Teacher Candidate Readiness for the Student Teaching Experience Dissertation proposal presented by Jean Downs BS, MA November 8, 2018 Introduction My academic/work background My interest in this research area Introduction to the Research Teacher retention is a critical issue in education in the U.S. Studies show that is it related to the selfefficacy of the teacher candidate. Studies reveal that there is a relationship between teacher self-efficacy and readiness for the student teaching experience. Statement of the Problem Teacher attrition is a problem that impacts economics and teacher quality. Research has shown that the quality and the amount of teacher preparation may affect teacher attrition in schools. Readiness may affect self-efficacy and the effectiveness of the student teaching experience. Relevance to the Problem Student teaching is the capstone of every teacher preparation program in the U.S. Research has revealed the importance of the cooperating teacher and student teacher relationship and the influence cooperating teachers have on student teachers Relevance of the Problem Most research on the perceptions of cooperating teacher has been in music, agricultural, and business education. There is a gap in secondary science education. Purpose To examine perceptions of cooperating teachers regarding teacher candidate readiness for the student teaching experience in secondary science education Research Question What are cooperating teachers’ perceptions of teacher candidate readiness for the student teaching experience in secondary science education? Review of the Literature History of Student Teaching Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions about their Readiness Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of the Cooperating Teacher Cooperating Teacher Influences on Teacher Candidates Cooperating Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Candidate Readiness Research Methods Qualitative Methodology Rationale for qualitative approach Paradigmatic Stance Social Constructivism Research Methods Continued Phenomenological Study Research Methods Continued Setting of the study Purposeful Selection of Study Participants Secondary Science Cooperating Teachers working in the setting of the Study Data Collection Methods Interviews Advantages and disadvantages Development of the Interview Protocol Content expert feedback Pilot testing Data Collection Document Analysis Procedures Recruitment of Participants Appendix D Conducting Interviews Data Analysis Conducted in a recursive, spiral approach, non-linear fashion Record and transcribe the data line by line Member checking by sending transcripts to participants to check for accuracy Data Analysis Data Coding Procedures Significant statements Memos Themes Textural and Structural description Essence Validity and Reliability of the Study Validity Saturation of Data Triangulation of Data Disconfirming Evidence Bracketing Reliability Audit Trail • Role of the Researcher • Biases of the Researcher • Ethical Considerations • Voluntary participation • Anonymous participation • Data management • Positionality Thank you for your time and consideration.