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Math Properties Flipchart Assessment

The Game of Mathematics
The Game of Mathematics
Mathematics could be thought of as a game invented by a number of men
and women over time. All games have rules and mathematics is no exception.
Listed below are eleven basic rules or properties of the Mathematics game.
Commutative Property of Addition
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Addition
Identity Property of Addition
Identity Property of Multiplication
Addition Property of Equality
Subtraction Property of Equality
Multiplication Property of Equality
Division Property of Equality
Distributive Property
Your task is to create a flipchart (using the colored sheets provided). The flipchart
□ Be created using the colored sheets provided.
□ Include an appropriate cover/title page.
□ Contain eleven individual properties (all of the above listed
□ Have one section for each property.
□ Have the meaning of each property written in words.
□ Have an algebraic example (i.e. using variables) that shows the
correct use of the property.
□ Have a numeric example that shows the correct use of the
□ Include proper English (i.e. spelling, punctuation, grammar).
□ Include final quality work.
Note: The top sections of your flipchart may be smaller than the bottom sections.
Plan carefully where you will place your flipchart content to ensure that it will all fit