Diffusion, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Cell Division Study Night Presentation

Unit 5 Parent/Student/Teacher
Study Night
February 21, 2019
Task 2: Diffusion, Osmosis, Active
• This section deals with the movement of
molecules either from one place to another or
across a membrane
• The movement of molecules goes along a
gradient (high concentration to low without
using energy or from low to high using energy
to move molecules
• The movement of molecules from a high
concentration to a low without using energy
• Examples: smelling cigarette smoke from a
distance, smelling someone’s perfume,
making Kool-Aid, oxygen moving into your
blood and carbon dioxide moving out
Diffusion Example
diffusion gif
*The movement of water molecules from a
concentrated area to a less concentrated area
Active Transport
*Where the cell uses energy to transport
materials against the concentration gradient or
to move molecules through a membrane
Terms for solutions
Hypertonic: the solution has more solute than
the surrounding solution
Hypotonic: the solution has less solute than the
surrounding solution
Isotonic: the solution has the same amount of
solute as the surrounding solution
Hypo, hyper, isotonicity
Task 3: Photosynthesis
Means: light change
Process: Uses light, carbon dioxide and water to
produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen
Organisms that do photosynthesis to make their
own glucose are called autotrophs or producers
2 steps to photosynthesis
Step 1: Light dependent reactions
Need light, makes energy rich molecules which
act like batteries to power the light independent
reactions: ATP and NADPH
Step 2: Light independent reactions
Runs during daylight and nighttime hours,
makes sugar for the organism. If one CO2 comes
in it takes six turns of the cycle to make one
sugar molecule
Photosynthesis animation
Where does this occur?
Light dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid
membranes of the chloroplasts
Light independent reactions occur in the liquid
parts of the chloroplasts called stroma.
What a chloroplast looks like
Task 4: Respiration
Definition: The process of breaking down food
with oxygen releasing energy for the organism
to have to use for life processes.
-Aerobic respiration (with oxygen) is done in the
mitochondria and releases about 36 ATP per
molecule of sugar. It gives off carbon dioxide
and water as waste
-Anaerobic respiration (without oxygen) is done
in the cytoplasm and releases 2 ATP per
molecule. It gives off alcohol or lactic acid and is
called fermentation
2 Steps to Respiration
Step one takes place in the cytoplasm. One
sugar molecule is split in two. This is called
Step two takes place in the mitochondria. The
two molecules are broken down further
releasing energy, lots of energy, for the cell
Respiration Video
Anaerobic Respiration or
Very important in the baking industry. Yeast
breaks down sugar releasing carbon dioxide and
alcohol. The carbon dioxide makes the bread
dough rise and the alcohol evaporates as the
bread is baked.
Lactic Acid Fermentation
In humans if we break down sugar without
oxygen, we don’t produce alcohol, we produce
lactic acid which causes the burn we feel when
we undergo vigorous exercise.
Task 5: Cell Division
Cell division is the process by which the cell
splits into two cells and are identical.
*Cell division is important in growth and repair
in the human body
*Cell division has 3 main stages:
1) Interphase
2) Mitosis
3) Cytokinesis
Interphase used to be known as the resting
stage of the cell. It is now known as an active
stage where the cell grows, the DNA
replicates and all the organelles make copies.
A cell in interphase looks like an egg or an
eyeball. The nuclear membrane is still
present as is the nucleolus in the nucleus.
Mitosis is the 2nd stage of cell division and has 4
steps. It involves the nucleus. The steps are:
Prophase: chromosomes clump up
Metaphase: chromosomes line up
Anaphase: chromosomes pull apart
Telophase: two new nuclei start to form
Two new cells are formed
DNA is a nucleic acid found in the nucleus,
mitochondria and chloroplasts in cells.
● DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid
● It looks like a twisted ladder
● the sides of the ladder are made of sugar and
● the rungs are made of the bases: Adenine,
Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine (A,G,C, T)
● the bases A and T pair up as do G and C
● the sequence of bases gives us our
similarities and differences
Processes Involving DNA
Replication: making an exact copy of the
DNA for growth and repair
Transcription: creating a strand of messenger
RNA by copying one side of the DNA
molecule and taking it out of the nucleus to
the ribosomes in the cytoplasm
Translation: the ribosome reads the mRNA
and the tRNA brings the appropriate amino
acid coded for my the mRNA making protein
DNA Replication
DNA Transcription