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Schedule for MIS

Schedule for MIS
12/25 – Chapter 12 – Working with Dates and Times, Chapter 13 – Creating Formulas That Count and
12/26 – Chapter 14 – Creating Formulas that Look up Values, Chapter 15 – Creating Formulas for
Financial Applications, Chapter 16 – Miscellaneous Calculations, Chapter 17 – Introducing Array
12/27 – Chapter 18 – Performing Magic with Array Formulas, chapter 19 – starting charts, Chapter 20 –
Advanced Charts, Chapter 21 – Visualizing Data using Conditional Formatting
12/28 – Chapter 22, Creating Sparkline Graphics, Chapter 26 – Data Validation, Chapter 27 – Creating
and Using Worksheet Outlines, Chapter 28 – Linking and Consolidating Worksheets
12/29 – Chapter 31 – Making Worksheets Error Free, Chapter 32 – Importing and Cleaning Data, Chapter
33 – Introducing Pivot Tables, Chapter 34 – Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables
12/30 – Chapter 35 – Performing Spreadsheet What-If Analysis, Chapter 36 -Analyzing Data Using goal
Seeking and Solver, Chapter 37 – Analyzing Data with Analysis ToolPak
12/31 – Chapter 38 – Introducing Visual Basic, Chapter 39 – Creating Custom Worksheet Functions,
Chapter 40 - Userforms
1/1 – Chapter 41 – Using UserForm controls in worksheet, Chapter 42 – working with Excel Events,
1/2 – Chapter 43 – VBA examples, Chapter 44 – Creating custom Excel Add-Ins