Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Gulf Countries 05 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Index Chapter Content PREFACE 2. TYPICAL ORGANIZATION & FACTORY LAYOUT 3. TENDERING 4. ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING 5. MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING 6. PRODUCTION 7. INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL 8. PACKING 9. SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING 10. USEFUL INFORMATION 2 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 PREFACE Schneider Electric’s strength relies in its strong Channel Partner Policy backed up with professional expertise in dealing with Channel Networks mainly comprising of Distributors, Franchised Panel Builders and System Integrators. Channel Partners are true allies in our business providing “value addition” to the business transaction between Manufacturer and Customer and therefore need to be moulded & dedicated to our standards of Quality, Workmanship & Service. To maintain the lasting relationship between Schneider Electric & its Franchised Panel Builders and in order to upkeep the image of both Organizations a strong commitment is required from Franchised Panel Builders in strictly following Schneider Electric standards, norms, practices & guidelines. This document provides basic guideline as to how Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builders should adapt and organize in order to present a professional image to the Customer and differentiate themselves with other Panel Builders in the market. The hand book will also enable Schneider Electric’s Key Account Responsibles to build & lead an effective Franchising activity taking into consideration the proven & best engineering & management practices listed. They would be in a strong position to promote Franchised Panel Builder’s with Consultants, Contractors & End Users. By adopting this handbook and ensuring that our Franchised Panel Builders follow the defined processes we aim to establish uniformity amongst our Franchisee’s and establish bench marks in the market place. We can be confident that our Customers will better appreciate the value for money when they procure equipment from Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder. 3 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Equipment under present scope OKKEN High Dependability Switchboard targeted at large sites (Oil & Gas, Chemical) 630A upto 6300A, 2mm thick, Form-4B Power Distribution and Motor Control Fixed and Withdrawable Switchboards & MCCs Innovative, Patented solutions for different types of Functional Units rendering extremely flexible and safe for upgrade / maintenance Fully Type-Tested to IEC 60439-1 Tested for Internal-Arc containment to IEC 61641 E@gle - Intelligent Motor Control Centers Designed & Assembled by Franchised Panel Builder (Columns Supplied in Standard Kits from France) BLOKSET High Dependability Switchboard targeted at High Commercial, Industrial and Infrastructure Markets (other than Oil & Gas) 630A upto 6300A, 2mm thick, Form-4B Power Distribution and Motor Control Fixed and Withdrawable Switchboards & MCCs Fully Type-Tested to IEC 60439-1 Tested for Internal-Arc containment to IEC 61641 Designed & Assembled by Franchised Panel Builder (RTW Columns supplied by Schneider Electric as per Drawings) PRISMA PLUS Modular, functional system targeted at Residential and Building Markets. 630A upto 3200A, 1.5mm thick, Form-4B Power Distribution and Motor Control (Fixed Version) Fully Type-Tested to IEC 60439-1 4 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Designed & Assembled by Franchised Panel Builder (Columns Supplied in Standard Kits from France) 5 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-2 TYPICAL ORGANIZATION & FACTORY LAYOUT 6 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Switchgear Div. Title: TYPICAL PS-200 ORGANIZATION & FACTORY LAYOUT Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED ORGANIZATION CHART Rev-A December 2005 GENERAL MANAGER SWITCHGEAR MANAGER SALES & MARKETING TENDERING LOGISTICS & PLANNING DESIGN PRODUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE QUALITY CONTROL Sales Engineer Estimation Engineer-1 Design Engineer Purchase Engineer Production Supervisor Quality Inspector - Marketing Engineer Estimation Engineer-2 Draftsman Logistics Controller Production Technician Testing Technician - SEG-FPBHB/F-201 7 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Switchgear Div. Title: TYPICAL PS-200 ORGANIZATION & FACTORY LAYOUT Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 TYPICAL LAYOUT OF A LV SWITCHGEAR ASSEMBLY PLANT FACTORY LAYOUT PACKING AREA WAREHOUSE 9 10 TABLES ARRANGEMENT FOR ASSEMBLY & WIRING OF THE CABINETS/D.B.s ENTRY EXIT BUSBAR STORAGE RACKS CUBICLE ASSEMBLY AREA 1 DRAWING TABLE TESTING AREA BUSBAR WORKING AREA WORKSHOP MANAGER 3 2 4 OFFICE 5 6 7 8 1 BUSBAR BENDING/CUTTING MACHINE 6 TESTING STAND 2 PUNCHING MACHINE 7 STATIC GENERATOR 3 GRINDING MACHINE 8 ENGRAVING MACHINE 4 COMBINED SHEARING/PUNCHING MACHINE 5 DRILLING MACHINE 9 WOOD PACKING MATERIALS 10 WEIGHING MACHINE SEG-FPBHB/F-202 8 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-3 TENDERING 9 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should prepare and submit an Offer on receipt of an enquiry from the Customer. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer’s enquiries for Low Voltage Switchboards. 3.0 Related Documents: RFQ Format (SEG-FPBHB/F-301) Check-List (SEG-FPBHB/F-302) Estimation Sheet (SEG-FPBHB/F-303) Offer Format (SEG-FPBHB/F-304) Discount Request Form (SEG-FPBHB/F-305) 4.0 Abbreviations: SE-Sales engineer TM-Tender manager EE-Estimation engineer DM-Design manager DE-Design engineer (draftsman) 5.0 Procedure / Process: Handling Customer Enquiries Customer enquiries are received by Sales Engineers (SE). SE should fill-up ‘Request For Quotation’ (RFQ) Form (SEG-FPBHB/F-301) and forward to the Tendering Dept. The Tendering Manager (TM) will analyse the RFQ and check if the required items are in the Franchised Panel builders (FPB) scope of supply. If it is out of the scope of supply, send a regret letter to the customer with copy to SE. If it is in the scope of supply, assign an Estimation Engineer (EE) for this enquiry. 10 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Estimation EE studies the detailed specification, Single line drawings, data sheets, etc. EE prepares a Check-List (SEG-FPBHB/F-302) noting down the key technical points of the specifications / customer requirement. If sufficient data is not available, EE obtains clarifications from Customer. With sufficient data available, EE starts with the Estimation / Costing. Estimation is done either using a software or manually. For MDBs / MCC’s EE prepares a rough sketch of the Switchboard layout in order to accurately determine the size and cost of enclosure, busbar, etc. For manual estimation, EE uses Estimation sheet format (SEG-FPBHB/F-303) In the estimation, EE evaluates cost of the following core items: Enclosure Circuit Breakers (ACB, MCCB, MCB, …) Motor Starters Instrumentation (Metering devices, CTs, PTs, Fuses, …) Busbars Etc Miscellaneous items (such as Hardware, Cabling, etc..) can be estimated as a percentage of Material Cost Labour can be estimated as a percentage of Material Cost With the Total material Cost + Labour known, EE adds their Profit Margin (to be decided by the management) and arrives at the Selling Price Offer Preparation EE then prepares a Techno-Commercial offer Using (SEG-FPBHB/F-304) It is important to note down the List of Deviations to spec in the offer. EE obtains signatures of relevant personnel (based on Management decision). EE sends the Offer to customer along with necessary documentation. One Copy of the Offer is sent to SE and another copy filed in the Quotation File. Job Finalization SE follows up the Offers submitted to the customers. SE declares the project on TSOP list (Target Selection of Project) based on the TSOP rules defined by Schneider Electric. During negotiations with the customer, in order to obtain Special Project Discount on Schneider Electric components, the SE should prepare a ‘Discount Request Form (SEG-FPBHB/F-305) and send the same to concerned Sales engineer in Schneider Electric. 11 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Process Flow chart: Responsible Comments R e c e ip t o f c u s to m e r E n q u ir y Customer Enquiry by Fax, E-mail,Post Direct contact C o m p le t e R F Q f o r m F o rw a rd to T M RFQ-Format SEG-FPBHB/F-301 SE A n a ly s e R F Q Is it in o u r s c o p e N o S e n d re g re t le tte r to c u s to m e r Y es A s s ig n E s t im a t io n e n g in e e r , s e n d R F Q A c k n o w le d g e m e n t t o S E TM TM Check-list-Format SEG-FPBHB/F-302 S t u d y d e t a ils t e c h n ic a l & c o m m e r c ia l s c o p e p r e p a r e c h e c k - lis t c la r if ic a t io n s fro m c u s to m e r TM B A 12 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer Responsible December 2005 Comments A B No S u ffc ie n t d a t a to Q u o te EE YES EE C a r r y o u t e s tim a tio n u s in g s o ftw a r e o r m a n u a lly u s e e s tim a tio n s h e e t Estimation Format SEG-FPBHB/F-303 No p re p a re T e c h n o c o m m r e c ia l o f f e r EE T M to c h e c k if th e o ffe r is o k TM Offer Format SEG-FPBHB/F-304 Yes O b t a in a p p r o p r ia t e s ig n a t u r e S e n d o ffe r to c u s to m e r c o p y to S E & Q u o ta tio n f ile EE SE/EE C 13 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Responsible Comments C S E f o llo w - u p o ff e r w it h c u s to m e rs . SE B a s e d o n T S O P p ro c e d u re s s e t b y S c h n e id e r e le c t r ic , D e c la r e t h e p r o je c t T S O P lis t D u r in g N e g o t ia t io n s , in o r d e r t o o b t a in s p e c ia l d is c o u n t o n s c h n e id e r c o m p o n e n t s , s e n d D is c o u n t r e q u e s t fo r m to S c h n e id e r s a le s SE Discount Request Format SEG-/FPBHB/F-305 SE 14 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer FPB LOGO Date : Country / Region SAL Ref. No. First Quote Revision Project Data : Project Name End User Consultant Main Contractor Customer : : : : : Spec. Single Line BOM IEC MDB Comments : Competition : Project Status : SMDB Standard Strategic Customer : Tender Docs. Schematics NEMA / ANSI MCC Payment Conditions : Ref. No. Sub Contractor : Specification : Scope : December 2005 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Compiled by : Equipment : Rev-A DB CP Non Standard (specify) Yes No Budgetary Expected Delivery Date: Bidding Stage Chance Of Success Low Job In Hand Medium High Others……….. Offer Required By : Equipment to be offered Blokset Okken Prisma Plus Sales Managers Signature : Date : For Tendering Dept Use Only : RFQ Accepted Yes No Received RFQ Rejected Estimator Reason(s) For Rejection : Confirmed Quotation Date : Quotation No. Comments : Signed : Date : Tendering Mnger Form# SEG-FPHB/F-301 15 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 FPB LOGO Customer CHECK-LIST Ref Date Rev SPECIFICATION SNAPSHOT Note : Additional data to be supplied Standards Temperature Atmosphere IEC 60439-1 Ambient Air 0 BS / EN 60439-1 24hr Average 0 Duty C Relative Humidity % Continuous C Altitude m Discontinuous Others Decret 14/11/88, Relatif a la protection des personnes Place of Installation Sea Side Y N Corrosive atmosphere Y N Earthquake risk Yes Enclosure No Tropicalization Indoor Ventilated Room Degree of Protection Outdoor Air-conditioned Room Impact Strength IP Ik Pressurized Room Sheet Steel thickness, mm Special Paint TECHNICAL DATA Power Supply System Parameters Busbars Rated operating Voltage V Rated Current A Material: Rated Insulating Voltage V Short-Circuit Current kA Constant Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage kV Rated Short-time Current,1s kA Bare Frequency Hz Rated peak Withstand Current kA Harmonics Aux / Control Voltage From Busbar V Aux Xfmr Tin-plated Silver-plated Paint 100% 50% Earth Bar Connections / Access Instrumentation Meters Solidly grounded TT Incoming : Unearthed Network IT Bus Duct Earthed Neutral TN Outgoing 4-Wires TN-C Access 5-Wires TN-S Top Bottom Cable Top 72x72 Others Bottom Front 96x96 Rear Pilot Devices : Others 22.5mm dia Functional Unit Internal Separation Compartment/s Fixed Drawout Form Incoming CB Fixed Drawout Form 4 Type 6 Outgoing CB Fixed Drawout Assembly Classification 1 2 Manuf Quality Assurance 3 7 4 ISO-9001 ISO-9002 Remarks Type Tested Assembly - TTA Partially Type Tested Ass - PTTA Form# SEG-FPHB/F-302 16 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Alu Decreasing PVC Sleeves Neutral External Earthing System Copper Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Date FPB LOGO ESTIMATION SHEET Offer Ref Client Project Swbd Ref Sn Reference Item Desc Unit List Price Coeff Unit Price Disc Net U.Price Qty T.Price Remarks 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY OF MATERIAL COST Material Cost 0 =S= components Misc 2% - Enclosure Labour 7% - Busbars Total Matl + O/H Cost - Meters, CTs, Misc items,….. Margin 20% Total Material Cost 0 SELLING PRICE Form# SEG-FPHB/F-303 17 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer Customer: Project: Ref: Date: Rev-A xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx December 2005 FPB LOGO OFFER FOR L.V.SWITCHBOARDS PROJECT xxxxxxx CUSTOMER yyyyyyyy CONTENTS SN DESCRIPTION 1. COMMERCIAL OFFER – SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE 3. BILL OF PRICES 4. BLOKSET TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 5. TECHNICAL DETAILS xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx SEG-FPBHB/F-304 18 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 COMMERCIAL OFFER SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1. SCOPE OF SUPPLY This offer consists of LV Switchgear, according to the attached Bill of Prices and the technical part that complement one another. 2. TOTAL PRICE: EURO xxxxxx Our prices are meant: ♦ In EURO currency of account and payment. ♦ Excluding any taxes and customs duties. ♦ Firm within the validity and delivery periods as defined hereunder. 3. PAYMENT CONDITIONS ♦ 20 % of the total price along with the order as down payment by certified cheque or bank transfer. ♦ 80 % of the total price at the time of delivery by irrevocable and confirmed documentary credit opened in our favour within one month from the date of order, payable at sight upon presentation of commercial invoice and delivery note. ♦ Settlement of invoices shall not be linked to any payment due to by Purchaser a third party (public or private). ♦ For any delay in payment, service charges for account handling shall be claimed by Schneider Electric and paid by Purchaser at a rate of 0.5 % per month of delayed amount. 4. VALIDITY PERIOD This offer is valid for acceptance until the xx/xx/05. Should extension of validity be required, please contact us. 5. DELIVERY PERIOD The equipment will be ready for Ex Works delivery within 10 to 12 weeks from the date of coming into force of the contract and shop drawing approval. 6. GENERAL SALES CONDITIONS Our attached General Sales Conditions form an integral part of this offer. They shall apply unless otherwise superseded by above specific conditions. SEG-FPBHB/F-304 19 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. GENERAL: These conditions apply whatever the purchaser's general purchasing conditions may be. Any departure from the conditions, stipulated in the order will only be considered as accepted once our written consent has been accorded. The sales contract is considered as final only after our definite acknowledgment of the order. 2. SUBJECT AND LIMIT OF THE OFFER: The conditions of this offer apply exclusively to supply of equipment specified in the offer, and are not binding for additional supplies. The purchaser will in no case be allowed to put forward standards, specifications, statutes, rules and uses not duly accepted by us. 3. COMING INTO FORCE OF CONTRACT: The contract will be considered effective when the following conditions are fulfilled: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Signature of the contract by two parties or acknowledgment by us of Purchase Order. Receipt of down payment. Receipt of L/C covering the balance of the total equipment supply amount by us as per agreed terms. Should these conditions not be fulfilled within 30 days after the Contract has been awarded, we are entitled to renegotiate the terms. 4. VALIDITY: This offer is valid for the period specified in the Specific Conditions. 5. PRICES: 6. INSPECTION - TEST: Type tests will not be performed. When required, type test certificates from similar equipment will be provided. Routine tests are always undertaken on the equipment in our/subsidiary factories. Some of these routine tests may be repeated during inspection at purchaser’s request. We will notify the purchaser in writing seven (7) calendar days before the date set for inspection. Should the purchaser or his representative fail to take inspection within a seven (7) day period from the date for inspection, the equipment will be considered as duly accepted and we will be entitled to proceed with packing and delivery. In any case should the inspection be delayed for reasons outside our control, or the duration of the inspection exceed 2 days, or technical modifications be directed, then the delivery period will be extended accordingly. Necessary facilities for performing the inspection (test equipment and personnel) will be made available by us exclusive of the expenses incurred by purchaser’s representatives. 7. PACKING : Unless otherwise specified packing is made in accordance with our experience and practices. Only packing made by us in such conditions can involve our responsibility. Packing is non-returnable. 8. DELIVERY: 8.1 DELIVERY CONDITIONS: The delivery conditions stated in our offer are to be in accordance with the Inco terms of the International Chamber of Commerce. From the Prices indicated in the Price Schedule are firm within the validity period. 20 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 moment when the goods are delivered at the place agreed upon, we decline all liabilities on our part in the event of loss, robbery or damage to the goods. Unless otherwise agreed we reserve the right to dispatch our goods in the event of loss, robbery or damage to the goods. Unless otherwise agreed we reserve the right to dispatch our goods in partial deliveries. 8.2 8.3 DELIVERY PERIOD : Unless otherwise specified, the delivery time is to be considered as ex-works (EXW) delivery. The order is not considered as final and the delivery period does not come into force before the due completion of the following conditions: All information necessary to proceed with design and manufacture has been transmitted/ forwarded to us. The term payable at time of order, if any, has been paid or, in the event of payment by documentary credit opened at the time of order the letter of credit has been duly opened, and accepted by us. If despatch is delayed by the purchaser for any reason, the goods will be stored and handled by us at the expense of the purchaser. VARIATIONS AND MODIFICATIONS : Should during the execution of the contract, we be directed by notice in writing to alter, amend, omit or remove any part of the specification, technical data or drawings, a corresponding increase or decrease in the contractual price will be determined and the modification will be executed after the receipt of a variation order. Due account shall be taken of any partial execution of the contract which is rendered useless by any such variations. Furthermore an extension of time will be granted to us. If required a manufacturing time schedule including deadlines, after which modifications shall affect the final delivery date, will be established by us after coming into force of contract. 9. FORCE MAJEURE : Our responsibility could not be involved in the event of delays in delivery due to "force majeure" or fortuitous circumstances beyond our control; such as wars, disease, requisitions, strikes, fires, floods, cataclysms, interruptions, or delays in the transport, or supply of raw materials, power, etc.. 10. PAYMENT : Payment shall be made in Dubai, UAE, net without discount, in accordance with the stipulated terms of payment. 11. RETAINED PROPERTY: It is understood that the property of the goods covered by the contractor will not be transferred to the purchaser until complete payment of the amount agreed upon. 12. GUARANTEE: Our goods are guaranteed for a period of fifteen (15) months from the delivery date or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever comes earlier against any defects in construction or operation arising from faulty design, materials or workmanship. Our guarantee does not apply in the following cases: - Defects arising either from materials supplied by the purchaser or from a design requested by the purchaser. Replacements or repairs resulting from normal wear of units and machinery, damages or injuries caused by lack of care, insufficient, inspection or maintenance, or improper use of the goods. Failure attributed to fortuitous circumstances or force majeure. SEG-FPBHB/F-304 21 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 The guarantee consists in repairing, modifying or replacing the parts or units recognized as defective, within the shortest time and at our expenses inclusive of parts and labour. Our liability is limited to the obligations thus defined and we could not be bound to pay compensation to the purchaser for incurred prejudices such as personal injury, damage to goods other than those stipulated in the contract or loss of profit. The guarantee legally cease if the purchaser has, under his own initiative, undertaken modifications or repairs on our goods without our explicit consent. 13. 13.1 CONFIDENTIALITY: The studies, drawings and documents submitted to the purchaser remain our property and are confidential, and the purchaser may neither make use of them for any purpose other than stipulated in the contract nor, consciously or not, transmit them to third party, and he binds himself to take relevant action to comply with this. 13.2 Should the sale not be settled, the studies and documents submitted with this tender must be handed back to us at request, within the fortnight following the limit of validity of the offer. 14. DISPUTES & LAW : The disputes, if any, which could not be settled by mutual agreement shall be finally settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the rules. The present offer and the relevant contract shall be construed and governed according to the UAE Law. 15. DIRECT OR INDIRECT LIABILITY: We can not be held responsible for any indirect costs, such as Loss of Profit, Opportunity costs, Lack of production, due to any damage or incident. 16. DOCUMENTS APPROVAL: When the documents are submitted for approval to the purchaser, he shall notify his approval or his comments within 15 (fifteen) days from the submission date, otherwise delivery schedule will be extended accordingly. 17. DELAYS & TERMINATION: If we are prevented from execution of the project due to reasons beyond our control, we shall have the right to terminate the contract upon written notice of 7 (seven) days. In such a case we shall be entitled to receive all costs incurred upto the date of termination plus an attributable portion of the overheads. BILL OF PRICES SN QTY U.PRICE T.PRICE 1. MMM DESCRIPTION 1 XXX XXX 2. MMM 1 XXX XXX 3. MMM 1 XXX XXX 4. MMM 1 XXX XXX 5. MMM 1 XXX XXX TOTAL PRICE EX WORKS XXX IN EURO XXXXXX 22 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 SEG-FPBHB/F-304 23 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 LIMIT OF SUPPLY: This offer does not include the following supplies and services: ♦ Spare Parts ♦ Type Test repetition ♦ Labour on site such as • Supervision of erection and installation • Site assembly and connection • Testing and Commissioning ♦ Remote Control and Indication ♦ Cable Termination Kits, Cable lugs and Crimping Tools ♦ AC/DC auxiliary supply ♦ Co-ordination Study ♦ As a general remark, all equipment which are not explicitly mentioned in our offer. Scope of supply is frozen on basis of following documents: ♦ Contract SLD – Drawing Ref XXXXXXXXXXXXXX NOTES: Offer is based on attached Technical details of the LV Panels 24 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 BLOKSET TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 PRESENTATION BLOKSET, a modular multi - functional system has been designed to improve reliability and safety which: ♦ Complies with International Standards ♦ Tested according to International standards ♦ Manufactured in ISO certified facilities BLOKSET is a fully type tested and complete system integrating Schneider Switchgear components and composed of Standard Prefabricated components which guarantee flexibility, quick manufacture and reliable service after delivery. 2 STANDARDS The equipment proposed in this offer has been designed, manufactured and tested in compliance with IEC recommendation. ♦ LV Switchgear and Controlgear Assemblies IEC 60439 - 1 ♦ Degrees of Protection provided by enclosures IEC 60529 ♦ Resistance to salt mist IEC 68-2-11 ♦ Resistance to clamp heat IEC 68-2-30 In addition to fulfilling the above standards, Blokset has also undergone several other tests such as : ♦ Internal Arc Confinement. - AS 3439 ♦ Earthquakes - CBC ( California Building Code ) SEG-FPBHB/F-304 25 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer 3 BLOKSET UNIT AND SWITCHBOARD DESCRIPTIONS 3.1 Blokset Panel Descriptions December 2005 The Blokset panel descriptions are presented in the Technical Leaflet reference ART.080308 Blokset range. 3.2 Sheet Metal Treatment And Painting All the work pieces are cleaned before painting by several steps of chemical process and finally treated by Fe Phosphate in order to protect against corrosion and get strong adhesive result. These parts coated by Epoxy Polyester Powder which melted through treating process at 1850 C - 2000 C will give the hardness of painting result. To ensure the quality of the painting, the following sample test are performed ♦ Paint thickness 60-80 µm ♦ Hardness test by Perzoz pendulum ( min : 300 Second ) ♦ Adherence test by Cross CUT ♦ Impact test ( 1 hg - 50 cm ) ♦ Brilliancy check ♦ Bending test by Mandrel Bending 3.3 General Characteristics Standard Manufacturing Design System Type Panel Internal Separation Degrees of Protection Ambient Air Temperature : : : : : : IEC 60439 - 1, IEC 60529 Modular Indoor Form 1 to Form 4b IP31, IP42, IP54 Between -50 C up to 500 C maximum (Average over a period of 24 hrs does not exceed + 350 C) Altitude Relative Humidity : : Up to 2000 m At Max Temp. +400 C Lower Temp. + 200 C =Less than 50 % =Less than 90 % 3.4 Electrical Characteristics Rated Insulation Voltage Rated Operational Voltage Rated Short Time Withstand Current: Rated peak Withstand Current Rated Current - Main Busbars - Distribution Busbars : 1000 VAC : 690 VAC Up to 100 kA - 1s : Up to 220 kA : : Up to 6300A : Up to 3200A (except Withdrawable = 1000A) 3.5 Mechanical Characteristics Dimension Height (Overall) Depth : : 2200 mm 600 / 1000 mm 26 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Width : 700 / 900 / 1100 mm SEG-FPBHB/F-304 27 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Material Enclosures Busbars Painting Cable Connection Access 4 Rev-A : : : : December 2005 Folded Metal Sheet Thickness 2 mm TINNED Copper Epoxy Polyester Powder * RAL 9002 Ordinary Smooth Bottom / Top (Front / Rear Access) TESTS 4.1 Type-Tests BLOKSET panels have successfully passed the following Type-Tests in accordance with IEC 60439-1 Standards. ♦ Verification of Short-Circuit withstand strength ♦ Verification of Temperature rise limits ♦ Verification of dielectric properties ♦ Verification of clearance and creepage distances ♦ Verification of effectiveness of protective circuits ♦ Verification of Mechanical operation ♦ Verification of Degree of Protection Blokset ype IEC T 60439-1 Tested Assembl 4.2 y Routine Tests The following Routine Tests are done in the factory in accordance with IEC 60439-1 Standards. Inspection of the Assembly ♦ Dielectric Test ♦ Checking of protective measures and of the electrical continuity of the protective circuits 5 LIMIT OF SUPPLY This technical offer is valid for the supply of equipment completed with documents as follows : ♦ As Built Drawing ♦ Factory Test Report ♦ Installation Guide 6 LIST OF MANUFACTURERS ♦ Switchgear & Controlgear ♦ ACB’s, MCCB’s ♦ Protective Relays equivalent Auxiliary Relays ♦ ♦ Lamps, Push - Buttons ♦ Switches ♦ Terminals SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - BLOKSET SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - MERLIN GERIN SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - MERLIN GERIN or SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - TELEMECANIQUE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - TELEMECANIQUE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - TELEMECANIQUE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - TELEMECANIQUE 28 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 ♦ ♦ Current Transformer Measuring Instruments Celsa or equivalent Crompton or equivalent SEG-FPBHB/F-304 29 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book TECHNICAL DETAILS PS-300 Title: TENDERING Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Tendering Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1. MSB-A Incomer-1 (Mains) : 1600A 3P ACB, Drawout Motorized, NW16H1, with Micrologic 5.0A microprocessor based control unit c/w Over-current and Short-circuit protection, 30v DC shunt trip. Metering for Mains: 3nos Ammeters with MDI (with 3 CTs) 1 no REF Relay with 4nos Class-X CTs 10way Terminal block + Space for KWH + 3CTs 1no V/M + S/S (with busbar mounting fuses on incoming links). 3nos RYB lamps Incomer-2 (Genr) : 1600A 4P ACB, Drawout Motorized, NW16H1, with Micrologic 5.0A microprocessor based control unit c/w Over-current and Short-circuit protection, 30v DC shunt trip. Metering for Genr: 3nos Ammeters with MDI (with 3 CTs) 1 no REF Relay (SEPAM 100LD) with 4nos Class-X CTs 1no V/M + S/S (with busbar mounting fuses on incoming links). 3nos RYB lamps Note: Auto-Changeover facility to be provided between the 2 Incomers using UACONTROLLER. Outgoing, 12nos 200A 3P MCCB, NS250H, Fixed with ext rotary handle + 200A 3P CONTACTOR Each Contactor to have a Hand-Off-Auto selector switch 3nos (45-100)A 3P MCCB, NS100H, Fixed with ext rotary handle Control Logic : Voltage sensing relay senses restoration of supply either from Mains or Generator. Each of the Contactors will be closed with a Cascaded TIME-DELAY of approx 10secs (adj 5 to 60secs). Necessary relays, timers, etc will be provided. Busbars : 1600A, 4-Pole, high conductivity, hard-drawn, Tin-plated copper, fault level 85kA for 1 sec (equivalent to 44kA for 3secs) Design : 5-column BLOKSET modular compartmental structure conforming Form-4B to IEC 60439-1 standards. Fully Type-tested switchboard using 2mm thick sheet steel, IP42, finished to RAL 9002 paint shade. Col-1: (700+400)w x 2200h x 1000d Col-2, 3 : 700w x 1000h x 1000d Col-4, 5 : (200+700)w x 2200h x 1000d Dimensions : 4300(W) x 2200(H) x 1000(D) mm (approx) 2. LV PANEL-2 Incomer : 800A 3P ACB, Drawout Motorized, NW08H1, with Micrologic 5.0A microprocessor based control unit c/w Over-current and Short-circuit protection, 30v DC shunt trip. Metering for Mains: 3nos Ammeters with MDI (with 3 CTs) 30 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 SEG-FPBHB/F-304 31 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Tendering Title: TENDERING PS-300 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1 no REF Relay with 4nos Class-X CTs 10way Terminal block + Space for KWH + 3CTs 1no V/M + S/S (with busbar mounting fuses on incoming links). 3nos RYB lamps Outgoing: 2nos 300A 3P MCCB, NS400N, Fixed with ext rotary handle 2nos 250A 3P MCCB, NS250H, Fixed with ext rotary handle 4nos (63-100)A 3P MCCB, NS100H, Fixed with ext rotary handle 1nos 200A 3P MCCB, NS250H, Fixed with ext rotary handle + 200A 3P CONTACTOR + 3xSP MCB + Photocell + 3posn S/S 3nos (30-45)A 3P MCCB, NS100H, Fixed with ext rotary handle + 3nos 30A SP MCB,9kA Busbars : 800A, 4-Pole, high conductivity, hard-drawn, Tin-plated copper, fault level 85kA for 1 sec (equivalent to 44kA for 3secs) Design : 3-column BLOKSET modular compartmental structure conforming Form-3B to IEC 60439-1 standards. Fully Type-tested switchboard using 2mm thick sheet steel, IP42, finished to RAL 9002 paint shade. Col-1 : (700+400)w x 2200h x 1000d Col-2 : 700w x 2200h x 1000d SEG-FPBHB/F-304 Col-3 : (200+700)w x 2200h x 1000d Dimensions : 2700(W) x 2200(H) x 1000(D) mm (approx) 32 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book PB-LOGO Title: TENDERING Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Sales Rev-A PS-300 DISCOUNT REQUEST FORM Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 PANEL BUILDER'S NAME: Region : Date : Sales Manager: Reference # Project Name : End User : Consultant : Contractor: Project Description : COMPETITION: COSTING SUMMARY (mention all values in Euro) Merlin Gerin / Square D Telemecanique Other Schneider (Prisma Plus, Blokset, …) TOTAL SCHNEIDER PORTION a1 Panel Builder's Portion b1 Labour + Over-Heads c1 TOTAL COST FOR PANEL BUILDER t1 = a1+b1+c1 Panel Builder margin % m1 Initial Selling Price for the project s1 = t1 / (1-m1) Target Selling Price for the project Required reduction DISCOUNT REQUIRED FROM =S= Form SEG-FPBHB/F-305 33 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-4 ORDER PROCESS DESIGN & ENGINEERING 34 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should process orders received from Customers. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer Order’s received against the Offers submitted. 3.0 Related Documents: Contract Review form (SEG-FPBHB/F -401) Order Acknowledgement Format (SEG-FPBHB/F -402) Drawing format (SEG-FPBHB/F -403) Compliance statement ( SEG-FPBHB/F -404) Project Submittal format (SEG-FPBHB/F -405) 4.0 Abbreviations: SE-Sales engineer TM-Tender manager EE-Estimation engineer DM-Design manager DE-Design engineer(draftsman) 5.0 Procedure / Process: CONTRACT REVIEW Customer Orders are received by Sales Engineers (SE). SE forwards the order to the Tendering department. The Estimation Engineer (EE) should prepare a CONTRACT REVIEW (SEG-FPBHB/F-401) At this stage a detailed comparison is done between the Offer submitted and Order received. If discrepancies are found between the offer submitted and order received, clarifications / amendment is sought from the customer. EE obtains approval of the Tendering Manager (TM) for Order acceptance. The order is then registered in the Order register. TM calls for ‘Job Launching Meeting’ with all departments – Design, Planning & Logistics, Production, Quality Control and Finance. Various steps of the Order Process on the Contract Review are discussed during this meeting. Key milestones such as: Receipt of Advance payment / Letter of Credit, etc. Submission of Drawings / Project Submittal. Tentative date of receipt of Drawing Approval. Procurement – Arranging all required items. Material and Production Planning schedule Commencement of Production. 35 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Expected date of completion – FAT dates Dispatch date 36 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 An ‘ORDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT’ (SEG-FPBHB/F -402) is then sent to the customer with probable dates for Submission of Drawings, Production Schedule and Dispatch dates. The file is handed over to Design department. DESIGN The Design Manager (DM) assigns a Design Engineer (DE) and a Draftsman for this project. DE and Draftsman prepare the drawings on the basis of the Contract SLD, Specifications, Estimation and the offer submitted. Drawings are to be prepared as per Schneider’s Drawing format(SEG-FPBHB/F-403) A typical drawing should at least contain: Title sheet Revision Index sheet General Specification Summary List of Symbols used Front Layout / G.A. drawing should contain busbar location, cross-section,.. Foundation layout Single Line Diagram Control Wiring Diagram, if required Termination schedule Bill of Material. Drawing contains the SE ‘Franchised Panel Builder’s Logo along with brand name. DE prepares a COMPLIANCE STATEMENT (SEG-FPBHB/F -404) to the specification. DE and Draftsman prepares a PROJECT SUBMITTAL Format (SEG-FPBHB/F-405) file that should at least include: Company profile / brochure, ISO 9001 certificate, Project references ‘Franchised Panel Builder’ Valued authorization certificate from Schneider Electric. Drawings Compliance Statement Catalogues (at least colour print-out from Electronic files,… do not include poor quality Xerox copies),Use data sheets Calculations…Short-Circuit calculations using Ecodial, if required. This file is reviewed by DM and submitted for Consultant / Client Approval through SE. DRAWING APPROVAL DE along with SE attends technical clarification meetings with Consultant / Client. Drawing Approval is then received from Consultant / Client. LOGISTICS / PRODUCTION FILES DE prepares files to be handed over to Logistics / Production for Material and Production Planning. The Logistics file should contain detailed Bill of Material for procurement. Production file should contain at least the following docs: Approved Drawings with a stamp ‘APPROVED FOR MANUFACTURING’. Bill of Material 37 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Busbar fabrication drawings or list of standard busbar drawings. Label List 38 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Process Flow chart: Responsible R e c e ip t o f c u s to m e r O rd e r Comments SE F o r w a r d t o t e n d e r in g d e p t . , E E p re p a re C O N T R A C T R E V IE W EE R equest A m e n d m e n t/ C la r if ic a t io n fro m c u s to m e r N o Contract review SEG-FPBHB/F-401 EE/SE C h e c k if O r d e r is in lin e w it h O f f e r Y es EE O b t a in a p p r o v a l o f T M f o r o r d e r a c c e p t a n c e R e g is te r t h e o r d e r in o r d e r r e g is te r TM Y es T M c a ll fo r jo b la u n c h in g m e e t in g w it h a ll d e p t s ( T e n d e r in g , D e s ig n , Q C , P r o d u c t io n , L o g is tic s , F in . ) TM A 39 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED A S e n d O rd e r A c k n o w le d g e m e n t to c u s t o m e r w it h P r o b a b le M ile s t o n e s ( D a t e o f d r a w in g s u b m is s io n , p r o d u c t io n c o m p le t io n , F A T , d e s p a t c h ) F ile h a n d e d o v e r t o d e s ig n , D e s ig n m a n a g e r a llo c a t e d e s ig n e n g r ( D E ) a n d t o s t a r t d r a w in g p r e p a r a tio n D E /D ra fts m a n -p re p a re D r a w in g ( I n c lu d in g B O M ) a s p e r S c h n e id e r D r a w in g F o rm a t D E -p re p a re C O M P L IA N C E STATEM EN T as per S c h n e id e r fo r m a t D E -p re p a re P R O J E C T S U B M I T T A L - V e r if ie d b y DM . December 2005 Responsible TM Comments Order Ackn Format SEG-FPBHB/402 DM DE DE DE/DM Drawing Format SEG-FPBHB/403 Compliance statement SEG-FPBHB/404 Project Submittal SEG-FPBHB/405 B 40 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED B D E - S u b m it P R O J E C T S U B M IT T A L fo r c o n s u lt a n t C lie n t A p p r o v a l a lo n g w ith S E December 2005 Responsible Comments DE/SE D E /S E - A tte n d c o n s u lta n t C la r ific a tio n m e e tin g ,if re q u ir e d DE/SE o b ta in A P P R O V A L O f P r o je c t S u b m itta l DE/SE D E -p re p a re L O G IS T IC & P R O D U C T IO N F ile f o r M a te r ia l p la n n in g a n d P r o d u c tio n DE/SE 41 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 CONTRACT REVIEW FPB LOGO 1.0 JOB DATA 1.1 CUSTOMER : 1.2 PROJECT : 1.3 CONSULTANT : 1.4 MAIN CONTR./ END CLIENT : 1.5 CUSTOMER CATEGORY : 1.6 TENDER REFERENCE & VALIDITY : 1.7 SALES ENG. / BRANCH : 1.8 JOB REF / PROJ MNGR : 1.9 ORDER RECD. SECTION ON BY TENDER 2.0 CONTRACTUAL DATA 2.1 P.O / LOI REF. & DATE 2.2 SCOPE 2.3 TECHNICAL CAPABILITY WITH IN =S= 2.4 CONTRACT VALUE & GROSS MARGIN(%) 2.5 DELIVERY DATE 2.6 COMING IN TO FORCE 2.7 DELIVERY TERMS / INCO TERMS 2.8 PENALTY 2.9 ADVANCE BANK GUARANTEE 1.10 ORDER HANDING OVER DATE TO PROJ : : Offer 2.10 PERF. BANK GUARAN TEE 2.11 PAYMENT TERMS 2.12 VARIATIONS : Order Comments 3.0 MILESTONES 3.1 DRAWING SUBM ITTAL : 3.2 ADVANCE PAYMENT : 3.3 DRAWING APPROV AL : 3.4 L/C OPENING : 3.5 FACTORY TEST W ITNESS : 3.6 DELIVERY DATE 3.7 WARRANTY COMPLETION : 3.8 SITE SERVICES : : Supervision of erection Not applicable 15 months from date of delivery or 12 months from date of handover, : Testing & commissioning 4.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY Family Description Qty Price GM% 4.1 - TOTAL IN AED : 5.0 GENERAL 5.1 Commercial risk : 5.3.7 Others 5.2 Technical risk : 5.4 5.3 Special requirements agreed : SPEC. / DRGS Offer and deviations 5.3.1 Equip. spec. IEC/NEMA/Other : P.O Back up offers and costing sheet 5.3.2 Wire specification : Correspondence with Sales 5.3.3 Paint : Final scope of supply & prices 5.3.4 IP/form : 5.3.5 Bus bar : 5.3.6 Altitude : SIGNATURES : EM…....…..…. Date………....…. DATE: _____/_____/_____ 5.5 Documents enclosed Agreement with planning Remarks : TM..……………….. Date……..………….. SIGNATURES : PSM :…....……..…………………… POM :…..…….……..………….. Form# SEG-FPHB/F-401 42 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 - Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 See details hereafter 43 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Handbook Department: De Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED LV PANEL BOARDS – SPEC REF:XXXXXXX Sn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Specification Clause CO Compliance Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Design Title: ORDER PROCESS, DESIGN & ENGINEERING PS-400 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED OWNER December 2005 CONSULTANT CONTRACTOR VENDOR xxx xxx Job Ref: xxx xxx PROJECT SUBMITTAL PROJECT NAME xxx RFQ NO: xxx DOCUMENT TITLE: XXX OF 415V SWITCHGEAR VENDOR: FPB….XXX P.O. BOX NO: XXX DUBAI, U.A.E TEL: +971 4 FAX: +971 4 MAILID: VENDOR DOCUMENT NO.: xxx 0 Rev. PROJECT DOC. NO.: xxx xxx for 415V Switchgear Description xx-yyy-05 Prepared Checked Approved SEG-FPBHB/F-405 54 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Date CHAPTER-5 MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING 55 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Logistics & Planning Title: MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING PS-500 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should perform Material and Production Planning during processing of customer orders. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer Order’s under execution. 3.0 Related Documents: Quality claim form (SEG-FPBHB/F -501) 4.0 Abbreviations SE-Sales engineer TM-Tender manager EE-Estimation engineer DM-Design manager DE-Design engineer (draftsman) LM-Logistics Manager PM-Production manager PS-Production supervisor TN-Technicians QCI-Quality control inspector NCR-Non-conformity report. 5.0 Procedure / Process: Logistics / Material & Production Planning Logistics file is received from the Design department containing detailed Bill of Material. Logistics Manager (LM) should include the Project in the Material Planning Schedule. Production Manager (PM) should include the Project in the Production Planning Schedule. Key Milestones committed to the customer are based on the ‘Job Launching Meeting’ described in ‘Order Processing procedure …….PS-400 LM check BOM and reserve items available in ‘Stock’ for this project. For Non-stocked items, LM should initiate Purchase Orders to suppliers – Local or Import. All sourcing should be done only from the ‘APPROVED VENDOR’S LIST’. This list should be validated by Schneider Electric. LM follow-up with Suppliers for delivery of items. LM arrange for receipt of material. Perform ‘Incoming Goods Inspection (IGI)’. LM prepare Receipt Note only for items cleared from IGI. For Non-Conformities noticed during IGI, LM should raise Quality Claim (NCPR – Non Conforming Product Report) with the respective supplier. In case of discrepancies in material received from Schneider Electric, LM should forward the Quality Claim Form (SEG-FPBHB/F-501) to the concerned Schneider Electric SE and Quality officer. When all Materials are available, LM issue the items against BOM in the shop-floor. 56 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 PM should allocate a rack separately for each project (with a tag) where all items related to that project will be kept. 57 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Logistics & Planning Title: MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING PS-500 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Process Flow chart: Responsible R e c e ip t o f L o g is tic s & P r o d u c t io n F ile s fro m d e s ig n L M / P M - I n c lu d e p r o je c t in M A T E R IA L /P R O D U C T IO N P la n n e r c o n s id e r in g v a r io u s M ile s t o n e s d e fin e d LM/PM L M - R e s e r v e ite m s a v a ila b le in s to c k LM L M - P r o c e e d w ith p u r c h a s e o f n o n - s to c k ite m s s e le c t s u p p lie r s f r o m v e n d o r lis t . LM L M - A r r a n g e fo r R e c e ip t o f m a te r ia l IN C O M IN G G O O D S IN S P E C T IO N LM A Comments B 58 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Logistics & Planning Title: MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING PS-500 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Responsible A December 2005 Comments B R a is e N C P R s e n d to s u p p lie r . fo r S c h n e id e r c o m p o n e n ts A tta c h C la im F o r m Is th e re a n y N o n C o n fo m ity Yes QC Quality Claim Format SEG-FPBHB/F-501 LM NO L M Is s u e M a te r ia l fo r P r o d u c tio n O n M A T E R IA L Is u u e N o te 59 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Logistics & Planning Title: MATERIAL & PRODUCTION PLANNING PS-500 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 QUALITY CLAIM FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY CUSTOMER Section 1 Claim Reference No.* Customer Name: Customer Contact: Address: PO BOX- * Please see INSTRUCTIONS sheet Tel No. / Fax No: Claim Date E-mail address: Non Technical Claim Catagories:- Missing Items, Please attach supporting documents as applicable ( invoice copy, non-confirmity report, photograph etc) Customer PO Number Invoice Number & Date POS (Line Number) Part Number QTY Ordered QTY Received Category of Claim Technical Claim (Category:- Faulty products - Warranty claims). In addition to documents mentioned above please provide maximum technical information for our investigation Customer PO Number Invoice Number & Date POS (Line Number) Part Number QTY Installed / Uninstalled Specify Nature of Problem Customer's signature : . * Claim Reference No. XXX Customer code. Last 3 Alphabets in Commercial Conditions Ref. No. YY Last 2 digits of the Calender Year. (05 for 2005) Z 1st Alphabet of Local SE office where claim is addressed. 001 Claims for each year will start from Sr. No. 001 & then 002, 003, 004, 005 . . . . . D-Dubai, A-Abu Dhabi, K-Kuwait, Q-Qatar, O-Oman & B-Bahrain SEG-FPBHB/F-501 60 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-6 PRODUCTION 61 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should perform Assembly / Production of LV Switchboards. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer Order’s under execution. 3.0 Related Documents: Production Files Production Planner Non-Conformity Report (SEG-FPBHB/F -601) 4.0 Abbreviations: SE-Sales engineer TM-Tender manager EE-Estimation engineer DM-Design manager DE-Design engineer (draftsman) LM-Logistics Manager, PM-Production manager PS-Production supervisor TN-Technicians QCI-Quality control inspector NCR-Non conformity report. 5.0 Procedure / Process: Production Planning / Job Allocation Receive Production File from Design department. Production Manager (PM) review Production Planner with Production Supervisor (PS). PM instruct Production to be started based on Production Planner. PS allocate technicians (TN) for the project. Provide approved Drawings with stamp ‘Approved for Manufacturing’ along with BOM to technicians. Assembly Process TN obtain materials from the storage racks reserved for the particular project. TN start Frame Assembly, Component mounting plates, busbar supports, etc. Assembly to be done exactly in line with Approved Drawings received. Only authorized personnel are allowed to make modifications on the drawings. Follow the guidelines provided in the relevant ASSEMBLY GUIDES. Busbar technicians to fabricate and assemble Busbars as per drawings. Standard busbar drawings are to be made available from the Design department. TN complete assembly of all Components, Metering instruments, CTs, etc. Wiring technicians complete all Power and Control wiring as per approved drawings. 62 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Complete all remaining assembly works such as internal separations, Form boxes, labels, etc. 63 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Stage Inspection At each stage of the Assembly Process, the Quality Control Inspector (QCI) should check if the assembly is in accordance with the approved drawings and assembly rules. For any Non-Conformities noticed by QCI, a Non-Conformity Report (NCR) has to be raised. PM should be informed of the NCR. Concerned TN should rectify the Non-conformity. After all assembly stages are completed, the panels are offered for Final Inspection and Testing. 64 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 EMBED Visio.Drawing.5 Process Flow chart: Responsible R e c e ip t o f P R O D U C T IO N F ile fr o m d e s ig n a n d M a te r ia ls f r o m L o g is tic s Comments PM P M - R e v ie w P r o d u c tio n P la n n e r w it h p r o d u c tio n S u p e r v is o r In s tru c t c o m m e n c e m e n t o f P r o d u c tio n PM P S - A llo c a te te c h n ic ia n s fo r th e p r o je c t,p r o v id e D r a w in g s s ta m p e d A p p r o v e d fo r M A N U F A C T U R IN G PS T N - O b t a in m a te r ia ls r e s e r v e d fo r t h e p r o je c t. S ta rt F ra m e /C o m p o n e n ts A s s e m b ly TN Non-Conformity Report Format SEG-FPBHB/F-601 Q C - r a is e N C R in f o r m to P M , A d v is e T N to r e c ify QCI Q C -P e rfo rm s ta g e I n s p e c tio n ,A n y n o n - C o n fo rm ity YES QCI NO A 65 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Responsible Comments A TN T N - B u s b a r t e c h n ic ia n s t o c a r r y o u t F a b r ic a tio n a n d a s s e m b ly o f b u s b a r a s p e r D r a w in g s QCI Q C -P e rfo rm s ta g e In s p e c t io n , A n y n o n - C o n fo r m ity Q C - r a is e N C R in fo r m to P M , A d v is e T N t o r e c t if y Yes N o TN T N - C o m p le t e a s s e m b ly o f a ll d e v ic e ( C B s ,M e te r s ,C T s ,e tc ) a s p e r d r a w in g s QCI Q C - r a is e N C R in fo r m to P M , A d v is e T N t o r e c tify QCI Q C -P e rfo rm s ta g e In s p e c t io n , A n y n o n - C o n fo r m ity Yes N O B 66 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Responsible Comments B T N - E le c t r ic ia n s c o m p le t e p o w e r a n d c o n t r o l w ir in g a s p e r d r a w in g s Q C -P e rfo rm s ta g e In s p e c t io n , A n y n o n - C o n fo r m ity TN Q C - r a is e N C R in fo r m to P M , A d v is e T N to r e c tify Yes QCI No T N - A s s e m b ly te c h n ic ia n s c o m p le te m is c w o r k s u c h a s s h o u d in g , la b e llin g TN Q C - r a is e N C R in fo r m to P M , A d v is e T N t o r e c ify QCI Q C -P e rfo rm s ta g e In s p e c t io n , A n y n o n - C o n fo r m ity Yes QCI NO O ff e r p a n e ls f o r fin a l I n s p e c tio n a n d te s t in g TN 67 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Production Title: PRODUCTION PS-600 Developed by: Syed Basheer FPB LOGO Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 NON-CONFORMITY REPORT Project Name : Date : Customer : Project Ref : Issued by : NCR Ref : Non-Conformity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 QC Inspector CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN Acknowledged by PM By Whom 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SEG-FPBHB/F-601 68 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-7 INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL 69 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should perform Quality Control Inspection and Testing of the LV Switchboards. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer Order’s under execution. 3.0 Related Documents: Inspection Check-List (SEG-FPBHB/F-701) Factory Inspection Report (SEG-FPBHB/F-702) 4.0 Abbreviations: SE-Sales engineer TM-Tender manager EE-Estimation engineer, DM-Design manager DE-Design engineer (draftsman) LM-Logistics Manager PM-Production manager PS-Production supervisor TN-Technicians QCI-Quality control inspector NCR-Non-conformity report. 5.0 Procedure / Process: Stage Inspection Carry out Stage Inspection at each stage of the Assembly process as described in Procedure “PS-600”. After all assembly stages are completed, the panels are offered for Final Inspection and Testing. Final Inspection and Testing QCI Carry out ROUTINE TESTS as per IEC 60439-1 standards. The following minimum tests must be performed: Visual inspection test – Checking of the complete switchboard in accordance with IEC 60439-1 standards and approved drawings. Checking of Integrity of Wiring, Tightness of all joints, and Torque test on all bus connections, etc. 70 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Di-electric Test – Done using a MEGGER (verification of Insulation resistances between phases, phase-neutral, phase-earth and neutral-earth). This test is also verified by a HIPOT test using a 2.5kV test between phases for 1min. Mass Continuity Test – To check if there is proper earth continuity from end of the switchboard to the other. This test can be checked either visually or by an electrical test measuring resistance from one end to the other. 71 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 All checks should be done on the Inspection Check List format(SEG-FPBHB/F-701) Record all Routine Test findings in the ‘Factory Inspection Report(SEG-FPBHB/F-702)” For Customer FAT, make necessary arrangements to cordon-off the test area. Prepare all documentation in advance. As-Built Documentation Once the Final Tests are completed, provide ‘marked-up’ copies of drawings to the design dept to prepare “AS-BUILT DRAWINGS”. 72 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 Process Flow chart: R e c e ip t o f C O M P L E T E D S W IT C H B O A R D fro m P r o d u c tio n Responsible Comments QCI Check list format SEG-FPBHB/F-701 QCI Factory inspection Report format SEG-FPBHB/F-702 Q C I-C a rry o u t s ta g e In s p e c t io n a s d e t a ile d in P ro c e d u re Q C I - p e r fo r m R o u t in e t e s t s a s p e r IE C 6 0 4 3 9 -1 S t a n d a r d , u s e c h e c k lis t ( f o r m a t ) F a c to r y I n s p e c t io n R e p o rt Q C - r a is e N C R in fo r m t o P M , A d v ic e T N to r e c ify QCI/TN A n y N o n - C o n f it m it y Y es QCI N O Is c u s to m e r FA T R e q u ir e d N O SE/QCI Y E S A B 73 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED A Q C I-M a k e n e c e s s a ry a rra n g e m e n ts fo r F A T p e r f o r m R o u t in e T e s t s a s r e q u ir e d . Q C I-F o rw a rd M a rk e d -u p D r a w in g t o d e s ig n t o p r e p a r e A S - B U IL T D r a w in g s / O & M M a n u a ls B December 2005 Responsible Comments QCI QCI C le a r S w itc h b o a r d f o r P a c k in g /D e s p a t c h 74 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR INSPECTION CHECK-LIST FPB LOGO C ustomer Date Projec t Drawing # Switchboard Ref Inspec ted by Description of Point to be checked / Inspected Sn Rev-A Verification Remarks 1 GENERAL 1a Manufacturer of LV Switchboard 1b Type of Switchboard 1c Dimensions of Switchboard W 1d 1b Sheet Metal thic kness 1e Form of Separation 1f D mm RAL IP Rating C able Entry Provision 1g Acc ess H mm Paint Shade Incoming Front Bottom Rear Outgoing Bottom Front operation, Rear C abling 1h Verify adequate labels are provided - Main / Feeders / Busbars / Danger label,.. 2 BUSBARs 2a Type-Tested Busbar System. 2b Main Horizontal Busbar Rating Amps * C SA (per ph) 2c Amps * C SA (per ph) Vertical Busbar Rating 2d Busbar Fault Level kA for 2e Distanc e between Busbar supports 2f Busbar Plating sec s * * Tin-Plating mm Silver Plating 2g Busbar Insulation - PVC Sleeves 2h Verify if all BUSBARS are segregated from other c ompartments with IP2X separation barriers 2j Verify if all Hardware (bolts,nuts) used is 8.8 grade and plated (cadmium) 2k Verify tightness of all J oints using TORQUE WRENC H 3 ACBs 3a Manufacturer Ref 3b AC B Rating 3c Amps No of Poles kA Icu 3d AC B Type Drawout Fixed 3e AC B O peration Manual Motorized 3f Shunt Trip AC B Auxiliaries 3g AC B Trip Unit - kA Icw Bus-C oupler 4P (Non-Auto) O/ L Under-Voltage S/ C E/ F Aux C ontacts Trip Unit Ref 3h AC B Incoming Busbar Links for C able termination 3j Inc oming mains from Xfmr - atleast 600mm space from Gland plate to term bolts 3k Aluminium gland plate for single-core cables 3l All LIVE PARTS are adequately shrouded to prevent accidental touch / access. 3m Verify all c onnec tions and J oints using TORQUE WRENC H 4 METERING 4a 3nos Ammeters with MDI 4b 1no Voltmeter (0-500)v 4c 3 C Ts -----/ 5, C lass-1 7-posn selector switch 3nos RYB indic ation lamps with 3 control fuses 4d Space for KWH + 3C Ts + 3C F + Meter window. Separate c omp for KWH. 4e REF Relay with 4nos C lass-X C Ts -------/ 5 4f Tapping from busbar inc links for potential wiring thro' Busbar Mounting fuse 4g C T wiring done using 2.5sqmm (1000V rated flexible) PVC cable. 4h Potential wiring done using 1.5sqmm (1000V rated flexible) PVC cable (ph colours) 75 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR INSPECTION CHECK-LIST FPB LOGO C ustomer Date Projec t Drawing # Switc hboard Ref Inspec ted by Description of Point to be checked / Inspected Sn Rev-A Verification Remarks 5 MCCBs 5a Manufac turer 5b MC C B Rating/ s 5c No of Poles 5d MC C B Type Ref Amps kA Ic u Ic s = % Ic u Fixed Plug-in Drawout 5e M C C B O peration Manual Motorized Rot Handles with door int 5f MC C B Aux Shunt Trip Under-Voltage 5g MC C B Trip Unit - Therm-Mag upto 250A Aux C ontac ts Elec tronic >=300A 5h Outgoing links suffic ient for c able termination. Links a re properly supported. 5k All LIVE PARTS are adequa tely shrouded to prevent ac c idental touc h / ac c ess. 5l Verify all c onnec tions a nd J oints using TORQUE WRENC H 6 MOTOR STARTERs 6a Manufac turer 6b Starter type 6c C o-ordination DOL (upto _____kW) Soft Starters 6d Eac h Starter to have 6e E/ L Protn Type-1 Type-2 Star-Delta (_____kW to ____kW) VFDs 2xPil lamps 2xPush buttons 1xS/ S A/ M with C T 6f Verify all wiring done using c a ble lugs. Verify tightness of all c onnec tions. 6g Verify wire numbers provided at either ends of all internal wiring. 7 SMDBs 7a Inc oming Isolator Rating 7b Outgoing MC C B Ratings 7c Enc losure dimensions 7d Busbar Rating 7e Adequate shrouding to prevent ac c ess to live parts A A Breaking C apac ity C ross-sec tion kA Tin-Plating 8 FINAL DBs 8a Inc oming Isolator Rating 8b Outgoing MC B Ratings A No. of Ways 8c Outgoing RC BO Ratings A 8d Busbar Rating 8e Mounting A Surfac e Breaking C apac ity kA mA C ross-sec tion Tin-Plating Flush 9 ROUTINE TESTS (as per IEC 60439-1, BSEN 60439-1) 9a Visual Inspec tion as above (verify c omplianc e with drawings, spec ific ations) 9b C hec k tightness of all c onnec tions, busbar joints, etc (Torque Test) 9c Dielec tric Test - MEGGER (500V or 1000V Megger) - Ph-Ph, Ph-N, Ph-E, N-E Verify Megger Values a re 100 Mega Ohms or more. 9d Dielec tric Test - INSULATION RES TEST- 2.5kV for 1min - Ph-Ph, Ph-N, Ph-E, N-E Verify no flash-over or punc ture is observed 9e FUNCTION TEST- Apply 415v supply. C hec k V/ M reading Switc h-ON Inc oming AC B. Switc h-ON all outgoing MC C Bs. Verify c ontinuity of supply in all feeders with a lamp test. Also verify Ea rth c ontinuity. SEG-FPBHB/F-701 76 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED FPB LOGO December 2005 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR INSPECTION CHECK-LIST C ustomer Date Projec t Drawing # Switc hboard Ref Inspec ted by Description of Point to be checked / Inspected Sn 10 COMMENTS / REMARKS a Verify all MC C B ratings. Ensure to provide ratings as per QP approved drawing. b Protection relay wiring to be completed. c Provide adequate cable support channels for customer cabling. d Perform Routine Tests after completing all pending works. Verification Remarks SEG-FPBHB/F-701 77 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: INSPECTION & QUALITY CONTROL PS-700 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR FACTORY INSPECTION REPORT FPB LOGO C ustomer Date Projec t Drawing # Switc hboard Ref Inspec ted by Inspection Programme: 1 Conformity Inspection n Enclosures n Devices n C onductors 2 Mechanical checks 3 Earthing Continuity of exposed conductive parts Visual Electrical resistance value ________ mΩ 4 Dielectric tests Test / Injection Voltage = 2.5 kV for 1min Test Result : 5 Insulation tests (Megger) Application Voltage = Test Result v : R- Y : MΩ R- N : MΩ R- E : MΩ R- B : MΩ Y- N : MΩ Y- E : MΩ Y -B : MΩ B -N : MΩ B -E : MΩ 6 Electrical / Function tests N- E : MΩ : 7 Comments / Remarks a b c d e f g QC Inspector Name Designation Company Date Contractor C onsultant End User : : : : SEG-FPBHB/F-702 78 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-8 PACKING 79 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Expedition Title: PACKING PS-800 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Developed by: Syed Basheer December 2005 1.0 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should proceed with packing of the switchboard. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer’s Low Voltage Switchboards. 3.0 Related Documents: Assembly guides Installation guides 4.0 Procedure / Process: Cleaning Clean the switchboard prior to packing: Remove any dust from the inside using a vacuum cleaner – blow cleaning may cause shavings and detritus to accumulate in an area that will subsequently be live. Dust the outside. If necessary, use a neutral solvent which will not damage the paint. Repaint, where necessary. Check that there are no foreign objects inside the switchboard (tools, nuts and bolts) which could impede its proper operation. Accessories Include the following on the inside of the switchboard: Any fish-plates for the busbars. Additional mounting hardware. Panels for installation after on-site connection: roof panel, gland plates. A set of drawings. The instructions for the switchgear and controlgear devices. Check that all withdrawable or plug-in devices are inserted and locked. Precautions: Check that all withdrawable or plug-in devices are inserted and locked Heavy equipment such as capacitor banks or transformers may be dispatched separately. This avoids the risk of the frame being damaged in the event of a shock and provides for greater cubicle stability during transport Large drawout circuit-breakers (Masterpact) 80 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Expedition Title: PACKING PS-800 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 installed in the top part of a cubicle are generally delivered separately. Packing depends on the following factors: switchboard weight. the conditions under which it will be stored (temperature, humidity, weather, dust, shocks). storage duration. lifting techniques (fork-lift, cranes, etc.) transport type and conditions(lorry, container, ship, etc.) and transit countries. Packing must protect the front panel very effectively and bear the following, essential indications: fragile (glass). not waterproof (umbrella). position: top, bottom (arrows) and if appropriate: centre of gravity (G). lifting points (chains). 81 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Expedition Title: PACKING PS-800 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Two main types of packing are generally used for packing electrical switchboards: overland packing: The cubicle is protected by a plastic cover and housed in a crate. seaworthy packing: The cubicle, which contains bagged desiccants, is protected by a plastic cover and housed in a ventilated, wooden or plywood case Check with the transporter that packing is compatible with the lifting system in use: points for attaching slings, skids, etc. Check with the customer that the switchboard, once packed, can access the site (height and width of doors, etc.). If necessary, pack each cubicle separately and identify each package with respect to the overall switchboard layout. 82 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-9 SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING 83 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING PS-900 Developed by: Syed Basheer 1.0 Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Objective: To describe how a Schneider Electric Franchised Panel Builder (FPB) should prepare site- testing and commissioning of switchboard. 2.0 Scope: To all Customer’s Low Voltage Switchboards. 3.0 Related Documents Switchboard file Installation instructions 4.0 Procedure / Process: Commissioning In order to obtain the report required to put the switchboard in service, carry out all the checks and tests defined in a programme approved by the customer or their representative. Tests must be carried out by qualified and authorised personnel, using the appropriate means. Switchboard file: This is delivered with the switchboard and comprises: the cable diagrams and parts lists. the switchgear and controlgear instructions. installation instructions. File appendices, for instance: measurement sheets and statements of conformity stating that certain tests have been carried out at the factory and that it is not necessary to repeat them on-site (e.g.: dielectric strength). Inspection and test procedures and instructions. 84 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING PS-900 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Tools: The same tools are used as for switchboard assembly and in particular: A torque spanner for tightening connections to the required torque. A rule or gauge to check insulation clearances. Inspection equipment In order to energize the switchboards, the following equipment, at least, will be required: A magneto-electric generator. A phase tester. A vibration tester and if necessary: A voltage measurement device. A current measurement device (optional). A variable current source (AC/DC, recommended power 20 A). A simulator with pushbuttons and lights and a measuring device (optional). Mechanical tests Principle Carry out all the inspection and test operations in accordance with an on-site inspection programme. Tests must show system conformity with the drawings, parts lists and installation standards. Checking mechanical connections securing of the switchboard to the floor. mechanical connections between cubicles. Checking electrical connections Bars (fish-plates): b check electrical clearances and creepage distances. Cables: b number and cross section. check that any holes for passing cables through metallic panels correspond to the diameter of the bushings or cable glands (degree of protection maintained) and that cables are not in danger of being damaged. compatibility between the cable cross section or lugs and the device tunnel or terminal. quality of cable attachment. Cables should be secured in such a way as to support their weight and withstand electro-magnetic forces caused by short circuits. 85 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING PS-900 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Tightening: Check the cross section of the bolts and the quality of tightening for all electrical connections, carried out in the factory or on-site: either by eye if the nuts have been marked after tightening Electrical tests Precautions before tests A certain number of measures and precautions should be taken before energising the auxiliary and power circuits: obey all applicable safety regulations. vacuum-clean dust from all the switchboards. remove any foreign objects which may prevent proper switchboard operation (cable or wire off-cuts, bits of hardware, miscellaneous parts or tools). check the insulation of the auxiliary circuits before turning them on (use a magneto). inspect the auxiliary circuits on the switchboards: energise the circuits and test the various operating sequences. Insulation testing Warning Before energizing the equipment, the overall insulation resistance must be measured. If the neutral is earthed, disconnect the earthing terminals and measure the insulation. In general, avoid making dielectric tests which have already been carried out at the factory (consult the factory inspection report), as repeated testing may age and thus damage the insulation. If the overall insulation value is low, heat the switchboard (using a heating element, a light bulb or heat source) in order to remove humidity, for a period of at least 24hours. Carry out a new insulation measurement. Test The inspection should be carried out using an insulation measurement device, with a voltage of at least 500 V (DC). The minimum insulation resistance value should be equal to 1000 ohms/V. Restoring switchboard conformity If the test has been successfully completed, reconnect any cables and earthing terminals disconnected for the dielectric and insulation measurements. Then check the electrical continuity of the various exposed conductive parts. 86 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING PS-900 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Protection of persons Electrical continuity Presence of contact washers guaranteeing electrical continuity on all assemblies (between cubicles, cover panels and partitioning). connections to the protective conductor and connections between cubicles. presence of earthing braid on any doors bearing devices. connection of the switchboard earthing circuit to the earth. Protection against direct contact presence of the covers requested by the customer, in compliance with IEC 60439-1 and EN 60439-1 standards with respect to forms (2, 3 or 4). b presence of protective barriers. Measurements may be carried out between the various exposed conductive parts of the assembly and the protective circuit input terminal. Use a source of DC current, with an electromotive force of no more than 12 V, but which produces a current of at least 2 A . The value of the resistance measured in this way must not exceed 0.1 ohm. The report will note the values of the voltage and the test current. Degree of protection (IP) Check that the protective elements (gasket, canopy) required to withstand the relevant external factors have been properly fitted. Check that the openings designed for passing conductors (intercubicle copper bars, incoming and outgoing cables) correspond to the degree of switchboard protection, thus denying access to small animals such as rodents or snakes, etc. Protection against indirect Contact Check automatic disconnection of the installation at the first or second fault. Miscellaneous inspections Device mechanical locking: positive operation sturdy construction compliance with requirements marking: on the switchboard, on power and control conductors. appearance: visual inspection of the outward appearance of the paintwork, checking for scratches and touching up if necessary. 87 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Department: Quality Control Title: SITE-TESTING & COMMISSIONING PS-900 Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Energizing the switchboard check that the phase sequence is the same as for the mains power supply. place all the switchgear devices in open position. Energize the switchboard power circuits one by one. Carry out operating tests: operating sequence, control, indication, measurement and protection, motor mechanism, electrical locking system. Test report The results of tests should be recorded in a test report. The report will be signed by: the site manager. if appropriate, the inspector from the relevant inspection organization. the customer or their appointed representative. 88 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 CHAPTER-10 USEFUL INFORMATION 89 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC Rev-A PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 1.0 Objective: This chapter could help the Franchised Panel Builder locate some products and special components which are often used during commissioning of electrical switchboards. It can also help the Franchised Panel builder find an equivalent product on the local market. In addition to this, advise is also given on the tooling required for mounting, monitoring, packing and shipping of LV Switchboards. 2.0 Scope: To all Low Voltage Switchboards handled by Franchised Panel builders. 3.0 Related Documents: Assembly guides Installation guides 4.0 Materials and supplies 4.1 Marking varnish Use This varnish acts as a visual self-inspection indicator for torque tightening. It should preferably be applied on the nut side. This varnish does not ensure mechanical locking. Characteristics Acrylic varnish Ref: red adhesive J.M 12 023 Bis Other colours are available. A varnish of another colour (white) can be used on the screws and bolts fitted when mounting fish plates on the site Address Ets J. Mespoulet 5, rue Des Renateaux F-78930 Breuil Bois Robert Tel: +33 (0)1 30 93 94 84 Fax: +33 (0)1 30 42 34 72 90 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Department: Logistics, Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Production & QC Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 4.2 Permalite bar Use Flanging flat connection bars, bar hold supports. This product is also used as a cable and flexible bar flanging support. However, other types of material can be used for this type of application. On installation, comply with the minimum creepage Warning: never use graphite based pencils to mark any cut-outs or drillings. Characteristics Example: KM 190 Permalite type Water absorption (thickness 4 mm) .....................2 % Density ................................................................. 1.42 g / cm3 Temperature index............................................... 105 °C Tracking resistance..............................................500 V Arc resistance ......................................................120 s Breaking stress, deflection...................................10 daN / mm2 Breaking stress, compression..............................22 daN / mm2 Most common dimensions: 40 mm, thicknesses 5 and 10 mm. Addresses Export Department Rochling Permali 8, rue André Fruchard BP 12 F-54320 Maxeville Tel: +33 (0)3 83 34 24 24 Fax: +33 (0)3 83 32 23 18 France Rochling Permali 2, rue de Barcelonne F-69153 Decines Tel: +33 (0)4 72 14 89 60 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 37 11 20 91 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED 4.3 Insulating screen Use In most cases the standard components meet needs for partitioning and protection against direct contact (forms 2.3.4 see IEC 60439.1) However it may be advantageous to possess an insulating screen in the following cases: cowling of Busbars, ends of connection bar holds, branchings, transfer Busbars, distribution terminal blocks, etc. This screen can act as a screen element when clearances between live parts or between live parts and metal frames are less than those laid down by standard IEC 60439.1 Characteristics Example: F 2000 polycarbonate plate by General Electric Self-extinguishing (DIN 53479 standard) Specific mass....................................................... 1.24 g / cm3 Water absorption (24h of immersion) ..................0.15% Bending temperature Under load of 1.82 N / mm2..................................138°C Thermal conductivity W/m°C ...............................0.20 Bending strength (at elastic limit).........................100 N / mm2 Breaking elongation .............................................80 % Heated finger withstand .......................................950°C Incandescent wire test at 960° (IEC 695.2.1) ......conform This product is ideal for sawing, stamping and drilling. It can also be bent and curved when cold. It can be welded by ultrasonics. Addresses General Electric Plastics France SARL 2, rue Jean-Mermoz F- 91080 Courcouronne Tel: +33 (0)1 60 79 69 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 77 56 53 Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Rev-A December 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED 4.4 Copper bar Use Production of main and distribution power Busbars, switchgear connection bars, shunt bars, etc. The vertical distribution flat Busbars should be drilled over their full height. Characteristics Cu A1 Standard electrolytic copper (minimum content)............................................. 99.9% Metallurgical state..........................................…..h 12 Density ...........................................................….8.89g/cm3 Mechanical characteristics Traction elastic limit........................……………25-32kgf/mm2 Relative elongation in %..................................15% min. Resistivity (micro ohm/cm 20°c).......................1.724 Addresses France Gindre Composants Route de Loyettes BP 23 Chavanoz F-38230 Pont De Cheruy Tel: +33 (O)4 72 46 19 60 Fax: +33 (0)4 72.46 19 61 Export Gindre Duchavany Orders to be sent to 31 Rue Giffard BP 23 the attention of Mr Levin F-38231 Pont De Cheruy Tel: +33 (0)4 72 46 09 05 Cedex 5 Tel: +33 (0)4 72 46 09 00 (standard) Fax: +33 (0)4 78 32 66 55 Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Rev-A December 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC Rev-A PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 4.5 Standard screws and bolts Use All screw-on electrical and mechanical assemblies. Screws used to inter-assemble distribution bars and for all electrical connections inside our equipment, except for connections on pads of Masterpacts greater than or equal to 4000 A (see overleaf). These screws MUST be tightened to the correct torque. They thus retain all their mechanical properties in time, without material deformation, irrespective of the temperature conditions inside the switchboard. NB: all screws and bolts without a reference in the catalogue central warehouse must be ordered from a local distributor or supplier. Characteristics Screw Material ................................................................ steel Quality class......................................................... 8.8 Grade ...................................................................A Head shape..........................................................hexagonal Screw cutting profile............................................. ISO metric Screw end ............................................................chamfered end Coating.................................................................Zn bichromate Thread direction ................................................... right Nut Material ................................................................ steel Quality class......................................................... 8.8 Grade ...................................................................A Shape...................................................................hexagonal Screw cutting profile............................................. ISO metric Coating.................................................................Zn bichromate Inlet chamfer ........................................................yes Thread direction ................................................... right Washer Function ............................................................... braking Shape................................................................... ribbed conical Coating.................................................................Zn bichromate Quality class......................................................... 8.8 Material ................................................................ steel Manufacturing tools Individual tools 1. Fitter’s tool box Use Minimum tools required to make a complete low voltage switchboard: Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Assembly of internal components and cubicles Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Rev-A December 2005 Production and assembly of distribution bars Making the cabling (power and control) Finishes Composition This list, which is not complete, is given by way of guidance. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED NB: in view of supplier diversity, we provide no information on references. Group tools Facom torque wrench Use Enables torque tightening of all switchboard electrical connections and connection and adaptation of the Compact NS. It is vital to comply with the tightening torques recommended in the technical guides and in the technical manuals for the switchgear. These wrenches must be regularly checked and calibrated. They must also be checked if they are dropped, lent, etc. As regards bolt assembly, tightening must preferably be carried out on the nut, then once torque tightening is complete, the screws must be marked with acrylic varnish (self-inspection) (see marking varnish on page 8). NB: see overleaf for the composition of the three sets of wrenches used in our workshops as well as a list of additional tools used to adapt the switchgear. Rev-A December 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Addresses Manufacturer Facom BP 99 6 et 8 Rue Gustave Eiffel F- 91423 Morangis Tel: +33 (0)1 64 54 45 28 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 54 99 92 Export Department Tel: +33 (0)1 64 54 45 28 Fax: +33 (0)1 64 54 99 92 Distributor Jallut MSA 7 rue du Béal ZI BP 177 F-38404 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex Tel: +33 (0)4 76 24 82 24 Fax: +33 (0)4 76 24 82 00 Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Rev-A December 2005 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION DevelopedFacom by: Syed Basheer torque Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 wrench (1 to 5 Nm) Use Adaptation of Compact S Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 98 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 Facom torque wrench (5 to 25 Nm) Adaptation of Compact NS List of wrenches and accessories Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 99 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 Facom torque wrench (20 to 100 Nm) NB: wrench with reference number MGA 970002, available from MGAc Montmélian. Crimping Tool Use Used for crimping by punching or hexagonal necking of lugs in all low voltage switchboards. NB: Regularly calibrate the crimping tools. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 100 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 Description Lug crimping tool of the XCT type (Simel). Cross-section 4 to120 mm2. Example: isolec 2 enclosure. Tool fitted with a nonreturn mechanism and with a rapid advance index. Die capacity (mm2): 6 - 10 - 16 - 25 - 35 - 50 - 70 - 95 - 120 HP95 hydraulic crimping tool (Novopress) HA-1ES hydraulic unit, 220V, 50/60 cyc (Novopress) Addresses AMP Simel Route De Saulon F-21220 Gev`rey Chambertin Tel: +33 (0)3 80 58 32 00 Fax: +33 (0)3 80 34 10 15 Novopress Scharnhorststrabe 1 D- 41460 Neuss Federal Republic of Germany Tel: 0 21 31 / 2 88 - 0 Fax: 0 21 31 / 2 88 - 55 Crimping tool for pre-insulated ends and lugs Use Crimping tool for pre-insulated ends and lugs (cross-section: 0.3 to 6.6 mm2). Used to crimp pre-insulated ends and lugs in all low voltage switchboards. NB: Regularly calibrate the crimping tools. Description Model n Cembre crimping tool HP3 type supplied with a certificate of conformity n For pre-insulated ends Tool fitted with a nonreturn mechanism. Check dies are properly positioned and that they match the end orlug to be crimped. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 101 Department: Logistics, Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Production & QC Rev-A PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED December 2005 Address Cembre 21, Allée du Parc de Garlande BP 21 F- 92220 Bagneux Cedex Tel: +33 (0)1 47 35 22 12 Fax: +33 (0)1 47 35 04 48 Installed machine base Cutting, bending and drilling machines Use Set of machines required to shape switchboard Busbars. This set can be made up of several independent machines or of a single machine, able to carry out the various operations merely by changing the work tool. Use of single-function machines enables different operators to work at the same time. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 102 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 Description Punching machine Manual or hydraulic, this machine must be able to receive punches of up to 16mm minimum diameter for 10mm thick bars. The punching tool must be reserved for copper. Punches must be easily interchangeable in the shortest possible time without requiring tricky operations. Accessories must be reliable and sturdy. NB: punches must always be in perfect working order in order to prevent burr from forming when punching parts. Bar cutter or bar shears If possible provide a tool with a cutting capacity for copper Busbars 160mm wide and 10mm thick. Provide a busbar storage rack placed upstream from the cutting tool. This tool will be fitted up against a support equipped with rollers. Normally placed on this rack, it enables bars to be slid up to the cutting tool. Bar bending press: Manual or hydraulic Choose a tool on which it is possible to make right-angle bends as close as possible to the edge of the bar. The bending capacity of this press must be sufficient up to a width of 160mm (MB) and a thickness of 10mm, and must also possess a bending angle adjustment system. For the bending radius, refer to the implementation guide. NB Busbar working and handling must preferably be performed when the Busbars are laid flat (safety and ease of handling). Provide a tank for recovery of the copper particles and scraps resulting from busbar implementation. When choosing this tool, ensure that it guarantees maximum operator safety. Addresses Manufacturer Novopress Gmbh (Germany) Scharnhorststrabe 1 D- 1460 Neuss Federal Republic of Germany Tel: 0 21 31 / 2 88 - 0 Fax: 0 21 31 / 2 88 – 55 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 103 Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Department: Logistics, Production & QC PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Rev-A December 2005 Quality inspection tools Dielectrometer or dielectrimeter Use All equipment assemblies and parts of equipment must undergo dielectric strength testing and insulation measurement. IEC 60439.1 standard. Description HV generator, A 507 type (manufacturer Bouchet) Supply voltage: 220 V Maximum short-circuit rate: A 507 3KV – 1 KV range: 20 mA – 3 KV range: 10 mA A 507 5KV – 2 KV range: 15 mA – 5 KV range: 8 mA This type of device is limited in power, it is suitable for testing parts of equipment. Dielectrometer MC 5 B type (Chauvin Arnoux) Supply voltage: 220 V Voltage adjustable from 0 to 5000 V Megohmmeter incorporated for insulation measurements under 500 V Maximum power available ac: 500 VA or 200 mA on the 2500 V rating and 500 VA on the 5000 V rating Dielectric strength test station, RMG 50 type (Sefelec) Voltage adjustable from 0 to 5000 V Rated current 100 mA, short-circuit 1 A Fault detection by l type detector set at 1 mA and 10 S Adjustable overcurrent detector If the tested equipment is too capacitive, the device may indicate untimely faults In this case you can either: Split up the switchboard Use a more powerful device. NB Provide a filing cabinet for small equipment as well as for documentation and archiving. Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 104 Department: Logistics, Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book Production & QC Title: USEFUL INFORMATION Developed by: Syed Basheer Rev-A PS-1000 Approved by: Sunil PARKHI / Faiz AHMED Addresses Manufacturer Chauvin Arnoux 190, rue du Championnet F-75876 Paris Cedex 18 Tel: +33 (0)1 44 85 44 85 Fax: +33 (0)1 46 27 73 89 Bouchet 189 rue d’Aubervilliers F-75886 Paris Cedex 18 Tel: +33 (0)1 40 37 00 55 Fax: +33 (0)1 40 35 01 71 Distributor Sefelec Parc Activités Du Mandinet 19 rue des Campanules F-77185 Lognes Tel: +33 (0)1 60 17 54 62 Fax: +33 (0)1 60 17 35 01 December 2005 Dielectrometer or dielectrimeter Addresses Multimeter Chauvin Arnoux 190, rue du Championnet F-75876 Paris Cedex 18 Tel: +33 (0)1 44 85 44 85 Fax: +33 (0)1 46 27 73 89 Metrix Division de Chauvin Arnoux 6, avenue du pré Challes F-74943 Annecy Le Vieux Cedex Tel: +33 (0)4 50 64 22 22 Fax: +33 (0)4 50 64 22 00 Phase sequence search device Catu 10-20 Avenue Jean-Jaurès BP 2 F-92222 Bagneux Cedex Tel: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 00 Fax: +33 (0)1 42 31 46 31 NB Provide a filing cabinet for documentation and archiving, as well as for small equipment (multimeters, connection devices, etc Franchised Panel Builders Hand Book – 2005 105