Uploaded by Harold Gutérrez

Exxon Acrobat Reader Tutorial

Welcome to Exxon’s International Practices Manual on CD
ROM. This is a tutorial that was designed to help you
understand the functionality of Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01
with Search and the electronic practices module. Whether you
access the manuals from your hard drive, CD ROM or the LAN,
the functionality of Acrobat Reader will be the same. If you
need additional information not provided with this tutorial,
please refer to the Help File for Acrobat Reader 3.01 with
Exxon’s International Practices Manual is comprised of the
International Practices (IP’s), and the IP History Background
Documents associated with them. The practices will have the
same look and feel of the original hard copy, but in an
electronic format created with Adobe Acrobat.
With Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.01 with Search, the
International Practices Manual will have full text search, and
hyperlinks, that will help you find the information you need
quickly and efficiently. For easy spotting, hyperlinked text is
color coded blue in the module and the tutorial.
To return to the Main Menu, just select this button throughout
the tutorial, or continue to page through.
Return to Main Menu
Acrobat Reader 3.01 Overview
Setting Up The Preferences
How to Search
How to Navigate
How to Print
Getting Help
Return to Main Screen
Lets begin with the general overview of Acrobat Reader 3.01 with Search.
In this section, you will be able to get the feel of how to use Acrobat to
navigate through the practices that are presented in the electronic format. You
will get a basic overview of the functionality of the electronic documents, and
how they work.
Exxon’s International Practices Manual also incorporates 2 new plug-ins.
An updated plug-in for the Main Menu of the module, and a new Search Plugin to be used in addition to Acrobat Search. Please refer to the Readme file
for instructions on how to copy them for use with Acrobat Reader with Search.
To begin, single click here with the left mouse button on the blue start text
Return to Main Menu
That was a hyperlink. Any place in Exxon’s International Practices Manual where you see
blue text, just single click with the left mouse button and it will bring you to that particular
It’s very easy to navigate through your documents using the Acrobat toolbar. Below are a few
key buttons that will allow you to view and page through your documents with just the click of a
mouse. The default setting for all the pages in the practices manuals is 100%. You can easily
fit the page to the width of the monitor, by selecting the “fit width” button on the toolbar.
You can also page through the PDF documents by using the Arrow Keys or the Page Up and
Page Down keys on your keyboard. Also, the Home key will bring you to the first page of the
document and the End key will bring you to the last page.
Go to 1st Page
Go to Last Page
100% View
Fit Page
Fit Width
Page Backward
Backward to
Previous View
Forward to
Previous View
Page Forward
Return to Main Menu
Adobe Acrobat 3.01 with Search allows you to have up
to 10 PDF documents open at a time. This will allow
you to go back and forth to the numerical index, select
multiple practices, and toggle between them for
comparison and viewing.
Follow the directions for the preference settings in the
next section to allow for this functionality.
When multiple PDF documents are open at a time, the
list (by file name) will appear under the Window
Menu. It will list up to 10 documents at a time.
Acrobat will close previously opened PDF’s in
sequence as new ones are opened.
To navigate through, just select the PDF document
you would like to view from the list. The file names for
the PDF documents also appear at the top of the
Acrobat Window
To return to your previous location, just click the return to previous page
button on the toolbar, and it will return you to where you started from.
Even if you clicked through more than one page, it will reverse the
sequence back to your original location.
Return to Main Menu
Displays Only
The Page
Displays Page
And Bookmarks
Displays Page
And Thumbnails
Acrobat has Bookmarks that
are similar to a Table of
Contents and Thumbnails that
display miniature images of the
pages. By double clicking a
Bookmark or single clicking
the Thumbnail view of a
particular page, it will bring you
to that page. Bookmarks and
Thumbnails appear in the left
side of the window and are
easily viewed by selecting the
representative tool from the tool
Return to Main Menu
When you install Acrobat Reader
3.01 with Search for the first time, it
will use default preference settings
for the functionality of the application.
The Engineering Manuals install will
automatically change some of these
settings to allow for easy navigation
through multiple PDF files and have
more functionality for the search
query. Additional settings can be
manually changed as needed by the
user. Please refer to the Help File for
more detailed information.
To set for multiple PDF accessibility go to File, Preferences, General. Make sure the “Open Cross
Document Links in Same Window,” is not checked.
To set-up for the search query, go to File, Preferences, Search. To increase the number of
documents shown in the search results, change the default setting of 100. The total number of files
available when searching across all three manuals is quite large. You may want to change this to a
minimum of 300 top documents displayed.
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Another great feature in Exxon's Engineering
Practices CD-ROM is the search capabilities.
The International Practice Manual and its
associated IP History Background Document
Collection has been indexed separately. You can
choose to search each individually or in
combination. The indexes for each are
automatically added to Acrobat Reader 3.01 with
Search with the install of the CD-ROM data sets.
Once the indexes are added to Acrobat, either
with the install program or manually, you only
need to re-add them if the location of the data
should change. Search results are displayed
by a “hit list” in the Search Results Window.
A new Search Plug-in has been added to
supplement Acrobat Search. It will display the
number of hits in the results window that can be
copied and pasted.
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Single Word Search
Full Search Query
Display Search Results
Search Next
To Begin a Search Query
You can search for a single word within a document, or throughout multiple documents. When
searching through multiple documents, you can easily page from “hit to hit.”
Use the arrow keys on the tool bar to page through the “hits.” Acrobat Reader 3.0 with Search will
automatically page from document to document, highlighting the searched word(s).
Select the Search Query Button from the toolbar menu. On screen will display the message
“Starting the search engine.” This will bring up the Adobe Acrobat Search Window.
Type in the word or phrase you would like to search for. Use the options to pinpoint or eliminate
occurrences for specific formats.
To narrow search results when searching across a large number of
documents, selectively use the available options and additional Title,
Subject and Keyword fields. Below is a brief explanation of the option
and field functionality as well as some "Hot Tips!"
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You can search by Term, Phrase, or Boolean Expression and by using the options and additional
fields in the Search Dialog Box.
Boolean - You can use AND, OR, and NOT operators to build a Boolean expression that specifies
combinations of words that a document must have to be returned by a search.
Word Stemming - finds words that share a stem with a search word. Searching for programming,
for example, also finds program and programs, but not programmer.
Sounds Like - finds words that share a phonetic resemblance to a search term.
Match Case - finds only words that are capitalized exactly like the search term.
Proximity changes AND searches so that words must be within three or four pages of one another.
Thesaurus finds words that have the same meaning as the search word. Searching for
crypt, for example, also finds grave, mausoleum, sepulcher, and tomb.
Search by Title, Subject and Keyword – the practices have been indexed to allow you to search
by title, subject and keywords. Just key in any part of the term in the applicable field to help narrow
your search results. Examples of what terms were used to populate those fields are as follows:
• The title field was indexed with the manual ID, (IP) practice number and title: IP 10-7-1
General Purpose Steam Turbines
• The subject field was indexed with the practice number: IP 10-7-1
• The keyword field was indexed with the words from the title, practice number, and date:
General, Purpose, Steam, Turbines, IP, 10-7-1, June 1997
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The Search Results window will appear
with a list of all the sections that contain
“hits” of the searched information. The
blackened circle represents the
percentage of hits that the document
contains. Just double click on the
applicable document, and it will display the
file with the searched term highlighted.
Interpreting Relevance Ranking
A relevance ranking is assigned to each
document returned from a search. A
document’s relevance ranking indicates
how likely it is that the document contains
the information you are searching for.
Search uses five icons to indicate
relevance ranking: From left (full circle) to
right (empty circle), they rank documents
from highest to lowest likelihood of
containing relevant information.
The IP History Background Documents will have an "H" added to all the applicable titles to
differentiate those practices in the search results window when searching across all
manuals. For Example: IP 15-9-2 becomes IP 15-9-2H to associate it to the IP History Background
For full explanation on the variety of ways to search for
information, click here for
Return to Main Menu
Adobe Acrobat Search Online Guide
The International Practices contain "Asterisks" to reference specific information. To
search for these "Asterisks" simply type a capital "V" in the Adobe Acrobat Search or
Plug-in Search Window with "Match Case" selected. The search will result in "Hits" on all
the "Asterisks" as well as any capital V's contained in the document (which would be
considerably few in number). Similar results can be obtained for Purpose Codes, i.e. S,
E, O, R, C, M, & I, where "Match Case" is selected and they appear as stand alone
The new "Search Plug-in" has the basic search functionality of Acrobat Search,
but will display the number of hits per document in the Search Results Window.
At this time, the displayed results will not directly link to the documents and the
new search plug-in is only applicable to the IP Index and cannot be changed by
the user with this version. You can also "Copy / Paste" the results in any text
based application for future reference. To "Copy / Paste" the results, do the
Select the text to be copied within the results window
When the text is selected, click the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON and choose copy.
Open any text based application and click the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON where the text
is to be pasted. Then click the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON and select PASTE.
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To Add Indexes
The indexes for the manuals will be added to
Adobe Acrobat Reader automatically with the
install. An index would be unavailable If the path
of the .PDX index file cannot be found. For
example, if running from the CD, and the CD is
not in the drive on execution of the Search
Query. You would get an “index is not available”
message and the indexes would appear grayed
out in the INDEX SELECTION window. If the
path where the data is located should change,
you would need to delete and re-add the
indexes. Follow the steps below.
1. Select the Full Search Query button from the toolbar.
2. On screen will display the message “Starting the search engine”. To add new indexes, click the
ADD button. You will need to go to the location of the .PDX file for each manual. They will be
located in the root directory for each of the manuals. Open the directory, and select the .PDX file.
• Hard Drive Install
C:\IP98_CD\Practice Root Directory
• CD ROM Install
CD ROM Drive Letter:\IP98_CD\ Practice Root Directory
• LAN Install
LAN Server Drive Letter:\IP98_CD\ Practice Root Directory
3. Double click on the .PDX file, then select OK in the Index Selection Window.
Return to Main Menu
Printing in Acrobat Reader is similar to printing in other Windows based
Choose File, Print.
The Print menu will appear. You have the option to print the current page, all
pages or a range of pages.
Use the Set-Up button to select the printer
Return to Main Menu
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a very user friendly application. It has a very
extensive help file that will explain all the tools and functionality of the
Once you’ve learned to successfully navigate through the documents, you
will be able to find all the information you need, right at your fingertips.
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Acrobat Reader Online Guide
The Exxon International Practices Electronic Manual was produced by:
Interactive Systems International
150 James Drive East, Suite 170
St. Rose, Louisiana 70087
Telephone: 504-467-7400
Email: isi@interactivesystems.com