Declarare: to explain or to make clear. Mary is going to the store. Mary went to the store. Mary will go to the store. Declarare: to explain or to make clear. Mary is going to the store. Is Mary going to the store? Mary went to the store. Did Mary go to the store? Mary will go to the store. Will Mary go to the store? Rogare (Verb): to ask In both English and Latin, sentences can either ask questions or simply make statements. Sentences that ask questions are called interrogative sentences. Notice that the verb is moved to the beginning of the sentence when the –ne is used to indicate a question. Although this was typical, it is not necessary. In a question, the verb often brought to the beginning from the usual end. Nonne puella ambulat ad scholam? Num nautae navigant ad insulam? Vocatne regina reges? Ambulatne ad casam? Esne meus (my) frater? Estne meus pater in casam?