Shariff Manlosa 1. What are chylomicrons, where are they formed? Chylomicrons are small fat globules, consisting of proteins and lipids. They are synthesized in the intestinal cell walls. 2. What is the emulsifier involved in lipid digestion? Bile 3. Which hormones promotes its secretion? Cholecystokinin (CCK) 4. Which are more stable triple bonds or double bonds? Double bond is more stable than triple bonds. 5. Why are emulsifier needed in lipid digestion? Because lipids are hydrophobic and they don’t mix with water in our body. In order for it to be digested we need bile as an emulsifier so that we can bring fats into suspension with water. 6. What methods are used by the food industry to inhibit rancidity of the unsaturated lipids in foods? Hydrogenation 7. Discuss the composition and the function of the major circulating lipoproteins. Chylomicrons - are composed of proteins and dietary lipids. They deliver dietary lipids to most of the body cells through the lymphatic system hitting the muscle first, then the remnants goes to the liver. VLDL or Very Low Density Lipoprotein – same composition as chylomicrons (lipids and proteins). Delivers necessary lipids to body cells hitting the muscle and excess of it is stored as fat cell hence it is called a bad cholesterol. LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein – are composed of lipids (50% of it is cholesterol) and 20% is protein. They still deliver lipids to body cells or they return to the liver. HDL or High Density Lipoprotein – are composed 50% protein and lipids (20% cholesterol). They pick up cholesterol from the body cells and deliver it to the liver for excretion. This is why HDL is considered a good cholesterol.