418 IEEE JOURNAL Takao Nakano was born in Hyogo, Japan, on He received the B. S., September 1, 1939. M. S., and Ph.D. degrees in electronics engineering, from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1962, 1964, and 1968, respectively. He joined the Central Research Laboratories, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, in April 1964. From 1964 to 1967 he was engaged in research and development of optoelectronics devices at the Semiconductor Research Institute, Sendai, Japan, and the Central Re- Approximation Ab.rtract-Two mation. approximation One is analytical The basic model MOSFET methods for wiring formulas for the delay delay is a lumped is a distributed at one end and a capacitive proximated for wiring and the other in MOS CR line with load at the other end. and the step response LSI approxia drive Simple ap- of this model are obtained. Approximation bination, programs, is found models the of a distributed which is very useful is also investigated. to be a poor under various incorporated The widely approximation, give satisfactory interconnection CR line by lumped when results. line used L ladder while The simplest within a given R’s and C’s com- in circuit IT and circuits tolerant simulation circuit model T ladder circuit that approximate error are tabulated drive and load conditions. LIST c Capacitance r Resistance OF SYMBOLS of wiring of wiring L Length c Total capacitance R Total resistance C* Load per unit per unit length of wiring of wiring of wiring capacitance, gate capacitance (=c ~L) (= r “ L). including MOS MEMBER, 1983 LSI IEEE r* Equivalent CT = Ctlc RT = rr/R x t t’ The coordinate resistance Normalized s Laplace transformed variable fort s’ Laplace transformed variable for t‘ rJ v =-s’ transformed voltage transformed current from of drive MOS transistor driven point to load Time time (= t/CR) Volt age v Laplace i Current I Laplace Vcc Supply voltage Relative error REMP length VOL. SC-18, NO. 4, AUGUST Delay in MOSFET SAKURAI, circuit CIRCUITS, search Laboratories, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Since 1968 he has been involved in the research and development of bipolar and MOS LSI devices. His most recent activities have included the development of high speed and large capacity VLSI. He is currently the Manager of the Design Technology at the LSI Research and Development Laboratory, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Hyogo, Japan. Dr. Nakano is a member of the Physical Society of Japan, The Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan, and the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. of Wiring TAKAYASU are studied. OF SOLID-STATE of minimum subindex D Distributed subindex L L ladder circuit subindex n n ladder circuit subindex T T ladder circuit, CT pole line except for CT and R ~. transistor to be driven Manuscript received June 1, 1982; revised November 24, 1982. The author is with the Semiconductor Device Engineering Laboratory, Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki 210, Japan. 001 8-9200/83/0800-041 I. I N MOSFET tor in the delay 8$01.00 LSI, determining induced INTRODUCTION a wiring delay becomes total delay of a system. by word @ 1983 IEEE an important lines, bit lines, clock fac- Particularly, lines, and bus SAKURAI: APPROXIMATION OF WIRING DELAY IN MOSFET LSI 419 problem. As model is found of the delay three c T1 well. tkan 3 percent connect ed. in reducing examples is a simplest Section of the is for in memory the [l] - [3] by partial the the capacitance and the resistance of second step is to equations, and extensive been made to solve the differential of this field At the is given by Kumar initial convenient approximated objects some behavior of this paper and the step response ous external circuit plifying the delay. The mating a partial are usually by this circuit This lines under design. are suitable models for such as a word time of of the acroughly esti- performance, lumped programs such is widely clear. of the method. of a distributed circuits Then, current drive. equivalent discussions Appendix slowest out an arbitrary A. This endpoint response function and TD(s’ ) from point about concentrated delay time the 2 in Fig. 2), some O to point and voltage line the system unchanged. on the voltage (point is important decides The same case, due to a lin- are essentially of of discus- rt/R <<1 corre>>1 to a constant on the current position choice in Fig. 2(b). of the line The and 1/ Detailed Conclusions models are mairdy are carried of IV and V. circuit. of the endpoint the good the discharging of lumped it is the account, conductance) drive and rJR of the line is explained and the accuracy calculations drain but into in this paper. in Sections by by a capaci- exact, However, voltage can be used for earit y of this for wave- Cr = rt = O in because it shows the speed. 2 is written 1 T~(s’) lines The transfer as = (1 +S’CTRT)COSO —.— - (RT+CT)fl sin-” (see Fig. ASTAP, and the accuracy The second object A comparison of of this between CR line and that is made to shed light conductance). to a constant is replaced to make the problem the drive conditions to be the former Charging-up in order by rt is not 1/(maximum on rr are given discussion the drive transistor in Fig. 2(b), as in an MOS LSI can be (1) they are simu- as SPICE, used, but drain CR and the to the gates of MOSFET’s rr and the load transistor of taking out by MOSFET’s of the wiring replacement sponds form in line delay. interconnection circuits). way (minimum Although and a delay This rt turns response bounds and in this paper is a distributed Then, of rf is between vari- stress is put on sim- generation, are summarized FOR WIRING 1) is driven Most resistance Ct as is shown simplest sions in One is for a word of the next 2) is connected to this form. tractable. value considered in Fig. 2(a). tance ap- above-mentioned V. Conclusions MODEL one end (point end (point shown work has been stage of an MOS LSI design, in order was not function circuit One of the degradation lumped method approximation lumped formulas much by equivalent paper is an assessment the transfer too the for the delay Some analytical much it is express CR line. formulas a step response system equivalent CAD which of the interconnection and final substituted SCEPTRE. LSI’S of the distributed delay of a system, a total 1 for various however, In this paper, resultant At the middle to evaluate MOS is to give simple for have A good review formulas conditions. formulas curacy. lated simple CR lines without distributed studies equations. et al. [5] to give the upper and lower done by Penfield of the CR line the re- [4]. stage of designing to have calculate CR lines are to be described The distributed differential speed as dis- the CR line delay, and the sponse of the line. to operation lines are considered to evaluate In order step is to estitnate line LSI are essential interconnection CR lines. tributed first or logic These that This circuit so it is tabulated of the in Section LSI memory CMOS The basic model line whose reduced of a chip. circuit con- VI. an equivalent lines cost, is less steps are circuit the tolerance. application are presented 11. BASIC other lumped within computational in an n-channel the other Fig. 1. Various lumped circuits used to approximate a wiring. N: no additional circuits; C: only one capacitor; R: only one resistor; CPL 1: C preceding L circuit; L 1: one-step -L circuit; PI: one-step n circuit; T1: onestep 7’ circuit; P2: two-step n ladder circuit; T2: two-step 2’ ladder circuit; P3: three-step n ladder circuit. of the delay and an external II or CR line case if three ladder error delay hand, the distributed error error IV-B. Two line there the wiring approximation T2 a tolerant circuit even when On the other case, the relative are given, L ladder The relative as 30 percent, can simulate even in the worst When proximates Section adopted to as much models In this is useful usually approximatiort. steps are concatenated. circuit very dition the to be a poor amounts ladder T ladder a result, of the on this accuracy Detailed derivation AS is seen and rt, response but from the of this (1), ratios of the line. are symmetrical load conditions equation it is not et/C the and rt/R It is interesting in (1), and this is given absolute that of determine to note indicates are of equal importance. in Appendix values C’, B. R, cl, a voltage that CT and R ~ that the drive and IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. SC-18, NO. 4, AUGUST 1983 drive MOSFET capacmve load --+ R - 0.5 –exac+ >“ < ~ >. \ 0 (a) ----m+ wwe C1J2’ exponento opproxlmatkon -40~ 2 {a) t/CR h o I m-;-m Vo (t) “(’) J J J c J n“ (b) sigle Fig. 2. (a) Basic model for wiring in MOS LSL (b) Equivalent circuit of the basic model. The drive MOSFET is replaced by an equivalent resistance rt and the load MOSFET by a capacitance. -.4 exponential opproximrtlon 1 1 I 0 i 1 2 t/CR 111, ANALYTICAL A. One Exponential ~en Function a step voltage the response Approximation is applied at the gate of a drive transistor, 2, Vz (s’), is written of point as v2(s’)=~TD(s’j, (2) Denoting the absolute ~k,.”., in an increasing V2 (t’) values of the poles of (2), O, UI, U2, . . . . order, can be expanded by using Heaviside’s 112(t’) —= vcc the response in multiexponential expansion 1+ ~ k=l Fig. 3. One exponential function approximation for a step response of an interconnection line. Exact waveform is also shown as a reference. (a) RT=CT=O. (b) RT=O, CT=l orRT= l, CT=O. Approximation is excellent at u = 0.9 vcc. APPROXIMATION in time form domain as follows, theorem: (3) Cfie-”kr’ where c~ = (-ly’ 2 {(1 @ {(1 +R$u;)(l +R$u;)(l + @&) (b) + C;o;) + (RT + CT)(1 +RTCTU,)} “ (4) Sigmas are the solutions of the following equation: : -,,3Q~ — 1 -R TCTUK tan fi=— It is shown by inspection (5) is given can be in Appendix solved A. the third vz(t’) infinity. term is equal is found exactly In other expansion only when CT = RT = O as cases, the solution must be neglected of the step response, to be less than 10-9 following be if a global the terms waveform higher than is of interest. zero to the third That can is, the equation of distributed CR (Cl) in multiexCR line. is an excellent approximation: V*(t’) —=l+C1. Vcc (3), at the time when to 0.9v cc even if CT and RT vary from This means that Cr) (6) numerical. In the multiexponential RT(ot Fig. 4. (a) Minimum pole (o ~) of transfer function line for various CT and R ~. (b) First coefficient ponential expansion of step response of a distributed of (5) that (k-;)n<uk<(k-+)fi. Howeverj z v- (5) (RT+CT)&_” Fig. 3 shows e- Olt’. a comparison and the approximated UI and and R T. Cl are plotted (7) between response the exact voltage by (7). Numerically in Fig. 4, respectively, for response calculated various CT SAKURAI: APPROXIMATION I 04 OF WIRING \ I 0’ DELAY IN MOSFET LSI 421 I 1 Parometer C~(orR71 - \ Iog./-= Ix >: v I(Y - ; ~ ~ 0,5 z >. 10 1 ladder 0.5 - step RT=CT=O L% 10 I ~o I I L 0.01 0.I 10 I R~(or o I 00 I CT) 2 t/CR (a) (a) I 8, >: 0.5 - > s >. 0 RT (or llEi T 0 I (b) (b) Fig. 5. Delay (tog) of a distributed CR line. (a) In log scale. linear scale. When x-axis is chosen for R ~, parameter is CT. x-axis is chosen for CT, parameter (b) In When is RT. B. Delay Time We define point O to tog as a time the time delay when 0.9 UC,.. Since the accuracy lay t~,g (= t0.9/CR) to a step voltage the node 2 in Fig. of (7) is excellent, is calculated at the drive 2(b) Fig. 6. Step responses of L, n, and T ladder circuits and distributed CR line for C’T = RT = O. (a) Number of ladder steps= 1. Current is also shown. (b) Number of ladder steps = 3. n and T ladder circuits approximate a distributed CR line much better than the L ladder circuit does. Although only waveforms for charging-up case are shown, those for discharge are easily seen if the chart is put upside down because of the linearity of the circuits. reaches normalized de- A. L and T Ladder Models (8) their calculated large, the delay time Fig. 5(a). of a MOSFET other hand, when constant, Fig, 5(b) limited stants. In fact, relative error be expressed to9/CR both setting linear form of this t~9 on of t~9 can that is both be approxi- a, b, and c are con- where CT, R T <1, in a very simple error the delay so as to minimize the delay The These circuits circuit coincide with are easily a distributed circuit use of the reproduce circuit Moreover, must which is useful LUMPED Initially, Transfer it is difficult discussions are suited for CAD because to improve it does not circuit IT, and T ladders are obtained in B as 1 TL(s’)= to < 1 f ! 1 1.1 percent when TJs’)=TT(s’)=-———— cos (72{) (11) where +— ) and is less than 4 percent MODEL an analytical stage of LSI simulators. programs bidirec- the approximation to the case of Ct = rt = O. are confined of L, functions Appendix (9) is within CIRCUIT deals with in the initial with a nonuni- CR line [6]. s’ 2n2 section compatible the number when the line is driven for any CT and RT. The previous a distributed pa- and the as CT and R T are less than unity, IV. here because obtained proposed be restricted response models the shape of CR line when Rajput to approximate the correct circuit from are chosen elements steps goes to infinity. ladder tionally. The names are derived the is found + CT +RT). formula blocks. of the of ladder form 1. easily. dependence these constants range = 1.02 + 2.21 (CTRT relative On the by the line itself. it is suspected in the by the drive capa- of the load. CT are small, by a + bCT + bR T + CCTRT mated The capacitance of RT and a nearly CT and R ~, so that R T and CT are to R ~ or CT, as seen from the delay is limited or the both shows to.9.When of is proportional In this region, bility almost results in Fig. unit rameters circuits S shows of n. T, and L ladder Some of the examples as follows: are shown Fig. 2 t/CR CT) are treated Step responses approximation design, Lumped but models in this section. Fig. is not These which sion 6 with responses theorem, for n = 1 and 3 are shown of these circuits responses of a distributed can be calculated similarly uk’s are expressed as to (3), (12) in CR line as a reference. through Heaviside’s expan- if ok’s and Ck’s are obtained. IEEE JOURNAL 422 OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, 1983 VOL. SC-18, NO. 4, AUGUST .4 \ ‘\ -o Ladder 2 I t/CR (a) - steps (1) , I Oistrlbuted CR, >: 0.5 - : ;N o Ladder 0 I - steps 2 t/CR (b) (b) Fig. 7. Relative error of minimum pole (REMP) of L, r, and T ladder circuits. (a) CT=RT= O. (b)RT= O, C’T= 1 Or RIJ-= 1, CT= O. REMP is almost equal to relative error of a delay as seen from Figs. 6, 8, and this figure. Accuracy of the model increases as the number of ladder steps n increases, but it saturates at about 3 or 4. Fig. 8. Step responses of L, rr, and T ladder circuits and a distributed CR line for finite CT or R ~, namely CT (R ~) = O, RT (CT) = 1. (a) Number of ladder steps= 1. (b) ~umber of ladder steps= 3. n and T ladder circuits approximate a distributed CR line much better than the L ladder circuit does. TABLE 1 or THRFE-SIEP T LADIIE.R REMP ‘~=4[nsinr=T)12 ‘k=’’””) “3’ As for the L ladder search the poles following where circuits, of (1 O). 7’(s’) Now, is one of TL(s’), an index of the to discuss tively. A relative error for this index is applied numerically to by the ‘EMP = (u, In the present REMP is proportional is almost and this situation is relatively accuracy equal seen from percent, hand, be noted in Figs. 6-8. The three 2,3 2.1 1.2 -.3 -.3 2.1 1.3 -.,/ -.2 1 1.2 1.1 .9 .1 .0 2 .7 .7 .0 .1 .U rr and T ladder that the accuracy creases, but it saturates circuit. for estimating in Fig. 7(a). model to as much is improved or four an is of interest. ladder is a as 30 I and II. because B. the load circuit response better, becomes as shown These results can be replaced external the in are calcu- This improvement capacitance by exact models elements is and the re- become and the eminent as CT and R 1’ increase. obtained The As value, becomes (Bl 3) in Appendix at the input one more the REMP has a finite approximation of these Because are satisfactory. three the effects finite steps are connected. models Since constant, used L ladder of the models at about U2, so that the (B8)- than amounts -.3 1.2 understood For time response REMP ladder using naturally worse on n is shown 2 -.3 3.1 and 8 and Tables of the delay (tog) it is suitable 1 1.2 0.01 or R= CT and sistance from of a time error Figs. 6 and 7(a), the widely even when (15) separated to the inverse of the REMP When slower Figs. 7(b) of the ladder when voltage approximation. is chosen lated to the relative easy to calculate, The dependency (REMP) CR line) -1” constant is assured of a model pole 2.1 models quantita- circuit) UI is quite as a time circuit error Concretely, of a lumped instances, lumped the approximation of a distributed it is considered the delay of the 2.3 1: Errors are in percent. 2: Negatwe (positive) value corresponds to under- (over-) estimation of the delay. and TT(s’). of a minimum in this paper. (al Tn(s’), error be settled other method ‘T L).ul U.1 u LJ formula: should poor Newton’s CZ is calculated cr MOIIFI. (P3) C’T and RT, circuit element by this addition REMP than The result L circuit the normal the L ladder Although model is much r? and T models the L ladder, is worth of C preceding is also calculated. than too, T models. rr and have the improvement the cost. L circuit is that (see CPL 1 in Fig. this CPL 1 is much (L 1) and should not 1) worse be used in any case. On the It should as n insteps. B. Recommended It either is pointed out the three-step Circuit in the previous rr or T ladder section circuit that the REMP of is less than 3 percent, SAKURAI: APPROXIMATION OF WIRING DELAY IN MOSFET LSI 423 5 TABLE 11 REMP OFTHREE-STEPT LADDER MODEL ( ~3) CT 4 ‘r o U.ol 2.3 2.3 .2.2 1.2 .7 ~ 0 : 0.01 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.1 .7 U 0 0.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 .9 .6 ; 1 -. -.3 -.2 .1 .1 2 -.3 -.3 -.2 .0 .(I u 3 U.1 1: Errors are m percent. under- (over-) 2: Negative of the delay. estlm-atlon / (positive) — J .01 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20 5(I 100 z value corresponds 5 10 20 to 1 1 I 5 10 15 types are abbreviated according to Fig. gether with dc chmacteristics of drive MOSFET. Approximation by P2 is excellent, while L2 cannot reproduce the correct response. The line denoted by one exp. approx. is calculated by simple formula (7). Dash-dot line in the figure represents dc characteristics of rt whose value is chosen to fit to.9 to the correct response. only in ordinary of widely 1. V. o .01 .1 .2 lJ 2U 50 100 — Cucuit types are abbreviated but it is not practical 5 simplest lumped tolerant error 10 20 the approximates tolerant error value 1/(ma~imum of drain Since the creases, the safer choice tables, of the always circuit This simulator of nodes included has one more that these node 3 percent, rt drain is chosen is because programs strongly than the fl ladder. circuits LSI memory LSI memoline in an n- design. lines are driven channel model effect, whose lines in the figures equivalent resistance calculated word Fig. 10 is by a p-channel are also is MOS3 of SPICE the back-gate parameters bias effect, are fitted to real show the characteristics of the For a p.channel conin- It is to be emconfined tion it is difficult delay induced Broken of 1/ drive is because 10-20 percent. by the word most of point the of 1 in the time, Fig. conductance drain below. rt 10, of triode this value exactly. conductance), which is For the usual poly - constant speed the contribution of rt corresponds on the value of rt. rt is near the value to calculate the CR time For ID depends This drain to the reasoning lines where is about error the simulation. current region response is 1/(maximum the response to tog a triode as 1/(average However, word in the voltage bad according silicon MOSFET, conductance). be chosen An easier choice limits on drive drain the drain is chosen to fit the so that it is easy to obtain is operated region). not m and depends should by (9) with MOSFET V~~ nearly linearly, (maximum rt, the value of which line delay fog drive as seen from and the T ladder are not line delay anal- assuming Fig. 9 is for a word The transistor saturation, respec- as rJR both of the word by SPICE, where word the short MOSFET the computational in the circuit recommended a de- conductance). when ANALYSIS ID versus V~~ plots of the drive MOSFET’S and IV drain gets better DELAY where the gate of the word line drive MOSFET in these figures. an n-channel is between and 1/(minimum is (1/maximum a n ladder circuit and LINE is appropriate. MOSFET. Dash-dot within III out as in a dynamic mobility one is met devices. circuit in Tables resistance approximation are candidates. the number phasized equivalent conductance) ductance). T ladders are tabulated 10 percent of the the wiring by only condition memory and includes cost, the Since the simplest This for CMOS and for all of the wir- that circuit 50. approximation TO WORD is carried memory does not wires for MOS LSI, and thus the validity design of next generation. shown circuit computation can be replaced than 10 are two examples Simulation channel 1. to reduce is recommended. The In these this IV, a wiring is greater aluminum is bootstrapped C case because the REMP used one capacitance Figs. 9 and 50 100 Table APPLICATIONS ysis. to Fig. In order on CT and R ~, they tively. according to employ ing in an LSI design. time z P3 P3 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 PIPI CCC P3P3P2P.2P1P1 PIPIPI CCC T2 ‘T2 P2 P2; :P1P1P1P1C cc T2 r2 P-2 P2 PIP IPIPI CCC PIP IPI CCC T1 T1 T1 rl el pl rl T1 T1 T1 P1 P1 P1 PIPI CCC C ‘r 1 T1 T1 T1 P1 P1 P1 P1 L1 L1 P1 P1 P1 PI Pl PIPILILILICC P1 P1 PIPIPIPILILIL1 LICC RRRRR RLILILILICC RR RRRRR RRRCN RR RR RRRR RRNN 0 .01 .1 ..2 .5 1 2 5 pends ~T .5 input waveform. if rJR capacitance ry r on the input As seen from C — for to the step voltage depend TABLE IV RECOMMENDED LUMPED CIRCUIT TO SIMULATE DISTRIBUTED CR LINE WHEN 3 PERCENTERRORIS ADMITTED : (nsec) Fig. 9. Step response of a word line in n-channel dynamic memories to- 50 1(JU P2P2P2P1P1P1P1 Cc ccc P2 P2 P2 PI P1 PIP ICC CCC P2P2P2P1P1P1P1 Cc ccc CCC T1 T1 T1 P1 P1 PIP ICC IPIPIPICC CCC rl T1 TIP PIP IPIPIPIPIP1 LIC CCC P1 P1 P1 P1 P1 PILILIC CCC RRRR RLILILI CCC RR RRRRR RC CCC RR RRRRR RCCNN RR RPRRRR CNNN RR RRRRR RCNNN Circuit rfz I - u-i’ :T .5 CR 2 LINE WHEN 10 PERCENTERRORIS ADMITTED .2 dwtrlbuted ——L2 TIME .1 — 9 TABLE 111 RECOMMENDED LUMPED CIRCUIT TO SIMULATE DISTRIBUTED CR o .01 one ,Xp Opprox — o CT ~---- 12 of the word line of the term 2.2 lrtC In this case, 30 percent estima- to 3-6 percent error of the total line. lines in Figs. 9 and 10 show the calculated waveform 424 IEEE JOURNAL 5 _—. A ‘--- /“ /’” one — / exg VOL. SC-18, L2 — rrz V(x, t) i (x, t) (t) ~ v, Fig. 11. to.9 1 8 1 5 10 15 TIME The (nsec) = error of this R ~ <1 CT, parameters. These the simple formula They fit the simulated (7j. only discharging charging-up of word lines of the line by an n-channel is discussed MOSFET here, is similar to the case of Fig. 10. An analytical mation approximation for wiring the following delays points 1) The usually proximation 2) An ifP3 other hand, P2 is enough to achieve situation approximation CR line by Ct and rf play delay. The CR line namely an important ladder circuit mended the CR line in practical circuits model use. For this are tabulated with circuit a given point and First, that error III IN useful RESPONSE THE solutions CASE (CT = O), the following at the end of R~ =O a distributed impedance termin- Under into two parts at that 12 (s’ ) = O the condition holds solu- for com- (see Appendix B): ~2 (s), (Al) V(x,s)=cosh (A2) +Wv,(s). Assuming that point case, 1 is excited by step voltage from zero to vCC,that is, Vo(s)=:, (A3) the following expression V(x, s) =; “ V(x, s) is obtained by (Al -A3): Cosh{+”:)} cosh ~ wiring The inverse for Laplace “ transformation of (A4) yields 3) If rt/R is greater ror. This with [8] can simulate should be em- the recom- and IV under vari(A5) in aluminum The a global the since of widely the condition pole of the CR line can be within 3 percent used one-capacitance rt/R >100 is usually The current minimum shape t) is calculated as met i(x, t) /()” ; = 2 ~ (-l)k-l sin k=l [(k-w:)] . ~-(k-W)2~2(t/W, of voltage one i(x, er- wiring. Consequently, duce 50, a distributed one capacitance assures the validity approximation 4) than only transfer response exponential step response (A4) steps are ous drive and load conditions. approximated of in esti- STEP C’T = of the line is given only equation = cosh (~) tools FOR OF CR line is divided 11. range [7] . Here, the time-domain position a distributed 1.1 per- entire A VOLTAGE in Fig. dis- a distributed infinite provide open, and characteristic an arbitrary x, as is shown the lines in MOS LSI. by Peirson driven any the of view, in Tables the in in determining simplest within The most when load when becomes error. Ct = r’t = O. coincides is less lines where occurs network of word capacitive role linear However, distributed ployed any voltage, as a four-port connected. the 3 percent is without a step error models For conventional short, is less than for steps of n and T relative circuit ladder difficult directly the are employed. for for two parts. ap- error ladder the accuracy with rf -0.1, tributed The relative or T3 models approximation is a poor even if three Here, as et and rt increase. better model CR line. is satisfactory. than 3 percent circuit as 30 percent, On the models approxi- As a result, AND ation is presented ~~(S) L ladder a distributed is as much are connected. ladder circuit LSI are studied. are made. adopted for delay and a lumped in MOS of word time-domain pletion. SUMMARY will EXCITATION CR line with tion VI. the VOLTAGE Exact Although formula APPENDIX curves well. simple and 4 percent formulas the behavior CURRENT using CR line into 1.02CR + 2.21 (ctrt + ctR + rtL’). for mating the distributed L as relative cent Fig. 10. Step response of a word line in CMOS memories together with dc characteristics of drive MOSFET. Discharging of a word line by an n-channel MOSFET is similar to this figure if the figure is read upside down. by 1983 v~(t) I x Dividing be calculated , 4, AUGUST I o 0 NO. opprox — d,str! buted CR ‘— / ,/ CIRCUITS, —. —— 4* OF SOLID-STATE is sufficient The wiring (A6) dominates of a distributed term [see (7)] . function delay CR line. to repro- to.9 can This can be obtained av(x, t) ax —=-r”i(x, by differentiating f) (AS), and by using (A7) SAKUR.41: APPROXIMATION OF WIRING APPENDIX DERIVATION Transfer CR line for a unit are derived in this order. 425 rt o FUNCTIONS circuits matrix circuit n-step -. and a distributed The fundamental of an n-step n and T ladder block IN MOSFET LSI B OF TRANSFER of rr, T, L ladder functions DELAY l.(s’) 1,(s’1 Vo(s’) V, (s’) Z. cosh (g) :, [ Z; 1 sinh (g) sinh (g) cosh (g) 12[s’)- FI is expressed 1 2 circuit Fig. 12. (Bl) Capacitance It is difficult ladder where circuit. Ct and resistance rr, or 7’ ladder to obtain the However, when ths L ladder circuit circuit a resistance with c, V*(S’) as [9] FI ladder happens Ft are connected circuit. counterpart to either of (B8’) Ct = O, a transfer to be equal to tht CT zero in (B8) the L, the L for functioo of the R/2n added at the input. R= b y R ~ + ~ n and setting I of T ladder Substituting leads to (B2) 1 TL(s’)=— Z. 1 . (for c@- rr ladder) (B12) cos (nf) - ~ (B3) RT + & () 1+$ @ sin (n{) r’ r _— 1 Since unit the ladder n times, block 1+1 c@- total n and T ladder where is created fundamental is When circuits by concatenating matrix as shown Fn for total the For a one-step tained ZO sinh (rig) 1 sinh (rig) cosh (rig) rt and capacitance resistance 1+; the ‘ = [ Z; ! (B4) p~= cosh (rig) F. = (Fl)n Tladder). r circuit the circuit (for 4n2 1 the transfer +(l 1 +CT)(l that IT, T, and L ladder T~l(s’)=~, (B5) circuit, function is easily ob- (B14) t~T)” “ et are added in Fig. 12, the following L as It is obvious to the ladder equations hold: distributed CR line if infinite be readily confirmed equations which them. n tending by blocks starting describe the to infinity circuits from line coincide are connected. the partial and Laplace in (B2) and (B3), with a This can differential transforming we have (B6) ng (B15) =0 Iimn+m 12(s’)=s’ctv~(s’). Then, the transfer Fig. 12 is written T(s’)=— (B7) function T(s’ ) from point O to point 1 zo=— 2 in as V*(s’) Equation Vo(s’) (B8). (1) is obtained, 1 (1+ S’CTRT) cos (nf) - substituting the relation (B 15) for ACKNOWLEDGMENT L ) ‘2+ (B16) c@- ~ CTLP @ Sin (FZ{) The author Furuyama, (B8) cussions. Dr. critical like T. Iizuka, to reading thank Mr. K. Ohuchi, and Dr. K, Tamaru He also expresses encouragement where would throughout his thanks this work to Mr. Mr. for helpful T. dis- Y. Uchida for and to Dr. K. Natori for of this paper, (B9) tan t = REFERENCES ml(”$) (BIO) @=l/fi [1] ‘fOr”ladder) [2] . l+Q r (for 4n2 Tladder). (Bll) A. E. Ruehli and P. A. Brennan, “Accurate metallization capacicitance for integrated circuits and packages,” IEEE -J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. SC~8, p. 289, Aug. 1973. T. Sakurai and K. Tamaru, “Simple formulas for two- and threedimensional capacitances,” IEEE ~ans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-30, pp. 183-185, Feb. 1983. IEEE JOURNAL 426 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] S. T. Murarka, “Resistivities of thin film transition metal sificides,” 1 Electrochem. Sot., vol. 129, p. 293, 1982; also “Refractory silicides for integrated circuit s,” J. Vat. Sci. Technol., vol. 17, p. 775, 1980. U. Kumar, “Modeling of distributed lossless and lossy structures– A review,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. 2, no. 3, p. 12, 1980. P. 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BALTES f 2 Abstract–We made shows current present in the standard, a sensitivity consumption. transistors of a novel, fully polysilicon-gate 1.2 V/T with The circuit in a CMOS-differential integrated CMOS technology. 10 V supply consists magnetic voltage field 2 - 1“ 0s 7; v The circuit 1: and 100 PA of a pair of split-drain amplifier-like sensor P MOS F configuration. & i Fig. 1. Schematic I. of the sensor. INTRODUCTION By incorporating a magnetic sensitive structure as an integral part of a conventional silicon integrated circuit, a range of magnetic sensitive integrated circuits has been developed. They are currently applied as position sensors (in keyboards, machine tool control, motors, etc.), magnetic probes, acldc current sensors, etc. The first magnetic-field sensitive MOS device was the MOS Hall element proposed by Gallagher and Corak [ 1 ] . About 103 V/AT sensitivity y can be achieved in this way [ 2]. The splitdrain MOS transistor configuration of the kind proposed by Fry and Hoey [3] shows a much higher sensitivity, VIZ, about 104 V/AT, prowded load resistors well within megaohm range are applied. It has the disadvantages of requiring high load resistors and having rather poor stability of operation [4] . Further information on split-drain MOST’s are given in [5] . In this correspondence we present a stable magnetic-field sensitive integrated circuit which enhances the action of the split-drain MOS transistor by combining two complementary devices of this type in a judiciously chosen configuration. The sensor technology is 1,2 V/T The circuit CMOS in 0018-9200/83/0800-0426$01 has 1. two polysilicon-gate rules. supply The voltage and with it differs field currents carriers due current in drain. The to the one is connected plementary in both from drain drain at the with conV/AT. following as shown to the expense increasing are in Fig. 2. The to of the current features. pairs planar leads well-known [ 6 ] as shown transistor transistors. force the load it in the MOS split-drain Lorentz current 1.2 X 104 of dynamic perpendicular in of reminiscent amplifier complementary A magnetic 100 #A achieved DESCRIPTION replaced by a single split-drain device, 2) The split drains are cross-coupled. the CMOS sensitivity to a sensitivity CIRCUIT However, The standard a structure differential Fig. 1) the design corresponds II. ances LGZ 10 V this in 6 Vm at sumption: coupling Manuscript received December 10, 1982; revised March 1, 1983. The authors are with Zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung, Landis and GYR Zug AG, CH-6 301 Zug, Switzerland. is made with surface affects deflection an increase current of the each in the one of of the other transistor to the drain with decreasing current of the comtransistor, and vice versa. Thanks to this cross. and the the drain usual dynamic currents (which percent/T) lead to large variations Fig. 3. The salient feature of the .00 @ 1983 IEEE load are technique, of the small order imbalof a few of the output voltage; see new sensor is that the pair of