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Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant Substances in Grape Juice

Erwerbs-Obstbau (2018) 60(Suppl 1):S37–S45
Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant
Substances in Grape Juice
Mojmir Baron1 · Michal Kumsta1 · Daniela Sumczynski2 · Jiri Mlcek2 · Tunde Jurikova3 · Jiri Sochor1
Received: 19 May 2017 / Accepted: 6 April 2018 / Published online: 7 May 2018
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2018
The study deals with the monitoring of the content of antioxidant components in grape juice in the course of cold maceration
of grapevine varieties ‘Italian Riesling’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, vintages 2011 and 2012. For analyses, grape juice was
sampled after the maceration intervals of 0; 2; 4; 6; 8; 12 and 24 h. Spectrophotometry was used to estimate antioxidant
activity (by the DPPH test), total flavanols, contents of anthocyans and contents of hydroxycinnamic acids. The content
of total acidity and pH were estimated as well. Obtained results indicated that contents of aforementioned compounds
increased with the increasing time of mush maceration.
Keywords Grape juice · Maceration · Antioxidant activity · Anthocyans · Hydroxycinnamic acids · Flavanols
Einfluss der Dauer der Mazeration auf den Gehalt von Antioxidantien im Traubensaft
Schlüsselwörter Traubensaft · Mazeration · Antioxidative Wirkung · Hydroxyzimtsäure · Flavanole
When making white and red wine, the process of fermentation is the step when the most important differences between both technologies take place. In the course of alcoholic fermentation, the process of maceration enables
to extract phenolic compounds contained in solid parts of
grapes. The maceration step is that natural process that results in the extraction of phenolic substances and production of grape juices and wines rich in these compounds
and showing strong antioxidant properties (Paganga et al.
Jiri Sochor
Department of Viticulture and Enology, Faculty
of Horticulture, Mendel University in Brno,
Valtická 337, 69144 Lednice, Czech Republic
Department of Food Analysis and Chemistry, Faculty
of Technology, Tomas Bata University in Zlin,
Vavreckova 275, 76001 Zlín, Czech Republic
Institut for Education of Pedagogics, Faculty of Central
European Studies, Constantine the Philosopher University in
Nitra, Drazovska 4, 94974 Nitra, Slovakia
As compared with reds, a lower antioxidant capacity of
white wines is caused by a lower content of phenolic compounds (Vinson and Hontz 1995). In red wine, a higher
content of phenolic compounds is the result of maceration, in the course of which the phenolic compounds are
released (i. e. extracted) from skins, seeds, stalks and pulp
of berries (Fuhrman et al. 2001). The extraction of phenolic
compounds is further supported by alcohol produced in the
course of fermentation and by the increasing temperature. In
case of white wine making, the maceration mostly does not
take place and for that reason the content of phenolic compounds in these wines are lower and they also show a lower
antioxidant activity (Lamuela-Raventos and De la TorreBoronat 1999). The maceration of grapes enables to reach
higher concentrations of pigments and tannins from seeds
and for that reason it is especially suitable for application
when processing grapevine varieties with lower contents
of pigments and phenolic compounds (Mahon et al. 1999;
Ortega-Heras et al. 2012). Mush maceration represents an
interesting technological variant how to amplify the variety
character (Peinado et al. 2004) and the extraction of phenolic compounds. Thanks to an increased content of phenolic
compounds it is possible to extend the number of synergetic combinations that may results in an improvement and
amplification of antioxidant properties (Ružić et al. 2011).
M. Baron et al.
The aim of this study was to ascertain the effect of maceration period on the content of antioxidant compounds in
grape juice.
in a HELIOS Gama spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific,
Waltham, MA, USA).
Determination of Antioxidant Activity
Materials and Methods
Biological Material
Experiments were performed with the white wine and red
grape varieties ‘Italian Riesling’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’.
The two-year experiment was performed with grapes harvested in years 2011 and 2012 (Table 1). All correlation
analysis are shown in Tab. 2.
Preparation of Samples
Harvested grapes were destalked and ground in the destalker
DPN 90 (Compo Praha, Czech Republic). Obtained must
was treated with natrium bisulphate (dosage 5 g per 100 L)
and macerated at the temperature of 10 °C. In both varieties
and in both years, must was sampled in intervals of 0; 2;
4; 6; 8; 12 and 24 h of maceration. Before analyses, must
samples were separated in a centrifuge (for 6 min at 3000 g)
and then diluted with a dilution buffer (tartaric acid; Na2
HPO4 and 12% ethanol).
Spectrophotometric Analyses
Total contents of phenols, anthocyanins and flavonols in
wine were estimated by spectrophotometry and their antioxidant activity by the DPPH method. Samples were analysed
Table 1 Sugar contents and harvest dates of varieties under study
Sugar content
Date of harvest
Italian Riesling
Italian Riesling
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon
21.3 °Brix
24.3 °Brix
21.1 °Brix
21.3 °Brix
Spectrophotometric measurements of antioxidant activity
were carried out using the BS-400 automated chemical
analyser (Mindray, Shenzhencity, China). Transfer of samples and reagents was provided by a robotic arm equipped
with a dosing needle (error of dosage not exceeding ±5%
of volume). Cuvette contents were mixed by an automatic
mixer including a stirrer immediately after addition of
reagents or samples. This procedure for the determination was taken from publications by Sochor et al. (Sochor
et al. 2010). A 150 µL volume of reagent (0.095 mM 2.2diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl—DPPH) was incubated with
15 µL of the sample. Absorbance was measured at 505 nm
for 10 min. The method was calibrated using the phenolic compound gallic acid and results were expressed as
equivalents of gallic acid in mg/kg.
Estimation of Total Flavanols and Catechins
Total flavanols were estimated using the p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMACA) method (Li et al. 1996). As
compared with the widely used vanillin method, a great advantage of this method is that there is no interference from
anthocyanins. Furthermore, it provides a higher sensitivity
and a better specificity. Wine (20 μL) was poured into a 1.5mL Eppendorf tube and 980 μL of DMACA solution (0.1%
in 1 M HCl in MeOH) was added. The mixture was vortexed
and allowed to react at the room temperature for 12 min. The
absorbance at 640 nm (flavanols)/at 360 nm (catechins) was
then read against a blank sample prepared in a similar way
but without DMACA. The concentration of total flavanols
was then estimated from a calibration curve and constructed
by plotting known solutions of catechin (1–16 mg/L) against
A640 (r2 = 0.998). Results were expressed as mg/L of catechin equivalents.
Table 2 Correlation analysis
Values representing statistically significant correlations are printed italics
A Time of maceration, B pH, C Total acids, D Flavanols, E DPPH, F Anthocyans, G Catechins, H Hydrocinnamic acids, I Flavonols
Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant Substances in Grape Juice
Estimation of Total Contents of Hydroxycinnamic Acids and
These measurements were performed using well-established spectrophotometric methods (Zoecklein 1990). The
wine sample was placed into a 0.2-cm path-length quartz
cuvette, 200 μL of the sample and 1.8 mL of 1.1 M HCL
were added and the resulting solution was thoroughly mixed
and kept for a period of 180 min at the room temperature.
A 0.22 M solution of K2S2O5 was used as a blank. The
absorbance was read at 320 nm (A320HCl) and at 520 nm
(A520HCl) for anthocyanins. Concentrations of total anthocyanins (mg/L) were calculated as follows:
Total content of anthocyanins .mg=L/ =
4 dilution ŒA520 HCl .5=3/ A520 SO2 Total content of hydroxycinnamic acids .mg=L/ =
10 dilution 12,387 A320 HCl
The Estimation of pH and Total Acidity in the
Spectrometer Alpha FT-I
The ALPHA apparatus is a compact FTIR analyzer that
uses the ATR sampling technique. This technique helps to
process samples before the analysis. Samples were centrifuged for the period of 6 min at 3000 g. Before the first
measurement, the spectrometer was thoroughly rinsed with
deionized water and the background was determined using
a blank sample (i. e. deionized water). For analyses, 1 ml
sample was taken using a syringe; of this sample, 0.5 ml
was used for rinsing of the system while the remaining
0.5 ml was analyzed three times. Depending on the calibration used, the measured values were evaluated automatically
using a special software.
The content of antioxidant components contained in wine
is dependent on many factors. Primarily, it is dependent on
the variety: in blue varieties, the content of antioxidants is
usually ten-times (or even more) higher than in white ones.
Further, it is also dependent on the wine-making technology; in this case, the most important difference lies in the
duration of the period of mush contact with solid particles
in the course of maceration. It is natural that effects of such
external factors as climatic and soil (pedological) conditions
existing within the period of growing are important as well.
Altogether 24 mush samples of Vitis vinifera L. (cultivars
‘Italian Riesling’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’) were analysed.
Estimated were the following parameters: antioxidant activity and contents of flavanols, hydroxycinnamic, anthocyans
and catechins. All correlation analysis are shown in Tab. 2.
Estimation of Antioxidant Activity
The antioxidant activity is changing in dependence on the
type of phenolic compounds present in a given wine sample. It is known that some types of phenolic compounds
show a more intensive antioxidant activity than others (Jurikova et al. 2012; Sochor et al. 2014). The value of antioxidant activity is markedly increasing in both white and
red grapevine varieties between six and twelve hours of
maceration (Fig. 1). In 2011, these values in samples of
‘Italian Riesling’ mush increased within the first 12 h of
maceration by 26 mg/L while within the following 12 h this
increase was only by 4.6 mg/L. In 2012, the corresponding
increases were by 28 mg/L and by as much as 29 mg/L. In
2011, values of antioxidant activity of the ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ mush increased by 22 mg/L within the period of the
first 12 h while within the period of the following 12 h this
increase was only 1 mg/L. In 2012, the corresponding increases were by 85 mg/L and 15 mg/L.
Fig. 1 Values of antioxidant activity estimated by the
DPPH test during the maceration of a ‘Italian Riesling’ and
b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year 2012; dashed
line—year 2011)
M. Baron et al.
Fig. 2 Contents of flavanols
during the maceration of
a ‘Italian Riesling’ and
b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’
must (continuous line—year
2012; dashed line—year 2011)
Fig. 3 Contents of anthocyans during the maceration
of a ‘Italian Riesling’ and
b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year 2012; dashed
line—year 2011)
Estimation of Total Flavanols
The most common flavanols are: catechin, epicatechin, epigallocatechin and their esters with gallic acid. Epicatechin
and catechin show strong antioxidant effects. In 2011, the
content of flavanols in ‘Italian Riesling’ must increase by
19 mg/L within the first 12 h of maceration and stagnated
thereafter (Fig. 2) while in 2012, the corresponding increases were by 22 mg/L and 11 mg/L (i. e. only by 50%),
respectively. In the 2011, the content of flavanols in must
of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ increased by 15 mg/L after a maceration period of 6 h; thereafter, it did not change (i. e. it
stagnated) and an increase by mere 2.5 mg/L was recorded
till the end of experimental period. In 2012, the corresponding values were by 70 mg/L after a maceration period of the
first 12 h and by 18 mg/L after the following 12 h.
peratures; the consequence of this process is an erosion
of cell membranes so that the release of phenolic substances as well as of other compounds contained in berries
is further facilitated. In 2011, this increase and release of
chemical compounds from berries of ‘Italian Riesling’ was
linear during the whole 24-hour period of maceration and
made altogether 6.6 mg/L. In 2012, this increase was by
9.4 mg/L within the first twelve hours of maceration; thereafter, i. e. within the following 12 h, this increase was only
by 0.6 mg/L. In 2011, the corresponding increase in the level
of substances released from berries of the variety ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ within the first 12 h of maceration was by
119.4 mg/L; in the following 12 h, however, this increase
was only by 2.4 mg/L. In 2012, the corresponding increases
were by 451 mg/L, and by 51.2 mg/L, respectively.
Estimation of Catechins
Estimation of Anthocyans
In the white wine grape juice variety (i. e. in ‘Italian Riesling’), the content of anthocyans is much lower (nearly
40-times) than in blue ones (Fig. 3). Within the first 12 h
of maceration, the content of anthocyans significantly increased, but later on their level did not continue to increase.
In the course of alcoholic fermentation, the extraction of
anthocyans is continuously increasing due to the combined
effect of the increasing content of ethanol and higher tem-
Changes in the content of catechins taking place in the
course of maceration are illustrated in Fig. 4. In 2011,
their contents increased by 279 mg/L after the first 12 h
of maceration of the must of ‘Italian Riesling’ while during the following 12 h this increase was by only 16 mg/L.
In 2012, the corresponding increases were by 253 mg/L
and by 187 mg/L, respectively. As far as the maceration
of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ mush in 2011 was concerned,
the content of catechins increased within the first 12 h
Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant Substances in Grape Juice
Fig. 4 Contents of catechins during the maceration
of a ‘Italian Riesling’ and
b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year 2012; dashed
line—year 2011)
Fig. 5 Contents of hydroxycinnamic acids during the maceration of a ‘Italian Riesling’ and
b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year 2012; dashed
line—year 2011)
by 380 mg/L while thereafter this content increased by
only 8 mg/L. In 2012, the corresponding changes in contents of catechins in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ must were by
1315.9 mg/L and by only 148 mg/L within the first and the
second 12-hour period of maceration, respectively.
Estimation of the Content of Hydroxycinnamic Acids
Contents of hydroxycinnamic acids are presented in Fig. 5.
In 2011, these contents increased by 37 mg/L after the first
12 h of maceration of the must of ‘Italian Riesling’; thereafter there was a period of stagnation followed by the period
of a slight decrease. In 2012, the corresponding increases
were by 40 mg/L and by mere 16 mg/L, respectively. As
far as the maceration of the red variety ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ mush in 2011 was concerned, the content of hydroxycinnamic acids increased by 21.6 mg/L within the first
12 h; thereafter this content increased by only 1.8 mg/L. In
2012, the corresponding changes in contents of catechins
in ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ mush were by 1315 mg/L and by
only 148 mg/L within the first and the second 12-hour period of maceration, respectively. In 2012, the increase in the
content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the must of ‘Cabernet
Sauvignon’ was more pronounced and made 106.8 mg/L
and 22.6 mg/L after the first and the second 12-hour period
of maceration, respectively.
Estimation of Flavanols
Changes in the content of flavanols that took place in the
course of maceration are illustrated in Fig. 6. In 2011,
their content in the must of ‘Italian Riesling’ increased by
19.7 mg/L to the value of 57.2 mg/L after the first 12 h of
maceration and thereafter it remained constant. In 2012,
the content of flavanols increased by 22.2 mg/L and after
the period of 24 h of maceration the total content of flavanols was 109 mg/L. As far as the maceration of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ must in 2011 was concerned, the content of
flavanols increased by 15.7 mg/L to the value of 79.4 mg/L
and thereafter it increased by only 1.8 mg/L to the final
value of 81.2 mg/L. In 2012, the increase in the content
of flavanols in must of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ increased by
70.2 mg/L within the first 12 h and reached the final value
of 145.4 mg/L.
Content of Titratable Acids and the pH Value
The content of titratable acids and the pH value may be regarded as major indicators of the ripeness of grapes. These
parameters are influenced by variety, year, vineyard, implementation of green works in the vineyard, and also by agro
technical interventions. In the course of ‘Italian Riesling’
maceration, the pH value steeply increased and after the first
12 h it was about 3.4; thereafter it remained nearly constant.
M. Baron et al.
Fig. 6 Contents of flavonols
during maceration of a ‘Italian
Riesling’ and b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year
2012; dashed line—year 2011)
Fig. 7 Values of pH recorded
during maceration of a ‘Italian
Riesling’ and b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year
2012; dashed line—year 2011)
Fig. 8 Contents of total acids
during maceration of a ‘Italian
Riesling’ and b ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ (continuous line—year
2012; dashed line—year 2011)
On the other hand, the pH value of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’
must slowly increase during the whole period of maceration
(Fig. 7).
Contents of total titratable acids decreased during the
whole period of maceration (Fig. 8); this decrease was
more pronounced in must of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ than of
‘Italian Riesling’. As in other cases, there was an obvious
difference between years 2011 and 2012.
The most significant correlations existed between antioxidant activity on the one hand and flavonols (r = 0.99)
as well as flavanols plus flavonols (r = 0.93) on the other.
A similar correlation existed also between catechins and
flavonols (r = 0.93).
As far as individual years of this study were concerned, statistically significant differences were observed
in contents of total acids, flavanols, DPPH, HCA and
flavonols. These interactions are illustrated in Fig. 9. In
this figure, the sum of precipitation for the growing season
(March–September) is presented as well. The difference
between years 2011 and 2012 was 50 mm.
In 2012, the measured values of antiradical activity were
significantly higher than in 2011. This could be caused by
dry weather that existed in the course of the growing season. Increased values of antiradical activity reflected the
response of plants to the draught stress.
As compared with 2011, the content of total flavanols
was significantly higher in 2012. This was caused also by
Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant Substances in Grape Juice
Fig. 9 Effects of interactions
existing between average values recorded in individual
years (with the 0.95 interval
of confidence): a total acids,
b flavanols, c DPPH, d HCA,
e flavonols, f sums of precipitation (March–September)
stress factors that influenced the vintage in 2012. It was
possible to conclude that a long-term deficit in the course of
the growing season was one of the most important factors.
In years 2011 and 2012, there was a marked interaction
between contents of total acidity and the difference between
these values was nearly 1 mg/L. This difference was also
influenced by a dry and warm weather that existed in the
period of ripening of grapes.
Alencar et al. (2017) studied the effect of the maceration time up to 30 days on the phenolic compounds,
monomeric anthocyanins, color intensity, and antioxidant
activity (FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC) of both must and Syrah
wine. Up to the 15th day, the maceration process promoted
an increase in phenolic compounds, while the major extraction of anthocyanins occurred up to the 20th days. The
results showed the concentration of total phenolic compounds stabilized in 20th days until the end of maceration
and it was higher in comparison with the concentration
found at the beginning. Consequently, prolonging the maceration time to 20 days not only improved the phenolic
compounds profile but also the antioxidant activity of the
tropical Syrah wine. From the sensory point of view, the
prolonged maceration of 30 days yielded in a wine with
moderate CI, but lower bitterness and astringency, differently the expected since prolonged extraction of tannins is
related to astringency and some degree of bitterness.
(Moreno-Perez et al. 2013) estimated contents of volatile
compounds in wine made of three grapevine varieties
(’Monastrell’, ’Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ’Syrah’) by means
of three different pre-fermentation technologies (freezing
of grapes, application of dry ice and cold maceration) and
compared the obtained results with control. The most abundant compounds were higher alcohols. These compounds
are recognised by their strong and pungent smell and taste
that are related to a herbaceous note. At concentrations
below 300 mg/l, they contribute to the desirable complexity of the wine, but when their concentration exceeds
400 mg/l, higher alcohols are regarded as a negative factor
on quality. The total concentrations of higher alcohols in
’Cabernet Sauvignon’, ’Syrah’ and ’Monastrell’ wines in
all treatments were below 300 mg/l. The aromatic alcohol,
2-phenylethanol, showed the highest concentration in the
twelve different wines (ranging between 65 and 142 mg/l).
Ethyl esters of fatty acids and acetates have long been
considered important contributors to wine aroma because
they occur in wines as major volatile constituents and
because they exhibit fruit odours similar to those often
used to describe wines. ’Sauvignon’ wines showed higher
concentrations of these compounds than did ’Syrah’ and
’Monastrell’ wines, although low levels were observed for
all the esters analysed. Only the freezing of grapes pre-fermentation technology ’Cabernet Sauvignon’ wine showed
significant differences with respect to the other treatments.
Among wine esters, isoamyl acetate (banana aroma) and
2-phenylethylacetate (rose aroma). The level of isoamylacetate, the important contributor to overall bouquet was
low (0.02–1.31 mg/l) in all the assessed wines, and only
the classic maceration and freezing of grapes treatments
produced higher levels than the control in ’Cabernet’ and
’Syrah’ varieties. In each variety, the treatments used gave
different results of concentration of fatty acids. For example, freezing of grapes led to the highest levels of fatty
acids in ’Cabernet Sauvignon’ and ’Syrah’ wines, while
in the case of ’Monastrell’ wines, cold soak produced the
highest levels.
Ruzic et al. (2011) studied the effect of maceration on
the content of phenolic substances and antiradical activity
in 14 white Italian wines. The studied wines have presented
a wide range of phenolic concentrations. The quantity of total phenols found for macerated wines ranged from 1654
to 2103 mg/l with an average of 1859 mg/l. The total phenolic concentration in non-macerated wines ranged from
291 to 832 mg/l, with an average of 527 mg/l. The macerated wines have shown considerably higher amount of
total phenols compared with non-macerated ones with the
highest value found for blending wine 800B (’Malvazija’,
’Sauvignon Blanc’ and ’Pinot Gris’ varieties).
The polyphenolic compounds of the studied white wines
was determined by HPLC. The most abundant polyphenol was caftaric acid (CFTA) with the maximum amount
found in 800B wine (53.10 mg/l). The average concentration of this acid in macerated white wines (18.46 mg/l) is
almost double than the one found in non-macerated wines
(8.98 mg/l). Similar results were obtained for caffeic acid.
Its concentration of 5.45 mg/l in 800B wine enters within
the concentration range of caffeic acid (0.23–7.07 mg/l) determined in 23 commercial Italian wines made from organic
grapes. The average concentrations of caffeic acid in macerated and non-macerated wines did not differ significantly
and were 1.89 and 1.77 mg/l, respectively.
The concentration of gallic acid (GA) in macerated
white wines ranged from 7.56 to 19.38 mg/l with an average concentration of 11.68 mg/l. In the case of nonmacerated wines, the average concentration was found to
be 2.29 mg/l. The percentage inhibitions of DPPH obtained
with non-diluted samples showed that the macerated wines
are very effective DPPH scavengers with inhibitions higher
than 90% that correspond to the inhibitions of red wines.
Oppositely, the non-macerated wines have shown poor
antiradical properties. Only the MB wine resulted in 54%
inhibition, while all other non-macerated wines showed
inhibition lower than 50%. The study confirmed the feasibility of producing a white wine rich in phenols and with
strong antiradical properties in completely natural way by
simply applying maceration step. The grape itself already
contains all necessary compounds for the entire process
of wine production and there is no need to add chemical
agents. The best results were obtained in blending wine by
combining several wine varieties and, consequently, their
phenolic profiles.
Sener and Yildirim (2013) found out that the duration
of maceration period and the temperature were the most
important factors in the course of maceration and fermen-
M. Baron et al.
tation. In this study, effects of various periods of maceration (3 and 6 days) and of different temperatures (15 and
25 C) were monitored when making red wine. The results
demonstrated not only the importance of skin contact time
and temperature during maceration but also the effects of
transition temperatures (different maceration and fermentation temperatures) on wine quality as a whole. The results
of sensory descriptive analyses revealed that the temperature significantly affected the aroma and flavour attributes
of wines. The highest scores for ‘cassis’, ‘clove’, ‘fresh
fruity’ and ‘rose’ characters were obtained in wines produced at low temperature (15 °C) of maceration (6 days)
and fermentation.
Zamfir et al. (2014) studied the process of pre-fermentation maceration of rosé wines. In one of their variants
grapes were processed without maceration (control) while
in the other effects of different periods of maceration (3.5 h;
7 h; 10.5 h; 14 h; 17.5; 21 h and 24.5 h) were tested. It was
found that the prefermentative maceration process does not
exert a significant influence on the alcoholic content or
the total acidity in wines that have not been tartaric stabilized. Tartaric stabilization exerted a significant influence
on the content of the following parameters in the studied
wines: total acidity, pH and conductivity. The prefermentative maceration and tartaric stabilization processes significantly influenced the content of phenolic compounds and
the color parameters. The total phenolic compound content, anthocyanin content and wine color intensity increased
with increasing maceration times. The only parameter that
showed no synergistic influence by the two factors (maceration time and tartaric stabilization) was the total acidity; all other studied parameters showed a clear interaction
between these two factors. It was found that the prefermentative maceration processes change only the content of
K+, meaning that its concentration in the studied wines has
increased proportionally with the time of prefermentative
maceration. Regarding the tartaric stabilization, the influence of this process on all the studied cations was revealed,
in terms of the decreasing concentration of all wines tartaric
It was demonstrated that in the course of the mush maceration process contents of parameters under study increased;
however, a marked increase can be observed approximately
within the first 12 h of maceration at the temperature of
10 ºC. Thereafter, i. e. in the following hours, this increase
in contents of individual substances was not too significant.
Results obtained in this study indicate that if we want to
make wine with a higher content of healthy substances and
with higher values of antiradical activity from grapevine
Effect of the Period of Maceration on the Content of Antioxidant Substances in Grape Juice
varieties ‘Italian Riesling’ and ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, the
sufficient period of maceration is approximately 12 h. This
study corroborated that antioxidant potential of phenolic
compounds contained in grapes could be preserved (or even
increased) in the course of the process of wine making.
It was found out that the effect of the year on values
of antiradical activity and contents of flavanols was significant. In the year 2012, a little higher values were recorded,
probably due to dry weather (as a stress factor influencing
both formation of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity). It was also found that the effect of a dry and warm
year 2012 on total contents of titratable acids and increased
values of pH was significant.
Acknowledgements The financial support from sources of the project
IGA 14/2014/591 ZF is highly acknowledged.
Conflict of interest M. Baron, M. Kumsta, D. Sumczynski, J. Mlcek,
T. Jurikova and J. Sochor declare that they have no competing interests.
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