Yo, i made this from looking at the standards, Im gonna work on it more
tomorrow morning when i get up, but feel free to read it
Comp Sci FACTS:
Creativity: 0%
Abstraction: 19%
Data and Information: 18%
Algorithms: 20%
Programming 20%
Internet: 13%
Global Impact: 10%
2 Hours
74 Questions
Single-select: pick 1 answer
Multiple-select: pick 2 answers, all or nothing
Reference Sheet:
if a list index is less than 1 or greater than the length of the list,
an error message is produced and the program terminates.
If the robot attempts to move to a square that is not open or is beyond
the edge of the grid, the robot will stay in its current location and the
program will terminate.
Abstraction can be categorized as either data abstraction or procedural
○ Data Abstraction:
■ Bits -> Bytes -> Decimal -> ASCII
■ Bits -> Bytes -> Pixels -> .png
○ Procedural Abstraction:
■ Includes
■ Makes programs more readable and reusable
■ Dividing a program into subtasks (ie. functions)
Data and Information
○ Collection and computation of data is huge in Computer Science
■ Makes simulations robust
■ Makes google give you relevant results
■ Makes apps work
Show how big an impact Data and Information has and how it solves
■ Criminal Justice
■ Marketing
■ Medicine
○ Global Communication Network that society is dependent on
Big Idea 6 Internet:
○ Background:
■ Profound impact on society
■ Systems built on it have huge impact
■ What is it? How built? How function?
■ What helps it scale and flourish?
■ Cyber Security impacting users how?
○ Standards
Big Idea 7 Global Impact:
○ Background:
■ Computing innovations are innovations that include a
computer or program code as part of their function
■ Change how we work, live, and play
○ Standards:
■ Stuff that fosters new ways to collaborate and communicate
● Email, SMS, and chat
● Video conferencing and video chat
● Social media
● Cloud computing
● Internet
○ E-commerce
○ Health care
○ Positive and Negative productivityEffects
○ Ect…
■ Widespread information can be used to
● Id problems, dev solutions, and disseminate of
● Access to solutions to identified problems
(stackoverflow forums)
■ Search trends are predictors (google trends)
■ Social Media enhances information dissemination
● Arab Spring
Computing creates assistive technologies and enhance human
● GPS is the best and changes navigation, geographic
info gathering, and how humans travel
● Sensor Networks (ie sound tracking on streets) help
people interact with physical systems and environment
● Smart grids, transportation, and buildings are
changing and facilitating human stuffs
People participation problem solving
● Distributed Solutions must scale to solve some
● Science helped by Citizen Science to solve scientific
○ HIV solving game
● Human capabilities enhanced
● Some Online Services use contributions of many people
benefit both individuals and society
● Crowdsourcing for stuff
● Desktop computers to mobile computers
Computing impacts other fields
● Machine learning and data mining impact medicine
business and science
● Scientific computing has make business and science
● Sharing info quick
● Creative Commons and open source
● Open and curated scientific databases for researchers
● Moore’s law has encouraged industries to plan
research and dev based on computing power
Beneficial and Harmful Concerns
● Ethics and legal concerns
● Piracy
○ P2p
○ Both authenticated and anonymous access to
digital info raises legal and ethic concerns
○ Licensing and open source stuff
● Government Censorship is suss
● Privacy concerns
○ Geolocation and data collection
○ Anonymity through third party serves
○ Instant access to vast amounts of data
collected and reproduced infinitely
■ Enables individuals and institutions
Commercial and government curation of
■ Targeting Advertising
○ Intellectual property
■ Piracy
■ Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
● Criminalizes making software or any
tech that allows people to
circumvent measures that control
access to copyright material
● Criminalizes unpermitted
circumventing an access control,
infringement or otherwise (Hacking)
Criminalizes Internet Piracy as
new crime
■ Widespread access to free, open-source
software making libraries programs and
code easy to access.
Computing influences and is affected by culture
economics and society
○ Differs from society to society and from
socioeconomic group to socioeconomic group
○ Wireless and networking has had a huge
worldwide impact
○ Digital divide
■ Differing access to computing and the
internet based on socio economics or
○ Networks and infrastructure supported by
government and companies
Accessing information
○ Online databases store both secondary and
primary sources
○ Advanced search, boolean logic, and keywords
can refine searches and limit them
○ Plagiarism is a serious events, but accurately
acknowledging sources can prevent
○ Evaluating sources
■ Review Author, publisher, site owner,
and/or sponsor to evaluate credibility
■ Information is relevant when it supports
an appropriate claim or the purpose of
the investigation
Figuring out Algorithms
○ DISPLAY (​"What is your name?"​)
name ← INPUT ()
DISPLAY (​"Hello"​)
DISPLAY (name)
What is displayed as a result if the user inputs “Karel” to the program?
PROCEDURE ​Mystery​ (number)
DISPLAY (​"!"​)
}​What is the result of calling the ​Mystery​ procedure with an input of 3?
Program 1 and 2 below are intended to calculate the average of the integers in a list,
■ Program 1
● sum ← ​0
FOR EACH number ​in​ number_list
sum ← sum + number
DISPLAY (sum / LENGTH (number_list))
Program 2
● counter ← ​1
sum ← ​0
FOR EACH number ​in​ number_list
sum ← sum + number
counter ← counter + ​1
DISPLAY (sum / counter)
Given the following algorithms, which of the algorithms require ​both​ selection and
I.​ Given a basket of produce, get the number of pieces of produce in the
II.​ Given a basket of produce, remove all produce of type vegetable.
III.​ Given a basket of produce remove all produce of type fruit.
IV.​ Given an apple and a carrot, return the one that has the type of
Selection, and Sequencing