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Eagle PCB Design Tutorial: Create Your First Board

Eagle 8.x tutorial
create a new project, Eagle designs are organized as projects
create new schematic to the new project, PCB design begins with a schematic diagram, which
present how components are connected
a schematic design windows opens
add components to the schematic
there might be shown some or all available component libraries, components are organized in
libraries by their type or provider
fab-library (file fab.lbr) contains the components typically used in Fab Lab
supply1-library contains power supply symbols such as GND (0V) and VCC (+, positive voltage)
if you need other components not found in the libraries shown, clock USE
a file manager window opens and shows available components
you can keep your own libraries and the libraries you have downloaded (such as adafruit or
sparkfun) in the folder you want
add library paths to the directories setting
let’s add GND, VCC, resistor, capacitor, integrated circuit and a connector…
by pressing esc you get back to the ADD-operation
RES-US1206FAB is a good choice for a resistor, because it has room to route a connection under the
component (as all components with FAB suffix)
many integrated circuits have package variations, we choose surface mount small outline
the component we have has 6 NOT-gates in a single package, and we must add them one by one
and press esc when all gates have been inserted, otherwise we are adding the next component
as the connector we use 2x2 surface mount pin header
the next thing to do is to place the components in a logical order, in my circuits the signal flow is
usually from left to right
the components are moved with the move-command, point the cursor to the + symbol in a
component, then press left button and drag
when over the component + symbol mouse right clock opens a menu for available operations, such
as rotate
the integrated circuit has no visible power supply pins, but it is defined in the library component
that pin 14 connects to VCC and pin 7 to GND
the component are connected with the operation Net
point a component pin and left click to begin a net, add corners with left click and end the net to a
component pin or net intersection
net net can also begin without a pin, and a double left click end the net
connect all nets…
let’s also rename the connector
with everything connected the schematic should look like this. The unused inputs of the CMOS logic
gates must be connected to GND or VCC depending the function of the unused pins, this time GND
is OK. http://www.radio-electronics.com/info/circuits/logic-digital-design-guidelines-tips/logicunused-gate-input-termination.php
then perform ERC (Electrical Rules Check) to your circuit
we forgot to give value to the resistor (actually capacitor has no value either), the output of the
unused gates are unconnected, but that is OK, they are unused, don’t connect them anywhere!
let’s give a value to the resistor
say 10k (Ohms), capacitor can be 100n (Farads)
when the schematic is finished, let’s switch to the board design
click yes and a new window opens
change grid to mm units
the default routing grid is 1.27 mm, but you can halve it while routing with the alt-button
and make the board smaller, the default board size is 160x100 mm, just left click the board outline
and drag the vertical and horizontal lines, keep the origin in the lower left corner
then place the components inside the board outline. This is a critical phase! The layout of the
components determines how easy it is the route the physical copper connections (nets) between
the components
you should try to reach a layout in which the length of the connections is as short as possible with
as few lines crossing as possible
after modifying the placement of the components press Ratsnest to recalculate the connecting
wires (ratsnest)
the components are moved with the Move command, point the cursor to the + symbol of the
component and left click and drag
components can be rotated also with the Rotate command
a couple of other useful operations:
zoom with mouse roller
press middle button/roller and move mouse to pan
now with everything in place let’s start routing
but first make some settings:
a good value for routing isolation between wires is 0.4064 mm (16 mil, 1/1000 inch)
good copper width is also 0.4064 mm
some settings for Design Rule Check (DRC) are also needed
change 16mil to all
change 16mil here too
thermal pad spoke width 16mil
now we are all set for routing…
start a new route with left click, change the routing angle with right click, halve the routing grid
with alt-button if needed, and end the route with left click
then with everything else routed but GND, draw a polygon around the board. This polygon is used
to automatically generate a so called copper pour to which all pins connected to GND net are
start the polygon with a left click, add corners with left click and end the polygon to the start point
with a left click
the finished polygon is made of a dotted line
name the polygon GND to connect it to the GND net
then press Ratsnest, and the copper pour appears
the board was slightly too small to surround the VCC with GND copper pour, so stretch it and
Ratsnest again
perform DRC
and if no errors, happy times!
mounting holes might be needed
in the Fab Lab PCB process, a circle with the line width of 0.99 mm drawn on Milling layer 46 is fine,
because the process starts with bitmap pictures, we don’t use actual drilling files with tools and
a circle without the hole might be better and safer to the milling tool…
after adding the vias and moving components to make room for the vias, some routes need
cleaning with the Ripup-tool, which removes routed segments
The board is ready for manufacturing.
for this one-sided board we need a picture of the copper
with layer select, select only layer 1 Top visible
then export image
with these settings (2400 dpi might be overkill…), but make it monochrome
the png-image looks like this, and it is too wide, the width is determined by the widest object in the
I had to change the value of the connector to shorten the name to fit within the board boundaries
a new try with the image
I also drew a 0.99 mm line around the board in Milling layer 46, this line is used for milling the pcb
loose from the larger copper blank
changed the user interface background white
the outline image is exported with white background, 1500 dpi is enough with the outline
whereas the copper image is exported with black background
the final png images for copper traces and outline look like that
check that the dimensions match
Fabrication with Roland SRM-20 milling machine
open fabmodules.org website
select input format image .png-file
select output format to Roland mill
select process to PCB traces (1/64) (inches = 1/64 * 25.4 = 0.39 mm)
choose machine and check the other parameters
then press calculate and the tool path are created
save the .rml file with the save button
then create the tool paths for milling the outline and holes
again select Roland Mill
the process is PCB Outline (1/32) (inches-> 1/32 * 25.4 = 0.79 mm)
check the parameters and press calculate
you can rotate the milling picture by pressing and holding mouse right button to see, that the
milling tool makes 3 passes with different depths
press save to save the .rml-file
What if you have through hole –components?
we need to mill holes to pads
one more image is needed with black dots representing the holes
let’s add a 3-pin header from Adafruit-library
switch to layout
move the header to a suitable space and route it, BTW, mouse right click rotates a component on
the move
Ratsnest again to connect the GND
select only 17 Pads layer visible
hide pin names and signal names on pads
export all images (top, milling, drilling) as png
top-image has black background, other white background
open drill-image in GIMP
and bucket fill with black the area outside pads
then export the new image as png with default settings
and make sure the size of the image is the same as with the other images
use fabmodules.org to calculate the milling file for the drill holes
use PCB outline (1/32) process
invert image, we need an image with black dots where the holes are
save the .rml file