IBM FileNet Content Manager Java API Programming (Course code F005G) Instructor Guide Book 1 of 2 Trademarks IBM® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. IBM, the IBM logo, and FileNet are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. All other company or product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. July 2007 edition The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed on an “as is” basis without any warranty either express or implied. The use of this information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the customer’s ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer’s operational environment. While each item may have been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will Result elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk. ©Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of IBM. Note to U.S. Government Users — Documentation related to restricted rights — Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions Set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. TOC TOC Contents Instructor Guide: Book 1 Module 0: Course Introduction Module 1: Content Engine Java API Overview Module 2: Communication with the Content Engine Module 3: Folders Module 4: Custom Objects Module 5: Documents Module 6: Properties Module 7: Searches Module 8: Security Instructor Guide: Book 2 Module 9: Document Versions Module 10: Document Lifecycle Module 11: Publishing Module 12: Compound Documents Module 13: Annotations Module 14: Auditing Module 15: Events and Subscriptions Appendix A: Batches Rev. 1.0 i Contents ii Rev. 1.0 0 0 Course Introduction Java API Programmer IBM FileNet Content Manager Java API Programming IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 1 Course Introduction Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 2 Course Introduction Course Introduction IBM FileNet Content Manager Java API Programming Course Modules and Appendix 0. Course Introduction 9. Document Versions 1. Content Engine Java API Overview 2. Communication with the Content Engine 3. Folders 4. Custom Objects 5. Documents 10. Document Lifecycle 6. Properties Appendix A: Batches 11. Publishing 12. Compound Documents 13. Annotations 14. Auditing 15. Events and Subscriptions 7. Searches 8. Security 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This course has fifteen modules. Although, the activities of the most modules are relatively independent, they often rely on concepts presented in the previous modules. For best results, study the course modules in the sequence presented. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 3 Course Introduction Course Introduction This Course Is for You If… Your organization has purchased an IBM FileNet P8 solution. You will write code for a business application: y That runs on the IBM FileNet P8 Platform. y That manages content on the P8 Content Engine. You need to understand the Java API for the Content Engine. 4 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 4 Course Introduction Course Introduction Course Materials Student System y An IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager system Student Guide y Slides y Information references (Help, documents) y Area for notes Student Workbook y Lab exercises 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 5 Course Introduction Course Introduction Course Orientation Breaks Lunch Restrooms Phones Emergency information Class survey 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 6 Course Introduction Course Introduction Introductions Your name Your company Your job function Any FileNet product background you have FileNet ECM project you support Your goals for attending this course Your questions or concerns 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 7 Course Introduction Rev 1.0 Course Introduction 8 1 1 Content Engine Java API Overview Java API Programmer Content Engine Java API Overview IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 1 Content Engine Java API Overview Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 2 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Overview This module consists of the following lessons: y Content Engine Java API Concepts y Content Engine Objects 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 3 Content Engine Java API Overview Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 4 Content Engine Java API Overview Module: Content Engine Java API Overview Lesson: Content Engine Java API Concepts 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 5 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Scenario y Your company has purchased a FileNet P8 system and plans to manage their content using the FileNet P8 Content Engine. As their programmer, you want an orientation to the FileNet P8 Content Engine Java API, which you will use to write a custom application for the company. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 6 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts FileNet P8 Architecture 7 Reference FileNet P8 System Guide Rationale This high-level architecture diagram shows where the various engines fit within a FileNet P8 system. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Application Engine is part of the presentation layer. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 7 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Content Engine and J2EE IBM FileNet P8 4.0 Content Engine y Built on the J2EE platform y Implemented within a J2EE standards-compliant application server y Supports a wide variety of – Operating systems – Directory service providers – Application servers – Database servers 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Content Engine can support a wide variety of environments (examples follow) because it is implemented within a J2EE standards-compliant application server environment: • Operating systems examples: Microsoft, Sun, IBM, Hewlett Packard, and Red Hat • Directory service providers examples: Microsoft Active Directory, Novell eDirectory, IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Sun Java System Directory Server • J2EE compliant application servers examples: BEA, IBM, and JBoss • Database servers examples: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, and IBM DB2 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 8 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts J2EE Architecture 9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION •J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) includes Java Specification enhancements that allow client-server applications to work with different clients. The J2EE application server provides execution environments and services, which can be used by clients (Web Container, EJB Container, and interfaces to resources such as JDBC, JMS, and JCA). Defined and enhanced by Sun (not Open Source), Java is a programming language developed for using applets in Web applications. The paradigm is “write once, run everywhere.” The compiler creates machine-independent byte code (class file) execution required by JVM as runtime environment. •Java Servlets define an API and framework for basic request and response processing. •Java Server Pages define a standard for building dynamic Web pages using Java code and custom tag libraries. •Enterprise JavaBeans describe a distributed-component model with built-in services, such as transaction management, object pooling, and automated persistence. •Web Container implements the Web component contract of the J2EE architecture. •EJB Container is a software that runs on a server and manages the EJBs. •JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) provides a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services. •JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service) provides a set of APIs that enables services to authenticate and enforce access controls on users. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) provides a generic API for access to relational databases. •JMS (Java Message Service) provides generic API for accessing point-to-point and publish and subscribe queues. •JCA (J2EE Connector Architecture) provides an abstraction layer between application components and Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). •JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is the runtime environment for byte code. Sun delivers JVM implementations for many platforms, while other vendors (such as J2EE) implement custom JVMs (such as JRockit and IBM JVM). •JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is JVM plus supporting class files. •JDK/Java SDK (Java Development Kit) is the development environment, with a compiler, packager, and other tools. •JTS/JTA (Java Transaction Service/Java Transaction API) API offers global transactions spanning multiple resources. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 9 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Content Engine Supported Transport Protocols 10 The Content Engine supports two transport protocols: y EJB (This course covers APIs that work on EJB) y Content Engine Web Service (CEWS) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Content Engine APIs provide common functionality for both Java and .NET application development. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 10 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Content Engine Java APIs Content Engine Java APIs y Provide classes for creating, accessing, and manipulating content and objects y Are platform neutral y Are compatible with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 2.0 The Content Engine Java APIs can be installed y During Content Engine installation y Anywhere, including on a non-Content Engine system 11 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 11 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Application Types Supported by the CE APIs Runtime (end user) applications y Interact with object stores y Work with objects such as documents and folders Administration applications y Perform configuration tasks y Examples: – Add-ons - Product extensions to the core FileNet P8 Content Engine components – Defining audit-event parameters Metadata authoring applications y Create class definitions, properties, and so on Note: This course includes mainly runtime application-type APIs. 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For a complete list of classes and interfaces that are used in the administration of the Content Engine Server, refer to the package com.filenet.api.admin in ecm_help: FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java API Reference Java API Reference Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 12 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Required Java Archive (JAR) Files For a Content Engine Java API EJB Transport Client JAR File Name Description jace.jar The core FileNet JAR file for the CE Java API; includes the common JAR and transport JAR log4j-1.2.13.jar The LOG4J framework for CE Java API logging An application server-specific JAR file If already in an application server, this JAR file is not required, except in a stand-alone JVM 13 HELP PATH For the complete list of JAR files, refer to ecm_help: FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide Getting Started > Concepts > Required JAR Files ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The required JAR files are installed with the Application Engine software. Refer to the online help at ecm_help/installation/_install_guide.pdf for installing the Application Engine and to the FileNet P8 documentation. By default, the JAR files are located in the C:\Program Files\FileNet\Workplace\WEB-INF\lib folder. For the module activities, you will set up the class path for these JAR files in a batch file. You can also set up the class path in the IDE. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 13 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Required JAR Files for FileNet P8 3.5.x Compatibility Required for a Content Java API Compatibility Layer client (For IBM FileNet P8 3.5.x only) JAR File Name Description javaapi.jar The class implementation files for the Content Java API compatibility layer p8cjares.jar The localizable resource strings All JAR files for a FileNet P8 4.0 CE Java API client jace.jar, log4j-1.2.13.jar, and an application server-specific JAR This table is informational only. This course deals with IBM FileNet P8 4.0 Content Engine Java API only. 14 HELP PATH For the complete list of JAR files, refer to ecm_help: FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide Getting Started > Concepts > Required JAR Files ADDITIONAL INFORMATION These JAR files are only for the FileNet P8 3.5.x Java APIs. They are located in the C:\Program Files\FileNet\Workplace\WEB-INF\lib folder of the IBM FileNet P8 3.5.x system set-up. The FileNet P8 3.5.x application must be recompiled to run on the FileNet P8 4.0 system. Instructor Notes: IBM FileNet P8 3.5.x backward compatibility is included in 4.0 system. However, continued use of 3.5.x APIs is discouraged, these APIs will be deprecated in near future. Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 14 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Commonly Used Content Engine Java Packages Package Name Description com.filenet.api.core Classes and interfaces related to the core objects of the API com.filenet.api.collection Type-safe interfaces for collections of objects com.filenet.api.constants Classes defining collections of related, type-safe constant values com.filenet.api.query Classes for performing CE searches com.filenet.api.publishing Interfaces related to publishing Interfaces related to authentication, authorization, and user- and group-specific data com.filenet.api.action Classes for making changes to objects. com.filenet.api.exception Exception-reporting framework for the CE com.filenet.api.util Utility classes and interfaces 15 Note: This list is not complete. HELP PATH For the complete list of Java Packages, refer to ecm_help: FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide Getting Started > Concepts > Java Packages and .NET Namespaces Note: These Java packages are contained in the jace.jar file. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 15 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Content Engine Authentication The IBM FileNet P8 authentication process uses two standards: 1. Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) – The framework for security interoperability in a J2EE environment 2. Web Services Security standard (WS-Security) – The framework in the heterogeneous environment of clients and servers that communicate through Web services interfaces Note: This course uses JAAS. 16 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > > Authentication ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Content Engine Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) resides within the J2EE Application Server EJB container. The CE EJB is therefore accessible only by authenticated callers, those who can pass any authorization checks that the administrator has placed on the EJB. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 16 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) JAAS – Provides a framework for securely determining who is invoking a Java application. . 17 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > > Authentication ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: JAAS configurations To use a J2EE-based application, a client must first perform a JAAS log-in by specifying a JAAS configuration (in a file). The JAAS configuration specifies the authentication technologies (LoginModules) that will be used to verify the client's credentials. A JAAS configuration file lists one entry for each configured application. Within an application entry is a list of LoginModules for that application. Based on the contents of the configuration file, the JAAS framework dynamically determines which set of authentication technologies to invoke when a client application attempts to authenticate. JAAS LoginContexts A J2EE client application must specify a JAAS configuration and a mechanism through which credentials can be obtained from a user at run time. These two items constitute a JAAS LoginContext. J2EE client applications use the LoginContext to interact with JAAS and to authenticate themselves to a J2EE server. JAAS LoginModules JAAS-compliant LoginModules are implemented by authentication technology providers. J2EE application server vendors, such as BEA, IBM, and JBOSS, typically provide LoginModules for standard types of credentials, such as username and password JAAS Subjects When a JAAS log-in has successfully completed, a JAAS Subject is returned to the caller. The Subject is a key J2EE class, which is transparently sent between J2EE clients and J2EE servers any time an EJB is invoked. A JAAS Subject contains the set of JAAS principals (authenticated identities) and JAAS credentials (authentication data such as cryptographic keys) that result from the log-in process. Each LoginModule that successfully authenticates the user updates the Subject with information about the user. A J2EE server application can examine the principals in the Subject to establish the caller's identity. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 17 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts JAAS configuration files Must establish a JAAS context prior to any requests to the CE Server The FileNet P8 CE installation provides JAAS configuration sample files y Examples: – jaas.weblogic.config – jaas.websphere.config Legacy support y CE API does an internal JAAS log-in y The client environment must include a proper JAAS configuration y The username and password model using the UserContext class is not supported 18 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > > Authentication ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The client application obtains a JAAS Subject prior to calling the Content Engine Java API. Interactions with the CE Java API cause the Content Engine EJB to be invoked. The client's JAAS subject is transparently sent to the J2EE application server with each EJB call. The application server validates the JAAS subject and confirms the caller's identity before executing any code in the Content Engine EJB. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 18 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Resources Documentation is installed with the Application Engine y http://<AEHost>:9080/ecm_help (for WebSphere) Developers Help for Content Java API y FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET Developer's Guide Javadocs for Content API y FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java API Reference Other sites y 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 19 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Java API Concepts Activities Explore the Java API Documentation y Use the links given on the preceding slide to – Locate the Content Engine developer help documents – Locate the Java API Reference that contains java API classes 20 Java Packages and .NET Namespaces Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 20 Content Engine Java API Overview Module: Content Engine Java API Overview Lesson: Content Engine Objects 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 21 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Base Classes and Interfaces on the Content Engine Many of the methods available in the CE APIs are exposed through inheritance Important base classes and interfaces y EngineObject – Top-level interface y y y y y y y RepositoryObject IndependentObject and DependentObject IndependentlyPersistableObject Subscribable Object Containable Object Versionable Object Core Objects – Core Business Objects of the CE API 22 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 22 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Interface Hierarchy interface EngineObject Containable Document also extends RepositoryObject Versionable Subscribable IndependentObject IndependentlyPersistableObject CustomObject also extends RepositoryObject Subscribable IndependentObject IndependentlyPersistableObject 23 HELP PATH For more details on the interface or class hierarchy, refer to ecm_help: …\ecm_help\developer_help\content_java_api\javadocs\overview-tree.html ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All the interfaces mentioned in the diagram are part of the com.filenet.api.* packages. Notice that Document and CustomObject interfaces are similar in their hierarchy, except that the Document interface also extends the VersionableObject interface to manage the content. CustomObject does not have content. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 23 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects EngineObject and RepositoryObject EngineObject y Represents the top-level interface from which most of the other CE API interfaces derive y Is any object known to the CE including objects outside of repositories y Examples: Domain, MarkingSet, ObjectStore, and User objects RepositoryObject y Is any object known to the CE that resides within an object store y Example: A Document object 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION EngineObject •Normally an instance of one of the EngineObject’s subclasses Is used. •Provides base functionalities such as retrieving - The Connection object that is used for communication to the CE server - The class information and properties of an object RepositoryObject •Normally an instance of one of the RepositoryObject subclasses is used. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 24 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects IndependentObject and DependentObject EngineObject IndependentObject y Has its own identity and always has an ObjectReference DependentObject y Exists within the scope of another object y Is saved to the server when attached as a child of an IndependentObject y Has identity and security that are derived from its parent object 25 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IndependentObject •Can be fetched from the server with a call to InstantiatingScope.fetchObject Factory.<classname>.fetchInstance. • Examples: Document, Folder, and CustomObject DependentObject •Is fetched using a property of parent object. •Is saved to the server when attached as a child of an IndependentObject. •Has a corresponding list-type collection. •Examples: ContentElementList, PermissionList, and ChoiceList •Has identity and security that are derived from its parent object. •Examples: ContentElement, Permissions, PropertyDefinitions, and Choices Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 25 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Base Classes and Interfaces IndependentlyPersistableObject y Is a persistable IndependentObject that you can create, update, and delete directly Subscribable Object y Serves as the target of an event subscription, represented by a Subscription-based object Versionable Object y Represents the base class for classes whose instances are versionable objects. Containable Object y Represents the base class for all objects that can be contained 26 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Versionable Object •Can have multiple associated versions in an object store. •Can be checked out, optionally edited, and checked in. Containable Object •All Containable subclasses are referentially contained except the Folder object. •Folder objects and their subclasses can be directly contained in a Folder object. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 26 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Core Objects of the API Object Description Connection Holds the information required for an application to connect to the FileNet P8 domain resources ObjectStore An independent, domain-scoped object that provides access to resources Folder A container that hold other containable objects Document A single version of a document in a object store CustomObject A general object that has no content Annotation Information that can be attached to an object 27 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 27 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Instantiating Objects – Factory Class CE Java APIs are defined as interfaces y Cannot instantiate new objects using the "new" construct y Must use a Factory class method to instantiate type-appropriate objects Factory class has static inner classes y Names parallel the standard CE API types – Example: Factory.Document Factory methods are convenient and provide type safety y No need to cast the Factory method results to a desired type y Identify programming errors on the returned type at compile time instead of at run time y The following methods are available for instantiating objects: – createInstance – fetchInstance – getInstance 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 28 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Collection Objects CE collections are y Groups of related elements y Strongly typed (contain single type objects) y Two types: List and Set List-type collection y Is a group of dependent objects or a list of primitive data items y Has a parent object to which it is scoped y Is instantiated with the createList() method on the type-specific Factory class y Can be updated directly using type-safe methods y Elements of a list are ordered and need not be unique y Examples: ContentElementList, SecurityTemplateList Set-type collection y Is a group of independent objects y Cannot be updated directly y Elements of a set are unordered and unique (some exceptions) y Examples: ObjectStoreSet, DocumentSet, FolderSet 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 29 Content Engine Java API Overview Content Engine Objects Activities Explore the Java API Documentation y Use the links provided in the preceding lesson to – Locate the Java API Reference that contains java API classes 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Content Engine Java API Overview 30 2 2 Communication with the Content Engine Server Java API Programmer Communication with the Content Engine IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 1 Communication with the Content Engine Server Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 2 Communication with the Content Engine Server Communication with the Content Engine This module consists of these lessons: y Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain y Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 3 Communication with the Content Engine Server Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 4 Communication with the Content Engine Server Communication with the Content Engine Lesson: Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 5 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Scenario y Your company manages its content using the IBM FileNet Content Manager. As their programmer, you will write code to communicate with the Content Engine server by getting a connection to a FileNet P8 Domain. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 6 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to get a connection to a FileNet P8 domain 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 7 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.Connection.getConnection(…) UserContext.createSubject(…) UserContext.get() userContext.pushSubject(…) 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 8 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Connection Object The Connection object y Represents a logical connection to a FileNet P8 domain y Contains information for configuration options: – Needed to execute an operation on the CE server – A URI includes the transport protocol (connection type), host name, and port number All engine objects maintain a reference to the connection instance y You retrieve it by calling the getConnection method of the engine object 9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION An incorrect configuration is the most frequent cause of an exception related to a connection failure. Example: If the URI carried by the Connection object specifies the EJB transport protocol but an EJB .jar file is not in the class path, the API throws an exception. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 9 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Steps to Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain 1. Create a new Connection object Factory.Connection.getConnection(…) 2. Authenticate with the application server UserContext.createSubject(…) 3. Get the UserContext object associated with the current thread UserContext.get() 4. Make the specified JAAS Subject active userContext.pushSubject(…) 10 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 10 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Factory.Connection.getConnection(…) public static Connection getConnection(String uri) Parameters y uri - Specify the Universal Resource Identity (URI) for this connection WebLogic - t3://servername:port/FileNet/Engine WebSphere - iiop://servername:port/FileNet/Engine Returns y A Connection object Notes: y A domain connection is required to obtain a reference to any object y stored within that domain. This method uses default configuration parameters. 11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION •There is another variation of this method (takes additional parameter for configuration): public static Connection getConnection(java.lang.String uri, ConfigurationParameters parameters) •Configuration parameters represent a group of parameters that defines the behavior of the client API. •The method discussed in the slide is equivalent to calling getConnection(uri, new ConfigurationParameters()). Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 11 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain UserContext.createSubject(…) public static createSubject(Connection conn, String user, String password, String optionalJAASStanzaName) Parameters y y y y conn - Specify the Connection object for this thread; cannot be null user - Specify the username to be authenticated password - Specify the user’s password optionalJAASStanzaName - Specify the JAAS configuration stanza name. – If it is null, the stanza name defaults to “FileNetP8” Returns Notes y JAAS Subject object y The client must be properly configured for JAAS. 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION •This method uses standard JAAS calls to authenticate with the application server and return a JAAS Subject object. •The calling code can optionally provide a JAAS configuration stanza name. •The returned Subject has no association to the current user context. The caller must use the Subject with the UserContext. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 12 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain UserContext.get() public static UserContext get() Parameters y Nothing Returns y A UserContext object associated with the current thread Notes y When no user context has been set, a default user context exists containing the current locale default from the JVM 13 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 13 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain userContext.pushSubject(…) public void pushSubject ( sub) Parameters y sub - The JAAS Subject to be associated with the thread – Cannot be null Returns y Nothing Notes y This method saves any previously active Subject and makes the specified Subject active. 14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION To restore the previous Subject, call the popSubject() method. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 14 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Sample Code to Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain String uri = "t3://localhost:7001/FileNet/Engine"; String username = "Administrator"; String password = "filenet"; Connection conn = Factory.Connection.getConnection(uri); Subject subject = UserContext.createSubject (conn, username, password, null); UserContext uc = UserContext.get(); uc.pushSubject(subject); 15 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 15 Communication with the Content Engine Server Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain Complete this activity y Get a Connection to a FileNet P8 Domain 16 Instructor Notes: Students need to copy the \Source\ subfolder from C:\CMJavaAPIProgMaterials to C:\. We ask them to copy these files so that that the students can type the short folder names without spaces in the DOS window. Also make and run bat files assume this folder structure. Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 16 Communication with the Content Engine Server Communication with the Content Engine Lesson: Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores 17 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 17 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Scenario y You need to access the Domain object to retrieve other objects in the domain. As a programmer for the Content Manager, you will write code to retrieve the Domain and the ObjectStore objects. 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 18 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve the Domain and the ObjectStore objects. 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 19 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(…) domain.get_ObjectStores() 20 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 20 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Domain Object The Domain object y Represents a collection of resources and services sharing the same Global Configuration Database (GCD) y Is associated with one or more security realms for authenticating users The Java API y Cannot create a new Domain object y Can retrieve an already persisted Domain object 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 21 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores GCD and Domain Objects For each Domain object, the GCD defines a common set of attributes y Attributes control the functional characteristics of resources and services for the domain Domain resources y Sites and their virtual servers and server instances y Object store databases y Full-text index areas y File storage areas y Content cache areas y Add-ons y Marking sets 22 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 22 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Steps to Retrieve a Domain and Objectstores 1. Get the Domain Object Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the Objectstores domain.get_ObjectStores() 23 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION An object-valued Domain property can also be retrieved by calling ObjectStore.getDomain() method. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 23 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(…) public static Domain fetchInstance(Connection conn,String name,PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y conn – Specify the Connection object y name – Specify the symbolic name of the class instance to retrieve y filter – Specify a PropertyFilter object Returns y A Domain object Notes y This method always makes a round trip to the server. 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If the PropertyFilter value is null, this method returns values for all non-object properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 24 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores domain.get_ObjectStores() public ObjectStoreSet get_ObjectStores() Parameters y None Returns y The collection of ObjectStore objects associated with a given FileNet P8 domain 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 25 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Sample Code to Retrieve the Domain String domainName = "P8Domain"; Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance( connection, domainName, null); System.out.println(domain.get_Name()); 26 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 26 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Sample Code to Retrieve the Object Stores ObjectStoreSet osSet = domain.get_ObjectStores(); ObjectStore store; Iterator osIter = osSet.iterator(); while (osIter.hasNext()) { store = (ObjectStore); System.out.println(store.get_Name()); } 27 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 27 Communication with the Content Engine Server Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve the Domain and the Object Stores Complete these activities y Retrieve the Domain y Retrieve the Object stores 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Communication with the Content Engine Server 28 3 3 Folders Java API Programmer Folders IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 1 Folders Rev 1.0 Folders 2 Folders Folders This module consists of these lessons: y Create and Delete Folder Objects y Retrieve Objects from a Folder 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 3 Folders Rev 1.0 Folders 4 Folders Module: Folders Lesson: Create and Delete Folder Objects 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 5 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to create a folder y Write code to delete a folder 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 6 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Scenario y The accounting department of your company wants to create a folder for each customer to store their ordering information. As their programmer, you will add a folder feature that allows users to create and delete folders. 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 7 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson folder. createSubFolder(…) Factory.Folder.createInstance(…) Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(…) objectStore.get_RootFolder() folder.set_Parent(…) folder.set_FolderName(…)…) folder.get_Name() Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(…) folder.delete() 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 8 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Folder Definition Folder object y Is a container that can hold other containable objects such as – Child folders – Documents, custom objects, and their subclasses y Cannot have content data of its own Child folders y Are directly contained y Have one-to-many relationship y Can be referentially contained – Cannot participate in hierarchy index searches Documents and custom objects y Are referentially contained using the – ReferentialContainmentRelationship or – DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship classes y Have many-to-many relationship 9 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 9 Folders Steps to Create a Folder Object Persist in the Object Store Object Store 5. Save 2. Get Root Folder 1. Create an Instance of a Folder S E T S E T 3. Set Parent Folder 4.Set Folder Name 10 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Create a subfolder under the root or parent folder • Get the root or parent folder from the object store • Set parent folder • Set folder name • Save the folder Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 10 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Steps to Create a Folder Object 1. Create a subfolder under the root or parent folder folder.createSubFolder(…) Or Factory.Folder.createInstance(…) 2. Get the root or parent folder from the object store Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(…) objectStore.get_RootFolder() Or Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(…) 3. Set parent folder folder.set_Parent(…) 4. Set folder name folder.set_FolderName(…) 5. Save the folder…) 11 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 11 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects folder. createSubFolder(…) public Folder createSubFolder(String name) Parameters y name - Specify the name of the subfolder you want to create – Cannot be an empty string – The following characters are not allowed: * \ / : * ? " % & > | Returns y A Folder object that represents the new subfolder Notes y This method creates a directly contained subfolder for this folder. 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Three methods are used to create a subfolder: Factory.Folder.createInstance(…) ObjectStore.createObject(…) Folder.createSubFolder(…) There is no performance difference among these methods. However, the createSubFolder() method is preferred for type-safety reasons. It ensures that a couple of required properties are set on the newly created subfolder. Factory.Folder.createInstance() method is also discussed on the next slide and used in the code. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 12 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Factory.Folder.createInstance(…) public static Folder createInstance(ObjectStore os,String classId) Parameters y os - Specify the name of the objectstore y classId – Specify the identifier of the folder subclass you want to create. It can be either of the following: – Class name constant – Symbolic name of the class Returns y An object reference to a new instance of this Folder subclass Notes y This method creates a directly contained subfolder for this folder. 13 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 13 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(…) public static ObjectStore fetchInstance(Domain domain, String name, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y domain - Specify the Domain object to which this class instance is scoped y name - Specify the symbolic name of the class instance to retrieve y filter - Specify a PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to return Returns y The ObjectStore object requested Notes y If the value for the property filter is null, this method returns the following: – Values for all non-object properties – Placeholders for all object-valued properties 14 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 14 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects objectStore.get_RootFolder() public Folder get_RootFolder() Parameters y None Returns y The value of the RootFolder property Notes y Root folder is the automatically created Folder object representing the root of the container hierarchy associated with this Object Store. 15 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 15 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects folder.set_Parent(…) public void set_Parent(Folder value) Parameters y value - Specify the parent folder for this folder you created Returns y Nothing Notes y This method sets the value of the Parent property. 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 16 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects folder.set_FolderName(…) public void set_FolderName(String value) Parameters y value - Specify the name of the subfolder you want to create – Cannot be an empty string – The following characters are not allowed: * \ / : * ? " % & > Returns y Nothing Notes y This method sets the value of the FolderName property. 17 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 17 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects…) public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode) Parameters y refreshMode - Specify whether or not to refresh all of the object properties Returns y Nothing Notes y This method saves changes made to this folder object. y Optionally refreshes all of the object properties. 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 18 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects folder.get_Name() public String get_FolderName() Parameters y None Returns y A String representing the name of this folder 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 19 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Sample Code to Create a Folder Create a folder under the root folder Folder myFolder = Factory.Folder.createInstance(objectStore,null); Folder rootFolder = objectStore.get_RootFolder(); myFolder.set_Parent(rootFolder); myFolder.set_FolderName(“NewFolder");; Create a subfolder to an existing folder Folder subFolder = myFolder.createSubFolder(“newSubFolder");; 20 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Folder.createSubFolder(…) method is preferred for type-safety reasons. It ensures that a couple of required properties are set on the newly created subfolder. This sample code also shows the use of other method to create a folder: Factory.Folder.createInstance(…) There is no performance difference between these methods. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 20 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Steps to Delete a Folder Object 1. Get the folder to be deleted Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(…) 2. Delete the folder folder.delete() 3. Save the folder…) 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 21 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(…) public static Folder fetchInstance(ObjectStore os,String path, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y os – Specify the Object Store object where this folder is located y path - Specify the full-qualified pathname for the Folder object in a String y filter – Specify a PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to return Returns y The specified Folder object Notes y If the value for the property filter is null, this method returns the following: – Values for all non-object properties – Placeholders for all object-valued properties 22 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 22 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects folder.delete() public void delete() Parameters y None Returns y Nothing Notes y Cannot delete the root folder. y Must commit the change to the repository. y In order to delete a folder with directly contained subfolders, the subfolders must first be deleted. y Other objects are automatically unfiled from the folder. y The user must have delete permissions on this Folder object. 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 23 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Sample Code to Delete a Folder String folderToDelete = "/Test"; Folder delFolder= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance (objectStore,folderToDelete, null); delFolder.delete();; 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The…) method needs to be called to persist the changes made to this folder (deletion in this case). Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 24 Folders Create and Delete Folder Objects Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Create and Delete Folder Objects Complete these activities y Create Subfolders y Delete a Folder 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 25 Folders Rev 1.0 Folders 26 Folders Module: Folders Lesson: Retrieve Objects from a Folder 27 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 27 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve subfolders from a folder y Write code to retrieve Document objects from a folder y Write code to retrieve all the objects from a folder 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 28 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Scenario y The billing section in your company wants to retrieve customer information from the Customer folder. As their programmer, you will write code to retrieve the contents of a folder when an employee accesses the folder. 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 29 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson folder.get_SubFolders() folder.get_ContainedDocuments() folder.get_Containees() referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Name() referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Head() independentObject.getClassName() independentObject.fetchProperties(…) independentObject.getProperties() 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 30 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Referential Containment Most objects “contained” in folders “by reference” y Hence, same object can be filed in any number of folders Static relationship between an object and each of its folders represented by a: y ReferentialContainmentRelationship object Dynamic relationship between current document version and each of its folders represented by a: y DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship object In relationship, Tail points to folder, Head points to contained object en fer Re tia l Dy nam ic 31 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Containable subclasses are CodeModule, CustomObject, Document, Folder, PublishStyleTemplate, PublishTemplate, WorkflowDefinition, XMLPropertyMappingScript The ReferentialContainmentRelationship is a static relationship between a folder and a custom object, a workflow definition, or a specific document version. The DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship is a dynamic relationship between a folder and the latest version of a document. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 31 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Steps to Retrieve Objects from a Folder Retrieve the child folders from a parent folder folder.get_SubFolders() Retrieve the documents from a folder folder.get_ContainedDocuments() Retrieve all the objects contained in a folder folder.get_Containees() Get information about the retrieved objects referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Name() referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Head() independentObject.getClassName() independentObject.fetchProperties(…) independentObject.getProperties() 32 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 32 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder folder.get_SubFolders() public FolderSet get_SubFolders() Parameters y None Returns y A FolderSet collection which has the directly contained child folders of this Folder Notes y Any referentially contained child folders are not included in the collection. 33 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 33 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder folder.get_ContainedDocuments() public DocumentSet get_ContainedDocuments() Parameters y None Returns y A DocumentSet collection, which has the Documents contained within this folder 34 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 34 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder folder.get_Containees() public ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet get_Containees() Parameters y None Returns y A ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet collection, which has the ReferentialContainmentRelationship objects contained within this folder 35 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 35 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Name() public String get_Name() Parameters y None Returns y A String representing the name of this object 36 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 36 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder referentialContainmentRelationship.get_Head() public IndependentObject get_Head() Parameters y None Returns y The value of the Head property – Head is an IndependentlyPersistableObject instance that participates as the logical head (containee) in a relationship between two objects Notes y For a ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, the head can be any of the Containable subclasses: – CustomObject, Document, or Folder object y If the head is a Document, it represents a specific document version. 37 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For a DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship object, the head is always a versionable object representing the current document version. For a Link object, this property can specify any object that is a subclass of the IndependentObject base class. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 37 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder independentObject.getClassName() public String getClassName() Parameters y None Returns y The name of the class from which this object is instantiated 38 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 38 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder independentObject.fetchProperties(…) public void fetchProperties(PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y filter – Specify a PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to return – This parameter cannot be null Returns y None Notes y This method retrieves this object from the server and merges existing information in the property cache with the retrieved. y If this object has changed on the server since it was last retrieved, you must call a refresh method first. 39 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 39 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder independentObject.getProperties() public Properties getProperties() Parameters y None Returns y A Properties collection representing the cached properties of this object Notes y An object reference will not have values in its property collection. y If the properties of an object reference are required, you must refresh the object before calling this method. 40 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 40 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Sample Code to Retrieve Folder Objects Get the parent folder Folder folder= Factory.Folder.fetchInstance (objectStore,parentFolder, null); Get the subfolders FolderSet subFolders = folder.get_SubFolders(); Iterator it = subFolders.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Folder subFolder = (Folder); String name = subFolder.get_FolderName(); } 41 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 41 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Sample Code to Retrieve Document Objects DocumentSet documents = folder.get_ContainedDocuments(); Iterator it = documents.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ Document retrieveDoc = (Document); String name = retrieveDoc.get_Name(); } 42 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 42 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Sample Code to Retrieve Objects from a Folder ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet refConRelSet = folder.get_Containees(); Iterator it = refConRelSet.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()){ ReferentialContainmentRelationship retrieveObj =(ReferentialContainmentRelationship); IndependentObject containee = retrieveObj.get_Head(); String className = containee.getClassName(); String displayName = retrieveObj.get_Name(); containee.fetchProperties(propertyFilter); String name = containee.getProperties(). getStringValue(PropertyNames.NAME); } 43 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 43 Folders Retrieve Objects from a Folder Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve Objects from a Folder Complete these activities y Retrieve the Objects from a Folder 1. Get Subfolders 2. Get Documents 3. Get All of the Objects 44 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Folders 44 4 4 Custom Objects Java API Programmer Custom Objects IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Custom Objects This unit consists of these lessons: y Create Custom Objects y Retrieve Custom Object Properties 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Module: Custom Objects Lesson: Create Custom Objects 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Scenario y Morgan registers online to be a travel agent for the company. The application uses a custom object class to store the travel agents profile. You, as a programmer, will write code to create an instance of the class each time a travel agent enters this information. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to create a custom object y Write code to set the properties to the custom object y Write code to file the custom object to a folder 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.CustomObject.createInstance(…) customObject.getProperties() properties.putValue(…)…) folder.file(…)…) 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects What Are Custom Objects? A custom object is an object without content y Created to model its business process usage y Named for its business process usage y Used to store properties Like a Document object, a custom object y y y y y Is independently securable Can be persisted in an object store Can be filed into a folder Can have annotations associated with it Can subscribe to server-side events 9 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Custom Objects Are Unlike Documents Unlike a Document object, a custom object does not y y y y y Carry content Have a default Name property (in the CustomObject class) Have multiple versions Support lifecycle states Have all the system properties that a document has 10 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Why Use Custom Objects? Use custom objects when y The object simply stores properties y Saved versions of the object are not needed y Custom properties are needed for the objects in a class Applications often associate custom properties with the objects they process y Create a CustomObject subclass for each set of application-specific custom properties y To link the subclass with another object, create a custom property that points to the associated object by using the associated object GUID as the value 11 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine development > Java and .NET Developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Steps to Create a Custom Object 1. Create an Instance of Custom Object 2. Get Properties Properties Collection 3. Set Values 4. S A V E Persist in the Object Store 5. File p u t p u t Property-1 Set Value Property-2 Set Value Folder 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Create an instance of custom object 2. Get the Properties of the custom object 3. Set Properties to the custom object 4. Save the custom object 5. File the custom object in a folder (optional) Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Steps to Create a Custom Object 1. Create an instance of custom object Factory.CustomObject.createInstance(…) 2. Get the Properties of the custom object customObject.getProperties() 3. Set Properties to the custom object properties.putValue(…) 4. Save the custom object…) 5. File the custom object in a folder (optional) folder.file(…)…) 13 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The steps involved to create a custom object are very similar to creating a Document object except that no content is added. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Factory.CustomObject.createInstance(…) public static CustomObject createInstance(ObjectStore os,String classId) Parameters y os - Specify the object store where this custom object is to be persisted y classId - Specify the symbolic name of the class instance to create Returns y An object reference to a new instance of this CustomObject class Notes y This method creates a new instance of the specified CustomObject class. y You must call save method to persist this object in the object store. 14 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects customObject.getProperties () public Properties getProperties() Parameters y None Returns y A Properties collection representing the cached properties of this object Notes y An object reference does not have values in its property collection. y Therefore, you must refresh the object before calling this method. y This method is inherited from EngineObject interface 15 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects properties.putvalue(…) public void putValue(String propertyName,String value) Parameters y propertyName - Specify the property name y value - Specify the value for the property Returns y None Notes y This method creates or updates a PropertyString instance in this Properties collection. y If a property with the same name already exists in the collection, its value will be replaced with the value provided. 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects…) public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode) Parameters y refreshMode - Specify whether or not to refresh all of the object properties y RefreshMode.NO_REFRESH or RefreshMode.REFRESH Returns y None Notes y This method saves changes made to this object. y You can optionally refresh all of the object properties. 17 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects folder.file(…) public ReferentialContainmentRelationship file(IndependentlyPersistableObject containee,AutoUniqueName autoUniqueName,String containmentName,DefineSecurityParentage defineSecurityParentage) Parameters y containee - Specify the custom object to be filed y autoUniqueName - Specify whether or not to resolve the containment y y names for uniqueness containmentName - Specify a name for the containment defineSecurityParentage – DEFINE_SECURITY_PARENTAGE Returns y A ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, where this folder is the tail and the custom object filed is the head Notes y This method files the custom object to this folder. 18 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Parameters: AutoUniqueName : Specifies whether or not the naming collision (non-uniqueness) of the containment name is to be detected and automatically resolved Containment names are set on ReferentialContainmentRelationship or DynamicReferentialContainmentRelationship objects. If a naming collision is detected, the containment name of the object is automatically appended with an integer in parentheses (Example: "myDocument(2)"). Containment names are modified only when a naming collision is detected. Values: AUTO_UNIQUE NOT_AUTO_UNIQUE DefineSecurityParentage: Specifies that whether or not the object defines the security parentage for its child objects. - DEFINE_SECURITY_PARENTAGE - DO_NOT_DEFINE_SECURITY_PARENTAGE Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects…) public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode) Parameters y refreshMode - Specifies whether or not to refresh all of the properties of the object. Returns y Nothing Notes y There is another version of this method: – public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode, PropertyFilter filter) – A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to refresh – Specifying null for property filter is the same as calling save(RefreshMode refreshMode) 19 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RefreshMode.NO_REFRESH RefreshMode REFRESH Specifies that upon saving or committing the object, its property cache is not refreshed with updated data from the Content Engine server. Specifies that upon saving or committing the object, its property cache is refreshed with updated data from the Content Engine server. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Sample Code to Create a Custom Object CustomObject myObject = Factory.CustomObject. createInstance(os,"TravelAgent"); Properties props = myObject.getProperties(); props.putValue("AgentName", “John Smith"); props.putValue("Age", 29);; ReferentialContainmentRelationship rel = folder.file(myObject,AutoUniqueName.AUTO_UNIQUE, customObjectName, DefineSecurityParentage.DO_NOT_DEFINE_SECURITY_PA RENTAGE);; 20 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Create Custom Objects Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Create Custom Objects Complete these activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create a Custom Object Set the Properties File the Custom Object to a Folder Call the Methods Run the Code and Verify the Results 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Module: Custom Objects Lesson: Retrieve Custom Object Properties 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Scenario 1 y The application has a custom object class that stores the emergency contact information for each customer. As the programmer, you will write code to retrieve custom object properties in order to modify the emergency contact object each time a customer updates this information. Scenario 2 y The application has a custom object class that stores travel agent profiles. As the programmer, you will write code to retrieve properties in order to modify the profile object each time a travel agent updates this information. 24 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve custom object properties 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.CustomObject.fetchObject(…) customObject.getProperties(…) properties.getInteger32Value(…) properties.getStringValue(...) properties.getDateTimeValue(...) 26 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Steps to Retrieve Custom Object Properties 1. Get the custom object Factory.CustomObject.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the custom object Properties collection customObject.getProperties(…) 3. Get the value of each property properties.getStringValue(…) properties.getInteger32Value(…) properties.getDateTimeValue(…) 27 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Factory.CustomObject.fetchInstance(…) public static CustomObject fetchInstance (ObjectStore os,String path, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y os - Specify the object store in which this custom object is located y path - Specify the full folder path for the custom object y filter - Specify a PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to return Returns y The requested CustomObject object Notes y If the value for the property filter is null, this method returns – Values for all non-object properties – Placeholders for all object-valued properties 28 Instructor Notes: In the module activity, the students will use null value for the property filter for simplicity. In other modules later, property filter is used. Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties CustomObject.getProperties(…) public Properties getProperties() Parameters y None Returns y A Properties collection representing the cached properties of this object Notes y CustomObject inherits this method from the EngineObject interface. y If the properties of an object reference are required, refresh the object before calling this method. 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties properties.getStringValue(…) public String getStringValue(String propertyName) Parameters y propertyName – Specify the property name for which you want to retrieve the value Returns y A String specifying the value of this property Notes y This method locates a PropertyString property by name in this Properties collection and returns the value it holds. 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties properties.getInteger32Value(…) public Integer getInteger32Value(String propertyName) Parameters y propertyName – Specify the property name for which you want to retrieve the value Returns y An Integer specifying the value of this property Notes y This method locates a PropertyInteger32 property by name in this Properties collection and returns the value it holds. 31 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties properties.getDateTimeValue(…) public Date getDateTimeValue (String propertyName) Parameters y propertyName – Specify the property name for which you want to retrieve the value Returns y A Date specifying the value of this property Notes y This method locates a PropertyDateTime property by name in this Properties collection and returns the value it holds. 32 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Sample Code to Retrieve Custom Object Properties CustomObject myObject = Factory.CustomObject.fetchInstance(store, folderPath, null); String CustomObjName = myObject.get_Name(); props = myObject.getProperties(); String name = props.getStringValue("agent_name"); Integer age = props.getInteger32Value("age"); Date dateCreated= props.getDateTimeValue (PropertyNames.DATE_CREATED); System.out.println("Travel Agent Name: "+name ); System.out.println("Travel Agent age: " + age); System.out.println("Date created: " + dateCreated); 33 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects Custom Objects Retrieve Custom Object Properties Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve Custom Object Properties Complete this activity: y Retrieve Custom Object Properties 34 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Custom Objects 5 5 Documents Java API Programmer Documents IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 1 Documents Rev 1.0 Documents 2 Documents Documents This module consists of these lessons: y Create Document Objects y Retrieve a Document and Its Content 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 3 Documents Rev 1.0 Documents 4 Documents Module: Documents Lesson: Create Document Objects 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 5 Documents Create Document Objects Scenario y Your application requires a feature that creates a Document object on the Content Engine whenever some one adds content. You, as the programmer, will write code to accomplish this. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 6 Documents Create Document Objects Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y y y y Write code to create a Document object Write code to set content to the document and check in Write code to set the properties to the document and save Write code to file the document to a folder 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 7 Documents Create Document Objects Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.Document.createInstance(…) Factory.ContentElement.createList() Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance() contentTransfer.setCaptureSource(…) contentTransfer.set_ContentType(…) Factory.ContentReference.createInstance() contentReference.set_ContentLocation(…) contentReference.set_ContentType(…) contentElementList.add(…) Note: Additional methods are listed on the following slide. 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 8 Documents Create Document Objects Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson (Continued) (Continued) document.set_ContentElements(…) document.checkin() document.getProperties() properties.putValue() document.set_MimeType(…) …) folder.file(…)…) 9 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 9 Documents Create Document Objects Document Objects A Document object y Is an instance of the document class or a subclass A Document object can have the following: y One or more content elements y Associated annotations y Metadata or properties that are used for identification Document content elements are stored y Locally - Object store y Externally A Document object can be versioned y Each version of each Document content element is –Assigned a version number –Saved as a separate, accessible, unique entity 10 Help Path: FileNet P8 documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Content Engine Administration > Content Engine Overview > Features > Documents FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The main difference between the Document objects and CustomObject objects: CustomObject objects do not have content or versions but Document objects do. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 10 Documents Create Document Objects Available Actions on Document Objects A Document object can be y y y y y Filed in a folder Secured Repurposed for FileNet site publishing Set up to be searched for and retrieved Associated with other documents to form compound documents In addition, a Document object can be y Subclassed to add additional custom properties to the 11 y y y y Document Associated with lifecycle policies Subscribed to a server-side event Used as an attachment in a workflow step Designated as the target for a workflow subscription Help Path: FileNet P8 documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Content Engine Administration > Content Engine Overview > Features > Documents FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Getting Started > Concepts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Security, search, publish, and subscription concepts are presented in separate modules in this course. Workflow concepts will be covered in a separate course. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 11 Documents Create Document Objects Steps to Create a Document Content Element List 2. Set Content 1. Create an Instance of Document 3. C H E C K I n a d d Content Transfer -1 4. Get Properties 6. S A V E Persist in the Object Store 5. Set Values a d d Content Reference Properties Collection p p u u t t Property-1 Set Value 7. File a d d Content Transfer -2 Property-2 Set Value Folder 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Create a Document object 2. Set Contents to the Document object - Create an empty ContentElementList collection - Create a ContentTransfer object - Specify the source of the content - Add contentTransfer element to the contentElementList collection - Set content to the Document object 3. Check in the document 4. Get Properties from the document 5. Set Properties to the document 6. Save the document 7. File the document in a folder (optional) Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 12 Documents Create Document Objects Steps to Create a Document Object 1. Create a Document object Factory.Document.createInstance(…) 2. Set Contents to the Document object See the next slide 3. Check in the document document.checkin() 4. Get Properties from the document document.getProperties() 5. Set Properties to the document properties.putValue() document.set_MimeType(…) 6. Save the document…) 7. File the document in a folder (optional) folder.file(…)…) 13 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 13 Documents Create Document Objects Steps to Set Content of the Document object 1. Create an empty ContentElementList collection Factory.ContentElement.createList() 2. Create a ContentTransfer object Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance() 3. Specify the source of the content contentTransfer.setCaptureSource(…) 4. Add contentTransfer element to the contentElementList collection contentElementList.add(…) 5. Set content to the Document object document.set_ContentElements(…) 14 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 14 Documents Create Document Objects Factory.Document.createInstance(…) public static Document createInstance(ObjectStore os,String classId) Parameters y os - Specify the object store where this Document is to be persisted y classId - Specify the symbolic name of the class instance to create Returns y An object reference to a new instance of this Document class Notes y This method creates a new instance of the specified Document class. y You must call save method to persist this object in the object store. 15 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 15 Documents Create Document Objects Factory.ContentElement.createList() public static ContentElementList createList() Parameters y None Returns y ContentElementList object Notes y This method creates a new instance of this collection class. y This list is a dependent object. y It is persisted on the server when its parent object has been saved with this new list. 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 16 Documents Create Document Objects Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance() public static ContentTransfer createInstance() Parameters y None Returns y A ContentTransfer object Notes y This method creates a new instance of ContentTransfer class. y This object is a dependent object. y It is persisted on the server when its parent object has been saved. 17 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 17 Documents Create Document Objects contentTransfer.setCaptureSource(…) public void setCaptureSource( source) Parameters y Source - Specify the source of the content data in an InputStream object Returns y Nothing 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 18 Documents Create Document Objects contentTransfer.set_ContentType(…) public void set_ContentType(String type) Parameters y type – Specify the MIME format of the content data carried by this content element Returns y Nothing Notes y The specified Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format y string of the content data indicates to the server what kind of data this content element represents. If you do not set the ContentType property, it is automatically set by the server. 19 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • ContentTransfer class inherits set_Contenttype(…) method from ContentElement interface. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 19 Documents Create Document Objects Factory.ContentReference.createInstance() public static ContentReference createInstance() Parameters y None Returns y A ContentReference object Notes y This method creates a new instance of ContentReference class. y This object is a dependent object. y It is persisted on the server when its parent object has been saved. 20 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • The ContentReference object represents external content data that exists outside of an object store (and therefore outside the control of the Content Engine server), but to which an object store maintains a reference. • The URL of the resource that contains the content data is stored in the ContentLocation property. • The object is persisted to an object store when its parent object (the independently persistable object that references it) is persisted. • The most frequently used form of this method takes no arguments. Since a dependent object is persisted to the object store of its parent, there is no need to specify an object store. • A second form of this method, provided for backward compatibility with the FileNet P8 Content Engine COM API, takes an object store argument. If the specified object store is not that of the parent object, an exception is thrown when the parent is persisted. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 20 Documents Create Document Objects contentReference.set_ContentLocation (…) public void set_ContentLocation(String location) Parameters y location - Specify, in URL format, the name of the resource that contains the content data represented by this ContentReference object Returns y Nothing 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 21 Documents Create Document Objects contentReference.set_ContentType(…) public void set_ContentType(String type) Parameters y type – Specify the MIME format of the content data carried by this content element Returns y Nothing Notes y The specified Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format y string of the content data indicates to the server what kind of data this content element represents. If you do not set the ContentType property, it is automatically set by the server. 22 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • ContentTransfer class inherits set_Contenttype(…) method from ContentElement interface. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 22 Documents Create Document Objects document.set_ContentElements(…) public void set_ContentElements(ContentElementList value) Parameters y value - Specify the ContentElementList that has the content elements Returns y Nothing Notes y This method sets the content to the Document object. y Each content element in the list represents content data. y Data can be either – Local to an object store (represented by ContentTransfer object) – External (represented by a ContentReference object) 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 23 Documents Create Document Objects document.checkin(…) public void checkin(AutoClassify autoClassify, CheckinType checkinType) Parameters y autoClassify - Specify an autoClassify constant whether or not to y enable autoclassification of a document during check-in checkinType - Specify a CheckinType constant whether to check in a document as a new minor version or as a new major version Returns y Nothing Notes y This method checks in this document reservation object by saving it as a new document version. y You must have the appropriate access rights to check in a document. 24 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Parameters : AutoClassify constants AutoClassify.DO_NOT_AUTO_CLASSIFY AutoClassify.AUTO_CLASSIFY CheckinType constants CheckinType.MINOR_VERSION CheckinType.MAJOR_VERSION The autoClassify parameter specifies whether the document should have automatic document classification enabled. This autoClassify and versions are discussed in separate lessons and modules. Before you can determine if a document has content, you must set the content for the document. If you do not want the Content Engine to assign a MIME type to the checked-in document, you must explicitly set the value. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 24 Documents Create Document Objects document.getProperties () public Properties getProperties() Parameters y None Returns y A Properties collection representing the cached properties of this object Notes y An object reference does not have values in its property collection. y Therefore, you must refresh the object before calling this method. 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 25 Documents Create Document Objects Properties.putvalue(…) public void putValue(String propertyName,String value) Parameters y propertyName - Specify the property name y value - Specify the value for the property Returns y None Notes y This method creates or updates a PropertyString instance in this y Properties collection. If a property with the same name already exists in the collection, its value is replaced with the value provided. 26 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 26 Documents Create Document Objects document.set_MimeType(…) public void set_MimeType(String value) Parameters y value - Specify the content type Returns y None Notes y This method sets the content type for the document content element. 27 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Specifies the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format string of the content data carried by this document. •You can set the MimeType property for a specific document version while it is a reservation (at creation time and on subsequent check-outs). • However, every time you check in a document, its MimeType property value will revert to the system-assigned value unless you have explicitly set it again. • Each content element that is attached to a document has its own MIME type, which is specified by its ContentType property. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 27 Documents Create Document Objects…) public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode) Parameters y refreshMode - Specify whether or not to refresh all of the object properties y RefreshMode.NO_REFRESH or RefreshMode.REFRESH Returns y None Notes y This method saves changes made to this object. y You can optionally refresh all of the object properties. 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 28 Documents Create Document Objects folder.file(…) public ReferentialContainmentRelationship file(IndependentlyPersistableObject containee,AutoUniqueName autoUniqueName,String containmentName,DefineSecurityParentage defineSecurityParentage) Parameters y containee - Specify the Document object to be filed y autoUniqueName - Specify whether or not to resolve the containment y names for uniqueness containmentName - Specify a name for the containment. By default it is the file name of the document. Returns y A ReferentialContainmentRelationship object, where this folder is the tail and the document filed is the head Notes y This method files the document in this folder. 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 29 Documents Create Document Objects…) public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode) Parameters y refreshMode - Specifies whether or not to refresh all of the properties of the object. Returns y Nothing Notes y There is another version of this method: – public void save(RefreshMode refreshMode, PropertyFilter filter) – A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values to refresh – Specifying null for property filter is the same as calling save(RefreshMode refreshMode) 30 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RefreshMode.NO_REFRESH RefreshMode REFRESH Specifies that upon saving or committing the object, its property cache is not refreshed with updated data from the Content Engine server. Specifies that upon saving or committing the object, its property cache is refreshed with updated data from the Content Engine server. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 30 Documents Create Document Objects Sample Code to Create a Document Object Create a Document object Document myDoc = Factory.Document.createInstance (objectStore,“TravelDocument"); Set Content to the Document object ContentElementList contentList = Factory.ContentElement.createList(); ContentTransfer content = Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance(); content.setCaptureSource(new FileInputStream(“passport.jpg")); contentList.add(content); myDoc.set_ContentElements(contentList); 31 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 31 Documents Create Document Objects Sample Code to Create a Document Object (cont’d) Check in the document myDoc.checkin(AutoClassify.AUTO_CLASSIFY, CheckinType.MAJOR_VERSION); Set Properties to the document and Save the document myDoc.getProperties().putValue("DocumentTitle", “Passport document"); myDoc.set_MimeType(“image/jpeg");; File the document to a folder ReferentialContainmentRelationship rel = folder.file(myDoc, AutoUniqueName.AUTO_UNIQUE, "myXMLDoc",DefineSecurityParentage.DO_NOT_ DEFINE_SECURITY_PARENTAGE);; 32 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 32 Documents Create Document Objects Sample Code to Set Multiple Content Elements Set Content data that is local to an object store … ContentTransfer content1 = Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance(); content1.setCaptureSource(new FileInputStream("Winter.jpg")); content1.set_ContentType("image/jpeg"); contentList.add(content1); ContentTransfer content2 = Factory.ContentTransfer.createInstance(); content2.setCaptureSource(new FileInputStream("TestTicket.xml")); content2.set_ContentType("text/xml"); contentList.add(content2); … 33 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The steps to create a Document object with multiple content elements are similar to creating a Document object with a single content element. The difference is adding several content elements to the Content Element List. Refer to the sample code for creating a document on the previous slides. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 33 Documents Create Document Objects Sample Code to Set Content Reference External content data that exists outside of an object store ContentReference contentRef = Factory.ContentReference.createInstance(); contentRef.set_ContentLocation (""); contentRef.set_ContentType("image/jpg"); contentList.add(contentRef); Set content element to the document myDoc.set_ContentElements(contentList); 34 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 34 Documents Create Document Objects Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Create Document Objects Complete these activities: 1. Get Object Store and Folder 2. Create a Document object 3. Set Content and Check In the Document 4. Set the Properties and Save the Document 5. File the Document to a Folder 6. Call the Methods That You Wrote 7. Run the Code and Verify the Results 8. Optional: Set Multiple Content Elements to a Document 9. Optional: Set External Content Element to a Document 35 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 35 Documents Rev 1.0 Documents 36 Documents Module: Documents Lesson: Retrieve a Document and Its Content 37 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 37 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Scenario y Your company employees will access document objects to review their content. As their programmer, you will write code to retrieve a document object and its content when an employee accesses the document. 38 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 38 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve a document y Write code to retrieve document content 39 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 39 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.Document.fetchInstance(…) document.get_Name() document.get_ContentElements() contentElement.get_ContentType() contentTransfer.get_RetrievalName() contentTransfer.get_ContentSize() contentTransfer.accessContentStream() 40 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 40 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Steps to Retrieve a Document Object 1. Get the Document object Factory.Document.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the document name (optional) document.get_Name() 41 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 41 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Steps to Retrieve a Document Object 1. Get the document content elements document.get_ContentElements() 2. Get the Content type for the content element contentElement.get_ContentType() 3. Get the file name where the content data is stored contentTransfer.get_RetrievalName() 4. Get the content size for the document contentTransfer.get_ContentSize() 5. Get an input stream for reading the content data contentTransfer.accessContentStream() 42 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 42 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Factory.Document.fetchInstance(…) public static Document fetchInstance(ObjectStore os,Id objectId, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y os - Specify the ObjectStore object where this document is located y Id - Specify GUID or folder path for the document y filter - Specify a PropertyFilter object for which property values to return Returns y The specified Document object Notes y If the value for the property filter is null, this method returns – Values for all non-object properties – Placeholders for all object-valued properties 43 Instructor Notes: Inconsistency in retrieving a document using the folder path and document name: I have run “add document code” more than once with the document name hard coded. It ended up adding two documents with the same name on the same folder (it did not complain). When I tried to retrieve the document with the path, it threw an error. Even after deleting the duplicate document, it still did not work. However, I was able to retrieve it using the GUID. The documents that are added once did not have this problem. They were retrieved using folder path. Rev 1.0 Documents 43 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content document.get_Name() public String get_Name() Parameters y None Returns y A String representing the name of this object 44 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 44 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content document.get_ContentElements() public ContentElementList get_ContentElements() Parameters y None Returns y A ContentElementList object containing the list of content elements associated with this document Notes y Each content element represents content data, which can be either – Local to an object store – External 45 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 45 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content contentElement.get_ContentType() public String get_ContentType() Parameters y None Returns y The Value of the ContentType property as a MIME format string 46 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is a communications protocol that allows for the transmission of data in many forms: Examples: audio, binary, or video • A MIME format string consists of a content type, a content subtype, and an optional parameter in the following format: "MIME::content type/subtype[;parameter]". Example: "MIME::text/html" •For more information on the supported MIME types , see ContentType Property in Content Engine Java API help. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 46 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content document.get_ContentElementsPresent() public StringList get_ContentElementsPresent() Parameters y None Returns y A StringList object containing the MIME type of each content element associated with this document at the time it was last saved. Notes y This method returns the MIME type of the content elements as the y y method on the previous slide: contentElement.get_ContentType() The difference is that the previous method returns the MIME type for the given content element in a String. This method retrieves the MIME type for all the content elements of the given document. 47 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: • This method returns the MIME type of the content elements as the method on the previous slide: contentElement.get_ContentType() • The difference is that previous method returns the MIME type for a given content element in a String. • This method retrieves the MIME type for all the content elements of a given document in a StringList collection. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 47 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content contentTransfer.get_RetrievalName() public String get_RetrievalName() Parameters y None Returns y The file path and file name from which the content data for this content element can be retrieved Notes y The path including the file name can contain up to 2083 characters y The file name can be up to 255 characters long 48 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 48 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content contentTransfer.get_ContentSize() public Double get_ContentSize() Parameters y None Returns y The size (in bytes) of the content data associated with this ContentTransfer object 49 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 49 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content contentTransfer.accessContentStream() public accessContentStream() Parameters y None Returns y An InputStream object for reading content data Notes y This method uses an input stream to obtain read access to the content data. y If content data is not present in the object property cache, it is fetched from the server. 50 Instructor Notes: The Content Engine will not automatically close the stream after access has finished. Unless you want the stream to remain open, your application must close the stream after it has finished reading the content data. Rev 1.0 Documents 50 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Sample Code to Retrieve a Document Retrieve a document Document document = Factory.Document.fetchInstance (objectstore,"/Test/TestDocument",null); Retrieve a document name String documentName = doc.get_Name(); 51 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 51 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Sample Code to Retrieve a Document’s Content Retrieve individual content elements ContentElementList contentElements = document.get_ContentElements(); ContentElement contentElement; Iterator itContent = contentElements.iterator(); while (itContent.hasNext()){ contentElement = (ContentElement); Retrieve the Content Type for the content element System.out.println("content type = " + contentElement.get_ContentType()); Get the ContentStream y Continued on the next slide } 52 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 52 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Sample Code to Retrieve Get the ContentStream Get the file name where the content data is stored String fileName = contentTransfer.get_RetrievalName(); Get the content size for the document Double contentSize = contentTransfer.get_ContentSize(); Get an input stream for reading the content data and flush it out InputStream inputStream = contentTransfer.accessContentStream(); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileName); byte[] nextBytes = new byte[64000]; while ((int nBytesRead =!= -1){ outputStream.write(nextBytes, 0,nBytesRead); outputStream.flush();} 53 Instructor Notes: In the sample code above, the outputstream writes out to a file. Lab instructions include a step to verify that the file has been created. Rev 1.0 Documents 53 Documents Retrieve a Document and Its Content Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve a Document and Its Content Complete these activities: 1. Retrieve a Document 2. Retrieve Document Content 54 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Documents 54 6 6 Properties Java API Programmer Properties IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 1 Properties Rev 1.0 Properties 2 Properties Properties This module consists of these lessons: y Retrieve Property Descriptions y Retrieve a Choice List y Retrieve Object Properties 3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Setting property values to an object is discussed in the Custom Object module. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 3 Properties Rev 1.0 Properties 4 Properties Module: Properties Lesson: Retrieve Property Descriptions 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 5 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Scenario y To manage the properties of the Content Engine objects, you need to retrieve the property descriptions. As a programmer, you will write code to retrieve and display the property descriptions of a given Document class. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 6 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Properties Defined Properties in an object store are y Individual values used to describe an object y Defined on a class and are inheritable by subclasses Definition of a property includes y y y y y Data type: Scalar or object-valued Cardinality: Single or multivalue Settability: Read-only, read-write Whether it is the “Name” property If it has a ChoiceList Definition of a property is accessed via the API through the property description 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FileNet P8 documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Content Engine Administration > Properties > Concepts FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Properties > Concepts Scalar data types are Binary, Boolean, DateTime, Float, ID, Integer, String. There is a single Object-valued type, and it is used to represent an object. For example, the annotations associated with a document can be represented as Object type properties for the document.. Instructor Notes: Ask students if they are familiar with the general concepts of object classes and properties in the P8 domain and if necessary, provide them background. This slide and the next two slides deal with basic concepts of properties. Rev 1.0 Properties 7 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Setting and Accessing Property Values Property values are saved on the server when the associated object is saved y When first set, the properties are in memory y The object has to be saved for the properties to persist Properties can be retrieved for display and update in the following ways: y In a group, along with an object y By name, individually or collectively y In filtered sets Properties transit through local cache y Fetched from server into local cache y Accessed from there by your program 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 8 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Property Cache Temporary local store for object and property states Exists to reduce or eliminate roundtrips to the server Ways to add object properties to the property cache: y Call object refresh method for an existing object y Call fetch property or fetch properties method y Call object setter methods Retrieve from cache: y Individually or in collections 9 HELP PATH FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Properties > Concepts >Property Cache Concepts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION To save system resources, each Content Engine object maintains a local (client-side) property cache from which one or more of an object's properties, if available, can be retrieved. Object refresh method pulls properties from the server. It replaces the object’s properties currently in cache and adds any new properties not in cache. Fetch property or fetch properties methods merge with existing properties and add any new properties not in cache. Object setter methods are used in your program to write values to properties. You learned about Properties.putValue in an earlier module. There is also the Property.setObjectValue(java.lang.Object val) method. Get property or getProperties methods retrieve from cache and throw an exception if a requested property is not in cache. The system has an internal property called the update sequence number that it uses to coordinate concurrent updates among different applications Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 9 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve class descriptions y Write code to retrieve property descriptions 10 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 10 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson objectStore.get_ClassDescriptions(…) classDescription.get_DisplayName() classDescriptions.describedIsOfClass(…) classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions(…) propertyDescription.get_SymbolicName() propertyDescription.get_IsReadOnly() propertyDescription.get_IsValueRequired() propertyDescription.get_Settability() propertyDescription.get_Cardinality() propertyDescription.get_IsSystemGenerated() 11 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Other methods discussed in the lesson are the following: propertyFilter. addIncludeType (…) propertyFilter.addExcludeProperty (…) propertyFilter.addIncludeProperty (…) Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 11 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Class and Property Description Objects ClassDescription object y Used to describe a class instance configured in the object store y Also used for obtaining class information for any object stored in a library PropertyDescription object y Used to obtain the attributes and data type of a property assigned to a class 12 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 12 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions ClassDescription Objects ClassDescription objects y Are collections of metadata that describes individual classes y Provide access to PropertyDescription objects associated with class y Return default permission for an object of a particular class y Check whether versioning is enabled for a particular Document class y Assign a document lifecycle policy to a document class or subclass 13 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 13 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions PropertyDescription Objects PropertyDescription objects y Are collections of metadata that describes individual properties y Are contained in the ClassDescription PropertyDescriptions property y Provide information on how the property should be represented to the user y Contain information such as choice lists Each instance of a PropertyDescription object y Describes a specific property for a single class 14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. When you create a new class (for example, a document class), the PropertyDescription that you choose is copied into the class. After the class is created, if you modify that PropertyDescription, it is not automatically updated in the Document class. You need to delete the old PropertyDescription and add the new or modified one to the class. After the updating the class, only newly created objects (for example, documents) will have the updated property. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 14 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Steps to Retrieve a Property Description 1 1. Object Instance 2 2.Class Description 3 3.Property Descriptions Collection 4 4. Property Description for each property 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Retrieve the target object. 2. Retrieve the class description from the target object. 3. Retrieve the property descriptions from the class description. 4. Iterate through collection and retrieve the descriptive information for each property Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 15 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Steps to Retrieve Class Descriptions 1. Get the object store. Factory.ObjectStore.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get all the class descriptions for this object store. objectStore.getClassDescriptions(…) 3. Get the iterator to get the collection. classDescriptions.iterator() 4. Display individual class description. classDescription.getName() 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 16 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Steps to Retrieve Property Descriptions 1. Retrieve property descriptions collection. classDescription.getPropertyDescriptions(…) 2. Iterate through the collection. propertyDescriptions.iterator() 3. Display individual property description. propertyDescription.get_SymbolicName() propertyDescription.get_IsReadOnly() propertyDescription.get_IsValueRequired() propertyDescription.get_Settability() propertyDescription.get_Cardinality() propertyDescription.get_IsSystemGenerated() 17 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 17 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions objectStore.get_ClassDescriptions() public ClassDescriptionSet get_ClassDescriptions() Parameters y None Returns y A ClassDescription collection for the Content Engine classes and subclasses Notes y The ClassDescriptions property returns a snapshot of the latest class metadata for a given object store. 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 18 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions classDescription.describedIsOfClass(…) public Boolean describedIsOfClass(String className) Parameters y className - A String that specifies the symbolic name or ClassNames constant of the parent class to check this subclass against. Returns y Whether the class described by this ClassDescription object is a subclass of the specified class (true) or not (false) 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 19 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions classDescription.get_DisplayName() public String get_DisplayName() Parameters y None Returns y A String containing the user-readable name of an object Notes y This property is usually the designated Name property of the object class. 20 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 20 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions() public PropertyDescriptionList get_PropertyDescriptions() Parameters y None Returns y An ordered collection containing all the PropertyDescription objects for this ClassDescription object 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 21 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_SymbolicName() public String get_SymbolicName() Parameters y None Returns y A String that represents the programmatic identifier for this PropertyDescription 22 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 22 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_IsReadOnly() public Boolean get_IsReadOnly() Parameters y None Returns y A Boolean value that indicates whether or not you can modify the value of the property. y If true, the property value can be changed only by the server. 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 23 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_IsValueRequired() public Boolean get_IsValueRequired() Parameters y None Returns y A Boolean value that indicates whether the property is required to have a value (true) or not (false). Notes y If you attempt to save an object containing a property that requires a value and that property does not have a value assigned to it, an exception will occur. 24 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 24 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_Settability() public PropertySettability get_Settability() Parameters y None Returns y A constant that indicates when the value of a property can be set: – READ – READ_WRITE – SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN – SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE 25 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name Value Description READ_ONLY 3 Indicates that a property is read-only. Only the server can set its value. READ_WRITE 0 Indicates that a property is read or write. You can set its value at any time. SETTABLE_ONLY_BEFORE_CHECKIN 1 Indicates that you can set the value of a property only before you check in the object to which it belongs. SETTABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATE Indicates that you can set the value of a property only when you create the object to which it belongs. When you save the object for the first time, the property value cannot be changed. 2 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 25 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_Cardinality() public Cardinality get_Cardinality() Parameters y None Returns y A constant that indicates the cardinality of the PropertyDescription: – ENUM – LIST – SINGLE 26 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name Value Description ENUM 1 Enumeration cardinality indicates a property that returns a read-only collection of unique items with a data type of object. The items returned by a property of enumeration cardinality can only be traversed sequentially. The number, order, and values of the items in an enumeration collection can change even if a reference to it remains constant. LIST 2 List cardinality indicates a property that returns a collection of items, which might be modifiable (allowing items to be inserted, replaced, or deleted) or read-only. The items returned by a property of list cardinality can be accessed in random order. The number, order, and values of the items in a list collection remain constant as long as a reference to it is maintained. SINGLE 0 Single cardinality indicates a property that returns a single value. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 26 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions propertyDescription.get_IsSystemGenerated() public Boolean get_IsSystemGenerated() Parameters y None Returns y A Boolean value that indicates whether the property has its value set automatically by the Content Engine server (true) or not (false). Notes y if the value is true, the described property – Provides system information OR – Has its value determined by the server 27 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If IsSystemGenerated is true, the described property •Provides system information - Example: DateCreated Or •Has its value determined by the server according to the results of a method call or some other operation - Example: If you call a CreateSubFolder folder method, the system automatically adds the newly created folder to the collection of objects returned by the SubFolders property. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 27 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Sample Code to Retrieve Class Descriptions ClassDescriptionSet classDescriptions = objectStore.get_ClassDescriptions(); ClassDescription classDesc; Iterator it = classDescriptions.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { classDesc = (ClassDescription); System.out.println("Class name = " + classDesc.get_DisplayName()); } 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 28 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Sample Code to Retrieve Property Descriptions … ClassDescription classDescription = document.get_ClassDescription(); PropertyDescriptionList propDescs = classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions(); PropertyDescription propDesc; Iterator propIt = propDescs.iterator(); while (propIt.hasNext()) { propDesc =PropertyDescription); System.out.println("Property name = " + propDesc.get_SymbolicName()); System.out.println("Read only? " + propDesc.get_IsReadOnly().toString()); … } 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 29 Properties Retrieve Property Descriptions Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve Property Descriptions Complete these activities: y Retrieve Class Descriptions y Retrieve Property Descriptions 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 30 Properties Module: Properties Lesson: Retrieve a Choice List 31 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 31 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Scenario y The custom application provides its customers with payment options when ordering Merchandise. A choice list for the payment options has been created on the Content Engine using FileNet Enterprise Manager. As the programmer, you will write code to retrieve and display the choice list of payment options. 32 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 32 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve choice list properties 33 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 33 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson propertyDescription.get_ChoiceList(…) choiceList.get_ChoiceValues() choiceList.get_HasHierarchy() choice.get_ChoiceType() choice.get_ChoiceIntegerValue() choice.get_ChoiceStringValue() 34 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 34 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Choice List Objects Each Choice List object y Typically created using FileNet Enterprise Manager y Contains a list of choices from which users select a value Elements in the collection are Choice objects y Represent a set of choices for a settable property y Can be hierarchical: a Choice element can itself contain a collection of choices 35 HELP PATH: FileNet P8 documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Content Engine Administration > Properties > Concepts FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Properties > Concepts Note: It is also possible to create a choice list with a custom program written to the API. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 35 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Using Choice Lists Usage requirements y A choice list must be assigned to a property template y A choice list must use either a String or an Integer data type y A choice list data type must match the data type for its associated property template Usage options y One choice list can be used by many properties 36 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 36 Properties Retrieve a Choice List ChoiceList Interface The API has two versions of the ChoiceList interface y com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList y com.filenet.api.collection.ChoiceList com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList y Has the methods needed to access choice lists com.filenet.api.collection.ChoiceList y Defines the ChoiceList collection returned by com.filenet.api.admin.get_ChoiceValues() y Provides access to individual choices 37 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The PropertyDescription.get_ChoiceList() method returns a com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList. Use this when testing whether a particular property has a choice list associated with it. The com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList.get_ChoiceValues() method returns a collection, or a com.filenet.api.collection.ChoiceList. Use this to access Choice objects, whether they are singular objects or nested choice lists. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 37 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Choice Objects Choice objects (choices) y Represent possible values of a property y Can be String or Integer data type y Can provide access to a nested choice list The Content Engine Java API y Includes methods to – Retrieve a ChoiceList from a PropertyDescription – Check for a ChoiceList collection contained in a Choice object – Return the contained ChoiceList collection if found 38 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 38 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Steps to Retrieve a Choice List 1. Get the class description for the specified class. document.get_ClassDescription() 2. Get the property descriptions collection for that class. classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions() 3. Get an individual property description. propertyDescriptionList.iterator() 4. Get the choice list from the property description. propDescription.get_ChoiceList() 5. Get the Choice collection. choiceList.get_ChoiceValues() 6. Get the individual choice and its value. choice.get_ChoiceStringValue() choice.get_ChoiceIntegerValue().toString() 39 Instructor Notes: Next slides shows the schematic diagram of these steps. Rev 1.0 Properties 39 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Steps to a Retrieve Property and Choice List 1 1. Class Description 2 2. PropertyDescriptions Collection Object 3 3. Property Description 4 5.Collection Choice List 6 Choice Choice 5 4.Admin Choice List 40 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Retrieve the class description for a given Document class from the Document object. Retrieve the property description collection from the class description. Retrieve the individual property description from the collection. Retrieve the choice list or the property metadata from the property description. Retrieve the choice list collection from the admin choice list. Retrieve individual choices from the choice list collection. Note: Retrieving properties and their metadata is discussed in the next lesson. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 40 Properties Retrieve a Choice List PropertyDescription.get_ChoiceList(…) public ChoiceList get_ChoiceList() Parameters y None Returns y A ChoiceList that contains the Choice objects Notes y There are two ChoiceList classes in Content Engine Java API: – The method on this slide returns the com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList class. – The method on the next slide returns the com.filenet.api.collection.ChoiceList class. 41 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A ChoiceList object can have nested ChoiceList objects. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 41 Properties Retrieve a Choice List choiceList.get_ChoiceValues() public ChoiceList get_ChoiceValues() Parameters y None Returns y A ChoiceList collection object representing a set of allowable values Notes y The ChoiceValues define the set of possible values in a choice list group. y This ChoiceList class belongs to the com.filenet.api.collection package. 42 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 42 Properties Retrieve a Choice List choice.get_ChoiceType() public ChoiceType get_ChoiceType() Parameters y None Returns y A ChoiceType constant that indicates the type of data that a Choice object represents Notes y Examples of ChoiceType constants: – ChoiceType.INTEGER – ChoiceType.STRING 43 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name Value Description INTEGER 0 Choice object that holds an Integer data type MIDNODE_INTEGER 2 Choice object that acts as a group node for Choice objects that hold Integer data types MIDNODE_STRING 3 Choice object that acts as a group node for Choice objects that hold String data types. STRING 1 Choice object that holds a String data type Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 43 Properties Retrieve a Choice List choiceList.get_HasHierarchy() public Boolean get_HasHierarchy() Parameters y None Returns y A Boolean value that specifies whether a given choice list has a hierarchical structure (true) or not (false). 44 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 44 Properties Retrieve a Choice List choice.get_ChoiceIntegerValue() public Integer get_ChoiceIntegerValue() Parameters y None Returns y The value of a Choice object that holds an Integer data type in a choice list 45 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 45 Properties Retrieve a Choice List choice.get_ChoiceStringValue() public String get_ChoiceStringValue() Parameters y None Returns y The value of a Choice object that holds a String data type in a choice list Notes y A ChoiceList object can have nested ChoiceList objects. 46 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 46 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Sample Code to Retrieve a Choice List Get the choice list for this property. … com.filenet.api.admin.ChoiceList choices = propDescription.get_ChoiceList(); System.out.println("ChoiceList name = "+ propDescription.get_SymbolicName()); 47 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 47 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Sample Code to Retrieve a Choice List com.filenet.api.collection.ChoiceList choices = choiceList.get_ChoiceValues(); Choice choice; Iterator choiceIt = choices.iterator(); while (choiceIt.hasNext()) { choice = (Choice); if (choice.get_ChoiceType().equals (ChoiceType.INTEGER)){ Integer choiceInt = choice.get_ChoiceIntegerValue() System.out.println("choice = " + choiceInt .toString()); } else{ String choiceString = choice.get_ChoiceStringValue(); System.out.println("choice = " + choiceString); } } 48 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 48 Properties Retrieve a Choice List Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve a Choice List Complete this activity: y Retrieve a Choice List 49 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 49 Properties Rev 1.0 Properties 50 Properties Module: Properties Lesson: Retrieve Object Properties 51 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 51 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Scenario y To manage the properties of the Content Engine objects, you need to retrieve the properties for a given object. As a programmer, you will write code to retrieve and display the values of properties of a given Document class. 52 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 52 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to retrieve object properties 53 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 53 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson propertyDescription.get_DataType() property.getStringValue() property.getStringListValue() property.getInteger32Value() property.getInteger32ListValue() property.getDateTimeValue() property.getDateTimeListValue() 54 Instructor Notes: Samples of these methods are presented in the following slides. Since there is not much information for each method, they are not discussed in individual slides. Rev 1.0 Properties 54 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Steps to Retrieve a Given Property Value 1 4 1. Object 4.Class Description 5 5.Property Descriptions Collection 2 2. Properties Collection Property-2 3 Property-1 8 6 Get Data Type 7 Property Value 6. Property Description for a property 55 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Retrieve the object. Retrieve the property collection from the object. Retrieve individual properties from the collection Retrieve the class description from the target object. Retrieve the property descriptions from the class description. Retrieve the property description from the collection for the given property, using the property name. Retrieve the data type for the property from the property description. Retrieve the value for the property based on the data type. Note: Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 are optional if you know the data type for the property. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 55 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Steps to Retrieve a Property Description for a Property 1. Get the Document. Factory.Document.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the properties collection for this Document. document.getProperties() 3. Get the individual property from collection. properties.iterator() property.getPropertyName() 4. Get the property descriptions. document.get_ClassDescription(); classDescription.get_PropertyDescriptions(); propertyDescriptionList.iterator() 56 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 56 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Steps to Retrieve a Property Value 1. Get the property description for the given property. propertyDescription.get_SymbolicName() if(symbolicName.equalsIgnoreCase(propertyName)) 2. Get the data type for the property. propertyDescription.get_Cardinality() 3. Get the value for the property after checking each data type. if (propertyDesc.get_Cardinality().getValue() == Cardinality.SINGLE_AS_INT) property.getDateTimeValue() if(propertyDescription.get_Cardinality().getValue() == Cardinality.SINGLE_AS_INT) property.getStringValue() … 57 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 57 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Property Filters Purpose y Limit properties and property detail retrieved from server y Improve retrieval performance A property filter consists of y A PropertyFilter object y Filter element represented by a FilterElement object – Each filter element represents a specification for adding properties Attributes of a PropertyFilter object y Act as global defaults for the PropertyFilter object y Defaults values can be overridden 58 HELP PATH: FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Properties > Concepts >Property Filter Concepts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Because the number and size of properties can be large for certain objects, using a property filter to retrieve a subset of the available properties can result in better performance by reducing the amount of data that is retrieved from the server. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 58 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Components of Property Filters Object IncludeProperty specifications (zero or more) y Specifies, by identifier or FilterElement, properties to retrieve from the server addIncludeProperty(…) IncludeType specifications (zero or more) y Specifies, by property type or FilterElement, a class of properties to retrieve from the server addIncludeType(…) ExcludeProperty specifications (zero or more) y Specifies, by identifier, properties to be excluded from server retrieval addExcludeProperty(…) 59 HELP PATH: FileNet P8 documentation > Developer Help > Content Engine Development > Java and .NET developer’s Guide > Properties > Concepts >Property Filter Concepts Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 59 Properties Retrieve Object Properties propertyFilter.addIncludeProperty (…) public void addIncludeProperty(int maxRecursion, Long maxSize, Boolean levelDependents, String value) Parameters y maxRecursion – Specifies the maximum allowable recursion depth for property retrieval. y maxSize – Specifies the maximum size of content data to be retrieved. y levelDependents – – True if the recursion level is the same as that of the independent object to which it belongs. – False if the recursion level is one level deeper. y value – – Specifies a space-separated list of the symbolic names OR – Specifies GUID-string identifiers of the properties to include. 60 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This method creates a FilterElement object and adds one or more properties identified by symbolic name or GUID-string identifier to be included during an object retrieval or object refresh. The values given for maxRecursion, maxsize, and levelDepenedents parameters override the global value set by this PropertyFilter object. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 60 Properties Retrieve Object Properties propertyFilter.addExcludeProperty (…) public void addExcludeProperty( String value) Parameters y value – – Specifies a space-separated list of the symbolic names OR – Specifies GUID-string identifiers of the properties to include. Returns y Nothing Notes y Any properties specified for exclusion will override those properties that are specified in – An IncludeProperty OR – An IncludeType specification 61 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 61 Properties Retrieve Object Properties propertyFilter. addIncludeType (…) public void addIncludeType (int maxRecursion, Long maxSize, Boolean levelDependents, FilteredPropertyType value) Parameters y maxRecursion – Specifies the maximum allowable recursion depth for y y property retrieval. maxSize – Specifies the maximum size of content data to be retrieved. levelDependents – – True if the recursion level is the same as that of the independent object to which it belongs. – False if the recursion level is one level deeper. y value – Specifies the type of the properties to include. – Use FilteredPropertyType constants. 62 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This method creates a FilterElement object and adds properties identified by type to be included during an object retrieval or object refresh. FilteredPropertyType is a constant specifying the type of the properties to include. The values given in this method for maxRecursion, maxSize, and levelDependents override the global values set by this PropertyFilter object. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 62 Properties Retrieve Object Properties propertyDescription.get_DataType() public TypeID get_DataType() Parameters y None Returns y The data type of the value of the PropertyDescription: – BINARY – BOOLEAN – DATE – DOUBLE – GUID – LONG – OBJECT – STRING 63 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Name Value BINARY 1 Binary data type. Represents binary data by using an array of unsigned 8bit bytes. BOOLEAN 2 Boolean data type. Represents Boolean data having a value of true or false. DATE 3 DateTime data type. Represents an instance in time as a date and time of day in accordance with ISO 8601. DOUBLE 4 Double (Float64) data type. Represents an IEEE-standard 64-bit floatingpoint number, which has a value ranging from -1.79769313486232e308 to +1.79769313486232e308. GUID 5 GUID (ID) data type. Represents a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) or DCE Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), which is a unique 128-bit number, as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters enclosed by brackets in the following format: {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}. For example, {3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301}. LONG 6 Integer data type. Represents a signed 32-bit integer, which has a value ranging from -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647. OBJECT 7 Object data type. Represents an object that is instantiated from a Content Engine class. STRING 8 Represents text consisting of a sequential collection of 16-bit Unicode characters. Rev 1.0 Description Properties 63 Properties Retrieve Object Properties PropertyDescription.get_RequiresUniqueElements() public Boolean get_RequiresUniqueElements() Parameters y None Returns y A value to specify whether multivalue property must be unique (true) or not (false) 64 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 64 Properties Retrieve Object Properties property.getStringValue() public String getStringValue() Parameters y None Returns y A String specifying the property value 65 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 65 Properties Retrieve Object Properties property.getStringListValue() public StringList getStringListValue() Parameters y None Returns y A collection containing all the values for this property in a StringList object 66 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 66 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Sample Code to Retrieve a Property Value Retrieve the properties collection. properties = document.getProperties(); Retrieve a property by symbolic name. Property property = properties.get("DocumentTitle"); Get property value based on the datatype of the property. String propertyValue = property.getStringValue(); Notes y To get the data type of the property for which you are retrieving the value, additional steps are required as shown in the next two slides. 67 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Retrieve the object. 2. Retrieve the property collection from the object. 3. Retrieve a property from the collection. 4. Retrieve the value for the property based on the data type. Note: If you do not know the data type for the property, you need additional steps as described in the next slide. Typically this involves a switch statement Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 67 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Sample Code to Retrieve an Object Property properties = document.getProperties(); Property property; Iterator it = properties.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { property = (Property); String propertyName = property.getPropertyName(); } 68 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 68 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Sample Code to Retrieve a Property Value … switch(propertyDescription.get_DataType().getValue()){ case TypeID.DATE_AS_INT: if(propertyDescription.get_Cardinality(). getValue() == Cardinality.SINGLE_AS_INT) { if (property.getDateTimeValue() != null) property.getDateTimeValue().toString(); } else if(property.getDateTimeListValue()!= null) property.getDateTimeListValue().toString()); break; … 69 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 69 Properties Retrieve Object Properties Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Retrieve Object Properties Complete this activity: y Retrieve object properties 70 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Properties 70 7 7 Searches Java API Programmer Searches IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 1 Searches Searches Rev 1.0 2 Searches Searches Searches This module consists of these lessons: y Search for Objects y Build SQL Statements y Content-Based Retrieval 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 3 Searches Searches Rev 1.0 4 Searches Searches Module: Searches Lesson: Search for Objects 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 5 Searches Searches Search for Objects Scenario y Your application requires a feature that searches for Document objects on the given Content Engine. You, as the programmer, will write code to accomplish this. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 6 Searches Searches Search for Objects Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to do a property-based search for Documents on Content Engine y Write code to search for documents across object stores 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 7 Searches Searches Search for Objects Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson searchScope.fetchObjects(…) searchScope.fetchRows(…) repositoryRow.getProperties() Other related methods: y y y y y searchScope.fetchSearchableClassDescriptions(…) objectStore.set_DefaultQueryTimeLimit (…) serverCacheConfiguration.set_QueryPageMaxSize(…) serverCacheConfiguration.set_QueryPageDefaultSize(…) serverCacheConfiguration.set_NonPagedQueryMaxSize(…) 8 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 8 Searches Searches Search for Objects Steps to Search for Objects 1. Instantiate a SearchScope object with the Objectstore to search from new SearchScope(…) 2. Instantiate a SearchSQL object with the SQL statement. new SearchSQL(…) 3. Retrieve the objects. searchScope.fetchObjects(…) 4. Retrieve the object Properties. searchScope.fetchRows(…) repositoryRow.getProperties() 9 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 9 Searches Searches Search for Objects Steps to Retrieve Properties of the Objects 2.Document 3. Fetch Rows Table from the Database Repository Row Set (collection) Row - 1 Row - 2 Row - N (SQL) 4. Iterate through each row (SearchScope) 1.Object Stores 6. Display the Property name 5. Iterate through each property Properties Collection Property-N Property-1 Property-2 10 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SearchScope object defines the object store or object stores to search from. SQL statement that is passed in as a parameter defines which table and criteria to retrieve. SearchScope.fetchrows(…) method retrieves the rows collection. Iterate through each row. Each row contains a collection of properties for a document. Iterate through a properties collection to retrieve each property. Get name and value of each property and display. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 10 Searches Searches Search for Objects Searches The essential parts of a Content Engine search are y An SQL statement contained in a SearchSQL instance. y The object store or object stores searched contained in a SearchScope object. 11 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 11 Searches Searches Search for Objects SearchScope Class SearchScope Class y Determines which object stores are to be searched. y Searches for properties, objects, and class metadata (class descriptions). y Can search one or more object stores using a single query. SearchScope Methods y Execute the SQL statement on one or more object stores: – SearchScope(ObjectStore objectStore) – SearchScope(ObjectStore[] objectStores, MergeMode mergeMode) MergeMode to specify union or intersection of object stores 12 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The SearchScope methods execute the SQL statement on one or more object stores to find objects (IndependentObject instances), database rows (RepositoryRow instances), or metadata (ClassDescription instances). Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 12 Searches Searches Search for Objects SearchSQL SearchSQL is a helper class y Used to assist in building valid SQL statements. y Used to pass an instance of this class in to the SearchScope.fetchObjects method to perform a query. 13 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION There are helper methods on the SearchSQL class to assist you in constructing an SQL statement. The next lesson deals with these methods. Alternatively, you can construct an SQL statement independently and pass it to a SearchSQL instance as a string. SQL statements need to follow the FileNet standard, which generally conform to SQL-92, with extensions for FileNet-specific constructs. See SQL Syntax Reference for a complete description. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 13 Searches Searches Search for Objects searchScope.fetchObjects(…) public IndependentObjectSet fetchObjects( SearchSQL searchSQL, Integer pageSize, PropertyFilter filter, Boolean continuable) Parameters y searchSQL – Specify a SearchSQL instance containing the SQL statement to use for the search. y pageSize – Specify an integer indicating the maximum number of objects per page to retrieve. This can be null. y filter - A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values (and with what level of detail and recursion) to return. Returns y IndependentObject objects collection from the object stores 14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION When pageSize is unspecified, the default page size (ServerCacheCofiguration.QueryPageDefaultSize) is used. If the continuable parameter is false or null, the pageSize value is ignored. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 14 Searches Searches Search for Objects searchScope.fetchRows(…) public RepositoryRowSet fetchRows( SearchSQL searchSQL, Integer pageSize, PropertyFilter filter Boolean continuable) Parameters y continuable – – If false or null, the query is not paged. – If true, when the end of the first page is reached, a request for the next page of Properties objects is issued. – Page requests iterate until all of the Properties objects satisfying the query are retrieved. Returns y RepositoryRowSet object Rows of properties from object stores 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Parameters: A PropertyFilter object - Represents information for controlling which property values (with what level of detail and recursion) to return. If null, this method returns values for all nonobject properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties (PropertyEngineObject properties with a state of PropertyState.UNEVALUATED or PropertyState.REFERENCE). Any subsequent attempts to access an object-valued property cause an automatic roundtrip to the server to fetch its value. SearchSQL - The selection list in the searchSQL parameter determines which top-level properties are returned. The property filter specified here determines the subproperties: the properties returned for the applicable top-level properties. For example, if a top-level property specified in the selection list (searchSQL parameter) is of type Object, the filter parameter determines which properties are returned in that object. Queries using continuation use ORDER BY in their implementation. If an ORDER BY clause is not specified in the SQL statement (the searchSQL parameter), an ORDER BY Id clause is used. If an ORDER BY clause is specified in the SQL statement but does not contain the Id property, the Id property (having a unique value) is appended to the end of the ORDER BY clause. You need to consider whether the overhead of adding the Id property to the ORDER BY clause is significant for your application. Do not use a continuable query if it might cause a severe performance reduction. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 15 Searches Searches Search for Objects repositoryRow.getProperties() public Properties getProperties() Parameters y none Returns y A Properties collection object containing a row of properties. Notes y This method gets a single row of properties from the repository database. y All properties returned will have the names as specified in the SQL statement used for the query. y Any properties that are not defined in a particular repository will be returned with null values. 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 16 Searches Searches Search for Objects searchScope.fetchSearchableClassDescriptions(…) public ClassDescriptionSet fetchSearchableClassDescriptions ( String[] classNames, PropertyFilter filter) Retrieves class description object from object stores. Parameters y classNames - Names of the classes to retrieve. Can be the symbolic name, the display name, or the object ID for the class. y filter - Information for controlling which property values (and with what level of detail and recursion) to return. Returns y Collection of ClassDescription objects for the metadata retrieved 17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If the SearchScope instance references multiple repositories, properties that are not applicable to multiple repositories will not be present in the ClassDescription objects returned, and will not be present in the PropertyDescription objects contained in these ClassDescription objects. If the filter is null, this method returns values for all nonobject properties and returns placeholders for all object-valued properties (PropertyEngineObject properties with a state of PropertyState.UNEVALUATED or PropertyState.REFERENCE). Any subsequent attempts to access an object-valued property cause an automatic roundtrip to the server to fetch its value. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 17 Searches Searches Search for Objects objectStore.set_DefaultQueryTimeLimit (…) public void set_DefaultQueryTimeLimit( Integer timeLimit) Parameters y timeLimit - An integer specifying the maximum duration of the query. Notes y This method sets the default value (in seconds) for the maximum amount of time that the server will allow a query to run before canceling the query. 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 18 Searches Searches Search for Objects serverCacheConfiguration.set_QueryPageMaxSize (…) public void set_QueryPageMaxSize( Integer maxSize) Parameters y maxSize – Specifies the maximum size for a query page. y Default value is 1000. Notes y This method sets the maximum size for a query page in a result set. 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 19 Searches Searches Search for Objects serverCacheConfiguration.set_QueryPageDefaultSize (…) public void set_QueryPageDefaultSize( Integer defaultSize) This method set the default size of a query page in a result set. 20 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 20 Searches Searches Search for Objects serverCacheConfiguration.set_NonPagedQueryMaxSize (…) public void set_NonPagedQueryMaxSize( Integer maxSize) This method sets the maximum size of a nonpaged query result set. 21 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION When unspecified, all records that satisfy the query will be returned, subject to the limit of ServerCacheConfiguration property NonPagedQueryMaxSize. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 21 Searches Searches Search for Objects Sample Code for Property-Based Searching for Documents … SearchScope search = new SearchScope(os); SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL("select * from Document where Creator='administrator'"); DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet) search.fetchObjects(sql,Integer.getInteger("50"), null,Boolean.valueOf(true)); Document doc; Iterator it = documents.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { doc = (Document); System.out.println("document="+ doc.get_Name()); } 22 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 22 Searches Searches Search for Objects Sample Code for Retrieving the Properties for the Searched Documents … RepositoryRowSet rowSet = search.fetchRows(sql, Integer.getInteger("50"), null, Boolean.valueOf(true)); Iterator itRow = rowSet.iterator(); RepositoryRow row; while (itRow.hasNext()){ row = (RepositoryRow); props = row.getProperties(); Iterator itProp = props.iterator(); prop; while (itProp.hasNext()){ prop = (; System.out.println(prop.getPropertyName()); } 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 23 Searches Searches Search for Objects Steps to Search for Objects Across the Object Stores 1. Get the object stores and assign it to an array ObjectStore objectStores[] = new ObjectStore[2]; objectStores[0] = os1; objectStores[1] = os2; 2. Instantiate a SearchScope object with the Objectstores to search from new SearchScope(…) 3. Instantiate a SearchSQL object with the SQL statement. new SearchSQL(…) 4. Retrieve the objects. searchScope.fetchObjects(…) 24 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 24 Searches Searches Search for Objects Sample Code to Search Across Object Stores … ObjectStore objectStores[] = new ObjectStore[2]; objectStores[0] = os1; objectStores[1] = os2; PropertyFilter pf = new PropertyFilter(); pf.addIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(Integer.getInteger("2"), null, Boolean.valueOf (true), "Name")); SearchScope search = new SearchScope(objectStores, MergeMode.UNION); SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL("select * from Document d where Creator='administrator' AND NOT (IsClass(d, CodeModule))"); DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet)search.fetchObjects (sql,Integer.getInteger("50"),pf, Boolean.valueOf(true)); Document doc; Iterator it = documents.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ doc = (Document); System.out.println("document="+ doc.get_Name()); } 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 25 Searches Searches Search for Objects Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Search for Objects Complete these activities: y Property-Based Searching for Documents y Search for Documents Across Object Stores 26 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 26 Searches Searches Module: Searches Lesson: Build SQL Statements 27 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 27 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Scenario y Your application requires a feature that searches for Document objects on the given Content Engine. You would like to use the IBM FileNet P8 capabilities for constructing SQL statements to run the search. You, as the programmer, will write code to accomplish this. 28 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 28 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to build an SQL statement and search for documents on Content Engine. 29 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 29 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson searchSQL.setSelectList (…) searchSQL.setFromClauseInitialValue (…) searchSQL.setWhereClause (…) Other Related Methods: y y y y searchSQL.setOrderByClause (…) searchSQL.setFromClauseAdditionalJoin (…) searchSQL.setQueryString(…) searchSQL.setMaxRecords (…) 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 30 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Steps to Build a SQL Statement 1. Create a SearchSQL object. SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL() 2. Specify the maximum number of records to be returned (optional). sql.setMaxRecords(100) 3. Specify the SELECT list. sql.setSelectList(…) 4. Specify the FROM clause. sql.setFromClauseInitialValue(…) 5. Specify the WHERE clause. sql.setWhereClause(…) 31 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 31 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Folder Operators INFOLDER y Matches object contained within specified folder. y Folder ID y Full path name INSUBFOLDER y Can be used only on subfolders that have the Folder.Parent property set to the parent of the folder. 32 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The INFOLDER operator matches an object contained within a specified folder. The left-hand operand specifies an object-valued property or an expression that results in a single object value. The right-hand operand identifies the folder in one of the following forms: •The folder ID •The full path name of the folder INSUBFOLDER can be used only on subfolders that have the Folder.Parent property set to the parent of the folder (direct containment). The INSUBFOLDER operator will not recognize a subfolder linked to a parent by referential containment (a ReferentialContainmentRelationship object having the ReferentialContainmentRelationship.Tail property equal to the subfolder and the ReferentialContainmentRelationship.Head property equal to the parent folder). Note: Use of the INSUBFOLDER operator results in a complex query that can take a long time to execute. Before deploying a solution that uses an INSUBFOLDER search across a large number of folders and containees, ensure that this search behaves well on a large database and is properly optimized. The database is not capable of properly optimizing all queries. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 32 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements IN Operator For multivalued properties (LIST cardinality) value IN (constant1, constant2, …) value IN (SELECT someproperty FROM …) value IN 33 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The following formats are used for the IN operator: •value IN listproperty Where value is either a property name or a constant (<property_spec> | <literal>), and listproperty is a property name (<property_spec>) of a property that has the cardinality of LIST. This format is used to search a property that is of cardinality LIST. If the list has a value equal to value, the expression is true. Note that you cannot use "value = listproperty" to compare a property of type LIST to a value. The IN operator must be used. •value IN (constant1, constant2, constant3,…) Where constant1, constant2, constant3 are constants. This format is used to determine if value is equal to one of the constants in the list. Note that when multiple items are enclosed in parentheses, the items must be constants. •value IN (SELECT someproperty FROM …) This format is used to determine if value is one of the results returned by the subquery. Note that the subquery must select only one property. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 33 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements OBJECT Function Create object constant to compare with an objectvalue property. SELECT … FROM Folder WHERE Parent = OBJECT('/root/sub1/sub1a') 34 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The Object function provides a means to create the effect of an object constant, which can then be compared to an object-valued property or expression. There are two logical forms of the Object function, one of which takes an argument of type GUID (Id), which can either be a constant or a GUID-valued property, and the other of which takes a string argument, which can be one of the following: •The GUID constant (Id) of the object •For Folder objects, the full path name of the folder A <property_spec> for a property of datatype Id. An Object function can be used to compare objects to IDs, which can be especially useful in joins Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 34 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Class Functions IsClass INCLUDESUBCLASSES EXCLUDESUBCLASSES SELECT … FROM Document D WHERE IsClass(D,DocSubclass1) OR IsClass(D,DocSubclass2) SELECT … FROM Document WITH INCLUDESUBCLASSES WHERE DocumentTitle = 'MyDoc' SELECT … FROM Document WITH EXCLUDESUBCLASSES WHERE DocumentTitle = 'MyDoc' 35 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The INCLUDESUBCLASSES and EXCLUDESUBCLASSES operators, along with ISCLASS, are used to limit results to specific classes or class hierarchies. INCLUDESUBCLASSES is the default. SQL query examples are shown below. The IsClass function acts as a filter for finding specific classes. The IsClass function is useful when querying base classes WITH INCLUDESUBCLASSES, and the results must include objects that belong to one or more particular subclasses of the base class. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 35 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Available SearchSQL Helper Class Methods Methods to assist in building valid SQL statements: y y y y y y y setSelectList(…) setFromClauseInitialValue(…) setWhereClause(…) setOrderByClause(…) setQueryString(…) setContainsRestriction(…) setFreeTextRestriction(…) 36 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SQL statements need to follow the FileNet standard, which generally conform to SQL-92, with extensions for FileNet-specific constructs. See SQL Syntax Reference for a complete description. The SearchSQL helper methods are supplied for assistance in building SQL statements and cannot provide the level of specification you can achieve with an independently constructed statement. However, in a development environment, you can use the helper methods for initial construction of the SQL statement, and then use the SearchSQL.toString() method to get the SQL statement string and manually refine the SQL statement. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 36 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setSelectList (…) public void setSelectList(String selectList) Parameters y selectList – Specifies a String containing the query SELECT list. Notes y This method sets the SELECT list for the SQL statement to the string specified. y This must be called prior to calling setFromClauseAdditionalJoin. 37 Instructor Notes: None. Rev 1.0 37 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setFromClauseInitialValue (…) public void setFromClauseInitialValue( String symbolicClassName, String aliasName boolean includeSubclasses null) Parameters y symbolicClassName - A String containing the symbolic name of the class. y aliasName - A String containing the alias name of the class. This can be null. y includeSubclasses - True if the FROM clause includes any subclasses of the class specified insymbolicClassName . Notes y This method sets the first class to be used in the FROM clause for the statement. 38 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Alias names cannot be used when EngineObject objects are to be returned by the query operation. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 38 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setWhereClause (…) public void setWhereClause( String whereClause) Parameters y whereClause - A String containing the WHERE clause to use. Notes y This method sets the WHERE clause to be used for the SQL statement to the specified string. 39 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 39 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setOrderByClause (…) public void setOrderByClause(String orderBy) Parameters y orderBy - A String containing the property or properties to use for the ORDER BY clause. y You can specify multiple property names separated by commas. Notes y Sets the ORDER BY clause to be used for the SQL statement to the specified string. 40 Instructor Notes: None. Rev 1.0 40 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setFromClauseAdditionalJoin (…) public void setFromClauseAdditionalJoin( JoinOperator joinOperator, String symbolicClassName, String aliasName, String joinVar1,JoinComparison joinComparison, String joinVar2, boolean includeSubclasses ) Parameters y joinOperator - Specifies the type of join to use for the additional class. y joinComparison - Specifies the comparison to use for the constituents of the ON clause (joinVar1 and joinVar2). Notes y Adds another class to the FROM clause used in the SQL statement Parameters. 41 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION JoinOperator - INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER JoinComparison - Specifies the operation to use when comparing the constituents of a SQL join operation. •EQUAL, GREATER_THAN •GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO •LESS_THAN •LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO •NOT_EQUAL Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 41 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setQueryString (…) public void setQueryString(String queryString) Parameters y queryString - A String containing the SQL statement to use. Notes y Specifies the complete SQL statement. This method cannot be used in conjunction with any other set method on this class. 42 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any values set by calling another SearchSQL set method (such as, setMaxRecords) and then calling this method will overwrite or nullify the value initially set. No SQL validation is performed on the specified string. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 42 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements searchSQL.setMaxRecords (…) public void setMaxRecords(int maxRecords) Parameters y maxRecords - An integer specifying the maximum number of rows to be returned. Notes y This method sets the maximum number of rows that can be returned in the result set. 43 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION When unspecified, all records that satisfy the query will be returned, subject to the limit of ServerCacheConfiguration property NonPagedQueryMaxSize. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 43 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Sample Code to Construct SQL Statements … SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL(); sql.setSelectList("*"); sql.setFromClauseInitialValue("Document", "d",true); sql.setWhereClause("Creator='administrator' AND NOT (IsClass(d, CodeModule))"); … Resulting SQL statement from the above code: "select * from Document d where Creator='administrator’ AND NOT (IsClass(d, CodeModule))" 44 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 44 Searches Searches Build SQL Statements Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Build SQL Statements Complete these activities: y Construct SQL Statements 45 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 45 Searches Searches Rev 1.0 46 Searches Searches Module: Searches Lesson: Content-Based Retrieval 47 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 47 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will y Write code to search for documents on Content Engine based on content-based retrieval. 48 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 48 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson searchSQL.setSelectList (…) searchSQL.setFromClauseInitialValue (…) searchSQL.setWhereClause (…) Other Related Methods: y y y y searchSQL.setOrderByClause (…) searchSQL.setFromClauseAdditionalJoin (…) searchSQL.setQueryString(…) searchSQL.setMaxRecords (…) 49 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 49 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Content Searches A content (full-text) search y Returns documents that contain the text you specify. y Includes in the query words or phrases that might be stored in objects or in their string properties. y Is initiated by either a CONTAINS or a FREETEXT operator in the SQL statement contained in SearchSQL. To do a Content Search, you must y Enable content-based retrieval (CBR) for the object and its string properties. y Index the documents. 50 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION While the CONTAINS operator can search content in all properties or in a single property, the FREETEXT operator can search content only in all properties. Note that attempting to specify a property name for FREETEXT generates an exception. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 50 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Full-Text Joins SELECT … FROM Document D INNER JOIN ContentSearch CS ON D.This=CS.QueriedObject WHERE CONTAINS(*,'text') AND D.Creator = 'Frank' SELECT … FROM Document D LEFT OUTER JOIN VerityContentSearch CS ON D.This=CS.QueriedObject WHERE CONTAINS(*,'text') OR D.Creator = 'Frank' 51 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Whenever a CONTAINS or FREETEXT clause is used, a join is performed on the (internal) ContentSearch or VerityContentSearch classes. Note: Instances of the ContentSearch or VerityContentSearch classes cannot be retrieved. However, the properties of these classes are defined in the metadata for a RepositoryRow object. The join is necessary because when a query with a full-text search is executed, the full-text search is done first, and then the data from the full-text search is copied to a temporary database table that is referenced by either the ContentSearch or the VerityContentSearch class name (both behave identically). The remainder of the search statement is then executed against the repository, joining to this temporary table to access the full-text search data. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 51 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval CONTAINS Function Search for precise or fuzzy matches Word or phrase Prefix of work or phrase Word near another word Inflected word SELECT … FROM Document D INNER JOIN ContentSearch CS ON D.This=CS.QueriedObject WHERE CONTAINS(*,'text') 52 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Use CONTAINS to search for precise or fuzzy (less precise) matches for the following types of text: •A word or phrase, or a prefix of a word or phrase •A word near another word •A word that is the inflected form of another (For example, drive is the root for the inflected forms drives, drove, driving, and driven.) •A word that has a higher designated weighting than another word The first parameter in the CONTAINS function identifies the property or pseudo-property to which the content filter is to be applied, and the second parameter specifies the filter expression. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 52 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval searchSQL.setContainsRestriction (…) public void setContainsRestriction( String symbolicClassName, String searchExpression) Parameters y symbolicClassName - A String containing the symbolic name of the class. y searchExpression - A String containing the search text to use for the CONTAINS function. Notes y This method restricts the query to return only items in which the text in the content element or elements matches the specified string. 53 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The CONTAINS function can perform the search on CBR-enabled properties for the supported content elements in any of the following ways: •Search a single property •Search all properties within a specified zone •Search all properties Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 53 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval FREETEXT Function Search for document content or string property. Match meaning, not exact wording. 54 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Use FREETEXT to search the text of the string property or document content for values that match the meaning but not the exact wording in the filter expression. When using FREETEXT, the full-text query engine internally breaks the filter expression into a number of search terms, assigns each term a weight, and then finds the matches. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 54 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval searchSQL.setFreetextRestriction (…) public void setFreetextRestriction( String symbolicClassName, String searchExpression) Parameters y symbolicClassName - A String containing the symbolic name of the class. y searchExpression - A String containing the search text to use for the FREETEXT function. Notes y Restricts the query to return only items in which the text in the content elements matches the specified string. 55 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION This method uses the FREETEXT function for CBR queries. The FREETEXT function searches all content on all CBR-enabled properties on the supported content elements. To search content on a single CBRenabled property, use setContainsRestriction. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 55 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Common (Stop) Words Search engine does not look for common words. Stop words are not added to the collection when a document is indexed. Examples: a, about, above, be, because, few, for, from, and so forth 56 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION By default, the search engine does not look for certain common words, called Stop Words. When the index is built, the stop words are not added to the collection so they can never be found. If one or more words in your search requires a stop word, such as when you use the All or Near modifiers or the AND operator between lines, the search will fail because these words never appear in the index. See Autonomy K2 Stop Words for a list of these words. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 56 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Modifiers Modifier Desired Search Condition None Search for phrase with the exact spelling and casesensitivity Near Search for words located near each other Sentence Search for words located in the same sentence Paragraph Search for words located in the same paragraph Any Search for any of the specified words or phrases All Search for all of the specified words or phrases In Zone Search for one or more words in an HTML or XML tag 57 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Simply entering one word as your search criteria causes the search engine to find various forms of that word (stemmed variations). You can turn off stemming and require matching capitalization using double quotation marks, look for patterns using the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character, or exclude a word using the exclamation point (!) at the beginning. When you enter two or more words, you can specify a relationship between those words. Your object stores can be configured to use either Near or Sentence and Paragraph (Near is the default). If your site uses Near, Sentence and Paragraph act like Near. If the specified object stores use Sentence and Paragraph, then Near operates like Sentence and Paragraph. The words will qualify if they do not cross a sentence or paragraph boundary. By default, Near is defined as words within 1000 words of each other. When you choose In Zone, a dialog box requests the name of the XML/HTML Zone name (often called a tag). You need to know what tags are used in your documents to take advantage of the faster search in only that part of the document. The search engine sees hyphenated words as two separate words. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 57 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Autonomy K2 Query Language Autonomy K2 query language can be entered in the Words/Phrases field y Choose the query language as the modifier. The text will be passed to the Autonomy K2 search engine without checking or modification. 58 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 58 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Query Option TimeLimit y The time limit for the query, in seconds. FullTextRowLimit y Indicates the number of rows to pull from the full text index prior to executing the remainder of the query. y If a value is not supplied, the value of the ObjectStore.FullTextRowDefault property (stored in the GCD) is used. 59 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FullTextRowLimit There is one row for each content element that is indexable, plus one more row for all CBR-enabled strings of an object. Data from the full-text index is copied to a temporary table, and that table is then joined with the remainder of the object store database to execute the query. The FullTextRowLimit option enables you to control the maximum number of rows pulled from the full text index. For example, suppose a query has the clause "WHERE color = 'red' and CONTAINS(*, 'blue')". This query might have a thousand rows that match "CONTAINS(*, 'blue')", but only ten rows that match "color = 'red'" and "CONTAINS(*, 'blue')". If FullTextRowLimit is set to 500, then only 500 rows are pulled from the full text index and written to the temporary table. Even though there are only ten rows that match the complete WHERE clause, not all ten rows might be found because not all ten are necessarily in the 500 rows fetched from the full text index. If a value for FullTextRowLimit is supplied and this value is greater than the value of ObjectStore.FullTextRowMax, then the value of ObjectStore.FullTextRowMax is used instead. The FullTextRowMax property is present on the ObjectStore class to prevent queries from using too much processing time and pulling an inordinate number of rows from the full-text index. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 59 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Sample Code for Content-Based Document Searching … SearchScope search = new SearchScope(os); String mySQLString = "SELECT DocumentTitle, Name FROM Document d INNER JOIN VerityContentSearch v ON v.QueriedObject = d.This WHERE d.IsCurrentVersion = TRUE AND CONTAINS(d.*,'" + keyWord + "')"; SearchSQL sql = new SearchSQL(mySQLString); DocumentSet documents = (DocumentSet) search.fetchObjects(sql,Integer.getInteger("50"), null, Boolean.valueOf(true)); com.filenet.api.core.Document doc; Iterator it = documents.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ doc = (Document); System.out.println("document="+ doc.get_Name()); } … 60 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 60 Searches Searches Content-Based Retrieval Activities In your workbook, see y Lesson: Content-Based Retrieval Complete this activity: y Content-Based Searching for Documents 61 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 61 Searches Searches Rev 1.0 62 Searches 8 8 Security Java API Programmer Security IBM FileNet Content Manager Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 1 Security Rev 1.0 Security 2 Security Security This module consists of these lessons: y y y y Retrieve Object Permissions Set Object Permissions Apply a Security Template Retrieve Users and Groups 3 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 3 Security Rev 1.0 Security 4 Security Module: Security Lesson: Retrieve Object Permissions 5 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 5 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Scenario 1 y As the programmer, you need to write code to determine the security permissions on folders so that you can set the permissions on the documents within these folders to be the same as the folder they are in. Scenario 2 y Administrators want to be able to see what security permissions a particular folder has without leaving the application. As the programmer, you will add this functionality to the application. 6 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 6 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will: y Write code to retrieve permissions on a Content Engine object 7 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 7 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson containable.get_Permissions() accessPermission.get_GranteeName() accessPermission.get_GranteeType() accessPermission.get_PermissionSource() accessPermission.get_AccessMask() accessLevel.getInstanceFromInt(…) accessPermission.get_AccessType() accessPermission.get_InheritableDepth() 8 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Some of these methods are inherited from Permission interface Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 8 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Object-level Security Authorization: y Does the requestor have permission to do what he/she is asking the specified object to do? Securable vs. non-securable objects y Most objects are secured by their own set of access rights – Example: a document y Some objects depend on the access rights of the associated object – Example: the content element associated with a document Security grantees are specified on each object y Also known as “security principal” y Typically a user or group 9 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Assets managed in the Content Engine are protected and can be seen or modified only according to a user's access rights. • Each Content Engine server object has its own security, which controls a user's (or group's) access to that object. • Only securable objects have permissions that can be independently set. Non-securable objects are not really non-securable; they are simply dependent on their parent object for their access rights (that is, they are secured via the parent object’s permissions). • A document with multiple content elements illustrates that you cannot independently control security on the content element itself, unlike annotations, which are independently securable. • A grantee is either an individual user or a group of users. A user can be a member of zero, one, or more groups, and a group can contain zero, one, or more subgroups. A user account is defined on the Content Engine server using tools provided by the directory service, for example, Microsoft Active Directory or Sun ONE Directory Services. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 9 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Access Control Objects and Properties Access rights for an object are determined by Access Control List (ACL) y Made up of one or more Access Control Entries (ACE) y An ACE is represented by a Permission object y An ACL is a Permissions collection (represents the full set of ACEs) Each ACE specifies: y A security grantee (a user or group) y A permission source (Example: Direct or Security Policy) y “Allow” or “Deny” access type y Access level – Examples: “View Content”, “Full Control”, “Custom” y Access rights (a more granular access level) – Example: “Change state” y Apply To – Example: this object only or object and immediate children 10 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Access rights ADDITIONAL INFORMATION •Each ACE is represented by a Permission object, which establishes the access granted to a user or group (the "grantee"), and contains a reference to the user or group being assigned the permission. • A Permissions collection represents the full set of access control entries (ACEs) associated with an object and forms the object's Access Control List (ACL). Instructor Notes: Emphasize the fact that an ACE corresponds to the API’s concept of a “Permission”, and that an ACL is a Permissions collection. DEMO 1. Launch FileNet Enterprise Manager and navigate to a document. 2. Select Properties and Security tab 3. Show the sub-tabs and values for Source, Level, Apply to, and Type. Rev 1.0 Security 10 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Permission Sources Default permissions are from object’s class description Indirect permissions are from a security policy or a security parent Direct permissions are directly set on the object y They override default and indirect security Identify permission sources with: Permission.get_PermissionSource() y PermissionSource.SOURCE_DIRECT y PermissionSource.SOURCE_DEFAULT y PermissionSource.SOURCE_TEMPLATE y PermissionSource.SOURCE_PARENT 11 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security FileNet P8 Documentation>Developer Help>Content Engine Development>Java and .NET Developer’s Guide > Security > Concepts ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A newly-created object acquires its default permissions directly from its class. The ClassDescription interface's get_DefaultInstancePermissions method returns the default permissions for an object belonging to the class. You can use this method to determine if the class's permissions are appropriate for your application or to display the default permissions in a user interface and allow the user to modify the permissions when you are creating a new object of this class. An object can also acquire permissions through inheritance and from a security policy. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 11 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Steps to Get Object Permissions 1. Get the desired object from the object store Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get permissions collection on the object (for example, a folder) folder.get_Permissions() 3. For each permission in the collection, get grantee name and type permission.get_GranteeName() permission.get_GranteeType().toString() 4. For each permission, get the permission source. accessPermission.get_PermissionSource().toString() 5. For each permission, get access level and type accessPermission.get_AccessMask() discretionaryPermission.get_AccessType() 12 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 12 Security Retrieve Object Permissions containable.get_Permissions() public AccessPermissionList get_Permissions() Parameters y None Returns y A Permissions collection containing the basic object permissions for this object Notes y The user must have Read permission on the object's security to retrieve the object's permissions – AccessLevel.VIEW or – AccesRight.READ_ACL y This method filters out Access Control Entries (ACEs) that correspond to deleted grantees (users or groups). 13 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 13 Security Retrieve Object Permissions accessPermission.get_GranteeName() public String get_GranteeName() Parameters y None Returns y A string representing the name of the grantee associated with this particular permission item Notes y The returned string is the displayable user or group name (Principal Name) that can appear in a user interface display. 14 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 14 Security Retrieve Object Permissions accessPermission.get_GranteeType() public SecurityPrincipalType get_GranteeType() Parameters y None Returns y The object type of the permission grantee – SecurityPrincipalType.USER – SecurityPrincipalType.GROUP 15 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 15 Security Retrieve Object Permissions accessPermission.get_PermissionSource() public PermissionSource get_PermissionSource() Parameters y None Returns y The source of this permission Notes y y y y y 0 = PermissionSource. SOURCE_DIRECT 1 = PermissionSource.SOURCE_DEFAULT 2 = PermissionSource.SOURCE_TEMPLATE 3 = PermissionSource.SOURCE_PARENT 4 = PermissionSource.MARKING 16 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 16 Security Retrieve Object Permissions accessPermission.get_AccessMask() public Integer get_AccessMask() Parameters y None Returns y An integer representing the type of permission assigned to a user or group 17 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • The access returned is made up by ORing together all the individual permissions on the object for the particular grantee. • Each FileNet P8 access level - Corresponds to a common combination of FileNet P8 access rights - Is more convenient to use than the individual access rights • Example: Access level AccessLevel.READ (0x00020001) includes the access righ - AccessRight.READ (0x00000001) and - AccessRight.READ_ACL (0x00020000) Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 17 Security Retrieve Object Permissions accessPermission.get_AccessType() public AccessType get_AccessType() Parameters y None Returns y An integer that indicates whether a user or group is allowed or denied the associated access Notes y 1 = AccessType.ALLOW y 2 = AccessType.DENY y This method is inherited from DiscretionaryPermission interface 18 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 18 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Sample Code to Get Folder Permissions … AccessPermissionList permissions= folder.get_Permissions(); Iterator it = permissions.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ AccessPermission permission = (AccessPermission); System.out.println("Grantee Name=“ + permission.get_GranteeName()); System.out.println("Grantee Type=" + permission.get_GranteeType().toString()); System.out.println("Permission Source=" + permission.get_PermissionSource().toString()); … 19 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 19 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Sample Code to Get Folder Permissions (cont.) System.out.println("Access level = " + AccessLevel.getInstanceFromInt(permission. get_AccessMask().intValue()).toString()); System.out.println("Access type =" + permission.get_AccessType().toString()); System.out.println("Inheritable depth=" + permission.get_InheritableDepth()); } 20 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 20 Security Retrieve Object Permissions Activities In your workbook, see: y Lesson: Retrieve Object Permissions Complete these activities y Retrieve Folder Permissions 21 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 21 Security Rev 1.0 Security 22 Security Module: Security Lesson: Set Object Permissions 23 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 23 Security Set Object Permissions Scenario y There are a number of older documents in the object store that do not have the desired security settings. As the programmer, you will write code to update the security permissions on these documents so that they are the same as the folder they are filed in. 24 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 24 Security Set Object Permissions Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will: y Write code to set permissions on a folder y Write code to set security parent for a document 25 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 25 Security Set Object Permissions Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.AccessPermission.createInstance(…) accessPermission.set_GranteeName(…) accessPermission.set_AccessType(…) accessPermission.set_InheritableDepth(…) accessPermission.set_AccessMask(…) folder.set_Permissions(…) document.get_Containers() document.set_SecurityParent(…) 26 Instructor Notes: None. Rev 1.0 Security 26 Security Set Object Permissions Security Inheritance An object can inherit permissions from: y A security parent y A security policy y Both – If conflicts occur, “deny” takes precedence over “allow”. Inherited parent security example: y A document inherits permissions from its parent folder. y Inherited permissions are added to existing permissions Inherited policy security example: y A document inherits permissions from an applied policy. y Inherited permissions are added to existing permissions. 27 Help Paths: FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Understanding inheritance ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Inherited permissions cannot be directly changed. To determine if an access right is inherited, call Permission.isInherited(). Instructor Notes: None. Rev 1.0 Security 27 Security Set Object Permissions Setting Security with a Security Parent Example: A folder is a security parent for a document The security parent must be enabled to allow permissions inheritance y Security parent may allow inheritance to immediate children or all children (or no inheritance) y Inheritance for each permission (ACE) is independently set The child must also be set to allow permissions to be inherited from the parent y Applies to all the parent’s ACEs that are set to allow inheritance y For documents: – Use setSecurityParent(…) Java API method or – Check “Inherit Security from folder” in Enterprise Manager 28 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Understanding inheritance ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Adding an item to a folder does not immediately cause the item to inherit the folder’s security. The item must also have its security parent set after adding it to the folder. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 28 Security Set Object Permissions Steps to Set Permissions on a Folder 1. Create a new Permission object with values for a grantee. Factory.AccessPermission.createInstance(…) 2. Set the values for the new permission. accessPermission.set_GranteeName(…) accessPermission.set_AccessType(…) accessPermission.set_InheritableDepth(…) accessPermission.set_AccessMask(…) 3. Get the existing Permissions collection from the folder. 4. Add the Permission object to the collection. Folder.get_Permissions() Permissions.add(…) 5. Apply the new Permissions collection to the folder. Folder.set_Permissions(…) 6. Save the changes to the folder.…) 29 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • The Folder.get_Permissions() method was described in the previous lesson. • The add(…) method is the standard Java method to add an item to a list. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 29 Security Set Object Permissions Factory.AccessPermission.createInstance(…) public static AccessPermission createInstance() Parameters y None Returns y A object reference to a new instance of this class Notes y This method creates a new instance of the AccessPermission class y The created object is a dependent object y It is only persisted when its parent object is persisted 30 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 30 Security Set Object Permissions accessPermission.set_GranteeName() public void set_GranteeName(String value) Parameters y value - distinguished name or short name of the user or group whom an access permission is granted Returns y Nothing 31 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 31 Security Set Object Permissions accessPermission.set_AccessType(…) public void set_AccessType(AccessType value) Parameters y value - the security access type (Allow or Deny) that a user has for a given AccessPermission object Returns y Nothing 32 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 32 Security Set Object Permissions accessPermission.set_InheritableDepth(…) Public void set_InheritableDepth (Integer value) Parameters y value - specify the maximum depth to which a permission (ACL) can be inherited Returns y Nothing Notes y As the ACL gets inherited in a tree of objects, the value is decremented y Values allowed: – 0 - No inheritance – 1 - Immediate children only. – -1 - All children (infinite levels deep) 33 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 33 Security Set Object Permissions accessPermission.set_AccessMask() public void set_AccessMask(Integer value) Parameters y value - bitmask combining bit values representing the security access rights granted on a given object Returns y Nothing 34 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 34 Security Set Object Permissions folder.set_Permissions(…) public void set_Permissions(AccessPermissionList value) Parameters y value - Specify a collection of AccessPermission objects in a AccessPermissionList object Returns y Nothing 35 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 35 Security Set Object Permissions Sample Code to Set Folder Permissions … AccessPermission permission = Factory.AccessPermission.createInstance(); permission.set_GranteeName("MAG_Managers"); permission.set_AccessType(AccessType.ALLOW); permission.set_InheritableDepth(new Integer(-1)); permission.set_AccessMask(new Integer (AccessLevel.FULL_CONTROL_FOLDER_AS_INT)); permissions.add(permission); AccessPermissionList permissions = folder.get_Permissions(); folder.set_Permissions(permissions);; 36 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 36 Security Set Object Permissions Steps to Set a Document’s Security Parent 1. Get the document object. Factory.Document.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the containers of the document. document.get_Containers(…) 3. Set the security parent of the document. document.set_SecurityParent(…) 4. Save the changes to the document.…) 37 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 37 Security Set Object Permissions Document.get_Containers() public ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet get_Containers() Parameters y None Returns y The ReferentialContainmentRelationship objects collection that identify the containers of this object 38 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 38 Security Set Object Permissions Document.set_SecurityParent(…) public void set_SecurityParent (ReferentialContainmentRelationship value) Parameters y value — Specifies the object from which this object inherits security Returns y Nothing Notes y If this ContainableObject object is not filed in the specified folder, then this method also files the object into the specified folder. y If this object already has a security parent, then the existing security parent is replaced by the security parent specified in the folder parameter, but the object remains filed in the original folder. 39 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 39 Security Set Object Permissions Sample Code to Set a Document’s Security Parent ReferentialContainmentRelationshipSet rels = document.get_Containers(); ReferentialContainmentRelationship rel = null; Iterator it = rels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) rel =(ReferentialContainmentRelationship); document.set_SecurityParent(rel);; 40 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 40 Security Set Object Permissions Activities In your workbook, see: y Lesson : Set Object Permissions Complete these activities y Set Permissions on a Folder y Set Security Parent for a Document 41 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 41 Security Rev 1.0 Security 42 Security Module: Security Lesson: Apply a Security Template 43 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 43 Security Apply a Security Template Use Case y New security measures are being put in place for the application. A particular folder has already been set as the security parent for all the documents filed in it, and all those documents must have the new security applied. As the programmer, you will write code to apply a security template to the folder so that it and all the documents within it have the new security applied. 44 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 44 Security Apply a Security Template Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will: y Create a simple security policy y Write code to apply a security template to a folder 45 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 45 Security Apply a Security Template Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson objectStore.get_SecurityPolicies() securityPolicy.get_SecurityTemplates() securityTemplate.get_DisplayName() securityTemplate.get_ApplyStateID() folder.applySecurityTemplate(…) 46 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 46 Security Apply a Security Template Security Policies and Templates Used for managing object security y Can be applied to a Document, Custom Object, or Folder Security policies consist of one or more security templates y Each security template contains a set of access rights to be applied Security templates can: y Override “direct” object security or y Add to existing object security 47 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Authorization > Security policies ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Permissions on an object that originate from a security policy will appear on the object's ACL with a Source type of "Template" • Applying a template that contains no permissions to an object will have the effect of removing any existing permissions on that object that were previously applied by a security policy. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 47 Security Apply a Security Template Types of Security Templates Versioning security templates y Automatically applied to a versionable object as it goes through version state changes y Four possible out-of-the-box template names: – Released – Reservation – In process – Superseded Application security templates y Must be explicitly applied to an object programmatically y Can apply a list of permissions to an object, according to application logic y Can be named whatever you want 48 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Authorization > Security policies > About templates Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 48 Security Apply a Security Template Creating a Security Template Security templates can be created using: y Enterprise Manager y Workplace (Advanced Author Tools) To create a security template: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create a security policy. Add a security template to it. Add the individual access rights to the template. Repeat steps 2 to 3 to add additional templates. 49 Instructor Notes: DEMO Create a simple security template through Enterprise Manager. Show the pre-defined template options for the versioning states. Rev 1.0 Security 49 Security Apply a Security Template Steps to Apply a Security Template To apply a security template: 1. Apply a security policy to the object –By default for the class –Or programmatically 2. Assign a specific security template from the policy. 50 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Authorization > Security policies ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Security policies may be assigned to new instances of a class if the class is set up to have the security policy as the default. In that case, the default security policy is automatically associated with the object instance at the time of creation (unless the default is explicitly overridden). Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 50 Security Apply a Security Template Steps to Apply a Security Template to a Folder 1. Get the security policies stored in the object store. objectStore.get_SecurityPolicies() 2. Assign the security policy property to the Properties collection. folder.getProperties() properties.putValue(…) 3. Get the security template from security policy securityPolicy.get_SecurityTemplates() 4. Apply the security template to the folder. securityTemplate.get_ApplyStateID() folder.applySecurityTemplate(…) 51 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Applying a security Policy to a Folder object is just like adding a property to an object. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 51 Security Apply a Security Template objectStore.get_SecurityPolicies() public SecurityPolicySet get_SecurityPolicies() Parameters y None Returns y Collection of the security policies associated with this ObjectStore object 52 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 52 Security Apply a Security Template securityPolicy.get_SecurityTemplates() public SecurityTemplateList get_SecurityTemplates() Parameters y None Returns y Collection of the security templates associated with a given Security Policy object 53 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 53 Security Apply a Security Template securityTemplate.get_ApplyStateID() public Id get_ApplyStateID() Parameters y None Returns y Unique identifier for the state to which a given security template applies 54 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 54 Security Apply a Security Template folder.applySecurityTemplate(…) public void applySecurityTemplate(Id applyStateID) Parameters y applyStateID - An Id object representing the unique identifier of the security template to apply Returns y Nothing Notes: y The specified value for the applyStateID parameter must match the value of the ApplyStateID property of one of the templates in the security policy for the object 55 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For a versioning security template, the apply state ID can be one of the following: VersionStatusId.IN_PROCESS VersionStatusId.RELEASED VersionStatusId.RESERVATION VersionStatusId.SUPERSEDED For an application security template, the apply state ID is defined by your application. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 55 Security Apply a Security Template Sample Code to Get and Set a Security Policy to a Folder SecurityPolicySet securityPolicies = store.get_SecurityPolicies(); SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = null; Iterator it = securityPolicies.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ securityPolicy = (SecurityPolicy); policyname = securityPolicy.get_Name(); if (policyname.equalsIgnoreCase(policyName)) break; } Properties properties = folder.getProperties(); properties.putValue(PropertyNames.SECURITY_POLICY , securityPolicy); 56 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 56 Security Apply a Security Template Sample Code to Apply a Security Template to a Folder SecurityTemplateList securityTemplates = securityPolicy.get_SecurityTemplates(); Iterator secTemplateIt = securityTemplates.iterator(); Id securityTempId = null; while (secTemplateIt.hasNext()){ securityTemplate =(SecurityTemplate); securityTemplateName = securityTemplate.get_DisplayName(); if(securityTemplateName.equalsIgnoreCase(templateName)){ securityTempId = securityTemplate.get_ApplyStateID(); System.out.println("apply template id = " + securityTemplateId); break; } } folder.applySecurityTemplate(securityTemplateId);; 57 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 57 Security Apply a Security Template Activities In your workbook, see: y Lesson: Apply a Security Template Complete these activities y Create a Simple Security Policy y Apply a Security Template to a Folder 58 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 58 Security Module: Security Lesson: Get Users and Groups 59 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 59 Security Get Users and Groups Use Case y The application administrators want to find all users and group names that match a particular pattern, without leaving the application. As the their programmer, you will add this functionality to the application. 60 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 60 Security Get Users and Groups Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will: y Write code to retrieve users and groups names from the directory service 61 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 61 Security Get Users and Groups Java API Methods Presented in This Lesson Factory.EntireNetwork.fetchInstance(…) EntireNetwork.get_MyRealm() Realm.findUsers(…) User.get_DisplayName() User.get_DistinguishedName() User.get_ShortName() Realm.findGroups(…) Group.get_Name() 62 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 62 Security Get Users and Groups What Is a Realm? An abstract entity representing: y A collection of security principals (users and groups) who have access to objects controlled by the Content Engine For Active Directory… y A realm is the same as the Domain For other directory services… y A realm is the base object used to search the directory y Details were specified during Content Engine installation 63 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 63 Security Get Users and Groups User and Group Objects User object y Part of the security interface that allows a particular user to access a Content Engine resource Group object y Reflects a set of user accounts defined by the directory service Creating users, groups, and subgroups y Users and groups are created using tools provided by the directory service y You cannot create a new User or Group object, but you can instantiate one that has been persisted in the directory service 64 Help Paths: Content Java API Documentation: Interface User Content Java API Documentation: Interface Group Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 64 Security Get Users and Groups User and Group Names Distinguished Name is a… y Group or user's short name and the name of its domain y Example: "CN=Admins,CN=Users,DC=FileNet,DC=com" Short Name is the… y Simple, non-unique portion of the distinguished name that does not indicate its location relative to a domain or directory y Example: the short name form of the distinguished name above is “Admins” Principal Name is a… y Group/user's short name, “@”, and the domain name y Example: “” 65 HELP PATH FileNet P8 Documentation > FileNet P8 Administration > Enterprise-wide Administration > FileNet P8 Security > Directory service providers Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 65 Security Get Users and Groups FileNet User and Group Interfaces FileNet P8 Content Java API has interfaces with same name as some Java base interfaces User interface y Group interface y Code must give entire name when referenced y Examples: user; group; 66 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 66 Security Get Users and Groups Steps to Get User Names from the Directory Service 1. Get the EntireNetwork object. Factory.EntireNetwork.fetchInstance(…) 2. Get the Realm object. EntireNetwork.get_MyRealm() 3. Get the users in the realm that match a pattern. Realm.findUsers(…) 4. Retrieve the name properties. User.get_DistinguishedName() User.get_Name() 67 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 67 Security Get Users and Groups Factory.EntireNetwork.fetchInstance(…) public static EntireNetwork fetchInstance (Connection conn, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y conn - A Connection object for establishing the connection to the Content Engine server. y filter - A PropertyFilter object that represents information for controlling which property values (and with what level of detail and recursion) to return. Returns y An EntireNetwork object 68 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The EntireNetwork object allows your application to obtain access to the FileNet P8 domain and all object stores in the GCD of the Content Engine. Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 68 Security Get Users and Groups EntireNetwork.get_MyRealm() public Realm get_MyRealm() Parameters y None Returns y The Realm object in which the current user resides 69 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 69 Security Get Users and Groups Realm.findUsers(…) public UserSet findUsers ( String searchPattern, PricipalSearchType searchType, PrincipalSearchAttribute searchAttribute, PrincipalSearchSortType sortType, Integer pageSize, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y searchPattern - Specify a String containing a pattern of characters to search for. y searchType - Specify the type of search you want to conduct. y searchAttribute - Specify which attribute to include in the search criteria. y sortType - Specify how to sort the User objects in the returned collection. y pageSize - Specify the number of elements to return per page. Returns y A Users collection representing the users that met the specified criteria 70 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Possible values for the searchType parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchType.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchType.CUSTOM 2 = PrincipalSearchType.PREFIX_MATCH 3 = PrincipalSearchType.SUFFIX_MATCH 4 = PrincipalSearchType.CONTAINS 5 = PrincipalSearchType.EXACT • Possible values for the searchedAttribute parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.SHORT_NAME 2 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.DISPLAY_NAME • Possible values for the sortType parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchSortType.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchSortType.ASCENDING 2 = PrincipalSearchSortType.DESCENDING • For pageSize, if null or zero (0), the default is 50 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 70 Security Get Users and Groups Sample Code to Retrieve User Names … propertyFilter.addIncludeProperty(0,null, null, PropertyNames.MY_REALM); EntireNetwork entireNetwork = Factory.EntireNetwork. fetchInstance (connection, propertyFilter); Realm realm = entireNetwork.get_MyRealm(); UserSet users = realm.findUsers(pattern, PrincipalSearchType.PREFIX_MATCH, PrincipalSearchAttribute.SHORT_NAME, PrincipalSearchSortType.NONE, Integer.getInteger("50"), null); user; Iterator it = users.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()){ user = (; System.out.println("distinguished name =" + user.get_DistinguishedName()); System.out.println("short name =" + user.get_ShortName()); System.out.println("name =" + user.get_Name()); System.out.println("display name =" + user.get_DisplayName()); } 71 Instructor Notes: Question (from Eric Adel): On the Select users and groups window( under properties/security tab/add); We have two options Display name and short name radio buttons. What is the difference, they both return the same results? Answer (from Phong and Java Doc): The searchedAttribute parameter identifies the User object attribute to be included in the search criteria, as follows: 0 (or PRINCIPAL_SEARCH_ATTR_NONE) specifies that no attribute is included in the search criteria. 1 (or PRINCIPAL_SEARCH_ATTR_SHORT_NAME) specifies that the user's short name is to be included in the search criteria. 2 (or PRINCIPAL_SEARCH_ATTR_DISPLAY_NAME) specifies that the user's display name is to be included in the search criteria. The difference between short name and display name is in the way you define user: If you use Active Directory User and Group tool to open a user or group, you can see there is a name and a Display name. They can be different; our users/groups have the same short name as the display name, for example allen, amy. If you want to test, create a user with the name eric, and then set the display name to something different, say Bruce the Great, then test it and you can see the difference. Rev 1.0 Security 71 Security Get Users and Groups Getting Group Names from the Directory Service Procedure is the same as for getting users except y Get a Groups collection from Realm object instead of a Users collection: Realm.findGroups(…) Use Group objects instead of User objects Same methods apply for Group objects: Group.get_Name() Group.get_Groups() Group.get_Users() 72 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 72 Security Get Users and Groups Realm.findGroups(…) public GroupSet findGroups ( String searchPattern, PrincipalSearchType searchType, PrincipalSearchAttribute searchAttribute, PrincipalSearchSortType sortType, Integer pageSize, PropertyFilter filter) Parameters y searchPattern - Specify a String containing a pattern of characters to search for. y searchType - Specify the type of search you want to conduct. y searchAttribute - Specify which attribute to include in the search criteria. y sortType - Specify how to sort the Group objects in the returned collection. y pageSize - Specify the number of elements to return per page. Returns y A GroupSet collection representing the groups that met the specified criteria 73 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Possible values for the searchType parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchType.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchType.CUSTOM 2 = PrincipalSearchType.PREFIX_MATCH 3 = PrincipalSearchType.SUFFIX_MATCH 4 = PrincipalSearchType.CONTAINS 5 = PrincipalSearchType.EXACT • Possible values for the searchedAttribute parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.SHORT_NAME 2 = PrincipalSearchAttribute.DISPLAY_NAME • Possible values for the sortType parameter: 0 = PrincipalSearchSortType.NONE 1 = PrincipalSearchSortType.ASCENDING 2 = PrincipalSearchSortType.DESCENDING • For pageSize, if null or zero (0), the default is 50 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 73 Security Get Users and Groups Sample Code to Retrieve Group Names EntireNetwork entireNetwork = Factory.EntireNetwork.fetchInstance(); Realm realm = entireNetwork.get_MyRealm(); GroupSet groups = realm.findGroups(pattern, PrincipalSearchType.PREFIX_MATCH, PrincipalSearchAttribute.SHORT_NAME, PrincipalSearchSortType.NONE, Integer.getInteger("50"), null); group; Iterator groupIt = groups.iterator(); while (groupIt.hasNext()){ group=(; System.out.println("name =" + group.get_Name()); System.out.println("Distinguished name = " + group.get_DistinguishedName()); System.out.println("short name =" + group.get_ShortName()); 74 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 74 Security Get Users and Groups Activities In your workbook, see: y Lesson: Retrieve Users and Groups Complete these activities y Find User and Group Names 75 Instructor Notes: None Rev 1.0 Security 75 Security Rev 1.0 Security 76