be zero. (As with electrostatic problems, we may add an arbitrary constant to the potential without changing the values of its gradient, here the velocity field.) Now the imaginary part of a complex function may be written as lb:E(a_a*) 1 and we want this expression to be identically zerc for lxl : a. Inserting the series (2.58) for O, with both z and c, in polar form (z : aeiq a\d cn : lcnl ei|'), we find ./ o oo \ : +( ,-'0 ) +f ,-,o-n r-in' - ,\no-n eine I z'\ -vsa(eie n:t / o: -voa sind : -voa sind - i"n:7 c-nlsin (no - 3-,) (9 E-,) - .EJ a rin - d-r) -to-"lr-nlsin(n0 - n:z We can14 satisfy this equation by taking lc-nl :0 for n > 1 and lc-r I : a2Vo, 6-t Then / a2\ (D:-Volz*-l \ z/ - -vo(,.#) - -vo(,.#) 13See Section 2.3.4. 14In Chapter 4, we will show that this is the only possible solution. - n. 116 cHAPTER2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES and on the curve lzl : a, Q:-VoQ*z*):6* as we require. Thus, our Laurent series has only two terms, with powers zl and z-l . The velocity components are given by ll) *dQ : -- dz : vo(r : Vol I -5) /a2 \r' :ux-iuy -;€ -rtt) So ux : vo(t - 5"o, za) ; vv : -Voa2., sin20 The equipotential surfaces are : constant : -Vol/ r - :a2\I sind : r/ \ constant 0- -ro(, . +)cosg and the streamlines are given by tb The streamlines are shown in Figure 2.19. o FIGURE 2.19. Streamlines of flow around the cylinder. The lines are given by t : constant. 2.5 POLES AND ZEROS 117 2.5. POLES AND ZEROS 2.5.1. Analytic Continuation a function is analytic in a region R, pt < lz - al < p2, we may describe it using a Laurent series valid in R. We may also be able to find a second Laurent series in a different, but overlapping, region. (See, for example, the discussion of series for the tangent function in Appendix XI.) The second series is an analytic continuation of / into the second region. For example, consider the function If srn z frk) z-l defined in the region lzl < I (Figure 2.20).We may evaluate the function with a Taylor series: / -t \. -s fzk):- (.- ;..;.. : -z - "-z -e" -2; - )(r 5,4 6<. - +. +22 +23 +24 +zs +...) lol -t -..... l2O. -"' where f2Q) is valid only in the region lzl < l To evaluate the functionls outside this region, we can expand about another point in the original region-for example, zt : -r /4. Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.20. The function '' -- -*t4. rtl fzk) may be analytically continued by expanding in a series about .I l5You might think that this would be unnecessary, since we already have the closed-form expression fi (3). But we cannot actually compute sin z except through its series expansion. See Morse and Feshbach, p. 377, for a good discussion of this point. 118 oHAPTER2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES For convenience, we define a new variable u) : z - zr : z -f n 14. Then we obtain the series ftk): sin (z /sinrl-cosu.,\ t r/a - n/4) sin(w - n l4) I t_t -lnla) (r t) u r14/Z \ w-t.78s4 ) w - w3 +..' - (t - w212t+..') r.78s4(t - w/1.7854) (z+n1+ t - -n 131 l/*2w3\ :138s4J-2(.t-'*i* o* /ww2w3\ xl1* " \' ' :.zB54'I : 0. 39605(1 - ) r ' 1.78543 ' ) -r--r... 0.4399w * 0.25361w2 + 0.3087t1r,3 + ..' ) 1.78542 < l-ln l4,or lz * T l4l < l-lr l4 : 1.7854' Thus, we have extended the function fzk) into the shaded region shown inFigure2.2l. andthis series /s(z) is validintheregion lu.rl We can now pick a point in the new region and continue to extend the function indefinitely. The expressions ftQ), fzk), and fzk) are three different expressions for the same function. Im FIGURE 2.21. The function fzk) (z) has been continued into the shaded region as fzk). In some circumstances, we can simply use the original series outside of R as well, but it does not necessarily describe the original function in the new region. The new function is also an analytic continuation of /. In this case, we are redefining the function to be the 2.5 POLES AND series. This result at the function is ZEROS 119 called permanence of algebraic form. For example, suppose we look 111 f(x):i+z*r*:"r*"' x is on the real axis with lxl > 1. (This series represents the real function lnfxl@ - l)].) We can use this series everywhere in the annulus lzl > 1 in the complex plane, where it represents a complex function (which we might call the principal where lk - 1)]) that is identical with the original function on the real axis. It is an analytic continuation of the original function. Notice that we talk about "an" analytic continuation, not "the" analytic continuation. There is more than one way to continue a given function. In any specific application, we must choose the continuation that is best for that particular purpose. branch of ln[z 2.5.2. Zeros Thepoint expand / z: aisazeroof in a afunction f it f (a):0. If / - al < p: is analytic ata,then wecan Taylor series in some region lz f (z) :i',r, - n:0 oY f , then c0 must be zero. If c1 10, then a is a simple zero of /. If both c6 andclarezeroandrzf0,thenaisazeroofordertwo.Ingeneral,lfcg,cl,...,cn-lare If a is a zero of / of order n. Essentially, the order of the zero of a 6 is a statement about how fast the function goes to zero as z approaches a. all zero but cn is not, then a rs a zero of function ?t I Example : 2.10. The function If we expand in a Thylor f (z) : sin (22) has a zero at z : O. What is its order? series, we get sin (22) :.2 - .6 i + In this series, both c6 and c1 are zero but c2 is not, so 2 of f . What is the order of the zero z : 0 for the function g : : 0 is a second-order zero sin z2 - z2? 2.5.3. Singularities Isolated Singularities It f(z) is analyticintheneighborhoodofapoint z: abut notactually dt 7:6, then a is anisolated singularity of f. 12O oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES There are three possible cases. l. lf Q)l -+ oo as z --+ a.An example of this case is the functio n singularities are called poles. 2. f (z)is bounded as z -+ a. An example of this t - -. *"r" f (z): z-a tot / : z-r12 . Then, (11 case is the function using I'Hospital's ru1e,16 we have (z) .. - sinz ,!T1z-7 -,r12: ,!Tp I -. cos : -t These functions present no problem, since we can redefine the function as follows: ( cos f(z):1 (z) z_n12 [ -l * r/2 lfz:r/2 if z The new function is analytic everywhere. This kind of singularity is called removable. 3. f (z) oscillates. For example, consider the function f (z):*p f 1) \z/ Along the real axis, z : r, we have f (z) --> a f(z) --> 0 But along the imaginary axis, 4 trk)t: l*' as -r -+ as x -+ - ly, 0 through positive values 0 through negative values (;)l : l*n (;)l : ' ror al varues orv Note that the Laurent series /1\ 1 I ".n(;/:|*;+7,7+"' which is valid up ro the singularity at z : 0, has infinitely many negative powers. This is a characteristic of this type of singularity, which is called an essential singularity. (A Laurent series with infinitely many negative powers that is valid in an annulus with afinite inner radius does not necessarily indicate an essential singularity. An example of suchaseriesisinSection2.3.4,equation 2.48:theseriesfor This function has a pole at z : l.) l6We could get the same result by expanding cos z in a Taylor series about z +-validfor zt-l : rr/2. lz - ll > 2. 2.5 POLES AND ZEROS 121 Next we shall investigate singularities of the first type, the poles. The function / is analytic in an annular region 0 < lz - al < p and may be expanded in a Laurent series centereda;tT:qi f (z): - ,t*,,r, oY If the coefficientc-1 l0but allc-,-:0 for ffi t l, thenthepole is of order 1 (thepole is simple).If c-2 is nolzerobut c-^: 0 for ffi > 2, the pole is of order 2 (whether or not c-1 is zero). In general, if the series may be written as f (z) : or' ,t^,,r, - with c-. # 0, the pole is of order m.lAn essential singularity (case 3 above) is a pole of infinite order.l We can test for the order of a pole without finding the Laurent series. The limit I:!"(, - a)P f (z) : ll{'k - ro ,t^cn(z - a)n : ,_o 14 i c'(z - a)n+P p : m,and will not exist for n_^ will be zero for p ) ffi,will be a constant (c-^) for p< m. Thus, The order of a pole at z - a is the lowest integer p for which the limr-o(z - a)P f (z) exists. A function that has well-separated poles limit as its only singularities is described as mero- morphic. Other Kinds of Singularities Functions may not be analytic for worse reasons than those cited above. For example: . t- The function may have a branch poinr. A branch point is a point from which a branch cut emerges (the head of the tadpole, see Sections 2.1.3 and2.2.l).To determine where the branch points zo lie, note that we obtain successive branches ofthe function by increasing the argument of z - zpby 2n . The function 7 : JVhas a branch point at the origin. The principal branch ofthe function is not continuous across the branch cut, and therefore the function is not analytic anywhere along the branch cut. Thus, the singularity at z : 0 is not isolated. 122 . cHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES We may have an infinite set of singularities that converge to a limit point, so that any neighborhood of that point contains infinitely many singularities. The function / : tan (llz) has this property. The singularities are at lf z : nnf2,where n is an odd integer, or ,n: L This sequence converges to z : 0. No matter how small a neighborhood of the origin we pick, say lzl . e, there are infinitely many zn in this neighborhood. To see this, let N be an integer such that N > 1/e. Then ,*.4.?r., Nrt 7t is inside the neighborhood, and so are all the zm, m singularity of f > N. Thus, z : O is not an isolated . 2.6. THE RESIDUE THEOREM 2.6.1. Definition of the Residue If f(z) is analytic in a neighborhood the residue of f at a is tl ,"1 ofe : a axcePt perhaps ata,then f, f (z) dz, where the closed curve t "n"tot"t L.r, By the Cauchy theorem, the residue of f at a is zero if the function / is analytic at a. But the reverse is not necessarily true: A zero residue at a does not imply that the function is analytic at a. Comparison with the expression for the coefficients in the Laurent series (eqtanon2.47) shows that the residue of a function f at a isthe c-r coefficient oI the Laurent series centered I a. Example 2.11. Find the residue of the function f : Y The function may be written as a series: 1/.2.4\ f (z):; (t- i.* A+ -22Zl.'4t' ) at z : Q'60) 0. 2.6 THE The function has a second-order pole at z residue there is zero. Example 2.12. Show that the function : O, RESIDUETHEOREM 123 and since the coefficient c-1 f (z) : sinz ez -2- : Q, *1s has a pole at the origin, find its order, and find the residue there. We expand the sine and the exponential in Taylor series: r:Y -r'] :)(,-*.*:(,*.+!+{+ ) I 7- 1_z <, --i-.- Thus, /(z) 1 . 6.-11" - 3 _3 401" -.-. has a simple pole at the origin, and the residue there is -1. 2.6.2. The ResidueTheorem If a function / is analytic in a simply connected domain D except for afinite number of isolated singularities and if curve C is within D, then N d f Or:2rilRes/(2,) Jc 7l wherc zn are the singularities of / (2.6t) contained within C. To prove this theorem, we deform the curve C so as to exclude each of the singularities zn, as shown in Figure 2.22.The new curye C/ equals the original curve C, plus a set of cross cuts leading to, and a small circle f, around, each singularity. We can do this only if the singularities are isolated, since the function has to be analytic on the cross cuts and the circles. Then by the Cauchy theorem, f f.f dz:o since we have constructed Ct so that / is analytic everywhere in and on C'. Since the function is analytic and thus continuous along the cross cuts, they do not contribute to the integral.lT Thus, ^N d tor+fd/f,,"ro"r*i.. Jc il'i lTWe used this argument previously in Section 2.2.5. fdz:o 124 cHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES Im (z) C / Re (z) FIGURE 2.22. Contolr for proving the residue theorem. The contour excludes the singularities at zn.Two such points are shown in this diagram. If the integral around C is in the standard counterclockwise direction, then each of the integrals in the sum is taken clockwise around its circle f, . Now we move the sum to the other side of the equation and use the resulting minus sign to change the direction of integration to the counterclockwise direction. Using the definition of the residue (equation 2.59), we have ^Nr to, {-ra,:Diln:lJl, JL N :ZnilRes/(2,) n:l and the theorem is proved. 2.6.3. Finding Residues There are several different methods for finding residues. 1. Find the Laurent series and pick out the coefficient c-1. This is what we did in Section 2.6.1. 2. For a simple pole, the residue at a is Res/(a):I1E"k-a)f (z) (2.62) 2.6 THE (z _lim_ z+a - a) f (z) : RESTDUETHEoREM 125 @ - ol D lim (e z+a cn(z n:-l - a)n @ : [m f zta cn(z-a)n+l ']t All the terms with positive powers of (z Example 2.13. a) go to zero,leaving c- - Find the residue of the functio n f (z) : tun' r, which is the residue. at the origin. First we find the order of the pole. Note that the limit tanz lio,.tu1z : lim z-0 - Zz z+O Z : li* ttl" : z--+O I I exists, and thus the pole is simple. The above limit also gives the residue as 1. 3. For a pole of order ln, the residue is Res/(a) : !:+6+fr#tk - a)^ y 12y1 (2.63) Again we use the Laurent series to demonstrate the result: @+iffiu I:g - a)^ rk): lg - a)^,i^,,,, - o,' ^+fr#(z Since the Laurent series is uniformly convergent, we may differentiate it term by term. All terms with nr i n < m - 1 (that is, n < -l) differentiate to zero. oo sm_l tim * z+q 42.," ' @ I .,(. -a)n+^: z+a lim I - - oru,n powers or (z term: ",;;;,"" ld^-1/l\ lim _____:_ :- 7+a (m as required. - 1)l dzm-t cn(nrm)(n*m-l).'.(n-12)(z-a)n+1 - ,;;trzero in the limit, leaving only the n _ l)(m _ 2)... I ) ._, k'- _ a)* f (z) : { ,* l)! @ ' \(tn ) : C_l : -r 126 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES Exampte 2.14. The function there. cosh z f : 7 has a pole at the origin. Find the residue First we find the order of the pole. We find that coshz: -. coshz -. llm llm.:z-0 Zz z-O Z - does not exist. But -. ,coshz: .. lim Itgot -- : cosh z I exists, and so the pole is of second order. The residue is Resf (0) : 9 tir. z-O dZ coshz - lim sinhz z-0 :0 We can check this result by finding the Laurent senes: r(z):t-!ri*t There is no c-t :\ *:.*. term, and thus the residue is zero, as we found using method 3. 4. For a function of the form J.Q) where h(z) has a simple zero at z : dt 7 : 6, and the residue is given by a sk) h(z) and g(z) is analytic at a, Res/(a) f (z) has a simple pole : z+a li- n,\Z) ,8,(,tl (2.64) To understand this result, first write h(z) in a Taylor series centered at z h(z):f r,r, _ : a: of n:l There is no c0 tenn because h(z) has a simple zero at z given by (equation 2.44) ,, l nt d"hl dzn tr:o I : a, and the coefficient c, is 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 127 Now apply method (2): Ir:trk - a)f (z) : Irg"(, - ",ffi :lg(._ ',r#=* gk) Iim - i:lr D* s@) c1 tcn(z _ q)n_l s@) h'(a) as required. Example2.15. The function f (z) r 12. Find the residue there. :Ianz - sinz/cosz has a simple pole at z : By method 4, the residue is *.'/ (;) : ,!T,r-"n j- : 5. Finally, as a last resort, we can -1 actually evaluate the integral in (2.59). 2.16. Evaluate the residue of the function f (z) : l lz at z We choose C to be a circle of radius p centered at the origin. Then Example : O. I f | ['" | ^,^i0..^ | [2",^ l - :1 t peta' d0: 2ri I ae: - 2ni *A f k) dz 2triJo 2riJc" 2ti --1 Jo -pte Of course, we could also have obtained this result trivially using method L 2.7. USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 2.7.1. Evaluating the Integral of a Complex Function The residue theorem is an extremely powerful tool for evaluating integrals. When using the residue theorem to evaluate an integral of the form f dz t, f {z\ I suggest that you always use the steps below 1. Draw a diagram showing the contour C in the complex plane. Also mark on your diagram any poles or other singularities of the integrand, f (z). If the function has a branch cut, be sure to show it on your diagram too. 128 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES have to deform the contour C so that the entire branch cut is excluded from the contour. The contour and the branch cut may not intersect at any point! 2. If there is a branch cut, you will 3. Note which poles are inside the contour C. 4. Evaluate the residue of f ateach ofthe poles that are inside the contour' 5. Apply the residue theorem. 6. If the contour runs around a branch cut, you will have to evaluate the integral explicitly along both sides of the cut. Example 2.17. Evaluate / sinz f,-d' where C is a square with comers at the points Step 1: See Figure 2.23. (-i), (2 - i), (2 * i), and (+i). Im (z) FIGURE 2.23. ^fhe contour for Example 2.77. The integrand has a pole at q : l. This pole is inside the contour. Steps 2 and 3: The integrand has a simple pole at Z There are no other poles or branch cuts. Step 4: Using method l, we have Res/(l) :.lTl (. : - t) : \.It is inside the contour. sin(l) = Step 5: "tn' o, :2ni [ z| Jc (sinl) : 5.287]i 2.7 USING THE RESIDUETHEOREM 129 2.7.2. Using the ResidueTheorem to Calculate Real lntegrals Integrals of Tiigonometric Functions Integrals of the form f2n Jo /(sin 9, cos9)d0 (2.6s) frequently arise in the solution of physical problems. For example, with 0 : arl, the integral gives 2t times the ayerage value of the function over one period. We may evaluate such integrals around the unit circle in the complex plane. On the unit circle, z:reio:eio, dz:ieiod1+de:4 tz e.66) and cos6: eie+e-ie:i(..:) 22 (2.61) Similarly, sine: eio-e-io:+G-:) 2i2 (2.68) These relations allow us to convert the integral over g to an integral over z. Example 2.18. Evaluate fltl J, i#ade This integral is not in the form (2.65) because the limits are 0 to r rather than 0 to : (- sin g)2 : sin2 d] and so 2n.But notice that the integrand is even [sin2 (-O) ["#o':l:,;fu*'*lo" ffio' :z [" 3--]-at Jo + sin'P 130 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES Then we convert to an integral over the unit circle, using relations (2.66) and (2.68): L" #o' : : I:" u.*L.,o' : I :lni,"i."r" d.z ,.1+(,-:))'" dz I I f I iXnitrirrtr7 \-,2 4' 422 ' :2i6 "zr ..ifunir circle z4 - l4zz + 1 Now we can apply the general method for evaluating contour integrals' Step 1: SeeFigure2.24. -QZ Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.24. The contour for Example 2.18 is the unit circle. There are four poles, but only two are inside the contour. Step 2 is not needed here. Step 3: The integrand has four poles, given by zl-t+zl*1:o , t4+ JTP= :7 r4J5:7 2 All four roots are real. The values +6.9282 are zr,2: +\nT 69282 : +3.732r and zz,+: LJT- e9282: +0.26796 131 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM Of these four poles, only the last two are inside the unit circle (Figare 2.24). Step 4: The relevant residues are Res/(z:):lim(z-d# z+23 -' (z - z)(z - z)(z - z)(z - where we used the fact that z2 zq) (z-z+)# z--,24' (z - z)(z - z)(z _ zik _ z+) D : 45 k? - zl)kz - z+) : -zr, and Res/(z+): lim Thus, since Z4 - z4 - , a a. , \z'4-zi)k+-zz) -23, we have 23z4l ' _:______._____________T-_ residues inside tzl e - z,fi(zz - z+) {zl - zl)k+ - n) k? - z?) - -Jj 24 -4Jr-0 +4Jr- Step 5: Applying the residue theorem, we find I .. f" I 3+sin'e Jo Let's see _ ( /3\ Jj -- 24/I ::. 6 \ I n how an integral of this type arises from a physics problem. -d0:2tri(2i) Example 2.19. A circular wire loop of resistance R and radius a has its center at a distance ds > a from a long straight wire. The loop is oriented so that a diameter of the loop points directly at the long wire, as shown in Figure 2.25.The current in the long wire is increasing atarate a : dI ldt. What is the current in the loop? FIGURE 2.25. The physical system in Example 2.19 has a long straight wire carrying current 1 and a circular wire loop whose center is distance dg from the wire. 132 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES According to Faraday's law, the emf induced in the loop has magnitude :l!ldtJ[n dool - ldtl ":1491 I where O is the magnetic flux through the loop. The magnetic field produced by the wire forms circles centered on the wire, and at a radial distance d from the wire, D_,' "o - unI 27t(t Now at a point inside the loop, d:do*rcosd and dA:rdrd0 so the flux is ,: ['" fo2n (do,*o' .,rdrdo *rcosd) Jo lo The integral over I is of the form (2.65), so we may convert it to an integral over the unit circle: fzolfldz _)O Jo @o* rcosd)""t /^ /unitcircle :-2i f ,./unit do+;(r*)),, I circre 2doz + r(* + Daz The poles of the integrand are given by the roots of the quadratic in the denominator: -2do i. 4al - +rz 2r Now since do > a > r,dsf r > 1. So only one of thetwo poles, is inside the unit circle (Figure 2.26).T\e relevant residue is 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 133 and thus tf2n_)n: Jo I (do*rcos0) Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 2.26. The integration contour for Example 2.19. Only one of the two poles is inside the contour. Then the flux is 6 : ltol [' 'D: zir 2o - ,.. _ Fol [d|-o' -du I, prctr: z Jot A wherez:fi-r2.So ur7 (3-o' a:-+#l:;, --ro1 ( un1 4-o' - d.) (2.69) and since 1 is the only time-dependent quantity in this expression, the current in the loop is : !:11491 - r'ooao '-R-RltulR [' r L' We can check the result by looking at the limit approximately a 11 do.We e = FoI oo, _ ltol oz 2nd0 2do expect the flux to be 134 oHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES Now if we expand the square root in equation (2.69), we get a: uorao(t - ft) = pordolt I d2\l I - (t _ __ 24)) I /la2\ uol " : psrds\ZA):;doo as expected. 2.7.3. lntegrals Along the Entire RealAxis Closing the Contour IiS f U> dx may be converted to an integral in the complex plane The idea is to "close the contour" by adding additional pieces some circumstances. under zero or some multiple of the original integral along the is either the integral which along real axis. The most common way to close' the contour is to add a large semicircle at infinity (Figure 2.27).For example, the integral An integral of the form r*oo I I ----i-d* ' - J-* 7r'+o'y"^ r- may be intepreted as an integral along the real axis in the complex plane: r : [ ---]--------=az Jreal axis (22 + az)' -RR FIGURE 2.27. Closing the contour with a big semicircle of radius R -+ oo in the upper half-plane. Next we note that the integral along a large semicircle at infinity is zero. First look at the absolute value of the integrand: llrl tt_ |' )''' l - kt- l, orl' l1+?l 2.7 usrNc rHE RESIDUE where we used the result (2.13) lzt f- zzl > I Izr I big enough that lal I lzl < I /J2, and then 4 kl - THEoREM 135 lzzl l. We can make the large semicircle on the semicircle Then lr tt r I ;dzl (length of curve)(max l,/se'icirct" (22 + az)2"* = value 44n :(zR)Ro:Rr*0 of linte$andl on curve) asR-+oo Thus, flftf C .d:: J (zz + az)' I + Jrear axis (22 ^d:* oz1' I Jsemicircre : Ifl ----: ^dz*o Jreal axis (22 + oz)" Thus, the integral around the closed contour composed of (a) a straight line fte{qil axis and (b) a large semicircle at infinity equals the 'g-tt\' We may evaluate the integral around the closed con d the result equals the integral along the real axis. The integrand has poles at z : X.ia. Each pole is of order 2. Only the pole at z : lia is inside the contour (Figure 2.27).Using method 3, we find that the residue there is. Res/(i ' a) - lim z_ia Idz,, - ia12 --J--------= + az)" (22 : ,'Yl"adt k+;"j -2 :- lim -2 ;;" k + ia13 (2t612 Thus, the value of the integral is and hence 4ia3 136 cHAPTER2 coMPLEXVARIABLES Integrals of the Form I jS "'k' f @) a* Integrals of the form [lS ,ik' 71*) dx, where k is a real number, may be evaluated by closing the contour with a semicircle at infinity. Fourier transforms (Chapter 7) are important examples of this class of integrals. ES fiOx, where k is real and fr > 0. The first step is to close the contour using a large semicircle, as discussed above. Onthelarge semicircle atinfinity, z: R(cos0 * I sin0), with0 < d < n. Thus, Exampte 2.20. Evaluate exp (ikz) : exp (jkR cos 9) exp (-kR 0) sin (2.70) and so lexp (ikz)l - lexp (iftR cos d) | exp sincesin0 ispositivefor0 < 0 (-kR sin 0) : exp (-kR sin 9) < I <tr. Thus, we have l,["*"on" ry# (ength or path) max lintegrandl "1= I I :rRn.Lax lexp fftz)llF + < tt 2 Rl= R4 for R 2n :Rr-0 The poles of the integrand are the fourth rootsls exp(in14linr/2),n:0,1,2,3. I tl > 2t/a asR-+oo of -1, exp(it14l2nni14) Of these poles, only two, n :0 and n : inside our contour (Figure 2.28).The residues are (by method 4) /ik nes/(er"r+) : #1.:",",* :'SiI \ /k - :tz"-' \ *i!' and Res/ (e'3"/a) 18See Section 2.1.2 : '*r(#r'-" 4e9iit /4 1/2exp /-k (VZ (1 4(r + i) + \ t)/ : 1, are - D) 2.7 usrNc THE REsTDUE THEoREM 137 FIGURE 2.28. Contour for the integral in Example 2.20. We close with a contour in the upper half-plane, enclosing two of the four poles. Thus, E "!-o * : f #* -'tf *, (- +)(# *#) :,,*^,(-+x###.ffix) :,,*"-(_+) i ("r, tA + r-ki /&) + t (r*ira - r-ki/a) "( a k r\ :7r A*p (Jz*\r (*' 2 [\- 2 / a*"" a) We include real integrals of the form /1S sin /c-r f (x) dx una fS cos kx f (x) dx in this class of integrals, since each trigonometric function is a linear combination o1 "ikx *6 . The sine and cosine must be treated as combinations of exponentials because "-ikx ./semicircre/(.r)cos (kx)dx doesnotvanish. If youare surethattheresultoftheintegration is a finite real value, then you may write ll* ""0, f (x) dx: *",[: ,ik* y 1*1 d* v and ,fI ,t" o' f (x) dx: t-,ff "ik' 7 7*1 d* / 138 oHAPTER 2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES and evaluate the integral as in Example 2.2o.However, if there is any chance that the integral may have an imaginary part (and this does happen in physics problems; see the section below on integrals with poles on the real axis), then you must be more careful and evaluate f +oo ''-"o, / J-Exampre r kx 2.21. .f i r+m a+m (x)a*: ! I ,'k* f (*)a* + )2J-* I ,-ik'7{*\d, 2J-* Evaluate l:: .ti#dx,whereft is real. Since the cosine is an even function, we may assume that the real number k is positive. We expect this integral to have a real value, but let's check this assumption by evaluating coskx ,.. /+- _ : 1 /*- (ik{).t.- I /*- exp(-ikx) d* +, p fudx "*p J-- ;rraa' i J-* J-* *o, The first step is to close the contour. Look at the first of the two integrals. On the large semicircle atinfinity, z : R(cos0 *i sind), with0 < 0 < r. Using equation(2.70), we have lexp (lkz) I Thus, for R . I - lexp (i kR cos d) | exp olJ2, (-kR sin 0) : exp (-kR sin 0) < I we have t lJsemicircle o rl < (lengrh '*! \'o'r) z' I a' | : of path) max lintegrandl zR max lexp (ikz)l 22n toRn, l-]--lz'+ a'l I 0 asR-+oo Thus, (ikxl I exp(ikz) oz : J-* ;riFo* fr* z2 + a2 /+- exp The integrand has two poles, at z , , : !ia, but only the one at z - *ia is inside the contour (Figure 2.29).T\e pole is simple, and the residue is Res/(ia) : )y,(z - ia) # :,ry,# : # Using the residue theorem, we have { Ic+ or:zni(r=!"\:,a ,_oo +at \2ia / "*!r,n1) zz (2.jt) I 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE _R THEOREM 139 R -ra C- FIGURE 2.29. lf f (x)eikx, with k > 0, we close the contour in the (C+). If & < 0, we close in the lower half-plane (C- ). the integrand is of the form upper half-plane Now we turn to the second integral. Evaluating exp (-ikz) over the big semicircle, we find exp (-ikz) : exp (-ikR cos 9) exp (kR sin 9) and the real exponential becomes arbitrarily largelg as R -+ m. (This is why we cannot evaluate the integral ofthe cosine directly, but instead have to write the cosine as a combination of exponentials.) However, if instead we close the contour downward (Figure 2.29), where n < 0 < 2r, thensin 0 < 0 and the real exponential is bounded by unity everywhere on this semicircle. Then we can show that tr (_ikz) , -- 0 ----; ---;-azl I a' z' + lJsemicircle downward exp I I -+ as R oo I Thus, /+- J-* Now the pole at -la (-ikx) , I -7 *7-o' : e*p is inside the contour Res/(-ia) : exp(-ikz) fr- ,z a p , az C-. The residue is e-ikz ,-ikz ia) ., , , : lim. * az z+-ia z--+-ra zz I z - ia - lim. (z e-ko -2ia lgAlthough we cannot show that the integral on the upper semicircle is zero, it is not necessarily infinite. Once we for the integral along the real axis using the lower contour, we can use the upper contour to calculate the (finite) integral along the upper semicircle. While possible, this is rarely useful. have obtained the result 140 oHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES As we apply the residue theorem, we have to remember that it applies to contours traversed counterclockwise. This time we are going clockwise, so we have to add a minus sign: { h_ exp(-ik.z) q4oz: -2riRes -J"r\vo/\ /(-ra) z2+az : -2ni( +\ \-zta/ o a "-oo which is the same result that we got for the first integral. Finally, we add the two results to obtain [.* r:2:#o* J-- : ].(inr" *Tu*) :I,-o' The result is a real number. Notice that we could also have obtained this result by taking the realpart of equation (2.7I). Jordan's Lemma Integrals of the type considered above may be converted to complex contour integrals providedthatthefunction f (x) --> 0sufficientlyfastasx -+ oo.Theproofthattheintegral along the semicircle is zero is facilitated by the use of Jordan's lemma: It f (z) converges uniformly to zeto whenever 4 rim t 4*oo JCn .f -+ k)eik' dz oo, then : o where ft is any positive real number and Cp is the upper half of the circle lzl Note. /(z) converges uniformly to zero if, given any e, there f Q)l < e whenever lzl > M, no matter what the argument of z. exists an : M R. such that I To prove the lemma, choose R(cos0 * I sind). R > M. Then on Cn, lf k)l < e and z: Reiq : arl ,l [" .*r(i kR cos d) exp (-kR sine1 ni ei| ael t f k)eik' --l -= l/o l"/c*" I rn/2 exp (-kR sine) del rtol{o = I I I Since we need only an upper bound to the integral on the right, we note that sin d > 20 /n sin e < /n . This latter throughout the range of integration (Figure 2.30) and thut ,-kR "-2kR0 function may be integrated easily to give llr - r,rr,'o' o,l ='# r, -,-oo t = T Since e may be chpsen as small as we like, the integral goes to zero and the lemma is proved. 2.7 USINGTHE RESIDUETHEOREM 141 f(0) 0 o2 o4 08 l0 t.2 1.4 l6 l8 FIGURE 2.30. The graph ofthe two functions shows that sin 0 (curve) is greater than 20 /n (straight line) throughout the range 0 < I < tr /2. Since the two functions have the same valueatd :0 and 0 :n/2butthederivativeofsind iscosd andequals lat0:O while the slope of the straight line equals 2 / n : 0 . 63662, the curve rises above the straight line as 0 increases from zero, before falling back to the line at 0 : n /2. Closing the Contour with a Rectangle Integrands that contain hyperbolic functions do not lend themselves to the methods used above, since the integrand does not go to zero on the contour Ca, whether closed upward or downward. However, closing the contour with a rectangle may work. We choose the height ofthe rectangle to make the integral along the top side ofthe rectangle equal to a constant multiple20 of the integral along the real axis. Example 2.22. Evaluate the integral /+- I /-- .**"" If we try to close the contour with a semicircle, we find that on CR, ,kRcos0 rikRsin0 1 6,-kRcos0 r-ikRsin0 - ,kRcos9 f 9-kRcos0 and the lower bound equals I on the imaginary axis (0 : r l2). So we cannot show that the integral along the semicircle is zero. However, notice that on the line 20See Problem 31(c) for a slight variant on this theme 142 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES z:x+inlk, coshkz: coshk (, *rI) :!(ro*r'o a r-*xr-n): -coshkx and so the integral along this line from +oo to -oo, parallel to the real axis, equals the original integral. Thus, we are led to consider the rectangular contour shown in Figure 2.31. FIGURE 2.31. Closing the contour with a rectangle. In Example 2.22,the upper side is at Im (3) ir/k. : i(2nll)n l2k. Only one pole, the one atz (Figure 2.3I). On the vertical side x : R, we have is inside the contour The integrandhas poles atz It lf,o" r o'l: I lf'1(/k I ;kR;tF4;=Fa;-6i .'rr*. lJo : ni l2k, I dYl r :tlr'o ,kR lJo ;ir4;-rFn;:6dYl r ln S-k-tO A similar argument holds for the side at x f I /+- asR-+oo : -R. I Thus, 4",*r," ainro': J-* *i*o*t f-a+in/k I J+*+inrt *rnoro' f+ooI .t_dx - ' J-* .o.tttr"^ Using method 4 (Section 2.6.3),we find that the residue at the pole is I : /ir\ Rtt/ (.;,/ : ,li,"h(/.2) , \:l I :!( n krinh (ir/2) k \isin "/2): - 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 143 and thus the integral is [**-l xo:!$ "/-cosh |-o,: 1 /l\ ,(2ni) (nJ: 2 Jreqangle cosh kz k it Z Integrals with Poles on the Real Axis Integrals such as /+@ sin ftx J-* * -rd* in physics applications. The integrand is unbounded at x : 2, within the range of integration, so we must calefully state exactly what we mean by this mathematical occur expression. In our first definition, we simply remove the offending point from the range of integration. The principal value of the integral is defined to be /+m PI J_* kx / fz-t sin kx -f /"+m sin k-x \ lim I I "' I | -dx: ;-o \/_m x -2-dx Jz+, x -2-dx) -2 sin x (2.72) provided that the limit exists. When evaluating the integral using the residue theorem, we are not allowed to have any singularities on the contour, so we must deform the contour so as to avoid the pole. For example, we could put a small semicircle of radius e over the pole (Figure 2.32). Next we split the integral up into two exponential integrals: /+- I J-* sinftx x -2 I / f+* , ' 2i \/-- exp(ikx) x -2 _AX_ , exp(-iftx) , \ f+* _AIl I J-* x -2 / -Ar:-1 FIGURE 2.32. When there is pole. a pole on the real axis, the contour must be deformed to go around the 144 cHAPTEB 2 coMPLEXVARIABLES (In this discussion, we shall take k to be a positive real number.) To do the first integral, we close the contour upward, as shown in Figure 2.32. (Compare with Example2.20.)The integral along the big semicircle is zero, by Jordan's lemma, since the function I lk - 2) goes to zero uniformly on the semicircle as R -> oo. There are no poles within the contour, and so f exoikz A #dz:o JCPy <- z For the second term, we have to close downward (Figure 2.33) so that the integral along the big semicircle contributes zero.2r FIGURE 2.33. The contour for the integral of e-ik' 11x - 2) is formed by closing with a semicircle in the lower half-plane. The path along the real axis remains unchanged. Now the pole at z : 2 is inside the contour. The residue is Res/(2) : linl ,-)'' (z - 2rexPFilcz) ' z-2 : exp ' (-2ki) Thus, $ JCn- exp_(-i!z) 1- L oz: _2rie_2ki Finally, we have to evaluate the integral around the little semicircle at the pole. On this curve, z :2 * eei9 , where I varies from z to 0, so !:*1,"fi0,:]To +t : ){"t'o - e-izk) ,t I: : 2l Refe. to i sin (2k)(-r) th" discussion in Example 2.21. i eieiede 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 145 The principal value is the integral along the real axis, up to the beginning of the semicircle and continuing from the end of the semicircle, so finally . sin k-r p Ir*@ _dx _zisin2k: I/+6 sin kx dx J-* x-2 J-* x-2 : 1 (-2nie-2ki)l E[o - Thus, +oo sinkx : n' vs-'^t + :!(e2ki x -2 2i' -dx ::G2ki + e-2ki) 2' : n cos2k e-2ki I In physics problems, however, the physics usually determines the path of integration around the pole. We do not always want the principal value. More often we need the integral along a continuous path from -oo to *oo. The pole settles onto the real axis as a result of some approximation in the modeling process (zero friction,22 for example). In such cases, a better interpretation of the integral may be /n*-*tt sin ftx lTo/_-*,; * -rdx where the path of integration passes over the pole,23 as shown inFigure 2.34. FIGURE 2.34. Integration path that passes above the pole. 22We shall have to wait until future chapters for specific examples of this phenomenon. In Chapter 7, Example ?.4, one pole moves onto the real axis as the damping parameter y approaches zero. The simpler equation may be integrated directly to show that the correct answer is obtained if the path ofintegration is a straight line that passes over the pole at the origin. 23This path is equivalent to a path along the real axis with the pole pushed slightly downward off the real axis. 146 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEX VARIABLES We may evaluate this integral as we did above, but there is no integral around the little semicircle. Thus, 1+oo*ie rin1* }To"/--*,, * -ra* : tI / r+oo+it exp(ikx) O, Uro/--*,, x -2 (-iftx) /*-*'" expx-2 r"\ ;-b/-oo+r' / : lto - (-2nie-2ki)f : nr-zki : o "o, 2k - ni sin2k 2i' _ ti* which differs from the previous result by having an additional imaginary part -ni sin2k. On the other hand, the path may pass below the pole (Figure 2.35). In this case, the integral around the lower curve is zero, but around the upper curve we have $ Y*or:2nie2ki 1- L JCn* and so -. 1*a-ie sinkx I / .. f+"o-i' exp (ikx) Jro/---,. ,-ra': t Urr J-*-,, -=;dx , exp (-ikx)r"\ /*--t" e+oJ-*-;" x-2 / : !(zoir'ot - 0) : trr2ki : n cos2k * in sin2k _ ti,,' 2i' -R R FIGURE 2.35. lntegration path that passes below the pole. Again the imaginary part of this result differs from both of the previous integrals. Thus, the correct choice of path is crucial if we are to obtain physically meaningful results. We'll see examples of these different choices in future chapters.24 d. 24See also Problem 36. 2.7 USING THE RESIDUE THEOREM 147 Integrals of Multivalued Functions We can also evaluate integrals of the form fn* *" f (") d* where cv is not an integer. The function zo has a branch point at the origin. branch cut along the positive real axis (that is, 0 < I < 2n),then zo - Ifwe choose the lreie;o :Yariao and so our real integral is an integral along the top of the branch cut where d : 0 and ,iuq - 1. We construct a closed contour, as shown in Figure 2.36, so that the branch point at the origin and the entire branch cut are excluded from the interior of the contour. FIGURE 2.36. A contour that excludes the branch cut along the positive real axis. Example 2.23. Evaluate the integral " , : [* -{-a*. Jo xz*I We choose the principal branch of the square root, as above, so 1 is the integral along the top of the branch cut. Note that the integrand is analytic everywhere inside the keyhole-shaped contour shown in Figure 2.36, except for poles at the two points z : *.i. The residues at the poles are Res /(*i) : {tlr 2i : and Res ,Fi /(-i ) : j;; : -zt 148 oHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES (Remember: -i : "3tti1z., 0 < 0 < 2n for our chosen branch of the square root function, so Then, using the residue theorem, we find f,ftro':zoifz: oJ2 Along the big circle of radius R, we have /F |"fr l- ntr;Vie l?, +--rl= . lnzl - 1 4 s tN/2 R3/2 (l - r/O > ror R 2 Thus, -tgi l.{^ *a.15 *h 2' R#: *F- \h : o Next we investigate the integral around the small circle at the origin. On this circle of radius e, we set z : eeio i : n0 ie3/z ^i3g/2 --> J",fudo o as e -+ o Finally, look at the integral along the bottom of the branch cut, where 0 : 2r: l:ffidr : - L* ffi,, : fi,, :, fo* Thus, we have fr*": I,oo*"o,* lr-*l",,o,"or"u, * Ir":21 :nJ2 and so fn Ji ':Jo iua': ,J2 z 2.7.4. Dispersion Relations We have already noted how powerful the property of analyticity can be. In the 1920s, H. A. Kramers and R. de L. Kronig discovered how to use this properfy to relate the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric constant of a material, thus deriving relations that relate the dispersive and absorptive properties of a material in its interaction with electromagnetic waves. (See, for example, Jackson, Section 7.10.) The Kramers-Kronig relations arc a specific example of a more general class of relations called dispersion relations. In recent 2.7 USINGTHE RESIDUETHEOREM 149 years, these relations have proved important in other branches of physics as well- for example, in particle physics. Suppose a function (z) is analytic everywhere in the upper half-plane. Then the first "f Cauchy formula (2.38) allows us to express the value of the function at a point z6 in terms of an integral around a curye C that surrounds zo: f (zo): (z) :$ f o, znt JcZ_ZO where both zo and C are in the upper half-plane. Now if I f k)l --+ 0 as z -+ oo, we may choose C to be a large semicircle with its flat side along the real axis. The integral along the curved part is zero, and so we find f I (zd: 2"i /+oo f (x\ J-* ;-;a* Now we let the point z0 approach the x-axis from above. The path of integration must remain below the pole, so we put a small semicircle under the pole and obtain r(xo) : *1, l:: *dx * ryl:"{k+P\i,," aef t I I I/"+oo f (xt o*+ tzl(xo)l -_tP 2ni I J-* x-xo I Thus, f (xil: From this it is clear that [** -L, 7t J-a f (x) o* X-xO f (x) has both real and imaginary parts, and they are related by (x)l I f+oo Im t'"'"dx f Re[/(xo)]--P I 7t J_a .r-x0 (2.73) and Im [/(x6)] If+oo : --P I 7t J-- (2.74) Example2.24. The permittivity of any material approaches ee at very high frequencies, e(a\ €0 t + fko) 150 cHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES (a) is analytic in the upper half-plane. lf f : u * i u,where25 f * (a) : f (- a) and f (o) -+ 0 as a) --> @, express the dispersion relations over the (physically ard e meaningful) positive half of the co-axis. Since e(a,l) does not approach zero at high frequencies, we work instead with the function f Qo) : e(a) les - 1. The given condition on / shows that u(a) - iu@;) : u(-a) * iu(-a) That is, u is an even function while u is odd. Then, from equation (2.73), I r+o u(as):-p 1 Ir J-a o u(a\ or:lrl[o '@) a,,] '(') dr* J0 [** a-@o I n lJ-a@-aj @-ao I I roo u(-to\ '-'do*l /t+- ufui\dalI ::-Pll 7r LJO -o-@O JO @-aO I au(a) ,.. _lo t[*, uQo) [/ I + I \ldo:-P2 |f@-;---:nda --'T Jo n Jo @'-@6 \@+oo ,-roo/ and, conversely, from equation (2.74), u(rr.,6): f* -!,7t J-o '@) dr- (D-aO f -l7t ,l LJO uGa) -a-@0 do* [** @-aO 'r'') arf JO J - If* -l- --P n Jo a'-(D6"da 2 @ou(o) These are the Kramers-Kronig relations. Measurements of the absorption properties of a material, u(ro), determine the dispersion, and vice versa. 2.8. CONFORMAL MAPPING 2.8.1. Definition of a Conformal Transformation In Section 2.I.3, we noted that complex functions are mappings of the complex plane onto itself. If the function is analytic, then the mapping has some particularly nice properties. If f (z) is analytic at zo ffid,f'(zo) does not vanish, then the mapping x --> f (a) is conformal at zg. Conformal mappings have the following properties: 1. Conformal mappings preserve angles. 25We shall see in Chapter 7 that this condition arises from the fact that function of time. e(a-r) is the Fourier transform of a real 2.8 CONFOHMAL 2. The magnification is the same for all curves passing through 3. Infinitesimal circles map to infinitesimal circles. MAPPING 151 zo. see how these properties follow from the definition. Consider two sets of curves: constant and h(z) : constant (Figure 2.37a). Under the mapping w - f (z), we get two new sets of curves in the rl-plane (Figure 2.37b).If we move along the original curves from z6 by infinitesimal amounts dzt and dzz in the original plane, this movement Let's BQ) : corresponds to the displacements dwy and dw2 along the mapped curves. (Remember that addition of complex numbers corresponds to vector addition in the complex plane.) 8v-r(ol FIGURE 2.37b. The mapped curves in FIGURE 2.37a. Small displacements away from 26 along the curves g(z) : constant and h(zl : the ur-plane. If the mapping is conformal, then?t ,the angle between constant in the z-plane. dwt and dw2, equals d, the angle between dz1 and dz2. Then a*r: {ldz dzt and dwz lzo So for j :1,2, df dz. dzz - the absolute value of dru; is lawll: df dz ldril zo and the argument is ary(aw1): + arg(dz) 152 oHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES Arg (dwi)differs from arg (d.21)by the constant ^rr* between the two curves in the u.r_plane is 0t : TE @w) - arg *r( ll ). **, \d'l'o/ (dw) : aq (dz) - arg and so the mapping preseryes angles (property 1)' If a small circle about zo has radius , : ldzl, then each a distance (dz) : the angle 0 dw on the mapped curve is rt:ldwl:r from u.r6 : f kO, and so the mapped curve is also a circle (property 3), with magnification ldf ldzlrol (nroperty 2). Note that this works only mapped "circle" reduces to a point. if df ldzlro is not zero; otherwise, the 2.8.2. Some Examples of MaPPings TVo trivial cases f(z) : z* This is a a translation of the whole plane by an amount a (Figure 2.38)' : z * a is a translation of the plane through the vector d, whose components are the real and imaginary parts of the complex number a. FIGURE 2.38. The mapping w f (z): a4 : Petdl This is a rotation by an angle a plus a magnification by p (Figwe2,39). These two examples are not very useful because they do not change the shape of figures in the plane. j 2.8 CONFORMAL MAPPING 153 FIGURE 2.39. The mapping u) : az conesponds to rotation plus magnification. More interesting and useful maps w:lnz Writing z in polar form, z : reio , we find tD:u+iu:lnr*i0 This function maps circles in the z-plane (constant r) to segments of lines in the u.r-plane (constant u,0 I u < 2r) and maps radial lines from the origin (0 : constant) to lines parallel to the a-axis (u : constant) (Figure 2.40). w-Plane z-Plarle FIGURE 2.40. The function u = lnz maps circles centered at the origin to straight lines. 2a z w 2a 2a : ---e-Iv - -rr (cosd - i sind) : u + iu 154 cHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES What kind of curves in the z-plane map to straight lines in the ur-plane? The points that map to the line u : uo satisfy 2a 2a -lsind-uo+r---sind ru0 Thus, we have 2a x:rcose:--sindcos9: -Lu0 sin20 U0 and y:rsino --2o sin2g: -Le-cos2o) UO UO Then : r (+)' . (++ t)2: t sin2 20 + cos2 2o ^ / * x'+ (r These curves are circles centered at e-plane: circle centered at FIGURE 2.41. The function y : -a - y a : -qf o\2 ^) /a\2 : (;/ us with radius R : laluol figure 2.41). w-plane: the circle maps to the straight line u : a6 ^ w :2a/z also maps circles to straight lines. The circle centered at / u0 with u6 negative maps to the straight line u : u0. 2.8 CONFORMAL MAPPING 155 2.25. To see how to use this transformation in a physics problem, let the circle represent a metal cylinder ofradius R at electric potential V, separated by an insulating strip from a metal plane on the x-axis at zero potential. Find the potential everywhere outside the cylinder. We use the transformation w : 2R2 /z.Then the cylinder maps to the line u - -R. The plane at y - 0 (0 : 0 and 0 : n) maps to Example v :2Rz rr sin (o) : Q and u :2Rz sin (n) : Q which is the real axis in the u-plane. Notice, though, that the origin maps to infinity and the points at ) : *oo map to the origin. The region outside the cylinder is described by circles of radius lR2/u6 | greater than R. Each such circle maps to a line u : -'u0, with u6 < R. Similarly, the region inside the cylinder maps to points with uo > R. The region below the plane (y < 0) maps to u > 0. The physical region of interest (outside the cylinder and above the plane) maps to the region of the u-plane with 0 > u > -R. Thus, in the ur-plane, the potential @ equals 0 at u : 0 and @ equals V at u : -R-a parallel plate capacitor! The potential between the plates in the u-plane is given by the function Q : -V (u/R). We want this to be the real part of an analytic function (see Section 2.4.3), so the complex function we need is <D(u): -vw:iL* Rt R Mapping back to the z-plane, we find that the potential is V O(z):,8 2R2 2RV ,:i-s-tv 2RV The physical potential is the real part of this expression, or , Q:2RV 'ine And the equipotential surfaces (Figure 2.42) are described by r: 2RV 0-sind The field lines are described by the function 2RV COSP : Constant - Clearly, the first step in using a conformal transformation in a physics problem is to find the right transformation. This is a nontrivial task! The Schwarz-Christoffel transformation maps the interior of a polygon with N sides to the upper half-plane (Morse and Feshbach, Section 4.7). Circular arcs may be transformed to straight lines using the transformation w : a2 l(z - zp),where zo is a point on the circular arc. A few additional cases are explored in the problem set. 1s6 CHAPTER 2 COMPLEXVARIABLES FIGURE 2.42. Equipotential surfaces around a conducting cylinder on a grounded plane (Example2.25). 2.9. THE GAMMA FUNCTION The gamma function provides an example of a function that is defined in terms of a complex integral. We will have an opportunity to see how to extend the definition of the function from one with a purely real argument to one with a complex argument-another case of analytic continuation. The original definition of the gamma function (due to Euler) for x real and f (x) : fo* "-'t'-t x> 0 is (2.7s) at From this definition we can determine the value of the function for integer arguments. First, f(1) : lfoo r-' dt : Jo -e-tl;" : I Integrating the definition (2.75) by parts yields a recursion relation between f(x - 1): r(x) : lo* '-'t'-r at ,'-r1-"-r;l- - Io* o - t)(-e-t)t"-2 dt f (x) and 2.9 THE GAMMA f(x):(x- l)f(x- l) FUNCTION 157 (x > l) (2.76) Then, when x is an integer, f(n * 1) : nl(n) : n(n - l)f(n - 1) : "' : n(n - l)(n -2) "' l(n]-l):nr. 1f(1) (2.77) For integer arguments, the gamma function is just a factorial. An important special case of a noninteger argument is r fl\ : [* e-trt/2 \2) Jo To evaluate the integral, we change variables. Let zau: . (;) : lo* "-u' t: l* u2 dt .Tlten dt : 2u du : 1_ e-u- du: Jr 2tr/2 du. So (2.78) Appendix IX for the evaluation of the integral.) We'd like to extend the definition of the gamma function to all real and complex arguments. The definition (2.75) remains valid for complex arguments z provided that Re (z) > 0 to ensure convergence of the integral, but it fails for.r < 0 because the integral diverges at the lower limit. There is another difficulty in that the complex integrand lz-t,-t aut a branch point at the origin if z is not an integer. We can deal with both problems if we redefine the function as a contour integral with a well-chosen contour. The new definition must coincide witir the original definition when z is a real number greater than zero. To achieve this, we put the branch cut along the positive real axis and create a contour C in the complex /-plane that runs along the top of the cut, around the branch point at the origin, and back to infinity along the bottom of the branch cut (Figure 2.43). (See Im (t) Re (t) FIGURE 2.43. Contour for evaluating the gamma-function integral. 158 cHAPTER 2 coMPLEXVARIABLES Let's evaluate the integral along this contour. The integrand is f (2,t1:f-tr-r : 7z-t1r-t: exp (ln exp [(z - 1)lnr - r] i0,where / : reiq. Onthe tophalf of contour C, the argument0 equals 0, while on the bottom half , 0 : 2n .The integrand differs by exp f2ni(z - l)l : exp (2niz) on the two sides. Around the little circle lrl : 6, Recallthatln/ : ln r * ,'-' e-' dt : ['" Gr''1'-' [ lc. exp {-eeio)ierio de Jo r2n - ,' loLi'ei de - ^2. c-1"2niz - 1) as * 0 e --+ o as e -+ 0 for Re (e) > 0 Thus, lr*-'r-' for x > 0. Then dt : (e2oi* - tl l, ,x-tr-t dt : (e2ni* - l)f (x) we define the gamma function through the integral expression: f(z): #- r(z): - tf (2.79) frt'-tr-'at or, equivalently, ";e Jr{-t)'-t ,-' at (2.80) so that the old definition and the new definition are consistent where they are both valid. The contour C is the one shown in Figure 2.43' The complex function f(z) defined by equation (2.79) has a singularity where ,2niz - 1 : 0, ot l : n, where n is any positive or negative integer' For positive n, we must use a limiting process, since the numerator is also zero. Let Z : n * 6. Then e2ntz-t Jc tu: a;=lJ;'+,-t"-'at * i(n't6) rn-t6-' ln*,2tr "-' d.t) : u:"',',n:":,- t [* ,,+t-rr-t dt: [ ,n+6-tr-t 4, e2ftr\n+6t_lJo Jo -+f(n) as6-+0 2.9 THE GAMMA FUNCTION 159 as required. So these singularities are removable. The singularities at negative integer values of z are not removable; they are simple poles. Properties of the gamma function are summarized in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, Section 8.3. One useful relation satisfied by the gamma function is f (x)f (l - x): ,o SIN JT -r from which it follows that rf1\r(t-1\: ' \2) \ 2/ sin(r12) f / a \ 12 (;)l :7' L. /l \ : '-(rr Ji as we found above by doing the integral. Also, . (j). -( ' l\_ ('* :) : *f_\: \ 2/ -" So -7r \-r)-;/{ \2/ -ir t_ - _tr6 ---vJ. .> 2 \2/ where we used relation (2.76). To compute the gamma function for large real arguments, we may use an asymptotic series due to Stirling26: rnlf (x+l)l:ln(x!): )rnrn*(.* j) '"'-.***... Finally, we note that the incomplete gammafunctions are defined by the indefinite integrals l@. x) f (a. tx : | ,-t ra-t tr, Jo A: f6 J* ,-t ru-t 7, where Re (cv) t 0. The gamma function has numerous applications in physics and in statistics. 26This expression may be derived using the method of steepest descent (Optional Topic D). 160 cHAPTER2coMPLEXVARIABLES PROBLEMS fl ff zr : 5 + 2i and z2 : 3 4i, find zr/ zz and zt x - zz. @)Use the polar representation of z to write two expressions for z3 in terms of your result to express cos 30 and sin 30 in terms of cos and sin 0. r and 0. Use I 3. Prove De Moivre's theorem: (cos0 * i sind)' : eosn) I i sinn? 4. The equation (y - yd2 : 4q(x - xs) describes a parabola. Write this equation in terms of 7 : a I iy. Hint: Use the geometric definition of the parabola. [- Strow that the equation lz-cl+lz-dl:q represents an ellipse in the complex plane, where c and d are complex constants and cv is a real constant. Use geometrical arguments to determine the position of the center of the ellipse and its semi-major and semi-minor axes. 6. Show that the equation z: aeiQ * be-iQ represents an ellipse in the complex plane, where a and b are complex constants and @ is a real variable. Determine the position of the center of the ellipse and its semi-major and semi-minor axes. Hint: Use the geometric interpretation of arithmetic operations in , Section 2.1.I to determine the location of the axes. 7t-find c// solutions of the equations below Show your solutions in a plot of the complex \-,/plane. (a) zs : -1 (b) za : 16 E. Find all solutions of the equations below. (a) cosz: 100 (b) sinz:6 : -5. S 10. Find all complex numbers z such that z : ln (-5). 11. Investigate the function w : 1/ JZ.Find the functions u(r,0) and v(r,0), where rr) : u I iu. How many branches does this function have? Find the image of the unit circle fina all solutions of the equation cosh z under this mapping. 12. T\e function w(z) : zr/a . Find the functions u(r,0) and u(r, 0), where w : u * iu. How many branches does this function have? Find the image under this mapping of a square of side 1 centered at the origin. E}l OUtate spheroidal coordinates u, u, w are defined in terms of cylindrical coordinates p, Q, z by the relations p *iz: ccosh (u -liu), w:0 Show that the surfaces of constant u and constant u are ellipsoids and hyperboloids, respectively. What values of u and u correspond to the z-axis and the z : 0 plane? I l PROBLEMS 161 14. AnAC circuit contains acapacitor C in series with a coil with resistance R and inductance L.The circuit is driven by an AC power supply with emf e : eo cos ot. (a) Use Kirchhoff's rules to write equations for the steady-state current in the circuit. (b) Using the fact that cos arl : Re (ei't),findthe cunent through the power supply in the form 1 and show that 16 - es f Z interms of l, R, C, : Re (Ioei.r) Z, where Z is the complex impedance of the circuit. Express and a. (c) Use the result of (b) to find the amplitude and phase shift of the current. (d) How much power is provided by the power supply? Show that the time-averaged power is given by p with e : eseiat and 1 15. Small amplitude waves in - : (esf 1ne (e/*) 22 - 1*" (r.r) Z)ei.t. a plasma are described by the relations 0nA (nsu):g ^ *^dx dt AE to- : -"n and ^!At : -eE - mvu where n6, e,m)v,and e6 are constants. The constant u is the collision frequency. Assume that n, E, and u are all proportional to exp (ikx - iart). Solve the equations for nonzero n, E , ard u to show that ar satisfies the equation ,2 + ir, :'o"' : m€o ,'n where at, is the plasma frequency. Solve this equation to find the frequency ar and hence ---, show that collisions damp the waves. [re.)wi."therealandimaginarypartSUanduofthecomplexfunctions.1 \,/ (a) .f : z2 sinz (b) / : ;! l+z .t M )' n 1,'^:-*,7 uL{ .I'tr4'/!) )'i'(''';'"'f t, /\ :-r' +t "/ In each case, show that z and u obey the Cauchy-Riemann relations. First find the derivative d.f ldz in terms of .r and y, and then express the answer in terms of z. Is the result what you expected? ) 162 cHAPTER 2 ooMPLEX vARIABLES The variables x andy in acomplex number and its complex conjugate z*: Z: x +iy may be expressedinterms of Z 1 16:;(z*z*) z | ,-. Y: - rlz-z*) Show that the Cauchy-Riemann relations are equivalent to the condition 0f _n 0z* .,<\ x3 ^ is thereal part of an analytic ^ xy2 On. of the functioos u1 : 2(x - flz anduz: Q! T function w(z) : u I iu. Which is it? Find the function u(x, y) and write ro as a function of z. 19. A very long cylinder of radius a has potential V on one half and The potential inside the cylinder may be written as a series: -V on the other half. sir[2(2n + 1)0] 2n -11 Express each term in the sum as the imaginaly part of a complex number, and hence sum the series. Show that the result may be expressed in terms of an inverse tangent. 20. The function -f : sin (22) {t"" Example 2.10) also has a zero a1a : Ji. What is its order? series for the following functions about the point specified. In each case, determine the radius ofconvergence ofthe series. 21. Find the Taylor ka)lzcoszaboutz:0 (b) ln (1 * z) about z : (c) 0 sln z raboutz:Tl2 z (d) ''. about;:2 z"-r 1 22. Determine the Thylor or Laurent series for each of the following functions in the immediate neighborhood of the point specified. In each case, determine the radius of convergence of the series. cos z- (b) z-l ,) sln z- aboutz - I z (c) ez -aboutz-0 about z. : ir z-in I PROBLEMS 163 (d) lnz z- I.aboutz:l (e) tan-l (z) about z :0 23. Determine allTaylor or Laurent series about the specified point for each of the following functions. eZ (b) (c) -aboutz:3 -: zz -9 (d) " zz* +9 1 A. about the orisin zz+l - I '=-aboutz:i zz+l about the origin Find all the singularities of each of the following functions and describe each of them completely. I (a) -ez --sincos z sln z (b) 477 . tanhz . . -(c) z (d) h(1+22) 25. Incompressible fluid flows over a thin sheet from a distance Xs into a corner, as shown in : i : the diagram. The angle between the barriers is n f 3, andat x X0, Voi. Assuming that the flow is as simple as possible, determine the streamlines and plot them. What is the velocity atr : Xo13,0 : n16? PROBLEM 25 E6.l Prove the Schwarz reflection principle: If a function the real axis and /(x) is real when x is real, then f*(z): f(z*) / (z) is analytic in a region including 164 oHAPTER2ooMPLEXVARIABLES Show that the result may be extended to functions that possess a Laurent series about the origin with real coefficients. (a) Verify the result for the function f(z) : cosz. (b) Verify the result for the function f (z) : tan-l(z). (c) Show that the result does not hold for all z if f(z) : lnz (the principal branch is assumed). 27. Find the residue of each of the following functions at the point specified. =1 atz:r til # <. -r /1 I\ atz:O \z- - /I (b) exp | (c)sin"z at the ongrn COS Z (d) 'l/2 atz:116 -srnz Evaluate the following integrals. -[ 2Ydr,where C is a circle of radius 2 centeredat the origin 6 ) Jc z l0 ,{ fior,where c is a square of side 4 centered at the origin q ,{ f:}ar,where C is a circle of radius 1 centered at the origin @ ,4 ff uor,where c is a square of side 1 centered at the point z : (l + i) 14 29. Evaluate the following integrals. @ (o) f2n I + cos7 Jo z_rr*-do f1T sinz 0 Jo 1 + f2n (c) " I cosz ede I lo l+sin'e t(ol /" sinz, e de Jo -d0 30.-Evaluate each of the following /+- I ,u) J__ x4rdx n(bl f+oo x I v P J-* x5 ll , -1 /n*- cos-dx arx G) xzandx J__ A /+oo _r sinx (g /_- xz +2x +2dx integrals. l l PROBLEMS 165 6/Ur" a rectangular contour to evaluate the integrals. .1 r+- eo* (91 where b is real and 0 < Re (a) < b J-* t a ru,-dx' t2- /+- sinh a-x (V sintr4o*dx !l J-* 1+m xz R /. *rt,*d' 32. Ev)luate the integrals (") /+/ x3/z ,rjdx f@ xlll (b) I Jo x"+I -dx b3.'l Evaluate the integral byintegratingoverapie-slicecontourwithsidesatd:0and atf - r/N,0 < r < oo. 34. Evaluate the integral fo* "" a" along the positive real axis by making the change of variable u2 : -ix2. Take care to discuss the path of integration for the u-integral. Use the Cauchy theorem to show that the resulting a-integral may be reduced to a known integral along the real axis. Hence show that (The result has numerous applications in physics-for example, in signal propagation.) 35. The power radiated per unit solid angle by a charge undergoing simple harmonic motion is dP _-Ksinz0 dA Q+pcosdsina-l/)s where the constant K : e2cfla l4na2 and F : aatlc is the speed amplitude/c (see, for example, Jackson, p. 701). Using methods from Section 2.7.2,performthe time average over one period to show that /dP\\ / _ \ao/ K ,^ 4+B2cos20 8 ""'" (t-prrorro),/, _ _-i^Lo_ 166 oHAPTER2 ooMPLEXVARTABLES 36. Langmuir waves. Waves in a plasma may be described by a wave form n : n1exp(ikx - iri;) (compare with Section 2.I.4), where the relation between ar and k (the dispersion relation) is given by o: 4 [** k J-* I -F 3f (u)/ou a-ku o, where roo is the plasma frequency ne2 f esm and/(u) is the one-dimensional Maxwellian f (u) : tl I m *r;, exe / mu2\ \- 2W ) Notice that the integrand has a singularity at u : co I k, which is on the real axis, if ar and k are both real. Landau showed that the integral is to be regarded as an integral along the real axis in the complex u-plane, and that the correct integration path passes around and under the pole. (a) Show that the integral may be expressed as (ut If+@ af" "/au dt,:P J-* a-ku I l 1 l (Compare with Section 2.7.3,page I43.) (b) Evaluate the principal value approximately, assuming a/k )) v7 : l JEpT/m. a series in powers of ku la. Neglect the small effect of the pole, and find the frequency a-l as a function of k. Now include the imaginary part due to the pole at o I k. Show that the wave is damped. The result has been confirmed experimentally. Hint:Firstintegrate by parts, and then expand the denominator in (c) How would the result change if the path of integration were to pass over, rather than under, the pole? Fil ts the mapping , : z2 conformal? Find the image in the u.r-plane of the circle lz - il : I in the z-plane, and plot it. Comment. 38. Is the mapping w (a) the x-axis : z * (1/z) conformal? Find the image in the u-plane of (b) the y-axis (c) the unit circle in the z-plane a cylindrical bump of radius 4 on it. The second plate is a distance a away. One plate is maintained at potential V , and the other is grounded. Find the potential everywhere between the plates. A capacitor plate has d )) 39. Show that the mapping z : tD * eu is conformal except at a finite set of points in the z-plane.Aparallelplatecapacitorhasplatesthatextendfromx: -l tox : -oo.Find an appropriate scaling that allows you to place the plates aty : ls . Show that the given transformation maps the plates to the lines u : ln . Solve for the potential between the plates in the ru-plane, map to the z-plane, and hence find the equipotential surfaces at the ends ofthe capacitor. Sketch the field lines. This is the so-called fringing field. PROBLEMS 167 @ f*o conducting cylinders, each of radiu s a, ate touching. An insulating strip lies along the line at which they touch. One cylinder is grounded, and the other is at potential V. Use one of the mappings from the chapter to solve for the potential outside the cylinders. : I I Q - 2) maps to straight line segments (a) lz - 4l :2 with endpoints at z - 3 + Jii (b) lz - (2+i)l: l withendpoints atz:3 *l and z: I*i 42. Show that f(x) < 0for -1 < x < 0. 41. Show that the mapping w the arcs f (z) is analytic and bounded in a region R, lz - zol = R < M on the circle lz - zol: r, then the coefficients in the Taylor series E3j Prove Cauchy's inequality:If and if l/(z)l expansion of / about z6 (equation 2.44) satisfy the inequality M ," 1V Hence prove Liouville's theorem: If f (z) is analytic and bounded in the entire complex plane, then it is a constant. 44. A function f (z) is analytic except for well-separated simple poles at z and zn 0. Show that the function may be expanded in a series * N f(z):/(o)+;",(l+ \z' ,1 f Zn,n : I- N, t Z-zn/) where a, is the residue of at zr. Is the result valid for H int : Ev aluate the integral Ju : N -+ oo? Why or why not? (r)_4. 2tti Jr^ a, - rl : t t f where C1s is a circle of radius R1,' about the origin that contains the N poles. You may assume that I f (z)l < eRlr on C1s for e a small positive constant. CHAPTER 3 Differential Equations Any physical situation can be described by a mathematical problem-usually one involving the solution ofa differential equation subject to a set ofboundary conditions. Thus, solving a physics problem frequently reduces to solving a differential equation. Because we are concerned with a real physical situation, we expect a solution to exist. In this chapter, we shall review some methods for solving differential equations that occur in physics. Much of the rest ofthe book is devoted to developing additional techniques. A complete discussion of this topic would require more space than is available here. For important theorems that prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions, see, for example, the texts by Ince or Murray and Miller. Interested students should refer to additional texts listed in the bibliography. 3.1. SOME DEFINITIONS A differential equation is an equation for a function / ofone or more variables that includes derivatives of / with respect to one or more of those variables. The order of a differential equation is the order ofthe highest derivative that appears in the equation. Thus, an equation of the form d2t, dl +3--:- +2,'t :6 --+ dxt dx (3.1) is a second-order differential equation for the function y(x). Equation (3. l) is also a linear differential equation, because each term in the equation is a linear function of y or its derivatives. On the other hand, dy _a 'dx (3.2) is a nonlinear differential equation, since it has a term with a product of y and y'. These two equations are ordinary differential equations, which means that the solution y is a function of the one variable x. When we have a function of more than one variable, such as y (x , t) , and the equation involves partial derivatives with respect to both x and t , 169 170 cHAprER 3 then we have a DTFFERENTTAL EeuATroNS partial dffirential equation. These equations will be discussed later. (See also Appendix X.) Equations (3.1) and (3.2) are also inhomogeneous, since each equation has a term on the right-hand side that is independent of y and all its derivatives. On the other hand, the equation d2v .dv -=1+3x'-il2y:o dx' clx (3.3) is a homogeneous equation. It is also linear. However, unlike equation (3.1), which has constant coefficients, equation (3.3) has a nonconstant coefficient, with x2 multiplying the term in dy ldx. 3.2. COMMON DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ARISING IN PHYSICS Some of the common differential equations that arise in physics are described below. 3.2.1. Newton's Second Law Newton's second law, i : md, is a second-order differential equation for the position of a particle. If the force is constant, such as the gravitational force on a particle near the Earth's surface, then the equation is very simple. With the y-axis chosen vertically upward, we have m d2y or2 : -m8' This equation is quite easy to solve, so we may use it to draw some general conclusions. We may integrate twice to obtain the solution: l) y:y0+-:dv t- t8'dto (3.4) There are two integration constants, 1lo and dy /dtls : u0, that must be specified to complete the solution. The functions yr?) : I and yz1) : / are solutions of the homogeneous equation y// : Q. Thus, the general solution is a linear combination of these two functions pllus a particular integral-a function that satisfies the inhomogeneous equation. Here the particular inte- gralis -!rgt2. Oft"n we obtain the values of y6 and dyldtls from the specified initial conditions-the values of position and velocity at t : 0. - Nowletussupposethatthereisairresistancethatisproportionaltotheparticle'svelocity: Fa, : -ai. Then we get d2v m--:;:-m8-q, dt' dv dt (3.s) This is a second-ordeq linear, inhomogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients. We shall solve this equation in Example 3.2. 3.2 COMMON DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS ABISING IN PHYSICS 171 3.2.2. Simple Harmonic Motion If the force applied to a particle is given by Hooke's law and if y describes the displacement of the particle from its equilibrium position, then we have d2y m7V : -kt (3'6) which is a second-order, linear, homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients. If the system also has a damping force proportional to velocity, then the equation becomes d2v fll-: dtz d2y dP where 2q : y lm *rd ,4 : dv ' dt +2oQ *of,y:g (3.7) k/m. This is the equation for a damped harmonic oscillator 3.2.3. Bending of a Beam A beam will bend when a load is placed on it. Let the coordinate x run along the undisplaced beam, and let y(x) be the downward deflection of the beam's center line. The elastic properties of the beam are described by the Young's modulus E of its material. Its response to applied loads is determined by the shape of the cross section, as measured by what engineers call the moment of inertia 1 of the cross section about the long axis.l Then, with origin at the left end of the beam, the deflection y(x) may be computed as follows: 1. The beam bends as a result of the net torque acting on it. In equilibrium, torque due to the internal stresses balances the external torques. Torque balance is expressed by the differential equation2 d2v I : --+ dx2 --m(x\ EI (3.8) where rn(x) is the net counterclockwise torque of all forces acting to the right of point r. The minus sign arises because y increases downward. 2. The torque is due to the shearing force: dm _-f(x) (3.e) dx where r (x) is the sum of all vertical (downward) components of forces acting to the right of point x. lLet x' , y' z/ be coordinates with origin at the centroid, with y/ (vertical) and z/ (horizontal) lying in the beam , I: cross section. Then [(y')2dy' dz'. 2This is the Bemoulli-Euler law See, for example, Long, pp. 9l-94. 172 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 3. The shearing force results from the load per unit length: dt ' clx Here the minus sign appears because t is integral. 4. Putting these equations : -q(x) fi q(x') dx' ,where x is (3.10) the lower limit of the together gives us the differential equation satisfied by the beam: d4t, dro: 1 (3.1 1) EI(t@) where q(x) is the load per unit length along the beam. This is one of the few equations in physics that have order greater than2. 3.2.4. Electric Circuits Applying Kirchhoff's laws to an electric circuit gives an equation for the charge on a capacitor or the current in the circuit. For a single-loop L RC circuit (Figure 3.1) with appropriate choice of the circuit variables for charge q and current,3 we find r#*o#*[:e (3.12) where t is the applied emf. The circuit is a driven, damped harmonic oscillator. Compare equation (3.12) with equation (3.7). C FIGURE 3.1. Circuit diagram that leads to equation (3.12). The algebraic variables i and q are defined here. Multiloop circuits give rise to a set of coupled linear differential equations. In all such problems, particular care must be taken in the definition of the variables and the consequent relations among them. 3See, for example, Lea and Burke, p. 990. 3.2 COMMON DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS ARISING IN PHYSICS 173 3.2.5. Diffusion Processes involving many random interactions ("collisions") are usually described by a diffusion equation. Heat conduction is an example of this kind of process. Heat transfer along a rod of cross-sectional area A, for example, is described by the heat flux H : -kA 0T l0x, where k is the thermal conductivity of the rod's material. The minus sign indicates that heat flows toward lower temperature. The rate of change of temperature in a segment of length dx depends on the heat capacity of the segment and the imbalance of heat flow into and out of that segment. Heat flow out of a segment of length dx reduces that segment's temperature: H(x -f dx) - H(x) : -*r 4*!At where m is the mass per unit length and c is the specific heat. Dividingby dx, we have the differential equation AT AH kA_ A2T '-'^ 0x 0x2 AT KA A2T_n A2T "'- 3t dl a-^a mc dx' dx' (3.13) (3.r4) : D kA lmc is called the diffusion coefficient. This is a partial differential equation, since it contains partial derivatives with respect to r and r. The solution is a function of the two variables x and t. where 3.2.6. Waves The wave equation relates the second time derivative of a function to its space derivative: 32y ,o2y atz-" uz where u is the phase speed of the wave. If we assume a solution of the form Re ei't y1x\ (compare with Chapter 2, Section 2.1.4),then we find (3.1s) y(x,t) : " "d2v u'-i -@'Y(x): dx' d2y dr, lk2y:g (3. r6) where k2 : @2 /u2. We have reduced our partial differential equation to an ordinary differential equation known as the Helmholtz equation. L 174 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuATtoNS 3.3. SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A linear, homogeneous, ordinary differential equation of n th order has n linearly independent4 solutions. The general solution is a linear combination of the n independent solutions. Thus, to completely specify the solution, we require n pieces of information (boundary conditionss). For a second-order differential equation, we may know the value of both y and yt ar one boundary (say x : 0, in which case we have an initial value problem) or perhaps we may know the values of y at two boundaries (say x - 0 and x : l). In this section, we shall focus on finding the two linearly independent solutions of a second-order equation. 3.3.1. Equations with Gonstant Coefficients The easiest class ofdifferential equations to solve is linear, ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients, so we shall start with those. Homogeneous Equations A linear, homogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients, no matter what the order, is solved by an exponential function y : et' , where s is a real or complex constant. Simply substitute this solution into the differential equation to obtain an algebraic equation for s. Each distinct solution for s corresponds to a linearly independent solution of the original differential equation. Since a second-order equation gives a quadratic for s, a thirdorder equation gives a cubic equation, and so on, we can expect to find n solutions to an nth-order equation. (The case ofrepeated roots is discussed below.) Solve equation(3.12) with t : 0 and with the initial conditions 4 Q att :0 and the current I : dqldt : 0 at / : 0. Substituting the trial solution est into the equation, we find Example 3.1. [.s2sst a Pssst : *Tett -0 , 1 and so Ls2 + Rs -l- 1 -C -0 (3.t7) which has two solutions: : -- R + -2L .S-L 4A set of : -a tia N functions ya(.r) is linearly independent if there are no nonzero coefficients an that make DI:t onyn: 0 for all values of x. See Chapter 1, Section 1.5.2 for a related concept applied to vectors. 5In the particular case of the variable t (time) with conditions specifi ed att :0, the boundary conditions are called initial conditions. 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 175 where R 2L and . -: .,2 _ r I/R\2 _ LC- \n) I it Rl2L > IlJIrC, and both solutions decrease with time. Butif Rl2L < llJLC, then the roots form a complex conjugate pair with a negative real part. Since the complex exponential may be expressed in terms Both roots are real and negative of sines and cosines, these solutions are damped oscillations. The general solution is a linear combination of the solutions e"+' and et-t q : exp (-at)[Aexp (iot) f B exp : (-iat)] where the values of the constants A and B are given by the initial conditions. At we have / : 0, q(0):Q:A+n and I:+ldt l,:o :o:(-cu *ia)A+(-d -iro)B So B:.4-oli' ulia and / -l- iro\ 2io +-4: O r \ O:-41 ll- -a l--4=ll-i-l u*ia u*ito 2\ o/ \ / cY Then B:e-A-f,Q+f) The solution is then n : 3,-"'lQ - ,z),''' * (t *,!),-'''f : Qe-at (.orrt +Y"inrt) A special case arises lf RlzL : I/J LC. The square root equals zero, andthere is - R /2L. Thus, we find only one only one solution to the quadratic equation for s: s : 176 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuAroNS : : e't .We look for a second solution to the differential equation,6 u(t)e't , and substitute into the original equation to obtain a new differential equation for the function u: solution for q, q1 ofthe form q2G) dqz dt : utett * st)ett and # : t)"e't +2su'e't + s2ue't Substituting into the differential equation gives Le't (u" + 2su/ + szu) + e't R1u'* su) 1 | l\ : o Lu"+u'(2sL+n+(rs2 '+Rs+e)r:O \ The coefficient of u is zero (equation 3.17). Then, using our solution for s, we have Lu"+rlt(#) r+Rl ro:o u":o Thus, the solution for u is v : A + Bt. So the second, independent solution for 4 is te't . We may readily extend this method to the case where the equation for s has a root repeated n times (see Problem 2). Inhomogeneous Equations To find the general solution to a linear, inhomogeneous differential equation, we first find any solution of the inhomogeneous equation [the particular integral I p@)). This is not as hard as it might seem, because we can often find the particular integral we need by setting one or more of the derivatives to zero. Next we ofthe homogeneous equation. The general sol combination of y1 ard y2: y(x):!p(x)|-ct We can adjust the constants c1 and c2 to satisfy 3.2. Find the solution to equati resistance) with the initial conditions y - y First we find a solution yr (/) to the inhomo tive to zero. (This means that the particle r Example 6This is a general method that we discuss in more detail in ] 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 177 gravitational force is balanced by air resistance and the acceleration is zero.) 0: -ms - "+dtq + yr(t): -^8 , Since the homogeneous equation is linear and has constant coefficients, its solution is of the form e", where s satisfies the equation *r2 +os :0 f Thus, the general solution s :0, m yn(t) to the homogeneous equation is yHQ):A+8.*p(-"t) \ m/ Next we add y7 to yp to obtain the solution to the complete equation: !(t) : tn t Y1 - A+n "*P Finally, we make use of the initial conditions ), the constants A and B: (-o t) - I€t \ m,/ a - ),0 and dy ldt : us to determine y0:y(0):A+B and dv + dt a mp ---B----::uolB:-[-l " m d t:o rmr2 m g--uo \a/ a Then t mt,2 m A:!o+(;,) B*;uo Thus, the solution is y(t) : * * (:)" l' - *n (-;')] *T @[r - "*n (-I,)] -',) Check the limit as cv -+ 0 and convince yourself that we get back the solution (3.4). What happens as a becomes very large? 3.3.2. Linear Equations with Nonconstant Coefficients When the coefficients in a linear equation are not constant, the solution is no longer a simple exponential. Before proceeding to a general method, we need to look at some properties of these equations. 178 cHAprER3DTFFERENIALEeuATtoNS Singular Points The behavior of the solutions to a homogeneous differential equation is easiest to analyze when the equation is written in standardform, where the coefficient of the highest derivative is unity. For example, the standard form of a second-order equation is dz,t dv dx d)(' -+f(x)-i*g(x)y:o Then the values of y and dy I dx at any point determine the value of the d2v ji: -f A) dv dx (3. l8) second derivative - sk)v By differentiating this expression, we may obtain the value of all higher derivatives that exist. The singular points of the differential equation are those points that are singularitiesT of the function f (x) or the function S(r). All other values of x y and dy / are regular points of the differential equation. At a regular point, dx may take on any values, and the resulting value of the second derivative will be finite. We may then use the differential equation to compute the higher-order derivatives, and hence find a Taylor series for y about the regular point. Providing the series has a nonzero radius ofconvergence, the solution exists. In contrast, at a singular point, y and dy/dx may take on only a set of special values. The set may be empty (that is, no values exist). Thus, if we are given values of y and dy /dx at the singular point and they are not in the set of special values, the Taylor series will not exist. The equation d2v *7?*2Y:o has a singular point at x : 0. [In standard form, /(x) : 0 and 8(r) : 2/x,whichhas a pole at x : 0.1 In order for the second derivative to exist at x :0, y(0) must be zero. In fact, y must go to zero as r -+ 0 at least as fast as x. The value y(0) : 1 (or any other finite nonzero constant) is not in the set of special values for this equation, and so there is no analytic solutions with y(0) : 1. If the equation is linear, the singular points are fixed. But the singular points of nonlinear equations also depend on the value of y (and perhaps its derivatives). For example, the TSee Chapter 2. Section 2.5.3. 8See Problem 5. 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 179 equation ,#*(#)':, has a singular point where ): (3.19) 0. The solutione to this equation, with initial conditions + yil, and thus the singular point occurs at x : -yo/2y'o, a value that depends on the values of y and yt at x : 0. This variability of the singular ),0 and y6, is y : {iQfi points accounts for much of the challenge in solving nonlinear equations. The Wronskian If y1 and y2 are both solutions of a linear, homogeneous differential equation, then any By2 is also a solution. | TheWronskian of the two solutions is linear combination Ay1 w(yt, y) : lDL - vzvl (3.20) The two solutions )1 and y2 arelineaily dependent if there are nonzero coefficients A and B such rhat Ay1 * Byz : 0 for all values of x. In this case, the Wronskian is identically zeto. Now observe that dW, ;:YtYi-YzY't' We may evaluate this derivative using the differential equation (3.18). Then # : ytGfyL - sJz) - vzGfvi- Blr) :-.fw (3.21) This is a linear, first-order differential equation for W. To find an expression for 17, first rewrite equation (3.21) as 1dw Wdx d *(lnw): -f and then integrate to obtain the solution: w:w(xo)*n(\ou l'"feoe) can verify this solution by direct substitution into the equation. See also Problem 12. (3.22) 180 cHAprER s DTFFERENTTAL EeuATroNs Since the exponential function is never zero for real arguments, V[ is zero for all x if it is zero at a{.r : .r0; otherwise, it is never zero. When the Wronskian is not zero, the two functions 1lr and y2 are linearly independent. Equation (3.22) shows that I4z is a specific function of x. We can evaluate it by using any form of the solutions 1,r and y2 or by performing the integration in equation (3.22). Once one solution yr (.r) of the original differential equation is known, we can use the Wronskian to find a second, linearly independent solution. Note that d / vr\: d. \n ) v'vl - vlvz :7,w ---T- Thus, y2: yt [ \oJyi (3.23) While equation (3.23) provides a formal solution, it is not always a useful one, because the integration may be difficult. It does prove, however, that a second-order differential equation posseses two solutions. 3.3. One solution to the equation y" - 4y' * 4y - O is eb (compare with Section 3.3.1). Use equation (3.23) to show that the second solution is xeb . For this equation, the function f (x) = -4, and hence, from equation (3.22), the Wronskian is Example w : w(o)"*n (lr' + a6) : woe+' Then the second solution is rz',): r' I ffidx : e2'wo I o' : wsxe2* and thus the second solution is xe2' . The constant W6 is arbitrary. Method of Variation of Parameters If one solution yr (x) of the differential equation has been found, we may search for a second solution of the formlo yz(x) : u(x)yt@). This yields a second, and we hope simpler, differential equation for the function z(.r). low" did thi. in Example 3.1. 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL Example 3.4. One solution to the Legendre equation (I is y(x) EOUATIONS 181 . d2v - *')li - r* dv * t2y : Pr(x) : x. (Verify this by substituting : xu(x). :0 into the differential equation.) Search for a second solution yz@) Differentiating, we find dYz ;:u*xu' and d'y, ^t, +xu , dx2 -zu Now substitute into the differential equation: 1l - x2112u' * xu") x1r 2x(u I xu'I - xzSu" + 2(l - l2xu : o : o 2x27u' which is artr$-otdet equation for u/: u" _ _, l -2x2_ -x(l-xz1 ttt This equation may be integrated as follows. Let x2 : u. Then 2x dx : d.w and l-2x? dx:- [ r-2w ,. rnr':-2 [ x(l-xz) J J G-w)w : - Jt (\u!- .l-) l-uu/ dw -lnr,u -ln(l - u,) :,"(a+;5) Tbking the exponential ofboth sidesll gives . I u': x\t-x\: t/t Z (.P 1 \ t rl I l \ +;7):2r2 -a (r -' * 1+.) Integrating again, we get ,:-L+1mfti) 2x' 4"'\t-"/ 1 lwe have omitted y(x).o yz@). the integration constant. You should verify that including it adds a multiple of our first solution 182 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuATtoNS Finally, yz:xu:-1*+,nf'*'\ 2 4 \l-rl:1Qt@) I where in the last step we inserted the usual definition of the Legendrel2 function Q I . With minor modifications, this method works for inhomogeneous equations as well. If y1 and y2 arc solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation lh(x) :01, the solution to the inhomogeneous equation y" + f (x)y' -t s@)y : h(x) may be written as y(x) : ur@)yr@) -l uz@)yz@) The differential equation leads to one equation for the two functions free to impose an additional constraint. The first derivative is y' (x) : u'1 @) I t @) * u r @) y', ul and u2, so we are (r) + u'2@) y2@) + u z@) yL@) One convenient constraint is u\(x)m@)*u'2@)yz@):O (3.24) in which case the derivative simplifies: y' (x) : u(x)yl(x) + uz@)yL@) The second derivative is then y" (x) : u'r1x;y'r1x; + a@)y{(x) + u'r1x;y'r1x) * uz@)yi@) and the differential equation becomes h (x) : u'r1x\ y'r1x1 + u (x) y( (x) + + f lu@)vl(x) : : [u(x) * 't l'2(x) + uz @) uz@)vL@)l-t slut@)vr(x) u2@)ltyi + u\(x)yl(x) + u'2@) yi @) * uz@)vz@)l fyl + 8y1] + u\(x)t\@) + ui@)vL(x) uL@)yL@) Using equation(3.24) to eliminate u'2,wehave h(x) : r'r@ ly'r(*) - f,or,.,f : -u r@ff l2The Legendre functions are discussed in some detail in Chapter 8. Q.2s) 3 3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 183 where W(x) is the Wronskian (3.20) of the two solutions )1 and y2. Thus, f I ut(x\:- J h(x\v'>(x\ '" w(x) d.r (3.26) and, similarly, u.t(xt: I I h(x)YtG) w(x) o* (3.21) Note the similarity between equations (3.23) and (3.27). Methods of Solution We have discussed several methods for finding a second solution to a differential equation, but how do we find the first one? Methods for solving an ordinary differential equation include the following: 1. Guess 1 Form the form of the solution. a power series-type solution. 3. Find an asymptotic solution. 4. Recognize the equation, or use a change of variable to transform the equation to a rec- ognizable form. 5. Integrate numerically. Guessing is not abad option. A given differential equation with a specified set ofboundary conditions has a unique solution (we will not prove this theorem here), so if we can guess the solution, we have the unique solution. Physical intuition and experience are useful guides to the guess. Later in the text we will identify some equations whose solutions are "named" functions with properties that are well known. Legendre's equation (Example 3.7; Chapter 8, Section 8.3.1) and Bessel's equation (Example 3.9; Chapter 8, Section 8.4.1) are examples. Once we recognize the equation, we may simply write down the solution. Some references (for example, Polyanin andZaitsev, Murphy) list differential equations and their solutions. These references allow us to look up the solution in the same way that integral tables allow us to find the value of an integral. Numerical integration gives a numerical solution for a specified set of boundary conditions, but the solution must be repeated for each new set of conditions. Thus, an analytic solution is preferable if one can be found. Numerical methods can be very useful for nonlinear equations, however. Additional methods for solving linear equations, such as expansion in eigenfunctions and transform methods, will be developed in the chapters that follow. Here we shall begin by studying power series solutions. 184 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 3.3.3. Power Series Solutions SolutionAbout a Regular Point The solution to a linear, homogeneous differential equation can be expressed as a Taylor 0, series about a regular point. Frequently (but not always) we want a solution about -r so that the solution is a power series in .r. The method is to assume a solution of the form : I -lanx" (3.28) n:0 and substitute into the differential equation. Since a Taylor series is uniformly convergent within its radius of convergence,13 we may differentiate term by term. Thus, ,oo dY ' - \-) narxn-l dx (3.29) ?:o Notice that the n : 0 term disappears because of the factor n multiplying ar. Then the second derivative is ,') o.-l dxz oo :5-n(r - (3.30) l)anxn-2 n:0 where now both the n : 0 and n : 1 terms are zero. For example, consider the Helmholtz equation (3.16) d2v 7?+k"Y:o (We can guess the solution to this equationi ) : sin kx or ) : cos k-r. Thus, we can check our result.) This equation has no singular points, so .r : 0 is a regular point. Substitute in the series (3.28) and (3.30): anx' : o irr, - r)anx'-z + k2f n:o n:o The algebraic equation that results can be satisfied only if the coefficient of each power of x is separately equal to zero. We always start with the lowest power that appears in the equation. "0: We obtain this power by taking Thus, we get 2. I. l3See Chapter 2. Section 2.3.3. a2 n : I k2ag: 2 in the first term and 0 + o,'2: -k'2 n : O in the second term. 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 185 xl: :3 We take n in the first term and n 3. 2. a3 : I in the second. Then I k2at: 0 + a3 : -ftzlt 3.2 until we come to the lowest power of x for which every sum in the algebraic equation contributes to that power. Then we can draw a general conclusion valid for all higher powers of x. Notice that both sums here contribute to the coefficient of x I , so we are ready for a general statement. Let's look at the coeffic ient of x^-2 . We have to consider special cases x^-2i We need n : m in the first term and n m(m : m - l)a^ + k2o*-r: 0 - 2 in the second. * a^ : -k2-!!-2 rn\m - I) a--2 interms of a*-4, We can now use the same relation again to express "' -m-__-- -Pz m(m - 3) etc. (-k')'o^-o -k2o^-4 r) (m - 2)(m - (3.31) m(m - l)(m - 2)(m - 3) Continuing in this way, if m is even, we get a^: (-I)m/'#oo (3.32) a^: (-I)@-t>PYlat (3.33) whlle if m is odd, we get Equation (3.31) is the recursion relation forthe series. It relates each coefficient in the series to the preceding one. In this case, the coefficents skip one: a* isrelatedto am-z rather than a^-l.Eventually we can relate each coefficient to ag or al. But we have no relations that determine the first two coefficients as and a1. These are the two arbitrary constants in the general solution. The two solutions are (kxta yt:ao(t/ -; tkx\2+i + \ :aocoskx ) and y2:at ( ["- *,3 k4x5 * _+... , 5! \ o, l:_sinkx )k in agreement with our guess. Since (kx)z is positive, the series is alternating, and each term decreases toward zero for m > lkxl * 1. Thus, these series converge everywhere. 186 cHAprER 3 Example 3.5. DTFFERENTTAL EeuATroNS Use a power series method to solve Hermite's equation: dzv dv -2x A? * +2ay - 0 This equation arises in the quantum mechanical treatment of a harmonic oscillator. The point x : 0 is a regular point of this equation, so we expect to be able to find a Taylor series solution about x : 0. Substitute in series (3.28) and its derivatives (3.29) and (3.30): + 2u\anx' : irr, - r)anx'-2 - z*Dn&nxn-r n:0 n:o o n--0 oo D"@ - l)anx'-2 @ - 2Dna,x' +2"Da,xn n:O n:0 :o n:O Now consider the coefficient of each power of x, starting with the lowest power. r0: The second term does not contribute .Take n : 2 in the first term and n :0 in the third: 2' |' a2 I 2aao : 0 t a2 : -aao xl: All terms contribute: 3' 2' a3 - 2or +2aa1 - 0 + a3 : -To, For all larger powers, all the terms in the equation contribute. So let's look at x^-2: l I l m(m - l)a* - 2(m - 2)a--z * 2aa*-z - 0 and thus 4^: (m ^ ZA^-2- Since the recursion relation relates a- -2) -a to a*-2, one solution contains only even powers of x while the other contains odd powers. The two series give two independent solutions of Hermite's equation. As in our previous example, the differential operator in Hermite's equation, D(x) : d2 /dx2 - 2xd /dx I 2q, : D(-x), is even, and thus the solution must be purely even or purely odd. The general solution is found by choosing values of the two constants as arrd at; that is, it is a linear combination of the two series. 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 187 For the even solution, we find am (m-2\-a :2--- .--: ^ x 2 (m-4)-a Qm-4 (m-2)(m-3) mlm - I) q," (a - m -l 2) : (-2ym/2d(a - 2)(a ao ml Notice that if a : 2p for some integer a2p+2: p, then we have zoro,r!ffin: o Then a2ra4, a2pt6, and so on are all zero also. Thus, the series terminates with the coefficient a2o; it is a polynomial of order 2p. These solutions are called Hermite polynomials, Hzp@). Since the solution is a polynomial and not an infinite series, the solution exists everywhere. In this case (a :2p), the second solution to the differential equation does not terminate. With z odd, Q2n-ll :2azn-t (2n-t)-2p (2n * l)(2n) : (-2)n I2(p - n) - tll2(p - n) and the numerator never vanishes. Indeed, a2ny1 (2n - 3l'.' (2p - -l t)l t) al Solution About a Singular Point In the region surrounding a singular point, a Taylor series may not exist, so we must modify our approach. If the singularity of the solution y (x) is isolated, we may express it in terms of a Laurent series 't*o'" - xo)n valid for 0 . lx - xo I = p. However, the singularity may not be isolated; for example, it may be a branch point. Thus, we may have to allow for noninteger powers of -r. [It is also possible that, even though x6 is a singular point of the differential equation, one of the solutions y(x) may be analytic at x6.l We can allow for all these possibilities by choosing a series of the form y(x) : (x - xdP Do,@ - xo)n (3.34) n:o where p may be any number, positive or negative, integer or noninteger, real or complex. This is called the Frobenius method. 188 cHAprER 3 DTFFEHENTTAL EeuATroNs If the solution is a Taylor or Laurent series, A < lx - r0l < p2, and we may differentiate ,' it is uniformly convergent within a regionr4 term by term. If p is not an integer, then : lfta-'o)o] (8" -.,') + (r - (n"",r" - "or'-') ^,' The derivativeof (x - xs)p exists everywhere except on the branch cut. We may differentiate everywhere in a region that is keyhole-shaped-that is, an annulus with a channel cut out at the branch cut. The derivatives are ,oo d\l : )-(, + p)an@ i{ dx (3.3s) xo)n+P-l n:o and d2,t 3 u.'- :f(n dx' n:0 Example 3.6. + p)(n + p - l)an@ - (3.36) xs)n+n-z Solve the hypergeometric equation r*,-*tfi*(r.-)*+]r:o Obtain a solution as a series in powers of x. The equation has singularpoints wherex2 - x : O-that is, at r : 0 and atx : 1. We are looking for a solution about x : 0, so we choose a series of the form (3.34). Substituting into the equation, we find oo@ 9 : f{, * p)(n * p - t)anxn+e -D(u. t n=O n:O p)(n + p - dr@ l)an76n*n-t oo +zfrn * p)a,xn+p - )D, * p)a,x'+P-t a ! lon*n*o n:o z=0 n:0 The lowest power that appears in this equation is and fourth terms), and its coefficient is 1) + Iol"o -loroZJ L Since we want a6 I a Taylor series, p1 - :, 0 for a nontrivial solution, we must have / o(o l4For xP-l (with r\ - ,):o 0 and the condition becomes lx - xol . pz. n : 0 in the second EQUATIONS 189 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL This equation is called the indicial equation. It has the solutions p : 0 and p : I /2. Looking atthe coefficientof rm +pgives us therecursionrelation forthecoefficients: - l)a* - (m -f p -f l)(m * l1 I .am-O -;(mJ-P]-I)a^a1 z+ (m * p)(m * p an.:. : p)a^+r * 2(m I p)a* l- p)(m * p * 1) -f I /4 (m-rp-tl)(m+p+ll2) (m In this case, the two independent solutions arise from the two different possible values of p. The recursion relation relates each a^a1to the preceding a^. Forp-0, am*t + rl4 + wam * tl2)2 : : (m 111^ 1 ry21a^ @+ r^ * I /2m+l\ /2n-l\ :o\^at)\ : m(m * r) r)(m 2m 2(m *| +ta^ * )^-' -t l)ll 2m+t(m + l)! " (2m --erl and the first solution is S yt:aoLn:0 - r)!! . 2^;r,:r" (zn This series is well behaved at the origin and converges for The second solution has p - l/2.Then am*t lxl < 1. (m+I/2)(m+312)+114^ _ m2+2m+t am : ^ 1* a3J2y^ trga^ @+3/r)@ + D 2(m * l) 2m+tQn I l)l - 2m + 3 *^ - (2m -13)ll uu : :_ *m+r +3424^ and v, - Jiaoi-z:!--" ,_n r2n * l)!! Once again the series converges for lxl < 1, but this function has a branch point at the origin. The constant as in each solution may be chosen freely; it need not have the same value in the two solutions. The Frobenius method may fail to provide two independent solutions if the functions and/or l- /(x) g(x) in the standard form (3.18) are too badly behaved. In particular, the method 190 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuATroNS may fail to provide two solutions about x : r0 unless (x - xd f @) and (x - xs)z g(x) are analyticls at x : xs, in which case the singular points are called regular singular points. This result is known as Fuch's theorem. However, one solution may sometimes be obtained about an irregular singular point, or two solutions may be obtained by choosing a different central point that is a regular singular point. The Frobenius method gives two independent solutions of equation (3. 18) about a regular singularpointprovided thatthe indicial equation has two roots that do not differby an integer. If the equation has a repeated root or two roots that differ by an integer,l6 the method may provide only one solution to the differential equation. This problem arises because the Frobenius method does not provide functions with logarithmic-type singularities. In such cases, the second solution is of the forml7 oo y2: yt lnx + ! (3.37) anxn*P n:0 where y1 (x) is the first solution and the coefficients on are to be determined. 3.7. Legendre's equation arises in the solution of Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates (Chapter 8). It has the form Example (t dv ^ d2v r*E+/(/ - x")7- + l)y :0 This equation has singular points at x : tl. Let's look at the special case / : 0. Then one solution is a constant and is valid everywhere. The second solution may be found as a series in powers of x, but the series converges only for lxl < 1. Find a solution valid for x > l. We can look for a solution about the singular point-that is, a solution in powers of (x - 1). First we change variables to r, : r - l. Then we rewrite the equation in terms of u.r: dv ^ dzv 2x -! : g - x')---:dx' - dx d2v dv (u +2)wA# *2(w * 1)A;:o (1 The equation has singularities at u.; : -2 ard aI u) : 0, as expected. We assume a solution of the Frobenius type in powers of u.r, and substituting into the differential 15See, for example, Ince, Section 15.3, where this result is also extended to equations of higher order. l6See Problem 1 l. Also see Problem 28(a) for a case the roots of the indicial equation differ by an integer. lTSee Problem 10. in which two independent solutions are obtained even though l l I I EOUATIONS 191 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL equation, we get 0: t(n -f p)(n n:0 t p- r)a,wn+p *2f fn + p)(n + p - r)anpn*t-r n--0 +zl@ i p)a,wn+P +2\(n * n:O p)an6n+P-l n:O We can simplify by adding like powers: 0 : t(n -t p)(n -t p * l)ansntn + zl@ I n:0 p)2anry"-rt-l n:0 The lowest power that appears is wP-r.Its coefficient is 2P2ag : and so the only possible nontrivial solution is The coefficienr of w*tP : u- is Q p - 0, a repeated root. a*m(mf l) + 2a.ay(m* 1)2 : g of I l N t r , i i am*l : an -m 4^ t, l) However, notice that for m :0, we get at : 0. There is no series! This is just the constant solution mentioned above. The second solution is found by introducing the logarithm: I @ I y2: where y1 is the first solution, yt ln r.u * wPlanw" i:o lr : I in this case. The derivatives are m dtnl"f': aww- +ftn n:0 *p)anwn-+P-r and ,1 d'v'; 3ctw' :- -m I " +ftn n:lJ + p)(nI p - l)anl2'+n-z 192 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EouATtoNS The differential equation becomes o: (u it, * p)(n t p - t)anw'*o-') -++ t'' / 7:o \ ( +2), -t 2(w * r, ( ! + \r,ft/ir, * p)a,w'+e-r\ Rearranging, this becomes -yi2*rg=) \rru/7:o ( -12(w+ rl i<, n:o 0 + (r, + zlia * p)(n * p - t)ansn+p-l * p)a,w'+P-l - : I * D@ + p)(n -f p I 0 r)anwn+n + n:O zl{" * p)2a,s'+n-t n:O The first term is a constant (u.,0 term). Thus, at least one term in the two series must also contribute an equal and opposite constant. Therefore, p carrnot be a fraction, since in that case n + p + 0 for any n.lf p were a negative number, P : -s, then fot n :0 in the last term we would have O :2s2aow-t-1 requiring as = 0. Similarly, we would find ar: 0 for eachn < s. The first nonzero term in the series would be erut-t : asrDo. Thus, we may as well take p : 0 and start the series with a6. Then the x0 term is I l2at:0 4 aI: -!2 The xm term has coefficient m(m or I l)a* +2(m -t l)2a-a1- 0, m >I 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 193 The constant term as is not determined, since it does not appear in the differential equation. It may be combined with the first solution, yl : constant. Thus, the second solution is @-oo rn n, * i,-t,'*' (+)^.' ;n m:l :rn, - tt-tl' (:)^.' # The series may be identified as the series for rn (r + \ :tn (t * *) 1) 2/ 2 / \ t) :* f"l \ 2 ) Thus, the second solution is yz@) :ln - 1) - ln (r * :n(r-1\ *,r,, \x+l/ (x 1) f ln2 We may combine the constant ln 2 with the first solution if we wish, as we already argued for the constant a6. The usual definition of the Legendre function Qo@) for x>1is I /x+1\ QoG):2"("_,i which differs from our )2 only by an inconsequential overall factor of -l /2. Indicial Equation with Complex Roots The indicial equation may have complex roots. Example 3.8. Apply the Frobenius method to the Euler differential equation: *2y"+xy'+y:g : Inserting the series (3.34) with r0 0, we find @@oo \f" n:O + p)(n * p- l)a,xn+e +l{" I p)anxn+P +lanx"+p : n:0 o n:O The indicial equation is P(P-1)*Pf1:o : which has the solutions p general recursion relation is [(m *'i. This problem -l P)(m i P - has a second curiosity as well; the : l(m*i)2*lfa^-0 l) + (m -l P) + lfam 1m2 O +2im1a*:g 194 cHAprEB 3 DTFFERENIAL EouATtoNs and the only solution for m of the Euler equation are > O is a* : 0' There is no series. Thus, the two solutions !l: x' and !2: x-' We may rewrite the solutions as follows: yl : exp (lnx'; : exp (i lnx); yz : exp (-i lnx) Thus, by taking appropriate linear combinations, we find that for real positive have the real solutions cos (lnx) and sin (lnx). x we Asymptotic Methods Sometimes the equation simplifies for large values of x, allowing us to find the limiting form ofthe solution. Example 3.9. The modified Bessel equation has the form dzt ldv 71+; d,- / (l + m2\ =,J ):o (3'38) Find the form of the solutions (the modified Bessel functions) for large argument. For large x, the terms with powers of llx become very small, and the equation simplifies to d'Y* t a " -^ )'oo:u with the solutions !*: ett The two solutions have exponential behavior at infinity. We can then find the complete solution by finding the function u(x), where y (x) : u(r)y-(x) : u (x)eL' Then d! _ ,rr+* +ue*, dx and ue*' #:It"eL* +2u'et' + 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR, ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 195 Substituting this into the full differential equation (3.38), we have It,,et, +2u,e*, +ue*, *! :O (r * 5) r"*, ,,, + ( !+z),, *! (+t- 4),:o x 1r,r*, +ve+*)_ \x / \ (3.3e) "/ Once again we can simplify. Look at the order of the terms in the equation when x is large: Term Order of n" u lx2 terml8 t)' /x lx /x2 u' u u u u /x lx u u lx2 lx2 Thus, we need to keep only the two terms of order uf x. Then, dividingby 2u,we have ,)' I u2x I lnu:--ln-x 2 1 Jx Thus, the general solution for large x is ofthe form ']:: e-)c _ Of V: '/x e' _ (3.40) Jx These are the asymptotic forms of the modified Bessel functions. Solution About the "Point at But what values of Infinity" if we want more terms in our solution? Since we want a solution valid for large x, we change variables to tt : l/x, so as to obtain a series in powers of l/x. A solution valid in a neighborhood of a : 0 is a solution valid about the "point at infinity" in x. Example ers 3.10. Obtain a series expansion for the modified Bessel functions in pow- of If x. We start with equation (3.39) in Example 3.9 and change variables to The derivatives are du dx du du du dx #(:,) ,du du u : Ilx. (3.4t) l8We approximate hereby noting thatdifferentiating reduces each powerin a series expansion by 1-the same result dividing by.x. We can (and should) check the approximation once we obtain the solution for u. we obtain by 196 cHAprER o DTFFERENTTAL EeuATtoNS and # : *(#) # : -,' (-,# - ;tt*) :t# * 2,.ilr Q 42) Substituting in, we get ^d2u "du "d "o# -t 2f? - tu *ztu2fi* u(*l - .d2u du ,' -fr + (u'^+2u)i+ (+1 - m2u)u :o . m'u)u :o This equation has a singular point at Lt : 0, so we look for a series solution of the form (3.34) and substjtute in: 0 : D an(n * p)(n + p n:O - l)un+o+l +l a,1n * p)un+n+l n--0 oo@@ +2Da,(n * p)u"+p !.1 anu"+P n:O n:0 - m2lonun*o*' n:O The lowest power that appears is up, and its coefficient is ao(+2P + 1):0 The indicial equation gives p : I l2fotboth the positive and the negative exponential terms. This is the leading term (3.40) that we found in Example 3.9. Now look at the power uk-tp-tr .Its coefficient is atl&* p)(k+ p -l) + (k+ p) -mzlLa1,a[l -2(k+ 1+p;1 :9 which gives the recursion relation: ak+t t : +*t : +*gJl48(ft + l) 2(k + t) -S*! Thus, the two solutions are tl\^t: e'' /, (4m2 -1) utJ--F I r -F ------;-' yz@): oo 8x vr \' -1- (4m2 -9)(4m2 - l) 2(8x)2 -'-' \ /t and e-r* 6 /' [t - (4m2 - g4m2 - rl + \ - l\ + ---2'fi-," ) Am2 - 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS 197 The leading term is independent of the value of m, as we found above. One solution is exponentially decaying, and one is exponentially growing. These are the functions K^(x) and I*(x) (see also Chapter 8, Section 8.4.7). 3.4. NUMERICAL METHODS The computer is an increasingly useful tool for the solution of physical problems. Many useful pieces of software come with the computer's operating system or may be purchased at a reasonable cost. Spreadsheet programs may be used to solve differential equations numerically. Mathematical packages such as Mathematica and Maple have more sophisticated routines for solving differential equations. For more complex or unique problems, you may find it necessary to write your own program. 3.4.1. Dimensionless Variables To prepare a problem for numerical solution or even to plot up the results of an analytic solution, the first step is to write the equation in dimensionless variables. For example, when solving equation (3.11), we would use the variable u : xlL. The solution obtained can then be applied to a beam of any length. Then dud ld dxdu Ldu d dx Rewriting the equation, we have I day q(u) - EI Scaling the deflection y similarly, we define p : y f L.T}.ren L4 du4 I dau q(u) dU4 EI dau L3q(u) du!: EI L3 The source term q is load, or force per unit length, and footnote 1), so the right-hand side has dimensions ,zM I L Tz --- and since lEf : forcelarea: M lLTz, t has dimensions of (length)a (see I L4lEl the right-hand side is also dimensionless. 198 cHAprERoDTFFERENTTALEeuAloNs Example 3.11. Convert equation (3.5) (motion with air resistance) into dimension- less form. We would like to divide the space variable y by a characteristic length and the time variable t by a characteristic time. Notice that each term in the equation is a force, so the dimensions of the constant d, may be found from I dvl ML MLT M +lal: ,zT:T P;l: 12 This suggests that we choose our characteristic time tobe m f a and the dimensionless time variable to be r : tq/m. Then the equation becomes ot dy o2 d2y *--lng-C(" mdt mzdtt q2 d2y . o? dy -'| aia.=- - aiE lll 1 Thus, we choose our characteristic length tobe m2 g f a2 and take the dimensionless space variable to be u - ya2 1m2g. The equation is then t!:-r-du dtt dr Let's check the dimensions of the characteristic length: lmzsl | "t M2L T2 -r aAl -frw-" as required. In what follows, we shall assume that the equations have been put into dimensionless form. 3.4.2. Difference Equations The basic idea behind all numerical methods of solving differential equations is to replace the differentials with finite differences. Recall the definition of derivative: d.f .. f(x+h)-f(x) E: i:\ h With finite differences, we do not take the limit but allow ft to be small but finite. Thus, a differential equation is replaced by a difference equation. 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS If a function is differentiable at the point x : 199 r0, then the derivative may be calculated equally well by taking the limits: dfl : dx l*n -l llm h-o f (xd - f @o - h) : lim f(xo+hlz)- f(xo-hl2) h+O Similarly, we may form finite differences in three different ways: . Forward dffirence: Lf(x):f(x+h)-f(x) . Central dffirence: / h\ / h\ d/(x):/(x+t)-f\,-Z) , Bachuard dffirence: v f(x) : f(x) - f(x - h) Higher-order differences may be formed similarly. Thus, the second forward difference is ^" -irj:,; :';i.:' The differenceratio Lf I h is an approximation to the derivative. =?,i\:i - r (x,t Inaccuracies occurbecause ofrounding error in the numerical calculation, and because ofmistakes in one or more of the values. These inaccuracies increase in opposite directions; making h smaller improves the approximation to the derivative but increases the rounding error. Thus, obtaining an accurate numerical approximation to a derivative is very difficult, and we should attempt it only if it is absolutely unavoidable. ft is not zero, because 3.4.3. Numerical Solution of a First-Order Differential Equation Suppose we want to find a solution to a first-order equation y' : f(x,y) that we have been unable to solve analytically. The equation need not be (and usually is not) linear. The output of any numerical method is a set of values for the function y at a set of y(rg) (a boundary condition) from values x; for x. We need at least one given value )0 : which to start. 200 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EouATroNS If the function f(x) can be differentiated analytically, we can use the Thylor series to step away from our given value: yr : y(xo + h) : yo : yo I + hf (xo, yd -l hy' (xO + f;t" @il + "' h2 d.f t d- ro*" Then d.f y2:yr*hf(x1,y)a h2 2dx,, (3.43) where x1 : .{o * ft, and so on. As a first approximation, we drop the terms in powers of h greater than 1, effectively expressing the derivative d y ldx using a forward difference. This is called the Euler method. It is said to be first-order accurate, because we kept only the first power in ft. A better approximation is obtained by taking more terms in the Taylor series expansion (3.43). Thenumber of terms needed at each step is determined by the rate at which the series converges, which usually depends on the value of h as well as the particular form of the solution y. If a large number of terms is needed, this method can be inconvenient because of the amount of analytic work that is required before beginning to compute. Example 3.12. Solve the differential equatron Y' :3xY - I/3 on the range 0 < x < 1, subject to the boundary condition y(0) The function f :3xy - 1/3 has derivatives : 1. df ^.^dv :'3y -.*'3x dx - :3[y * x(3xy - l/3)]:3y(1* 3x2S - x dx d2f . dv l8xy *3(l -l3x\!! - -l + lSxy * 3(1+3x2)(3xy + -l d*r!: : -2 + 3x(9y * 9x2y - l13) x) At this point the labor is getting noticeable, so let's see if we can get away with only these two derivatives. Let's take h :0.1, one-tenth of our interval. We can use a spreadsheet to calculate the various terms and add them together. The spreadsheet is shown in Table 3.1 ; the numerical values appear in Table 3.2.We can check the result by choosing a value of ft equal to one-half of the previous value and repeating the calculation. The maximum difference between the two results is 0.3Vo (Figure 3.2). 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS 2O1 TABLE 3.1. Spreadsheet for Example 3.12 D I Example 3.12 2 h 0t 3 x 0 I 4 5 0.1 6 0.2 7 0.3 8 0.4 --F7 9 0.5 =F8 l0 0.6 :F9 l1 0.7 = 12 0.8 l3 0.9 14 I f= 3xy- U3 f'= - ll3 - 1/3 - tl3 :3*A7*87 - ll3 :3+A8+B8 - l/3 : 3* A9*89 - | /3 : 3*Al0+Bl0 - 1/3 :3'All*B11- 1/3 : 3r Ar2*Bt2 - | 13 = 3*A13*B13 - 1/3 : 3* Ar4*Bt4 - | 13 - A4 - A5 - A6 3+B7* (l + 3* A7^2) - A7 3+88*(l + 3*A8^2) - A8 :3+B9+(l +3+A9 2) - A9 : 3+B10*(l + 3*A10^2) - A10 = 3*B1l+(1 + 3*A11^2) - A11 : 3*B12*(l +3+A12 2) - Al2 : 3+B13+(l + 3*A13^2) - A13 : 3*814*(l +3*Al4^2) - AI4 : : : : : :3* A4*84 = 3*A5+B5 :34 A6*86 1 :F4 :F5 :F6 F10 : Fl1 :FI2 : F13 -x 3y(1 + 3x^2) 3*B4* (1 + 3+ A4 2) 3+85*(1 + 3*A5^2) 3*86*(1 + 3*A6^2) I 2 3f' 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 l1 12 13 t4 y(n + : = _2 1 (g*84 + : : : : A4 2+84 - A4) +9rA5^2*B5 - A5) -2*3*A5+(9*B5 3+ A41 9* - -2a3*A6r(9*B6+9'A6^2+86 : -2 + 3*A7i(9+B7 +9+A7^2*87 : -213+A8t(9*B8 +9*A8^2*B8 : -213*A9+(9*B9 +9*A9^2+B9 - A6) A7) A8) A9) = : = -2 *3+Al0+(9+Bl0+9*Al0^2*810 -A10) :-2*3*Al1*(9*Bl1+9*All^2+B11-A11) = -2 * 3* Al2a (9*Bl2 + 9* Al2 2*Bl2 - Al2) : -2*3*Al3*(9*Bl3+9+A13^2*B13-A13) = -2*3+Al4+(9*Bl4+9*Al4^2*Bl4 - Al4) l) 84 + $B$2'C4 + $B$2 2/2*D4 + $B$2^3/6*E4 85 + $B$2*C5 + $B$2^2/2*D5 + 86 * $B$2*C6 + $B$2^2/2+D6 + B7 + $B$2*C7 + $B$2 2/2*D7 + B8 $B$2+C8 + $B$2^2/2*D8 + 89 + $B$2*C9 + $B$2 2/2+D9 + I = Bl0 * : $B$2*C10 + Bl 1 + $B$2+C11 + = B12 * $B$2+Ct2 + : Bl3 + $B$2*C13 + : B14 + $B$2*Cl4 + $B$2^3/6*E5 $B$2^3/6*E6 $B$2^3/6*E7 $8$2^3/6*88 $B$2"3/6+E9 $B$2^2/2*Dl0 + $B$2^3/6*E10 $B$2^2/2"D1 1 + $B$2^3/6+El I $B$2 2/2*Dt2 +$B$2 3/6*Et2 $B$2 2/2"D13 + $B$2^3/6*El3 $B$2^2/2+Dl4 + $B$2^3/6*E14 TABLE 3.2. Numerical Values for Example 3.12 I I t i L 1 Example 3.12 0.1 h c D f=3ry-1/3 f'= ly(l+ 3x2) 3 2.93232 0.646096 0.992209283 -x f' y(n + 1) 3 x v 4 0 1 5 0.1 0.98 -0.3333 -0.0389 6 o.2 0.99 0.26199 3.t3382319 3.452247331 r.o34652997 7 0.3 1.03 0.59785 3.64202792 6.86495 1309 1.t1379273r 8 o.4 1.1 I 4.5452397f tr.47359534 r.23875299 9 0.5 1.24 t.oo322 r.5248 6.OO34532 18.15395671 1.42427s53r 10 0.6 1.42 2.23036 8.28747931 28.2996385 r.693465796 1l t2 o.7 1.69 3.22294 I 1.8485815 44.2t969028 2.082373136 0.8 2.O8 4.66436 17.M15887 69.84598597 2.647658296 13 0.9 2.65 6.81534 26.3444039 112.0219549 14 I 3.48 10.1054 40.7550206 182.89'75926 3.479585048 4.724385265 0.98 1333333 202 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS + + h:0.05 h:0.1 \J) / 1 0L l0 o2 0 FIGURE 3.2. Numerical solution of the equation y/ - 3xy - 1/3 with boundary condition ) (0) : 1 (Example 3.12). The values computed with /r : 0.05 and h :0.1 do not differ noticeably in this plot. 3.4.4. The Runge-Kutta Method From Example 3.12, we observe that the derivative of / is df af dy af af "af dx- ox' d*ay- ax'r ay Thus, the Taylor series is y(xo * h) : y(xs) -l hf (xs, yO a +(#.,X) +"'-!o*11 where all the terms on the right are evaluated ?t xo, yo. Thus, the increment 17 in the solution y depends on values of / and all its derivatives at the starting point. We can improve the accuracy of the truncated series if we can use values of f and its derivatives throughout the range.r0 to xo * h. We can proceed by a process of successive approximations. The first guess is to use nr hf(xo, yo) : as the increment. This takes us to the point P1 with coordinates (xo + h, )o * 41). Now we stepbacktothemidpointat(x6 +h/2,W*r11/2).Weevaluatetheslope yt point and use this new value to compute an increment nz h / nr\ : : hf(t* Z' vo+ ; ) : hr (^. i. r, * T) : hr(xo. th,yo * vo) + h : f atthis where /hAf hf(xo,til -t h(Za* This takes us to the point P2 with coordinates (x6 process to find a third increment: qt r12, * * ;nr0f\ u, ) ryz). We can now repeat the (r#. +#) . 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS 203 Now we can evaluate the fourth increment by using the values at our last endpoint P3 with coordinates (xo + h, Jo I rt): ry+ : hf (xo * h, yo t ry) : hf (xo, yO + h(r# . ,tK) * The best result is obtained by taking an appropriate weighted average of all these estimates of the true increment 4. That average is 4: 1 (3.44) O(4r*2nz+2qz'fn+) This increment makes the expression for y(x * lr) correct to fourth order in h, and thus the method is called the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. In practical use, we can calculate the numerical values we need fromthe function / without evaluating any 4erivatives analytically. Example 3.13. Use the Runge-Kutta method to solve the equation y' :3xy - 713 with boundary condition y(0) : 1. Again we can use a spreadsheet to calculate each of the 4s and sum them to compute the increment in y. Our spreadsheet has columns containing the values y0 + ry/2,q2,y2: yo*qz/2'xr: x0+h, : y4 y0 yo I ry, n, and finally * 4, which becomes the y6 for the next value x1 of x. The beginning of the spreadsheet is shown in Table 3.3; the numerical solution appears in Table 3.4. This time we find that the values computed with h :0.05 differ from those with h :0.1 by at most 0.0037o (Figure 3.3). x0,yo,ttr,xtl2: r0 * hl2,yt: y3 : h: + 0.05 h:0.1 \)) / I 0L 0 o.2 08 04 l0 x FIGURE 3.3. Runge-Kutta solution of the equation solutions for h \. :0.05 and h : yt : 3xy - ll3 (Example 3.13). Again the O.l are not distinguishable. 204 cHAprER 3 DTFFEBENTTAL EouATroNS TABLE 3.3. Spreadsheet for Example 3.L3 BC Exsmple 3.13 hnx 0.100 l 2 = c3 +A$3 :c4+A$3 yl I v xU2 I =c3+A$3/2 =A$3*(3+C3*D3-l/3) :c4+ A$3/2 = A$3-(3.C4.D4 - l/3) :N3 :N4 eta el^2 : : =D3+F3/2 =D4+F4/2 :c5+A$3/2 =A$3*(3*C5*D5-l/3) :Ds+Fs/2 A$3.(3-83*G3 A$3+(3*E4*G4 = A$3'(3+85*cs - l/3) - l/3) - l/3) TABLE 3.4. Numerical Solution for Example 3.13 Example 3 13 htr 0l 9 l0 1l 12 l3 0 I 202 3 4 5 6 1 8 909 l0 v xl.l2 etal 0 I -0 01 0 981,145 0.05 0.15 099 0.25 0.026213 0.05982 0.100393 1.005545 0 152618 3159E7 38 03 1.035032 04 1.114386 I 2396't8 I 425735 1 69581 2.086218 2.6541 3 490613 05 06 07 08 I 035 045 055 0.65 0.75 085 095 r.05 033333 -0.00389 o 223299 0.322',t8'l 0.46'1359 o.683274 I 01385 y1 0.983333 o.9795 1.(]f,4941 164583 53'1384 857203 2319897 2.995',737 3.99'7538 et^2 -0.018583 0.010744 0.042083 0.078486 0 123885 0 183805 0.266451 0.38453? 0.558241 o 820452 1.225891 The Runge-Kutta method, or indeed any numerical algorithm, works best if the step size chosen is the largest possible one that will still achieve the desired level of accuracy. Press et al. show how to write routines that adjust the step size automatically to obtain maximum efficiency while retaining accuracy. 3.4.5. Higher-Order Equations Higher-order differential equations may be reduced to systems of first-order equations through the introduction of additional variables. For example, the second-order equation ' y" +2y'2 -6:o (3.4s) may be reduced to two first-order equations. First introduce the new variable U: y' (3.46) Then the original differential equation becomes u':6-2u2 (3.47) Each of these equations may now be tackled using one of the standard methods. 3.14. Solve equation (3.45) subject to the initial conditions y(0) : 0.5 and y/(0) : 0. Use the Runge-Kutta method, and compute values for 0 < x < 1. The differential equations are Example y': f(x,!,u):u 205 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS TABLE 3.3. (Continued) !2 :D3+H3/2 =D4+H4/2 =D5+H5/2 eta3 y3 eta eta4 : : :A$3*(3*(E3*r3-ll3) :D3+J3 :A$3*(3.(M*I4-l13) :D4+14 :A$3-(3.( =D5*J5 A$3.(3*C4-K3 A$3.(3-Cs-K4 = A$3*(3-C6-K5 - l/3) - l/3) - 1/3) = = = y4 (F3 + L3 + 2*(H3 + (F4 +LA + 2*(H4+ (F5 + L5 + 2*(H5 + I3))/6 = rq)/6 : J5))/6 : D3 + M3 D4*M4 D5 * M5 TABLE 3.4. (Continued) I t I I y2 eta3 y3 eta4 eta y4 i 0.990708 -0.018473 o 981527 0.986817 0.01 1073 0 992518 -0.003888 0 0262t8 0.981445 o.992438 1.01348 o 042618 o.o'79465 0.1254',n 1.035 l t.074274 1.176329 1.331581 Q.186377 1.558963 o2'7M64 1.888079 2365338 0.391484 0.569828 3 064326 084 4.103558 I l6 0 059827 I 114497 0 100406 018555 0.010994 o.042593 0 079355 I 23985',t o.152645 o.\25292 1 426056 t.696399 2 087294 2 656046 3.4941 4;1499 o 22335',1 1.425',t35 0.683',199 0.186057 0.2'70015 0 390408 0.567882 I 014897 0.8365 I 259288 -0 o 322911 0 46',761',7 -0 033333 l2 0.9918 12 1.035032 1 I 14386 I 239678 69581 2086218 2 6541 3.490613 4 482425 and : B(x,!,u):6 -2u2 We step forward from the boundary at x : 0, using an increment h in x. Then we ut compute the increments in y and u using : my : rlz : mz : Qt : hus hg(xs, Y0, u0) : n$ hf (xo, Ys, us) hf (xo + h /2, yo -l hg(xo + hl2, lo * 2ul) nr 12, vo -f mt 12) qr/2, * uo mt12) and so on. Then we use the increment 4 given by equation (3.44) with a similar expression for m. We set up a spreadsheet with columns for x, x + h/2, and r * h; q; andm;,i : 1,2,3,4; q and m; and the new yalues ),(-r0 + h) : y(xo) * q and u(xo + h) : u(xo) * m.The beginning of the spreadsheet is shown in Table 3.5; the numerical solution appears in Table 3.6. The results for h :0.1 and ft : 0.05 are shown in Figure 3.4. Splitting h inhalf gives results that differ by at most 0.004Vo. The examples above illustrate the basic ideas involved in finding numerical solutions of differential equations with given initial conditions. The same ideas are used in problems with specified boundary values at two points, but the solution is more difficult and usually involves repeated iteration to converge on a solution. Any one method may prove unsuitable in a given case, and another method will have to be tried. Important issues of stability and convergence have not been discussed here. Details can be found in the references in the bibliography. 2OG cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuATtoNS TABLE 3.5. Spreadsheet for Example 3.14 I C D : V4 :V5 ml etal : $B$3*C4 : $B$3+(6 -2*C4"2) : $BS3*C5 : $B$3.(6 -2*C5'2) : $B$3.C6 : $8$3*(6 - 2*C6'2) G Example 3.14 h 0.1 xyv 00.50 0.1 --T4 0.2 :T5 2 3 4 5 6 M o y3 eta3 : $B$3*I-,1 : B4 + M4 : $B$3*L5 : 85 + M5 : $B$3*L6 : 86 + M6 m3 yl xl : A4 + $B$3/2 :84 : As + $B$3/2 :Bs : A6 + $B$3/2 :86 +D4/2 +Dsl2 +D6/2 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 : : : $B$3+(6 - elz4 m4 v3 : C4-l 04 : $B$3*P4 : $8$3+(6 - 2*P4 2) : C5 + 05 : $B$3*P5 : $8$3*(6 -2+P5 2) : C6 + 06 : $B$3*P6 : $B$3*(6 - 2*P6 2) 2*LA Z) $8$3*(6 -2+L5^2) $B$3* (6 - 2*L6 2) TABLE 3.6. Numerical Solution to Example 3.14 c I 2 Example 3.14 h 0.1 3 x v 4 0 0.5 5 0.1 6 7 o.2 0.3 o.4 0.5 0.6 o.7 0.8 0.9 o.5294 0.6115 o.732 0.8766 8 9 t0 l1 t2 t3 t4 1 1.0348 0 o.5770 1.0386 1.3464 r.52'75 1.6264 t.2004 1.6783 1.3697 1.541 t.7049 t.1184 1.7t32 1.7252 1.88s9 t.7286 etal ml 0.6 o.5334 0.3843 0.2375 0.1333 0.0709 0.0367 0.0187 0.0094 0.0047 x1 0.0s 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 yl 0.0000 0.0577 0.1039 0.1346 0.1528 0.1626 0.1678 0.1705 0.1718 0.1725 0.1729 0.00.24 1.05 1.9723 0.5000 0.5583 0.6634 o.7993 0.9530 r.tr62 t.2843 1.4550 t.6269 t.7994 N o eta3 y3 m3 v3 eta{ m4 0.o29t 0.s291 0 6100 0.7302 0.8752 0.5831 0.4701 0.3181 0.1900 0.1049 0.0553 0.0285 0.0145 0.0073 0.0037 0.0018 0.5831 0.0583 1.047 t 1.3568 0.to47 0.5320 0.3807 6 0.1 187 7 0.t432 8 1.0339 l1 0.1573 0.1650 0. l 690 0.1711 12 0.172t t.7r3r 13 '14 o.1127 1.8859 o.r729 2.0588 l0 G M 0.0806 9 D t.t999 t.3694 1.5408 a 1.6818 1.7068 0.1357 0.1536 0.1632 0.1682 o.1707 t.7r94 0.r719 1.7257 0.t726 t;7289 o.1729 0.1730 t.5364 1.6324 1.7305 0.23t8 0.t279 0.0670 0.0343 0.o174 0.0088 0.0044 o.0022 0.0011 3.4 NUMERICAL METHODS 207 TABLE 3.5. (Continued) : : : :C4+84/2 : : y2 etaz v1 c5 +Es/2 c6 +86/2 : $B$3+H4 m2 $8$3*(6 $B$3*(6 $8$3*(6 : : : 84 +14/2 :Bs +r5/z $B$3*H5 :86 +t6/2 $B$3+H6 v2 - 2*H4 2) 2) 2*H6 2) -2*H5 - : : c4 +K412 cs + Ks/2 :c6+K6/2 U eta (D4 (D5 = (D6 : : y(n+ m 1) : : : :84+54 :B5+55 :86+56 + 2+t4 + 2*M4 + Q4) 16 + 2*r5 + 2*M5 + Q5)/6 * 2x16 + 2*M6 + Q6)/6 (E4+2*K4+2*O4+R4)/6 (E5 (E6 + 2+K5 + 2*O5 + R5)/6 + 2xK6 + 2*06 + R6)/6 TABLE 3.6. (Continued) K v1 ela2 y2 m2 0.3 0.03 o.0843727 0.12307497 0.582 o.45762 o.29705 1.59418 o.t4650973 o.r594r777 0.5150 0.5716 0.6730 0.8052 0.9563 t.66t9t 0.16619128 l.rt79 t.69663 o.t6966329 0.t7142303 r.2852 0.17231005 r.627t 0.02429 0.01228 0.00618 0.t7275595 t.7996 0.0031 I 1.7267 0.r729798t 1.9724 0.00156 t.7294 0.84373 1.23075 1.4651 r.7t423 r.723r t.72756 1.7298 1.4554 e!tr y(n+ 0.0294 0.5770 0.t205 0.t446 0.5294 0.6115 o.7320 o.8766 0.1582 m v2 0.2910 0.8058 1.187 r 0.r707 r.4317 o.09172 r.5734 0.M76r 1.6502 1.6904 1.7110 t;12t5 0.46t6 v(n + 1) o.5770 1.0386 o.3077 t.3464 l 1.5275 1.0348 0.0989 0.1655 0.1693 1.2004 0.05 19 r.6264 t.6783 r.369't 0.1712 1.5410 0.1722 r.7132 0.t'127 0.1730 1.8859 o.0266 0.0135 0.0068 0.0034 0.0017 0.0821 1) 2.0588 fr,.'11 0.181 1.7049 r.7r84 r.7252 1.7286 1.1303 v(n + 1) C4 +U4 : :c5+u5 : C6 +U6 208 cHAprER s DTFFERENTTAL EeuAloNS + + h:0.05 h: O.I \)) -{ F 4 F I -{ n- 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 x FIGURE 3.4. Runge-Kutta solution of the second-order differential equation y" + 0.2y'2 with y(0) : 0.5 and )/(0) : 0 (Example 3.14). - 6 : 0 3.5. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: SEPARATION OF VARIABLES Many of the differential equations that describe physical processes are partial dffirential equations. The solution is a function of three space variables and one time variable, and the equation relates the partial derivatives with respect to the four variables. The diffusion equation (3r13) is an example. Maxwell's equations are also of this form. If we introduce the potentials A and O, Maxwell's equations reduce to wave equations for these two potentials. In SI units, V"AIn the special case where j t a2L : AM -tlo: (3.48) is independent of time, the equation simplifies to V2A: _poj A similar equation holds for O: v2a: _L t0 e.4g) This equation is called Poisson's equation. The mathematics of partial differential equations is extensive and complicated, and we shall not delve into a general treatment here. Many of the partial differential equations in physics may be solved by the method of separation of variables.lg In this method, we aim to lgAdditional methods will be discussed in later chapters. See, for example, Chapter 7, Section 7.5. 3.5 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: SEPARATION OF VARIABLES 209 replace the partial differential equation with a set ofcoupled ordinary differential equations, one in each of the variables. Then we can make use of any of the techniques we have already discussed for the solution of ordinary differential equations. In particular, series solutions are often used. For example, let's look at equation (3.49) in the special case p 0. This simpler homo- geneous equation operator2o is - is called Laplace's equation. In Cartesian coordinates, the Laplacian . a2o a2o* a2o V-@: art - af u7 We look for a solution in which O is the product of three functions, each a function of one (and only one) of the three variables: a: X@)Y(y)Z(z) First we substitute into the differential equation: a2o+ a2o+ :-i a2o : x"yz + xy"z * XyZ" :0 3 3 ctx' dy' OZ' where the prime means differentiation with respect to the argument of the function. Now for a nontrivial solution (O not identically zero),2r we may divide through by @ to get Xtl ytt _l_r_ X,Y,Z Ztl -0 At this point our equation has separated; each term is a function of only one of the three variables x,y,andz. If wenowvariedx, leaving yandz constant,wecouldchangethe value of the first term without changing the second two. The equation would no longer be satisfied. Thus, the only way we can satisfy this equation for all values of x , y , and z is ifeach term separately equals a constant: Xtt yt, XY --4. --8. ztl Z and A+B*C:0 Thus, the method of separation of variables leads to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations. The constants A, B , and C are called separation constants. 20See Chapter 1, Section 1.2.4, equation (1.50). Solutions in curvilinear coordinate systems will be explored in Chapter 8. 2lTechnically, we need the function O(i) to be nonzero except on a set ofmeasure zero or, roughly speaking, within a region of zero volume. 210 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS In this example, each function is an exponential. Let -u2-p2.ThesolutionsareoftheformX : eLo",Y - A: a2 and : e+Pv,andZ B: exp F2.Tlten C: (uJdTP) The boundary conditions must be invoked to complete the solution. / x w x hhas all its walls (Thin rubber strips potential. is at a nonzero grounded except for the top, which general for the potential solution Find the separate the top from the other walls.) Example 3.15. A rectangular copper box of dimensions everywhere inside the box. The solution follows a set of steps that we'll want to use for all problems of this typ".'2 l. Choose an appropriate coordinate system. Here we coordinateswithoriginatonecornerof theboxand0 < choose rectangular x < 1,0 < y . w, 0<z<h. 2. Separate the equation and determine the sets of solutions that exist. Here the solutions are real and complex exponentials in all three coordinates, as we determined above. 3. Choose one set of coordinates that has null boundary conditions. Choose the function that satisfies the zero boundary condition at both boundaries. Here we need X(0) : 0 and X(l) : 0. We can combine the complex exponentials to give a sine function, which is the solution we want. We reject the hyperbolic sine because it has only one zero, at x : 0. We need a second zeto at x : /. Thus, we must choose A to be negative: A : -k2 and X(x) : sin ftx. 4. Choose the value of the separation constqnt to make the function zero at the second boundary. Here we need :0 srnk/ which will be satisfied if kl : wT, or k- NT T This set of constants is the set of eigenvalues for the problem. The functions X':sin nrf x , are called eigenfunctions. 5. Repeat the procedure for the second set of coordinates: Ym 22See also Chapter 8, Section 8.2. - mIf \) sin ------' w PROBLEMS 211 For the last set of coordinates, the separation constant is already determined by the two values of A and B that we have chosen in steps 4 and 5. Thus, rmn:,2 c:-A-t:\i)tnn12+(;J and is positive. 6. Choose the final function to satisfy the one remaining zero boundary condition, given the value of C. In this case, with real exponentials as the possible solutions, we must choose the hyperbolic sine as our solution: Z: rinn (T)' .) ( Thus, the solution contains terms of the form . wfx mTy Sln-SlIl-STDII 7. Write the general solution .) , as a linear combination of such terms: (T)' This answers the question posed, but there is one final step: 8. Use the final nonzero boundary condition to determine the cofficients is the subject ofthe next chapter. an^.This PROBLEMS f, A vehicle moves under the influence of a constant force F and air resistance proportional to velocity (compare with equation 3.5, with i replacing the gravitational force). Find the speed of the vehicle as a function of time if it starts from rest at t : 0. 2. Find the general solution to the differential equation y"'-3y"*3y'-y-o 3. Hint: ExIend the result for a double root from Section 3.1. l. A capacitor C, inductor L, and resistor R are connected in series with a switch (see the figure). The capacitor is charged by connecting it across a battery with emf t. The battery is disconnected, and then the switch is closed. Find the current in the circuit as a function of time after the switch is closed. 212 CHAPTER 3 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PROBLEM 3 4. The Airy differential equation is - xy:o y" Find the two solutions of this equation as power series in x. S Solve the equation xyl/ *2y :0 (Section 3.3.2) using the Frobenius method. Show that as discussed in Section 3.3.2. y(0) cannot equal any nonzero constant, 6. Find a solution of Laguerre's differential equation xy" + (l that is regular at the origin. Show that if of degree k. 7. - x)y'* cv ay :6 is an integer k, then this solution is a polynomial Solve the Bessel equation 4x2y" +4xy' as a Frobenius series in powers ofx. I (4x2 - l)y : o Sum the series to obtain closed-form expressions for the two solutions. 8. Solve the hypergeometric equation (*2 - *)y" + (3x - 112)yt t y : 0 as a series (a) in powers of x (b) in powers of x - 1 9. Find two solutions of the Bessel equation / o\ x2y"+*v'+(*2-t-)v:o ' \ 4/" as series in.r. Verify that your solutions agree with the standard forms fT ,"ot* V;( " \ *sinx/ PROBLEMS 213 EOl Consider a linear differential equation of the form *2y"+xfy'+g!:o Expand the function f (x) in a power series f(x): of the form fo* ftx I fzx2 +... and expand the function g(.r) similarly. Find the indicial equation. What is the condition on /6 and 96 if there is only one root? What is the value of the root in that case? Use the method of variation of parameters to show that the second solution of the differential equation is given by equation (3.37).Ifint.' Show that the equation for u may be reduced to the form dl *(lnu'}:--+h(x) where ft(x) is a series of positive powers of x. Integrate this equation twice to obtain equation (3.37). [iL linear differential equation of the form x2 y" + xf y' + g/ : 0, the indicial equation h(p) : 0, where ft (p) is a quadratic function. Show that in determining the recursion relation, the coefficient of the cn teffi is h(p -l n). Hence argue that the method fails to provide two solutions if the solutions of the equation h(p) : 0 differ by an integer. Are there any exceptions? For a may be writte n as 12. Solve the equation : * (*)' ,# 0 (equation 3.19) by writing it in the form y" y' yty and integrating twice. 13. Find the two solutions of the equation y"-y'*I:o x as series in powers of x. 14. Determine a solution of the equation (l I x)y" + (3 + 2x)y' * (2* x)y :o x. Hence determine the solutions for all .r. li5.l Oete.-lne the large argument expansion of the Legendre function at large tion of the equation (l - *2)y" - 2*y' -l2y : as a series in powers of I lx. o Q1 by finding a solu- i 214 cHAprER 3 DTFFERENTTAL EeuATroNS L6. Solve the equation *2y"-4xy'|_(6+x2)y:o 17. Solve the equation xy" - y' -l 4x3y - O 18. The conical functions are Legendre functions with / : -L, + iX. (a) Starting from the Legendre equation (Example 3.7), find the differential equation satisfied by the conical functions P-;+ixt) and Q_y*,^(x). (b) Show that one solution is analytic at the point r: 1 , and determine a series expansion fortheconicalfunction P_11ir(cos0) inpowers of sin(0 12). Henceshowthatthis conical function is real. ) : 0 in standard form, and use Fuch's theorem to show that the Frobenius method may not give two series-type solutions about x : 0. Change to the new variable u : Ilx (as in Example 3.10) and show that the new equation can be solved by the Frobenius method. Obtain the two solutions. 19. Write the equation *4y" + [20.] Sotve the equation Y"+Ycosh'r:0 Hint: Firstexpand the hyperbolic cosine in a series, and then use a power series method. 21. The Stark effect describes the energy shift of atomic energy levels due to applied electric fields. The differential equation describing this effect may be written xy" + y'* (o - f,r*' +T - *t), : o where the term Exz 14 is the perturbation due to the electric field. Obtain a power series solution for y and obtain explicit expressions for the first four nonzero terms. How many terms are needed before any effect of the electric field is included? 22. Show that the indicial equation for the Bessel equation *Q#) *xy-0 has a repeated root. Show that this root leads to only one solution. Find the second solution using equation (3.37). Try to get at least the first three terms in the series. 23. Attempt to solve the equation *2y" + !' :o using the Frobenius method. Show that the resulting series does not converge for any value of x. PROBLEMS 215 [24.] W"b"t's equation is I x2\ l"+(* +___lv:0 2 4 /' Show that the substitution 1l - exp(--x2/4)u(x) simplifies this equation. Find two solutions for u(x) as power series in x. 25. The Schrcidinger equation in one dimension has the form h2 d2il., 2^ip Develop a series solution for of two nucleons: lt + (E - V) tL :0 in the case where V is the potential due to the interaction ,,y --L -'-o' Obtain at least the first three nonzero terms. 26. The Kompaneets equation describes the evolution of the photon spectrum in a scattering atmosphere: !dt : n"orr+ \ !vo@, + n + n2)l mcL x' dx Here n is the photon number density, x is the dimensionless frequency, and o7 is the Thomson scattering cross section. We may find a steady-state solution (A lAt :0) when photons are produced by a source q(x) and subsequently escape from the cloud. When n remains (( 1, the Kompaneets equation becomes a linear equation: \lvorn' x'dx where *n )l + y is the Compton "y" parameter, scattering) x q.") equal -on y :o to (fractional energy change (mean number of scatterings). Assume that q(x) - 0 except for x( per 1. (a) Show that for x )) 1 the solution is an exponential. This is the Wien law. (b) Show that in the special case ), - 1, with q(x) = 0, the solution is a power law in .r. (c) Verify your answers to (a) and (b) by letting n : e-x D and finding a power series solution for u. Obtain a solution for general y, and then let y -+ 1 to verify your answer to (b). 27. Aparticle falls d under gravity. Air resistance is proportional to the square of .Wittethe differential equation that describes the particle's position as a function of time. Choose dimensionless variables, as in Section 3.4.1, and show that the equation may be put into the form a distance the particle's speed: F : kuz y"+oy'2-F:o Use the Runge-Kutta method to solve this equation with cv : 0.1. Assume the particle starts from rest. How long does it take for the particle to fall 10 m? 216 cHAprEB s DTFFERENTTAL EeuATtoNS [ZAl tn astrophysics, the Lane-Emden equation describes the structure of a star with equation the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium of state P - Kp(n+t)ln.If we define p - ^.0", becomes i*e#) *Q':0 where x is a dimensionless distance variable with the Lane-Emden equation. x : 0 at the center of the star. This is (a) Find a series solution for @ in the case n : l. (b) Find the first three nonzero terms in a series solution for @ for arbitrary n. Verify that your result agrees with the result of part (a) when n : l. Hint: Begin by arguing that the solution contains only even powers of r. (c) Solve the equation numerically for n :2, QQ) : I, and d'(0) : 0. At what value of x does @ (x) first equal zero? (This corresponds to the surface of the star.) 29. Investigate the effect ofair resistance on the range ofa projectile launched with speed us. Assumethatairresistanceisproportionaltovelocity:Fres: -ai.Writetheequationsfor the x- and y-coordinates in dimensionless form. Scale the coordinates with the maximum range R : ,E/5. What is the dimensionless air resistance parameter? Determine the dimensionless range for values of the air resistance parameter equal to 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.5. Determine how the maximum range changes, and also determine how the launch angle for maximum range changes as air resistance increases. Hint: lf there is no air resistance, you can obtain exact expressions for the increments in position and velocity in a time interval Ar. Use the same expressions when s I 0, but with acceleration computed from the value of i at the beginning of your time interval. 30. The equation that describes the motion of a pendulum is ,r8. I - -VsnY (a) When y remains small, the equation may be reduced to the harmonic oscillator equation. Solve this equation to obtain the solution (b) With the initial conditions y(0) : rl3, yt(0) y(t). : 0, solve the nonlinear equation period. does the period differ from your By how much numerically to obtain the result in (a)? 31. Bessel's equation oforder u has the form d2v ldv / v2\ ii+;d*+(t-p,/ ):0 Show that the differential equation d2f 77 lz'7:g may be converted to Bessel's equation through the relations f:JZv l PROBLEMS 217 and 2 ,l*r/, --r+2' resulting Bessel's equation? (The solutions are given in Chap- plus sign is changed to a minus sign, so that the equation is u"+u'+\u:o has a solution of the form u:1Qs-x/'*, (;) and find the order v of the modified Bessel function. i I I : I : CHAPTER 4 Fourier Series 4.1. FOURIER'S THEOREM The principle of superposition for waves states that when two or more wave disturbances are present at the same time in a system, the total disturbance is the sum of the individual disturbances. This physical principle remains valid so long as the linearity of the system is preserved; that means that neither any of the individual disturbances nor their sum is too large.l Mathematically, this principle is due to the linearity of the governing differential equation (3.15). The functional form of the sum of the disturbances need not be a simple sine function-it can be quite complicated and irregular. This principle is also the idea behind Fourier's theorem, which says that any moderately well-behaved2 function /(x) defined in a domain 0 < x < 2r may be expressed as a sum of sines and cosines: f (x) :\,{o"sinnl * bncosnx) (4.1) n:0 Equivalently, we may write the series as a sum of complex exponentials: f (x): (4.2) n\r,dn* llfthe equation is written in terms of suitable dimensionless variables (see Chapter 3, Section 3.4.1), the necessary conditionisy(1. 2we'll give specifics of how well-behaved the function must be in Section 4.5. For now, you may assume that any function that is the solution to a physics problem is well enough behaved. 219 i I t l i 220 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SEBIES Here we are using a physical principle (the principle of superposition for waves) to motivate the mathematical result that a function f (x) may be expressed as a superposition of wavelike functions (the sines and cosines) no matter what use we may make of the function /. Result (4.1) or (4.2) can be used in a variety of different physical systems, as we shall see. Since the sines and cosines are periodic functions, the Fourier series is also periodic. Thus, f (x t2mr) : f (x), where m is an integer. We can find a Fourier series for a function that is not periodic, but it will represent the original function only in a finite range. Outside of that range, the original function and its Fourier series representation will differ; the series gives a periodic extension of the function in the original range. In many physical situations, we want a solution valid in a bounded region of space (for example, inside a box of side L), and a Fourier series with period I works well, since the solution does not even exist outside of the range 0 to Z. 4.2. FINDING THE COEFFICIENTS 4.2.1.The RealSeries Let's assume that a series of the form (4.1) exists. Then how do we find the coefficients a, and bn? First we note that the sine and cosine functions form a set of orthogonal functions ontheinterval 0<x<2n(or,infact,onanyintervaloflength2r).Thefunctionsare orthogonal3 in the sense that fo'" "rnn, sinmx dx :o (4.3) l and j fo'" "o"n* unless z: cosmx dx :o cosmx dx :o (4.4) nin both cases, and also fo'" "rnr* (4.s) for all integers m and n. Multiplying two trigonometric functions and integrating over one period is analogous to taking the dot product oftwo basis vectors. 3We shall give a more precise definition of the terrn orthogonal in Chapter 8. 4.2 FINDING THE COEFFICIENTS 221 To prove relations (4.3)-(4.5), we'll sincvcosp : p : sina sinB : cos cy cos need the following relations: jtrtn )f"o" jt"o, - p)l cos (cv - p)l cos (cv * P)l (a + fl)* sin(o (a + fl)* - fl)- (a Thus, we may write the integral in (4.5) as t?n / Jo sin nx cosmx a* If m : n, the integrand : *I /12, trtn (n * m)x * sin (r LJo m)xldx \121t I I :ll-| / cos(n-d*ll cos(n*m)x2 \ n*m n-m /lo - 0 form fn is j sin2mx and the integral is still zero. Next we shall prove result (4.3): fzosin nx sin mx dx : I f2" - (n [cos Z Jo J, m)x : ^I I I sin(r zLn-m -0 formfn I If n : - cos (n * m)x1dx tt2n I m)x ------:- sin (n +rn)xl n+m I llo m, the integral is ['" Jo "rn' nx dx :: ['" (l 2Jo cos 2nx) dx : :( .- I ,in zr*\l'" : o 2\ 2n /lo if n : m :0, in which case the result is trivially zero. Finally, the integral ofthe cosines is except r2n J, cosnx cosmx O. : iI f2o [cos (n - m)x * cos (n -l m)x]dx Jo I I I l-sin(n-- 2ln-m :0 formfn and again the result is r 1f m - nf 0. However, for m r2t I dx:2n Jo tt2n I mrx*n*m sin(n+zlxll 'Jlo : n: O, we now get (4.6) 222 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES Expressing a function /(x) as a Fourier series is akin to expressing a vector in terms of its components. To find a component of a vector, we take the dot product of the vector with the appropriate basis vector. Similarly, here we expect to find the coefficients an in the Fourier series (4.1) by taking the "dot product" with the basis function sinkx. That is, we multiply the function /(x) and its series (a.1) by sin kx for some integer k and integrate from 0 to 2z: r2n l-" Jo .f1.xlsinkx dx \ r2r/* : l-. I Io,sinnx * b,cosnx I sinkxdx Jo / \,= If the series is uniformly convergent,4 we can interchange the sum and the integral. (We'll test this hypothesis later.) Then ['" f ,rrsinkxdx:i.(", ['" Jo ?:o\"Jo : *b,"Jo ['" cosnxsinkxdx) ,rnn*sinkxdx / AkTt since all the other terms in the series are zero by relations (4.3) and (4.5). Thus, ak: : 1,," .f (x) sinkx dx, kZ l (4.7) 1 Similarly, multiplying by cos kx gives the result r t2n b1,:!1T I .fg;coskxdx, k>l Jo (4.8) Whilefork:0, uo: I f2, * f Jn (x) dx (4.e) which is the average value of the function'over the interval. Example 4.1. Find the Fourier series for the step function and/(x):1forr<x<2n. f (x) :0 for 0 < First we define the series to be :i ,or: {l U n:O "lo,=..,1", 4In Chapter 6, we show how to relax this restriction. r, sinnr * bncosnx) x<z 4.2 FINDING THE COEFFICIENTS 223 Then, using results (4.7) and (4.8), we obtain the coefficients: an: : t;" f (x) sinnx dx 1l (-cosnx) "' fin :l | 0 ifn l-21 nn :;1J, 12, I nT -l-1 sinnx dx + (-1)'l is even if n is odd and br:- tf 2n I nJo /(x)cosrx O* :; I f2" J, cosnxdx :11 (sinnx)l2f :0 fin We have to evaluate b0 separately: bo: lf2"1f2nl 2"J, fktdx:2oJ, o*:t As expected, b6 is the average value ofthe function over the interval 0 to 2n. Thus, the series is r,"r : {f ;l:=.i 1or, : :\ - :i't:* P:rJ Figure 4.1 shows the first four partial sums5 of this series. Notice that the value of the series at x 0 and at x T iq I/2, not 0 or 1. When a function has a discontinuity, the Fourier series always gives a value equal to the midpoint of the jump. The series is a good : - representation ofthe function, but it is not identically equal to the function at every point; there can be significant differences at a finite number of points. As we include more terms, the sum more closely represents the step function. Just beyond the discontinuity at x : r,the series overshoots the value y : 1. Increasing the number of terms moves the peak of the overshoot closer to x : n but does not reduce its magnitudean effect called the Gibbs phenomenon. The value of the series at the peak 0f the overshoot is 1.179. (SeeAppendixV.) The Gibbs phenomenon occurs at every jump of adiscontinuous function. The series we have found actually represents a square wave. Figure 4.1 could be repeated indefinitely to both the left and the right. Thus, the jump from 0 to 1 visible at x : n in Figure 4.1 also occurs at every odd multiple of n, and, in reverse, the jump from I to 0 visible at x : 0 occurs at x : 2mn.Therefore, the series takes on the value L : LfO + I when x equals any integer multiple of n. 5See Chapter 2, Section 2.3.1 for the definition of partial sum. 224 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES N:3 f(x) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 o.2 0 FIGURE 4.1. Fourier series for the step function (heavy line). Shown are the partial t'n!t',*,t)' 1 - tt ^ 2 .un:O 2n I I : (solid line), and N for N : 0 (dashed line). N : l (dottedtine), sums N: 2 3 (dot-dashed line) terms. The series overshoots the step by 187o. As the number ofterms is increased, the overshoot does not decrease, but moves closer to the step. This is the Gibbs phenomenon (see Appendix V). If the function is defined over a range of values that does not span a range of 2n , then we can proceed by changing to a new variable. For example, if the step function is f then we define the variable u the series is : (o (x\: { ifo<x<0.5 l1 \- if0.5<x<1 2nx I Itw\: so that 2 S \ 0 < u < 2z corresponds to 0 < 2 nu^ n:U sinl(2n _ In general, if the function is defined for 0 < 2tt x I L so that u ranges from 0 to f (x):E 2r [,, (4.10) x< -f l)2trxl 1. Then (4.11) 2nll x I L, then we choose the variable a : anddefine the series as "r"(r) *b,cos(4r)) With this argument, the orthogonality relation for these sine functions is L 1L /2nnx\ /2mnx\ /2" sin(nr'r) sin(mu);du: t'" (--) tt" ( r o*: J, / Jo L ,3^, (4'12) 4.2 FINDING THE COEFFICIENTS 22s and thus the expression for the coefficient an is o": r2 fL /(x) sin / 2nnx\ Jo \ , )0. (4.13) The factor in front of the integral is one divided by (half of the range of integration). Similarly, b,: ? lo' ro""" (rf1o., n>o (4.14) For bo, we get bo: ;t; f (x) dx (4.1s) Again we find that bs is the average value of the function over the interval. For a function defined on the interval -L < x I L, we choose the variable u : ltx/L, whichrangesinvaluefrom-n to1n,againarange of 2n.Thecoeffrcientsof thesinesin the Fourier series are given by f+L o,: i,I J_r,or'^(T) The coefficients o- (4.t6) b, of the cosines are found similarly. 4.2.2. The Complex Series Complex exponentials also form a complete set of orthogonal functions. In the onhogonality relation for complex functions, we must multiply one function by the complex conjugate of another: r2tt J, y,yi,d*: r2r Jo i(n "inx"-imx4*: --= : o, lo m),itu-m)xl'_" wlileifn:m, f2n J" ,'n'e-'n" dx : f2n Jo I dx :2tr m+n 226 cHAPTER 4 FouRrER SERTES This expression is valid for n : m :0 also. Thus, the coefficients in the senes +oo f(x): D ,nr'"' (4.17) are given by Ln - + l,'" f (x) e-'"* dx (4.18) In this case, the number in front ofthe integral is one divided by (the range ofintegration). Ifthe function f(x) is real, then \* r / I f2, (x)e-inxdx) : ,;: l* + J, l, f p2n f (x)ei"* dx: c-, (4.1e) Let's evaluate the complex series for the step function (4.10): (o u ifo<x<o- : +m : /(') D'nn',n',o* iii.=:,': ; n:-6 \ 1 Notice that we have chosen the variable 2n x as the argument of the exponential, since this variable's value goes from 0 to2r as.r ranges from 0 to 1. Then e u^-Jrp' c,: I fG)r-i2n,,a*: [' ,-i2nnx4r:f ^L.)r-iznnxlllrP Jo \-2nri1 : !-k-2'ni - r-nni1: .Ltt - (-l)'l znr znTt Like the an and bn we obtained previously, this coefficient is also zero unless n is odd, in which case the term in parentheses is 2. We must evaluate the integral differently if n :0, since our expression has a zero in the denominator in that case: co: Thus. the series is r1 I o*:) Jrlz 4 Now notice that the coefficient for n n: N: : -N, 3 FOURIER SINE AND COSINE SERIES 227 c_N, equals the negative of the coefficient for c-N : -cN Thus, we may rewrite the series as f (x): 1lgi ;* i t n:1, ;ru,rn", n odd - r-i2nrx1 1 2 S sin(2nnx) \_ _::____. , n 2 T ,:ioaa A.2l\ where the sum is over odd values of n. The result is the same series (4.I 1) that we obtained using sines and cosines from the start. One advantage ofusing the exponential series is that the integrals are often easier to do. A function /(x) may be represented by aFourier series of sines and cosines (equation 4.I and Section 4.2.1) or of complex exponentials (equation 4.2). Since the two series represent the same function, ir,sinnx* Expanding the sines ""0:"lr** @ ( ii", ;'ot ut (Chapter ,inx - n-inx - b,cosnxl: '2i ,, f ,n"''* "rrurton"l.i^tur.rr,we i-* \ get +m ,inx +6--l!l:|',''n' 2 ) n?* oo b, ! b, .-in*] : f iL) [-ia,_+ ,inx lian ' ' 2 z t n:-6 n:O ' ' - .,",," Thus, the relations between the coefficients are c--:unI'o', L-ncr:b-!--J!, 12 2 n>l 't-' (4.22) and co: bo 4.3. FOURIER SINE AND COSINE SERIES The function shown in Figure 4.2 is obtained from equation (a.10) by shifting the origin vertically and multiplying by - 1. The resulting step function, (-tn -L<x<o S.(x)-< '-.- ififo<x<*z l+t1z (4.23) CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES FIGURE 4.2. The step function 56(-r) is an odd function on the interval (-L, L). is clearly odd in x over the range -L < x < ,L and so should be represented by a series of sines, which are also odd in x. We did find that series (4.2I) for our previous step function/square wave contained only sines. The origin shift in y is represented by the constant 1/2 in equation (4.21). Thus, g (nr S.(x)--T2 ) sin n x /L) n:Goaa (4.24) When the function is odd on the range - L < x < L, the argument of the sines is n x I L because the period is 2L. [In the previous section, we used the step function (equations 4.20 and 4.2I) with I l2.l However, we can express the coefficients as an integral over half the period, 0 < x < Z. The coefficients in a sine series ofthe form - I : f (x):i,o,"inff n:l are given by on I fL /nrx\ J-'f r*l ( J ' fL /nnx\ \ /nftx\ : ! (f r\/-rl(x)sin(. )o'*Jo "f(x)sin\ t )d') -- T sln ax 1 / fo / nTrxr /lL ,nnrt, \ :T\Jrf t-x)sin(- r )d(-x)+Jo /(r)sin\, )dr) Then, since an /(x) is odd, I / : L\- t /nlrx\1 1L ,r11)a*\ fo o* * /(x)sin (, -fa) ll \-r, / l-sin Jr Jn 4.3 FOURIER SINE AND COSINE SERIES an: Conversely, sented /nlfx\ ?t: /(x)sin \ if a function is even on the range by a series of cosines with argument nxI f (x) :bo + i ' n:l -Z (4.2s) , )d* < x< 229 L, the function will be repre- L: a, nr )c "o, L The coefficients are given by br: t2fL Jo /(x) cos /nfix\!)o d* \t (4.26) ) and bo: ; t,' f (x) dx We can make the odd square wave (4.23) into an along the x-axis by L12 (Figve 4.3). (4.27) :n fu nction by shifting it to the left f(x) x L : FIGURE 4.3. By shifting the origin to the right, we can create a step function Ss(-r) that is an even function. This function is represented by a cosine senes. 230 cHAPTER 4 FouRrER SERTES Then series (4.24) becomes oo S"(x) : -2 \lJ 1f n:l,n 2 7t 2 7f 1 /x -sinnzl-+ ,? \L odd .xwtxwf -L2L2 sin nn @ \./2 n:I,n @ -l- cos nz - sln - n odd el)(n-r)/2 nL odd \,/- n:l,n ) nrx (4.28) which is a cosine series, as expected. As with the complete series, if a function is defined only in the range 0 < x < L (Figure 4.4a), then the Fourier sine (or cosine) series will represent a periodic extension of the function outside ofthe original range (Figure 4.4b). The sine series gives an odd periodic extension, while the cosine series gives an even periodic extension (Figure 4.4, c, d). Each of these series has peiod2L. f(x) FIGURE 4.4a. The function /(.r) is defined on the range0<x<L. f(x) _LOL2L FIGURE 4.4b. The complete Fourier series gives period is L. a periodic repetition of the original function. The 4.3 FouRrER srNE AND cosrNE sERrEs 231 f(x) slne senes FIGURE 4.4c. The Fourier sine series is a periodic repetition of the odd extension of the original function. The period is 22. f(x) even extension coslne senes -LOL2L FIGURE 4.4d. The Fourier cosine series is a periodic repetition of the even extension of /(x). The period is 2.L. Thus, in principle, we can find three different series for a function rangeO<x<L: 1. The full series f (x): with coefficierts cn : ! L .f"t f Al ,f_rn",rnn,," ,_2innx/L dx andperiod I. /(x) defined on the -t CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES 2. The sine series J$l: with coefficients an 3. The cosine a z r- anstnnTX ) L n:l rL I . nJLI : ; I /(x) sin . LJo L - dx and period 2Z series 3 nrx f(x):bo+Lb"cos , n:l : 2 fL / (x) cosnrx d * and b6 equal to the average value of the L Jo L over the range 0 to I. This series also has period 22. with coefficient" b" function Different applications require the use of different series, as we shall see in the next section. Example 4.2. Find the Fourier sine series and the Fourier cosine series for the function f(x) :x, 0 < x < L. The sine series /(r) : DansinnnxfL represents an odd function on the range -L < x < L (Figure 4.5). The coefficients o' 2 fL /nlrx\ : T/ xsin(-l o' are (equation 4.25) 2/ L : r[-';cos, nr* L fL L nTrx \ o* Jo -cosi" ) 2 / L2 / L\2 ,rz*rr\ : :- L\ I -1 cosn1+ ( l sin--:l L to/I -ZLeD' nr ntT \ro/ - FIGURE 4.5. The first six terms in the sine series of the function f (x) : -r defined for 0 < x < Z. 233 4.3 FOURIER SINE AND COSINE SERIES Thus, -t:-- S) (-l)' 2r o? nrx n L - range -L <x< /(x) : Dbncosnrxf L represents an even function on the (equations (Figure 4.26 and 4.27) are L 4.6). The coefficients The cosine series bo: IfL Jo i *o': iL and L ,or.\ nrLl -dx I f(x) x L FIGURE4.6.Thefirstfourtermsinthecosineseriesofthefunction/(x)=.rdefinedfor0<x<L. Compare this graph with Figure 4.5. A few terms of the cosine series represent the function more closely than does the sine series. Thus, is b, : 0 for even n , and b, : -4L / (ntr)2 for odd n. Therefore, the cosine series I L 4tS z_t^ (2p * l)z z nz P:O' ' - Qptt)nx L 234 4 CHAPTER FOURIER SERIES Compare Figures 4.5 and4.6; the cosine series converges much faster than the sine series (the terms decrease as If n2 rather than 1/n). This happens because the odd extension is a discontinuous function with a jump at x : lL, whereas the even extension is a continuous function. In Problem 2, you will be asked to look at the full series for this function. 4.4. USE OF FOURIER SERIESTO SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Fourier series may be used to solve differential equations under some circumstances. In this section, we shall look at two of the most common applications. 4.4.1. An Inhomogeneous Linear Equation Has a Periodic Driving Term When the source term in an inhomogeneous linear equation is periodic, we expect that the solution will also be periodic. One example is an electric circuit connected to a power supply that supplies a periodic emf. Example 4.3. A circuit has a 10 O resistor, a 2 mH inductor, and a 0.3 pF capacitor connected in series with a power supply that generates a square wave emf t(r) with : a period of z 0.3 ms (Figure 4.7). The applied voltage varies between zero and *1 V. What is the current in the circuit? FIGURE 4.7. The series ZRC circuit in Example 4.3 with current and charge variables (I a periodic (square wave) emf. With the and Q) as defined in this diagram, I: dQ/dt. The charge and current variables I and Q are defined in Figure 4.7. Kirchhoff's rules applied to the circuit give the differential equation L-dI +RI+ dt f,:erO where 1 : d Q / dt . If we write the equation in standard form (equation d2o R do - -), dt2'Ldt----1 t- ot ' I.C I. 3. 18), i 4.4 USE OF FOURIER SERIESTO SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS the coefficients of dQ/dt 235 and Q arc R 10s2 2a: lL 2mH and ,3= I 1 LC (2 mH)(0.3 rr.F) 1010 6 s-2 Then l0s @o: ftradls :4 x lOa radls We have already found the series for the square wave emf t(t): t +oo ^(:.: \ n:- where z is the period of 0.3 ms and t6 : series with period t (equation 4.20): ('':)) "ooi"'o I V. Next, we write the solution as a Fourier r: Qft): ,t*r,*r(,'+) (Note: It is much easier to use the series in exponential form here, because the equation has both first and second derivatives. When we differentiate the series, each term in the equation contains simple multiples of the original exponential terms. In contrast, the odd-order derivatives mix sines and cosines: dsinxldx: cos-tr. Instead of one equation for each coefficient cr, we would have two equations to solve simultaneously for the coefficients of the sines and cosines.) Now we substitute the series for t(t) and QG) into the differential equation: i i - ('+)'q,ri2nnt/t +2' n:-6 i22o nn"'"nt/'+@?0 :?(:.: r \ n:-oo. ,, f nn"'"n'/' n:-@ n:-@ Lr,r,,,t,\ odd / Next we make use of the orthogonality of the exponentials by multiplying the whole equation by exp [-i(2mnt lt)] and integrating over one period. Only the terms with n : m survive. Since this is true for any integer m, we aar' equate the coefficients of each exponential separately. The constant (n : 0) term gives ) a54o: c ol) - +qo toC 2 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES The other terms are given by | /zno\2 a,;-\;)* 4otinr "'l h . +a6):ii i i tstz Qn: I L n l-(2wr)2 + 4qrinru + c'Sr2l tsr2 4atr +[r3r'- (2nr)2]i/n r L lr|t, - (2nn)212 I (4arnr)2 n Notice that the real part of q, is even in n, while the imaginary part is odd. This is exactly what we expect if the resulting series is to be real. The real parts combine to give cosines, while the imaginary parts combine to give sines: i g(t\:t:9*t:! 2 nL 4wr + la;3r2 - (2nn)2li ln ^_^ ( ,2nrt\ / fl@t^o\'r 2ntrt I ^^ (2nr)'lsin ^ 2nnt 4cYrz cos toC r ;lafir' _ - ,L $ - 2 -2tot2 k$t2-(2nr72J2+{4atnrS2 2 -@,n Finally, we can differentiate to get 1. Then 4Est I(t): L t 4narn sin 2nnt @3t' n:1 - ^ (2nr)'l + la'ot' - (2nn)212 a (4utnr)2 2nnt The constant in front ofthe sum is 4tst 4(l V)(0.3 L (2 mH) ms) :0.6 V.s :0.6A:10 -H Thus, I7t'1: -t0.6A; p L 4narn ,in2n!! + b3r2 - (2nr)2l"or'no' Notice that if the natural frequency ar6 of the circuit times the period z of the emf is very close to 2nn for some integer n, then the current will be very large if cv is small; there is a resonance at frequency @n aNf n : (4.I x : Znn 10a s-1;10.3 lr . In our example, x l0-3 s)/r :3.9 4.4 USE OF FOURIER SERIES TO SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 237 which is very close to 4. The solution is shown in Figure 4.8. The current is dominated by the n : 2 term, which has twice the frequency of the square wave emf. 1(A) 0.02 r (ms) 0 -0.02 -0.04 t--\ \n:2 -0.06 FIGURE 4.8. The first three terms of the solution for the current in Example 4.3. The thick solid line is the sum. The thin solid line is the n : I term, the dashed line is the n : 2 term, and the dotted line is the r : 3 term. The solution is dominated by the n : 2 term. The square wave emf is shown schematically by a thin solid line. The square wave indicates the phase (but not the amplitude) of the applied emf. The vertical axis does not apply to this curve. 4.4.2. The Solution We Want Equals Zero at Two Boundaries, .r = 0 attdx=L If a physical quantity is described by a function /(x) with "f (0) : f (L) : 0 and exists only in the interval 0 < x < Z, we can make an odd extension of the function /(x) to the range -L < x < L and represent it as a Fourier sine series. The sine series is always zero at the endpoints r : 0 and x : I and thus automatically satisfies the boundary conditions. For example, consider the problem of waves on a string of length L.The differential equation for the string deflection y (x , r) is (equation 3. I 5) .,32 u- y o2y *z: 6P We can solve the equation using separation of variables.6 Let u2x"T Dividing through by y I I t t t XT , we get .X" XT t i : : xr" 6See Chapter 3, Section 3.5. T" y(x,t): X(r)f (/). Then 238 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES Since each side of this equation is a function of only one variable, each side must equal a constant if the equation is to remain true for all values of both x arrd t. Since we want the stringdisplacementltoequal X to be a sine, zeroatx:0andx : Lfor alltimes/,wewantthefunction so we choose the separation constant to be negative: X,, ,-z positive integer. Then the equation for Z T" T : n:l (T) k: nnf L, where n is t nn:,2 ^ t-2,.2 ___l_l uz sin (nn ut I y(x.t):!sin 0; that is, IS " and the solutions are be written sin(ft-r) sin(kl) : Next, we choose the constant ft to make a ) X: L) \t ) and cos (nn ut I L) . Thus, the general solution may fo,'rn (t:) * bn cos (tf)] (4.2e) which, for fixed r, is a Fourier sine series in x, as expected. The amplitude of each Fourier component is oscillatory with angular frequency @n : nft u / L. The initial conditions determine the constants an and br. 4.4. Suppose we pull the string up at the middle so that it forms a triangle of height h (Figure 4.9) and then let go. Find the subsequent motion of the string. Example L FIGURE 4.9. The initial shape of the string (t The solution has the form (4.29). At v(x. 0) : /: and the string velocit! at t :0 0) in Example 4.4. 0, we have (xQh/L) ifO<x.L/2 l(t - x)(2hlt) if Ll2 < x < L { : :i0,"^(ry) is zero: Dvl /nirx\ 'l :0:) Srzu 0rlr:o ?- -sinl-la_ L \ L/ 4.4 USE OF FOURIER SEBIES TO SOLVE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Thus, all of the coefficients an arezero, and, from equation (4.25), the coefficients bn are given by 2 fL bn: i Jo o) nrx sin dx "*' ' : # (lr''' * sinffa' + l',rrt- x) sin #0.) To do the first integral, we integrate by parts: L , no*rlL/2 fr/z L l-cos-llL /lo + I nr nn\ Jo 72 / wtr /L\2 wv :rno lL/2 nrx I xsin-dx:xL Jo wtx , ----=-dx L (-cosi)*\;)sin7 The cosine term is zero unless n is even, and the sine term is zero unless n is odd. The second integral is 1L nftx L2 r nnxt.tL :- L2 t nnr Ll -Jrp- si11!!24*:1(-.or"',^)l 2 -,-tl') L /lt/z nn\IcosjLnn\ and the last integral is wrx 1L nrx L, nnxr, lL fL L I xsin'-'---dx:y{cos )ltp ll - I --nn\--- Jtp"L L Jtpntr -cos-dxL : # (rr-rr' -*"7). (h)' sin) Adding the three terms, we get the result b,:4h z -(-l)' 2 Z nTr 2 +cosf wrLl-l""rT*Lsinf *)(r,-r^ -*"7) * *'^T) :- th (nr)t wr 2 which is zero unless n is odd, in which case the result is u, where we wrote n : ffir-g@-rtp :2p * 1. Then the v(x,t):Y\#{",in P:l : 12ol*1t-9n solution for y is (rzz + DT)"o, (tro . r+) 240 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES Figure 4. l0 shows the first four terms of this series. The plot shows the dimensionless variables7 y f h versus x attimes ut f L :0,I14,I12, and l. lL v n ./ --l---+---F--l---+- \ t-l,",- - f - - -f ---t-- ! L FIGURE4.10. Thestringdisplacementattimes/: L/utimesO(thicksolidline),714(dashedline), 1/2 (short dashes), and 1 (thin solid line). The first four terms of the series were used to make this plot. 4.5. CONVERGENCE OF FOURIER SERIES Now that we understand why Fourier series are useful, we should worry a little bit about how well they converge. 4.5.1. Pointwise Convergence A function is very smooth if at least the first two derivatives of the function exist and the second derivative is continuous. It is piecewise very smooth if we can divide the interval (-L, L) into a finite number of subintervals and the derivatives exist within each of the pieces. The step function (4.23) satisfies this requirement, since the derivatives exist within each of the two subintervals (-1, 0) and (0, I), even though the derivatives do not exist at x :0. The Fourier series of a function f (x) Ihat is piecewise very smooth 6n an interval -L < x < I converges pointwise to )U{, * 0) + f(x -0)l for each x in the interval. TSee Chapter 3, Section 3.4.1 4.5 CONVERGENCE OF FOURIER At the endpoints, we identify f(L - x : -L and SERIES 241 x : Z to obtain the limit ittef + 0) + o)1. Fourier series are not, in general, uniformly convergent. They are uniformly convergent only in closed subintervals where /(x) is continuous. But Fourier series can be integrated and differentiated term by term. We'll see why in Chapter 6. 4.5.2. Convergence in the Mean Fourier series converge to the corresponding function f (x) in the mean. That is, the square deviation ** : J-rl ft lru, - f ,nr,no,,,l' a* --o as N -+ oo ,7x I (This idea should remind you of a least-squares fit of a model to a set of data points.) The function and the series may differ substantially at a finite number of isolated points and still converge in the mean. We have already seen this happen with the step function series (Figure 4.1), where the series always takes on the value at the middle of each step, independent of the value of the function at that point. The Fourier series of any piecewise continuous function converges in the mean. This condition is sufficient but not necessary; that is, there are functions that behave more badly yet whose series also converge in the mean. As physicists, we do not need to concern ourselves with such functions because they do not arise in the solution of physics problems. Now let's ask if we can do better than the series we have. Is there any set of coefficients cn for which the remainder R1,, is smaller than that given by the Fourier coefficients? Let rLN2 RN: | ,f(xlJ cnei""/L | -r. (4.30) dx where the cn are unknown. Then, to minimize R1g, we choose the coefficients cp so that ff:o * l:,(t,', - ,t*'n''nn*") (r.u, -,i Ifthesumff;= -N cneinrx/L isreal,thenc[ [ (- kn x / L r't : a 2'i ktr x / L " rL J-r-f ''0"'tL dx + i ---N c-m,and,if ^t- *' - che-i^'.rr) dx :0 f (x)isalsoreal,thederivativeis *'-' ^"'') IL ,;*nr/rr-^s-imnx/L J-L x : o dx : o d 242 cHAPTER 4 FouRtER SERIES In the second term, every term in the sum integrates to zero except the one withm : k. Thus, we have rL I ytik"r/tdx :2Lc_r J-r and so the value of cp that minimizes R1y is ck: r ; rL ,-,0"*rtd* J_rf (4.31) which is the usual Fourier coefficient (equation 4.18). Thus, the Fourier coefficients are optimum in the sense that they make the square deviation R,ntr a minimum. We can use the result that Rlr -+ 0 to prove another important result about the Fourier coefficients. We begin by expanding expression (4.30): rL/ N N \/ Rr: l- ( frrl- t /-'\' n:-N cneino*/L ) (f,rr.- t m:-N / \ \ cf,e-i^"'/Lldx ) rLrLN : I lfulP a* - l, \ lft*)*r, r J -L - -- n:_N f')c\nleinttx/14* rLNN + I \) ,nutnn'/' t J_r,?r cfle-i^n*/Ldx m:_N The last term may be rearranged to give t "i -t:-,,,i, I : and the integral is zero unless m x/ L'-imn x/L r'iwt 4* n, when it equals 21. Thus, the last term rs NN 2L I D c,ctr-zrn:-N lc,lz n:-N We can also simplify the middle term, since TLNNTL I c\nrin"'tLdx : L r\, J|-L- tr*r rinnx/1tr, l--t tr-l n?u n:Jp J NN : It * c* n2Lc-n : Zf I n:-N lc,l2 PROBLEMS 243 and, similarly, TL/VNN >, f(x)*c,ei"ft'/Ldr:2L n:-N D cncfi:ztn:-N I - n:-N \ J-L b,l2 Combining the last two terms, we have tLN nx : | -L 1ye)12 dx J Since Rp t -2L \ n:-N lr,t2 0 by its definition, rIt N tL \t"t2 ;J-,trG)t24*' n=-N which implies that the series on the right converges. Thus, for a series that converges in the mean, R1g -+ 0 as N -> oo, and so rIt @ tL \ ; l_, f(*)2dx:n:-@ (4.32) cn2 This is one version of Parseval's theorem.8 We can understand this result by thinking about the energy stored in the capacitor in the circuit of Example 4.3. Averaged over one period, the energy stored in the capacitor is ' : I f, QG)2 _ : I \-,^,2 ; Jo 1;o' zc Lb^r From this we conclude that the time-averaged energy equals the sum of the energies in each of the individual Fourier components. PROBLEMS I Snow that the Fourier series (equation 4.1) for a function f (x) :i n, n:O "o, /(x) may be written (nx -t Q,) and find expressions for kn andQr. 8See Problem variant. 2l for Parseval's theorem for the sine and cosine coefficients, and see Problem 22 for an additional 244 2. CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES f(x) : x (a) overtherange0<x<1 (b) overtherange -l <.r < 1 (c) Make a plot showing the original function and the sum of the first three nonzero Develop the full Fourier series for the function terms in each series. Comment on the similarities and differences between the two series. 3. Develop the Fourier series for the function f (x) : x2 over the range 0 < -r < 1 . @ An odd function /(.r) on the range (-L, L) has the additional property that f (x + L) : - f(x). (a) Make a sketch showing the important features of this function. (b) Which kind of Fourier series (sine series, cosine series, or full series) represents this function on the range -L < x < L? (c) Show that the series has only terms of odd order (n :2m * l), and find a formula for the coefficients as an integral over the range 0 < x < L 12. (d) How does your answer change if f (x -f L) : t f (x)? (e) How do your answers change if the function is even, but /(x + L) : - f (x)? 5. Which series, the sine series or the cosine series, do you expect will converge more rapidly to the function f (x) : x3 on the range 0 < x < 1? Give reasons for your answer. Evaluate the first four nonzero terms in the optimum series. How large is the fractional deviation ls4 I {G) | u, : " lf@)l sum of the first four terms. 0.5 and x : l? In this expression, Sa is the 6. Find the Fourier series on the range 0 < x < 2n for the function f (x) : sin cvx, where a is not an integer. Check your result by evaluating the limit a, --+ n. With the value a : 0.7, plot the original function and the first three terms of your series on the range 0<x<2rr.Comment. 7. Find an exponential Fourier series for the function sinh cvx on the range 0 < x < 2n . S 9. By combining terms, rewrite your answer as a series in sines and cosines. finO the first four nonzero terms in a Fourier series for the function tan r on the range -n/4<x<n/4. Use numerical integration to find the first ten terms in a Fourier series for the function sin x2 on the range 0 < x < n. Discuss the percent error between your series and the function sinx2 over the given range. 10. Find a Fourier series for the ramp function .f (x): {r ifO<x<1 ifl<x<2 ontheintervalO<x<2. 11. An electric circuit contains a 3 mH inductor, a 50 pF capacitor, and a 200 Q resistor in series with a power supply that supplies a rectified sine wave voltage (see the figure) with amplitude 110 V and period 2 ms. Determine the capacitor voltage as a Fourier series. system is driven by a periodic driving force with period \') r",.,,_lo, 7: ifO<r.T/2 \a(r-r) ifT/2<t Find the response of the system.r(r) as a Fourier series. <T 246 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES 14. A simply supported beam of length L bears aload W that is uniformly distributed over the first 1/4 of its length. Determine the deflection of the beam as a Fourier series. Make plots showing the first one, two, and three terms of your answer. How many terms are needed to obtain a result accurate to l%o? (The differential equation satisfied by the beam deflection is equation 3. I I , and the displacement is zero at the two ends.) @e beam rests on supports at its ends, x : 0 and x : L. The load q(x) varies linearly along the beam: 4 : ax.What are the boundary conditions? Find the displacement of the beam as a Fourier series. Plot your results, and comment. 16. A guitar string of length L :65 cm is plucked by pulling it to the shape v(r, o) ifo<x.L/3 : Io*' \{"/+'ttt-r12 if Ll3 <x <L and then letting go. Determine the subsequent motion of the string. Which harmonics are excited? Plot the string displacement as a function of x for t :0,0.4, and 0.8 times I/u. Also plot the original string shape for comparison. Comment. 17. A violin string is plucked to the shape of a triangle with apex one-quarter of the way along the string, as shown in the figure, and then let go. Find the displacement of the stringatlatertimes.Plotyourresult(uptothen:10term)for/: Lf2u,wherc v : ltlJ 1t L/lou,Ll5u,allid is the wave speed. Are all harmonics excited? I L 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0 o.4 0.6 PROBLEM 0.8 x L 17 18. ApianostringoflengthZishitbyahammeroflengthl: tr/l0.Thehammeriscentered at x : Ll4, and the impulse it imparts is 1. Assume that the impulse is uniformly distributed over the hammer's length. Determine the subsequent displacement of the string as a function of x and /. Which harmonics are excited? Plot the string displacement as a function of x for t :0.1,0.5, and 0.75 times Llu.Use the first five nonzero terms of the series to make the plot. Comment on your results. PROBLEMS 247 19. Fourier series may be used to evaluate certain series of functions of integers.To illustrate the method, develop the Fourier series for the function x2 on the rarrge -7r to z. Set x :0 and hence evaluate I St-l)'-r \ 2 n2 Which sum do you obtain by setting x : I 4's' -t-.*-*... n? Finally, use Parseval's theorem to evaluate $r Ln4 n:1 EO.'l Us" the Fourier series for the step function to evaluate the sum S t-t.r' L^2* * 1 m:o (See Problem 19 for the method.) Use Parseval's theorem applied to the same series to obtain the sum $r z-^ 12m 21. A function -f l)2 f (x) is represented by the Fourier senes 3 r nrx f G) : L lo, sin , * n:O nr(x\ bncos ----- ) I on the range (-L, L). Derive a form of Parseval's theorem (equation 4.32) applicable to this series; that is, express [j! f t*f a* in terms of the coefficients a, and bn. 22. If f(x) is represented by the series D .fne'"' over the interval 0 < x < 2n, : D grri'" over the same range, prove the genenlizedParseval theorem: and g(x) 1,2noom L .f,t-,: n:_@ \ f,sl - I f(xtg(xtdx: n:_@ ztf Jo where the second expression applies when the function g(x) is real. 23. The capacitor shown in the figure on the next page is charged by the battery and discharges through the bulb when the potential across it equals 0.9V. (See, for example, Lea and Burke, Example 31.3,p.993.) Assuming that the capacitor discharges very rapidly, show that the potential across the capacitor as a function of time is vc:v(l -"-,,*r1, -\) and repeats periodically with period that represents this function. T : o < r < RCtn lo RC ln 10. Find a Fourier series with period ? 248 CHAPTER 4 FOURIER SERIES PROBLEM @l n rectangular box of dimensions y 23 a x b x a has conducting walls. All the walls : are b. This wall is separated from the others by a thin insulating strip, and it is at potential V. Using the method illustrated in Chapter 3, Example 3.15, find the potential everywhere inside the box. grounded except for the one at x b x c has all its walls at temperature T1 except for s, which is held at temperature 72. When the box comes to equilibrium, the temperature function T(x,y,z) satisfies equation 3.14 (extended to three spatial dimensions): 25. A rectangular box measuring a the one dt 7 : AT u - Dv2T with the time derivative on the left equal to zero. Using the method of Chapter 3, Example 3.15, find the temperature T in the box in the form T(x,y,z):Ttlt(x,y,z) where z is expressed in a Fourier series t (x , y , ,, Find the function f (z) nd : na* sinlla snff f fr> the coefficients amn. 26. An infinitely long conducting tube with circular cross section of radius a is divided into four equal pieces by insulating strips running along its length. One of the four pieces is at potential V, and the other three are grounded. Solve Laplace's equation in two dimensions, using the method of Example 3.15. Evaluate the solution at p - 6 411 show that the result is a Fourier series. Determine the coefficients, and hence find the potential everywhere inside the tube. Wl n Fourier series of the form f (x):Dr,r'n* PROBLEMS 249 may be expressed as a power series f (x):D"nrn where z : lirnr+t re'r ar'dr < L The function f (x) may be identifiedby summing the power series. Use this technique to sum the Fourier series @ s\_ Slfl/l-T where 0 <x< you found. =n rr . Check your result by evaluating the Fourier sine series of the function CHAPTER 5 Laplace Transforms 5.1. DEFINITION OFTHE LAPLACETRANSFORM An integral transform allows us to convert an inhomogeneous linear differential equation to an algebraic equation that is easier to solve. We shall look in detail at two such transforms: the Laplace transform and the Fourier transform (Chapter 7). The Laplace transform is an integral operator applied to a function f(t) that is defined for0 < / < oo: L(f):F(s) : lo* rale-'t (s.1) dt The factor e-'t in the integrand causes the integral to converge for a very large class of functions /. A function f is of exponential order o6 ifthere exists a real positive constant M such that le-"ot y1tll < for all r,0 < t < u (s.2) oo, and og is real. The Laplace transform exists for all piecewise continuous functions of exponential order. The transform is defined for Re (s) > os. Let's look at some examples. 1. Exponential functions: f (t) : eot .The function eot is of exponential order cu-we take o6 : a and M : I in equation (5.2). The transformis can | F(s): [* ,o'r-"4t: lo cv-s "tc-s)rl€ Jo 251 252 cHAPTERs LAPLAoETRANSFoRMS The transform exists for Re (s) > q, in which case F(r):* 2. Powers: f (t) : .The Taylor series for the exponential function, tm -, :1+ e'' st e^ t^ + e2t2 ^ * ...* *t +..' shows that ,^ am!," em and so Itm e-€t I . rrEmem 4rr, "-r, : ^t' for any positive real number e. Thus, these functions are of exponential order e. With m :0, the transform is L(t): fo* "-"at: -+1, : For m > 1, we use : [6 Jo te-'t dt irRe (s) > o : l, integration by parts. For m LO : : ---te-t, l* * ;I /l, /, : : -+ls'lo + irRe (s) > o foo o-st l@ _, e-'t dt Then, in general, L(t^): I t^e-'tdt Jo : LL(t^-t) : 1m 1 r@ s Ilo+:sJoI ry LG^-2) : . mt^-re-'tL1 .. : # More powerfully, we can use the definition of the gamma function (equation 2.75). Make a change of variable to u : s/. Then Lltny - fo* tne-,,d, =# which is valid for Re (s) > 0 and : lo* (1)' ,"7 fo*uo"-"a":\fiP p > 0. The power p does not have to be an integer. 5.2 SOME BASIC PROPERTIES OF THE TRANSFORM 3. 253 Sines and cosines. These functions are easily taken care of, since they can be written linear combinations of exponentials: 4(cosa.,t) : lo* as rye-'tdt _1( I , I \_ - Z \s - ro- - t + i, ) - ;, +,Dt .s which is valid for Re (s) > 0. We can now begin to compile a table of transforms (Table 5.1). Each transform exists when the real part of s exceeds some minimum value sg. TABLE 5.1. Laplace Tbansforms .f (t) f (t) F(s) I J-0 eot COS(r)T 1 srn @/ ,t r(p + 1P F(s) J szlaz a -s2 to2 + 1) Jp+1 This table gives transforms of the most common functions, but we will need methods /(r) conesponding to any transform F(s). This process is called inverting the transform. Since the Laplace transform is an integral operator, we can change the value of the function f (t) at a finite number of points without changing the value of the integral (5.1). Thus, the inverted transform cannot be unique. This does not usually present any difficulties in the solution of physics problems, as we shall see. Usually we choose a continuous function as the appropriate inverse. that allow us to find the function 5.2. SOME BASIC PROPERTIES OFTHETRANSFORM 1. The Laplace transform is a linear operotor. This means that L(af) : lo* o, U, e-'t dt :o lo* f (t) e-''t dt : aL(f ) where a is a constant, and L(fi+f): JoIf6 (fi*f)e -" a, : : L(f) + L(fz) Io* fr(t) e -', at + lo fzG) e-'t dt 254 cHAPTER s LAPLAoETRANSFoRMS 2, Thetransformof thederivativedf ldt maybefoundusingintegrationbyparts: If / is of exponential Re (s) > order s6, the integrated term aPproaches zero at infinity for s6. Then : '(#) -"f (o) * (s.3) sF(s) Then the transform of any higher derivative may be found by iteration: '(#) :'l* (#)l: - #1,. "(#) :-#lo-"to'+s2r1s; and, in general, L(4:J\: \dt^ / su F(s) -t d^-" f I ^n-t (s.4) dtr'-^ lo" n:I 3. The attenuation propertyi If a function / (r) is attenuated (or reduced) by the factot e-at , then L(r-o, f ) : lo* e-o' f (t) L(e-"' e-'t dt f): F(s : * lo* 71t1 e_-G+o)t a) dt (s.5) An inversion may be simplified if we can recognize the transform as a simpler function of (s * a) for some constant d. Exampte 5.1. Invert the transform F(s) : ll$2 -l2as + a2). We recognize the denominator as (s + a)2.The function F(o) : lf o2 inverts to give f (t) : t (Table 5.1: powers), and so the inverse of F(s) iste-at ' 4. The shifting proper4r is closely related to the attenuation property. Suppose we shift the function f (t) along the t-axis by an amount /6. Since the original function is defined 5 only for 3 USE OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM TO SOLVE A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION / > 0, we must cut the shifted function off at /: 255 /o (Figure 5. 1) or, equivalently, -to:0. (Theshiftedfunctionequals zerofort < /s.)Wecandothisbymultiplying the shifted function by a step function S(l - rs): att shifted / : S(/ - td f (t - to) f (t) a function. The shifted function is zero for / < t6, but f (t must cut off the dashed portion with the step function S(t rO). FIGURE 5.1. Shifting - - td is not, so we Then the transform ofthe shifted function is given by CtS(r- totf\t-rs)l: Now change variables / s(r-r0)/0 -tde-'tdt: Jo to Lt. : / - /6. The limits become u : f,fs(r- b\f(t-to\l: LIS(I [* ftt-to)e-'tdt Jro 0 and oo. I f(u\e-"'+'otdu:r-"o lo[* ffu)e-"du lo -tdf Q - ro)l:e-"'oF(s), /o > 0 (s.6) Thus, atransformthatcontains an exponential factoris thetransformof a shiftedfunction. In this result, the parameter /0 must be positive. 5.3. USE OFTHE LAPLACETRANSFORMTO SOLVE A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION If we have a linear differential equation of the forml d2v dv oji*ti*cy:f(t) lThe method is not limited to second-order equations (see Example 5.3). A second-order equation is used here for illustration. 256 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS we may apply the Laplace transform operator to the entire equation. Then we can use the Iinearity property to write ^'(#) * u'(*sr) + CL(Y): F(s) and then use the derivative property: +l \ - dtlo- A( rytol + r2v(rl) "/ + Bt-y(o) * sy(s)l * cY(s): This algebraic equation is easily solved for the transform r(s) : F(s) + By(0) + A[dy F(s) I(s): /dtls* sy(O)] (s.7) As2+Bs+C The problem of solving the original differential equation is thus reduced to the problem of inverting the transform I(s). In many cases, it is not too difficult to invert the transform, and this is the advantage of the transform method. Linear differential Laplace transform equation for y(t) direct solution for the transform algebraic I J Algebraic equation solution (aimcutt) I(s) I J (easy; <- inverse transform <Because of the initial values of y and its derivatives that appear in expression (5.7) for the transform Y, the Laplace transform is well suited to the solution of initial value problems. 5.2. A series ZRC circuit has a constantemf E and a switch. The switch 0. What is the current in the has been open for a long time and is then closed at / Example : circuitfort>0? If the switch has been open for a long time, we are to asSume that the current has dropped to zero and the capacitor is uncharged with q(0) : 0. Then we can define the current variable i(l) so that .dq dt (s.8) shown in Figure 5.2. (It is very important that you take care in defining the algebraic variables corresponding to the physical quantities ofcharge and current. It is easy to make sign errors that will cause your solution to be incorrect. See, for example, Lea and Burke, p. 990.) Then Kirchhoff's loop rule applied to the circuit after the switch is closed gives the differential equation as dioL-+Ri*!:E dtC (s.e) 5.3 USE OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM TO SOLVE A DIFFERENTIAL EOUATION 257 FIGURE5.2. Definitionofcharge(i)andcurrent(4)variablesinExample5.l.Theswitchisclosed at I :0. Now we transform both equations (5.8) and (5.9): ,=t(#):se-q(o) and ot LIsI-t(O)l+RI+;:; Use the initial conditions 4(0) : 0 and t(0) : 0, and substitute for Q(s): I /1\ :; e Lst*RI+r(;,/ Solve for 1: t/s t: l,s*R+(l/Cs) (s.10) With the usual definitions q = 1(s have 258 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACETRANSFORMS There are several possible ways to invert the transform. We could factor the denominator and then use partial fractions. The roots of the denominator are -.1 : s+:-o* ,: where we have defined 1@ - I s/ r/^\ _ | _ r\J'' -- t -a !.i ot."y6"n \I - _- )-- \(t-t+Xt-tJ ,3-o2 - -aLia ( t _ t \ t LG+--) \Ft* s-s-) From Table 5.1, we can invert each fraction to get an exponential: iO: : go ,hL(e'*' t ,L, "' - e'-'): ,fr7e-"t{e+iot - r-i<t:t1 Sln (@f ) As / increases from 0, immediately after the switch is closed, the current is positive; that is, it is charging the capacitor. An alternative method uses the attenuation property (equation 5.5). First we complete the square in the denominator, which may be expressed in terms of s * o: \ a * \l- t- I/ I \(s +cv)'z +,.,3 -@z ) ofl \tt +a)2 +'2 ) I r-- t/ I Now, from Table 5.1, we recognize o/(s2 -f ri.21 as the transform of sin (art). Our transform has (s * a)2 rather than s2, which indicates that the inverse is the sine . Thus, the solution is function multiplied by "-o' I i (t\ : :;e-dt sin (ror) as before. Even if we do not have values of the function and all its derivatives att : 0, we can sometimes leave the unknown values in the solution and use the remaining boundary conditions to eliminate the unknowns at the end. 5.3. A simply supported beam of length Z is one that rests on a support (Figure 5.3). If the beam supports a load Mg that is uniformly distributed over a distanc e I at lhe center of the beam, find the displacement of the beam' We set up a coordinate system with x-axis along the beam and origin at one end. Then the given boundary conditions are Example at each end y(0) : 0; v(L) : o 5.3 USE OF THE LAPI..ACE TRANSFORM TO SOLVE A DIFFERENTIAL EOUATION 259 FIGURE 5.3. A simply supported beam of length L carrying aload Mg. The differential equation satisfied by the beam is equation (3.1 1): dav 1 dr!: EIs@) (s.1 1) With a fourth-order equation, we need four boundary conditions. We can find the remaining two boundary conditions that we need from equations (3.8)-(3.10). In equilibrium, the torque2 about any origin must be zero, and thus m(0) :0. Also, :0 since there are no forces to the right of the right end. Thus, we know two quantities at 0, y and y", and two at x : l. The load function is m(L) q(x) tr (L -.t)12 < x < (L + t)12 : {yrtt l0 otherwise Now we transform equation (5.11): sar - s3y10) - r2y'(0) -sy"(0) - y"'(o) : fiOAl where Msl ( L+t\s)-exv(/ L-r\1 -"^dx:i e(s):[#9r-"' , 2 , '/l r+ Lexe(: At sl "-t'1''2 sinh t 2 Put in the known initial conditions: ,aY - r(s) : s2 y' 10) - y"' (o) - !E-r-t' tzz sinh? Thus, 9"-u1z2sinh 4 + Y'!o) + Y"'\o) sr EI [. 2 .sz .s4 2Recall that m(.r) is the counterclockwise torque due to all forces to the right ofx 260 oHAPTERsLAPLAoETRANSFoRMS in the first term suggest that we apply the shifting proPerty (equation 5.6) after inverting 1/ss. The powers of s invert to powers of .r (Table 5.1). Thus, The exponentials : up / r\ I / riz \n )Lr Y(x) -'+)- - +)^s(' (" - +)^s(' -'+)) + y'(0)r + y"'Q)* Now we need to apply the remaining boundary conditions to find the unknowns y/(0) and y/'/(0). Evaluating the solution at x : L, we have y(L) : ffil(+)^ - (+)^l *,',0,, : ffil)ttrt'+ h)+ y'(o)r + + v"' (uLi v"'Q1l :s and _ Ms l('_:t\'_('=\'f t2l dr2l.:r-2rrtl\ z ) \ z ) : ffitt + y,,,(o)L *n,,,,0,, \v l'' :o From this result we obtain y"'(o) = Then from y(L) :0 y'(o) -# it follows that : -ffirr' + e) - r"'e)* : #9I;9 So the solution is v(x) : #h{;l (" - +)^'(' -'+)- (" - +)^'(' - +)) . e;r)._,uj 5.4 SOME ADDITIONAL USEFULTRICKS The displacement of the beam in the case L : 04 0.2 261 L12 is plotted in Figure 5.4. 06 x i YEI MgL3 FIGURE 5.4. Deflection of th ebeamy EI / MgL3 versts x f L (Example 5.3). Notice the very different scales on the two axes. 5.4. SOME ADDITIONAL USEFULTRICKS In this section, we shall compile a list of tricks that may help us to find or to invert a transform. 5.4.1. The Derivative of the Transform Since the transform F(s) is a smooth function of s, it may be differentiated: dFdf@_-fcod ds cls :- I JO ln* .f (t) e-" dt : I JO f Q1 . e-"'dt Cls tf (t)e-'tdt Thus, dF L(tf ) : -- (s.12) We can repeat this process n times to obtain L(t" f): (-l)^# (5.13) 262 cHAPTER5 LAPLAoETRANSFoRMS Example 5.4. From Table 5. Find the transform of / sin a,l/. l, the transform of sin art is o I $2 4(rsin ar2). Thus, (r+r) ,,1: -ft : + 2so 64 upy 5.4.2. The lntegral of theTransform The transform may also be integrated: Now do the integration over o first: : l,* f !t) Io* ,rolo" "-"0' : t(+) (s.14) It is essential to this derivation that the upper limit of the integral over o be infinite, so that the exponential goes to zero at the upper limit. It is also necessary that the transform of //t exist-that is, that the integral converge. For example, we cannot apply this result to the function f = I, since the integral [f, (e-'t / t) dt does not exist. Example 5.5. Find the transform of the functio n f (t) : l-f{ From Table 5.1 and the linearity of the transform, the transform of the function 1-cos/is 1s s s2+a2 5.4 SOME ADDITIONAL USEFULTRICKS Then f@/l o \ \ , ):J, \;-;taa)d" 4(L-cost1 : (rno \ - l2 + :limrn-!-m-! S+oo rn (o2 J 52 + :ln1-ttt-l ^/s2 .,r2)) ')1, ot2 I Js2 + a] + a2 / o,2\ : lnJ;rT;z : t (.t s tln *;t/ 5.4.3. Periodic Functions Suppose the function it "f (l) is periodic with period T (Figure 5.5a). Then we can represent as and so on, where g(t) is f(t):g(t n gure 5.5b). Equivalently, ) -2T)+... 0123 FIGURE 5.5a. A periodic function /(r). (5.15) 264 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACE TRANSFOBMS 0123 FIGURE 5.5b. The function g(t) is nonzero only in the first period Now we can apply the shifting property to find the transform. First we transform g: G(s) : [' sfrle-'tdt Jo The upper limit is I, because the function g is zero for / > Z. Next we use the shifting property (equation 5.6) to evaluate the transform of the second period of the function: LIS(I - T)sQ - T)f : e-'r G and so on. Thus, from equation (5.15), F(s): (Ile-'r *r-2sr +...)G F(s): G (s. r6) | - e-st - series (equation2.43). Thus, a denominator where we used the known sum of the geometric of the form I - e-'r in the transform F(s) is the signature of aperiodic function /(r) with period Z. Example period Z. 5.6. The function G(s) is Find the Laplace transform of a square wave of amplitude 1 and g(t) : o: 1 for 0 fo''' < t < T l2and e-'tdt: is zero otherwise. Thus, the transform +l'o'' :'- ':'''' 5.5 CONVOLUTION Note that the upper limit of the integral is T /2 . t < T. Then, using equation T /2, since the function (5.16), we have 265 g(t) : 0 for F(s)::(T#):^;-, The denominator I - e-'7 is the signature of a'periodic function, but it can be masked by the form of G, as we see here for the square wave. The same thing happens with sines and cosines-the prototypical periodic functions-for which G o<. | - e-'r , as you should verify. 5.4.4. Discontinuous Functions : has a discontinuity at t tr. Then we can find the transform F in Suppose the function the usual way. But we have to be more careful with the transform of the derivative, since the derivative does not exist at /1. Thus, we divide the range of integration into two pieces and integrate each piece by parts: / ,(#): : : : Iou .f #u$dt e-"1:; + *, l, 1,,* #n"0, ye-'tdt + f "-,, T Qr) - "f (tr+)l - /(0) * - "f(0) - e-'tth s-st1f,f sF(s) *, f,,* f e-,tdt sF(s) where ft : f (h+) - f (n-) is the jump in the value of the function at of higher derivatives may be evaluated similarly. /1 . The transforms 5.5. CONVOLUTION 5.5.1. Systems with Memory t Certain physical systems have memory; that is, the behavior of the system at time / depends on what has happened to the system at times less than /. The series LRC circuit is an example of such a system, as we have seen in prior examples. The current in the circuit at time r depends not only on the emf t applied to the circuit at time r, but also on the past history of the circuit (when the switch was closed, for example). The current in the circuit at any time / is determined both by the structure of the circuit and by the emf t(t) applied to the circuit over time. If we choose our current and charge variables as in Example 5.2, so that i : 'fdq / dt , Kirchhoff's loop rule results in the differential equation t#*Ri+3:tG) 266 cHAPTER5LAPLAcETRANSFoRMS Now we transform the equations to get I:sQ-s(O) and LLst Let's simplify by choosing i(0) -t(0)l + RI + 9: L : q(O) :0. E(s) Then, combining the equations gives ,2gt+sRe*9:zg) or E(.s) Q:-#:E(s)R(s) szl+sR+l/C where :i(r#T*) R(s):Zi:,r\ t(sr+ tt+ tc1 The transform of 4 is the product of the two transforms E(s) and R(s), one being the transform of the input function t(r) and the otherbeing the transform of the systemresponse function r(l). The inverse of the transform E(s)R(s) is the convolution of the functions €(t) andr(t): t-t€n : E* r : I to)rtt - t)dt Jo (5.17) This result is called the convolution theorem. (See Appendix VI for the proof.) Physically, this integral represents the input to the system at time r times the response at timer(thatis,atimet-tlater)tothatinput,summedoveralltimesrfrom0to/.The convolution may also be written as rt t +r : r xt : I r(r)e(t - r)dr Jo that is, time measured backwards from the present (z where r represents "time ago" : t). (t to the time the clock was started Thus, the charge on the capacitor in the circuit problem is ft q(t): I eG)rQ-t)dt Jo : 0) 5.5 where r(/) coNVoLUroN 267 is the function whose transform is R(s). We found this function in Example 5.2: I r(t): fie-"t sinia,t The circuit response is a damped oscillation. To illustrate the use of the convolution, consider an AC circuit with t(z) : t0 cos Oz. We have q(t) : f€o (t ;cos or sin ar - r) exp [-a(t - r)l dr J, to -_o, tt : -=-e cos Or sin @ (t La Jo/ : r) edr dr ['6rnyrr+ (o - o))t)+sin[arl - (a + a)rl]eo'dt =t=o "_-o' Jo' 2La The integral is most easily evaluated by writing the sines in terms of exponentials. The result is Y \'/ Eo / a[2aosin or Z, \ [cv2 + - (Q sin a-lt] a 7,t21 "-ut (o - d2][d2 + + @)2] , ola2 - Q2 + a.,211cos {2t - e-at (a2 + Q2 -) cos t,lf I You should check that this solution satisfies the initial conditions q(0) :0 and i (0) The long-time solution is an AC current. First note that for t )) | /a, q(tt to (294la sin Qt + <o[cY2 -- o2 + ar2] cos Qt \ - LrD\ ) and therefore cos Ar + All - ro3l a2l sin Ar de_ to \ irt):E--5,2-\m) ^ nz /2a : )€t rocos Qr * x sin or) where Z is the impedance,3 given by 22 :- R2 r x2 = n' + (ar- :)' \ ac,) : R2 r-'' )'1 : rrl+o, +\r-\r---@-)) :u + a2 ( t- "' lu : L2fa2 + (o - d2lwz + (o + d2llsz2 3See, for example, Lea and Burke, p.1022. See also Problem 2.14. t (aD2e - r3/a\2 : \ 0. 268 oHAPTER 5 t-nPr-AcE TRANSFoRMS This is the expected long-time behavior. The other term in 4(r), Es a(a2 + Q2 + a2) sinrirt + a\a2 la2 + (o - raD2llo2 + - Q2 (sz + + or21 cos @t -ot @)21 is an initial transient that goes to zero with a time scale I I a : 2L I R. 5.5.2. TheTransform of an Integral We may apply the convolution theorem in the special case that one of the functions is g(t) = I with transform G(s) : l/s. Then we have t(lr' r(t)s(t - do,): ,(1,' a result F(s)G(s) rt"dr) _ F(s) s (5.18) known as the primitive function theorem. Example 5.7. Find the Laplace transform of the sine integral Si (r) : /nt sin Jn z ;0" First we use result (5.14): ,(Y) : I,* L(sint)do : [* -J-oo: t--lol*ls J, o2+l :; -tan-r, Then, using the primitive function theorem, we have ltsi(r)l:;-itl 1t*-r" or, since tan (n /2 - 0) : cot 0, we may write the result in the more compact form .CtSi (r)l : cot_l ' .t - .s 5.6 THE GENERAL INVERSION PROCEDURE 269 5.6. THE GENERAL INVERSION PROCEDURE We have so far amassed a collection of tricks for inverting a given transform F(s) to find the function /(r). We'd like to have a single technique that we can use every time and that does not require recognizing a trick that will work. This procedure is the Mellin inversion integral: f(t): _t| 1r+ia F (s) e't ds 2ni Jr-;* (s.19) The integral is along a line parallel to the imaginary axis in the complex s-plane. The line must be positioned so that all of the singularities of the function F(s) are to the left of the line, as shown in Figure 5.6. This line is also called the Bromwich contour. Im (s) Re (s) FIGURE 5.6. Contour for the inversion integral. The vertical line must be placed to the right of all the singularities ofthe transform F(s). To prove the result (5.19), we work backwards and take the transform of the function /(t) defined by equation (5.19). . Ltf(t)l: [-* r-" zfit f*t* F(o)eotdodt JO "*,]- Jy_jso Interchange the order of integration and perform the integration over /: Ll,f(t)l:: : ['*'* ro>' Jo[* 2ri Jr-;* 1 :----. '2nt e-st+otdtdoi 1v+ia e-$-ov F(o) o -,5 I Jr-1* -l l@ lO do 270 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Now, provided that Re (s) we have > Re (o) : y, the exponential approaches zero as / -+ oo, and 1 fY+i@ F(o\ ' do Llf G)l: :---- I /.|tt Jy-i6 S-o Note that the function F(o) is analytic everywhere to the right of the path of integration, so we may close the contour to the right, as shown in Figure 5.7. Im (o) Re (o) FIGURE 5.7. Contour for proving that equation (5.19) correctly inverts the transform F(s). The contour is closed to the right, enclosing the pole at o : r. Then there is a single pole ofthe integrand inside the contour,4 at the point o : s. The integrand along the big semicircle is zerg, provided that Max l^F(o)l approaches zero on the semicircle at least as fast as R-6, where e > 0. Notice that we are traversing the contour in the clockwise direction, rather than the standard counterclockwise direction, so we must introduce a minus sign when applying the residue theorem. Then the result is Llf (t)): -2ni ^L.lim (o zttto+s : s)I9 s-o F(s) / is F, then / is the inverse transform of F. When we use the Mellin inversion theorem to evaluate /, we cannot close the contour to the right because the exponential e't causes the integrand to blow up on the large semicircle at infinity. Thus, we extend the function F into the region to the left of the contour, using analytic continuation, and close the contour to the left, thereby enclosing all the poles of F. If the transform of 5.8. Invert the transform F (s) The denominator factors: Example t2 -2t - 3: 4Recall that we have already assumed Re (s) r z. : 3s I (s2 - 2s (s + 1)(s - 3) - 3) . 271 5.6 THE GENERAL INVERSION PROCEDURE Thus, the transform has simple poles at inversion integral, we get s : 3 and at s - -1. Using the Mellin f (r): :2ni ['*'* Jr-i* -,r, , *.tlr')' l)(s - 3) (s y > 3. We close the contour with a big semicircle to the left (Figure 5.8). Since F(s) goes uniformly to zero as R -+ oo, we can invoke Jordan's lemmas to show that the integral along the semicircle goes to zero. The integral along each of the small arcs to the right of the imaginary axis also goes to zero. Let the real part of s on this piece of the contour be x, where 0 < x < y .Then where ltl I I l< J I arcl llengthof path)(Maxof lintegrandl onpath) : v3ert ' ,,,* ll(x+1 : v3ert , --, o ^J@ x2-2x-3\2 4@-t)2 o,V(' ^u* lr ) *-i as R -+ oo Im (s) Re (s) FIGURE 5.8. Contour for actually performing the inversion (5.19). The contour is closed to the left, thus enclosing all the singularities of F(s). Here the singularities are at s : -1 and s : 3, so we must choose 5To use the lemma, first make the change y> 3. of variable s : ico. 272 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACE TRANSFORMS Then applying the residue theorem gives / \ _ 1rr"r, f(r):r(. -e-t _o * o )= 4.-_+ e_r), 3e3r 5.9. Invert the transform F (s) : 11 46. This function has a branch point at the origin. We must choose the branch cut along the negative real axis so that it does not cross the path of integration, and we must deform our closed contour to avoid the branch cut, as shown in Figure 5.9. Applying the Mellin inversion integral, we have Example f(t): 7 fY+i@ es' I 2ri Jr-;* -ds "/s Im (s) Re (s) FIGURE 5.9. To invert the transform in Example 5.9, the contour must pass to the right of the branch point at the origin and must exclude the entire branch cut. Here 7 > 0. The integral around the closed contour is zero, since the integrand is analytic everywhere inside. Thus, (lr'-:: * Ir-*,/opo*.-"t *,* lr"*lo,,o,"oro.-.n.",) #": o and so t*[' ['*'*!0,:-(\./a,, Jr-,* ..6"" - ../ropof branch.u, +[+[ ' /a" ' -/bouo,nofbr-rt )4r, 6*' "ur) The integral along Ciq goes to zero as R -+ oo, by Jordan's lemma, since 1/"6 goes to zero uniformly as s -+ oo on Cp. The integral along the small arcs goes to zero s.7 soME MORE as R -+ m (and we can also let y PHYSTCS 273 --> 0 here). The integral around the small circle at the origin is [ lor: [_" exp(ee,_oj) '-rr"ieo, Jc' s*" Jn JEeie/z - r$ I, exp(eei|t'1ei0/2de --r 0 as e --+ 0 We are left with the two integrals along the two sides of the branch cut. On the top side,s: ret ,andso et' , -/top or uranctr cu , 'rTot f t_ exp(-rt) a' : - If' -----1---7-6r, t\/r Ja f'exp(retftt) : J*-fij;''" (-rt) :J"f@ -ff4' exp and on the bottom side, s t ./bottomofbranctrcur : Io, /s re-to , so : Jt[* "*'!'11":) e-iod,: - [* "'!-!0 o' Jt Jrs-'n1z -iJr /- :l-Ql exp (-rt) , t\/r Je Thus, _tI fY+ia ett 2ni Jr-;* -ds Js : -l 2ni -2 I /rJo Now change variables to u f (t): h Curiously, the function tive constant). : exp (-rt) , Jr r/. Then lr* ,-1/2"-u4r: f (t) : t-r/2 J=r(;) : I fit is its own transform (except for a multiplica- 5.7. SOME MORE PHYSICS 5.7.1. Modeling Problems A difficulty that shows up in the mathematical solution of a problem often indicates that we have chosen an inadequate model for the physical system. When the Laplace transform 274 cHAPTERsLAPLAoETRANSFoBMS method is applied to the solution of a differential equation, the initial conditions must be included in the solution. In some circumstances, the solution has a different value at t : 0, indicating a physical inconsistency. This often happens in circuits containing inductance. Example 5.L0. The two circuits in Figure 5.10 are coupled by mutual inductance. The switch in the circuit on the right is closed at / : 0. Find the current in each circuit fort > 0. FIGURE 5.10. These circuits, coupled by mutual induction, exhibit some of the difficulties involved with using an inadequate model for a physical system (Example 5.10). The current variables i1 and i2 are defined in this diagram. As usual, we begin by applying Kirchhoff's loop rule to each circuit. The current variables i1 and i2 are defined as shown in the figure. For the circuit on the right, we obtain dir V:itR+Li*r; di't and for the circuit on the left, we obtain di'> O:izR*t;**; dit with initial conditions that both currents are zeto at / : 0. Now we Laplace transform both equations: v -: /rR 0: IzR *sLIt*sMI2 and I sLIz * sMIl To solve the equations we use a trick. Adding the two equations, we get V -:XR*sLX]-sMX .J s.7 SOME MORE where X : It 112. Similarly, by subtracting and definingY : 11 PHYSTCS 275 - I2,we get V:YR*sLY-sMY Now we can solve: (s.20) t \ x:vr s \s(L+M)+R) 1 cv (L-fM)sIRis L+M -J-. "-rt, where --Then, from the primitive function theorem (equation 5.18), - From Table 5. r, the inverse of r(t) : [' "-o' at :\(rR' =: L*M- Jo : R / (L * M). r-o') Similarly, Y:yr ' \ s \s(t-M)+R/ y(t):f,<t-"-u'1 where B : R I (L - M). (P is positive since Z2 principles of.electromagnetic theory.) Now we can solve for the two currents: h lv : : 1@*y) : Lr, 2R' - I > M2 is required by fundamental e-o' + | - e-fr') U<t - e-ot - "-ft) while iz: ){, - r) : {; - : e-ot - (r - v - 2R',"-p'-e-ot\ i,-Y .R as expected. and i,t-+0 e-frt),1 276 oHAPTER5LAPT-AoETRANSFoRMS Now suppose we make this system by winding the wires for both circuits together : M, and fl + m. We go back to equation (5.20) and into a coil. Then we have L notice that it has simplified: V J :YRlsLY -sMY:YR Thus, v v_ and, consequently, Y(t) : v R which is a constant. Then the equation for X becomes v -:XR*s2LX ,s v/ v I l \ _l \2rr + R/ From Table 5.1 and the primitive function theorem (equation 5.18), we obtain X: vf' t e-Ytdt -2L Jo : v - e-Y') 2Lv' --(l : Itt e-v') R' whercy = Rl2L.Thus, lv it=;(x*y):+(2-e-Y') and I. iz: i@ - y) V : --e-r' Both solutions still have the correct behavioi for long times, but now neither satisfies the corect initial conditions! At the closing of the switch, the currents have instantaV /2R and iz neously jumped from zero to i1 -V /2R. Of course, this cannot happen. The model fails6 because it is impossible for ^L to be exactly equal to M. : : 6This is, in fact, the exact solution to a somewhat different problem. Imagine combining the circuits by replacing all the inductances with a single inductor L. The second circuit then forms a parallel combination. The solution we have obtained would have zero cunent through the inductor at t : 0, and this is physically possible. 5.7 SOME MORE PHYSICS 277 Figure 5.11 shows how i2 behaves as M approaches Z. The absolute value of the current increases more rapidly from zero as I - M approaches zero. 2R. v' t., - t (s) 0 -0.2 -0.6 0.2 -0.8 FIGURE 5.11. Current i2 as a function of time for (L s - M)/R: 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 s. The diagram also shows the limit L M (dashed line). As L --+ M, the cunent increases more and more rapidly from zero. In the limit, the current makes an instantaneous jump to V /2R at the moment the switch is closed. This is the correct mathematical limit, but this solution is physically prohibited. : 5.7.2. Nuclear Reaction Networks A common application of the Laplace transform is to the solution of nuclear reaction problems. For example, in nuclear decay,T the number of nuclei of one species decreases, at the same time increasing the number of nuclei of one or more additional daughter species. The daughter nuclei may then in turn decay. For example, in a three-species chain, the decay may be represented as N1 -+ N2 -+ N3 The result is a set ofcoupled differential equations ofthe form :-rrNr, ry : ry dt dt * :xrr, -LzNz*r1N1, dt which we can more easily solve by converting them to a set of coupled algebraic equations through the use of the Laplace transform: sNz(s) sNr(s) : Nz(O) : Nr(0) -i.rNr(s) -),zNzG) sN:(s)-Nl(0):)'zNzG) ?See, for e*a-ple, Lea and Burke, pp. 1 161-1 165. * lrNr(s) 278 cHAPTERsLAPLAcETRANSFoRMS Part of the natural radioactive sequence for the decay of 237Np involves the cv decay of2r7 At into 213Bi, which then B decays into 213Po98Eo of the time 209p6 by either an and o decays into 209T1 2Vo of thetime. Both species then decay 1o 20eBi, which is the stable endpoint a decay or a p decay. The lead then B decays to of the chain. We may write a set of equations for this reaction chain as follows. At decays at rate ),1: Example 5.11. dNx : -f -ltN'q't 213Bi, produced by the decay of At, decays in two different ways: dNsi :.1"r Nr, dt_/!IrtAt - o.oD,2Nsi- o.9g),sNsi where ,tr2 is the decay rate of 213Bi into Tl and 13 is the decay rate o1 2133i into Po. The other relations are obtained similarly: :o'98lrNsi - + l+NPo dN.t -i:o'o2i"zNsi -lsNrt ) dN"+. -i : dNpl _f : trsNr * )"+NPn -'leNPr 1 I LeN*, (where B2 refers to 209Bi;. These relations transform to the much nicer looking set of equations for the transforms: sNe.t sNsi - Net(0) : NR, -i.tNe,t - -0.0}'zNsi - 0.98),sNsi t - 0.98)":Nei - l+Npo + rNpo - NBi: llNag NPo: Net(0) sfl.r ItNet s*0.021.2*0.98r"3 0.981.:Nsi s*1.+ 0.02),zNet - lsNr + Nn: s*l.s lsNn * l+Npo sNpr - lsNrr * aNp6 - i,6Np5 + Npt s*lo sNn - 0.02)'zNH ,tr and, finally, .rNs2 - l6tvr, + Ns2 : loNPu .f PROBLEMS 279 The transforms may be inverted by several of the methods we have discussed. For example, if we want to find the abundance of polonium, we first solve for its transform: 0.98).gNsi 0.98).g * l+ 0.98).3 (s * r+) G * (s s * lt * r.+) (s 1.1 0.0D"2 + N,q.t 0.0D"2 * 0.98)'3) Net(0) 0.98).3) (s *.r'r) We may use the Mellin inversion integral to invert the transform. The integrand has three simple poles, each giving an exponential term. The result is e-Lqt (0.0D,2 + 0.98).3 Npo (r) : 0.98,].:).r Net(0) - )'+) ()"r - I+) ,-(0'OD'z-lo'98\)t + Q"q - 0.98).3) ()q - O.jD"z e-Lt't (0.0D,2 * 0.98i.3 - ).1) 0.0D"2 + (l+ - lr) - - 0.98,r'g) PROBLEMS 1. Show that the following functions are of exponential order, and find their Laplace trans- forms. (t): @ f ftl : (a) f sinha/ tanhat (Hint: Change variables 1o ,-Zat : u and expand the integrand in a series.) r (c) f(t): sinJat (d) ,f (r) : s-dt2 (e) f(t): te{ (f) f (t): sin(art * do) (g) The ramp function f (t) : {f, ifo<r<te .Iro ift > 16 2. Using the shifting prop( rty or otherwise, find the Laplace transform of the function \ /) S fo f(r):1' ''"'- itt <2 ltt -2)3s-at ift > 2 ni"a the Laplace transform of the function / cosh 4. Find the Laplace transform of the functio n cvt. f 1t 1 : + "t 280 cHAPTER5LAPLAoETRANSFoRMS 5. Find the Laplace transform of (a) the triangle wave function with period T: (aQ-nT) "f(t):{ (b) - [a[(n + l)T -tl ifnT<t<nT+T/2 if nT *T12 <t < (n1-t)T the sawtooth function: if nT f(t):a(t-nT) <t <(nal)T 6. Use the Mellin inversion integral to invert the following transforms: s (a) F(s) : -=-----:sz *2s t3 1 (b) F(s) :';--;---1----7' (s2 (c) F(s) * at)z : e-.6 s - ln(l + s) (Express the answer in terms of the exponential integral , Elrt'): Ei(x): fr I J-a eu dw w 7. Invert the transform F(s) ,wherex<0.) : + {s'-a' (a) by expanding in a series (b) by using the Mellin inversion integral with a branch cut running from -a to a along the real axis (A change of variable to z, where ' : Z('* i) may prove useful.) 8. Use the convolution theorem (equation 5. 17) to evaluate the inverse transform of F(s) 9. : s4''t- to4' Use the integration rule (equation 5. 14) and Table 5 . I to derive the result of Example 5 .9 for the transform of I /,r,/t. EO.l fne diagram shows a simplified version of an automobile spark coil circuit. The spark plug itself acts like an open circuit until the potential across it reaches the breakdown voltage for air. Thus, you may ignore that branch of the circuit until the end of the problem (part e).The battery voltage V : I2Y, C :0.1pF, R : l0 g, and L : l0 mH. Assume that the switch (points) have been closed for a long time prior to t : 0. (a) How long a "long time" is necessary? Write down expressions for the charge on the capacitor and the current through the coil att :0. ,t PROBLEMS 281 spark plug PROBLEM 10 t : 0, the points open. Qualitatively discuss the circuit behavior. What is the expected long-time solution for the charge and current? (b) At (c) Use a Laplace transform method to solve for the potential difference across the spark plug as a function of time. (d) Plot your solution. What is the maximum potential difference achieved? (e) If the breakdown voltage of air is 3 MV/m, what spark plug gap would be required with this circuit? Remember that you would like the engine to start even if the battery is a bit low! 11. A beam is supported at one end, as shown in the diagram. A block of mass M and length / is placed on the beam, as shown. Write down the known conditions at x :0. Use the Laplace transform to solve for the beam displacement. Plot your results : Q.Sl and,l : O.2L. PROBLEM 11 12. Technetium is used in medical procedures as a diagnostic tool. The technetium is obtained as the decay product of 99Mo, which decays 1o99m1" with a half-life of 66.02 h. The technetium in turn decays with a half-life of 6.02 h. A medical radiology department receives a source containing 100 mCi of 99Mo at 9:00 a.m. on Monday morning. Find the amount of technetium present in the sample as a function of time after 9:00 a.m. When is the amount of 99-Tc a maximum? 282 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACETRANSFORMS 13. An overdamped harmonic oscillator satisfies the equation *dtz*zo!dt +of,x: f (t) where cu2 > a2o andthedriving force is a square wave of period f . Find the displacement x(t) if the initial conditions are x(0) : dxldtlt=o: 0. Plot the result for a :2ao, q,T : l, and0 < t < 3T12.(Hint:Use theresultof Example5.6andexpandthe transform in a series.) 14. A harmonic oscillator with resonant frequency as and no damping is driven by a sinusoidal force F(t) - Fs sin a,lf . If the initial conditions are x(0) : O, dx /dt : O at t : O, use the Laplace transform to find x(t). What happens 1f at : a>o? (b) Solve the same problem with the initial conditions x(0) : 0, dx I dt : a at t : O. @ 15. The two circuits in diagrams (a) and (b) show how we might use a capacitor to prevent sparks across a switch when the switch is opened. Assume that the switch has been closed for a long time and is opened at t : 0. For each circuit, use Kirchhoff's rules to solve for the current through the inductor and the charge on the capacitor as a function of time after the switch is opened. Discuss the merits of each of the circuit designs. PROBLEM 15a PROBLEM 15b PROBLEMS 283 switch has been in position A in the circuit shown in the diagram for a long time. What are the charge on the capacitor and the current I through the inductor? At time r = 0, the switch is moved to position B. What are the charge on the capacitor and the current a long time later? Find the charge on the capacitor as a function of time for t > 0. Give your answer in terms of a.b, where a;B : l/LC,a : RlL, ar.rd B :l/RC. You You may assume may also find it useful to define y : (a + p)/2and O : Jr"pthat I is real. 6. The I i I i 17. The switch in the circuit shown in the diagram has been closed for a long time, and a constant current flows. What is the charge on the capacitor? At time t : 0, the switch is opened. What are the charge on the capacitor and the current through the inductor a long time later? Find the cunent through the inductor as a function of time for t > 0. Give your answer in terms of a4 and o, where eE : I / LC and cv : R/2L. PROBLEM [&'l 17 The switch in the circuit shown in the diagram has been open for a long time. At t : 0, the switch is closed. Find the current through the inductor and the charge on the capacitor 284 CHAPTER 5 ilAPLACE TRANSFORMS as functions of time for t > 0. Give your answer in terms of ag,u, and p, where a;B : l/LC,a : R/2L, and P : oft1+" : ll2RC.You may also find it useful to defineo:JZ;A-a2-fl2. PROBLEM 18 L9. In the figure shown, capacitor Cr has charge Q and capacitor C2 is uncharged. At t : 0, the switch is closed. The two capacitances are equal. Find the voltage across each capacitor as a function of time for t > 0. PROBLEM 19 20. The switch in the circuit shown in the diagram has been closed for a long time and is opened at t: 0. What are the currents in the circuit for t < 0? Use the Laplace transform C fa fD t2l PROBLEM 20 PROBLEMS to find the currents in the circuit as a function of time for the initial conditions? 285 t > 0. Does your answer satisfy Rework the problem, leaving the initial value of the current iz in arm AB as an unknown to be found. Find the solution for the current i1 through R1 and require that it satisfy ir(0) : E/(h + Rz/2). What value of iz(0) is required? Give a physical explanation of this result. If R1 : Rz : R and L1 : L2 :.L, plot both solutions. Plot current in units of E/R versus time in units of L / R. How long is it before both solutions give the same result to within 17o? 21. The radioactive series that begins with neptunium 93 contains the following decays: Decay 237ryn 233pu 233pu 2339 -2339 --r 22976 2297A _- 22spu 22s16 * 22s4" 225;" --r 22tp, 22tp, --r 217 61 217 S1 _- 2t3gi 2t3gi --r 2r3Po 198vo1 2r3gi -* 20eTl (ZEo) i I 213po 20911 209p6 Half-life Type _- 2.14 p 27.0d x 1.6 d 7340y p 14.8 d d, 10.0d q, 4.8 min a 0.032 s 47 min p 4.2 20ep6 20e91 p 3.3 h 209p6 _* _* 706 y 105y d, a a p -- x a trt"s 2.2min If we regard any decay that takes less than one year to be essentially instantaneous, then the chain simplifies to trtNp _- 233g i __s 22eTh _> 2oeBi Write a series of differential equations that describes this decay chain. Apply the Laplace transformto findthe fraction of the original 237Np thatis in the form of uranium, thorium, and bismuth after 10s and 106 years. Make a plot showing the amounts of each element as a function of time. 22. Find the Laplace transform of the function g(r) : t df ldt. Express the result in terms of the transform F(s) of the function /(l). Use the result to solve the differential equation tY'1-Y:s-t 23. Apply the Laplace transform to the differential equation y"-t2y:t2 Does the Laplace transform offer any advantages in solving this equation? Using any method of your choice, solve the original equation or the transformed equation subject 286 CHAPTER 5 LAPLACETRANSFORMS to the initial conditions y(0) : 1 and y/(0) may be expressed as a power series in 1/s.) : 0, and comment. (Hint: The transform @f,fak.e the Laplace transform of the Bessel equation of order zero, .. y"+-y'*):0 1 and show that (s2+t)r'(s)*sY(s):Q Solve for Y(s) and hence find an integral expression for for more information on Jo(x).] y(.r) : .Io(x). [See Chapter 8 CHAPTER 6 Generahzed Functions in Physics 6.1. THE DELTA FUNCTION The parlicle is an often used and very valuable physical model. We can describe an electron as a particle because its size, as far as we know, is smaller than anything else we might care about. Sometimes we describe something as large as an automobile as a particle because its size and shape are not important to the question we are interested in. When something is modeled as a particle, all ofits physical properties, such as mass and charge, are concentrated at a single point. In a similar fashion, an impulsive force is modeled as a force that is concentrated at a point in time. To describe the density of the particle or the force a function of time, we need a function that has the following properties: . . . as Its value is zero everywhere except where its argument is zero. Its value is infinite where the argument is zero. The integral ofthe function is 1. This mathematical object was first used in physics by P. A. M. Dirac and is called the delta function 6(x). Using this function, we write an impulsive force as F(t) :1511; The impulse delivered is r*oo r+oo 7: J-I ielat:ilJ-* 3(t) dt : I To write the density of a particle at the origin, we need a three-dimensional delta function: p(i) : M 3(i) : M 3(x)6(y)3(z) (6.1) The particle's mass is M : JallI p1)dv space r*oo /+oo /+oo : M I I "^ I J_* J_* J_* 6(x)d(y)d(z) d.x d.y dz: M 287 288 CHAPTER 6 GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS IN PHYSICS In both these examples, we can see that the physical dimensionality of the delta function is one over the dimension of its argument: I** uurdt : t+ t6(r)r : # : TI and, similarly, 1 1 1: td(i)l:td(x)6(Y)6(z)l: - Ixl lyl lzl - 1= L3 The properties we have listed for the delta function do not describe any proper mathematical function. Thus, we must extend our ideas about functions to include these objects, which are known as distributions or generalizedfunctions. To begin our study of distributions, we shall study the delta function in one dimension in more detail. 5.1.1. Delta Sequences The delta function is defined as a mathematical object that possesses a property known as the sifiing property: ll-rr.rur,)dx: (6.2) r(o) That is, if we multiply a function f (x) by the delta function and integrate over the whole real line, we sift out the value of the function at the origin. Let's see how the sifting property follows from the properties listed above: l* rortr*) d.x : f' ,f{*)o{*) o* because d(x) is zero except at x : f (xo) l" ,u{r)d", : f (xd [* J-a uG) o* where - e < xo < :0 e because 6(.r) is zero except at = f (xd because the integral of the delta function +"f(0) ase-+0 is x : 0 1 In the second step, we used the mean value theoreml for integrals. Delta functions arise from modeling a physical quantity that is distributed over a small but finite region as being concentrated at a point. Thus, we should expect that the mathematical I See Appendix IV for a proof of this result. The application here can be made rigorous by prop€r use of limiting procedures, as we show below. 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 289 quantity d (x) would arise as the limit of a set of functions that become increasingly concenffated at a single point. We can construct a sequence of proper functions d, (-r) labeled by apara;rrrctetn suchthatasr, -+ oothesequenceQ"@) approachesthedeltafunction.What we mean by "Qn approaches the delta function" is that as n --> @ we obtain the sifting property; that is, lim [** Q*@)f (x)dx n-co J_e : f (o) /(x). Such a sequence of functions is called a delta sequerce. The simplest delta sequence is a sequence ofrectangular blocks with unit area: for any continuous function o'(x) : ("/2 it-l/n <x <lf otherwise [o n (6.3) As n gets larger, the blocks get taller and narrower (Figure 6.1), and so @, "looks like" the delta function as n -+ oo. Next we must test for the sifting property. We multiply QrQ) by a function /(x) that is continuous at the origin and integrate: f_l o.av@)dx:; I:,,:,' r(x)dx n2 ::'r?lrol 1 ,,r' ",, ::' *t I = 6"(x) -l FIGURE 6.1. The "block" delta sequence shown here. 0 -0.5 @" 0.5 I (-r) given by equation (6.3). The first five firnctions are 290 cHAprER 6 GENERALTzED FUNoIoNS rN pHystcs (We used the mean value theorem to evaluate the integral.) Since we obtain the sifting property, S"@) is a delta sequence. We can use this sequence to determine the sifting property of 6(x - a). We look at the integral: +oo I O,U f J-* *oo : If J-a - a)f(x)dx O,t"l;fu *a)du 1 I < : n2 where-;-.f(uola), zn n =uo +-n --> f (a) asr? -+ oo 3(x - a) sifts out the value of the function at x : a. Similarly, we can determine how to express 6(ax). First let a > 0. Then So we conclude that l+@ I J-* Qn@x).f f+oo rut, du (I 4,tr)f '" \a/)-a J-a (x)dx : I -f (0) --> where we used the change of variables u gives l-l o,r-rrrx)dx : ax . But ast4 -+ oo if a < 0, the same change of variables : l** o,rt r*oo : - J_* 0,, > 1 --"f(0) a We can express both results as 8(ax): I (6.4) lo16(*) Sometimes we need a sequence of functions that are better behaved than the block functions @n (x). For example, to investigate the derivative of the delta function, we need a set of functions that are each differentiable. The functions Qn$): I n.T sin2 nx . (6.5) 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 291 infinitely differentiable and also get peakier around the origin as n increases (Figure 6.2). (The first zero of this function occrus zt xg - tr f n, and .16 approaches zero as n --+ @. The value of the function at the origin is nf n and increases linearly with n.) Again these functions "look like" the delta function as n -+ oo, but we'll need to test for the sifting property. are Q"@) , , \, n:3 t I l I t. t.' t.. t I t t .'l .'l :l I i i^ Y. l'. l' .- .// /n: Z -5-4-3-2-1012345 FIGURE 6.2. The first three functions in the delta sequence @4(x) given by equation (6.5). The derivative is I ( 2nsin nx cos nx dQ, E: n'T : This clearly exists for aIl x sine and cosine for small x: 2 \-----7- "inn: @x cosnx- nr xJ . \ -'--# ) sin2 nx sin n.r) 10. It also exists for.r : 0, as we can see by expanding / '2'2\ il,:o:lTo,o,'1"*(t- , 2nx 4!tl I / /-('"- the rz3x3\l o1 :ri^(-?r"\:o ;+0\ 3 o/ This result (dQ, ldx slope zero at x :0, : 0 at x : 0) agrees with the graphs shown in Figure 6.2, which have 292 CHAPTER 6 GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS IN PHYSICS Now let's check for the sifting property. We write the sine in terms of complex exponentials: :l::#( "2inx _2a" -4 -2inx ),o, o. - ('^' ) /t', r, : 4nn .L J-* [** (' \ r' /"' I /.+oo 11-"-2inx1 (x)dx * 0,, J_* (---;r-/ f Now we evaluate each integral along the real axis in the complex plane and use the residue theorem. Suppose the function (z) is analytic except for a set of isolated simple poles and "f approaches zero uniformly at infinity. Then the poles of the integrands are the poles of /(z) and of 9n,+(z): There is 1 _ "L2inz z2 a pole of gn,1(z) at the origin. Let's look at the Laurent series: 1 _ "I2inz ) Bn.+k) : +2i! +2n2 + "' z This pole is simple, and the residue of g",+(z) there is a2in (Chapter 2, Section 2.6.3, method 1). We evaluate the first integral by closing the contour with a big semicircle in the upper half-plane. The pole is on the real axis, so we shall evaluate the integral by moving the contour slightly downward so that the path of integration lies below the real axis2 (Figure 6.3). Then, if the poles of are simple, the integral3 is / 2ni I Ir: 4nn l{-zin)t'lo)+ : ,f (0) !Res/1 ,ols,,*frr>f t _ 1_^2inz.^ + .f(0) as n -+ oo . +)rtesf (z)::;: p 2The result for the complete integral is independent ofthe method we choose to avoid the pole, provided that /(z) has no poles on the real axis, because the singularity of (sin2 nx) l xz is removable. 3There may not be a pole of the integrand at the origin if /(3) is zero at the origin. But then the integral is zero in limit and so still equals /(0). If the poles of / are not simple, the expression for the residue of the integrand zp is more complicated, but the result 11 -+ /(0) as n --+ oo still holds. Note that zp has a positive imaginary part, since the relevant poles are in the upper half-plane, and so the exponential approaches 0 as n --+ oo faster tban any power of n. See Problem 30. the at 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 293 Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE 6.3. To demonstrate the sifting property of sequence (6.5), we evaluate the integral using a path that passes below the real axis, under the pole at z : For the second integral, we have to close downward. The pole at z this contour, and so the integral is zero in the limit. Thus, /+oo I sin2 0. : O is excluded from nx ,qL/-- ,"--;z-f Q)dx: f (o) The sequence /, possesses the sifting property as n -+ oo. 6.1.2. The Derivative of the Delta Function Now we are ready to determine the sifting property of the derivative of the delta function. Let's use the delta sequence4 (6.5) to evaluate the integral: lll r;o,r,.,0. We can do the integral by parts: f_l o"ort(x)dx: Q,@)r(x) _: - /_ Qn@)rt(x)dx 4since the explicit form of Qn@) is not needed, any differentiable delta sequence will suffice. 294 cHAprER 6 GENERALTZED FUNCIoNS tN pHystcs The integrated term is zero, provided that take the limit as n --> @, we find f (x) remains bounded as .r -+ *oo. Now if we f+@ /+oo f +oo lim , q"G)f'7x7dx t'tx)f tx)dx: n-6 lim I O"@)f- (x)dx: - n-@ I J_oo J _a J_Then, using the sifting property of @n, we obtain ll* a'a>r@)dx: -f'(o) (6.6) which is the sifting property for the derivative of the delta function. We can repeat the steps above to evaluate the sifting property for the nth derivative of the delta function. The result is . I ll* l u,' t", f (x) dx: 1- t;n Y(') 1s; (6.7) l l I l I moment p : p*. Express the charge density in terms of delta functions. Given that the electric potential is Example 6.1. An ideal dipole has dipole I t p(7') .a o(x):4"^l l*.-*tra"'' t find the electric potential due to a dipole placed at the origin. We begin by modeling the dipole as two point charges q ffid -q, separated by a distance .( along the x-axis. Each point charge has a charge density represented by a delta function (see equation 6.1): p(i) : -qd(x)s(y)s : Now we let [ p(i) --> : 0 and (z) | -q6(y)6(z) * q6(x 6(r)_ lvtl - q -+ oo such that the product 't-oLf -ps(y)s(z)lim 6(x) t)6(y)3(z) j(r_ - {(r - l)l ( ) 21 ql : : p remains finite.s Then -oa1r;a k)6'(x) 5Since the delta function is not a proper function, we should demonstrate that the derivative. The result rnay be proved using a delta sequence; see Problem 23. limit below behaves as the I I 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 295 We evaluate the potential using the sifting property of the delta functions: o(i):#',lffio,*' p /+oo /+oo /+oo: 4nes J -oa J -* J -* Je reoJ--J--J--rM +oo +oo I-* I-* 4neo J J 6t(xt)3(yt)3(zt) x')2 + (y - y')2 -l 8,(xt)a(y,) l-G- lY + () - y,)2 + z2 P [**-Lo*' -- 4reo -a 1/1x - x')2 * y2 + J k- 4xt dy' dz' z.'12 - dx'dy' z2 This integral is evaluated using the siftUg_ptgPg4y_glhe derivative of the delta function (result 6.6) with /(x') : t11/1*- ,F+ y2T7t .f) o(i) f' {x').,_01 : 4neo l1a : -f-F +T eO px 4t where 12 : x2 * r3 e11 y2 + 22. 6.1.3. The Delta Function of a Function Sometimes the argument of the delta function is itself a function. We can use any of our delta sequences to determine the sifting property of 6[S(x)]: r*oo akt")lf(x)dx /__ lim [** o,rr@)lf @)dx ==nrooJ_oo (6.8) We make a change of variable to u : g(x). Then du : g'(x) dx. Next we divide the range of integration into N pieces, where g/(x) I 0 within each piece (Figure 6.4). Thus, g/(x) is either positive or negative within each piece and is zero only on the boundaries at x : x;. Notice also that there is at most one zero of g(x) in each piece. We label the values of r where g(x) : 0 as xs;, i : I to N' Then the integral on the right-hand side of equation (6.8) is N I fxi+1 D Ixi i:l J Q,ts@)tf(x)dx = , du )- J8$,) /Tskiattentu\f1r-trr)lih -ro Let's look at one of the integrals in the sum. If gt(x) is positive throughout the ranEe xi to .r;11 then g(xi) is less than g@i+). As we take the limit n --+ @, Qn approaches the delta 296 CHAPTER 6 GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS IN PHYSICS g(x), g'(x) FIGURE 6.4. A function g(x) and its derivative. The function is zero at the points x6;; the derivative is zero at x2 and x3. Thus, g/(.r) is positive between -a and x2 and between x3 and oo, and is negative between x2 and x3. function and thus goes to zero outside any finite range containing u :0. We may expand the range of integration for r.r without changing the value of the integral6: p|Gi+r) ,J'!L Jr",,,, Q,@) r+oo ,!L J_* Q,{"t f 1g-t (u\ffi\l f (xoi) : ,rts-l(o)l g\*r) , du f [e-' tuilV# tun: du t1t--: where the particular zero xoi of g lies between x; and x;a1. If there is no zero of g in this range, then the integral is zero. Now if g/ (x) is negative throughout the range xi to x;a1, then g (xi ) is greater than g (x;+r ) and we get ^\ t*Gi+r) du -im [-* '| - du al7#@i ,,, Qn@)f ls-t(D1{#@j:,1;i; J** Jr,,,, ^-rurfrp-t(r ,f ts-l(o)l : 8'rst{dr 6St i"tly, we must also redefine the function to u : g(xi+t). fl7-l f (xoi) k(rCI) @)l to be zero (or any constant) outside the ran ge u : g(x;) 297 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTIOI.I Adding the results for each of the pieces gives ffurrr.' r@)dx:I#ffi where the sum is over all the zeros of the function also write the result in the form (6.e) : g(x): 8(xo;) 0, i- 6rg(x)l:If# 1 to N. We may (6.10) Equation (6.9) (or 6.10) has numerous important applications in physics. It is valid only if the sum is over a finite number N of zeros and there are no repeated roots. [If there is a repeated root, then g'@oi) : 0 for those roots, and our demonstration fails.] As a specific example, consider the function g(x) : xz - 4. There are two roots at x : !2, and g/(x) : 2x is zero at x : 0. Thus, we divide the range of integration as follows: f0 /+oo . - . te' -Dfe)dx: IJ-a IJ-a 6G2-Df@)dx+ JoIl+* 3@2-4)f(x)dx Now we change variables to u and so x : x2 - -4Q 14.f!rus, - ll* ur., -gr(x)dx : I.:s@) rGJu + 4, du : 2x dx . o+= In the first integral, x is negative, a)# * 6(D r du + l*o* by defining f eJn +4 : 0 for < -4. Next we extend the range of integration precise value chosen is unimport nt, since 6(u) is zero for u I 0. Thus, r+oo I J-* 6(x' - 4) f (x) dx f+oo - t stu)f GJu + +) -l_*o\w)J\-\4I1t Then, using the sifting property, f +I +@ J_o du q\---: t<utf <J,' +t-trlQtr4 e have [**ou'-ofu)a*:ff+ which is in agreement with the g neral result (6.9). ' The 298 CHAPTER 5 GENERALIZED FUNCTIONS IN PHYSICS 6.2. A sheet of charge lies in the z : 0 plane. The surface charge density is os. Express the volume charge density in spherical coordinates. The charge is localized to one value of zi Z :0. Thus, we may express p with a delta function in z: Example p(i) : k6(z) To determine k, we integrate over a cylindrical volume of cross-sectional area dA extending from z : -oo to z : *oo (Figure 6.5). The cylinder acts like a cookie cutter, cutting out an amount of charge og dA from the sheet. The amount of charge inside the cylinder may also be computed from the charge density: r+@ pi)dv: I dq: If Jcylinder J k6Q)dzdA:kdA -a andthusk:oo: p(*) : oo6(z) Now we change to spherical coordinates: z p(i) : : r cos 0, and so o66(r cos0) FIGURE 6.5. Cutting out an area dA from the charged sheet (Example 6.2).The charge inside the cylinder is o6 dA. To interpret the delta function, we first note that charge exists at all values of r, 0 < r < oo, so we cannot have a delta function in r. But charge exists at only one value of 0, 0 : r /2. Thus, we must have a delta function in 0. Then we apply result (6.4) with e: rl p(x) : 6 (cos d) r 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 299 Now we may use result (6.10) to evaluate 6(cos 0). There is only one zero of cos 0 in the physical range of interest, 0 < 0 < n,and that is at 0 : n f2.Thus, :t 12) : : oor ,5(o l- srnub:r/2 p(7) !9xe - r /2) r We can check the result by calculating the amount of charge inside a spherical shell of thickness dr (Figure 6.6). This shell intersects the sheet in a circle of thickness dr, and so the charge inside is dq : oo dA - os2nr dr.lntegrating the volume density and using the sifting property to evaluate the integral over the delta function, we get on : I,n"upg)dv : Io'" fi :2roor sin;dr z tr l: "|urt - r/2)r2 sinl d0 dr og2nr dr as required. FIGURE 6.6. A thin spherical shell ofradius of inner radius r and thickness r and thickness dr intersects the plane in an annulus dr. 6.1.4. The Integral of the Delta Function of a delta function, let's x < -l I n. Then To interpret the integral (equation 6.3). First let [. J-a o,@) du integrate our block delta sequence :o since @, (a) is zero throughout the range of integration. Now let x> nltl" : fx ftlnn Q"@)du: I -ul -du I 2 l;tn Jt1n2 J-a'" so f' J-*Q^fu)0": (o ifx<-1/n \L if x > *r/n I I f n. Then 300 cHAprER 6 GENERALTZED FUNcroNs rN pHysrcs As we let n --> @, we have : l'*o'' {0, o' ifx <0 : ifr>0 (D(x) (6.1 l) where @(-r) is the step distribution.T It has the property that /*J-a ",r,,r, x) dx : [** Jo f (r) o, Since @(x) is the integral of d(.r), we may reasonably conclude that The delta function is the derivative of the step distribution: d@ _ :6(x) (6.12) dx We can check this conclusion by determiningthat d@ /dx possesses the sifting property: f** 499\ .vf (*)4v: f (x)@t.r)l1S - J-* / ax J-a ' /^+oo :,Tlo fG)-o- f'(x1@@7dx r*m J, f'(x)dx :,l*f(x)-/(x)13 :,l* f @) -,$"rt') : (o) + /(o) "f as required. 6.1.5. The Fourier Series of a Delta Function We may find the Fourier series of a delta function by finding the Fourier series of a delta sequence and taking the limit as n --> oo. Since the Fourier series is periodic, we will actually get a periodic repetition of the delta function. The easiest sequence to handle is the sequence ofblocks (6.3). The Fourier series ofthis delta sequence Qn@) on the range -L<x<Lmaybewritten *oo Qn@): ^D*r-r'*"''t TPreviously we used the notation S(-r) for the step function. The notation @(.r) distinguishes the distribution from the function. 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION 301 where (equation 4.31) r rL c^: )= I O,@)r-'mnx/L 4, 2L J-L L f"" 2L n J-ttn :, r-imnx/L 4* (e-imn/nL-,imn/nL\: 4mr \ lnL + Now as n --> @, mn first term, we find 2 ,in^o nL ' 2mr / -i 0. Expanding the sine in a Taylor series and keeping only the c* nrnfi1 - zmn nL: i Therefore, the Fourier series of the delta function is . +oo 6(x): a |Lt 2L (6.13) "imnxlL which is a very odd-looking series! Since the coefficients do not decrease as m increases, the series does not converge in the usual sense (pointwise or in the mean). That should not surprise us unduly, since 3(x) is not a proper limit. However, we can check for the sifting property: +oo t *oo r*L , I ' J-, 2L I ,imnx/L y1x1 ^L_* r*L dx: \- ' I l-r ^?*2L a-^ The integral on the right gives the coefficient "nimnx/L f e)dx in the Fourier series *oo f (x): I p:-6 for the function /(x) [,' + to *L. on the range -Z f f(x)dx m:-@ ",-o"," orrtoo'/t Then :f m:-@ o-^ :f m:-@ "*:,f(o) and so the series (6.13) possesses the sifting property. Thus, equation (6.13) represents the delta function on the range (-L, L). We should perhaps worry about changing the order of the sum and the integral, since the series is not uniformly convergent. In fact, it does not converge at all! The validity of this procedure will be discussed in Section 6.3. Fourier sine and cosine series may be found sirnilarly. 302 CHAPTER Example x: L 6 6.3. GENEFIALIZED FUNCTIONS IN PHYSICS An initially stationary string of length L is hit by a hammer blow at Determine the subsequent motion of the string. (The speed of waves on the : 1t, where Z is the tension and pc is the mass per unit length. See ^1tlJ 4, also Chapter Section 4,4.2.) We may model the hammer blow as an impulse 10 occurring at t : O and at x : L/3.The impulse per unit length is 13. string is y {4!-ts6(x-Lt3t dx Using the impulse-momentum theorem,8 we can determine the initial velocity of the string at / : 0+. The change in momentum of a string element of length dx and mass dm - ptdx is 0*) d I,(x) . Uclx: * clx * Oy(x,0*) 16 .;-_:6(x_Ll3) 0y(x, which, together with y(x, 0) : 0, gives the initial conditions for the string. We expect a solution of the form (equation 4.29) v(x. 1) : .!) d. srn nrx nrut frLL which satisfies the initial condition of zero string displacement at r Ey 0t @ /nzx\ nTu : s-) L'' d.srnl-l\L/ L n:l ovl nnD 'l :) .a orl,:o fr,,L : 0. Then nTrut L wrx L Applying the second initial condition, we have bu,* p - L/3\:?L"'Lo-n" ,inno' L Now we find the coefficients in the usual way: 2Ig nr Io ^. wrx nftu 2 fL -:3(x-Ll3)sin dx: jsrn---a,-.:= I . " L p L L1t 3 LJo (6.14) where we used the sifting property. As we expect for a delta function series, the term on the right-hand side does not decrease with increasing n. (Compare equation 6.14 8see Lea and Burke, p. 200. 303 6.1 THE DELTA FUNCTION with equation 6.13.) However, the coefficients a, that describe the string displacement do decrease: , a,: L 2 sin) nnu Lpt" 3 ?'o nnu Io p,srn)3 and the solution for the string displacement is t): i' b rirT L "inY! L 3 "in\! *t':rnnu\ Notice that all the terms with n : 3m and m an integer are zero, since we have ajm q. sinmr : 0 and so every third harmonic is missing. The first few terms are v(x, nut I y: Jitn / nx o'\ttn7srn-+tsrn 4zut 2trx 2trut I 4nxsrn-+"') srn L 4ttn L t \ Figure 6.7 shows the sum of the series for the string displacement, up to the n : lO term, at times utf L: l18,I14,and 1/2. Notice the peak atx : L13 atthe earliest time. apy 111 \ \ \ \ \1 \a t t I \ x L FIGURE 6.7. The string displacement (Example 6.3) at times ut/L : ll8, l/4, and ll2.The vertical axis shows the dimensionless quantity ulty/10. The dimensionless variable x / L is plotted on the horizontal axis. The hammer blow at x : L /3 causes the peak in the displacement at L 13 at the earliest time. The displacement spreads along the string. 6.1.6. lntegral Representations of the Delta Function We can find an integral representation of the delta function by finding its Laplace transform. for / > 0. We can use a set of blocks To use this transform, we need a delta sequence defined 304 cHAprER 6 GENERALTzED FUNoIoNS tN pHystcs defined as follows: (o if r <o t0^(t):\n if0<t<lln (0 (6.1s) lln if t > This sequence offunctions has essentially the same behavior as our previous block sequence (6.3), and the proof that it is a delta sequence is almost identical. The Laplace transform is op(s) : fo* o,r-"0, : Iot'^ ne-'tdt :, ::r, e-'/n) =lii" Now we take the limit as n --> oo: Ll6(t)l: - i {'- .}(:)'. ]} l'-; t-t+...-+1 asn-+oo Thus, the Laplace transform ofthe delta function is 1. We could also obtain this result from the relatione 6(/) Laplace transform ofthe step function is l/s. Then LI6(t)l: s.C[@(/)] - @(0) : : d@ s/s : I ldt and the fact that the If we invert the transform using the Mellin inversion integral (equation 5.19), we obtain I r+ioo 6(1): ' I 2ri J-i* ettds where we may integrate along the imaginary axis since the integrand has no poles. Now make the change of variable s : iro. We find r .+m I /+oo ,i'' ei''ida: 2" J-J_- ' I d(r): 2ni d, (6.16) This expression is extremely important and finds many applications in physics. Notice the similarity to equation (6.13). The integral is the extension ofthe Fourier series representation to the case of a continuous, rather than a discrete, frequency spectrum.l0 9This demonstration appears less satisfactory because we have to invoke a value of the step distribution ar the origin. Using the theory developed in Section 6.2, we can show that the initial condition may be dropped. See Problem 24. l0Demonstration ofthe sifting property may be accomplished in several ways. For example, expression (6.16) may be written as limn;*(1/22) /]S exp (- ,2 14n2 + itot) da;. The integral is easily evaluated (Chapter 7, Example '/ .2), and the result is the delta sequence (6.18) 305 6.2 DEVELOPING ATHEORY OF DISTRIBUTIONS 6.2. DEVELOPING ATHEORY OF DISTRIBUTIONS The delta function (together with its derivatives) is a very useful mathematical object that often simplifies calculations in physical problems. Because it is not a properly defined function, we used sequences of proper functions-the delta sequences-to understand the properties of the delta function. The delta function is mathematically defined by the sifting property (6.2).ln this section, we shall begin to formalize and generalize these ideas. To develop a more rigorous theory of distributions,l 1 we start with the definitions of two classes of functions: corefunctions andtestfunctions. The properties of these functions determine the paticular distribution theory. The example below is illustrative of the techniques but should not be regarded as a description ofthe only class ofdistributions that exists. Test functions. For our illustrative theory we choose the test functions /(x) to be infinitely differentiable and to go to zero very fast as -{ -+ m. Taking ,f : 0 outside some finite range will certainly be fast enough. We'll explore this feature further as we develop the theory. Core functions. For our theory we choose the core functions g(.r) to be infinitely differentiable. We'll also need to define a new form of convergence, called weak convergence. Weak convergence. Let g"(x) be a sequence of core functions. Then the sequence is weakly convergent if lim I^+oo sn(x) f (x) dx n+a J-* exists for any test function /(x). The definition of a distribution as the weak limit of a sequence of core functions now follows. . Definition of a distribution. (x) is a distribution if there exists a sequence of core functions g, (x) that converges weakly to @(.r), in which case @ ,,g/: for any test function gn@)f(x)r,: l:: Q@)f (x)dx (6.17) /(x). llsee Lighthill's book for more on this topic. The test functions here are akin to his "good" functions and the core functions to his "fairly good" functions. 306 cHAprER 6 GENERALTzED FUNcrloNS lN PHYslcs Many different sequences of core functions may converge to the same distribution. The sequence of core functions gnT): n \/ lt ,-n"' (6.18) illustrates some of these concepts. The sequence does not converge pointwise, since gr(x) --> 0 as n -+ oo for x I 0, but gr(x) diverges as t? -+ oo for x : 0. However, the sequence does converge weakly. To see which distribution it converges to, we evaluate the integral (6.17): lim le-""y1r1d* 1+* n*@ J_oo \/iT :.uu (l_:" . l:,':: . l:,;,) ft,-""f : -f Iz nBL Qt * {,)o* Iz) /(x) is infinitely differentiable and goes to zero as t -+ too. Let l/(.{)l < Ml for 0 < x < oo. Then 2=r-" 2?r-n"'d* : Now the test function /(x) is bounded. ,, where * f* a11uQ = 2 o(.fr) J ;1 : +. [: Ji tt ,t \/1T is the error function,l2 which approaches <D(.r): I as du - aQ-n)l *rt 2 n -+ oo. Thus, + fr r-''dt:t-+':!x +"' ,/tr JO 41T [The asymptotic expression for O(x) may be found in Appendix IX, equation (29).] Thus, 13 -+ 0 as r? -+ oo. Similarly, we can show that 11 -+ 0. However, for 12, we have rJi : fc)ii't Jo e-,'du by the meanvalue theorem, where -ll^fr = €< +llJn andu: nx. Thus' 12: f G)aQfr) and so (*)dx -- rim 12: f e): [** lim [** +r-,'*'.f n+@ J J _* Jn n-cr, l2The error function is also called erf (-r). See Appendix IX. -* Q@)f (x)dx 6.3 PROPERTIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 307 The distribution Q@), defined as the weak limit of sequence (6.18), exhibits the sifting property, and so it is the delta function. We may write ft"-n"' -+ 6('t) weaklY (6.1e) Some sequences of core functions may have pointwise limits that are ordinary functions and may also have weak limits that are distributions. It is even possible that gr(x) -+ g(x) pointwise as n --> q, gn(x) l** --> Q@) weakly, but oarr@)dx t ll) rr,rrr,ro. This kind of bizarre sequence is rarely of any importance in physics. In physics, pointwise convergence is not always important, since a physical quantity cannot be measured at a point, but only over some small but finite region. Thus, weak convergence is often all we need. There is a close relationship between functions and distributions. The Smudging Theorem. For every continuous function h(x), we can construct a sequence gn(x) of core functions such that ,$ ls,(") - h(x)l < e for any e > 0 and for all x in any finite interval.r3 According to this theorem, we can "smooth" the function h(x) over the interval - lln,x -f l/n) to create an infinitely differentiable g"(x), and the two functions differ negligibly. Since the sequence of core functions converges to a distribution weakly, this means we can replace the function with a distribution. (x For every continuous function, an equivalent distribution exists. We cannot make the reverse statement; there is not necessarily a continuous function corresponding to every distribution. The delta function is an example of a distribution for which there is no corresponding continuous function. The class of distributions is an important addition to our mathematical arsenal. In the next section, we shall learn more about how to use them. 6.3. PROPERTIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS . Distributions may be added, subtracted, multiplied by constants, or multiplied by infinitely differentiable functions. These assertions may be easily proved using the definition of l3For the proof of tbis theorem, see Butkov, p. 243, or Lighthill, p. 2 1. 308 cHAprEB 6 cENERALIZED FUNcrloNs lN PHYslcs a distribution as a weak limit of a sequence of core functions. For example, let h(x) be an infinitely differentiable function, and let d(-r) be the weak limit of the sequence gr. Then +@ f+oo I J-* hfOO(x)lf - @) dx f : n+mJ-m lim I lt (r)s"@)lf (x) dx /"+oo ,\% /-"" s'@)Ih(x) f (x)) dx f*m I J-a Q@ltntof @)ldx h(x)/(r) is a test function if / is. So we can define a new distribution ry'(x) h(x)Q@). Thus, for example, rd(x) is a distribution. Let's see what it does. since lllwt<.ttr',)dx Thus, . . . x6(x) : : l-: d('r)txl(x)l dx :0x /(0) : : Q 0, the zero distribution.l4 Distributions may NOT be multiplied or divided by other distributions depending on the same variable. Forexample,t6(x)12 is meaningless. [However, d(i) : 6(x)d(y)d(z) does make sense becauSe the arguments x , y , and z of the three delta functions are independent variables.l lf Q@) is a distribution, so are Q@ - a) and QGx). Distributions are infinitely differentiable, because the core functions are. Moreover, if gn(x) --> d (x) weakly, then gl (x) -> Qt (x): ,$"/J s'^@)f (x)d,: n\(tror^r*>t = -,[: g^@)f'(idx) The integrated term is zero by the properties ofthe test functions, and so lll o'rnr(x)dx: - I:: Q@)rt(x)dx (6.20) This is a property we have already established for the delta function, and it serves to define the derivative . QI (x). Higher-order derivatives may be computed similarly. Since disffibutions can be differentiated, they can be the solutions of differential equations. Example 6.4. Find the solution of the differential equation d,t @-D**y:0 14we'll need this result in the next chapter. 6.3 PROPERTIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 309 We can integrate this equation directly to obtain one solution: dy dx y x-r lny--ln(x-l)+C A t- *-1 : This solution is validforx > I orforx < I but not at x L Now consider the distribution y 6 (x 1) . If this satisfies the differential equation, - : then we must have /^+oo I J_q x* - l)6/(.r - 1) + s(x - l)lf @) dx : o Let's evaluate the first term using the sifting property ofd/ (equation 6.6): f+* I eJ_a l)6'(x -r)f(x)dx d : - If+@a@- tlilfx - t)f(x)ldx ctx J_a r*oo : - II J_m d(_r - t)t/(x) * (r - t)ft(x)ldx : -f(l) The second term is /n+oo / J-a a(" - l),f(x) dx : f (Il so the differential equation is satisfied. We must choose this delta function solution the point x I is within our domain of interest. : if Note that since the differential equation is first order, we expect only one solution. What we learn here is that the character of that solution depends on the domain of validity. Some differential equations contain a distribution. The solutions of such equations are also distributions. Example 6.5. Find the solution of Poisson's equation for the electric field due to p : oo6(x - a): a sheet ofcharge with charge density dEt oo^. E-j6(x-a) From equation (6.12), the solution is Oi E,:A*j@(x-a) €0 310 cHAprER 6 GENERALTzED FUNcrtoNs lN PHYSlcs where @ is the step distribution (see Section 6.1.4). Since the electric field points directly away from positive charge, we can find the integration constant A by invoking symmetry about the sheet (Figure 6.8): E1(x < a): >a) A_ #) and so .oo 2eo Thus, E* : o) (-; . otx - a)) FIGURE 6.8. Electric field due to a sheet of charge (Example 6.5). 6.4. SEQUENCES AND SERIES We can extend the concept of weak convergence to sequences and series. For example, the function e'" is a core function and therefore may also be regarded as a distribution. This means that any Fourier series may be regarded as a series of distributions. The series converges weakly if the sequence of partial sums converges weakly. Once we make this identification, some very useful results follow. The sequence of functions etn' has no proper limit. But let's see if there's a weak limit: 6.4 SEQUENCES AND SERIES 31 1 The integrated term is zero, by the properties of the test functions [/(x) is zero outside some finite range a < x < bf . The absolute value of the remaining term is l_J # t'(x) dx : : I"' ,in' y'1*\ d* =: l,' l,'^' f'utl o, by the mean value theorem, where a < f, < b [a, b]. Thus, e'" : Il'.'"u r'c>l@ - a) and lei"€ 7'(6) | ir --> 0 as n -+ oo bounded in the interval --> 0 weakly If a sequence of distributions Q,(x) converges weakly to @ (x),Q @) : lirnn+oo Q"@), then the sequence of derivatives QL@) converges to @/(x): Q'@): 6.21) ,\QL{*l To see why, note that lim [** n-@J_a O',r*, f (x) dx " : - n-@J_m lim [** " 0,@) f t(x) dx (result 6.20) Q@)f'(x)dx 0'@) f @) ax A convergent series of distributions can be differentiated term by term. To prove this statement, let S^,(x) : If:, Qn@).Because the sum has a finite number of terms, we may differentiate to obtain Sir(x) : DItQ'"@). Then, taking the limit, we have S(x) : limN-oo Sr,,r(x), and, by theorem (6.21) above, S'(") : limru-oo Sir(x). This is a powerful result: Series of distributions possess some of the same properties as uniformly convergent series. If we start with a convergent Fourier series S(x), we can differentiate term by term, thus multiplying each coefficientby in. We can do this m times, so the series with coefficients (in)* a" also converges to dm S f dxm. We have thus shown that every Fourier series, considered as a series of distributions, converges (weakly), even when the coefficients do not decrease with increasing n. As a consequence, every Fourier series may be integrated and differentiated term by term.l5 15We made use of this result in Chapter 4. 312 cHAprER 6 GENEBALTZED FUNcrloNS lN PHYSlcs Example 6.6. Find a Fourier series for a delta function by differentiating the Fourier series for the triangle function f(x):{ on the range (0, L) (x(2h/L) ifO<x.L/2 l(L - x)(2hlL) if L/2 < x < L (see Example 4.4): f(x):Yn##,,"s+r! This series is nicely convergent. (compare with equation 4.28): f,(*): If we differentiate once, we {'!#,, {:- get a step distribution @(x - L/D} (2ntI)nx sh s (-l)', :i1rz"*tlcos "lorir.='*!":T awhich also converges, but more slowly, and function: if we differentiate f"(*): -?uu - L/2):+?.i,-,,'*' t' I'-) L "t again, we get a delta gl:l! 6.22) Actually it is a negative delta function, since the step function steps down at x : L 12. Compare this result with equation (6.14). Here we have no even terms, because sinl(nn/L)(L/2)l : sin(nnl2) is zero whenever n is even. The series (6.22) is a weakly convergent series of distributions. The sum of the first twenty terms of the series is plotted in Figure 6.9. The process of finding the coefficients in a Fourier series of a distribution such as 6(x) requiresaminormodificationtoourtheory.First,theintegralsthatgivethecoefficientsare notoverthecorrectrange(-oo,+oo),andsecond,thefunctions e'n'(orsinnxorcosnx) are not appropriate test functions as we have defined them. We can solve both problems by differentiable "tudge function" u(x) such ;;l;;G;il ,ii + 'ora that L: "in'u(*)o@)0,: #, ll"' "'"'rr*ro' (6'23) l I 6,5 DISTRIBUTIONS IN N DIMENSIONS 313 L2f, 8h x L FIGURE 6.9. The first twenty terms in the series (6.22) for the second derivative of the triangle function. The variables are L2 7" 18h versus delta function at x /L :0.5. x/I. This series represents a negative Then etnx u(x) is a test function, and the integrals can be evaluated in the usual way.16 Once we know that such a procedure exists, we can just use the normal expression for the Fourier coeffrcients-that is, the integral on the right-hand side of equation (6.23). Of course, the resulting series gives a periodic repetition of the original distribution. 6.5. DISTRIBUTIONS IN N DIMENSIONS The theory of distributions can be extended to N dimensions. In physics, we are frequently concerned with problems in three space dimensions and one time dimension. Sometimes we work in a six-dimensional phase space with three position coordinates and three components of momentum. The modifications are straightforward. 1. The test functions should possess partial derivatives of all orders and go to zero sufficiently fast outside a finite volume of the space. 2. T\e core functions should possess partial derivatives of all orders. 3. The integrals that define the distributions become volume integrals over the Ndimensional space. l6Examples of such functions a can be found in Butkou p. 255, and Lighthill, Section 5.2. 314 cHAprER 6 GENERALTZED FUNcrtoNs lN PHYSlcs Then all the properties of distributions extend as expected' For example, : L#,,o0, l(orrr= - I:: o{a.)a,a, :- Jv[ oTav dx The delta function in three dimensions is readily expressed in Cartesian coordinates. is nonzero only at the origin, so 6(i) :6(x)6(y)6(z) We may write this as a It (6.24) limit of the core functions (6.18): :,\% fim !--e-n"'4"-n'Y' ' 6(i): n+a t/It \/iT "-"" JiT (e)' '*r (6'2s) A particularly useful relation in three dimensions is : "'(i) -4zd(i) (6.26) First we note that the left-hand side of equation (6.26) has the sort of behavior we expect for a delta function. If r I 0, then /a2 * a2 a2\ (P i7* a? )ffi: a /-x\ * a /-y\. * a" \;t/ r, \;t/ / 3y -3 / 3x\ - r\-F '\-Fl I ) -3 r2 :7+3-:o but as r --> O, I / r -+ oo and its derivatives cannot be computed; the left-hand side of (6.26) is undefined. Next we must test for the sifting property. Since we have already shown that V21t 1 r1 for r 10, the volume integral ./,,,n*. o' "'(:) f G)dv: ,/nn"."or.u*o." (i) "o,o' : O I 6.6 DESCRIBING PHYSICAL QUANTITIES USING DELTA FUNCTIONS 315 reduces to an integral over a small spherical volume surrounding the origin. We write the integrand in terms of a divergence so that we can use the divergence theorem: ./pr,... or,uaiu., t' (i) f G) dv :./nn",.o,.u0,",, vl v rfav lu (rclvl) - (rrrrvl) .aoo- [ : Jsurfaceofsphere\ [ r/ (rrn]) :[ # aa + [ ' ' t' \" / :I Yo,on-[ 0r -].iyav Jsphereofradiusel'o ,./sphereofradius, ./surfaceof sphere /sphereofradiuse _f - t J solid angle of sphere : Jsurfaceofsphere- 0r a, aa rl)da lfli=6-ft)lr:elda f -"f(o) \!,, rz J"nno,on: -4trf (o) Thus, since we have obtained the sifting property, relation (6.26) is proved. A similar relation holds in two dimensions: vr'(h L):znqil where Vr2 is the Laplacian operator in two dimensions (Vr2 constant length, and p (6.27) : A2 /Ax2 + A2 /Ay\,a is any - \FT| 6.6. DESCRIBING PHYSICAL QUANTITIES USING DELTA FUNCTIONS We often want to use delta functions to describe the mass or charge density of a system that is confined to an infinitesimally thin sheet or line. Let's investigate how to describe such physical quantities using delta functions. Example 6.7. A ring of charge of radius a lies in the x-y plane. It has a variable line charge density ),e cos {. What is the volume charge density? Use (a) cylindrical coordinates and (b) spherical coordinates. 316 cHAprER 6 cENERALIZED FUNcrtoNs tN PHYslcs (a) First we note that the charge exists only at z :0 and at p : 4, so we must have two delta functions: p(i):C6(z)6(p-a) To find C (which may be a function of the coordinates), we integrate over a wedge of space with -oo < z < +@,0 < p < oo, and angular extent dQ (see Figure 6.10a)' (This volume is chosen by using the entire range of each coordinate in which we have a delta function, but only a differential range in the third coordinate.) The amount charge d4 in this volume is )'adQ. Thus, using the sifting proPerty, we have il.scosQ dQ - dq : - and so C : lo cos f*"o""rurrr6(p d: cos FIGURE 6.10a. To find an expression for the charge density in Example 6.7, we integrate over a wedge of an infinite cylinder with <p< a) p dp dz dQ Cad0 p(*) :.r"e O - of -oo < z < oo, and angular extent d@. @, @ 6(z)6(p - a) FIGURE 6.10b. To find an expression for the charge density in spherical coordinates, we integrate over the wedge of angular width d@ that extends throughout the full range of the coordinates 0 andr:0 < 0 < z and0 < r < oo. 6.7 THE GREEN'S (b) In spherical coordinates, the x-y plane is at 0 p(i) : FUNCTION 317 n 12, so : ca(e -|) x, - "t Now weintegrateoveran"orange-wedge" shapewith0 < 0 < 7T,0 < extent dQ in the azimuthal angle (Figure 6.10b): a),scosQ dQ : : Thus, C : lo (cosd)/a, f*.or"ca(e Ca2^n sin r < oo, and - Z) uU - a)r2 sin0 dr d0 dQ ,aO: CazdQ and p(i): l,6cos@d (t -;)t+ Check the dimensions of the result! This example illustrates a general method for finding densities of linear or planar charge or mass distributions in terms of delta functions in curvilinear coordinates. First, determine which coordinates take on only a single value, and find the delta functions in these coordinates. (In the example above, charge exists only at 0 : r /2 and r : a.) Second, determine the function that multiplies the delta functions by integrating over a region of space that extends over the full range of the coordinates in the delta functions, but over only a differential range in the other coordinate or coordinates. The value ofyour integral should be equal to the value determined by elementary methods. (In our example, we integratedoverawedgethatextendsfrom@ toQ of the ring and thus contains an amount d e : + dQ.Tltis wedgeslicesoffalengthadQ )ra dQ of charge.) This method guarantees that you will not lose information about the dependence of the coefficient C on the coordinates. Integrating over all space does not work because you will lose the detailed information that you need. 6.7. THE GREEN'S FUNCTION An important application of distribution theory is the Green's function. The Green's function is actually a distribution that describes the response of a physical system to a unit delta function input (a "point" source). We have already seen an example of this in Example 6.3, where we applied a point impulse to a string. Other examples are the electric field due to a point charge, a point mass on a beam, and a voltage impulse applied to an electric circuit. If the physical system is linear (and thus is described by a linear differential equation), the response of the system to a sum of inputs is just the sum of the responses to the individual inputs. Then ifwe can model any input as the sum (integral) ofa set ofpoint (delta function) inputs, we can use the Green's function to compute the response. 318 cHAprER 6 GENERALTzED FUNcrloNS lN PHYSlcs If the impulse per unit length applied to the string is 1(x), we can write it 7L I(x): JoI If t1x'p1x-x'1dx' the response of the system to the delta function is y(x) : fo" as , G(x, {*')o{*, x'7, the response to 1(.r) is (6.28) x'; dx' The Green's function is described in more detail in Optional Topic C, where we show how to find an appropriate Green's function for several different systems and in different geometries. PROBLEMS 1. Show that the following liail a. r*t - n sequences offunctions are delta sequences: e-nlrl : L ( -+-) /r \l+n'x'/ 1 - cosnx (c) d,(x) : ---------1 nTr x' (b) d,(x) 2. Find a Fourier t*nr, Use contour integration.) series representation of the delta function 6 (x) in the range (- L, *L) in two ways. (a) Start with the Fourier series for a step function (equation 4.24, for example) and differentiate. (b) Start with the block functions (equation 6.3) and form the Fourier series. Take the limit as n --> @. Are the results the same? If not, why not? Give a quantitative as well as a qualitative account of any discrepancy. I at a distance end. Find the displacement of the beam kail if tne beam is supported at the left end, as in Problem 5. 1 1 3. A point load Mg is placed on a beam of length (b) if Ll3 from the left-hand the beam rests on supports at each end, as in Example 5.3 Ignore the weight of the beam itself. 4. A damped harmonic oscillator (compare with equation 3.7 andProblem 4.13) has initial conditionsx(0) : x6 and dxldtl,:s: u0.Animpulse 1is applied att : to' Findthe motion of the oscillator for t > 0. 5. Distributions may be multiplied by infinitely differentiable functions. Do you expect the product yt\ t - 6(x - a) PROBLEMS 319 to be a valid distribution? Why or why not? Investigate the properties of this quantity by evaluating the integral f@ 6-(x - a\ (x)dx J-*-;;f where Q"@) is a delta sequence of your choice and f (x) is determine the result for functions that have the property distribution in this case? Can you identify it? a test function. In particular, f (a) :0. Is ry'(x) a valid 6. Evaluate @ /a s-txt51*2 -l2x - 3) dx o) /]S e-" 3(x2 -t x - 6) dx 7. A string of length Z, with tension Z and mass per unit length p,, is hit simultaneously at t : 0 at the two points x : L I 3 and x : 2L I 3. The impulse delivered at each point @ is 1. Find the subsequent displacement of the string. Using a general curvilinear coordinate system (Chapter 1, Section 1.3) with coordinates u, u, and u.r, find the charge density due to a point charge q placed at the point u : t!0, 1) : uo, tr : tDo. Hint: Start with the delta sequence (6.25) and note that as n --> m, only a differential line element ds2 is needed in the exponent. Then make use of equation (1.61). 9. Show that the sequence of functions nf*o fn7): t;G J_, ,*r[-r2(* - *')2]d*' converges weakly to the distribution that gives the average value of any test function on the interval -a to a. 10. Show that the sequence of functions f'(x): n 2coshz nx converges weakly to the delta function. Hint: Use a method similar to the one used in this chapter for sequence (6. I 8). 1L. According to the properties of distributions in Section 6.3, Which distribution is it? 12. Starting with the integral (6.16), show that 6(x) E : e-'6t(x) is a distribution. : I,* coskx dk gV expanding the cosines in exponentials or otherwise, show that, for positive real numbers, 3(x - a) _2 [* -rJn cos kx cos ka dk x and a both 320 cHAprER 6 GENERALIzED FUNcrloNS lN PHYslcs and obtain a similar expression as an integral over sines. Are these results consistent with Problem 12? Discuss. 14. Find the Laplace transform of 6(r - a). Express the inverse as an integral using equation (5.19) and demonstrate that this integral possesses the sifting property. 15. A uniform disk of radius a and mass M lies in the .r-y plane. Express the density in terms of delta functions (a) in rectangular Canesian coordinates (b) in cylindrical coordinates (c) in spherical coordinates 16. A uniform rod of length I and mass M lies along the x-axis with one end at the origin. Express the density in terms of delta functions (a) in rectangular Cartesian coordinates (b) in cylindrical coordinates (c) in spherical coordinates E7J a. me of charge with uniform line charge density ), lies along the z-axis. Find the volume charge density (a) in cylindrical coordinates (b) in spherical coordinates 18. A disk ofcharge with radius a and surface charge density o(r) - osrfalies in the r-y plane with center at the origin. Find the volume charge density (a) in cylindrical coordinates (b) in spherical coordinates 19. Current 1 flows in a circular loop of radius a lying in the x-y plane with its center at the origin. Find an expression for the current density (a) in cylindrical coordinates (b) in spherical coordinates 20. Prove the relation (equation 6.27) v2ktg:zrs(i) a where p is the radial coordinate in a cylindrical coordinate system, a is a constant length, and p is the position vector in a plane. Use the result to find the potential due to a line charge I running parallel to the z-axis at x : Q, !: b. 21. A circuit contains a resistor, a capacitor, and a square wave power supply with period Z. Use Kirchhoff's loop rule to write an equation for the current in the circuit in terms of delta functions, and solve it to find the current as a function of time. Ezl starting with the result D.r O: :-r3 for the electric potential due to a dipole placed at the origin (see Example 6.1), calculate the electric field everywhere, including ar the origin. llint: Show that the electric field contains a delta function term. Use a method similar to that used in Section 6.5 to prove relation (6.26). PROBLEMS 321 23. Using a delta sequence of your choice, show that the limit .. 16(r) - 6(x libl z - t)1 l exhibits the sifting property of d/(r). 24. Use the derivative property (6.20) to show that, for distributions, the Laplace transform of the derivative Qt(x) equals s times the Laplace transform of @. Show that the Laplace transform of lnr is -(y + lns)/s, where 7 is Euler's constant, - If, r-'lnxdx : 0.5'772. Hence show that the Laplace transform tion, is ln s. (See Zemanian, Chapter 8.) of I / t (t > 0), considered as a distribu- -y - 25. Stating from equation (6.16), show that sin Rx *9- "r :6(r) Confirm your result by demonstrating the sifting property. Use contour integration to do the integral. Similarly, show that if the integral is taken to be the principal value. Demonstrate the plausibility of the results by evaluating 2 sin Nxrx I, : and h' : [* /@ n J, x J, numerically for a set ofvalues ofe ( I and proaches unity and 12 decreases toward zero. N )) l. cos Nx x Show that as o* N increases, E6.l Show that dx (x) :261*r, sizn * where sign (t) : l"l 27. Show that **Urnrrrr: *v' IO If-t;'1,t71n - Hint: Use proof by induction (Appendix III). if n < m m)116("--)1v1 ifn > m 11 ap- 322 cHAprER 6 GENERALTZED FUNcrtoNS tN PHYSlcs 28. The integral If, *" f (r) dx : I:S xd @(x) f (x) dr, where o < 0, may be integrated if xo is intetpreted as a distribution. First show that xoo(x) : where a t" + rlt" t --. +zl'.' 4n_[x"+,@(x)] (cv * n > O and n is an integer. Use the result to evaluate the integral [* *-:l'r-* lo @l * n) dx'4* absorbs light at frequency u; due to an atomic transition. The imaginary part of the dielectric constant may be approximated as a66(u u1,). Use the Kramers-Kronig lmaterial - relations (Chapter 2, Example 2.24) to determine the behavior of the refractive index n JPalt/eS as a function of frequency. Comment. : 30. Demonstrate the sifting property of the delta sequence (6.5), I sin2 nx ""--Fin the case that f (x) has a second-order pole 4t z : 7o in the upper half-plane. Can you hnE): extend the result to a pole of order m? CHAPTER 7 Fourier Transforms 7.1. DEFINITION OFTHE FOURIERTRANSFORM The Fourier transform is the second integral transform that we shall study. Like the Laplace transform, it provides a convenient way to solve an inhomogeneous differential equation. But the Fourier transform proves to have many other useful applications in physics, as we shall see. Recall that a function f (x) may be represented as a Fourier series over any finite range -L<x<lL: f (x): *oo ,D_on"'"o''t Outside of the selected range, we obtain a periodic extension of the original function. The set of coefficients a, forms a unique representation of the function /(x) over this finite range. Each an calculated using the integral (equation 4.31) o^: i,1 f+L J_, trnr-inrx/14, Now we'd like to increase the range (-L, L) until / may be represented over the whole real line. But as I -+ oo, nn I L --> 0 for any finite n, so we cannot use equation (4.31) as it stands. We begin by defining k:no ard an : L a(k) so that f (x) : *oo t L-4lL- a(k) eik' ^ and a(k): + I_"" f (x)e-ik, dx 323 324 cHAPTERTFoURIERTRANSFoRMS We multiply this expressionby Here we may let L --> a LJTIi and define to obtain F(k): # l:: (7.1) r@)e-ik'dx provided that the integral converges. Now the difference between two neighboring values of ft is ui:- (n*l\n wr r L - L:T Thus, we may rewrite the original series in terms of ,f(") :D as 2 7f : -+l- ) Jzn - 7 Then, as we let obtain F(k) and Ak F(k) ,ikx 61l' l, -+ oo and consequently A,k --> 0, the sum becomes an integral and we I r+f(x): _t.,8; I F(k)eik'dk -* (7.2) Equations (7.1) and (7.2) define the Fourier transform and its inverse. The factor of I / J2n appears in both expressions-this isthe symmetric Fourier transform. The symmetric transform obeys the following symmetry relation: If F(k) is the symmetric Fourier transform of f (x), then /(-k) is the transform of F(x). An alternative definition of the transform has a factor I l2r in front of one integral and unity in front of the other. The product of both factors must be ll2n.It is also possible to define the transform with a plus sign in the exponential in equation (7.1) and a minus sign in the exponential in equation (7.2);infact, this is usually done when the variable is variable.l lThe difference is related to the metric of space-time in special relativily. See Section 7.3.7 a time for an example. 7.2 SOME EXAMPLES 325 The Fourier transform and the Laplace transform are closely related. To see how, let ift : s in equation (7.1). Then we have Jzo In the special case that transform of /. f (x) : reir: [** J-* 0 for .r < f (x) e-sx dx 0, the righrhand side becomes the Laplace The inverse (equation 7.2) is I 1*;oo f(x):GJ :FGis),'.0: I : /+'oo J-,* "o'(-is) ^ i i I e" ds which is the Mellin inversion integral (equation 5.19) with y --> 0. An important difference between the two transforms is that the Fourier transform may be applied to functions defined over the whole range -oo < r < +oo. However, the function must approach zero as x -+ *oo for the transform to exist.2 In contrast, the Laplace transform exists for functions that diverge as r -+ oo, provided that they do not diverge faster than an exponential (see Chapter 5, Section 5.1). The Laplace transform is restricted to functions defined for positive values of the argument. 7.2. SOME EXAMPLES Example7.1. Find the Fourier transform of the function where cv > 0. /(.r) - exp(-o lxl), The transform is given by equation (7.1): F(k): : I /+oo h J_* h :& ,-utxt "-ikx (l_*u'.ik* 7, dx + fo** "-'*r-'o' or) _ I (ro_ltt,1o _r-ro+ilr"l+-\ \"-,-l--- t / r "+," l, ) -l \ ___ - Jr; I\cv-ik a+ik) _.1 _ td Y;aTF I (7.3) 2This restriction can be lifted if we are willing to consider the function /(x) to be a generulized function. Lighthill's book for an extensive discussion. See also Example 7.3 and Problem 28. See 326 cHAPTERTFoURIERTRANSFoRMS Now let's go backwards and find the function that corresponds to this transform. From equation (7.2), : ;l/+-a dk J-* ;+ tceik' This integral is of the type that can be evaluated using the residue theorem (Section 2.7.3, Example 2.20). For x > 0, we close the contour upward with a big semicircle (Figure 7.1). Im (k) i j I Re (k) FIGURE 7.1. To invert the transform (7.3), we complete the contour in the upper half-plane when x>0. The integral along the semicircle is zero, by Jordan's lemma. The integrand has two : Lia. Only one of the poles is inside the contour. Thus, the integral is simple poles at k l_- *,ik'dk: f ,+r,ik'dk /a\ : 2r i (;i)'i(ia)x - 7T e-o' and so (x): lbre-"'): 1 .f s-dx 7V For x < 0, we must close the contour downward. The pole at k : -ia contour, and we go around the contour clockwise (Figute7.2). is inside the 7.2 SOME EXAMPLES Im (k) Re (k) FIGURE 7.2. For x < 0, we close the contour in the lower half-plane. Thus, the integral is [_ *,ikx41,: t' -+r,ikx7p : -2ri (-:) ,i(-iutx : \-2ia / andhence f (x): eax.We maycombineourresultsforx f (x) : ireux < 0andx > 0toobtain exP (-cv lx l) as required. Exampte 7.2. Find the Fourier transform of the Gaussian function The transform is F(k) : 1 /+oo G J" 7yr-o2*2r-ik* 7* We do this integral by completing the square: -o*2 - ikx j1\ : -ot2 - (\^*, *' 4*q,2n 4oa ) ik\2 _ "/ :_q"\.**) Now we change variables to u F(k): N t* - 4q2 p2 4A : olx + ikl2a2): / e_\ Jzr'*P\-m) [+@+ikl2d e ._,zdu J-a+irpa - f (x) : N e-o"' 328 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS The path of integration has been moved offthe real axis by the amount k f 2a.However, since the integrand has no poles, the value of the integral is not changed. To see why, constructarectangularcontourfromRe (u) : -RtoRe (u) : *R, withheightkl2a (Figure 7.3). The integral along the two vertical pieces at the ends of the rectangle goes to zero as R -+ oo: ll,,o.u* o"l= *max *^ le-t+n+;rr'l le-n'?+ziw+f| *"*r(*)'"-R'--' 0 asR-+oo Im (z) Re (a) FIGURE 7.3. The transform of the Gaussian is computed using an integral along the upper side of the rectangle. Since there are no poles inside the closed contour and there is no contribution from the short sides, the integral is the same along both long sides. The integral around the entire rectangle is zero, by the Cauchy theorem, so the integral along the upper path is the same as the integral along the real axis. We know the value (Appendix IX). Thus, of this integral-it is "fi F(k) : N / k2\ oJr"*p \) ^d Therefore, the transform of a Gaussian is also a Gaussian, but their widths are inversely related. The original function reaches one half its maximum value at x : 0.83/a; the transform reaches one half its maximum value at k : 0.83(2q). This result is closely related to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. The relation between momentum and wave number k is P:hk A particle is described by a wave packet, and the uncertainty in its position is determined by the width of the packet---essentially llu.T\e width of the corresponding pulse in momentum space is h A,k :2ha.Thus, the product of the two uncertainties is L.x A,p I :2h - -2ha d 7.3 PROPERTIESOFTHEFOURIERTRANSFORM 329 for a Gaussian wave packet. The quantum mechanical relation is t*tp2h '2 Thus, a particle that is well localized in space is poorly located in momentum, and vice versa. Example 7.3. Find the Fourier transform of the function /(.r) : l. The transform is F(k\: L '.,/2n [** ,-ikx 4, J-a We can recognize this integral as the delta function (equation 6.16): F(k): Jn ag,> Then, by the sifting property, the inverse is f (x): I f+oo h J_* J2n 6(k)"ik'dk: t [Note that etkr does not approach zero as x approaches infinity, so it is not a proper test function as we defined them in Chapter 6. We must n€urow the class of distributions by putting the requirement g(x) + 0 as.r -+ oo onto the core functions rather than the test functions. This narrower class still includes the delta function as well as many other useful distributions. l Examples 7.1-:7.3 demonstrate the most commonly used methods for evaluating trans- forms and their inverses: 1. 2. 3. 4. Integrate an exponential with linear argument. Complete the contour with a large semicircle and use the residue theorem. Complete the square. Identify the delta function or use the sifting property. 7.3. PROPERTIES OFTHE FOURIER TRANSFORM Because the Fourier transform is similar to the Laplace transform, properties that we found in Chapter 5. 7.3.1. Linearity The Fourier transform operator f is a linear operator: T(f+il:fU)+F(s) f (af) : aF(f) it shares many of the 330 oHAPTERTFoURTERTRANSFoRMS 7.3.2. Complex Conjugate Ifthe function f(x) is real, then F*(k\ f+oo : I1 l: I f (*)"-ik" orf. : lJ2r l_a # I:: f (r)e+ik'dx: F(-k) (7.4) 7.3.3. Differentiation We evaluate the transform of a derivative using integration by parts: '(#):hI IIJ#''*0.t s.-ikxl*-"'l-- -- ,D; ,' /*-- h J-* -ik-se-ik* dx : '(#) h ll* ,"-'o' dx - ikF(k) (7.s) The integrated term vanishes, since the transform exists only for functions /(x) that approach zero as x -+ *oo. Notice that in the case of the Fourier transform, unlike that of the Laplace transform, no initial conditions appear. Extension to higher derivatives is straightforward: ,(#): (ik)'F(k) (7.6) The sign that we use in the exponential when forming the transform (equation 7.1) is reflected in the sign that appears in the derivative rule (equations 7.5 and 7.6). If the transform is defined as F(o): I f+- (t)e+i't dt f h J_* then the first derivative has transform '(#) : -iaFko) (7.7) i 7.3 PROPERTIES TRANSFORM 331 OF THE FOURIER 7.3.4. Attenuation and Shifting Let g(x) : eo' f (x) . Then the transform of g is G(k): : If g(x) : f (x - I /+oo e"'' h J_* f (x)r-ik'r 4* h l** ror"_-i(ia-tk)x 4* : F(k -l G(k) : I : x- a, we have ia) (7.8) a), then Changing variables to u G(k): : /+oo (x h J_* f - a) r-ikx 4* I h /+- (u)e-iktu+o) J_* f 4u e-ik" F (k) (7 .9) Thdse relations are analogous to (5.5) and (5.6) for the Laplace transform. 7.3.5. Parseval's Theorem The integral of the product of two functions may be related to the integral of the product of their transforms. r a+m a+oo f+* .,._ f+* d*l a*rQe)eik'I IJ-- fr*le(x)dx:+l " 2r J-J-* J-- : l:: F&)dk : l_: F&)dk : f +oo J_* doGlo)ei'r lll crao,* f+* "io'+'t'd* l_l cr,t 6(k-ta)da F(k)GeDdk If the function g is real, then we may use equation (7 .4) to write the result as l** to, g@)dx F&) G*&) dk (7.l0) 332 cHAPTERTFoURIERTRANSFoRMS This result is called Parseval's theorem.3 An important special case occurs when / : g. Then r+oo r*oo I Lfe)l'dx:I J-a J-* The absolute value signs are necessary since even ( F&)2dk if f (x) is real, F(k) may not be.a 7.3.6. Convolution Suppose the transform H(k) : F(k) G(k) is the product of the two transforms F and G. Then the inverse is h(x): : I /^+- h J_* I /t+oo H(k)eik'dk h J-* 'rorG(k)eik'dk Now we write the transform G(k) in terms of the function g: h(x): + l:: ,n ll.: s(u)e-iku aul,ik'an We then combine the exponentials and interchange the order of integration: h(x): I f+oo h J r * r+oo I s{")-L16 J_* .+m I -L Jzr J-* s@).f(x-u)du which is the convolution5 of the functions g and h(x) ,rorrik(x-u) 4P4, f . Equivalently, we may write : the inverse transform of : -l-* F(k) G(k) (7.12) l** ra g@ - u) du 3compare with equation (4.32) for Founer senes. 4See Example 7.4. 5This convolution differs from the one defined in Chapter 5 only by the numerical factor of the limits of integration. l/J2tr and the values 7.3 PROPERTIESOFTHEFOURIERTRANSFORM 333 7.3.7. Extension to N Dimensions We may extend the theory of Fourier transforms to as many dimensions as we wish. Frequently, in physics, N : 4: three space dimensions and one time dimension. If / is a function of the three Cartesian coordinates x, y, z (N : 3), we simply transform with respect to each of the variables, one at a time. FG) : F(kx,ky,kz) : I:: l-: l-- ,r'!, # : : lf / /til (J2r)z Jdl ,pu"" " exp z) e-ik"x dx e-ikvv dv e-ik'z (-ik .i) dv It is usual to define the time transform with the opposite signs, so that for N F(i.a): ^: [*" I \z1r )' J -a Jdl d. f G,r)exp [-i([ .i- : 4, att)ld3idt space Then the function ,f lf+@l (i, r) : I I -l\zn ). _a Jail i J Fd<, alexp space [i(f .i - c,.,r)] a3iaat is a sum of plane waves.6 The transform of a derivative may be calculated using a method similar to the one we used with the one-dimensional derivatives in Section 7.3.3. For example, -lt- F(v f ) (t/2n\3 / Jall tv./(i)lexp (-ik .*) dv space lf ------:= / tVtf t*) exp (-tf ' *)l - /(DV exp (-tf .h\ dv - \\/'27r)' Jall lf :: (J2tt)3/surfaceu,-"'' I fr*)exp(-if .i)fids space lf - ("/'2T)' JallI ----- Now provided thatT / space -irtt(i) exp (-ii.;i dv approaches zero faster than I / r2 as r -> oo, the surface integral (-ii .*) dv is zero, and rri n : 0 + irt ah l^r"o */(*) exp 6Co.p*" with Chapter 2, Section 2.1.4 TAgain, this condition is also required for the existence of the transform of /. 334 cHAPTER 7 FouFtER TRANSFoRMS F(V f): (7.t3) ikF(k) Similarly, we may show that TN2fl:-nzr1i<1 (7.14) f(ixi):;f"i (7.1s) and so on. 7.4. CAUSALITY In an initial value problem, the initial conditions appear explicitly in Laplace transform theory. In Fourier transform theory they appear more subtly. Let's look at an example to see how this occurs. 7.4. An electron, initially at rest, is acted upon by an electric fielA fr1r; : io"-"|for t > 0, where o is real and positive. The electron is also subject to a damping Example : -yi. Find the subsequent motion of the electron. The equation satisfied by the electron's velocity is force F4 d_ ^fit+yi:-ei,1*..t) First notice that the motion will be one dimensional. Then we take the Fourier transform of the entire equation with respect to time. Define the transform by the relations i(r) : I /+-. i{a1e-i't da h J-* and ilar; : I r+- i(r)ei't dt h J_* Then the transform of the electric field is E1r; : ErhI :E-:- " /"+- J, L-at "-at uiat 4, ri<ot 16 J2r -a * -11 : f^-,: -l "J2ra-ia ialn 335 7.4 CAUSALITY The range ofintegration reduces to positive values of /, since E : 0 for / < 0. Transforming the differential equation and making use of relation (7.7) for the transform of the derivative, we find -imai I yi : -rfi,o! E@-ia) 1 and thus ilar; -1 : eEs Jz" - e @ - ico)(ima 1 Eo ^"" - y) 1 (7.16) J2n @*ia)(a-fiy/m7 Now we invert the transform: i1r;: hl_: e) ' En I' nx " Jzr 1 ko * ia)(o * iy lm) "-iat 7. We can use the residue theorem to evaluate the integral if we close the contour with a big semicircle.8 For / > 0 we close the semicircle downward, while for r < 0 we must close upward. But for / < 0 the electron has felt no force, and so i must remain zero. Thus, causality9 requires that the transform have no poles in the upper half-planel The poles of our integrand are at (D : -ia and o : -iy /m, and both are in the lower half-plane (Figure 7.4). Notice that one of these poles is contributed by the differential equation (-iy lm), and one by the driving force (-icv). It is at this point that the initial conditions enter our solution. Im (rrr) Re (rrr) FIGURE 7.4. Contour for inverting the transform (7.16) when r > 0. Both poles are in the lower half-plane and thus are inside the contour. 8see Chapter 2, Section 2.7.3, especially Examples 2.20 and2.2l. 9This argument proves important in deciding where to put the integration path when there is a pole on the real axis. See Chapter 2, Section 2.7.3. 336 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS For / > 0 we integrate around the lower contour. The contour is traversed clockwise, so we introduce a minus sign. The solution for r > 0 is i(r) / : !!ior-ro,, 2rm /m)t e-i(-ia)t \r-n+ota* "-i(-iy (-iy /m -f ia) : '"o (r-ot - r-hty am-y It is easy to verify that i : O at t :0, and also that i -+ 0 as t -> oo. 7.5. USE OF FOURIERTRANSFORMS INTHE SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The solution of a partial differential equation will be a function of two or more variables. If the equation is linear, we can apply the transform operator in one or more of the variables to obtain either an ordinary'differential equation or an algebraic equation. In this section, we show how to apply these techniques to two common partial differential equations. 7.5.1. The Wave Equation J.5. Suppose an infinitely long cable is pulled up at .r : 0, so that its shape is described by the function f (x),: \s-lxl/a, and then let go. What is the subsequent motion of the cable? The equation of motion for the cable is the wave equation (3.15): Exampte o2y: ui*' ,ozy aP Let's transform the equation with respect to space and time. We define the transform as follows: i(t<,a): *rE y(x, t) "-ikx-tiat 4* 49 I l l and, conversely, y(x,t): !2n [** f* ,rn,11"ik*-i't J-* J-* "Then the transformed equation is a- i a a- -(t)'Y : -U'k'Y ko-uk)(a*uk)j:g dkao IN THE SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFEBENTIAL 7.5 USE OF FOURIER TRANSFORMS EQUATTONS 337 One solution to this equation is the trivial solution i : 0, but this is not the solution we want. We might be tempted to say that the equation is solved by taking o - *.uk, but we want a solution for the transform i@, k). The transform is zero except where a : fsft-v property that is reminiscent of delta functions. The nonzero solution that we need is j : A(k)6(a - uk) + B(k)8@ * uk) since we have already established that x6(x) is the zero distribution (Chapter 6, Section 6.3). The equation becomes + B(k)(ot - uk)(co * uk)6(to'f uk) : A(k)(to* uk) x O * B(k)(c,t- uft) x 0 : 0 A(k)(a * uk)(a - uk)6(a - uk) as required. Then the solution for y(.r, y(x, t) t) is : I /+oo /"+oo tattlo ; J _* ;/__ (o - uk) * * B(k)s(a uk)l ,ikx-iat 4p 4, : ! [** ,ik'[A(k)"-iukt * B(k)e+i'ktf dk 2n J-* This expression shows that the displacement of the cable is a sum of rightward-moving and leftward-moving waves. 0y To solve for the remaining unknowns, we must use the initial conditions that /0t :0 and y - 11"-lxl/a at t : O. Thus, y(r,0) :* I:: ,ik'tA(k)+ B(ft)l dk - he-txt/a and #1,:,: * I:: iukeik*1-A1k) + B(k))dk: o From the second of these relations we conclude that A : B, while from the first we may make use of relation (7.3) with a : l/a to write the transform of the initial condition on y: t, ha Y : 1-... alL\ zl+kzaz tE-""-' -'l A(K): ha TTFT So, finally, our solution is t- nu r-Foo ^ikx I :----(e-ivt't + e+iukt)dk y(x,t\ "- 2o J-* lrk2al 338 7 CHAPTER FOUFIER TRANSFORMS To do this integral, we use the residue theorem: hf+*1 ^ y(x,t)--L, ztra J-* &+i/a)(k-ilat tlsikx-ivkt+eikx+iukt)dk There are two simple poles on the imaginary axis at k : Ii /a. lst term: Case I: x - ut < 0. We must close the contour downward, thus enclosing the pole at k : -i / a. Then the integral along the big semicircle is zero, by Jordan's lemma. We traverse the contour clockwise. Thus, 2ni ei(-i)(x-ut)/a :;i ,k-ut)/a it:_*ii z Ji Case k : li II: x - ut > 0. We must close the contour upward, enclosing the pole at /a. The result is tr:ih2ni 2nd term: Case III: x * ut < 2n "i(i)(x-ut)/a x :h "-(x-vt)/a 2 0. We close downward and get i ex+Dt tz---=-,.-- "i(-i)(x1-ur)/a -,. Lft -ztCase [V: x I ut > /a z^ 0. We close upward. The result is iz: 2ni ei(i)(x*utl/a *ii , :;i e-@+Dt)/a z Finally, we put all this together: If x < -ut for / > 0, then also x < y(x,t) If -ut h "(x-ut)/a u/, so we have Case I and Case III: I "@)-vt)/a : he"/o"orh A a < x < ut, then we have Case I and Case IV: Y(x't) - oe(x-ut)/a +2e-G+u')/a - |rr-ut/a cosh 1 a If x > ut, then we have Case I[ and Case IV: 4 Y\x,t): h"-(x-rt)la 2-"-G*ut)/a - he-xlo { "orh a This solution is shown in Figure 7.5. The initial peak at x : 0 propagates both rightward and leftward along the string and decreases in magnitude with time. The 7.5 USE OF FOURIER TBANSFORMS 339 IN THE SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS displacement is never negative, so the string does not oscillate as we might have expected. This is a consequence of the infinite length of the string and the fact that the wave is propagating in one dimension (along a line-the string). Y(x, t) I I 0.F 0.6 ..'a't. \ --::..... !a -5-4-3-2-1012345 FIGURE 7.5. Shape of the string in Example 1.5 at ut /a: 0, l, and 2. 7.5.2. The Diffusion Equation 7.6. At t : 0, a small amount of mud of mass rn is introduced at the point : x { into an infinitely long pipe of cross-sectional area A, containing fresh water. Example Determine the distribution of mud in the pipe at times t > 0. The appropriate differential equation is the diffusion equation (equation 3. l4): Dp . _n _o2p E-"ar2 where D is the diffusion coefficient for the problem. The boundary conditions are p:0forallxfort < 0,andp -+ 0asx + oo. Att:0,allthemudisconcentrated at one point. We may model the density as a delta function: p(x,O):YX, - t) Since the differential equation is first order in time, we may be successful by taking the Fourier transform with respect to x only: F&,t): I h /^+- J_* or*,t1e-ik* dx Transforming the whole equation with respect to.r, we get the first-order equation ai : At -k2 Di 340 oHAPTERTFoURTERTRANsFoRMs which has the solution i : The initial conditions determine io fu"-k2Dt /s: : v(k,q : h lll ,r,,01 e-ik' dx 1 /.+oo ::+m I tk - t\e'ik, dx AJ2n J-* :7*e-ikl m Thus, we have v&,t):|ff"-|"' and transforming back gives p(x,t):ft+,f*"^o (ikx - ikt - k2D\dk To do the integral, we complete the square: k2 Dt + ik((. -o : (*Jot .,#)' * la =!f Thus, p(x,t):T+^,(-i+) /_ *, (r-*,?)'foo lNow let u : kJ Dt + p(x,,) i(t - x)/2.,,fii, : T* "-, m I '72"trDt and thus du : tDt (-#) t::::H dk. Then we have e-"' :h ( (x-l)2\ "^o \- o- / Thus, the mud distribution is a Gaussian that spreads with time while the maximum density decreases (Figure 7.6). 7.6 FOURIER TRANSFORMS AND POWER SPECTRA 341 4 p(x) m (''... /'2 S-4., -5-4-3-2-1012345 FIGURE 7.6. Distributionof mudin Example 7.6for and 2 m (dotted line) and I : 0. x(m) JDt : l12m(solidline), I m (dashedline), 7.6. FOURIER TRANSFORMS AND POWER SPECTRA The Fourier transform relates the time dependence of a function f(t) to the frequency dependence ofthe transforn F(a). Thus, it is a useful tool for analyzing the frequency components present in a physical system. One of the most common applications is to the electromagnetic power radiated by a system. An accelerated charge radiates. The power radiated per unit area of wavefront is given by the Poynting flux: S= ExB Po Far from the source, i is perpendicular to both fi and fr: k(E.E) Using dA : - E(k.E) r2d{2, we find that the power radiated per unit solid angle is 4! :rr13,1-"t' dA LLoc 342 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS where E and hence P are functions of time. Then the total energy radiated per unit solid angle is ry: [** Lfr',(Dat dA J-Foc Using Parseval's theorem (equation 7.71), we may write this in terms of an integral over the transform of E: ry: [**'fr:@)aa dQ J-tLoc Thus, the energy radiated per unit solid angle per unit angular frequency is +:da Li,@).i.(,) dQ (7.r7) LLoc which is the power spectrum. The electric field due to an accelerated charge in nonrelativistic motion has two parts: the Coulombfieldthatdecreases aslf r2 andtheradiationfieldthatdecreases asl/r.Thus,at large distances from the charge, the electric field is dominated by the radiation field, which takes the form (Jackson, Chapter 14) *E: skx(txd) 4nw+ : d2*/ dt2 is the acceleration of the charge and fi is a unit vector along the direction ofpropagation. Therefore, the energy radiated per unit solid angle per unit angular frequency is independent of the distance r to the source, and d2 W / dQ do may be expressed in terms of the time transform of the charge's position, since d(ar) : -ro2i.(to) (by the derivative property, Section'7 .3.3): where d d2w : '" ^ : q2 iN&;AFaa ) ^,1-,, cr (4n)zes where d is the angle between d and [. Integrating over the angles, with pc dw : ; q2 1*'1a112 sin2 e : ,a lir(r)12 sin2 (7.18) e cos 9, we find r*l 4,0 l*(,)12 (r", J_, - Fffi,a r,2)drt : r!3 cs(4n)zeo ,,1'.^ ,a 1fi.(r)lz : -{ra bft c" eo Bko)12 ('t.ts) 343 7.7 SINE AND COSINETRANSFORMS 7.7. Find the power spectrum radiated by the electron whose motion we considered in Example 7.4. Example Here it is more convenient to write d1a-l; ln terms of i(ro) so that we can use equation (7.16) forthe transform ofthe electron velocity. The electron radiates energy per unit angular frequency: I _l' I e2 .ledw _ q2 .,2e , : lv(all' l-En ---:-tD- t'r-tt 6o1310* li"t J2" @*irr)@+iy/m)l d, 6113^,2 ,4 E3 -0)z (7.20) - 12n2*2r3 eo (a2 * a2)la2 + 0 /m)21 The power spectrum (equation 7 .20) is shown in Figure -7 .7 . The spectrum peaks at o- Juffi. dw dt I L I t I i 45 Id 6'7 FIGURE 7.7. Power spectrum radiated by the electron in Example 7.7 for y /m and y lm - 2a (dashed line). The frequency variable is : 0.5o (solid line) o/u. 7.7. SINE AND COSINE TRANSFORMS In Chapter 4, we saw that the Fourier series of an even function contains only cosines while the series of an odd function contains only sines. Similarly, we can construct sine and cosine transforms for odd and even functions. Sine and cosine transforns are used when either 1. the function f (x) is known to be even or odd or 2. the function is defined only forx > 0. 344 7 .7.1 Let cHAPTEFTFoURTERTRANSFoBMS . The Cosine Transform f (x) be defined for x > range 0, and let us make an even extension of the function to the .r < 0. Then the Fourier transform of the extended function is F(k): # I:: ysle-ikr dx : -* (lt (x) *ral "-ikx 4, * Io** f e-ik' dx) : (i # (- /: f G,u) "ik' du * lo** f e-tk' dx) : # lo** fr*rrrikx + e-ikx) dlx , F(k) : ,l: lr.* /(x) cos kx dx = F"(k) /(r). which is the Fourier cosine transform of the original function transform is an even function of /c: Fc(-k) : ? 7f lo** /(x) Io** /(x) cos (7.21) Note that the cosine (-kx) dx cos kx dx : Fc(k) The inverse transform is given by 6 .f r+o (x): rl1 I Y 7t Jo F"(k)coskxdk To verify this expression, we expand out the cosine: f(x): : h (1.- F"(k) eik' dk + Io** r"Q<) e-ik' ate) (7.22) l l I 7.7 SINE AND COSINE Now let rc -- -k in the second term, and use the fact that F"(ft) is an even function of k: f (x) : : Thus, equatiot 7.7 .2. The TRANSFORMS 345 (7 Si ne h (lr* # I** F"1k1eik' oo '"n' "ik' - Io-* F.(-r) ,i-' a*) dk .22) corresponds to the usual inversion relation (7.2). Transform The sine transform is defined similarly by making an odd extension of /. The Fourier transform of the extended function is F(k): : : # I_: r@)e-ik'dx h (l'*ro, "-ikx 6* * h(- /: f ?u) "iku du lo** * Io** f (i e-tk- dx) d* lo** fr*rr"-ikx - "ik'; r+* : -i tl lT I /(x) sin k-r dx : -i UTJo = f (x) e-ik' dx) h F"(k) where the sine transform is defined by F.(k) = (7.23) which is an odd function of fr. Again the inverse is f (x) : ,l 1 lr.* F,(k) sinkx dk (7.24) 346 cHAPTERzFoURTERTRANSFoRMS Let's verify equation (7.24): tl lT r+* Fs(k) sinkx dk : ; J, tl:*/*- nror< eikx : ,11+(1.* : # I** - e-ikx)dk '!!,' "'o' oo oro, "ik' dk * lo-* Fl--*) "'.' d*) : f (x) as required. 7.7.3. Use of the Sine and GosineTransforms Like the Laplace and Fourier transforms, the sine and cosine transforms prove to be useful tools for solving differential equations. Thus, wti: will need the transforms of derivatives of a function in terms of the transform of the original function. Let's start by finding the cosine transform ofdfldx: t; : _V;f ro1+ftrs(k) The transform of the derivative brings in the initial condition /(0), as is the case with the Laplace transform, but it also mixes up the sine and cosine transforms. The Fourier cosine transform of df I dx is k times the Fourier sine transform of / (x). A similar mixing occurs with the sine transform: ^(#):,11 l,** ffsinkxdx ,11(tsinkxlf -olo** : _kF"(k) This time no initial conditions appear. f cosrcxdx) 7.7 SINE AND COSINETRANSFORMS 347 We get back the transform we started with (sine or cosine) when we look at the second derivative: #.:o.r^(#) 4!^ ,:o+ df dx ,:o kl-kFc&)l - k2 p.(k) (7.2s) and '"(#) : _r^(#) : : (#) ^ r, -/. (- |] 17 r <ot - k2 rror+ k*(k)) r"(k) (7.26) These results suggest that the sine and cosine transforms will be most useful in solving differential equations that have only even derivatives or only odd derivatives. The choice of transform will be determined by the initial conditions that are given. For second-order equations: . If the value of the function is known at x : 0, use the sine transform. . If the value of the first derivative of the function is known at x : 0, use the cosine transform. If we were to use the Laplace transform method, we would nee d both initial conditions . It appears that we can get away with only one condition if we use the sine or cosine transform. But it is implicit in the Fourier transform (sine or cosine) that the function /(x) approach zero as r --> oo, and this provides our second boundary condition. No such constraint is needed with the Laplace transform. Example 7.8. Use a Fourier ffansform to solve the equation d2v 77-d"Y:o with the boundary conditions y(0) : y0 and y -+ 0 as r + oo. 348 oHAPTERTFoURTERTRANSFoRMS Since we are given y(0), we use the sine transform: "IT -k2f,(v) + r1f ;n - o2F,1v1 = s The solution for the transform is l, ,rvn F,(y): l;eld Now the inverse is y(x): ,l: I,* li;+rsinkxdk The integrand is even in rk, so we can extend the range of integration: I /Poo kvn ,ikx - ,-ikx t\x):;J__Ffr , ar We use the residue theorem to evaluate the integral. The integand has poles at k : *ia. For the first term, we close the contour upward (remember t t 0), and the integral around the big semicircle is zero, by Jordan's lemma. Only the pole at k : *ic is inside the contour (see Figure 7.1), and we get 1 [* L_ ,!!e t ro dk _ ,i{ro1, _ 2ia 2ri J -* & * ia)(k - iq)"ik, !.o 2 "-ax Similarly, for the second term we close downward, enclosing the pole at k Iz: I /Poo fr J--G * kyo ia)(k - ia)"-ikx 41, : -ia: - _-ioro "-i(-ia)x - -l!2-,-ox -2ia where the extra minus sign accounts for the fact that we go around the contour clockwise. Combining the two terms, we find )(x): h-Iz:loe-ax which is the expected result. Let's x :0, see how the solution goes using the Laplace transform. We don't k'now dy so let's call it b. r2Y(r)-slo- b-a2Y:o -i------ru-slo*b - s' d,' - /dx at TRANSFORMS 349 7.7 SINE AND COSINE Inverting,lo we get : y(x) yo cosh cr.r +4 a sinh cx Now the second boundary condition requires that the positive exponential terms in this result sum to zero, so we need yo+!:o+ b:-ato a Then the solution is y(x): yg(coshcux - sinhcux) : yoe-dx as we obtained before. If we can always use the Laplace transform in this way, why should we bother with sine and cosine transforms? The answer is that we cannot always use the Laplace transform. 7.9. Suppose the system in Example 7.8 is. now driven by a function /(x), where the exact functional form is for the moment unknown. Find y(x) in terms of Example f (x). In this case, the Laplace transform becomes b F rz-qz- s2-.,2 svn -l- i: To invert the second term, we use the convolution theorem (equation 5 . 17). The inverse is y(x) :y0 coshcvr + I sinhar aJoq * [' ,rrrsirtha(x - E) o, Until we evaluate the convolution integral, we cannot make use of the boundary condition at infinity. However, if we use the sine transform, we get .fs()) l, kyo- F,(f) : y;F *7 trTA To invert this expression, we need to work out the convolution theorem for the sine transform: r;ttt"(f)a(s)l : rl: Ir* F"(f)F,(d sinkx dk lZ /^oo I/ lZ - foo g)sinkt d€ \ F,@ | ; J, f ll ; J, ) sinkx dk :?ltJo[* f @ Jo [* r,(s)]tcosr(x -f) -cosk(r +€)tdkd€ z louse partial fractions and Table 5.1, or use the Mellin inversion integral. 3s0 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS F;t[F"(f)F,(g)] : r[* Jzn Jo f G)tE@ - 5) - E@ + €)ld€ (7.27) where E@): F;rtF,(dl is the inverse cosine tansform of .Fr(g). To solve our problem, we need the inverse of G(t) : ll(k2 + q.2). This function is even, but fortunately we need its inverse cosine transform. The method closely follows what we did in Example 7.8, the only difference being the lack of the factor k in the numerator. (See also Example 7.1.) i@): r;' (Fld) : : I : f* 'ikx 1 e-ik' " & l-* 4*'ao4"* li ,-"' 2tri f ,itir)* ,-i(-ia)x\ ft (td6 - t-,6 ): ''li; (x > o) greater than zero, x - f is not, because f ranges from zero since we took the inverse cosine transform, the function f(x) to infinity. However, this example, must be even. In E@) : Ji-f2(s-ulxl/cv). Then the solution of our is differential equation Although x is always v(x) : roe-o, * * Ir* f G)@-"1,-E1 _ r-u(x+€)y 6q : loe-dx * * (lr. f G) s-a(x-1) aE + l,* -* Ir* rro e"@-il d€) f (ile-d(x+€) d€ : e-ax (*. * d€ lo' rcleo€ - * *# l,* f c)e-"€ Ir* rlsve-"e as) aq which clearly obeys the condition y(x) + 0 as .r /, provided that its Fourier transform exists. -+ oo no matter what the function PROBLEMS 351 We conclude this discussion by finding the convolution theorem for the cosine transform: r;tlr"$)F"(s)l : rlZ f U 7T Jo F"u)F"(s)coskx dk : l? ,"G) (,li coskxdk l,* lo* rc,cos/,6d6) :1 F;tlF"(f)F"(s)l lr* : r"Glf @)tcosk(x - llooI Jn Jo f G)tsM - 5) + cosk(x + €)ldkd€ 6l) + s(x + E)ld€ (7.28) This time the functions are not mismatched with the transform, but we must take the even extension ofg when evaluating S@ - €) for f > r. PROBLEMS 1. Find the Fourier transform of the following functions, and verify your results by computing the inverse transform. " _x2-l 4x-ll3 (a) 1 (b) e-"'2 cos px (c) I {x) @ coshax 1"1 x< otr,.r*ir. : * [o l(t) : if 0 < ( (rr-o' [o if I t>o otherwise (0 --+---t x'+a' 2. Invert the following (a) F(ft): transforms to find the corresponding functions: t-2ik l+4k2 I l(b)lr(k):11,.1r (c) F(ft) : 1 i sinh ak - 352 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS istheFouriertransform of f(x), showthat idF/dk isthetransform ofxf(x). What conditions must F(ft) satisfy for this result to hold? 4. Verify Parseval's theorem in the form of equation (7.10) by evaluating the transforms of the functions /(x) : cos pr and g(.r) : s-ax2 and evaluating the two integrals in 3. IfF(t) equation (7.10). S Verify Parseval's theorem in the form ofequation (7.11) by evaluating the transform of (t if -1<x<l [o otherwise /(x) : f (x)2 and F (t) F(/c) isthetransform of f (x),then(lla)F(k/a)isthetransform 2 and evaluating the integral s of 6. Provethatif 7. I | . of f (ax). Show that the result is consistent with Parseval's theorem. Find the Fourier transform of the function : r(t) (Acosri,nt if -T<t<T [o otherwise 2 that represents a finite train of data. Plot the Fourier power spectrum I F (ar) | as a function I andaoT 10. Comment. What happens as 7 increases of arT forthe two cases ar6Z : : toward infinity? 8. Find the Fourier transform of if -T<t<T r,-\ : [l-vtt, \o 'l trr otherwise Hence find the transform of the function (t I g(r):(-1 [o S if -T<r<o ifO<r<I otherwise Strow that the square deviation between two functions, o: [** J-a V@) - g(x)12 dx equals the square deviation between the transforms, o: r+oo J_* tF(ft) - G(DP dk 10. A spring-and-dashpot system satisfies the equation d2x dx . AV+2aV+ofix:f(t) I I l PROBLEMS with @0 > cy. The driving force per unit mass f (t) : for 11. t > 0. Find x(l) for "f (t) is zero for 353 / < 0 and e-ot sin Q/ t > 0, and verify thatyour method gives x : 0 for / < 0. An electron in an atom may be modeled classically as a damped harmonic oscillator (compare with Problem l0 above). The electron is driven by an incoming EM wave with electric field E(t) : Eo(sin At)/fu for -oo < t < oo. What is the appropriate /(l) for this problem? Solve for the transform .r(ar) of the electron's position. Use the results of Section 7.6 to determine the power spectrum of the radiated energy. Plotyourresultsinthecase q - 10,9:2on. ogf Comment. 12. The electric displacement D is related to the electric field B by the dielectric constant €. In general, e is a function of frequency, so the relationship is one between the Fourier transforms of D and E: rt@, (a) r'>) : e(tDfr,.;, a) Show that the relationship between f,1x, D(x, r) : E(r, t) r; and i(-r, t) is /n OO + I G(z)E(x, t J-* t) dt and determine an expression for G(r) in terms of e(co). (b) Find G(t) for the one-resonance model e(0))-r*a#_* where ap, ar6, and y are real positive constants and y < ag. (c) Discuss the physical meaning of your result. Be specific. An electron in an atom may be represented by a damped harmonic trl quency i &D ang damping rate f . (Compare with Problem 10 with 2a electric field E0) acts on the electron. Find the Fourier transform i position as a function of time. If the electron loses energy at a rate P use Parseval's theorem to show that the total energy loss is i LU:- I e2 m /^oo I J-* @?o-rt)t+@:212 Note that the integmnd is sharply peaked at @ - a,l6, while E(ar) is a slowly varying function, and so the integral may be approximated as LU : -2 LtfrtuDP .oo a2l I _*6=#9**0, Evaluate the integral by contour integration to show that AU is independent of f , and AU. (In this expression, @s and f are real positive constants, and > f .) hence find 354 CHAPTER 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS 14. The radon problem. Radon diffuses from the ground into the atmosphere at a rate r (atoms/m2.s). Model the atmosphere as a semi-infinite medium with boundary (the ground) at y : 0. Then the density p(y,t) of atmospheric radon is described by the equation Do 02o u-"aF' -)'P where D is the appropriate diffusion coefficient and boundary condition at the ground is apl d lr- : constant : I is the decay rate for radon. The -cY What is the boundary condition at y --> oo? Use the Fourier cosine transform in y to derive an integral expression for p(y, r) in the case that p(y,O): 0. Evaluate 0pl1t at / : 0, and hence determine a in terms of r and D. Extra credit: Obtain expressions for p(0, t) and p(y, oo), and obtain p(y, r) as an integral over /. : I cm2 is initially at 15oC. At time / : 15. A long copper rod of cross-sectional area A one end (at x 0) is placed into a vat of hot - 0, oil at 300'C. (a) Refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.2.5. Write the equation lhat describes the change of temperature at position x along the rod at time /. (b) Write an expression for the temperature I(x) of the rod immediately after the end is placed in the oil. (c) Discuss the use of Fourier and/or Laplace transforms in solving this equation. What determines the best choice of transform for this problem? (d) Find the temperature of the rod as a function of position and time for / > 0. (e) Given the following data for copper, plot the temperature along the first 5 m of the / : 0.5, 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 s. Thermal conductivity: 400 heat: 385 J/kg.K; density: 8.96 kg/m3. rod at times 16. Wm.K; specific A long beam is resting on an elastic foundation. The equation satisfied by the beam displacement is ur d4v lF : q@) - ay(x) 4(x) is the load and q is a constant describing the elastic properties ofthe foundation. If the load is concentrated toward the center of the beam, then we may assume that y -+ 0 as x -+ too. Transform the equation, and find Y(k) in terms of Q(k). Solve for the beam displacement if where (a) q(x) (b) q(x) : Mg6(x - a) : (MglL)[S(x - a + L/2) - S(x - a - L/2)l PROBLEMS 355 e-t sinx, find (a) the Fourier sine transform (b) the Fouriercosine transform 18. For the function x€-o', where c is a real positive constant, find 17. For the function @ (b) m" Fourier sine transform the Fourier cosine transform thefunction 19. ShowthattheFouriercosinetransformof lz t xp-r for0 < p < 1is D,t ,,1;*cos7r(P) Hence show that the function 1 / Ji is its own cosine transform. Obtain similar results for the sine transform. (The results of Chapter 2, Section 2.9 may prove useful.) [Z0l Oetermine the form of Parseval's theorem (equation 7.10 and 7.ll) that applies to the cosine transform. 21. The magnetic field in a conducting medium diffrrses away according to the equation TH(x,t) 02H(x,t): lto ox2 at Solve this equation by taking the Fourier transform in space. Find I1(.r, netic field att :0 is a step function: t) if the mag- (no it-d/2<x<d/2 |.0 otherwise II(x.0) : { Express your answer in terms of the error function (Appendix IX). 22. At t : 0, the distribution of chlorine in a pipe of water is given by p(x, O) : pos-'2/o2 t > 0 in terms of the diffusion coefficient D. E3.l Develop a three-dimensional version of the convolution theorem. Use the result to obtain the solution of Poisson's equation Find the distribution of chlorine for V2(D : -P(i) 60 f, as an integral over space. Hint: lJse spherical coordinates to do the integration ou", and use the principal value in the integral over k. Evaluate the resulting integral explicitly if p(i) : 46(i). 24. Find the three-dimensional Fourier transform of the charge distribution p(i): ooI!r +7t This transform is called the form factor of the charged particle. 356 25. CHAPTER Tiake the 7 FOURIER TRANSFORMS Fourier transform of the three-dimensional wave equation 02s ift-u'Y"s:f(*'t) and solve for the transform S([, a.r). Show that the introduction of a damping force (through the addition of a term u 0s /0t on the left-hand side) moves the poles off the real axis. Invert the transform in the case cv -+ 0 for the cases (a) (i, t) : s-rla61l), where r is distance from the origin "f (b) ,f (i, r) : 6(*)d(r) 26. At / : 0, the distribution of salt in a pipe of fresh water is given by 1\ p(x,o):pol/ sinax+ 4) ,* Solve the diffusion equation (for example, equation 3.14 and Section 7.5.2) to find the salt distribution at t > 0 in terms of the diffirsion coefficient D. Hint: The result of Problem 5 may prove useful. 27. Sum the series 2p -11 i,-'," x2+(zp+t)2 p:0 by taking the Fourier transform of each term, summing the series in the transform space, and then transforming back. [2&l Use the derivative rule (7.6) and the symmetry property of Fourier transforms to evaluate the tralsform of x'. Check your result by ,inverting the transform. 29. The differential equation that describes the evolution of neutron density p is opp DY2P: S6(i)6(r) Dt't - -!_ r is the neutron lifetime and D is the diffusion coefficient. The source is a point source S at i : 0, / : 0, and the initial condition is p(i, 0) : 0. Using any method of your choice, find the density p(i, t) of neutrons for t > 0. where CHAPTER 8 Sturm-Liouville Theory 8.1. THE STURM-LIOUVILLE PROBLEM Many differential equations describing physical systems can be reduced to one or more linear ordinary differential equations of the form d/ dr\ @)E dx \f ) where u.r(x) > 0 on the range conditions of the form - e@)Y * )"u(x)Y : (8.1) 0 o < x < b and the solution y(x) qt -l dv 0 atx: Ari dx - also obeys boundary a (8.2) and qzY dv * flz-i dx -0 atx:b We want to determine values of the constant ). for which there are nontrivial solutions This is called the Sturm-Liouville problem. If dyldx: 0 (Neumannconditions),otif p : a :0 y(r). the boundary condition simplifies to 0theconditionis y : 0(Dirichletconditions). The constants o and p cannot both be zero. An example of a Sturm-Liouville problem that we have already seen (Chapter 4, Section 4.4.2) is the problem of waves on a string with fixed ends. Using separation of variables, we reduced the partial differential equation to two ordinary differential equations s2v !+ +k2x:o dxz (8.3) 357 358 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY and tI*k2u2T:o dtz with the boundary conditions in x: X(0):X(L):O' The differential equation for X is of the form (8.1) with /(x) = 1, g(x) : 0, and w(x) : 1. Also, the boundary conditions have p; : 0, so they are Dirichlet conditions. The solutions to this problem are a set of sine functions sin/cr with a specified set of values for k: k : nr lL. These are the eigenvalues for the problem, and the resulting functions X"(x) : sinnn x f L are the eigenfunctions. We also found that these functions have a property called orthogonality (for example, equations 4.3 and 4.12): - : fL sinnirxsinmrx dx a , J, L ^ 26^n We shall see that all problems of Sturm-Liouville type have a similar structure-the general solution is a linear combination of orthogonal eigenfunctions. 8.1.1. Orthogonalaty of the Eigenfunctions First, let us show that solutions corresponding to different eigenvalues are orthogonal on the interval (a,b) with respect to the weight function u.r(x). Suppose that there is a set of solutions y^(x) to equation (8.1) called eigenfunctions, with corresponding eigenvalues ).., and that these solutions also satisfy the boundary conditions (8.2). Then for one solution labeled y., - s<aw t * ('o'*) )'^w(x)Y* : (8.4) Q while for a second solution labeled yr, *(,*,*) - g(x)y" l')'nw(x)y, - (8.s) Q Now we multiply equation (8.a) by yr, multiply equation (8.5) by term g(x)y-yn cancels, and we are left with y^, and subtract. The ,"ft(ratff) - ,** Q atff) t (),^ - )'n)w(x)v^vn : e Next we integrate the whole equation over the range of interest, -{ : a to x : b: (ratff)ldx-()"n-)"^) f,b '{*)Y^Y' a' (8.6) 8.1 THE STURM-LIOUVILLE PROBLEM 359 On the left-hand side, we integrate by parts. The first term is o ,,* (ror*) dx: vnr(xr*u"- b dY' ,r*rdY^ o, dx"' dx Clearly the integrated term vanishes if we have Dirichlet ()" : 0) or Neumann (dy^ ldx = 0) conditions at each of the two boundaries. In the general case, we may use the boundary conditions (8.2) to eliminate the derivative yt at each boundary, giving r(b)y,(b)(-;r-*r) - r(a)y,(a)(-;r-rr) - l"' = -firrot,@)y*(b) All three parts of this expression +frf are <o)r,(a)ym@) symmetricinm - I,' rofrffo. ,or*ffa- and n. We get an identical contribution from the second term on the left-hand side of (8.6), and they subtract to give zero. Thus, the left-hand side reduces to zero, and so the right-hand side must be zero too. There are two possibilities: o either Lm: Ln and m: whichl means that n lm = !n, oOf w(x)y^y, dx : O (8.7) Equation (8.7) is the orthogonality integral that we set out to find. Notice that the eigenfunctions y*(x) are weighted by the function u(x). [In the case of the string problem (equation 8.3), the weighting function is identically equal to 1.1 There are two other important cases in which the left-hand side of equation (8.6) reduces to zeto. If the function f (x) has the value zero at x : a and x : b,then the integrated term is zero no matter what the boundary conditions on y(x), provided that y(.r) remains finite. We shall see that this is the case for Legendre's equation.2 Finally, if yy' f has period (b - a), then the integrated term vanishes. I See Section 8. 1.3 for the degenerate case )"w 2Section 8.3.1. : Ln with m I n l l l 360 cHAprER I sruRM-LrouvrLLE rHEoRy When equation (8.7) is satisfied, the set of eigenfunctions yn(x) forms a complete orthogonal set on the interval [a, b]. This means that any reasonably well-behaved function /(-r) defined for a < x < b can be expanded in a series of eigenfunctions: f (x):Donrn@) (8.8) n=O where the coefficients an may be found, as we did with the Fourier series (Chapter 4), by multiplying both sides of relation (8.8) by w(x)y^(x) and integrating over the range a to b. Only the one term in the sum withm : /, survives the integration, and um- I! f @)v^(*)w(x)dx (8.e) Illv^@)lzw(x) dx As we found with the Fourier series in Chapter 4, the sum converges to the function in the mean; that is, *ry,* l,u [ro, - L^r,or) w(x)dx :o We can also obtain a useful relation, called the completeness relation, by inserting the expression for a" (8.9) into equation (8.8): f (x) : fn:o I! f t'')Y'(!')w(x') dx' In ,,rr, where 7b In: I Ja lyn(x)l2w(x)dx Interchanging the sum and the integral, we have yn@)yn(xt)w(x') f(x): I,u ro'ri -ax In , , l 361 8.1 THE STURM.LIOUVILLE PROBLEM Since the quantity multiplying f (x') in the integrand exhibits the sifting property (Chapter 6, equation 6.2),we may conclude that i yn(x)yn@')w(x') : In n=O 6(x - x') (8.10) Equation (8.10) is the completeness relation for the set of eigenfunctions yr(r). 8.1.2. Reality of the Eigenvalues Even if the functions f (x), g(x), and u.r(x) are real, the eigenfunctions may be complex. i" a solution to Again equation (8.3) offers an example, since the complex function "ikx this equation. But, provided that the weight function is real and w(x) > 0 on (4, D), the eigenvalues are real even if the eigenfunctions not. To prove this result and demonstrate the orthogonality relation, we take the complex conjugate of equation (8.1): ft (r<aff) - sr'rf * Llw(x)vi:s (8.1 1) Using a method similar to that used in proving orthogonality, we multiply equation (8.1) by yfi and equation (8.11) by y^ and subtract. Again the term in g(x) subtracts away, and we have ,^ft (r<.t#) - *ft (ra>*) . Now we integrate over the rarrge x two terms by parts. We then have (t-ratff : e to - v;f @*)1, x: (^tr - x^)w(x)v1v^:0 b, as we did before, integrating the first : u, - ^D I, w@)vf,v^ dx We can make the left-hand side zero with appropriate boundary conditions, as we did in the case ofreal eigenfunctions (Section 8.1.1). Then, if m : n, 0: The integral is (ln - ),D pb I Ja > 0 if w(x) > w|)y|yn dx : 0, since lynl2 )'n and the eigenvalues are real. t ,0 pb (),n - ),tr) I Ja w@)lynl2 dx no matter what the form of y,. Thus, : )tl' 362 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY We also obtain the orthogonality integral for complex functions: I"u *'*""'n : o' dx n+ (8.12) m 8.1.3. Degeneracy The above proofs fail if ),m - 1., for some m + n. Then we cannot conclude that the corresponding eigenfunctions y. and y, are orthogonal (athough in some cases they are). Ifthere are N eigenfunctions that have the same eigenvalue, then we have an N-fold degeneracy. In the case of double degeneracy, we can always construct two linear combinations of the eigenfunctions so that these new functions are orthogonal. Degeneracy reflects a symmetry of the underlying physical system. Suppose that we are looking for solutions of equation (8.3) with periodic boundary conditions: y(0) : y(L) and ]'(0) : y/(Z). (Recall that this was the final case we considered in establishing orthogonality in Section 8.1.1.) There are two eigenfunctions, sinknx and eos knx , with the same eigenvalue'. k, : 2nn I L. In this case of double degeneracy, these two eigenfunctions are orthogonal on the range x : 0 to x : l, as we established in Chapter 4. Homogeneity of space allows us to place the origin anywhere that we like. If we shift the origin by an amount x6, then, for example, a new eigenfunction is 2nnxg 2nr(x-xo):sin 2nttxcos,j-cos , , . sin 2nnx 2nrxg sin , L which is a linear combination of the previous two functions. The eigenvalues remain the ofthe system has not changed. Example 3.15 (potential in a box) shows what can happen in two dimensions. In that example, the equation for the functions of x and y was found to be same, as they must, since the physical behavior a2.f . a2 f ar'2+ uV+k'f :o The eigenfunctions are fnm : sin(nr x I I) sin(mr y / w), with corresponding eigenvalues 4- : 1n2 1t2 + m2 1w21t 2.If the box is square, I : u), the eigenfunctions f,^ nd f-n rtt-" ttr" same eigenvalue, reflecting the symmetry of the square.3 8.1.4. The Sturm-Liouville Operator as a Self-Adioint Operator We may write equation (8.1) in terms of an operator .C, where Ly= d/ E\f dv\ rr>--=, - s@)y 3There are additional degeneracies here, since in some cases we can obtain the same value values of m and n. See Problem 3 for another example. ^2 + n2 with several 8.2 USE OF STURM-LIOUVILLE THEOBY IN PHYSICS so equation 363 (8.1) is LY -l )"w(x)Y(r) : 0 Then the left-hand side of equation (8.6) may be written t; We have already shown that !nL!^ o* - I"u y^Lyn dx if the eigenfunctions y satisfy appropriate boundary conditions, then this difference is zero, or f"u ,'r,^ o, : I"u y*Ly, dx The operator,C is then said to be self-adjoint. 8.2. USE OF STURM.LIOUVILLE THEORY IN PHYSICS The Sturm-Liouville problem often arises in physics problems as a result of separating variables in a partial differential equation. Thus, there are usually two or more differential equations, each in a different variable, that are linked by a relation between the eigenvalues. The general method4 of solution is as follows: set of functions that satisfy each differential equation for arbitrary l. which coordinates have homogeneous boundary conditions (the function or 2. Determine is zero) at both ends ofthe range. These conditions are necessary ifwe are its derivative to have a Sturm-Liouville problem. 3. Choose the eigenfunction that satisfies one ofthe zero boundary conditions' 1. Determine the 4. Choose the eigenvalue to satisfy the second zero boundary condition. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other coordinates with two zero boundary conditions. 6. For the remaining coordinate, choose a solution that satisfies a zero boundary condition at one of the boundaries. The remaining condition must be a nonzero condition if the solution is nontrivial. 7. Write the general solution as a linear combination of the eigenfunctions you have found. 8. Use the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions to determine the unknown constants in the linear combination. Let's see how this plan works in an example. 8.1. Find the electrostatic potential inside an infinitely long rectangular wave guide with conducting walls. The guide measures a x b. One of the sides of length a is held at potential V; the other sides are grounded. Example 4see also Example 3.15. t 364 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY First we choose a coordinate system that fits the problem. With a rectangular system, we choose Cartesian coordinates and put the origin at one corner. Then the interior oftheguideisdefinedby0. x < a and0 < y < b (Figure8.1).Thepotential is independent of z. The differential equation satisfied by the potential is Laplace's equation: :0 V2o I b l_ 'I FIGURE E.1. The task in Example 8.1 is to determine the potential in the region O < x < a, 0 < y < b. The boundary conditions are that @ is zero on the sides at x : O, x : a, y : b has potential V. Separating variables, we let @ : X(x)Y (y), and y : 0. The side at and the differential equation becomes a2e a2o a2x a2Y -r : -r : v ;---^;--T dx' ;--.dy' ;--t, dx' dy' Dividing through by @ : XI, we have r a2x I a2Y xa7*Tarr:' where the first term is a function of -r only and the second is a function of y only. Thus, we can satisfy the equation for all values of x and y only if both terms are constants: I A2X X 0x2 - -), and I AzY ---A Y 8,tt -1 l 8.2 USE OF STURM.LIOUVILLE THEORY IN PHYSICS 36s We have chosen the same constant i, with the opposite sign in the second equation so that the two terms sum to zero, as required. Each of these equations is of Sturm-Liouville type with w(x) : 1. The boundary conditions in.r are f (x) = I, g(x) : 0, and X(0):X(a):Q making the problem in x (differential equation plus boundary conditons) a SturmLiouville problem. But the boundary conditions in y are Y(0) :0; Y(b): V and thus are not of the correct Sturm-Liouville form. Now let's follow the steps of the general method. . By choosing the Step 1. The solutions for X are exponentials of the form "+t"fi,x constant ). to be positive, we obtain complex exponentials, or sines and cosines that are linear combinations of the complex exponentials. The y-equation is of the same form and has real exponentials (or sinh r/-i,x, cosh JT'D as its solutions. Step 2.We have O : 0 at two values of x, so we look at the functions of .t first. Step 3. To satisfy the constraint X(0) : 0, we need a solution of the form sin kr, where ). : k2 has been chosen to be positive. Step 4. To obtain X(a) : 0, we must choose k so that ta is one of the zeros of the sine function-thatis, ka : wr, ot k : nn /a, for some integer n. These are the eigenvalues for the problem. Then the solutions for X are Xn : sinnnxf a.Tltese are the eigenfunctions in the variable x. Step 5 is not needed here. Step 6. Now that the separation constant I has been determined-it is (nn la)2-the equation for Y is a2Y r nn t,2 Ar2: \;) ' and the solutions are real exponentials. The function Y must be zero at appropriate linear combination that we need is the hyperbolic sine: Y : sinh /nfl \ \;, ) y - 0, so the Notice thatthe function I(y) contains the lengtha of the wave guide inthex-direction. This happens because the equations are coupled through the separation constant that was chosen to fit the boundary conditions in x. Step 7. The general solution is a linear combination of the eigenfunctions we have found: O(x, y) oo nrfx nTv : ) .cn sin sinh ' aa n:I - 366 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY Since each eigenfunction sin (nn x / a) sirr}r (nn y / a) is zero at the three boundaries : O, x : a, and y : 0, so is the linear combination. Step 8. The one remaining boundary condition is the value of O at ! : b: x V : oo <D(x, D :rrn"inry rinhno-b n:laa which is a Fourier sine series in x . We find the coefficients cn by using the orthogonality of the sines. We multiply both sides by sin (mt x la) and integrate: fa mfix / V sin o Jo -dx a / mnx\p : V- l-cos-ll mft \ a '/tO /4 3 nfix nnb mnx I ) cn sin a sinh a sin a Jo7:, -dx 3 nrb fa nrx mrx ) .cnsinh- / sin-sin-dr a JO The integral on the right-hand side is zero unless : 14 o 3 ,#f-cosmn + 1) : Icn _lu ,.. : a _ (_l)",1 ;cm m7fzQ sinh sinh a m,in which n:l V a case iteqaals a12: nnbra T (Zu,^) mnb _ Thus, Cm: V - (-t)-l 2lt mn sinh(mnbla) and the complete solution is 2vs. O(x,y):-)1Tu N:T [1 - (-l)',] n sinh (nnb Since only odd values ofn contribute [1 for n odd], we may write n :2m * 7: o(x.r,)-_4v3 ) 2^2m 71 m:(l /a) - (-l)' : sin nftx nftv _ sinh ' AQ 0 for n even and 1 - (-l)" :2 (2m*l)ny I * | | (2m I ., + l;zx'l srnn " " .-:OtT7W | srnh - 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS 367 . Let's see how this solution looks. Figure 8.2 shows the sum of the first ten terms at various values of y, with b : 2a. Notice how the solution approaches the value Q I V : 1 as y approaches b, while maintaining the value zero at the boundaries in x. q v FIGURE 8.2. The solution for the potential with b :2a.The plot shows the first ten terms in the series for @ versus x for several values of y. The dashed line represents Q(x , y) at y : 0.5a; the dotted line, y : a; the dot-dash line, y : l.Sa;the heavy solid line, ) : l.8a; and the thin solid line, y - 1.9a. 8.3. PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS Suppose our potential problem has spherical boundaries. Then we would like to solve the problem in spherical coordinates. Let's look at Laplace's equation again: ^ vzo la /"ao\ * r a / ao\+ I : p;1"; ) 1"* aa ('ine- ) 7R a2a e aor :0 (8'r3) We apply the same techniques that we used in the rectangular problem; only the details change. We are looking for a solution of the form E: R(r)P(o)w(Q) 368 8 CHAPTEH STUBM-LIOUVILLE THEORY Substituting into the differential equation and dividing by O, we get t a /"aR\ I a/ aP\l I a2w a,zu\'"*) + ,rriner, (ttn'r )A- wZRo aQ, = To separate out an equation for @, we multiply the whole equation by 12 sinz 0: sin2 o o R0r (r#)*sinB-L I ta2w (""r#) -P + --:0 WA6t Now the last term is a function of @ only, while the sum of the first two terms is a function ofr and 0 only. Thus, ifthe solution is to satisfy the differential equation for a/l values of r,0, and Q, each of these two pieces must equal a constant. Often the region of interest is the inside or outside of a complete sphere. In such a region, an increase of / by any integer multiple of 2n corresponds to the same physical point. Thus, the function O must have the same value for Q - Qr and Q : Qr * 2n; that is, the function W must be periodic with period 2r.We may achieve this behavior if we choose the separation constant so that I A2W --: W aqz 'l --2 1 l with m equal to an integer. Then the solutions are the periodic functions ( sinmd W:1 or w : eti^Q lcosln@ The equation in r and d then becomes a/ aP\l e a /^aR\ l+sind-lsine-lR0r lr" arl a0\ ae/P -m2:o \ sin2 Next, to separate the r and d dependences, we divide through by sin20 to get | _ ^' _n .##('',#) P sin2o-" +*(r#) The first term in this equation is a function of r only, while the sum of the last two terms is a function of0 only. Again both pieces must be constant. The equation has separated: t a I/.aR\ __ ROr\rz_0r/| - k (8.14) 369 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY SPHERICAL HARMONICS and I a/lsinp_l___*k:0 aP\l m2 P Ae sinz 0 \ / (8. sin9 00 When working in spherical coordinates, changing variables to 1t trick. Then dp, : - sin9 d0, and the theta equation becomes d / A [(t - m2 "dP\ u") ou) - cos I is often a useful *kP:o r_ irP rs) (8.16) Equation (8.16) is known as the associated Legendre equation. Let's begin our study ofthis equation by tackling a special case. 8.3.1. Problems with Axisymmetry:The Legendre Polynomials If the problem a has rotational symmetry about the polar axis, then the function W must be constant (O is independent of @) and so m : O. Then equation (8.16) simplifies: h(, - t,#) *kP :o (8.17) We can solve this equation by looking for a power series solution.5 The singular points of the equation are at p,: *1, so we should be able to find a solution about /.r : 0 of the form v:fo,p' n:0 Substituting into the equation, we have @@@@ D"@ n--0 - I)o,t n-2 -D"@ - l)a,p' - zDnanFn -l kl n:0 where each power of n:0 anp." : g n:0 p must separately equal zero. The constant term in the equation is 2az*kao:0 * a2- -Loo and the first power of trl has coefficient 3 x 2a3 - 2at + ka1 - O ) az - or'J '3 x2 For all higher powers, every term in the equation contributes. Looking at p -f 2 in the first term and n - p in the rest, we find (p + 2)(p 5See Chapter 3, Section 3.3.3. I l)ara2 - p@ - l)ap - 2pap I kao - 0 p"P , setttng n 37O cHAprER 8 sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRY and so the recursion relation is Apl2: Ap p(p - l) +zp - p(p-tt)-k t< (p+2)(p+t) o (8.1 8) (p +2)(p + t) The first two relations we obtained can also be described by this formula with p : 0 and p : l, respectivelY. The solution we have obtained is valid for - 1 < l-L < 1, but the series does not converge for p, - *1. This is a concern, since p - fl corresponds to I : 0 and & : -l to 0 : r. These points are on the z-axis, where usually we do not expect the potential to blow up. Thus, we need a solution that remains valid up to and including these points. We can solve the problem by choosing the separation constant k so that the series terminates after a finite number of terms. In particular, if we choose k to have the value k:l(l+D for some integer /, then according to the recursion relation (8.18), aI+2: and so every succeeding ao for takes the form al t(t+t)-t(t+D :0 (t+2)(t+t) p > I +2 d/ dp \' -tn- is also zero. The differential equation (8.17) now t,#) +l(l+l)P:0 (8.1e) and the corresponding solutions are the Legendre polynomials choose a6 (for even /) or al (for odd /) so that hj-t).By convention, l P;(1) = (8.20) I I The recursion relation becomes Ap!2: p(p*1)-/(/+1) Clp (8.21) (p+2)(p+t) The first few polynomials are found as follows. I : 0: The only nonzero coefficient is 46, which must equal Ps(p) : l I I to make Ps(1) : 1, 5q (8.22) 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHEBICAL HARMONICS 371 / : 1: The only nonzero coefficient is at, and again we must take at &(1) : 1. Thus, h[-r): I :2:There tt = | to make (8.23) are two nonzero terms, q2:ao(/-2x3\ --3ao , ,/ and the subsequent an are all zero. Then PzQD:as(l-3P2) Evaluating this at pc : 1, we find P2Q): a0e2): 1 * oo: -). Thus, pzQ-r):)ft*'-t> (8.24) Notice the pattern. We use the recursion relation to determine the nonzero coefficients as multiples of the leading coefficient (as or a1). Then we evaluate the resulting polynomial at p, : 1 and set the result equal to 1, thus determining the value ofthe leading coefficient. Let's do one more. I : 3: Applying the recursion relation (8.21) with / : 3, we find / hIl):ot(pr+ Evaluating at p,:1 lx2-3x4,\ t" 3"2 ) gives P3(r) / s\ :, ] a1- 3 : o' (.t --;) and so PtQ.t):!rS*,-Z> (8.2s) 372 cHAprERssruRM-LtouvtLLETHEoRY The first four polynomials are shown in Figure 8.3. P(tt") l j j 1 l I ! FIGURE E.3. The first four Legendre polynomials. P6(g.) and P2Qt) are even tunctions; P1 (g.) and fuQ.t) arc odd functions. All the functions are chosen to have the value I at p. - 1 (top right). 8.3.2. Solution for the Potential Now that we have the function of d, let's return to the potential problem and solve for the function of r. With the separation constant determined, equation (8.14) becomes L (,r9!\: a'\'ar)Solutions to this equation are powers of r(/ { r)R r: rP, where * (rT) : # (,'o,o-') : p@ + t)rp : t(t * t)rp p - /; there is a second solution with p /0 + 1), as required. We have One solution has and p(p + 1) : R:rtor+ : -(/ + 1). Then p I I : -1, (8.26) 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY SPHERICAL HARMONICS 373 Thus, an axisymmetric potential may be expressed as o(r. d) : f (o,,, + 1) r,ot (8.27) where the constants A1 and 8; must be determined by the boundary conditions in r. 8.3.3. Legendre Functions of the Second Kind Noticethatbychoosingtheseparationconstantk: l(l+l)weforceoneofthetwosolutions of equation (8.19) to terminate. The second solution does not terminate. This solution is called the Legendre function of the second kind: QtQ-t). For example, with / : 0, the second solution begins with a1 and contains only odd powers of trc. The recursion relation (8.21) is Qp*2:ao p p(p+l)-O 1r*2yoag:api+2:ap-z p-2 p-2 p p p+2:ae-2 p+2 al p+2 and none ofthe a, is zero unless a1 is. Thus, the solution is /ujus\ QoQt)--arlp*+++ +"'I \35/ at. /l+p\ :ttn\t-r/ In this function, at is taken to be 1 so that I /1+u\ eoo.t):r^\r_*) (8.28) This expression is valid for -1 < 1t, < l. These functions Qt are not used in the solution of spherical potential problems, but they do find uses in other situations. For example, they are used when solving potential problems in spheroidal coordinates.6 Unlike the Legendre polynomials, which diverge at large values 6See Problem 13 inChapter 2 and Problem 9 in this chapter. ; 374 cHAprER 8 sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRY of the argument, the Legendre functions of the second kind approach zero as the argument tends to infinity. To obtain the limiting form for Qt(x), we solve the differential equation in inverse powers of x. We find7 I QrG) --> 't"-fo+1) q;S as e*t r --+ oo (8.2e) 8.3.4. Orthogonality of the Legendre Functions The Legendre equation (8.19) is of the Sturm-Liouville form (8.1) with fQD=t-t"2 SQr) = 0 w(p) :1 and The eigenvalue is ,1, : l(l + l). Even without any boundary conditions specified, except that the function remain finite, the Legendre functions must be orthogonal on the range t- 1, ll because f (l): f(-l):0. I*rt,,r*rr,,et) dp. :o for t I/ (8.30) To make use of this relation in forming series expansions in Legendre polynomials (that is, to use equation 8.9), we will need to find the value of the integral for I : l/. In the next few sections, we shall collect some useful tools that will allow us to do that integral. 8.3.5. Properties of Legendre Polynomials The Generating Function Suppose we put a point charge 4 on the polar axis at a distance s from the origin (Figure 8.4). Then the potentials at point P is -^- r 4T es Q D -- I q 4T es J?TF - zrs cose TSee Problem I 1 8See, for example, Lea and Burke, Chapter 25, equation 25.9. 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS 375 FIGURE 8.4. The potential at P due to a point chatge q on the e-axis at z - s may be expressed in terms of Legendre polynomials using equation (8.27). It may also be written as q /4n esD. whichwecanalsoexpressintheform(8.27).Weletx:rlsfotconvenience,andthenfor r < s we can expand the denominator to get -ct1q1 - ,fr - 4ness f-.7 J 4neos Vt*"2-2;u uf - 21611a 162 q (,_(*2-z*p)_Let/2\(-3/2\.., - "-...\ :_ G* -2xtt)'* ) z * --T(x" (t - : #*(' : *t* * "u - *r, - 3r,2). ) (r +"r, (y) + x2 pzur) which has the form (8.27) with A1 +...) : q l(4n e6sl+1) for each I and Bt : O. Thus, we have the identity -oo t- \- 1/l-2xp,*xz - -./ n 2..' (8.31) -r:o The function G(x, tr): \fr -z.nTp (8.32) 376 cHAprERBsruRM-LtouvtLLETHEoRY is called the generating function for the Legendre polynomials. We can use it to determine several useful properties of the polynomials. The Orthogonality Integral We can obtain the integral we want by integrating the square of the generating function: Il,'o,r,: l:: F;G?r.: l::f, l=0 ,,r*>i*,'' rurDo, lt--0 : ii",*,' [*,t ptet)Py(p,) dp. /=0 1/=0 The integral ofthe Pls is zero unless G2 by achange of variable to u : I oo r+l n*' For x< I J_, /' (equation 8.30). Thus, evaluating 2x 1t * ;lnl-":;lrt+ the integral of x2, we have 1 * ll-x)2 6, Ju*,j, ? (l*x)2 1. 1*.r :;Inl. - -tn 1-x O4 logarithm: x2t+t *3 xs *T+"'+zt+t* s 2/ :r(, - : ProDPtQ.t)ap: 1, we may expand the l+x / *t* h* : \ ) ) ,2." I*,' ,,,rrr,e,)d* Both sides of this equation contain only even powers of x. Equating the coefficients of each power gives hQt)hQt") dtt (8.33) which is the desired result. Recursion Relations Our next task is to find a set of relations between different Legendre polynomials. These relations are known as recursion relations. We begin by finding a relation among polynomials with successive values of l: the pure recursion relation.9 First we differentiate the 9The name "pure" arises from the fact that this relation contains the eigenfunctions only and no derivatives appear. HARMONICS 377 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL generating function with respect to x: AG: ax -@ - tt) -zxpT6n 0 : -(x 0 - tt) zr'tt + x\t' Rearranging, we obtain (t-2xP'+*\Y:Qt-x)G dx We proceed by inserting the expansion of G in Legendre polynomials into this expression, {1 \r - )t6 p* "rl i/:o txt-t ptet") : Q.t - *)ir, r1q"y t:o and gathering up in powers of .r: Da * r)xl+t pteD The coefficient ofeach power ulru - t:o ofx lht1l) - pt1.r) *\xtp1et1+Dtxt-r t:0 :0 /=0 must separately equal zero; so, for (21+ I)tthQr) + (/ + l)Pr+r(p) Equation (8.34), the pure recursion relation, relates each P1 /> 1, :0 (8.34) to the ones above and below it in the sequence. It may be used to determine the P;s once the first two are known, and it thus provides an alternative to using relation (8.21). Next we obtain a relation involving the derivatives of P;. Again we start by differentiating the generating function, this time with respect to trr,: AGxx W - Q- zxlL + t)'/' - (l -'rxlt + t) Rearranging and inserting the expansion of G gives (r i/:0r'*' ri @l - i/:0"'*t 1 Pr Q-t) - -t 2 2xp. + x2)\xl rioD r, Pl QDI + : PitQD - zt't'Pi Q.r) /=0 il=0 *t r; q4 : o Setting the coefflcient of each power of x to zero,we have, for P:QD : xD*' ,,(r) /:0 * /> Pi+Jr") 1, (8.3s) 378 cHAprER 8 sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRy If we differentiate the pure recursion relation (8.34), we obtain t for I> ri q@) 1. - (2t + r) Pt@) - (2t + r) rr Pi QD + 0 + t) Pi*rQtl : (8.36) s Using this relation to eliminate P/*tfrom equation (8.35), we find PrQ.t) : - Pi_JtD - 2pPlQD t o, : 1+I I Pi-t}r) - PtPiQt) t and so, for - Pi-r@) 1 (2t + r) hQD l+l - Qt + t)u'Pi0t) 2l+1 * H r',(r) +I I > l, thQ.D: 1t Pifu) - Pi_Jt') (8.37) Similarly, by eliminating Pi-r, we obtain I Pt 0.0 : (2t + r) Pt1D a Qt * (t I r) t t, Pi QD t)hQt) : - 0 + Pl+rQr) - zltl Pi @) + - pP{(p) D Pi +rQD which is valid for / > 0. Then, adding equations (8.37) and (8.38), we can express the polynomial terms of derivatives: (2t + I)hQtl: riu@) - P7 I Pi{@) (8.38) entirely in (8.3e) Pi_rQ") which is valid for I > 1. This expression proves useful in evaluating integrals ofthe P1s. Next we can combine (8.37) with (8.38) to eliminate fi-t@).Letl --+ / - 1 in (8.38) to obtain t pt_r1r) : ri@) - : pi@) * (t !) t-tpl_t1*) h-tQ.D: rrPrQ.D - p.l.pPi1D - I hQDl (8.40) 'la> Equation (8.40) is valid for I > l. This relation is called a ladder operator because it allows us to step down the series in /. If, instead, we eliminate fiu@), we obtain the step-up ladder operator: (l * r) P11yQt) : pPl+rjr) - Pi @) : trl(t + t) P1QD + p.PlQ.|l - piQ") S.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY SPHERICAL h+rQ.t): r.tpre.t) HABMONICS 379 r,*, - (#) (8.41) These relations prove especially useful in quantum mechanics. The Rodrigues Formula The Legendre polynomials may be expressed as P1(x): h#o' - r' (8.42) a relation known as the Rodrigues formula. To demonstrate the validity of equation (8.42), let's evaluate the derivatives. First we expand the quantity (r2 - l)t using the binomial expansion: (r2 - t)t : (-r)r (t - u, = (- *l(l - t) *++... + t-rl, rr,) lr r)r D{-t), ---J!-.*to After differentiating / times, only those terms with2p fiu'- l)/ :,-,,' r:,# r,rrr-rr' : (-1)/ i 2 / remain: # r.#r" 1-t1,-SE!-{l*',-' P)! dxr-t P=l\t+1t/21 Pl(l I : (-r)/ t 1-tyo2Jg!-2!)#,r,-, p:t(t+r)/21 where [(/ + 1) 12] means the integer pan of {r*'dxt ' r)' (l + l) 12. Continuing in this way, we find : (-r)1/! i 1-110*zr-t ** Qp - l)lpl(l - p)l^p:t(t+t)/zt (8.43) Notice that if / is even, this polynomi alhas I 12 even powers of x, while if / is odd, it contains (t + I) /2 odd powers of x. The ratio of the coefficient of xk+2 to the coefficient of xft is 380 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY found by first setting 2p ctk+2 *: - I: k * 2 and then setting 2p - I: k: &+z+l)t lI-k -\ &+Dt(L+/+2\ t \ )t( , -t)l (/+r+ 0+r)t 2)(t+k.t,(?) /k+l+2\ (k+2)(k+tt( z -k2 +t-k : - t2(k+ l)(k +2): / k(k+1) -t(t+t) (k+t)(k+2) which is the recursion relation (8.21) for the Legendre polynomials. The numerical factor in front of the derivatives ensures the correct normalization. We can easily check itlo by looking at the first few polynomials (/ : 0 is trivial). I _ L.1. I - I dt UIIN@" ld . rd*@" - 1)' : - l) :x which is correct. , _4. L-L. **u'dxt' r)r: 2tlt : h#o^ -zx2 +r): * fte*'-o,t !B*, 2' r\ which is also correct. As a by-product, we can use equations (8.42) and (8.43) to obtain an explicit formula for P1: nfur): Or, setting k: p (-1)r -f, - l/2for t I p=l(t+1 )/2t (2p)t (I1n *2r-t (2p-t)tpt(t-p)l / even gives ho.+):+fr-ttor'o act losee also Problem ?. (8.44) (2k + t)t (rc. i),(i- (8.4s) r)' 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL and setting k : p - (l - l) /2for / odd HARMONICS 381 gives (+t)12 Pto4:--T f- <-rlkw, -' -1-Y{t_r)/z , (8.46) We can also use these expressions to evaluate &(0). For I odd, the polynomial has no constant term, and so Pl(O) : 0. For I even, the constant term (ft : 0) in equation (8.45) is &(o) : +fu^,?: (-Dt/2#: eDt/2(t - r)tt (8.47) 8.3.6. Solving a Potential Problem: Fourier-Legendre Series Example 8.2. A hollow copper sphere of radius a is divided into two halves at the equator by a thin insulating strip (Figure 8.5). The top half of the sphere is held at potential V, and the bottom is grounded. What is the potential everywhere inside? FIGURE 8.5. The potential on the top half of the sphere in Example 8.2 is V. The potential on the bottom half is zero. Since V2O : 0 inside the sphere and the system has axisymmetry, the solution must be of the form (8.27): a(r,0) : f (o''' * ft) nra 982 cHAprERssruRM-LtouvtLLETHEoRy We must set all the coefficients 81 Io zero, because nothing is at the origin to cause a divergent potential. We find the coefficients A7 by evaluating the potential at the surface r : ai a@,0) :io,o' 1:o r,Q") 0 : {Y T1 " ifo>pr>-l . to Next we make use of the orthogonality of the P;s by multiplying both sides of the equation by Py (t t) and integrating from - 1 to *I : r*l oo rl I-t D, 1:o PtQt)Pr'oD dp Arat J : I Jo v P,Qt) dp' On the left-hand side, only the term with I : // survives the integration. The integral is given by equation (8.33). Then, dropping the primes, we get nl , 2 :, t,"'h Jo Pr1Ddu Now we need to evaluate the integral on the right-hand side. We can make use of equation (8.39), which is valid for I > 0: rtlfl Jo r'toap: ai Joei*'tul - Pillr)ldLL Here the right-hand side can be integrated immediately: fl Jo Since r'ul aP I : a? [Pt+(t't) - &-r(P)]lA &(l) : I for all values of l, I fl h@) d r' : - zt t[&+r (O) - &-r (0)] + Jo : -fi-''+rror (r . +) - - Pr+l(o) where we used the pure recursion relation (8.34) to express Pr-r(0) in terms of Pl+r(0). Then v2l+l Ar:-2-;-Pr+r(0), For the remaining case, /: I>1 0, we can easily do the integral, since P6(9,) - | (equation 8.22): Sl I Jo pottDap: nl I tdp:r Jo 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS 383 oo:I and e(r.ot:il, E'+Pr+r(o) (L)' Po"r) The sum reduces to a sum over odd /, since Pl+r (0) : 0 if / * 1 is odd. Then, use equation (8.47) for Pl+r (0) and set I : 2n * 1, the potential is a(r o) : : ('. :,- u. ;ffi #+,# (:)'.' if we P,.*,u,)) The first few terms are a(r.d) '7 rr:,3 3r : tVz\ (/ I + icosl cos6(5cos2d - 3; ;l) +ll6\a)fl)t "ol'(urcos4e -70cos2 e ) +' tJ'ts)+ t ) Figure 8.6 shows the first four terms in the series for the potential versus angle for rf a:0.I,0.2,and0.5.NoticethatthepotentialequalsV/2attheequator (0 : r12) for all values of r. (This should remind you of a similar property of the Fourier series: The series for a discontinuous function always converges to the midpoint of the jump.) polar axis --I I ,/ /q , r - :0.5 ^^ \ \ ,t \ \r 08 08 equator FIGURE 8.6. The potential inside the sphere in Example 8.2 at several values of r: r/a :0.1,0.2, and 0.5. The value of the potential @ / V at a specific angle 0 is given by the distance of the curve from the origin. 384 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY 8.3.7. The Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics Orthogonality of Associated Legendre Functions When a problem does not have symmetry about the polar axis, we need a set of eigenfunctions conesponding to nonzero values of the separation constant m.Thenthe equation for the function of theta is equation (8.16), where we keep the value k l(l + 1) for that : separation constant: ,, " dP\ d/ ,^- ^P+l(l*l)P:0 a(.(' -*")or)- l-p" (8.48) Equation (8.48) is of Sturm-Liouville form with /(lr.) : 1 - t-t2, g(l.t) : *2 /(1 - p\, w(t-t) : l, and ). : l(I * 1). (Note that z is the eigenvalue for the phi equation.) The solutions of this equation are the associated Legendre functions P1' (l). They satisfy the orthogonality relation l*r' ,r r*r r, d t',' :o unless / : // (8.4e) z is the same in both functions. Alternatively, if we disregard the physical origin of this equation, we-may identify it as a Sturm-Liouville equation with S(p) : -l(t * l), w(p') : ll0 - u'2), and eigenvalue zr2. In this case, the orthogonality relation is where the value of 'lY\dp:o untessm:m' (8.50) where the value of / is the same in both functions.ll Form of the Associated Legendre Functions To obtain an expression for the function P( , we could solve in a series as we did for the Legendre polynomials. But it is more efficient to relate the solutions P,n to the polynornials we have already found. We expand out the differential operator in Legendre's equation (8. l9) II See Problem 19 for the value of the integral when m : mt . 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS 385 and then differentiate the whole equation m times: I- u'>ffi - r*# + Kt +r)P, :o ,'tffi -r,t*ffi -r4u* +t(t + ufi:o e - p\# - z, zwffi+ r/(/ + t) - 2 x ttffi :o s- Continuing in this way, we get ^ d-*2P, (l - lt") a,^+z -2(m * 1n'tt p, dn pt r)uiifr +U(t + t) - m(m + r)lAi :o (8.s1) so the mth derivative of the Legendre polynomial P; satisfies the equation (r - p2)y',i, - 2(m * t)pyk +l/0 + t) InAppendixVll, we show that the substitution (r - t2)2" -2pz' - m(m* r)ly, : 0 (8.s2) l^ : (l - p2) ^/22(p) yields the equation +,ltu+ 1) - {r1:, and thus z(9,) satisfies the associated Legendre equation (8.48). Thus, we have shown that Cz(p) : fifu) for any constant C. In physics applications, it is common to choose f, : (-l)n. Then P\QD: (-r)-(1 - p\m/2#Pt1') (8.s3) Clearly Pf : 0 for m > /, since the highest power of pc that appears in Pl is tr^r/. The function & (p) is even if / is even and odd if / is odd. The quantity (t - t"2)^12 is an even function of pr, and after m derivatives, the highest power in (dm /d lt^) hQ-t) is p/-'. Thus, fi @) is even if I -l m is even and odd if I * m is odd. Also, since the associated Legendre equation contains m2, the eigenvalue -la leads to the same differential equation. Thus, Pfn must be a constant times Pln.It is convenient to define rl^@): r-rrffiP(e") (8.s4) 386 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY the appropriate solution corresponding to the eigenvalue shown in Figure 8.7 and Table 8.1. as -m. A few of the functions are P(p) l:2,m:2 o*,. l:3, m:2 --f -------I:3, m: I \,:, FIGURE 8.7. The first few associated Legendre functions Figure 8.3. Notice that Pf eD : TABLE 8.1. Associated Legendre Functions 0 for m Pf + P{. For functions with Qt) m:3 m:7 l:0 l:l t _a I -L l:3 m : 0, see O. 1 1^ l.L 1Qw', u - 1) ,(5w' -3) 2_ -irt*'-t)1/r-*z 3(l l51t t,.2) (I - p.2) -15(1 - ,zf/z The Orthogonality Integral Next we need to find the value of the orthogonality integral when / : //. Using the definition (8.53), we have ,,-: I_: pf o,t)pt ar: l*r'{t - t"\^{#{# o* 8.3 PFOBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS 387 We integrate by parts: a^ fi^: (t - t)'2)^1^dp* !'9) dpm-t '1ltrll+l l-r f'1dp l,tL' - J-t d*,'!t(,t"t dp^ ) dp^-' o, p2)^d':tYL)l The integrated term is zero, and the derivative in the integrand is !apl"lo - Pp\^u !'!P1 : ' dpI -2mtt(t - -' - u2y-ta^ dl.r^ !r!t) +r\r(r P4!) t dpm+l - *ury{i' We can simplify this expression by using equation (8.51) with m --> m - l: dt-l Pt .- p")1 d-+l Pt ^ d^ Pt: (ll) m(m- l)laU^*, -2^p aU^ -II(I+ dt;_l Thus, 11^ : lt(t+ l) - men ' '- /*' (r ' -l)l Jt :(l+m)(l-m*l)11,*-1 rr2)^-t loii'il' LdP^-t I o u Now we may step down to get I1*: : : -lm)(I - ml l)(l -lm - l)(l - m -12)h,m-z (/ + m)(I -f m - t)(l * m - 2)(I - m + 1)0 - m -l 2)(l - m I (/ + m)(l * tn - 1) . . . (l + l)l .' . (l - m I 2)(l - rn -t 7) h,o (I : 3) h,^-z (t*m)t 2 (l - m)l2l -t l where we used equation (8.33) for 4,s. Thus, l*r' 'i'{D'1t'o': ( 388 8 CHAPTER STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY Spherical Harmonics The general solution to Laplace's equation in spherical coordinates may be written as e(r,o,r,: (8.s6) * E,(*^,,* #)rrrtoei^Q [The previous result (equation8.27) is a special case of equation (8.56) witham : 0.1 Next we define the combination : bI^ : 0 unless m 2l*l(l-m)l P{(p.)ei^o =Yt^(o,Q) 4n (I * m)l where the constant has been chosen to make the functions l:r' lr* Y1a(0.Q)Yf ^,(e.o)dQdtt - 61v6^^, I1. (8.s7) orthonormal; that is, : I Y14@'Q)Yf ^,@,0)de JsPhere (g.5g) The functions Yt*@, Q) ate called spherical harmonics (see Figure 8.8 and Table 8.2). They find application not only in potential problems but also in the quantum mechanics of atoms, wave mechanics, oscillations of spheres (for example, the sun), and the structure of the cosmic microwave background. TABLE 8.2. Spherical Harmonics m:2 m:0 t:0 l=1 I =3 m=3 I J4" ,f ! "o., Y4n - i) 'lE (1"",', fT /5 " 3\ 1f *coso 11"o"e - z) -^17 V8z sins.i6 -1,/E"o.B.;oe"io 4Y n -!l{<s-"te -1)sinoeil !,f3! 8V ! , fT 8V r r "in2s.zi6 .o"s "in2 s"2io ,fT tlr "in3 e"til 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS The defining equation for each hgure is {Retyi(G, il)}z m:0, l:0 m:l,I:I m:0, l:l m: O,l:2 m:2, l:2 J m:2, l:3 The firr firstt few plotted here. ics, with / : O,1,2,3; m :0, l, 2, 3. The real part is 390 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY Recursion Relations for the P{ Here we shall derive a relation between functions with the same I but differentm. Let's start with equation (8.51) and multiply by (-1)n(1 - Lt2)*12: 0 : (-t)z(1 - p2)tm+2t/2{2 t d*-*, - Pl t)*(-t)*(t \' - *zr^nd!+t r / " dpm+l 2(m -tI t)ft\ L\t't P: 1ll(t + t) - m(m+ 1)l(-1)-( t - uzr^ndi ' du,^ Now we use the definition (8.53) to get 0: p{+2 -t2(m-r Dl+FPi'+l + U(/ + 1) - m(m * t)lPin ( Numerous similar relations12 may be obtained by differentiating the relations for the P1. The Addition Theorem for Spherical Harmonics Suppose y is the angle between two vectors * and i', as shown in Figure 8.9. The addition theorem allows us to express the Legendre polynomial P1(cosy) in terms of spherical harmonics in the angles e, Q, e' , and Qt that describe the vectors i and i/. polar axis FIGURE 8.9. The angle y is the angle between the vectors l2Gradshteyn and Ryzhik has an extensive list. See also Problems l5 and l6' i and i/ 8 3 391 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS First we note that rt P1(cosl) is a solution of Laplace's equation. Thus, using a ubai' coordinate system with polar axis along the vector i', we have l(l + ll -) Vir&(cos y) : -:;z: Pr(cos Z) Vfi, is the angul ar part of the Laplacian operator (the second two terms in equation 8.13). Since P1@osy) is a function of the angles only, the first term in the Laplacian (with derivatives in r) is zero, so we may add it back in to obtain where V2Pr("o* D : (l+!&(cos -l rz) Since V2 is a scalar operator, we may express it in any coordinate system. Returning to our original system, we note that the solutions of vrf@.0):-t!i!f(e,o) are the spherical harmonics Y1* with-l < m< l. Thus, P;(cos y) must be expressible as asumofthese Y;r: I P1@osy): A.(g',|')Yt*@,0) D (8.60) m:-l In principle, we can find the coefficients o^ : I A- inthe usual way, p1@os y)yf^@, O) da (8.6r) but this integral is not easy to do! Instead, we turn things around and regard Yk(e, il as a function of the angles y and p i in a coordinate system with polar axis along i'. We can expand Yf*(e, fi in spherical harmonics in y and B, again with a single value of l: that describe I Yk@,O: t B^,Y1^,(y,P) (8.62) mt---l If we let y --> O, i moves onto the polar axis and we have axisymmetry, so only the m' term remains.l3 Thus, as d -+ 0t hm Yh(e. y+v and il : Q --> Ql , wehave Yf. (e' ,O') . 47t "Yr-(O,d) :0 unless ln :0, because Pf 0 :0, : BoYrcQ, hQ) Bs as you should verify. fl) : 0 392 cHAprER 8 sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRY (Of course Y76 is independent of p.) Therefore, uo: lEurYf^(e"Q') Alternatively, we can find the coefficients B, (8.63) using orthogonality of the Y1^ in the (y, B) coordinate system: : B*, I yk@, Q)Yh,(y, fl) dszy In particular, no : J Yi^@. ilYfo(y, p) dQy 'f : Jr v|^re,ottfltt)-t rt@osv)de, l2t+t : tl'#A.(0',0') U 4/t , (8.64) where we used equation (8.61) in the last step. Since we integrate over the whole sphere, does not matter whether we use the coordinates 0, Q or y, fl as the integration variables. Finally, we combine equations (8.63), (8.64), and (8.60) to get &(cos z) : -l 4n F_,fi1Yr^<e' ilYh (e'' Q') it (8.6s) This is the addition theorem for spherical harmomcs. Note the expected symmetry in the primed and unprimed coordinates. [It does not matter which function has the complex conjugate, since the sum is over positive and negative values of m, andYt,-^ : (-DmYk.lWe can also check the result by letting 0/ approach zero,in which case the left-hand side is just Pl(cos 9). Verify that the right-hand side also reduces to P;(cos 9) in this case. In the special case y - 0, we obtain the sum rule for spherical harmonics: I I vm{e,il:2 m---l 2l +1 4n (8.66) 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHEBICAL HARMONICS 393 The addition theorem is useful for performing rotations of the coordinate axes. When combined with the generating function for the Legendre polynomials, it also allows us to express the inverse distance I / l* - i'I in terms of spherical harmonics.l4 This is a particularly valuable result, because this inverse distance appears in the integral expressions for electric scalar potential, magnetic vector potential, and Newtonian gravitational potential. The orthogonality of the spherical harmonics often makes the integrals more tractable. Boundary Value Problems Using Spherical Harmonics Example 8.3. Find the potential inside a conducting sphere of radius a with poten- V onthehalf 0 < Q. r andzero onthehalf z . Q.2n. The potential may be expressed in terms of spherical harmonics, as in equation (8.56). Since there is nothing at the origin to cause a divergent potential, we tial O: exclude the negative powers of r. Thus, ool Q(r,0,d): tl:0 m---l I A6rtY1^@,Q) To find the constants A1^,we evaluate the potential on the surface and set it equal to the given expression: - e(a,0,0):I I A6aty1^@ t:om:-t ifo<Q<tr ifr<Q<2n ^r:[v [0 To evaluate the coefficients, we use the orthogonality of the Y1-.We multiply both @) and integrate over the sphere: sides by Yf -,@, i o,^o' l"nnu"y1a(o,Q)yf^,@,o)da:, i m:_l Jsphere I:O Only one term on the left-hand side is nonzero. With I l:r' lo" rr^,rr,Q)dudQ : lt and m : mt , the equals 1. Then A1,^,ql' - Y rii' (D o* lo "-i-'Q Now we may drop the primes: tA, ttm l4See Problem 20. v - 7 Pf0r)rr(#) dO integral 394 oHApTERBSTURM-LrouvtLLETHEoRy The result is zero unless m is odd. Then the integral over LL is zero unless / also odd, for then f( @) is an even function. Let's call this integral l1^.Then v- AI*: The case I ot : m:0 1S + | (l - m)l L* 2 for/ odd andm odd ^l2I 4r \l e + m\1"* im is special, for f+l ft I I I Y6s : t/4tr Ji J -t Jo -(2)(n): grvmg Am: If m : O I t' but v 2 0, the result is zero because f+t f+t I PoQ)hjt)dry:0 I nU"SdP: J-l J-r (equation 8.30). So the potential is e(r,o.Q):Yz."i : Y, *, We can demonstrate combining the terms ffi ,, - tt'", bf:y 2l-ft(l-m)l 16. 2 Y1p(0,Q) 4n (l -f m)l tm h- ? pi G)"+ . r, b ^ry t -":;; ,"t, Pf{ 1p'vsi ^ao : ffi : ffi"'fie'' ,, * h + ) ei -o for a real physical quantity, by Using equation (8.54), we have as expected withm: M andm: -M. 3 ot ffi', * h'; * o")'-i - r,, trt@'*Q _ e-i MQ) rutsinMQ M Q 8.3 PROBLEMS WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY: SPHERICAL HARMONICS Thus, (D(r, 0, a) : :. ; i The result is clearly real and e(r, 0. il ::.: {It t, > r:l +ffi;-ri a;""r"rally T'-tsin d @) sinmQ correct. The first few terms are *, (:)' llt#tu,tu' - 1's 1/ t - fi sinq *ljf,"ttsin3esinro. I) r3 sinosin@ :, (t ;o * rze\ot ' "-\t[:1s.or'e-Dsindsin@ r.- --\r+ *5sin3 osin3Q. ]) We can use the addition theorem to show that this result agrees with the result of Example 8.2. Let's compare the two pictures (Figure 8.10). FIGURE 8.10. Example 8.3 (on the right) is just Example 8.2 (on the left) rotated through 90o. The result of Example 8.2 is o::{'- I where ; y is the angle between the position vector i and the z-axis in the picture on the left or, equivalently, between the position vector and the y-axis in the picture on the right. To along the y-axis, so relate the two results, we may use the addition theorem with vector i 0':Q':r/2. l '#r,*,(o) (l)1arc",r,r} i' 396 cHAprER I sruRM-LrouvtLLE THEoRy Let's look at the first few terms: P1(cos/) : cos 4nl3 t' : rr i L* "* :!la,"ine)2cos 3 Lgo '"^"v/:lvr ,cos? * l8trrin L2 "i11gpi{t-n/z) q r-i(Q-tr/zt1l') 1)l : \Y' - 2/ ) /a sin0 sind and P3(cos 7 /): +olt t lGrz@)rt(o)+2G But Pj"(0) p3 (cos : 0 unless 3 /) : * g ^=L-ffiPiQ-t)pi(o)"o''(d m is even, so there is no contribution from m 2l]" (;)' G r.r2 -1) sin -;)l e (- 1) sin d * fi rra' sin3 :2.Thus, B (-, " 3d)] : -(+(s"or', - t) sind sin@ + fr sin3 e sin&) and the potential in Example 8.2, rotated into the new coordinates, is a:I['- [ '+Pr+r(o) 1r)'ar"",nr] : :{' -' (-;) (1)'i"e'i'o -:tE Gf ::{t.tuG)sind l-' (*1tt cos2 P't' e -1) sing sin @ * *1 "n' 3d) ]) sin@ . *(:)t[3(5cos2 e - Dsin0sin@ r5sin30sin3{]. } which agrees with Example 8.3. Now let's try to get a general result. We insert equation (8.65) into the result of Example 8.2 and get e (r, o, a) : :- " I zff r+r10, (:)' : : -, n+&+r (0) (:)' 2,hr*@, p,ffi ,i' o)Yh (;, +) r*;ei^a ry {o)s-int'l 1z 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY BESSEL FUNCTIONS 397 Again we note that Pi'(0) :0 unless I * m is even. But we also need I * I to be even so /2 : i-m : 1-9@-t) lz 1 i: that P711 (0) I 0. Thus, I and m are both odd, and "-imr A(r,0,0) (0) (:)' t F_#rr rryei-a r( {0r# - v2 -u fu,_,zr 2l+ r pr+r''"'\a/ Lt,(ll m odd '*o .- zl+r_I -' L -, z l,_rS$ r' I -'#',*,(o) | L 1 ^ (1- m)tpy(ot(_1,,(m-t\/2(r_:t -Q)eD@-t\/'? (L)' \a/ r((Dsinrn{ (t + (t+m): ^).Pf J | -Etfr, rodd u odd I Compare this with the result of Example 8.3: (b(r, 0, a) The results agree if ::.: (I)' rr rr, sinmQ D P- +ffi,,^ ,,-: llr' Pi@)dw :' Pi'Q't)dw (8.67) lo' : r Pr +t (o) Pi e)l ; g<^+tt t z , l,modd Thus, we have obtained a useful expression for the integral on the left. In Problem 8.21, you will be asked to verify this result. 8.4. PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 8.4.1. Bessel Functions Bessel functions arise as solutions of potential problems in cylindrical coordinates. Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates is (equation 1.69) lalao\ la2(D a2Q iar\oao-)*FeF* urz:o 398 cHAprER I sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRY To separate the variables, we let <D : R(p)W(Q)Z(z).Then we find I a / aR\ Rp ap * \oa ) 1 A2W rA2Z *o'w * z ar' :t) The last term is a function of z only, while the sum of the first two terms is a function of p and @ only. Thus, we take each part to be a constantls called k2.Then a2z arr:k Z and the solutions are Z : etk' The remaining equation is lalaR\tazw. Rpapl'u=)*W uFtk':o (8'68) Next we multiply through by p2: o3 /aR\ .. la2W iA\'A)*0"0"* * uF:' Here the last term is a function of @ only, and the first two terms are functions of p only. As with spherical coordinates, we often want a solution that is periodic in @ with peiod2r, so we choose a negative separation constantl6: A2W ffi:-^2w+w:eri-Q Finally, we have the equation for the function R of p: a/aR\ ,*lr;)+k2p2n-*2R:o To see that this equation is of Sturm-Liouville form, we divide through by p: a/AR\ ^ m2 ^ lP^dp/l+k'Pn--R-0 p dp\ (8.6e) 15Here we choose a positive constant (real k). The solution is rather different if the constant is negative, as we shall see in Section 8.4.7. 16In this application, m is usually an integer. Noninteger values are also of interest; see, for example, Section 8.5. In that case, the separation constant is usually written as -u2. 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 399 Now we have a Sturm-Liouville equation (8.1) with f (p) : p, C@) : m2 /p, eigenvalue )' : k2 , and weighting function w(p) : p. Equation (8.69) is Bessel's equation. It is simpler and more elegant to solve this equation if we change to the dimensionless variable x : kp.Then A / aR\ ^2 k_IkD_l+k"oR_2_4:0 akp V akp) kp d/dR\ m2 _lx_l*xR__R:0 dx\ dx) x The equation has a singular point at x : (8.70) 0, so we look for a series solution ofthe Frobenius type (refer to Chapter 3, Section 3.3.2): R: xPio,*' n:O Then the equation becomes oo !t, n--0 + p)(n -f p - r)anxn+o-t +D@ I p)anvn-tP-r n:0 + io,"'+p+r n:0 - m2fanx'+n-r :o n:O The indicial equation is p(p-l)+p-^2:O+p:aa Thus, one of the solutions (with p : m) is analytic at x : 0, and one (with not. To find the recursion relation, we look at the k * p - I power of x: (k + p)(k * p - I)a*+ (ft + p)ax + ak-z - - m2a1, and so oo------o!-2-:(k*p)2-m2 ak-z oo-'= = k2+zkp+ p2-^2 = ak-z -F**:-*1*+zny O p : -m) is 400 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY p will always Let's look first at the solution with the series with as, then ft at1, -l * - 2n(2n - 23n(n - : *m. We can step down to find each ap.If :2n, and -l 2m) (2n -2)(2n -2-l2m) (- 1)3 - r)(n - 2)23(n 2n nl. 2n(n * m)(n (-r)' : AA" we start be even, k * m)(n I a2n-4 - 1)(n (m -l l) m * m- 2) a2n-6 1 * m - l). .. The usual convention is to take (8.7r) Then (8.72) and the solution is the Bessel function: oo / 1\n J^(x) r) (;)-.* (8.73) The function J^(x) has only even powers if m is an even integer and only odd powers if m is an odd integer. The series converges for all values of x. Although we have assumed m to be an integer thus far, expression (8.73) is also valid when m is not an integer. Let's see what the second solution looks like. with p : -m' the recursion relation is Qk: ak-2 k(k - (8.74) 2m) where again k :2n. Now if m is an integer, we will not be able to determine a2^,because the recursion relation blows up. One solution to this dilemma is to start the series with a2^. Then we can find the succeeding coefficients a2@+m): azu+m): -420-lt+zm 721naDn -42@-z)+2* 24@+m)(n*m-l)n(n-l) : (-l)uf(z*1) nlllna**1122nu'^ : lm. (ComThese coefficients generate the same series that we had before in the case P pare the equation above with equation 8.72.) Thus, we do not get a linearly independent solution this way. This dilemma does not arise if the separation constant is taken tobe -v2 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 401 with v noninteger. In that case, the second recursion relation provides a series is linearly independent of the first. With u : m, an integer, we find l- ^ (x ) : i" #### :S (-t)'r(m -f l)2m n:U a2* \ "tr1, 'r^ *, and if 762(n t m) - J-r(.r) that m /x\m+2n "'* \r) we choose a2m: (-D^ r@ + Dz^ then J-^(x) : (-I)m J^(x) (8.7s) With this choice, J, (x) is a continuous function of u. (Notice that we can also express the series using equation 8.72 for the coefficients, with ffi ) -ffi, n --> k * m, and a2n =O for n < m.) We still have to determine the second linearly independent solution of the Bessel equation when m is an integer. We can find it by taking the limit as v --> m of a linear combination of ./, and J-, known as the Neumann function, Nr(x): Nr(x): Jr(x)cos vtr sln - J-u(x) vz Thus, -. J,(x) cos urr - J-r(x) N^(x):limN,(x):lim v+m v+m sln uT e+0 : lim e+0 J^+e(x) (-l)n sinen - (-l)^ J-6a"1@) efi (8.76) 4O2 cHAprER 8 sruRM-LrouvrLLE THEoRy where we expanded the trigonometric functions to first order in e. Next we expand the Bessel functions in a Taylor series in u to first order in e and use relation (8.75): N,(x) : JTo *lt. +, *1"=,N-(x) - I *'Tl,:,)] _(_t)*Tl":_l It_dJ" " ldD <-o^ (t-^ (8.77) ,--^ The derivative has a logarithmic terml7: L (.,s t-rl, r1)r'\ : r,.liT dv d, \ "-o + U \il ) " dJv : ,"' $ dv L^ /x\2, )_r,4 i L^ \;) d, n:U n:O (-l)' /xv2n ntt(n+ , + rl (t,) and dx' dv d dv ,ulnx :lnxeuln* : x, lnx has a term containing Jvlnx. This term diverges as t -+ 0, provided that 0 for u f 0, zero (that is, for v : 0). The function Ny (.r) also diverges as x because it contains negative powers of x. (The series for ,I-, starts with a term x-u.) But Nr(.r) does not diverge as ,r -+ oo, because "/, -+ 0 faster than the logarithm approaches and so dlrldv /, (0) is not infinity. TWo additional functions called Hankel functions are defined as linear combinations of ,/ and N: HP @) : J*(x) -f iN^(x) (8.78) H#)@): J^(x) - iN-(x) (8.7e) and 17This result should not be surprising. We could also find the second solution using the methods of Chapter 3, Section 3.3.3, particularly in the form of equation (3.37). See, for example, Chapter 3, Problem22. 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 403 8.4.2. "Properties of the Bessel Functions The Bessel functions (Js) are well behaved both at the origin and as x + oo. They have infinitely many zeros. All of the J^, except Js, arc zero at,r : 0. The first few functions are shown in Figure 8.11. f(x) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.2 -0.4 FIGURE 8.11. The first three Bessel functions. All the functions except equal zero at -r : 0, "16(-r) and all of them approach zero as r -+ oo. All of the J^ oscillate with decreasing amplitude. For small values of the argument, we may approximate the function with the first term in the series: J^(x) x "- -, (;)^ for x <( I (8.80) The Neumann functions are not well behaved at x : O. N6 has a logarithmic singularity, > O, N. diverges as an inverse power of x: and for m 2 11" for x << (m-l\l /2\^ N^(x)ry--l_l rr \x,/ N6(x) = T (8.E1) 1 forx(( (8.82) 4O4 cHAprER E sruRM-LrouvlLLE THEoBy For large values of the argument, both .I and N oscillate. They are like damped cosine or sine functions: TT / mn z\ J^(x)xV;"ot\., - o) lT / rnn z\ N.(x)-r,l "*sin(x- 2 4) for x )) l,m (8.83) for x )) l,m (8.84) ror x )) t,m (8.8s) Thus, the Hankel functions are like complex exponentialsl8: se,2) o rl*" r[*,(, - ry -il Noticethatifm>l,thelargeargumentexpansionsapplyforxlmrutherthantheusual x)1. 8.4.3. Relations Between the Functions As we found with the Legendre functions, we can determine a set of recursion relations that relate successive J^(x). Starting with the series representation (8.73), we divide by (x /2)^ and then differentiate: d ?r)nn (!\r"-, \ :$ xm / ?:onlf (n*m*l) \2/ (2^J^(x) dr \ t-tl' (!\"-' -$ L.@-l)!r(n*m*l)\2/ n=l Now let k: n - l: d (2^J^(x) \ : _$ t-tlo (L\ro*, \2/ m*r*t) dr \ xm / futlr(k+ om @ (-l)k x^ t-0 1rty11r 1* a :_o sL_ : l8Refer to Chapter 2, equation (2.5). 2m _Jm+t(x) 1x12k+m+l a g \i) 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 405 and thus d (J^(x)\_ J.+tQ) E\,^ 1-which is valid for m > 0.In particular, with m : (8.86) ,- 0 we obtain J1@): -J6@) (8.87) Similarly, *'^ : 2^ (;)'^ ftk^, ^{,)t *D"frffir, n=O * n) ?Dn(m :2, -' S 1x12m+2n-l 4"tf(r+^+D\r) :,'i (-l)' (x\m+2n-r \2/ l+l) lnlf(n*mn=U : ftu^ r^{*)f which is valid for m x^ J^-{x) (8.88) > l. Combining relations (8.86) and (8.88), we get r^+r r Im-t : -.^ * (#) -,- (-*h. * i *o^ h) + r*(x)l I (**^-'r^ + *^ rl,) :*b-th+^**Jh:2#U Jm+t I Jm-r: 2m x -T (8.89) 406 cHAprERssruRM-LrouvtLLETHEoRy which is the pure recursion relation for the Bessel functions. Similarly, by subtracting instead of adding, we find -dJ^ Jm+t-Jm-t:-2-;ax The same relations hold for the Ns and the (8.e0) .F1s. 8.4.4. Bessel Functions as Solutions of the Helmholtz Equation: The Generating Function Like Laplace's equation, the Helmholtz equation (equation 3.16 in Chapter 3 extended to two or three dimensions) (v2+t2)o:o may be written in cylindrical coordinates and separated. Suppose we look for a solution in two dimensions, with @ independent of z. Then the equation becomes 1 a / aR\ I AzW ,. Rpap\oA)* *7 aF+k':tr which is the same equation (8.68) that we obtained from Laplace's equation after separating out the z-dependence. Thus, the solutions are of the same form: +oo ': *E*o*J^(kP)ei^o We may exclude the functions N^(kp) if the origin is within our region of interest. As with the Legendre functions, we may exploit a simple physical situation-here a plane wave-to obtain a generating function for the Bessel functions. A plane wave propagating along the y-direction has the form eiky - uikpsinQ which must therefore be expressible in Bessel functions: *oo ,ikpsrnQ - t a_, J^,(kp)ei^'Q mt:-@ Now we make use of the orthogonality of the ei^Q . We multiply both sides by e-i*Q and, integrate over the range 0 to 2r . Only the one term with mt : m survives on the right-hand side: lo2" ei*o "ino-i*Q d.Q : 2r a- J*(kp) 407 8.4 PFOBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS : 0, we can evaluate both sides for p - 0 to obtain ao : l.If m t' 0, we expand the function ,ikpsinQ using the exponential series and expand the Bessel function on the right using its series (8.73): With m * I'",-'*o (r .|n#-),r n*m., - "^ (ry)- (T)" I 0, the first term in the integral on the left-hand side integrates to zero. Now for small ftp, we keep only the leading term on the right-hand side. Then we have With m *>=(Y)" Look first at the case m ,+. lr'" iQ '-imQf -e-i')n dQ:a-.# : l. Keeping only the leading (n : (+)^ 1) term on the left-hand side, we have # Ir'" e-iQ@iQ - e-iQ)a6: fi<rn- 0) : "rT + at: r > 1, the terms with n < m ontheleft-hand side are allzerobecause leiQ - s-iQln : (l - ,-2ib1n has no ei-Q lrormif n < m. (This must be true for consistency, because the For m ei"Q lowest power of p in the Bessel function series on the right is p- .) Thus, the first nonzero term has n : m.In the factor leiQ - ,-iQ1m, only the term ei-Q survives the integration over @. We h e (ikp)* | ml(2i)m ['o 2n J11"-,-ar,^e d6 = sY - Thus, we have a generating function for the ,ikpsinQ _ o_ t-f l@ l) qm e)^ )a*-l J*, +oo t J^(kp)ei^Q (8.e1) and the integral representation, (8.92) 408 cHAprERBsruRM-LrouvrLLErHEoRy Next we write sin @ : (eiQ for the generating function: e-i\ /Zt and let eiQ : *p^12 l+ (,\ +)l tll 8.4.5. Orthogonality of the t. Then we have an alternative form :f l^(kr)tm (8.e3) m:-6 "I,z Since the Bessel equation is of Sturm-Liouville form, the Bessel functions are orthogonal if we demand that they satisfy boundary conditions of the form (8.2). In particular, suppose the region ofinterest is p - 0 to p : a, and the boundary conditions are that Jm(ka) : O and J.(0) is finite. We do not need a more specific boundary condition at the function f(p) : p iszerc there. Then the eigenvalues are p - 0 because dmn . nmn-- a of J-. (The zeros are tabulated in standard references such and as Abramowitz Stegun. Programs such as Mathematica and Maple can also compute (8.6) becomes Then equation them.) where a^n is the nth zero r * (k*^, d p!!!#@1" o -, ^ o^, o, ofu#@|,', : (4n,- t?*,) fo oh&^,,p)J^(k*np)dp The boundary conditions make the left-hand side zero, and thus, fo o h&^,, p) J^(kanp) dp if n I (8.94) n', :o ( n : n' , we replace kmn, with an arbitrary value (8.94) becomes the eigenvalues. Then equation of k, not one of To determine the value of the integral when J*(ka)a ffro^,Alr:o: ,o' - &,t fo oh&*,p) J^(kp) dp l Now we differentiate this expression with respect to ft: dJ*(ka) dJ'-11r^,p11 :2k a-o;ak^n irk^np ro:o Jo[" +&2 I pJ^(k^np) J^(kp) dp - u^, Ir' pr^(k^,p)4!#O dp 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY BESSEL FUNCTIONS Next let k 409 --> k^n. The second term on the right vanishes, and we have k*nlall(k^na)12 :ro^, fo pU*(k^nil12 dp and so fo ou^&^ndl2 dp : lvh{t^,o)l' (8.e6) which is the integral we need.le 8.4.6. Solving a Potential Problem Example 8.4. A cylinder of radius a and height /r has its curved surface and its bottom grounded. The top surface has potential V (Figure 8.12). What is the potential inside the cylinder? FIGURE E.12. The top end of the cylinder in Example 8.4 is at potential V. All the other surfaces are grounded. The potential has no dependence on @, and so only eigenfunctions with m : 0 contribute. The potential is zero at p : a, so the solution we need is Jo(/cp) with eigenvalues chosen to make Jo(ka) : 0. Thus, the eigenvalues are given by 19See Problem 29 for the integral with Neumann conditions. 410 cHAprER I sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRy kgna : agn, where don are the zeros of the function "16. The remaining function must be zeto at z : 0, so we choose the hyperbolic sine. Thus, the potential is a@, z) :lc,Jo(ks,p) : Q(p, D z sinh (k6nz) : To find the coefficients cu, we evaluate this expression at z V of :DcnJs(ks,p) hi sinh (ft0nft) Next we make use of the orthogonality lf ,h" S"rr"t fonctions. We multiply both sides by pJo(ko,D and integrate from 0 to a. Only the one term in the sum with n : r survives the integration: V ra fa I oJoko, d dp : I JoJon pJo&o,dlcnJs(ks,p) sinh(konh) dp : c, Ifq p lJo&0, dl2 dp sinh (ko,h) Jo a2 : q7U 6ko,a)12 slrr'h (ko, h) To evaluate the left-hand side, we use equation (8.88) with m : l: !' oJokddp: lfad E J, ooo[kpJr(kp)]dp Jo : 1-a i pJr&p)16: So ,,:#Jr&o,^ffi - v2 k ," h(korq)sinh (ko,h) J6: -h. where we used the result from equation (8.87) that , cD : ^,, zv Finally, our solution is ^-.S Jo(konp) sinh(ko,z) : 2v 2 kr*tt&r*)tt"h (ftrlr) The first two zeros of Js are aot two terms in the potential are \v -JtGa) : 2.4048 and cu62 : 5.5201, and thus the first ( JoQ.a048pla) sinh(2.404821a) \rAo48JtQn4q {rnb QA048Ua) - Jo(5.5201p/a) sinh (5.52Dtzla)\ (tsrolv") ) 55201fi55201) "1"h 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNGTIONS 411 These terms are plotted in Figure 8.13 for h/o - 2 and z/a: 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 1.8. For zf a: 1.8, the first two terms do not represent the potential well. The three-term result is also shown for Z /a : 1.5 and 1.8. While the third term makes little difference at zf a : 1.5, it is vbry significant at zf a : 1.8. o n two terms three terms p a FIGURE 8.13. First two terms in the series for the potential inside the cylinder versus radius for h/a :2 and zf a: 0.5, l, 1.5, and 1.8. As 2/a increases, the series converges more : slowly and tbese first two terms do not represent the potential well at zf a 1.8hence the dip near the axis. The grey lines show the potential when a third term is added to the series. At the smaller values of z, the extra term makes a negligible difference in this diagram. 8.4.7. Modified Bessel Functions Suppose we change the potential problem in Example 8.4 so that the top and bottom : of the cylinder are grounded but the outer wall at p a has a known potential V (Q, z).Then we need to choose a negative separation constant so that the solutions ofthe z-equation are trigonometric functions : a2z -k2Z 02.2 : : + Z: asinkz * bcoskz : 0. We also need Z(h) : Q, nn /h. This change in sign ofthe separation constant also affects equation (8.69) for the function R(p) because the sign of the k2 term changes here too. The equation becomes At z O, Z(z) 0, so we need the sine and therefore s€t b so we choose the eigenvalue k : a/aR\ ^ ^ lp^dp/l-k"pRdp\ ^2 R-0 p 412 cHAprERssruRM-LtouvtLLETHEoRy or, with variables changed to x : kp, m2 x * ("#) -xR--R-0 (8.e7) which is called the modified Bessel equation. The solutions to this equation are J^(ikp).It is usual to define the modified Bessel function I^(x) by the relation I I*(x): ;J^(ix) (8.e8) so that the function f. is always real (whether or not m is an integer). Using equation (8.73), we can write a series expansion for 1.: ra(x) t\4) ('!\^*'" :: - im i4nr.f.=l:11* + l) \2 ) (n n=U m m I I-(-r\: ) 4nlf(n*m N:U As with the Js, if z is an integer, 1-' I-^(x) *l) (;)^.^ is not independent of :- i* J-^(ix) : I*; ( in fact, I*(x) The second independent solution is usually chosen to be K^(x) : Lim+t P$) 6x) (8.100) Then these functions have the limiting forms for small argument: r^(x) x i., (;)^ forr ( I (8.10r) 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 413 and Ks(x)x-0.5772-t"t forx < l(m\ /2\n K^(x)*i l;), (8.102) 1 m>0, forx( I (8.103) At large x , x >> I , m, the asymptotic forms are +f, r^(x) x K^(x) x (8.104) and 7f _e 2x (8.105) (Compare with Chapter 3, Examples 3.9 and 3.10.) These functions, like the real exponentials, do not have multiple zeros and are not orthogonal functions. Note that the 1s are well behaved at the origin but diverge at infinity. For the Ks, the reverse is true. They diverge at the origin but are well behaved at infinity (Figure 8.14). Is I1 I2 Ks K1 K2 0 FIGURE 8.14. The first three modified Bessel functions. The functions Kn (.x) diverge and the functions 1n (-r) diverge as r --) oo. at the origin, 414 cHAprERBsruRM-LrouvrLLETHEoRy The recursion relations satisfied by the modified Bessel functions are similar to, but not identical to, the relations satisfied by the Js. For the 1s, again we can start with the series: d (2*I^(x)\_S 1xlzn-t d"\ xm )-2ntt(ntm+D\z) Now let k: n - I: I d (2mr^(x)\:s (!\ro*t d"\ xm / Aklr(ft+m*r-rt)\2/ d (I^(x)\ /,+r(x) )cm dx\ x- )- (8.106) Similarly, : ft{** r^l xm Im-r (8.107) Expanding out and combining, we get I*(x)-mb:I^+t x 4++:tm-l , Adding, we obtain 2Ik: Im+r I Im-t (8.108) while subtracting, we get 2m -x Im - Im-t - Im+l (8.109) 8 4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY: BESSEL FUNCTIONS 415 For the Ks, the relations are fr{*^ *^) - -x* K*-l and d dx / K.(x)\ K,+r(x) *- \"') (8.1 10) and, consequently, 2m K^-l - Km+t:--Km x K.-t * Km+t:-2Kk (8.1 1 1) (8.1 l2) 8.4.8. Combining Functions When solving a physics problem, we start with a partial differential equation and a set of boundary conditions. Separation ofvariables produces asetof coupled ordtnary differential equations in the various coordinates. The standard solution method (Section 8.2) requires that we choose the separation constants by fitting the zero boundary conditions first. In a standard three-dimensional problem, once we have chosen the two separation constants we have no more freedom, and the third function is determined. When we solve Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates, the functions couple as follows. Zero boundary conditions J. (o^n I) where J^(a*r) : in p. ?," The eigenfunctions are of the form sinh a-n1 * B^n 0. The set of functions J^(a^npf set on the constant z surfaces that bound the Zero boundary conditions in "* z. u a)eri'd ^,1) "+;*o forms a complete orthogonal region. The eigenfunctions are of the form (#) lA*, r^ ff) The set of functions sin (nt zl surface p : constant. "osh + B*n K - (T)1,.'-' h)eti'Q forms a complete orthogonal set on the boundary Thus, in solutions of Laplace's equation, the ,Is in p always couple with the hyperbolic p always couple with sines and cosines (or real exponentials) in z, while the 1s and Ks in the sines and cosines (or complex exponentials) in z. 416 cHAprER I sruRM-LtouvtLLE THEoRY 8.5. Find the potential inside a cylinder of height /r and radius a when the top and bottom are grounded and the curved walls have a potential V (Q, z) : Vo for Example 0<d< n and-Vs forn < Q.2n. As we discussed in Section 8.4.7 , the z-functions are of the form sin (nn z/ h) so that the potential equals zero at z : 0 and at z : h.The Potential should be finite on the axis at p - 0, so we exclude the K functions. Thus, the potential is of the form Q(p, z, o .oo+oo :D D o^^ "^ (T),*(T o) "'^' n:lm:'6 : Now we evaluate the potential at p e(a, z,t, : {l'* 41 'rlorlrr'.oro ::.f:* An^ sin (? n(ffo) ,t^o This is a Fourier sine series, and we find the coefficients in the usual way: t.^f;r^(7")r":ro loo "^(T)0,(1," - f)e-i^,do h 2t1 - (-l),,11 : Vo-(l -cosrln)-f lm wf ]h ( : ( v,wrmt, [o We must evaluate the terms with A,0 :0' Thus, :T m : for n odd and rn odd otherwise 0 separately. The integral over i i'" l=-la (#)' ^ @ ^: \.i-o)'' *' n I^(Tt) 1,=".? Combining positive and negative m terms, we have . /n!3\ Q(p.:.0\:ryi .- n=t, Figure 8.15 shows the i aP'r m:t. solution;";t" a: h/2. r (wr ^\ sinmolm\ P) ' m ,^(Tt) is zero, so 8.4 PROBLEMS WITH CYLINDRICAL SYMMETRY BESSEL FUNCTIONS 417 o V, h 4 p 0 0.5 n : h/2. This plot shows @(p)/ V6 versus pf h The dotted line represents z : h/8; the dashed line, z - h/4; the solid /2. h / 2. The first three values of m and n are included in the sum. FIGURE 8.15. The solution to Example 8.5 with a at 0 : Iine, z tr : 8.4.9. Continuous Set of Eigenvalues: The Fourier-BesselTransform In Chapter 7, we approached the Fourier transform by letting the length of the domain in a Fourier series problem become infinite. The orthogonality relation for the exponential functions + [,^, (,7) *p (-iT) ax : a^n becomes r[* 2n J-* ,ikx"-ik'x dx : 6(k _ k,) That is, the Kronecker delta becomes a delta function, and the countable set of eigenvalues nn f L becones a continuous set of values -oo < k < oo. The same thing happens with Bessel functions. With a finite domain in p, say 0 < p < a, we can determine a countable set ofeigenvalues from the set ofzeros ofthe Bessel functions J., as we did in Example 8.4. If our domain in p becomes infinite, then we cannot determine the eigenvalues, and instead we have a continuous set. The orthogonality relation Io" ,^ ("^:) n (,*e) p dp : f;ul{o*,)t't,o 418 cHAprER I sruRM-LrouvrLLE THEoRy becomes (8. r l3) (The proof of this relation is in Appendix VIII.) Then the solution to the physics problem is determined as an integral over ft. For example, a solution of Laplace's equation may be written as e(p,Q,z) : I ,'^o [* A*(k)f (kz)J^(kp)dk 7Jo where /(kz) exponentials depends on the boundary conditions ,-kz un6 in z. It will be a combination of the "*kz. The potential on a plane at z : O is given by the function Find the potential above the plane at z > 0. sin(pla). Vo@/p) Example 8.6. Theappropriatefunction of zise-k',chosensothatO V(p) : + 0asz -+ oo(along way from the plane). Then the solution is of the form Q(p, Q, r, : +oc nN *\:*r'-' Jo Evaluating O on the plane at z : A^(k)e-kz J*(kp) dk 0 gives +oo V(p,il: o(p,d,0) : l. *a* roo "i'Q JoI l,-(t)t^(kp)dk Now we can make use of the orthogonality of the ei*Q. We multiply both sides by e-i^'o and integrate over the range 0 to 2n. On the right-hand side, only the term with m: nrl suryives the integration, and we get Io'" ,rr,Q)s-i-'q dQ:2n fo* o^,{o)r^,(kp)dk which is a Fourier-Bessel transform. Next2o we multiply both sides by pJ^(k'p), integrate from 0 to oo in p, and use equation (8.1 13) to get /^oo f2o J, J, v @, Q)s-ima d0 J^(ktp)p dp : zo : r, 20We also drop the primes onthe mt for convenience. fo* [@ Jo fo* o^{o)r^(kp)J^(k' p)p 3(k - k'\ e^&)*:dk dp dk A^(k'\ :2r:T 8.5 SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS 419 which determines the coefficient A^(k') in terms of the known function V (p , Q). In our example, V (p) is independent of @, so only m : 0 survives the integration over S,leaving Ao(k): ifka>t ' f*--a 'lallT vs: sin Lro&doap:rovo{o ' a rt Jo -G8 k:a . r k (The integral is Gradshteyn and Ryzhik formula 6.671#7.) Thus, a@,2): voa2 :ro [''" -L]o(kp)e-kz Jo 1/l - (ka)z f1 dk x/ Jn'#n(*2)"-"/'a* The solution for O(p, z) on the z-axis and at p - 2a is shown in Figure 8.16. o Vs 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 o.2 z a 0123 FIGURE 8.16. This plot of the solution to Example 8.6 shows p :2a. @ (p, z) on the z-axis (P : 0) and at The integration was done numerically. 8.5. SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS 8.5.1. The Wave Equation in Spherical Coordinates In Section 8.4.1, we showed how Bessel functions arise as solutions of Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates. Closely related functions-the spherical Bessel functions-arise as solutions ofthe wave equation in spherical coordinates. The wave equation (3.15) I a2F _n " _ __ V.F ,2 at2 -" 420 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY may be solved by first Fourier transforming in time. The wave equation is then transformed to the Helmholtz equation (3.16) with P : 02 /c2 ,where a.r is the Fourier transform variable (angular frequency ofthe wave) and c is the wave phase speed. For waves from a point source or in some other spherical geometry it makes sense to write the V2 operator in spherical coordinates: I a /"aF\ *,,sinl L(rineiF) + r A2F +k'F :0 l;1"; ) =l 00\ ap ) 7suzt aF (8'l14) Next we separate variables, as we have done before. First we write F : R(r)@(d)O(@), multiply the whole equation by r2 sin2 9, and divide by F, thus isolating the @ dependence: sin2 e a R0r (r#).##("",#) The last term must therefore be a constant, and if our region of interest is 0 < Q < 2r , then we must choose the constant tobe -m2 so that the solutions are periodic with period 22. Then Q : sinmQ, cosmQ and, after dividing by sin2 d, equation (8.114) becomes ta Eu ("#) tk2r2. #*# ('"#) - k :o Now we have separated the equation completely, since the first two terms are functions of r only while the last two are functions of 0 only. The last two terms are set equal to us the Legendre equation (refer to Section 8.3, equations 8.15 and 8.48) with solutions Pf (cos 0) and Ql @os 0). The remaining terms give the equation for R: -l(l + 1), giving *# t'#) lk2r2-I(l+1):o We proceed by letting (8. r 1s) n = Z /"fi.Then dR dr - IZ 213/2 ' Z, rt/2 -J-- and d d, So the equation /"dR\ : rz ll; ) -;;E + rt/2 z' + 13/22" for Z is -ii, 1vt/2zt + r3/22" + k2r3/22 - r(t + t's ,,,1- :o 8 5 421 SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS Dividing by rr/2 and gathering terms, we have d / t\22 *(rz't*k'Zr-(,*ri --0 which is Bessel's equation (8.69) of order / that we need is + I12. Thus, the solution of equation (8.115) : !*''lo R(r) This function is called a spherical Besselfunction.The usual normalization is irk): T7 (8.1 \f 2*Jr+rn@) l6) Thus, the full solution to the wave equation in spherical coordinates is of the form F (r, 0, Q, t) : j1(kr) Pi @os 7Seimf r-itcct (8. l 17) We may define a similar "spherical" analog of each Bessel function. For example, the spherical Neumann function is n1(x): tf fiN+tp1,1 In the large argument (8.1 I 8) limit, the spherical Hankel functions (refer to Section 8.4.1, equations 8.78, 8.79, and 8.8 i) have the form rtlr){rrr) = rEry -'# : (;,1+t{ asr -> oo (8.'e) Thus, solutions of the form F (r, 0 , Q ' t) : n[t) 1t r) r1' 6os g)ei-Q e-ikct o ,ik(r -ct) correspond to outgoing waves. Since the wave intensity is proportional to lF l2 , and I F | l/r forlarge r, this result corresponds to the usual inverse square law. The second Hankel function 7@ (kr) describes incoming waves. Properties of the spherical Bessel functions follow in a straightforward manner from the properties of the Bessel functions. For example, the recursion relations (8.89) and (8.90) 422 cHAprER I sruHM-LrouvrLLE THEoRy become * it+r@) yr-r (x) : 2t+1 +t/2).. 2(t . (8.120) xx -/t(x) -j,(x): and jr+r(x) - jr-t@) : - 2d : - 2d a*Jt*tpG) .F *1,/x7@)1 6 - -"djr$) dxx- jr?) We can simplify this relation by using equation (8.120): (21* t)ljt+r@) (l-t jr-t(x)l : -2(2t + gditr?) ax I) jr+r@) - tjt-r@) - : - -(21* Ur+r(x) * "r)-r(x)l DT (8. r21) We may also write the spherical Bessel functions in series expansions. For example, using the series (8.73) for h+t/2, we find i)' 1x1t+!+2" : ,- ---J-* irGT:,Fi \r) " V k;rT;+T+T jt@) In particular, for I : t _Ji L^nlf 2 N:U (-l)' (n-tl* \ 1r f (8.122) 0, io@):+fi##t Let's simplify the (;)'.^ (;)^ function: .(,*'u):(,.j) .(,.;) :(,*;) (,-;) .("-:) : (. * :)("-;)("-) j.(;) :s#!r':W#:W# (8 123) 8.5 SPHERICAL BESSEL FUNCTIONS 423 and so rrr (n + 7l \/ -(2n :): -l l)l 22n+l Thus, sln.t ,,b(x):L^#{r,^ (8.124) x In fact, each spherical Bessel function may be written in terms of sines and cosines. For example, jt@): jz(x) sin x ----;- - cos .x (8.125) x l\: (/3 lsinx\r'--- x/ 3 (8.126) 1 cosx (See Figure 8.17.) As / increases, the expressions become more and more complicated. f (x) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 o.2 0 -/ 16 -o.2 FIGURE 8.17. The first few spherical Bessel functions j6(x),71 (x), and 72(x). Compare with Figure 8. I l. 424 cHAprER I sruRM-LrouvrLLE THEoRy For large arguments, the expressions become simplell: 1 / T\ j"(x) - -sm(\.r-"r) for x )) I,n (8.r27) 8.5.2. Orthogonality Equation(8.115)isof Sturm-Liouvilleformwith the weighting function w(r) : f(r):-12,g(r):l(l+ l),f.: k2,and 12. Thus, the orthogonality relation is of the form f"' ,' 1,{t r) 11(k'|r) dx :o (8.128) unless fr : t', provided that boundary conditions of the form (8.2) are satisfied. As with the regular Bessel functions, since /(0) : 0, we have fb ,2 Jo .irtt r) jr\k'r) dr : o provided that the boundary conditions (8.2) are satisfied at r : b,regardless ofthe boundary conditions, if any, that apply at r : 0. (As always, we do require that the function remain finite when its argument is zero.) For k : kt : qt+tl2,pf b,where dr+r/z,p is the pth zero of J+t/2, and therefore also of 7), we may use relation (8.96) to obtain pb ^ rz1r{trl1r(kr)dr Jo rb2 : ;T fbrJ1,412(kr)J1+rp(kr)dr : ;;tJ|*rp@t+,tz.)12 J, But . i'(x) : tlfnZeJ' J,: lit ,,1 J Zt xy2 ,lT (''. I : Tir ur' - ;i ,,1 *) Thus, here we have 7b Jo ,,i,ro,,i,(kr)dr : : 2lCompare with equation (8.83). n b22kb ;7'i jt@+tp,il12 *;##) liir",*'/ 1.,, f;tiiro,*r12,))2 (8. l 29) 425 8.6 THE CLASSICAL ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS where we used the fact that dr+r /2, p is a zero of n. We can write the result in terms of the functions themselves rather than the derivatives22 by using the recursion relations (8.120) and (8.121): fn' ,, i,{*ii,&r) dr : (8.130) f;tj,*r{o+t/2,))2 Spherical Bessel functions find particular application in the study of electromagnetic waves (see Jackson, Chapter 9) and also in the quantum mechanics ofa particle in a spherical cavity (Problem 55). 8.6. THE CLASSICAL ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS The functions we have studied in this chapter have several common features: . They are orthogonal on an interval example, relation 8.30). . . . They satisfy a set ofrecursion relations (for example, equations 8.34 through 8.41). [a,b]with respect to a weight function ur(x) (for They may be computed from a generating function (for example, equation 8.32). They may be computed from a Rodrigues{ype formula (for example, equation 8.42). These properties are coflrmon to a larger class of orthogonal polynomials that arise in physics problems. They are defined by the generalized Rodrigues formula: cp(x) 11dn - K" r@ dr"lw(x)snl (8.1 3 1) u(x), the weight function, is real, positive, and integrable on the interyalla,bl; s(x) is a polynomial of degree < 2 withreal roots; and the product rus satisfies the boundary where conditions w(a)s(a): u(b)s(b) :0 In addition, the first polynomial Cr(x) is a first-degree polynomial in x. The constant K, serves to normalize the polynomials. [Notice that the Legendre polynomials satisfy these conditionswith 22See Problem 48. ?r(r):1,s(.t) : x2 -l,a: -l,b:1, Kn -2nnl,andC1 (x):1.] 426 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY We shall begin by showing that the function defined by equation (8. 13 I ) is a poly- C "(x) nomial of degree n. To construct the proof, we use the symbol pr(x) to represent any polynomial of degree < k. Then : ffi@r" rD (8.132) u)sn-m pk+m where ppy^ is another polynomial of degree < k I m. To prove this result, we start with the definition of Cr from equation (8.131) to obtain wK1C1:,# * whereKrCr that r# + ,# :.(*rr, - #) -dsldx isapolynomialof degree < 1. (Remember:Wehavealreadyspecified Cl is a first-degree polynomial.) Then pil : d,' ,n po + nw!s'-t !@r" dx dx clx rr, + wsndlk ax :,(*rr, - #)u-'rx + nwfrs"-'po +.u* = u,sn-t l("'t' + (n - "#)rr *'#f Sinces(x)isapolynomialof degree <2,dsf dx isof degree< l,anddppldx isof degree < k - l, the term in brackets on the right-hand side is a polynomial of degree < k + d fttws'P1r'1 : 1: wsn-t Pk+l [Given specific forms for the functions u(x), s(x), and a polynomial pp, we could use this relation to construct a specific form for the polynomial p*+t, but we don't need to do that.l We can continue to differentiate until we obtain the result (8.132). Setting n : m and k : 0 in equation (8.132) and using the result in equation (8.131), we obtain Cn(x): Pn that is, Cn is a (yet unspecified) polynomial of degree < n. This polynomial may be written as a polynomial of degree < n - l, with the possible addition of a term in xn: Cn : pn-r I Ax" Next we shall show that A is not zero, and thus Cn is a polynomial of degree n. (8.133) 427 8.6 THE CLASSICAL ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS To show that A is not zero, and at the same time establish the orthogonality property the polynomials Cr, we shall first show that f"u n.{*lc^(x)u.'(x) dx :o for m < n of (8.134) for any p*(x). We begin with the defining relation (8.131) and integrate by parts: rb I J" p^@)Cn(x)w(x) dx : lfbdn i J" P^(*)*;l*(x\snldx tb rh tn-l tn-l \ | / : nlo^t*>fr,-tt*t')"11, - J" o^-,@h*J G)s\dx) where we used the result that the derivative of a polynomial of degree < m is another polynomialof degree < m-7.Result(8.132) showsthatallthederivatives(d- f dx^)(us') withm < n vanishattheendpointsr : a andx: b of theintervalbecause does, and thus the integrated term vanishes. We may now continue to integrate by parts, reducing the order of the polynomial in the integrand by one each time, until we obtain b p^(x)C"(x)w(x) dx : < n, and the next integration shows that the integral (8.134) is zero. Now we multiply equation (8.133) by C"w and integrate: for m l"u {r,)'w(x)dx: f"u o,-rc,wdx * :o*A f"u t fob *nc,*d, *'c^rdx:1, where we used result (8.134) with m : n - 1 to eliminate the first term. The left-hand side is > 0, since the integrand is positive throughout the range of integration, so A must be greater than zerc, and Cn is thus a polynomial of order n. Finally, we set pm : C* in relation (8.134) to obtain the orthogonality relation we seek: I,' r-orr,(x)w(x)dx :o form < n Properties of some of the polynomials used in physics are listed in Table 8.3. (8. l3s) 428 cHAprERosruRM-LrouvrLLETHEoRy TABLE 8.3. Classical Orthogonal Polynomials u(x)s(r)abKn -| -1 e-" I -oo +m xue-" r Irgendre I Hermite Laguene x2 o | !t-i- I nl +oo +l -l 2n (-l)' 1l Ji2"nl f(n*u*l) nl (-2\nnl ,ffi Jacobi (l-.r)v(la.r)r l-x2 -1 +l Tchebichef 2 2nnl +l (-l\nr (Zn\l 2nn! tt 2 - PROBLEMS fl fina the eigenfunctions for the one-dimensional Helmholtz equation d2v 7j + k'Y :o subject to the boundary conditions )=0 atx :0 and !' :o at x : L. (This corresponds to a vibrating string with one fixed end and one free end.) 2. Find the eigenfunctions for the Helmholtz equation d2v 7fi + k'Y :o subject to the boundary conditions atx :0 al * bYt :Q * Fy' :0 and ay atx: L. 429 PROBLEMS Determine specific forms for the functions, and obtain the eigenvalues for the following CASES: (i) a:aandb:F (ii) aL:bandF:2aL You should be able to obtain numerical values for the product kl. 3. The displacement of a square vibrating membrane of side L satisfies the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation 02s 02s arr+ arr*k's:o where k : olu, rr.r is the frequency, and u is the speed of waves on the membrane. x : 0, L and y : O, L. Separate variables and solve for the eigenfunctions s(x, y). Show that the system exhibits degeneracythat is, that there is more than one eigenfunction corresponding to a given eigenvalue k2. In particular, show that there are two eigenfunctions s1 and s2 that correspond to the eigenvalue k2 : 5n2 / L2 .What symmetry of the physical system causes this degeneracy? (Hints: Where are the nodal lines for the two modes? What happens if one side of the membrane is slightly shorter, equal to L - e?) Any linear combination of the two eigenfunctions is also a solution. Find some of the nodal lines for combinations of the modes-for example, .rt + s2. How do these modes reflect the symmetry of the system? Can you find an eigenvalue that has threefold degeneracy? If so, what do those modes look like? Suppose the membrane is fixed at its edges at set of eigenfunctions y,(x) satisfies the Sturm-Liouville equation (8.1) with boundary conditions (8.2). The function g = 0. Show that the derivatives un(x) : y'n@) are also orthogonal functions. Determine the weighting function for these functions. What boundary conditions are required for orthogonality? Apply your results to the Legendre equation to determine the orthogonality of the derivatives fi@). @A 5. Use the recursion relations in Section 8.3.5 to show that the derivatives Pi (f) of the Legendre polynomials are orthogonal on the range (-1, 1) with weighting function 0 - 1"2), in agreement with the results of Problem 4. 6. To obtain Fourier-Legendre series, we often need to evaluate integrals ofthe form ,f : lo' tr" h1t) dpt (a) Start by evaluating tf , tl, I[, and Ii. (b) Next use the recursion relations for the polynomials in Section 8.3.5 to determine recursion relations for the integrals f . Multiply equation (8.37) by ptn andintegrate by parts to obtain (c) Use a relation between ti nd li-rt . these results to step down until you can use your results from (a) to obtain an 430 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY explicit expression for If. Show that nl (n-l)ll(n+/+1)!l t-n-t (l-n-2\ll (-l)---rn!' (n*/*l)!! 0 if n > I If n < I andl -n is odd ifn<landl-niseven 7. Yeify that the Rodrigues formula gives the correct normalization for every Legendre polynomial. Hint: Wite (r2 - t)t : (x - l)l(-x + 1)', differentiate, and evaluate the resultatx:I. @ Evaluate the integral f+l t PtG) J-r Jl - xz dv for the function I l\n-'. and hence obtain a Fourier-Legendre series cursion relations in Section 8.3.5 may prove useful. Hint: Tlte re- 9. Write Laplace's equation in oblate spheroidal coordinates (refer to Chapter 2, Problem I 3), separate variables, and hence show that the solution requires Legendre functions in both the coordinates z and u. Argue that the solution exterior to an oblate spheroidal boundary requires the use of the Legendre function of the second kind, Q. 10. Expand the Legendre function Qo@) for large values of the argument, and show that your result agrees with the asymptotic form in equation (8.29), modulo a constant. 11. Rewrite the Legendre equation d d. (o - l1| *tff) *,0 + t)et : o in terms of the variable u : I I x, and obtain a solution as a series in u. Show that for latge x, Q7(r) goes to zero as If xt+t. Show that for / : 0, the solution Qo@) may be written as in equation (8.28) but with x - I in the denominator instead of 1 - x. Cunent flow in aconducting sheetis describ-edby the relations fr : -VO ana j: ofr. Use the charge conservation law (0pl0t + V .j : 0) to show that, in a steady state, O satisifes Laplace's equation. Find the eigenfunctions for current flow in a circular copper plate. Current 1 flows into and out of a plate of thickness t and conductivity o through r: a extendingfromd :7t -yl2ton 1-y12 andfrom I : -y12to *y /2.Determine the potential, and plot the current flow lines. electrodes at 13. A solid sphere of radius a is immersed in a vat of fluid at temperature 16. Heat is conducted into the sphere according to equation(3.14).If the temperature at the boundary is fixed at Zo and the initial temperature of the sphere is Ir, find the temperature within the sphere as a function of time. 14. Use the Cauchy formula together with the Rodrigues formula to write hQt) as a contour integral in the complex plane. Take the contour to be a circle of radius \62=, and PROBLEMS 431 hence obtain the integral expression I fr r r1 hA): - Jo lx + t/x2 - tcosQ) dQ 15. Starting from the relations in Section 8.3.5, derive the following recursion relations for the associated Legendre functions: : (a) (/ - * + Dt/TlEPl-t Pi\1 - wPi (b) (2t + D\/T=EP{-t Pilr - Piir : Hint: Start with the pure recursion relation and differentiate. (c) From relations (a) and (b), derive the following: (2t + I)p.Pf @) : (t - m * r)Pi\+ 0 + m)PLt 16. Starting from the definition (8.53), obtain the m.rusing recursion relation for the associated Legendre functions: -^-+Pi1n - JTl: dP eitu) t/l - lt' r;"+t{u): Combine this result with equation (8.59) to obtain the m-loweingrelation (t *m)(t -m t t)Pi'-' : ,f,4hPi' - mJ+EPf 17. Use the results of Problem 15 to show that, for I + m even, + m - r)lt' Pf Q) : eD(t+D/2(l (t - m)tt lE. Show by direct substitution into equation (8.15) that P#(e) o< sin- d. Use the value the orthogonality integral (8.55), together with the result rn /2 ["'' Jo ,inz^+t o dg : of Qm)ll Qm 1- l)ll (for example, Gradshteyn and Ryzhik formula 3.621#4), to show that P#@) : (-t1m94 2mml, "inm s This relation, together with the z-lowering relation (Problem 16), may be used to generatethe Pf . 19. Verify the result If+t Jt I (t r m)l ' Ut)12 dLr:-l-p' = ' m(l -m)l Lpl" 432 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY for the second orthogonality integral in Section 8.3.7 in the cases (c)l:m (a) l:m:l (b)l:2,m-l (d) Stepping down in m, vse proof by induction (Appendix III) to show that the result is true in general. [ZOl Using the generating function G(x, tD (equation 8.32) and the addition theorem (8.65), derive the expansion -ml #u : [,t, h#'^'' ilYfi^ (e" 6'7 where r= and r, are the lesser and the larger ofr and r/, respectively. Hence find the magnetic vector potential due to a circular loop of wire of radius a that is carrying current 1. (Refer also to Problem 6.19.) 21. Verify the result (8.67) I,' where / Pi @)d w : (- 1)("+r),'tT r,*rfo) Pf Q) and m are both odd. (a) First evaluate the Legendre functions to show that l-2)lt(l*m-t)tt _ f+t It^: I PiQt)du: , ,i,, +,(l-m)ll \r'' ' -mn )i t (+t)tl J-t (b) I,m odd Use the expression for Pff (0) from Problem 18 to show that the result is true for m : I . Hint: Use contour integration. (c) Show that the result is true for m : I and / equal to any odd integer. (d) Use proof by induction (Appendix III) to show that the result is true for all m, | < m < I, with both I andm odd. Hint:Usethe result from part (b) and step down in m. 22. Find the electrostatic potential inside a hemisphere of radius a with potential O the flat side and Q : V on the curved part. : 0 on 23. Quantum mechanical treatment of the harmonic oscillator results in the Hermite differential equation y,,-2*y,*ly:0 Write this equation in standard Sturm-Liouville form. If the boundary conditions are y(x) -+ 0asx -+ foo,showthatthesolutionsareorthogonalontherange(-oo, *oo), and find the weight function u.r(x). Solve the equation to find a series expansion for the Hermite functions. What value of the eigenvalue l, is required for the functions to remain bounded throughout the interval, including x -+ Iec? (Hint: Experience with Legendre functions should prove useful.) Normalize the solutions by choosing the coefficient of the highest power x' to be 2n , and hence determine the first three eigenfunctions. PROBLEMS 433 [Z+]fne generating function for Hermite polynomials is G(x.t): '-t2+2'r: i l"r,t, 7=on! Use this generating function to establish a pure recursion relation for Hermite polynomials (analogous to equation 8.34 for Legendre polynomials). Also obtain the derivative dH"ldx in terms of the Hn (analogous to equations 8.40 and 8.41). Differentiate G(x, t) with respect to t a total of n times to obtain the Rodrigues-type formula Hn@): (-l)'r*'#{" 25. By using the Rodrigues formula (Problem 24) for the Hermite polynomials or otherwise, obtain the normalization integral: /n+oo I ,-"lHn(x)12 J-- dx - 2"nt.Ji 26. Starting with relation (8.86), derive the Rodrigues-type formula for Bessel functions: Jn(x) / I dY - *' (\ -:ilxdx/ Jo(x) 27. A drumhead is a circular membrane of radius a. When it is struck, waves propagate across the drumhead. The membrane vibrates with displacement f , where f (r, ry1r,0)e-i't and ryQ, d) satisfies the Helmholtz equation 0,t) : la (-an\-7flzn ;u\'u)+7aertk"q-s : ,2 lu2 and u is the speed with which waves propagate across the drumhead. (The speed u depends on the tension in the drumhead, among other things.) The boundary condition is that 4 :0 at r : a. Separate variables, and find the eigenfunctions. Determine the first three allowable frequencies co in terms of the drum parameters u where k2 and a. 28. Sound waves propagating through a tube may be described by a velocity potential (refer to Chapter 2, Section 2.4) that satisfies the Helmholtz equation / a.,2\ " (o'*7)*:o where c, is the sound speed in the tube. Assume that for propagation along the length of the tube (in the *z-direction), the potential may be written Q : Qteikz 434 cHAprEB 8 sruRM-LrouvrLLE THEoRy (D1 is a function of the transverse coordinates (x and y or r and 0). Because the air cannot move perpendicular to the walls of the tube, the boundary condition is where -ao fr.VO : =- :0 0n on the boundary surface Write the differential equation and boundary conditions satisfied by the eigenvalues and the set ofallowed frequencies a-t if <D1 and hence find [a)] tne tube has a rectangular cross section measuring a x b (b) the tube has a circular cross section ofradius a In each case, show that there is a minimum frequency for waves that propagate along the tube with <D1 not constant. 29. If y.n is the nth zero of Jh@), show that the Bessel functions satisfy the orthogonality relation: F Jo" t^ / o\ (^,*) l. / o\ o2 / (y*ol) o ao : T lt ^2\ - ;) u^ (y.)t23,t 30. Use the generating function (8.93) to show that (a) sinx (b) @ :2D n:o Jz,+r(x) 1:,/o(x)+zitz,@) n:l 31. Use the generating function (8.91) to show that +co Jn(x*y): t m:-@ J*@)Jn-^(y) , and hence show that Jo(2x) : t& @)+ z ir-rl ^ J3@) m:l bi] (Hint: Use the orthogonality of the complex exponentials.) Starting from the Bessel differential equation, show that [@ J^(x)Jn@) . 2 sinl(m -n)r/2] fornr *rr > 0 ' ' dx: I ---# X It n7'-n' JO and that this result equals ll2n when ltl : n. Does this result constitute a second orthogonality relation for the Bessel functions? Why or why not? 33. At time / : 0, the surface of the water in a pond has the form s(p, Q,0) : AJo@d. By taking the Fourier transform of the wave equation with two spatial dimensions, find the displacement s (p, 0 , t) at later times. PBOBLEMS 435 34. (a) Show that [@l I e-ox Jn(x\dx :: Jo Ja2+r Hint: Use the integral expression (8.92) for Jo(x) and perform the integral over x (b) first. Do the integral over the angle using methods from Chapter 2. Use the same technique to evaluate the integral e-o* fo* J^(*) d* 35. Show that *t roro*, a, fot : (t - 1) rro if, instead, J1@) : Ql (other than zero) of the Bessel function J^(x), xr, 1 , is an 36. Show that the first zero increasing function of m-that is, If Jo@) : 0. What is the value of the integral I0,1 <xl,l<XZ,l<Xj,I and so on. Hint: Use relations (8.86)-(8.90). @ e pendulum has steadily increasing length /(r) : /o * cvt. Show that the equation that describes small oscillations of this pendulum is 10" +2a0' * g0 :0 Change variables to tt : (1 -f at I lslr/2 and y : u0, and hence show that the general solution may be expressed in terms of Bessel functions. Find the solution if the pendulum is released from rest at an angle 0g at t :0 (that is, when I : ld. 38. The equation that describes the angular displacement of a vertical pole or column is d2o trl7 * P,xO :o where x increases downward from the top of the pole, E is theYoung's modulus, 1 is the moment of inertia (see also Chapter 3, Section 3.2.3), and L is the mass per unit length. Make a change of variables to 2fil"^ ':;,,1fr*'' v : Ji e and hence show that the solution may be expressed in terms of Bessel functions. Show that there is no solution that fits the boundary conditions 0 (L) : 0 and d/(0) : 0 unless the pole has a minimum length 1161. Find an expression for L,;n in terms of the physical parameters of the pole. 436 cHAprERssruRM-LrouvrLLETHEoRy 39. Establish the addition theorem for Bessel functions: .Io(kR) : J*(kp)J^(kpt) ^t*r'^, where n : Jfi @,)2 - 2ppt cosQ Hint: Begin by expressing I/l* - i'l as an expansion in Bessel functions, as in Section 8.4.9, and set 3 : z' : O and 0' : 0. Evaluate the constant A.(k) using the result of Problem 34. FO.l Starting from the definitions (8.100), (8.76), and (8.78), show that Ku(x) n l-u(x) - Ir(x) - , ,i"r" where u is not an integer. Hence, show that 41. The potential on a plane is V6 for p < a K-u@) and zero for : Kr(x). r > a. Find an integral expression for the potential everywhere. Evaluate the integral with p: 0 to find the potential on the z-axis. 42. A cylinder of height h and radius a has the top and bottom grounded. The potential on the wall at p - a is Vs. Find the potential inside the cylinder. 43. A cylinder of height ft and radius a is grounded except for its base at z : 0. On the base the potential is Vs f \/ I - p2 / a2 . Find the potential inside the cylinder. E4.l (al Use the series for "Io(;) to show that its Laplace transform is LtJod.)l: (b) -L Jl*sz Then use the recursion relation (8.87) to find the Laplace transform of Jr (x). Extend the result to show that LIJ-(x)l: 1uffi_gm 'JP +l Compare with Problem 34. (c) Use the convolution theorem to establish the relation [' JO ,or, - u) Jo@) du : sinx 45. Obtainexpression(8.126)for jz@) fromtheexpressionsfor jsand j1 andtherecursion relation (8.120). 46. Starting with the recursion relations (8.86) and (8.88), derive the relations a (it@)\_ 7+t@) E\-;-)----7- PROBLEMS 437 AIId d t+l ftt ir{il: xt+t it-r@) lZTl Use proof by induction (Appendix III) to establish the Rodrigues-type formula jn(x) : (_t)n xn (: *)" (Y) 48. Use the recursion relations to show that the orthogonality relation (8.130) is equivalent to (8.129). 49. Starting from the definition (8.76), show that n1 (x) : (- 1)l+l j-rl+ri (") Hence show that ns(x) - -cos'r x 50. Starting from relations (8.111) and (8.112), establish the recursion relations for the modified spherical Bessel tunctions kt@) : JT/iiKlayp@): h-r-kt+r:-('zJlf\k, \r / and (t i t)k1a1-t tk1-1 : -(2t + lft*t<x1 [it--] rne Fresnel integrals s(x) : ,E I' sint2 dt and may be expressed as series of spherical Bessel functions. First show that I f*2 s(x):hJ, Jiio@)au and obtain a similar expression for C(x). Use the recursion relation to do and hence establish the result 6oo S(x) : \l:.D I J' n:l Determine a similar expression for C(x). jzn-t@2) the integration 438 CHAPTER 8 STURM-LIOUVILLE THEORY 52. Sound waves in a spherical cavity satisfy the differential equation (V2 + t<2) F : 0 for r < R with 0F l0r : 0 at r : R. Find the eigenvalues k, for the problem and hence find the allowed frequencies @n : knu for sound waves inside.the cavity. 53. Electromagnetic waves in a spherical cavity may be described by a mathematical problem similar to that described in Problem 52, with r) : c, the speed of light. The boundary conditions depend on the polarization. Find the allowed frequencies if the boundary condition is F(R) : 0. 54. The modified spherical Bessel functions are defined23 as i1e): and k1@): rlZK+trzi) ,l!t,*r,r(r) Y |Tx U 2x Using expression (8.99) and the result of Problem'8.40, verify the expressions for the modified spherical Bessel functions 16 (x) : sinh x I x and ko (r) : e-x / x. Use proof by induction to show that h@) :1_7)txt(:*)'+ 55. We may model the force between particles in an atornic nucleus with a three-dimensional square-well potential v(r\:[-vo |.0 forr<R forr > R Schrodinger's equation for this system takes the form m (o, - zftvr,t) v : -2-Eill hz Write the differential operator in spherical coordinates and show that the solution may be writtenintermsof sphericalBesselfunctions.Withcy :2(m/h2)VoR2 ande: -ElVo with E < 0, show that the energy levels are determined by the equation Jr -irt("J;) i+r("Jr [iCl : ') J;i,(",h - ')r,t@1r61 Find the energy ofthe lowest energy level for / : 0, cy : 10. fn" density of neutrons in uranium is described by the equation !:pyzrqo, At where D (the diffusion coefficient) and a (the net production rate) may be taken to be constants in space and time. Solve the equation using separation ofvariables. Look for a solution with spherical symmetry that satisfies the boundary condition n : 0 atr : R. Show that the density increases exponentially if R exceeds a critical value Rs;1, and determine that value in terms of D 23Some authors choose different normalization. and a. OPTIONAL TOPIC A Tensors A.1. CARTESIAN TENSORS In Chapter 1, we showed how physical laws, such as Newton's second law (equation 1.8), may be-represented as mathematical relations between vectors. In equation (1.8), the force vector F and the acceleration vector d are parallel. It is sometimes the case that one vector is linearly related to another, as in equation (1.8), but the directions of the vectors are not the same. An example from mechanics is the angular momentum L of a rigid body, which is determined by the body's angular velocity <i but is not parallel to 6 utless the body has sufficient symmetry.1 In electricity and magnetism, the current density j in a magnetized plasma is not necessarily parallel to the electric field E that drives it, because the magnetic force causes particles to gyrate. In these cases, the vectors are related by a linear operator that mixes the components. For example, the angular momentum is i : ll<ir where ll is the inertia tensor.2 The vector components are related by a matrix. In index notation,3 L;: of I;ia1 (A.1) The matrix ll has 3 x 3 : 9 components.4 It is an example of a rank-two tensor. The rank a tensor is indicated by the number of indices needed to describe its components. TABLE 4.1. Tensors in Three-Dimensional Space Object Notation Number of Components Rank of Tensor scalar m Ui 1:30 3:31 9 :32 0 vector rank-two tensor I ij I 2 I See, for example, Lea and Burke, Chapter 9; Marion and Thornton; Goldstein, Chapter 5. 2This is not the identity matrix. Here II stands for inertia. In Chapter 1, we used the symbol IR for this operator. 3Throughout this topic we shall use the summation convention discussed in Chapter 1, Section 1.1.2. 4The number 3 here represents the three dimensions of space. 439 44O oPTroNALToPrc A TENSoRS As with Newton's second law, it is essential that a physical relationship such as (A.1) remain true when we change the coordinate system (refer to Section 1.1.1). In the new system, L'i: Ilj@'j (A'2) We already know how the vector components transform under coordinate rotations, so let's fransform them: L'i: AitLt where A;p is the rotation matrix (equation 1.21). To go in the reverse direction, we multiply on the left by {-t : A7: A[,L', : : Al;A;pL1, 6nkLk : Ln so (equation 1.25) Lr: AinLti rom: Aim@} Similarly, so equation (A.1) becomes A;nLt;: In6Aiaoj Now we multiply on the left by,A,, and we have Apn A[, L', : Akn Ir^ A j^tD'j 6P; Lti : L'k : Ak, A i^In^r'j Comparing with equation (A.2), we find the transformation rule for the tensor It, : AprAi^In* ly: (A.3) Notice how the indices match up in equation (A.3); the repeated indices indicate that we must sum over both n and m. l A.1 CARTESIANTENSORS 441 We can use matrix multiplication to perform the calculation indicated by the indices if we first put the summed indices next to each other.5 To do this, we have to transpose one of the matrices: Ilri: Alrnlr^Afi1 or, in matrix notation, [' : ^AJl.Ar (A.4) The index notation (A.3) is more general and more powerful. It extends easily to tensors of rank greater than two, whereas the matrix notation does not. The transformation laws for vectors, scalars, and tensors are compared in Table A.2. TABLE A.2. TFansformation Laws Object Transformation Law scalar ml:m u'i: Aiju j It^ : ApnAyli Ini vector rank-two tensor We need one transformation matrix for each index of the tensor. Extending the rule we have found, we get the transformation law for a rank-three tensor: Tlip: Example A.1. A;nAi-AkpTn^p (A.s) The inertia tensor has components ti,:.1{r2ti1 -xix)dm (A.6) A uniform square plate of side s is rotating about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the square and through its center. The angular momentum of the square about its center is L:'t' 6 io Compute the components of the inertia tensor in a coordinate system with origin at the center of the square ard x- and y-axes parallel to the sides of the square, and verify the expression for the angular momentum. Next, compute the components of 5See footnote 8 in Chapter 1. -.! 442 oPTroNALToPrc A TENSoBS the tensor in a primed coordinate system with axes rotated by 45" about the original x-axis. Hence find the angular momentum about its center when the square rotates about an axis at 45o to the plane ofthe square. FIGURE A.1. The square plate in Example I rotates about (a) the z-axis and (b) the z/-axis. Since the square is a planar object and all mass elements are at we may immediately conclude that I;3-13;-Q unless i also equals 3. Then, with dm : o dA : (M /s2) dx dy we have tr, : \ [''' f '' @2 + v2) dx dv S' J J -s12 -t /2 Pl2 113 :5M l_;,(;. :5 I::,(* ' 's/2 *,')l_,,,0, . ,,,) a, M /s3 u31rs/2 : ;r (i, *'?)l_",, M s4 -s26- Ms2 6 The other components are ,,, : 5 l::,1::,,, + v, - *27 d. dv yt f /z l''' Ms2 :M ,, Tl_,,r,1_,,r: T z: 0 (Figure A.1), and 12 : x2 + y2, A.1 CARTESIANTENSORS 443 and r,, : 5 I::, I::,-xy dx o, : -5 Similar calculations give 122: 1rr and lzt : In. +l:::,,,*1,'_,,,: o Thus, in this system, tr: ,''/'1S\ o ;;) lB Then, when the system rotates about the z-axis, L;:r;iai:#(i: g ) (I :+( I ) ) i is parallel to <i in this case. Now we change to a coordinate system rotated by 45o about the x-axis (Figure A. I ). The transformation matrix is Thus, '/& -;??\i ) ^:z\3 The new components of the inertia tensor are found from the transformation rule (A.3): I!,: A;nIn^A[, ::(f, ii)#(s:!Xf :+(f ii)(f i i) i i) :*"24 (3 St ?\ 3) \o In the new coordinate system, the angular velocity is along the z/-axis and has only one component, so the angular momentum is L,i:r,@,j:# (i? i)(I) :+( i ) OPTIONALTOPIC A TENSORS andisnot parallel to dr. The angular velocity has components @(A/D(O, -1, l) in the original coordinate system. We may check our result by computing the components of L in this frame and transforming the result into the prime frame. ',:ry(i: l) ,+(-i ): M,"*( ;) Transforming the resulting vector to the new frame, we have i i)(-l ): +( i) L,i:AiLi:u,,,fit"(f, which agrees with the result from the ffansformed inertia tensor. A.2. INNER AND OUTER PRODUCTS The components of the inertia tensor (4.6) are made up of components of the position vectors of all the elements of the body. Such definitions are common. In fact, the products a;b i of vectorcomponents are the components of a tensor called an outer product of the two vectors d and b. All such products are tensors. In an outer product, the rank ofthe resulting tensor is the sum of the ranks of the tensors making up the product. When we sum over two or more indices, as in the dot product a;b; or in the product of a tensor and a vector to give another vector l;itoi, the result is an inner product. All inner products are also tensors. The process of reducing the rank of a tensor by summing over a pair ofindices is called contraction. Every contraction reduces the rank ofthe tensor by two. It is fairly straightforward to show that an inner or outer product oftwo tensors obeys the ffansformation law for a tensor of the appropriate rank.6 In fact, we may prove a yet more powerful result called the quotient theorem. If a tensor b is the inner or outer product of c and d and if c is a tensor with arbitrary components, then the set of components d is also a tensor. For example, let b;i Then : c;PdPi if b is a tensor, we can transform the components using equation (A.3): bL^: 6See Problems 4 and 5. An;Aaib;; : An;Aaic;pdpi A.sPSEUDO-TENSORSANDCROSSPRODUCTS 445 But from the definition of b in the prime frame and the fact that c is also a tensor, bL^: c'^od'p- - An;Apkcrkd'p* Setting the two expressions for b'n^ equal, we have Ari A^i c;pd11i Now we multiplyT on the left Ay enl : Anq A^icqtd*i Next we multiply on the left bV A,l : (6,jd*j (d1r, - - Ani A plrc itd'p^ and use the result An/ Ani : 6qi to obtain Aorcqtdtpm Amri : O A4rApnd'o_)cq* :0 A^, Appdlo^)cq* Because the components c4ft are arbitrary, the term in parentheses must equal zero, and so we must have dk, Thus, the components : ApnA^rdp^: e;) e;)alo^ ofd transform as a tensor, as required. A similar proof works for tensors of any rank. A.3. PSEUDO.TENSORS AND CROSS PRODUCTS In Chapter 1, we saw that the vector cross product is not a true vector because it does not possess the proper behavior under reflection of the coordinate axes. Also recall that we may express the cross product using the Levi-Civita symbol (see Chapter 1, equation 1.30): (fr x i), : eijku jvk i are both vectors yet fr x i is not, the symbol e;;1 cannot be a tensor. It represents pseudo-tensor, a or a tensor density. The transformation law for a tensor density is similar to that for a tensor (Thble A.2) except that we must also multiply by the determinant of the transformation matrix.8 Thus, for the Levi-Civita tensor density, Since fr and eli p : det (A) A; o A I q A p, e pqr From this result and the fact that det (A) : tl, we may easily see that 1. The product of two tensor densities is a tensor. 2. The product ofa tensor and a tensor density is another tensor density. 7We cannot divide out the "factors" 8See Problem I 1 and Appendix I. Ar; andcit because we are summing over i and k. 446 oPTroNALToPrc A TENSoRS We may avoid the difficulties associated with the cross product if instead we represent the components of the cross product as components of an antisymmetric tensor. A ranktwo antisymmetric tensor has only three independent components, and these will be the components of the cross product il x i if we choose Tij:uiuj-uiuj In matrix form, the components are 0 / uruz - u2ut utu3 - urrt \ u2u3 - u3uz T: I u2Dt - utuz 0 0 / \ ,rr' - utui uyu2 - u2u3 (dxi;, -(frxi)r\ o / :l -lilxi)j (ixi)1 | o \ tdxn)z -1frxi)1 o I I Then we may also define the vector density: di : which is known as the dual of the tensor ,, at :r(Tzl - az : 1 1 1Qt - 1 (A.7) t€ijkTjk T;1 . The components of d; are Tn) : T23 : u2u3 - u31)2 : (fr x i;1 Tn) - T3r : u3ut - u1u3 : (fr x and similarly for d3. Thus, the vector density d The inverse dual relationship is T;.i : i)z ir ttr" cross product i x i. (A.8) e;ipdp We may demonstrate this relationship using equation (1.34) from Chapter 1: r;1 : : r,1t )rkrmTrm 1 1(T;1 - : ){t,,ai^ Tii) Since ?l; is antisymmetric, the result follows. - t;^6i)Tm l A.4 GENERALTENSOR CALCULUS 447 Example A.2. Express the angular velocity and angular momentum of a particle in circular motion as tensors. We choose to put the origin at the center of the circle. The angular velocity of the particle is given by i:rixi Since i and i are vectors, 6 is a pseudo-vector. We can find an expression for dl by ri is perpendicular to i: taking anothei cross product and using the fact that ixi:ix(6xi;-drr2 Thus, - 1, @-;rXv _ We may express these components using the antisymmetric tensor: to;i: "Giu1 -u;ri)= pn,t The angular momentum is i:ix i:mixi We may also define an antisymmetric tensor with components equal to the components of L: L;i : m(r;ui - uir j) - *?ii Thus, returning to the pseudo-vector representation, we can relate the components L to the components of 6 by of Li : m'2ai A.4. GENERAL TENSOR CALCULUS a non-Cartesian coordinate system, we need to identify two different classes of vector-like entities that obey different transformation laws. First let's write the transformation matrix for vectors in terms of the old (u') and new (D') components. A differential displacement vector d* has components dTi that are functions of the original coordinates x'. Thus, we may use the usual rules of partial differentiation to express dit as In dii : oT', 0xl d.*j 448 OPTIONALTOPIC A TENSORS Since all vectors transform the same way, we obtain the transformation law for any vector i: ATt -iut:rjur:A,jul where the transformation matrix has components A,j ATI (A.e) flxJ You should check that this expression is consistent with our previous result (equations 1. 1 1 and I.L2 in Chapter 1) in terms of rotation angles. Notice that we are now writing the index on the vector component as an upper, rather than a lower, index. The transformation matrix is written with one upper index and one lower index. The lower index corresponds to the vector in the denominator on the right-hand side of equation (A.9). We'll discuss this convention further below. Now let's look at the gradient of a scalar function O. The gradient has components - lao ao ao\ v<D:l_._._l \0x' 0y' 0z / 3;O: ' ao ]xI - (A.10) The lower index on the left-hand side reminds us that the upper index vector component is in the denominator ofthis expression. To transform the gradient to a new coordinate system (labeled -'), we use the chain rule for derivatives. Since <D is a scalar, O : <D. aO |xt 3;O: ' 0Q aT' -07'}xJ -: and thus the ffansformation matrix for the gradient has components , B,t:, DxJ AT' (A. r l) The gradient operator is written with a lower index to indicate that it transforms with the matrix IB. Upper index and lower index quantities transform differently, in general. The upper index quantities are called c ontravariant tensors, while the lower index quantities are called covariant tensors, or forms. Thus, the differential displacement vector is a contravariant vector (or just a vector), while the gradient is a covariant vector (or one-form). If the geometrical image for a vector is an arrow with a specified length and direction, then the image for a one-form is a set of level surfaces with a given orientation and separation (Figure A.2). A.4GENERALTENSORCALCULUS 449 FIGURE A.2. Level surfaces offer a geometric image for a one-form. The dot product d3. i Q : d.@ . When the vector dd is laid across the level surfaces representing iO, aO ir ttr" difference in the value of O between the head and the tail of the vector. In the case of Cartesian coordinates, where the allowed set of transformations is rotations, these distinctions are not necessary, because the two transformation matrices are the same. But let's look at what happens when we transform from Cartesian coordinates to cylindrical coordinates. The relations between the coordinates are x-pcosQ; y-psinQ; z:Z (A.r2) and the inverse relations are p: ,rF + t'; Q : t*-l I; Z: z x (A.13) We may differentiate tan@ to obtain an expression for 6Q/0x, y 06 :- tand 1 v . .06 tanQ:'-+sec'Q^ ,cos'Q: ^ pcosQ dx --= x' + dx x sin@ p and hence find the components of the transformation matrices. At,1ox,0o,0o - ax- p.:COS@; A'Z:-:Sind; "Idy Ad sind Ad cosd AL" _ AL" _ '0xp"0yp"0Z A\: ^ -Q -- az-" Ad _ N AZ" _ ' and -E-g; '0x-dyJ1z A3, A3r:E:gi ,fr:!:1 while urt:H-cos@; 4:H:sind: Bl:93:s ,0x..Eyr]z ---: - -psinQ; B.r': 'a0-dQ"a0 Bz": * - pcosQ: Bj: ^ -Q lv g]:!:-:g1 B1J:-:l and _r 0x ^ "azazaz B1r:-:0. ^ _z 0z 450 oPTroNALToPrc A rENsoRS Thus, the two matrices9 are @ -sinQlp cos 00 sin @ cosQ/p (A.14) ?) and cos@ -p sinQ 00 sin@ p cosQ (A.1s) t) which are clearly different. In fact, m.T - n-l (A.16) Let's verify this result: f cosQ -p sin lEr.A:lsind pcosQ 0 @ \o :( o ?) 0 1 cos@sin@ - sin@cos@ cos2 4 + siri24 sin@cos/ - cos QsinQ cos2 4 +sin2 6 00 ) i):(i:?) Relation (A.16) is true in general. (See Problem 15.) Since the components of the transformation matrix are not constants, in general, but functions of position, we cannot add vectors defined at different points of space because the sum would not have a well-defined transformation law For example, we cannot subtract velocity vector_s at two different points of space to determine an average acceleration. A finite displacement D43 from point A to point B is no longer a true vector. However, operations such as adding the electric field contributions E1 gndES at qpoint P due to two different charge distributions to give the total electric field E : Er * E2 remain valid. Example A.3. The electric field due to a long straight wire may be written in Carte- I j sian coordinates as i -),/xv\ E:2ir€o (7;7';rrP'o) Transform the electric field vector into the cylindrical coordinate system. i labels the rows, and j labels the columns. Even though one index is up and one is down, we shall still write one index to the left ofthe other so that we can maintain the conventions introduced in Chapter I for labeling rows and columns. 9Here, 1 I A.5 THE METRIC TENSOR 451 The electric field is a contravariant vector. Thus, in the new coordinate system, the components are E,:AE (; ) :( -iiif,, )=-= "J!"f,, o 0 rf 3 \ zneoo' \o/ / xcos@*Ysin@ \ ^ 1l ,-rsind*OycosQllp I zneop\ / pcos2q*psin2f : ^ I t-'cos@ sin@ * P sin Acoso)/o \ 2orw2 ) \ : x :#G( f ):h( i) The electric field has only a radial component. This is the expected result. A.5. THE METRIC TENSOR The line element (Chapter 1, Sections 1.1.1 and 1.3.2) is an important example of a scalar that is formed as an inner product of a tensor, called the metric tensor, and the differential vector di: ds2 : gii dxidxi (A.17) Since the lefrhand side is a scalar and the vector d*. is a vector whose components may take on any values, we may apply the quotient theorem to conclude that g;1 is a tensor. In Cartesian coordinates, gii : 6;i.In any orthogonal coordinate system, g;; is diagonal. For example, in the cylindrical coordinate system (equation 1.4), dsz : dp2 a p2 dq2 + dz2 and so /r o o\ ,,,:186, ?) (A.r8) 452 oPTroNALToPlcA TENSoRS We may obtain these components from the Cartesian components by applying the transformation law in the usual way. The lower indices imply that g;; is a covariant tensor, and so we transform with the matrix IE: 8,: EsBr: ( _,$tr ,"xf, ? ) (i : ? ) (qr l;il, I) : (-'.;tr, ,.'::, (:t, l#, ?) l) : ('*'d+sin2d p2sin2elor"o"rQ l): (i ( ?) in agreement with the result above (equation A.18). A.6. CONTRACTION To form an inner product of two tensors of ranks m and n, we must contract the tensors by summing over (at least) two of the indices. The result is a tensor of lower order (by two for each pair of summed indices) than the sum of the ranks of the two tensors in the product, and thus it must transform as a tensor of rank m -l n - 2. As an example, let's consider the contraction of two vectors to form a dot product-a scalar. If we try to contract by summing over two upper indices, we find that the result is not a scalar. d-u' : Airuj Aiouk But the product A'i A'o + 67r except for rotations of a Cartesian coordinate system, and so this product is not a scalar in general. However, if we contract an upper index with a lower index, then -u'u;: and the product Ai, B ,k : 6f Airui B1ku1' (eOuation A. 16), so U'ui - L U"uk and this inner product is a scalar. Thus, we have the following rule: In general tensor algebra, an upper index may be contracted with a lower index, but not with another upper index. ' i i I A.7 BASIS VECTORS AND BASIS FORMS 4s3 In order to form an inner product of two vectors, we must first form the lower-index covariant vector that corresponds to the upper-index contravariant vector. The line element (equation A.17) shows us how to do this. Writing the line element as a dot product of di with itself, : ds2 dx; : dxi dx; : Bi; d.xi dxi we observe that gii dxl In this way, the metric tensor maps any contravariant vector to a corresponding covariant vector (or one-form): u;: g;iul (A.1e) Similarly, the contravariant metric tensor g'J, whose components form the inverse of the matrix of components gij, maps a covariant vector to a contravariant vector: u' : g'luj (A.20) Sometimes we say that the metric tensor g'J is used to raise an index, while the tensor grj is used to lower an index. These expressions show that there is a covariant vector corresponding to every contravariant vector, and vice versa. The metric tensor is an isomorphism that maps one space to the other, its "dual" space. When an inner product is formed, it does not matter which index of a contracted pair is up and which is down. For example, lt'L); :u'gijuJ:ujul A.7. BASIS VECTORS AND BASIS FORMS in any coordinate system are defined to have components (1,0,0), (0, 1,0), and (0,0, 1). However, in a non-Cartesian coordinate system, the basis vectors are not necessaily unit vectors. We may find the magnitude of a vector from its dot product The basis vectors OPTIONALTOPIC A TENSORS with itself: fil: Ju'ui Thus, for the nth basis vector, we have t- 16,,,1: i and j where (n) labels the basis vector and ei6siiett,t 1f eln', label the components. But : 6', and so li<,rl : {r,,tfil: ^E; (A.21) where in these expressions we do not sum10 over n. Thus, in cylindrical coordinates, the second basis vector has magnitude ,En : p, and the basis vectors in this system are p, pQ, and2. The basis forms are defined similarly. So, for example, the first basis form has components (1, 0, 0), and its magnitude i" t/if . A.4. Starting from the components of the velocity vector in Cartesian coordinates, ffansform to cylindrical coordinates to find the components of i in the new system, and hence write the velocity vector in cylindrical coordinates. First we transform the velocity vector: Example , l ) 1 -u' : A'juJ sin @ cos @ p 0 0xcosd 3v + *sind * 3x sin@ 0y cos@ r__ M p'at p 0z u l0There is no inconsistency here: n is a label, not an index. I 455 A.8 DERIVATIVES Next we write the derivatives in terms of the new coordinates, using equations (A.12): "': cos @ sin @ l) (ff*'r-o (ff*"r-o ""a(ysin@*0,",r#) ) ryesind* r""'r#) I ) as expected from the definition. To write the vector, we must multiply each component by the corresponding basis vector. Then ^ 0z^z - 0p"l) + AQ^ * 32" : Ap^0t. AQPQ-t o: ^ ^ ^ * ", t",r, dt dt dt which is the standard result. "e(2) A.8. DERIVATIVES We have already shown that the gradient of a scalar is a covariant vector. We must be more careful when taking the derivative of tensors of rank one or higher. For the moment, let's discuss vectors. In taking the derivative, we must compare the values of the vector components at neighboring points. But if the coordinates are not Cartesian, then even if the vector is unchanged (its magnitude and direction remain the same), its components at the two neighboring points are not the same (see Figure A.3). Thus, before we can subtract FIGURE A.3. Parallel displacement. When the vector is moved in a non-Cartesian system, its components change ' even if the magnitude and direction do not. Here a vector that is in the r direction at one point has both r and 0 components when moved to a second nearby point. 456 OPTIONAL TOPIC A TENSORS the two vectors, we must first displace the vector parallel to itself and evaluate its new components. This process is called parallel displacement. It is customary to start with a covariant vector. Since we are considering differential displacements, the change in the component u; under parallel displacement is proportional 1 to the displacement. It should also be proportional to the vector components,l so we demand that 6v;'4*t' (A.22) where the components f ,{o are called an affinity that specifies the affine connection of the space. These components are not a tensor. Now, since the dot product u'v; is a scalar, we require that it not change under parallel displacement,rz 61ui u;1 : 0. Thus, u; 5u' * u' 6t)i :0 : ui 3ui + uilirnu i dxk Since this result must be true for any covariant vector u;, we may conclude that : -lj*uj 6ui dxk (4.23) Now if the change du' inayector's components is equal to the change 6z' due to parallel displacement, then the vector has not actually changed, and so its derivative is zero. Thus, we define the covariant derivative z'., in terms of the difference between the actual change in components and the change (A.23) due to parallel transport: du' - 3u' : u';.i dxJ (A.24) And so we obtain an expression for the covariant derivative in terms of the affinity: ,t.i :# tripiuk (4.2s) Working from equation (A.22), we obtain the resultl3 ui:j: 0u; a*l -l^ij'* (4.26) Similarly, by looking at invariant combinations, we may write the covariant derivative of any rank tensor. It turns out that we need one term in the affinity f for each index of the llThis is actually a consequence ofrequiring that the parallel displacement in general be consistent with the familiar definition in Euclidean space. See Lawden, p. 98. l2Thir i, clearly true in Euclidean space. Once again we are requiring that the new ideas be consistent with the old. This is a constraint on the kinds of space we are willing to consider as physically interesting. l3See also Problem 28. 457 A.8 DERIVATIVES tensor. It will be added, as in equation (A.25), for an upper index, and subtracted, as in equation (A.26), for a lower index. The covariant derivative of a vector (equation A.25) is a rank-two tensor. This result follows from the definition (A.24), since the quantity on the left-hand side is the difference between two vectors defined at the same point of space and thus is also a vector. Since the components of dxi are arbitrary, we may apply the quotient theorem to show that the covariant derivative is a tensor. Similarly, the covariant derivative of any tensor is also a tensor. It remains to find the components of the affinity. 14 The result we obtain should be valid in any space, including ordinary Euclidean space. But if the space is Euclidean,15 we may set up aCartesiancoordinatesystemxtattheoriginalpointandcomputetheCartesiancomponents tr of the covariant vector rr,. These components do not change under parallel displacement: 6ui - Q. We may obtain the components ui from ui using the usual transformation matrix: a7l ui: axiuj Then 6u; /a]j\ a7l - 3\e; )o, + *\ui : ^r-; L'!!-d*kv1+o Dxt Exk : a2tj *o* )-L ,-ox^ A-*j r^ and thus, comparing with equation (A.22), we find nm I i*: azti go; 6** 0x^ 67 ( .27) This expression shows that the affinity is symmetric in its lower two indices. However, it is not very convenient for calculating f. To obtain a more convenient expression, note that we can obtain the covariant derivative u;;i in two ways: 1. Tiake the covariant derivative u'., and then lower indices. or 2. Lowq indices and then take the derivative. l4ln their Section 1.5, Morse and Feshbach give a different derivation of this result and provide an expression for the affinity in terms of the metric coefficients h;, discussed in ChaPter 1, Section 1.3.2. l5This requirement is more restrictive than necessary, but allows us to present a more transparent argument. In fact, even in non-Euclidean space we can set up a local Caftesian system, provided that det (S) * 0, and then show that the parallel displacement of the components in this system is zero to first order in tbe displacement dx. 458 oPTroNALToPrc A TENSoRS These two methods must give the same result, and so gi-u\j : uiij : (gi*uk);j : gik;juk * git uk;j In the second step, we assumed that the product rule applies to the covariant derivative in the same way as for ordinary derivatives.l6 Then it must be true that qi*;i :0 (A.28) That is, the covariant derivative of the metric tensor is zero, a pleasing and intuitive result. This requirement actually determines the f . We write it explicitly as #-tf,1si^-tfis^t,:o We may permute the indices in this expression to obtain two more similar expressions: #-rlisi^-t!*E*i:o and Y-tfil*^-rfrs^i:o Now we add the first two, subtract the last, and use the symmetry of the f s and the g;; to get # -2rf,1ti^*H -ffi:o Thus, rf,1si*::(#*H-Y) Multiplying by g'n, we find 8" ( |gir , }gii asu \ -n 'kj-- 2 \arl - a'l'- a.,) (A.29) Expression (A.29) is called the metric affinity. It is also called the Cbristoffel symbol of the second kind. We now have the mathematical apparatus that we need to describe physical systems in any coordinate frame. l6See Problem 29. A.8 DERIVATIVES A.5. Example 459 The covariant divergence of a vector u'. t is a scalar. The electric field inside a uniform cylinder of charge is E : poil2eo, where p6 is the charge density. Evaluate the divergence ofthis vector field in Cartesian coordinates (d : xi + yi). Evaluate the necessary components of the metric affinity in cylindrical coordinates, and hence calculate the divergence of the electric field in cylindrical coordinates. Verify that the results are the same. In Cartesian coordinates, the i .i: f Ei; are zero, so : Po 0E' 2es 0TI (0x Po^ ,0Y\ --%r\t-ay) 2eo Po p0 so which is the expected result from Gauss'law. In cylindrical coordinates, the only derivative of the metric tensor components that is not zero is ogzz ffi:20 The divergence is . AEi Eii: U, +l'kiE" :9!' * t(W *V+0x' 2 3x' \xk \ | : pn /2e0, E2 : Eq\ro 1xn / : - po l2eo. O,and E3 0. Thus, in this system, A Ei I axi The metric tensor is diagonal, so in the second term we get contributions from the n. With the sums put in explicitly, the term becomes sum over i only when i where E : lilrrEk 8n' - \L2 n,k W*W-#)* The terms in gr1, arc nonzero only if n eachn. Thus, the only nonzero term is t n,k gnn ogrn 2 ]xk : k, but 1gnrf 0x" (not summed) is zero for ,o - B" ogzz ,t - | .^,po 'tp\zot 2 1xl : ^0 and so V.E: as we ui, :#+r',,iEk found in Cartesian coordinates. p0a_-_ p0 po 2€o' 2eg- eg po 6 460 OPTIONAL TOPIC A TENSORS Although we have used flat space in our examples here, the maximum benefit of general tensor mathematics accrues in applications such as special and general relativity, where the metric cannot be reduced to the simple form 3;; with +1 along the diagonal. Some examples are given in the problem set. PROBLEMS fl oete.mine the velocity of an electron driven by an electric field E : tor--t't in the presence of a constant uniform magnetic field Bo. Choose the z-axis along 86, but do not make any assumptions about the direction of Eo. If there are n electrons per unit volume, write the current density in the form ji : oij E j and determine the components of o;i. 2. Starting with the expression ? : 6xi expression (,4'.6) given in Example 3. A.l for the inertia tensor. Compute the inertia tensor (equation ,4..6) for a uniform cylinder of radius R and height ft. Hence find its angular momentum when it rotates with angular speed a,l about (a) (b) (c) 4. for a particle in circular motion, derive the an axis through its center and along its length an axis through its center and along a diameter an axis through its center making Show that the outer product aib j a45" angle with each of the axes in (a) and (b) of two vectors obeys the transformation law for a rank- two tensor. S Strow that the inner product a;i1rb1, of a rank-three tensor and a vector obeys the transformation law for a rank-two tensor. 6. Show that the Kroneker delta tensor 6;7 has the same components in every coordinate frame. 7. Show that if a tensor b;y is symmetric in one frame (thatis, bi.i : bji ), then it is in every frame. Similarly, show that the property of antisymmetry (bii preserved under coordinate transformations. 8. (a) The following symmetric : -bj;) is set of components is defined in two-dimensional Cartesian space: a,;: (/ -y'i, :J-ry \) Does this set of components transfonn as a tensor? Why or why not? Hint: Try to express the components in terms of inner and outer products of known vectors and tensors. Alternatively, form inner or outer products with vectors and use the quotient theorem. Repeat the problem for the following sets of components: x2\ y- -xy/ (b) Bi; : (' -*l.t " \ I PROBLEMS (c) cii: G, ?) (d) In three-dimensional space, Dij E fn" magnetic (j : i) moment tensor has components Mik: where (a) (b) j 461 | ,;lrav is the current density and the integral is over all space. Show that Mip is antisymmetric for any steady, finite current distribution. Show that the corresponding cross product (the dual vector, equation A.7) reduces to the usual magnetic moment vector fr : I Aff in the case of a planar current loop. 10. The electric quadrupole tensor is given by g,t : f (3x;xi J r2lii)P(*) av Calculate the quadrupole tensor for a set of four point charges, two of charge q and two of charge -e, at the corners of a square of side a.Tlte charges alternate in sign, so charges of equal sign are at opposite ends of the diagonals of the square. Use a coordinate system with 7- and y-axes along the diagonals of the square. The force on a quadrupole charge distribution placed in an external electric field is I E2E,r Fi: =Qik b a& a*k where the derivatives are evaluated at the origin. Find the force on the square when it is placed in an external electric field i : o(2*y, -i2 , x2 + y2). The square's normal lies in the x-z plane at angle I to the z-axis, and its center is at the origin. 11. Show that the components of the Levi-Civita symbol e;;7. transform as a tensor density under coordinate rotations and reflections. 12. Starting from the components of the velocity vector in Cartesian coordinates, transform to spherical coordinates to find the components of i in the new system, and hence write the velocity vector in spherical coordinates. (Refer to Example A.4.) Ell tn a region of space, the electric scalar potential has the form <D : -EoZ. (a) Working in Cartesian coordinates, compute the gradient to obtain the electric field components. Transform to a spherical coordinate system, using the appropriate ffansformation law from Section A.4. 462 OPTIONAL TOPIC A TENSORS (b) Write the potential in spherical coordinates, and compute the gradient using the operator 3; (equation A. 10). Confirm that both methods give the same electric field. 14. Write the components of the gradient form in (a) cylindrical coordinates and (b) spherical coordinates. Use the metric tensor to raise indices, thus mapping to the corresponding vector. Finally, multiply by the basis vectors to obtain the conventional expression for VO, as derived in Chapter I (equation 1.62). 15. Use equations (A.9) and (A.11) in Section A.4 to show that the relation lBr true in general. Aii - 4l', show that Ai 1 : Aji ardthat Can you find a relation between Ai i and A/;? Why or why not? 16. If the tensor Ai"/ is symmetric, : .A,-l is A;i - Aji. 17. Which of the following relations between tensor components could possibly be true? Say what is wrong with the incorrect expressions. (a) Vi (b) fii (c) V' (d) y' : eiik(Jr : Xikyrj : Xik(Jr, + Wi : eiikIJiWlXl,Yi [f8..l fn special relativity, space-time is described by four-component vectors u". (It is con- ventional to use Greek letters to label the indices 0,1,2, and 3 in four-dimensional space-time.) The coordinates of an event in space-time are xo : (ct, x, y, z), and the metriclT is /t o o o\ lo-r o ol '*:lB B-; -i) The Lorentz transformation matrix relating two coordinate systems moving with relative speed u along the x-axis is I l I / v -vP o o\ nt:l -YP ,n o, Sl \ o o o t) where y : ll \fr} and B : y1s. The electromagnetic potential is described by a four-vectorrvith components Al' : (O, a", Ar, Ar), where <D is the electric scalar potential and A is the magnetic vector potential. The electromagnetic field tensor has components Fl"u _ AP Av _ Av AtL lTThir i, the sign convention used by Jackson. There are others. I l j l PROBLEMS 463 Show that, in the Gaussian unit system, the components of the field tensor in terms ofE and B are Fllv - (?' i,"; fr) Two particles, each with charge 4 and mass z, are moving along lines parallel to the x- axis and a distance d apart. Each particle moves with speed u << c. Stan in a reference frame in which the two particles are at rest. Compute the components of the field tensor in this reference frame, and hence find the force acting on each particle. Now transform the field tensor to the lab frame, and again compute the force on each particle. Verify your result to first order in the small quantity 0 : u lc by computing E and B in the lab frame using Coulomb's law and the Biot-Savart law. (In the Biot-Savart law, the source 1dl should be identified with a point source qi atthe position of one of the charges.) 19. Using the metric of Lorentz space-time and the electromagnetic field tensor (see P-roblem 18 above), verify that an electromagnetic wave has the same field structure (E I B, E : B) (in cgs Gaussian units) in any inertial frame. 20. What invariants can you form from a tensor Zpv? Compute these invariants for the electromagnetic field tensor in Lorentz space-time (see Problem 18). the wave four-vector has components ktr : (alc,k',ky,kr). Use the Lorcntz transformation matrix Ap, (see Problem 18) to find the components of the wave vector in a second frame moving-with velocity i - ui with respect to the first. What is the result if (a) [ : ki and O) f : ki? Compare with the nonrelativistic Doppler shift formula, and comment. [Zil fn Lorcntz space-time, 22. Use the metric gpy for Lorentz space-time (see Problem 18) to compute the line element ds2 : Bp, dxp dx' . The proper time r is defined by the relation dt : ds f c. Compfie the proper timeintewaldt between two neighboring points movingatspeedu.(Letthepointshavecoordinates on the world line of a particle ct,x,y,zandc(t*dt),xldx,y* z*dz,where dx : Dx dt and dy and dz are defined similarly.) Express your result in terms of the time interval dt, P : u f c, and y : I I \/ I - p2. Compute the components of thefour-velocityuP : dxpldt of aparticleandcomputetheinvariantprodtctupuu. Comment. dy , 23. The set of components *, I -l [0 ( t"fv6 : if a py 6 : if apy 3 : 0123 or an even permutation of this 1023 or an even permutation of this otherwise maybeusedtoformthetensorFof - je"fr6 Frt dualtoF(comparewithequationA.T). (a) Show that the components of edfv6 ffansform as a tensor in Minkowski space-time. (b) Find the invariant F"0 Fop if F"P is the electromagnetic field tensor defined in Problem 18. Comment. 464 oPTroNALToPrc A TENSoRs 24. IJse Gauss' law in integral form to find the electric field inside a uniformly charged sphere. Compute the necessary components of fir, and hence find the divergence of this electric field in spherical coordinates. Show that the divergence equals the (uniform) charge density divided by e6. [2il In two-dimensional flat space described with polar coordinates, a vector d is in the radial direction. Displace the vector to a neighboring point (refer to Figure A.3), and compute the new components in terms of the displacement (6p, d0). Compare with relation (A.23) in the text and hence compute the components f 1;; of the affrnity. Perform the same operations with a vector in the I direction to find the remaining components of l. Hint: Remember that the basis vectors not unit vectors in this system. : ff; 26. In three-dimensional (equation A.29) has 33 space, the affinity 27 components. Show that the affinity for Euclidean space with cylindrical coordinates has only three nonzero components, and compute them. Use equations A.14, A.15, and A.27 to obtain the same result. (Remember that in equation A.27 i are the Cartesian coordinates.) 27 . The tensor density etift is defined in Cartesian coordinates as in Chapter I (Section l. 1.2, equation 1.29). Transform to flat space with cylindrical coordinates, and determine the p.Compute components of e'lft . Lower indices to fi nd the components of e, ik, E rk, andEi i : the cross product 6 x i d for a particle in uniform circular motion with <il : ari. r Hint: 16 x i;t : eiikajuk: eijkroi uk 28. By lowering indices, show that the covariant derivative of a covariant vector may be ] written ui:j : as 0u; a*,] -l^iju* in equation (4.26). Obtain the same result from equation (4.22). l i [2q.lVe.ify the product rule l I ui.i : (Tikulr);j : ukTik;j + Tikut, j l j I I j .t I I I OPTIONAL TOPIC B Group Theory In modern physics, group theory is becoming an increasingly important mathematical tool. As we develop the theory we shall see that groups form the natural mathematical description of symmetries of physical systems. These symmetries are in turn related to the conservation laws of physics, and thus the mathematics of groups allows us to investigate these laws in a very general way. Space constraints here do not allow us to do more than touch on the basics of group theory. Students who plan to pursue an interest in topics for which group theory is especially important, such as particle physics, will need to consult more advanced texts to supplement the material here. B.1. DEFINITION OF A GROUP A group G is a set of elements {a}, together with an operation *, that obeys the following set of rules: l. If a and b are elements of the group, then so is a x b. 2, T\eoperation * is associative: (a * b) * c - a * (b * c). 3. Thereis aunitelement I in G suchthat 1+ a: a*l: afor everyelement ainG. 4. EveryelementainGpossessesaninverseelementa-t,alsoinG,whichhastheproperty that I -l a*a':a'*a:I where 1 is the identity element (see rule 3). In the special case where the operation is commutative (a + b : b * a),the group is said tobe abelian. The number of elements in the group is called the order of the group. The order may be finite or infinite. 465 466 OPTIONAL TOPIC B GROUP THEORY 8.2. EXAMPLES OF GROUPS The group of order one The most trivial group is of order one and consists of the single identity element. Convince yourself that this set obeys all of the rules listed above. two The group of order There is exactly one group of order two. It consists of the identity 1. This group represents the and one other element a that is its own inverse, so that a r( e physical symmetry of reflection in a plane or of rotation through an angle z about a single : fixed axis. The group of order three There is exactly one group of order three. It contains the identity and two other elements a and b, where b is the inverse of a. We may write a multiplication table for this group, as shown in Table B.l. Since b : a2, wealso have the relation a * b : e * a2 : aJ : l.This group and the previous one are examples of cyclic groups. A cyclic group is generated by a single element. Every element of the group is obtained as a power of this single element, and in a group of order n, the n th power gives the identity. The cyclic group of ordet n is called Cn. Every cyclic group is abelian. TABLE B.1. Multiplication Table for the Group of Order Three The cyclic group C, represents a symmetry of a polygon with n sides. We can think the element a as a rotation through 2n ln that rotates the polygon into an identical copy of of itself. The set of integers under the operation of addition The set of (positive and negative) integers forms a group of infinite order. The operation x is addition: mtrn=mln Then the sum of any two integers is another integer. The operation is associative: n*(m*p):(n*m)*p The identity element for this group is the integer zero: nl0:0ln:n for any integer n. The inverse of an element n is the negative of n: -n. Then n*(-n):(-n)ln:O 1 8.2 EXAMPLES OF GROUPS 467 This group is abelian, since the order of the integers in the sum does not matter: n+m : mIn for all integers m andn. The set of integers does not form a group under ordinary multiplication, because the inverse of n,lf n, is not in the set of integers. The set of all rational numbers m ln under the operatian of multiplication, where n, m+0 * *P :* nqn p q X 1-: mxp nxq :"e":) : (T"")": Theidentityelementis and has infinite order. l:1/l,andtheinverse of m/nisn/m.Thisgroupisalsoabelian The rotation group Spatial rotations may be represented by rotation matrices (see, for example, Chapter l). The identity is a rotation through 0 radians (represented by the identity matrix), and the inverse of a rotation through 0 is a rotation through -9 about the same axis. This group is not abelian. The set of rotations in a plane is given the name SO(2). The rotations are represented by orthogonal2 x 2 matrices with determinant +1. The O in SO(2) refers to the orthogonality of the matrices, the 2 refers to the fact that they are 2 x 2 matrices, and the S stands for special and refers to the condition that the determinant is +1. This group is abelian. Notice that in this group the elements themselves are "operations" (rotations), represented mathematically by matrices, while the gro up operation is "follow one rotation with another" and is represented mathematically by matrix multiplication. Permutqtion groaps In these groups, also, the group elements are things we do ("operations"). Tlte group operation is "follow one permutation with another." As an example, consider the set of permutations of three objects, 53. One element of this group is the permutation {interchange first two elements}, which we'll label Gp. Gn: (qbc) --> (bac) The identity element is {do nothing}.- l: (abc) -'+ (abc) Consider the two elements GB : {interchange lst and 3rd} and G23 and 3rd ) . The product of these two elements may be written GzzGn: {@bc) --> (cba)} followedby {(cba) : {interchange 2nd -+ (cab)} 468 OPTIONAL TOPIC B GROUP THEORY The result is the group element Gsrz, which means {take the last element and put it first}. (In standard notation, the operations are done in order from right to left. This is consistent with the notation for matrix multiplication.) Now if we multiply by Gr: again, we find GpGlGs : {@bc) + (cba)l {(cba) --> (cab)} l(cab) --> (bac)} - Gn where G12 is the group element {interchange lstand 2nd}. Eachofthesethree "interchange" elements is its own inverse, since interchanging two elements twice gets us back to where we started. Thus, we can also write this relation as GnGnGr] - (B.l) Gn We say that the element G12is conjugate to Gzt. The sixth element is Gnz, which means {take the first element and put it last}, or l+3-->2--+L. GB2: {@bc) -+ (bca)} Using these symbols for the group elements, we can set up a multiplication tablel listing all of the 3l : 6 group elements for the group 53. (See Thble B.2.) Note that this group is not abelian, since, for example,2 GrczGn: {@bc) --> (bac) --+ (acb)l GnGnz: l@bc) : G23 while --> (bca) --> (cba)\ - Gn TABLE B.2. Multiplication Thble for the Group 53 Gn Gn I Go Gn Gzz Gzt Gnz Gnz Gzn 1 Gvz Gn Gn Gzt Gnz Gzn Gn I Gtz Gnz Gzt Gnz Gvz Grrz Gn Gzz Gzn Gnz 1 Gnz Gzz Gn Gzn 1 Gn Grc Gzz Gn Gs Gzz Gn Gn Gztz I I Gnz The elements of this group may also be written using the cycle structure, in which G13 is written (13)(2): atwo-cycle (13) in whichthe element 1 goes to 3 and 3 goes to 1, and a onecycle (2), showing that element 2 goes to itself. The one-cycle is sometimes omitted, since it is redundant. The element G132 is written (132). The sequence of numbers in the cycle is I Since this group is not abelian, the table must be read as follows: Multiply the element in the column on the far left by the element in the top row to obtain each table entry. 2Remember:We do the operation on the right first. 8.2 EXAMPLES OF GROUPS 469 important, but it does not matter which one we write first, since 2 -+ 3 -> I -+ 2 --> 3.In this notation, Gyp is written as the three-cycle (3I2) : (123). We can understand how the operations in this permutation group are related to physical symmetries by labeling the vertices of an equilateral triangle 1,2, and 3, as shown in Figure B.1. Then each ofthe two-cycles corresponds to rotation by n about an axis in the plane of the triangle and through one apex. The cycle (12) cornesponds to rotation about axis A in the figure. The three-cycles correspond to rotation by 2n 13 or 4n /3 about an axis through the center of the triangle and perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Each of these operations leaves the triangle unchanged, except for the positions of the labels on the vertices. Once we make this identification, it is easy to see why (I23) + (123) : GyzGzo: Gnz: G32) and (123) * (132) : l. FIGURE B.1. The group ,S3 describes the symmetry of this equilateral triangle. The unitary groups Another set of groups that is important in physics is the set of unitary groups. The unitary n x n matices form the group U(n). A matrix is unitary if its adjoint equals its inverse. The adjoint is formed by taking the complex conjugate and then the transpose: adj (A) : G*.) If A is real, then the condition of unitarity becomes tr : A-r;that is, the matrix is orthogonal. The special group SU(n) is the group of n x n unitary matrices with determinant *1. The general form of a group element of SU(2) is (-i. :. ) with aa* * bb* For example, l/ eiq eif \ fi\_r-w ,-'t ) would satisfy these constraints. : t (8.2) 47O oProNALToPrc B GRoUPTHEoRY B.3. CLASSES If a, b, and c are three elements of a group and . b: _l CnC ' (B.3) then b is said to be conjugate to a (compare with equation B.1). 1. An element is always conjugate to itself, since we can take c to be the identity element. Then ,or-l : lal: a 2. If a is conjugate to b, then b is conjugate to a: a: cbc-l We multiply on the right by c and on the left by c-l. Then ,-1o, : c-lcbc-lc : b: fof-l where / : c-r. 3. If a is conjugate to b and c, then b and c are conjugate to each Ifa is conjugate to both b and c, then there are elements f other. and S such that o:fb.f-t:gcg-l Thus, if f -r g : h, then h-r - U-r il-r : g-r on the left by f -r and on the right by /, we find f .Multiplying the above expressions 7-t767-17:b:hch-l and so b is conjugate to c. The complete set of elements C : at, a2,. . . that are conjugate to one another is called an equivalence class, or simply a class, of the group. The identity element forms a class by itself, since ala-t : I for each element a of the group. To find the elements that are conjugate to a, calculate gag-rfor each element g of the group. The results may not all be distinct. For example, in the permutation group S:, the elements conjugate to G n are computed in Thble B.3. The elements in the class ne {Gp,Gs,Gzzl. This seems sensible, since these three elements are the "interchange" elements; that is, they do the same kind of thing. Similarly, the two "cycling" elements form a second class for this group, as you should check. I SUBGROUPS 471 B.4 TABLE B.3. Classof Elements Conjugate to G12 IGpl-l :GpGoGt) -Gn GpGpGsr:GzztGn-Gzz G4G2G2]:GnzGzz-Gn GyyGpGytl: GnGnz - Gzz Gp2GpGl]2: GztGzzr - Gn 8.4. SUBGROUPS Sometimes we can find a subset of the original group that obeys all the rules for a group; this is called a subgroup. For example, the subset ll, Gn| is a subgroup of 53 because (Gn)2 : 1. A second example is the set of all even integers. This set forms a subgroup of the group of integers, since the sum of any two even integers is also even, the subset includes the identity (zero), and each element has its own inverse within the subgroup. This subgroup also has infinitely many elements. The group of all rotations by multiples of n 12 around the x-axis is a subgroup of the rotation group. This group has only four elements: rotations by n 12 : -3r 12, T = -n,3n /2 : -T 12, and2n : 0. This last element is the identity element. This subgroup is abelian, while the group of all rotations is not. If a group G has a subgroup S and element a is not in S, then the sets of elements as; and s;a are the left and ight cosets of the subgroup S with respect to a. Note that none of the elements in the cosets are in the subgroup if a is not. We can then write the group elements as G:Sfa1S*a251... Thus, the order of the subgroup S is a divisor of the order of the group G. The set of conjugate elements aSa-l forms a subgroup S'. To see this, note the following: 1. The product of two elements is in the set. If s1 and ,t2 are elements of S, then (asp-l)(as2a-l) : as1(a-r a)s2a-1 : asrs2a | : as3a-l where s3 : sls2 is also in S, and so aqa-r is in S/. 2. The associative property is preserved: (as1a-l * as2a-11 * orjo-l : asra-l * (as2a-l * 3. The identity element is in S/. If S is a subgroup, it contains the element ala-r : aa-7 : l. aq,a-l ) the identity. Thus, S/ contains 472 oPTToNAL ToPrc B GRoUP THEoRY 4. The inverse of asa-l is as-la-l: (asa-t)(as-r o-r) - alss-r1a-r : aa-r : 1as-r a-t)(asa.-r) - a(s-r s)a-r : ee-r : I I and If the new subgroup S/ is the same as the original subgroup S, that subgroup is called invariant, normal, or self-conjugate. Note that the subgroup of even integers is an invariant subgroup, since n l2m -t (-n) :2m for any integer n. However, the subgroup {l,Gnl of 53 is not invariant, GpGpGpr - Gzt (see Table B.3) and Gzl is not in the subgroup. because B.5. CYCLIC GROUPS a group G, then a' is also an element, for any integer n. By the first rule of groups,at( a: a.2 : b must alsobeinthe group. Thena +b: a3 must also be in the group, and so on. If the group has finite order, then an : I for some n. If a is an element of If N is the smallest integer for which aN : l, then N is called the order of the element a. The set {o, o2 , . . . , aN : 1} is called the period of a.Itis a group called a cyclic group Clv. If the order of an element is less than the order of the group, then its period forms a cyclic subgroup of G. In the permutation group of three objects, ,S3, each of the interchange elements has order two, while the other two elements (Gzy ard G3p) have order three. Then, for example, the period [Gn, GLz: 1] forms a cyclic subgroup of order two. The symmetry of cyclic groups was discussed in Section B.2. 8.6. FACTOR GROUPS AND DIRECT PRODUCT GROUPS If S is an invariant subgroup of a group G, then we can identify another group, called the factor group G/S, whose elements are the cosets aS. The group operation for the factor group is defined by the rule (aS)*(bS):(ab)S where the product ab is computed using the group operation of the original group G. The invariant subgroup itself acts as the identity element. The inverse of aS is a-l S: (aS) * (a-lS; : 1aa-r)S : S j 8.7 ISOMORPHISM 473 The group structure of the factor group follows directly from the group structure of G itself. If the subgroup has m elements, then the order of the group is mn for some integer n, and the factor group has order n. A group may be written as a product of subgroups under some circumstances. G is a direct product of subgroups 51 and Sz, G : 51 x 52, if (i) all the elements of 51 commute with all the elements (ii) every element in G may be written as 8 : of 52 and sl't2 where s1 is a member of the subgroup 51 and s2 is a member of 52. Then the product of two group elements is gi I i :'t1'is2't't1'is2'i : sr,isr,jsz,is2,j by property (i) : sl,ks2,k since 51 and 52 are subgroups :8k and is ofthe correct form (ii). B.7. ISOMORPHISM We can relate the elements of two groups to one another by a mapping. The mapping may be one-to-one, in which one element of Gt maps to exactly one element of Gz; many-to-one, in which two or more elements of G1 map to a single element of Gz; or one-to-many, in which a single element of Gt maps to more than one element of G2. A mapping is said to be "onto"if themappingmapsallof Gr ontoallof G2.Forexample,wecanmaptheelements of the permutation group of three elements, 53, to the group of integers by assigning each permutation a number, I through 6. I -+l Gp --> 2 Gp --> 3 Gv --> 4 Gp2 --> 5 G3e -+ 6 This mapping is one-to-one but not onto. We can also construct a mapping from the integers to the permutation group 53. We divide each integer by 6 and note the remainder. That element maps to the permutation group as 474 oPTroNALToPrc B GRoUPTHEoRY follows: Remainder maps to permutation group element 0 1-+1 2 3-+Gn 4 5 -+ Gzrz --> Gn --> -+ Gzz Gnz This mapping is onto but not one-to-one, since, for example, both 6 and 12mapto G312.It is many-to-one. In an important class of mappings called homomorphisrns, the mapping also "preserves that maps group G to group the operation." To see what this means, consider a mapping f1. Then we can write /(g; : h.If / / is a homomorphism, then fQr*s):f$ixf(sz) (B.4) For example, the mapping that maps the rational fractions to the integers via n -m --+ nm is a homomorphism, since , (h.'a) : , (#) :,'P'?'Q : (nm)(pq): f (;) - ,G) This mapping is onto (since every integer is also a rational fraction of the form n I l), but not one-to-one (l and f both map to 6). A homomorphism that is also one-to-one and onto is called an isomorphism. The group of rotations in a plane is isomorphic to the group of 2 x 2 orthogonal matrices, since each rotation maps to one matrix, and vice versa. 8.8. REPRESENTATIONS3 B.8.1. Reducible and lrreducible Representations are isomorphic to one another are the same in a fundamental sense. An isomorphism allows us to represent the elements of an abstract group with the elements of another group. This is a useful idea because the elements of the isomorphic group can be mathematical structures such as the matrices that represent rotations. The group of order two can be represented by the numbers 1 and -l through the isomorphism /(1) : I and All groups that f (a): -1. 3In this section, we choose to draw conclusions from examples, ratber than by explicit proof. For proofs of the results presented here, the reader should refer to the bibliography. , I l I 475 8.8 REPRESENTATIONS We can use a homomorphism to construct a representation of an abstract group as follows. We allow the group elements to operate on a vector space of dimension n. For example, to represent the permutation group Sr, we can label the points of a triangle with x and y coordinates, thus allowing the group elements to operate on two-component vectors. Then A representation of an abstract group G is defined as a homomorphism /: G where M is a group of n x n matrices. This representation has dimension n. --> M, If the mapping is an isomorphism, the representation is said to be faithful. Every group has a trivial one-dimensional representation in which every element of the group is represented by the number 1. This mapping clearly preserves the group operation, but we have lost a good deal of information about the group structure; the representation is not faithful. Another representation, of dimension equal to the order of the group, may be formed using the group multiplication table. We form n-dimensional vectors whose components are the elements of the group, in some order, We label the group elements gt, 92, . . . , Bn. Then we can represent any element g; with an n x n matrix M; that has only one nonzero element in each row and each column. If gigj :8k then (M;) 1a : 6mk. This matrix represents the multiplication properties of element g;. For example, the cyclic group C3 of order three whose multiplication table is given in Table B.l may be represented by the following matrices: Mt: (r l l) M2:(l i ;) M3:(: ? i) where M2 represents element a and M3 represents b. Then *(i) :(li:X',):( i) which correctly reproduces the second row of the multiplication table. Note also that M2M2 - (li3X?il):(:ls) -Mz M2M3 - (ii:Xris):(i:i) -Mt and (B.s) 476 OPTIONAL TOPIC B GROUP THEORY The matrices themselves satisfy the same multiplication table, as required for a representation. This representation is called the regular representation. A one-dimensional representation of the same group may be formed from the complex numbers fi(1) = 1, fr@) : ,2ni/3, f1(b) : safti/3 (B.6) Recall from Chapter 2, Section 2.1.1 that multiplication by a complex number represents a rotation. So each of these elements may be visualized as a rotation in the complex plane. Extending this idea, we may form a two-dimensional representation using the 2 x 2 rotation matrices: (t?) We may also use the r/-r -t z \ -./r J1 -1 ) :G-f) (B.7) 3x3 matrices: Ml: ML: (-f,, f,i: i) -Jt/2 -r/2 0 i) (8.8) These 3 x 3 matrices operate on three-component vectors, but they leave the third component unchanged. Labeling the components .r, y, and z in the conventional way, we may write any vector in the space as the sum of a vector u in the x-y plane plus a vector w parallel to the z-axis: v : u * w. The group elements leave w unchanged. We may generalize this result. If an n -dimensional space V may be written as the sum of an m-dimensional space and an (n - m)-dimensional space, (V : U I W) and if, under the group operations, vectors in 14/ remain in I4z, then the subspace 17 is invariant under the group. As we saw in Chapter 1, we can change the basis vectors of the vector space. The entries in the matrix will also change. The matrices with respect to the two bases are related by a similarity transformation (equation 1.78): M' : SMS-r (B.e) The corresponding representations M and Mt are said to be equivalenl. But in the primed basis, the invariance ofthe subspace W is less obvious. If we reverse this argument, we can see that invariance of a subspace under a group means that there will be a basis for which the group representation makes the invariance obvious. The representation is said to be reducible. 8.8 REPRESENTATIONS 477 A representation is reducible if g; is represented with respect to some basis by a matrix Mi thattakes the form Mi: ( f' ";,) where A;, B;, and D; arc submatrices of dimensions rn x m, m x p, and p x p, respectively, and n : m * p is the order of the representation. Then the group element g1g; is represented by ( f' '; )(t' where the submatrices A*, u;,): ( ^'f, Bu o''b!,u,'', ) : ( f- ';r) and Dp are of the specified form and A,u * Biur \ (f,3; )(L): /(r,,) so that the subspace I4z is invariant under the group. completely reducible and is written4 If B : 0, then the representation M is M:A@D This corresponds to the case in which both subspaces U andW are invariant under the group, as is true for the representation (B.8). For finite groups, every reducible representation is equivalent to a completely reducible representation. If the submatrices A and/or D are reducible, we may continue this decomposition until M is diagonal or the remaining submatrices are not reducible. The resulting representation is then said to be ireducible. In the representation (B.8), the matrix D is a I x I matrix-that is, just a number. The set of matrices D; is the trivial representation of the group C3; each Di : 1. We can continue to reduce the representation (B.8) by diagonalizing5 the matrices Ai. We can do this because 41 is already diagonal and A2 and A3 give rise to the same equation (equation 1.80) for the eigenvalues: ), +Jit2 :0 I +Jitz -) - x | -+ - 4The symbol O does not imply addition in the usual sense. It cannot, because the matrices A and D may not have the same dimension. They are to be "added" by forming a larger matrix with A and D along the diagonal. 5See Chapter l, Section 1.6.5. 478 oProNALroPrcBGRoUPTHEoRY So | . J,. . ),: -;*;, - ,2ni/3 o, "4ni/3 This solution is just the representation (8.6) that we found above. There is, in fact, a second representation here: : l, f21;.) fz@) : u4tri/3, fz(b) : r8ni/3 - ,2tri/3 G.10) Thus, the irreducible representations are the trivial representation, (8.6) and (B.10). The regular representation and (B.8) may be reduced to the form /t o o\ lt o o r o M;:l M',':l o l, ' s ,2ni/3 o ' \o o r)' \o o /t o o \ o I M;:l s ,4nit3 g ,zni/3 \o \ I, ,+"iF) (B.u) f The representation has now been fully reduced and may be written M:T@\@Fz @.12) where 7 is the trivial representation and F1 and F2 are as given in (8.6) and (B.10). In a direct sum ofinequivalent, irreducible representations (irreps), as in equation (B.12), a given representation may appear more than once. The representations in the direct sum need not, and usually do not, all have the same dimension. B.8.2. Orthogonality of the lrreps Using the representation (B.11), we can form a number of three-component vectors by selecting one component from each of the matrices that represent the group elements. These vectors are orthogonal: 3 / ..\* )-.(ui)/P rrrt;n Ei. K6rq K is a constant. Here the different irreps are labeled by group elements. For example, with p : 1 and Q :2, we have where I x 1* l r r2tri/3 +t x e4oi/3 : | p and q, and k labels the - ++ |tJl - l- jiJi :o while with p : q : l, we find K : 3. Now we want to generalize this result to a group of order m in which one or more of the irreps have dimension greater than one. Let us label the distinct, inequivalent, irreducible l l 479 8.8 REPRESENTATIONS representatio\s M1, M2, .. .. Within representation i, with dimension ni, a gtoup element g is represented by the ni x ni matrix MiG). The representations satisfy an orthogonality relation that we may write as : {ill rn[M i G-\],, \tu, K 3 ij 3 p, I where 6;; -+ K depends on 4 and r. We can determine the value of K by setting ; : j. Then 1, and {il) rnlMi (s-r)1,, \tu, - K 6 p, c Now we take the trace; that is, we set p matrix product: \tu, p 1 {s- )l, r[u Since the trace of i {B)) 6os : q p : lM i G- : 1 ) s and sum from M i (E))r q : I to n;. On the left, we have 1 lM i G- g)1, q : lM i (l)1, n : the 3, o ni, Du,n -,n6ra - Kni and u : #u,n Thus, the orthogonality relation is \ I ru, {dl rn lM 1 G-r)),, When the M; arc unitary, we may write this relation : L 6,n ;i E p (B.13) as {il) onlM G\!, : L lij l1u, I 1 3 6 p, Dq, (B.14) We can use this relation to determine a limit on the number and dimensionality of the irreps. As we did with the irreps of C3, we can think of this relation as the dot product of zz-dimensional vectors, wherc m is the order of the group. Here the vectors are labeled by two indices, p arrd q, each of which runs over ni values. There are nf such vectors, and they are all orthogonal. Similarly, s and r each run over n j values. Furthermore, these n2, 480 oPTroNALToPrc B GRoUPTHEoRY vectors are orthogonal to the first nl vectors. In total, there are vectors in the m-dimensional vector space. Thus, !, nf mutually orthogonal t n?.^ i In fact, it can be shown that the equality holds: ( \"?:* We found three irreps for the group C3, each of dimension one, and so the left-hand side of equation (B.15) equals 3, the order ofthe group, as required. B.8.3. Character Equivalent representations are essentially the same. It would be nice to have a convenient way to characteize representations that labels all equivalent representations the same way. Again we can review the properties of matrices (Chapter 1) to find the one that we need: It is the trace,6 since Tr (SMS-r) :Tr (M) The character of a representation is the set {1; } of traces of the matrices that represent the group elements. The traces are not all distinct. In fact, every element elements g; and gi are representedby M; and Mi,then TrlM(sisi7it)l : Tr in a class has the same fface. If (M1M;M,\:rr 1u) (8.16) The character of the representation (B.8) of the cyclic group C3 is the set {3, 0, 0} and the character of the regular representation (B.5) is the same. Since the characters are the same, the two representations must be equivalent. It is most instructive to consider the characters of the ineducible representations. In the case of C3, or indeed any abelian group, the irreducible representations are all onedimensional,T and the traces are just the numbers themselves. The characters of the three ineducible representations that we have found m 6See Chapter 1, Problem 40. TSee Problem ?. 8.8 REPRESENTATIONS 481 vectors, where m is the order ofthe group (equal to 3 for C3). These vectors are mutually orthogonal in the following sense8: lfr :l.xf <x!)* :6ob (B.17) i:l The index i in this expression labels the elements of the group, and a andb label the different characters. We can obtain a second relation by noting that all elements in the same equivalence class are represented by matrices with the same trace (equation B.16). Thus, equation (B.17) becomes *Lo,^;rx!)* :6ob (8.18) where N is the number of distinct classes in the group and p j is the number of elements in the 7th class. This constitutes a second orthogonality relation for the N-dimensional vectors J p14. Since there can be no more than N of these, we find that the number of inequivalent, irreducible representations is less than or equal to the number of classes in the group. Once again it turns out that the equality holds. Let's check this result for the group C3 . There are three distinct classes, since each element forms its own class. Thus, there are three inequivalent, irreducible representations, as we have found. We can use the results found so far to determine the character table for any finite group. Let's find the character table for the permutation group9 53. There are three classes, and so there are three irreps. One is the trivial representation of dimension 1. Then, by equation (8.15), the other two irreps have dimensions that satisfy nl+ n2r:5 Thus, n2 : 1 and n3 : 2. With a one-dimensional representation, the multiplication table for the characters is the same as the group multiplication table. Therefore, for the "interchange" class, we must have Xl : I and thus 1; : *1. For the "cycling" class, x? : l. We also have x1y" - Xi , so Xi : -l and X" : 1. For the last representation, the character of the identity equals the dimension of the representation, here 2. We have now obtained the results shown in Table B.4. 8Forone-dimensionalrepresentations,equation(B.14)withp:q:r:r:landn;:lreducesto I has been replaced by i, and i and j have been replaced by a and b. equation (B.17). In equation (B.17), the label 9Recall that this group has order six. 482 oPTToNAL ToPrc B GRoUP THEoRY TABLE 8.4. Character Table for 53 Identity Class Three-cycles Interchange Number of elements in class Trivial rep I-dimension 1 1 J 2 1 1 1 2ndrep M2-dimension 1 3rd rep M3-dimension 2 1 -1 1 p a 2 Then the orthogonality relation (B.18) gives us two equations for u and p: 2-3a-l2P:g 2+3ot-l2B:g Thus, 0:-l and cv:0 We can understand these results by referring back to the symmetries in Figure B.1. Let the triangle be in the x-y plane. Then the second representation has basis 2; the cycling elements correspond to rotations about the z-axis and so leave the z-axis invariant. The interchange elements correspond to rotation about an axis in the plane; these operations invert the z-axis. The third representation must have two basis vectors in the plane of the triangle. With axis A labeled as the x-axis, the interchange elements are represented by the reflection matriceslo ",, :(; -? ) GB : (-'fr,, -{;/' ), G23: ( -!^fr,, {i') while the cycling elements are represented by rotation matrices representing rotations of 2r I 3 and 4n f 3, rcspectively : G23t: (-_lJir,, _{;/') -o Gt3z: (-'fr,, _{i') Notice that these matrices correctly reproduce the character table. Check that they also satisfy the multiplication table for the group. The character of a fully reduced representation is the sum of the characters of the irreducible representations that compose it. This result can be helpful in determining the decomposition of any particular representation. B.8.4. Representations and Physics Here we give a brief example to illustrate how group representations can simplify our understanding of physical systems. The ammonia molecule is a pyramid with the nitrogen loRefer to Chapter 1, Problem 8. 8.8 REPRESENTATIONS 483 atom at the top and three hydrogen atoms in an equilateral triangle below (see Figure 8.2). The group 53 is the symmetry group for this system, because we can permute the hydrogen atoms but we must leave the nitrogen molecule where it is. FIGURE 8.2. An ammonia molecule is shaped like a tetrahedron with the nitrogen molecule at the top. We can obtain a physical representation of the symmetry group by using real threedimensional space as the vector space ofthe representation and asking how a vector in threedimensional space transforms under these symmetries. This representation is reducible. To see how it decomposes, we can compute the character. The trace of the representation of the identity is, as always, the dimension of the rep, here 3. We can take one of the interchanges to be reflection in the x-z plane, represented by the matrix '*:(3 ;l) with trace * L The cycles ( are rotations about the z-axis. One of these is represented by M{,": ('f;,, -f/' I) with trace zero. Thus, the character is : ^v Comparing with Table B.4, we see that Xv 13, : r,oy Xt * Xr and thus Mv :T @Mz 484 OPTIONALTOPIC B GROUPTHEORY In particular, the trivial representation is included. This means that we can find a vector that remains invariant under the symmetry group and hence, for example, the molecule can have an electric dipole moment. A magnetic dipole moment, however, is a pseudo-vectorll that transforms differently under reflection. The representation (B.19) changes to /-t o o\ ,,f,": (, .; _i ) 3 with trace - 1. The character of the new rep is {3, - 1, 0}, and the decomposition is Mz@ Mt. The trivial representation is not included. Thus, the molecule cannot have a permanent magnetic moment. Notice that we did not need to know any of the physical properties of the system----other than its geometrical structure-to draw these conclusions. 8.9. GENERATORS OF GROUPS The groups we considered in Section B.8 were primarily finite groups. But many of the important groups in physics have infinite order. In groups such as the rotation group SO(3),'the group elements depend on a set of continuous parameters-the rotation angles in SO(3)and we can express the group elements in terms of these parameters. The group elements may be expressed in terms of generators that relate each group element to the set of parameters. It is convenient to relate the identity element of the group to the parametet zeto. We can understand the idea behind generators by considering the group of rotations in a plane-that is, SO(2). Each group element may be represented by a matrix of the form R(o): / cos? [_sind d\ ) parameter is the angle 0, and with 0 : 0 we obtain the identity sin cose element, Here the relevant as required. We can express the cosines and sines in exponential form and then use the Pauli matrices as a basis. These are "t:(? I ) *:(? 1) and ",:(i -? ) Thus, R@):"*, ( ; ? ).'i.o ( -? I ) lcos0 *iozsin0 For very small rotations so we may write d (( I (that is, "near" the identity element), cos d ry l and sin 0 ry 0, R(9) t1 See Appendix : exP(io20) I and Optional Topic A, especially Problem 9. (8.20) B.gGENERATORSOFGROUPS 485 At this point, you might ask what it means to have The meaning is clear a matrix if we define the exponential by its as the argument of an exponential. series expansion: eM:t+MI+1****... 2 Note that, in general, ,A,B: (t*^+jn-A,+.. -rr - . -A+lB +.A.*lE I Xt.n+jm-u* * rA* ^4, *B * I I r1-r 7, -rA+lB +lB x.A* 2B xA*A + rB : +lE *'.. +A *... 1 1,\*lE *,lE ) eBea Expanding the exponential in the rotation matrix, we have R(g): t* io20 -!o?e'-lto"tt 2-z- 6--2- + loteo 24-. + *ioles 120 " - But "?:(l f-.ofeu 720 " +..' tXl -t):(l ?) so we may simplify: R(g): t*io20 -!e'-lioze3 2 6' + !.eo 24 a liozes 120' - *e6+... 720 :, -)r' * *t^ - fit'+...+ o(e -it' * *t'. ) :cosd lio2sin9 This suggests that the representation R: exp(ioz9) holds for all values of 0, not just small ones. The matrix S:io":( - o I\ \-t 0) is the generatorl2 for the rotation matrices. We can extend this idea to get the generators for the full set of three-dimensional rotations. We need the three matrices s, /o o o\ / o o l\ :lo o -l I, sr:l o o o l, \0, o) \-r oo) and o\ /o s::11 -lo o \o oo) l2Whether S or a2 is taken as the generator is primarily a matter of taste. ackson uses S. I 486 B GRoUP THEoRY oPTToNAL ToPrc Then any rotation may be written as R : (B.2r) exp (-<o . S) where the dot product is ro If the vector <o .S : arrSr * azSz * @3S3 : I\-rt ;' / o -(D1, ar \ o'-;; at o (B.22) I ) has only one component o3, we get back our previous result for rotations about the z-axis. The other components generalize the result for a rotation about an arbitrary axis described by the vector c). Note that since the rotation matrix has determinant +1, the (MI)1. . S is traceless ldet (eM) "Tr It is useful to note the relations between the matrices S;: matrix <,r SrSz :(l? ;X r li):(lls) and SzSr :(-l So SrSz li)(sl :):(lil) (:sl) - S2S1 : -Sa Similar relations hold for the other products. Since the gener4tors do not commute, neither do the rotations they generate. The rotation group is a subgroup of the Lorentz group (Jackson, Section I 1.7;Arfken and Weber, Section 4.5). The full group has six generators: three for the three components of the relative velocity of the frames and three for the three parameters of the rotation (direction ofrotation axis and angle ofrotation). The unitary group SU(2) is generated by the three Pauli matrices and is closely related to the rotation group SO(3). They are homomorphic, not isomorphic. That is, we can find a mapping that maps two elements of SU(2) to one element of SO(3).13 Now let's generalize. Suppose that elements near the identity in a group G can be described in terms of N real parameters ay. and that the identity element corresponds to ap - 0 for each k. The identity element is represented by the identity matrix: M\a)lo'_.o 1 3See Arfken and Weber, Section 4.2, pp.232-236. :1 B.1O LIE ALGEBRAS 487 where we have written the N parameters as a vector cr. Since the parameters describe the matrices continuously, we may use a Taylor series to write elements near the identity asla M(du) : M(0). #|":ooon+ . - M(0) + t (-, #1":,) :l*iXtdo& ,* (B.23) where the repeated index ft implies summation. The quantities xn: -i Yl dqr la:o are the generators of the group. If cr has only one component 6u, we can generate the group element represented by M (a) by repeating the operation represented by M (a I fl) a total of p B times. (You can understand this by thinking about rotations-rotate through an angle 0 I about the same axis B times.) M(a) : I l, / a\1f \e )) This element must be a member of the group if M(ql F) is. Now we let B --> a, af p becomes differential, we obtain M(ulfl) from equation (B.23), and we generate M(a) through the limit: M(u) : nl,(;)]' : /11 (, .,+)' Expanding the expression on the right, we have (,.,+| -, * u'+ . P+1,+)' * M(a) * iax**)fioxol' +... -+ 1 - si"xr asB -+ oo (8.24) Thus, the structure of the group is defined by the elements near the identity. B.10. LIE ALGEBRAS Suppose a group G with elements R; has generators equations B2l and 8.24) $. Then we can write (compare with R : et'S l4The introduction of i here is to make the resulting generators Hermitian. 488 oPTroNALToPrc B cRoUPTHEoRY In particulaq there is a set of elements near the identity for which R; with e; ( 1. - asisi 1 *eiSi +:t?t + For such an element, Rlt : Now : e-eisi :l -eisi +)t?s? + if R is unitary, then det (R;) and so Tr (&) : RtrR'Ri : exp [ei Tr (S;)] : 1 0. Let R7 be defined similarly. Then -R;'(l +r,s, +:r?s?* )o, -rr -' r _rrr -, : eiR; rS;R; Ei * / (l -e;s; I ^ tt?Rjtsr2n; + I *eiSi *e;e;(SiS; +... 1..\ / I ^ ^\ I " " + yisi )$(t +e;s; * r'iti ) ;isf - S;S,) +:t.S? where we have dropped terms of third order in the small parameters ei and compute RlrR;lnin, : (t - e;s; * )'f *)(r :l+e,€j(&Si-SiS,) + r,s, r e;e;(s;s; - srs;) e j. Finally, we +;'?S?) to second order in the es. Now this element of the group can also be expressed in terms of the generators, so we must have 1 * e;ej(s;si - si$) : s.'ii's : t +lrilr;rs* k In particular, if we write ,!, : (SiS; t;t 1o!r, then we must have - 57S;) = tsi, S;l :1"!,Sn (B.2s) k This is a fundamental property of the generators Rl andR; thatwepick";';;ff ,S;, inde particular elements "i;;;;lledthe #:i,H;l:fft: i j I B.1O LIE ALGEBRAS 489 Because of the antisymmetry of the commutator [S;, Sy1 (equation B.25), u!, : -aji (B.26) We can now compute the double commutator: rsi' rs'' s'lrr:;;fJ ,l:;3 _l]:ll,-i# tl ui1,s^l :\ufi,lsi, lt,,I Lm)*mn s-l : D"ToDoi^s, Then the Jacobi identity ls;, [s;, sr]l + [s;, [sr, si]l * [S*, [si, s;JJ :0 (8.27) which follows from the definition of the commutator, gives another constraint on the structure constants: u!^s, +t t afiaf,^sn : o tnrnD ul1,a'!^sn +DD"t nm nm tnmt s, (afi,ui* + uf;a|- + affai^) : o \ ("Tr"f* + afraj ^ + uffai*) :o (8.28) For the rotation group SO(3), we found /o -r o\ 0 0 l:sl \o o ol SrSz-SzSr:l I so of, - 1. Then, from equation (8.26), we have for this group are the Levi-Civita symbols a), : -l.In ofj : tij* fact, the structure constants @.29) i 490 oProNALroPrcB GBoUPTHEoRY Although we used a specific representation to calculate the structure constants, they are independent of the particular representation. We can check that relation (B.28) is also satisfied: D ("yo"y^ + af,aj* + ufiai^) :l :l (ei*^enim : j,6*i 6 * 6ii6*n Eki*trr* -f 6p$;1 - (ei**eimn I e1a;*ei^n I e;i-e1,*n) * rrr^iru^) 3;r3it a 3;n31* - 6i"6*i _n -u If we define the commutator as the multiplication operator for the generators, the vector space of generators, with both addition and multiplication defined, becomes a field or algebra called the Lie algebra for the group G. A Lie algebra is a vector spacels of elements u; with an operation (the bracket or commutator) that satisfies the following rules. 1. The bracket is linear: faur + bu2,4l : alur, uzl I bfuz, uzf and lu1. au2 -f bql : afut, uzl I b[u1, 4l 2. The bracket is antisymmetric: lut,uzl - -[uz,ui 3. The Jacobi relation is satisfied: lq,luz,uzlf *fuz, [u:, ur]l * [us, [ur, uzff :O A group whose generators form a Lie algebra is called a Lie group. Lie groups are tremendously important in physics. The group structure is determined by the Lie algebra of the generators, as expressed by the structure constants. The rotation $roup, the Lorentz group (which includes the rotation group as a subgroupl6), and the symmetry groups of particle physics are all Lie groups. PROBLEMS I Strow that the set of permutations of two elements is a group. What is its order? Write the multiplication table for this group. How many classes are there? Is the group abelian? 15SeeChapter 1. l6See Problem 15. PROBLEMS 491 2. The symmetry group of a square contains those operations that leave the square unchanged. Show that this group has eight elements, and write the multiplication table. What are the classes? Are there any subgroups? 3. 4. S 6. 7. Show that the set {1, -1, l, -l} forms a group under algebraic multiplication. Write the multiplication table. How many classes are there? Show that this group is isomorphic to a group of rotations that preserve the symmetry of a square (compare with Problem 2 and Problem 10). Show that there are two goups of order four, and determine their multiplication tables. Strow that any group of order n is isomorphic to a subgroup of S,. Show that unitary matrices of the form (B.2) form a group under matrix multiplication. Show that in any abelian group, each element forms its own class. Hence show that all of the irreps of an abelian group are one-dimensional. 8. Showthatthe setof 2x2matricesof theform / * y\ (-';) forms a group under the operations of (a) addition and (b) matrix multiplication. Show that the group of complex numbers x I iy is isomorphic with this group of matrices in each of the two cases. 9. The quaternions are four-dimensional complex numbers of the form Q : a + bi + cj * dk, where a, b, c, and d are real numbers and the quantities i, i , and k obey the multiplication rules i2:j2:k2:-7 and i.i :k; ji:-k (a) Show that the set {+1, +i, +j, tk} forms a group under this multiplication. (b) Show that i, j , and k may be represented by the matrices ':(;lil)':(i:;i) .:(,il') Determine the classes of this group. (c) Determine the number and dimension of irreps of this group, and find the character table. (d) Is the representation in (b) reducible? If so, how? 492 OPTIONAL TOPIC B GROUP THEORY [tO.] Strow that the integers I through 4 form a group under the operation of multiplication mod 5. Write the multiplication table. What is the identity element? How many classes are there? Is the group abelian? Another group with four elements is a group of rotations that preserve the symmetry of a square-that is, rotations by multiples of t 12. Are these groups isomorphic? Why or why not? 11. Consider the mapping / that maps the group of rationals to the group of integers by /m\ r \;):m*n Is the mapping a homomorphism? Why or why not? 12. Show that all elements in the same class have the same period. 13. Show that if a set of elements {e; } forms a class of a group G, then the [f+l I set {e, } of tne inverses of {e;} is also a class. fne center Z of a group G is the set of elements that commute with every element in the group. Show that the center is an abelian subgroup of G. Is it possible for a group to have no center? 15. A homomorphism / maps group A to group B. The kernel of the homomorphism is the set of all elements of A that map to the identity element of B. Show that the kernel is an invariant subgroup of A. 16. A one-dimensional translation operator f, translates a function along the x-axis by an amount nd , where d is a fixed step length: Tn f @) : f (x -l nd) . (a) Show that the set of operators 7l, forms a group that may be represented by the complex numbers Tn = e-ik'd . What are the conesponding basis functions? (b) Work out the orthogonality relation (B.14) for this representation, and comment. You will have to make some changes to account for the infinite order of the group. (c) Nowlettheoperatortranslatebyanarbitraryamount xt:T(xt)f (x1 : f @*xt). What are the generators of this group? 17. The water molecule is an isosceles triangle with the oxygen atom at one vertex and the hydrogen atoms symmetrically located on either side. Determine the symmetry group for this molecule. May this molecule possess a pefinanent electric dipole moment? What about a magnetic moment? [ft.l fne molecule SbSs is square-pyramidal. Four S atoms form a square base with the Sb atom at the center. The fifth S atom sits at the top of the pyramid. Determine the symmetry group for this system. What is the order of the group? Work out the multiplication table. How many classes are there? Determine the character table. May this molecule possess a permanent electric dipole moment? 19. The Lorentz group has generators that are 4 x 4 matices with mostly zero elements. The matrices K; are given by /01 o o\ Kt: l'Isl,) I PROBLEMS 493 and so on. (The nonzero elements of K; are the ith elements in the top row and the first column, where the first element is labeled with 0, not 1.) Similarly, the generators S; are given by /o o o o\ St= [,'sl;,J (The nonzero elements of S; are given by a1*6) : sijk, whete ai* is the submatrix formed by removing the top row and left-most column and j,k : 1,2,3') Find the group element generated by K1 and also by 51 . Compute the product of the two group elements eoKr and ebKz. Hence show that the elements generated by K; do not form a subgroup. Do the elements formed by the $ form a subgroup? Are there any other subgroups? If so, what are they? : ax * b (where x' , x, a, and b are real numbers and two-dimensional representation of this group that acts on 20. Show that the transformations .r' a+ form a group. Form the vectors (.r, 1). O) a 21. A homomorphism / maps a group G to a group FI. Show that the image f (G) in H is isomorphic to the factor group G / K, where K is the kernel of the homomorphism (Problem 15). @l Xgroup G has an invariant subgroup S. If element a of group G has period N, where N is prime, and a is not a member of the subgroup S, show that element aS of the factor group G/S also has period N. OPTIONAL TOPIC C Green's Functions Many physical systems are linear and consequently are described by a linear differential equation. An important example is the electromagnetic field, and we shall treat this system in detail in Section C.5. Such systems obey a superposition principle: The response of the system to a sum of inputs is just the sum of the responses to the individual inputs. As aresult, these systems can often be analyzed using a Green's function. The Green's function is actually a distribution (Chapter 6) that describes the response of a physical system to a unit delta function input. In general, any physical system in the region 0 < .x < I is described by a differential equation for some quantity, say y(x), plus a set of boundary conditions. The boundary conditions provide a sort of shorthand for representing additional sources that exist outside the region of interest. The system is given an input 1(x), and we want to find the response. The Green's function is the solution to a similar physical problem, but with the source term replaced by a delta function (a "point source") and with zero (or, at worst, constant) values on the boundary. The Green's function problem is thus easier to solve than the original mathematical problem, which is the advantage of the Green's function method. We shall begin by discussing one-dimensional problems for which the solution itself is zero at the boundaries. A physical system exists in a region defined by 0 < x < L.Ifthe input to the system is 1(r), we can write it as I (x) : Io' I (x')3(x - x']) dx' If the response of the system at-x to the delta function at x/ is G(x, r'), then, by the principle of superposition for linear systems, the response to the input 1(x) is y(x) : fot , {*')o{*, x'; dx' (c.1) The Green's function is symmetric in the two variables: G(x, x') : G(x' , x) (c.2) 495 496 oproNALToprc c GBEEN's FUNcToNS If the variable is a time variable, then G(t, t') : G(-t' , -t) (c.3) This sign change is necessary to preserve causality-the response cannot precede the event that caused it. (See Morse and Feshbach, Section 7 .3, for a more detailed discussion of this point.) Because the differential equation satisfied by the Green's function contains a delta function, strictly speaking G is not a function, but a distribution (Chapter 6). Indeed, the physical solution is obtained as an integral over G, ad expected if G is a distribution. The method is advantageous provided that the integral (C.l) is relatively easy to do. The methods used to find the Green's function for a given problem may be classified into three groups: (a) divide the region of interest into two pieces with the point source on the boundary between them, (b) expand the Green's function as a series of eigenfunctions, or (c) use an integral transform. C.l. DIVISION.OF-REGION METHOD First we write the differential equation and boundary conditions that describe the system in the absence of sources. (The boundaries may be in space, time, or both.) With no sources, the differential equation will be a homogeneous equation. We determine the solutions of this homogeneous equation. Next we write the differential equation for the Green's function problem. The source is nowadeltafunction[forexample, S(x-xl)linwhichthepositionx/ofthesourceisforthe moment consideredfxed.This source may be imagined as dividing space into two regions, x < x' and x > x'. We write down the appropriate solutions of the homogeneous equation that match the boundary condition or conditions in the two regions. There will be one or more unknown constants in these solutions. We also have to consider the boundary conditions that apply at the intermediate boundary that we have constructed at x : x' .We need enough boundary conditions to determine the unknown constants in G. Once G(x, -r') has been determined, we can use it to find the response of the system to any input, using the integral (C.1). In evaluating this integral, we considerx/ to be variable and x to be fixed. To illustrate the method, consider a particle moving under the influence of a driving force F(r) with damping proportional to velocity. The equationl describing the system is *Edu *au: lCompare with equation (3.5), with rng replaced by F(t) , F(l). C.1 DIVISION-OF-BEGION METHOD The boundary conditions in time are u function is -+ 0 as t -+ too. The equation for the Green's dG m . -fqG:6(t-t') tlt For tI tt 497 (c.4) , the delta function is zero and the equation simplifies to dG ^E IaG:O which has the solution (Chapter 3, Section 3.3.1) G: A*r(_;,) This function approaches zero as / -> *oo, butblows up as / -+ -@. Since the appropriate solution for / < // must approach zero as t --> -@, it must be identically zero. The system is set in motion by the impulse applied att : tt. Thus, we can write the solution for t < tl andfor t > tt: . : (o G(t. t'\' Since G is a function of both t ift<t' 1 [A exp (-at lm) if t > t' (c.5) and tt , we expect that the "constant" A is actually a function of t/. Our next task is to find this function. We imagine the delta function input at t : t/ dividing the system into two regions, with the point t : tt on the boundary between them. To find an expression for A, we integrate the differential equation (C.4) across the (imaginary) boundary at t : tt: dc) o' : [,]"' (*#+ 1,,',:," s(t - /) dt :7 where we used the sifting property to evaluate the right-hand side. On the left-hand side, the first term integrates easily: mct:|,!:, *, 1,,',:"' G dt : t The remaining integral is bounded: I',1,' oarl s 'u* tct(2e) <2elAl Provided G remains finite, this integral approaches zero as e -+ 0. Now we insert our solution (C.5) for G in the two regions into the resulting equation. At the lower limit, t < tl 498 and oploNALToprc G:0; c GREEN's FUNoIoNS attheupperlimit, t > ttandG: ^lt"*p ?Ir) - Aexp o] : (-at/m).Thus, as e -+ 0, ' I zo .r A--exp[-t') m\m,/ and so (o G(t,t'):{ L'\"I' - t ift </ / l;'-o(-; l' -''l) it' (c.6) ''' A piecewise-defined solution for G always results from the division-of-region method. Notice that the reciprocity relation (C.3) is satisfied by the function (C.6). Example times r : C.1. Find u(r) if the input F(t) is a force that is a constant F6 between 0 and t : T andzero otherwise. The resulting velocity is (compare with equation C.1) ift'<O r+*/0 f+oo ro ifo<t'<T \lc1t,fiat' u(r): I re)c(t.t')d/: I I J_a \o J__ ift,>T I Since the force becomes zero for t/ < 0 and for tt > 7, the limits of the integral are 0tof.Thus, ift<0 u(t;:0 andforr > 0, u(t) : 1T Fo Jo G(t,t') dt' If 0 < r < Z, since Gis zerofort < // (equationC.6),theupperlimitof theintegral is t: u(r) : ,o F6 m Fs a /l\ at' [' ! "*p-\(-!1, m - / JOm C.2 EXPANSION IN EIGENFUNCTIONS On the other hand, 499 if t > T, u(t) fTl / d : Fo"Jo t']\ at' I -exp m '\ [ --V m' - '/ /d, --[t Fs exp [\m m - t'l) T qlm 0 l (-!v zl\ "-- /-9,\ - &d f"^p \ m - ) - "^'\ t tn')l & exp^\(-gt) f.^p^\m (" r)/ - rll d, m/L Once the force ceases, the speed decreases exponentially (see Figure C.l). Notice that both expressions give the same result for u(t) at t : T . ua F11 t T as a function of time for the particle in Example C.l velocity decreases exponentially at large times. FIGURE C.1. Velocity withaT/m: l.The C.2. EXPANSION IN EIGENFUNCTIONS Instead of dividing our region into two pieces and obtaining a piecewise-defined Green's function, we can sometimes expand the Green's function in a series of eigenfunctions. If the governing differential equation is of the Sturm-Liouville type (equation 8.1) and the boundary conditions are of the form (8.2), then there exists a set of eigenfunctions ), (r) for the problem, with associated eigenvalues l"n. We will assume that the eigenfunctions have been normalized so that l"' r rrrr^rx)yn@) d,x : 3-n (c.7) 500 oproNALToprc c cREEN's FUNcroNs We require that the differential equation for our Green's function problem be of the same form but with a constant I that is not equal to any of the eigenvalues ).r. The source is a delta function: d/ dc\ n \f al::- ) - s{x)c * )"w(x)G: -4n6(x - x') (c.8) The factor of -4n is raditional-it arises from the use of this method in potential theory.2 Then the Green's function may be expanded in eigenfunctions: G(x, x') :Dy, n:0 (c.e) @') l^@) For the moment we consider the value x/ tobefixed.We substitute this assumed form (C.9) into equation (C.8): i r^<.' t lft (t o ft/, (,)) - g (x) *'l, v,(x) (x)v, (x)] : -4r6(x - xt) (c.10) Now we know that each eigenfunction satisfies an equation of the form - sr'rr' r * ('o'*) )'lnw(x)Yn - Q so we use this to simplify equation (C.10): oo D y, @' ) [- )'nw (x) yn (x) * )'w (x) y n(x )] : - 41 6 (x - xt ) n=O Next we make use of the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions by multiplying the whole equation by y^(x) I' 2" and integrating over the ran9e - x )')w(x)yn(x')vn@)v^(x) dx : & to : -0, iU - ),)vn@) f"b ,{r)v^{r)v^(x)dx: x : I"u b: 6(x - xt)v^(x) dx -4nv^(xt) ()'- )'^)y^(x') : -4ny^(x') where we used the sifting property to evaluate the integral on the right and equation (C.7) to evaluate the integral on the left. Then y^(x') = 4o!-92 lum lt - 2See Section C.6 below. c.2 EXpANsloN rN ETGENFUNoToNS 501 and the Green's function is (c.ll) Note the symmetry in x and r/, by equation (C.2). as required Example C.2. Find the Green's function forthe one-dimensional Helmholtz equation in the region 0 < x < I with y(x) :0 atx : 0 and at x : L.Hence find y(x) it f(x) equals I fot L14 < x < 3L/4 and equals 0 outside this range. The equation for the Green's function is : 7fi + k'y d2,v which is of the form (C.8) with ). replaced : 6(* - *') k2 and the factor (c.12) -4n on the right-hand side by 1. Thus, the equation for the eigenfunctions is of the Sturm-Liouville form dzY' a; + r,) ^ :0 with 1", I k2.The solutions to the eigenfunction equation that satisfy the boundary condition atx:0are ln : To satisfy the second condition at x cnsin : (r/l''.r) L, we need 1/fi,L: nn and so the eigenvalues are tnnt2 ^,--\i) We still need to normalize the functions. We choose the constant cn so that 1L I Jo ,1 lo' Yn@)Yn@) ,in' dx = 1 (74 dx:,]L- :1 -,-y ItL 5O2 oproNAlToprc c GREEN's FUNcIoNS So the normalized eigenfunctions are !n(x): 6 tli"^(T-) and the Green's function is (compare with equation C.11 with 4n replacedby -1) too G(x, x') : '\rlif k : nn lL for any n. Physically, this corresponds to driving the system at a resonant frequency. The displacement becomes arbitrarily large in the absence of damping, and there is no solution. Notice that the expression is not valid Thenif f(x) : I for L14 < x < 3Lf4, 1L 13L/4 I cG,x')f(*')dx': Jr1+ I -y(x): Jo :?L J GQ,x')dx' ["'o Y-"tnT"nT or' rtq ? tQ - (nn lL)z ---. wrx a Slh n SlIl- nT x, :1\- = - L = I13Llasin-'77 L L?kt-(nrlL\zJ11+ : 2 L . wfx \- L , cos I 2 iwr - cos iwt n, +F - <r,rtUt' nT nft . nrfx 2sin-5inoo sinL 2 4 -o\- L 1n, 1712 1r2 -2, wr n:l fnrxlnr -4 i odd(-1v{n.1121#F) L' I n:1. - n The sum is over odd values of n, because Figure C.2. '3 sin(nnl2):0 if n is even. C,3 TRANSFORM METHODS o FIGURE 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.8 : :2/L. 5 are Terms up to n C.2. The result of Example C.2 with k Including tems up to n :9 does not change the plot noticeably. 503 *t 0.4 plotted here C.3. TRANSFORM METHODS We have already found the Fourier (Chapter 7, Example 7.3) and Laplace (Chapter 6, Section 6. 1.6) transforms of the delta function. Thus, we can solve for the Green's function by transforming its defining equation. The Green's function for the damped harmonic oscillator is given by d2cft. i; ac (t. t'\ t'\ 12qi--trrJ + aloc1t,t,):6(t - t,) (c.13) We may Fourier transform this equation to get -r2c1r, tt) - 2iodc(to, t') -l ,20c1r,1'; - -J-ri'" Jnr Then the transform of G is 1 "iatl G(o, t') t/2r afi - 2iao - o2 Inverting, we get G(t, t,) :* I_: d-4, _-,-ia, 4, (c.14) We may evaluate the integral using the residue theorem. The integrand has two simple poles, where the denominator is zero. These are aP: -ia t ,2o - o2 504 OPTIONALTOPIC C GREEN'S FUNCTIONS Both poles are in the lower half-plane, as we expect from causality (Chapter 7, Section 7.4). For / < //, we must close the contour upward. There are no poles inside the contour, and the result is zero: fort <tl G(t,t'I -g For t> //, we close downward, enclosing both poles. Then, writing have : J-e-o{t-tl ("-ia<t-t) - eial-/)) - tt) for t > tl G(t, /) "-a1t-tl,sit1{2(ta ( {o}* "'= S), we (c.16) The result is of the same form that we would get from the division-of-region method (Section C.l). C.4. EXTENSION TO N DIMENSIONS Problems defined in a region with two or more dimensions are handled in a similar manner. The Green's function is defined in the same region of space (and/or time) as the original function /, but both the differential equation and the boundary conditions are simpler. 1. The source term on the right-hand side ofthe original differential equation is replaced by a delta function representing a point source. 2. The boundary conditions are replaced by (a) Dirichlet conditions: G(*, i/) : 0 on S or (b) Neumann conditions: n ' VG(i, i/) : constant3 on S where S is the surface that bounds the volume of interest, V. In case (a), we have the Dirichlet Green's function; in case (b), we have the Neumann Green's function. The method used to find the Green's function will be a combination of the methods used in the one-dimensional case. We'll begin with an example in two dimensions with homogeneous boundary conditions. We'll consider inhomogeneous boundary conditions later. A potential problem is defined in a two-dimensional rectangular region of dimensions x a b.The boundaries are conducting and are grounded. We'll choose a coordinate system 3The constajrt may be zero in some cases. See Section C.6 below. i 1 I C.4 EXTENSION TO If DIMENSIONS s05 with x- and y-axes parallel to the sides of the region and the origin in one corner. Then the potential satisfies Poisson's equation: a2o+ a2o : A*, Ay, -4no(x' Y) where the term on the right-hand side describes the sources for the potential (the charge distribution in the region). The Green's function is the solution to the similar, but simpler, equation a2c_(ii') dx' where for the moment we consider + a'c;!l_. dy' *' i') : _4n 6(i _ i,) (c.17) tobe fixed. Method. I Our goal is to reduce equation (C.17) to a one-dimensional equation so that we may integrate across the discontinuity, as we did in Section C.1. We do this by expanding in eigenfunctions. This is equivalent to expressing the delta function in one ofthe coordinates using the completeness relation (8.10). We imagine the delta function dividing the rectangular region into two pieces. We can choose the interior boundary through the point *' to be parallel to the x-axis or parallel to the y-axis. In this example, we'll choose to divide in y (Figure C.3). Then within each region there are no sources, and the differential equation for G is simpler: a2G6,1') , a2c(i(, *') _ ., ------;----;.----;--;-_dx' d!' (c.18) 0e 0 FIGURE C.3. Dividing into two regions: region I with y < y/ and region y/) is on the boundary between the two regions. a two-dimensional space II with y > y/. The source at (x/, 506 oproNAlToptc c GREEN's FUNcrloNS We begin by solving this equation by separation of variables, subject to the boundary conditions at x : 0 and x : a. Let G : X (-t) I(y). Then X,,Y We divide through by G : +XY,,:O XY: X,, Y,I i*T:o To satisfy the equation at aII vahes of x and y, we must have X,, -k2 x and Y,, Y -Lz where we chose the separation constant to be negative so that the solution for X is a function with more than one zero. (Compare with Chapter 8, Section 8.2.) Here we need X : sinkx. Then to satisfy the boundary condition at x : a, we need to choose the eigenvalue kn : nr la so that sinkna: 0. The equation for Y becomes .. tnn12 Y ,,,:\;) with solutions4 Y In region I, 0 : sirrhnftl and Y - ssshlll . y { }', we must choose the hyperbolic sine function so that y(0) : 0. Then our solution has the form Gr(i, i') :f ,,{*' , y') sirlla sinn!!) for v < v' n:l InregionII,b> y > y',wemustchooseasolutionthatiszero ary: b.Theappropriate choice is sinh lnn(b G u(*, - y)/al.Then we have i') : in:l D,(x' , y') sinlla ,in1",Y9-2 for v > v' Now G represents the potential due to a unit "point" charges placed at */, and so the potential it produces must be continuous everywhere in our region. This gives our first 4Alternatively, we could choose the functions exp (*nrry/a), but the hyperbolic functions are more useful here. 5The word "point" here refers to a source located at a point in the two-dimensional space. Equivalently, this solution also applies to a region that is infinite in the third (z) dimension, with no z-dependence, in which case our source would be a line charge. 1 507 C.4 EXTENSION TO N DIMENSIONS boundary condition at the internal boundary at G1(x, yt: y : yt: ,' , y'), Gg(x, y': x' , y') oo ,, r,, y, \ sin !!! rinh'o;!' fn--tQa7=taa r :i r, {r,, Thus, by orthogonality ofthe eigenfunctions ) r-, "in (C.19) !!a r' nn nn (b - v' ) sin(nnxfa), . - nr(b-y') ,.sinh . nTTv' ' : Dr(x' , y'), sinh Cn@' , y') Defining the new "constant" En(x', y'), we have n - Dn(x' , y') Cn(x' , y') sinh [m(b - y)'laf - sinh (nny'la) (The "constants" are functions of x' and y/, but remember that for the moment we are considering these values fixed.) Then the Green's function becomes o, : i En(*' , y') , y') n:laaa * "inno sinh 'o) ,' *nn (b - yt) (c.20) and oo cr, : i En(x' n:laaa rin"* "'*nt(b - Y) (c.2t) ,inh'o-J' We need one more condition to find the unknowns Er. We obtain it by returning to the differential equationfor G (equationC.lT). Writing G intheform D S"O, x', y') sin (nn x /a), we have (a\' i {\ \a/ n:l -l + f!: ,innn' } ""snsin!!! a lYt a ) : -+o01., - x,) 6(y - y,) We begin by reducing this relation to an equation in the one coordinate y that we chose to divide the region. To make use of the orthogonality of the sines, we multiply both sides by sin (n' n x l a) and integrate from 0 to a. Only the one term in the sum with n : rzl survives the integration. Then, dropping the prime on n, we have ;lfff '^*#l- -o't'inn'-'' t1v -v'1 (c.22) Thus,E, cxsin(nnx'fa).Wecanincorporatethisresultbywriting En: Frsin(nnxtfa) and, equivaleafly, gn : yn(y,y')sin(nnxt/a). Our expression for G now has complete 508 oproNAlToptc c cREEN's FUNcloNs symmetry in the primed and unprimed coordinates equation (C.22) across the boundary at y : yt: I,'il"" if Ii is a constant. Next we integrate ;l- ff)' ".#)dY : -4n I,''*"' u' - Y')dY The first term goes to zero as we let e --+ 0, since G(*, *'), and hence yn, is continuous y : y' . We evaluate the right-hand side using the sifting property. Then we have ! ^ tt/+6 oY, f : 2 oy ly,_, -4n At the upper limit, y : y' + € ) J',so G : (c.23) G1 and, using result (C.21),we have I oYnl : -!!! rl" cosh nn(b a 2a 2 |lly,+ At the lower limit, y : y' - I < !',so G : at Y') a "i'hno!' G1 (equation C.20), and so l ovnl ::o,sinhnn(b z 0y ly,- 2- " ------ a Y') (Y"ornn")') ct / \a Thus, equation (C.23) becomes nr / l)rinh no)' * -;Fn(cosh-"o9:a a sinh nn(b a y') no)') : -4tr "orh a / The term in parentheses simplifies, leaving Fn- nsinh (nnbla) and so the Green's function (equations C.20 and C.21) is G(*, i,) : i -'=j ,inno'' 4nsinh(nnb/a) a n:l - a "innn'rinh ,'*nn(b 'o) a & y') G.z4) fory<y/and G(i, *,) : i -.=9 '^ ,inn'*' a a "in'o* n:l -nsrnn\nrb/a) for y > y/. a "inhno!' ,'nnnn(b a - y) G.z5) Here again we note the symmetry of the function: G(i, i') : G(*', i). The symmetry may be made more obvious by writing the function as a single expression. We define y. : min (y, y/) \ C.4 EXTENSION TO N DIMENSIONS 509 and y, : max (y, y/) (compare with Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics) so that we may write @ G(i,i')' :t-. .j . ^ rinno*' z-/.nsinh(nnb/a) a a "in"'rinhno)' a e r'*nz(b-y') (c.26) n=l Once again we find that division of the region leads to a piecewise-defined Green's function, but this time each piece is expressed as a series ofeigenfunctions in the undivided coordinate. 2 An altemative method allows us to expand the Green's function in a double x and y. But eigenfunctions of which equation? Observe (C.18) that the differential equation is a special case ofthe equation Method sum, using eigenfunctions in both a2c_(ij dx' i') + a2c_(i_, dy' i') I ),a2G : O (c.27) with the constant ), : 0. Thus, the eigenfunctions we need are solutions of equation (C.27) with 1., not equal to zero. This is the Helmholtz equation (compare with equation 3.16 or Chapter 8, Section 8.4.4). The solutions of this equation are again found by separation of variables: X,, Y,, V+Tl)'^n:O Again we choose the separation constant for the X equation to be negative and then choose the constant tobe -(nn/a)2 so as to obtain the eigenfunctions sin (nnx/a). Then the equation for Y is Y" t nt:,2 v tL^n- \;) :Q This time we also want eigenfunctions in y that ate zeto at both boundaries, so we choose Then and 51 0 oproNAL roptc c cREEN's FUNcrtoNS Thus, the eigenfunctions are XY : Cmn . wrxsin mTy sin'--' -;: (C.28) AD where we must choose the coefficient C*n to normalize the functions-that is, lr' Iru (c-,"in?!a dx dy "inry)' : I Thus, 2 wmn - ----- 4ab The corresponding eigenvalue is r nn..,2 (*o , \2 L^,:\;) *\ r/ Now we make use of the general result (C.l c(i. *') l) with ^ "in'TX : o"F_#u . nrx .1, : ,in^o! rotlt, (c.2e) 0 to get "in"*' + ,in*T!' <^,llrr, mntyttnnfix' b mry' o= Itn a o "n 4 -= YIy'ttn ob fur/a)2 -l (mrlb)2 ^L^ (c.30) Here again the symmetry in the primed and unprimed variables is obvious. C.5. TNHOMOGENEOUS BOUNDARY CONDITIONS In the examples we have seen so far, we have imposed the value zero on our solution at the boundaries. This is not always the case. As an example, let's look at a problem involving diffusion in one dimension. Suppose heat is conducted along a rod that extends from x : 0 to r : oo. The value of the temperature at x : O is a specified function of time, T(0,t): t(t) and T (x,0) : 0 for x > 0. The differential equation for the problem is equation AT (3.14): A2T i - D ax,:o We can convert this problem into a one-dimensional problem by using a transform. The sine transform applied to the space variable is useful because T (x, /) is defined only for positive CONDITIONS 51 1 C,5 INHOMOGENEOUS BOUNDARY values of r, our equation has only second derivatives in space, and we know the value of our function T ar x :0. (Refer to Chapter 7, Section 7.7.3.) When we apply the transform, T(k,t): our equation becomes (E ai -ur) :0 (r) D at - (kV -u a7-tk'DT : Dkl;t(t) lT * (c.31) Equation (C.31) is a one-dimensional inhomogeneous differential equation that we can solve using methods already discussed. From Section C.l, with the correspondence Green's function is (equation C.6) G(k' t . t') ' : Thus, the solution for the transform u --+ T, uf (o lexr [-kz De i (t , t) - t)l m --> k2 D, the appropriate ift<t' ir t> (c.32) t, i" : o*rl7 yTJo[' "*p1-t'o(t - t')lr(t') dt' Transforming back, we have T (x , t) : ? J' , /JO o ,rn or [' ,*,l-k2 D(t - t)lr (t) JO dt'| dk (c.33) The expression (C.33) is most easily evaluated by doing the k-integration first and noting that k sin kx : - (d I dx) cos kx: T (x, t) : - n? * lr' , tt' t cos kx exp fo* [-k2 D(t - t)f dk dt, We write the cosine in terms of exponentials and complete the square to obtain : Jo[' --i:!L O(t J4tr - t')3"*n' *' \ r,, 4D(t \ - t') / ( (c.34) 512 oproNALroptc c cREEN's FUNcrloNS This last expression6 has the form that we expect for a Green's function-type solution, but now it is the boundary condition rather than the source function that appears in the integral. In the next section, we generalize this result to show how both the boundary conditions and the sources can contribute to a solution. C.6. GREEN'S THEOREM Here we shall develop a general theorem applicable to solutions of Poisson's equationT in a region where the solution is not necessarily zero on the boundaries. Let O and V be scalar functions of position defined in a volume V. Then i .roivl :9o. iv + ov2{/ and also V : Vv . io + q/v2o .tvVol Now we subtract and integrate over the volume V and use the divergence theorem (Chapter 1, equation 1.44): f /Jv-tV- .toVw) - v .({rvo)l-dv : Js| (ov\v r \vvo) .ffds where S is the surface of the volume V and fi is the outward normal. Then lr(ro'* - vv2o) o, : Ir(onv - vio) .nas (c.35) This relation is known as Green's theorem. It is valid for all scalar functions with derivatives that exist within the volume V and on the surface S. Now we choose <D to be the required solution of the Poisson equation YzcD: PG) €0 in the volume V. We choose V to be the Green's function that satisfies the related equation v2c(i, *'y: -4n6(i - i') (c.36) where * and i/ are within V. Physically, the Green's function G(*, i/) is a constant times the potential at i due to a unit point charge at i'. In SI units,8 the constant is 4ne6. Then : 0 in this expression. This is an artifact ofour use ofthe sine transform. The resulting function is necessarily odd and thus equals zero at x : 0. To obtain the correct boundary condition, we must take the limit as -r -+ 0 for positive values of x. See Problem 10' TSee also Problem 5. 8In Gaussian units, the constant is 1, a more pleasing result. 6It appe-, that Z(0, r) C.6 GREEN'STHEOREM 513 equation (C.35) becomes t^^f I @v2c Jv cv2o) dv : Jsl(ovc - cvo).ffds And using the differential equations satisfied by O and G, we get i')r ," : l,raic- cvo) . nds l,la-o"u(i - - " (-*)] The integrals are over the variable have -o(i') .# i, i/ with lroru.i')p(i) held fixed. Thus, using the sifting property, we : * l;ovc- cvo)'nds o, - G tovc / GVo) .fids o' giving the formal solution for O: ,lflf o(i') : 4"^ Jrc(i, *')p(i) The boundary conditions specify either O or iO ' ff on the surface, but not both. (See Appendix X.) (a) If O is specified on the surface (Dirichlet conditions), we choose Go(i, i') : 0 on S and obtain o(*') : J[ Gn(i,i')p(*)dv - !+lt JS[ rvco.ffds 47t€g Jy (c.37) This solution9 is consistent with our previous expressions in the special case O : 0 on S. (b) If iO . ff is specified on the surface (Ne rmann conditions), we choose iCrq(i, *') . n : constant: K on S and obtain o(i'): +#f hl,G^r(i,*')p(*)dv In general, we cannot choose K: o-u..nds- 0, because f vrcdv : J, I u<n-;(.')dv -4tr rv - -4n But according to the divergence theorem, Iro'o gco-p-" o, : lrfc(i, this result with equation (C.34). See Problem 18. ir'y .ffds : KA [ lrr**1ot 51 4 oproNAL Toprc c cREEN's FUNcIoNS where A is the arealo of surface S. Thus, K : -4nlA and so the solution for (D becomes o(*'): h lrGr.r(i,i')p(*)dv o(*'): # l,GN(i,i/)p(i)dv + [ + f / c.vo frc*vr'fids+ . nds + ] lrras (o) (c.38) where (O) is the average value of <D on the surface S. This additional constant does not affect the physics, which is governed by the gradient of O, and for most purposes can be removed by redefining the reference point for O. C.7. THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EQUATION IN A BOUNDED REGION C.7.1. Symmetry The Dirichlet Green's function is symmetric in the primed and unprimed coordinates. To see why, we begin with equation (C.35) with O : G(i, i) and V : G(fr, i';. Then Irloru,i;v,2c1d, : *') - c(d, *)vlcln,ll] a3n *;i,c1t, i') - c(i, i')i,c(i, *l] ,{ [t,u, .nas, The Dirichlet Green's function is zero on S, so the right-hand side is zero. On the left, we use the defining differential equation (C.36): -+, lv[ [c(fr, *)6(il - *') - c(d, i/)E(i - *)] d3fr :0 Thus, using the sifting property, we have G(*" i) : G(i, i') which is the symmetry relation we need (compare with equation C.2). For the Neumann case, the right-hand side becomes -! f;ort i) - c(i, *)tdsu lONote that A is the area of the total bounding surface of the volume V. pieces, A is the sum of the areas of all the pieces. If the surface comprises several separated C.7 THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EQUATION IN A BOUNDED REGION 515 Thus, symmetry may be proved only for infinitely large bounding surfaces (A -+ oo). However, symmetry can always be imposed as an additional condition on the Neumann Green's function. C.7.2. The Division-of-Region Method Because G satisfies equation (C.36), the solution is of the form c(i.*'):-]-+f(i.i') lx x'l - where V2(1/li - i'l) : -416(* - i/) (equation6.26) andY2lr: 0. The function ry' is required for G to satisfy the boundary conditions. This form of solution is not always useful, however, because it can be hard to integrate. Instead we can expand the. Green's function in a set ofeigenfunctions appropriate to the region ofinterest and make use ofthe orthogonality of the eigenfunctions when performing the integrations in equations (C.37) and (C.38). Here we outline the divison-of-region method for calculating the Green's function in a bounded region of space. The method works for either the Dirichlet or the Neumann Green's function. In the Neumann case, it produces the symmetric Green's function. Remember that in calculating the Green's function we take the coordinates of i' to be fixed. 1. Draw the volume under consideration. 2. Choose a suitable coordinate system. (We'll call the coordinates u, u, w.) Each boundary of your volume should correspond to a constant value of one of the coordinates. 3. Place a point charge of magnitude 1 at an arbitrary point i' within the volume. 4. Determine the solutions of Laplace's equation V2O : 0 in your coordinate system. Note which of the functions are orthogonal functions. 5. Choose one of the coordinates, say u, ar'd use it to divide your volume into two regions, with the point charge on the boundary between those two regions-that is, Regionl:u <u' Regionll:u>u' It is important that the functions in the other two coordinates (u, u') be orthogonal if you are using spherical coordinates, you may only dlide space in r, since the only functions of r in the solution of V2O : 0 are powers and functions. This means that the are not orthogonal functions. With other systems, you have some choice. 6. The equation for the Green's function is equation (C.36). Thus, in either of your two regions (butnot on the boundary between them), V2G : 0. Thus, you may expand G in the eigenfunctions identified in step 4. Use the orthogonal functions in u and u. You must choose the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions so as to satisfy the boundary conditions on G at the edges of your volume. Remember: For the Dirichlet Green's function, Go : 0 on the boundary, and for the Neumann problem, \Gyl0n : -4r lA on the boundary. 51 6 oproNAL Toprc c GREEN's FUNcloNs You will have two different linear combinations of the (nonorthogonal) eigenfunctions in u: one valid in region I (u < u') and one valid in region II (u > ut). At this point, your function will have two sets of unknown constants. 7. Use continuity of the potential across the inner boundary at u G(u: u'-,u,w): G(u: : uti ut+,t),u)) Equivalently, you may invoke the symmetry of the Green's function: G(i, i') : G(i', i). This condition will allow you to express one set of unknown constants in terms of the other. Now you should have only one set of unknown constants remaining. 8. Substitute your expression into the differential equation for G and use orthogonality to reduce to an equation in u. 9. Use discontinuity ofthe field at i : i' by integrating the differential equation across the boundary atu : ut. The last set ofconstants is thereby found. 10. Check for symmetry, correct dimensions, and so forth. C.7.3. Dirichlet Green's Function for the Region Outside a Sphere Let's find the Dirichlet Green's function for the region outside a sphere of radius a. Step 1. The diagram is shown in Figure C.4. FIGURE C.4. The sphere's boundary is at r : a. The region outside the sphere is divided into two regions,r<rtandr>rt. Step 2. In spherical coordinates, the inner boundary of the region is at r: a, and the outerboundary is r -+ oo. Step 3. We put a point charge at i/ with coordinates r' , e' ,0' . Then we need to solve the equation v2 G(*., *') : -4n 6(i - i') (c.3e) with the boundary condition G(*,i'):0 forr:a andforr -> oo (c.40) C.7 THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EQUATION IN A BOUNDED Note: At this point, i HEGION 517 is the variable and*t isfixed. Step 4. Within each region, we have the simpler equation vzG(*.,i') :o with solutions (equation 8.56) c(i, i,) :Y ( "l- \ e,^r,* r'-'/ ?3) ym@,o) in each region. Step 5. The functions Y7^(0, @) are orthogonal functions, but the powers of we divide the space in r; Regionl:a<r<rl Regionll:r/<r<oo Step 6. Next we apply the boundary conditions atr : a and In region II, as r -> oo, G must approach zero, so AI^ :0, Gr(i. i/) r are not, so r -+ oo. :Dfut,^@,Q) (c.41) I,M while at r: a, equation (C.40) requires , A1^at Br, I ffi:o and so BI^ : -o2ltl AlThus, Gr(i, *') :lt,^ (, - #) Step 7. Next we look at the boundary at Ym(o. Q) r : r'. The potential (c.42) (G) must be continuous across this boundary, so o,- F- (t'' t' - #) Yt ^(0, Q) : n r-!ft h^ (0, Q) Nowweusetheorthogonalityofthe Y1-.WemultiplybothsidesbyYf {) andintegrate ^,(0, must be separately over the whole range of 0 and Q, to show that the coefficients of each I;. equal. Then Bt^: At*I(rrlzl*l - o2l+r1 51 I oproNALToprc c GREEN's FUNoIoNS Inserting this result into equation (C.41), we have Grr(*. i') : D !4!Yh.(0, Q) G while G1 is given by G.aD. We can make this look more symmetric by writing At* : a1^f (r')t+l .Tlten Gr(i, g2t+r i') : L,.l'1,,, ur^ (7t)r+tYt+t' Grr(i. i') : a2t+t)Ym(e, Q) DY4!#J#\Y^@, \r'), ''r Q) -t_ which exhibits the symmetry of G in r and r' . Step 8. Now we have one set of constants left to find,the a1*, and one remaining boundary condition atr : rt . To see what it is, we go back to the differential equation (C.39). Writing C : D ghYh and expressing the delta function in spherical coordinates (see Chapter 6, especially Problem 8), we have nG+YY* +Y2uoeYt^r,^) : -a'6(';!)srpt - 1't'st1q - q'1 t l.m Again we multiply both sides by Yi-,and integrate over the full range of 0 and d. On the left-hand side, we get zero, except when / : lt and m : mt . We use the sifting property to evaluate the integral on the right. Then, dropping the primes on / and m, we get :+y -,ffr,^ , -aos(';!)yk@,,Q,) Now we can relabel again: Let gtm : f6Yf^(0',Q') and, correspondingly, arm: PhYk(0' , //). Then the Green's function is symmetric in all three coordinates if pl. is a constant, independent of all the coordinates. With this relabeling, 6(r - r') 102rf1. /( + tl -+n ,z 12 ''^ r 0r2 Step 9. Now we multiply this equation by f : ft: r and then integrate across the boundary at C.7 THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EOUATION IN A BOUNDED REGION 51 9 On the righChand side, we use the sifting property to evaluate the integral: arf,*l'*" _ [''*' /(L+l) fi^dr: 1,,-,- J,,-, , f 4n -7 Next we let e -+ 0. We have already ensured that f1- is continuous at r : rt , and r is also continuous, so the second term on the left-hand side goes to zero. Then we have ar!t^1,,+ : _y r' e.43) 3r 1,,At the upper limit, r : rtl, lrft^l we are in region II, and so a pr, le')2t+t - azt+lf | F,- lv)''*t - a2t+tf -' , ---CryT7iiil- u *: fi ----Gi+Gr- 1,,*: : -rn-utr:!!!:!!I: -ttu^ () - #;) 1,, At the lower limit, we are in region I, and so +1, *' t(r') +'#) -: *fft(''*' - +)1,,*: #ft(u : frm\/l+l,, +l d21+l \ ,ryo ) Then equation (C.43) becomes /l d2l+l \ /l+l -ttu^\l - 6W ) - tu^\ ,, d21+l \ +t77p ) -ft^ The r/ cancels, which it must, since coordinates. Then p6 2l+1 4n r, 4n 1 should be a constant, not a function of either set of 4n flm: 24 1 and so finally we have Gr(i, i') := 5- 4' 9!!'1]'*t' t-Girrr-Ym@' ilYi'(e'' O') |,, * o''*'l Grr(i. *') := \- .1t , k'f'll-l r, * t--irni-Yr^@' QtYh(e'' o'\ 52O In a oproNAL roprc c cREEN's FUNoIoNS more compact form, (c.44) where r. and r, are the lesser and the greater of r and r/, respectively. Step 10. Since G is 4neo times the potential due to a unit point charge, it should have dimensions of l/length, as our expression does. This series should converge nicely fot r > a. As an example of using this result, let's find the potential due to a ring of charge of radius b > a and uniform linear charge density )., lying in the equatorial plane of a grounded sphere of radius a. Using equation (C.37), we have o1i; : -t I Gp(i.i';p1*')dv' -l4tr Js/or*'lV'Gp'ffds' 4treoJv When we are doing the integration, the coordinates * are fixed while */ is the integration variable. With O : 0 on S, the second integral is zero: o(i): I 4treo [ )\6(r' -b)8(P') b Jv " rLt =2l11 + |, : I i.s tr2!+r-r,.' 'r,' 4----------------r+t ' ', h^@, Q)yh(0' . Q')o')2 dr' d p' d4' .02j+t-o2t+t1 2l +l 4n ^*24'Yt^(o'olu-ffi ffir;"r', l, "-imQ 4q'l where now r. and r, are the lesser and the greater ofr and b, respectively. The integral over Qtyields zero unless lrt :0. Then rb \o(*): zto 1r2l+1 - ozl-1r,, ? ffih(o)hIt) Now we check dimensions: 2n),b is the total charge on the ring, and the term in r has dimensions of l/length, so the answer is of order charge/(es x length), which is correct for potential. Note that & (0) : 0 for / odd, so only even / appear in the sum. The first few terms for 0<r<bare o(i) -:t (' :2 4 rrbz 4reob\ r " -!" 3 19 -a9 +' + .:-(35 64 rrba r3cos2e cosa g - - ts 3o cos2 e + 3) + 521 C.7 THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EQUATION IN A BOUNDED REGION whileforr > b, O t'q1*' -o2t-tt1 n(o)Pr(P) o(i): 4neobl /+rbt'+r o (r-1\ - 4zeor / \ b " o 4T esb l(r, i)Q:*1 -*'=#(35cosae-30cos2 0+3). ] The first term is the potential due to a point charge, and this term dominates for large r. The magnitude of the point charge is the sum of the charge on the ring plus the charge induced on the surface of the sphere. Thus, the total induced charge on the sphere is Qind : - Qa I b. The solution in the equator and on the polar axis is shown in Figure C.5. r a @ times 4n esb /Q in the equatorial plane (0 : n /2, solid line) and on the polar axis (0 : O, dashed line) versus r/a. The first three terms in the series are shown FIGURE C.5. Potential here, with b :2a. C.7.4. Dirichlet Green's Function for the lnterior of a Cylinder Again we follow the steps of the standard method. Our region is an infinitely long cylindrical tube ofradius a. Step 1. The volume is shown in Figure C.6. Step 2. We use cylindrical coordinates. The volume is bounded by the surfaca p : a. Step 3.We place a point charge at i/ with coordinates p' , Q', z'. Step 4.The solutions oflaplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates are given in Chapter 8, Section 8.4.8. We may choose to divide the space in any one of the three coordinates. 522 OPTIONALTOPIC C GREEN'S FUNCTIONS region II region I I l_ FIGURE C.6. The interior of the tube is divided Step 5. Here dt I: zt . we'll divide the volume in z: Regionll-z<z' Region ll'.2 > z' Step 6. The eigenfunctions in p that take the value zero at p : e are the functions J-(x*"p/a),where x^n is the nth zero of J^.We exclude the Ns because they are not well behaved on the cylinder axis at p - 0. The appropriate functions it z are the real exponentials, "-x^nzfa Gr(i, for large positive Z i') :l vnd. elx^"2/o for large negative z. Thus, we have A^nJ^(.*":) ex^nz/arimt for z < z' m,n and Gn(i, i') :\B^,J^(.^":) r-xmnzfa"imQ for z > z' Step 7. Setting the two functions equal at the inner boundary, Z DA^nJ^(-.,:) m,n ex^,z'/arimQ :I B^nJ^(-*,:) m.n : Zt, we have r-xnnztf arimQ REGION 523 C.7 THE GBEEN'S FUNCTION FOB POISSON'S EOUATION IN A BOUNDED Since the functions J-(x^np la)ei^Q form an orthogonal set, we may equate the coefficients of each term in the sum separately: A^rgx^nz' la : fi-ng-xmnZ' lo = d^, Thus, Gr(i, i') : ,-o^, Gu(*, t^ (.-,:) exnntz-z' *') : D o^, J^ (r^":) ) ta eimQ -z) /a rimQ "x^n(z' m,n Step 8. Next we substitute into the differential equation for G, which we now write as c : D s^,(z)J^(r^^I) ,'^r with s^nQ) : c"mnQXP (TU.- .')) (c.45) z. and z. equal to the lesser and greater of z and 4/, respectively. Then, with the delta function expressed in cylindrical coordinates, we have with : td'ef\@] )-.r. (*^^L\ - p,)a(Q - 6')6{z \ d/ r,^r l-fur^,k) dz' ) -!ur, P L z') We multiply both sides by pJ^, (x-,n, pf a) e-i^'0 and integrate over p and @. On the left, we use the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions and equation (8.96); on the right, we use the sifting property. ! (zD V ko^,r1' l-* B*nk) . e#) - -4n r^(r^"+) ,-i*Q'5(z Now we rewrite: E^,(z) - ymnexp (:u.-.,)) t- (.-"+) Step 9. The next step is to integrate across the boundary at 7 a2 lt'^1x.,11' " I: "' l-* _ r.,,* (z' - z' | * - e-i^o' 7t to find the y^n: t-#) rz'+e : -4n I tk - z') dz' 2.,_t J As e -+ 0, the first term on the left vanishes, and the equation simplifies to o2l${r^,)]2 dymneryQ'-z'\ dz. -_L o r' - z') 524 oproNAlToprc c cREEN's FUNoIoNS At the upper limit, z > z', so the derivative is *" r(Tu' -.,)1.:., : -ry while at the lower limit, z < z', so xmn d /xmn. ,.tl l.;(t )1,=,,: o E"*P " Thus, a2 1fi 1x ^n112 r*nlY g21 : -4 and so l^n: ,^noLi^r*^rll, Inserting this value into the expression (C.45) for G gives c (i, i') : i2 ;frh;rt r ^ (*^n l) t - (, ^, +) ei ^(Q -o' ) " v (! <r.- ., )) Step 10. The result exhibits the necessary symmetry in * and i' and has dimensions of inverse length, as required. What is the potential if the cylinder has a band with potential V6 between z : -a and z: *a and is grounded everywhere else? This time only the second integal in equation (C.37) is nonzero. Remember that fr is the outward normal, here p. a@.Q,i: -GI f2n f+o,o AG Jo J_" fr\,,=,adQ'dz' I : -# I,* l:," ?Xnni;mr^(.*':) rh(x^)ei^(Q-o') " "*o (fu<r. - ,)) a dO' dz' : O terms survive the integration over @/, as expected for a system with azimuthal symmetry. Thus, Only the m e(p, z) : -++ W ll." "*o (Yu- - z)) az' C.7 THE GREEN'S FUNCTION FOR POISSON'S EQUATION IN A BOUNDED REGION For e 525 > a, this becomes a@' z) On the other hand, for : 24!HP ll"' "*, (Tu' - D) az' : voD !ffiP *sinh x6, "*v (-*o,l) -a < z 14, Q(p,z):VoDffi# ll,*' " , (Tu - '\) a'' + f',"*v (Tu' - o) atl : vo"ut Jo@9'plo) lero^11-s-,o, + e''o,t) *onJr(xor) L :zvoDJ-q(xo'Pla) " ? *orJt(xor) l1 L n-'o'"*h - I e-xon* k'o^I- e-'0,)l'l (r*1)] This solution is plotted in Figure C.7, where we show <D/ Vs versus p /o. A few terms in the series represent the solution well for z > a, but many terms are required for lzl < a, and even then the expression failsll at p : a. o Vg p 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 a FIGURE C.7. Solution for the potential O(p) inside the tube. The solid line shows the potential at z - a /2 (42 terms). The dashed line shows tbe potential at z : 2a (10 terms). For z > a, fewer tenns are needed in the sum to obtain an accurate result. The additional terms decrease exponentially. C.7.5. Expansion in Eigenfunctions An alternative method of solution produces a single expression for G(i, i/) throughout the region. We write G as an expansion in eigenfunctions, as in Sections C.2 andC.4, method 2. The penalty we pay for having a single expression is that we have a triple sum rather than llW" hun" seen this phenomenon before in Section C.5. Here our eigenfunctions are zero at p : a, and so the solution, a superposition of the eigenfunctions, is also zero on the boundary. The solution has the correct limit as p -+ a from below In Figure C.7, the solid curve @(p) approaches Vg as p --+ a, but dives towatdzero aI p : a. s26 OPTIONALTOPIC C GREEN'S FUNCTIONS the double sum we obtained using the division-of-region method. The eigenfunctions we need are solutions of the Helmholtz equation: (v2 + k\f (i; : (c.46) o To demonstrate the method, let's look at the Dirichlet problem in the interior of a cylinder of radius a and height ft. The solutions of equation (C.46) that satisfy the boundary conditions h are (Chapter 8, Section 8.4.4) G 0 tt p a and : z: - .f : J^(r*,:) sinPlrz si^o ,2 / x.n\2 k-^np:\;)*\l,/ I PT \2 (*) and the eigenvalues are where x^n is the n th zero of J^(x).We must normalizethe eigenfunctions, using equations (8.96) and (4.I2). Then, from equation (C.11) extended to three dimensions, with ). : k2 :0, c(*, *') : +n \ m,n,p r^(,-,*) '* 1^("^,+) ,rnP!Z' ,-i^o' ! [ri,,*-,,)'f;r,l(+)' . (+)') - Ih \./'L L \-\^+mooo a:-a Plz ,i-o n:l p:l r^(.*,:) r^(,-,#) '* ffsinPTz' ,i-1q-Q') r * +t (x * )t2 * (T)') t l.r, The dimensions of this expression are l/length, as required. PROBLEMS fl Use the division-of-region method to find the Green's function for a damped harmonic oscillator. Hence find the response of the oscillator to the input /(r) : 1 - t lT for 0 < / < T andzerootherwise. 2. Find the Green's function for a beam supported at one end (refer to Chapter 5, Problem l1) using a Laplace transform method. Find the Green's function for a wave on a string of length I, 3. A2G "a2G ,;, - "# :6k - x')a(t - t') by taking the Fourier transform of the equation in time and using the divison-of-region method for the space dependence. Give your answer as an integral over the Fourier transform variable ar. I ! ,! I I j PROBLEMS 527 4. Find the Green's function for the diffusion equation AG AzG rp:3(x- x')8(t-t') ;-r by taking the Fourier transform in space and using the division-of-region method in time. Take -oo < r < ooand0 < / < oo. Use the result to compute the function f (x, t) that satisfies the diffusion equation af a2f S(x, r) - ;-oup:S(x,,) with the source function S ,-*2 /o' 3(t) Strow that we can use Green's theorem (Section C.6) to obtain a solution for O, where O satisfies the Helmholtz equation (v2 +t<z)o(i): s(i) with a source function S(*). Determine the solution for O in terms of the Green's function when O satisfies the Dirichlet boundary conditions O (i) : f (i), a known function, on the boundary surface S. 6. Find the Green's function for the one-dimensional Poisson equation d2e dx2 with boundary conditions O (x) when : 0 at x : -P(x) :0 and x : a. Hence find the solution for O (a) P (-t) : sit (n x la) (b) p(r) : *2(o2 - *2) 7. Use a division-of-region method to find the Green's function for the one-dimensional Helmholtz equation d2v d*r+k-Y:f(x) y(x):0atx:0and.x : a. FindtheFouriersineseries intheregion0 < x < a,with for G(x, x/) and hence show that your result agrees with the result of Example C.2. 8. Sometimes we may expand the Green's function as a series of eigenfunctions even if the differential equation is not of the Sturm-Liouville form. The governing differential equation for the displacement of a beam is equation (3. I 1): dav q(x) dx4 EI 528 oproNALToprc c GREEN's FUNoToNS A beam of length Z rests on a support at each end so that the boundary conditions are y(0) : !(L) : 0. Show that the Green's function may be expanded in a series of f, eigenfunctions, and determine the form of the Green's function. Use it to find the beam displacement when it is subjected to a load q(x) : ax lL. Compare with Chapter 4, Problem 15. fina the Green's function for heat transfer along a rod with insulated ends. The relevant differential equation is +At - r#: 0x e@,t) and the boundary conditions are 0 G / 0 x : O at x : 0 and at x : L; G(.r, 0) : 0. Treat the problem as a two-dimensional problem, and use method 1 in Section C.4, dividing the region in time. 10. Verify that equation (C.34) gives the correct result z(t) in the limit x -+ 0 from above. Hint: Expand t (t') in a Taylor series about t/ : t. 11. Find the Green's function for the wave equation in three space dimensions, using spherical coordinates. The wave equation is u2vzc 62 - atrc: 6(i - i')6(r - r') G(i, i' , t, t'| is the displacement and V2 is the Laplacian operator in three dimensions. Transform the equation in space and time, and solve for G. Hence find the displacement f (i, t) if the source is h 3 (t) e- o2". Co*p*" with Example 7.5. where 12. Find the Dirichlet Green's function for the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation in a circular region ofradius a. Obtain the result as a double sum over appropriate eigen- ltil functions. pma the Neumann Green's function for the one-dimensional Poisson equation d2Q p(x) dxz 60 withboundary conditions dGldx:0 atx :0 and x: L. Express youransweras series of eigenfunctions. Hence find the potential O if lporlL ifO<x.Llz Dlxl: and dQ/dx : 0 at x : 0 and x a < |.0 : otherwise L. 14. Use a Fourier transform method and cylindrical coordinates to find the Green's function for the wave equation in two dimensions. 15. Using the division-of-space method, find (a) the Dirichlet and (b) the Neumann Green's function for Poisson's equation in the interior of a sphere of radius a. 16. (a) Find the Dirichlet Green's function for Poisson's equation in the half-space z > 0 using Canesian coordinates. PROBLEMS (b) 529 Evaluate the integral to show that G may be interpreted as the potential due to a point charge and its image in the plane z :0. Hint: Use polar coordinates to evaluate the integral, and use contour integration to evaluate the integral over the angular variable, as in Chapter 2, Section2.T .2. 17. Find the Dirichlet Green's function for Poisson's equation in the interior of a sphere of radius a as a triple sum over appropriate eigenfunctions. Eal OUtain a relation analogous to equation (C.37) for the diffusion equation af At - Dv2.f : S(i, r) Define the Green's function through the equation AG E - Dv2G: Dr(i - *')6(t - /) Ffint.'Notethatsince G(t,t'): G(t-t'),0Gl0t' : -0G/0t.Integrateoverbothspace and time, and let G : 0 on the bounding surface. Apply your result to the example in Section C.5. Apply the sine transform in space to the equation AG A2G ; - o up - D6(x -x')6(r - r') and obtain the Green's function. Show that the solution (C.34) may be expressed in terms 0Gl\xt and that this solution is consistent with the general result you found above. of 19. Find the Dirichlet Green's function for Poisson's equation in the interior of of radius a. a hemisphere (a) Choose O < 0 <z and0 < 0 < tr. (b) Choose0 < P < n/2 and0 < Q < 2r. (c) Using one of the two Green's functions, (a) or (b), evaluate the potential inside the hemisphere if O : 0 on the spherical surface and O(r) : Vo(l - r/a) on the flat face. 20. Obtain the Green's function inside a cylindrical tube (Section C.7 .4) by dividing space tn p. OPTIONAL TOPIC D Approximate Evaluation of Integrals D.1. THE METHOD OF STEEPEST DESCENT Often functions are defined in terms of integrals in the complex plane. The gamma function (Chapter 2) is one example that we have seen. Another example is the Hankel functionl nJ,)(6) :: l,*, l; (,_:))f" where the contour C runs from the origin to -oo, as shown (D.1) in Figure D.1. Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE D.1. Path C for evaluating the first Hankel function U{t) @).The path starts at the origin and goes to -oo in the upper half-plane. Such integrals may be written in the form I(€): II sk)expl€f (z)ldz Jc lThis function is introduced in Chapter 8 from a different (D.2) point of view. 531 532 OPTIONALTOPIC D APPROXIMATE EVALUATION OF INTEGRALS where f is real, (z) is an analytic function, and C is a specified contour in the complex "f plane. We wish to evaluate the function 1(6) in the limit that f becomes large. In this case, the exponent Ef : e) €lu(x, y) + iv(x, y)l has a large absolute value. The imaginary part causes the integrand to oscillate wildly, contributing very little to the integral, except where u is approximately constant. The integrand is maximized where the real part u is maximum. We know that we can deform the contour C without changing the value of the integral, so long as we do not cross any singularities of the integrand.2 We can evaluate the integral most easily if we deform the contour so that it passes through a point z0 such that 1. u is approximately constant near z6 and 2. u is a maximum at zo md decreases rapidly along the deformed contour C' as we move away from zg. Then the integral will be dominated by a small region of the path very near zo. To make u a maximum, we need {:o clz atz- (D.3) zo since 0u f 0x and 0u l0y are then both zero at zo. (Refer to Chapter 2, Section 2.2.2.) Now if the function f (z) is analytic, then the function u(x, y) is harmonic; that is, ^ 02u Y'r,t:ip+ E2u Ayr:O if a is a maximum with respect to x (02u/0x2 = 0), it must be a minimum with respect to y (02u I Ey2 r 0). Thus, the point z6 that we seek is a saddle point. In order that the contribution of the integrand to the total integral be concentrated in the vicinity of zo, we must choose our path C/ so that it crosses the saddle in such a way that u decreases from its value at zo at the maximum rate. (Ct looks]ike the rider's legs on the saddle.) We also know that for analytic functions Va is perpendicular to Vu (Chapter 2, Section2.4.3).Thus, by choosing the path that maximizes the change in a, we are also choosing the path along which the imaginary part u remains almost constant. This is exactly what we Thus, want. Now if the function g(z) varies relatively slowly in the neighborhood of 26, we can approximate the integral as follows: 1(6) : If sk)expl€f(z)ldz Jc - skil : fonnn*.0 "*o gkilexp [5,f (zo)] lf (rt.ol *)u - ro>'f"ko))) dz lru,nn"*,0*o [e 2See Chapter 2, Section 2.2.4.We may not cross a branch cut either if. - zo\2 7" {zs1fdz (D.4) D.1 THEMETHODOFSTEEPESTDESCENT 533 where we used the Taylor series to express f (z) near eo -d truncated after the third term. The second term [involving f'(z)l is zero. To choose the path, we set z - zs = reiQ and f"(zd : aeia, where a and cv are real constants. Then the Taylor series becomes f (z) : f (zo) + u : u(xo, to) + u : u(xo, to) + )r2 "2ia orio (2Q + q) sin (2@ * cv) )or'cos and 1 1ar2 To keep u approximately constant, we choose the path so that 2Q *u: nn; that is, an Q:Qo:-t*t, (D.s) This path is a straight line in the neighborhood of eo. Then u : u(xo,ld + )or2 cos (nn) : u(xo, ys) + (-D')ar2 Now we war,ttu to decrease as we move away from 20, so we choose n u : u(xo, yil : *1. Then - !or, 2 The choice of n : *l or - I is made by requiring that r go from a negative value3 before passing through 46 to a positive value after. The integral (D.4) is then reduced to an integral over r, with the value of r increasing throughout the range of integration: [ (-+\z I (E) =8(zo) exp lEf {zd) "*p \ ./pathnearzg : lkd exP tE f Qo)te'^ /,: ; #: a, ,'oo / ".' (-+) o' 3In the usual polar representation of a complex number, the amplitude r is a positive real number, and negative real parts are described by phase angles between r /2 and 3tt 12. But here we want to describe the straight line path with a constant phase angle {g, and so we must allow r to take negative values. i 534 oproNALToprc D AppRoxtMATE EVALUAIoN oF TNTEGRALS because f is very large. Thus, we may The exponent larz 12 becomes very large for r extend the limits in r to aoo without appreciably changing the value of the integrala: l0 r (e =g(zo) I (il : exp t€f kdt,'^ l:: o, 2n k)leih g(zo) exp tEf ^, (-+) (D.6) . q,a The result (D.6) is the asymptotic form of the integral (D.2). Let's use this method to evaluate the asymptotic form of the Hankel function (D.l). Comparing equation (D.1) with the standard form (D.2), we find that the function "f (z) is t/ l\ f(z):l\'-;) and is analytic except at z : O. Similarly, 1 sQ): ,,+t We want the path of integration to pass through 20, where dfl r\ t/ ;1,:,,:t(t*d:o+Zo:ti Of these choices, only pointz6 : *i lies near the original path C. So we deform C to pass through the i. Then .. I f"(zd: - -l : -t : - tt I 7J So c: I 4, : and cv r /4 -f r 12 : : -n le-i1t/2 |, 12. Thus, the new path C/ must pass through zo at an angle - 3n /4 (equation D.5). Before zo, the difference z zo has a positive so r is negative, as real part on this path (see Figure D.2) and ,3it/4 + - -+A required. Then r(zo):f(i):;(t-i) :, 4See Appendix IX for the evaluation of the integral. \iJ1, D.2 THE METHOD OF STATIONARY PHASE s35 Im (z) Re (z) FIGURE D.2. PathCtfor evaluating the first Hankel function n{t) @).The path passes through the point z : i at45o to the imaginary axis. Thus, applying the result (D.6), we have n{')G) = ,Eu*'r(e 1f + 3n 4 z\ -o+2)r) z\ | -u 2 - -4/ which is the expression given in Chapter 8, Section 8.4.2 (equation 8.85). D.2. THE METHOD OF STATIONARY PHASE A similar method applies to integrals of the form I (x) s(x) exp [iQ@)]dx (D.7) when the function d(x) (the phase) is real-valued and g(x) is a slowly varying function. Integrals of this type arise through the use of Fourier transforms, for example, and are of importance in determining the signal that arrives after propagation through a dispersive medium (see, for example, Jackson, Chapter 7). The major contribution to the integral comes from the neighborhood of the point (or points) where @ (x) is stationary-hence the name of the method. Away from the stationary points, the integrand oscillates wildly and there is very little contribution to the integral.5 Again we expand the phase in a Taylor series in the vicinity of the stationary point .rr: Q@):d(x,) + 5lt. )a - x,)2 Q"(x,) (D.8) -o." precise statement may be made in the language of generalized functions. See Chapter 6, especially Section 6.4. 536 oproNAL Toptc D APPRoxIMATE EVALUATIoN oF INTEGRALS Then, since g(x) varies much more slowly than eif I(x) , - B(xJeiQGr l)1,' "-, (Uo - *,;2q"6"1) ax Here also we can extend the range of integration to (-oo, *oo) with negligible change in the value of the integral. To evaluate the integral, we make a change of variables to tu:(x-r,)tltO"@,) The limits of the integral also change correspondingly. Let's assume for the moment that Q" @r) is positive6 and equals 2A2.Then Q" u-(x-xt) (xt) -ir/4_A@_x")e-io/4 2 and the integral becomes I (x) - g1x";si\GJeila f""-" au Im (z) Re (u) FIGURE D.3. The.contour for the u-integral runs from -oo to +oo but at a 45o angle to the real The path of integration C for u is at 45o to the real axis (see Figure D.3). However, since the integrand has no poles and the contribution to the integral ftom u : *oo is zero, the value of the Gaussian integral (equal to Ji when evaluated along the real axis) 6lf 6't 1x"1 is negative, the path is rotated to cross the real axis at an angle of +T is the same. f4 ftther than -t /4. The result PROBLEMS 537 is not changed by this path shift. Thus, (x) - I (x) - r g1x;siQl)eila ll* ,-"'a, (D.e) g(xJsiQ@J.i'/4 If there is more than one stationary point, then the integral is the sum of the contributions from each ofthe stationary points. PROBLEMS f, Use the method of steepest descent to evaluate the asymptotic form of the gamma function f (t): [* tE-tr-'4t = tE6E-rtzr-e Jo where the path of integration is along the real axis. This is Stirling's formula. 2. The modified Bessel function Kr(f ) has an integral representation K,(E): I roo _t ( "_.1\l d' "*p L-z \.'*;/l ;| 1Jo with path of integration along the real axis. Use the method of steepest descent to find the asymptotic form of Kr(f ) as f -+ m. 3. The Bessel function may be represented by an integral J,(E) lf : 2" Jrexp (-if sin z * ivz) dz where the contour C is as shown in the figure. Use the method of steepest descent or stationary phase, as appropriate, to derive the asymptotic form (8.83). PROBLEM 3 538 @ OPTIONALTOPIC D APPROXIMATE EVALUATION OF INTEGRALS Expand the function g(x) in equation (D.7) in a Taylor series about the stationary point. Show that there is no contribution to the integral from the second (linear) term in the series if the expansion of the phase @ is truncated at the quadratic term, as in equation (D.8). 5. The function n j2) 1xl has the integral expression nJ,)c): (,-:)]f" * l,*'[l where the path of integration goes from -oo to zero along a path in the lower half-plane that is the mirror image of the path in Figure D. 1. Verify the asymptotic form (8.85) for this function. 6. An alternative integral expression for the Bessel functions is Fu@) : O l"exp (ivu - ix sinu) du where (a) for I1(1) use contour C1 and k : I lt (b) for I1(2) use contour C2 andk : lln (c) for ,/ use contour C3 and k : I l2n and the contours are as shown in the figure. Evaluate the integrals for large values of and verify the asymptotic forms in Chapter 8. PROBLEM 6 7. The Airy integral Ai(x) : +" I:""n; (r' *+)0, -x PROBLEMS 539 arises in the study of diffraction. The path of integration lies slightly abovethercalaxis.T Use the method of stationary phase to show that Ai(x) *, (-'r. '') - #* for large, positive x E tr" amplitude of a signal arriving from a distant source after propagation through a dispersive medium may be written as a Fourier integral of the form s(x, r) : I* orr',explik(a)x - iorldo.t where k(ar) is the dispersion relation for the medium (see, for example, Jackson, Chapter 7). Use the method of stationary phase to show that, at time r, the largest amplitude signal is contributed by frequencies with group speed dro ldk : D I t , where D is the distance from source to receiver. Find an approximate expression for the amplitude at time t. Obtain an explicit form for the solution TSee Jeffreys and Jeffreys, Section 17.07. if ck(a) : F4, and a, is a constant. OPTIONAL TOPIC E Calculus of Variations E.l. INTEGRAL PRINCIPLES IN PHYSICS Physical systems are often characterized by being an extremum (maximum, minimum, or point of inflection) of some physical property. I For example, a system in equilibrium is at an extremum of the potential energy. For stable equilibrium, the potential energy is a minimum. According to Fermat's principle, light rays follow the path of minimum time. The physical quantity being minimized in these examples (energy or time) is often expressed as an integral over the system. For example, the time for light to travel a distance dt is dt : dl / u, where u is the light speed, and thus the total time for light to travel from point A to point B is fB d(. t: I Je (E.1) u where the integral is taken along the path from A to B. The path from A to B is described by one or more parameters, and the path actually followed by the light between A and B will cause the value of the integral (E.l) to be a minimum. If we want to find the true path between points A and B, we must adjust the parameters so as to make the integral (E.1) an extremum. To see how to do this, first recall that if a function /(x) has an extremum at the point rs, then df /dxlro: 0, and the change in / due to a small change dx in.r is 6f= df dx - 0 0x * terms of order (dr)2 xo to first order in 6x if the integral (E.l) is an extremum, its value will not change when we make small changes in the parameters. That is, the integral along paths that lie very close to the true path will be the same as the integral along the true path, to first order in changes in the parameters that describe the path. The difference 61 between the value of the integral 1 along the ffue path and that along a neighboring path is called the variation in the integral 1. Similarly, I Note the language carefully; "a" maximum is not the same as "the" maximum. We are interested in local extrema. 541 542 OPTIONAL TOPIC E CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS E.L. As a simple first example, consider the path taken by light moving from point A in a medium with refractive index n1 to point B in a medium with refractive index n2 (see Figure 8.1). For now, let's take it for granted that the light travels in a straight line within each medium. Then the path meets the boundary surface at point P, and we can parameterize the path by the distance s of the point P along the boundary surface, as shown. Since the speed of light in each medium is u : c /n, the total time taken for light to travel from A to B is Example , : lo' !!dt n1 + n2 I" -dt s2+tfi+ c .^ c n2 c (w - s)2 where in this case the integrals are trivial. Now we compute the change 3r in r due to a small change 6s in s: 6/ : At -3s 0s ,,I t A FIGURE E.1. The path of a light ray from point A in medium I to point B in medium 2 passes through point P on the boundary between the two materials. We use Fermat's principle to determine the location of point P and also to show that line A P is straight. This change must be zero for any 6s when the value of s corresponds to the true path. Thus, the value of s we need is given by nl S n2 U-.t -0 543 E.1 INTEGRAL PRINCIPLES IN PHYSICS or, in a more familiar form, n1 sinfi: nzsin)z which is Snells'law. Now let's ask whether the light does travel in a straight line from A to P. Let the path be described by the function y(r), where y(0) : 0 at point A and y(s) : ftt is point P. A differential piece of the path has length d(.: \/dx2 + dy2 : 1[* (!oj o- (8.2) and the total time taken for light to travel from A to P is ,:T l, (#)' dx Here the integrand is a function of the derivative y/ of y. Our goal is to find the function y(x) that minimizes the time r, subject to the constraints that the endpoints y(0) and y(s) are fixed. The quantity / is a functional; that is, it is a function of the function y(x). Now as the function y(x) changes, so does its derivative y'(x).If the derivative changes by a small amount 6y/(.r) (the variation in y'), then the integral changes by an amount 6r, where tt6t: T l,' T l,' t/l + 13yt)2 dx (y')\ zyny' a, to first order in 6y/ :T l,'JTrory('.ffi)'. -+-!- nl tfs v'6v' gT6,y", lo ---J==--:-)- When y(x) describes the true path, 3t by parts: '' :!) -; 6t : 0. To obtain 6t in terms of 3y, we integrate u, "'" o* - !-291!:l -Ll' * 1 Jot' l-L Jt+ryflo', t\frTory 2 0 +o))3/2)"r With the endpoints fixed, the variation 6y must equal zero at x :0 and x : s. Thus, the integrated term is zero. The remaining integral must equal zero no matter what the variation 6y(x) if y(x) describes the true path. Thus, the term in square brackets 544 oproNAL Toprc E oALcULUS oF vARrAroNs must be zero. This term simplifies to t),1 11+(Y')zlztz-" and thus the second derivative J" : 0. This means that the slope of the line, y/(x), must be a constant, and thus the path is a straight line. E.2. THE EULER EOUATION Let's review the general procedure that we used in Example E.l. We have ai integral r (y) : I"u , o, y, y') (E.3) d.x evaluated along some path between the points a and b. That path is described by the function y(.r). The endpoints a andb are fixed, and thus the function y(x) has fixed values l(a) Yr and y(b) Y2 at the endpoints. Our goal is to find the function y(x) such that the integral : : 1(y) is an extremum. We begin by expressing the variation 61 in the integral function y and its derivative y/: u,: tb / af J" I in terms of the variation in the {un,) [rrrr. ,r, ) ,* _ To express the second term in terms of the variation 6y, we integrate by parts: I' (#r') a* : ffiul,'"- I' * (#)', The integrated term2 is zero because 6r:- 6/ : 0 at x : e and .r : r. b. Thus, 1"'l*ffi -#)ro. I We want the variation 61 to be zero for arbitrary3 small variations 8y(x) from the true function y(x), and so the term in square brackets must be zero: d (y\_Ef :o dx \|yt) 2In th" andx : "ase b. (E.4) Ay that the value of y is not fixed at the endpoints, we obtain a second conditi on: 3f / Tyt 3Some restrictions apply, most importartly that 3y be differentiable. : 0 at x : a i 1 I E.2 THE EULER EQUATION 545 The arbitrariness of 6y is essential to this argument. We can perhaps find a specially contrived Ey to make the integral zero, but if 6y must be arbitrary, then we are forced to make the square bracket zero. Then equation (E.4) is the desired equation for the function y(x). This equation is known as the Euler-Lagrange equation. An alternative form of equation (E.4) may be derived by noting that the total derivative d.f a.f af dy 0f dzy d*: a** u**87? Solving tor 0f l0y and substituting into equation (8.4), we obtain L ( y\ -af : L ( y\ - ! (4L -af -914\ y' oy - dx ox ax \ay' ) \ay' ) \dx ayt dx2 :o )-" and so df _af _ Ln,, _ r,L (91\ ' dx 0x 0y'' dx \Dy'/ :o We may simplify by noting that d (.,,a/\ _:' .r,Ef .__.,,d *'E (af \ a" V 8 ar,) \av,) So finally we have *(, -r#) -#:o This version is particularly useful when / does not depend explicity on x since then we may integrate once to obtain , - ,'#: constant ."s) (0fl3x = O), (E.6) E.2.1. Application to Mechanics The Lagrangian of a mechanical system is L:T -V where Z is the kinetic V the potential energy of the system. These quantities are qi that describe the position and velocity parts of the system. For a system of particles, the coordinates qi arejust the and expressed in terms ofthe generalized coordinates of all of the 546 OPTIONAL TOPIC E CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS ordinary coordinates of the particles in the system. Hamilton's principlea says that the motion of the system will be such as to minimize the integral Itz I: I L(qi,qi,t)dt Jt, Thus, we can determine the motion of the system [that is, determine the calculus of variations. qi(t)l using the E.2. A particle of mass lzl slides down a wedge whose sloping side of L makes an angle 0 with the horizontal (see Figure E.2). The wedge of mass Example Tength M isfree to slide horizontally. How long does the particle take to reach the ground? FIGURE E.2. A particle of mass la slides down a wedge of mass M that is itself free to slide horizontally. It is convenient to choose our generalized coordinates to be the distance s that the particle has slid along the wedge surface and the distance r that the wedge has slld over the ground. With these coordinates, the kinetic energy of the wedge rs lU*2. The velocity of the particle with respect to the ground is - ldx ds \^ n: (, - Vcoso )*- ds Esnav and thus the total kinetic energy is ,:l* (#)' .;^l(# -ff*",)' * : I r(M +*) / dx\2 dx ds \i ) -*iicoss* I / ds\2 r^ \A ) With reference level at the top of the wedge, the potential energy is V : 4See, for example, Goldstein, Chapter 7, Section 5. -mgs sin9 E.2 THE EULER EOUATION 547 Thus, the Lagrangian is 1 / dx\2 dx ds | / ds\2 jmgssinl L:r -v - r(M +^) -*iicoso* r*\i ) \i ) The Euler-Lagrange equations for this system are !dr (9!\ -oL :o 0x \0i / /dx\ d'-"ore'l lla,L(M**)\A)-mA -o:o I (8.7) and !dr (9!\ -oL :o \3.i o (-**cosg*-+) ""dt) dr\ "' ) 0s -mgsino:o (E.8) Equation (E.7) may be integrated immediately to get (M + m) (#) - mfrcose : c1 @.e) which may be recognized as conservation of momentum in the .r-direction. Thus, if the system starts from rest, the integration constant Cr : 0. Integrating again, we find (M and again, if x : s : 0 at t: * m)x - 0, then Cz ms cos9 : : C2 O.Equation (E.8) may also be integrated to get / dx ds\ (-tcoso* i)- grsind:o where again we used the information that the system starts from rest. We may now dx/dt using equation (E.9) and integrate again with the initial condition eliminate s(0) :0: !!(tdt\ m M*m "or'e):ptsino / " / M+m \gr2 | " - \,vl +msin20) 2 ""'" -Slnd - 548 OPTIONAL TOPIC E CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS The particle reaches the bottom of the wedge (s Tn t:V'*"\ : I) in a time / M +,,,sin2o\ M+^ ) + oo (fixed wedge) to obtai n letting M the correct result for a particle accelerating at g sin 9. We may check our result by t - JTLI 9FF'|0 , E.3. VARIATION SUBJECT TO CONSTRAINTS Sometimes the variations cannot be completely arbitrary because of additional constraints If we want to find an extremum of an integral 1 (equation E.3) with integral J : I: g(x, y , y') dx temainconstant, we proceed by a second that the constraint (but yet unknown)" to form the combination as a constant introducing on the physical system. K:I*)'J Then if 1 is stationary and "I is constant, K must also be stationary. Proceeding as Section E.2, we obtain the Euler-Lagrange equation (E.4 or E.6) but with the function replaced by the functio11 11 : f | )'9. E.3. A uniform cable of length L hangs between two points at the same height and a distance D apart. Find the shape of the curve described by the cable. The curve is called a catenary. In this problem, the relevantphysical quantity is the gravitational potential energy of the cable, which will be a minimum when the cable is in its equilibrium configuration. If we choose the reference level at the height of the two endpoints of the cable and let y(x) describe the distance of the cable below this level at coordinate x, 0 < x < D, the potential energy is Example u(y): rD | -t@)s a^ = _u.c JoI y\/t + (y,)2 dx (8.10) where g, is the mass per unit length of the cable, dm : It dt, and we express the length element dt of the cable as in Example E.1 (equation E.2). At the endpoints, y(0) : y(D) :0. However, the length of the cable is a constant, so we may not vary completely arbitrary manner. We must have L: I dL: loD G/t) dx: Ioo ,/T+ 1y,y a, y(x) in a (E.1r) [Here we choose to call the integrand G(yt) to avoid confusion with the acceleration due to gravity, g.l None of the integrands contain x explicitly, so we may use equation (E.6), including the constraint. We may absorb the constants p and g into the in f E.3 VARIATION SUBJECT TO CONSTRAINTS constant multiplier l,: f + ),G - y'a$ !!G) : 0y' + ))Jt + 0'Y : W - r' !t, dy' o + xlJ* o+DJt+ry'Y(r-#h) constant c :. y+^: stfrT(Y'Y Solving for the derivative, we find dv ll ]:trl dx -.(y*x)'-l As the cable hangs, the slope dy/dx is positive on the first half of the cable and negative on the second. Now we may integrate to relate the coordinates (X, Y) of apointonthecable. For0 < x < Df2, tX :Jodx 1,, Let y * ), : C cosh0, dy : 40 +r)2 -t C sinhd dd. Then lcosn-rtr+r)/c C sirn0 dg J"ort-'(t /c) c l"osr'-r fI+) C L \ : x 'inha :t CJ / -cosh-r1l Rearranging, we can solve equation (8.12) for !: C cosh I for0 < x < Dlz on the first half of the cables: /x (a *cr"n-tl\-l' C/ The slope of the cable is then 4 : dx sinh (1 \C + (E.12) "ortr-t 1) Cl sHaving completed the integration, we no longer need to distinguish between Y and y. (E.13) 550 oproNAL roprc E cALcuLUs oF vARtATtoNS At the midpoint, x : D 12, the slope is zero: o: sinh 1\ /D l#.""tn-' ;) Thus, It is convenient D ,I cosh-'2CC to choose C to be negative, C : -Y, and then ), : -y "o"n fi Our solution (E.13) becomes t D -\l Y:zfcoshr-cos,n(Dl2\ y /l with slope dy .. /Dl2-x\ d":stnn\ , ) Next we apply the length constraint (E. the first half of the cable. 11 ) to find y . Again it is easiest to work with LfDl2fD/2 ::zJoJo | ,/t+(t,)zdx: I 1*sinh2 ( Dl2 - *) ,, : : [''' "orn ---y lo \ v ) sinh (r7)r. ( D/2 - \ v x\lD/'z /lo D -ysinh'2y which is a transcendental equation for y that can be solved numerically. If the cable length t is twice the distance D between the supports, then DD _ : sinh with solution Dly :4.355, shown in Figure E.3. and hence 2y y :0.2296D. The shape of the cable is 551 E.4 EXTENSION TO FUNCTIONS OF MORE THAN ONE VARIABLE 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 x D 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 v D FIGURE E.3. The cable's shape is such as to minimize its potential energy. Here we length Z : 2D. Remember that y increases downward. see a cable with E.4. EXTENSION TO FUNCTIONS OF MORE THAN ONE VARIABLE The theory of calculus of variations may easily be extended to integrals over more than one variable. The integral is of the form r: JI f $i;u)d,* x;, i -- I - n, arc the independent variables and a is a function of the variables -r;. Upon taking the variation, we have where u,: | (#'".D#rn,(#))"- Once again, we integrate by parts to convert the variation in each derivative to a variation in a. We obtain the Euler equation: Z*ffi^)-{:o (E.14) In this expression, the derivative E l0x; is apartial derivative in the sense that we are holding all the other coordinates fixed, but it is a total derivative in the sense that we must include the implicit as well as the explicit dependence upon r. For example, if n :3, aFll-l -tax aFl tT f I"on.ty.z dx l"onr,,uz I- aF 0 (0ul0y) ' A Gu/Ay) 0x 552 OPTIONALTOPIC E CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS If we already knew the function u(x, y, z), we could obtain the same result by explicitly writing out the coordinate-dependence of the function u and all its derivatives to obtain F (x , y , z) md then evaluating the usual partial derivative 0 F I 0 x . But in cases where we want to use equation (E.14), the function u is the solution that we seek, and so the explicit dependence onr is notknown apriori. Example E.4. _ The electrostatic field in a volume V may be described as the gradient of a potential, i : -id, where the potential Q@, y, z) takes on specified values on the bounding surface S. Show that the function @ that minimizes the electric energy in the volume V satisfies Laplace's equation: Y'Q :0. The electric energy is given by the integral u:'; lun'av:') lrr'ofav :7 l,l(*)'. (#)' . (y)'),, The integrand tion (8.14) is f : (0Q/0x)2 + a (0Ql0z)2, and so the Euler equa- @Q1AD2 *(#).*(#) .*(#) :Y2Q:O PROBLEMS fl u : us(l * y). what is the path of a ray? This model describes the propagation of seismic waves through the Earth's outer rne speed of waves in a medium varies with ) 8S layers.Ifthewavesstartat):0,.tr:0,findthevalueofratwhichthewavesreturn to the surface as a function of the initial slope of the ray dyldx : m : tan0' Also determine the total time of travel for each ray. 2. Find the path of a light ray through a medium whose refractive index increases linearly with depth: n : I *x/a. Assume that the path starts from the origin, I : y : 0, and dyldx:latx:0. 3. Rework Problem 2, reversing the roles of the labels x and y and describing the time as an integral over the new r. Is the result the same? Which method is easier? 4. Repeat Problem 2 with refractive index function n(x) - nsex ' A(0, 0) and S fne brachistochrone. A smooth wire runs between two fixed pointsfriction on the y). without particle sliding a Find the shape of the wire such that B(X, point A from particle starts the that wire reaches point B in minimum time. Assume that of 0. Show y functions as x and obtain with speed u6. Hint: Set y/ - tand and the coordinates of the two fixed points are sufficient to determine the initial and final values of 0 and the two integration constants. Determine an explicit solution in the case u0 : 0, X : Y : -1. Plot the shape of the wire in this case. PRoBLEMS 553 6. Show that the Sturm-Liouville equation (8.1) anses from the problem of finding the exffemum of the integral t : l"ou{r,), + eyrldr: I,u Fdx subject to the constraint ,: l"u ,y2 d, : l"u odx : constant 7. Show that the catenary (Example E.3) is symmetric about the midpoint-that is, y(D-x):y(x). 8. f, Show that the curve that encloses the greatest area with a fixed perimeter is a circle. Investigate the problem of finding an extremum of the integral r:l{H{*dx subject to the constraint J:lty'ty'*d.x:t where 11 is the Hamiltonian operator rr2 d2 ttu --2^o*' _ -lV(x) and V(x) is a known function. Show that the resulting differential equation is the Schrcidinger equation. Hint: First integrate by parts to eliminate the second derivative. 10. Using polar coordinates, write the Lagrangian for a particle moving in the potential V : - G M m f r, and form the Euler-Lagrange equations. Show that the equation in the angular coordinate indicates conservation of angular momentum. Ll. A spherical pendulum is a mass free to move on the end of a string of fixed length l. Write the Lagrangian in terms of the spherical angles 0 and Q, and hence find the equations of motion. Show that one possible motion is the conical pendulum with constant 9. What is the value of dQ I dt in this case? 12. Consider the one-dimensional motion of a particle with potential energy V(.r) that is independent of time. Show that the Euler-Lagrange equations may be written in the form of equation (E.6). Give a physical interpretation of this equation. [if]fne Lagrangian for a vibrating string may be written ,: lo'l:-(#)' -:, (#)'1,, 554 OPTIONAL TOPIC E CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS where y(x, t) is the displacement of the string, p is the mass per unit length, and Z is the tension. The first term in the integrand is the kinetic energy density, and the second is the potential energy density. Determine the Euler-Lagrange equations for the system, and comment. 14. As an alternative approach to Problem 13, we may expand the displacement y(x, /) as a Fourier series in x (refer to Chapter 4, Section 4.2): y(x, t) :ia^(t) sinff n:o Write the Lagrangian as a function of the generalized coordinates ar(t) and the time /. What are the Euler-Lagrange equations now? 1.5. A volume V is formed by rotating a curve y(x) defined for -a < .r < a around the x-axis. Given that the curve is symmetric about the y-axis, y(a) : )(-a) : 0, and y'(0) : 0, show that the curve that gives the maximum volume for a given surface area is a circle and the corresponding volume is a sphere. 16. The Lagrangian for a panicle moving under the influence of electromagnetic fields is g: !^r2 - qQ + qi-i 2 Eil where 4! and A are given functions of position and time. Find the equations of motion, and hence show that the force acting on the particle is the Lorentz force F : q(E * i x B). Strow that the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere is a great circle. Hint: You may place the polar axis through one of the points. APPENDICES I. TRANSFORMATION PROPERTIES OF THE VECTOR CROSS PRODUCT In Chapter 1, we noted that the cross product oftwo vectors does not transform as a vector (Section I.1.2).Here we shall investigate the transformation properties of the cross product.l In a second, primed coordinate system, the definition of the cross product in terms of components (Chapter 1, equation 1.30) is unchanged. We can then express the vector components in the primed system in terms of the original (unprimed) components, using the transformation law for vectors: (il' x i'), : eij*u'juL: eijkA jutAkmum (1) We want to compare this expression with the usual transformation law (1.23) for vectors: A;o(it x i) p : AipE pjku juk These expressions are not the same. As a first step toward finding the correct transformation law, we write the determinant2 of the transformation matrix using the Levi-Civita symbol: An An det.A: : : An Azr Azz Azt Att Azz Azz An(AzzAtz - A1i e iu AzkA3r AzzAz) - Ap(A21A3z - AzzAy) i An(AuAzz - AzzAz) : - A2;e;i pAli A3 Similarresultsareobtainedforallpermutationsoftheindices and r :3, the first expression for det A gives directly epnr detA, : eluApiAq*Art l,2,and3.Forp - l,e:2, (2) l See also Optional Topic A, Section A.3. 2See also Chapter l, Section 1.6.2. 555 556 APPENDICES This relation is confirmed fot p - 2, Q : 1, and r : 3 using the second expression for det A and the index name changes i -+ i, i --> k, k --+ l. Similarly, we may verify the relation for each set of values of p, q, and r . Now we can make use of this relation to see how the cross product transforms. We start with the definition ( I .30), apply the transformation matrix, and then write the result in terms of the components in the primed system: A;p(it xi)o : A;pepikuiuk : Aipepi*Ailtuie;)'h Since the inverse of the transformation matrix A equals its transpose, we have Ai r(it x i), : e oi* Aip Ari A*pulufi Now we use equation (2): A1r(fr x i)r: ei1^ut1ul detA,: (fr' x i'), detA' (3) The usual transformation law for vectors does not lead to the correct expression (1) for the cross product, so we multiply both sides of equation (3) by det A and use the result that det.A, : tl to obtain (d' x i')i : (detA)A;p(d x i)o (4) which is the transformation law we seek. Because of the determinant in equation (4), (il'xi'):A(frxi) for rotations, but (i'xi';:-A1fixi) for reflections.3 II. PROOF OFTHE HELMHOUTZTHEOREM The Helmholtz theorem states that any vector field F may be decomposed into the sum V x A. two vectors: + i, where fr = VO and i: i:i of The proof takes the form of a demonstration of how to construct the two functions A(r, y, z). First we construct the vector function: @(x, y, z) and fi(x, y, d: [ Jdt 3For additional information, see Optional Topic A. ,u'o:,]';z') dx, dy,dz, (5) II PROOFOFTHEHELMHOLTZTHEOREM 557 where R:li-i,l and the integral is over all space. This function satisfies the equation v2fr': -i (6) Let's demonsffate this. Since the operator I differentiates with respect to r, y, e but not x', y' , z', we may move it inside the integral, where it operates only on the function 1/R: v2fr : oz : I fi'ul]t t> 1 dx, *r*', y', z')l-6(i. dy, dz, : - *')ldv' I : ,r*,, t,, z)v2J- dx, dy, dz, -fr(x, y, z) where we used equation (6.26) andthe sifting property. Thus, we have verified equation (6). But from equation (1.51), v2fr:ifi.*l-i"(ixfr) and so F:ix(ix*l-Vfi.*l Then we define the scalar function O by o and the vector function i : -i .fr' (7) Uy i:ixfr (8) so that i:Vr,.i+io as required (9) by the theorem. Next we can find explicit expressions for <D and .i. L"t't start with @ (equations 7 and 5): cb(x, y,.) : -i .* : -i *o;l;,, I dx, : - [ U .l(x'-,Y'az') dx, dy, dz, 4nR J : - I i(r'. v'. z') .i=l dx' dy'dz.' 4nR J fl dy, dz, 558 APPENDToES Then we use the result (z-z')o (x-x')^ (y-y')^ : V-------=-2:-\: -Rr Rr " R3 :l17 'R where i' --I- 3,1 R is the grad operator with respect to the primed coordinates. Thus, : a fF(x" J _l',, z',) .\-'' I 4tr R dx'dv'dz.' Now we move the grad operator back through the vector F again, using the result /V d+n. ir2 withi : Fand qr : i ' 1,2f1 : I/R: o: llr, (t' #l dx,dy,dz, (10) We can rewrite the first term using the divergence theorem (equation 1.44): q: I i.x"Y"z')'fidA'[n,'!or' 4rR J 4rR ./sThe surface integral is zero provided that i + 0 on the surface at infinity at least as fast as .p-(1+e).11ur, ,:- lY 4tr R (11) V, We can obtain an expression for A similarly: :i A :-Yi x *vr-'^l dx' dv' dz' * [ i(r''+"nY''z') u^srs< First we move the curl inside the integral, where it operates only on the function 1/R: v|' t') dx'dy'az, : L: Jfv " Ft*"4rR [(v]=) J\4rR/ " F1*', y'.2')dx'dy'dz' Next we convert to a derivative with respect to the prime variables and use the result of Problem 1.23: A:- Ji (v'-!) \ 4rR/ :- "F1'', y'.2')dx'dy'dz' llu'" (o*t) - #u'"'l "' dv'dz' lll PROOF BY INDUCTION:THE CAUCHY FOBMULA 559 Now we use a variant ofthe divergence theorem ( Problem 1.30b) to convert the first integral to a surface integral: A:- Js[ ,i'' f-L\ ae'+ I[i'"i4nR \+nn) dx'dv'dz' i i: .lI i',' o*' dy'dz' 4rR (r2) again provided that F -+ 0 on the surface at infinity at least as fast as iq-(l+e;. Equations (11) and (12) allow us to calculate the vectors [ : iO and i : V ,. A. lll. PROOF BY INDUCTION:THE CAUCHY FORMULA To prove the Cauchy formula (Chapter 2,equation2.39), f,j+r,:#rr@-'){ol,_" (13) we use the idea of proof by induction. First we assume that the result is true for some value of n, say n : m. Then we shall show that the result must also be true for n : m * 1. Since we have already shown that the result holds for n : I (Chapter 2, equation2.38), it must be true for all values of n > l. We start with n : ml1 and express the derivative on the right-hand side of equation (13) in terms of the (m - l)st derivative: f '^' k)|,--o: lgb i (r'*- ",rrl,:"*^ - f '^-D <al,-") Now we use the assumed result for n : m to express the (m - l)st derivatives: 1,)t ( { ri^tu{ f@ orl '-'lr:o : h-o - Jck-a1^ ---Jo - ar.-) "f,,,etl 2nih \/clz-(a*h\)n t :1-('-l)l ''\k-a-h)' h+0 2nih f r,rr( I \ - tr-oy)d' Jc" k-a)--(z-a-h)* _1. fu-l)l f ,:\ 2"ih frf{')ffid' 560 APPENDIcES We expand the second term in the numerator of the fraction in the integrand, using the binomial series: (z- a)* - (z - a'- h)^ (z-a-h)*(z-a)* (z-a)^-lQ-a1^ (z-a-h)m(z-a)m - mh(z a)m-r - m(m - 2 l) t'r, - q' oY-27r2 a "' (z-a-h)^(z-a)^ Then, since z- a +0 anywhere on C, wemay divideoutafactorof (z - a)--r toget (m-l\ I-""; "(z-a)-th+"' L ---l- Then the (z-a-h)^(z-a) nth derivative becomes .f'-'e)l z:a I which shows that the result (13) is also true for n : m I l. Hence the general result (13) is proven. IV. THE MEAN VALUETHEOREM FOR INTEGRALS If the functions /(x) and g(x) are continuous on the closed interval la, bland g(x) > O on the open interval (a, b),then pb 1b lf@)s?)dx=f(c)ls@)dx - Jo J" for some c in the interval (a, b). (14) INTEGRALS 561 IV THE MEANVALUETHEOREM FOR The proof uses the mean value theorem for derivativesa applied to the function F(x) : fx J" f ltls{tl o, Afx - i J" sQ) dt (ls) where o: I"'f(x)g(x)dx is the left-hand side ofequation (14) and u : 1b J, sk)dx is the integral on the right-hand side of equation (14). Notice that continuous, then F is differentiable. Then there exists F'(c): -'F(b) -_ ; But F(D) : F(a): 0, so F'(c) equation (15): - if some c between and g are and b such that both a / F(a) " 0. Next we evaluate the derivative directly from F'(x)- f(x)s@)-1s';,) 6 Setting x : c, we obtain A f (c)s@) - ,sG) Then, since g(x) > 0 for all x in (a, b), :o we may divide out the factor g(c) to obtain f(c)B:A or f (d l"u g(x)dx which is the result we set out to prove. In the special case g(x) : 1, then B : b : - l"u f {*)r{*)o* a, andwe obtain the simpler result pb I ff*)dx :(b -a)f(c), Ja 4See, for example, Stewart, p. 289 wherea < c <b (16) 562 APPENDICES The area under the curve width b - /(x) a andheight /(c); between see Figure x : a andx : l. b equals the area of a rectangle of f(x) 0 FIGURE 1. In the simpler version (16) of the mean value theorem, the area of the rectangle equals the area under the curve /(-r). For this function with a : 0 andb : 4, there are two possible values ofc, as shown. V. THE GIBBS PHENOMENON The Fourier series of a function that has a discontinuity always converges to the midpoint of the discontinuity, and it overshoots as it makes the jump. To investigate these phenomena further, we will concentrate our attention on the step function. We will denote the sum of the first N terms of a Fourier series by Sls: N S1v : !(a, sinnx * bncosnx) n--0 where (equation 4.7) t r2n an:! JoI 7T .f<*>sinnxdx and bn is defined similarly (equation 4.8). Then we can write an sirtnx r b, cosnx : !tr ['" f (u)(sinnusin nx * Jo r t2n : ! I 7T Jo for n > 1, and (equation /(r,r) cos n(u - x) du 4.9) bo: I f20 z" J, f (u) du cos t?u cos nx) du V THE GIBBS PHENOMENON We'll also need the combination an cosnx - In this case, the term with n : T b, sin : -I If2n f (u) sinn(u nJo nx x) du 0 is identically zero. The series (x) : D @"cos r?r n:0 - bn sinnx) is called the allied series. The sum of its first N terms is denoted by ft,,. Then t r2r rt Srs*iT,v-I "f@)1 " trJo 'tZ * $ u_t,i'tu-'t\ 7u ) where the first term in the braces (l/2) is the n Chapter 2, Section 2.3.2, equation 2.42 with , ( I f2, t Sr,r*iZr:_l ftu)\-;* " rJo t 2 : - 0 term. We can evaluate the sum (refer to "i(u-x)) 6 get 1-ri(N+l)(a-.r)) I-et\u-x) )ldu I f2o ,-itu-xt/2 _ ,i(N*l/2)(u-x) :iJo /(I/)t@ ( ;\," The quantity in braces may be rewritten as follows: cos (f) - i sin (5:) _ -cos f(n + *) (u - x) (x+l -t 1 (?) - cos [(ru + j) (z - xt] * sin [(ru + j) (rz - xt] zsln (f ) 2sin (f ) -cos ' Thus, the real part of this equation is S1g(x): 1 ^ zlr f2o . sin [(N + +)(u - .{)] 1 Jo .f @S---frdu ,ini r-"'l \2 / ^ , (17) Now let's applythisresulttothe stepfunction f (u):1for0 < u < ir and f (u):0for rr < u < 2n . For this function, the upper limit of the integral in equation ( 17) becomes n : S1v(x) : I fJT 2" J, du 564 APPENDICES Now let N + + = r.,, arrrd (u - x)4 - P: 1 p@-x)n sin u du S1s(xl:;'2n ' J-,n sin(u/2D n 1 I fxn sin u :2ort -J--r*ffid'+ z- 1@-x)n sin u sinlr/2il4v J,, For0<xlT,thefirsttermismuchlargerthanthesecond,sincesinu/2r1 isnotcloseto zero in the second range of integration. In the first integral, the integrand is even, and so srv(x): f- ['n ,sin!^ du foro < x < z srnu/24 n4 Jo Thus, as we let N, and hence 4, become large, sin u /2n - u /2r7 and we have 2 fxn sinu for0<x<z Srs(x)=- / TTJo u -du The integral is zero5 for x : 0 and increases steadily as x increases until 4x : (18) z, because the integrand is positive throughout this range. For u > n, the integrand becomes negative and the integral begins to decrease. Further cycles of the sine cannot increase the integral rr because of the larger denominator. As 4 -+ m, we find6 back to its value dt x4 : s(,r)- ? :, [*tin'dr:?1 12 u nJo as expected. The peak foro< x<n of the overshoot is thus greater than one and is given by7 ? [" "-:7r: T|JO u ?si Qr):1.179 1r (1e) The peak occurs at ' and gets closer to 5wh"n x : r = 0, the second 7f N+t/2 0 as N increases (see Figure 2). integral becomes * ff' "|a" -- | as n --+ @,so we retrieve the expected result that the series converges to the midpoint of the jump (Chapter 4, Section 4.2' 1). 6See Chapter 2, Section 2.7.3, for the evaluation of the integral. TThe integral may be evaluated numerically. See also Abramowitz and Stegun, Table 5'1. VI THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND CONVOLUTION 565 r.2 r1 tl ^ 1.0 S7,,'(x) o.s 0.6 ru o4ot I=5 0.1 S1y (.r) (equation l8) for N : 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80. The peak moves closer 0 as N increases, while the height of the peak remains approximately constant FIGURE 2. The function to x : for large N. VI. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND CONVOLUTION Toprove the convolution theorem (5.17) forLaplace transforms, let's calculate the transform of the convolution of the functions f and g: L(f *il: lo* ,-" Io' f G)e(t -r)dtdt: ,ti!*lr' lr' e-'t f (r)s(t -r)drdt The integral is taken over the half-space in the /-r plane bounded by the t-axis and the line r : t.T\e integral is evaluated by summing over vertical strips, as shown in Figure 3a. FIGURE 3a. The Laplace transform of the convolution is an integral over the triangular the diagonal line r: r, summed over the vertical strips shown. area below APPENDICES OT FIGURE 3b. We can equally well compute the area as a sum of the horizontal strips shown here. We can equally well evaluate the integral by summing over horizontal strips, as shown in Figure 3b. Then the integral becomes L(f x il: Now we change variables L(f * il: : .gn- lr' l,' to u : t - ri ,lg- lo' o, lo'-' e-'t f (t)g(t ou e-s(u+r) rT / rT-t rrr*Jo (/ stu)e-'u -i dt dr f G)sfu) \ au)tttle-" dr The integral is over a triangular region of the t -u plane, as shown in Figure 4. As Z + oo, the integral over the square gives du [''' f ,rre-" dr lim [''' ,(u)e-'u T-a Js JO : _[* Jo sfu)e-" du f@ ft)e-" dt : Jo f G(s)F(s) We can show that the integrals over the two smaller triangles go to zero in the limit: I Both / ltop ,,i-er. I :l [' f ft) e-,, o, Jo ['-' lJrp g1u) e-" dul I and g are of exponential order, so, from equation (5.2) in Chapter 5, max lg(u) I Mlsotu ontherange 0 < u <T12,arrdasimilarrelationholdsfor ' f: lf G)l 1M2eo2t VI THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM AND CONVOLUTION 567 FIGURE 4. In the u-z plane, we integrate over the area to the left of the diagonal line. We may divide this area into the square and the two smaller triangles shown here. forT/2 < z < T.Thus, l4op ri*gr"l < MrMzllr',r"''-u' dt : MtMz [' ,'o'-"' du 1- Jrtz : #llr',r7u--')t - r(or--s)r - e@,-')') dr] - e@z-or)T12 02-01 n{or-rlTe@2-ot)T -ozT -e -sT' which approaches zero as I -+ oo provided thats Re (s) > max (ot,o). We can use a similar argument to show that the integral over the lower triangle also goes to zero. Then we have L(f * d: F(s)G(s) and, equivalently, c-t@c): f * I 8The argument rnust be modified slightly ifal - o2. The result is unchanged. 568 vl. APPENDTcES PRooF THAT Pf QD= (-1)m(1 - p\^/2#PrQ.r\ In Chapter 8, we showed that the mth derivative of the Legendre polynomial Pr satisfies the equation (8.52): (t Now let y^(lD - t"2)yk-2(m'rDpyk+Il(l +1) -m(m * l)lv,:0 (20) : (l - lr2)'z(t ). We will be able to show that z(l.t) satisfies the associated y^: Legendre equation with a suitable choice of the power r. We begin by differentiating yk : 0- p'2)' z' -f r(-2p')(r -,2;r-r, and yk: -4rlt(l - *27r-t/ -2r(l - 2rpl-2(r - 1)pl(1 - ,2;r-2, Q - 1"2)'2" : (l - ,27r-rl{, - *'rr" - 4rpz' - {*l 1"2)'-rz + t2 -t*'af Substituting this into the differential equation (20), we get 0:6 - p\(t -,zy-tlr,- u\r" -4r1tz'- {p<,+ - 2(m * + U(l + I) 1)pt(1 - - m(m p,2)'z' + We can divide out a factor of (1 o : - - 1)l (1 - 2r - - -r*'D) t'r2)'-1 zf p2)'z 1t2)' to get + rr2 - - 4r1tz' - {ro +ll(l+t)-m(m+1)lz frr p'(l t'2 p2)2" rr'.)- 2@ r lp(r' - ;+tr) Gathering up terms, we have 0: p.2)2" -2p.(2r +m*l)zl (1 - * rl,u+ t) - m(mtt> - , --"rrr+ pt2 -2p2, -2(m-tDt"\) QD We want this equation to become equation (8.48). We'll get the correct coefficient of zt we choose r : -m12.Inserting this value into equation (21), we get 0: (r - p.2)2" -2112' t 1,,,* t) -m(m+ : (l - p2)2,, -21t2, + rlru * r, - +) l)+ lVrt - p2 - u'nf if Vlll PRooF oF THE REI-ATION If; and we have the equation we seek. Thus, we have shown that Cz : C. In physics applications, it is usual to choose C : (-1)^ and then piQ"): as (-1),?(l : !!i*'t pJm(kp'tJ^(k' pl ap Pl 569 for any constant - ,zynffirt@) in equation (8.53). Vlll. PROOF OF THE RELRTION J[*n J*(kp) J^&' p) d p =tS;!) To prove the delta function relation above (equation 8.113), we start with the Bessel differ- ential equation (8.69): * ('ry) With a + k2 o t^1r,pt - ( n<r,o't : o different eigenvalue k/, the equation is 0 / 0J_&,o\\ ,. &,p)_^2J^1k,py_g p uo\o-i )+&')'or^ Following the usual procedure for proving orthogonality (Section 8.1.1), we multiply the first equation by J^(ktp), multiply the second by J^(kp), and subtract: l - (k' D h Qry) - r ^ (kd + (r*P) + w' - &' )2t p t ^ (rc p) l ^ (kt p) :e Now we integrate from 0 to oo. We integrate the first two terms on the left-hand side by parts, and the integrals cancel, leaving only the integrated terms: olt^ro'off - r^(kd9J!P]f : t&)2 -o', Io pr^(kp)r^(k'p)dp The integrated terms vanish at the lower limit p : 0. To evaluate these terms ur,n" ffi limit, we use the asymptotic form (8.83) for J*(kp) and the recursion relation (8.90). The first term is ;*T t^n' d lJ^-tQrp) - J^+(kp)] z\ : lim kP 2 \ 2-4) P-a2npJkk' "o"(k'o-^' " f"", (oo -'- -t'" -l -"o, (oo -gy- ;)] 570 APPENDTcES Using the identity cos A cos f: jt"o, (A + B)* cos (A - B)l we find the first term to be ,:_, I lk I cos[(ft +k')p-mirl*cos[(k -k')p+nl2] I Vft'I -cos[(k +k')p-mlt -z]-cos l(k- k')p-"/zl I tTk : p-*nY lim -^l ; leD^ cos (k t k')p - sin (k - k')n] k i*n The second integrated term is found by interchanging k andk' in this expression. Thus, the difference of the two integrated terms is tTk lim lr/ _ p-ar Y kl [t-t)- cos (k * k')p - sin(k - kt)p] tlu k')p-sin(k'-k1pl - -\l ftu Ik' ff-rl'cos(k* : !lt.- - *' r-r),cos lim p+6 7r L \/kk' (k + k,)p +k+k' sin(/<, '/kk' -k)p'lI Inserting this result into equation (22), we have tf(-l)'+l ,:* llm -l p-@rv "ot(!J!)t- k+k, L Jtctc, I sin(k'-k\o1 ' Jklt ;;): f@ J, pJ'(kp)J*(k'p)dp (23) Now we already know9 from Chapter 6 (equation 6.16) that rim I [* n-o2n J_p "'t'dr:6(k) 1 sin/cR :6(ft) ,i^ "'oo - "-'n^ : lim " R+m 2ikn R*oo z k and thus the sine term on the left-hand side of equation (23) is r ^., .. 3(k'-k) @6&', -k):The cosine term is zero in the limit. (See Chapter 6, Problem 25.) We can understand this result by looking at plots of the two functions; see Figure 5. Thus, we have the desired result: fo* gSee also Lighthill, p.29. ot^{tro)J^(k' p) ap : ltgr' - t1 IX THE ERROR FUNCTION 571 f(k) FIGURE 5. The functio", {F# (heavy lines) ""0 for Rkt : a anffi24 (thin lines) versus k/k/ 20 (solid line) and l0 (dashed line). While the function with the sine has prominent peak, the function with the cosine has no peak for ft and k/ positive. IX. THE ERROR FUNCTION The Gaussian function *'(-+) (24) occurs frequently in statistics. For example, it describes the distribution of a set of measurements around the mean at x : xo, provided that the number of data points is large and the errors are random. As a consequence, it also appears in physics-for example, in the Maxwellian velocity distribution, where, for each component, f (u,) / m 1/2 / *p - \r"* ',) The function (24) has a maximum value of value where t;4: -rn I mu?\ \-rkr ) at x (;) : : x6. It reaches one-half its maximum ".2:o6e3t5 or at x : xo I aArA: xo * 0.83255a 572 APPENDICES The spread x - xo : 0.83255a is called the half-width half-maximum, while the spread 2 x 0.83255a : l.665la is called the full-width half-maximum (Figure 6). f -4-2024 FIGURE 6. The Gaussian function e-" (x) .Thedashed line shows the half-width half-maximum. Frequently we need values of the area under the curve of this function. The function o(x) 2fx - Ji -I (2s) lo "-u'd, is called the error function or the probability integral. It is also sometimes wriften as ed (x). The normalization arises from the value of the integral fo* "-,'au:: I:: "-u'du : + (26) To evaluate this integral (26), we begin with its square: ,': l_: "-"d* Il* ,-nor: I_: ll* "-"'*v\dxdy This is anintegral overthe wholex-y plane. Wemayrewritethis integralinpolarcoordinates. The area element is dxdy-dA:rdrd0 and *2+y2:v2 rx rHE ERRoR FUNcroN 573 Thus, ,,: Io fr'" ,-,'rdrdo:r, lo* "-*+ where we have made the change of variable w 12 : 12. Then : n(_ e_,1f,) : n giving , /^+m ) e-'' dx : : J_* Ji The complementary error function erfc (.r) : 1 - o(x) : + f,* represents the area under the Gaussian curve from the point normalized. For small r, (27) "-u'du r out to infinity, appropriately we may usefully approximate the error function using the series expansion: @ o z i_ ,O(-t): -: ) (-l)r- J" ?o' A-zk+l Qk (28) + t)kl which may be easily derived by integrating the series expansion for ofx, the function approaches the value I exponentially, o(x) I ..2/ -, - {r*r-^ (.t e-"' . For large I 3 15 \ - ;t * o*o- 816 + "' ) values (2e) and the complementary function likewise approaches zero: erfc(.r) =hr'(t-#. Values of the function erf (-r) are shown in Thble I ) and Figure 7. (30) 574 APPENDTcES o(x) FIGURE 7. The error function erf (x). TABLE 1. Values of the Error Function erf (x) erf (x) 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6'n8 0.3286 0.4284 1.0 0.5205 0.6039 2.0 0.8427 0.9661 0.9953 2.5 0.9996 0 0 0.1 o.tt25 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2227 0.5 0.6 1.5 0.7421 0.7969 X. CLASSIFICATION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Here we shall give a brief summa.ry of the types of partial differential equations most frequently encountered in physics. For a more extensive discussion, see, for example, Morse and Feshbach, Chapters 2 and 6. The discussion here is presented in two dimensions, but the extension to higher dimensions is relatively straightforward. Suppose we have a function f (x, y) that satisfies a linear partial differential equation of the form -u'{ + ctl et4 '- 0x2 +' r.u -- 0x 0y - 6yz :'("' ''''Y'H) (31) where A, B, and C are each functions of the coordinates. The function / exists in a specified region with boundaries defined parametrically by the curyes x : EG), y : 0(r). The type ofboundary conditions that we need in order to find a solution depends on the form ofthe X CLASSIFICATION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EOUATIONS 575 differential equation, as specified by the relative values of the functions A, B, and C, and also on the form of the boundary. The boundary conditions are classified as follows: 1. Dirichlet conditions: The value of the function / is specified on the boundary. 2. Neumann conditions: The value of the normal derivative of / is specified on the boundary. For example, if one of the boundaries is at x : a,we would specify 0f l0y at x : a. 3. Cauchy conditions: Both / and its derivative are specified on the boundary. The boundary is closed if it forms a single closed curve, part of which may be at infinity, and values are specified everywhere on the boundary, including at infinity. It is open if it extends to infinity in some region and no values are specified on the part at infinity. The differential equation (31) is classified according to the values of the functions A, B, and C, as shown in Table 2. This table also shows examples of each class from the text, along with specific values for A, B, and C for each example. IABLE 2. Classification of PDEs Name Hyperbolic Definition 82 > AC everywhere Example Variables Wave equation (3.15) B :0, x,t AC : Elliptic Parabolic 82 : AC everywhere Diffusion equation (3. 14) x,t A:D,B:C:O -u2 82 < AC everywhere Poisson's equation (3.49) x,y A:C:1,ll:0 To determine what kind of boundary conditions we need for a solution (Table 3), we step away from the boundary using a Taylor series. We find that this is possible given Cauchy TABLE 3. Existence of Solutions for Given Boundary Conditions Boundary Boundary Condition Tlpe Ilyperbolic Dirichlet insufficient to determine open Parabolic Equation Equation closed solution not Neumann open insufficient to determine Neumann closed Cauchy open Cauchy closed solution in one direction to determine solution (Example 7.6) no solution; overdetermined unique solution exists unique (Examples 8.1, 8.2, 8.3) unique solution exists insufficient in one direction to determine solution (Problem 7. 14) no solution; overdetermined unique solution exists no solution; (Examples4.4,'1.5) overdetermined no solution; no solution; overdetermined overdetermined solution not Equation uniquesolutionexists insufficient solution unique Dirichlet Elliptic unique solution exists (Problem 8.12) unstable, unphysical solution no solution; overdetermined I 576 APPENDICES conditions, provided that the boundary does not coincide with one of the characteristic curves for the equation, which are specified by Ady:(a+Jnr_ ec)a, B (32) To understand this result, consider the wave equation (3.15). Here we have A: : O, and C : -1, and the characteristics satisfy dx dt u2, *u with solutions x Lut: constant These are the wave fronts. It is possible to find a solution for a wave on a sffing, for example, ut t't. and Ef at t O (see Example 4.4). But the line x if we know both constant is a wave front. Any function of x ut satisfies the differential equation. Infinitely : l|t /(x) : - - : many functions f(u) have a specified value and a specified derivative at one given point, and so the solution is not determined if the boundary is a line x - ut : constant. The directionality of the parabolic equations is well illustrated by our example: the diffusion equation. We can integrate forward in time, but not backward. Physically, this is related to the increase in entropy with time. The solutions smooth out as time increases, and it is not possible, in general, to determine the initial state from a given final state. xl. THETANGENT FUNCTION: A DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF EXPANSIONS SERIES The tangent function offers us the opportunity to investigate Taylor and Laurent series in some detail. While the Taylor series for tan x is familiar and easily found in reference books, the Laurent series for the function tan z are rarely seen. They do have uses, however. We'll use this function to discuss the relation ofthese less familiar series to the Taylor series and to discuss some methods for finding them. First let's see whether the function tan z is analytic by checking the Cauchy-Riemann relations. We start by finding the functions u and u: tartz: z. srn z e'z - e-'z 2i cos zz e' stz 2 I s-tz _ "-i(x+iy) si(x-liy) a r-i(x+iy) -i- "i(x-liy) e-2y +r2ix _r-2ix -,2y e-2y + r2ix L, + g2l "-2ix * i sinh2y :uliu cos2x I cosh2y sin2x e' ,g v -t x ey _T *e v x 1 ei ; ey ," ," , , , -t et + e a Xe + e' a 9 ,_ _, 2i sin2x - 2sinh2y 2cos2x | 2cosh2y Xl THE TANGENT FUNCTION: A DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF SERIES EXPANSIONS 577 Thus, for this function, u(x, y) : u(x, y) - sin2x cos2x * cosh2y and sinh 2y cos2x I cosh 2y You might want to check that these expressions are correct in the case 1l : 0. Now let's compute the partial derivatives to check the Cauchy-Riemann conditions: 2cos2x -2sin2x --" (cos 2x * cosh 2y-sin2xI cosh2y)z I * cos 2x cosh 2y _ 2 cos 2x (cos 2x I cosh 2y) + 2 sinz 2x _, (cos2x+cosh2y)2 = " 1"o"2* 1*"h2ry 0u 0x -: "^^^ cos 2x - and 0u 0y -- 2sinh2y 2cosh2y ' -sinh2 (cos2x * cosh2y)2 cos2x * cosh2y 2 cosh 2y(cos 2x I (cos2x - cosh2y) * cosh ^- I + cos 2x cosh 2y 2sinhz 2y (cos 2x * cosh2y)2 - 2y)2 0u A* Similarly, 0u 0y -2 sin2x sinh 2y (cos 2x I cosh2y)2 and Du -2(- sin2x) sinh 2y Ex - (cos 2x I cosh2y)2 - 2sin2x sinh 2y 0u (cos2x * cosh 2y)2 - So the Cauchy-Riemann relations are satisfied. Where, if ever, does this fail? It fails if the numerator blows up denominator goes to zero. The denominator is zero where cos2x which can only happen (n + l)n. if y : * cosh 2y 0 and cos2x : : -1, 0y (y -+ oo) or if the Q or 2x : (2n * l)n;that is, x: We already know that the tan function approaches infinity (for real arguments) when x equals an odd number times n 12. So this is consistent. 578 APPENDToES Now let's find some series representations for tanz and look at the relations between them. Series 1 We can find a Taylor series about the origin in the region tanz lzl < r 12 (see Figure 8): -io,r' n:o FIGURE 8. The region within which we can find a Taylor series for the tangent function: lzl The coefficients are given by (equation2.44) tdn rtanz)l "r- aazr, lo I Thus, ao:ttn(0):0 at !: 1rd rdz tunzllo : I | or: i1d2 O*ru"rlo: i, 1 r""2 (0) : I secz(secztanz)lo :0 Before proceeding, it helps to simplify this derivative: d2 42tan z :2^ sinz cos3 z Then I t d sinz. l | /cosz -sinz(-sinz)\l 3---*J, )1, ot: tI d3 1rttan.lo: j A*J;lo:3 (;e; - I cos2z-l3sin2zl I l+2sin2zl:- I 3 cos4z lo 3 cosaz le 3 < n 12. Xl THE TANGENT FUNCTION: A DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF SERIES EXPANSIONS 579 oo: t dl+zsin2zl : o * E--;;{, l, 4,. rttan.lo I d4 1 *", I 4sinzcos2z - 4(l +2.inz.;1-sinz) ""r= I ro 1l 303 srn z (z+ cos5 Iz n2z ) :Q 0 and t""1.:* adt2sinz+sin3z cos5 z 0 .) 5x3 (2cosz13cosz sln- e)cosz-5(- sin x)(2sinz 1sin3 z I cos5 z 0 2 l5 and so on. Thus, we have l, * 2. rrz'*.'. tanz- z*12' Let's have the computer package Maple check this. Asked for the series expansion of tan z, it outputs tanz- z+lf * trr'* #r' + ffif + o(zro) So the program agrees with our calculations (and gives us some more terms, as well). Series 2 z /2. The radius p : at z n - n l2l < z that surrounds the singularity at by the position of the neighboring singularities 3n /2 (see Figure 9). To minimize confusion, we change to a new Now let's look in the annulus lz : tt is determined : -n /2 and at z : : z - n 12. Then variable u) J^n' sin - cos z z sin (w -: cos * n 12) (u -l n cos u, 12) - sin u; 580 APPENDToES Now we use the previous series for tan u.r: l1 tanuJ w+lu3 +?srt +#.7 ,(r + lwz + ?s.o + #*6 + + &.n fu.t +...1 *o(u.,10) , (, - *,, - h.o - #,u +... + (-t)(-2) (!., * ?=,0 *#,u* f&*t * )' \ - -; + elt?@ (*., * ?r*o * #.u *#3.,'*. )'* . ) \ :-; l' -!.' - tr.* -#.u* *(f,' **.u. = )- *,'l* !,oo *...) -!u\ ( t - !,,2 3 - 45 -aru 945 / lll.2. ---+-u+-uJ+-uJ+,,, u345945 I I / ft\ | r zr3 2 r rrr5 :-e-n/r)*r(t- z)+ qs\'-z) *sos(t-r) +' which is the series we set out to find. It is a Laurent series with only one negative power and is valid for 0 < lz - r /21 < r. FIGURE 9. Both Series I and Series 2 for tanz are valid in the shaded region, so they must be identical there. Now in the region of overlap, the two series are supposed to be identical. Let's check. The overlap region is 0 < lzl < n/2 (see Figure 9). In this region, we can expand the second series. We begin by writing the first term as a function of 2zf n, whose absolute value is Xl THE TANGENT FUNCTION: A DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF SERIES EXPANSIONS 581 less than I in the overlap tanz- - 1 region. Then 1 / * e-,tlz) 5(t - : ;2 ,, 1 -rrr* I ,t - ,t r I z rr\3 t)+ E\'- r) I l, + ir' *23 + 2 r z\5 %s\'- Z) +"' 1" 1 n - i"" + ftzn2 - I 360-o' | ,rot* | ,oo- | ot*... 2 ,t- r ,or*J-rtor*- g4i" l5l2o" r89" " ' r89" " 378" " ' r5r2'" g " 76, I I 2/ rl-lz* 2 4, *l-zt \I lo : 1l +llzo +. ^zz =)=o3 z\ tr- rr2- 7rr- n+/ 6 360 _ 1 ot*''ar+ I ^ 7 / - I 1 - | o 3+!rt t5t20 60ro'* 1gV1zn* *z'n ,Uz"n- * +Sr' ' 1." I 2 * *z'tr' - lggr"o -l *rz' *... I . 4 2 r I . 6o - 360o" I I n o2 *#ro I 8n n - t|nor' + F, + az + 60ro' -l ,rzur- + orr' - *r'n - *,,.r'o' * #r' * *r' :6.65 x t0-3 *0.972*7.1x + fif lo-222 *0.2423 - firoo +..' *8.8 x l0-2za +..' Each term in the expanded series is itself a series, of which we have evaluated only the first few terms. We can compare with the first series: l. 2. tanz-z*12' *,rz-*... The a6 term should be zero; with four terms, we have 0.006 and are decreasing toward zero. The er tem' should be 1; we have 0.97. If we could add enough terms, we should be able to get back the first seies emctly. Series 3 Next we'll look at the series in the annulus n /2 < lzl < 3r /2. This region is centered on the origin, but excludes the singularities at z : *n /2 (see Figure 10). We have a Laurent series with coefficients (equation2.47) I f an: 2ni tanz frVa o' The contour C must lie within the annulus. Thus, it contains three poles, at Using the residue theorem, we have 3 an:DRes p=l (zp) I- Q, *.n 12. 582 APPENDTcES v 2T \ -7f _7f FIGURE 10. Annulus tt /2 < lzl < 3n 12 within which Series 3 for tanz is valid. The residue at z : 0 is a'n, the nth coefficient of the Taylor series valid in the immediate neighborhood of z - 0. To see this, note that near z : 0, tanz D*o'^z^ \L Zn+l Zn+l -: a'^ ,n*l-m The residue is the coefficient of the z-1 term in this series (m : n)-that is, the coefficient atr. To evaluate the residues at the other poles, we use the series valid about each of them. For example, neur z - n f2, we found tanz--- I +!('-!t- e- ft/D* :(' t) The integrand has a simple pole at z : + 1r zr3 n\'- z) +"' r 12, so the residue there, by method t *!(,_1)+!(,_,,t n.r/1): r.^(z-nl2)(_ \2) 7+n/2 V.l-\-(r-"/r)+:\t-t)+u\'-Z) : -l / 2\'+l 1o121*': - (;/ Intheneighborhood of -rf2,letu: z- (-n12): zln12.Then sinz _ sin(a - 1rl2) _ -cos& tut4a"*- *t("-"/D - *- 1, is + \) Xl THE TANGENT FUNCTION: A DETAILED INVESTIGATION OF SERIES EXPANSIONS 583 andthus the series fortanzrra?t 7 The residue at z : -r 12 is then n", "* - -n12is Series 2, with r.u replacedby, - z*n12. : (- ,rn (z\'+r : -' ,, : - (\.-?\'*' \ z):;*r*r: tt / Y" ) (-1'\ These results are valid for both positive and negative values of n. Thus, the integral that gives the Laurent coefficients is o^: $ Ho= " ^L. 2ni Jc z'*t fu,:, *", (zi): a',* (?)".' t-l + (-1)'l 0 for negative n. The term - 1 + (- 1)' is zero for even values of n and equals odd values ofn (positive or negative). Thus, Series 3 is atn: where -2for tan T: -'(+)^ + -'Gf ; -:..('- #) ..' - + a'). ul+ - : (1)'). [l '- - 12. r124.9348 z - - +z(0. 18943) - I'76- +23(4.8219 This is lzl < a x 10-3) + z5(t.9zee x t0-4) +... Laurent series with infinitely many positive and negative powers, valid for ir 12 < 31 12. : n and compare with the known value tan zr Let's evaluate this series 4t 7 sum of the six terms listed above gives tanrr : 0. The : -+ rr 3 tr 15 23n 2r r 13651,2 : "' - ff * fr"t+ "' - -3'2x t0-2 +r + 3tr3 7T The next two terms are ( ?\' 1 * f ?)'.,.l * 11 ,, :2.s246x ro-2 at z: -rl "L\") "l':ts ,''\''/ Thus, the sum of eight terms of the series is -3. 1981 -6.735 x l0-3. The series n x l0-2 + 2.5246 x I0-2 - is approaching the correct value, but rather slowly. 584 APPENDToES At z :3n 14,the value should be -1. With six terms, we get ,un3n --'4 :...- . (?)' : / 4 \3 I 1\t -4.g3,*t(;/ -i+ \3n/ t2.t76f ,o.rrrnx 10-3). (?)' 3n 4(o'r8e43) (1.s266x r0-4) ... _ 0.97 +... These series clearly converge more slowly than the standard ones we are used to using, but they do have their uses. Notice how we used the first two series to obtain the coefficients for the third; this is a good demonstration of the idea of analytic continuation. The region of validity for the third series overlaps with that for the second. Again, the two series are identical in the region of overlap. Bibliography Abramowitz, Milton, and Stegun, Irene A. Handbook of Mathematical Functions,9th printing. National Bureau of Standards, Applied Math Series 55,1970. Anton, Howard, and Rorres, Chis. Elementary Linear Algebra,6th edition. Wiley, New York, 1991. Arfken, George B., and Weber, Hans J. 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Index The main reference or definition is given in boldface' Abelian grouP, 465 Absolute convergence, 103' 105 Absolute value, of complex number, 78 Absorption, 150,322 AC current, 161,267 Addition of complex numbers, 76 as vector addition, 80 of matrices, 42 of vectors, 5, 41 Addition theorem for Bessel functions, 436 for spherical harmonics, 392 Adjoint matrix,44' 469 Affine connection,456 Affinity,456 Air resistance, 17 O' 2ll, 215, 216 Airy equation,2l2 Airy integral, 538 Algebra, Lie,49O Algebraic form, Permanence of, 119 Allied series, 563 Altemating series, 104 Ammonia,483 Ampere's law, 35, 86 Amplitude of complex number, 78 ot of , 44'l 71 oPerator, Angular momentum tensor rePresentati Angular velocitY, 15 Antisymmetric matix, 42 Antisymmetric tensor, 446 Aperiodic function, Fourier series for, 220 Argand dragram,TT Argument, of comPlex number, 78 and branch cuts, 84, 121 Associated Legendre equation, 369, 384, 38s, 420, 568 Associated Legendre functions, 385' 569 integral of,387,431 with negative m, 385 orthogonalitY of' 384 table of, 386 Associative ProPerty, 3E, 465, 47 L Asymptotic form, for modified Bessel functions, 196 Asymptotic methods for differential equations, 183' 194 for integrals, 531 Atom, 353,389 Attenuation, and Fourier transform, 331 Attenuation ProPertY, 254 AxisymmetrY, 369, 409, 419 ofwave,85 Analytic continuation, ll7 ' 156,21O bac-cab rule, 17 Analyticity,97 Basis, change of,51, 58,476 Basis forms, 454 Basis vectors, 39, 220, 453' 47 6 change of, 53 and tangent function, 584 Angles, between curves, 1 5 I Angular frequencY, 85 Angular momentum, 42, 439, 441 ofparticle, Backward difference, 199 15 587 588 Branch point, 85, Beam bendingof, 17l on elastic foundation, 354 l2l, 147,157,187,272 more than one, 91 Bromwich contour, 269 simply supporte d, 258-261 Bernoulli-Euler laq 171 Bernoulli's laq 68 Cable, hanging,548 Bessel functions Calculus of variations, 541 with more than one variable, 551 Capacitor energy stored in, 243 parallel plate, 155, 166 Cartesian coordinates, I asymptotic form of, 195, 404, 413, 424 generating function fol 407 integral of, 409, 418, 434 integral representation of , 286, 407,531,538 Laplace transform of , 436 with negative index, 401 orthogonality of in finite domain,408 in infinite domain, 418,434,569 relations between, 405406 series, 400 small argument approximation of, 403 zeros of, 41O,522 Bessel's equation, 212, 214, 398, 399 Laplace transform of, 286 modified, 194,217,412 series solution of, 400 Biot-Savart law, 15, 463 Boundary closed, 575 open, 575 Boundary conditions cylindrical, 409, 415, 418 for fluid flow problems, I 14 and Fourier series, 237 and Green's functions, 495, 510, 513 for Laplace's equation, 210 and numerical solution of differential equations, 199 and ordinary differential equations, 169, 174,176 and partial differential equations, 575 spherical, 381, 393 and Sturm Liouville theory 357, 363 Boundary value problem, 381, 393, 409, 415,418,5t2-516 Brachistochrone, 552 Bracket,490 Branch, offunction,84 Branch cut, 84, 90,91,96,121, 188 and contour integrals, 128, 147 , 157 ,272 curl in, 19 divergence gradientin, in, 19 18 Green's function in, 501 Laplacian in, 28 potential in, 364 vectors in,5, 10 Cartesian tensor, 439 Catenary, 548 Cauchy conditions, 575 Cauchy formula, 99, 106, 107, 149, 559 Cauchy-Riemann relations, 95, 162 Cauchy theorem, 97,109, 122 Cauchy's inequality, 167 Causality and Fourier transform, 334 and Green's functions, 496,504 Center, of agrotry,492 Central difference, 199 Chain, of nuclear reactions, 277 Change of basis, 53 Character,480 orthogonality of,48l Character table,482 Characteristic curve, 5 76 Characteristic equation, 5 3 Charge, 172,234 induced, 521 Charge density dipole,294 expressed in terms of delta functions, 317 ring,315 sheet, 298 Choice of coordinates ,28,210 of transform, 347 INDEX Christoffel symbol of 2nd kind, 458 Circle in complex plane, 153, 154 great,554 lunit, 129 Circuit, LRC, 172, 17 4, 234, 256, 265 Circular motion, 15, 447 Circulation, 21 Class,470 and number of irreps, 48 I Classical orthogonal polynomials, 425428 Closing the contour, 134 Coefficient, in Fourier seies, 222, 225, 226,227,229,242 Cofactor,45 Collisions, 16l,l73 Column vector, 4l Commutative property ofaddition,38 of multiplication, 10, 13,43 Commutatot 488,490 Comparison test, 104 Complementary error function, 573 Completeness relation, 361, 505 Complex conjugate, 44, 7 7 and differentiab ility, 9 6, 162 of Fourier transform, 330 offunction,163 and orthogonality, 225, 362, 388 as reflection in real axis, 8l Complex exponential, 79 weak limit oi 311 Complex impedance, 161 Complex integral, path independence of, 98 Complex number, polar representation ol 78 Complex plane,77 Complex potential, I 13, 155 Complex roots, of indicial equation, 193 Components, of vector, 5, 37, 39, 41, 439 Compton scattering, 215 Conditional convergence, 103 Conductivity, 87,460 Conformal mapping, 150 Congruent transformation, 5 8 Conical functions, 214 Conjugate elements, 468, 470 Connection, affine,456 Conservation of momentum, 547 Constants separation, 209 structure, 488 Constrained variation, 548 Continuity, 89 of Green's function, 506, 5 16 Continuity equation, 66, ll2 Continuous function, 89 Continuous set of eigenvalues, 417 Contour Bromwich, 269 closing, 134, 136, 138, 270 deforming, 100, 108, 124,532 for gamma function integral, 157 for Hankel function integral, 531 keyhole-shaped, 147 rectangular, l4l semi-circular, 134 Contour integral, basic method for evaluating,127 Contraction, 444,452 Contravariant tensor, 448 Convention for labeling matrix components, 7, 42 summation, 8 Convergence absolute, 103, 105 of Fourier series, 240 in the mean, 241,360 pointwise, 104 of Fourier series, 240 radius of, 105, 106, 184 of series, 103 uniform of function, 140,241 ofseries, l04,24l weak,305 Convergence tests, 103-104 Convolution cosine transform,35l Fourier transform, 332 Laplace transform, 265, 565 sine transform, 350 Coordinate rotations, 6, 476 Coordinates Cartesian, 1 curl in, 19 divergence gradientin, in, 18 19 589 590 Coordinates (continueA Green's function in, 501 Laplacian in, 28 potential in, 364 vectors in,5, l0 choosing,28,2lO cylindrical, 2 charge density in. 3 I 6 curl in, 35 divergence in,33,459 gradientin,32 Green's function in, 521 Laplace's equation in, 397 Laplacianin,3T transformation matrix into, 449 unit vectors in, 29 velocity in, 454 general curvilinear, 28 curl in, 34 delta function in, 3 19 divergence in, 33 gradient in, 32 Laplacian in, 36 generalized,546 skew, 66 spherical, 4, 28, 298, 314, 315-316 Green's function in, 516 Laplace's equation in, 367 wave equation in, 419 spheroidal, 29, 160, 430 Core function, 305, 313, 329 Coset,471 Cosine function Laplace transform of, 253 series transformation law for, 445,556 Cube root function, 90 Cube roots, 83 Curl in Cartesian coordinates, 19 in curvilinear coordinates, 34 in cylindrical coordinates, 35 expressed with determinant, 35 Fourier transform of , 334 Current in circuit, l3l, 172, l7 4, 234, 256, 265 in conducting sheet, 430 Current density, 87 Curvilinear coordinates, 28 curl in, 34 delta function in, 319 divergence in, 33 gradient in,32 Laplacian in, 36 Cycle,468 Cyclic group, 466,472 Cylindrical coordinates, 2 charge density in,316 curl in, 35 divergence in, 33 covariant, 459 grad and curl in, 31 gradient in,32 Green's function in, 521 Laplace's equation in, 397 Laplacian in, 37 transformation matrix into, 449 unit vectors in, 29 velocity in, 454 for, 185 Cosine rule, 67 Cosine series,229,232 Cosine transfomt,344 of derivative, 346 Cosines Damped harmonic oscillator, 171 product of,22l sum of, 221 Coupled pendulums, 58 Covariant derivative, 45 6 of metric tensor,458 Covariant tensor,448 Cramer's rule, 51 Cross product, 14, 445, 555 and antisymmetric tensors, 446 Deflection, of beam,261 Deforming integration contour, 532 Degeneracy,362 Damping,87,17l Daughter species,277 De Moivre's theorem, 160 Decay, mclear,277 Del squared operator, 28 Delta function, 287 -304 derivative of, 293 expressed as sum of eigenfunctions, 361 Fourier series of, 300 Fourier transform of, 329, 503 INDEX of a function, 295 and Green's functions, 495, 505, 512 integral of,299 integral representation of, 303-304, 319,569 Laplace transform of, 304 physical dimension oi 288 as weak limit, 307 Delta sequence, 288, 3 1 8 Densities, expressed with delta functions, 317 Derivative of complex function, 94, 96 covariant, 456 directional, l8 of distribution, 308 expressed as line integral, 101, 559 Fourier transform oi 330, 333 Laplace transform of, 254 of Laplace transform, 261 numerical, 199 Determinants,44, 5l and curl, 35 and Levi-Civita symbol, 45, 555 product theorem for, 46 Deviation, squ'are, 241, 352 Diagonal, of mafrx,42 Diagonalize a matrix, 53,47'7 Dielectric constant, 86, 148, 353 Difference, backward, central, and forward, 199 Difference equation, 198 Differentiability, 93 Differential area,34 Differential equations with constant coefficients, 1 74 with distributions, 308, 495 Fourier series solution of,234 homogeneous, 169, 174 inhomogeneous, l7 O, l7 6 Laplace transform solution oi 255 linear, 169, 17 4, 177, 251, 255, 334,336 numerical solution of, 199 orderof,169 ordinary, 169 partial, 169,173,363 classification of, 574 existence of solutions for, 575 and Fourier transforms, 336-340 separation ofvariables in, 208 power series solution of, 184-196 Differential operator, even, 186 Differential volume, 32, 33 Differentiate term by term, 104, 311 Diffusion, 173 of magnetic field, 355 Diffusion coefficient, 173 Diffusion equation, 173, 57 5 and Fourier transforms, 339 Green's function for, 5lO, 529 Dimension of group representation, 475 of vector space, 38, 39,475 Dimensionless variable, 1 97 Dipole,294 electric field due to, 320 Dipole moment and molecules,484 Dirac, P. 4.M,287 Direct product grotp, 473 Direct sum of irreps, 478 Directional derivative, 1 8 Directionality, in solution of differential equations, 576 Dirichlet conditions, 357, 513, 57 5 for Green's functions, 504 Dirichlet Green's function cylindrical, 524,526 rectangular, 505-5 l0 spherical, 516, 529 Discontinuity, in electric field, 516 Discontinuous functions, 240 Fourier series for, 223 and Laplace transform, 265 Dispersion relations, 148 Displacement, 450 electric, 353 parallel, 456 of string, 303 Distributions, 305 derivatives of, 308 general theory of, 305 in N dimensions, 313 product of, 308 properties of, 307 as solutions of differential equations, 308-309 Distributive law, 38 591 592 Divergence, 19 covariant,459 in curvilinear coordinates, 32 Divergence theorem, 22, 32 Dividing space, 505 Division-of-region method, for Green's function, 496,515 Dot product, 12-13, 40, 220, 444, 452 Drum,433 Dual, of tensor, 446 Dual space,453 Eigenfunctions , 2lO, 358, 499-502, 505, 509,515,525 complex,361-362 and delta function, 361, 417, 418, 569 and Green's functions, 499 orthogonality of, 359 Eigenvalues, 210, 358 of associated Legendre equation, 384 choosing, 363,409 of commuting matrices, 57 continuous set,4l7 generalized,64 of Legendre equation, 370 of matrix,53 reality of, 53 in Sturm-Liouville theory, 361 Eigenvectors, 53 of commuting matrices, 57 orthogonality of, 54, 56 Electromagnetic waves, in conducting Equipotentials, I 16, 156 Equivalence class, 470 Equivalent representations, 476 Erf function, 572 Erfc function, 573 Error function, 306, 57 2 asymptotic expansion for, 573 series expansion values of, 574 ol 573 Essential singularity, 120 Euler differential equation, 193 Euler equation, 544 Euler-Lagrange equation, 544 Euler method, 200 Euler's constant, 321 Euler's definition of gamma function, 156 Euler's formula, T9 Even differential operator, 186 Even function, 129 Existence of solutions, for partial differential equations, 575 Exponential, of matrix, 485 Exponential function, 79, 85 as asymptotic form, 194 and attentuation, 254 Laplace transform of, 25 1 series for, 108 as solution of differential equation, 174 as solution of Laplace's equation, 210 Exponential integral, 280 Exponential order, 25 I Extremum,541 medium,87-89 Elementary matrices,48 Elementary product, 44 Ellipse, 160 Elliptic differential equation, 575 Energy electrostatic, 552 gravitational potential, 548 Entire function, 97 Entropy,576 Equality of matrices, 42 Equation of state, 216 Equations that reduce to Bessel's equation, 216,2t7 transcendental, 550 Equilibrium,58 Factor grotp,472 Factorial, 157 Fairly good functions, 305 Faithful representation, 475 Faraday's law,86, 132 Fermat's principle, 541 Fieldlines,114 Fluid,21, 66,68,112 Flux,21, ll2,l32 electric, l3 magnetic, 132 Form,448 basis,453 Form factor, 355 Forward difference, 199 Fourier-Bessel transform, 4l 8 INDEX Fourier cosine series, 229,23I Fourier-Legendre series, 3 8 I Fourier series,2ll, 219 etseq,323 for aperiodic function, 220 multivalued, 84, 147 odd,512 periodic, Laplace transform 263 Functional,543 convergence of , 240-243 of delta function, 300 Gamma function, 156 as distribution, 311 Fourier sine series, 228,231 Fourier transform of delta function, 329,503 of derivative, 330, 333 as distribution, 337 evaluating, 329 asymptotic form of, 159,537 incomplete, 159 and Laplace transform of powers, 252 Gauss-Jordan method, 48 Gauss'law, 86,459 Gauss'theorem, 22 Gaussian elimination, 5l Gaussian function, 340, 57 I as delta sequence, 306 Fourier transform of, 327 Gaussian integral, 157, 572 along path off real axis, 328, 534,536 Generalized eigenvalues, 64 Generalized function, 287 Generalized Rodrigues formula, 425 ofGaussian,32T of grad, curl, and Laplaciary 334 and Green's function, 503 inverse, 324 and Laplace transform, 325 in N dimensions, 333 symmetric, 324 Fourier's theorem, 219 Fourthroots, 136 Generating function for Bessel functions, 407,408 for Herrnite polynomials, 433 for Legendre polynomials, 375 Generator, of group, 485, 487 Geometric series, 105, 106, 110 Gibbs phenomenon, 223, 562 Fractions, partial, 258 Free index, 8 Frequency nafirzl,236 normal mode, 63 resonant, 236,502 Fresnel integrals,437 Fringing field, 167 Frobenius method, 187 Fuch's theorem, 190 Full-width half-maximum, 572 Function analytic,9T with branch point, integral of, 147 complex,83 continuous, 89 and distribution, 307 Global2'l Good functions, 305 Goursat, 97 Gradient, 18,31,448 Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, 40 Great circle, 554 Green's function, 317, 495 for beam, 526,527 for diffusion equation, 5lO,529 division-of-region method for, 496, 505,515 core, 305 expansion of, in eigenfunctions, 501, delta,287 discontinuous, 223, 240, 265 508,510, 519,526 for Helmholtz equation, 50I,527 in N dimensions, 512 for Poisson's equation, 505, 5 12 entire,97 even,129 garnma, 156,537 generalized, 288 meromorphic, oi test, 305 l2l with more than one branch point, with multiple zeros, 210 91 symmetry of,495,514 transform methods for, 503, Green's theorem, 26, 512 5 10 593 594 as solutions ofLaplace's equation, 211 Hypergeometric equation, 188, 212 Group,465 abelian, 465 cyclic,466,472 direct product, 473 factor,472 generator Identity element, 465, 466 character of, 481 of,484 for factor grotp,472 Lie,490 Lorentz,486,492 multiplication table for, 466,468 operation,465 permutation, 467,482 rotation, 467,484 unitary,469 Group speed, 539 Guitar,246 Half-width half-maximum, 572 Hamiltonian, 553 Hamilton's principle, 546 Hankel functions, 402, 421 contour for evaluating, 531, 535 Harmonic functions, ll3, 532 Harmonic oscillator, l7 l, 186, 282, 352-353,432 damped, 171 Heat conduction, 173, 5 l0-5 I I Heat flux, 173,354,430 in semi-infinite rod, 510 Helmholtz equation, 173, 433 in cylindrical coordinates, 406 eigenfunctions of, and Green's function, 509 Green's function for, 5Ol, 527 in spherical coordinates, 420 Taylor series solution of, 184 Helmholtz theorem, 37, 556 Hermite polynomials, 187, 428, 432, 433 Hermite's equation, 186, 432 Hermitian matix,44 Ha@\402 Homogeneity of space, 362 Homogeneous boundary conditions, 504 Homogeneous differential equation, 169, l7 4 Homomorphism, 474 Hooke's law, 171 Hyperbolic differential equation, 575 Hyperbolic functions, 79, l4l and catenary, 549 and generators, 484. 486 Identity matrix, 8 ra@),412 Imaginary part,76 Impedance,267 complex, 161 Impulse, 287 applied to string, 302 Incomplete gamma function, 159 Incompressible flow, 68, 112 Indices, raising and lowering, 453 Indicial equation, 189, 190 complex roots of, 193 repeated roots of, 190, 213,214 roots of that differ by an integer, 190, 213 Inductance, 16l, 172, 234,256 Induction, proof by, 559 Inequalities, for complex numbers, 80 Inertia tensor, 42, 439, 441, 460 Infinity, point at, 195 Inhomogeneous boundary conditions, 510,513 Inhomogeneous differential equation, 170, 176,334 choice oftransform for, 349 Fourier series solution of,234 general solution of, 183 Laplace transform solution of, 255,265 Initial conditions, 170, 174, l'77 and Fourier transform, 334 and Laplace transform, 254, 256, 27 4 and sine and cosine transforms, 346-347 for vibrating string, 238 Initial value problem, 256 Inner product, 39, 444, 452 Integers, 75 group of,466 Integral representation, of delta function, 304 Integral test, 104 Integral Airy,538 asymptotic form of, 534 INDEX complex,9T contour, 127-148,269 general method for,127 of delta function, 299 exponential, 280 ofGaussian,328 of Laplace transform, 262 mean value theorem for, 560 of multivalued functions, 147 orthogonality, 359 path,2O path independence of, 98 of P1-,38'7,431,432 Ladder operatoq 378 Lagrange's equations, 60, 54'l Lagrangian, 57,59,545 with EM fields, 554 for vibrating string, 553, 554 Laguerre polynomials, 428 Laguerre's eqtation, 212 Landau damping, 166 Lane-Emden equation. 2 I 6 Langmuir waves, 165 Laplace development, 45 Laplace transforms, 251, 325, 347, 348, 436 ofBessel function,436 probability,572 and convolution, 265, 565 along real axis, 134-148 of delta function, 304, 503 of a derivative, 254 of a discontinuous function, 265 sine, 143,564 of trigonometric functions over one peiod, 129-134, 220-221 along real axis, 137 Interior, of curve, 100 Invariance,9, 13 Invariant subgroup, 472 Invariant subspace, 476 Inverse, of matix,8,47 Inverse element,465 Inverse square law, 342,421 Inverting a transform, 253, 269, 324, 344-345 Irrationals, 75 Irreducible representations, 477 Irreps, 478 number of, 480, 481 Irrotational flow, 112 Irrotational vector field, 20, 70 Isolated singularity, ll9, 123 Isomorphism,4T4 Isotherm, 18 Jacobi identity, 67, 489 Jacobi polynomi als, 428 Ja@),400 Jordan's lemma, 140 Kernel,492 Kinetic energy, 57-58 Kirchhoff's laws, 161, 172,234,256 KmG),4t2 Kompaneets equation, 21 5 Kramers-Kronig relations, 150, 322 Kronecker delta, 8, 39, 42 595 and inversion, 256, 258, 269 of a periodic function, 263 ofa square wave,265 table of,253 Laplace's equation, 367, 552 and analytic functions, I 13 in cylindrical coordinates, 397 solution of in Cartesian coordinates, 209,364 in cylindrical coordinates, 415, 418 in spherical coordinates, 373, 388 in spherical coordinates, 367 use of in finding Green's function, 515 Laplacian,28,36 and delta function in three dimensions, 314 in two dimensions, 315 Fourier transform of, 334 Laurent series, 1.08-11.1, 1 15 and differential equations, 187 and residues, 122,124 and singularities, l2O, l2l for tangent function, 580, 583 Legendre functions with complex l, 214 of second kind, 193, 373,430 Legendre polynomials, 37V37 2, 425, 428 derivatives of, 385 explicit expression for, 381 integral of, 376 orthogonality of,374 value with zero argument, 381 lrgendre's equation, 214, 370, 420 and Laplace's equation, 367-369 second solution oi 181, 190 series solution of, 190, 369 Levi-Civita symbols, 14, 16,45 in four dimensions, 463 product of, 16 as tensor density, 445, 464 Lie algebra,490 Lie group,490 Limit point, of singularities, 122 Line charge, 506 Line element, 31,319, 451 Line irtegral,20,97 path independence of , 2l Mathernatica,4S, 197 Matrices, 7, 41, 469, 47 4480 indices of, convention for, 42 inverse of, 8,47 multiplication of , 10, 4L4! 441, 467, 479 orthogonal,48 positive definite, 64 sum of,42 transpose of, 44 unitary,48 Maxwellian velocity distribution, 166, 57 1 Maxwell's equations, 86, 131, 208 Mean value theorem for integrals, 288, 560 Mellin inversion integral, 269 Memory systems with, 265 Linear differential equation, 169 Linear independence of functions, 174, 179 of vectors, 39 Linear operator, 253, 329 Linearity, of Fourier transform, 329 Liouville's theorem, 167 Load, on bearn,172 Meromorphic function, 121 Metric coefficients, 3l Metric tensor, 451 Modeling, 145 problems in, 274 Modified Bessel equation, 194,217 , 412 Modified Bessel functions, 412 asymptotic form of, 196,413 Local,27 integral representation of, 537 recursion relations for, 414415 series representation of, 412 Moment of inertia, 17 l, 439, 441 Log function branches of, 84 as conformal mapping, 153 for, ll9, 193,376 Lorcntz force,554 Lorentz grotp,486,492 Momentum,328 Motion with air re-sistance, 176 in E and B fields, 65,554 Multiplication table, of group, 466, 468, 47 5 Multivalued tunctions, 84,90, 147 Mutual inductance, 274 Lorentz transformation, 462 Lowering indices,453 Neighborhood,97 cosine and sine of, 194 and delta function, 315 and second solution of differential equation, 190 series ZRC circuit, 172,256 with periodic driving emf,234,267 Magnetic field, 15, 35,86,132,432 diffusion of, 355 Magnification, 81, 151 Magnitude of complex number, 78 (see alsoAmplitude) ofvector, 13 Network, nuclear reaction, 277 Neumann conditions, 357, 513, 528, for Green's function, 504 Neumann function, 4Ol, 421 Neutron density, evolution of, 356 in uranium,438 Newton's second law, 5,9,170 57 5 N^(x),402 Nonsingular matix,47 Map\e,48,197,579 Normal modes, 58,60,72 Mapping,473 Normal subgroup,472 conformal, 150 Normal to a surface, 24 function as, 83 Normal vector, and Stokes'theorem, 24 INDEX Nuclear reactions, 27 7, 28I, 285, 438 Nucleon interaction, 215 Numerical solution of lst order differential equation, 199 of 2nd order differential equation, 204 Oblate spheroidal coordinates, 160 Laplace's equation in, 430 One-to-one, 83,473 Onto,473 Operation group,465 preservation of,474 Operator ladder, 378 self-adjoint, 362 translation,492 Order of differential equation, 169 of element,472 of group, 465,471,479 of numerical integration method, 2OO,2O3 ofpole, l2l ofzero,119 Ordinary differential equations, coupled, 209 Orthogonal coordinates, 1,29, 451 Orthogonal functions, 220, 35V359, 384, 388,408, 418,424,425 Orthogonal matrix, 8, 48,467,484 Orthogonal polynomials, 37 0, 425428, 432 table of,428 Orthogonal transformation, 56 Orthogonal vectors, 39 orthogonality, 220, 35u359 of associated Legendre functions, 384 of Bessel functions in finite domain, 408,434 in infinite domain, 4I7,569 of characters, 481 of complex eigenfunctions, 362 of complex exponentials, 225 of derivatives of eigenfunctions, 429 of eigenfunctions, proof of, 358-359 of eigenvectors, 54 of eigenvectors with equal eigenvalues, 56 of group representations, 479 in infinite domain, 417 of Legendre functions, 374 of sine functions,224 of spherical Bessel functiots,424 of spherical harmonics, 388 of trigonometric functions, 220 ofvectors,39 Orthogonality integral, 359 for associated Legendre functions, 387 for Bessel functions, 409 for Legendre polynomials, 376 for spherical Bessel functions,425 Orthonormal basis vectors, 40 Orthonormal functions, 388, 499 Oscillations damped, 175 small,57 Outer product,444 Parabola, 160 Parabolic differential equation, 575 Parallel displacement, 456 Parameters, variation ol 180 Parseval's theorem for Fourier seies, 243,247 for Fourier transform, 33 l, 332 Partial differential equations classification of,574 and Fourier transforms, 336 Partial fractions, 258 Partial sums, 103 of Fourier seies, 224, 241, 562 Particular integral, 17 0, 17 6 Path independence, of integrals, 2 I, 98 Path integral, 20, 97, 531, 541 Pauli marices,484 Pendulum,216 conical, 553 coupled, 58 with increasing length, 435 Period ofgroup element,472 integral over, 129, 220-221 Periodic function, Laplace transform of, 263 Permanence of algebraic form, 119 Permittivity, 149 Permutation group, 467, characters of, 481 Permutations, 467 even or odd,14,44 47 0 597 598 INDEX Phase of a complex number, 78 535 85 constant,533 85 l'73 Physical dimension ofdelta function, 288 of Green's function, 520 Physical law,5 Physical model,I45,273 Piano,246 Piecewise smooth, 240 Plane wave, 85, 333 in cylindrical coordinates, 406 Plasma waves, 161, 165 Point at infinity, 195 Point charge, 287 Point source, 317,495 Poisson's equation, 208 as elliptic equation, 575 and Fourier transform, 355 Green's function for,5l4 in one dimension, 309 in two dimensions, 505 Polar angle, 4 Polar axis, 4, 395 symmetry about, 369 Polar form, of complex number, 78-79 Pole, 120 order of, 121 onrealaxis, 143, 149 stationary, a wave, Phase angle, Phase constant, Phase speed, 86, of in Cartesian coordinates, 363-367 in cylindrical coordinates, 409,415 due to dipole, 295 due to point charge,375 in spherical coordinates, 388 vector,208 velocity, ll2 Potential energy, 58, 545,548 Power, 13, 15 in AC circuit, 16l radiated, 165,341 Power series, 105-lll, 184-196 Power spectrum, 342 Poynting flux, 341 Preservation, of operation, 474 Primitive function theorem, 268 Principal branch, 84 Principal value, of integral,t43 Principle, uncertainty, 328 Probability integral,5l2 Product inner and ofier,444 of Levi-Civita symbols, 16 Product rule for covariant derivatives, 458,464 Product theorem for determinants, 46 Projectile with air resistance,2l6 Proofby induction, 559 Pseudo-tensor,445 Pseudo-vector, 15,445 Pure recursion relation for Legendre polynomials, 377 Pythagoreantheorem,2,3,4 Pole expansion, 167 Polygon 83 symmetry of,466 Polynomials classical orthogonal,425 in complex plane, Qo@),193,373 QtG),182,213 Quadratic form, 58 Quaternions,49l Quotient theorem,444 Hermite, 187, 428, 432, 433 Laguene,428 Legendre,369 Position vectors, 23 angle between, 390 in polar coordinates, 33, 66 Positive definite matrix, 64 Potential axisymmetric, 373 complex, 113 Radiation due to accelerating charge, 341 Radius ofconvergence, l05, 184, 190 Radon, 354 Raising indices,453 Range, ofprojectile with air resistance, 216 Rank, of tensor, 439 Ratio test, 103 Rationals, T5 group of,467 599 Recursion relations for associated Legendre functions, 390,431 for Bessel functions, 405 for Legendre polynomials, 377 -3'1 8 for modified Bessel functions,474 for power series, 185 Reducibility, of group representations, 477 Reflection ofcoordinate axes, 8, 15,66,556 in real axis, 81, 163 Reflection matrices, 8, 66, 483 Regular point of a differential equation, 78 solution about, 184 Regular representation, 476 Regular singular point, 190 Relativity, special, l, 5, 462, 463 Remainder,24l Removable singularity, 120 Repeated roots, 17 6, 297 of indicial equation, l9O,2l4 Representations dimensions of, 475 equivalent,4T6 faithful, 475 of group, 475 regular,476 trivial,4T'l Residue, 122 methods for finding, 124-126 Residue theorem, 123 use of, 127-150, 269-27 3 Resonance, 236, 282, 502 Response function, 266 Right-hand rule, 14 Right-handed coordinates, l, 29 Ring of charge, potential due to, 520 Rodrigues formula, 379 generalized,425 Rodrigues-type formula for Bessel functions, 433 for Hermite polynomials, 433 for spherical Bessel functions, 437 Root test, 103 Roots,82, 136 Rotation matrix, 7 -9, 467, 484 Rotations in complex plane, 81 of coordinate axes, 6, 395,467, 556 group of, 467,484 repeated, l0 Rounding error, 199 Row vector,4l Runge-Kutta method, 202 Saddle point, 532 Scalar field, 18 Scalar product, 12, 40, 452 Scalars, 5, 12,31, 439 Schrodinger eqtation, 215, 438, 553 Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, 1 55 Schwarz reflection principle, 163 Second derivatives, ofvectors, 27 Seismic waves, 552 Self-adjoint oper ator, 3 62 Self-conjugate subgroup, 472 Semicircle at infinity, 134, 149 Separation constants, 209 for Helmholtz equation, 420 for Laplace's equation, 365, 368, 37 O, 398, 41 I for waves on string, 238 Separation of variables, 208 and Green's functions, 509 and Helmholtz equation, 420 and Laplace's equation, 363, 367, 398 and waves on string, 237 Sequences, 101 delra, 288 of disributions,3l0 of partial sums, 103 radioactive,2TS Series, 102, 184, 356 allied, 563 complex, 105, 106, 108 complex Fourier, 219, 225 convergence of, 102, 105 of distributions, 3 I I Fourier, 219 Fourier-Legendre,382 geometric, 105 Laurent,108, 187 for tangent function, 580, 583 for log tunction, ll9, 193,376 power, 105-l I I, 184-196 for tangent function, 576 Taylor,106, 184 Series solutions, of differential equations, I 84 Shearing force,172 I I I I 600 INDEX Shifting property of Fourier transform, 331 oflaplace transform, 254 Si (.r), 268 Sifting property,288,361 Similarity transformation, 53 Simple harmonic motion, 165,l7l Simple pole, 121 Simple zero, 119,126 Simply connected region, 98 Simply supported beam, 258-261 diagonalization,64 function Laplace transform of, 253 series for, 185 Sine integral, 268,564 Sine rule, 67 Sine series, 228,232 Sine transform,345, 510 of a derivative, 346 Sines ofcomplex numbers, T9-80 sum of, 221 Singular matrix, 46 Singular point of differential equation, 178 solution about, 187 variability of, 179 regular, 190 Singularities, 119-122 essential, 120 of gammafunction, 159 isolated, I 19 of Laplace transform, 269 removable, 120 Skew coordinate system, 66 Small oscillations, 57 Smooth function, 240 Smudging theorem, 307 Snell's law,543 5C(2),467 Solenoidal vector, 19, 70 Solid angle, 70 Span, 39 Specific heat, l'73 Spherical Bessel functions, 421 integrals of, 425 orthogonality of ,424 series representation of, 422 Simultaneous Sine Spherical coordinates,4,28,298, Green's function in, 516 Laplace's equation in, 367 wave equation in, 419 3 14, 3 15-3 16 Spherical harmonics, 388-389 addition theorem for,392 sum rule for,392 table of, 388 Spheroidal coordinates, 29, 160,430 Spreadsheet, 201,204,205,206,207 Square deviation,24l,352 Square wave,223,234 Laplace transform oi 264 Standard form, of differential equation, 178 Star, structure of, 216 Stark effect, 214 Stationary phase, method of, 535 Steepest descent, method of, 531 Step function eve\229 Fourier series for, 224,226,228,230,563 odd,228 and shifting property, 255 and step distribution, 300 Step size, in numerical solution, 204 Stirling's approximation,159,53'l Stokes' theorem,24 Streamlines, 114,116 Structure constants,4S8 ofSO(3),489 Sturm-Liouville differential equation, 357,499,553 Sturm-Liouville problem, 357 Sturm-Liouville theory, general method for use of,210, 363 SU(n),469 Subgroup, 471 Submatrix,45 Subspace, invaiant,476 Sumrule for spherical harmonics,392 Sumrnation convention, 8 Superposition, principle of, 219 Surface spanning ctwe,24,98 Symmetric matix, 42,56,60,64 Symmetry and degeneracy, 362 of Fourier transform, 324 of Green's function, 495,496,514 and groups, 465, 466, 483 INDEX function,576 106 Tangent Taylor series, 58, and approximation ofintegrals, 532, for cross product, 556 for tensors,44l 535 Transient, 268 anddifferentialequations,lTS,lS4,lST Translation,l52,492 200,202 579 Tchebichef polynomials,428 Technetium,28l Temperature,inrod,5lO Tensor density, 445 Tensors, 17 Cartesian, 439 and numerical solutions, for tangent function, ofmatrix, 8, 44 Triangle function, 238,312 Trigonometric function, integral of one period, 129-134,220-221 Transpose, alongrealaxis, I37 Triple scalar product, 15, 29, 5l Triple vector product, 17 Trivial represeniation, 475,482,484 contravariant and covariant, 448 general,441 metric,45l Terminal velocity, 176 Testfunction,305,313,329 Tests for convergence, 103 Theorem addition, for spherical harmonics, 390 Cauchy, 97 divergerce,22 Uncertainty principle, 328 Uniform convergence, 104, 106, 140 Unit circle, 84 integral around,l29 Unit vectors, 3, 29,30, 40, 453 Unitary group,469 Unitary matrix, 4E,469,486 Upper and lower indices, 448 Uranium,438 Green's, 26,512 Helmholtz,7,556 Liouville's,167 560 function,268 product, for determinants, 46 quotient,444 smudging, 307 Stokes', 24 Thermalconductivity, lT3 Torque, 15, l7 , 259 on beam, 171 Trace, of matrix,44,71,480 Transcendental equation, 550 Transform choice of, 347 Fouier,323 Fourier-Bessel,4l8 of integral, 268 Laplace,25l Transform method, for Green's function, 503,510 Transformation mean value, for integrals, primitive conformal, 150 congruent, 58 orthogonal, 55 Transformation law Variables, separation of,208 Variation constrained, 548 of integral,54l of parameters, 1 80 Vector area, 15, 67 Vector field, 17, 19 Vector potential,208,554 Vectorproduct, 14 Vector space, 37 , 47 5 Vectors, 5, 38 basis, 39, 53,220, 453,476 column,4l component of, 5, 39,4l definition of, l0 row,4l sum oi 5, 38,4l Eansformation law for, 7,9, 441 wit,29 Velocity potential, 112 Yiolin,246 Volume, of parallelepiped, 15 Water molecule, 492 Wave equation in cylindrical coordinates,406 601 602 INDEX Wave equation (c ont inue d) for finite sting,237 and Fourier transforms, 336,356 Green's function for, 528 as hyperbolic equation, 575 for infinite string, 336 in one dimension, 173 in spherical coordinates, 419,438 Wave front, 576 Wave number, 328 Wave packet, 328 Wave vector, 85 sound, in cavity, 438 on string, 237, 302, 501, 553, 554 in three dimensions, 356,419421 Weak convergence, 305 Weber's equation, 215 Weighting function, 358, 425 Weirstrass M test, 105 Wien law,215 Wronskian, 179 Y6,388 Young's modulus, 17 l, 435 Wavelength, 85 Waves, 173 and complex variables, 85 electromagnetic, 85-89, 34 I on infinite string, 336-339 plane, 85,406 seismic, 552 Zero distribution, 308, 337 Zeromatix,46 Zero vector,38,41 Zeros, ll9 of Bessel functions, 410,522 Gradient i<Ort>:Oirl'+,LiA ira. Bt : G. i)6+ r$. ila+d x 1i' +B x B) d x dt Divergence i : di .t + tn.ito i. 1a " B; :8. (i x d) -i. fi Curl rotl x 6t 9x(dn):id*i+d(ixi) i x (d " f,; : ad .Bt + r[.ila - B(i' at - fd.vt6 Second derivatives"(ixi) ix1i4;:s i'.ti'xd):g Divergence theorem Standard form: Variants: Stokes'theorem Standard form: lrr7 " Variants: i) .fit dA : r-ro (v0\ dA: /, " frt, h0 ai dr I f tff x V) x fr oo: ;/ trdrxit eoiico,tsr$ #NMFR; ITIONIREA?}IBIilRIE$ rdxBtxi=B(i.i)-dd i) ti ,. 6) .ri " i) : (d.06.dl -<[,tt (i x B) x G x dy : 6ta, i,dt - dtf,, a, dl Cylindrical coordinates - - ao + lao" -t- ao p0Q' -2 0p' --d 0z -o V.i: pta@fp) p0Q*of, 0p *lafa 0z VO Vxf= /t0f, \p ad *)u. (* v2o: - #)o * i lftr,ra - W), i#Q*\*i*4.# Spherical coordinates ao lao^ I ao^ vo-_i+__0+__6 0r r00 rsin90Q' I o(sind/6), I afo ;,;_ v'r-7 lav2fr), -rti"e a, ao -rti"eaO vx r: t /a sino[o ^r"B (m t/a + ;\*rfe " v'o a \ t/ r - uok )i * ; (*" O' - *,o)u a \^ - *f,)+ | a / ao\ l a20 : 71aa, /"ao\ * ;rr'r** (ttntm + ;;rR eW a, \'" ) ) The first term rnay be written in the alternative forms r a2 a2e+-,. zaa --(rO): r 'drz ' 0rz r 0r I a