Uploaded by Gabriel Mckennett

Heredity Lab Activity: Mendel & Genetics

Lesson 7: Lab Activity
Experiments and Models of Heredity (1 point each, 25 points total)
What did Mendel’s work provide and what tool will be used to investigate
patterns of inheritance? It's one basis for the modern theory of inheritance.
2. What were the characteristics of pea plants that Mendel studied? Flower
color, plant height, seed color and flower position
What is a character? A set of traits.
What is a ratio? A ratio is a comparison of two numbers.
5. What did he do with the ratios to help see patterns in the data? He reduced
them to their simplest form.
What ratio did the F2 generation show for contrasting traits? 3:1
What was the phenotype and genotype for the dominant color allele, and
what was the phenotype and genotype for the recessive color allele?
Dominant color allele phenotype: purple, genotype: "PP"
Recessive color allele phenotype: white, genotype: "pp"
8. What is monohybrid cross? It's a genetic mix between two individuals who
have homozygous genotypes or genotypes that have completely dominant or
recessive alleles.
a. What do the parents look like? purple flower X white flower
b. What alleles do the parents have? purple purple X pure white
c. What symbols can be used for the alleles? PP x pp
d. What genotypes can be produced by the cross? Pp
a. What genotypes can be produced by the cross? Pp
b. What alleles could be together in the zygotes/offspring? Pp only
c. What will the offspring look like? What flower colors will they have? 1:0
ratio, 100% purple
a. If the F1 were allowed to self-pollinate, what were the F2 generation
ratios? 3:1
b. What color is the flower of each potential parent of the F2 generation?
c. What alleles do the potential parents of the F2 generation have? Pp
d. What alleles could be together in the zygote/offspring? PP, Pp and pp
e. What will the offspring look like? What flower colors will they have?
75% purple, 25% white
12. What is incomplete dominance? It's when a dominant allele does not express
itself or "dominate" fully.
a. How many different phenotypes are possible? 3
b. What are the different phenotypes and their ratios? 1:2:1, 25% red, 50%
pink, 25% white.
What are Drosophila? Fruit flies
What two traits are independent of one another? Eye color and Wing shape
16. Which traits are dominant in each case? Red eye color is dominant to the
brown eye color and normal wing shape is dominant to curled wings.
17. What is a di-hybrid cross? It's a cross between two different lines/genes that
differ in two observed traits.
a. How many different phenotypes are possible? 4
b. What are the different possible phenotypes? 9:3:3:1 (red-norm:redcurl:brown-norm:brown-curl)
What are the four blood types and how many alleles determine these four
blood types? Blood types: A(Alleles: (I^A, I^A) or (I^A, i)),
B(Alleles:(I^B, I^B) or (I^B, i)) , AB(Alleles: (I^A, I^B)) and O(Alleles:
a. Which allele did the child receive from his/her mother? i
b. Which allele did the child receive from his/her father? i
In humans and other organisms, how many pairs of chromosomes determine
gender? One pair of chromosomes
What is the sex of an individual receiving one X and one Y chromosome and
what is the sex of an individual receiving two X chromosomes? X and Y
chromosome = male, X and X chromosome = female
What is the predicted chance that any baby will be a boy and what is the
predicted chance that any baby will be girl? 50%
24. a. Where are sex-linked genes carried? They're carried on the X
b. What are sex-linked genes dominant or recessive? They're recessive
c. What is an example of a sex-linked trait? Color blindness
a. What is the chance that a girl could inherit this allele from her color-blind
father? 100%
b. What is the chance that the girl could be colorblind? 0%
c. What would the girl be called? Carrier