Sentence Correction: Firstly, “The Kite Runner” teaches us about Cowardice because Amir was a coward when he was child. Amir just saw Hassan was getting raped from Assef, but Amir just ran away. He was scared about they hurt him. . Pg 77 “ In the end, i ran. I ran because i was a coward. I was afraid of Assef and what he would do to me. I was afraid of getting hurt. That’s what i told myself as i turned my back to the alley, to Hassan.” This quote explains Amir saw Hassan was getting raped from Assef, but he was really scared to help Hassan. Secondly, “The Kite Runner” teaches us about Cowardice because Baba was very selfish and cowardice man. According to page 223, “Please think, Amir jan. It was shameful situation. People would talk. All that a man had back then, all that he was his honor, his name, and if people talked… We couldn’t tell anyone, surely you can see that.” This quote explains Baba felt shameful to him and Baba was really disappointed to Amir even he didn’t do wrong. In the first place, one of three major themes of the friendship between Amir and Hassan is that people with different social standing can still have a deep friendship. In the winter that of year, 1975, they cooperated and played by flying a kite together.(Hosseini 65-68) In addition, Hassan risked himself to guard a blue kite for Amir.(Hosseini 71-73) Lastly, Hassan and Amir carved ‘Amir and Hassan, the Sultans of Kabul.’ in a tree.(Hosseini 27) The pomegranate tree impress upon us the closeness of Amir and Hassan's friendship. According to the close look at the friendship between two characters, readers can point out that the author is trying to convey his opinion that even if people have different social backgrounds and viewpoints, they can still be a close friend: friendship does not require any social condition. In the second place, the second of three major themes in The Kite Runner that relate to the context of the friendship between Amir and Hassan are that people should always respect their friends. Hassan said “For you, a thousand times over “ to Amir while they are flying kites.(Hosseini 67) It signified respect and friendship of Hassan and Amir. Moreover, Hassan said “that was the best story you’ve read me in a long time” to Amir.(Hosseini 30) Hassan looked Amir’s story, he complimented Amir on Amir’s literary ability. Amir sees respect of Hassan and calls him “good old reliable Hassan”.(Hosseini 70) In the friendship between Amir and Hassan, It is important to respect their friends. Lastly, another of three major themes in The Kite Runner that relate to the context of the friendship between Amir and Hassan are that there should exists responsibility between friends. While Amir prepares for school in the morning, Hassan readies Amir’s books and his breakfast.(Hosseini 27) When Hassan and Amir ran up against Assef, Hassan felt responsibility to protect Amir.(Hosseini 40-42) Also, Amir saved Sohrab, who is Hassan’ son from Aseff to assume the responsibility between Hassan and Amir. Amir said “I want to adopt this boy, take him black to the States with me”.(Hosseini 328) Amir adopted Sohrab to save Sohrab at his own peril.(p.g 328) Amir said “ For you, a thousand times over” when they are flying kites.(Hosseini 371) This is what Hassan told to Amir when they were young. People should have responsibility to care for their friends. Second, Scout learns that family is important. Having no mother, Scout is raised by her father, who is full of important this lesson. Her brother becomes her close friend, and most of her lessons and escapades occur with him and their friend Dill. Scout and her family are close, so when Scout has a problem, there is always her family around her. Sometimes she has lots of problems with her family. Such as when she fell down after the Halloween party, she was attacked to someone but Jem sacrificed to protect her (PDF 244). Also, when Scout and Jem have trouble with each other (PDF 128-129), or Jem and Dill left Scout alone (PDF 44). Atticus listened to their problems and offered possible solutions. Atticus also taught them not to fight with friends for any reasons. When Scout fought with her friends because they called Atticus a ‘nigger-lover’, Atticus said that “ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody’s favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It’s slipped into usage with some people like ourselves, when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody” (PDF 103-104). Atticus was able to help Scout understand why her friends were calling him that. Scout learns that her father, brother, and Calpurnia do lover her and have her interests at heart. Last, Scout learns that don’t judge a person by the color of their skin. Tom Robinson is a black people; firstly they are judged badly in this book. It show we never should judged the other person for their skin color. And “There’s some folks that don’t eat like us? But you ain’t called on to contradict em at the table when they don’t” (PDF 24), “Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them” (PDF 261). This quotes show how Scout is growing up and learning not to judge someone by their differences. To Kill A Mockingbird, this book contains so many meanings. Among them, the story of racism is indispensable. Harper Lee, the author of this book, put his idea of racism in the book. And she wanted her readers to know about various ideas. As it pertains to racism, Harper Lee wants the reader to learn that misunderstanding and prejudices are magnified by racism, racism amplifies a conflict, and that racism causes far more damage than most white people realize. The first lesson that Harper Lee wants the reader to learn is Racism magnified the misunderstanding and prejudices. Harper Lee divided the characters into two categories: black and white. And she put in a character named Tom Robinson, who was receiving bad attention from the villagers in Maycomb. He has a misunderstanding that he raped Mayella Ewell who is Bob Ewell’s daughter.“Are you the father of Mayella Ewell?” “her ma’s dead,” was the answer.”(p 230) He was found guilty, but the truth is only with him and Mayella. “Judge Taylor was polling the jury: Guilty..Guilty Guilty.”(PDF 197). Nobody knows the truth except the two, but the jury just convicts Tom Robinson. Prejudice in impartial juries hindered Tom Robinson and Atticus. No one was was on their side except for blacks. Most white people in this book have prejudices against black people. Of course, the period when this book reflected was more racist. Harper Lee maximized these prejudices by designating the year in which racism was particularly severe. Many misunderstanding and prejudices have informed readers that they make life for black people worse. The second lesson that Harper Lee wants the reader to learn is Racism amplifies a conflict. As we know, Atticus is lawyer and defending Tom Robinson. “Atticus sighed.” “I’m simply defending a Negro-his name’s Tom Robinson”.(P 100) Such an Atticus is criticized a lot just for defending Tom Robinson. The same villagers have not stopped criticizing him and even his children are being criticized.“Your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!”(P 135) Bob Ewell even tried to kill Jem and Scout because of one reason that Atticus defending Tom Robinson. “ Shuffle-foot had not stopped with us this time. “His trousers swished softly and steadily.”(PDF 243), “Bob Ewell’s lyin‘ on the ground under that tree down yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He’s dead, Mr. Finch.” ( PDF 248). Atticus was just trying to pass these things over with nothing. Rather, he did a good job of explaining to Jem and Scout, not criticizing them. Even Atticus would not understand why he threatened his children just because he defended black people. We can’t help but talk about Tom Robinson. He was found guilty in the trial.“Judge Taylor was polling the jury: Guilty..Guilty Guilty.”(PDF 197). We don’t know if he really sexually assaulted Mayella, but he heard a lot of curse from white people. If Tom Robinson was white or if the perpetrator was white, would he have been criticized at this level? Harper Lee told her readers that racism maximizes conflict by writing this conflicts. She seems to want to tell readers that as long as there is racism, it will be difficult to get rid of misunderstanding and prejudice. The third lesson that Harper Lee wants the reader to learn is Racism causes far more damage than most white people realize. After Tom Robinson found he is guilty, he was shot while trying to escape from prison.“They shot him,” said Atticus. “He was running. It was during their exercise period”. “They said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over. Right in front of them—”.(PDF 220) After his death, not only Atticus but other black people would have been shocked. Not only black society, but just Tom Robinson’s defense, Atticus, suffered some damage. Countless curse and even his children were threatened with murder. “His trousers swished softly and steadily.”(PDF 243), “Bob Ewell’s lyin‘ on the ground under that tree down yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He’s dead, Mr. Finch.” ( PDF 248).White people are not interested in the consequences of racial discrimination. They just get angry about black people committing crimes, and they don’t think of the consequences. “ Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving Negro comes up, is something I don’t pretend to understand…”(PDF 85) Harper Lee put these behaviors of white people in a book and showed white people’s indifference. She seems to want to tell the readers that white people focus not on the results but on the fact that black people have committed crimes.