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Yoruba Culture: History, Traditions, and Religion

There are numerous ethnicities residing in Nigeria at the moment with their own particular sets
of traditions, norms and language. To be precise, more than 200 ethnicities exist in Nigeria. The
most known group among these is the Yoruba amounting for about 10- 20 million individuals
relating to Yoruba. The Yoruba culture is vast and spread to Benin and Togo as well. The
Yoruba ethnic group constitutes approximately 25 isolated communities. However, Yoruba
prefer to reside in Topical forests and Western High Plains. This is considered to be their native
regions. The surrounding in which they live their lives is owned by Savanna parklands and
grasslands. This makes their living more beautiful and divine. They live close to nature.
Analyzing the history of this large and dominant Yoruba group, we find that they have been
populating the land since millennial. To support this, claim the authorities had collected
archaeological evidence as well. Yoruba has been a peaceful and wealthy group for quite some
time. However, it received a big setback in the 18th century because of the eruption of Civil Wars
with the adjacent countries and slavery took its toll on the Yoruba and destroyed its diversity.
The matters were out of control and the Yoruba was not able to put a stop to the misery as the
land was later claimed by the British forces in the year 1901 and this led the demise of Yoruba
Culture. They were deprived from their basics and decisiveness. All the norms, customs and
traditional values were forgotten because of the psychological demise as well. In the 20th
century, Nigerians proclaimed their independence but still hardship were there to greet them.
Nigeria saw a lot of warfare and suffering. Opponents who were dwelling to claim the land were
making heinous moves to shake the community to its roots by abducting and murdering their
political leaders, freedom and motivational speakers and writers and other people who could
have influenced the Nigerians to fight back. As of now, Nigeria is aiming to prioritize democracy
in its reign and allow freedom of opinions and speech. Humanitarian efforts are maximized to
regain the respect for human bills and rights. In the pre-historic era, Yoruba culture was the most
civilized and humane than all other ethnic groups residing in Africa. The Yoruba used to live in
large and densely populated areas ranging from 90,000 to 110,000 in a single piece of land.
Palace of King also known as Oba was one of the major attractions and the town given the most
importance and respect was Ife which was discovered at around 850 AD. However, the Yoruba
is not limited to Africa only but is wide-spread to other regions as well. The reason being the
migration and the slavery, people were taken to work as slaves by the American forces in the 18th
century. They have been colonizing the Caribbean, South and North sides of America as well.
Brazil and Cuba can be retraced to Yoruba culture as well. In short, the Yoruba culture did not
die or vanished but still persists in bits in different regions through the globe.
Yoruba consists of many idols and goddesses which are collectively termed as Orisha. The
diversity is not restricted to the culture but is also present in their religion. Diversity dwells in
their basic architecture of living. Approximately 400-700 gods are worshipped by the Yoruba
people worldwide. Those people who have achieved maturity worship many of these. As per
their faith suggests the gods were there before this world came into being and the other were
given the status of gods because of their heroics for the betterment and prosperity of the Yoruba
people. They also consider nature as a god and worship and honor structures such as mountains,
rivers, hills, trees. These benefited them in some way at some point of time. This is why they
honor such objects as well. Dictating and relating fables is the most prestigious thing to them.
They feel pride and honor in telling the tales of audacity of their ancestors. All these stories
telling is considered to be holy as well. In the middle of 19th century, Christian movements took
hold of the region and marked a huge influence in the religious dealings of these Yoruba’s
people. Also, limitations were imposed to the religious activities of Yoruba’s people by the
European rule in the 20th century. Prohibition was set on the practice of many rituals as well as
on many ethnic groups. Yoruba used to bury their dead ones in the boundaries of their houses as
they believed that this would help them to maintain the relationship they had. The British
empowerment opposed this act and forced them to change their routine. Therefore, they started
burying the dead ones in the outskirts. Activities such as the honoring of the god of iron and war
was supposed to commemorate in the night, this was prohibited along with many other traditions.
Yoruba used to marry more than once with their relatives or cousins but this too was restricted.
This was made illegal and forced the people to eradicate this tradition. Because of the
colonization of the Christian in the 19th century, Christianity has been adopted as the main belief.
Yoruba people use to practice the Anglican, Methodist and American Southern Baptist faiths.
Also, Islam is also perpetuating in the Yoruba minds.
Yoruba people are indigenous to labor work and many of them still opt farming as their
livelihoods. They excel in producing quality crops like Yam, cassava and corn. These are their
staple diets as well. They have been colonizing rural areas for decades. As far as agriculture is
concerned, Yoruba have excelled to produce Cocoa as one of their chief export. Craftsmen
belonging to Yoruba are smart and inquisitive about everything happening in the modern world.
Modernization is also necessary to move forward. Yoruba men are found to be hardworking and
devoted, they use to amalgamate both the city work and agriculture and somehow manage both.
Yoruba females are subjected to manage and maintain the market.
The culture is diversified as well. People specialize in various arts and traditions which gives the
Yoruba culture its identity and individuality. They possess various interesting statues and
embodiments that personifies their faith as they keep them in the sacred places and temples. To
give credits to their ancestors who sacrificed so much, they also keep sculptures to honor their
doings. Artists are found to be keen in detailing their wood and brass statuaries. Earthenware,
plaiting, beadwork, expertise in metallics and usage of drums in their music are the
distinguishing features of the Yoruba group
Writing has not been their thing and the method of conveying stories and hardships by writing is
not their strength. Nevertheless, the incidents are dictated to siblings and this is how an
experience travels to get inculcated into numerous minds. Yoruba people have a cringy
inclination towards fables, mythical legends, historical heroes, poetry and mysteries. In the
current world, they have adopted writing as a priority as well and many famous and talented
writers of this time belong to Yoruba tribe.